'I' D OMAILA. DAILY 13D1 : : - TJND Y APRIL J ' r , . . . -.r..v..i rv.n..rw..i. . . r. , . , . . .n. . . . . . . . w . .n. , + . . , . . . . .w. . . . .1.r..r.N. . . , . . , . .r. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .n.r..n.r./.y + rtin..r. . , . . .n..n. . . , . . . , . . w..nn..ti. . . . . . , .n.win..n .vr..n..r. . . .r , . . . . . . . . . , n.n , . . . . . . . . . . . .r.r. . . . . . r..n..tia.n. . . . . . . r : a i 1I : . rSf1 ® , X , . ® , , itli : - _ s e Way a are o iio Conduct rn' i-l.s1R1 ss kt ! tCOMMJNCINO TOMORROW r : , 1l ALL PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. h7r r X LINE--- -,7 : , X . - PRICES THE LOWEST. - X k' 3r . . . . r k'f , Prescriptions at prices lower than the lowest Goods the very best. ( I Drugs Toilet Articles Soaps Cigars Mineral Waters ' . f4. . . . xX Z f cmounders the treated . , . 1 most competent o in city---everybody fairly. 1t , > r Bring your Prescriptions to us an when of 1 get our prices , ou vi1 get tle filled. k .IrK Guticura Soap , 8 t0 9 a ni , tomorrow- Gake. kYa 2e' on down own Store in charge i o Graduated Pharmacists. . - Ia.- - x , s. nl 15th & ouas s. . . k ' rl. -r. kk k- . . rr ck..li-1' JI// . = k I , . k I ' , k , , k } t' I I -h' l , , 'Y t . , k l kh k'k Y ; ' YP . ' 1 . yA , Y yk Yk .r 's k k x kR : , , YE k 'x . iii' , h' k , kxkX - kP iiRYM PREVENTS TILE BLO\VS \ All His Elcquonco Needed to Stop a Fight in His Convention , LANCASTER COUNTY SILVERITES QUARREL r SeIeetlon of a Cnndidate to lie En- II//VMV L as a DZMlrlct Delegate IlringH On u Deeldedly Lively Scs lou. LINCOLN , April 18. ( Special-Chalrman ) tames O'Sheo of the county central com- mltteo called the free sliver democratic county convention together this afternoon at 2 o'clock. According to the terms of the call the convention was for the purpose of aelecb frig foty-slx delegates to the free sliver dem ocratlc state corrvnltion at Lincoln , on the 22d first. C. M. Skilos was elected temporary chairman by a vote of 81 to 62 , for Patrick Olarton , and an motion of the latter , Sklles' eelcctlon was made unanimous. The only ccutest Involved was the endorsement - ment of ono district delegate to the Chicago democratic national conventlcn , the selection of lion , W. J , Bryan , as delegate at largo being conceded. There were four prominent candidates for district delegate ; Ed M. Lamb , C. S. Jones , F. W. Brown and L. W , Edwards - wards , the latter the choice of the "federal brlgadc , " lion , William J. Bryan moved that the only platform to be adopted consist of the simple resolution that this convention endorse - dorso the "free and unlimited coinage of silver at tire ratio of 16 to 1 without watts log for the consent of any other nation on earth , " Mr. Bryan's motion was adopted with a whoop , and the convention got down to the business of naming its choice for ICiricago delegate , and , incidentally , the forty- six delegates to Urn state convention , The ' - . following committee of thlrleon was named to . select these delegates : F , L. Sumpter , J. v. harper , J. D , Passley , T. F. Lalsh , M. II , Tiffany , W , J. Abbott , James O'Shee , J. J , Waiter , G. II , Scott , Will Bartin , W , J , Bryan , George 1' . Ruch and J. Welton , Following is the list of delegates chosen to the state convention : C. S. Jones , W , F , Schurrld , Ed Pegier. N. W , Wilson , J. A. ( Walton , George P. ] lush , J. M , Osborn , C , 1' , Payne , It , M , White , Fred Mockett , E , M , Lamb , 7'Ironas IItilan , J , A. O'Slrce , P , J , Cosgrove , J. C. Kelly , J. J. Waters , J , E , ] L Miller , C. A , True , Willard Cooper , Hans Iierics , L , W. Edwards , 0 , B , Scott , L. L , funk , W. J , Swisher , 0. 11. Allen , J , T. Dun- lap , hi. M , Leavltt , I' . Barton , John McMam gal , J , F. Deacher , F , IV , Brawn , 0 , W , Yalu , It , P. R. Muter , S. S. Wldhrey , Alex Altechulor , Charles Ilonplo , 1 , 1L Mahoney , If. J. Kent , J. 11 , Passley , N , Ii , Newhouse , J. harper , E , A. Vauderslip , M. D , Tittaney , J , Abbott , J , E. Davey , BROUGIIT ON ACTIVE IIOSTILITIES , Following the motion to name the choice of tire convention for district delegates , Mr. Dryan made an energetic speech against sending the delegation to to stale conven- tlot for trading purposes. IIo denounced that spscioa of pohltics vigorously and moved a resolution that the convention pledge its delegation to the candidate named for dls- trict delegate , but not for trading purposes , which was carried , 1 Each of lire tour candidates before the convoatlon was then called upon to pledge Irlnrselt ax' in favor of the free and unlir r fted coinage of silver , etc. , which ho did n unmistakable terms. The result of the first ballot was ; B own 23 ; Lamb , 471x ; Jmas , 353 ; Edwards , 39. An attack was then made on tire political integr ty of E , M , Iamb by a delegate , ald : pandenroniuni broke /oosa / , prom this out , ? through seventeen ballota , the utmoet cons fusion and disorder prevailed , In tire prog- rusa of the fifteenth ballot a fight to the Fourtlr ward delegation was barely averted try energetic action ca tire part of Mr liryan , All through the voting the delegates from t lt0 ward bad born bickering and shaking their lists in each other's faces. The alleged diNcuity consisted in the fact that they continually accused Delegate Andis of failure to record tire vote correctly , Finally P , II , Cooper jumped on'Andls , declaring that he did not propose to be "voted like a d-d steer , " and attempted to strike him. At the same time another delegate on the flank of Andis attacked - tacked him in the rear. They were sepa rated by Mr. Bryan amid loud calls for the police. On the seventeenth ballot Dr. Edwards threw his strength to Jones , and the latter was declared the choice of the convention for district delegate by a vote of 86 to 11 for Lamb and 7 for Drowns Mr. Bryan's motion that the delegation present be authorized to cast the full vote of tire county prevailed and the convention adjourned , CONVENTIONS IN OTHER COUNTIES. BEATRICE , April 18-Special ( Telegram , ) -Tiro Gage county democrats held their county convention today for the purpose of selecting twenty-nine delegates to , attend the state convention to be held at Linco n April 29 , Resolutions of a facetious nature were adopted , one of which strongly condemns "C , J , Smyth and his co-ccnsplratoa for their attempt to assemble a populist gathering - ing in the name and under the banner of democracy , " 'rho attendance , while not large , was quite enthuslaetlc. The delegates named are as follows : George P , Marvin , Charles S , Soymore , R , S. Dlbb , A , R , Patten , S , R , Bowie , If. Wilson , G , L , Platt , W , II , Funk , D , W. Coon , Frank Mumford , Mike Kechloy , Eugene S , Stevens , James Wiggins , John Dwyer , E , Markendalo , D , Frank Taylor , W , W. Funk , IV , A. Waddington , W , II. Buchanan , J , L , Kuhat , Al Rogers , IV. I' , Wyatt , L , L , Price , Frank IV. Darclay , Elmer Carithers , Frank Prophet , F , J. Woslcka , D , B , Itarkrader and id. S , Watkins - kins , WISNER ( Neb „ April 18-Special ( Tale- grain-The democrats of Cuming county met in convention at this place today and selected tire following named delegates to tire state convention , to be held at Lincoln April 22 : William Emley , lb. W , Phillips , J , P , Zajlcek , Nick Jurgenson , W. S , Collett , John Conlin , )11 ) , Kelly , John McKeegnn , A , F. Walla , W , A , Smith , T , 0 , Kane , H , G , Braucht , 6 , S , Krako and IV. Ii , Moshage , A roslutlot was passed favoring , J , F Zajlcek as a delegate to the national cons vontion , The delegation was instructed to support such delegates to the national convention vention as would favor the tree coinage of both gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 , hIASTINGS , April 18-Speclal ( Telegram , ) -This afternoon Adams county democrals hold their county conventlcn and selected delegates to tire state convention. There was a good attendance , as almost every precinct was fully represented. The delegates - gates to tire slate convention are : John Stevens , R. A , Batty , Sam Mattocks , Chris Christensen , Chris hlasren , Ernest Itooppncr , Andy Dowd , Harry Dhngar , J. It , White , Sam Brass , W. F , Duncan , Thomas Frahm , Otto Otten , Lloyd Lynn and William Cook , YORK , Neb. , April 18. ( Speclal Tele- gram.-Tire ) democrats of York county held a mass meeting in the court house today , Wlrilo tire number present was very limited they displayed a great deal of enthusiasm. Free coinage resolutions were passed. The following will represent the democrats of tine county at the state convention : H. L. Birch , IV. W , Long , Pelcr Ehlera , Thomas Farber , John S , Knoll , C , P , Gilbert , T , W , Smith , Thomas Itlordan , Charles Smith , Henry Wellman and Mr. Plants , BATTLE CREEK , Neb , , April I8. ( Speclal Telegram-rho ) democratic county convention - tion was heid here today. There were only about fifteen out of sixty delegates present , Tire only business transacted was time select- lug of time following delegates to the state convention : A. J , Dunlovy , David Roes , George A , Lunkert , John Friday , A , G , tilde , Clrild Warren , T. F. Menninger , P , J , halo , Thomas Molan , J , S. htobinsot , George Zimmerman - merman , A , U , Moyers , J , hi. McKay , Barman - man Winter and John J. Iluglres , WAII00 , Neb. , April 18.-Speclal-Tho ( ) democratic county cocvenUon met bore today - day and selected vine delegates to attend the state and congressional conventions at Lincoln on Apri 29 , The following are the delegates : Iierry ; Holtz , W , J , Parmenter , James Danley , C. C , Turr y , John Moakler , 11 , F. Good , Charles Yungated , Mike Delaney and Levi Kiser. FhI MONT , April 18.-Speclal.-Tho ( ) free sliver wing of the democratla party held Its county convention for the election of delegates - gates to the state convention at the court bouso this afternoon. It was a rattier po- cullaNy consltuted body , being composed of delegates from tire city and committeemen from the country precincts. There were thir- ty-eight delegates in attendance , George F. Locsclren , chairman of the county comnnttee , called the. meeting to order. George L , Loomis of Fremont was chosen chairman and D , V , Stephens of Fremont secretary , The appointment of a committee on credentials was dispensed with , and the delegates present - ent instructed to cast the full vote of tlro precinct. The following delegates were elected : C , Hollonbeck , J , P. Mallon , G , L. Loomis , J , S , Devrlcs , A , J , Zbmgre , George Looschen , IV , J , Cronin , N , P , Nelson , IV , J. Legro , John Bodell , Jerome Porterilold and John Thompson from Fremont , Peter Flannagan and James Cusack of Pebble , IV. H. Woekes of Scrlbner , Ncls Mortenson of Logan , John Romberg of Cuming , J , L. Hanks of North Bend , S , S. Van Horn of Everett , Henry Schwab of Hooper , and Frank Bartosch of Webster. C. Hollenbeck was chosen chalrnan of the delegation. A resolution was adopted , instructing a majority of the delegates present at the state convention to cast the full vote of the delegation. A mass convention of the other wing of the party has been called by Fred W. Vaughan to meet at the court house April 23 to select delegates to the other democratic - cratic convention. The tree sliver democrats - crats claim that they are largely in the majority in this county. SYRACUSE , Neb , , April 18.-Special ( Tel- egram-Tho ) Otoe county free silver dem ocratlc convention met at tire opera horse here today , and exactly sixteen delegates were all that showed up , It , II , Miller of Nebraska City was made chalrman and John M , Gilchrist secretary. The following were elected delegates to the state convention - tion : George Ullman , Charles Bickel , J , C , Fanner , D , Buster , Joseph Worrell , Fred Witt , B , McAleer , Fred Reitman , F. Se- Koff Jobn Frank , William hlawke , 0 , N , Watson , H , M , noydson , C , A , Berry , John M. Gilchrist , R , H , Miller , Ed Shannon , IV , IV. Wilson , George llargen , 0. P , hranks , IYllliam Warden and W , T , B , Simpson. Resolutions demanding time free colnago of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and tariff for revenue only and denouncing protection , carried with a whoop , BEAVER CITY , Neb „ April 18-Special Telegram-The ) Fumes county democrats met In convention today and elected delegates - gates to the free silver democratic state corvention , IV , H. Thompson was endorsed for congress , and free silver resolutions were passed , IIARTINGTON , Neb „ April 18.-Special ( Telegrams-Tiro ) democrats of Cedar county mat In convention at Ilartingtoh today , Never before in the Iristory of the county line a democratic convention assembled in which so fev precincts were represented and so little interest manifested , The fol- lowlng persons were chosen as delegates to time Lincoln convention : John Brown , R , T , Ogara , W , C , Jones , A , J , Watson , T , F , Zeigler , Jolm Loerge , Jolm Lorang and Dr , H , M. Williams , Resolutions were passed favoring the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver on the basis of 10 to 1. A call slgned by order of the committee requests all time domocratio electors of Cedar county who endorse time Chicago platform to meet in mass convention at Hartingtou April 25 , to elect delegates to attend the state convention April 29 , I'iERCE , Neb , , April IS. ( Special Toles gram.-Tho ) democrats of Pierce county met in convention in this city this afternoon and selected the following delegates to time state convention at Lincoln , Wednesday : C. F , Rolrrke , August Sucltstorf , Douglas Cones , George F , 1Ceiper , H , Vossberg , G , W , llitctmens and John Suckstorf , There are no gold democrats in tins county , TECUSSDII , Neb. , April 18-Special Tei- agram-The ) Johnson county free sliver democratd held their county convention hero today , They named as a set of delegates to represent them at both the state and congressional conventions : James Dovenney , George Endres , L. ltcrry Koplinger , A. 0 , Shaw , I : , Ii. Grist , A , L , Nelson , Geore Warren , 1ugh { Lancaster , James hammond and J , IV , Kiplhcger. George Warren was pledged tine delegates' support as a candidate - didate for delegate to limo Chicago cotvon ( Ion. - ' l I VALENTINE , Neb , , April 18-Special ( Telegram.-The ) doumocrata of Cherry county met in mass convention today , President Cleveland's financial policy was endorsed , and tlro following delegates elected : A , E. Thnclrer , Frank Fischer. Jmmes Chlldero , William Ballard amid John Adamson , They wcro instructed to attend the sound money convention , at Lincoln , April 29. The tree silver men made a spirited fight for their attendance at time convention on April 22 , but were outvoted by two to one , GRAND ISLAND , Nob. April 18-Special Telegram.-The ) silver democrats held their county convention today , selecting Joseph Woolstenholm , Lafe Myers , C. H , Menck , henry A. Slevero , Jr. . H. I' . McClure , N. IV. Thompson , IV , H. Thompson , J , C. Ger- opacher , Chauncey M. North , James. Kerr , C. A. Carr , John Quinn , William Denman and Henry Vows as delegates to the slate convention at Lincoln , April 22 , The gold democrats did. not attempt to participate. SPRINGFIELD , Neb. , April 18.-Special ( Telogrant-The ) sliver wing of the democratic - cratic party met in county convention here tins diternooi. The colvention was called to order by Chairman Amori Gates , J , C , Miller acting as secretary. Tire following delegates were elected to attend time state convention at Lincoln , April 22 : Samuel Starizer , H. J , ] folio , Samuel Dlanchi , Howard Wlritney , Amos Gates , Beu Hole- man , John McBride , D , J. Bagley , R , F , Barton amid Claus Grell , The followlng reso- lutlon was adopted : Resolved , That the democrats of Surpy county , a ways loyal to the regularly constituted - stituted democratic authorities , county , state and national , decaro : allegiance to th ; only lawful democratic state committee in the stale , and to its chairman , hon. C , J , Smyth , and we denounce as traitors to democracy all persons aiding or abetting time organization of bolters and traitors under the leadership of Euclid Martin , After donouncng ! time "rump" party him general - oral terms , the resolution takes up the administration - ministration and handlea It without gloves , and recites that the present deplorable condition - dition of affairs iii largely due to the un- anterican financial policy adopted by Press Idlnt Cleveland and this secretary of limo national - tional treasury , accuses them of wandering from the true democratic paths into time swamps and quagmires of republicanlsm'amid finally wlndn up by declaring for time free and unlimited coinage of silver at tire present SUPERIOR , Neb , April 18-Speclal- ( ) Tlromas Stilts , M , L. Pierce , Jahn Dicr , W. C. Welt and William Smith were ap pointed by the county central committee of the regular democratic party an delogatec to time state convention at Lincoln April 29 , AURORA , Neb , , April 18. ( Special Tele- gram-Tiro ) democratic county convention today - day oected ! tire folowimgtdelegates ) , to tire state conventlcn at Ltacg nt on the 22.1 : E. IV , illurlbut , D , WooI d , Jolum Slmean , P , McCartlt , J , C , Wilsoq , II.)1 , Wilson , Peter Farnoy , IV , D , Dowater , and Henry Newman - man , The conventionunaphnously endorsed Bryan for president. rt r . + NO FUSION IN NO1ITit C.tIIOLINt , llcpublicaus and l'opnhists Frril to Agree Upora'/terms , RALEIGII , N , C „ Aprildl8-Tho conference - ence committees of the republican and populist - list parties appointed t fy + titeir respective executive committees , } p dctermnine whether ( hero should be a contlnuance of fusion in North Carolina , as carclotl out snccesafully two years ago , failed toragreo after a prolonged - longed session , The poplliuta demanded the governor and submitted a resolution declaring - ing for free coinage , gfrgllver , Time silver resolutions made it obliy atory to vote only for silver candidates fqr ofiico , The republicans - publicans refused to accept the proposition , They proposed to iravo an equitable dstri ( button of omcers on tire state ticket , the republlcany takhrg tire , governor , and no fusion on tire electoral ticket. Tire loPullstu refrmsed to accept the republican terms , and both committees adjourned , falling to reach an nareement. l'opuhistM CounMrl CutubinallonM , DENVER , April 18-A meeting of tire prominent popullata of Colorado was held today , at wblclm time situation was discussed , Thomas M , Patterson presided and General J , U , Weaver and if , E. Taubeneck , chair. ratan of time national Populist committee , were Present , General Weaver had just come ( rein Oregon , where ! re says he believes lire democrats and popullsts will combine and carry the stale , Time general condition of tire populist party ip the nation , and the relation it should bear toward tire new silver party were discussed , Chairman Patterson made a strong plea for an amalgamation of all tire silver forces regardless of party , Mr. Taubeneck followed in the same strain , lie counseled conservatism ht the party , arguing - guing prat it tens hest to secure one plank in tire platform first , and then reach oat for others. lie expressed tire belief that the silver party had more than a fighting clranco if only proper precautions were taken to give time people acceptable candidates , DfsAcltfcic .tIlOUT rnG.tfl. DOwtItD. CaneuM of 1)elegmrtes to Free Sliver State Couventiun. Forty of time ninety-nine delegates to time democratic state convention nominated by the free silver end of the demorcratic party act in the Board of Trade building last might to decide on a plan of action at tire convention at Lincoln next Wednesday. The meeting was a summer dream , courpsrcd with tire cyclone at the meeting at which tIns delegation was nanmcd , C. J , Smyth called the meeting to order and I J Dunn was elected chairman of tire meeting and of the dclegatierr at time same time. henry Blum was made secretary. C. J , Sntyllr said Joseph A , Connor and lnmself ! mad consulted with the railroad authorities - thorities with a view of getting transportation - tion , but were unable to secure anything better than a rate of one fare , and tine assurance - surance that the train would be held until midnight if a crowd were secured , ho moved the appohdment of a committee composed of John Powers , Lee Hardman , Patrick Ford , C , IV. Thompson , 1 , J. Dunn , George Tierney , W. C , Bullard , J , It , Evans , W. it. O'Shauglmesay , P , W. Dlrltrausee ) , Samuel Goamey and F. Gltford , to see that every delegate who vyas eppohtted either went to Lincoln or secured a proxy , na that Douglas county would be represented by a full delega- tlon. The motion war carried , and the committee - mittee was empowered to fill all vacancies caused by failure or refusal of delegates to attend. On motion of C , II , Brown , a committee consisting of himself , C , J. Smyth 1111(1 J , J. , O'Connor , was appointed to arrange for transportation - portation , Chairman Dunn was instructed to arrange for a caucus of Douglas , Waalrington and Sarpy county delegates at'll a. m , Wednesday - day , to' decide on two dlotrict delegates and alternates to the national convention. A motion by Samuel Gosnoy of South Omni was carrion wlthout dlseuoslon , endorsing - dorsing C , J. Smyth as a delegate-at-large , and pledging tire Douglas county delegation to support film at Lincoln , George Tlcrney moved that the Douglas county delegation be instructed to support Edgar hloward of Sarpy county for district delegate to the national convention , This motion opened the bunghole , and the oratory flowed uimchccked for nearly an hour. All agreed hr the opinion that hloward wan entitled - titled to all tire honor the party could confer upon irlm , but the motion was vigorously opposed on tire ground that a motion had just been passed providing for a caucus by the three counties in this district , mud the action proposed would virtually shut out the otirer two counties , as Douglas had more votes than tire other two counties combined , it was also stated that Mr. Howard had written a letter declining to allow Ids name to be used in that connection , The friends of the motion urged that it would be nothing more than a cgmpliment to one who had earned it , Efforts to iavo the motion withdrawn - drawn were made , but Tierney stood pat , and finally a motion was made to lay it on time table. This was opposed on the ground that this would bo a slap at Howard , but tire sups porters of the motion to table denial that this was limo intention , After dlscussing tins quer4lon for some time , time motion to table was carried by a large majority , and was Immediately followed by a motion to adjourn , DPIIICM till A , 1' . A , Stutemiri'iit , COLUMBUS , 0 , , April 18-IV. IV , banning desires to say that the cbairnan of the national - tional advisory board of time A , P , A , made a mi''statement to the Associated press in Roston In saying that Governor McKinley had turned Lammnng down as a candidate for oil inspector because of his prominence in time order , Air , Lanning says ; "I was a candidate - date because of certain political comptlca- tions , and recognized at the time that tire oloctlon of L. W , Buckmastor was right , The complications iavo worked out to my satisfaction. The statement sent out from Boston was made wlthout consultation with me. " L.tMPOONS ' 1911I ADMlNISTitATIOS. Senator Tillrunn ' 1'niks to the IIis- Mourl Dearoerney. KANSAS CITY , April 18-A special to time Star from Warrensburg , Mo. , says : Senator - ator Denjanrin F. Tllhnan of South Carolina arrived In tits city at 9:30 : this morning and was met at the depot by the' mayor , prominent - nent citizens and a brass band. lie was escorted - corted to Pertle Springs , Senator Tllhnan was confronted by an audience - dience of fully 2,000 people when Ire arose to speak at Pertle Springs auditorium. The rain was falling in torrents and his voice was pitched above its normal key , that his audience might lrear iris scathing arraignment - ment of "tiro Cleveland democracy" and the advocates of "sound money , " His address dealt exclusively with the money question , and Ire declared that his party had digressed from time beaten path of Jeffersonlan , and implored democrats to not follow tire party because of its name , if it did not leach tlro doctrine of the fathers and drive plutocracy from its ranks. Time senator declared that there w as no differemmco between Cleveland demrocracy and Shernman republicanism , and that the cormnon people would have to assert their God-given independence as men if they escaped being enslaved by money , a serfdom egt'ally as degracllmig as human chattels , Iio talked about two burrs and lampooned the administration and tire opponmrls or free silver. Notwitlmslanding the senator ridiculed - culed tire populist party , designating it as an orphan that wantel to reform time world , and vas composed of nnarchlsts and discontented renegades from all parties , it was renmarked by many that ho made as good a populist speech as was over heard ! n this county , lie implored dernocrata to be true to the principles of free coinage , and declared that it would whir , Time senator advocated bolting the Clncago convention if free coinage wart not endorsed , NO'I' SEIUCis'B fY'Pllr ISLAND Sititi i . Missouri l'opulints 11'111 Not Srglport the Free Sliver' Anos/le. ST. LOUIS , April 18. Chairman A , Roselle of tire poople's party state committee , in an interview today , declared that time populists of Missouri would not support ex-Congross- man Bland if the latter should be nominated for tire preshlency on a silver platform. lie mild not think that tire adoption , In advance of action taken by tire populist convention of a silver platfarn by time democrats at Sedalia , would effect the populist vote in tire state. Continuing , ho said ; "rho 95,000 populists of Missouri are going to stand firm , no mnatter what tire democracy does at Chicago. We will get at least 10,000 votes from the republicans - publicans In this state , and with tire accession - sion from time democratic ranlto we are going to mix lhhrgs nrightiiy in Missouri tats year , " 7b Arrntlge llepnblleao Convrntion , DD3 MOINES , April 18-Special Tale- gram-Tiro ) republican slate central coma- mnitteo will meet hero Friday to lix a date and place for time next republican slate con- vontlon to nominate the state ticket. It is probable tire convention will be held in Des Moines , although Marahalltown wants it. It will not ha held before the latter part of July. This is an off year' in state politics and time preaant officers will generally be renominated for second terms. For lire Silver turd holes. OTTUMWA , ta „ April 18. ( Speclal Tole- gram.-Secretary ) Walslm of the democratic state central commltteo trop tire fight for free sliver hero bands dawn. Resolutions were adopted unanimously for Ireo sliver and Horace Boles for president , A double delegation , with ono-half a vote each , woe selected to rebuke Scott county for a similar action last year , Ex-Congressman Walt Butler - ler was a spectator and made an ultra tree silver speech , ht'nouaers Sllvrr'M friends , MASON CITY , la , , April 18-Special ( Telo grarn-Tho ) Charles City Citizen , the leading democratic paper of northwestern Iowa , throws a bomb Into the democratic camp today. In a leading editorial it bitterly ar- raigns Governor Boles and declares "that he will not do" as a delegate to tire' Cbl- cage convention , It also demands the resignation nation of C , A. Waloh , tire secretary of the democratic state central committee , and wants the sound money democrats to organize anew tire elate central committee , Bring all free sliver members. Oa account of tire prominence of Editor Sloan the article has produced considerable consternation in this ranks of time party. 11cKlnley'I'helr Second Choice , LEBANON , 1'a. , April 18.-Tiro Fourteenth - teenth congressional district republican conferees - ferees met hero this afternoon and elected L , E , IVelmar of Lebanon and W. M , Smith of Perry county delegates to tire St. Lous ! convention , Alternates , A , R , buck of Lebanon - banon ; S , S , Willard , Perry , G. IV , Miller of Lebanon was chosen presidential elpctor. The delegates wore instructed for Quay , with McKinley as second cholco , Olllelnl 'l'rlol of tire l4iMMrrnllnIM'tta. PIILADELPIIIA , April 18. The United States battleship Massachusetts sailed from Cramp's shipyard for Its official trial trip tlmis afternoon. It will probably reach anchor - chor in Boston harbor late Tuesday. If a:1 : goes well It will be given a preliminary rat over lima official course between Cairo Ann anti Cape Porpolse , off the Now England gland coast , on Iednesday , Thursday and Friday will bo devoted W cleaning up and testing , preparatory to the greul speed test on Saturday , The contract r'equhemeuls are that the Massachusetts on its trial trip must accomplish a speed of oat less than fifteen ! mots nu hour for four con- secutlvo hours. Far each ( uarter knot in excess its builders are to ' ' 'ivo a speed hrcmiunr of 125,000 , l'r'oMlrrrtlonM by Hent In 1'hllndelphin , PHILADLLPIIIA , April 18.-Today was the lrottest 18th day of April In time hle- tory of tire weather bureau in thrum city , the thermometer registering 93 degrees at { o'clock this afternoon. There wore tunny cases of heat prostration , but none Iowa as yet proved fatal , A PLAGUE OF TllE N'1Gi-I'l' ' . ITCIIiNii I'ILICS AND OTlllat ItECTAL 'l'It0U11LKS IASiIX ( 'fnuD ' IIY A NEW AND SAi'l : alIc'rhIoI ) A Ilerrurrlutlre Number of Cures lflnrto by the 1'yrnulid Pile Cure , About ono person in every four suffers front wino sort of rectal disease. Tire meat common and annoying Is itching piles , lndi catod by warmth , slight moisture and lit- tease , uncantrollablo Itching in tire parts af- footed , The usual treatment hoe been some aimpio olntrrlont or salvo , wldrh sanetbnes give temporary relief , but nothing like a perma- nmrt cure can be expected tronm such aupor/l- / cial treatment , Tlmo omrly permanent cure for itching plies yet discovered is tire Pyraarld 1'lo ! Cure , not only , for itching piles , but for every other form of piles , blooding or protruding , Time first application gives instant relief and tine continued use for a short time causes a permanent - manent removal of limo tumors or the amall parasites which cause the lntormso itching and discomfort of itching piles. Many phyalcians for a long time supposed that the remirarhablo relief afforded by the I'yramld Pile Cure was because it was supposed - posed to contain cocaine , opium or slrnilar drugs , but such Is not time case. A recent careful analysis of the remedy showed it to be absolutely free from any cocaine , opium , or in fact any polsonoua , injurious drugs whatovor. For this reason the Pyramid Pile Cure is probably the only pile cure extensively ree- omrnended by physicians , because ! t is so safe , so prompt in the relief afforded and so tar as known tire only positlvo cure for plies , except a surgical operation , him one year the i'yrannld Pile Cure lmas become - come tlro best know , the safest and time most extensively sold of any pile cure before the public. Nearly all the druggista now sell it at 50 cents and $1.00 par package , Address tire Pyramid Co „ Alblon , Mich , , for book on cause and cure of pllws and else hundreds of testimonials from all parts of the Unite ! States , If suffering from any form of irlles ask your druggist for a package of Pyramid PII Cure and try it tonight ,