. - 4 mT:7 : ? f % q A TT A T A T1 r . . . , - , , . . . . _ I TilE OMAHA DAILY . APRIL 22 18OO - BE.1ijVJiDNiiSDAY : , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CO1ERCIAL AD ring Growing Weather Oalt3ed a 'sharp Dc- . CBTIQ inV1eat. . CORN MARKE r WAS HEAVY ALL DAY ' In PruIMtJflM Tlttrc % S'a' : * tt liM'IIce ( Pt tIII Sritlfl ( VIiht ! for n % 'CCk I I 1114 Vrt vn I I a1 Ili tivc CIL J.u1lIcM LUIIL SI. . , rts. cIT1Aco. : ; April 1.-.rIn gvoIg ! nncl e.aIng . wther. rpor1ed frin tht whnt tr1t(1 ! , t.gtIIor with 1bcrnt 1Ii1tiItatLI , CfltI.CI ( another PhurP dccUr.e Iii tocThy. It OIefleuI ) ntI eIotntI witk. .iti' CIOStI at t3'.c ; ' , or 1 % 1)COW ) 'CtCttY. niI July at I1V4c2 ; , r 1c lwlow 3'ffitcray. Corn , oath nrnl provIHIon wcro watery rerroItIctton ) ( of the weakiicsq ot wheat. There wils a 1ooa 'heat trade. 'rho fcnture % va4 * th ( tee stiling qf May , Ihttatla- tion being qtilto ironoullced enrly In tIi * lay , ieVeral at the larger commIsOfl rniics % bdng ncttve on the selling lde. The MaY July spreit rIdesd a little , being from 1c to 1'e. The litituenecs at hand at the HUtt t were a littlu 1ienrliIi , cnb1e coming wenic , ! .tverpooi licing oft from to } iI nccortIng to vthIlc : u1vicci. anI Berlin van from 14 mark to niark lower. The weather was more favorable. fair nail coOl conlIIioli prevailing In the irIIig wheat territorY with 8howers In the winter wlint lJ(1t I 111001 ! . , 1 ntIlaia anil itt lou ri. 'rho rviictioln ly the signal Fervice , too , % % crc itiii hotter , fair flfll wal mer % , 'ather licifig IflliCtttei ( ( or the Dukotnu nati lInneotn , \vith 4iIueri iii lliinol * ' , iind gr.ernliy fair conilltirn elsewhere in the The crnui market wa heavy nil ; Vai sub- jCtel to a gooti leaI or hammering by one or two heavy local tratder , on the expecta- tioti that ieeelptn are about to lncreau'e conldcrably , ? tay opened at 29c , or below yestcrlny. nhil at ( rota 29'c to 29e anti from that dowit to 29c at the close. ; OatM for iltty ciosel fiom l.C to 'Ac lower. lny Oleflel ) unchan-etl at 19c , 1401(1 ( to 19c ; arid ended wlt't I9,4c ! bitI. ltu5iness \'LIU prliiclinilly in the vay of ( rain \lay to Jtily t'arly at % c differince itfll Inter at , , c FlreaIl. In l1rovlsion there was an nbsefleo of the straiti which ( or a week lin leeti oterveU hetwoen the longa anti 'the shorts a In pork. In fict that article was given second plitce In th trzidln until ticar thh eloso of the season , wheli owing to the brcztk In gitn Prices SOfliC of the 'cii'lers ) were Induced to I ; ( ll porLr short. The tie- In its lirlee at the close was only &c. Lard. conIpnre with vestortiny's Price. is 21Ac lower for July , antI Iuly rIbs suffered to an equfl ; extent. Itltnateci recepts ! for tomorrow : Wheat , t 70 cars ; corn , 2.O cars ; oats , IO cats ; hogs , ztoo ; ( ) head. tflie leatling futures ranged as follows : .trttele' I Otn. I high. I L3.v. I Clai. April fl4' ' ni's ' fl2 C2 1.tay U11 fl44 ntt : * it ; : July.r. : l C6 n43 ( ; 4 . . . . . ( ) Utj tI43 Con.No , 2. . Aunt . . . . 0 . I . . . . . . . . ) ) 29 2934 2UkZ . . . . . . . . * 5l .10 ; , : aj , , . . . . . . : 32J4 51 ( J1 I Oats. No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , 19 IP .iit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' _ ' ( . 2O 1O ! 1OT 4 Sept . zoM 2O } toi. . : Porft.tcrbbl . April. . . . . . 8 1t t4 0 . B 4 1ti. & . . . . . . .8 fl3 B 57t. H 4Th 8 ( ) LunI.itlO July..S lbs . . . 723-i . 8 7 ¶ 3 ( i76 . 8 70 April 4 85 4 S7 4 85 4 85 ? It&y . . . . . . . . 4 85 4 47 4 85 4 S July. . . . . . . . S 00 5 o2 5 00 b 00 : i ciiRtba- tprti. . . . . . 4 27 % 4 80 4 25 4 25 t Nay. . . . . . . . . 4 27II 4 3(1 ( 4 2. 4 2 July. . . . . . . . . . . 4 42L 4 .15 4 40 4 40 : i Cash ijimlattons were as follows : WIWAT-No. 2 51314CC. C2tczc ; No. 3 sprIng. C3'c : No. 2 red. GGttG7tc. COItN-No. , 2'c ; No. 2 yellow , 30e. OATS-No. 2 , flc ; No. 2 white , 191Oc : No. whIte , 2Oti2t4c. Ityg-No. 2 , 37t737e. I3AILhEY-NG 2 , FhANSEFI-.No. TIMOI'IIY SII1)-i'rina' . $3. . I'itOVISiOS-Mess t'ork icr bbl. , IS.tOJO.5. , Lntdper IrA ) ba4S3tJ4.S7 % . Short ribs , tde ( lrse ) , $1.254.3o : dry salted ) ioulders boxed ) . . , . 4.4ti14.c ! : s:1'.rt : clear sIdes ( boxed , 4 ½ tJ1c , VItlSKY-JIsttIIen ? finished goods , per gal. , I'ouLrn-IarIet steady : turkeys , iO11e ; chickens , tG7S'tc ; ducks , iIt1Zc. The tul3wlng were the receipts and shipments today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artlclei. _ Itecctpt. SiiIpuicnt' . Flour. b'il' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 8ffl ) ( ) VIieat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ( ) iti.Ut)0 ) ) Coni , bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.09J 1i0.0tl ) ) Otl s , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 .1)00 ) 2 411OtI ) Ityt' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ( ) a,0U ( ) Iiarleyt.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.oo 8l.000 On the Pra.iuco excirtio to.1 er tiw biittor mar- ltd SVZIS wetk : : crc'aunery , 1014c dairy , 00 13c iggs. weak ; 8410c. OMtILt GINlItA1 , lLltKIT. CoflhJittOla of Trade niiI Quotndloni ( UI SIII pie uitl Fancy I'rotluce. Eons-ciolco : stocic. Sc. ltUTTgR-F'alr to good stock , 7c ; choice to fancy country , IOffI2c. Vlh-.CItolce fat , 70 to 100 lbs. , are quoted at 77c ; large and coarse , 4tJQ. ClltIIi17-Domesttc brick. 11tc : Edam , per dox. , . &O ; club house , 1.11 , , 3azs , per doz. , $3.iO : Limberger , fanc' , per lb. , 1lc ! ; itoquefortlb. . jars , per doz. , $3.60 ; Young Americas , 11',4c ; TwIne , fancy , lie. l'OIJLTIIY-i.lve.-Ilens 7tFc : old c3cks. 30 4c ; turkeys. IOJ1lc : ( lUefS. i1O ; geese , 607c ; spring cbtciens , per doz. , $3.0005.0O. 1JAY-L'pland , 1 ; midland. $5.rO ; lowland , * 4.10 ; rye straw , * 4 : color makes the iwIco on hay ; light l'ales sell the lst ; only top grades bring tel ) IiCta. 1IIIOOM COI1N-Fxtremeiy 1ow sale ; new crop , delivered on track in country ; choice green seli-woilting cntpet , per lii. , 2tc ; choIce green , running to hurl , 2c ; common , l',4e. QAMI-Malliini ducks , 12.0002.50 ; redheads , ; 2.e02.25 ( ; IzInvas back tiucks , 12.0002.25 ; teal , blue winged , 11.0001.25 : teal , green vlngel , , tl.000l.25 ; mlxt,1 , 11.0001.25 ; Canada - ada getse , * 3.l0t4.0 ; small geese , 12.0003.00 ; Epecklal brants , * 2.00113.00. i'lOIONS-Ltye , * 1.2001.25 ; dead pigeons not Wantcd. VFO1TAULES. TOfATOfl&FIorIda sloth , 6.basket crates , l'FAS.-Iloxes , % Iju. , $2. 'rot' ONION-l'e , doz. hunches. 20025c. CtJCUM ltEitS-I'er doz. , $ i.2501.P ) . WAX itiAN-l'er bu. box , $4.tO. hT11ING it1ANS-l'er bu lie. . . $3.00 , Hl'iNACiZ-l'er box. , $ iIO 1l.b ; per 1LI1 , , $2.50 I ; ii i'LANT-1llinol stock , 50-lb. box , 11.250 CAI3I.IVI.O\S'Elt-i'er crate. 2 doz. , $3.50 , CA1tllAt1i-CaIlfornIa ptock , per lb. , 2c. ONIONH-i'er hu. , 35115Cc. IIflANH-Ilani , pteitr4 navy. per bu. , $1.40. ti\vIITI : 1'OTATOEi4-Choico stock , 12.5003.00 pr bid. : seed sweet Potatoes. $2.00. CIl.l1LY-CniIturnla , per dos , , No , 1 , Ii ; No. 2 , 5Cc ; No. 3. GOc. LIMA 1113AN14-Per lb. , 4tf4c. WATilt CfllHS-1'cr 16-qt. case. $1.75. POTATOII4-Nattvo stock , 20023c : Colorado toek , 000tOc : lied RIver valley seed potatoes , roe ; iariy 01,10 , reed , 401150c1 1lorlda new potntoee , per be. crate , $1.50 ; CalIfornIa new potatoes. per lb. , lt4c. itlltMti1)A ONIONII-Per erat. 12,00112.50. ILOMIS (1flO\V4 AHPAflAflUS-Pr doz. bunches , SOIICSc , FUUITS. There were no lwrries to amount to anything , tiTItA\'i1iltit1I3-Texiis. per case of 04 qis. , $6 0007.00 : per 24 IIIL , $3.00tJ3.50 , Al'I'lEt3-Choice to fancy lhn Darts , 51.000 chotco eino zap. anti wIllow twigs , $4.0f ) CItANiilflhtiI5I0-Jersey , 54.t005.00 : boxes , $2.05 , TflOPiCAl F1tLJITH. The lemii market ha showi. . consllergblo tin. provenient durtug thu I'ast vtek , owing to tlio light receli'tu lit sealjoartt anti tli vaImer vtatlier , At the same time It 18 ClaImed thut lirlecs tire tJel3W vtii&t tt costs to import , i'nt'uIplCii are In S'cry lIght supply hits sensci owtng tu the war In 1'ubt and the large east- sin ettles atisorb all that are nrrtylng In thl country. QuotatIons : ell , % I'Cii8-CulIfoi ala bialded seedlings , rancy. * 2.75113.00 : choIce. * 2.50(12.75 ; fancy Ilavels , 3.75tJ 4,00 : choIce , $3.10t13.T5. LlMONS-MeutnuM. fancy , 53.2303.50 ; choice ; 3.00t3.05 ; Calitornias , * 2.76113.00. 1IAO4IiNAI4'-Choiee large stock , per bunch , $3.0012.25 ; inediuni slsed bunches. 11,50112.00. MlSCFI.LANEOUS. s The o'Iter season ii practically over , and no one Is trying to d much in that 1kw. There is , however , stock still to be had on the mar- liet. QuotatioflE iIONkY-Fancy white. per lb. , ito ; choice , lie ; California amber color , lot , . C1D1.lt-Clartfled Juice , per halt bbl. , $3 ; pea- bid. , $5 OilTIllS.-Medlums , 350 ; standard , , 2Cc ; extra .elcts. 20c ; company select , , 270 ; New York countl 500 ; standard bulk , ier gal. , $1.10. NUTS-Almond. . California , per lb. , medium .tze. be ; Tarraona slinonds. per lb. , large , 12t401 lIraLils , per lb. , Sc ; 25nIisii walnut , . per lb. , fancy soft shell , lZc ; medium size. Sic' filbert , , ier lb. , lCd pecan. , polished medium , c ; large , lOc ; pesnutS. raw. 6117c' roatvd , 1tc. SASJLlt } CRAUT-l'cr bbl , . 13.50 ; half bbl. , $1. PIUS-Imported fancy , S crown , 30-lb. boxes , Ito ; choice 10-tb , boxes , 3 crown. SIJiOc. lATlS-1lail0ween , per lb. , Sc ; lard , , 10-lb. boxes. per lb. . Ta' . LIAVZ4I t3YRUl'-Five gal , can , . . each , $ tT5 ; gal. Cons , per deL , $11 $ ; gal , can , , quart can , , $3.14- MAlLFi HUUAU-Cholce , per lb. , Sc l'1ttHgltVEH-Auortrd. .lb. pails , each , $1.40. COCOANUTS-l'er 3iJ , $4.50 ; each.'k. 1)It1SSI5D Mt3AT8. 13151W-Good steer. , 400 to 500 lbs. , C1164c : medium itcer. , c ; good cow. a.nal better , . I % ( g . _ _ Ce ; me4Ium cowa sad heifer. , ! .1S40' roOd rormiu0ttels , cow , sthd heifer. , % ; OOal hind. qusitets , cows sad helter. , Tfl.tca rood hInd. qitattets , , ter. , 7I.4c1ca : cow rounds , & % cl tow plates , 8'c ' ; boneless chucks , 4a cow chucks 3to ; steer chucks , is ; beef tenderloins , 22e1 bee rolls , tonies , , $ c shloin hiatt , boneless. Sc ; loin IsiCics , bonIi's , 5o loin backs , 74C1 COW I ib. Na. 3 , So ; cow loins , No. 3 , 5 ; lepC trim- inlng'i. * 1c ; rump butts , Sd shoulder clods , Sc. MIJ'fTdZ'-lres.e4 lamb , TtSe ; drcue'3 mutton , 6'c ; tacks , Sc ; legs , Do ; eSaldlsa , Sc ; sienS. Sc ; sl'ec'p lltlCka' . 3d , hep tongues , per doS. , OSe. i'lItI-ireicd hugs , Sc : polk Ilns , 61,4c spare rib , , 4t4e ; horn aIlsage tu5ts , 1te' p rk houI- tIC : , , 4 e ; hal 51 plioulICa-pi , , kiiinctl , 4o ; pork tlinunltg , , to ; leaf lard , aol rendered , 5t,0 ; tcnviecloins. lie. 1l1l)15 AND TALI.OW. 101D15-No. I green lataics , $ ½ c ; No. 2reEa , lIfli ; , 2c ; No. 1 gretil snlted hides , 4t4c : No , 3 gIrci ! snIltd hides. 3'c ; Nc' . I ' .eii , calf , S to 1 , Ii ) , . , Cc ; No. S 'eai tall , S io 15 lbs. . Ic ; No. I , lt ) iliac latia'5 ! , 706e ; Na' . dry flint iiiah' SJCc ; fl'a , . 1 , Ir salted hiaiis , Ce ; Pad cured lil1oa , to per It' . Ic' . , tianli rully Clued. HIf1ll' : PgiTit--Orren pnttc.I - - , anna 2.1J5301 green salted smarlings ( short olcd m'atIy skins ) , each 3.c ; drIp slaeaarituigs ( ssot : , 'rooted early skina ) , Nci. 1 , ( ada , ICe ; aity slicailing , ' ( liort % % ooiciI tarly stdn , ) , No. S each , Sc ; dry hint 1ana and 34e1lasia lmtelier uoal 5ells , pr lb. , nctual ' .eig1at , ItJGc dry Ililit l'nnras nfl Ne. bma4.a 2alurrain waici plts , hr lb. , uuctunl clgt , lOSe ; airy flint Ca'lTiidt , hutclacr wcaoh pelts , teaII , . , actual aelght , ltiC'e' ' airy hunt ( 'olOmlO ( Murrain wool pclua , Jer Ill. , actual vcilat , 1t4k' ; dry iitet'es nn.i bucks , actunl weight , luIc ; ftet tut f ( , as it is usciess to haY rucighut 'in thutro , ' 1'Al.t.tJ' ANI ) t1ltfltSl5-Taitw , N. I , 3c tallow , N.i. 2e : 1rense white A , Sc ; grease , wiutto 11 , 2'c ; grease , ycilow , 1'4e ; grease , dark. 1c ; oil butter. 282'u ; bCeswux , Priuile. 150 22c : tough tuulluw. 1 ½ e. luoUIit-ln ; car liil weigiccl nual dlivictl in ChitflgO 1)u ) hufrulo. t1L1 toll. S.2.t0lii4.0 ; , uu' ' c000tiT , blt'tielicd 5151 ICr. , 010.0)012,0) : dry country , damp flit lartuty , $ er ton. ia.orir.oo. VOOL--lnwnaliel. ! iliac lieu % ' ) ' , G11e : Le light S04So ; quarter b2oe1. 10(7120 ; seed ) ' , buiry auuail clialTy , totoc : Cotta'al and broken. conies , 7Jt'cl ' cuth"d and bu oktn , fut' , GOSa' . l'ierea' , castael- 1ate.iiuln . , ISOlSe ; fine. 1101Cc : tul , vaied , 1640 150 : black , Sc : buck , , Ccl tng 21J3c ; dend latulled , StJGc. FLflS. No. IIN'o. I No , I 2 3 1.ge. tMd'mn Siii'U lIijit- I I Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20027 1 IS 00 1 51110 $15012 S S 1ilak Yearlings 121l5 II ) Cd 7 O 7 01) 3 0) liink Cul , , . . . . . , Clii S 153 6 4 0) S 00 2 00 llnclc : atontaia & Maintain . . . . . . 1SiJ72 14 00 10 Cu 10 00 4 00 131uac ) Montana . Veatrihulga . . . . . . . . . I' ) S 0) 6 00 S 00 2 50 llhitk ! tlniatica : . ( 'uih . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Si I 5) 3 ( h ) 4 0) 2 05 gilv'r . . . . . . . . . 00 12 01 5 0 ii 00 4 (0) * llv'r 'nj , Yrig's 11 to ) 8 05 5 60 6 00 2 50 141ler Till Cubs. . S (0) 1 6) 3 01) 3 0 I 50 . lirown . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 O 12 if ) 12 00 5 YcaulIngi . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0) 5 00 S 00 400 Cubs . . . . : ' : - - - - - - - - 00 5 0) ) 3 ( P 4 0) ) 200 liattiger . . . . . . . . . . . . - 00 60 60 50 5) ) Silver Fhhaer . ( . . . -----------7 . - .8 00 6 00 4 (1) ( 4 0' ) 2 00 i ' lacauty ) . . . . . . 100 00 60 00 40 00 30 00 10 0) gilvea' l'atla' ( Recording - . cording to be.L' ) ) 50 0) ) 50 00 00 00 15 0) 6 0) ) Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0' ) 3 00 2 01 1 5' ) 1 00 Ited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54) 5 25 5 Ii ) 75 25 Gi'iay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 40 33 15 lChL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 ° ° II ) Ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 2 00 1 5a ) I 25 50 Mnrt"Tt . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 (01 1 P3 1 00 1 Oil 50 . Mink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 00 45 25 10 Miik ) . . . . . . . . 65 45 20 50 Mountahll Lien . ( petfect head . . amid feet ) . . . . , . . , 140 2 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $00 6117 500 100 200 Otter I'nlo..7 00 5 0 ? 4 (0) ) 3 tIC 1 50 RUCa',0)fl . . . . . . . . . . Cc)070 ) 55 55 20 10 Raccoon , Black ( U.S to beauty ) . 50052 SKUNK- ltlucl ( , . . . . . . 2.3 55 50 50 25 Short eaeal..I 00 70 4.i 40 20 Narrow striped. . . . 50 40 2. , 20 10 Ituoud : strtiied. . . . . 201125 Voivezlne - - - - - - - - . 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 01) Well , Olountatfl S 00 2 0) ) 1 60 75 40 Welt , Prairie. . . . . 6509' ) 60 4 20 10 heaver , ler skIn 50 6 4 50 2 00 4 00 2 0) It.'aver iCtt . . . . . . 00 1 54 73 50 25 ----------4 . iprhng MUSIcItATS- . .2 \Vhnter Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0310 S ' 5 - 1lts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 NLSW yoiti : GENIORAL M.tItl425T8. Quolatlolis of tlueDny on Vnr1oui Coitintuu ) I I I ca. Nr\V YORK , April 21.-VLOtJR-flt'ceipt , 15.000 bu. ; exports , 13,400 tm. Mai het lower to sell , owing to the weakness In wheat ; demand was light , country mills acceptIng 5t0e less ; winter - ter patents , .53.5004.00 ; wInter straights. $36503.75 ; Minuleesta patenta' , 53.7504.03 ; 'luter extras. 52.0503.00 ; Minncsta battens , $2.500J3.15 ; winter low guzideii. 12.20072.35 ; spring low grades. 52.0)0 ) 'Lcd. Ityc itour , steady ; supc'rtlne , * 2.6503.23 ; funcy , 02.7503.00. I1UCKVlI I2AT-Dull ; 4Cc. COltN MlLL-1)u1l ; yellow western , coarse. 77o ; city. 70c ; Ilrandywtne , $2.20. 1tYg-iteady ; 405J43c. 1uA1th10Y-Stendy 5015c. IIAI1LIOY' MALT-Nominal : western , 41$145a' . WlllAT-1teceipts , 10,200 bu. : exports , 134,70) bu. ; ipot weak ; qtuotntions are for lake nntt rail ; No. 1 baird , 74110 4' . 0. ii. afloat. Options were generally weak all day under heavy May lIqial- dittlon , bearish crop anal weather news , weak cabica and nbsenec of expolt inquiry en the break. riue depression was greatest in the last half hour ; cioseal 1571t4c net lower ; April closed 71'4c . ; Slay. 703072e. closed 7O3c. COitN-iteceipts , 49,700 baa. ; exports , 3.230 bu. ; allot weak ; NO. 2. 350 in elevator. Options weaker unite , ' IroopeCta of larger movement and synlpa- thy with wheat , closing 0c net lower ; April CiOl'Cd SOt ; May. 354:6c $ , cised 3531c. O.tT-iteeeipts , 75,0)0 hO. ; exports. 101,30) btu. ; spot active ( or export ; No. 2. 23'c Options shareil the general weakness today and cloeal l,6e net lower ; May , 2if12ic , closed 24c. ltt1TTllt-fleCelpts. 9,150 ) ) kgs. ; market weak anal lower ; weslc'ra , tairy , ScjlC ; western cream- cry , 100114c ; Eiglns. lie. EGOS-lecelpt5 , 18,927 pkgs. ; maiket weak ; slate and I'ennsylvnnia , 10@i1c ; westein , 106c ; southern. 9111Cc. IIAY-liuli ; shipping , fl.S01S.00 ; good to cluolc , liOl's-Quiet ; state , common to ChoIce , 1594 cr01) . 20i"c 1SOS crop , 38c ; coast , .1894 crop , 2404c ! ; 1595 crop , StOIc. 111D1S-Siow ; Galveston. I Ic ; Buenos Ayres , dry , 16c ; Texas , airy , Sc ; California , lit . 1A5AT1I1lt-Steaatly ; luemloclc sole , 11. A. , lIght to heavy Weights. Iu4I23. . l'itOViiONS-lleef. quiet ; family. 110.00011.00 ; extra mess , * 8.5009.00 ; beef hams , $11.50 ; packet , * 9.00t19.50. Cut meats , aenly ; pickled bellies , 4tO5 ½ c ; pickled shoulders , 44c ; pickled hams. St,40j9c. Lard , steady : western steam close,1 L20 ashc.1 ; reitnel. steady. l'ork , steady ; olat and ne % ' mess , 09.25010.23 ; short clear , $ l0.004J110 ; ( amity. * 10.50010.75. 'rALLOW-Qulat ; city , 31c ; countrr , Oil.-l'etroleum , dull ; ' United closed 51.21. Rosin , iirmer strained , comina to good , 81.95112.0) . Turpentine. steady , 2011'4c. Cottonseei oil , slaack and uninteresting ; prime crude , 211122c ; prime crude , f. o. Li. , mill. , 1711 lIe ; ott graales , 39 ½ 020c : butter grades , 271122c ; prime suluamer yellow , 25C. 1t1C25-Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 3tOOc ; Japan 37i4a' . MO1ASSiS-Firm : New Orleans , open kettle , goai to choiCe. 29037c. Mi'rFAI.S-l'ig iron , southern , 310.741113.00 : northern. $ ll.004713.0. Copler , dull ; irnker& price , l0c. Lend , dull ; brokers' , 12.00 ; exchange , $3.03. Tin , easier ; straits , * 13.50013.33. 1'iute , hlrtn , Spelter , flat. . STOCKS tNI ) IIONDS. Voliuluic of JhuiNilleNsI.nrge uiitd 'eil liHt rib ii ted , Nrsv YORK , April 21.-Tue incipient bull market - ket ha Stock exchange aecurities suia subjected to the test of realIzing en a fairly large scalp , but on the whole proved superior to the llquida- Uon , The volume of business was large and fairly veli alistributed , with the railroad stocks holding their own comparatIvely well In point of activity. The sharp upward movement in prices that vau in prosress at hue close of business today wuta resunit'd at the outset , nni on nra in. creased volume of irailing a favorable influence was exerted by higher lances ( or Macrican seciar- itieS in London. An inqtulry for that account - count in this market was also moderate in the day , Another encouraging factor was further wa'altnti,5 in sterling exchange rates , incluWng a realuction of 4 per cent In the posted ilgurea by cue leading drawer. The gains in prices , iiowe'er. were tractional in most of thus lending active shares. lii the fleeiahilea more nlatt'rial advancmi occurred. There was some Irregularity in Prices in tle : forenoon session , anal in that' later dealings me general reaction alevelopol , iii wlahciu London was conspicuous for salts cf tl1 internationally liaaed stocks. The trading ne- uuient Was Inclined to work ( or a reaction , but ahthoitgha the offerings were aeih taken , a ala'- crt'aaaae in commission house buyings wus noticed , Coycringa by shorts Prevented material losses in ( dli but a few instances , Sugar rain a 11 1 % per cent to 124 % . but in- idtia' vero i.uyeis at tue low level. Thus s'oclc uugain lea ! titat entire market in extent of trading. 'l'obaeco gialatd a silgiut tmction in the early ilcalings. ilespite time apphicuution to the New Jersey court ( or a teanporuary injunction restraIn. lag time management from paying the recently declared dhvI'lend. Tbuc eclip ruled at about 73. without much trading in It , The stock aieelineti Il , PCF cent , but subseiuently adyanced 1 % per cent , ciosir4 With a net gain of I Per cent. Te puhilcatton of the repr0 of the ( leneral liectric company ( an- the fiscal year ending January 31 was reileeted in ( ho market pa-leo of ( lie stock. Tiuo reduction In thas deticit , amounting to ; sTi- 641 , lund been discounted Liy Strict oxlehs. That ! substantial progress made in the seitlenent ol Northern l'auifio affairs was reilecie.l In atrengihi ani activity in the preferred shock. A rise ot 114 pci' cent In it With foliOwCdi by a lois of about 4 ; er Cent Pt the Improvement. lialtintore & Ohio declined 3 per Cent Ofl the preepect of the Im. pending issue C a large tamnount of receivers' certitteateil and on unconfirmed senrationsi state. unentml of irTegularitie. in the former report. of tao comiUflY ilnanceua. l'art of the offerings were traced to liaahtimore , The boom in Cesohidate.j , ( big was checked i' > ' Aibany reports ot the prob- ubie passage of a $1 gsa bill at flits session , Tlae stock dropped $ per' cent to 110 , closing at 161 , in the late trading considerable Pressure was brought against the ga-anger , , The closIng was steady with irregular fractionsi net changes , The bond mauicet W.as active gtid foreign buy. ing was noted in the prominent Irsue. . The Northern l'aeillca and Atchison , recorded iuaa. provement , and advance , occurrid In othr dime- lions. The sales were $2,450,040. An Increased inquiry for governments for investment was re- pan-teal , resulting in advances in tiae new 4a to ilS. The aggregate dealing , were 1171.000. Bvt'ntag Vest' . London ftnancial cablegram : TIters' was ft further pronounced list to Piunr- leans today , wiih ncreaiing activtty in them quite a feature. There was a genuine Investment 0em41101 SOC botid , , vbil , tla SpcCul&tlQn in - - - - - - - - - - - haroa also Increased , Louisville and St. rout were ppecially favored , I'rtcc tlosa' . % a 111110 under the lCal , The mfakels generally were good although there wits a reCtiOfl fat midday on Baron llhrsch's death , ho being ft large holder of English and other ete'ks. The markets finally Cloxeal good. with some re00very in the mines I gather that snore gold phlpmenis from 0.eW York to Oermany may be occasloneal becnUe of the l'emtttnno from Berlin to London In connection - nection withu the new Chinese loan , but I do not pretend to lanve , leflnlte knowledge , am , the matter Is not properly tintleratnoti here , The ! nllnn government - ernment has announced a 2 per cent loon of just over 2,00).0I0) . ThIs Is a "record. " lntiI taMing never iceuieti a loan before tinder 3 Pta- cent. This Is already qUoteti at 4 premIum , uchi Is the rush for first dana stocks. In connection with the further ( ICeline In l'arls exchange on 1ndon gold Is being touglit here for Prance. The l'ntj , hoarse was steady and the Berlin bomai.o , firm today. The following wers the closing quotnticns on thin leading itocks of the New Yerk exchang. lodutyt Atiuisoii. . . . . . . . . . 1(10 ( * do phi , . , . . . . , . , , 147 Adnutia E . . . . . . . . . 349 N , Y. Central . . , , , 117 % Al'ouiT.lI. . . . . . . r , : ; N.Y.&N.B . . . . . . 40 Alit. l1xpreaa. . . . . I 1 1 Ontario & W 15 % flnltiriaoro & Ohio I 1114 Oregout Imp , , . _ , . , I Cntiadn Pacific. , . , 60 % Oregon NaY. . . . . . . . 21) ) ratundaSoutiuern , 51)11 ) 0. 8. i. & U. N 714 C'uutral PAcifloo , 15" $ l'aciilc Mall . . . , . , , 28k Cli'a. . ( OhIo. . . . . . 171 * l'c.oria Ico. &F2 :1 : Cluienro & Altoit 1.14 l'hltaburg. . . . . . . . . . t(0 C , , lh. , . Q. . . . . . . . . . 80 l'ulinian l'alnco. , , 11.1) ) Claicago 'mas. . . . . . . . I187' lteuiiuue. . . . . . . . . . . . 1214 Coutsohldated fln 101 It. IL Wi. . . . . . . . . . . 10 % C. , C . , , ' . t St. ti , ; l. % 11. G. W prI , , . . , , 45 Cob. Coal k Iroa , i1 lineR IMlaulti. . . . . . . 72's ' ( 'aiton Oil C'rt. , 14)4 St. l'ntul. . . . . . . . . . . . 78 % iolnwaro. ) 1111 1'27 do 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . . . lid , , SlIck. .te W. , 151) St. P. & Oniih't. . , 41 I ) . & It. (5. ii1l . . , 41) ) do pfd , , . . . . . , . . , , 122 p. &c. F. Co. . . . . . . 18 % SOtitiaerui l'aaclilo. , 10 % l'ha'atTonaa. . . . . . . . . . IMI 81175r ltoillaerv. , , 124 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40's ' Tofu. Coa' & iron 81 Brie prat. . . . . . . . . . 2:3 : Tex I'acihlc 834 Fort Vayuae : . , . . , , , I no ' 1' . , t. O Cent. iifd. . _ 7:1 : (1. Northern ptd , , , 101) ) Iluatoti I'.miflc 1)4 ) Ii. & B. I. Ifai. . . . . . 1)1) IL 5. 1'xlr.1s 41) ) lhockiuag Vaatlcv , , , l7 ( W , St. L. 1' . . . . . . . . . 7 % Illinois Central , . , 07V. . ML b. & 1' . 1ii It ) St. P. & lultithu. , 2:1 : Vc1lM l"areo Lx , . , 1)8 K. & T. prat . , . . , , . . . ' ' 8 IS' . 8tern Union. , . . Liako lOtteVost 1804 Wia-elhuag & 1. . 12 , lOps tb phi , , , . . . , . , , 72 tie pill. . . . . . . . . . . . :11) : Lattoghuoro . , . , , . . , 1411 % 70 , & St. I. . . . . . . . . . . 10 , ( t.cnul Trust. . . . . . . . 2$94lJ..t It , (5. . . . . . . . . . . 15' ' ; Loiuivi1itt . , t N. . . . 52)u , P , . , . , . . . . . . . . .8 La. & N .A. . . , . . . , 8 % N. I . 18)4 Mnnhintian Coma. , . 1 1 t)4 ) C. F. & I. . . . . . . . . . . ? .leatapiuia& C. . . . . . ll mb pitt. . . . . . . . . . . . 11(1 ( Miclaigaitu ( 'out. . . . . tJ. ii , & r. 0. . . . . . . . . . . 2 % ? altMmaotlrl i'8cilio , , 28 ' 1' , Si , L. & 16 , 5 % Mobi1e. OhIo. . . . . t2 T.SI , L. & 14.C. laL ( 10 NaahavllleCimtt. : . , . 08 5. It. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11) ) NiIuiOilXtt Coralac 404 8. 11. It fat. . . . . . . . 8 114 Ntii. Comlazmaltd lIt's Attu. Tob. Co. . . . . . 784 N , J. C.onlrat : , , . , . . , l07' ( do iafd. . . . . . . . . . . lit ) N. & 'sY. ' 1)1(1. . . . . . . . sb Atia. Saug IC pf.l. . . . . 1113 ortiu Aiim. Co. . . . . . 50 U. S. ordago rid. . lii Nortlanrua P.tciulo. . i4 U. S. Leatlaor pItt. . (1134 N. l'nctule iltd . , , , , , I . Ut U. S. Itubbor. . . . . . . 27 U. 1' . 1) . . ( ; . . . . . . . do pItt. . . . . . . . , . 140 Noriluvestern. , , . . 70 : % S LS.15 lstP It . .t2041 The total sales of stocks today were 253,839 shames , includIng : Amnericain Tohnecm , , 2l,20 ; Atchison. 4,201) ; unerhcan Sugar , 63.00) : hurling- tim , 10.90)1 it. & St. , 7,101) ; I.ouisviiie. 8,10) ) ; Mis- sourl Pacific , 8,2(0) ; Northern l'achhle , 8.80) ; North. era l'acillc preferred. 8,8)0 ; llcaling , 10,010) ; Itoek Island , 7,100 ; St. l'aui. 20.600 ; UnIon i'aaciflc , 23,200 ; Western Union. 6,80) ; Southern preferrh , 4,200. _ _ _ . % ( 'i. York Money Muurlet. NIW YORK , Ari1 21.-MON1OY ON CALL- i7ztsy at 2',113 per C1flt lust loan. 3 per cent ; cloau-d 3 Iar edit , l'ItlMU 2atEIICANTILIS I'A1'lR-5GG per evt. evt.STIIItL1NO STIIItL1NO lSXCIIANOI7-ileavy , with aic- ( thai 1usinesa in bankers' laths at $1.8Si01.8S,4 for demnan1. idiOt * 1.S7 ½ 114.S73 for sixty days. j'ostetl rat s , $4.8S7t4.581t. and $4.S940lS9',6. Coaw' niercial bills. 94.86. li/alt gth\'lit-6'e. I 8lI''Elt CglLTlIelCATES6746Sc. GO\'lhtNMENT ItONtS-Strong ; state bonds. dull ; raliroa,1 bonds. firm. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : IT. S. 4a , roy. floW. 11 7 % C. P. lata of ' 03. , . . 11)1 ) U , S. 4acoup. hew 0 lB.e D. & It. (3. 78 . ' . . . . . 114 U. S. 5are . . . . . . . 11214 D. & lt.G,4s . . . . . . lit ) to s. r. , coup..1 13 irIc . . . . . (1(1 % U. S. is , cog. . . . . . . . 1(1-1)4 ( (5. II , & S. A. ( Ia. . 1044 U.S.4s.coap. . . . . . liE3 % (3. II..tS.A. 7s. . . liii U. S. ' : s. re . . . . . . . . l ) II. & T. 0. 514. . . . . . . 11)0 ) Pacihtc (15 of ' 115. 111:1 : tb ( Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt ) Ala. , class A. . . . . . 1(15 M. . K. & T. 1st 1-i 8(1 Ahi. . class It. . . . . . . 11)5 do tht 49. . . . . . . . . . (111 ( % AIu. : clasH C. . . . . . 10 : ) Mutual tlnton Ii'm 114 Ala. Currancy 11)9 ) N. J. 0 , Gcii ( is , 118 % La. New Con. 4s t)04 ) No.Pacitlc lata. . , till Miiaaoua'ttis-------- ( do 20q. . . . . . . . . . . . 118 N. C.tls. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 % N. W.Consola . . , 181)4 N. 0. ia. . . . . . . . . . 103 tb S. F. Ddb. Ss 11(1 % S. C. uionfatlitt . . . . ' .4 IL U. Wett. , 1tt. . . 71 * Tcnai. aaew set ii 14(1 % St. P. ( ) olu'aolH 7a4 128 % Tenua. new Bet 5g 3(14 ( do C. & P.V' 7 a 1 it Tean. olai tIm , . . . . . . . 00 St. L. & I. M.G3a. 5 7)4 ) % Ta. Centuries. . . . . (10 % St.L.'I. F.Gcn.d , ill ) Lb dcfqrrotl I ; Texas Pac' . lsts 81) ) Aichaleouu 41 ; . . . . . . . 80 do 2t18. . . . . . . . . . . . 2414 AtciliI4Ouu 2ai A. . . . . 4ai U. P. 1st of ' 0.3 1Oa Canada So. ' .ld'u. . 11)1Veat ) Shorn 4'l . . , , 101134 r. & N. uuittled Is 78 % Soutbaarn ' ; . . . . . . . 1)4 0. It. & N. I at' ; . . 1 1 u)04 ) N. i'ac. : id 4 . . . . . . . 7 s ilolitOiL Stock ( thotnhlons , BOSTON , April 21-CoIl loans. 4lO per 't : tuna lotuis. 4' ) par cent. Ciosiaas' prlcee foe stocks , boritI tail untolua r , au'trj ! I : ' A.T. & S. F. . . . . . . . 1(1 % Westtnglu Elec..d3 Ant. Sugar. . . . . . . . . ' 124)4 W. Eloc. old. . . . . . 5:1 : Aimi. Saugar : pro. . . . 103 % Vta. Ccaiir.uh. . . . . . 1183' State Gas. . . . 1)4 Ethlson 101cc. lIla 140 lIeU Tolepiaoaie. , . 201)14 fiemi. Elec. pfd. . . . . 77 hhoaion & Aib.tuy. ,2tS Atchison 4s. . . . . . . 5(1 ( % Iloston3a Maine. . 1115 New Euintaiutl hIs 11:1 : % C. 11. .c Q. . . . . . . . . . . 8014 Gnu. llcctrl i's. , , ( lU ) Fitchburg. . . . . . . . . . 1)4 . ) Via. Cent. 1 ats 42 Uu , , Electric.37 % Allouoz Miuuing Co I Illinois Steel . . . . . . 72 % AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mexicua Ceuutrai. 10 % Boston & Montan'i 7(1 N. Y. & N. B. . . . . . . 7(1 lhutto&i3Oton. . . , 2 Old Coldly. . . . . . . . 177 CaIttunel 3 Itoela 1)03 Ore. Short LHao. . . . 7 % Franklin. . . . . . . . . II Rubber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 lCeai-trtrgo. ; . . . . . . . . . 10 % Siuufliero. : . . . . . . . . . it ) Omcerala. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 % Uniuua i'aciulo 94 Qutncy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 West Butt. . . . . . . . . . (1.1 Taniarack. . . . . . . . . . SYcat thad mafil. . . . . Ill ) Wolverine 7 San F'raiuelsco Mining Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO. .tprlI 21.-Tio olflcial closin7 quotatigialafor uniaiaa : st.cs tolty vera as rJt- lows : , AIta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 iIaio&Norcros'i 1 ] ii Mnlua Con . . . . . . . . 7 Julia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Atados. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 JustIce. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ifelcimer. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 KentuCky Con 2 ltest. ' iteicluor 41 $ Mexican . . . . . . . . . . . . itoalloCon---------- OccidcntaiCoua. , 110 - - - - - - - - - - Bullion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t ; Opluir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 CluahlcaigeCon. . . . . 22 Ovmariuaami. . . . . . . . . . . II Cliolla. . . . . . . . . . . . : hi ; l'otosi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Couitaience. . . . . . . . . 70 Savao . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coia. laj. & Vat. . . , 100 Scorpion. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Coma. Inaperizil I Sterna Novana. . . . . 57 Crowua l'olii ( . . . . . . . 27 . Sliver $1111. ' . . . . . . I Exchequer . . . . . . 3 CinlonCon . . . . . . . . . 48 Gouuld&Cuirrv. . . . . 22 Yellow Jacket ; i2 Sliver b'tr. . 07Oc $ : Sloxic'tn tloltari , 5i4i533c. Stgiut drafpa , Sc ; taaicgr.apble. ba. l4esv York Mining Quotsilions. NEW YOltif , April 21.-Tlao followluaT nra t1 cloud lag nainlaug quotaatloat : Bulwcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ontarap. . . . . . . . . . . . iaoo Chaillar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41) Cp air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Crovluu Point. . . . . . 50 1-dyallotIthu. . . . . . . . . . 20 Coma. Cal , & Va 100 QuicksIlver. . . . . . . . 150 DcailwootI. . . . . . . 100 Qiuicicuailvec Old , 1600 Gould & Clara-I' . . . . . 20 Stora Nevada . . , , , 55 llalo&Norcross 315 StandardCon . , , , , 11)0 ) hiomatestltka..250(1 ( UnIon Con . . . . . . . 61) ) Iron Silver. . . . . . . . . 2t Yellow Jacket. . , , 30 Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . . 411 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ London Stock Quotuhhoaus , LONDON , April 214 p. an. closIng ; Consuls. uua'v. . . . . . 1 13 % Mexican oralinary , 211 Conols. ; uce't. . . . . . I 1354 St. l'ani coij. . . . . . . Cain. Pacific. . . . . . . . (11)4 ( N. Y , Ceualrai. : . . . . . 100 % Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Th l'ennsvlvaaiia . , , , , 61194 Erie Istlifal. . . . . . . . 4214 IboathIuat' . . . . . . . . . . . . ill. Central. . . . . . . . . 1)0k. ) Mex , Ccii. now 48 72 IIAI1HILVISII-Slal per ounce. MONFSY-ii41' % l > acent. . Thin rate of , iiscount in flue open market for short anti three nanthmu' bilis , 9-1611 % per cent. Vorciguu ICisuumuaclul AfTaIrN , iiiSltLlN , April 21.-ilxehaingc on London , eight days' sight , 20 marks 44 ½ prg. l'Aitlt $ , April 21--'Tharee per cent rentes , 3011 SOc for the accoUnt , 2.xchuange on London , 2Sf 100 for checks. LONION. April 21.-Oolil Is quoted at Buenos Ayres today at 222 ; 2ahnirhd , 19.23 ; .dthuens , 171 ; Lisbon , 26 % ; Itomne , 107.72 % . Fluunuuclal Notes , NlIW YORK , April 21-ClearIngs , $ lOlOSh,332. IIOSTON. April 21.-ClearIngs , * l7,50,936 ; lalances. * 2 518 237 , l'IIILADILI'IlIA , April 2i-Clearln , , Ill , . 440,500 ; balances. 81,507,87 ? . ST. LOUIS. April bl.-Clearings , $3,012,550 ; iKaidanCes , $812,783. Monc' , 6118 er Veal. New Yolk exchange , 14Cc hremiuun bid ; 81 tacked , CIIICAGO , Alarli 21-Money easy ; on call. at C per coat ; on time , Ott' ? per cdflt. New York c.viaangd , at 65o premium. Sterling lauded rate , 84.1' ) On , lenaand : 14.59 on sixty days' time , blank clearilgs , 814,608,550. hCususaia Cittlaurlo'fs , ICANSAS CiTY , April 2l.-WIIISAT-Duli- . 2 haiti tIe ; No. 3 , 501t54c ; rejecteal ultniffuuliy , 374c ; No , 2 red , 734475c ; No. 3 , 65tO10c ; No. 2 spring. 610 ; No , 3 , STIjOOc. COitN-ltntlaer slow , % tOtic lower ; No. 2 mIxed , 23'4112l'4c ' : : IOu. 2 wiaiie , o3c . OATS-Steady , demand fair ; No. 2 mixed , 37c ; No. 2 white , 104C. ! ItYIS-No , 2 , lIe. IIAY-tendy : timothy , choice , $ hlooejhl.so : other grades. 85.501111.00 ; prairie , Choice , $7.0)j 1(83 ; otlueral , 83.0006.50. IIUTTIOI1-Creamerl' , . liUlicI dairyhEJ12t , 2500S-Unciaaogcd ; striculy txcsh , Sc , Sugar itfmurle-f , NISSY YOIIK , April 21.-SUGAR-Raw , firm ; fair refining , 31134c centrifugal , 90 test , 4l6 114 % ; sale , , 3,000 iag , , cenlrhtugal , 9 breakwater its l'laiiadelplaia , I 5.1Cc ; refIned steady. LONtOW , April 21.-SUOAII--Cone , quIet ; CentrIfugal. its 4t40 ; Muwcoyao. ' fair reiinag , II , lid ; beet , quiet ; April gand M'uy , lOs Sd. Stock Of beet in the . United iingalona , 133,000 tons. - Liuai o is 01 1. 1urkct , . . _ LONION. April 21.-CALCUTTA LiNSEgra- . Spot , 3Ss V4d ; Linseed pit. lSs Al ; turpentIne spIrits 20s , iOd. lihlamnenpoils 'Wlaeht , I4INNIIAI'OUS , April 21.-'WOIIOAT--.Weak ; April. 604o ; Slay , S9' July 601jc. " . uneIaane& I"LOUlt-'ilteady , . 'Pilaeo Wheat Qauntutlons , BAN FRANCISCO , April 2i.-"t'1ltA'1'--Yery dull ; December , $1.02 ; May , LU $ O1AIIA LIYOC1 ( IAR1iET Light Receipts pfOatt1o and a Dull Dragging Trade. SELLERS AND GET FAR APART 'I'hIr N.lons ( mc , Irieea 'rend In Oil- IiMiIe Ifl rctIomys iiil i'r hilliit Ammy AllllrJllmcla tO tttsht' In . . .li tui ii CMII , . TUISDAY , .prIl 21 , fleceipto for the dnye indicateal are Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Uorse. April 21 . . . . , . . , . . , , 1,379 4,1(20 ( 1,819 80 April 20. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13.1 1,420 295 April 18. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,857 2,058 . . . . 8 April 17. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,413 2,841 846 15 April 16. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,239 4,62 2.911 1 April 15 , . , , , . , . , . . . 1,795 6,81)3 1)31 April 14. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,023 4,350 1913 . , . ' Apt-il 13 . , . , . , , . . . , . 1,278 952 . . . ' 14 The official number of . carS of stock brought 10 today by each renal vn5 C , M. & St. 1' . it.t' lbosShcoP.1l0i'5e5 : Mo. Pate. Sty..1 5 . . U. I' . System. . . . . . 20 12 S 2 C.&N.Wlty. . . . 1 1 . 11. & . M. It , lb. It.t 19 26 . . (2. Il , & Q. flY. . . . . 3 4 . . . . , C.It.l.&l'lty.e 2 2 . . C. lb. 1 , & P. Ity. v 2 1 1 . . C. . St. 1' . , M. & 0. 4 4 . . F' . E , &MV.lt.II. 11. 25 . . Tctai receipts. . 67 78 9 2 TIm disposition Cf the day's receipts Was as follows , etach buer pturchasing the atum- ber of head Indicated : lltiyers. Cattle. hogs. Shed ) , Omaha Packing Co. . . . . . . IS (7 , 11 , llanimond Cc , . . . . . 203 1,115 Swift & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S1 1l9 196 Ctidahiy l'acking Ca. . . . . . 70 1,9S9 376 1' . D. Armour , Chicago 222 Vatnonhit & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 \v I. Stephens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . StecuhatorM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago P. & 1' . Co. . . . . . . . . . . 919 Other buyers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 l,217 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,379 5,402 1,819 CATTLT-Tho fresh ) cattle on sale tlals mnornlllg numbered 1,859 head , as against 1,163 yesiertiny nail 1,923 on Tlul'i9day of last svecl < . 'rho most of the cattle here wore corufeal beo'e , with very few feedrrs nail only six or ohght luentls of butchers' stock. I he inaricet as a whole 'as rather stow and 'to that extent , at Icast , unsatisfactory. Salesmen Feemed to feel that after the bIg break of the two tiays Past SOmO lIttle reaction in their favor was clue antI they Were pricing their holdings it little higher. At the same time buyers were aware of tile fact that the market was high here yesterday as compared with Chicago anti ( boy wore not prepared to put on any- thing. On the contrary they were gen- ca-ally bIdding a little easier prices , cape- daily on the heavier cattle. The natural reimit of the difference of opinion between buyers anti aellers was a. slow market , the ta-tub being dragged through the whole forenoon. Salesmen who lanai light cattle Bant were right good claimed to have had hO trouble In getting steady prices. Butchers' stock was in such moderate supply that It was not so long in changln hanais. lesirablc cows anti taeifrs ol just about steady with yesicrday. Stockers and ( coders were In moderate supply and the murket dial not show ma- terlal change in any particular. Itapre- sentative sales : ' , 1II'ISF 2TI7ELtS. No. y. Pa- . Otto. v. rr No. Av. Pr. 8. . . .1413 $3 25 11..lllO $3 61) 6..13S6 $3 65 5..1074 35 5.i2go 01) 15..14i3 70 5 , . . .1l5C 3 35 5'lOSl 3 CO 3".1311 70 7.l032 3 4 , 8. , . , 1)51 3 61) 916 70 6..1190 S 15 a.l341 60 3Il6l ) 70 7..1OS8 3 45 22..1329 3 60 13.1167 70 55. . . ,1252 3 P1 43.1172 3 Ci ) 6..1465 70 20. , . .llOt ) 3 55 50t..l348 6(3 ( 18..lhll 70 3..1l6G 3 55 23,1269 3 6) ' 40..uiiT 70 20..l301 : i Ss 15 _ . , i03 3 65 19llOG 70 0..1321 5. ; 2r" 33.1090 10 33. . .J133 - 5 ; lS.ii224 3 60 37..l2l8 72 % 17. . . 954 3 65 7L..12011 3 65 'lC..ilTt 75 2l.121 ( ) 55 231,12P ) 3 63 . II , . . . 941 80 30..i330 60 34..it I 3 C . . . . . 937 50 4..i475 60 ' i. _ . . 560 1 35 1..li20 " 50 1..1140 75 1. . . . 900 1 LI ) 1.lOd ) r ) 1..IICI ) 75 1. . . 910 1 5' ' ) 1.,10 ? ) ( .1) , . .4..1lS0 SI ) 1. . . . 520 1 75 la..i 9440 50 6..l035 80 3 _ .S 31) 175 6..I0SS 50 1..1I'O . .85 2. , . . . 805 iS5 . ,1..1240 60 2..1l51) 285 3 , . . . 5415' 50 ' 1t,10OO S 85 1. . . 76) 00 IC'L.lOT.O CO 5..1072 IG 2..102.5 10 " 2..l04 Ga ) 1..i2l0 290 2..1O64) 25 1..1230 CI ) l..1010 00 l..10S0 2.'i l..103) It ) 1 , , ,123I ) 00 1. . . . ISO 25 10..l153 65 i..l520 00 1. . . . 910 25 4.ih17 65 l..l05I 00 3..1083 31) ) 0.-944 ca 1..1300 00 l..IIIG 40 4 . . . .1' 31) 70 3..1213 15 10. . . . 577 4t f..i0S6 70 1. . . . 020 30 1.1160 40 11..lOS 67545. . . . 922 30 II EIFIOI1S. 1. . . . 8'M 2 50 2. . . . 520 3 00 . 1. , . . 420 3 25 1. . . . 450 2 60 3. . , . 476 3 0. , . . . .1035 3 23 5. . , . 462 2 75 17. . . . 569 3 05 1. . . . 720 3 35 2. . . . 480 3 00 1..C90 3 13 21. . . . 58) ) 3 41) 1. . , . 620 3 04) 1. . . . 520 3 25 2. . . . 530 3 50 IIULLS. . 1..1100 215 1..1970 270 1 . . . . . .iCC 283 2..l543 2 40 1.lSGO 2 75 1..1110 2 90 i..i3& ' ) 2 SI ) l..2240 2 75 1..1380 2 05 i..1l30 270 1..1940 210 STAGS. 2.,1205 2 75 1..1S6) 3 00 1..1460 3 10 i.,1210 :1 : 03 1..1680 3 00 CALVES. 1. . . . 270 2 50 3. . . . l0) 4 CO 1. . , , 100 4 to 3. . , . 70 2 50 2. . . . 15(1 ( 4 25 1. , . 120 4 50 6 , . . . 363 3 25 1 , . . . 110 4 25 2. . . . 220 4 50 1. . . _ 32i ) 3 40 1. . . . 150 4 P1 4. . . . 142 4 50 6. . . . 958 3 70 1. . , . 1(0 ( 4 59 5. . . . 136 450 1..160 400 STOCKERS AN ! ) FEEDERS. 1. . . . 91)a ) 2 90 29. . . . 911 3 53 6. , . . 523 3 70 10. . . , 733 3 10 13.so : 3 64) 1. . . . 590 3 71) I. . . . 860 3 40 1. . . . 960 3 GO 2l..lOOS 3 70 8. . . . 556 3 45 4. . . . 412 3 65 1. . . . 620 3 75 32..1039 355 2'c 520 370 11008-The receipts of hogs today were quite liberal , it being the largest run of any day since April 15. There % vere 4,990 head 'reported in , which , IaoWa a gain of over 490 head , as corn- pared with Tuei.iay of Inst weck Time market , as a whole , wan in very good condition , though values vcre a little loiver. Flie demand was good , all the buyers taking loifl ixeey and an early clearance was effecteal tat Illite of the fact that ( lao offerings vera larger than usual. Light hogs did not sell much different from yesterday. tue best loads bringing $3.50 on both daIs , an(1 ( roln that down to $3.40. The mixed anal mt'auium weight hogs showed pretty close to Sc decline. That kind total very largely at 83.30 , us against $3.3o.03.3r yesterday ; in fact It came 'ery near to being a $3.30 market , tlaat being ( lie pleat popular price. The extreme heavy loads were nlso a little easier. Tiucy solal down to $3.20 and at $3.25. but there were very few hogs weighing 500 pounds or that touched $3.30. 'limo r.markct Is , .tli about 2'4e higher than on last Thursday , which waa the low day of laEt week , IteprecentatiVo sales : No. y , Sb. Pr. No. y. Sh. Pa- . 23 . . , . , . . . 401 284) $1 17 % 62..262 80 33 10 62 . . . . , , . . 2'9 12) 51) 57..274 Si ) 3(3 ( . . . . . . . . 20) Ii ) 58 , , , . . , 231 40 30 . . . . . . . . 50 2' ) 71 , . . . . . , 259 4(3 50 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2' ' ) 25.266 , . . 30 . . . . . . . . 40 2' ) 17..283 , . , 30 117..315 120 34) . . . . . . . . , , . 10 53 , , , . , , . , 3111 . . . 3 22 ½ 1.8 , , , , , , , , 303 . , . . I ) . , . . . . . . 120 3 23 26..s 00 3(3 ( 23..5 . ' ' 3 2 75 . , , , . . , , 274) . . 120 30 61 , . . . , , 3013 , , , 3 25 63..5 50 tO . . . . . . . . . . . 32 51).290 . . 30 117..151 :100 : 3 25 Cl , , . , . , , 272 , , , 118 , . . , 545 80 3 25 (3..230 . , . , 50 57..323 , . . 3 25 58..3 8(3 10 53..1:6 . . . 23 t 67 , . , . , . , . 291 , . , 30 57 , , , . , . , , 310 161) 23 ' I. ; . . . . . . . . 40 50 . . . . . . . . 80 SlOt " 1 59 , , , , , , , , 21)7 , , . 31) . . . . . . . . 120 83i' ' ' 0 59..270 4) 30 65 , . , . , . , . 14 40 Zi aj Sb . , . . , , , . 2Sf , , 30 64) . . . . . . . .35I . . 0Pl 61..3)3 ) , , , 30 . . . . . . . . 240 3 31) 60. . . . . . . . . , . _ 0 61 , , , . , . . . 214 50 31)1 lf.f 75 215 150 30 15 . . , , , , . . 24' ) . . . 30 c . . . . . . . .246 . . . 30 211 50 00--- 160 30 55 , , , , . . . 70 . .28 50 50 67 . , , , , . . . 271 . . , 321 % 69 . : , , .l19 , - . p4-4(41 70 , . , . . . , , 10 : : : 21 . . , . , . , , Z3 40 30 . . . . . . . . . . . 32 % 125..2S 204) 3' ) 72 , . . , . , , ,2 ' 6 160 as . . . . . . . . 01) ) jA . . . . . . . . 219 24) 35 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35..273 8) : : & 63 , . . , . . . . 269 , . . 3 5) 73 . . , , . . , , 22.3 50 35 64 , , . . , . . 270 50 lob I cai , , , , , , , 223 4) 35 67 , , , . . . . 251 50 3 301 82. , , . , . . , 232 WI 35 ( .9 , , , . . , . 256 240 bOf 6) , . , . . , , . 2iS 80 35 18 . . .25G 240 1I 64. . . . . . .032 80 35 73 , , , , - . , . 225 . . . 101 3 % 52 . , , , . . . , 234 , , . 30 52 , , . , . , . 310 12(3 i 71 , , , , . , , . 234 , . . 25 56 , .23i 40 30 70..037 40 33 . . . . . . . . SO 30 60 , . . , , , . , 229 , , . 40 64 , , , . , . , 258 . . , 31) II , , . . . . , , 240 , 40 73 , . . , , . , , 233 . . . 30 10 , , . . . , . , 221 , . , 4) 56 , . . . . . . 263 40 i4 12) , , , . , . . ,2 16 80 45 , ' . . . . . . . . $ SO 3PV , , , , , . , , , . . 40 114..250 120 141 * h.0.222 40 45 17 . . , . , . 23 . . . ' . 49..190 , , , P1 f13 , , . . , 248 . , , 3 , . , , . , . . , , 50 20 , , ,283 , , . S 36 52 . . , . , , . , 186 , , , 5. ) 1.5 . , , . , . . . 53.G,33O i'lOS-O1)S5AND ISNIS , 1 . . . . . 540 . . 00 6. , , , , , , , 3343 , 30 : . . , , . . . io . , , 50 , . . , . , . , 3 I , . , . . . . . 50 , . . 00 6 , . . , , , , , Ito ) , , , 25 3 , , . . , . . , 3G 50 16 . 7 , , . , . . , ,190 , , , 23 1 , . , , . , . 230 . , . 15 ; . . . . . . . . . , . 23 2 . . . , . . , , i&0 . . , 15 4 . , , , , , , , 223 80 3 23 S , . , , . . , . 306 , , . 20 9 . , . , . . , , 2(33 . ( , , , 3 25 2. , . , . . " 3 oo . . . . . . . . . , , 3 75 4 . . , , , . SIll ) 40 3 20 6 , . . , , , , ' .24O . . . 25 I , , . , . . 110 . . . 3 2 , , . , . , , . 210 , , , 3 25 . . . . . . . . , , , 390 . C..553 - . . 03 S , i23 , . . 31) . 4 . . . , , , . ,4I)4 160 323 5 , , . : . ' . ' Sl , . . 3 2 S . , . , , , 256 . , . 3 23 . . . . . . . . . , . 3 3) 6 , , , , , , . , 23 . . . 3 23 5 , .i3lO . . , S 03 4 , , , , . , , . 212 . . . 3 25 I , . . , , , . . 410 . , , 3 20 4 , , , , , , , 260 , , , 3 33 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 t , , , , . . . , 231 , . , 3 30 hiIilfhOl'-Thdu marltet syas weak , owing to the unfavorable contiiti aai of eastern jataurket , , ltep- resentativo sales : 21o. Av , Pr. 163 western wethers . . , . . . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , 127 83 15 St. Louis Llr Stock , ST. LOUIS. April Zl.-CATTL23-Iieceipt. , 3,000 bead. Market steady ; native beeea , , ; 3.z.111.25 ; -------r-- - TOTSIt slecIw , * 3.75113.75 : stockers intl feeders , 82.0003.75 ; cow. anal helter , , $2.0O3.Oj bulls , Il008-fleceipta 8.000 head. 1.trtrket , bout steadyl heavy , 13.15113.00 ; mixed , $3.00U3.45 ; light , $3.40(3.50. Shhi7P-flecetpta , 5,000 haaI. ) tarket tlulll nativee , I ) S..3 . ' 0 , Thxans , * 3.1003.60 ; spring lambs , 85.0)117.00. . CIIICAOO ld.L : STOCIC. Cniil Are Nutt5a'lIIuti ni IIm Io'c' rat l'rices of tIme Scnmoui. Cll1C'AaO , April 21-'nttie na-ui 110W soiling nt time lowest prices of the season , Sates are ioW at from $3.10 to $3.50 for common ' 1rd55'1 beet steers , map to from * 1 to 34.30 for choIce shIpping anal export cattle , and large numbers cress tlae scales at from $3.63 to $4 , only a few al1s leing effCcteil over $4. Cow and hollers have declined fuhi' as much net steCrs1 an'I a larger prolrlion of the ellerhaigmi soiI between $2 to 8.1 tIatuli bOre- toforc. ilaalls sell at from $2.2. to $3.i. fltaI caiCes Were Iilent3P ntn1 active today at froan $3 to 84.75. thah being 'Cahltornha tiamy. " Tcxas cattle were ha anotierate tiemnanti at Monday's decline. S .Thiere wam ; 0 fairly netire local and ehalpphiug tic- niand for linac , bob pricei , tifferc'.i a fiariher re'- tltictiofl of 1k' , nnl more cola ! at $2.53 than at any otiar flgaare. Sthnlgla ( lots of hiefl % ' ) ' sold at from $3.25 to 83.37'S. nnt butcher wehghhs nnl mIamI lots Irouslat ( mat ) $3.40 ho $3.70 , whIle' corn- to hlrihIle light hogs sold at from $3.60 to There' was a better demand at from $2.50 to $3.60 for Iwor II ) prime hieep , few goIng below $3 , and pales were largely at from $3 to $3.10 for Teanul' an.h at ( rena $3 to $3.40 for wealeulls. I.ramba vere in active iernanl at $3.0) to 31.0) for common to C2Vlice ( locks , anal sariug lamba were vnniel at $3 to $5.75 per 101) lbs. IIECEII'T-Cattle , 2,500 heauil hogs , 19,000 heath : sheep , 11,000 bend. iliiiisii'i Cit3 Iive Stock. ICANSAO CITY. April 2l.-CATTIl7-Recelpis , 5,30(3 IaeaaI ; shalpmente , 700 iataii. Market - ket acti'o anal steadyl Texas tncr , * 2.85313.50. Texas cows , 82.00012.63 ; b'ef ieCa5 , * 3.23114.00 : native cows , fl.7&03.23a boils. 11.50413.00. ilOUS-lt'Cdhitil. 13,301) hannail tahlIIanlentII. 70) hr'al. Market steaalyI bulk ef pales , * 3.350 3.50 ; heavies , S. ) 0003.40 ; packers nnd mixed , $3.30 113.50 ; lIghts , $3.3tO3.S3 ; Yorkers , * 3.50113.55 ; pIgs , 83,78013.65. SI11lfll'-liocrlpta. 11.1.0) haead ; shiprneits , 1,10' ) huenil. Market steamlo' ; lambs , * 3.0)111.0) : umuttona , * 2.78113.65. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nola' York livc Stit'lc. NEtS' S'OIIK , April 2h.-IllliVES-1teceipts , 201 hir'nil ; no trading : 1urcapzam ; cables radiate American steers at lOlille , , lrea'sed weight ; a-c- frlgerauior beef mit 8f38c. ( halves , rcdilats , 132 luetail ; clo' ; voala , Inferior to noah , $ i.0')534.83. Hll1L7b' ANt ) IAMIIS-ilecnltII , 573 haeaal ; titan ; tunslaari ; Ililcel ) , geol , , 14.00014,25 : clipped , 83,40113.50 ; good unsiaorai lambs. $4.87 ; Virginia daring lanihas , $1.50. IlOclS-lteceipts , 2,169 ) icad ; lower , 83.90115.2.5. Stick In Sissiat. Itecortl at receIpts at the four principal mar- keta for April 21 , 1536 : Cattle. hogs. Sheep. South Omabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1359 4it0) 1,819 ciicngo : . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,54K ) 10,000 11,00) ) Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.30' ) )3,30' ) 6.500 hot. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,003 8,000 3,000 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12,159 15,290 21,219 St. Louis C.eimcrnl Mnrkct. lIT , LOUIS AprIl 2l.-FLOUI1-A small da- mestic tlEnlatad at steady prices , but no export cnle reported ; 5aiientc , 32.65113.75 ; extra fancy , $3.354fl.45 ; fency , 82.9003.0) ; choIce , $2.sr,02.6s. WIIEAT-Itearci enticed a decIin soon afier the opening , when buying was light , chiefly by shorts. The market iii Clalcago , which had also declined , soon became steadier , and thai , cluecketi the downwani novemmnt here , but hater on lawer cables and heavy selling agnia vent down With a nushu , ciosng weak and 1 % to 2c uniler yestenlay. Spot , dull ; No , 2 red cash , elevator , uornlnni ; track , 686J69c ; May , 85,6c : July. Soc ; August , 6le. COltNleuture , stmllg , with more buyers than seiler , hut inlet' weakened on wheat's latest break , but dial not declIne much. PIlot , flrrn ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 267cc Slay , 26c ; July , 2711 2Sc. OATS-Liqulahation tigala started in May and that option declined lower than ever , carrying July with lt Sl'ot , dull , heavy anti declining ; Na. 2 cash , 18310 asked ; May , liThe : July , IS'c asked. itYS-Qulet , SIc laId , elevator. COltN MEAI-41.40131.45. BRAN-Nt , ainaii.'ih and small offerings ; of- feral , east track , at ICc. FLAX ' 817ED-iiigher , 4c. TIMOThY ShSllD-l'rlme , $3.10 ; fair to goad , 82.5003.00 , ' - - - hAY-About steady ; prairie , $6.50tO&00 ; TIm- otlia' , 88.0)015.50. titls side. \'lllHlCY-I.22. flUT1'l1t-Lower ; cienmery , 130l5c ; daIry , OOll ½ c. EC.GH-Lower ; fresh , 7c. LEAD-Firm. with buyers at 82.80 for Missouri - souri , and $2.82' % far chemical. Speller , * 3.730 3.85. 3.85.I'OULTICYChlckens , 7c ; alucks , Sc. 3'ltOVISIONS-i'orlc. uata.'adarl mess , JobbIng , new , 88.75 ; olah , $8.23. Laral. lower : choice , $ I.C614.7I. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $4.75 ; longs 84.871,4 ; ribs. 35.12 % ; shnrts.$3.12 % : tiry salt meats , boxCd la1)ulder , $1.23 ; longs , 437 % ; ribs , $4.50 ; shiortal. $4.50. RECIIII'TS-Fiour , 4,000bbls. ; wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn. 14.030 bta. ; oat , , 23.0)0 bu. SlIIl'31ENTS-FIour , 7,000 ijIals. ; wheat , 6,0)0 lau ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; onte , 7,000 bu. Llserj.ooi Sinricels. LIVERPOOL , April 21-W'IIiIAT-Spot , quiet ; demanal quiet ; No. 2 a-cd wi.-ater , 5mm 7d ; No. 2 red , spring stack , , exiaausteal ; No. 1 barth. Stan- itcaba , 88 60 ; No. 1 California , 5s 50 ; faaturea opened.stcady , , Vltl1flCar and distant PositIons al TDver ; eioeed tlull , WIth near and , hlstnnt l)053t10n5 1d lower ; husinctas aleut equally ails- triiautet. April , _ Ss td ; Stay , 5s 5'd ' : June , fs , 5'd ; July , 5 014(1 ; August , Ss 5tl ; Sep- tember. 5s 6140. Id COltN-Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new , 311. .jd ; futures opened quIet , with etear and distant , positions /5i lower ; claseai quIet , vhiha Aprila tanolasaigeal , and qther months % d lower ; businius heaviest on mIddle positions. AprIl , 3amld ; Slay , Sa id ; June , ls ld ; July , hI 24 ; August , 3s 234d ; September , 3s 3d. JLOUR-Steady ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fatn8ywinier , Is 60. I'gAS-Canadian , 4 , 7d. I'ItOVSIONI3-hlneon , firm : demand moderate ; Cumtaerlnnah edit , 23 to 30 lbs. , 3)s ; short ribs , 2h'lhs. , 30l long cieor light , 58 to 46 ItH. , 2Cc 60 ; long clear heavy , stock exhausted ; short clear hacks , light , 38 lbs. , 27s ; short ciar , middles , heavy , CS lbs. , ISs ( el ; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs. 26s ; iahaouideas , uquare. 12 to 18 iija. , Ois ; hamS , short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , 4la ; tallow , fine N. A. , IDa 3d ; beef , extra. India mess , SOs ; prime me , , 4rs : pork , prime mess , tIne western , SOs ; prhnle medium , 42s Oil ; lard , dull : prime weStern , 25s 3d ; refined in pais. 255 6d. CIIF7ESE-Steaily ; demand moderate : finest American White anal colared , 42s Cd , IIUT'dElt-Flnest UnIteal States. 75s ; good , SOs. OLIS-Turpentino spirits , 22s ; Itosin , common , Ia 90 ; Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined , 17a Sd ; Llnsoad , 19 , Cal. ItElfllOERA'1'OR BEEF-Forequarter , 3d ; hindquarter. 7 d. flLIIACIIING POWDER-Ilardwooal , 1. o , La. , LIverpol , 7. TIOl'S-At London ( Patiflc coast ) , 1 , RECiil'TS-Wbeat , durIng past three days , \vas 25550 centais , including 46,00' ) ct'nals Amerl- can : receipts American corn during past three alays , 20,00) .cecatnls. . .w'Imot Market. BOSTON , AprIl 21.-The sales of wool In the markel , thiaa veek have been a ( rub heavIer , but they have been maae at concessions , due to 50010 holders being disposeal to make tlae price low in order to induct. ' sales. Tiao fcllowing are quota. tionsa Ohio anal l'eansyivaeniia fleeces , X an'i above , 1711l71c ; 'XX ' and above , l$4119c ; No. 1 combing. 21122c ; No l combing , 220123c ; de- lame , 21c ; No. I Illinois comtIng , lIe ; No , 2 Michigan combing , 22c ; No. 2 IllinoIs combing , 22c ; X New York , New Ilnmpstuire and Veranoal , lSiIlSc ; No. 1 New York , New llampshiae and VernaoIlt , 19c ilt'laiae Michigan , lIe ; unwashed medium Kentucky nail MaIne. quarter bleach crmanbing. l74118c ; 1Centuek anal Siulne , three- quarter blood combing , 1711.50 ; lnahiana anal Mis- sourl. quarter blood combing , iC$017e ; Indiana anal Stiaa0uri , ihree.qtaarter bood combing , )6f ITo ; braId combing , lSfllGc ; 'i'exa.s weos , apring medium , twelve month ; , , 110112c ; scoured price , ICc ; spring line , twelve months. bulb ; scoured 1)14cc , 1l1132c : territory wools , Montsna fine me- atium anal line , I01113c ; scoured price , lie ; Uiuth , Wyoming , etc. fine meahium utah fIne , 110110 ; scoured arice , llj32c ; Cjlitornia wool , , northern sprhnmt , l01182C ; scoured price. 101132c ; middle coaanty spring. loOhic ; serureai lance , 20a ; Aus- trallan scoured combing , superltne , 4505Cc : comb. ing , goaal. 43434Cc ; combing , nvemge , 490343c. IAINDOO1 , April 21.-Tio fourth series , of thca colonial wool sales will open at the wool cx- change next Tuesday lunch is sctaohuled to close by Sluiy 22. Than number of licalea available for this sate flggles7ates 250.050 , ST. , LOUIS , April 2L-\YOOI.--Offring , of new are light and tlao feelIng is tathuca' caBer. : Coffee Market , NI1\Y YORK , April 2l.-OOFFIIIS--Optioa , openeal steady : uutd unhanged to 5 points lower ; aleciineth sligiatly unil ar unsatIsfactory European rude , ; heavy waiteluouse dellerIee were a feature of flue tia' , J'rices finally sleadleal a Ittlu $ antI clasad sia'iy ; April , 5 points lower ; cilteas unclaungeal to 11 paints net huigiaer ; sale , . 11.073 bags , including : Shard , , 810.11 , 14pot 0 flee , Itia. atuhi ; No. 7. 13c ; middling' , dull ; Coralova , i64ilSo ; sales , 50(3 ( bags Slaraicaiho and 60(3 bags Ceniral Ameuiccin , p. 1. Tubal ware. lousC deliverilul frouaa tue United MIsts , . 22 ii ! bags , including 21,717 bag' . from New York ; New Youk stock tadcay , 235,2i6 bags ; United Stales stock , NO.170 haag , ; ahioat for t : LInlied BIsOn. , l26.2 haag. ; total visIble for flue inhil Buttes , 596,420 bag. , against 455.519 bags last year , HANTOS , April 21-Quiet , good average San. toe , 14,200 rd. ; aecelpis , 3,000 bag. ; stuavk. 320 , . jlAIIU1tO , April 21.-Quiet , unclinged ; sales , . ? ; . _ 2l..Steady' No. 7 , 13,750 a-eli ; cx. chang'e , 9 3-160. Ileceipt. . 1,000 usgs for two clays ; cleared for the Unitoh HIatt. , scone ; Europe , none ; stock , 79O ) ) bags. l'eorizi 3li' rit'ts , PEORIA. April 21.-COIIN-Market lower ; No , 2 , 011c ; No. 3 , * , OATH-Market dull ; No. 2 white , l0J20c ; No , 3 white , l'Jc. ltYlt-Market quiet , W31lSKY.Market feady ; finished goods on this bails of 81.23 for haighu wInes , flF.Ci'hPTS-Corn. : 63,800 bu. ; pate , 41,900 be , ; rye. 60(1 bu ; whisky , none ; wheat , 3,000 bu. Shlll'MIINTS-Carn. 23,050 bu , ; vats , 19.000 bu. ; rye , COO bU , whaisky , 510 galL ; whual , none , Cottoau 3lurlet , NEW YOTt1 , April 21-COTTON-QuIet ; mll. illing , I 15-ltd net receipts , lion , ; gmas , 2,4)5 bale' ; exports to (4reat liriiain , 2,913 bales ; foiwarded , 488 bale. ; sales , 2,160 bales ; spinners , 700 bales ; stock , 152,752 bolas. 'irA LOUIS. April. 21.-COTTON--Quiet ; no saId reported middling , 7 S-ICc ; a'eceipl. , U bolt , ; shipments , 035 , bs.lea ; stock , 51,419 balea. . , , , , . , WEATHER CROP B UhF'1 [ INS Week II Nebraska Silows Great Progress in ho Growth of' Vegetation. GROUND TOO WET IN PLACES TO WORK ltaiuufull O'cr time' Ceil vol l'imit 'if thit State l'at In l1vt'as . , ( tiltS Nprnatl tar the Seuiaon. Crcp bialletin No. 3 of the Iebrnhka eec. Lion of the Uniteal Stntes'ntlal' bureau , issueti from the celithal dIke of the UnI. versity of Nebraska , under direction o ( Prof. 0 , V , Sweezy , for the week OhatlIllg MOiltialy , .t'tllh'il 20 , Pfl3'Si ' - - - ' ( [ iii' -.mI.st - ' ' it l' 1fl1rt : _ _ tOe 0 , Pu , I ? * O Ti 15)11 I ) Rainfall for the Last Week. , % toh 1t02 ftfjjfl letbanfl itch iimhaes over 2 ItucIua.e In tlae western Part of the state tile ss'cather of the mIst week hats been coltl vitha Some snow and sleet. 113 tIle east- eraa part it tins been warm avertgiuig from six to eight degrees above the normti. : Rains iuave fallen In nIl lartfl of the state durIng the sweek , being uubove the normal excepting in the extreme east and Weat portions haiti PattiCuiutrlY laea'y 111 the cc'ntu'aI portion. The heavy rains of the precetliig week with the gelleral excess durIng the lIast week have tilorotaghlhy saturated the gl'Olalltl antI generals' retarded fuirlU work so thaatt but little progrees has been anathe over a considerable PortIOn of the state. The seeding of small grain is itbout complete over the eastern nnal soutiaern PortIDals of 'the state. l'lowlng for corn has coin- menced in the northern countle tuad hats made some pa-ogress In other sections , btut very little coral was planted during the week. ' All vegctatl'on has made rapid gros'th in the eastern and aouthorii portions of than state. Grasa in many iocalttie is large enough to afford ) asturage to stock. Small gra a contlnue in good condition and seems generaly not to have uuffered from the heavy rains. Plums , cherries and early apples have bloomed profusol and apr cots have begun - gun to drop the r blossoms and set their frtait. Reports by eouniies : SOUTIII7ASTISI1N SECTION , huller-Nearly (10110 sedlng , Blue grass paSture - uro coinIng up nicely. Oats nil up cand looking ga-con. leall wheat looks fine. Soil In goad condition. Caass-Va'inter wheat nnai rye somewhat thin , but looks s'ell. Spring wheat nod oats a dual stand nail growing nicely. Pastures tanrly suillcient to support stock. Seeding practically done. Clay-Wheat ' rye , barley , otats anal pastruit' green anal in 'line conalitlon. Oratinal wet , lown 10 a great depth. Light frost on tice acaorning of the Ilihu. Fillmore-A good growing week. (3roauncl in lice best conalition for yecars. Crass ga-awing finely anal small grain aalvnnciig rapidly. F'rtult trees laualding' . I'lowing for corn in progress , No pflsturclge yet. Ongr-Plent' of rain. Plowing for corn well adi'anceal dind some corn lalanteti. W'lueat , oats anal a-Ye growing rapidly. ilanlliton-l7xceeave rains laave alela9'ed farm work. Greases and small grain hcave aclade good growth. Jefferson-Craund In excellent eonalilon. ! Wheat 'doing ulnely , but aca'enge saiiaull. Peacha anal plun trees full f , blooma , ' Qat growing nicely. Johnson-\S'lceat gives s'plendid promise. liluce gracaai , alfalfa and lcacituragr' welt up. Atapie , ; aeacia and cicery trees covereal wlthu ahtcndauct laloom ; alarlcotcu bve cast ticelr biasocecs od care full of ) 'aaacng fault , Lancaster-All scnait grain in ganal condition , drounal in fine shape. Aprcet and Plum trees in full bloom and prcsent a tine sight. Nemnlua-b'eacia , plucn anal apricots In full Lalooni. Wiceat , oats and gardens tip anal ha fine conditleti. Grass Icighl enough for grazIng. Nuckolima-Grain anal grass growing very facat , Corn planting has been delayed by rain. ( iround wet down fourteen t cigictein Inches. l'awnet-Ornt's growlccg ticcely. Small ga-ala looks well. I'lunl , laencha anal some flPlaIC blossoms out. Some corn planted. A wicite frost on lice 19th. Ground abundantly wet. An unusual number of fruit trees arc being set out , l'ohk-Cropa of all klnais ill good condition ; con- sicleralaly above the a'erage for this date. Wheat and rye ore up tlcree to hive inches. Slight frost on tico morning of the 18th. Present prospects never better for frutt i'lowlng for corn well under way , ItlcharIeaon-Etirly apples. peaches. cherrIes anal plunis full of bloam. i'lowing for corn well under way. Saline-All kind , of seeds have come well. Grass 5011 wInter grain have cacao forward fast , Much plowing for corn is done , but lii planting. Eari' potatoeS mostly plnnte.l. l'lurn , Peacil anti alaricot trees in bloom. Ground in splendid ceanalition. aunalers-Seea1ing about all done. Wheat unit oats comLig nicely. Orouncl wet alown aubout eighteen Inches. l'astureS , ticere not olead , tare mihawIng green. Spring alfalfa and grass grow- InC well. Fall wheat never looked better , A few tamale trees in lalassom. Sewurai-Slcawers alurhng the week have kept ( lao ground in fine condition , Fruit trees corn- tog Into bloom. Llghct frosts oc lice lltla and 18th. haUt no apparent ahamage. Boil wet down cigictc-en ta twenty'four lnclleai. Wheat fine and oats doIng well , T1cayerI'lenty of moIsture. Fall vlcent look- log well. Oats coining up evenly. I'ature , gettIng green. Fruit laualcm look sycil. york-Seeding very nearly , ione. Winter wheat continaaecl to look fine , . J.Iglct frosamm , but no damage. Oround wet down very deep. l'ium and other fruIt trCcs full of hauahS. NOItTIIWESTISRN SICTION. Antelope-Ice on tice marning of lice 19th. nyc , t'lceat and prairie grass all looking yell , Cattle find fiuiihy good picking on the larairics. llaayd-Tlce wettest vcek for everai years. Small grain about nil sown and iciostly lap. l'low- log for corn 1mB generally commenced. Stock turned out to grass. llurt-1arly sown wlcent and rye Is up anal oats iaaostiy sown. A much lncreamaeai acredugo of small gratin ticis year , especially wh cat. l'low- lag for corn Icas just laegun. More fruit trees set out thIs slaring tItan for ten years. Illue glass large nouglc to pasture , Cedar-A fine ; 'etk , Wlceat look , , 'ery green , ohs , pastures anal meaalows. Alfalfa daing well. (1oifax-ltftinlm that heaviest for yeats , making grain leak line ; culso ihae grass in tue lansturre and meclalons. I'armer $ plowing for corn. Cumink'-Wheat looks hinC , Oats coming tap. l'lowini for corn under way , Uround In fine conalitlin. 1)ahota-Ail small graIn In excellent conallilon. Warm and sultry , with continuous rains and very little sunslclne , lixon-ileclvY rai.ica have caturculeci the grounah , Wheat coming up nicely. Oalci nearly all sewn , Rye cotning out much iaotisr thacan was t'XiaCCtL'aI , Farm eork a. week later than Inst year. lacgias-A good week for faa-nI work. Oat , about nil planted mand 501110 IaOtatOCS.S'heat about all Up , liolt-Wiceat gt'aoal , Outs about all In and ine up. 1t5'e Stead. Gram growing rapialhy. Hone potatoes - tatoes planted. Hme pio'ing for corn , Knox-tOincull ga-sIn up and looking line. l'eai , hieing ldaatt'ai. rndimahct' . lettuce and poiatOe5 ale jttciiltson-SVlc'att gaflii oats about all up canal a graoal stand. On prairie lowatnais : stock is self. supporting. Ground In best condition ( or ccv- ercul years. Corn ground being prepameil. i'lerce-llectl'y rains this week anal ground vet , Small grain necirly oil sown anal suna very up , Froze (10110 Icarah on the night of tIcs iuhu. l'latto-Wlnit'r wtceat anal r'e could not leak better , A larger ocreage of mniI grain sown than usual. 1"aaraaers plowing for corn. Ilnavlcat raInfall fair the week for several years. Alfalfa making a fine showing. t4arpy-.Ecirly sawn crops look yeil. Oround in fair ( ondlitlon for all purposes. 'j'llursioflWCatIiCr eobh anal hrackward. Wheat and ocatil nearly all In allah some up , Acreage larger titan usual , Ground in fln condition , l'iuwing for corn beguaa , Stanton-Very favornh'ie week for crops. Wiceat is up anal In tine conaliti n , Light fuost on tIme 15th. bcct no damage. Woubuinglon-GrsIn hleld loollng : green anal a good stand , Semhing all done and plowing for coral commenced , Waynr-'Hanali grain all In anal mosily up. Ex- cehient rains thIs week. tait none ion much , Siost favomabit onaiiti as ( or years. Incrta.e.h acreage - age of small graIn liuis year , Sioux City , Isa-Very favorable week , HeeIing for ntalI graIn nearly conupletecl , I'lowing for corn In progress. CE1'TRAL SECTION , hlooae-Hanall graIn about all sOwfl , Acreage of ( iota larger than last 'ear. hardens hilng planted. Alfalfa growing fast. lurfoi43rUntl * tltornuglcly salunatcal , Crass. oats and wheat growIng finely , l'lowing for corn Is being iauilaeah. C'uslcr-'a'heat generally In nnal some potatoes planted , % 'inter wheat anal nlful ( looking fine , Vilat pasture green , Ileavy fret'Ze Vrialay night , Datseon-l'arnt work much aielaya'tI hiy wet weuaihcer , Spring wheat paid cais coming , but some Oats to be put In y.'t. LasI year' . seeding of ulfalfa Ii. madly nil rigid , Iltock living en grad'S. ilall-Whucat leak , tune , Oats coming veil , i"ruit trees in iud. Tics fInest rain during time week for four years. ( Iround 'ery wet. Cress luuu. niade rapid growth. hard freeze con tlcu 11th , lLowttrd-'Sinall 'rahn i canlng nicely , Tue - - . . . ' - - - - - - - - - . - - ' - - I ala' 1' , , ' hIlt h li" Ct aunt In the tacci onditIi I.e ca ' ' i s , t' lw ag fh' ' 'in In progresi , % ' ) . , t c' tilt. . I. - ' . ' amah , alf alfa lick n ' II , tJ 1 ; ' , 'ai'r a i 'flge Itcet. % - of sun5lh grain , im ii n , y - l" i'iC ; a u.'imi , . :15 * , Cye ailal bArleo " ) iatmkIn mopil gram'h. : S'inter dia001 reeoverin team the ilr fail wt-ither , Coin plowing vchi 5ala'nnt'l. ice faa med en thc0 mom ning of time Id , ' . leaiapgetmfr'n lou' . ( trap , starting finely. ' clinlIlmal dtet down In splenailtu condition ftar seed. lug.Meru'Iek Meru'IekPemtl3' : of laIn , ( lrotun.h itt acellcnb canal it iaaat , l'tit ; t asbm'al , lac ilat" U. Bia u aamnt-1'a'olei iii gTe'l grlwlmag ) conalition. ' dd'ilt'nt at I I ict n ma'l liiotl' tip. Oat s aI I iii allal ci , part of It tup. 8 .umio mlamnnge hmflall % nc'hiIng iay lwn' , , ) ' ralls. Vroa't ran tIle hIll , , but mat alaniage , \el9 hIlls vork tiona' , tuimlng lice Iveek dali tat- radial of thao wet. 1401111 ! plimwlng for corul , VtIlhC3'-Vlueit anal Nat ! coining on weU : scamS l1iec ( ) lock green. 8iuh'sil Svt uledl'or thin for lit a' cam , , Wlcre'lee-ircatunal never in Letter condit1on , Grass 'inrtihg nicely. SOt'TilWlSThutN : SICTION. AalAmmls.-b'nmiii grain sown tanat mostly tip. rt mmmtleh lalealt I ig fiat' eoi'ml * 111 nceaamu at of wet ; ventlaer , l'nll wltt'nt never heaakeil better at lid. 5i'ft5ifl. ' , (1ilnal , * t''et dhaitai tIre tat or macre , . ( 'irncc-Stiinil gmnin ndosllv till flflii looking iifla' . ( 5.11111' halaaning fcc eiain anal lalanlIng Ilotatocs. l'astturo'.q PXClient , i.argat acreage of Fmcitilt gralam ever hIlt In , lint3' fie'zo on the nighcl. of ( hiC lhlm. 1)cana1'-\'hieat all saava n-il the ncit'llest elmow- iacg green. Oats mllaa'tly S " , % fl. t1a , starliacg lint' . Shock lans wIntered tntl , I 'iahili I m-l"a ii Wiat at Iii tI'e hiest coamal ition fca5) seam's. Spring' gialn looking tIne namal , cmaklng cx- cellt'ait growhhi , Pmntler-Sonle very hIgh sinal . , . ll vegeta. tItan ga-on lag flcccl' , iomaie earn l'iamiIe'i , l'umrnaas'-Um'nadmch to , , S'et for laramaing tna'st cal tlc weak , Alfalfa over ix mdlii's hIgh , Qcalto ma frieze qan lice lhi ( , ( lrmaaiaal lad iaclter ennahitlort tliati slat , . 1892. tiriueu rattito greed ) . l'utcttoe , nIosIly i'lnntel. ( lO5liCr-\'iflter tI laet mhalcdg finely. Sarlng % Iica t cmii laladateal anal eoamluig usa. (1 t ass slam 1. . lag ( iflal lice , ) l'n'imlm ( alit , hhcirlnnA steady raIn lan thioromiglily , ankeal tic gt nactal , l'otut ba.'S lamosi I y l'lii auteal n mcii ecrly 'a'g'mahila's , Semite' eaarn P'ammdtcal In , , lmathmern Part of lIce . ( 'ommmdly. . Qcultm , ci frost on I iii' Itt Ia , tacit fllapaama.ath ) Ian lana-an aiealia' to ft cii , l'c'arhmes cucd ialacun' iii fault hahaaouum , I I itehie' vk..Siiatt. , . 'leuiy a-allis iilarimcg I ice 'cok , Ia'e lanai' ami c'lguthi mar cmi intalt thcirlc on ( ho 7nti , Saamcae edarmi Icas tam'ema tahanteat'hit'nt , oats nail gauss etanilmag uuirei' , l'hiellai- , % ii gi a in loalaq ulcel' _ ( I rne slat I I e''ll. I Ta. . i .1 ft , 'a's.e on thai' uiaaarnicag rat tide 18th. Iteal W'i I low-t'orn hIatt ! ing jtmst ( 'otidneudceat , Crops look ing % 'el I. 14 Ii t'iaauis ( aSCrIlott'tli cumail titdua'hi ahalina go ta' iariaigra , Frma'm ian tlte idlglct aat this li Ii , llt soaaie tinaidag , ' to Ii tul 1. 'ela5mea'-Siaa log % ; 'luat dclii oats are looking relh. I'cucttires vihi m'oian Iamdnia'tu feed for stock. 'l38TiShtN siL'loN. ; Clceyennc-lloV5' sable' cia Satltuaclrm ) ' , I' tnto phimntlng 'ell aale'nneel ima Ilte i.omutlcern laa'.rtiomt of count ) ' . i4mn'cil graIn about ciii Iii audI , iomnn vlcent . tip. l'aaitmcrage iaett'r ihaciad It liasba'cn for 5.t'na's cIt lhclam season. In noc'tlcern lrt of ouanty idot acidicli farm ; 'ork miaao on nc00uamt of bnat tcaatluer , lClndtanll-Stost of lice small grntn sown. Orotana * 'ery wet. lla'a'5' host tan the 1511 , : Lincoln-Conalilinn of crtalas gooal antI also la'gal'sS imt fairmn work gooil. Scotis lllutt-Odlars growIng a aaptatl' . ions ; vident UI ) . NOltTl1'r8TEiLN SECTION , Claeru'y-floo.I ; haowcrs thu laast week , also * 51)01 % ' antI hail staam an te'hticlc l'iu iciari on stock , 1)nn'cs-llig lateral the maiiahalle of tim teek stolipeti farm ; ork , witt tide oats nearly all sown. Keyn. Pa1aa-W'lceiat nhaout all sava1. ( alit nercaco less thaun accual. Ocuis being laut in. SoIl In utnt'st e'aanihitlon for years. Itock-An cncotumnging work , Crass cmnal macnail grain aiiiing finely. Quite a fn'ezc on lhu iSthc , Hiueriainmc-Farama vork retaraleal tide latter hart of tlae t'eek by snow. l'lliiltlmll1) Coi'ut itt litsmaommrI. COLUMIUA , Mo. . April 21.-The MIssouri - souri weekly ci'oI ) bulletin , issued today. says : The condltlQld5 were very ftae'ot'nble 101' tide advahdcendent of faa-in vork canal PlOWhhlg anal coral planting have beeli a'npiahly pdasheal. Wheat lIaS contInued to Inlarove Itncl except ' In some of the central aualm'tiotitherua counties - ties , where it Iixaa stafft'rctl frona luck ot nloisture Is generally aloing finely. Oute are coinhig on 'eil , gruses : have grown litliiil3P. Early potatoes aare Coiuitdg Ill ) nntl garalen vegetuablcs have rnaaho an excelledlt start. A large fruit crop Is nroaiaisel , Cot- . toad planting has coanmenceal 'iii the extreme southensterai counties. F'm'lMtN iii 'tS'I'Ntei'lL IlniuHaiM , TOPEKA , April 21.-The } Cnnans weekly CFOI ) bulletIn , hitadleal today , says : Olna rains have been general vci' the state. This has been a good growing 'c'ek , with generally - ally fair OpIlOrtllhiltiei4 for syork.'lieat I In 'ery ilne conahltton. Oats Llidtl flux are coming UI ) veii. Corai Is coming up in good 511:11)0 : in tide central cotuntles , vhile its ctaltivutthon hats begun in the extreme south. ApPle tree's na-c now geudertall ) ' in bloom with a fine prospect so far for fruit In caste'a'n anti central Kansas. In western Kansas fruit svmas danluageti to Lomb exteddt by frQsts. Grasses arc growing rapIdly. Tovit S'ell UI , to 1lio Norauinl. a DES MOINES , April 21.-The Iowa veolcIy weather crop bulletIn , Issued toalay , says : Tlio hIgh tcnlperattare and nhimdraalant rain. fall of tile past two weeks have brought the season fou'wnral rapidly to normal con- IlitiolItI anal in 1401110 reepeeta4 it is 110W In ttaiVntico of the average. Seeding of small grain Is now practically completed anal faIr progress hats been nlscale in plowing' for corn. Early sown grain : Is tap nnd Ken- emily shows a gocaml stand. Sprimlg wheat is especially promising adlal 'inter wheat Is in good conditIon In central nldtl southaea'n dintrlcts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ci'0l114 F'orvmri ha I iliuloiN. ChICAGO , April 21.-The Illinois c'eekly' veather crop btiiletln , issaaeal today , nays : Tide heat and showers of' the week have proveal hlgldly beneficial forcing vegetatIon ahead so a'apidly that ft now etanals fully tip to it Slot ahead of tide tusual season. Fruit trees arc now promIslnu. Aettuuiimuhatioi * of ( irzaisu , Stocks. NI5V 'a'OItlc , Aldril ? l.-Slaedial cable nncl Ide- grnlaluic , licpatches to llraalstreet's , covering lariud- clpai points of accumulation , indicate the fob. lowIng changes ha available stacks in grain Saturday. Alaril 18 , as comlanred with the pre. ceding Saturday ; Avaiiaile sufalais' : Wheat , United Ftate. ; u.n I ( 'Iiada , act of tIme ltohclr , , ale. crease , 1,380.01)0 hOd. ; cuiloat for cunal in EUmolas , decrease , 1,610,000 bu. ; taitcui alecrt'cmse , warld'a available ldIiiily , 3,030,00) ham. ; corn , United Sinies 011(1 Caniaiaencmt tf the Rockies , , hccrense 138,000 bu. ; oats , Unltcal States and Cancaila , ent o' the Rockies , tiecrease , 504,00) bu. ; stock of avail- uahlo whmeat , lecrt'uscit 275.000 tau. in nartluwesterus Interior elevators last % % t'elc , 176,033 be. at varizaus ManItoba. storage points. Si,000 haai. In Milwaukee prlvcale ehea'aulors , 43,00) bu. at Fort William. Ont. , anal 23,00) hju , at Clevulanal , none of wiclcti chcadnges were incluialoh In the aliicial viatiblim supply report. Ciari'amijxanallng Increases inciuai < 'at 37.000 be. In Chicago laril'dato elevators and 24,000 bu , at Lea't'nwouitu a 1)ry (3oolls Matrkt't. NI3yoitic , AprIl 2l.-7ituli ; ( maim lmprtnnt interior anal western incaritetul tacre scarce , but , t telegrams were quite numrn'rous. and for laromnhat sitliarnent of geniI qualities aif tail beasomddthaha ) matuff. There waus a much Imprnveih deticaical for brtawn cottians anal colored gooals , nail of eimcht ticore were very giaoal sales. Auttdaacn slaecimiitlea ; , ma much an cotton lianacels , viaoi ilcuauneltt anil fmincy' shilrtingi' , % e'nro in lelter , ieaaanaI , cmaiil gotaat orders were located. h'rlntlng cloths were mlulh ate 2'c. a a FAL1 ItIVEIt , Slas. . , Alaril 2l-Primct cloths quiet tat 2c. SIANCIIESTIOIl , AIIrII 21-Tlco prIce for cloths amid 3'cad caa In quieter , with Icnrahly and demand. _ _ _ _ _ - 'l'ohc'lu ( rnIi , . TOLEDO , piii 21.-WIIhOAT-Lon'er , wenkt cash , 70c ; Slay , 70c ; Jacl' , 67c ; August. 68de. ( ) OltN-IUil , Pawer ; No. 2 , unixe-il , 30c ; No _ a 3 , mixed , 5im4c ) ; No. 2 , yellow , hlc ; No. 3 , yel. low. Z0c ; May , 31c. OATS-QUIE't No. 2 , mixed , cacslu and S1ay 2l ½ e ; No. 2 , while , . .2c. Ita'lO-tuhl ; No. 2 , 33mc. roviiit SEt50)-ActIve , lower ; cash , $455 : April , $4.85. _ Nail MialcrH Mcl't lit Cluit'ago , CIIICACO , April 21-Manufacturers ot nulls of all sorts were In conference at tide Wellington hotel today. In 0110 room met the nail association of which F' , II. Lorlng' of i'Ittsburg is ( lie chinirandaid , amid ) ioxt door on the varlor floor wits tide wIre Idahl ataumocititlon of which II. P. ltobey ofVare - ham , Slass. , Is tIme chatirmutad. For sonic time the two asaeaelutiolds hicayo hieeui jut cross purposes. Each hius hudIli a thorotaghb od'g'anlzathorl .ln its oWn line aamucl bun maIn. taiuietl stiff ( ratio dcnhltdgil. 'I'horc undO ui- , ' the old ways been a tmimarp contest Iietwe'rd common forged mdliii aunal hue moalorru aelc'olc wIre nail , Tide IiUrP0Se of tide confereraco ' whIch began thal amuorijijig Is to ( 'i't'ect an organIzation of ( lao iaianuactUrcrB of umahias of all kinds. Among 111050 present were : 13. 11. ( lamer , Andersoma Inal. ; ( ) iicuar Itltchult' , Iromaton , 013. . 3' . Bollington AnaleI'con , 11)11. : jO , Ileimer Cincinnati' Al 'real Coffee , SI. L.oiais ; It , (2. , I'attcrsolm , 'Newcastle' I'at , ; Cherleas (1. Townaenai , New Bedford , o. HORTON & WORTHINGTON Urohora ChIoagG No.3 ChIcago Board ofirado. Excouto Ordora for the PurohauG or Solo of GRAIN , PORK , LARD , RIUSSEEDS , ETC. , FOR CA8H O OR FUTURE DELVERY. $ Corrofipondonco Invited JAMES E. BOYD & CO. 'L'CIISpIlOhIC 1031) , Ohhlflhhil , , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN1 : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS Loun ti1S Board of Trade. Dicect WA'ol to Chicago and l4vw York. Ce'sea.adents ; Jotaa 4 , . Warren 4 C. . . ' , , - - -