- - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . , . rn-IE OMAhA DAILY ] 3BE : SUNDAY , APItIr4 19 , ISDG. 19 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ # _ " . , - . - - - ' - ' - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ w . , jNThPI pi 4. , . . % _ ( W11LING _ _ WCLD _ ft After a spIrIted contest , lasting over two flionhi ) , the cliarnpIon9 of the bIyc1o coro1 U Mgnal victory In thD Now York ligk'1atUro by securIng the paBige et the bI requiring raiiroias in that state to cnrry bIcycie3 as 1)aggago. Apart from Hun Interest inanifeitet by the ivhucolnuen in the iuticcess ot the bill , their argultuwnt8 hail the effect of frightening the V. poiItcian9 Into siipportiiig the measuire , nitlch againt their viii. The u'uai'y effective argu. mentI ) of the railroad ngenti could not , in thi , ituuutance , ovorcorno the fear that 10,000 bicydJsts in thio state would go hunting for pohitcai oca1ps it thue bill failed to pa.s. The fInal paaago of the bill by a nearly unani. oul vote Illustrates Clue niagnltuulo of the whu'rlninns pith In the 1unpire etato , The bIll read iu tohiowu : "Bicycles are hereby lectarod to 1)0 anul be deemed baggage for thio PUrPOu'O of this article , and hahi be tratuiorteul flu ; baggage for pasongcr by railroaul corporation9 an iubJect to the aanuo liabilities , anul no such passenger eluahi lie reuluireul to crab , cover oi otherwise Protect aiiy itichi bicycle. " Luuuliuig Now York hinuer conuuncuid the action of the logUlaturo a wise cml proper , one which they believe vili prove more profitable - able to thio railroutl in the bug run Limit if thit , bicycle tariff WC3 continUtd. Outlde of New Ycrk opinions differ as o the justice anul oxpeuhieuucy of the measure. The Springflelu ' - ( Maa. ) ltcpubiican iy.s : "The bicycle uncrated is a delicate antI chuuin..y thing to handle. It takes up much more room itt a luggage ear than a trunk. Truuuiks coil be Plied on 'op of cacti other , but bicycles cannot. One bicycle on the floor of the car takes in the pace clrQr to the roof. Dy uuu4uug root liangera pauihily two bicycles Tuiglut be carried within a given space of car floor , but not unoro. They cannot readily 1)0 thrown in on top of 1)tleS Of truinks , atuti trunk. certainly cannot be thrown Iii on the bieycie. And it costs more laborto take In auuti idace a bicycle in the baggage car muul take it out again titan to handio the average trunk. And the trouble is that ] urIng tluo summer time the bicycles on tue main lines of roaul are offered in noun- bua sufficient often to more than double the uvtrl , of the baggnue uneui. ' Th l'luihiideiphia Ibulletin the matter In a very diitorent. light. It sayn : "Under ( ito baggage ciaue governing Iua- scuigel' belongings Ito company is legally entitled to discriminate In the matter of bagguugo. Wisely conducted companies have from tim first. encouraged the whue.lmeuu by providing accoutiunodathona for wheels in the baggage cars. They are 'eahly unuicli more easy to handle than big truiks , take up less Tooth anti can lie tuhuifteul trono car to plat- forum to halt the time required for , cay the Iuggatt' of a drummer , wlmcn frequently re- quireL' tie ) arnus anti strength of two mcmi. hi Eurpo time baggage vans are provided 'I 'tvlti ) racks antI htuoks ta hung the wheels on , and thtus equuippc4l. time bicycle is teally \ time eaiesI inipodim000ta handled on time lines centering In large citic. " I VItF1Oi. NOS'EI.TIflS. Tb 1,1gM tInt'fuul nn.lOrnniu'nlnI flcvel- ( ) Ill'ui 1u lie CvcI I uiu.r CrluTe. Time iatent omce at Wae1uIngin bus bc.en flooded during the last ear with inventions relative to the bicycle. It. is estimated that tIme aunbition of 100 persons are di3piayed in the Invention of bi- cycic stuiiuirios submitted t0 the patent office every mc.rith. . A certain young man Is known to have tried to bless wheekiom by inventing a noise- lO3uu sltd for a lantern. He worked fifteen hours a day for five weekaon the thing. .Mtttiier young man is known to have sent to time office a lamp which , ho said , haul one - - feattiro that ought. to redeem all of its dc- feet i , and that was that ft was an ounce lighter in weight than ny other lamp in the market. It is estimated that SO per cent of the inventions sent to the patent office are of .iuo use to the rider. Something over 100 1' "toe cfljis" have been Invcnted. A dealer saItI time other day that very tow of the clips were of any consequence , but that au hiatt ready salos. ITo wac asked why. One of time hamidlcst thmtmugs of time whole outfit of sundries is a ianipiightcr. It is worked on time eanmo principle an an indelible pnil. You lead It with matches , and when all you've got. to . you want to light tIme lamp do is to poke it in the hole In the lamp , p0511 time c.nd of the ii.hter and there you are. It a very convenient thing on a windy day. Phuiladeltluia has a young woman whose moumit is a glittering piece of mechanism. Time most attractive portioa of the outfit Ic a smaii dog tlmat occupies a rronminolit pOSition - tion in front of time fair rider. The affair on which time dog sits is immad of wickerwork - work , witim silver trimminge. and time little animal oemmms to enjoy the btcycie fad as goucim as huts fair mnimutress. A motor ufety thetis in use in European countries YOIIiI u,0c to very nearly up- proicim time luheal in bicycle locomotion. It is . the invention of a German , wimo lumttt the miii- tary muse of time wimeei in mind , It is can- atruited on time lines of time safety bicycle , - the front wheel reumnbhing the ordhimary front wheel , with time difference timat time right iart of thus steering roth carries , besides time brake rod , arm arangcmneot by which the pare of tlmtm motor safety may be regulated. 'limo rear or driving wheel it , a disk-wheel , . I with two avid one.hif-iflCh pneumatic tircs. TIme tiianiter is twenty-two incheP. The frame i. built of seauniecs tceI tubes and lies the form of a lauly's wimeci. Supporteut On the fore part. of the franme is a gallon tank for benacin. An "explosion" lamp is kept Ihiled from timis reservoir. When lighted it. fumniu'imes time muixturo of gas anul air mice- , essary Lu ) keep time wheel in mnotion. The t I gases formed are forced into time cylinders anti the counbustion fmmrnishues time motive . . powerA double cylinder puts ilL mngtioo by . . its imiston rods limo cranks of the driving wheel. In order to utt'veloj ) an equal power smnd to avoid a dead center a back-puulier. . which sumay be reguuiateil for time Iurposo of traveling up huh , has born added , -I OmmoOt tim latest amid most novel Ideas In * hio bicycle world is now being tried In Cimicago. It is pattPrneul sonmewimt after time ueiucmmmo by wimich otihces are m'uppiletl . with toveia and soap and Is applied to bi- cycles. Ihy itmi operation one of time greutt.t drswbaeks now attached to time ownership of a wheel-the cleaning of it-is removed for time snmaii atim of 10 cents. Time pro. jectora luava a nmurmmbor of expert bicycle me- cimanicum who nmake regumiar trips eacim ( lay to time Imommses of the wimeci owners Iii their ills. trict. 1scim bicycle ylslttsl is thoroughly cimauuicul , time bearings adjusted , graphite put on time cimmuin , time lamp filled anti. cleaned , soul slumpima i)000tures repaired. All tluingu , moeul. fui for time wimeci width can be done outside - side of a repair shop are attended to hjy theme Periiutetle ummocimanics. It simmiii sum is charged for each visit anti time amounts col. looted monthly. The 10-year-old Julia. Bates , daughter of Cyrus II , Hates of Cohasmiett , Mass. , has ' . Vrovott lmorceit a veterami thremnan , To her is 'I duo-time credit for saving her mnotlmer'uu jewels and unany other valuables from time flames that destroyed time elegant faintly residence. - The nearest fire department is in the vii- lago , several mhlts away front time house. Her father discovered tIme fire while the fammmiiy were in the dinng room , Juiia was sit Limo breakfast table , and at time sound of lust father s voice ran Into the yard Blue . took Iii the situation at a glance. ran for her I .a bicycle anut sped down the road to the vii. lags to giyo thmo alarm , Time apparatus arrived - . rived In time to subdue the flames suiUclentiy so that ( ho jewels mmcd furuituro were rev- cucil , although ttmo Imouxo Yas ruined. JoJjn , T , Glues of NewYork'a bicycle squad k the terror ot acnrcbem 3 on hmt beat Oos dar lamut week lie coralied three acorchera , - - - ' - - r----- one of wham hind run down a hey , and each contributed $3 to time lmtlblic fmmnti. Glues finisimod time day's work by overhauuilmmg a rockioosiy driven cab after a chma of fifteen blocks. A new bicycle brake wac shown at the ilrookiyn bicycle show , amid timoughm patented , It is not yet on the tnarket. It has a merely nominal weight of a few ouumcea , and an action so perfect as to be almost incredible , lly simply turning the grip cmi time imandie liar very eilghmtiy any desired brake power can ho applied , front a slight checking friction to an abuciute locking of the wheel , so that a Sandow cannot turn iL Time principle l timat of a spring coil made to clmitch on time crank nie by pulling on one end of time coil , Time tension is applied by means of a light eteel cimain running througim time lower tube , time imeaui anmi time. , imanmile bar to the grip , a worm being fitted inside time cork iiammdie , It cannot be broken by any exer- thou and aim there are only-a etee coil and a steel cimnin there is utothing to get oimt of order abommt it. The contrivance cannot ho mumulo to tail in Its work by ammy amnount of ' ' I ' ' 'fool mmg. AIVJCiO PIUM AN IIXI'CItT. 'hmnt nit JIericrm.'i'u1 It tiler iCumoaii Ahouu \'Ime.'I I lug. A. A. Zimmerman , time riding expert , wrIt- lug in time New York W'orld , offers timoso seasoname suggestions : "Women , more than men , must sit up straight in order to get time fumhi benefit from bicycle riuhing , If time bicycle , as it. is riggemi at present , does hut permIt , chaumge time seat auth handle bars. It timat domft mb It clmnumge time wheel , for it is manifestly better not to ride a wheel timaim to ride one wimicim is injmuriuig milomvly. Time handle bars anti saddle comm be so arranged timat 3Otm can acsttnle a miatural position. "Time best way to begin is by getting a wtmeei of Limo proper size and weight amid iitim a suitable saddle amljtmsted In time proper Position. Timose am o immattera whicim you caum dlternmino for yourself moore quickly anti easily timatu I could teil you. Time easiest and suireat way of getting a saddle that xviii iC just right is to "ye one mmmado from a mold. "See to it that time saddie is kept in its originai form. If it simotmid clmammgo form timrommgim use have it restored to its original imape , else yomm will stiffer discomfort anti fatigue. Pedal evenly. It you domm't pedal eveniy now , icarn imos at once. Do not put all time force iii pedaling in time downward PUsh. i'oint time toe downward whemi tue toOt is going forward iii time circle. Keep time knees in amid straigimt. "As imetweon time seat anm time pedals , do not imave thme saddle so high that wimemi the pelal is at time lowest part of the circle the log is perfectly straight. Time correct 1)051- lion at that point is to Imavo time leg bent slIghtly at time knee witim the too inclined toward time ground , limit be careftml not to iuavo time sauiile so low that time tipper and lower portions of time liniba are at moore timan slight angles. At time sanio time. time arms must be curved silgimtly , the hands resting easily on thmo bars. "Itemnember what I have said before to eli bicycle rimlers-dont rock. It Is particularly bad for wonien to ge into time imabit. Mammy whmeelmen anmi wimeelwomen seem to tiuiimk time rocking motion adds to timeir speed or helps timeni along. It does nothing of time kind. On time contrary it does a woman positive anti distinct injury , as any medical man will tell you. "W'hmat I bave said about woolen under- ciotiming and keeping out of draughts when the ride is over and the avoidance of drink- lag cold fluids applies wltlm more force to women than men. Remember you are not so strong as men and can't endure time same strain. Don't ride too long or too far. Time best rule is for you to get home before you get tired. If you do return tired lie down at once. Remember that too mucim bicycle riding Is quite as hami on the nervous systenm as arm thmo muscles. Use the bicycle and yomm wilt be benefited. Abuse It and you wIll rue it. "There Is no form of exercise which Is bttter suited to timose who are beyond the prmo of life than bicycle ridhumg , with cer- Lain restrictions , of course. The elderly person minuet renmeunber that Imo or aime cannot 'sprint" off with time younaer folks witim mi- punity. Therein lmirks one of time dangers tiuat comno wIth time entimusiasun that attcmmds bicycling. "I would say to time elders : Don't lot the ease whim whicim you ride lure you Into going too tar or riding toe long a time , Ito- moniker timat you vhii be obliged to return. ion't wait until you become tired before you tiuimik of tmirnin back. If you do , It. will be to find the return trip one of constantly increasIng - creasIng labor all time way. You svill get home tIred in botim mInd and body. for cx- cosstyo bcycio r1dln tells cmi the nerves quite as mccii as on the muscular eystem. "Domm't mnount your whee for at. least an hour after eating. If you aiiow a longer 1mm- terval than that. an Imour and a half or two hours. it wlli ho so much time better. 'ilide ' a himiit wheel , geared not higher thmaui to sixty-eight inches. For womea I would suggest a sixty-six or a sixty'Cnur- incim gear. Don't aliow a dealer to argue you Into omnployhimg a hmiglmer gear. "In riding , sit up straigimt. It is not mieces- sary for you to stoop over. Have time raddle raised to a. point that wIli pernmlt you. to sit upright , witim a natural anti easy moveoment of tue leg. with the arms not straigimt anti rigid. but with an easy curve In tlmenm. "All riders should make it a mimic never to rush up a bill. Time very fact that you pammt after liaviuig gained the top ind'cates that tiuo exertion lies been too much for you. Many attenn.ts of the kind may result in an altec- tion of the heart. ' 11 time imill Is steep. ( hisniount amid walk up. In rltilng'tip' ' imili , you will , of course , have to etoop ; also in a gust. of wind. Wear wooleim munmlerciotbming if you can , and according - cording to tlth seamuomm. Don't rest. wimera every wind can strike you. Don't drink Ice- colut fluimis after a ride. Cold tea , with a little lemon juice in it , will 1)0 found re- treushing. Sip l slowly. "When riding. pedal evenly , Don t try to swamy the body from i'ide to side. ' ETIQUiITTI OF TIII WhEEL. Wheeling etiquette is not yet in an ' ad- vaumced stage , aitimotmglm 'a few rules have been laid tiowum. A gentiommian slmquid never mount until the lady with wlmom mo is riding is settled in her saddle. Then lie may mount and follow imorSlmen practicable they vimould ride abreast , time lady always on the right sido. Wimen a narrow road mmialce.m this imuposuibie , time lady siuouiml go aiueami , so thmm4 tier escort may know at once simoulti any danger menace Pier.tt the conclusion of a ride time gentleman mulmommiul first dlsmnount , timut hue may r iieve lila companion of liar wheel as esemn as sue imas junmped from it , flut a gentienman simould never aselat a lady to mmmount. Sucim a timing would be very die. tasteful to time independent spirit of a wheel. woman , \Vlmiie chaperones are not. considered nec- ccsary by lmigh'spirlteml Amnerican girls , It is certainly goot forum for a young lady to be accomopanieti by a niece elderly member of lice sex. limb cycling , as Into everything else , leap year entertainitents have crept. In taimdeni riding a lady always aits in front , but now faddists wnuid have us reverse tltis order of timings. That usage , of course , will be mllscpntinued after leap year , wheim miormmiai commthltiozmu 'vIii once more be in vogue. 'l'IILI Ait't' Ol' % 'ALlilNG , Vcutr 10zpreasi'uitImmit It'fhi Joiui time Ltmst 4trts. "To buy a wheci or not to buy a wheel , that's the questIon , " soliloquize time Ilamleti mad everybody else nowadays. IJuL limo euitlo. tides do not hat long , and they have but one termimtnation , says Leslie's Weakly , The wheel is bought , of course. Time inf4nl hardly out. of arnie is riding mmow , aimul the gramidnmother leaves her knhttimu to epin along the road Iim bioomere. it you don't "bike , " you are like time ummfuortumiato mna who tell out of a baiioosi amid lht year you will be less in the swim than ever wlthomut your faithful wheel , for 1806 , Anne flomini , is going to be the gretteat bicycie year the worlml im2s yet ecen , Ior five years time bicycle craze has been a rising tide ; now It Is at its flood , It. is estimated that there are at least 2,000,000 wheelinen and vheeiwomen In the United States , This , it need Imartily ho said , is an avtonisiiingiy large number when the price of bicycles Is conelmiered ; wimen they are reduced to a halt or a quarter of their present cost , as they inevitably will be , there Is danger that in petbaling humanity will forget - get the art of walking. hut time rise of the bicycle i not to be regretted or decried , It Is a step , or rather a spin , forward on time luart of eaclety. Gladstone snyc : "Pimysi. rally , moraiiy anti socially tue benefite that cycling confers mmpomm its devotees are almost umihomimitbed. " And everybody shmo knows anytiming about time subject agrees with imimn , Probably women feel timeso benefits even more limo do omen. Time bcycie has been a more potent influence than any other toward dress reform , because a woman cannot ride wimo Is tight-laced or cranmpeui by her cloth- bug.S'heellng along a pleasant road Is won- tierfuhly broadening and elevating to women who are canmpelieml to keep thmelr minds tray- cling a good uleal in time narrow grooves of timings domestic. Mentally , as well as pimyelc- ally , they are benefited , Occasionally a voice is hearth protesting against time use of Imleyclmis by wenmen , Time writer obtained time opinions of a dozen eminent physicians emi time qtiestion of whetimor cycling is 1mm- jmmrious to women , nnti emphatically and tmnanimnousiy they answered no , On time contrary - trary , they were decidedly In favor of thio use of the btcycie. IN lLlILt'i'iE' ( , I'O ii IItI.T1t. 'I'ii 1)smuiger ( ) C'i' ( ) ( ) ( ulIe iertioti ( in flit' ' % % 'hiel , Time greatest danger of bicycling , in corn- oman with other sports , says Harper's Weekly , results fromn the strain wimicim active exertion mmecessarhiy brings upon time lmeart. That. all- lnmllortant organ tends , like otluer muscies , to lose tonicity under time sedentary conditions of time average life. and readliy becomes embarrassed - barrassed it asked to perfornt an ummustmal work , as any one who is not In training can agmumume himself by ciinmblng a filgimt of stairs rapidly , or attempting to mimmi a few hundred yards. Unmber such condltiomms time imeart often doubles time freaumoncy of Its beat 1mm attempt- immg to thisimoso of time increased fiod of blood that is driven into it by mmmscular contrac- lion. With a thlseaseti imeart thmmo strain timus imposed may be Imazartheus. Several cases er' , recorded wimere a tutreon with such a imeart has fallen dead wimiho riding a b'cycle. iimmt then thousands of other cases are re- carded where persons have simmmiiarly fallen dead while rld.ng in carriages or while sitting iii casy-chmairs at home. It does not follow , I pre.summme , that we mnust nil esclmetv easy-chairs , carriages amid bicycles , btmt it does fohiow that ammyonmo wimo imas reason to doubt time mmormnahity of Imis hucart mnay whuoly consuit a plmyshcian before deciding to Undertake - dertake any active eertien , bicycling In- ciuticti. Even the perfectiy normal imeart may suffer permanent Injury If subjected to prolonged and excessive strain. This fact should be home in mInd by every novice in blcyciing , for it is Peculiarly easy to overdo under time exhIlarating immfiuenco of thus pastlnuo. Pros- entiy the imeart gains tone and stremmgthu , anti is able to adapt Itself to time new commdltions ; btmt until time imas been givemu for timis it is the part of wisdonm to proceed caroftmiiy , "training on" gradually. Furthiermnore , time person ivimO Is visa viiI use reasonable dis- creton ! as to time amount of exertion. lmo will umidertake even when timoroughly trained , As \O imave inherent tlifferences of strength. each one of ims simould be in some measure a law , .iuito imimuself as to how last and Imow far Ime shall ride , keeping well witimin the limits of his own strength anti endurance. and re- memnberlng that healthful fatigue l.a one thing , complete exlmaustion quite another , Time person who rdes ! for pleasure anti health amid tires reasonable judgment vili not feel obliged to cover ten miles in a imalf imour or to pedal up every liii ! that sonic one else haq managed to chinth. Above all , lie will Os- cimeur such inaneanmi lmarmtui performances as "century runs" and simuliar attempts to cover dIstance for the mere sake of covering it , regardless . 91 consequences. 0.1,1mm zmmilimmu1s. A bicycle nimmnufacturing company in Timompeonvihie , Conmm. , recently received an order for 2,000 wheels from a house In Russia , Miss Jeminio Barlow of Colorado' ' Springs imas been appointed consul of tima League of American Whmeehmen at that place , This is an innovation. A bicycle race from Marathon to Athens ! Socrates and Zantippe on a tammdem ! Sapphmo in bloomers and Plato with a bicycle the make of 396 13. C. ! What pictures It conjures up. up.In In Milwaukee at time city eloctton time bicyclers took a imammul In tlmeir own interest anti Were successful. The opposing canuhi- tiates were defeated and time partisans of time wlmeoi were elected. There seems t be noend to time daring fonts attempted by bIcyclers. An English- nman named Jefferson has started to make a 6,000-mile ride to Irkmmtsk. Siberia , on a machine which. witim Imis baggage , weighs only sixty pounds. A Paris bicyclist recently canme upon a policeman driving a cart at breakneck speed anti found he was trying to catch up with a muad dog almeami. lie borrowed the police- man's saber , put on a spurt , came UI ) with time dog , anti. charging it without dismount- log , ran it through with the sword , killing it on the spot. This is what President Cleveland imas to say regarding time bicycie "The influence of time bicycle is broader titan would be lmmiagined until Limo matter is looked into. It permeates our whole government and Is mak. log itself felt in no ummeertain manner in our social world. Its benefits are maumy , anti so long as time riders timeniseives find enjoyment - mont and benefits in its use I am certain my opinion. no matter whuetimer it simouid o favorable or othmerwise , would have no effect upon its general use. I only regret I anu not built upon time accepted piami of a sue- cessfui bicyclist. " JImmy bicycles wimero you know your guar. anteo will be worth something. We sell Stearns , Cleveland and Fenton bicycles , all top umotcimermu. Eexamntne timom at our store and convince yourself. Wm. Lyle Dickey & ' Co. . 1403 Douglas street , VlmiNpt'rIuigM of tIi % Vhiecl. Time pleasant evenirmgs of time past week hrougimt wlmeehnmen and wiieelwernen out In almost countless nuunbers ad upon Sherman - man avenue any evomming between time imeurs of 7 and 9 a continuous string of timeni was passing up and down1 smo out for merely a pleaeure ride , while the younger bloods were there to tCs their speed , and let us mnemitlon right hero tima there sbouid imy all means be a mounted patrolman upon tbtz avenue whose duty it slmouhi be to arrest every violator of the city ordinance , wimlcim iinmits time siwed of bIcycles to twelve miles per hmour If thIs Is not done auci timese yoming scorcimors are not simown timat the streets are not race tracks we may reason. ably expect to frequently hear ot bad accidents - cidents occurring upon tlms ! , .now the muost popular street for cychits in Omaha , All chub rumie were declared off last Sup- day , owing to the wet weather arid bad con- ditiomi of the roaths , whuteim were muddy and homily cut up. The travel on those in time vicinity of Omaha 'during time past week imas bitt them hiarti and enmootlm and they are therefore in excellent commdltion for cyci- lmig today. Nearly every club in the city has a called run and it Old Sal will only smile we may expect to ace them all well attended. The Oimmaha Wheel club journey to Papihilon , which is one of the most. pleas. ant simort. runs In thus vicinity , The Tour' Ists go to liehievue and stop at Fort Crook on the return trip , while the Omnaha Cuarde Wheel chub mviii ride to Calhoun , whIch Ii a distance of about eighteen mmmihes. Manager ManIla of the Qbarhes Street UI. cycle park announces timat the assuclattort wlii hold a racing meeting on Saturday May 2. Many of Omaha's fastest riders are in daily trainiag at the track anti seine floe racing ummay be expected. Ihelow will be found the afternoon's progranm : 1. Two mile novice ; FIrSt pize. one pair bali bearIng bicycle hce , uiilu J.00 ; veciiti , one sweater and ommo pair bicycio hoe , value 3 ; third one Standard a. o'omr.otsr , value st- 2. Five , mpflo handicap , cIasa'A First prLze one flrowmm saddlu amid one sweater , va'ue ' $ r ; conti , one pair ball beariumg' Licylo shoes , $3 ; third , order for reparkag , $1. 3. Two mile messenger bays' racem riret prize , one hat anti one pair hmicyc hose , value $3 : second , tourist bag , , third. one bicycle lock and toe chips. $1. 4. Ton mile open , claps A ! Pir3t ) 'ZO , ne suit of cloth&i. value $10 ; seco'uI , one M , & \v. quick repair t're , $1 , 5 , Ten mile iurofcm"nim.i : Plrat iurhze , $10 ; second , $5 , The omit-of-door merlcnn woman is be- coining hess a cherisimeti dream and more of a imappy reality. Time clinging baby-girl mnrt of a woman , so weak ohe can hardly raise her voice , is going omit of style , so they say. Time woman who to withmor before 10 o'clock , unless tme)1 ) carefully guarded ' and kept on time Im'4 sitie of the imoimso hoe passed , or is paspmin away. With imcr 1mm vamml'iming a whole lot of attribtmtos once thmommghmt to belong . every really cmultmireti lady , such as no vous hmesmiaches , weak etomnach , faint heart amid torpid liver. Time omit-of-door wommman does imot have to bo kept on ice during Limp himnmncr , nor in a hmot roomn during tIme v1ntr. Anti she tioesmi't mind confes'ing to t e fmrld thmat her imenith in all rigimt. The bilfbh mm her cheek comnes tromu time inside. llr mippctite is good , and imer heart is in time mrlftmt place. Sue rimies Limo wheel and can accomppany imer imimmubamith or friends on a luleas o otiting , or site cami lend a hand in tramm.sactlmmg any sort , of bus- Incas. Sime is imantlOnm thami she used to be , and heLms mmmoro usbftmi , Instead of patent medicines sue takes gotmtle exercise in time open fleltis and summelmine. She Is omo iongor a wan lily. She Is an ' &nmerican beaumty ro. She can eat , sleep , worc or play just like a perfectly normal ddutlt. She possesses time one great cimarni of all charnas-imealtim , hloimmo Is no longer a imospital. it is a haven wherein Is gatlmereul muemnentoes and the mommiories of a timotmmund joyous outlimgs , It i a castle of content , wimosa owners captmmre and comifino tlmorein the gleam amid glory of sulmnmer's sights and somintls. The out-of- door wonmami is one of the happiest prodtmc- clone of the ago. Omaha has many of thorn , anti time nunibers are greatly iimcroasing each year. The most unique track over yet built is abommt to be constructed at Cincinnati. Time track viii ho buIlt on time deck of one of time largce't steamers on time Ohio river. This Is quite a good idea amid simouid bring forth granul results. Just thmlnk of time ftmmm a party of racing muon could have traveltng up amid down the river glvimmg race mneets at nh time smuahi towns en route , anti thmero almoulti be nmcmey in it. too. Now , wimy don't sonic enthusiast , wimo Is anxious to ailbk some mommoy or make some , build a track of this kimid emi a large barge In the Mlssouri ? Timere km almost as nmany towns along its bamilcs as on time Ohio's. Omaha imas a "curfew" ordinance coin- pehllimg children to be in time house by 9 I ) . ml' ' . That muigimt be a sensible act it it ordered tlmat "road imogs" lie confined fromn C a. mu , to 12 1) . rn. Timomi wimeelmmmen nuight get ruOumme good out of it. TIme Kansas division has adopted a very pretty' design for a local consuml pin. It Is unatbo of gold with blue and white ommamnel anti is givemu to every consui wimo secures five new membere for the division. It hmas also adopted a very pretty' design for a ieagtme badge made of gold whhcim Is given to every mnenther who sends in five new names. Why wouid it notj be a capital idea for the othicers of time Nebraska division to try sonie scheme hike timis to enlarge its memubersimip ? Tlmmuro were onjy about a hail tbozen apphica- Lions from Nebraska last week. At tlmi ratd we will not reacim time 1,000 mnark very soon , at least not thki year. In asking wheoimen to join the League of American Wheeimen we often imicet witim time remark that time good timings which time League of AnmerIcam Wimeelmen has domme and is doing are enjoyed equally by wheelnien who are not members of that organizatiotm and. hence there is no gcod reamuomi why the party addressed iuouhd join. This argument - ment hardly mi eds an answer. A mimami who advances time above argument ( ? ) is ui.at likely to be appealed to on other than selfish grounds. When imo has got so far , imowever , as to admit that time league is doluig good work in beimaif of .whmeelmen , lie has tid- mittc-d enotmgh. Then it is only necessary for him to allow hIs selfishness and reasoning - ing powers to fohIowL1mt' ; subject up , and he will discover that ap. cgganizatiOIi Call help wheelmen in proportion as It has Influence througimt Its members , , mid that for 2 cente feel that week the selfish hmoelummami can a ime Is not only getting. time bemmefit of time work done hy the rgamiizatIon. but that lie - time &xponsO , Is doing his full sh-qoward end there Is no man.mV.i9 does not feel better to know that lie is paying at least something - thing toward the pmlhgQs he enjoys. ? home mvimo arrived A New York conor recentiy from Paris , aLter baviimg spent a couple of mnonths svlmeelhhig on time continent , Europe is subject to saymi that a tourist n more expense when dfng througim the country - try than most. jedpl' imagine. lie was taxcd for every.timlmh . mmjtde to buy tags amimi iicemtses in amiDst everr'tOWn , and bothered lie cut ofhielals that so much by governpehm1 America die- his tour short and to gueted. Ho declrt ) imat there was too mmmuch red tape In Euuope , and tlmat one was comnpeiled to give exhibitions before time tax collector to show that he could ride a wheel , for It would be terrlliie to fail under time feet. of same nobleman's horse and. comupel lmini to turn to omme aide of time road. That Frank G. Lonz , the yoummg American wheelman who started on a trip around the world awimeel somO few years ago , was muir- tiered in Armenia by Kurds , May 10 , 1894 , imas flnaiiy been accepted as a fact by time Mutual Life Insurance comiipamly at New York , anti time .manager of time I'ittsburg office imas paid to Mi's. Martima Lenz the insurance on Frank's life , A cimecic for $3,000 was given to tier , being made out jointly to her and Arnold Snyder , the hielgian consul , who 1mm exectmtor ( or Lenz. Time company also refunded - funded to Mrs : Lens all time prenilumns eimo Jmad paid. on time poltcy fromn tIme timno of bia death. Time action of the company woe ( becideti by voluminous proofs received fromn Arummenla by P. P. Langhans , a florist in Allegheny , wimo was a friend of Len ; anti Interested hlnmself in time investigation of his mmmurder , Timese proofs cons'st ! of dopositkimti and sworn mutate- mmmemite taken in Armnommia. Many of thmemn wore procured by Mr. Sachtleben , time American , who vent to that country to rumi miowmm the mmiurtiercrs. The papers are curlouo Iii appearaimce. Some of tlmemmi are wrlttemm in Arummenian eiiaractormi , and are accommm- panieti by tramislationc , attested by lirltisim consuls anti other officials. Tlmo writer Is often asked by wimeelmon how to join time Leaghe of Americamm Wheelmen - men , wimat time cost Is , anti wimere application blanks may be procured , and mis there are mmmultitumbes of wimeelnien in this city wimo de not kmmew anytiming about how to join thus most excellent organization , I will say that the total cost tlmo first ycir is $2 , and time duec are $1 for each year fohlou'immg. I lmavtm left a number of application blanks at th advertising wimmdow in thio office of tlmt paper , ammd every bic'cie rider not now a mnembcr of time League of Aummerican Wimeel- muon should call at tItle ofhlce amid get one to use in applying for meunbershilp. The wlmeeinmen of , Paul.and Minneapolis are orgarmiziumg for eff itiv8 work imimd expect to exert a force in bringing about various reforms. It is timeir purpoa to connect time two cities with a bicycle path built of a epocis of gravel found uboir Mirfndimfmmi , Time proposed roaU iviii be sIx feet wide , Imianked at. street croaslngs , and a deep ditcim tvlil bo dug on each side of tIme road to keep teams off , fly rime vay , how about time Onmahus-Council iilutfmucycle 1)0th , wimicim we Were going to -r- SOUTh AUUURNNeb , , April 12.-To time SportIng Editor of ime Bee : In time eres , of interestIng aticies from your pen anent your trip to time muouUm , tq witness the Maimer- Fitzsinmmnons fight , mo , tnommtion Is made of lan Stuart or the esu I. of his iimvestimmeumt in that tunaatisfactozy contest. Will yeti kindly ummention iii net Sinuiay'a flee wiietlmer the genial Daniel sure ded in geitimmg his nmonoy back , or if iml ( time , trouble and muienna mere all thrown away. I do not doubt tlmgt there ar ; mmamiY otimerum healdus mmmymuehf who would ii rome information omm the subjccL-A. U3V , Ans.-Wimilu there h4s been fib way of a ortaintng 'ust ' iiowm Dali a sort at dc up after the opera w ver , it was getmer.iuly thougimt by the mupo ti0g writers uho es. setmibied at El Paso to do time carnival timat Stuart could ho no possible commcaternation of circumstances , fvorabhe or olherwiso , COlimu ) out mucim behi ( .Jme gamne. 1mm adii tiomi to the $ t,00f dthmated imim by the c'tI. semis of El I'so , time bbrewd and ( at Dtnidl haul a substntIal umntierstmmntiing with the railroads anti hotels anti a big "cut in" in all time mntouy aide Isties vhmich were kept running night amid tly for limo edification anti benefit (7) ( ) of visitIng sports , % il time big saloons anti ganibling Imoimses dimi a tremnen- tlotms business for , say at a immoderate ealeim- lotIon ten days , anti time very reasonable Inferemmco is that Colonel Stuart at least bmoke ci on time gammmo. lEFIANCE , In. , AprIiil.-To tlmo Sporting Editor of The lice : \\'omilmi yeti be so kind as to informmu mime how mnammy rotmntls wa's it that Corbctt knocketi out Stilhivan iii thmelr flgimt. An early ammawer Is tiosireti. Tlmammklng you for time same. I atmi.-E , 11 Itormmns. mms.-Twemmty-ommo , No questions answered by mmuall tmnleaa tmrgently lumiportant. UILAND lSL.AD , Neim. , April 11.-To time Sporting Ethitor of Time lice : In a game of poker , thmero Is a jack Pot. A opens it. II clays. They draw cards. A bets. 13 stays omit. Must A muimow his wimolo imammd , or mmmay imo merely show openers- , Il. C. Ammmu.-Mtist simow five cartis , but need not exhibit , face up , more thmamm thm opommere. SE'AhtD , Nob. , APrIl 1G.-To time Sport- log EdItor of The lice : l'leaso answer following - lowing question : Two parties playIng pitch soul are mmirme each ; one bitis two anti niakes imigh game aimti time other low : wimich winuf time gaimmcm ? Stmppose botim are eight ; one makes hmtgh gane anti the otimer low jack ; wimicim wins , playimmg ten polnts-Ij. B. Antlerson. Amms.-i ( ) 111gb , genie. (2) ( ) Low , jack , COUNCIt IILUFFS , In. , April 17.-To time Sportiumg Editor of Time lice : Io straights count in a ganme of whisky Poker ? Pleiso ar.awer . anti obhige.-ilert S. Ans.-No. OMAhA , April 11.-To time Sporting Eti- itor of The hire : Dear Sir-Will you kimmuliy let me know timroughm Time Smmtmday lice about time law govormiimmg immimmtimmg In Iowa. I have been tolti that after tIme iStim of April it was unlawful to ehmoot ducks , and that quail could umot ho aimot for five years , how is Itlltmmmter. . Ammmu-i ( ) 1Viiml , fowl law is imp May 1. (2) ( ) Have imo knowledge of numy new iegisiatioim on quail. Will ascertain and ammswer agaimi. The beet bicycles for sale at Wmmm. Lyle Dlckey's stmmreprices , $50.00 toi00.00 The fimmest mncdiuni priced lathes' whmeeis ever mmm ado. 'I'Ii Amusoeluul ed CeiImmg Cimuhps. OMAhA , Aturil 14.-To All Cimialia Cycling Clubs At time last mmueetimmg of time Awe- elated Cychimmg cltmbs , imoid in time parlors of time Yetmng Mcmi's Cimrletlnn association , last Monday evening. April 11 , 1S96 , a miotice wan reami , which imad been preeemmted by omme of time delegates , to time effect that at time mmext regular immeeting ( which occuro Monday even- lug , May 11 , 1SOO ) , timat an effort would be made to repeal section omme (1) ( ) antI two (2) ( ) , of arteiclo ton (10) ( ) , of time constItution and bylaws - laws , cimanging time dues froimi five ( $5) ) dol- tars , to omie ( Si ) dollar for eacim tl&egate. 4" , . rosoimmtlomm was afterward offered which provitleti that inasmnimcim nit several wheel clubm , in tito city were desirous of sending in a ftmil delegation to time Associated Cycling club , ammd emily refrained frommi doing co at time lresent time omm account of time Iimltiatiomm fees and dues being so mnuchm , that it acted as a kind of an obstacle , timat it was time sense of time mmmeetlng timat time proposed change in time by-laws wotmld be mmmdc at time next immeeting , and tlmat all new clubs would be admitted to full mnemnbershmim iii timis club uppn time payment of five ( $5) ) dollars immitia- tlomm fee , pdr club , and omme ( $1) ) dollar dues per delegate for time emmsuiumg cyar. Any club witim a mneimmbersimip of fifteen or upward nmay become a part of timis orgami- izatiomi by remitting time required ammiount stmd in accordance wIth time constItution amid by-laws , is entitled to a delegate for eacim twenty-five nmemmmberm , or fraction part thereof. Every chub in the city of Ommiahma simould be represented in time Associated Cycling chub amid lend timeir aid and co-operation In all mmmatters pertaining to a whecinman's welfare and afford their nmemnbers time protection wlmicim this organization seeke to give timemn. Time benefits wimich have been derived by time various clubs which imave been repro- somited in it in the pact has bceum great , and every wimeeimnan in 'time city has been Paved an outlay of several dollars during time past year indirectly through this organization. If your club has not received a personal letter or invitation to becornem a part of timlu clubt will you kindly notify me , timat I nmay correspond with you to imat end. A letter imas been sent to time vai1Otms secretaries uvlmerover known , Any information desired regal-ding thme objects , etc. , of time Associated - ciated Cycling club , will be freely given. Very respectfully yours , W. C. i3OUIC , Secretary Associated Cycling Clubs. Fimo Tourist ' Whee'lmemr will give a theater party tonmorr'ow evenIng , the play beIng "A Ihicyclo GIrl , " with Nellie Mchlonry in the leading role. Mr. Frank Newcomb imas time party In ehargo and tickets tony' be procured - cured of him. The imotmee will he decoratemi In tub dumb's colors , which are cherry , wimito and dark blume , and mmii nmembers wimo attemd are requested to wear timoir colors. It Is expected that the party will nmmmber about 100. - The number of citiesariti towmms that are passing "bicycle" orthlnances , probmibiting the timrowing of anytiming injurious to tires In time streets , Is econmimig almost uncountable , but If they are like Omaha the numnbor that enforce these ordinances after thmey are passed could be counted on time fingers of one hand. It Is omrn thing to pass an or- dtniace and anotimer to enforce it. tjuuiumi i'umellle CI umlu Notes. Owing to the Inclenuent wemmtbmer , time rtmn acimeduied for Saturday. the 4tim , was about- ( honed , nmuchm to the sorrow of many of time club's onthumiastic riders , who were ainmost Inclined to try It in spite of tue threatened simewer , but uvlme no doubt thanked their stars timnt timey hind noc when time downpour of a few hours later occurred , No lack of elm- titusiaamn , however , Is noticeable , time mumcnm- bars reserving timoir energies for time mmmany pleasant anti exhilarating rumme wimicim tltey hope to mmuake togotimomwhemm April simowors simail Imavo bhowmm away In the conmimmg May. At time presemut rate of irmmreaso ( ime century nuark will u.'aon be reacimed 1mm the mmmemumber- muimip , fotmrteeui new mnonmbers imaving been admnitted into the chub at time last business meeting , imeld at the Millard hotel oum Tmuos- day , tIme 14th , The club imow rammke third aa megartis numnimers with the wlmech clubs of Oummaima , Too much praise cammnot he given to time genial jirceident , Mr. Richmunonul Anulorsomm , for imis untirimmg efforts in toe furtherance of the club's interests , and it is only fair to say that time club owes niuch of its presemmt popularIty and strength to him. In Captalum Held lie has an able assistant , and in fmct au the officers are eminently titLed for their offices. And the new pennantwhicrm floated on tue WeMakeXfl 1 ly ees . Too ! - IIdredge & Belvklere. 3 They are the loiglitest Running i Wheels on Earth and Strictly l1 High Grade. A We Always linde Good Sewing ; 'j Alaclilnesl Why Shouldn't Ve Flake Good t VIleeJ ? ' QUALiTY OUARANTrEO TH Rector & WIiemy ! Co. , Agents , ; Q OMAhA , filUI. UATIONAI SEWINO MACflUE CO. , UuLViVIRIl , ILLS , NBIflSKA CYCLE CO Cm ha Local Sales Agons bree7o In time last rtmn-it 1mm mm beammty anti tlmo envy of all fellow elmubs , anti thmo delight of time tiumion Pacific color bearer. Moran. Time union Pacific Wheel 1mub evitientiy in- temmuha to ho rigimt siuroast of the tiummes , as evithencomi hy a resolutIomm amiopted at time last mncc'tiimg , to send a ftmhi ticiegatiomi of femur meummbera to the Associateti Cycling climb of Omaha. In Mesnrsm. hhmmnhiey , Reid , tier- tiomi anti ilaytmes ( tIme tbcieguttes appolmiteti ) , time eltib will fllmti worthmy m-elmresr'ntatlves , time xviii not only stand imp ably for hiommico immter- e&'ts , bmmt Will also hte a power in mnattert' affecting time Ommmahia whmeoirnomm at large. Mimi etihi limit honors coummt' . Captain llt'iti has been alpointci Cmi time raclimg board of time Associated Cycling chili , having imm cimnrmo time road race to Imo rtmmm emu time 30th of Ma ) ' , at whmicim thumme hook nmmt for trim , sinmmer carry- log time Union I'acitbc's colors. IL hmay not bcm generally kmrnwn that nearly ono-sixtim of time total eamploycs iii time heath- qmmartorv are devotees of tIme wimigeti steel steed , the mmmumjorlty of whmom are mmmenubcrs of the Union Pacific \Vhei climb. Amnommg the clmiets of tlepartnmcntui Atmtiltor Yommhmg , Ansistant Ammtiitor hula and AudItor of lis- burmionments Antiersomi umuay be setmml riding the "flying pegasums" wimemm not emmgaged imi accounting. Chief Sturgeon Galbraitim ocea- sionahiy takes a spin botweemu amnptmtntiomms of crow' , ctmttlmmg off vernuitormmm aopemtdixes , ote. , anti jolly Cimarley Lane , on lila little 2C'-iimcim wlmeol , nmsy now anti ( lien he seemi retimmciimg smmrpimmum tat. General Purcimumsing Agent ( kit- fitim flnmis In time ' 'bike" time best tommie kmmown. smut a hmoe't of Ummlon Pacific uncut recuperate daily by its niul. I'o Suntlay scimemitmieti ruums are muatho by thmo club. _ _ _ I- _ _ _ _ Sweet Moments cigarettes are the best. Try a imackage.Soid by all dealers. imi tIle I'Iehii mmmiii Stremmmm , Time Ommmalma Gtmmi chtmh passeul a rcsohmmtioum at its last mncetitug endorsing time bill iimtrothmmcetl hi congress by M. It. hloctree of tIme N. ( I. ii. amid F. P. A. It provides timat it shah be unlawful for any railroah ; or expremu conm- pany to receive for slmipmemmt , to or fromn any statd In th United Ltutes. for sale , for time mmmnrket or for storage , any gammic what- soovem' imniess time shmlpmumemmt of time muammmo Is expressly atmtimorized by tIme laws of time states frommm ivimicim auld to wimlcim the gammmo is shmippoth. Evemi then time package mmttm4 be conspictmotisiy labeled "wild game , " nmmth mmitmst also imhmow a list of all tlm gammme anti kinti of game simippeth , togetimer with time mmammme of time semmder and of imimmm to whiommi it Is sent , a record of uvimichi statenmeumt simahi be kept by time commuon carrier handling time ctmnsigmm- mmment. If timis bill beconmes a law it will the nmore towarti imrotectimig time gammue at timis country timan could ho accommmplisiic'J. in ammy othmer way. Time Nebraska Fish commiumilsalon imas this- tributed nearly 50,000 troumt along time limme of time Union i'aciflc betuveemi Nortim l'latto ammd Kimball dmmring time past week. Tiuo Nebraska Fishanfi Game Protective amummociatlomu will lmoid a mupecual mmmeetimig next ' , Vedmmesday eyemmlmmg at I'axton hmotei cafe. Time ammmimmal mmieetimmg of the State Sportsmen's as.sociatiomi wIll ho imeld at time saumme tinme amid imlace. Tom Brennan and WIll Nason trammmped around 1mm time mtiommgimmm up timis sitie of Cal- Imoun omme day Inst week timmtii timey acttmahly were mm. imole tlmrough time eartim 1mm tlmelr frenzied effortuu to got mit time gahlimogoes. I think I saw by yestertiay'mm cable that. they bagged thmree yeilowlegs. Young men or old simotmhd not fall to read Titos. Shater's advertisement on page 11. Buy Your Bicycles - . .VRoM. . , . Nebraska Cycle' Co. Cor. 15th and Ilarney Sts. Tlmoy catty time immot , complete hue in thuo cIty- VIKING , ELDREDGE , 1IELVIDERE , RELIANCE and CRA\VFORD . . . . . Get. yommr boy or girl a whmeel-$25.00 will buy it. We Imam'o time imost riding school in the city. Ladies tmtugimt ( roe. GEOa E. u1CJLE5 Mgra SIIERIFFVILIINS \ ( FREED , Years of Slavery , and how I-to E o ap ccl , ' I'ni1s ALniit II b 1h1iverch' 1)aIIy In ( rot It ti I - - ( ; imi us FL ( ( ecu ltmoii ntl III S'eIght Sliice Ills Rescue. l'ititANA , Oimio.Speelai.Tlmis ( town It lureatlY exi'rcsei over th remuarhable ros- ( 'tie of Simem'IIT It. I''iiklmts frommi omme ot him , ' uvorst forums of slavery ltmmnwmm to mimnim. I he huts ( miii ) ' met'overeti ( room time resmmits of hmi expemleumee ammi tnik ft'Cel ) ' ommul ratn. ( mmli ) ' of hits tit'iverer. 'I'otin ) ' hue alti : "I have itecum n iuemfet't sla't , to tuittmei forever over twenty-Ih'e ) onrA umnuko I fif ecum cigars mu ( itt ) ; Novu immier 4 1 hi In et I bommglm t mu ) ' II rat hex of No-'l'o-ltnc frotmm Ammtiersomm & t'rnummer , I hma'i hittit' faith , lmmmh , to immy great sumlitrlse. umiter umelng hart of ill ) ' thmlrul it 'x I uvmms CUliiimiCtCl ) cured amid uliti not lmmts'e tIme lemmust desire for tohttmt'eo. 'i'otlay I feel hotter , mdcci , letter , thiimmk better , hiavo gaimueti Iii- toemm irntmmmths , nmml not a tia ) ' laases timnt I tb Riot recomommiemiti Nn-'I'o-hiac' to tt.imtteeo miserS uvhm art' uleatm-oyiumg timeir hives muttl vitality. " Iimvestigatlon reveals timat there are (00 it.c 1mb 1mm tliI tonim nmmul aturromuntiiuig cotmmm- try whmo have been cummeti by No-'ro-ihmmc , Ammticrsolm , t : ( 'rnmmmor vere time llrst hmm'iwm to stnrt time good u'urk , as Mr. Ammuicrutomi temmcti it. "Ycut , uu'e lmmtrotitmeeti No-To-line Into limit , town nboumt timree yemmrs ngo. 'l'iil uieimmammd at time start wmms 'er ) ' higimt , ( iii touts Imami no faith , btmt uu'o solul to mu few , tumti to our great nmutommiumimmmmeimt every otm i'ehtoitcti mu ( 'mire. Since tlmen we have uiold hmtimmtireds ot' hioxea tummtlcr a guumtrnlmtetm tc cturo or m'eftmumti time mmmomley , amid mutramuge as ii mmmii ) ' seemmm. s'e lmttve umeu'et' immul a vail to re' ftmmmtl mmmone ) ' . "No-To-line relIeves time mmervotma Irrita. Lion , mmmakcut time muse c I tobacco entirely tin' mmecemusmiry amid imtmiltlut imp anti fum'tifle thit gemmermul lmhu'utlemui eoumtiitlon. aa a imervo in. vlgorntor mtumti ntimmitmiammt there is no hrelmara LIon lit Ammierica to eqmuuml it. ' ' ( let time ( " ' ' ' numinous hmookiet , "iotm't 'I'tmitriceo Spit ammul Stumoke Yotmr Life uvmt' , " written gmmnrnmmtee. free smtmmmlmlea immalieti for time mimuk' lug , Jutitirt's't . , 'l'iie Sterimig iteimieti ) ' Co. , Clmiengo cm. New York , CRLgJTT &OI tarpeirs and Contractors. Ftii'iilttirc IcitIi-imi utii1 G.an. cml Job SVoi'k. UPO8iAI [ [ OF FU1IJIIE $ PEOAtTY 1315 Dodge St. Ounulin. The. . . . Reniington BICYCLES. have been a success from time very start. Not a slmmglo unotici imas been tmn'muccessftml. Timere have hmeen imnpr.ivemneumts rnntle-feat- ure. excItisi'ely ittt own immtve been atlopted- tmimtli time hinmlt of lightness cenmpmutlble withm safety lies been renchmed , time maximum of strengthm secured antI time greatest speed and ease of operation nttaimmeti. Tlmero are ito nmnmiy good poimmt-'b 1mm. tIme Ilenuiimgtoim tiimtt it woulti reqtulre a coiumuuim of space to give them nil. We Rent Bicycles by time hmottr , ( lay , week or ummomithi-imavo 23 umew ommo.u fur remit , emily. ForO0.OOwOsOllTho Road Kln-A first class ui-to-tlmtto iimool- ORS GU 00. , 06 So. [ 5th St. . - HAVE IT SAID TH&T YOU BOUGHT YOUR . BICYCLE Will Barnum & Bro Which in itself is the best guarantee that you vill have ptrcfu1 attention-frcc riding acad- emy-thrt track-expert instructor---athletic and racing quarters , including trainers and groom , free to purchasers only , PIxlcy " 1)ad" Ilolton , Mr. . - , Solirader , the druggist itmid Cyciouie Pete will ride vImccli pttrciumtsed from u. . ALUHR00M , $ tIi amid CatmltI Aye , . - . , . A GOOD BICYCLE eLm mili flumtl at atALVA J. GROVER'Sulomil ulomil tirirm MATIIEMATICMJ aumd SUIL''EYING inmutrimmnentmi , ENOINEEIIB' mind "A'ii't3TIT. TECTS' Hmipiuuleme , II1CYCLEB anti Lubrlcatlumg arumluimlto. , uhIIASJItINfl ( 'rAI'EH lielow bed rock itrIces. A. 0001) lItItIaA'rIorJ arcimitetuts' or engineers' Level. $35 amid tmpwnrd , A COM1'E'i'ENT CiVIL ENIINEEiL on utimort umotice to make smirvayuu anti esti. thates of diMrict. irrlgumtlomm enterprises , MAt' MAKiNG ANI ) I1LUE l'IIINTING mm slmecIuuity. Largest ghmmmmi ammti only pnuomnatio ( ramumu lim time state. Thi1tEi CLEAJL IIEHiIENCIi iota for bale , OflO frontIng Ilunmucom Park , two 0110 block eemmiUt of ihmirmmuconi I'ark , I hmavmi time itolum ugc'nc'y ! om time following bicycles , . The Cli loP , ? A The Clipper , L\ I AfJ The Cyoloid , JJrA\\\J//74 \ \ / The Spark , IWiJ5' 1iw/ The S. & 1. ; ALVA 3. GROVER , Liudles' Chief Omutlia , i'ekojIioiie 1780.