Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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- _ C - - _ - , - - TflE OMAUA flAIrY JUThMONDAY , APRIL 20 , 1.SOL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Members cf , the Omaht Whcl Olub Make
the Trip to Fapillion.
Cniz * In tetpri , Ick _ tisiuiticN u
JLuht , fur tIIi Iletiell at tIi.
St.rcII.r..6rce11 ItIIIr ? . tu Dc
TMIcfl Cur Of.
fleiiitluI a yetCthiY lii two rc'pEet
It fdl ) iort of the bIeyc1It lde3I day for a
rott run. In the flrt place the wInd blew
out on the hilly pralrlo wti a peralstenr.o
that tend.t . to damage even a gentle temtcr-
ntnoflt when the poseseOr had to flit : ) agolnet
It , \S'hn It struck the light tt1 sttcil from
thu eke the intIve ! thing trenihlct ne If
ready to boiinil.Ott Into the aIr , whIch pro.
tiice a curIou1y (1IagrecaIIe ) eentlon In
the breast of the rkk.r , who was tryIng to
1eop It wILiIn a trat little cIdcr than a
'wogan wlioel.
'rue conilition of the TOflB VflS the other
feature of the day. They were nelthor good
nor bail , hut very Indifferent.
Theta objectIons vcre not a'ppreclated by
the dilctantl , who illil not. get off thu paveil
etreets. In fact , It cannot be said that they
bothered even road rIiler much. The day
pOCCW'3d too many other beaites for that ,
if a rider wa not satisfied wIti tine bracing
and cool aIr , tinctured itli a Nebrntl < a
zephyr , ilie bright blue ky anti liIiiing un
anil the t.ght ! of t)1 ) green trece and meadows
palpitaltng with the lIfe of the new spring ,
lie was too much of a ) ! to b a
ble.yclist , and had batter stow liI vlieel in a
garret and content himself with riding on
a trolley car.
Unilcr such nuepces the initIal run of the
Omaha \VlieI club \vai inadi yeterd3y. 'The
run Sas to I'aPlllIon , only a few tniIo die-
taut , as the crow flies. but eleven and a
half by the roads , according to a cyclomettr.
It % viui fifty miles goIng , if the hills are
counted in , nnd a Iiunlrcd comliig back , hilt
after itviis all over , the cyclometer would
not register more than twenty-three mIlci for
the round trip.
The titart vas made from the club house
In lloyd's theater buildIng. a few minutes
after 9 o'clock , "lmen ho OflO else appeared
in mgiut , There vera fifteen In the bunch :
McCormick , Frank iefkin , Foye , Turner ,
Sebrack , Body , IIint , Croxton , Liveey , Cox ,
hlunUr , fleets , Vette , l'otter and Poler.
Captain McCormick was on the front seat
of Len I'veeey's new tanuitiii , iheluiuid thenu
came tliu rest , two anti two , as much as
porible , almoet every individual bestridlng a
different make. The string cut over to
Lvavcnwortlm i'treet and out to Center by the
park , A turn south was then made on one
of the i'trects In the fortIes , anti the country
roads vere e'truck , F'rom lucre it was one
contInual up bill and down lull until Sarpy
Mills wao reacluruh. here a few minutes' rest
was taken , and then tIe most d'oigreeable
part of the run was struck. The road was
lcvel a gcod Part of the woy , but beIng on
the bottoms anul half gumbo , It was In exe-
crabie condition. Every few minutas some
one or other gave vent to an exprersion of
disgust when hIs front wheel flirted with
the clcds and threatened to buck. This
lasted for a couple of 11111CR , and then came
some more hills , usually small grades , however -
over , There was one little beauty , at about
45 degrees in grade at first , but 9 before
the top vas rcadtieuh , Some swore that it
ctooul stra'glit ' imp In the air ,
The run took about an hour and ten mm-
mites , Papilhion being rcacheh at 10:40. : It
was a good , easy jog all the way , a decIded
relief to the green road riders , who expected
a orch , Captain McCorinlclc has given it
out that no scorching goes on time road runi
and threatens to flue any one that attempts
to cut ahead. This is the proper tlng ,
and if lie sticks by tim rule the runs will be to green riders an well as the more
experienced ,
A big dinner was eaten and was not fln-
iSliCl until the proPrietor came Into time ( un-
lag room , tiurcv both hands in the air and
ciitl he had no more. Everybody u'towed
away grub like a healthy man , except Shef-
kin , Potter anti F'oye , w'.mo ate like two healthy
men each. About 2 o'clock wheels were
mounted for time ride home.
' 'It's all down hill , " saki F'oye , with a
cherubic smile , "because there can't be any
more lulls th'n : we havem already clinibed. "
The whole bunch started off except Bob Beck ,
who caine , too , after lie found that there was
no train back to tme city until tomorrow
morning. Another stop was made at Sarpy
Milk' , and tlmemm cm hot run was made to time
city , which was reached about 4 o'clock.
Altcgetimer , the run was one of the most
suiccemul and ideasurable taken by the club.
It iii to be followeil by another next Sunday
to Fort Calhoun , sixteen miles away , at timu
end of which a big game dinner will await
time riders. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( A1tiS OF 'VlIfl 1V.tTIOSAI , LEAGUE.
Clnclnmmiuti Give. . Iii' CoI.uuieIs n CIuicu
1)11 ii , .4d . I'Inee.
CINCINNATI , April 19.-Four hundred
rCoter from Louisville could not help the
Colonels win. Eviimg'H men batted Con-
nlugham unmercifully , and Frazer , who
umucceecled him in time third Inning , fared lit-
tie better. Louisville's errors counted for
little. The three runa scored by the Fails
City team were made on Ewing's error ,
a. inso on hails aflil good batting. nurice ,
Iloiiiulny 'Ull Dexter stirred the crowd with
ucnsational catches. Attendance , 16&OO.
Score :
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 2-12
LOuisvjile . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-3
HIts : CincinnatI , 13 ; Louiss'iiie , 10. Errors -
rors : cincInnati , 1 ; Louisviiie , & . Earned
ruins : Cincinnati , C ; Louisvilh' 1. Two-base
hits : Vutugimu , Ewing (2) ) , O'irk'n. Three-
base lulls : Burke Caiusidy. Shannon , Stolen
lases : Irwin , Ewing (2) ( ) , Mcl'lmeo (3) ( , First
linac on hailK : By Ilimines , 3 ; by CunnIngham -
ham , t : by F'rnzer 2. lIlt by pitched tmnli :
By Ithines , I' by 1 razer , 1. truc3c out : By
llhmirme , 1. \ liii pitches : Ithlnes. Batteries :
Cincinnati , ItlmIiies aimd Vaughn ; Louisville ,
Frazer , Cunningham an Warner , Umpire :
ST. LOUIS , April 19.-lireitensteiu was in
the box and won the game for time Browns ,
who gave him excellent support , lip to
the third inning lie wan sviid , tint aifter that
li settled ( iOVfl and imitcheul good bali ,
Parker lielil time Imome team down to three
ruims ( lurIng the early part of ( lie game ,
but toward the end they found hIm often
nnd batted hull hard , makIng seven more
tallies. The Colts fielded loosely , making
several costly errors. Attendance , 17,000.
Score :
St. Louis , , . , , , . . , . , I 0 1 0 1 0 4 3 -1O
( lhIeago . , , S. . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 (1 ( I 0 0 0-2
hilts : St. Ioiuls , 8 ; ChIcago , 7. Errors :
St. Louis , 2 ; Chicago , f , Eurneul runs : St ,
LoUis , : t' Chicago , 1 , Two-lmuts. hits : lonn-
hue , ifome ruins ; Quinn. Stolen lmases :
Cooley (1) ( ) Connor (2) ( ) . loublo plumyn : Breit.
enstein Quiimui and Connor ; Connor ammul
? dolaranl , First Iiao on timtiis : oft' Breit-
enmeleiim , i : oft l'nuicer. 4. Struck out : By
ItreIlenstein , 2 ; by l'zirker , 2. l'asscil bails'
lonaiuue. 1 , \'Iid imitcileti : l'au-ker , : i. lint.
tu'rics : St , Iuuls , lireitenstein mmml ulcFar-
Innul ; ChIcago , Parker anti Donahue. Urn.
jmire : .Simerhlan.
I'liiyedVon , Lost , P. C.
Prooklyn . , , . . , . , , , , . . , , 2 1 6.1.7
Cievehand . . , . . . , , . . , , , 2 1 66 7
l'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 66:7 :
] 'lulimuleiiihla , . . , , , . . , , 2 1 63,7
\'naImingtoum , , . . , , . , , . , , 2 1 66,7
Cincinmuitl , , , , . , . . . . , , , 2 . 2
ChIcago , , . , , , , , , , . , , . , , . , . 1.0,0
St. Loulme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.00
Baltimore , . . . . . , , , . , . , , 2 : oa
Boston , . , . , . . . , , . . , . . . , , 1 2 3.1,3
New York , , , . . , , , . , , , , . 1 2 : vi,3
LouIvillo . , . , . . , , , , . , , , 1 3 25,0
Seluuiie'r's liii i I 'Vt'iiiii ,
SCIIUYLEI1 , Neb. , Avrii 19.-Speclal.- ( )
Manager W , I. Alien of the lociul bull team
Irns lila ( till quota of imlayermi in anti
ahmnoUnct's that lie is now ronihy to make
ulfltC3 for single gaines or series of gaines
witli muince of equIvalent or superior stanl-
11mg in ( liii iitutte , There have been liberal
subscrIptIons from time liuslmiess 811(1 bail
mcmi of the city , which imowti ( lint Interest
In the national game is not dead here. Time
anon now engagel and th.eir Positions are
as follows : Coolc of Vniioo , hItcher ; Item-
hart of David City , catcher' James Stev.
art. firstV. ; . Fuimner , second ; i. . ' , I , Alien ,
third ; B. Odimmn , short stop ; J. Fumiuner , right
held ; John Etgar , center iIehil ; JoseilI Sinat-
hum , left ileid ; George Burken , tenth maim.
Cvlutuir ) ' Itouud ( 'liii , ASYiiIrs ,
CIIICIIOO , April 19-'rho eleciloum counumilt.
tee of the Century Itoud club of America
met In Chicago today and eanvaeumed the
veto for the electIon of olllcers at thut
organizatIon. 'l'he result was the re.u'ection
of President William A. $ klumkel of Clove-
hitmiti aumul i3crcttmry C , M. F'alrchtht of Clii.
cage , For the first vice lmrCMIie'flCY , B. d.
de ot New York succcsZul succeed-
- - - - -
- - - - - =
- - - - - - -
ing Milton Klein of rhlladelphmn. 0. W.
Iaweon of l.otmhsIile , Ky. , FueceedsV. . M.
] mme8ter of l'hlIadephla : n treasurer. The
prompects for great activIty Iii the road
club thk season are particularly good , tue
nseoclatlon being on a better footing than
ever before. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( Jil .t XGII.S IS 'I'll LI A M.t'l'ilUit ItUbilS.
ImmIlurtnmmt 3tq' Immiof I lie AmuInteul r
ttiuielle tmuiiui ,
NI\V Y0RIC , pril 19-A specIal meeting
of time Amateur Athletic unIon was held last
imiglit amid time most. Important bit of work
wn trnumuactod mmenr tile clo.e. Tiita vas
the signing of articles of alliance with time
Young M.'im'i Cimristiaiu nssoelatlon of
North Amnem kim , Th nrtlcles wIll be np-
lii ovel b' time Ii'nril anti vIli ( lien be 501)-
milieu to a muitill vote , The l'acllle , Ccmmtral
mmii Neuthern nssntiatioims were not repic-
IJelmteiI. I'he first nimmtter to conic ui W.tS
tii detittluien of iii , anmateur. A patter lund
1)00mm ltreiiared imy it mami appointed for time
lurhoe. hut It s'ns ( lecluled to lay ( lie
matter u't'r uund to increase time committee
Iining it In charge by nuliling time names of
ts'o represeiutailve' from time lntcrcoilesiale
Auu.ociatiouu of Aummnteumr Atlmlcte of Amner.
ion. The chairman nimpointeul Mr. 0. K.
Ku Ii ) ' of Columbia anti Mr. James I' . 1.00
of I inr'nrul ,
l'nrngrapii 1 , of general mule 3 , relating to
flmnrmtetirs' Ptzuttm sutR clmatigt'ul te renul :
"No tmmpl1cnIon ? or teinstatAnent for arna
tour stattifi , lmuill be 0mulc'rtuincd unites tile
apimlican t lm ii Ii liii i.e a Its ta I tied front pro-
fcssiommnl entuuiurt for two yenr , amid such
application rimmuli itt' micturil ilpoum by ( Ito bonrul
of go'ernnrs atul simHhl take effect iipoui time
two-timirils imituictity vote of the bonrul of
govei-tmcrs itt mummy mimeeltng of time Amatetir
Ailmietlci tuumiomi or a two'thirtls veto of time
I ioard by mu I 1. ' '
flub 16 , relatIng to the tnpe and mnamner
of t1ntsIic has been amnenuied. The tape
Imna leen raised frommm three feet to four , nail
umext lirovideul ( hint time winmier shall rencim
tile tape first Instead of touching.
A letter vits reaul from ex-Chmief Conaul
II. 11. Ibmymnnil of lIme' League of American
Vlmct'Immmen , him which imarmony between the
t'o great orgnntzntionm4 wits fnvorcil. lie
stated that it would ha well it the I.eaguie
of American Vheelmemm aunt Arnatetmr Athm.
ictic inlon could nmutualiy agree uumon time
Insertion of a ciatico him time ruiies which
would wItimiioltl the 'ancihon of the or-
grumilz.'mtion rroni nay gathering hint iiil imot
act iii ) to time nhmlateur flhics , A luatagrapil
has been nriulril to rule 3 , mrovlilIng for this ,
nnhl It will la' suihnitt teil to the 1.eagtme of
jmnerlcnn'heeimmlcmi. . This eventually macanti
that the League of American \'imee1mmlen
will imercatter oitser'e tile rmules nail time
regulations of the Amntetmr Athletic union.
The electIon to fill vacancies on I he boaril
01' goverimors resulted iii the election of a.
T. ICImImy , president of the lntercolieginte
nsulciatiOim , anti M , ' 1' , Iieiiiert nail 16. 1' .
SullIvan , representIng the Sotmtimern asse-
'rime cohmlmnittee whIch has Imeen represent-
lag tile New Enghzmnth association reported
that It hams been unable to do the work.
The whole matter has been reformed to 16.
16. linbb for ailJustmont ,
Time olul rtme permitting nmatetmr base
hail teanms to imltiY imrofessionnl teams was
revived. There are at iwesent some seven
cltulms uniher time bum for violating this clause ,
On motion ofir. . Haruler It was resolved
that tile Amateur Atilietic union emitlorse
t1I Strong baggage lull , which requires
railroailti to carry bicycles mis baggage. Got'-
ernor Morton was requiesteil to sign this lmiil
wimen It came to himmi from time legislature ,
Illii1'ui hiros. ' I1ovmt I lie 5nhuiiers ,
Tile ilaydemm Bros. nail time soldier teams
played their firrt game of the season yesterday -
terday , whIch resumiteul in a victory for the
Hayden Bros. by the score of 7 to 2. The
features of the game Were time batting amid
nil round playing of Ilntclmett for company
I I tumid time hat tery work of Welsim and
Casey for the linydens. Batteries : IInv-
den Bros. , Welsh nail Casey ; company 11 ,
I.auncimbaugim timid Ilassler.
'tIuuiit.iik Is Out of It.
LONDON , Aiirhl 20.-A dispatch to tIme
Times from Newniarket st's : Time defeat
of Montamik iltits an end to n1 Idea of lmis
running for time Derby , though there was
ilotiliiig in his Performance OS a 2-year.oitl
to justify the idea ( lint he would stand it
chatice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SI'Iiti'I'ul iii itOhut ( ' ,
NEW YORK , April 19.-William A. Sacht-
leben , the whceman who svcnt to Armenia
several months ngo to search for the body
of Frank G. Lens , the Pittsburg cyclist who
was murdered by Kurils , returned to Amer-
km yesterday on the Paris.
N. . IL'gll t iii itt 'I'urumujo ,
TORONTO , Oat. , April 19.-In consequence
of ( ho fallore of time hotel keepers of timis
city to subscrIbe any nrge amount to
fummds Ed. lianlon says there will be no regatta -
gatta th1 summer.
INYAIF1I ) fly 'rii TIIL1'I'A-L1.
cit , . of Lincolim Suirjui'Isu'ui 1i. a. Nev
( ht't'1 Ltti'r Sooiel.
LINCOLN , April 1 9.-Spccial.-Tito ( ) ataid
citizens of this capital city vere treated
to a few novel street scenes on Saturday
night that proved amuts'ug and surprising
oven to those old residwts who thought
they had seen every form of college prank
and all the peculiar incidents connected with
Initiation into college secret socIeties. The
occasion uva ; time first formal InitIatIon of
candldatee Into tile sophomore society , Theta.
Na-Epsilon , knosum to the college world as
T. N. E. This society entered the University
of Nebraska some time last fall , but so
qttietly has it conducted its rites that but few
save the menmbera knew that T , N , 16. hail
a chapter In Nebraska.
TIme first intimation the outsllers hail of
time society was on Saturday evening , wheim
they saw performances in the street that no
other college society had over Introduced.
That T. N. Il. was in their midst was arrived
at by a process of deduction. It was knouum
that one of time principal requirements of a
candidate for admIssIon into time well known
cophomore society was that he should render
hlnwaif the abject slave of the members of
the society Into wboso care ho was entrusted.
The Nebraska T. N. E. ' must have been
fond of witnessing milItary drills , for cii
Saturday night mehx candidates marched and
drIlled through the princIpal timoroughifares
obedIent only to the commands that were
yelled at theni from the sidewalks. The
six candidates necessarily kept a good line ;
they carried a heavy plank at least twenty
feet In length , anti each of the lx was forced
to keep core to that panlc. Sometimes they
marched in conmmcui time , more often in
quiche time , agaIn they were ordered to ccii
imard and then suddenly called upon to mark
tlmne. For over aim hour ( ho drill was con-
tlmmuetl , It wai followed by cimoruces of na-
( lanai and popular airs rendered In a loud
and lusty manner by six healthy pairs of
lungs. Some of the candidates amused
tue spectators by blackening the shoes of
their mnacters , while tim others purchased
fruIt and other delicacies for their lords.
Abou 11 o'clock a big furniture van drawn
by four horses appeared. 'rite candidates
were blindfolded and thrown in the front
part of the wagon. Then about twenty
others , mostly students In ( ho universIty
hero , but a tow frunm out of town , climbed
in and were driven beyond tao city limits ,
Jtiet where tile party scent to Is not known ,
Tue last heard from time big vehIcle was title
dirge , chanted in a most soiemnim maimer :
"Poor fresh , wo pity you ; poor fresh , we
pity you ;
"I'oor fresh , we pIty you. You're going
to Join ( Ito Theta-No , "
Shortly after 4 o'clock yesterday niornlmig
tlut imarty returimed and drove through time
city. Time cimanr haul given way to music
of a more lively movement ,
Tiieta-Nu.Epslion Is a general fraternity ,
but iii unlike any other Greek letter society
In time college world. It selects it3 immen in
( ho spring of their freehman year and is
profoundly secret in all its dealings. It is
represemtted in micarly all ( etc mironminent coi-
ieges and universities In time east anti In
a few of those of time west. Its alms other
than the imromotlon of conviviality are not
known , Time chief object is supposed to
be active participation in class and college
imohltIcs. Time mon selected are , as a rule ,
time vlmo imavo ulistingmiislme4 tiicnmselves
tlorIm their first year In college. ' 1' , N. 16.
has ( mccii time object of immucit faculty leglela.
tion because of its pecullem' InItiation cue-
tommie , but It has never yet gone down before -
fore faculty prohibition. It is beIng closely
watched lucre and it is known that ( ito society -
ciety has formed time topic for general debate -
bate in recent meetings of the univerelty
faculty. _ _ _ _ _
Iuiumu I'hioogruumuhus'rs' I'Iui 1114 ,
MISSOURI VALLEY , Ia , , April 19.-Spc- (
clai-Presldent ) Reed of thIs city anti Secre.
tary hail of Monroe of the Iowa. I'hiotog.
raphers' association Imavo been In consultation
for several ulays , concerning time work and
iirograin for time SIxth annuo convention of
time as'ociation , which mumeets in Des Moines ,
May 6 , 6 and 7 , and wimich Proimmisee to be a
sewotu of unusual importance. One leading
feature is to bo an exhibit of a number of
tIme vorld'e ummaster.peces ! of the photographic
art by fanmous amid celebseted artists. Tlui
exhibit wiii be open to time public duirimig cer-
talim hours. FollowIng the session will occur
a. week'uu smool of instruction , under time
tutllao of & numbet of anasteru , who have
beAn employed for the oceaion. Also an ox-
hlblt of new appiiAnce In elcctrlo and flash
light work ani celectric retouchers for the
first time seen In the west , A large attenul-
ance is enticipated ,
_ _ _ _ _
Ctl6. % OUT A ( il6Nl6it.t1a S'l'itil.
ihuirglnre iiu1e nStuitill liimul iii Fort
IlliAlU , Neb. , April 19.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Cari ) 1eii1imotmsen'e store at Fort Calhoun -
houn as burglarized last night some time ,
mmmiii gorah. to tIme amount of $100 was taken ,
consisting of two ElgIn eilver watches ,
open face , several watch chalna , cuff buttons ,
cutlery and several other artIcles of jewelry
anul sommie underwear. The suipImOCeti burglars
are one man wltim ulark clothes , of tall nmmd
heavy build , one small mmman , squInt-eyed , and
vor light colored trousers. They took at
the t'ume ( tame a grain sack to carry away
time Imlonuier , Time county authorities will
auitiorize a reward. Sonic of the cuff buttons -
tons haul the Masonic anti V.'oodinen of the
\Vorld moimogramne on ( beam.
Iii ti't'i's ( I imI'rn ii it , Juiriiuuti'M Culee.
1lAlt1tISIhUltci , Neb. , April 19.-T time
Etiltor of Time lice : Much intercat was felt
iiere In Time lice's exposure of the Milford
Soldiers' lionme. Time recountal of the ill.
treatment of F'rammcimm Jortlain ( lrank Jordan )
was a lmainful turprise to ( lie old veteran's
mimaiuy friends here , lie was a resiulent. of
( hum cotuuity for ninny years , and was sent
frommi imere to time Milford homne last fall ,
where it. was stipposed lie ooltl receive better -
ter treatimment than lie could be given here ,
Ito gets a pension of $1 a month , which Is
all supposed to be spent in lila behalf , anti
his friends lucre are at a lou's to understand
why lie imas received no better treatment.
have any steps iieen taken toward aim of-
ficlni Immvcstigatlon of the institution amid for
providing better treatmuent ? If umot , Jor-
tlaln'i , friends will asIc time county conimis-
donors to take steps In tIme mmmatter , as lie
was sent to Milford by time county board.
tiiiiu' ' for Siugiur Fsit'turit's ,
LYONS , Neb. , April 19.-SpecIal.-A ( ) imuib-
lie mmmeotimmg was held yesterday afternoon at
time Everett hall to take action otm a beet
smigar factory lit this place. 1' . L. flock of
Telcmmmnit was prealdent of time itmeetlng , and
gave an account of what was done at t'.mo
Fremnotit macsting , iioid a few veeks rinco.
'rite plan lucre e to work In conjunction with
time propomeul plant to be located at Omaha.
Tue following citizens of this plac were ap.
pointed a coimmiumittee on correspondeimee anti
orgammizaton : A. J. Wiults , 1A'mldo Lyon ,
Frammklin Everett , Dr. Muirhmead , with 16. 16.
Carter as secretary of time commimnittee.
I. L. Rock I very enthusiastic over time
aagar lumuluatry and b5lioves ( lint the future
success of the Nebraska Iarnmers depends
more emi time beet cultivation tban any other
product. There is sufficient capital In L.yomms
011(1 otlmers parts of Burt county for several
plants , if proper inducements are offered to
time capitalists.
Sesere Eiectm'leuul Storuum.
JOiiN'STOWN , Nob. , April 19.-Special.- ( )
F'riday aim electric storam of intense energy
prevailed here. All clay incesant lightning
and ( humidor were acoonmpamiled by a steady
downpour of rain. A strange feature of time
storm was timat not a flake of snow , or a
hailstone fell , htmL as soon as the rain touched
the earth it froze , until there were two or
three bodies of slush under foot , and every
blide of grass was converted into a crystal
stem. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suuulk'nte .tirues to a Forfeit.
FRI6MONT , April 19.-Speclal.--The ( ) New
York syndicate that mmmdc a proposition to
the Board of Trade for time erection of a
distillery has consented to put up $2,000 , to
be forfeited to the Board of Trade it time
bonus is raised and it. fails to erect the die.
tillery and cattlefeeding rilaumt as agreed
upon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( Pr. ! Emuulet'vnrers Elect Olileers ,
O'RD , Neb. , April 19.-Secial.-Timo ( )
Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor -
deavor of the Christian church elected time
following officers at their annual busineua
ineetimmg Wednesday evening : Miss Ada
Turner , president ; Miss Hattie Snmlth , vice
president ; Miss Biancimo Calimoun , secretary ,
and Miss Breezy I'arks , treasurer.
] ) oiIe CZnuiut 'I'cnclere.
FREMONT , April 19.-Special.-The ( ) third
section of time Dodge County Teachers asso-
elation was in scsaion yesterday at time district
court room. There are thirty-five teachers
present. The meetIng was principally oc-
copied wituu discussions of practical ques-
tiotmim pertaining to school vork , nearly all
present taking part in it.
hzurrieiI at Orul.
01W , Neb. , April 19.-Special.-Wednes. ( )
day evening at the imomno of the bride's
parents , Milla Hattie Davis of Ord and Albert
Fisher of Albert Lea , Mlnn. , were united in
nmarciago by Rev.V. . 16. Ilardaway , They
took theIr departure for their future umonmo in
Minnesota on timis morning's train.
1'ielt Story' froiuu tiilforul ,
MIL.FORD , Neb. , April' ii.-Special.- ( ) .
'fimo Big Illume line been iuigimer the past. week
titan for three years. Mrs. Norton of the
Resort Imotel went dcara to tIme river edge to
look at. time flood ama ! scooped in a seven-
loUnd pike with her sun bonnet.
i'rof , Jiruuicr at llell'vuue ,
BELLI6VUI6 , Neb. , April 19.-Special- ( )
Prof. Lawrence Bruner , the state ornlhioio-
gIst , delivered two lectures here oa Friday.
Iih ! audIence was much interested in his
tiiscusaion of time "Bugs and Birds of Nebraska -
braska , "
Cuts Iii 'I'livoitt % 'Iuile ImuHomue ,
MINDEN , Neb. , April 10.-Speclal.-N ( ) ,
F. Petersen , a well-to-do Dane , living five
miles southeast of Minden , cut his tlmroat
yesterday afternoon 'with a razor while insane -
sane , It is not certain yet whether medical
aId can save him or not.
Iovu liii imlicrs' Cumiyt'mut lost ,
MARSIIALLTOW'J , Ia. , April 19.-Time cx-
ccutlvo conmnmittee cf the Iowa eitato flankers'
association has fixed the dates ef time annual
meeting at May27 and 28 in this city.
11111) ) ' lles train the Bite ,
WAHOO , Neb , , April 10-Special.- ( )
lerank Poacal's child , which ae blttomi by a
rattlesnake about 3 o'clock yesterday after-
aeon , tiled at S o'clock of time same day.
- _ -
l3sEl nut. te of Cormm iii Futriuters' Iiiuiuul ,
WI6BTI6lt CITY , Ia , , April 19.-Spcciai (
Telegranm.-Statistlcs ) are beimmg gathered In
tlmi section of time state by local newvpapers
to deternmine tue quantity of corn belti in
cribs , Tue first county to report is Frank-
liii , tlmroughu the Frankiin Comunty Record ,
It places tue amtmount in that county at
1,192,000 bosiuel , amid of ( hilt , 840,000 bmmsmels
are tim ( lie hiantis of farmers. Hamilton coon-
ty's c.stimumato vihl not be made ltulthio otmtll
( hue hatter vart of next week.
lesmiu'rzule' Chisurmicter Arrested ,
CRESTON , Ia. , April lth.-Speclai ( Tele.
grammm-Yosterdmmy ) afternoon Sheriff Daven-
imort arrested "Mickey" Whelan for shooting at
Charles Oimsclulager , a barteuutler , Whelan is
held here for tlme arrival of United States
cilicere , lie is tupposeul to iuave robbtm'i tue
Tabor riortoflice. Wltelaim is desperate , amid
was before time last grand Jury at this
plico on mu cuargo of attemuiptimmc to morder a
railroad mimaum , 'rimero is a reward of 300 for
lmit arrcet.
It's Just as easy to try One Minute Cough
Cure as anything else. It's eas'er to cure a
severe cough or cohti wIth it. Let your miext
purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough
Cure , Better medicine ; better results ; bet.
( or try it.
llciiicmimiuu'reui 'I'hueir lesiuI ,
JEFFERSON CITY , Ia. , April I9-Spec' ( ,
Teiegramn.-Ono ) hundred anti fifty Knights
Temuplar and Masons attended the macmodal
services of Franlc Fuller this afternoon ,
Many liromimimmemit ktilguuts fronm abroad were
lmresent. The ( leceasetl vas an olhicer isa ( lie
grand commimnammilery of Iowa ,
There are many good reasons why you
should use Omme Minute Cough Cure , 'rhucre
are no reasons wlmy you itoukl not , if in
need of help , The only harmless rcmuicdy
that produces iuimmuuedlato results ,
Ieeia red I ii F'u. y r ii t I Ii e SoIil sip.
OLITOWN , Me. , AImril 18.-Time i6ast
Maine Zuletlmolist comiference today by a
vote of 55 to 10 declared in favor of umul.
mnittimig either manic or temnumlu lay dde-
Uatea to the icnera1 conference ,
Big Spcu1ators ; ; ; Back Into the
Market Agan
liii'milemut .l4iug 1cgit ittiui Ic Ii tiCS
seoul ot lhenise itS Spetmillil tinit
_ vnhi Spct % 'nitItur for
Cotigress1 to Adjumuirlu.
NI6W YORK , April 19.-In every good
aense time stock market shouv development.
It broadens , It line sonmetiulag like oiii.fiuhi
loned activity in it. Irmilicatlons appear of
it renewed imiterest upon ( lie part of impor-
taut people who for three years of mnoro have
been hmolhing ( aloof ,
\o hmavo no big bull market jtmst yet , but
there are tendencies toward ( lint very itampy ;
coimuiltion which are not to be igmiored Coin-
mission brokers for time first tlmmmo in ninny a
( lay begin to be encourmuged. 0d cuistommiere
clue by one , albeit a trifle vary , arc cOmfl
lag again to the front anti the stock mmiarket
itself has abundant evidence in it of it retoll.
mierem to iesimontl to tiny activity tluzmt is con-
thuitmed and ProPerlY directed.
Mnnlpulaticn Iii , of course , nppnrclit. It
wotuld be tin otltlVall street livcliuicss thmnt
uilui not Include ( hint factor. htmL ( hula time
it is hot time sort of maimipuulation whIch iii
desimeration seeks to tlmimbherhg time mimarki't
jmt't for a chalice to unload. it is a niaflhhi-
ulatloil htavimmg much broader m'colme.
In some qumarters-lum toclu ; , such as tobaccO -
baccO , leather trusts , for exnmimle-lt iii a
mflhtuiilitihtttioii qum It e of tim a orti itmamy mmii ( tire ,
aImIng citielly to catch gtmdgcon , but "so.
cttritba" Of that sort lure not the ones vhmiciu
are mualelng Ui ) the lreseimt mnnrltet. 'I'hmey
tui.e stmbnrilimiato very much to tIme credit of
everybody concerned ,
People who have been atnying out of time
market a long time and are now showing a
uils1ioiiitioui to take a mmew haiti are mmot. ummore
signilicahmt in their action tlmmtn are otmer-
atorti vhmo , after a three yeturs' campaign
en time bear side are now earnestly working
for , confident that We nrc on
( lie verge of it national era of good times.
'L'lme mntmrket's course for time week hmna
nmmmlly wnrratmted all that tIme most luopeftul
of time btullti anticipated , Toward time close
of time week n lmajp renction im'.ms been
iir'umgiit abotut , but it is not a sethiaclc to Iii.
ultico dim'coumragement. It caine after a rally
that was not emily substantial , but one scored
vithi exceptionuul rapidity , Dliii mmuirlcetum are
hasting mmmarketti oniy when tlmc3' can halve
resting spells , imumses , and reactlomms , even
shnrj ) ( leCineS. This fact is so mitch a
\\rnll street reliance , so thorottghly time
Steele cxci amigo goapl , that time why anti thu
witerefore of it requirea no elaboration.
it is prbabie that time sudden reaction of
Friday afternoon anti time lmatislve liminess
of the market in loday's brief seiwiomi can be
almost wholly attributed to carefully laid
plamms of time most importmtmmt operators on
time boil side. In this sort of mttniliilntion
there is notme of that Peril to a market whIch
othmerwice time sudden bolting might suggest.
It is really a mnnipuiltmtloim which has foresight -
sight anul prolectIon in it , tund only those cnmm
be hurt who o'ertmade on slim nmarglna.
When a mm-month ago these special uhlspatchmcs
ndviictl tIme purchase of titockspointing out
time evideimccuu indicatie : of time better times
close at hand , $ t. L'tmul was 71 , this week
It has been above 17. Burlingloim was 74 ;
tlmimu weeic it remtthed within a slight fraction
of SO. Sugar trust was 116 , and it lies sold
tip to 126. Other rises of interest have been
scored 1mm ever substantiul stock.
These tudvamicos have not been nmaile 1mm any
splurges. They hmav accumulated by etusy
stnge' . They rprrsent time nmovement ( lint
has had consersatlsmim all timroumglm It , 'There
htu been no hmumrahing anywhere , always cx-
ceptimig imippotlrdmnhmmg performmmnmmces Iii bunco
gaines hike thc1cIgqrette trost.
Time tentlency of time men most important
zmmoimg those rL'spo4sible for time market's
bsttermemmt has beemY Ic , ( liscourage enthusi.
asm. Doubtless1agood deal of cold business
eltlshiiietis was in this for time reason ( hint
it it ; never considered advisable to seek
company while you ture accumulating a line
of rock. It is hj'yonti any sort of qtmestlpn
tiittt such accuml.ilations have bceq mittie
( my sOmhe of time 8trahgest flimancierim of time
cotimtry. One Stmuntlard Oil milllonair ' , I
am trtdibly intrmedt has bouimt over 100- ,
000 shnrs of AtlmisOn , Heading and Union
Pnciiic since the beginmmitmg cf time present
month. ThIs is q sign of a'cimaractemistic
of the greatest conscquence-timo sign that
( ho richmest men are now going luito time
cheapest stocks-the lowest-priced mica.
A vast change , that' it. , until this very
( line nommo of time chief traOars or Investors
vcro willing to have anything to do with
tile stocks of companies smashed by the
imammic-or , at least. nothing beyond taking a
hmvnd In reorganization sclmemes to scoop
commissions booty. That now they , change
base anti are openly inown as buyers of
stccks like ( hesc that. t Imave mentioned as
going into time Standard Oil box , is bound
to be a factor of ftur.reachming inlltuence. It
makes of Itsof , in fact , what amoumnta to
the ostabhislmmnent. almost of' a new Wall
street epoch. It is nmpie proof that wide-
awake mnilltonairea are at : cast persuaded
that good timne are approaching , nmmtl that
the weight of panic consequences is soon to
be renmoved.
No man boys Atchison for Its present
mmtattms , nor Reading for time sorry record of
earnings that it has been making , nor
Union Paciiic for the pleasure a ? being confronted -
fronted by an assessment. Stocks like these
are bouglmt becaumsa time buyers are Imer.
suatled that depression is getting ready to
give way to resilency-that we arc to hmtuve
good ( lames. I'rechous little rentiment is iii
time catculattonti of gentlemen who sit
around the Stammilard Oil directory. Whemi
timey eec good ( lines ahetuul it is not mere
hoping. They cure not iirofessioniui op.
timists , They did not make their umioney
making mistakes. Time > ' tire safer to folow
than ordimmary guessers are.
1116ru6's TIlE ONE BAD SPOT.
The ommo immediate bail spot in tbo Wall
street situation is made by the uncertainty
of what may happen down at Wtmshmington.
If congress slmouid soddenly adjourn an'i
time presttieimt go off fishing Imeforo business
began next Monday we cotmiti have a rally
of a dozen ointn In tue whole mmmarket by
Monday nIght. Sober minded men are encouraged -
couraged by such devehopmmients of the week
as indicate gains of sanity in ( lie political
suord , there hmavlmmg been close attention
given Ia'al street to declarations for a
souatl currency and tlefeat for crazy finan-
ciering gmmnmes. Except time bugaboo of what
the natiommal conventiotma tntuy do timere is
nothimmg iii ( he general situatIon which
alarms any believer In ( ho approach of goo'L
( lines. There is mm. hazy imotion timto ( I'resi-
dent Cleveland may be about to lilt tie witim
another slam-bamtg message , this ( line On
Cuba , but few pecpie who are well balanced
have tummy serious apprehension timid any in-
citleat of that nature can be long a mmmattor
of any coimsequenco as nn iimterferencc with
btsIness : progress.
None the less timere Is in some quarters a
ilecldod disposition to wait tii : Mr. Cieve-
lanti shall have conclotled nimy new war lie
may have on lila imands. AntI there is mme
Peril in waiting. If we really lunvo a sub- .
stamitial bull market at hmntmd It Is not going
to do tiny galtoping , Values are not eatali-
itruhueti that way-hastimmg amid rea values are
not.I6uropo Is credited in some Wall street
quitirterti with having been a large purchaser -
chaser of our rtocics thus week , As a matter -
ter of fact , tbuoriimas been small evltleace
of any such tiuip- There are emmoughm imull
facts wlthmqmmt , . manufacture oxtrm :
ormes , Europe mflive' hmtii hind the habit of
buying Mexicant eturitIes when they are
cheap. nmvl I tiOubt Hint time record his going
to be broken now.l 'imemm our jmrices are
ulowa thin epry ent1emen In Lontlaim nail itt
Berlin tmlvamys seLguit amid cuss. 'flue aver-
tuge iers mum Oh tl 1otimu' side of the oeea'm
iii almost fervenLJi ) hmis conviction ( lint we
are at Imreent 0 yme ver' verge of a tam.
( loniLt roceiverstij/ When stocks get up to
prices consuu1ermlhl'1mImrher than tiuey limuve
been ruling itt sineG 1(91 there svihl be ( line
enough for 16titpitm emmthiuslnmumn. Yet it
Is lmoyonii quiem'tIqn timttt time irices of stub-
titantlutl securltk's3mero are on a level whIch
otigimt to attracj piiguu investment ,
I6UitOl'16 WOjfl WANT I'I' ALL AT
if Ah0.
Eventually ( apit , ko these lil blgim to
get attention tmlruii , and be reilected iii tin-
hiertant tranuunetiOpm , In our mnttrket , If ever
the foreigner uWes muwnia turn 'hula gaze anti
hits dohitirs this 'V' ' 'Xe uil Itaupe a boom
which will nmmtle e , erythming since ISW seem
imygmy , If'all Jstmeet could put St. Paul
to 'par ' the wiuQle capital stork uvoulti ime
ummnted iii Europe.S'hmon l6urope really
COifl4ut In to buy American stocks Europa
vIi be domlmmunt in our maricet. iJnuier tummy
otiusr circuimnu'taneo what unity be frommm tune
to titmmo set ( Iowa as European buylmmg is in.
signlllean ( and those who rely eu it wlli be
There itt one obstacle at present iii ( lie
way of for&gn commfldeumce in ow' sectmritles
-in our mu hole national condition , antI tlummt
Iii time uncertalimty of our currouucy plans.
An absolute yictory for imonest anti comm.
i'erVative finance will remove that obsaoe ( ! ,
'I'iiuut rli unsure tine I6uropeamm investor-
( hint wii brln us I6uropeaum capital in limit.
less uitihullY.'lthuout tutat it itt simply eilii.
floss to talk about iimvei'tmnonttu omm thus side
of tue oceamm uaylmmg foreign imttracttvenesm.
'i'hiey muQuo try to uiouhgu or belittle ( his fact
are u'itimer fooled or trying to do seams fool.
itmg' thenmsdl'em4. H , AI4I4A'AY ,
.ilti tt'hi'uter 'I'i'xt I hi' 'l'rauli , llevlemv.
MANcIIICSTEB , April lti.-Tiuerc hunut mmot
been much chaimge timis week , but tiuc market -
ket is still rather wenker , Business , while
slow , has not becim sumspcndel , delly unnaIl
orders for specialties making a fair ngro-
gate for prompt delIvery , There huts ( icon
some eastern bulslneum's , hnmt on a smmmnhitr
scale than in March , These tflpI goods are
still vehl engaged and light amid fmummcl' gootis
are piying mm good liromit , heavy staples
mimnice poor rettirime. Yntmms wore nimotit tin-
changed , the prouiut'tlomm bt'ing faIrly taken ,
whim oft lrieea oil the easy side uund wIth
some such irt-egumlarltly , vmmryiltg vlllm time
order book. _ _ _ _ _
S'i'OCKS ' 1'lIi ) ( : l'.titi ) IN 1OlOS.
Aiuirliutu Seitritiu''uSii ott ft lli'sii iii it'r
' u's.u , I t a I ( 'liemimi tmuii ( ' .
LONDION , Aimrii i9--\Vhmlie the leadimig
liatmklng imustltumtions have ii tacit agrecimmeat
not to lend imuoumey umnht' ½ her cent , It has
been luossible uhuriuig tue lmast week to ob-
taln auI'lmnces elmewlmere at nil low as
cent , \itI , cammsols itt. over 112 , It iii ( iullt (
Impossible to have aim idea when time ohm-
waril ennvenment of nil invcm'mflc'nt sec'umrlties
is likely to atoll , As a reetilt of the excess-
lvii cheapumess of mnommey uuttcmmtlouu is lieluig
tumrumeii to any stuck showimig a fair immter-
emit return. Thou teiiuleuiey umf the week hmiti :
iiet'ul tmhmwnm-il all arotuimul , Sinunlalu su'cttrities
have declined slIghtly. llonmv' railroad mt'-
cum itles hmotCii mum In m t t e fe I ii . Af icimims
wore InactIve imemm.llumi.r limo uitVeiOimimit'tit of
tliC sittiatiotm in Africa. t4i-utmmil 'I'ttmnk shiouveul
a amore htopeful tone , Amnemictumi m'et'tirities
also iuO' a mumtiehu hmetutthicm' tomie , i'ot'immiuigly
( mu tIme belief thmat ( ho feeliiig It giomvitmg itt
favor of time gold stuiimilnrtl , Aulvmtnceti for
time eelc were its fohlowi : Canimilinim l'tt-
duO , \\'tmbnu.Im ; , 6 , tttmmh 1.otmisvihhe & Nash-
vllie , l ; Chicago , Mllwauilcec & St. Pmmmth
1m4 ; Iemmver & 1(10 am-nub it-cferveih , amal
drutnul 'rututmu , i ; Atchtlm'omm mmmortgtmgc amid
\uulimphi : , I ; otimr'r nulvaimees , frtiet lotial. 'l'lme
decreases sere : Northcrmm l'mieltl , 1i , ; Erie
secommds , 1 ; Norfolk & . Wetitii um. .
ChICAGO ( Itlfl I'ltO'lS1XS. )
Vetitmire uf I lie 't'rnullitmc amiul Closluui.r
l'i'lcvs nit .uu turilut y.
ChICAGO , Apili It. - - Flume growimig
vealmer , lack of cx hiot I tutu iii ii i lmmg uicnmti mmii
and time tienimml of cimliuclm bug datnnge
ettused whmemt ( to mimic weaker toulay. May
cosed at f.5'c , or below ) 'emitertlay'ei
ehose. Cot mu and omits decilumeul a0 aimd ' , c
respectively , l'ot k was quiet , 1'2c unmilet'
yesterlny ; lard , 2ic , aumd ribs , tie.
'rite Very favorubie weathmer umot' prevail-
lug aumui lirospects for thmo ti'xt few days
hind immuchi to do with time vealcness of wheat
at time opetmitmg and duritmg time foremmoon.
Cmt4i relm.rts also covering time Perioti FliieC
tIme close of time previous month gave a
good account of time progress mmmailtm by tIme
vhmet ( lilmuim t I rice I t cii time tm mmulcr tIme ium-
litmenco of growitmg wetmtumer. . 'tdtli'tl to the
favorable crop mmews vas time uuimsyummliuttimetlc
tomie of the loreigtm markets to ycstertiay'um
advance here. Time public cablegram quOteui
shot 'lmeat itm LIverpool umiehmanged nail
futures % d iilghic'r , May wltent elicIted at
frormi G6c to 66'4c , deeiimmed to b6'ic , me-
covered ( a 6Gmc and ( lien began a decline ,
wimlcii took it dowmm to Gfc , with a subse-
qtmeim mecovery to tide ammd G5c , time cloaitmg
qUotation. Otme of tIme weak features of
time day's statistical hews wtts timmut mme
wheat rns cheared fronm New York lii time
Inst twetmty-four lmouis. Detmmand for whiter
wimeat froni country immlliereu at it lmreimmimmtn
over May prices practically ceased ; imm fact
sommme previously Inmrchmnseui hits beeim ordered
resold. Time % 'lsibe statement Monday has
possIbIlIties of a comparatIvely hmenvy decrease -
crease and front 1,000,000 bu , upward was
time gemmerahly expressed expectatIon of it.
The bnclcvard state of spring wheat sceil-
lag in the northuest was again a matter
of frequent eonmment , but time extra mois.
lure , whIch is time present chief barrier to
the rapId conmpietioa of the seeding , was
generally considered snore than mmmple com-
Pensatlon for two veeks' delay in getting
the seed In.
Corim suffered from the weakness of time
wheat nmarket anti time generally favorable
outlook for time planting tlimme. 'ulay corn
opened at fronm to 30c , declined to
iOc and closed 1t'ic sehler.
For a Saturciav ' time eats market was very
active. Good oi'eringa and sympathy with
wheat made time feelimtg easier. Slay opened
at 20' , oid oil to 19c utiui cioseti at ( hut
price bid.
'rime provision market -iqrted firm , lint
very soon weakene , , into hue with
the tendency of the grain markets ,
Estitnated receipts for Montlay are :
Wheat , 10 cutra ; corn , i60 cars ; cats , 2O
cars , amid 27,000 head of hogs.
Time leaulag fotures ranged as follows :
Artic1es'miiflijtm. I Low. I 1O33 ,
% Vlueat.No.2
Ammril (1554 60 ( i3t On3
. . . . . . . . ' , GUt ( io i5T
July. . . . . . . . G7ltui4 67ii- 6G (17
CornNo 2. . .
. . . . . . . . : ) 3ou 2fl ( 20h
llay. . . . . . . . : mulli , CC4t at ) st
.limly . : uit - - :11(1 : 3fl * 31'4
. . . . . . . . 324 2' 32
Oats. No. 2. . .
May . . . . . . . . .i.'O 20 IO3 1t ) (
.liuly. . . . . . . 2Ots3 2ii 2ti ( 200t
Sept . . . . . . . 2O 2U 20i , 2Gttt
h'orjc.mtcrbbi .
Na y. . . . 8 72t' ; S 72' ' . R aim 8 it )
Jimmy. . . . . . . . 8 U13 8 O2h S 0 Ii SO
Lnt-ij,1iO ibs .
May . . . . . . . . 4 O7 4 O73 4 O2I 4 0214
.lmuly. . . . . . . . S 10 5 ii ) 5 0714 5 0714
'I cttltlb'm-
Ma.v. . . . . . . . . 4 42- ! 4 4214 4 37l. 4 3714
. . . . . . . . . . 4 5714 4 3714 4 flti 4 00
C'utslm quotations mvero as ( chews :
witmLvr-No. 2 sprIng , 65c ; No , 3 spring ,
61fiC5'c ; No. 2 i-cd , (5jtOc. (
COltN-No. 2 , eaiMjaIme.
OATS-No. 2. I5c ; No. 2 wltite , lOi't120c ; No.
3 witttii , m5iI2O'tc. ( '
itYI---No. 2. 3ic.
iiAmtLEY-Na. 2. nomInal.
IL.xSlnm-No. 1 , 5l'Ac.
] 'ttmMm : TIMOThY SEi)3.3.
I'OL'ITIt'i-Steatiy : tui keys , imiJi2c ; chickens ,
514iiic ; ducks , Il tIZc.
i'itOVlSlONS-Mess pork. per bhi. , iS.CS.C5 ;
larti , per 100 lbs. , $ l.9eil.'J2t ; short ribs , tdes ,
moose. (4.30014.40 ; dry salted titomuiicrii. ttoc.m ,
4.&Oi4.62 ½ ; shot t clear stiles , uoxem , t4.'fl14.c2' .
wlIISiCy-Dtstttiems' ilntstmec.i goods , tier gal. ,
The following were time recempte and htpmente
today :
Articles. Itecetiltit Shmlprimctmtui.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 11,00' ' )
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) auiiomo : (
Corti , bmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l3.Ot ) ) 1,71(1,1)01) ( )
(1:1(14 : , bum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16tO0 ) 2ti1u ( ) ) )
ite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , tO0 )
bum..I . . . _ .
0mm time Prothmca exclmutitca today thuo btttcr ) mmmar-
ket was eteatty ; cremtuiery , lIOiOc ; dairy , U
13c. Eggs.bilUc.
Qutofa tiotme of ( lie lmi ems Ytirloums
Comitmit uiui i I ion ,
NE\V yonic , April ms.-FLOUR-fleceipts ,
8,900 bbis. ; exports , 11,500 Iiiis , ; market , dull mmnd
easy in response to time tb-chine in wiment ; winter
patents , $3.00134.O0 ; winter straigmte ) , 3.COfj3.1 ;
Minnesota ptttonts. $2.75tj4,66 ; uvtnter ( xtu-as ,
h2.CO3. & ) ; Miaaes..ta batters , * 2.IOPI.i3 ; winter
how gr.mdes , i2.IiYij2.35 ; spring low grades. 12Oif
2.60. ltye flour , steady ; superfine , t2.651jJ.2a ;
( atmcy. $2.75113.O ) .
ImuclcvIlm6AT-ruii ; 40e ,
COHN MFtI-1)uii ; yellow western , coarse ,
TTc ; city , 70c ; lirantlyn lute , 12.2. ) .
ItYmiteaiiy ; 401J13c.
liAlm.EY-i3teady ; Itij45c.
liAltl.hOY MAL'F-Noamiaal ; westcmn , 41IJ45C.
W1IhAT-ltecetpts , 7,4Q0 Ito ; spot , iucuukt'r ; No.
1 hart ) , 76C , 1 , 0. b. , iullottt. Options opema-ti
caster tinder large Argentine tmtirtments and uluil
traie , aterivttrtlt declining uilni , p11' on tuciivo
liquidation , prospects of imt-tuvy ltuiislan hulprn imIe
anti absence of clearing , . ; cioseti tflc net hewer ;
No. 2 red , April , cbseti 75c ; Imltuy , 73 1'l6B
73 9-iCe. closing 73c.
COItN-fleceiittii , 15,000 ho. : expouts , 3,100 be. ;
spot , mvuuk ; No. 2 ' a5te. Options oieicI : stently
on iiititt receipts , 'but inter ilchhnni with witeat ,
closing i4.c net hewer ; April closed Ole.
OA'J'H-teceijts , 110(00 bu ; exitoris , 11 200 ham , ;
spot , mimin ; No. 2 , 25e. Olnionii , tiutet , active
and i.Ieti'ly , eioeiutg uineitiungt'.l ; 111mm ) ' ci(4'ed 2c.
IiAY-Iuhi ; shipping , ; 7ras.e ) ; good to choice ,
$9.o'ti ' 10.00.
liOi'H-Qulet ; state , comiminom ) to choIce , ISCI
crop , 214t1414c ; 1(51 crop , Otile ; coast , 1814 crop ,
2141t4c ; 1615 ciop , 3jSe.
itlilS-Hiow ; (1ulvei.ion , lie ; Iluctiop A'm-cs ,
dry. ISo ; Tetas , dry , tic ; CalIfornIa , lie.
1.16AT111611-Htu4y ; iuenmiou.hc soi , ii , A. , light
to luetuvy weIghts. lsB2 ,
1'1OVlSIONi-thef ( , quiets ( attilly. $ iO.OOlJhl.00 ;
extra niece , $ S.SOtjC.00 ; beef imams , Zhl.t0 ; muackl ,
Ei.Oaqe.S0. ( 'itt tiii'ttu' , strati ) ' ' JtckiiMl l.eliics ,
43lft5c ; imickied ti ulders , 4c ; pickeil Iuauta , ,
S14tiCe. Laid , stuuily ; western stcaltm ciesel $5.00
apkctl ; reulimed. steady , l'ttck , steathy : udil utah )
new timisi' . ; eliot-I clear , $ iO.OOuhitiO ;
( atimtiy. sme.1.otilo.75.
hIt1'VI'i6ltlttcCililH. 3.0i m.kgs. ; mimarhet , iiuiet ;
western dairy , 8tjllc ; wosterti creanmerl' , lou So ;
miglns. : ite.
l6t10H-itecctpts. 11,0) ) JSuu4. ; muiiurket sIttuuiy ;
i-latin and l't'nrmsyivnnitu , hi(0lIc ( ; tvt-sirmn , iitP
llt4e ; u4outmeriu , 1014c.
'VA hLO\V--JUi ( I ; city , 3tc ; cotmumtry , 31c ,
oh i.g-m 'etreleUtti , duii ; L'imi t 1.1 closet ) 11.11 ; ru'
lltutd , $6.50 ; hal tinmore and 1 itiiutlclmilm in , I 6 Si ;
mtiimmOd , In built $4.20. htcsin , finn ; , 'trtiutmcd ,
ct.uimtui'n , to good , si.em. 'rurpetmuino , oju'c.
Cimttotuite.i 1)11 , tlack anti uninteresting ; m.riime .
etude , IlUt pilate crude , I' , 0 , I. ' . , mmmiii , I , (
ISa ; otT gruoles , ISi.4t29c ; hotter grimelci , CiQClc ;
Prime euttitner yeiiiiW. 21'.c. '
ItlC'16-Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 3ti6c ;
Jamiati , 334i4c.
, doI.A8mn6-Ftrtti ; New Oilcan. , , open kettle ,
go'Ai ti choke , 2O3c ,
irr8-I'ig jron , steadi' ; southern , $ I0.IG
13. ' ) ) ' n ° rthuerfl , lml.L'OiiI3J.0. Ct' quiet ; took.
crc. $ t0.S1 ( . I.eaii. ttrau ; brukers , 12.tO. Thu
itiatu's , qutet , but studS' , jtlitrk't ,
LI VJ1iIPOOi. April lS.-S'Ii ii/t'F-HpOt , lirun ;
tlt'inaum'i ino'leritte No , C rid , tiiut5r , Is Sd ; No.
2 rid , prtmtg. ; stock celtumuehtil ; Nut. I imsr&I ,
lfttuiitoi'ui. am 54 ; No , 1 Cahiforititu , Is 7th. 'utures
clise.t dull , mu itlu near tiiu'tunt lsstlouma : ( iii
huigtu r ; buttuiesuu ieumvlest , Oti mnid'lte posItions ;
Al.rii . , ( ii Cii ; Slay. ft. Id ; June , Is 7d ; July ,
7 $ 1.1 ; Migust , titi lii ; $ epiunlr , lii ' 4t1. firm ; 4mncrican nmIs.1 , ttew , 31 Id.
i"u turtim chased di am. wit hi A pm ti ( t1 itigimer , uund
otimer ituonuiie unchanged from yetnerdity's doe-
lag ; busilicu's iteumtiuit en early mostluns : AprIl ,
Cii 1iii , ? .tiiy , Is 2.1 ; June , Cs 2.1 : Juiy , Iii 24d ;
August , Cc 3d ; fltpfrttul'er , Cs 3'4d ,
iLOUi-Slsady ; dimmumumd immoderate ; St. Louis I
finley , lii td. ;
l'EAIS-.Cimnailtaru. is 7.1 ,
1'jOyI81O6l1-JfirmaI ( Utmanil modelatel Coma-
berhani , ciii , 1 * te I , lbs. Sit ; short tIhs. , 21 il'e. .
30 , long clear , highit , Ci to 45 lb , . . 2e's t'm long
clear , hmvy , 53 l ( ' . stock exhsuisleI . Phi ' 51 Ciar
mu It's. , Ilium short deer fliitl.llCui . , luu'avy , lie
255 6.1 ; clear ( * 11k , . , II to IC il. . . . Its. enouiiiets
square , ma to IS it's. ' , 2I. Iiimns , sIsal ( cud. ii
to mt lbs. , 41 , . Tallow fin' North AnmLiucnum.
iq Id , ili-ef , u'lma incitti. m. . , mis ; i'ilune
mess , SOs , l'omk. irtnms macps , tine % -eslermm. Su's.
Irinie nm's , maci Ia iii. 4Cc b.i ii , tlr'i,1
prlimio % eslermm , 2q fi.I ; robin' ul , Iii m'nlhe , 2s
( 'mlml1sl-stctmtly .iemmiamtil nuuulu'mtmic : Ihimc'tt
, 'timu'tiCnZl , t hilt. ' mumiti ecloteti. lie 11,1.
Imt'-rTmn-rinest t'ntIel titru' , . 'itq ; g,4ml. t. * ,
( ii I.-Tuurii'imt Inc spIH I s , iii' 3i. ilosimu , ceimi -
milan , I ill. t'I t'.tmet'cl oh I , Itvei i'eul mcmi mei.
l7tt. i.inei , eli , le 6.1.
itil'ith(1lmlTOJt : liIilV--l'oriuiuthcum , hL'i
lutnitiutatlur , . , Sii.
ltIm.t'hhiN(1 i'O'il1it-litmiu1wos1 , I. C , I' . ,
% , . (7
iiOt'u4At l.ontion ( l'atuIio coast ) . Li Be.
( ) Mt it. ' . t ; lIhI.t is .i.t it IC ll'l' .
Cuitilltlotu of 'l'riiile ittiul ( iututttintui ( ,
( Ill Slip lilt' tutu I'utmie ) ' l'rotl uce ,
Itlig--cmoiec : stock , tic.
1tt'T'r1Ihtpummr to gcod stock , ICtie ; cimoice tL
fancy cottntu-y , ICe.
\'iA1.-'ms.Iue liii It to l.O ibe , , tire quoted
at t'f7c ; iiumge niii cotursi' , 1t7.c.
IL'hlllHm-lommstic : t'rkk ' , It 'to ' ; E,1mni , , pci
'loz Club huoumSe , 1-lb. jauti , per uin. , 13(0 ;
i.iflmbt , faniy , per lb. 1114c ; ltoiti' ( out , itlb
late , per tlo. , $1.60 ; ouiig . 'tnierietus , Ifc. %
'r tnt , Cahicy , lie ,
l'Ot'l.Tlt'-imi-iiuu , SOti'tc ' ; clii c lts , ii ?
Ic ; tuiitu. , lOqilie ; , ltmckn. tl10e ; geese , Cub ;
spring tiulekuime , p1 r iIo. .
I I . \-i 'ilnimi , $1 ; ummiiin mmii , $3.00 ; lout land , 8 I. ,41 :
rye si i-tin , 14 : color mmm-uh , liii' pi lee nit itny
llgitt huie-e sill ili bvt ; ommi tel , grumuiet ; bring
tot , prtets.
lultooM COI1N-j.xIumeiy 5hiiy sale ; mmcmv
cii ) , , uieitveu ed mm track iii cnmmmtmy ; eluui gr'ui
t-i-mvat-klng eamiet , tenS It. , 2'1e ' : eltuice green.
ru naing to ituuu-i , 2' ' e ; coinnmouu I ' ( c.
fl.MI2-3iailturl , iuudtiu , $2.0ifi2..0 ; re-lImnui. ,
5.k)5j2.2 ; rzuuurmti : hack , huii : . , $ liO(12
teat , biuue wingud , hl.u'fil.2 ; teal , gte , it
wiulgeti , $ l.fllt.23 * ; rtulz , l , 0l.smqm.2 ; t'itui.
uthtu guise , * 3.tietilt.0 ; t'mmii geese , * ;
ic'clmme,1 im flumir' , 12.00fi3.fiJ.
I'iilYNS--iite , $ l.COfJl.2 ; deai pigeoums net
"Eflh' :
TOIIATOI6S'li'lomtda stock , G'lamket Cm-ales.
1'Its-miixfs , s Lu , , 12.
' 1dm' ON'iONu-i'ei- . iutfliImc . ,
CiJ't'3lhiiiltm'-l'cr iiu , , $ m.2Ofll.4) ) .
\'AX lilANii--l'er ho. box , lito.
S1'lINO ( iit.NS-i'er ium. t.e'c . , , 13.50.
S'i'lN.u.'lt-t'cr hex. , * lltih.23 ( ; per LU. , 12,50
I 'i 11 1'tA Ni'- I iiinnis steele , & 0.iti. box , 12.
C.1'I.lF1.OWlilt-i'er triml , ' , C dz. , 2.01.
CAiihtAtutl-'aiilorntn itock , per lii. , 2c ,
tNiONtml'Cu. ttU. ' 3OGC0c.
Iii-i.Nb'-iluuumtl pt'ciieti tttt'y , per ho , , 11.49.
stvmi-i' : I'OTA'iOl-Ciuoco : ! stocic , 12.00(13.00
ii r liii ) . ; sue , ) * ' % % Cet pottutiles. * 2.25.
( 'l.flhtV-'ahit'rttimt ( , , 5ier thor. . , No. I , $1 ; No.
2. 5Cc ; No. 3. Cli' .
1.T3i.t 11(1.\N3-l'cr ( lb. ' 4(14c ,
\ ( 'mtmuum-1''r : I'C.'tt. disc , 31.73.
I'OTATO1S-Nnttvo stoci : , 2Ub2c ; Cohomadi ,
stock , 310(1Cc : 1tc,1 , Iliver vniicy seCil iiottitoc.
Too ; 1uriy Oitlo , 104i'c ; iioi-Ita , new
potatoes , per lot. ( auto , * 1.00 ; Cnliormmia new
potiitncs. hier iIi. . .1c. !
lli-BtMi'iA ONlONit-I'er crate. 3 ,
( ' . \I.IFOItNIA ASi'AItAUUS-I'er 20.11 , , crate ,
sTnwimm1n1til1g-'rxns per case of Of qls. ,
$ G.00017.0' ' ) ; per 24 mts. . 13.00013,00 ,
, l'rI.mS-c'iolco : to fancy lien Invis , 54.000
4.1,0 ; choIce wine saps utni , wiiiow tinge , 14.00(1
5.'O. ( '
5.'O.cmtANIJllflflhi6ilJersey , * 4,00(15.03 ; boxes , * 2.01.
OI1ANGES-Caiirnia itudiol seetiltage , rauucy.
12.15(13.00 ; elude , ' . 12.1.0(1273 ; . ( mtncy navels , $3.7(1
4.00 ; cimoice , 1350013,75.
I.EMONH-aleuiintie , fancy , 53.23(13.50 ; choIce ,
53.00(13.25 ; Cnhfnrimizme , 12.75(12.00.
IIANANAS-Ctuolce iarge stock , per hunch ,
12.00012.B ; tnedlunm size,1 bmtnciies , 5I,50g2. ,
Time oyster sctmon is practically over , and
no one is trying to tin much In titat line. There
Is , however , stock stiii to be itaii on time mar-
lcd. Quotations :
IIONEY-Fiuaey witite , per ib. , lie ; choIce ,
Be ; Caiiforaia amber color , lie.
CIDEI1-ClarIticU Juice , miet Itaif bid. , $3 ; per
Ubi. , 5
oYsTEmS--Mediume , 15c ; standards , 20e ; ctra
telectB , 25c ; c'iunpatty scects ; , lIe ; New York
CuOtitS. 10c ; stanlmmt-ti bulk , mer gal. , $1.10.
N'UTS-Aimoads , Caidornhuu ) , per lb. , mimediuni
size , lOc ; Taittigona nluttonte , l'er lb. , large , i2c ;
itrazhls , per Iii. , Sc ; Engilsim walnuts , per lb. ,
faaey soft elicit , ICc ; maeIiuta , size , lie ; filberts ,
per lb. , Joe ; iecnns , iOtislmel tno,1iuim , Sc ; large ,
10cm peatiUts , u-nw , 6'OJbe ; montiled , 714c.
SAUCI1 ICItAUT-I'er Clii. . 13.50 ; hiatt bbi. , $2.
FICS-Iniporteem ftuimcy , 5 crown. ? 0.ib. boxes ,
Be ; choIce 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , 90moe.
DATIS-l1aliomreetm , mwr lb. , 5c ; fords , l01b.
b-xes. per lb. . be.
MAI'Lm-l SYRUI'-Five gal. cans. . each , $2.75 :
gal. cant' . per doz. , $12 ; 14 gal. cans , $6.25 ; quart
cans , 53.50.
MAPLE SITGAR-Cltoice. per lb. , tie.
1'IOESEIt\'ES-Assored , 20-lb. pniis. each , $1.40.
COCOANUTS-l'er 10'j , $4.00 ; each. Sc.
BECP-Oooi steers , 400 to 600 lbs. , 6t41JGic ? ;
mediuni steers. Ge ; good cows and Iteifers , S53
Go : medhtinm cows iinl Imetfers , 5t(1SiAc ; goout
( orequartets , Coils and imeltere , 4114'ho ; good binl-
quartet's , comes anl iteifet-s , 71uTt4c ; good ltIni-
quarters , steers , 7tA.lSi,40 ; cow rounds , Stc ;
cow plates , 3tc ; b3neless chucks , ic ; cow chucks ,
3(50 ( ; steer chucks. Ic ; beef tenderloIn , . . 22c ; beet
rolls , boneless , Sc ; sIrloin butts , boneless , Sc ;
Iota backs. boneless , Sc ; loin locks , 714c ; cow
riinm , No. 3 , Sc ; cow loins , Ni , . 3 , tie ; beef trita-
mings. SYc ; rutmp butts , Sc ; titoulder clods , tie.
2.i'LJTTON-Iressed lttmtmi , , 714c ; dresied mutton ,
614c ; racks. Sc ; legs , Sc ; saddles , Sc ; stews , Ic ;
sheep tilucke , Ic ; , iteeii tongues , per tloz. , lIe.
i'CltlC-Drehse ( ) miogs , tic ; pork mom , ' , G.4c ! ; spare
ribs , i'e ; hanm sausage butts.4tc ; pit-k luotti-
tiers , 4c ; pork shoulders , tktaumett , 4c ; iOrk
trhummmings , 4e ; leaf laid , not tcndeied , 014c ,
tenderiolne , 14c.
1111)115 AND TALLOV ,
HIDES-No. 1 green hui.les , 3'c ; No. 2 green
hideS , 2'Ac ; No. 1 green saited hides , 4(4c ( ; No. C
green salted hides. 314c ; No , 1 % eal calt , 5 to IS
lbs. . Cc : No. 2 real cult , S to I. . lbs. , 4o ; No. 1
dry Ilint imides , lOOSe ; No. 2 dry hint luidet , SliCe ;
No. 1 dry salted liltieui , Cc ; maul I cut-tam muid , tc
ocr lb. less ( han fuily culeti.
SmEESI' PEL'rs-.Oreen snited , each ClijOOc ;
green salted slmearlings ( short wooled early htns ) ,
enclm ISo : dry elmearhines ( shoit ivooled Carl
skins ) , No. 1 , ouch , be ; dry shiearlings ( iuott
isooled early umitiums ) , No , I each , Sc ; dry hint
lnasaa and Nebraska butcher wo'.i peiis , pet' lb. ,
actual eIgIit , 501Cc ; thy hint imittie and Ne-
lrmu.lca Murutmin mvooi pelts. per lb. , actual
weIght , 41tjtic ; dry html Coktttmlo , butcher wool
pelts , Per lb. , actual weigimt , 4IC'.tc ; dry hint
Ctiorado Mtmrralnm'Ool peits , per lb. , actuai
wetgimt , 4115c ; dry pieces anti bucks , actumil
wctglmt , 4b5c ; feet cut ott , as it Is useless to
pay freigltt cci ( hiram.
TALLOV AND GItEASE-Tallou' , No , 1 , Cc ;
taitosv , Na. 2 , Ic ; gicase , wtmle ( A , 3c ; grease ,
viilto Ii , 2tc ; grease , yellow , l'c ; grease , daik.
m'hc ; old miuttet25214c ; beesuvax , liritne , 15(1
2Cc ; rough ( allow , liAc.
BONES-In car hots weighed antI ileliveted in
Cluicuigo : Dry buffalo , per ton , $2.C02l4,00 ; tiry
country , bieaciteil , mmer me , , , 110.00(112.03 ; dry
country. damp and meaty , per toti , * 0.O0jS.00.
WOOL-Umiwashted. fine iicavy , ClIbe : pe iight ,
SOjic ; quarter blood. 19011Cc ; seedy , buiry oath
chatty , Sijic : mtted and broken. coarse , 7itic ;
cotle.I nail iji-oken , ( the , C(1Sc , Fierce , Ivasimed-
? .tedtutn , ISuIiSc ; line , 14011Cc ; tub wtteimed , 16(1
ICc' black , Sc ; bucks , Ge ; tag Itches , 2(13c ; dead
pul'led , 501Cc.
F1'TINo. liNe. mu 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Lge. tMd'mF Smn'liI
Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200127 I 15 00 1 $1110 $100112 S 5 03
( flack Yearilags. . 120(15 10 00 7 0) m 7 00 3 0)
lulack . . . . . . . ( 8 5(1 6 4 00 5 00 2 00
l3iack Cuhis..6(1
Mountain . . . . . . .15(022 14 00 10 00 10 00 4 00
lhInck Montana . . .
Yearlings . . . . . . . . . . .12 (0 S 00 5 00 5 00 2 01
Itlack Montanti
Cubs . . . . . . . . . . . . .C 51 4 50 3 0) 4 0) 2 00
Sliver . . . . . . . . . ' ) 0) ) 12 0) 8 0) ) 5 00 4 01
Sliver Tip..2' 01 1 00 5 (5) 5 00 2 50
Sliver Tip Cubs. , C 00 4 5) 3 0) 3 0 , ) 1 5)
hirown . . . . . . . . . . . . .201125 IC 0) 12 0) 12 00 5 III )
Ycaritrigs . . . , , , , . , lOiil2 It 0) C 04) S 0' ) 4 Ui )
Cut , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .701) 500 301 40) 200
luadger . , , , , , , , , . , . 1(11 . 50 GO 50 00 ( .4) )
F'lsiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 6 00 4 00 4 0' ' ) 2 00
Silver FOX- ( accordIng . . . .8
to beauty.100 ) 00 CO 00 40 00 30 (0 10 0)
Silver I'aie toe.
cording to be'y ) 1.0 0) ) 30 00 20 (4) ) 15 0) 60) )
Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) 301 20) 150 1110
lied . . . . . . . . . , , 1 50 3 2 1 (5) ( ) 75 25
Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 40 Cl 15
lIlt , , , , , , . . , . ( .0 40 20 20 10
Lynx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (10 2 ( JO I 50 1 25 5)
Marten . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0) 1 tI ) I ts I to 50
Mink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80(155 641 45 21 10
lthI'uk Bark B CS 45 20 10
Mountain 1.1 ii . .
( perfect iuea,1 ,
iitm.i . ) . . . . . . . . . 2
otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 6(57 50) 40) 200
Otter 1'tio..7 ( Ii ) S In 4 0) ) 1 50 1 5)
himcrt.on . . . . . . . . . . 60)170 50 25 20 10
Itnecoon , imiack
( as to beauty ) . . 000152
SIC LINlI- . .
Iliack , . . . . . . . . 21 75 50 50 27
ilmort stril.ed 1 03 70 45 40 20
r-JarruW itripe.l. . . t ) 40 25 20 13
ilrtia't ca..etl..I )
Wolveiine . . . . . . . . 00 3 ( " 1 2 00 2 ( ' 0 1 oo
t''t'lf , Mourtttmin. . .4 00 2 01 1 110 75 411
t\'thf , l'ratui.i. . . . . COOS ) tO 41 2 ( , m I
heaver , mer thin. 5(1 6 4 50 2 01 4 00 2 0)
iirtil'ir . . . . . . 00 1 50 75 50 25
SI ( ( l6iis..2 .
iiriag . . . . . . . . . . . .
( Vinier . . . . . . . . . . . . 81110 9 7
F'ahi . 7 C
gIta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : . : . : . ' ' _ 2 _ 3 _ -
lmtistis Cii ) ' ihirlc'ts ,
lIANBAH C1'ry , April 1S.-WIIEAT-e'omnlnamly ,
tieu.iy ; No. 2 huarti , Cc ; Nii. 3 , tiofiSie ; mcjeuaed ,
iStJiOc ; 21. . 2 miii. 741175 ° ' No , 3 , ( ZiibOc ; No , 2
.prlttic. CimGCc ; No. 3 , S7CIG-c.
COItN-'u'eak , lower ; N. ' . 2 imulxed , 23lfJfi'4c ' ;
h'Io. 2 wtmile , 23i(0J23te ,
OATi4-i7ntiimangd , dull ,
mtyl-No : , 2. 33i,1c.
IIAY-Suiaiiy ; tirnotimy , ciuoce , 811.000111.00
liier grades , $5r.oalooo ; lirairie , ciuotet' , $7.Qi
1.00 ; attica. , * 3.00010.00.
iltiTTilIt-Very muenk ; cruatimer ) ' , 1561Cc ; dairy ,
IIUGS-houser , fresh , ( ' 4c ,
- C
( but temp 9iis ricc ,
N1w : OItI.IIANS , .Aiii Is.--O'rrON-Steldy ;
tmktdiing. 7 1 1' IGi' ; low tutid.h . I lrtg , 7 ( Se ; gt'"l or.
hitmttiy , 6 3-ICc ; iuct r'eeti.ii' . . 643 baits ; gross rum-
icilite , 645 hairs ; exirmilS , ( ii ( Irtui hiritsin , 1.500
alt's : ci.tmhtwlPe , 12'ea ; suitS , 1.0) ' ) temieuu ; ttvck ,
66,502 Ijahes.
NEW YOltiC , April J-rO'fT024-Qulet ; iaii.
Illng , I 15-lIt' ; receimiN. I lii bali-c ; f.'rwiirtloi ,
2 hales ; sales , Ill bales , mmii si'inners ; tteek ,
Sl.tiS8 lales. ,
ST 1.0015 , AudI 18.-COTTON-Dull ; said.
iiinj , 7 9.160 : unhet , $46 l.tulea ; rccelptu , , 18 baits ;
Iiulj.4rnCflts , 1b ssslee ; stock , $4,001 bahe-ms ,
- 5'
Liberal Supply of Oattlo with a Markop
\Votk anti Lower ,
hug ht'Cl'lh'I ( llil' Fumlr tind sun Ac. ,
ti C. ii0iiiimiul ( Furt'eI l'rieee i' fl
( _ % Ciiint'tl IS ( ii It )
Ccimti. iieltit lie Opening ,
SATL'ItPAY , Azril 18.
Receipt5 for time days Iimtltcated nrol
Cattle , hogs. Simec'p. Horses.
Aliril iS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,617 2tiil . , . , 8
.imril . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,416 2Sll
liril 16. . . . . . . . . . . . i,2ti , 4,1.52 2,911 1
, 'imrll IS. . . . . . . . . . . . i,751 6tOS (131 ( , ,
.irl : ii . , . , , , , , , , , , i,92.'l 4,550 196 . . . ,
Aiu'il ) 13. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,278 ( C'2 , , . , 13
Aiii-ui 11. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,567 3,506
Time receipts fur thie week , as coummptmrcd
t'lthi hmrevioua u-eelcs v. ore :
Cattle. hogs , Sheep.
licceilits tiiis s'eelc. . . . . 0,538 21,051 4,1.81
ieCeIIitt4 { iuit ' . . . . . ' , 17,812 2,245
Smuumie Is-cole Inst year , . 7,931 19,113 6,245 \ . ,
Smuiilt , tueck 1131. . . . . . . . . 18,152 3i,2'6 7,613
Stimuio lt'eeic ii'tll. . . . . . . . . l7titSS 26,175 6,471
.Sautmo week 1592. . . . . . . . . 15,200 28,11.0 2,46.7
'l'iiti oiflt'iai niumitber of cars of stock
hlt'otiglm ( iii ( Olin ) ' by each road vas :
llnmii. , Cattle Hogs.
C. , \i. & St. I' . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1
0. .ct si. I , . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
'tllss un I'tieihle fly..C 1
' .
h'liioii l'aclltc fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21) ) 1
C. & N.1' , , Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ii. & . tl. It. it. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it 10
C , , It. & Q. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 4
C. , It. I. & I' . fly. . cast . . . . . . . . . . 1
C. , it. I. & I' . , Ity. , % vest. . . . . . . . . . 1 13
C' , . , St. P. , : \l. & 0. ly . , , , , , , , , , , , I ; 3
ii . , 16. & : : ti. v. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g
Tottul receIpts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si 32
' '
CA'l'Plh6-Oimmtthma vumm ; thuo emily mmmmtrket
today t hut t Ii atl eimoumgh 0:1 : I tic t o i-cal ly es-
lnbisii ! qtlottttiotms , tuitul time receIpts hero
m\ere quite liberal for time Inst tilt ) ' of thu
% eck. Thmi'te Were 1517 hieuil : iii , its agalmmet
1,567 on Smmturulmuy of luutt week. Timero' were
( itiiy a few feethers : mimmommg time recaiimta nail
tmaly nluotut a ulozemi lotuuls of limitchmers' stoclc ,
tIme great Luttlk of time offerings coasistimmg of
cortu foil steers. ,
It beimig ci Hattmrilny , amid ( hue receihmts - '
large tIme butyers ill'i imot apimear to care '
htlticii niinutt loaillimg lii ) wRit ctute tttmic'ss
they couiii get thmcmum emmoutgh lower to make 1'
it tutm object to cttrry thieni over. As sales.
amemm mvci-e gcnera'ly lrtcitmur ) their hmolulimigs
as high as yc'sterdiy : , utuitl iii sonic ctmsemt
evemm imighmer , the mimmurlcet mas slow and time
foretmoomi t'its tuell iuilvummcc'ul before mmmttcim
business wits trntmsucteul. ; b'omne hutuntly lIt-
the cattle shil nhiouit Stetutl3' , but thus getmeral
market was weak anti : ower.
'rho mnmumm'lci't ohm cows ammil Imeifers was
itiso slots' , mmii eimhestmmmm : svet11 baclcmtird
tubout immumkittg the retlui'tlom , of I0(1ltic tie-
mimattuititi liy time lmutyermi. Site stuff hits been
selhimmg very high here , as cotmmpnretl with
Other manrkt'ts , owimmg to time vero' mmmoderato
receipts anti time active tlettiammtl , 'rime tea-
: ieimcy hams beemm to graulualty force time
market tip , "strong amid active" being limo ' 1
general commthiiomm of time trade omm mimost
ulnys. Itt cOtmseqtleimce time iumyers s-ere only'
too us'ihhimmg to take ott' t'hmen time oliportummity
was hmresentcil.
Stockers nimtl fi'eilcrmu lucre in very immoilo-
mute stihmimly ; iti fact , there were hmnrtily
enough to estmmbllshm prices. Sumeb as were '
here oit1 at about time summmo oti lmrices , the
tanricet e'hmmwitmg mm qumotaimle cliamige.
ltOai4-Thte tcci'lpts of liog Weme ligimt toilny ,
tim I ( ' icitug only 2ObS hers , as against 2,757 , I
yttmi ci iimi' utmiii 3i)5G ) atm teti till titi ) ' Of last m'eek ,
Itie light recelitte nail ftvorniie , a.lvie's from
utiter , ntaihets Imere all cii ( ito , 'iit' uI I ii sell-
lag htiterestii tmumi I , I ter immict's were t iii' i end I.
'l'itt , mnatket ohwtmel with I its btters miii ha t hit ,
ilehi , iunI till Ivani hug ttm'g ' , , . 'I'iit' t emoul t mtts
fairly nctivt' nimucitet , m'hthi vtiitten Sc higher
all tmu-ouail. 'Flui ' light mmoi.aa said at 53.(0r3.15 ,
time top being be Imigit r titan steicu-titmy. liege
veIgimIng over 104) momlrttis soul ulomm-n t ' $3.30 ,
limit titi grmt milk rf , t lie mimt"lltiimm m'eiglit I a
iteavy htogmi t'oil at 13.21(13.45 , at , agimimmet 13,3t , )
3.40 yesterday. llveryhting sold eahiy , time yards
liring eleariti hiufore 10 o'clock ,
This htas heen a low myek In the hog nmnrket
In fact a rec-oril Itretiker him iiutit respect. AL
the openIng of ( ito merck Imogs mo-re selling at
$345013..5 , irzmimm mviiit'im ititmut time mmat-ket Ivent
.lo'tm rapidly ummmtll rimtmrsu.y , . , a iu.vt I hi built of
time sales uuis ru'porteI at 13.25(13.39. Tita
miroval to ho the how tiny ) f tlte we k , nit thmi
tnntktt recovered some on Fu-i1tty , tumid the I
( urthic'r nivtmnee at tue close left vmtlmies nitty
tuboiit 5(1lic lower titan at tue op'ning of thu. 1
wma'k. or ICiulSc lower thati time close of th.
previous week.
SIIEEI'-Titere were no ehcqm receiveti today.
CIIIC.i(1O LI 'I6 S'l'OCIC , ' .
, ' \'ere Guttuul
Slu iIIiet'M litiers iuimi
Jresi4ed ileef ' . % 'iss 1i'Iriuuu.r ,
ChICAGO. April I-tuesse,1 iit'f , limier , and
simlppers hae been evy gOi iiu-cts at ( i-on ) $3.20
to 34.49 for conminomm to prIme Steers , aies hieing
amgtly at ( rota $3.75 to $4.15 , ivihti extrc'tmmely'
few al.ive 11.25. Te : governnmemmt inspectors are
cun&iernning a great many ligitt and conmtnoa
emilveS , tin , ! shhpuers art' at hint iiegiammlng to
cease buying ihtutim mit any mince. Mtiher aa
, 'pritigers ccli at * 20 to $44) misc itenl ,
TIme iieimian.1 for iiogii ivas sutflcieutt to nbscmri ,
the itttmiic'I i.tTerings , its mrlces were stt-ong anti
largely Ic Itigiier ( or htetuvy ittelittni uumi , nttxect
hits , mmiille light mm'etgmts were itemutir , Commimoa
to ciioicti heavy siiIl mit from $3.10 to $3.70 , miack- '
lag lola ceiling itirgu'hy lit 13.65. while meillutra V
wu'Ighili tip to 13.85. Light hogs sold readimy
tit $3.0) an , ) 34.
1mm sheep ( Ito trade was tno.lenmteiy aumirazmtej
ttt time ileemine of lIe to 40e (1mb. ( umeek. Siteep
tire now seillng at ( minim $2.01) to $3.75 ( or msor
to extra , Iturgehy at frium , 53 to $3.50 , atid lattmbs *
bring frtmum , $3.7. . to ti,50 ,
Iteceiiits Cattle , 400 tueati ; Imogs , 11,0)3 iucail ;
siucep , 4,504) head.
Stock lit Sight ,
Record of teeeiIiti lit time foti principal
kets ( or April 18 , 1596 ; - , V.
Ctttlle. liege ,
South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,517 Sheep , , . , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i ) I1.00 V
iCaneas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0)0 6,1)0) ) J,7O
St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,0)0 400
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,217
Si , LoItii4 li't' Stu.ek. I
ST. LOUIS , Amtrii 18.-C.tTTLl1-Jtpce1ii , 3,00)
Imetud ; niarket titea'iy ; atutivo steers , 1.755J4,403
' 1'xutii itteetS , 12.75013.70.
1OUH-lteceihlit , 5,00) Imemiil. Market steady ;
light , 13.40013.70 ; mixed , 13.25(13.60 ; Imeavy , 83.10
3. 60.
ShIl7EI'-llt'Ceilt $ , 400 head , Market steady at
timu , recent decilne.
himumustin Cit3 Live Stou'lc. I
KANSAS CiTY Aitrit 1s.-cA'rrLm-nrceipte ,
3,1100 heath ; sutipiuicimtti , COck ) I ii-n.l . ; market n mum-
ttliy steady ; 'recite steers , $3011013.59 ; Texas cows ,
12.tiOli'J.mO ; beef dOers , 83.00014.00 : mtamive cowl ,
51.75(13.30 ; stockeru end fuitiheis , * 3.30013.85 ; bulls ,
$2.OOSi $ 3.10.
IOi3-lteCethts. $ 6,000 hotel ; slihpauents , 1,30)
hea't ; taarieet strong , Sc itlgiit'r ; buik of sates
$3,4i(13.ti5 ( ; hi-ti1hioi , $3.'lllC..O ; packers , $3.4G'
3.50 ; tmmixt'il , 83.40s3.G5 ; Yoticers , $3.5113.C5 ; plan , ' ,
* 3. 155 3. 55.
51 1 111lIteceipta , 1,700 hu'-.tI , . ; siuipnemi Is , iioo
iura'I ; nionintuihy sl'aly ; itiitmli , 13.10(14.2. ) ; mut.
tons , * 2.5)013.69. ) _
SI , I.uiin Gi'nertui 'larlt'E , ;
ST. 1,01515 , Airli , gi'LOt'Itlaey anti homver
hiairnts , 12.65013.75 ; etrn ( ant , ) ' , $3.3I(13,4. , ; fancy ,
* 2.001(3.00 : cItilC' * l.t(4t2.C.
WI I I6AT-'uti tijer comuhi ties ii wore more favorable -
able , huyiitir lVr.H light mmii that seiihitg enough t
hut vric'es , ltiwn itt the opetming , Ileavy clear-
tine uu ut 114)0 r tumm'l whrtu , I tii so imni it bearish
t'tfi'C ( Ofl thin iimariclt , witlchu inter lecain steady , , , , . . -
antI t uim ml. ' . ' iii Ighutiy , bit I ciusel ( it mite io to lie
Itch 3W yt'stt-tthuty. iii'ot. ' ilmihl ; No. 2 mc , ) , cnmilm ,
Seti ltii , elevator ; 71 ½ c , tralic ; May , b9(1.OcI - .
J ui' , tZc , , 1iti , ; /t uugtiit , CIXe , itith ,
CoitNFutuuures , weatc , whIm u'ttrmti'i-mtit , , snore
rffct i-h I ituimi tlu p ilemnmtim'I ' ca iii'il ( or unt ii SIlty
1c-cilnt'd % c , uumml July 'J'ime tnnikut Ihucli
tcadieti anti rrcovcuu'l ' i.c ; cbatag % cu imder
lest tiltty. Pliot , iiiwer ; No. 2 huiixtd , ,
CIi.0127t5e : I.ttmy , 2714c' ; July. 2I01eti4e.
OA'l'i4-Mtiy Ivuts svt'tuk on cmiii mmii solti to
ha t imnth hu't'm 'Ac Is't Judy ,
alt u'r , hut ' r ) ii icr1 ,
t'.o , lower , Stet ( , , iuii mmii lomser ; No , . ca5h
lS'4i' ' . bid : lila i : . lSc , bId ; Juthy , Iii'Ae , huh ,
IIYB-Ibe , liii , tievuuior , east track.
( 'OitN MI6AL.-l.4'JlIm,45.
FLAX SEhli-t4i.'ntly itt ICc.
risuiilY i4i6l1ul2.r.o01i.v : ) .
hI/iY-QUIOI. t'lr-ng iunl , Itiglter for cimoice ;
Is , 16.51(10. P1 ; I tuitoi by , * 0.00(113.110 , I hIs tithe.
I'olJlII'ltYSt'mttly ; chmlCkumis , 114c ; t&urkt'yii ,
lie' .immcks. Sc ,
iil'r1'iIlEtuiier' crenhtmery , Ilulse ; .haIry . , 12
lie. p .
nIcm8TImvt'r jut $ ic. (
Wi I ill ICY-i I . 2.1.
l.1toVlHiON8-i'rk , hnwrr sIa.iilard laces.
Jomiui'ng , hm"Y , IS 17' ( ; td'I ' , 13.37i ( , Iimmd , lower ;
i-motcc , hi,72t404.714 IOImoul'lerih , boxemI , $4.$7 ( '
longs. 25 : rIbs , $5.15 ; timop ts , * 5.25. lry smiiO
rni'etS , iioxetl sbouhdehli , $4.0) ; ribs , $4Ts ; shorts ,
" : . _ . , nontitmal itt $2.77t $ . flpeiter , i
Ct 13-tO ,
nomInal -
flcIil.THl4.tir , 6,0)0 hbis. ; mvhuat
Itu : orrm , 45.000 iamj , ; omits , 43,1100 bu ,
HIlu.MmNTn-1ieur : , 4.000 this , ; whurtmt , 0,000
au. ; corti , 3)00' ) bu. ; oats , 8,000 Lu ,
3lIiimlt'uuiluihi $ ' . 'iuu'ut , C
2.1 lNNhA : i'OI.iIi , Airii ) JS.-'htl6A'r-SIom , , ,
litty , 6m ½ ( tIlc July , Cltte , I
Fi.OUit-Quuct ; itnit patents , 53.23(13.50 ; tecomat
, attiflhi' , * 3.10(1)20 ; hiret cheat's , 12-B ; eecoat2
'leturs , $2.10.
JAMES E. BOY ! ) 6 CO.
'l'tii'Jl9IlOlle 10311 , ouiltllut ; , Mel , . '
L.orn 11l % hoard of Trade.
11usd rrup to ChIcago and New York.
LTu5..4cnteI Jotia 4 Wasruu Ii Ct14