w-- - - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ . _ t.- - . . * - . , . - _ _ _ . 4 - - S - - - - - - - - - - - _ ' - _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA 1)AILY Bhi1TEDNiSDy : , Api1rr ,32 , isot ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE CO1PLETES iTS CASE Defens3 in the PoUn Trial Commences Introducing - troducing TesUmony. HERTZMAN FOUND TOO ILL TO flEND 1iiu'rti , J'cII fif Vtiiilp ; Irztsn Out iiiil tJIItt ( ' ( oH , iti1 Vor-Ilefeiise ( ) Uerp. hi I I,1ttuc tile lie- purN Hf tile Ciniitruller. When the criminal court opone yetcfl1nY morning lr. J , F' . llerzmnn ( for whom an attachment wa I'ue(1 ( Montlay to compel ) iltn to appear aI a wltnei'i In the flolln trial , was not on hnnL The county attor- Hey applIed to the court for a board of phyBlelans to make an examination Into the alleged lllnesii of llertzman , remarking to tim court that ho had reason to quetlon the certificate of omo alleged phyIclan to the effect that lcrtzinan was tinable to appear. The court thereupon appoInted Dr. George a Tihien flfl(1 ( County t'hyIclin S. I ) . Mercer to make such examinatIon , an thea2 partIes Were Ins'trticted to uinti Ilertzman as soon as p05911Jl0 and report hI condition. Ixpert Loule E. Wettling was called to the witness 'tand and testified that the $5,000 drawn from the ( undo of the Board of iduca. tion In the didIand State hank and paid In cash to flolin March 28 , 1892 , had not been credited to the account of the funds of the Board of Education. The wItne3 testifled to tim same effect regarding an item of $1,500 drawn from the ohool Junds dopositLd in the German Savings bink by IlolIn , June 7 , 1892. Also an Item of $2,000 drawli February 28 , 1894 , from the city ftfnd9 delco'lted ) in tlio Firnt National 1)30k. Afl item of $3,500 drawn from the school funds In the National hank ot Commerce , March 22. 1893 , wai' not entered anywliero except on the bank balance book and no entry of th withdrawal was made in that record until In July following : On ercia-oxamlnatlon the witnesa stated that the Items Ju't testified to had not entered - tered Into his finding of a shortage of $115,000. The defence attemptej to e'liow by the witness that a great many miatakee had lcen made by the experte in checking over the books , but ( ho wItio retained his Eelf.pcaeaIon tudor warm cross-quee- tlonlng and lieu his ground. In going Into detail regarding the methods employed by the expert9 , the ( lOleflSO got more than It bargained for. Mr. Wettling Illustrated by giving an Irwtanca In which they founi a withdrawal of $5,000 from one bcnk , and 5,500 from another , which could not be accounted for. There wao no record of the deposit in any other city bank , but a c1oa InvctIgation showed that the money was deposited for , Ix months In the CttIzen. bank at Stanton , Nd , , G , fl. flatuibun , another at the experts employed - ployed by the city council to check up Hahn's nccotints , wan the next witnesa. lie tCStIflO(1 to the method tirati by the exporto In checking the book' , but knew nothing as to the results. AMOUNT OF TI1I SIIOILTAGE. 3. N. WR'3 , a tbird expert , wa. ' called. lie tcstlfleJ regarding his experience In handling mercantIle accounts. and hIs employment - . ployment on the tax lists of Omaha. The vitnee. also teLiflod that the total die- bursemonts during Iiolin'9 first term amounted to $6,021,675.70. The disbure- mtnte ilursig ! l3olIn'e , second term , UP to July 11 , 1893 , amounted to $2,966,783.82 , making a total of $8,9SS,459.G1. TIio grand total of recolpt9 during his entire lncum- bency amounted to $9,309,180.12. The amount vhIc1i hou1d have been n hand anl turned over to Bo1ln'i .ucceeaor was $410,720.51. The amount which was , actually on hand aild turned over to flolifs vuccesor waa 295,531.85. Ieav'ng a .diTeroiico , of $115.- 188.66. The wltiies tstifled from a written vtatemelt ! , which lie said Iiadleen prepared by himedf , In testifying to the total die- btirsernonte. he raid they amounted to $395- 531.85 , but when lile attention woe called again to the flgurc ho changed the first figtile to a " 2 , " sayIng ho had made a mistake - take in the footing. This action woe made the most of by the deroeo on eras : ' examination - tion , cud the attorneys alco "twigged" the witnees about an error of $10,500 ho had made while employed In the tronurer's office under l3oiln. S. IL Crickmoro , bookkeeper In the city coinptrollcr'a office , va called. He produced - duced the report iziade by the treasurer to the comptroller Juno 18 , 1895. thowing the b3lances in the revaral funds. Tue witnese testified that this report showed that a bat- once of $232OSO.55 woo on hand. An exami- ration made by the witneas ohowed that the actual balance on hand wee $126,586.03. This lcft a shortage in the balance amounting to $105,494.52. After ( Ito report was received In the comptrolier'o olfico , the wltnees tUfied that it had heen changed by the treasurer's Chico by adding an entry of $77- 700 , whIch reduced the i'hortage by that ainopnt. ' JUIfiO ( naker announced before adjourning at noon that an evening session of court would be held tonight in order to make up fr time lost on account of tomcrrow being a LEE"T A PACKAGE IN TilE DESK. William Schwarlck was recalled at the opening of the afternoon cession yesterday. lie te'stitIetI that ho found In his ( task the morning Della disappeared , Juno 18 , a small package addressed "To My Son , Otto. " Th witness gave the package to l3olln'a son , wheat at or.co left the office with the package. Shortly afterward 13ol1n'e father-In-law caIne into the ollice and read to the vitness the contents of a note contained In the package. It vas attempted to show by the witness that the note chewed that noUn contem- piateti suicide , hut this evidence wan ruled C out. for the reason that the wItnei did not read the note himself , ElVittig ( rae called and identified two Hates for $250 cacti and a check for $1,000 given by hiinilf to noUn In IaYrneIIt for a liquor licenee , which lie sold had never been paid by him. Tue check hail been held by 131iii and was iover presented for pay- ment. At thh loint Dr. Tililen caine into court and reported that lie bud made a vivit to lr , 0. F. liertzman , as directed by tue cQui't , and had found hIm just recovering from the ctfect of a eurgical operation anti entirely nimble to come lute court. Thin is the ziiaei for whom au att3chment was issued by the oiinty attorney to comp'l his itt- tenitanee , its a witness. v , F. Cowduroy. a saloon keeper. was ca1i 1 , but Ito could 'not ' remember anything ' rcgartijr.g the inattero asked about by the county attorney , unit lie was qtilclIy : cx- cii6cd. E , J , 'Vtietiricli , tue bookkeeper under floihii , . 'as recalled and testified that in kec-ptuug the ret'ord of bank balances lie was Instructed by Itoilzi net to take the paa hrcks of the Micliauid. Citizens' and Globe Lcaui unit Trust counpauly'us savings bank to have them balanced , tie those books cro only balanced each six months , and this would ho attended to by Ucuhin himself. oiiicics : 'I'AICEN UP , Thomas Swobe was recalled for cross ex- ' ainination regaiuliiig the buuudlo of checks carried iii the fc of Ilto treasurer's 0111cc , The witnee2 tebtifleit thiitt the chtckut corn- posing this bundle were those Cf James Stepifeneon for $2,444.75 , John Orart for $500. 0. Al. hitchcock for $210 , Saumnder MacFarlautil & Dickey for $300 end usury ' - I'uumldt for $1,000. The witness testihiod that thmeso checls : svero mubseqtmenthy taken up by the tuckers , The amounts represented ' by the cheeks of Stephenson mind Grant the witness said , Ito understood were given to cover advances made to them on city contracts , The chocks of hitchcock , laun. tiers , .MacFarland & Dickey and Pundi , he saId represented borrowed mooney , F. 0. Nowloan , a cler1 in ho omoo of time city comptroller , testifisi to haying made a cempleto list of all checks and ships found In this treaBuror's office Juno 18 , 1898. Ho . read ( ho list luado by him , which was the EamnO as the list read by Witness Swobo and also the amno na the list pumbhishett In The lice at the time the condition of tite treasury vao made Public , STATD The btato rclte4 upon the completIon of the testimony of Ncwlean , aud the 4efense was called fort A. umiotbn yaue flied by the defendant. ask- Jpg tbc court to Inu'truct the jury to return a vordhit for $ hue lefcera , on tile. rourn1 that the prvbocutivn &U ucI rQt1UCt'd suMvlent evidence to warrant a conviction , The me- then wits overruileul , The flrst witness called for the ulefene'e was John W. Lauer , the expert employed by the bondsmen of Ihohin to keep an eye on the checking up of' the books of the treasurer's oiflce. lie described the manner In which the city experts conducted the examinatIon , The witne.s miii ho had founui about 200 stubs of tax receipts which had not been checked , although time ccrreeponding entry in . the cash book hind been checked. The practice of the experts , ho said , was to aulul the total of the unchecked ptulb ! to the total of the cash book. lie called the attention of the experts to this error , end they corrected - rected it. lie denied the testimony of Expert - pert Wetthing to the tirect that Lauer had told the bondsmen In the pressnee of the experto tluutt the examInation hlal been fairly and impartially conducted , William. A. Paxton was the next witness , lie testified to convcrs'ations hail by thie vit- lien. , with llehln in his emee in the city bali on Juno 18. 1895 , .1mm the presence of some of the city officials and others , as testified to by Thomas Swobo lie denied that Bohhmi had admitted at that time that hue hiatt taken time money represented by the checks and ships charged to him. What Ilcin uuid iuy , as the vitness reniembered it , was that he would ha rez'ponsibho for the amounts charged to him. Th u1efeno effered In evidence the cer- tiflcate of J. M. Gihiun , r'ecretary of thr' Board of Fdticntion , noth1y1nu flofln that his statements for the following mnontlc : had been receiveul and found carreet : January , 1895 ; February , Juno and the first ton uiqys of July of the same year , and the certificate for the month of January , 1S96 , to the eilect that the report for that mcnthi was c3rrect with the , exception of "the old deficit of $10,000' which lied not been turned over to his successor by Ihohin. The uicfense also offered in evidence the report of Comptroller Olsen to time city coun- cii uumider ilate of April 15 , 1895 , Informing time council that hue had "examined the treasurer's annual report , and also checked tip the various amounts on hand In the various banks , together with the cash on hand , and found the same correct in every particular ; " also a report of the camp- troller , dated May 1 , 1894 , reading as fol- lows. "Requested to technically conform to the requirements of tIme charter , I herewith - with have the honor to repcrt that I have ciuceked the annual report of the city treasurer amul have found the same to be correct. " With this evidence the court was ad- burned until 9 o'clock Thursday morning. Cures , absolute , pormanentcures have given Hood's Sarsaparllla the largest sales In the world and the ilrst place among medicines. lliuli'i' 'i'4tok me lienIer. Monroe C , KIdder of the Pacflc ! cxprces office met with a painful ned- dent yesterday mornng ! while rid- log down town on his wheel , lie left his home et Clifton 11111 at thto umsual hoUr anti seri was found lying umneonscious on time pavement at Thirty-el6hth and Cern- ing atrcets. lie had evidently taken a header. lie was saverely brused about he head and had sutaned ! a serious sprain of time hp ! joint. lie was taken to his redence. ! 'where a surgeon Wfl called , who decided thai he sould likely ho lad ! up icr some time. - See the two dinner sets in Sarn'I Burns' front wi-ndov , $7.75 and $12,75 ; formerly $15 and $25 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Smuuilutry Couu.l tdt.uuu of lioNpilni. The Hoard of County Commisi'ioners yester- ulay morning eat as a committee Cf the whole to consider tIme report of te county physician , who recommended some improvements in the sanitary con6ttion of time county hospital. During the afternoon mernberi of the board vitited th hospital for the purpose of making - ing a ereona1 Investigation of the present conditions. Bad complexion Indicates an unhealthy otato of the system. DeWItt's Little Early R'oers are pills that cIhi correct this condi- tion. They act cn the liver , they act on the sidmujae1u ; they act on the bowels. Au. Iuuuiuioveuuezmt. Tue flying Northwestern Line train to Clii- ago. . "No. 2 , " "The Overland , " Omaha 445 p. * m. , Chicago 7:45 : a , in. The OMAHA-CHICAGO SPECIAL , Omaha 6:30 : p. m. , Chicago 9:30 : a. in. The last fast train in the evening , Omaha to Chicago. Ncsto better are built. City ticket oflico , 1401 Farnam et. - 1302 F.tItNAMST , Is theUNION PACIFIC City Ticket Office , I'5itSONtI , I'.tlt.tGRAI'IIS , lieu , A. S. Paddock left for the east last evening. Mrs. A. D. Smith , Fremont , * 15 regIstered at the Barker , \v. C. Ertee of Siomc City was an Omaha v1ctpr yesterday. N , S. Strofig , a stock shipper from AmelIa , Nob. , is in town , C , E , Wihlcin PhiladelphIa , Pat , is stopping - ping at the Barker. A. liananer , a heeding banker of Salt Lake CIty , is in the city , John Bath , a iperdliant , of Auburn , Neb. , is stbpping In eown , v , 0. Whtynman , a business man of Norfolk - folk , Is stepping in time clt ) . John Brown , sheriff 6 ! Cedar cotinty , wail 1mm the city hart night. A. E , Miiler of the St. Louis ChronIcle Is t.aking in the slghto'emf Omaha. John I' , Gehhlng , maniger of the opera houd ci. Falls City , is in the city. Frank Kyner , a stock dealer of Newton , ICan. , is stopping at one of the hotels. Miss Sadie Kehey ! , 2019 California trcet , left for Chicago ysterday afternoon , P. J. Morrow of Norfolk , travting mugent for an Implement house , is in the city , lion. W. J. Bryan was registered at one of th' huotele for breakfast yecterday nmorning. Ted Ackerman of Stantoli came In yesterday mnorumimmg to attend the shooting tournamnemst , Seth Drake heft for Des Moimies last even- iti and rihi extend lila trip to casterim PCi n ta , E , Ii. Griffimu , V , liedden ammO George M , l'atttrsor. are risicred at the Jharker framn Chicago , W'altar 13 , Jardino and William ICrug loft for Mexico , Jo. , on a abort business ( sit ) 3'estemiai. \v , L. May , state tishi commnlsoiemmcm' , and vIfe left for LIncoln ycatci day on a shout visit to friends. \v. I , Powers , a Pierce newspaper nman , camno n on the morning traia yesterday , ac- COmiiantcti by his wIfe. T. H. liord , a cattleman of North Platte , who has been 1mm this city for several days , left for huommue last evening. .Tohmn hiarumirsi , a rustling uicrnocratia r'olitl- claim lromn O'Neill , came in last umight on Iiim % vey to the convention at Lincoln tonmorrow , State Senator Johnson iJherrlek and Mrs. ihmerrIk of Canton , 0. , are in time cIty , them guests of Mr. amid Mr ; , W. S. Strawn at the Murray. 11ev. ii' . 0 , Iluhtman arrived hiomno yesterday from Sioux City , lie preached and sang there last Sumudey night to an overcrowded elicit cli of imeoplo , It. J , O'Iteiliy , tar mnaimy years mu resident of this city , though mmmv of Portland. Ore. , was lum tIme city yesterday on a shout visit While enrotmto front Dublin , Ireland , to lila hiGimme , Judge John A. Ittner of the United States coumt , was iii town for a fey hmourz ) estor- day muomnimug , lie wsa emurouto to bile imonmo \'yomuirug tm'oni Sioux Falls , S. I ) , , * lmcrc Ito lisa been luohhhmmg court , Nebraskans at the hotels : J. C. Dressier , Cemmtral CIty ; John LQrmunz , Hartlngton ; Marion Powell , Immdiermola ; S. 5. Haymami , Grand Island ; J , U , Jack , Rushvllio ; E , A. Houston , Niobrara : W. 13 , Cohiett , M , Keliy , Johuma Conhin , anti John MoKeegao. liammeroft ; M. II. Miller , BeatrIce ; F. L. hail , Orti ; S. Ill , Nevins , ICearacy : A , A. Glade , Grand lr.'ami ; J , Wjckhmimmu , Beatrice ; A , I ) . Mc- Candicas , Wyinore : Ira I ) . Marston , ICcarney ; I ) , A. Jones and Henry IcloffiagVoyr , At the Murray ; J. M , Coavereo , Mliwau- hcee : George H , Cromla , Philadelphia ; A. Oodshuar , CIncInnati ; I. . . If. Ezctt and tam- Ily , Chicago ; Z. W. flutchtinson , ? .Iuzcatine , Ia. ; J. Sherrick maci vIfo. Canton , 0. ; 1' . Wumruuick anti .1. M , l3echmtel , llurhingtomm , Is , ; J. P. Iiroderjck1 Chioao ; 31. 'Welch ntl wife , Is , II. Ankefer , Kanas City ; J. Mayrarul , Lt , Louis ; H. 8c'Imer , Citiemgo J , Woei ioU , t , 1otits ; Ufi 11111cr , Ohicago : Id Matmnhme:8'r , Tirt lilute ; ' 1. L. Warrrs ( J.Iciv. * CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Snstsns ! the Mayor's Veto of' the Building E2amlnerEesolution. FIX SALAIUES IN TII TREAURER'S ' OFFICE to lie'1uent' tue tmrfeqy Oruhi- mumuuice idtiuI ouu flue 'l'muiulo-Couuiueil I , eci I ii eN to G en itt t mu ii I Clerk for tue l'oliee C4urt , The city council indulged In a very uneventful - eventful session last cventng , A number of ccmnmnltteo reports on the more important matters were held over. and the members : ere offered nothing to Inspire thuern n oratorical efforts. Thu resolution w'hlch lirovided for fi appointment i'f an examiner in the office n time Inspector of buildings was vetocd by thmo mayor on the grqund there ne no press- in necessity for time addition of such r.n ofilcial at tmLq time. Act on on the veto was postponed to time cud of time meetin , and the Vote came after a futile effort to get it further postponed to an adjourned sces. Time Veto was then stmstancd ! , Allan , Duncan , Taylor , Saunders and Thomas voting f.r the resolution. * In explaining his vote , Christie pontedl remarked : "That In time annie of economy Mayor liroatclu had requested thmat the reohu- tlon be paed. In the name of economy lie had am.ked that his man be appointed Cd thin postlon , After lie lund found that his man could not get the job , lie huatt't rmmthl roummd nt1 Vcto5d time resolptionaieo In the Interests - ests of economy. " In rcpy to a question , Inspector Harte statcd that he could get along without an examIner. Time specal committee apponted ! at a prevIous meeting to a'eathjust time salaries of ernnho'oo in the office of the city treasurer repcrtsd a rocommuendation that time ordinance - nance be amended to provide time following : One deputy treasurer at $150 per month , one bond clerk at $125 , one bookkeeper at $70 , one nisistant bookkeeper at $70 , cue clerk at $70 , one ta ) collector at $ S0 , and one tax commmmlesoner at HO. Thmo * report wm referred - ferred to tIme comnniitteo on md ciary , on whose recomimmendation the orulinaneevno rt'ed amended as provdcd for In time t' . . ? ort. SALARY ORDINANCE PASSED. There was some opposition vhmen the amended ordinance came ump for iaseage. Thomas titmoted time charter to show that the council could not increase or dmnisim ! tIme eniary of any official . during hIs , ermn of office. 1eumnard said that owing to a certain ar- rangeinent Deputy Treasurer Satmnders was iotnpehlsd to obtain a bond from a guarantee cornany at a cost of $300 , aid in ims ! opn- ion tlmis was a case In which a salary should be increased. On roil call the ordInance passed. Yeas- Allan , Burnuaster. Christie , Iuncan , has- call , ICennard , JCment , Mercer , Pr1nce Wheeler , Saunders-il ; nays-Axford , 'hiemm- awn , Ilnghain , flurkicy , Taylor , Tiionmas-6. Time build'ng Inspector was directed to make another examInation ef the Davidge bulidtng at Eighteenth and Farnam streets with a view of coming to an understaet'Jlag withm the architect and owners in regard to CIte adc'ption of such measures as would af- cord reaebnabld fire protection. The resolu- lion alleged that the previous rceolutioi autlmorzing the construction of the building was passed under a mlsappreimenson ! of the plans. ' The committee report in regard to printing the annual reports recommended that time reports be printed in an abrIdged ( orni. Adopted , Thmero were two reports on Duncan's ordi- r.alco repeaiinro tue curev law. The mna- jorlty repart , wt'Ich ' recommended Imlacuig the ordithtna ' on file , was adcpted , Duntan l3urkiey , Mercer and Prince voting "No. " A contention of Jong itandlng was set- thed liv the adopton of a cammttec report by wimich Itcmns tmountihg to $250 for pay- mnct of the salary of John parker as , clerk far the ] Joard of health were erdred placed in the miext approprlation ordaance to bo paid as soon as funds were available In the bralth fund. The ap'otmitmneiit of c. , yJohmion a do- rater conductor was conirmtd. On reconmmcndatlon Cf time ccmmitteo on judiciary the resolution nuthmorIzImi the ppontment of an addtionai clerk In the police court was placed on file. The committe 'on' judicary pi sent d two reports on the reomnnmendatlon of , thp. Board of Pitbuie Works that the proposal of John Grant to lease the city street sweeping machines - chines be accepted , The majority report. which was in acco'rdatf , vIth the recoin- mendatlon of time board , was sIgned by Wheeler and hlaieahh. Taylor , as a minbrlty. ram'omumemiiled timat if ito WAS found neces- aary to employ mach'ncs the board' should obtaIn proposals and have a practcal te $ of the different machines. I3lnghamn'a motion to lay both reports on the table was carIcd , yas-xfo1ml , , Bon- awa , h3inglmam , liurkiey , Burinester , Clmrlstle , Kennard , hCrnenti , Thomias9. Nays-Aiian , 1)uumcan , hiascahl , Mercer , Prince , Taylor , President Saunders-8 Witceher , % The ordinance flxng the regular rneetine of the counci on time first and third Times- ay evenings of .ach month 'res pasi Time canto action was taken on tlm'3 oril - nances Introduced at. the prOvIqi mnitio providing for the preliminary steps townm' ropairin ; the Tenth amid Eleventh str1 viaducta. . . - The nay freshness , and a velvety softness of the skin is invm iably obtained by those wimo Use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder. Enslermi e.brtsLiu i'res1uyter' . The formna openIng of the annual presbytery - bytery of the eastern dlstrct ! of Nebraska took place at time Knox I'rcsbyterinr cimurch , Tweumticth amid Ohio streets , last evenIng , Thee areater vortion of time evening. wns OCCUD1Cd by a sermon delivered by 11ev. A. G , \\'li'an of Teicnmnahm. this retirisig rnoder- ator of tiiimi district. lie chose for bms text "Let This Mini lie In You that it In Chmiat. " At time conclusIon of time sermon time roil wits caiieih , which showed a full attendance , Upon a. balot Dr. McCommack wits elected niodem'atOr of time ditrlct for time present year. 'rime members will prcceed ttmis even- Ins to elect the remaining ollicers of' time lmcidy tom' the year and , wlii adjourn Thurs- clay at noon , * S. No excuse for sicepuoss nights whcn you ran rrocuro Ommo Minute Cough Cure , This will relieve all ammnoyances , cure the most ro. vera commgli and uivo you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it ? . - 10 IltitIrs Smii ed , Second class passengers for San Franclsca via the UNION ACIF1O now save term hour , tIme. 'Time Is money. " Buy ycur tickets via "de Overland Route. " City TIcket ( ) fficellO2Farnam stroct. \ 'IhA'I'lIlHFOitlhCAS'l' . Immer'r.Nt' I ii 4 114''i'cmnmu.'rmutulre amos Scoit hierl 'iuls fur IelruusIemi , WASIII NUTON , April 21.-Time following 1mm tIme forecast for Wednesday : For Nebraska - braska , Iowa arid South Dakota-Fair ; warmer ; svtndH shifting to southerly. For Oklahoma amid imidian rerrltory-Gen- eraiiy fair ; vlmmds simifilmig to easterly. For Misouil-Fatr ; preceded by Iocai ihowera In routhern Portion ; muortimerly to easterly winds , For ] Caitsaa-Generali9' fair ; easterly to southerly winds ; wnrnmyrjri western iortion. . For Colorado-Fair ; warmerJ sautimeriy winds. * For Wyomimig-Futir ; southerly winds. For Montana-F'mtc' squtImer'y i'jnds , aiift. lug to westerly ; COOlk iii' miOrthicrum portion W'edncsday mmighmt..5 , . , I.ocuui liccurul , OFFICE OP ThIi WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , April 2i.-Ommitmha record of tern- vcraturo anti rAinCumii compared witim time coerespommdin' dsy of time past four years : - 306ls95. ltl. 3893. 3axInmum temperature , , . , . 63 63 40 45 htltnlmnum temperature. , . , ' 40' 45 85 30 Acramo lcnlperature . . . . . . Vt &t 40 3 r'rechpltation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,00 .23 .00 .03 Commtlttiomm of temperature ammd precipitation atOmmiahia for thu Uay Lfl'1 inco March 1 , Norirmal temperature . , .e. . . . , . . . . , , . . , . . , , . , 51 1)eficiemmey for limo day , , , , . , . , . . , , . , , . . , , , 3 Accumulated ddilelCiiC ) incu Mem-chi 1. . . 86 Norsmuii precipitatiomi . . , . . . , . , , . , . , , . , , , 12 Jeflciency ( or the day..z Inchu 'I'Oiuii mmrvctptl'ttioum mtumco March 1 4.06 Irichmemu txcess climes ' . .tkreiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inlm I L. A , . WliL1f , Olsrver , l.fl'iS ltOOi'iNG ) l'1.tT hIUitEi ) I'rnimrietur 8erlni4h' lmmjuurcii 1 , ) ' nuu HI l , i a ii. F. J. Lewis of ii * Lowimu Roofing corn- pany , Eleventh antl'uChnries streets , was engaged with two anloycs about 9 o'clock last. night In tranatatrlng some tar from a reservoir car to a.tth8k in his factory , In some manner time ignres from tiio iiijuttt be. came Ignited amlu' aim explosion resulted. Mr Lewis was standing in a doorway within a few feet of time reservoir , and a consldera- bie distance from i time ground , lie was thrown off time platform and badly burne'i about the face and thamija. lIe was afterward - ward removed to hitS residence. 2116 Call. fornia street , where a vli9siclamm was cnlie.1 ammml pronounced lii. injuries riot serious , th'ouglm of a painful nature. Time flanmes imad gaIned considerabio imeami- way before the arrival of the depatment. hydrants In the neigimborhuood Were few amid al. 101mg distances from the buiidimmg , and by time timmmo time first atreamn was turned on the greiter prtion of time tar roofing was in it biae cmiii the flamnes were beglnnimmg to break thrommgh the windows. Time build. lug is a twa-story sttmctimre of wood , si'catlmetl ' with Iron , anti the flremnemm found great difficumity in getting at time fire. They succeeded , imowever , in confining time flames to the omme floor. hIs. Lewis stated that ime imad a stock of roofing immaterial valued mit. $800 , limo greater porttomm of wlmich lie thougimt was rumimmeul , aithougim there would ho seine salvage. Time ulammiago to time lmumiitltnih Is etimatcd at $500. Both are covered by insurance. . I. AMUSEMi3NTS. cCCOCOCCOOQCOCCCOOCCCCGOC Antormo Spoil mnado his bow as a hirofes- aiom'ai violinist to an Omaha audience last evening. Mr. Simon is veii known in Omumaima musical circles , imavlng resided imero since a yotmmmg lath. Ills earlier unusIcal edtmcation was comnmnencc'd , in this city. After imo had attained a considerable degree of proficiency lie went to Vicimmia , wimeo ime StUlied for several years under Jocef Strauss. ltettmrim- ing to Omaha ito continued his studIes umuder the direction of Hans Albert. Mr. Sport has appeared before audiences In Omaha , btmt last evenimig was his premier perforrnammce as a profesmional. His prograrmm was not a 101mg omme , but well celected. his openimug mmummiber' , a sonata Iii F mmmmijar , by Orleig , was atm ammmbltious selection , prob. ably beyonml the reach of ninny present. It afforded time young violinIst ama- pie opportunity to exlmibit time technical advantages - vantages of his training , amid lie executed it svell , iii suite of tbmo confusIon attemidamit umpomi time hate arrIval of a ' nmmmbcr of his auditors and tIme eccentrIcities of time accammi- panimemit , Ills second miunuber , "Legendo , " by Wiemmiawski , was executed withm mmmoro confidence. anti consequcimmtiy mnore delicacy , Mr. Sporl remidored three other sclccticmns , all admirably. Ho was assisted last evening by Mrs. C. IC. Urqulmart , time wcii known soprano , and Arthur Irons ac accompanist , On Friday evening of this \eelc the UniversIty - versIty of Mtehigaml Wee , Banjo amid Mandolin club , compo3ed of about fifty picked stutiexmts from time big college at Ann Arbor , Michi. , wIll give a ccncert at Boyd's theater , A varied and mnterestlpg program wihh be rendered. Of their IJaster holiday concert at Central Musiclhhilil , Chicago , on Apfil 10 , the Tribune saId : 'ht was a typical cal- loge perfornmance , and recalled oitl memorIes to time 'boys' who delighted once again to cheer Anti Arbor. ' " The salt' of seats will open at 9 o'clock Thursday morning t regular - ular prices. The Elks' Carnival tomo'rov night at Boyd's theater lirornises to be time greatest show omm earth. Thmomas J. Kelly has devoted mtmcim .time to bringing the clmorus work to time apex of perfection. Mr. Ed S. Thompson , who Imas gained some fanlO as in impersonator of note.I actorS , JI8'ian ' , Omnahai produatiomm , and hits latest idivarmce in hts.pecuiiar lIne Is a with tlefmned' imperaonationi umf thd tragedian , henry living. Ltttlo Carlotta Hewitt , who made her first public appearance in the Elks' mnln- .9trcls , will make her second bow under tile same auspices in ma series cf ininmitabio miarces. Shmo will appear jointly with Uncle Charles In tIme newest version of "UnCle Tom and Little Eva , " "The Old Lime Kiln , " which is being pro. sented at time Croigliton by Katie 1iutnpnm anti Imer supportlng.company. will close the engagement with two performances today , a popular priced matimmeo being elvon at 2:30. : The play. which is the latest product of the pen of C. T. Dazoy , time author of "Iii Old Kentucky. " " rime War of Wealth" and other successftmi productions , tells an InterestIng story of every day life In the great west and gives ample opportunity of immnusing specialties - ties and Interesting situations , 1t1r mmmiii lirumitful , As time west Is , It is often mnaiarious. But it is pleasant to know that a competent safeguard - guard in the simape of llostotter's Stomach Bitters exists , wimicim aheoiuteiy nulifles the poiOn of nmiasma. Westel'n bound cmi. grants should bear this In mind. Nor should it be forgotten , the Bitters Is a sterling remedy for dyspepsia , biliousness , constipa- lion , . kitlumey and nervous complaints and rheumatism. * - 1. . helena. timid hiimt to Aim well as to Spokane , Seattle , Tacoma , The Burlington Is nearly twelve hiours faster than any oilier line , Tikets at 1502 Farnam street. - Sb : 1' . 151. ELECTRIC LIGHTED , STEAM IIIhATED. SOLID VESTIBULED , Omaha , Cli ito go , Limited , via the 4 , Mllwaukeo. " F , A. Nash , general agent ; George Haynes , city passenger agent ; city tIcket office , 1504 Farmiam street. - * "lime' Overland Ltmmm Itcil" is time fastest train otmt of Omaha , and carries - rios time fimmest equipment of any line in time west. Tickets via the UNION PACiFIC can be secured at 1302 Farnam street , Ximv Is hue 'l'lmmit , Anti the Burlington ticket office time place to reserve your berth if you are going to Europe this summer , All lines represented , hhemnenmber thmem number - 1502 Farnamn etroit. - LOCAlS ltItiiVlVIES. Time Omaha Cyidder ) Feeders' nmd Press Heipers' brotimerbood sviil give a ball at Creigiitofl bali tomorrow evemming , Time regular nucatijug of time Omelet Re- tailors' ammsociaticimvwiii be hold at the Corn- mercial club roomust tJiJs ovommimmg at 8 o'clock. A break in timeimowhy laid main on 5ev- enteentli betweemm mFarnanm and hiarumoy streets Iloodeti time streets for a almost time yesterday ummthl thmeawater was shut off. The police mire tel Jio instructed to more carefully enforce tb prdinance which desig. natos time pices lust which licensed express wagommit , drays apd bluer like volmicles may stand , There havb ttecn some violations of time ordinance , Time flreimmeim WelD ) called out to extinguish a small blase lii time meat market of 4 , Id. LeErer , 121 NOrth Twelftim street , yesterday afternoon , The fire originated in a ammioking roomn in time bascimment and was easily cx- tInguishmed. Time damage was small , herman Sogge , a young boy , wimo , with a crowd of other gamma , make the union depot their loafing headquarters , was arrested - rested last night wkile lreaking into a carload - load of oranges whmicim lm.ud been sidetracked miear by , Several boxes hued been opeped antI a quaimtity of the fruit extracted , The boy gave the names of four other boys who assisted him in the theft. They will b3 arrested. Omaha's masterpiece of architectural beauty , time union depot , lmad a close cali yesterday , whelm rmiiglmt. have ended its er. istence in a cloud of smoke. A careless tourist threw a lighted cigar end timrougim a crevice of time floor in time baggage room and before discovered had ignited time woodwork - work near time entrance. ChIef Fleming of time depot squad formed a bucket brigade and alter half an hour's work succeeded in extinguishing the tdazs , tL4 4L4t De , April 20 , 1556. t Good News t For Scveral seasons that indefatigable buycr of ours has bccn trying to find a manufacturer of Bicycle Clothing - ing who didn't have wheels in his head when it caine to : , c prices. This season , with the help of the X rays and a ; : fat wallet , he succeeded in finding a few men who were k _ willing to listen to reason and wheelmen may now look ± .t to "The Nebraska" to relieve them from that tired feeling - t ing which they get when they buy outfits in other places. We carry a compLete line of Suits , Pants , Shoes , Hose , Caps , Belts and other bicycle comforts at prices which _ i . _ ; add a hundred pcr cent to their comfort. Ycs , the . f . , . , - - Nebraska prices will be a decided retief- For Wheelrnen0 t ! ' ' ' ' ' IIXI'OSi'l'ION. S 'i'.IOS 1I'Il AX ! ) 'I'IilJ . Stromm lti'muoiutions Auiopt cml by flue Commumuu.'rvia i CI mmii. At the nieetlmmg of time Commercial club ot St. Joreplm , Mo. , lmehti Monday , time fohloviimg rr'soiutions were adopteti by a tmnanImmmomms vote : " \Vimerea. , Time kite Tranenlssiesippi congress - gross , conmposemi of delegatcs from time twenty-four states antI terrtorics lying west of time Missiecippi river , adopted a reeaitm- tion providing for holding aim exposition to uiisliay thic products , manufactures , orta and intlpriries of these states anti territories at Ommiahma , Nbaska , in time year 1S98 ; and " \Vhmereas , Time imoitllng of this exposition mnrst gtcatly benefit time state ot Missouri , amid , especlaliy St. Joseph , and otimer cities amid towns adjacent thereto ; therefore be it "Resolved , By time Commercial club of St. Josepim that the lmoiding of time said Trauma- missisippi expesitiomr at Omaha is hereby imcartily approved amid timat our representatIves - tIves and senators In congress be requested to ce-operate with time senators and representatives - resentatives from Nebraska in procuring the passage at time- present sessIon of commgrese of a bill giving imatlonal recognition to ad ! exposition and providing for an appropriation - tion for a national eximibit amid time imeccs- sary buildings to contain timm same. " l'LU151IiEISS I'L.tCIOI ) tXflEit AILICCS'I' . 3Iemmier of T ( ) in rams C.lmnrge.l 'iqitlu Viulzmt tug Cl ty Ovmllnmmcmces. Inspector Sansom of the Board of Public Works yesterday mornimig caurod warrants - rants to he issued for time or- rest of time members of two plumb- lug establiehmnente , Balls & Reed and Gralmamn l'ark. Time commiplaint charges Theta with violating time city'ordincuieeby haying sewer cormiectlomma without obtatiming permits front the ciiairrnami of the board. Balfe & ltecd are putting imi conncctiomms at Twenty-seventh and Cimarles streets , and Park at 1225 North TwentIeth. Inspec.ar Sansom states that it I a coin- mon practice for plumbers to violate the ordance , but timat itla hard to catch timemn at It in order to obtain the necessary cvi- thence to convict. lie is out for them , however - ever , , and Intcnd to compel them to obey thd. ordinanCe Or suiTOr prosecution. * Ci giming irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the dtscae , Instead of waiting , try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once , making expectoration easy , reduces time srenos and inflammation. Every one hikes it. ruc ! m- mind tlm Grave. The followimig birtims and deaths were re- poitcd at the hmeitli office during time twemity- four Imours ending at' noon yesterday : hlirtiis-Janies Brown , 924 North Twemmty- Cight avemtuo'girl ; Josepim Kay , Twonty-sey- entlm and Pinkney , girl ; Cimarles Weidemamm , 2155 South Nintim , bayH. ; C , Weedln , 1616 Ky- ncr , girl ; herman Hakenhiolz. 317 Poppieton avenue , boy ; Phmiliip II. Seizie , 1923 South Eighteenth , boy ; William F. Slicer , 711 South Twonty-seventhm , boy , .DeatimbC. C. Fcrgumnn , 51 , 1107 Pacific , paralysis , Interment at. Watiment , ICon. DeWitt's Witch hazel aivo cleanses , purl. flea ned heals. It was made for that purpose , Us& It or 'borne , cuts , bruises , chapped hamm4s , rojes of all demueriptlons and if you have piles use it for them , ( ) t 'rime ) Sm.iuim The tracks of time UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and tlmo cars furnisimed so commi- pieta that you can Imnagimmo yourself In your ovn Juxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library amid Smnoking Cars as tiqy pa& timeougim Onmaima every morning. CIty Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam street. 1mmterv1I immg 15itmsioxm 1 Coimoert. EXETER. Nob.tpril 21-Special.-Thme ( ) Wemilcyan male quartet gave a concert in time Motimodist church at this place Saturday ovemi. lng to perhaps time largest audience that imas greeted an affair of this kind for several years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 11110 It IhAL'l'V 5i.t IIICH'l' , INSTRUMENTS idaced on record April 21 , 1896 : WARRANTY DEEDS , Joseph Stasny to Joseph 'l'ucck , lot 4 , Irving I'iace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,500 South Ommuhma Lamid comumammy to Herman - man 'Zobisim , n lot 1 ? , block 256 , Ihouthi Omalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 QUIT CLAIM 1)EEIS. w G Sloane and vife to H 11 DOud , lot 4 , imiock 130 , South Omnahma ; n 4 lot 21 , block : u. Potter & C's 2nd ndtl to South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00' , ) G E Barker and wife to Anton ICrejel , lot 0 , Barker's aiiotmemmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . DEEDS. Special master to , qharcs Green et al , trustees , lots 7 and 8 , block 9 , Marsh's amid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 Same to J uL Schmenk , lot. 22 , block 14 , Omaha View , , , , . . , , , , . . . . . , , , . . . . . , , . , , 800 Total amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , . Award".d Honors-World's Fidr Ulgliest - , CflEAM I1JKIN6 - . MOST PERF1CT MADI3. - A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder , Free &om Ammonia1 Murp or any other adulterant , 40 YRS 'fl3 STAflD4RD. A's.J. : . i'itIJh'AItil Volt SLJ3IME1I I1USIXHSS , Street ilimi ivmi q' Comim immiiy Smut jum'o vi mug I lie Lcn'vcmuuvurt ii 3tu'u'et Li ume. Time Omaha Street Itmtlway company is mflahciimg actIve prerarations for imanuiimig : the Crowds timid riil liatrommize time \Veat Leaven- worth street lnes ! this suinnier. New dynamos have bcemm imut in at time Twentieth and Nichichas strceta.power Imomise aimd work- muon are now emigageel in stringing mmew feed wIres from that imince to time fair grounmls , along time Leavenworth street line , One of the ofilciais of tIme street raIlway commmpammy stated that thio new teeth wires vould mmmore tlmamm double time power ammd it was expected that mme delays in climbIng time hills wotmkl be experienced , no matter how great time crowds wore. I'ainters are flnislmtmmg imp timeir work on a large number of open rars , which will soomi be put on for use during time sumumner. p iI.tltl ) IILO'.V 'i'O SUM M [ Jit SCIOO1.S. Iiomui it of Hulumuhit Ituul tumg Drlvemu 'LiueiiL 0 mit of llmmsiuu.HN. Time decision of time Board of Edtmcation to rofu.so to give teachers the use of school rooms for summer schoos ! will be a deidni1 backst to a eomnewhat rcmnunerative iiractico of some of tIme local tcachmera. During pravtomme years anywhere from six to a dczcn or macro rooms imave been Cur. n'shmed to teatlmcrs who eimmpioycd their vaczm- lion 1mm giving special instruction to iidim upils as were willing to pay for It. As the rooms cost tue teachers notidog , timey vere able to add mmot a little to their annual incomno. Now that time bard imas dcciCed that no such acconmmodatiomi will be accordemi this -year. timero is likely to be a general mtagmma- ton ! in time pumnnmcr schmcol businesS. . . S iCalanmazoo , Mich , is famomms tr celery- also as the home of Than. Sister , wlm se ad- vertiscment appears on page 7. p Cuummfort , 11eouuiuumy em mid Speel Combine to make the weekly excursions via ( lie UNION 1ACIFIC the mcat pcpuiar of any now running. They are personally conducted - ducted and offer every convenience to time traveling public. Get your ticketo at 1302 Fcrnamn street. A. C. Dumin , City Pass. & TIcket Agent. - S. Mm'S. Ijmuimmmi lfle' , % mt' fruimmi Itommue. Mrs. W'iiiiam 11. ijams , wimo was buried eu Mommday in Milwaukee from time residence ot her younger daumglmtor , Mr.q. H. ICilmigenfeitl , WItH born in Noble county , Ohio , April 5 , 1839. lIar miiaiclen nnmno wasMmmryVi'brnnt Young , tumid iio wits one of tlmirteezm eii- ) diemi of Viiiinrn .1. Young and Jane Younp. On April 1) ) , 1859. Rime mnam'ric'dVihhhimnm 11. hams' , aimd in 1S'i , togetlmer witim theIr two daughters , timoy removed to this city , where they imave simice mci.ideul. Mrs. hjamnim , imm comnpany with Mr. hams , s vimt to Mil\vimtmleo for a family rcuniomm at Cimrtstmmmau and remained timerc tmntii linr death , on Saturday , April 18 , after an Iii- ness of five weeks. Sue ieavcs tip ni'tmrn item' a hmusbanil and two daughters , Mru. Dann S. Lander of Cimicago and Mrs. II. Kliiugmymmfcid of Mivaukee. : Kirk's EOS I I ( In l'owiier lCormm , ) P120 Great Universcil Was12in and Sorubbin Compound hLsno equal. AT ALL GBOCBR S AIU3 YOU AFRAID- ( IiI I never hurt , I uilten 1'iIiiless ( hit Jentistry , % s'uhi. 4th Floor out Ihi'ow'ti 181k. 16th and I utiti , Voultia , DR. wI'rHERS cstasier $ sglIlM vm.aJ smra.u. I'ENNYROYAL PILLS p _ e & ( ( E'i\ , , j Id hr celsir. jjipmtb LJm. . IS U5d .ti 'bmi .talis . , umsisi wiub Os. hitS , . 7IuIiU - Ii , othtr tcfl.'s lI,5 'Cl1 , .kmidu ' wm.n. .ad lU.lti'U. LI ptuj.ri , .r pest 4' . : . V f .mI.ipi lot 5&ruicu4. . t.iioemuuu , , I - CbI1.s.irCLtt.1VU.s3t5f ! ? ' j.t' . . , mw 1.Qlupii.aulu. _ ' 'a' " ' & , .S LADIIS' ' Readyto ioar GARMENTS. Arc thc dud illtcrcsts at the "Big Store" now.Vc name SOIBO very S1)CCIa1 values in fashionable wear , Also some Millincry , Silk and Notion Iriccs. I'Iie Grocery \ and Provision deiartzncnts announcements shoW prove interesting , I-IAYDEN BROS. Wash Waists EXTRA FINE \'AiSTS-5pccmal sale of a great Variety of hmammdsorne laundered Shmirt'aists , time latest ideas in col. hors anml ievemm , welt as time clmolcest materials ; eqmuai qumahities and styics mire miot soul ehsowimero under ' $1.50 , OUR SPECIAL l'ItICE. . . . . . . . . 73 Fine Cape Specials A pretty cloth Cape , in all colors , nicely immade imp and very becomnhmmg , for. . . . . 75 Fine Doumbie Capes , trinmmmieml with braid , lit all colors , nicely flimishmeti and worth fmmlly $2.00 , on special ejiu , at. . . . . . . . . Very . fine ciotim Capes , in mmii cohere , trimummicd vitim silk braid and jet buttons , silk lined , worth $5.00 , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elegant Silk and Velvet Cnpe , trinmmed with flume satin anti silk late , hand- sommmchy iined vithm fine uiumahity of "silk , very stylish anti sehhlmmg regularly - larly fer $1000 , omm special uslo at. . . . ' LI lVEilline.ry Time new Sailor Ibis are very taking.V show an emmdhcsa apsortmemit. Time imricc rumi from 25c , 35c , 45c , OSe mmp. ' Beautiful Trimurnemi hInts at $1.95 , $2.23 $2.95 and $3.50. TIme flcers , jets , Palms. ribbon , tulics anti mmmahimies ut-ed 1mm ( rita- mmihmig these hats are time very best , new amid fashionable. You never saw such hats at less tlman one.thmird mnora , no quiche to imiako a choIce. Si11 2,000 bxes fine Crochet Silk , very best quality , 20-yard spools , at So a spool. Ladies' Belts Mi time newest pattormms and colors , tans. . browns , blacks , wimites , yulhovmu , etc. . fret 25e to Ole. Spool Cotton , only ic a spool. - - - - - \ t Silk Sale . Wednesday Morning FOR ONE HOUR. We utall place on sale in our Silk Depart- memmt Vomhmmcsday immormiimmg. ( coin 8:30 : to O:30 : a. mmm. , 2,000 yards cit imrimuted all silk l'omigeca m at 12 ½ c per yard. One dross pattermi to . customer only , Silk I'ongces , 12''c a yard. . AGENTS FOlt TilE BUTTEIUCIC PAT. , TEI1NS. ' ' _ _ _ , , Butter 7c , Egss 8 c Time weather has been very flue , so Butte nail Eggs have been pommring in on us. Wo have pmmt a price atm timemn to make 'ciii go. m Guaranteemi frcmulm Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ½ i Frmtsim Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . ammmi Do Very best Country iluttor . . . , , lie mind 12 ½ ? Fammcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amid 170 Our fancy Watcmloo Soparatuir. . . . . . . . . . . IOo A Few Startlers . for Wednesday Soda ommd Oyster Crackers . . , . , 6o F'uil Cream ( tlmoese . , . . . , , , . . . . , . . , . . , 7 ½ 0 Irammcy Messina Lemnons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOn Fancy Oramugea . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . , , JOe Sugar Cured No. 1 Ilommis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8o Sugar Cured Bacon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cod Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \iiito Fish , , , , . . , , , , , . . . . . , , . , ' . . . ' . . ' . So holland herring , 1mm kegs , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Se Ncutcimatcl Olmeese , only . . . , , , . . . . . . . . ' . 3 ½ o Edani Cimcese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69o I'immeaplmio Cheese . . . , . . . ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' , 4OQ7' Tea and Coffee Dept. Standard Rio Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c1 Santos and I'caberry Coffee , , . . . . , , . , . , , . 22o Fresh htoasted Golden Riu.q. . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Plantation Java , cultIvated , . , . , , , , , . . . , . 27 ½ 0 Peerless Java and Mocha , , , , , . . , , . . . . . , 29o Standard Guatemala Coffee , , , . . , . , . , , , , , 30o high grade Mocha and Java , . . , . . , , . , . - , 30o Iloat Iirumzllian Mocima Coffee. . . , , . . , . . . . 3314o Regular green Japan Tea , . , , . , , , , . . . . . . IOu SutoDrledJapanTea , , . , . , , , , , . , , , . , . , , . 220 Ijncoic.redjapanTea , , , , , . . , , , . . , , , . , , , , 26u hpring Leaf Uncolored Japsmi. . , , , , . . , , , . ISO FIrst Picking Japan , basket fired , . . . , . , 48o Private growth Japan. a doticiou Toe , worth $1.00 a pountl. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . &d 1 I -