- - - . - - - T1L OMAhADAILYJ3EE _ _ VJJESlAY,2\I'IttTJ 22 1SOh ( 8 - - - - - \ COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT , Jameii M. 1eflc'y0 the taeetoi'It hanir , wat ; ! ti ttu city yot. . ay on bua.n. Mr' . Lizzie Jci1inon of Shenp.Idoah , 1a. Ii vtrltlng the family of Mrs. l3ennctt. J K. O'r , one of the ' . ' : g farm ? ut arove twnhlp , wa In the city yostoray. The Itoyal Arcflntim will give a high flvts party at. Arcanurn hail in Prilay cv"IItng. 1cfreshrntnt will ho crvcd. The Urnd hotel , CotbncU flhtifT. High cIas In i'yery rcpect. Rates , $2.50 per day and upwnd. 1. F. Clarke , proprietor. The paper dinner , u liavu been given 1 y thu wom'n of ttth Congitgatlont1 1tirc1i .n Friday , haa been lncflnIte1y pu3pctle1. Tim radie9 Aid aockty of t. John's Eng- 1lh Lutheran church tnee , Thtirei.y ti' ii n m. to 5 p. in. at the churcit ron ) , No. 17 Pearl atreet. Lily catnp , No. 1 , flyal Ni'ighb'r of Aiuerlca : , will meet In r.ji ! tr iii' TiIIr day afternoon , AIrII 23 , at 2:30 : , All mcinbera of dogteo staff to ho \\'ahington Catoh ) No. 12 , P. 0. S. of A. , t1I meet this , \VcdneL1ay , cvvflig , April 22 , 19G. Initiation and other Itnportflflt btIeICO. All ineinbor and vleltlng brotherl rcqticsitd to be Ireeflt ) , There % vn the od ! order c.f tIsln' at the flew 1)chRny laM evening , anti stan1ng ! ro3m Wft9 XIt a Proinitlin. Tlio Citac'Litee cr'in. pan ) . have prov'n thierui'elvca to be NorLh1 aticeessur to the \'oodward , at1 the proi- 1)ect Is that before the week choe they . Ill have achieved a chegran of pctpitarty thit III place them aevoral Ionghi ( ahead of tiw favorlft& , . The hhaY ) la8t itght w.u eh an , 'trong and brilliant. and wc : tht. hueartkt n1)p1aue1. Mr. GIhh1ngvatcr dM uchi cap- ti'ntlng work that : cupho forget lila 'iani' . cid lie became a great favrrtu 1'oiilght the hill will be a rich comely , "Shuiiity ¶ owr ' On Friday evening the r.itt "Monto Crito" wIil be pinyorl , Notice 1'roert Oneru. All perH3ua ownIng prnpcrty abutting on Indian crock , between 1lghth and Oak Hirects. are hereby requesten to appear at the Union Ianih niitl Improvement cornpany' , - omco , over Omcer & l'usoy'e nank , on Satur- .lay next , Apisi 25 , between the hours of (1 ( a , m. anti 5 p. rn , , to determine the amount of damagea accruing by rcaon of the construction - struction apd inaintelianco or a aewor and railway over aol along iaid thdian creek. IOWA CONSTIWOTIO COMPANY. fly John Vt ? . Paul , I'rcsldenc and General Manager. _ _ _ _ _ _ \\'antcd-Sowlng girls ; Immediately. 132 I3rcadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ pDtI.3 $ i.i.eI F.rnjie. John Cooney , alIas John Johnson , had a hearing In Justice Walker's court yesterday 1ipon a charge of having disposed of mart- gaged property , Several years ago ho cx- ecuted two chattel mortgages In favor of Fl E. hart upon a team of fine hiores , a carri- ego and cultivator and nil that lie might raiao on hits farm that season to secure a loan of $250 In one case anil $100 In another. Ho managed to take care of the first note 'when It came due , but the second one he concluded not to pay , and within thirty days from the titno he executed the mortgage ho o't ! the property , The fact was not dle covered until a short time ago , and theit a warrant was lastied for Coonoy's arrest. Ito was bafily frightened at the certainty of going to the penitentiary and vas anxious to make a compromlee until his attorney looked over the Information and discovered that the alleged crime was committed on February 27 , ISDI , . and that conseueiitly the prosecution was barred by the statute of -"t. hitijitation. The motion to dismiss the case - ' was suStained. anti Cooney lost no time in getting out of the court anI out of town. The Ihiie Flame coal oil stove , odorless , sent on trial. You can't get a drop of oil mit wIth evcry vaivo open only by upsetting the stove. Cole & Cole , Wanted-Man and wife desire board anI room for the summer in private fhmliy wIth no cthldren. Adth'ess V. P. , lIce ofilce , have yu sPen the new gai heating stoves at the cor.pany's office ? .yiliciit'iit Czinie J'oo Late. Justice Cook yosterjay rendered a judgment - mont in favor of IL C. Baldy for 9O against Howard IC. Clover. The suit was for the : otIso rent. As soon as the jtidgment was rendered an attachment was issued and an officer dispatched to seize Clover's household goode. The goods were loaded In wagons and on the wy to Omaha before th judgment - mont was rendered , and there was a race between the officer with the attachient and thi drivers of the express wagons. The expresamen had the advantage of time and distance and passed the center of the bridge I . before the officer came up , and Clover for the , time' being was safe from pursuit , I ( AprIl 21 and May 5 are date.a for next Ilomeseekera' excursion , via the Burlington Route. One fare ( plus $2) ) for round trip. 0. M. BROWN , Ticket agent , Council fllut. ! Wall paper cleaned , now process. with Vatent right at Miiler'z , lOS Main street. Gliig ( ii Pix the l'iiiee tI ) . Judge Sinitl spoat the day in the dis. trict court yesterday reading evtdenco in a number of caeea that. have becn subraitted thia term. The ) nly matter of rerord to show for the day'a vork was an order al. lowIng the receiver hi the case of the Unltcd States Masonic Benevolent assncdn tion against Wright et al to put certain property in rentable condition , by making nccdcd se- paIrS. _ _ _ _ _ _ Genuine Bokhara divans and new pieces of oriental furniture at the Durfee Furniture company's , _ _ _ Warted-To rent 4 or , 5 room houoo. convenient - venient to the court house. Will buy if price and terms are right. II , IL , lIce. F'Il 'L'IirtugIi it 'Vi nilusv. Arthur Sclilll met with a peculiar and very painful accident at hilu hioiiio on North Second etreet yesterday afternoon. Ito was sitting near the window and moved his chair , One of the chair legs slipped through a knot halo in the floor antI Mr. Scisili was thrown Taco forward through the window , Ills taco was badly cut by the broken glaiss. _ _ _ _ _ _ v ( ' lu the I"rlflhIIrIt Why ? Because our goods are the best. Our priccis are right , and we guarantee antis. faction , Sco our now plotures. -I-- H. 14 : SMITh & CO. ' Davis , drugs , paints and glass ; tel. 289. % 'II''l flhI'II 111114t Cliii' ) ' 1.tiuiis , An ordlnsnco has been ireparoi ) .nd will ho introduced at the next meeting of thin council , requiring bicycle ridora to carry lanterns , while riding In the city limits after early candlelight. There will be ao'ne up. Position to the ordinance , but there who are fathering the Iiiea."ure aseert tha ; it wli be gassed and then enforced. Just Imported from Furope. They are gems of art , Better buybut one ChIo1Cl PlC- TURR In a year than a dozen cheap ones. They aiwnyc have a market value , On silo for 3 clays only , Au Invited. Chspinaii's # nrt stcre , 17 MaIn street , \ It costs no more to run our New Process gas ranges than gasoline stoves. Cole & Cole , _ _ _ _ Dr. Cicavor'a office moved to 600 Broadway. l.ti't'seI to % 't'iI. Marriage liconacs were lasued yesterday as follows : Name niiil Ilesitlenco , Age. Charles tithes , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii ] ' 1slo Cooler , Omaha , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . 18 \Vlliliini A , Lewis. Pottawattaziile county f5 MInnie Underwood , harrison county , . , , , , 23 Children Cry toy Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tcherjjjjor C14Et1NS OUT II)1AN ) CREELi Work of Hnndrcds of Men Pogine to Tell on the Gumbo Bed , JOB ISSSUMING HUGE DIMENSIONS 1n csI tarn (11)1 % lI I lie ClIICtI SI iflI Git3 IigIteu'r liPs N iiire t- t C 0 p I ye opt' ru C I o It 'I'lii a I'18111 ii 041 A cc ed oil , ' 'It reminds iiie of tht old tline , when 1100(1 suddtniy get into a hurry to throw tip eartliworks to stop rebid buhleta , " said till old soldier yesterday afternoon , refert lag to an arrair ct aiiovchcrs nrrIy a isillo h leegth , strung along thio banks of led au creek. Over 200 men , the most of ( hicits armed ith long handled shovels , working de- I.ierately , , but s lth the piccisloti of clockwork - work , wa a spectacle that attrar'tcd a good many lCOPIC now In search of employment to tim southestern part of the city yea terday. Nearly all of the members of the cty ceuncil joined the phlgriniagc no.1 vIa' itLl the scene oX the work some time during thifl ( lay. The rcndtrny along the creek to the river Is as smooth as asphalt pavement aii'l the stretch of iiearly Ilvo 1iIiie.4 itiudo itu ox- clciit bcy'cle : ratIi that attrnctcd a nuiti- her of heehinn. Engineer Tostevln Is tb's haEdczt vcrle'I man cli the Jcb. for iso Is kept nioving froiti one cud to the other s' ° inn that each man dots Ida duty and that the work Is iirorriy doiic. Contrary to the original deterinlriatioll , Lisa first excavattoti C aS coitsineisced at the rirer'a cdgc , which nduis several hundred yards to th lengths of the ditch , For the lirat liaR nile scrapers CoUld hot be used at all , owing to the depth of the vater and the height of the hianka , auth hiunthrcde of square yards of guinb , thoroughly mixed wIth sewage , have been zl'ovelesl ou of the ditch nearly twenty feet dvoh , , heaving a cieail , mcothi bottom ci.v' crest wIth two feet of swiftly fiowlnjt % ater. z\bnut a hub and a half of the creek ha been worked with scrapera , antI a good many hundred cubic yards of earth hauled up tle : btaks. Tue cleaning out arid finishsin all have to be done with bug handled ahoy- e p , The men all wear rubber wades and stand In water nearlw up to their hips all day long. When the mud is stirred up the cdor that aries is anythin but hlea1nt. ) To the natural dircoinfort of the work i added the certainty of ( ho mess eLtIng lb's foul water on their clothing by some iota- "tep during the day. Notwithstanding all of thl , the nusuber of inca who apply for work In constantly Increasing and stone have ( iult. Engineer Tostevin had a duty to pri'arm yecterday afternoon that woe very unpleas- alit to him. A resolution of the council directed - rected that tue work should be giveis cny to reshCents Cf Council Bluffs. During the day hi dlecovcred ttat quite a number of siseti and teams frosts Omaha were svorkiuq , and he wan cbhiged to discharge them , the purpose at giving a greater number o pica \\ork the englncer dec dod yesterday. afteilicot' to excavate tcvcril ctlijus of tue t'i pir CflO of the creek vlth slinvels , and stated last evening thai ho could give s'isipli ) 'mont to more shovelers. An examination of the outlete of tim two principal sewers In the city shows that one bf them , and the largest is filled so full of mud at the end that It is nut dIscharging a particle of sewage. The lower lde of it is thIrty incIses beneath the flow point of the creole. it wIll cost at leatt ; I,000 to clean it out after the work on ( ho creek is finished. While the members of the city council and 'ethers were looking oyprtho ground at the PoInt whore thjt creek mpies ( into thin river , they arrived at the conclusion that the city had made a mistake in snaking the ditch connect with the river at a sharp right angle. Where the current of the creek and ( ho river meet a strong eddy is formed , and thio tendency is to form a bar acroz's the mouth of the creek which serIously obstructs ( lie outflow of the sewage. It is possible that the channel may some ( line be changed and the crock made to empty mu , the river with' an outlet extending parallel with the stream. The coat. would be slight , as the property to be condemned for right-of-way is not of much yaWn. _ _ _ _ _ l'AItiC ANt ) 1'1tItI. S'l'ItIdIIT P.t'ING. Mr. Arnil I'OhsLEbOIItSiIflC flhIiIeiiIii's Clint Ciiifi'Ohit the Hoard. Unlea there is a chango' of heart among the members the park board will probably not do much If anything toward the proposed - posed repaving of Pearl street. That was one of the questions up at the meeting of the boald yesterday afternoon. Mr. Casper introduced the matter by do. daring his preference for brick as a pavIng material over asphalt. Ito quoted a recent statement of the city engineer of Chicago in which It was claimed that brick was more durable and snore sanItary than as- pl&alt and when properly laid was less noisy. lie had satisfied himself of the correctness of the last named claim and was in favor of thin board declaring in favor of brick pay- hog along Bayllss park on Pearl street , Mr. Arnd offered two cogent reasons why he was neb very warmly in favor of makIng any selection as to thio matter of matoiai and was opposed to snakIng any financial appropriation for ( lie purpose whatever , lie said in the first place that it ( ho board took money to pay for the paying on the Pearl street sub of thin park it would es. tabllsh a precedent and ( iso board would be called upois to pay for similar improve. moot on the other side of the park and on all skies of the other parks of the city , It was a bad precedent to establish. Then there was a stronger reason. Last year thio park commissioners borrowed $1,200 from ( lie sinkIng fund of Cochran park asid used It to iiay for opening the new real to Fair- incunt park. It was done with the understanding - standing that the money so used should be rofqnded out of the 1895 levy , When this as done , Mr. Aend said , there would hone no money left to pay for paving along flay- lisa park or any other park , In view of tl'is condition of affairs , Mr. Arnd did not think It % as worth while far the members of thin board to bother their heads about ( lie kind of material that was to be used in paving thin Street. Member harding tacitly , at least , agreed with the views expressed by Mr. Arm ! and the matter ss'as deferred until the next meeting of the board. It was decided to dIspense with the sery- Ices of the joiiccmaii at Lake View park , Thin other policemen syoro re-elected , L. It. Waileon for flayhiss , I ) , J. Itoisnusri for Ccchran and F , W. Lamb for Fairmount park. A proposition to lease a part of Lake View park to George \\Teat , who is now living on tue park proporty. was discussed and action deferred until the next meetIng. A committee was appointed to investigate and report ulon the hiounlary on the south side of Fairmount park. Tins atatosnont was mitade that a fence had heoms built by a p'op. orty owner over the park property lIne , HOt DCII Sash. We ham : , ooo hot bed sash which we are going to : lose 'sut , They won't hast long. how many .ho you wint ? We wIll make you a price that can't be duplicated , C. 13. Paint. oil rod Glass company , Masonic Tam. pIe , Council flluff. Itoffmayr's Fancy Patent Flour makee the beat and most bread , Ask your grocer for it. w , otTer you only clean , crisp , snow whIte Laundry v"srk and beat delivery service at agio lauedry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157 Se'oreIseit St reel Si'met'jier. A street aweeper , bihied for Sacramento , California , caught fire on a Northwestern flat car at Avenue it last night and called out the fire department. One of the bruthea was completely destroyed and the frame work badly damaged , The fire Is supposed to have caught from a spark from an engine. Xi.t' tuII br ( or * iso Josvsi Con irmil , MAItSIIALLTOWN , Ia. , April 21-T , I Wa.a.son of Usia city baa been appointol gen. eral auditor of the Iowa Central railway , to succeed 1ormnau Cabiepian , CL' CI Ii lh1.EPl'S l'htHSliYTlIt V. iirat hIn'mi Sesiin Ses ( lie 'zi' ( _ ' roil far liiiities , The openng ! session of the Council Bluffs Presbytery occurred last evening. The auditorium of the First I'resbyterian church 's.as comfortably filled when the session vaa opened with prayer , but there was only a small rortion of time membership present , The first part of the evening aS occupied by the retlr'ng mncderator , Rev. John Young of Greenfiehl , who preached a thoughtful sermon on the subject of "The Divine Opera- ( ion. " lie argued agaitist any class obtaIning - ing rniiltio poner In chimrhi or state , and held the caselers antagonism apparent everywhere In nature and even in man was a part of ( lod's great pan. Wheii omso force or timing greatly ovcrbalancea others it gIves way in a coilvuislon. God so oversets - sets the cvii against time good as to niake both minIster to the happ ness of mankind. The secretary cahit'il the roll of ministers and church representativer , and thin gras- bytcry organized. Time first ork was time sehecton c-f a new moderator , Nominations 'ere called for , amid tIme mianie of Rev , J. homer Kerr of Cacey was presented. No other nominat'onzm wore isiade , atisi time vote taken hiowos1 that Rev. Mr. Kerr was the imnanhnious choice of the presbytery , Fred Iiurnhmam of Marno and 11ev , T. S. Hawley of Carson were chosen secretaries. 11ev , Alexander Fraser asked to be cila- mlesed from the Council Bluffs presbytery and attachEd to time Ccdar Itapids branch , Time request was granted. The aecctury's i'ohl showed time following niin'm.'ters hireseimt ? Council Bluffs , Second church , , ltev. Joseph ltiaie , Firet clmurchm , Stephen Phelps ; J , Malcom Simsithi , Walnut ; J. homer Kcrr , Casey ; \S' . Ii , Snyder , MIssouri - souri Valley ; Albert L. Sarchmct , Griswold ; C. M. Whetzeh , Outline Center ; Elmer fi. Reed , Atlant'c ; Murhanna F. Ilarrakat , Menlo ; John Young , Orcenfleld ; P. I ) . hIts- chaminan , Adar : T. S. Hawley , Carson. RIders - ors prerent : Atmduban , Thomas Oliver ; Co. lumbia , It , S. Gihllmani ; Council Bluffs , .1. M. Ousler and L. D. Kinney ; Griswold , FreI ilurnhmam ; Memo , Mr. Findlay ; MI-souri Vah- hey , .1. J. Aimmen ; I'leaaant 11111 , It. Wright Sharon , Robert M 11cr ; Shelby , W. It. Poineroy ; "iVoedbino , B. Itammklmm. This concluded the buahitess of time sea- sion , and just before the ( iiamsaal Dr. Phelps arose and extended a hearty in- vitatiomi to all members of tue chitmrchi and others to ho prcsent during sessionim of ( lie presbytery today , Thu first half hour will be spent in devotional exercises , coinmenciiig at 5) ) o'clock , Time Womnami's Mirahonary noclety of time prenbytery will meet In the Sunday school room of the church and will ito In sesuion all day. They imave an interesting program mapped out. Cne of the interesting features of the esion will be time examInations of two young men , Fred I. Lyman of Woodbine , and II. .5. Conditt of Neola , for ordination. Both have been atudentu of the theological Sam- hoary at Omaha , and if they pana the required - quired examinatIon they will be orda'sted at their rerpective places later in the week , or psrhaps mint until naxt Sunday SOMIJ IOWA. I'OI'ViISTS' J'EAS. 'I'aik of html ' Free Slim em' leimiorrsmls oH 1mtiiiiiil ls'mmiits. DES MOINES , April 21.-Spectal ( Tele- gramn-Tbc ) poptmiist state conventIon to name delegates to the national popuIis cenvemitiomi in St. Louis in July will convene - veno In this city tomorrow. Therd will be the hargcat attendance , it is anticpated , that vas ever seen at a populist conventiomi. Nearly every county in ( ho state has sent a delegation. The Ieaders who are now emi the ground , say ( hero is nothIng in the ru- mnor that they will take up the candidacy of-horace Boles for president and refer to him in a favorable tone in their resolu- ( Ions. They say they are not looking for an aihianco with any party. The convemm- tIon tomorrow svihl mint name a state' ticket , but will choose thirty-two delegates to the St. Louis convention. It is expected that 500 delegates will be piesent. Gereral J. B. Weaver has prac- ticaily been agreed upon as 'temporary chair- man. Chairman Taubqneclc of time national committee will attend , and so will General Coxey of OhIo. Tbo maui question yilh beef of a union between the populist and silver r marty forces , thd two parties holding theIr onventions in St. Loul at the same time , Insizonmmem' Coziimimmiiy 5lnJ.es a Cimse. JEFFERSON , Ia. , April' 21..LSpecial..A ( ) building belonging to IV. C. Ridenour 'ci Paten has been discovered in fiamea thiroc times within a very short time. While timi : has been regarded as a rather peculiar cir- cumetance , no one has thought to charge the fires to time owner until time iaSL one , which occurred last week , when the aurroundinge were of such a nature that suspicion poIntc strongly to incendiarsm. ) The building war insured for all it was worth in the Fidelity , and that cimpany sent a man to adjust the loss and look into time matter. He has sue- ceeded in obtaining a full confes.on from a young maim by the name or Hobart , vhmo states that Ridenour went to Des Moimlos and hired him to et the building on fire , jind that lie had Induced another young nian named Merta to assiet. Thg scheme was v ouccess so far aa the ( instruction of the store was concerned : In fact , it was ommhy with the greatest difficulty that time entire business portion of ( ho town was saved from destruc- ( Ion. Time insurance company has caused the arrest of time three parties to the fire. "ad they hmavo been beund vvermumstsjrhmeavy bonds to appear bc1r e grand jury. Cnmmglit Tcn , of the CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , April 21-Special ( Tolegram.-Qmmite ) a sensation has been caused in local railway circles by the diii- charge of about ten of the oldest passenger commilmictors on the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern road , supposedly for the reason that it has been found thirst they have not bean turning in as mucim money as they should. Roadmasters and dther officials hmavo been on a number of time runs for abotmt two weeks. Ne's , ' Jidieiiil lhslriet Crentuil , DES MOINRS , April 21.-Spccinh ( Tehe- gram.-Thmo ) last legislature ureated a new judicial dlerict out of Des Moines , Henry and Louisa counties , and gave another judge to the district composed of Marelmail , Tamnim and Ilenton. Govorimor Drake woe empowered to appoint judges to hold until the first thee- ( ion cauld be held , lie today declined to make any appointments , on the ground that time new judges are not nm3edcd immediately , iigIit Ciiiiinsiies Cosmsoilmhs.te , DES MOINES , April 21.-Speial ( Tehe- gram-It ) Is aimnounced today that ( ho deal ha closed ( or thin consolidation of time Capital. Fort Worth and Rdison Electric light corn- panies , all of this city. For two years it hoe been in process of negotiation. Time iiew concern will control all the electric light business of the city. It vihl Close all the plants imow in existence and build a now and large one to supply time entire city. Hls5'oi'tI& l.'liSi'iiO Cumuli t1ei'tiiiw. MASON CITY , Ia. , April 21.-Special ( Tele- gram-Tho ) executive committee of the Clear Lake Camp Meeting association nmot today and the date of the State Epworth league rally saa set for July 18 to 22 , tao camp meet. ing following lasting until August , Mre' . Aramanda Smith of ChIcago , time colored evangelist , and Roy. Mr. Sturtz of India will conduct time meeting. Time outlook is the best for years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ la ff yi I Ii ii is Fl ria's ii , mmmlii , IIRLTT , Ia. , April 21.-Speclai ( Telegram. ) -Henry Ilennings , a member of time firm of Steffan , llennhtmgs & Co. , machinists , heft hero April 12. ostensibly to go to Forest Clty , and hiss not , been heard from since It is found that. tie took' with tutu $1,503 of time firm's mommey and several hundred dol- lan beiommging to the Modern Woudnmemm , of whch ! he aa ( measurer , _ , , , 3iiirriuml itt Crt ston , CRRSTON , La. , April 2l-SpecIal' Tele- gram-Conductor ) Joe Knowles of flurlhmigtomm and Mrs. Laura ilehnly of Umie city. were. ' - nod this evening , leaving ' shortly after tne ceremony for Iostomm and New York ems a weddimm.g tour , p - Young men or old houhd not fall to read Thea. Siatei"a adycrtivemont on page 7 , INSANE I1N'SAWFUI4ORh ' \ ( ' . . ( C B. J , Jagger Murders lfls fQr itntl Corn- mite Stitcido , m SENSATIONAL TRAGEDY Ait. ISHENANDOAU 'let it , , , ! L'iiiimii in "I'll m'Ir haute 'ni Iii ( iiiliCruti Imiihlentlmmm'm hint tIme Afr.ir % 'ns tub tm , it 3hti music's I'Iit a , ' ShENANDOAh , Ia. , prl 21.-Spectal ( Tehegrammm-About ) 7 :0 : o'clock timia nmorsming , Iack Grffeth , an enmploye of time Joimmicon furniture store , went as usuat to ' , he burmin of Mrs. Mary C. Johmnson to get tim keyi to open time store , lie could not a ii smihin't. Lance , but alarmed by sounds from ' . ' Ithin hastily aurmlmonei other persons cmii time house aa emitereth , Mrs. Johnson lay death on a lounge iii the varier as the result of a bulmet wound in time side of her hmcatl , 't time foot of time t' airs hay E. A. Jagger , a brother Cf Mrs , Joimnson'a , end the immider- taker in the furniture estabhisimmimemit , ohive Wit tmnconscious from an ugly wound above ( ho tWist ear. Time cblp was P3'vder hiurimed , anti chose bealde Mm. Johnson .lay . the \eapotm , st.hh ! holding three loaded cart. ridges. Jagger imat been known for several ( lays to be suitcrng' front mimelaticholy and time eLate c lila mmiimmd alarmed both lila friends amid sister. Tills mnornhmmg 'hemm questiommed iso could give no replies whIch would throw ammy hi&mt on tIme tragedy. No evidences of a double mmitmrder are present , ansi it Is con- ccdeih ( hint while imisamme Jagger shot ammmh killed hIs sister and ( lien simut himnseif. Time verdict of time coroner's jury is In accord- alice with these facts , Time maim has boemi unconecious amid dying a'h ' slay. Time emily relative is a sister residing imi Chicago , Time furimiture store of M. C. Johmnaon was e.s- tablishmed 1mm 1875 , and is the oldest in the city. _ _ _ _ _ ' " ' ' ' FmlCm5. mho'rmi SIDflS Al"l'HiL 'i'mim3 ( ) ies Motmies Ci(5'Oliieinhs MIa.iiijr Mit- mtit'iiittl SlimtCr' . , DES MOINES , April 21.-Speclal ( Tclc- grammm.-Thmo ) imew city admiiinlrtration today continued its work of urmIng out time "ras- cdii. " About forty nmoro mmmcmi were sum- manly discharged , including ( lie entire force in time employ of time Board of I'ublic Works. Time cetmimcil pasead a resolution that the old board , which is trying to hold on after being discharged , is not to ho recognized by the city. Meantime the old board has an injunction to restrain time new one from tak- lng possession of time office. The old board to refused any rcccgnition by time councIl ; time new ammo is enjoined from taking hold of its duties , and a large nummiber of city contracts - tracts are witimcut any supervision wlm3t- over. The new board has dhoharged the old ones employed ; the old board has told them to stay at their phees. A long en- tanglcinent will result. More 'changes 1mm time police force were announced today , and as noon as time new men are cady to take their beats time personnel of the force will be almost entIrely changed. ifl % ii Lmikm.sii Full . of ' , % 'nter , JEFFERSON , Ta. , April 21.-Special.- ( ) The numerous lakes in this part of the state afford evidemico of ( lie facttthlatYniore rails has fallen , witlmimm time pant nmortii tlmi this section than bhforo 1mm nearly five y'.b& Twiti lakes in Calhoun county , that kayo been na nearly dry time past. year that quito d'part of timeni has been cultivated and p6dud an abundant crop of cormm , are now 'as5 full of water as at army timno iii their history , aid Goose hake , north of this city , which for tP.'er a year has been absolutely dry and timehianitation of the rabbit , Is once more a handsome body of water. Yesterday's rait. tbg. imIot.eop- ) elms that baa fallen for our years , am ! for time first time rinco imei vtt r may bpseen , standing in low p1aes' , ' \Vottmaii li'rlgiitfully Summed. SIOUX CIPY , April 21.-Special ( Tele- gramn.-Mns. ) L. .3. Lowry , well known here , was frightfully burned by muriatic acid thrown on her by an unknown woman on time street last , night , Mrs. Lowry was recently divorced and is now engaged to b married. and the attack on her he attributed to the jealooi'y ' of a rIval , Sue has frequently received - ceived anenynmous letters warning her not to marry her fiancee , Itmildeil lip' llmmrglnns. CEDAR RAPIDS , 'Ta. , April 21.-Special ( Tolegram.-Burghars ) gained an entrance into ( ho furrier estabhislmnmpnt of N. Sclmoen last night by means of ( lie roof and a rear window - dow amid made away with about 600 worth of goods. _ _ _ _ _ 4ist'ts Exceed tIme Liabilities. MAURICE , Ia. , April 21.-iipeeial ( Tale- grma.-Tho ) report of the receiver of time defunct Maurice State 'bank shows time asaets to exceed liabilities by $10,000. Time otock- holders vihl probably got. nothing , however. Comivieted ilururins' Idsemipes. CI1ESTON , Ia. , April 21.-Speclal ( Tehe- granm-Louis ) Ciem , sentenced for burglary , escaped fromn the Union county jail last night , Ho was to have been tried at thin expiration of his sentence for perjury. lJdtmczttor L'rompiotmsl , CRESTON , Ia. , April 21.-Spccial ( Teic- gramn-Prlncipal ) C. C. Carstens of time Creston - ton High scimool has accepted time principal- elmip of time Marshahitown 111gb school , hue call Imere was unanimous. l'roliIIi t ios Cozi'm'entliin Cmtlieai OIL JIIFFERSON , Ta. , April 21.-Special ( Tele- gm'am-Thme ) prohibition county convention called for 2 o'clock this afternoon went by default. Not a proimihitioniet shmowed up. StuSuC'tI'il Sleuth friiim Cholern. CHICAGO , April 21.-Mrs. Maggie Dobler dIed rather tummexpectedhy after a few hmoura' Illness' today and it is believed by Dr. J , W , Fitzmaurica that iiO lmad cholera. Ito refused - fused to issue a death certificate and notified the coroner in order that an olilclal iumyosti- gation may ho immade. f % % That1Jit. ( IA ( ill' DoYit . , msm us ) Want . f vi.um ciii If nice , at a : : modeMtprice } , c Sargit Has t'fien - All : Omaha cannot touch us. Loolc for the Betii. , Customers' Shoes Shined Free * 4 * $ Hcc ; - Mt ltllHt coM3ulT'rll ) IIY A SlIlhtlti Tmngr'hy lii tlielrpnt at Momilgoma- ( ' 05'-.l'0mc3 'miii.l Shot Iensl , MONTOOMEItY , Ala. , Aprii 21.-Five htin- tired ( lemocrstta here today to attend the theta- ocrrtlc state convention were horrified by a tragedy at the depot. TIme platfomn was crowded at 7:0 : this mcrning wheui Bob iennetly , simerift of thaI- las county , steimpemi out with a double-liar' rch'd shotgun and opened fire upon tw brothers , l'ercy and Mardis Wood , ( moth clti. sons of Selma , When the brothers saw I'Cem'noiy they ran for phaca of safety , but before this could he reached Kennedy snot Percy \'ood through the back , inflIcting a fatal wounmh , Marhis Wood drew lila pistol ammd fired at Kennethy five times vithotmt bitting hinm. Kenneshy reloaded his gums twice , firing in all six shmot at Momthis'ood , shattering and b'eakimmg his left armim , The troimble grew out of relatlomma said to have existed bctwoemm Mardus'oOth amid time wile of Keni. Idy , all tIme parties beIng real- theists of Selmmmn , Ala , Wood caine imero to attemmfi time immeeting cf the tiemnocratic state executiVe committee , of wlmlch lie is a mimeimi- ber. Kennedy , it is said , learmied that \'ood was hero and comae over from t3ehumia to kill ii hun , Mardha Wood has beetm for twenty years a puorninetit 1lgue in isohitics amid two years ago was time flouniflets of th ( hemoeratic party him the Fourth district for coumgrcaa , bitt withdrew before time election amid Gaston - ton ltohbhmis , recently ummseated , took IsIs place , itenumeshy is in jail hero , lm.tl.h.lG'l'ON imOOL'hl'M CtMl'ma.th'i' . ills itepl5- , ( iemi'rnl Not .ilnuhtI'ih , - She I Ii Oilier Corresumnnuit'mt'e , NEV YOitiC , April 21.-Balllngtomm Booth amid Mrs. Booth said today that ( iso state- nment amid correrpondence irstied by Corn- rmmnumder floothi-Tucker mmmercly furnIshed further proof of time accuracy of time ahiega- tioums they have previutmsiy niado. They further ray : ' 'It is ' ummanifeetly unfair eu thmc part of time leathers of time Sahvatiomm Army to Imavo given ( ho general's private letter to lhaihhngton and not to have giscn hiahiington'me reply , whIch mmmakes a most complete answer to ( lie general's letter mind contains most detriniemital and damagIng Imiforniation regarding - garding time Salvation Armmiy. " It is added by time llahiimmgtomm Booths ( limit they stand by every word coimtaimmed in their statement on April 18 , and they conclude by saying that mmiost of ( lie extracts frommi the correspondence immade public today were written - ten three years amid eight months ago ; long before ( ho difficulty aroco. Iit ( lasts G. A. it. iot'n In ilimsi ness. ISELOIT , Nan. , April 21-Today's eslon of the state encnmprnent of time Grand Army of time Itsptmbhhe wan devoted to roil- tine business. 'rime deaths repoi'ted mnmmn- bered 284. Among the mmummieroims resolmmthons introduced tvero severnl endorsing the no- ( ions of time Knnras dehegntIoms in congress in ilemammdimsg tlid mMfOat hif General Frank- un as a member of thin board of nmanagens of soldIers' homes. Four campfires vere imeki tonight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No Itommimite for 'l'it'lr. ST. JOSEPH , Avrih 21.-A special to the Daily News from Jefferson City aaya : The suprm immo court this muoniming overruled the niatiomm for a reimeanlng of time appeal of th Taylor brothers frommi thm Carroll county cm- cut court , and unless Covenimor Stomme inter- femes S'hhllamn Taylor will hang on April 30. George Taylor whl ! also be hanged on that day lie is captured. Pottery : tlmsiL iirtis IL Cotimimine. PITTs nurtG ; April 21.-A meeting of pat- tory mmianufacturers of time United States is being held here to dimcuss time formation of a mnoro compact organization and to devise mmieans to compete with time Emmghiah and German - man manufacturers. Time inetting will be in eesslon all day. Ti . - - - . , wiiYotit1i . . Return ? It will , it you entertain It properly , hut it ivili not renismin long unless healtim is Its comnptiiiion. healthy , kln is one of the essential requmee- nmeflm $ ( orthoee ivimo destre to rernaimi young anhl fiosit loomdng' . Pry skIn Is time cause of saflow- fleas and ivrinkles , ( Or just as soon as the mkln becomes dry it tumns yellow and wrinkles. Yale's 'Skin Food lii tue remedy required to remove wrinkles anti feeti youtmm. It nourislmna time skin anti keeps it lii a perect Condition , making It inmponmmblc' for wrinkles to (0mm. it also softens time expression , givIng it a youtimuigiow , , fib sure you get limo genuine-YALE'S , Hold everywmmete , Two ammzea , $ i.r.o and $3.0) . , Mlmmfl. M. YALE , Health and ComplexIon rmmeciaIst ! , Yale Tenmple of Beauty , 146 State 3t , , ( flmicmmgo. genti ( or Mimic. Yale's "Guide to Jieauty , ' mailed tree , Qfl I-low to Prevciit Its ResLlIt.i froth Becolitilig Painful- 137 Iisastrous nitclFrcqneiitly Fatal5 I list t'iicttt'o Siuggcsllons 'L'Iint . % i'mi Espeoltilty 'l'lliheI ) ' lit tpt'll ii itt ! 1)111' iig the SPI'lulg of the Year , ThIs is the very time , right now In April , to put aim ei'fcttmnt atci , to ammy t'atnrhttl at- feetlon , It is a 'batl cold , " you thhumlm , nmmd Will Imnas rvay , Not mm. 0mm tIme contrary , it will liming on to yell , entishig yotm to tic prepettmmihly' smnmmltimg , , mmneezimmg , blowing , imemmimislng , imsiw king , coughing , ttiffenimmg imemuhachmes , etc. It will be a. daily blight impoum iiihimmg your system 'a'ltim Its rihsmemtitcd solutions , hiolsOfl- lug your breath amid mnakiumg you mmmi object of rcpuhsi eiiess to yotmt' friends , It hs tlitfmrtuimntp tlmm'mt you have contm'actemi catarrli , but iiaV- immg mmcqtiiretl it. nott' Is the time to get rid of ii. Ilegin a course of tm'eatineimt miow and his two or thmrc'o mouths time catarrhsal umoison will have been washmeth omit of time hose and timroitt , the eommstitutiommiil remedies will liavc tnkemm it frolmu time blood , ntmd time attack nsatht by diene 1mm its most insidious tormmt will tie i'epehleth , hiegilm 'rreatmmiemit howl , rIid 't'lI.tlIS A ( ) . Mrs. Neivimmn 'l'elbnfhter l.nst I tig and 'I , Ii mm ro ii R ii ( 'are , Mrs. Mary Newton , 3921 N. 28th Avenue , City , itna omme of time enrh' Initlents of lm's. Copehmtmid & Hlmepmril : , wht'mi they located in Omunima in Ithi. iltr hmusb.nnh is a skilled Etmnl)10'o of l'axton & Viei'himmg , where ito lists booms tom' numimsy years , Mrs. Newton sitys ; m'ItS. MARY NRVTON , 8921 , N. 2Sthm Ave. 'Fivo years ago I discovered ( lint I rntmst take treatment ( or several clirommic nllrnemmts , 01 gradually becemmio a coimtirmned invalid. It had got to that i'lmmt with me tlmat I must ibid relief or give imp work amid the KCSFORD'S Oswego Coni Slarch The finest anti boot for Puddingo , Custards , Bjano Mango , oto I DUFFY'S I PUflE MALT WHISKEY I All Druggists. ST. BERNARD'S ' hOSPiTAL AND RETREAT FOR THE iNSANE. In charge of th SISTERS OF MERCY Thin widely known institution has been doubled in size during the past summer and rade one of time moat modern and model institutions of its character in the west. The now additions will be ready for occu- gancy by the first of the yoar. When fully completed , accommodations will be afforded for 300 patIents. It is beautifully oltuated , overlooking ( ho city of Council Bluffs. A full staff of eminent physicians and trained nurses minIster to the comfort of time pa- ( tents. SPEOIL CARE IS avi : TO LLWY FATIEIITSI TEflI3 R1OOEUTE For fuller particulars , apply to SISTER SUPERiOR , Council Bluffs , Ia. V1LCX COMPOUl ) ANSYO PILLS Salt' imutti 8 (111 I . .4.1mm , alma Itit' , 'lithe no piilttitmitc. loriciitt by nil , lrtegI4mlm. F2A' ) . senti 4 nJ , for iVittta , , ' . . "ftvutt't ! , it' I i.t'OX S I' i'ti : : ii 'i ' Co. . 223 Scout 2Iitii Street , l'JIILAIEI.l'hiLt. 1' ) . . care of my fahimil ) ' , Nouralgla in the head , c'nimesh by t'tmirilm mmmiii thin blood , mmmntio mmmc Stiffer heyommd numy imomt er to I't'nt. These terrible itahmia hardly 1'em' heft mime. hut tvcro iim.rmler at tinios tlistmi olitet , 'hey were manlimly in may forehead , ot'em' and between tiiC 0)05 , tmtm ( soimmetlmimes In tlio back of time hsemitl mtmmii niso time top : ha fact , time ts'hmolo hiiuh. by mtlmtls was sore mind ; mmtlului , The hlstl'em * 9CtmIiCii t t gaIts force tutvnrd mmlglit. rnmmkimig it almmmost inmhthhile , for inc to read em' 'mew , utileas for a feit' mimomnemmtq , To Corer tIme lohimt fully , imenmineise with mmmc imwant great ilrostratiomm amid great agony. ' 'Amiotimer femtttmm'o of may vitae was an tiieerateth sore timrout , whIrls kept on mouth after niotmtlsmm , 115 SPite of m'Cmiiehhe ivltisotlt litiniher , Constant soucimese atuh ( emidermses , with btmrmmhmig Palmus t'ern Itreremit , I hind nho a imasal catarrim , limit lay msose diti not 510(1 % I ns tmstmnly nhmremss , anti the' eat- arrlmnl tuslismmsimimatioui reemmmed grinitmally to center Iii time throat. "I dlii miot know what to tb. I hind tmset as 'ued lsmefik'iml ntmh as I eouhth 11usd but i'ithm usc m'etmlt. lrs. Colsehmumul & Shmepnrtl were' hOts' 1mm Onmnisa at thmstt tlmite. mind mi grent immamsy' PeOlihO tim itight tin' ) ' iVtrO pot as lImO ) ' r.'prescmutetl tlmeumsse'ves to be : thU aftem' mailing of their remmistmkatile success Iii vo ummntiy' c85cS , I mieciIl to try tisemmi , 1mm sIx weeks after Iseing tt'hthi thesis I was hmerfacily free ( mimi all mmsy trouble , mmmiii mm fter a lIttle further tremitmiment I was all right , I hmmave ( mccii o e'er Shumee , and timhnlc thutut it Period of five yemurs Is a lsu-ctt' gooth test of tIme thsorotmghumiess of ammy mmsedlca treatmiment. " It' , . mlu'ii ) ) Oni' , TIIR L.iV' 'Sb' ' ( 'CUR COPRI.AND & Shhl'i'Ahtl ) H'5Titl IS 'i' ( ) ASSIST TlIhd SicFc llRN1'lltT : Tltl.'l'tI RNT AT hiGh IT RN i'iINSh-hAItii0 FllS ARid 1LRi'tTpIdl-NO PATh IdN't' IS l'ldhtM IT- 'l'ldt ) TO I.t' AllOVid A uiA'rid Oh' $5 A. ? dONTTI , INCLI'IiNO ( 'A ltldieltl , lIAO- NOSIS. ALi. MIdIIC"INids ANI ) lA1IX ATTIdNTION UNTil4 Tllld FINAL CUREd. 'l'ht late H I a lhsttm ne , NO CllAttrId IS ld'hdlt MADId Volt CNstth.'rATloN , ' RXAM INA'rloN ANI ) F1TlL OPiNION IN ANY ( 'ASid hdiTIlldlt 1 N Til Id OFFICId OR 1I MA I i. I I" yet ; CANNOT ( 'CE'iIld 'l' ( ) TIhId (1FFICId'm1tlTld Icon A SPIdCIAILY l'itldi'Aitldi ) S\tl1'- TOM illiANic AND r.i'r 1)115. COi'HLAND & SlhldI'AItD'S O1'INION OF' TOUIt TROUIILId. ORS. COPEE1ANI ) & S11E1ARD ROOMS 312 AND Ill NEW YORIC LIFB BUILDING , OMAHA , NED. Office Hoimrs-9 to 11 a , ni ; 2 to 5 p. m. Eve- nIngs-\Veshumeseia's anti Saturdtya only. C to 8 9undny.-1O to 12 m. New Dohany Theater All This Week Chase - Llster Theater Company , _ _ . . -'l'ONIGII'i' Shanty Town Friday 1d'eititig a Si.eclnl i'lis ) ' MONTI CRISTO Popular h'rices- iQo Seats on sale at time box oiliee. THE BESF $5SET $ OF TEETH SIADE AND VOltlC GUAIIANTEEI3. DR. MUDGE , 316 ROAOAY - - OUI1 BLUFFS. IOR piiisi NATIONAL BANK : : Conci , Iowa. CAIITAL , . . $1OOOOt % 'Jd SOLICIT YOUIt HUSIIcIOSS , WE DESIRIJ YOUR COLLECTIO $ , ONimi OIl' ThUd OLDEST IIANICS IN IOWA. a s'sen CENT I'AIl ) ON TIMId flidI'OSITH. CALL AND SEE VS OIL VIiITE. I . I LA D ES . - IIundrdgofrediepupmnuararmtp.dto 1t 1)0 nat wino with , toppe"t t . liii Immutimoon Calatiles , tre 'v5rrc.nted anti 1 iflCflttX'UfttIQfl , bUt m enS Sit's ) , nioncy returncm forcmcrycaoitoss ISOTcL'ltI fur nor Turklttt Taxoy atiti z tveaicsuensoryi.otrlmrnmnm'owcr.g..otttsmn. ' ' . i'cmtyrovai i'iIis.sure to t10 , hood , . xlihtgmnlmmIciiWvatnesaot , iie roduc. dur. iiuiti only Ity IIAIII'ii , ' ; tI . . ' " . tle'irgxnscaumettbyyoutltruierroi. , ( imy ? . h luI.ththi.tCY. som } 'arn3mo TOUNEiYLWS. ' ' sta , om.tc , Nob. fly ' S'ttrnem St. ltoiJonmyItyIiAtIN'sh'lmAimmmAcy . tmha.N'h , 51.00 06. I. mxii. , , . , 7 - - . _ 4& ' * g / vawd'b \ \ d-'b . \ t I A \ \ , % r\ \ \ ( / / , I i-\t W"LI , 84L : V' 4 : : : /p\ . m I , . _ Ott ! What a Blessing is a Bicycle ! ' Aside romii the pleisuire there hi in biyoIlng , It is the umutist coouiomuiic uiictIioI of trauis. . portatlozi that oiie can have. Vlho 'would eXtilihlilge LI free , opemi-iuli' siit 0th a ylitic1 for ii i'Ide Lu it stuffy , Itarnbei'lng troet dir ? All shades aiiU conditions of mzieii amid womuieli tire I3O' 1OtIJlig Itito flit ) utility of the bloycle. DOll't overlook the VclI1iitomi tint ! tim , : Ilaimi- . lltoii , 'l'iicy are the liest , I Brunt & Waite 12 . , CouucUBhiffsIa. - - - -