. . - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ri'ij1 OMAhA DAILY 1 ± 1i WEINESIAAPRIr : 32 , L89fl. _ _ ( Ian to t , I.oiI iinIntntcti. 1t fitat vote will be cnL fur Unvtflot 1iiwn1M. ntUr which It vIII be ( IIYINI between Mc- KInIty ttn(1 IUtil , na te ) ntherenti ot both cand(1Ate ( tro .iire ( t plflCM In the 1elea ton. : There l hilt little loubt that tomor- row's convntfon will bo harmono1' . n nil the troiibi which lieretoforo exIted between the opposing factions of the party seems to haste been inothe4 over. A Lt UAI 1)I31UIt A'l'S ( ) NVINI. 1lnn tik i1 Pin i,1'VI1I Hr it I'si In Ijet' ! , . rfl I Inn for I'r , . . ' Cal iins& . MOTGOMFItYP Ma. . AprIl 21.-The dern- ocratic 4ato convention wa called to order thIs , atternoon by lion. John 13. Knox of Calhoun , clialrmnn of the ptato ececutlvo commRteo. Mr. Knox In opening the inct- tog , advIsed tlint the proceedIngs be IIarrnOniOui , and that no partIsan lln2ncIaI ; dnnk be lilacoil In tht' platform referring to tim IC to 1 ratIo. lie Introducel the tern- porary chnlrnian , Cnptalti Jariic Crook f JkeonviIle , who made nii eloquent nt1iIrc'J to tiio convention , roconniiendliig the dop tion of a free 'lIvor flank , and exhorting the minority In the convention to bend to the will Of the itinjority. After the alpointnont of committees , on which the free iIver men bad nfe ma- : jorlUco , the conventIon adjourned till S o'clock. Congrcsinan flatikheatl , the lerm2000t chairman , amtithel the chair at the evening t'oJictI anti delivoreil the nddre of the cc- calon , ai1vlltig democrats that they mIat % tflnnil tojethor , and that their oniy clmnce to win was tinder the. JJ to 1 banner. The omtiiItte on credentialo reporteJ , reatilig the Johnson contevtthg delegation front Lee unit l'lke counties. Numerous resolutlcns vore Introduced , all of whIch wore referred by rcocltitloii to tin' committee on piatforni and recolutlon , The convention then adjourned till tomdr- row morning. rho convention l' a partisan frto coinage one , and it ban boon aertalnetl the platform will contain an out-and-out declaration for the free coinage of llver at it ; to i without regard to the policy of other nations , The flr.3t buslne&s tomorrow \vIlI ha the adoption of a platfarjn , which will be followed by the ncrnlnatlon of Joseph F. Johiwin of Jetterscn as candidate. ( 'Imiuig's I n lila I r Ohilelu N. flLMlt , Neb. , Airll 21.-Speclal ( Telo- grani.-Tlio ) old city counci clcaol up the af7aIr of the last ycar this evening and the new mayor and councIl took thor aeats and organIzed. Jonas flurcham was ao- pointed chef ! of police to succeed J. II. Waldo , but the ceunclh refuted to conflrm hIm by a veto of 7 to 2. The other npiolntmcnts wore confIrmed as tolIow : NIght watchman , Frank J3lgoiow ; svaler commissioner , Milton Metzenger ; cemetery ardcn , ltcmer Fisher : c.ty attorney , \V. C. 'nItou. TIm new nitycr afterward tried to get tim lrese1lt chief of pohico to continue , ltlt. 110 refused to ervc under the new mayor , M. D. flcdal. There are aeveral sore as- 1'ralts for omco on the strect tonIght , as I there were from three to seven aplltcants for every apiaintlve chico , and they all were euro they had the strongest pull and now fInd they have received no rewtird for their Influence at the poils , At procnt the city Is without a chiefof police. TCe'stiiit' ISeiiilII It'IIIM In SeMMInU. lTARltISfJlJRO , Pa. . April 21.-The 'X- ecntlvo committee of tile state republican commIttee held a ecrot ssIon tbls afternoon - noon at the Lochiol hotel to arrange dtalls for Thursday' stata convention. The platform - form and selection of delegates-at-large to the St. Loula convention and four clector.- at-large were discuseed. Senator Quay sub- miLLed an Itemized statement of the cx- 1)0:1505 : of last fall's campaign. Silas W. ret- tit of PhIladelphia presented a draft of ccv- oral reform hills to b presented to the next IogiIature. Lieutenant Governor Lyon ] as withdrawn Os a candIdatoat-large In the Interest of Francis K. Torren of Allegheny. ft is gei'eraliy conceded that Galusha Grew of Susqucliunna and James It. Deacon of Grconsburg will bu nominated ' jor 000greso- inon-at-iarge , and Jdhn 'P. Elkn or Indiana state chairman. ' Cl)1I'ZIilO 1'O1IIJItIflfliRt for SIlver. DINVER , Aprii21.-lhc ctato centrah corn- mUtco ot. the nrohIbtlon party today elected the following a delegates to the national prolilbiton convention at Pltta- burg. I'a. . May 27 : John flipp , Nor- nine Ciltord and Davd ! Tatum of Denver : ElIwood Easley of Golden ; H. C. hernian of Sterling ; 11ev. It. A. Chase cC Tioulder ; J. M. Barteli , of I'ueblo ; Rev. D. L. Itader of Pueblo ; Mrs. A. S. Ihialce of Colorado - orado Springs , and A. 11. Gould of Frutta. John Ilopp cud E. T. Singletarry were chosen iui members of the national commit- too. The committee adopten resolutions In favor of free coinage of sliver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The state convention will be held at Pueblo July 30 antI 31. Ii'iiit'rats IPet ut Arai Iii1ot' . ARAPAllOE , Nob. , April 21.-Spocial ( Tel- egrarn.-Tlie ) sound money democrats , eight In number , and ono visitor , met in convention - tion hero today , the .eguiar convention hay- log beeii captured by the free silver .elerncnt last week. Delgatcs choseii to the state cor.ventlon were : J. W. Kelly. Charlc E. ] teeJ. Charles Johnson , J. W. Den anti 1 ! . w. 511)0. They were instructed to vote ( or J.v. . Kelly for r prescntativo ( ruin tills district to the Chicago convention. 'IIc'CI iiIi' ii 1111 Suuaiid tll ( ' . - JItFliltSON CITY , Mo. , April 21.-The Eighth district republican cox'grcacloual con- vontlon Iflet today and renominated Congressman - man .Joel D. Hubbard. Two delegates to tile St. JOOJIl convention were elected and in- strtlcted for McKinley. Protection and sound money wore en- dorsd , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.li''IINIVinM Sit ai Ut1lI-II , S. I ) . MITCIIELL , S. B. , April 21.-At the city elCCttOl ! today Thomas Fullerton , the license cjt'dite , defeated J. W. Seaman Olt the rOllthIltiofl ticket by a rnsjority of JI6 out of tG2 ; votes cast. Tile entire license ticket wa o lcted. ervos l'copla Iliul just thu help they so much need , Ill I I oud's Sttinpz1lht. It fur- IIISIICS till ) tlesIt'ett SLICIIgIh by 1)1111- ) fying , 'ittIIiZiIIg ttiitl eiil'Ieliiig the . blood , 01111 titi ) 1)lilltbi lii ) the flCi'YCS toiits tile stonindt tuni i'gilintes tim ivliuji , sytcni. 1eal ( lIII : II I Want to irate Ifooti's i3arsapariiia. : 1y health rIIII down , 811(1 1 had thu grip. After that , flIV heart and nervous system vcro badly affectcd so thiut I could not. do my own york , Our ihySleinhl ) gave me 801110 help , but did Ilot cure. I decided to try Ilood'e tarl3a1)nritlR. Soon I could . do all W OWn housework , I have taken I Cured flood'H Pills with Ilooti's I3arsaiaritIa , anti they lloyD done ilie Illuehl good. I will nut lie ithout them , I have takeii 13 bottlesof Ifood'sSarnnarllInnnd through $ ho blessing of God , It has cured me. I worked as hard as over the lmst summer - mer , and I am thanictul to say I am weii , flood's PIllS when token wltb ITood'4 Asrenparilla hell ) VCt much. " Mna. ! iI , M. MF.sIINa1n , Freehold , Penn. 'rii and many other cures vrovu that Hoods Sarsaparilla ra te OitoTrue Iltood Purifier , All IrIlglsti. $1. rreisiretl IIIIyby C. I. Hued & ( o.i.oehI , Mass. Hood's Pills . I11OCIu1TNJIE IblY STATE Edtbn1astio Convention at Which a Ol1na Money Platform Is Adopted , EX-GOVERNOR RUSSELS A FAVORITE SON .htMNlIlItlNC I I hiUrlpnIlM ( l 0 ci fy f lie Clt'iiiIII . 'IhinIiIMrntInil ( * iiiut I- ciirlte lie htriihhlenn I'nrly ( oi iti l'liKt lteeurih , I3OSTON. Airii , 21.-With enthusiasm at- most surpassIng that iioto.1 when lion. Thomas 11. Iteci was endore'etl as a preailen- tial candidate ( lie democrats of this stit today set their pirovai urioli Grover ( lievo- hand as president and natrted ox-Governor 'iS' . F : . flussel as their choice for ( lie nominatIon to ho l'resident Cleveland's successor. Judge John 'iS' . Corcornn called the cenven- tion to order. The uruai honorary omcers % % ere chosen. lion. Thomas J. ( largan of ihoston vas nonied nschiairman of tue coin- nilttee on resciutlona and lion , John E. Thayer of Worcester was cliocan permanent chai rnutn. The committee on crehentials reported 1,216 delegates present , representing thitrty' 0110 cIties anti 327 towns. Judge Corcoran thtn lresene't ' Chisirnian Thiayer to the con- ytsitlon amid loud applause , and Mr. Thayer athlrezsed thu deleuntes. Chairman Thinyor clainiel for tim tie- mocracy ( list it is the lutty of the people. Un.ior the littluenco of its efforts for the lsinctment of ittitittes for the adynucerneilt aiitl well both ; of the laboring ciasi'ec , lie &ald , capital and latior are coining to a more Iiiteiilgont understnnilIlg of time rights ui both , preparing time way for an amicable auijuiitnmcflt of economIc and Industrial quos- titus. The Spcakdr said that ( lie plodgmu made to the. pple at the democratic uma- ( lanai conventicil four years ago to rdpeal laws onactedfor thmopurpose ot llorpetuathlig one natty in power , hind been redeemed , and the rdrce bill , - time herrnan silver purchace ijlit , and the McKinley tariff bill are now thmluge of thu atit. Thu repeal of the to umicaaUrC lent mneatloned had , lie said , been followed by time return of prospertY. ( The charge of ropubiieamis that time democrats hail faileti to Provide a revc"uo cimiliclent for time vents of time governments was met sIthi a citation to time income tax law , which , altlmoimgim Identical with time earlier law for ( lie same nurvo'w. had been declared tmncon- stltimtional by the Untted States muimpremo court. ' - OPI'OSES FREE COINAGfl. Mr. Timayer took time. ground against time free coinage of diver. "Time true lotereot of all oUr ioolmie , " hO said , "who cannot ccii- stantlyiimmd tiomly obofrvc the mohey imiar- ket is to have every dollar issued or an- thmoiized by time government at all tlmues no- tlerahl clrcUmmikmtsilC.es , amid In all its usen the exact tmmmchaning equivalent. miot. only in delit paying , but in its purchasing power of amiv dollar. " Tills , Mr. Thayer iietd , can holy be oh- served by ( ho maintennimoc of the monetary standard unIversally adopted by the civilized world. ' 'Of what avail. ' ' lie added , ' 'is ' It to paa resolutIons for time sIngle gold stand- ard. if as now ; appears quite probable , Mr. McKInley i Ici receive tIme nomination for president ? Time iicople vell know that Mr. McKinley Is upon record as a white metal pdvocate , that lie has a long , consistent amid wmlnterrnpted record while iii congrem ( a- vorablo to silver. Wo do not forgot that as lmalrman of , time committee on rosplutlons of time republican national committee in 1838 lie nubmitteil a platform which condemned the policy of the "democratic adminlstra- tion in 'its efforts to demonetize silver. " We ccc him as one of - thegreat leaders of his party in his cornmnttndlng position as chairman - man of time wars add heans committee , imr- geitly supporting the silver purchase bill which increat'cd the amount' of - sliver the government wds forced to purchase even under time J3iand-AllIsqn law. Nor is this all , " c Mr. Thmnyer denounced the American Protective - tectivo as'octatlon whIch he compared to a ftmnguii growth that sprang ( room and took root , flourisimed and fructified in time very heart of the republican party. Mr. Thiayer closed his address with an eulogy upon admimlmmtratIcn of President Cleveland. During the delivery of Mr. Thayer's address - dress time applause. was loud and enthusliw tic , opeclahly upon the severe criticism of time Aiimcricin Protective aseaciation and at the ommentiOn of President Cleveland's name , Thin electirn of four delegatos'at-largo was then moved. and the names of lIon. John 1. bezel of Leicenter , George Fred Williams of Dedhmam , John 'iv. Corcoran of Clinton and JnnioV. . Donovan of Boston were pro- centel by Congressman Fitzgerald , J. T. O'Suiifvtrm of Lowell condemned the ticket as machine-made , but 'upon time vote Mr. OSmmllivnuias , time only dissntcr. lion. Thmomnas , Gargan , chairman of the cpmuiltteo .ctireeolutiona , received an ovation as Ito arose amid reported the platform. CLFWELAND AND SOUND MONEY. Tim oponing. the platform declares that "never in any epoch In our country's imistoy has time executive chair been filled by a broader-nilnded statesman than time president clmom.eii by our party , Grover Cleveland , and lmo is coumgrattmiated 111)011 thin firnimmess , ability and \viadonm with which lie has conducted thm omce. " . . . - Upon the subject of national finance , the platform dwells at lengtim , as foliows "We declare that the republican party practically controlled the finances of our cocntry for a quarter of a centmmry. It timaumnmrnted a currency system which ied to the inflatIon of values and time creation of corporatUns vlthm flctitiou.-i capital.'atured stoelcu wet-o floated on the markets of tOo world at their taco value , while in many in- stance9 tlieY vee not worth halt that amplmunt , "iVhmon Grover ( lOveland came to the presidency in 1S85 Imo va confrontei ] with timis condition of our finances , fly Imis commr- ago and fidelity , and tOo prudence aiimi cCtuioIp3' of a mlemocr.itic house , there was necimmimiated , at time end of its first term , a surplus of more ( lion 3GOOO0,0OO in time troa.ury ; 19ooooooO of wimichm was In gold to prctect ( ho mmationai promnItcs ; on time return - turn of the republIcan party to Imower in l88 , thmhi surplus of gold bind been reIuC'3ul ne-lmalf. The recklca expenditures o 'he public mooney , and time passage of an act fur Pile purchase of silver , debnuched the cur- rcney amid lnmpaired time credit of the nation. Wiuui the democracy agaIn esimmo Into pc'war Iii 1Sl3 it foenui an empty treasury , a I vamit of confidence on time part of lmoldcrs ) f American ascuritics In nil foreigmm coon- rIes , wimiclm threw thmee back upo i our mmatkets , forcing Individuals end great com moratinims Into liquimhatlc'n. Thus time flnnimcial wIley of the republican party produced wImitrpread dIstress end dh'aster , 'Time leaders of tlmls party imavo time on- arnhleled audacity to attribute the distress mmmd milsaster to a demimoeratlc a'hmnIaitrmitcrm hat hind just comimo into power and imail not imanged a olngio law.'ith ruch a record lucy ask time people of this country t. me ' 1 tore timom to umower. SVItb as much pro. rcty might ( ho Incompetent and dlmcreJited hlroctors Pt a bank corporation wrecked by u hemn ask to lmavo an hmommest receiv'er re- imoved and time old directors roturmmed to i ontroiS'e hirotest ngaliirt such a party e'rsg again entrusted with time adrnlmml.'uira- Ilcii of time government , and declare that roturmm to power would be trapgbt ivithm changer to ( ho btmsines izmtert nmd to Lime people of time country. "Iieiievimig that tIme true Intereets of time eojmio require timat time earnings of trade mmml Ilm eae ; of labor be paid in mooney that iii Intrin5ieahly worth , In li time morkets of time world , whmat it iiurpom-ts to Lie wortlm , we de. mmnod time malntenammce of the existing gold mtmmndarml of value and tlmat the government ulmoli keep mmli it obligatlonu at all Liimie : redeemable amid pcmyalmle iii gold ; and we ppose time free coimmage of tuhiver and any further PUTr.imase of silver bullion or time oin3ge timereot on govermimnent account , "SS'o aftirnm thmo demnsndi of our recent state datfurm that the government simall takti lime nitial steps for time wlthdrawoi ( rein cir- Cuistion of lime legal ( POder imute issued in time of war under pledge of lmromlmt retire. nient.'e uleemounco limo aetloit of thm republican majority in time present hioum'e of repreeeutsttvegi in attempting to reaflirmn time : mw of 1818 , rcqulriimg the merpetuai reln'uti t these aiote , 50(1 theIr failure to deni 'roperly and bfmncitiy witm this prcbleun ; we declmre our belief tiaI this inactlomm lma added to tbo Impairmoot o oUr credIt cauced by time silver legislatlon enacteti iumrlng thmo republican ndrnlnlstrsllmns , "We damnnml that time neeeielty for an adequate' nmethimmmi ! of exi'tmng iii mill Sections of omit connlry rhnli lie niet imy provk'ion ( Sr an el4stic bsnking ctirrenry , Suitijeem to riiehm government control as hmali insure unifertutty and redemption In stnimmiarti coin on demand. " "Timanks are tendert4i Sreretsry Catilole for hmi COUto 55 cretary of time trenury and for ii Prentat1on of time mooney luetiori iii 8ddi pMcJ ; iimi Pairs. OTiiflfl POINTS IN TilE 1'I4ATF'OflM. 'tim , vimss'eii ! ot raw materiel free of ditty Is rEcommended. The suimpro-erion of trusts and time regnia- tion of monopliec u , demanded , It Is dmnantieci that the leglelative co.operato with time executive department Iii efforts for time further reform of the civil servIce. Syniluithy with the Cubami inrirrectionistem Is expressed , The repub'tcan rarty Is acmmecd of "en- qmittlng with to secret politicmI organizatIon , and by iiThundes and platItudes In lie' imlat- forms endeavorpg to cone hate men wimneo avowed obJect l to imrcrcnt a large mmumlmer of time cItlzens ! of ths : republIc from oxer- climig teir CtmIititUtIonal rights. " on time oIlier hand , it is declared to be a pm-inclllo of time democratic' party "that no emmbordinatlomm of any die sect or dnniomlna- tien to another elmail ever be establelmomi by law. anti that it Is time absolute rjzht of 'very citizen to worship Gnu as his con science dictates , " Tlm Monroe' doctrlnc is endorsed , anti Prosi- ( lent Cicyriand's nttitimda cmi ( ( me Venczmn'laim boundary dtsrimto is praised as being firm and dimmlfld , antI it Is a'd to be a rubject for comigrntuiation "that in timis rrisie thic 0111cc a ! secretary e state was filled by a man whose state papers have rellectemi hew lustre om : Ammierican dipionmney , an epoch- mnakimig tnmesmnan.a tilotlnguisleml son of Ma.sacimusethm-a great Ammierlcan-ltlchiard Qltieip. " Time platform concludes as foIinws "Following iong.estahlitlimni ulemnocratic elms. tom , tli tlol.iocriils of Massachusetts in con- vontloim asseimililemi , will mlot in any way lii- strtmct or pledge their delegates , . bitt they do deciaro that it is time wish of time democratic l1amt3' of time tntc to present and times' earnestly - estly recomimmnend to the consideration of the national convntIcn tb be heti iii Chicaga as their candidate Jot the otlice of rmresIdcnt of time Uimited Statoa the name of their victorious - rious , cUrageoiir , higim.prlncpietl ! ox-gov- ernor , Wiilianm fltmatL flussol. " At imiention of the name of Wiiliam Eustis ittmscI as time cimUbco of time Massacimutetto democracy for tub t.timhtm tlolm of ttreshdent a mlghit3' chieer woqt up from tile delegates - . gates , which was repeated ( ( mmmc amid again , and the chairman imad to stand several rnliiiite' before lie could be heard. Time resol utlons were unantmottsiy 'mnioptoti. Tue eicctiomm of altermiatos resulted as follows - lows : a M. Ezquel ef Sprimmgfleltl , W. 1' . Butler of liolyoke , iieimrv V. Cnnnimmgiianm of Boston , Flimber I'earomi of Lowell. Its work bolmig completed the - convention ndjournei , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it ItDhi iSr.VD IS 'I"Oit IIUSSICI. . . - Brief I'Irutrormmt I ii 'tVhmIeI , Ch4J.muim4iJMtmLiM iimuhiseul. PROVIDENCT , fl , I. , April 21.-TIme democratic - cratic conventtomr rn choI i'glt delegates to time mmationah-nvi.utina.at. Chicago , July 7 reassembled in Music bali today. lion. Iticimard 13. Comimstnc1 presitiemi , Timero was bUt little'euthmusiasm manifested atid wimemu the roll wan called there were more timan 100 delegates absent and mummy towns were mict.reprcscncmh Mr. Comustoclc , in hi openhmmg remarks. paid a high complhmaent to William E. Itimssel , alluding - luding to him , ability as an execut've. ' His references to Mr. flussei were receveti with great applause , CsUeJUyyJpn ! ! lie aMerted ltussei would , as a presidemmtal canddate ! , again lend ii&party to vIctory. Mayor George W. Green of Woonsocket , chairman of the comiiiiittee on resolutionc , presented the following platform , whiclm was adopted : "The dcnuoratEc party of Rhode Isianil cordially .approves and recognizes time able and efiicle-nt administration of.Grovei Clove- land. We especially commend time adnilnis- ( ration for itfirm e53 nnd ability ill mnalim. taming unaidctl by. the congrees of time United States timocdft'of time nation. "It Is vital of our people that there siiomItl.iiommo , dc-partmmre from time gold stani1aidto. whmtch aftiponey , whether. gold , shyer o'iaper , should conform and we are opposed tm timo-.freo..coinage. of silver until at leant four of time great powers of time westormi World -como to'an Internatiommal agreement ectablimmiilng thcr , , ithq. a _ wimich gold atmd silver shall be admittul tontIntage. 'We amrm mir5llief In themnaInteimance of ( ho Monroe doctripe , especially as. Inter- Iwcted by our preeidermt. - - - - - - "We believe that thiL WIi5Op bUt , wao a step In the Hiitdrrctiomt and should be iiven a fair .tcst. "iVo do' not believe In reciprcclty , as it I Impracticable . nmad- unnecessary , aiid tends to create hootiiltiem agaInst us. . "We congratulate tile oimffLy-that under time Wilson tariff bill our "omimmerco is rapidly - idly increasing , as evIdenced by time treasury reports on exports of agricultural imnplementn cotton manufactures , Immdia rubber goods , imma- ciminery , iron , steel , loather emil oils. " "As nobly representing these principles we comumenml to time delegates and time Chicago convention ono uvim wIll nako an ideal president - dent , Williamn II. Russel of Massachusetts , " Time mnentionof..ex-GGvornom' 1tuceI's name caused time demonstration of time day. Time ttmmdorsemnent oL hue candidacy was mnol hearty. - The convenl8n 911en proceeded to elect delegates to the ChIcago conventon. Time choice urns as foilowa : lion. Richard - -'Comotock , Providence ; lion. George W. Greep , Woonsocket ; Miles A , McNamnco and Jesse Metcalf , Providence ; Hon. James Van Alon , Newport ; John II. Tucker , W'arwIclc ; lion. David S. I3aker. North Klnge'ton , and John E. Conloy of \'arrcmi. The doiegates'-wIlI choose timeir Own alter- mites. After ceveral speeches time convention adjourned , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , lilxtS Got ! ) DIi.OClt.'i'S OILGANIZFi Convu'ntioIL Cull uu1 t. IUee. mit Amistizi 10 St'mm.I Ielt'mieu to ClmJimi.to. DALLAS , Tex. , April 21.-Five hundred ropresemitatlve gold standard men ( rein ai- I most every county in Texas met imerp today in conventlom ar.d by a yoto of 10 to 1 to- solved to reorgammizo thmo democratic Party In Texas and ipalce the iigimt in time -state und in every congressional district and coumty in time state. Ielegitds ili bo eectcd ! tea a state convention to inre at Austin on I Juno 23 , anti if they are not seated by time free silver or Dudley wImig.acontosting dde- gation will be sent to time mmationai conven- Lion at Chicago. Time reorgammizatlon of time party uvlil be begon at pti'ce and yihl ho mmmsimed as rapidly as circumstances will perI I mitt. Time convention warm called to order imero title itmorning by Rufus hardy of CarI dcan , clmalrmamm of timo'democratlc state ' 7 xocmmtivo committee , After time usual proi i himninariemu Judge C. E. Alexander of S'aco t va' matte permanent cimairnuon. ResolutIons were adopted denouncing the rco siiver committee for imsurpatlomi and rickery In trying to carry Texas Into time mi ranks of time Tillmnans ammd Ailgeids , and by , urbltrary metlmods to prevent a fair expres- minim of time will of the people 1mm time prim- imie , it Is also tieclared that time time line : omimo uhen time advocates of the gold stand- ormi must stamid up and ho counted und'as the ) ther aide line carried time Issue Into state ) Ohltic3 , the gauge must be mccepteti , Every nan pledged himself to carry out ( ( ma spirit ) t time resolutIons , wimicim vero adopted by i practically ummanimous vote. Every maim- lion of Cievolammd's name Iii time convention vas wildly cimoered , tlului l'ruiutIiflummlsts Ironuicmi Out , FINDLAY , 0. , April 21-Timi opening os. tiomi of the prohibition state convention was mold imero timii afternoon. II , S. Thompsomm of Springfield was bovon ml , temporary chairman , and delivered time - ( O note of the cammmpalgn. lie declared for a mroad gauge piaformmi , and againet time adop- ion of time single ihiea oIrohibitlon , Ito do. mounced corrumttoj in poiticim4pd mmioaopollc , t ( ito close of time clmairnman'mi addresa conm. imittees were aipoInted , after wlmiclm time : omirention adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorC . . ow morning. - iiiIeui sun llIt'udrle LIght " . % 'frv , 1'IIIL.ADETA'1114tk Apiih : 20.-Linfor4 C. lilies , uuhma wea ( orcrnamm of time Jury that tried If. 11 , holmes for time murder of U. 1" . I'itezel , was killed by electricity to. rimly nuLl Imis comm received injuries ( list will pmqbubi > ' remiult ( utah ) ' . 'I'imey were etm- iea'om Immg to meinoww . telephone wire which mmmd beconme crose'I with atm electric light into orm 11w rootof titIm iIoUe wheat -timey received 'he ' d.madiy imnel- . ( ' ' ' / ( 'hi'ITM lIUltiS ( ( , iiiui mit Il. , luuhuut , Imiti , . . . . titit' : hmi ii I'iilsS ii ) ' 1 , ujumreul. ST. JOhN , l n. , April 21.-Sheriff 1)ike'l returned fr1r totge City tonight having in cumstedy timrepmot } the circus rouigimS 'iio parttcIpnpti in the riot lmtri yesterday. Time arrests wore male mit It1go City without any restammcI2oT ! ( imi pirt of time circus pecuplo anti the three culprits were lodged In jail svlthmotit any miemnommetration on time nart of the citizens tIilmb'liartlclpaeil ' ( in. yester4ia"P ditumranco. ) t i.i S ham.'t tmIghmP , a cowd of citIzens attacked time attacimes of bond liroo' , clrcmim' , be- 051150 the maimagernint wommld not return their admnieiloim mooney. harles Ginescock ie unconsclolm and may die , end eeverai otiw'r ttIzeae are stilTerlng iem' revere uvouiitjt Gnsscock wan ronmiered tmncCssclourI by a blow cn the imeami fmnnm omme of time circus umeim , and imaim since remainel in ( list condition. ieveral otlmcr cttIzen were mere or less wolmnded , but no others damger- , 01917. One circus mmmnn WIlS ChOt in the tlmlith and stmffercti ii broken bone. TOI'HICA , Kami , , April 21-About 11 o'clock this morning Govorno MorIll received a telegritni from Simcrilf lykes of St , Joimmis , reatihrmg : "Circus outfit ima gone to 1)omlge City. They resIsted arrest aol dangerously immjmireml one of our citizens , Warrant out for arrert of rlngleatiemir. Troops nedeJ In ar- roe'tulg them , Please imavo circus tra'ul held at ioilge. " To thin diepatch time govdrnor replied Iliat it wotmimi ime tmselet' to attemnpt to stop time train , mmnies wmmrramitB were there in time hammls : of some nue In authority to imahi It. lie tolmi time muimeriff lie had hotter go tim Dodge City iminmeclf , am ! see what lie could do. Uim to Imoon Ito had received no answer , p M1iI.tiiC hiOl ltEi'Ult'I' 1)ISUSSt7i ) ( Vt'Mtt'rli I'lmMpimM-tt' tssnimi t limit imi ' ( . ' l'mtrt III , ( ( 'P4 Ii 'I'ndmiy , CHICAGO. April 21.-Time gemmeral officers anti the gcImerai ; passenger agents of time western roads moot today. TOo mncetlmug confined - fined itself to time tacit of working out time details of tile report of the mmmileago book coimumitteo presented some time alike , in uimichm it wac recomurnentied that time refimmmd oh time books should be paul by the cimaimimmmami of the W'eo'termmy l'asieager assoclitiomu , upon ( ho presemmtaticn of such book covcrs as imad not bccmm limit to an illegitimate use wimile in the iosseasloxm of time Purchaser. A commimnittee appointed at time last meeting to sco If sornc way commhtl not be feumid whereby party i'ates can be granted without coimIlict witim limOlntersttaC Coimmmnerce coma- iumlslomm sas not ready to report , amid time mmuatter was ieft no it was , Time iimccthmmg will be reumucd tomomwow. 501mb ttmmmo ago time western roads adopted a rimlo ( lint they ouid not take into con- silermitlon any npImilatlon for reduced rates iimmieso within sixty days before tlmodate uupomm which time meeting 'fs to ho held. Today they were aslte'l to manila aim txceptiomm iii favor of a convention of lmidiamm schools , But they quickly vOteti dbwmi the imroposltlop mind tieclamed that t1i03 would tinder no clrcumn- otamices make 'ahy exception to time rmmle. 0XF1 FAIti POil 1ONlFL 'OItflRS. 'Iqckt'ts Are.'tuuIy .Giot1 for Cmiii ( Iii- 4ZiIiImI L'muusmige. Western rokdrMo ? agreed on a rate of onfi fare ( ci ' 1i1bund trip for the annual convention o9 tile 1&eIety of Christian En- dcavor , wimieimjmi to be hold at Waahington 1mm Jimly. Timlif convention psually stirs up all sorts of traumUi aimicng time roads oS accbtmnt of the commmpatltlcrl for time business , but a determined effort' will lie mmmado timis year to imoid rates \Itb1m , hounds. Dates of , sclling amid of flumal rq urn will dopemid on where the ticket J lurciijmoil. Arraimgcxncuis fcr the extension of the ticets until July 31 rumay be macic by depgsIin thema with the Joint mgcnt \Vasbingtop tntor before G p. mu. qn July 1 1. TIme tickt will ho hinilted to a con- tinuqus paesage ii1 botii directions. anml they will be good Jor gping ommly on tJme date of purchase .j-- , i'Ifl. .1uiulg' ItniibOr'i'i ' miim' ( ) riler to flitUmi limit J'icItl l5eeeivurs. ST. PAUL , Mian. , April 21.-Jmlge Walton Sanborn of time United 'States circuit court of appeals today issued an order 1mm one f time UnlommPacific cases directing time paymmmont of interest coupons whicim fell due August. 1 , 1895 anti which were secured by time first mortgage bonds of time Oregon Short Line railway , amounting to 447,0OO. Judge San- born ormlere ( lie receivers to pay $135,000 past due interest on the censolidated Utah & Northern Railway company. Joint 'i'rltlile Cmist on 'VrInl , NEW YORIC , April 21.--Attor mieariy dv" months delay - the case of the Untied States agalnat tlme olnt traffic assocaton ! ! caine imp today for a hearing before Jostles Wheeler iii time cquit branch of the Ummitd Statci3 circimit court. Assltant 1)istrit Attorney Wallace lilac. arIano appearetnfom'time United States arti OPPOSed to ilm 'ras Jmummmes C. Carter , cx- Minister EdwardJ. Phelps , E. C. Ledyard. At-bel Green& C.sf ) . Altixander , E. Rammdoipim RobInson anti Jitdge 'Logan of I'hiiadolphia , the latter for time Pennsylvana ! railway , wimicim filed a separate answer to time corn- pIant. District Attorney Macfarlano's opening ad- driws ccctmpied time time of time court up to the hour ( or recess. Mr. Macariane compioemI his argument tiuring time afternoon session of the court ni was followed by J. C. Carter. for the defemmdant railroad corporations. Mr. Carter uvill continue isis argument tomorrow , Miiivmutuim'e W'jil ' vnt hhiIIii This Year , According to PresIdent flosweli Miller of Limo Mitwaulcee road , ( lint company win not Jo any railway building tills year , In a recent IntervieW 'imo said : "Time managemflelmt does not intend to build L nmile of road tills year ; in fact , it Is get- log to be rather' difficult to find a nectioa n which. to prospect with any definite Idea ) r profitable return. "General busln ss is very gimlet , but so ar nil can be learned rates are hieing omaln- abed absolutely.V are spending quite I little mimormey cmi tOO St. Paul , and If time onditions warrant it we imroposo to put a airly large amoummt of mmsommey Into tIme mroperty. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oiuI rmietors' ChmiIin , isuIimst Snimda l's , MACON , Ga. , April 21.-Judge Ehlisen , in oviewing the referee'm findings in the case r ' , VilWams , Mcflichiie , NlcImOlmi , . . alit ] Wil- lamrms , contractors of Cimicago , against time ante Fe railroad , rendered a juclgnmcumt fQr lie contractors , Including Interest , of $36- 80 , it will again lie appealed to tOo an- rome court , 'rime contraters claim that here tim now $200,000 due timemmm , i'lmIifldt1mu1IIIy4' C.imiImu ' % Vt's * , Ex.Governor .flo5'it E. Pattison , wimoso anmo line beeezm rnemmtloned in commnectlomm itim the democrths presIdential aomnlnation , S among a party of dIstinguished Pimhladei- hianu whmo wiiim' spend today In Ommmnhma , 'lie party will arrive here on Burlington No. at 8 o'clock this mnormming and go out a No. 3 at 4:35 : 40 ( he afternoon , They 01mm from Cimkago 1nd are bound for Edge. mont , S. D. . . , i. Every man so1d mend limo advertisement f Timos. Slater oypo 7 of this paper. . Beecham'spiIIs are for billI ) USflCSS , bifldusheadaclie , dys- ) epsia , heartburn , torpid liver , lizziness , . . sk headache , bad aste in the mouth , coated ongue , loss of appetite , sallow r kin , etc. , when caused by : onstipatiofl ; and constipation S thc most frequent cause of i ill of them. Go by the book. Pills i6c Lnd 25C : box Book free a pour druggist's , or write B , F. ' ] rUien Co. , 356 'Canal St. , N.Y , F11IT ( ; FOR A COLORMO ) I1NE Pitched flattl3 xpcctoc1 at Idaho Springs at Onco. RESULT OFCOMPLICATIONS OVER DEUTS Etriginol ( h-mmc'rM l'mmlisal 40 i'mi' time limi Iuloa-e mu miii ( Iii' S'irk % Vmms 'l'nki'mt ( llumirgt' Of i ) ' Aim- utlii'r' I'irmii , DiNSTiit , April 21.-A areclai to time News fromim idaho Springs , Cola. , says : Great excitenment hums prevailed here today over time losaession of time Bismaick tmmine , amid tcinlght It PPear as it there wotmlui be a ihtcbeii ) battle over ( lie possessIon of tim hmrelierty witimhim time next twenty-four hours. Tlmoso of time itmterested parties seen to. miigimt reluso to talk , but it is ktmowmm timat an orgammlzeml effort will be mmmmmde to regain Vossesslon of limo Imroiatt' , Time diiflcmmitics originated atimmost six mnommtims ago , wlmeim Beers Bros. of Now 'ork City failed to imitiet timeir mining obligations. Time wages of time mmmIners were iii arrears and an at- taclmmmment watm nmatle agatimot time property to secure time debt. Monnlg & Bailey , amm ore btmyiimg commcermm of thin city amid Demmver , Srimii lmtld a claim against Beers Bros. , paid 01 ! time attacimmmemmt , and took charge of time mimlimu , and imave simmet. been operating it. In the 11501 mnommtlm a big strike. of immineral was immatie. It ii , claimed by time frienmls of Iloer ilroc. ( hint liiommnlg & Bailey lommg ago paid off Its Immtlebtedmmeos , Last week Beers urns. offered to pay that lirm any balammee due thienm , At ilst this Veemncd agreeable anti time Beers pooimle were given possession o ( the property , but last mmight. Alonimig & Ilailcy took foreibiui Imossosslon , tlireatemmiimg to an- nilmIitmte anyone 'who attemimlmtetl ( me eject theism from It. No legal action line becn taken as- yet , anti mmcithmer Ohm seems to favor sucim an action , as tlmoy claim ( hint tIme Ia' will lid too slow. Time nilno is cue of time prom. moot ones In timli , county. Time average l'alue of ( ho ore is noW $ SOper ton. VOTi GOLIS .tGAINS'I' 'l'iil W'OMl % . % 'Iil lit' Auhmmiltteul SIN It'Ie'gaitt'M I tu lit' 11et haul tNt lou reremi' ' . ' CLEVELAND , 0.tril 21.-From immfornma. thou received hcr time general coimferenco of timO liftiilhmhit l'plscopai cimurcim umlil vote agalmist time admslon ! of uvommmen as delegates. The chtmrclm law requires a threc-fommrths vote 10 chammgo time commstlltmtion. A ( ow tla3'3 ago time Women were within forty-nine votes of victory. Timree eonfcremmces uere themi to 1w heard from. Tmu'o of thorn , East Maimmc' amid Sommthm Iakota , havoo'immco votemi. anti tlmo Wdnien' lack e vemmty-four and a half votc.u of tiic reqliirod.msmimher. It is not belIeved flint' limo Detroit conferenCe , urbmeli is still to do. clue , trill giro tlm reijuirod imunmber , amid tIme uvommL'mm , are beatemi , . . r ifigmi 'i'iil t'r nI time 11t'istuiui limet' , lilAfliNETTIVlst. . , AhmrII 21.-Owing to tii .Jmh.gii svaer lii , tlmd Mommonmimice f&mmnmormu living along ( lie river lmnvo beomm obliged to leave their lmopmed amid comae to tIme city. Should time slyer cbmmtlmmue . , to rise , timero is danger that ttheim. places will be swept away. Time 118sf week time river has rii'n over fl'teet-niut1 it Is still rising. Bridges at Coon lilouiitnlmm anti Crystal Falls. Mich. , are 1mm t1angcr thvo bridges on time Zmtemmorn- moe are liable to be wasimeil out at an tlmmuq. Thin. loOmng here ontaimm mmmany mmml - lion ( Oct of hogs and time companies have mmmcmi gijunhimig thmcnm mmlgimt and day to prevent - vent their being swept Into the lake , e f3 II we could only make J th great buying public undetstandonce , for all , J \k \ that to be sure of getting r STERLING SILVER ' ) . it is only necessary to / purchase GORHAM ( J Silver-that which bears \ the stamp of the Lion , the Anchor , and the Letter G - C , . . ggjj - . , , s. . , _ all tli cEagiin and dis- appointrnentarisingfrom ' ' the shameful imposition ( ( of the irfmous silver g swindles ouId hereaf- ter"be avoided. t. ij . ToogoodforDryGoods ' ' - , Stores -Jewelers only. C. S. RAYMOND , ' E , Cor. u5th and Douglas d Waltham J"Vcdches Made by theAmerican Waltham Watch Company are the bestand most re1iabk timekeepers made in this or any other country. Asit to see The name 'River- side " or "Royal " engraved on the plates , and always the word " Waltham.i : For sale by all retail jewelera ' ' . AMUS13MiI'i'5. . Boyd's Th eater1 'Ihi IIItSIA1 ll'LNING , Al'IIIL E8. 'rims flre4test Show on Ilaltlm , Annual IlComefli OMAHA 1.01)011 NO , 33 , B , P. 0 , ELIB , : ELKS CAENIVAL : : jtdmismiton , * 1,00 , 750 amid 2c , Heats now on sate. ; oyjj' CONCERT , o UNi'IIItSt'11Y UI' .I1CIIIAN 1ee , Banjo , and Mandolin Clubs fly SO picked young men ( room ( ( me big coilege L Ann Arbor. II will be otme of time socIety enta Of ( tie' year , at usual prices , Sate opens Thursday _ _ - - ; ' ' 11'I11tT Tel. 1531 , lIE Matlilee Today 2:30. .Ily JiiLlCOmY Scat 25c , 1ntIro Lower Floor 5O. TONfGIIT A' ! ' 8:15 : , ( i1TIE PUTNAM Mimi an efficient company , pre.entimmg [ 'HE OLD LIME KILN lit C. 'I' . Daey , author "In Old Kentucky. " teEs now on .aie , Z , 3cc , lIe , lb sad 11W. - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - - . - - - - - . I' Best Qua1ity . C - Largest Sz ! - , j-owest Prke ; ' - - . ( ' . , vc1 ; J4' J ; , * . , , - ei , , . , ' -i _ , . - . % , . . ,1 . / ' S ' ,1 _ A S t 4 # . 4 ' ' ( I . . C : 1. s-i , . . $ - ' / ¼ A v-5.-- - : Lt ' / , ? ' ' . f/ : ' " ' .t'f , ; . .t' . . . " - , . . . . . . - .er , . . , ' . rr 5'-- ' _ . . : .z - _ . . . . t .i. ' ' . ) 'p. " - . : ' - ' ' ' " T' ¼ # 1 $ 's : ' . ' " 1r' u i . : : : . 1' , . S. - . 1- . , . ' - . - I ' ; : . . 'S. . I _ _ _ _ "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR- . GAIN. " MARRYAPLAIN GIRLIFSHE USES SAPOLMO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - : Carpet . . Buyers WE SHOW IN THIS ? c DEPAREMENT- AF . 700 Patterii ouliigraiiis , ; 180 Patterns of Tapestry , 65 Patterns of Bvnssels , 40 Patterns of PJIoqi.iette , 36 Patterns of Aminsters , : p 20Q Patterns of Mattiiigs . I Linoleum and Oil Cloth r:1md : . . ENDLESS.VARIETY. jZ IN 'v . ' s. ' . . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . "f , - - - - - - d . Our Styles are Strictly UPTO-DATE and we are well known for : i ! Popular Prices _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - OMAHA FURNITURE & ( iVk'-t COMPA&Y , j ; : ' 1211 and 1213 ! ? arnarn . t : OF INTEREST To ColliltryPublishers1 _ . . . .POR SAL1. . . . About 2ooopoundsmuiIiO/L tyfte. ' , 700'OUiUtS agate fy/ic. oo ouuds &evier Iyc. . case. . two.t/frd Iyft 150 ar 40 double frau slands for Iwo-Thz'dcaus , This vurferial was IISCon 77e Om1zha Bce and is in fairly good condition. I'Vz'Il sold c1ieain eg1j or in qga/lliCS / stilt pu'cfiasers. Ajty IlL persai or4yiitai1a The Bee Publishing Co. , . Ncbz'nHka. - ( ) itiiiIit.