- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - t S - Tillil OMAITIA DAILY fl1I : : MONDAY , APRIL tO 189L ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - BARS C1RLS IV1TII CORSETS Bteea flay All Sorts of Tricks with the Deilcato Instruments. MUST SACRIFICE FASHION OR LEARNING AnbIInIIM COi41 Srrtoh.MI3 . 1)INtIirlIc.I Jar ( nf the I'rnf4 NMpr of t Iii ( ) nIItttitI Cat 1. , 1'mb- lie Selinol. A ne renon why the th new woman must. iIcart1 one of the mast characterl'tIc QBy fcmInIn articles of her attire or fafl short of filling her role has turned up at the Curb ? high choo1 at Oakland , Cal. She must eticr ) flhflfldDfl corete or one of the most proiiifsng at tie profesorn , that. embracing - bracing eeetrIcIty n all Its branches. Five 1aiirn1re Oakland co.e1 * are cerlotisly ( us- tIrlet % over the situation , but the Issue Is Peverely plain. One or the other must be aband ntd , the govrnore of the school vy. An electrical lepartment was alded to the 5cho1 some time ago , cml a cotiro In dcc- iricity establIshed. TIi poor professor in charge has hal a dreadful tIin. Iurlng ) the IWOfls the delicate Instruments have played Itn all sort of trlckf' . and all his experl- 2nent9 have bcen of doubtful suces , Fvery once In a whIle , girl vouIcl step up to tell what she had learned about volts , ohms and amperes , and Immediately the galvanatneter woUld gyrate wildly cud tli needles on the various dials \'ould wabble , end all the Iaw of Volla and Ohtn and Faraday would go to nash , niid the flndlngci of 11R3I1 iti1 Teem wcnhl become strangely lost. Then the Irofesr knew the student beside him bad on a 1mIg-graue corset with rib3 of f1net ttel. The instruments were not affected by the prenco of some etudent , because they Wore he3Ith waii'ts of some sort and were bracoi with whalcb3ne or seine subtitnte for sttl. The professor made good progre with 1mi dies. It wa impo 'dblc to make acurnto ox. perirnu2ts before sonic girI. and among these vere the most promlEing girls in the cIas. Something had to be ( lone. but the protoreor , being a man , felt a natural delicacy about doing anything. Two of the women teaclicra tackled the gino on hygkno and pIiy.caI ! ( lovelopinent , and varnel them of the eviR' of corseti But the real motive of the now crusade leaked out , and at prce'it , there is mileti pcrturbation among the ambitious co- edo , who are anxious for cl'ntiflc attains. nicuts , but yet have all the hundrcl reaone a wonian can advance for not discardtig the corat. 'Thie cert trouble i of long standing , " Prof. Mends of the electrical dopartuient told a San Francio Examiner reporter. "The machines in the electrical department. are ( lilcately conrtructc , and they are so much affected by the near pre'ence of rteel or iron that it le utterly impcsiible to aocure accurate results ! ti experimente. I have been corn- peiied to have the pli-tcal culture teacher explain to the gitis ( hat they mu9t discard their corEetm before they take theIr leon. ' In the electrical department. I can tell at once by the Jumping of the needles that a girl is rearing cort9. It 1i simply a que- tion of having the girls recite their leon properly , and they cannot do o wearIng car- Finally , Prof. Mends was obliged to lesue a rule barring corctted girle train the dcc- trical depirtrnent , amid time gowernor eniorsed tlio rule. It might em to ho a rule dim- cult to enforce and delicate to handle. But Prof. Meads linde It easy , In entering the electrical department the girie have to pa one of the profesror's sensitive a1vanometeri. : The professor Mands unobtrudvely beside It , The impertinent "jigger" vorln 111cc a charm , and there Ic no way in which the girI can ieat the game. On the near approach - preach of a girl wearing eteei-rlbbcd coraats tue needle gyrates frantically , and the girl is reepectfuily , but firmly reminded of the rule , iiid expotulatton are uselea'9. Just how the Incident will end cannot yet be told , but the ( acuity hope time girls will take the advice of Ir. ) Knox and Dr. Shucy , both ivomen profeewars , and airnndon eor3t on gcncral principles. NO'VES FROM 'VIIF C1'I'Y SCISOOLS. Coimimrsm ( Iv ( . It Ci'd or ti l'I(1lIICf. ? III tiI ( % ' , , rhus UmmlIdIgs. The pupils , under thio following tetichier , leid their respective bUhillngS ( In per cent of at endanc : Cateil r , Mls flaymn3nJ ; Cum. bian , Mli. Fischer ; Druid lull , Mrs. Kidder ; Dupont , Miss Wolcott ; Dodge , Mrs. Kean ; Omaha View , Misc Reed ; Divenport , Miss Laltue ; Siicrinan , Miss humphrey ; Saratoga , Mrs. Ware ; Windsor , Miss Wickhmamn ; Cen- trol I'arkhiec Powell ; Vinton , Misa hitch- Ins ; Central , Mie Eveletii ; Leaveiiworti , Miss Fitchi ; ilancroft , Mis Uphiam ; Lincoln , ? .hiss Fitch ; Mnbler , Mh4 Shirley ; F'arr.amn , Miss Mason ; Train , Miss Macmimmiber ; Pactlc ! , Mire Graves ; Long , Miss Isaaeeon ; Lthirope , Misi Fawcett ; Franklin , Miss SnitthiVainut ; hhihi , ] lit : 1\iexaiitler ; Forest , Mi59 hloetetter ; lkirlc , , Miss Newcomb ; Mason , Mise Leighty ; don- mouth I'ark , Misis Eddy ; Lake , Miss Adams ; Cornenlus , Mrs. Christancy ; Ceci , Miss Byrne ; 111gb , Miss MchIugli. Miss Lloyd , Miss Wal. haee. haee.Schools Schools above 95 ver cent in attendance : Castehlar , Druid hhiii , Central , Leavenworth , Brancroft , LIncoln , Furnam , Lothirope , high , C.iss , Lake , Monmouthi Park , Foreet , l'ark , \Vainiit hill. Miss Leighity of Mason has tie ranking per cent of the entire city , 99.1 ; MI Maccu of Farnani , ( he eccomid , 99. The c.ty Echuocle will celebrate Arbor day with appropriate ceremuinnies , There will be tue tisual nuuuuhier of tree , planted and thu usual songs , mecitaticos and essays , appro- hirtate to the ocm'asion. Tueihuty , April 21 , viii be celebrated by ( lie kindergartenmm , as IL is Frodlcl's birth- day. 'l'he uzue iuuuuidred and thirteenth auini- , vcrsay ( Yr time cauniuug upon tide earth of 3hie 'freuui of cli i Id ren' ' - - ( ii o ' 'niad ma n' ' w ii o event his ula3'P playing with ( hO village Jails and 1a.'sIes and who halt aim educational idea ( lint ' iii not lie ( uhiy renlizel even shcn another century has roiled away. Superhmitendemit Fowier of the Binir echioois was in time city on Saturday. J , II. Miiler , editor of time Nuirhiweutorm ( : Journal of Education of Lincoln , was in the cty : amuil attended Superintendent Skinner's j Jecturo cii Saturday. Superintendent Skinner of Nebraska City svhhi conduct ( lie hutigiaa county Institute ( lie con : I ng si in in er. Miss t'htmnan of Webster hn been ill and obeant train her duties , Miss llnLh'rwood ofVninut hill enjoyed fl Vsi'mug mlii ) ' last week. 11cr PumiiIa thought theniselves competent to carry on tbio work of the day without sLuperystpn. As they had earned an enviahile reputation for ilood behavior and self-control , they were - . . neruuuitted to take ( lie reins of governumient and drive ahead , The plamu was a great success. Time princIpal nmado ficquemit test visits aiui ( ouupil tIme school could .imuuh (11(1 run It'ehf vhthm imorfect success. One. of time svecah ! teachers , coining In and hinting all so lair , said : "I smippse you do tithe because , .ou love Miss Unuhervood. " Most of tle : chulhlren assonteil , One boy. however , EaId 'o , Of course we love Miss Underwood , hut we ihlil this just because It rae time thing to (10-was right I" I ha. the course of a lirimary geography hoc. of time teachers abhed " ' ' do son one city : 'im ) ) 'omi believe time earth is round ? " "ihecammse , " mtnswt'rVil a serious eyoI youth , "because I believe ( hod ummade it round , ' ' hioaard Leonard , Edna itoberis , Fannie Cole , harry Tukey and Frank Sciulner of the junior class oppeareil last Friday ovenlmik at CreIhmton hail in "Vhichm ieVlmich. . " Time little vroductlon ecored a decided eucceec , IimglIii uniT .tuimcrlemmt lio-s , . Perhiapa it waa time death of Thomas hughes that suggested to hlarohh Frederic a letter in the New York Times upon the comparative etutus of boys In Great Britain and the United Siates. "Tom i3rown'e School Days" ias cast somewhat of a halo about the youth of 1oghIehi boye , but the suspicloc forces It- esaif upon one that hughes' enthusiasm and nobility of soul arc portrayed better than Is school life In any of the hJrItI.h Institutions , Vrcdcrlc , at all events , finds that the strug- ide to get ahead , tue desperate eageraes of EflgliShb fathers that their boys shall 'ecuro ha much of this world's goods as possible- In a word , the spirit of l'hihistlni.rn which existo-havo driven joy and poetry from the hearts of the youth , Guy 1avkos day is Iho ouly time when prttcttcal Joket. are played. The giving of preeent to boys by time friends of their parents seem to have Inculcated a mercenary spirit. The ing1kh child is. allowed to , kirmish for muey In a way whIch I' , unknown In the United States and the effect upon him is demoralizing. ft lii seen , Mr. Frederic thInks' , in the character - actor of Britleb publications for children. Compared with those of this country , the gulf Is fsthomieui. "One can readily behiovo this conciuekn , " s'ays the lhuiffaho Ixpreso. "The United States approaches more readily to a pnradit'o for children than ( loss any other couttry. The optlmlpm which belongs to our people is pronounced in time young. It i. fl little surprising , however , to flnl that ( ho corn- merciahism against which as it exists In the United States the English have haul much to eay ie so dir.ortromisly imbreml into their oui children , t was agalnat this spirit that hughes protested , ( umm'ruI I lil ti'fl ( mmmiii Notes. After nearly fifty years' service , Prof. Georgci J. Ilecker of Girard college , l'hula- dolphin , I to be retired on , ipril 30 on a Pension of $2,500 a year. A frIend of h'rinccton college , whaso name Is withheld , has offered b bear the expense of a now library building. It xviii ho built of st&ne , antI will cost from $300,000 to $ OO- 000. The plan contemnints a buiiding 16 feet square. Mayor A. C. hhomughton of North Adams line vresented thic city with a public Ii. brnry building worth $ l2OOQ as a memorial to the late A. J. hioumghiton of l3oeon , Mr. hXoumgliton'm brother. The property giveui Is the hhiaekinton mansion. lhas.hford Dean , prof aso ; of natural cci- once in Columbia college , New York , will , with a party of students of Columbia collcgc' , visIt the northwest the rnitmile of June for the hiurpose of studying the charactcrIvticu' of niarimie life In l'uget sound. The New ork state eapcrintenmlent of PUIliC instruction , Charles It , Skinner , calls Public attention to time fact that May 4 , 1S96 , will be ( lie 100th anniversary of time bIrth of horace Maim , whore life was unselfishly devoted to educational work. Mr. Skinner eaye : ' 'ho wau' a friend of the common schools amid a iromoter of hiumohic education. hUe natno is an inspiration to all who love the cciioole. It Ic rcccmnnicnded that this anniversary ho given pubile recognition in nil the Schools ot tue stntmi by suchm appro- iirlate exercises as may bi .rranged , Cer' ( ably every L'chmool hmommt'o hiouId ( hisplay the matlonal Ilag on that day in hunor of hloraco 1 amm ii , ' ' Ami effort Is being made by Harvard grad- Slates to arrange time donatlcu , of scholarships t'a that they ehiahi be given solely on the basis Cf schmolarshilp , and o that indigence ehahi have no weight whatever. At the pros- cut time harvard has aim Immense funil to be devotel to the purpow of ciiolarehIps , abomit 75.OOO a year bolog available for thtes. In almost every instance , however , they have to be awarded an ( lie double basis of echiolaruhip and need , A recent harvard writer on time eubject says : 'Ie it wholly wise that sound rchoharshiip should be marked with the brand 'hndigenco' nefore it can re- celve academic prizes 9" I'ouhbio founders of new scholarships are urgon , on these ac- Couuits , to leave their gifts eo that they shah ho free to all , rich and poor alike. - DeWitt's Witch hazel Salve cleanses , purl- floe and iiealu. It was made for ( lint purpose. Uea It for burns , cute , bruIses , chapped hands , e'ores of all dccrIptions and If you have plies use it for them. JtF'I'TthIt SEIt'ICIh , I' ( ) St. I'gtuh-hlmIjit'mmiohls Yin "Stmm'c ( JItcIoite. . " Two ( caine daily. St. Paul passnger leaves union depot , :4O : a. rn. , daliy , U. P. transfer - for , 6:00 : a. m. , Sioux City , 9:10 : a , in. , arrive St. Paul , 6,55 p. ni. , Minneapolis , 7:25 : p. in. St. Paul limited leaves Webster Street depot , 6:15 : p. m. , ' daily , arrive Sioux Cit 9:50 : p. m. , St. Paul , 7:25 : a. m. , Minneapohl 8:00 : a. m. Supper sarved on St. Paul limited betwen Mlsseurl Valley and Sioux City in Northwestern - western dining car , a ha Carte plan. rlcket omco , 1401 Farnam street. . _ _ . ILoihjStihFhIcaItS' : FhXCUItSI0NS . .Iit 11,0 'tllsNourhI'licllIc htil1s-zi' . Very low rates for the round trip to pr".its In icansas , Arkansas , Texas , Oklahoma. In fact to nearly all points in ( lie Southern states. hon't forget the date' , April 21 and May 5. For full particulars , books , land pamphlets , etc. , call on your nearest agent or company's emcee , N. E. corner 13th and Farnani , or depot , 15th and Web- star streets , Omaha , Neb. J , 0. PIIILLIPPI , TIIOS. F. GODFRFY , A.G.F.&P.A. P.&T.A. 0- . Six 1' . : i. ELECTI1IC LIGhITED , STEAM hEATED , SOLID VESTIBULED , Omaha , Cli lea go , Limited , via the U Milwaukee. " F. A. Nash , general agent ; George hlaynes , city passengcr agent ; city ticket office , 1501 Farnarn street. A im itemi r .ALmzirt. Tim flying Northwestern Line trains to Chicago. "No. 2 , " "The Overland , " Omaha 4:45 : p. m , . Chicago. 7:45 : a. m , The "OIIAhIA-ChIICAGO SPECIAL"- Omaha , 5:15 : p. n. , Chicago , 8:45 : a. m. Modern art had to stop a while after these trains wore built , City ticket omce , 1401 Farnam street. I , , Jletommmi mimid JlimttC As well as ti - Spokane , Seattle , Tacoma , The Burlington is nearly twelve hours faster than amiy other line. Tiicets at 1CO Farnam street. limmif 1'lti' ( ' Ii , Ck'eln mmii itimil ltetimrsm , Omt the- occasion of the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church , May I to : li , lmichtusve. time Nickel h'iato road vili sell tickets at one fare for the mound trip , on eale Aliril 29-u ) and MaY 1. For furthmor infominutlcn address J. Y. Calahian , General Agent , Ill Adams street , Chicago , Ill. ( 'omiifmmm't , 1I'ommommmy mm , md Sjeed Combine to make ( lie weekly excursions via the UNION PACIFIC the most pcpmmlamof any now running , They are personally conducted - ducted and oiler every convenience to time traveling vubile. Get your tickotm at 1102 Farnarn street , A. C. Luau , City Pass , & Ticket Agent , I'EIISON.t11 I'.It.tGIt.tl'IlS. Joe Bentley auiul J. D. hiarihin of Dcaulvooil are iii the city , l'art of ( hue Nellie Mchlenry company is stoppimig at lie Barker , Twelve nicumbers of thin hCumtho Putnam coin- pany are muiakimig.thio Barker theIr hueadquar- ters' . John hlmatt of North Platte , a pronuinent cattleman amid irrhgationhDt , is in Omaha on btmsiuiesi. , w , Ii. havis , localagent of time Bmn-hirmgten at York , Nib. , is In the city on a short visit I vitit frietmulmu , A. V. S. Saunulers , formerly a resident of Beatrice , but now of Denvem' , is In time city for ci brief business visit , E , It. hbeincimhmner , T. L. hirenman and Joimu A. Mccioehy of Glenwood , Ia , , were aniumig yesterday's hotel arrivals , Johuui Eyier , stock agent of the BurlIngton , left for an xtendcd western triiu last even- big , to bs gone sevvral weeks , Joseplm Ilaiker , Jr. , alma maia beemi visiting his vrents during the Eimster Imhidays , heft ) 'em'terchay to resume ide studies at Concord , N , II. John Marhicfter , formerly a resident at this city , tlmoughm now of Denver , is in the city for a short period while enrouto to esotern points , hI , 'I' , McCormaclc left for Sheridan , Wyc. , yesterday , anti vlhi shortly remove his family to a ranch Iii ( lint vicinity , where. they will perimmanently reside , Mrs. Deniiarn , wife cit William Denbam of Portland , Ore , , was in the city yesterday , on a short visit with her brother , I' . Ii ! , Calkins , t Sime left for Scotland last evening , I'Jebraskaun. at the hotels : It. McNett , Red Cloud ; V' Miller , Neiigh ; F. II , Oiihett , J. 13. Flnimey mind Jesse Davis , Ainewortim ; Rev. Clover , Kearney ; J. A. harris and F. Tier- hey , Broken 130w ; W. II. Clement. . Frernont ; N , W. Velhs , Schuyler ; Dr. Dunn anti Framik E. l'urks , Lincoln ; J , N , Kot. , Column. I bus , ZEPIIYRS hAVE NO TERRORS Omaha BicycBst Invents a chomo to Turn Head Winds to Account. FORCE ThEM TO HELP HIM ON illS WAY 3leehmnuiieuil .tipl Imitice l's Simini I nud 'iie'ii Nut In tise Cmm mm lie Soel A. n3' a mmii Cmi rrleml'It Imon t I ii C I ) Ii V ( Ii J e mm e e , The almoet con'tant winds that sweep across the unprotected Nebraska prairies and c'onccntrate their cnergy on the behltered pavements of ( lie city may , 111cc time lime- quito nnul time festive bed hiimg , serve comae use- fmml pmirpoea in the plaum of creation. Bmmt it would be a waste of valuable time to try to imnprtinJ time fact on more than ono out a thioiiahid of tue devotees of the wheel. To tlmemu the wlhul Is a jtilence t'.mat Is always with theum. Timey vIll tell you that ninety' nine ( lines ommt of a hundred it rerlste in tlow log tue wrong way. No matter lii which direction time weary cycler may ttmrim , Ime viil ho confronted with a stiff zephyr thmt niakes lmiiii pedal along time level stretches with a Iadga street. iiil energy , and convarte ( lie shighittet credit into a immomimitain. A business man , who lives In Oummahia nnil imold (1 responsible Position iii a large South Omaha establIshment , has wheeled to South Oniahia in thin morning and back at night six days in ( lie week ( luring ( lie past two years. During all tide tinma his verecity line been unquestioned. Cont'quently when ie colemnnly avers that there have been only four ( lays in ( hi.3t period , accordumg to actual count , when ( ho winil was not blowing from ( lie soutlm In time morning am ! front ( lie north when he mounted his vlmeel for the ride home , his statement is dimly credited. It iappeils that this particular Individual Iniierlts a well markel : Inventive facility from rome remote generation , amul time rcealt is that lie has ptrfcteiI a vclierne by which lie proiniL' im to defy the olanients. Not only vlhi ho make it possible to ride in the facO of e stiff wind as easily as thought not a 'breath was utIrring , but he vill utilze ( lie wimid as a means of actually assiting looonmo- ( ion. lie line boon at work at odd houri for several mentis iii perfecting his idea , and haL' no\ % ' gone so far as to apimly for a patent on the invention. 'rlie great merit of imis plan lice iii the fact ( list the apparatus may be ainmost inrtaimtly attacimtd , and whemi not in ( use , can be towCd in a care , which is scarcely larger thou tim tool case , and tirappod to time frame of the wheel. If lie starts out on a quiet morning for a long run and collides with a gale that t'hareatens to wind him in a five-mile struggle , lie simply atoims and attaches his apparatus. A couple of turns with a thiunib scraw nccornphlslmcct tlmis and away lie goes as easily as tlmoiighi time Winl was iii his back. The harder ( hO wind blows , ( lie niore easily uls pedals turn and he scorches along iii comnplacent mdc- pendence of ( lie freaks of' thin prune zephyre. INSIDE HIS LITTLE G4MEI , The mechanism by which this desirable re- suit is accomplished comisits of a number of sections of light steel rod and a very elm- pie arrangement of silk and banaboo , which is attached to time front of the wheel. The main rod extends from just behind the sad- die to a point somewhat beyond time forward wheel. It. is attache.l to ( lie seat and to the frame just below the handle bars by a couple of thumbscrews. Whicn It is In position a couple of el'orter rods arc adjusted as braces , connectiiig wiLh ( lie forward axle and ( lie main rod about ten inches ahead of thin Imandlo bars. The bamboo amaci. silk arrange. mont Is attached to the end of ( lila main rod and operates just far enough ahmtad of ( ho wheel to clear It. This is ( he Ingenious part of the invention - tion and for mill practical purposes it is a small but ( bite powerful windmhih. It is so light. that time merest breath of air is sufficient to revolve it with great raphuity and in a whimil of , say ten miles an iioir , it has a surprising motive power. It .is nearly two feet In ( hiameter , but so narrow that it ( ICeS not Interfere Ithi the management of thio wheel. The motive power thus obtained im comunmunicated through the main roil tea a eniahl sprocket wheel , which is located tinder time saddle amid just back of thie seat post. From this wheel a eniall steel cable with small bulbs or knots to fit the sprocket conveys time power to another similar shic2l on tlmo axle of the rear wheel on ( lie ido opposite the orIinary sprocket wheel. Simply - ply twisting the cable half way around makes the change in direction necessary on accomint of time fact that the two extra sprocket wheels are at right angles with each other. The effect of time Invention when attached to an ordinary bicycle is that every breath of wind that blows from iio direction in which time whmeelman is riding is appropriated and ( liroetly applied to ( lie populsion of tIme wheel. If tue vini1 is blowing tram beimimid anl the rider wants to ride with the speed of an express train he simply reverses ( lie silk and bamboo attachment and the same force is utilized from the other direction , All the attachments are in sections , so ( hint tIme whole parapheriaalia can be folded into a very small compass when not in use and the east of .aachlng it to any bicycle will not excecil 5. The Inventor was ridiculed to some extent when lie first exploited his idea , but since lie perfected the details and applied themim to a thirty-five pound wheel of the vintage of three years ago several mechanical experts have been allowed to vitness Its operation aad were compelled to concede ( lint while thmo Invention was not a particularly ornamental - mental addition to ( lie wheel it certainly uliul what was claimed for it. Bad conmploxion indicates an unhealthy tate of tim system. DeWitt's Little Early Itl'ers are pills ( hint will correct this condi- then , They act co the liver , they act on the stomach , ( hwy act on ( lie bowels. 0- Coursn In S ten iii Immgimme'rimmg , The steam engineering course at the Voting Men's Christian association vihI OiCfl tiil evening. The course will consist of a theoretical and prictical study of heat , steam , conabustlon of fuels , engines - gines and boilers , Espccin attention will be mald to time practiced problems conumected with ( lie ( IOUihs of time foregoing subjects , C. C. lirowum , assistant city engineer , vihi conduct the course , 'desrs , McConnell , Itornolds. itosewater. jiiderson. Phiiiips , ( Bibert , Starck , Plndar , Seymour and other exPerts _ will lecture during the course. Itip- . pui.'s text book on steam vii be used amid ihIt'iutiatioums will be affortled by an engine , mimnehmine details , drawings , visits to time liest phiimits , ctc. 'l'imo course as idammned svlil cover thirty mvot'ics' ss'urlc , at one lesson lieu' weak , hut ( ho eauree this ijai'iiig will probably consist of eleven meetings , Instimig til time hot weather , and 'ihi be completed durIng the fail and winter , 0- IIOMESEE1CIhhIS' IIXCVItSION , AIill 21 Nt , ltdO. ) To p0mb oum the Frenmont , Eikimorn & MIs. ourl Valley railroad in Nebraska , Inciuding oimmts iii the upper portion of ( lie fertile Elk- iorn river valley , Ache agents for particulars , or send to the indercigned for uimaps and printed matter , J. IL BUCHANAN , : i , p. A. , F. E , & M. V. IL R. , Omaha , Neb , 0 Not ' 1'i.s SIaar'oiTi Tue tracks of the UNION I'ACIFIC aroma ma cniooth and the cars ftmrnishied so corn. lec ( hat you can imagine yourself in your mmvii iuxtmrlous apartments at hmomime , JumciiecL time Buffet Library and Smoking arc as ( boy pass through Ommiahma every norniuig , City Ticket omce , 1302 Farnam street. Cn'Jmtil at S'ortiaiews Cii..elc , A. 0 , Vi'hlilnmnc , a travelIng satan , regis- ered at ( ho Arcade lintel some time ago md remained a week. Upon leaving lie ten- lereel a check for 20 in payment of' his oaril and received limo balance in cumsim. Io thou dicappenred. riio check was found 0 hu worthiecs. Yesterday word vmcs eeeived ( comma Valley station that Williams mad been arrested by the authiorItle timere tad aim ofhicer from Omaha will bring him ) ack to this cIty today , viiero lie will be ned upon the charge of defrauding atm nim.keeimer and obtaliihuig money Under ( also lioteimbes , Court ( nhls for 'roilny , Judge Fass'cett-4S42. t1.288 , 51-297 , 61.11 , 2i99 , 61.331. § 1-112 , 61.356 , 61-361 , 62-33 , 62-49 , : i : f2-210 , 62-247 , 62.27 , 61-393 , ht1l. MIS. M.ClV'.tV T.tl.1S TO flI.ICS , ( ) rgummiizntl.imipu , rr ; : ; i ; Origin iamiml e- ( ' ( 'sNII _ S.t Fort it , fey , Thomas Jiremckay , rector of All Saints' cimtmrcim nnd'chaplalim of' Omaha lodge No , 39 , B. 1' . 0. E. , lehivered an addroso inst night to the Ornahu lodge of FIlki' , which attended in a bod' , , tiking for hits subject "Organlzatlons-Orlgmn , Causes anti Noces- city , " "There are , ! ' lie s'aiii , "graulca' in organizations - ganizations , as griulea In life , time hmigimest and bent organiratlon being ( hint which calls out and rnaimmtalns that wlmichm is best amid hi ighi oct I ii inn ii's hlfimi' ' "Vi'liat It , life ? " Ito first dwelt upon wlmat life in not. Money , pocition , merely hiving , (11(1 not constitute lifo time lJlenstmres and pas. iionII ehotmld he made secondary to time real dutiec of ( hii life ; duties which every immami owes to God , to lilmneelf , to his family , to Imis country mind to ( lie business iii vhiclt lie is engaged. " \'hmat is' ' life ? It Is hope , aspiration , the tarreachming out of time soul to sometlmlumg be- yonil ; ( lie awakening or mnmm's grandest me- tilties to tim realization of an iiloil ( owarde' wimielt lie nmuct over mauve in obedience to aim inmmoral inetinet , Religion is a necest'lty. There is umo living withiomu ( It ; It Ic time tie that connects muman with his Creator. Memm have encored at our order of Elks : thmey have said , as ( lie Jews of clii did of Nazareth- 'Caum any gooil coimme omit of Nazareth ? ' Show (0 tlmee'c revilera of our order ( lint good can conmo out of Nazareth by hivimig pmro and noble lives , by'oxercisiimg constuintly time bemi' evocmice vhmlch ii , our foundation stone mini by chmielding with the protective lntimiencen of our order those whmo clainm our pity anil cur love , "I rejoice In the effort that is being mimailo by the bout macti in our order to theepen its infiuiencea for good mmii raisO it to a hiiguier standard of tmsoftmhiiis. The naemnbershiip Is cammiposed of thio boot badness blooil of our city , whose busimieca and eacial relations prevent - vent ( hem taking a narrow or contracted view eu any question that concerns the order or their relationt' with their fellow man. "I'oii cannot be menu , you mimust he goner- otma , broad in your synmiathiieit , noble lum your ohmic , upright in character : you mimust be ore you can carry into practice the principies of the Order of Elks. " SOUTH OMAHA NEWS I'osterday morning at St. , tgnes' church fifty-four boys arumi girls received their ilrst communion. Thu beimmln of the uarvice wac a procesnion or the conmununleamuts Into ( ho church. Three acolytes , one bearing a crse aiid the others suorting hiimmm on either side , headed the ptc.sOomi. ! fle\ ' . Father Moriarty caine next , followed by the boys. A beautiful cross of flowernvam car- ned at ( ho imcatl of the proccusion of gina. To ( ho crass wino attached streanmenm , of pink anti white ribbons , and four small pages. chad all iii white , steadied t by ( lie stream- ens. The little gina were all dressed in vlmito and with wreathe' ed riowens Oh thmcir heads. Aftir a short rerpoumsivo cervice time uacrauiient was adiiiinistored by Rev. Ion- iarty. The procession then left the citurcim in ( ho same order it entered. In than afternoon time bays met at time church again , the service acing a renewal of the baptinmah vow and arm enrolling into the scapuhary cf ( ho h3lesacd Virgin Mary. 11ev. Moriarty delivered an addreas to ( he children , vhi lcii wa' fihio'h with c.ncourage- nment and good advice. Tlm boys ( lien took a pledge to abstain frcm all Intoxicating liquors until they- were 21 years of age. Miiglp Ci * 3' ( ; oNsli , . There Ic a car-c of scarlet fever at Charles Gniffithms' iioune , Twenty-third and J streets. George II , h3rewcr left yeimerday afternoon for New York to t'icit hut fattier , who Is very sick and Is not expected to live. Mra. B. Nitchio heft yesterday afternoon , foi Billings , Mont. , ( a join bier husband , who has enaged Iii business there. Wilhiarit Bncapan payrnnston1at Cudahy'e , Ia sending the cigars arouno to his friends on account of a daughter \thich arrived yea- terday. City Trcauurer flroadwehi has appointed Andy M. Gallagher as' hilu deputy and Mr. Gallagher will assume thm dmmiea ( of Iit office this morning. Tmere Ia a large paol of stagnant water on Tweny-aixth street near J which time city authorities iiauihd attend to before warium weather sets iii , Jennle Wiluoma was arrested Saturday umight for beimig drunk and disorderly and fre- qtuenttng wine rooms. Slit , wac released on ball , pending a imearing tuiay. A false alarm of fire was turned in early Sunday morning from ( he box at Twenty- fourth and N strects. Time persan who pulled ( hue box ran away as , the department arrived. The Wornami's auxiliary of time Young Mcmi's ChristIan aezoclaticn will meet at ( hue imeno- elation parlonm , TucaJay afternoon. Dr. Mary Gerard Andrews Is expected to be present and deliver an address. Yeeerday afternoon the lhoiienalan band .cf ( lie Woodmen of time World gave a picnic at Sarpy Mills park. A large crowd went omit and the afternoon was spent In playing base bali and watching bicycle races. In the evening there was dancing in ( lie pavilion. There is some talk of taking time proper eteps to have the houres renumbered and also pace rtrcet signs at Intersections. At present a large number of houscu are not numbered at all , and few , if amiy , of the ttreotss have cigna at the intersections. Tim matter wIll be called to the attention of the cIty council by Mayor Euisor. This evening time city council will meet and conelder an ortllnanco creating the office of milk inspector and providing for hicenslrv milk peddlers. There vli1 be no dlscrina. Inatlon In the price of license as at llrs ( Intended , Persons keopiog one or two cows anti 'hmo sell nmlik In ( heir Inimetilate neigim- bonimood will not conic under time provisions of tue ordinance , Thuo fohiowing delegation will go to Lin- cohn Wednesday to attend the deuimocratto state convention : P. II , Easer , Sauim Gos- ney , F. A. Broadwell , E. .1. Seykora. D. S. Parkhiurmut , Cbanl& Scarr , J. Fitz Roberts , C , M. Hunt , Tom Iloctor and Captain Cock' nell , This delegation met Smmtmmrday night at ( ito city treasurer's ofllco antI endorsed C , J. Smyth for delegate-at-large. Oum April i ; John hi. Gralmam was sent to time county jail to serve a eantenco of twenty days for beating hue wife. Yesterday ho sent a letter to ( lie mayor askluig for a pardon , as lie had hiuslnesa of importance to attend to at once. At ( lie trial Mrs. Crahaimm testified that her imusbanil haul abused lion for a long time nndivhme could not stand It any longer. The pollee ray ( hint Graham mci always - ways making trouble and ciuommhii have been sent up for a louiger period than lie was. Mayor Ensor has refused to pardon ( lie man. 'Fimo funeral services of Mrs , Kate Ivcrsoui were held at time First. 1tlethiodlst Episcopal church yesterday afternoon. 11ev. llniccon , pactor of ( lie Danish Lutheran church In Omaha , e'poko tQ the hanhshm sisterhood anul ( lie Danlali congregation and 11ev , Dr. Wheeler spoke to the hegreo of honor , A large number of friends of time ( leccaseil were present , At the he-nit of ( lie casket stood a large anchor of roses from the Degree of lloumor and on the foot lay a beautiful wreath from time Danish 1sterhoouI , Internment at Laurel Hill , _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ i1Nt lii time date the /Wabasb svilh sell those cheap tickets ( ° ahLmpains south , including ( lie famous Hot Siurimitis of Arkansas , For particulars or a copy of ( he hionmeseoker's Guide call atVabasii office , 1415 Parnana street , or wrlto G , N. Clayton , N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha , Neb , 0- "I'ime Overhim mmd LImiil ted" Is the fastest train out of Omaha , and car- rice the finest equipment of any line In the vcst , Tickets via ( ho UNION PACIFIC can be secured at 1302 Farnam street. 0 LOCAL flhtIl'ITIES , Edna Ewing , a denizen of ( lie lower die- tnlctis , was arrested last night at the instance - stance of Lee Davis , who alleges that lie visited her house and was robbed of 1 , The verdict of the coroner's Inquest on time remains of Frank hloman , the 2-year- old boy drowned in a pond Saturday evening on Soutlm Tweumty-tlfth street , was In accord- aumco with the facts already published. The Jury rcconmmended that the Board of health ho notified of the existence .t the Pond and that it be declared a. nuicance and be tilled at eec CERTAIN T11EY IhIVE COLD Extant or Value of the Calhoun Discovery Yet to Pu Detcrminea. ARE NOW WORKING INTO TIlE ROCK Omvumpr nf t Ii I. Farmut lbs Seiircu1 thiC St'rvieep. tiC aim Ihxiert Miner to ) ' , , II IN h'I imdtIiit' ( ' Sitili- iles fum' time .tssilt'r. A reporter of The Boo yesterday visited the farmmm of Otto V.'agncr , located about two mIles west of Calhoun , where gohil-bearimig rock ns diecorercul a. few tiays ago , as do. tailed at ( lie ( lame iii these columns. lie founti time womk of slnklmmg the i'hinft going en wider thio direction of A. II. Caple. a nmlmier of CXPCI'leimee , frouii tIm Black hills country. Time rock vae sirucle at a depth of 158 feet below ( ho uummrfnco anti tim work of sinking ( hits shaft through this rock Is now behuig lnmshmed forward as rapimlly as pn.ssible. Yes- teruhay a blast was fired , which thmrew omit abcut 400 Potmiitls of rock amid it Is exlicctrti ( list amiothior eliot will be fireui today amid thi3 ore scented will ho semit to time smelter , as ivehl as to assayers in lenvcr amid Chicago , to be stIll ftmrhicr ( tested. Mr. Caplc , who appears to lie a very plain amid niater-of-fat man , mho line hind wide e.perieumce iii mnlnhimg , said ' 'ail we kmmow Is that we have gohul-bearing rock , bmmt whietimer ( lie gold Is iii paying ( itiammtltles , or whether the ro bearing l is of aumy great extent , I caum't say. 0mm nmnn'a guess oum that nmatter iii as good as aumothiet'uu , We used t thmiimh : ( hint goiti ivan to be foimmitl only 1mm certain geological formations aumtt uuo nminer would huutve thought it P03511110 ( lint there was gold to be found iii any qmuantiy at Cripple Creek. Sluice the experiemmee ( lucre We have conmo to timinle that gold Is where yomm fluid it , and Is jtist as hatde ! to be iii ( ho t'C'cke underlying easiern Nebraska as in the mountains , It imiay be that ve have stri.'ck oumly a Pocket of or ? , or wo nmay have conic iii contact vithi , the apex of a comic of rock thrown tip by soummo upheaval , as was the case at Cripple Creole. All we cami do is (0 go dowmi through it mmd fluid omit. I can Sn ) ' , however , that the Lahicatlons are ( lint we have struck .i blanket rock , In which case we aught expect It to be of a consitlerablo extemit , " Mr.Vagner , the owner of the farm , is deenummlned to find out iia ( there iii hi it and vili spend tIme mimouuey umeceacary to simik ( liii shaft , lie Is sonmewimat indignant at time inehumuations that it is a scheme to sell his fanumm anti declares ( hint mio oume can have aim acre of lila land until time matter Ia settled for good. Time tliecovery has cauretl sommie little excite- nmcmt at Callmoun and the majority of the peplo there appear to have couisiilerabio faIth ( lint goltl will ultimately be foumiti In paying quantities , 'rhey are at least catlim. lIe ! ( lint there is no scheme behind it , and ( lint time mcmi who are at ( lie back of it are slmmcero. Several parties have rectmreti options on unmrrounding landi at 75 per acre , the muds being ivorth for farnilumg purposes pcriiaps 25 to $10 per acre. The shaft was vms-lied yesterday by a gooti imiany People from ( lie surrommnd'mg country anti by a few Omaha people , though there is nothing to be cccii ummore than a pile of clay anti a big hoi in the ground , ummless one cares to be lowered by a rope to ( lie bottom of the shaft. AMUSEMENTS. Gccccocoeccocceoceecoeo "Tue Old Lime Kihum , " an elaborate scene protluctloui , with KatIe I'utnammm as the cen- tm ! figure , opened at ( lao Creighton yester- tiny. It is a story of the wet and much mncuntain scenery is shown. Novel amid start- liimg situations are imunmeromis and as this claas goes "The Old Linme Kiln" Is riot bad. To tone down time heavy work a number of pleasing specialt'es are arramiged in a very attractive way. Kat'c Putnam has ummuummei'ous friends in Omaha. T. hI. Finley , E. M , Xliii- ball , II. B. Emery and Dutton Wansor , mneun- hers of the company , are favorably kmmowii In the ivst. The special scenery carried by ( hue cona- pany iz very large amid time mnecimammhcal (10- tails are excellent. 'rhiroughuout "The Olti Limo Kiln" i realistic amid calculated to 'lease. Nellie Mcllenry has been before theater patrons in a mmumber of interesting roles and "The Bicycle Girl , " prenented at tue Boyd yesterday for the first time iii Omaha , In vimichi she takes the leadiumg part , will enable - able lien to add now laurels to her crowmm. The plot , hmlnglmmg en a love affair , is in- differeumtly arranged , but is made tolerable only by the imitroduction of seine catchiy cong and dance specialties. Nellie Mchienry does a nunibor of ccver ( turns. liar support - port is fair , The story is Intended to make prominent time ridiculous features of tim bcycmo : craze. especially in those instances where the exhilaratiuug exercise is carred to great extremes. The play is strong , par- tictuianly in special features. Nellie Mc- hleimry's wit , graceful danciumg and clever ways add largely to tIme pleasing perfonumi- ance. A nunaber of the company's people failed to arrive yesterday , but will be present - ent at this evening's performance , On Friday evening next tile University of Michigan Glee , Banjo and Mandolin citib.s , ommo of ( lie most celebrated orgammizatioums of college men of its kind that over went aim tour , will appear in concert at Boyd's ( lie- ator. Thiese clubs are cou.poaed of eighty picked men from ( hues great etiucational institution - stitution at. Ann Arbor , and time itorhc they have liceui doing this wintem anti spring line met with tluo very highest praise. Oum ( lie 10th lust , ( hey gave a concert at Central Musio bali in Chicago , and ( hue Daily Chmrouu- IcIp ot' the next day hiatl ( hula to say of the event : "Michigan mimehothies were a immagnet iviilehm drew an audience to Ceumtmal Music hail last night ( lint filled every avaIlable coat in the building. The annual caumeort of ( ho University of Michmigaim Glee , Bauijo anti Mandolin ciuhw line becomno an event of no nmcan importance in ( lie social , not to say mntucical , world , aumd time boys from Anmm Arbor were given a right royal greeting. They' rcspoumtlod by simmgimig and playing with a vimmm anti cnthmusiauuun that carried all before - fore it. " "Fhmo Old Linmo Kilim"whuicia is tiuorouhmly pleasing Creigiiton patrons , will contimitmo at that theater until Wediiemtlay , closing time cii- gagemneimt. with two performances , time usual niatlnco being givemm at 2:30. : Time coining engagement of Robert Man- tell at the Crelghmton , cc'muncmmclng Sunday I matinee , April 26 , will be tIme first appear- auaco of tide popular player iii Omaha for m a miuuimber of seasons , amimi there is every imhic cation timat tile reception accordeti huiumm will ho a cordial one. Durimmg time appearamico here a imuunber of lila latest successes will - o presented. Next Thursday eveniumg at floyd's theater the Elks will present their latest couceptioui , "An Elite Carnival. " Time rosy fresiuumess , and a velvety softness of time skin Is invariably obtained by those who use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder. S Smmtfl CimtN Ii 'tVtIIiflht. Ed Sutton and Mrs. hicadle , hivimig macar i3ixteeumthm and Maicorm streets , engaged 1mm a brawl yesterday afternoon , in which tiiq womam was seriously cut about tie breast with a knife. hiohm pmirticci were urrested , $ uttoii hwlmig chargetl with arm assault with Intent to kill , and Mrs. Ifoadle was detaiumcd as complaining witness , - -0 ( himezm hhimt'S elm time 21st , To points In Arzomma , Arkansas , Missouri , Texas , Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado , Wyo- mning , etc. Just about half regular tariff , Call at time hiurlimigon Ticket Office , 1502 Faraam street , and get full information , S 10 ilouirs Smi'i'ed , SoconS class passengers for San Francisco via the UNION I'ACIFIO now save ten J hourt time. 'Time Is money. " Buy your tickets via "life Overland Route , " City Ticltt OLhlce , 13Q Vapai itrett , LttLth % % ' hfr , iupiii 1o , 1596. t t Good News For Scvcral seasons that indcfatigabk buyer of ours j has bccn trying to find a manufacturcr of Bicycle Clothf g ing who didn't havc whccls in his head when it came to M This season , with the hclp of the X rays and a - ' : fat wallet , he succccded in finding a few men who wcrc i _ * listen and whcclmcn look willing to to reason may now f _ to "The Nebraska" to relieve them from that tirca fcel- ing which they gt when they buy outfits in other places. f _ We carry a cornpkte line of Suits , Pants , Shocs , Hose , _ 4lc _ Caps , B1ts and other bicycle comforts at priccs which , add a hundred pr ccnt to their comfort , Yes , the I .i . . , Nebraska prices will be a decided relief- c _ For Wheelmen. t L A L-II\ND SAW IS A GOOD THING , BUT NOT L0 SHAVE WITH. " SAPOLIO Is THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. itA I IitOtiS 'I'O hi A'Ih A ii FI. % It INC. Act lout It ego s-ill mmjAI legeul ilsem'I in- I mmii I l ui . % gum I ui't m.i iI'ui ii. Time State Board of Transportation has isuetj orders on ( ho Ummiout Pacific and Elkhorn - horn roads noifyimig ( thicium nut to put imito effect the now freight schedules recently announced by those roads to go into effect Monday next , It has beau alleged by time Lincoln merchants that the mmcmv rates dli- cnIimmliaato agalmmst thueumm In the interests of the busIness nien of thIs city , and it is tue Comimmumercial club of time Capital City wimich has caused time present order to be issued , A conference out tIme matter was held lii tIme office of Gciiorah Mamiager Burt , Saturday aftermmooii , 'Ilioso present besides Mr. Burt were General Attorney W. B. Sterling anti Assistant General Freight Agent Merchant of time Eikhorn and Aesistant General Freight Agent Elmer H , Woods of ( lie Union Pacific. It was tlecidetl by the tJimmon Pacific and ( lie Elkimorn roails to obey time ortler of time State Board of Transportatioum , anti It was airauiged ( lint a hearing of the mmmater should be hind before this board thmi weck. The Uniomi Pacific aumd ( lie Rikimorn roads maintain that as Lincoln Is a ( enuiiiumal amid not an iiitenmnediate point on ( imeir lines the board hi no right to denmand time sante rates as those vhiieh will be enjoyed - joyed by Omahmn offer Monday next. Time roads seem indifferent to the threat of tue Lincoln merchants that ( lucy will give all ( heir passenger as well as their freighut busineas to other roads. Neither time Eikhiorn nor ( lie Union Pacific troubled ( hem- alvcs tiuring mcccgit years to acconimodate time Liumcoln business aumml they feel ( hint tue1 \.iil mint lose mimticlm , eveum shmommll all ( lie Lin- coin trade be taken away. A men who is tlmorougiuly converrammt with time entire siua- ( ( Ion , although connected witim neither road interested , said yes.tentiay that when tIme rates which have just bean withdrawn from Lincoln were issued tue mnerciianta of that city tjiiietly prommiised the Ummlan Pacific and the Eikhiorn roads 35 per cent of all their eastbound business. This obligation has not been lived up to and this failure , it is , under' . stood , is time direct cause of the withdrawal of the rates. 0- - \1.t'I'tiEmL FOICmOCST. N'IrgmMica C'im'i'liii ) ' I.t I'roiui lNl a Izmy'ltimoumt mliii miVimala bit' S'I mIs WASITING'roN , April 19.-Time forecast for Montlay Is : Pot' Nebraska - Generally fair ; variable winds. For Kansas-Fair ; southeasterly wintis. For Coiorado-Fair ; warmer in time north- em porttoum ; variable winuls. For South inlcotn-Fair ; warmer in the western portiomm ; nortiiemiy wimmds , becoming variable. For Wyoming-Fair and warmer ; variable ivinilS. F'oi' Montann-Falr ; warmer ; wimads shift- iumg to tmotmthoniy , For Miacouri-Cenerally fair ; southerly wi ntis. For bown-T"alr : clear in time westcmn her- Lion ; variable winds. I.iei hteeord. OFFICE OF TIlE \VL'ATIIER flUREAIJ DMAIIA , April 19.-Omaha record of ( cmii- mratmmre anti reminfimll eomptmreti with the I orreslmommding day of the pmist four years : 1896. 1595. 1891. 1693. , Taximumtn temperature. , , . 74 67 ri so lInimuni teunpermiture , . . . 44 47 i7 : : G i Average tenmiL'rttturo , . . . 59 57 15 43 I L'reclpitntloui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .21) , ( j9 I Comutlitioum of temnperatumo timid lmrocinitittion it Onmaha ( or the day anti siiuc Zmlamcii 1 , Jorunal temperalimrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Fxcess for time thiiV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Accuimmtmato& ( leflIu'ncy tlneo Mardi I. . , Normnai iwecinitatioui . . , , . . . . , , . , , . , , . , 11 inch lcllcieimcy for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch i'otah iurechiuitaion sInce Mmtrcim I 4. ( Inches ixcese lnco iulareim I . . , . , . . . . , , . , , 73 Immchmes Iti'iti'IN fittill tmutIomms mmt S it , iii , I-i 'e ' , , * 5 _ i 014 STATIONfi AND $ TATi O1 W'iATJfflui. a. 1 ° " - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) inuhiz , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tO . ' ( ) riit liatte , i'mrt clotmiiy. . . . . . . . . . . . el-i it .0) ) I mmrun , pm ri rtimiiiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rr is .1110 iuuliuigo , Clttm'.I . r4 CC .00 41. I4iuit' , maiL . ( . i1tuiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ii 71 'I' t. i'tiiui , citutithy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.z . en. ) : tviiitort , clear . . . , , , , . . . , , , , , . . . , . Cc r.s .01 , uiuisas clli' . ti'ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Ei .0) johns , ittirt cJaiI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Iutvrt' . cioimi' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . . T tmtit luke , nioutly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I o .o Ilcunmim-ek , c'Icimr . . . , . . . , , , . . . . . , , , . , , . . 5 4(1 ( .0) nicycuifle. clar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2 , t10 'iiiit.toim , 11th t rlc'uid' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 .04 tiumtil ( 'II y , c'iou'ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 . 46 .0) 1uulVittoIl , el.tuIV . . : . : : : _ _ .mm. . : P indic.itcs trace of preclpiluiIouu. ( L. A. 'ii.iihi : , Obsenver. Award'd Honors-World's Fair Vlgliest - , 3ICE CREAM IIJKIN4I MOST PERFICT MADE. - pure Grare Cucam ofTartar Powder , Free om Ammmuonia , Alum or army other adulterant , 40 YEARS THU STAUDMtD , ( 'lmtNCIh IIt Al. ! . 'i' ( ) Si lIi'iIilILI. I'himct's ' , 'iiu'rt' thie'list of tht ( ' Ne. . Irzmiti.n Clmmh , 31mm y Iit i'num miii , TIme Nebraska club has adopted a plan whereby those lmo arc imilseed by time caim- vtissimig coummnmitteo may subscribe and become immounbers. Thin executive board line arranged vit several houses to open subscription books , and tiiix'e vlm are nmiseetl by ( lie commmiitteea uimay stmbscribe at any of ( lie places naimmed , Quoting ( roam an ohllcial circtmlar issued by ( he executive comimuumittee : "No one shioulti iiesittmte to subscribe for five shares becausc , lie caimuot afford to subscribe for ten , not- $1 because lie cannot share $2. Time shares umro placed at 1 in artier ( lint evcrl'hody amy take an Interest , amid thai greater thio mitminber intereseil , anil therefore talking 'Time Nebrn'ka club' and 'Nebraska , ' the bet- tar for both. " The drama ivlthm which subscriptions uimay be left are : W'ililauim Hayward Shoe corn- pany , Coumamercini National bammk , Thompson , Beitlen & Co. , Onmaima Savings bank , htimmg. wait Bros. , Res l'riimtlng comnpammy , Union Elevator company , 0. D. Kipilumger cigar store , McCoy I'riuitin.g couumpany , F. L. hailer of Litminger & Metcalf coummpany , .1. A. .iohin- son of Joimneomi Bros. , C , E. Ihlacle of S. F. Oilman & Co. , E. D. Evamis' grocery , hCuhmn'a drug store , Nebraska Hay commapany , hlelumi- roil & hanson's grocery , Major T. S. Clark. son's offiCe , A. hiospe , ii' , , Board of I'ubhica W'orks , l3uihmlers and Trailes exculamige , AlfalfiL Iii X'Jirziskri , M'COOIC , Neb. , April l9.-Special-fle ( ) Wiiloiv county Is justly called "Tho Great Alfalfa Region , " A great many fields were cut four ( lines last sasoum , in spite of the drouthi , auiil the yield for ( lie season was seven to temi tons per acre of excellent hay. amid this is ithmout irrigation. One crop of sceti " ' autil two of hay mere secmireil frcnm mmiany fields. Seed crop m'aa light , oumly four to si bushels ver acre. Three crops of hay were secured from soiime fields ( lint were seedeti last April. Two crops of hay were taken from a field that was sown ( hue 20tim of last Jtin.e , and ( ho thud crop grow to ( lie height of eight indies. I sowed five acres the 1st of July and emit it Amigust 0 , aumtl It wa ( mm enty incites high. It grows very rapidly. A fIeld nas cut May 28 , end July 3 sonic ot ( lie second crop mneasureil four feet auth fives inches high , which is itroof of a very rich soil , Tile hay Is remarkably rich , About as fine beef as h ever saw was fattened entircly 0mm alfalfa hay. Give cows all they will eat of it antI the flow of umilik In winter wilt nearly equal time flow in Jimmie eu reul clover timid quite equal it in richmiess. Hogs eat ( Ito hay in whiter like clover iii mtumminier. rime ) ' thrive on It like calves all whiter. Simoats at. nine mmaonthmiu oitl have a oiglmett aver 300 pounds. A scasoui's groutthm of al- ralfa can pretty safely ho estimnateil at $2 to 4O an acre per year , Seoul is tvorhm $4.GG per bushel , and busy $1 to 5 per ton. One acre of alfalfa will ftinumishi nmore feed antI is ivortlm miiore than two acres of red clover , or lover of amiy kiuiml ( lint h ever can' . Twenty moati of cattle amid iiorcs were kept omm eight acres fromn April 1 to Jumie I , amid then turned off , July 12 cut a cromu of hay amiil a. need crop time inst of Septemimbm'r antI pas- Lured through October amid Novemmibm'r. 'fho litty ttimd seed colil for $43 per acre. It is rightly calleul "Tue Mortgage LIfter , " for ir t don't. hilt a mortgage ( lucre is notiuiimg out Lhiis earth that will. 'i'hio ccii is imi spiemiditi omidition. I have fanummed lucre fourteen years muuil have never seen it iii better simape , auu liever saw better hurosimects for good crops , WlIAIAM COLEu1AN. - 3rm © PERFECT Toth Pvider AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY , Used by 1)cOpIo of refimlcmneui Lot over it quurtcr of a cciitllry. " izd ; Bicycles 'freest IieurinJS ) 'A Well Made Wheel" Call or write for Catalogue. NeiriisImi Oyclv Cu. , 823 5. 111th St. Or Iowa Cycle Cu , , Counci Bluffs , Ia. ' m IINDI1ONVIIEIIL CO. ( Midoi ? ) Toledo , Ohio. ARE YOU AFRAID- 'l'cct Is I ' never Iiiii't , C , , IfilfelL 1 > iIIllICSS ( I t ImitItz'y , \ . 11th Floor Brown 111k , flU I 11th ItmIti 1'lIli , IotibIms ; _ DR , WITHE1S. -