Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1896, Image 1

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: : : THE OMA HA . S u N ii AY . B EF .
Mith11eox Rogimenv Ordered to Prepare to
Embark for South Africa ,
LatcL Report from Buluwayo Are of an
Alarming 1aturo.
Largely Employcl in Kcopng tlio Road
Open to the 8outh.
l'rMPlIt Voree UtIelunl to the TLtHk
' or JIeciutstrIig 1tIIccn t He-
ten it tIi' IevvIHIIeM Ilti yea - .
a Sgtliinry IlTeet.
( Copyrgt ! ) , , IS % , Iy the AocInte1 1'ns. )
LONION , April 18.-The latest advices
from fltiluwnyn , Matabelelarni , provo beyond
Any doubt that the town Is In a most cr111.
cat situation. It Is surrounded In part by
a large force ot hostile Matabelo , estimated
to number from 12,000 to 1OOO. The garri.
t tO1) is not believed to number 1,000 men , all
told , and over onc.thtrd of them are either
foragIng , holding itrategIc positions , scouting -
ing , or trying to heel ) the roatis clear for
tim provision and ammunition trains which
are on the way to relieve fluluwayo. lIe.
sides , it is reported that a. large portion of
the remainder of the garrison left lluiuwayo
yesterday to attac1 the Imbosu regiment of
The announcement made In the house of
Commons yesterday by Mr. Chamberlain ,
ecretary of state for the colonies , that the
government intended to Immodlatoiy Increase
the strength of the garrison in South At-
rIca , has caused great satisfaction here. The
MIddlce'.x regiment , the fIrst ono ordered to
eall , has beeii elccially choom , as It fought
at the Capo In 1879. There was great elation -
tion at Ahuerehot camp when Uio orders to
prepare to embark for outli Africa reached
the MIddlesex regiment. The soldiers gathered -
ered together and cheered repeatedly for the
queen and country , everybody and everything -
thing , and not many days wIll elapse before
the men are ready for shipboard. It Is
nore than hinted that the present increase
Is only a Ilrst IntaIlinent of large reinforce.
\ . ments of troops' ' which are to ba sent to the
, ' ape.
The conservative newspapers are suddenly
alive to the fact that the Cape of Good
Hope is of vital importance to Great I3rIt-
nb , na being sort of a huuf-way house to
. India , a most healthy station , etc. , and they
loudly demand that it be corwcrted into a
military base on a large tcaie. But , what
is really meant , is that Great Britain should
prepare for war with the Traniavaal , without
loss of time.
The defeats of the dervishes outside of
uakini and around Tokar have drawn
) ttontlon to the fact that troops fr.m India
will shortly have to be landed .therc , 11 the
lanipaign against the ithalifa is to be prop-
prly conducted and tli Soudan reconquered.
: 'io friendly tribes in the vicirity of Suakim
Tokar arc constantly tiatashng the der-
'khea and are keeping the latter cantinu-
liy' on the move , while avoiding any se-
: lous engagements. The wouts report that
Dsman Digma has retreated to Arodima , and
he friendly chief , Omantitata has reoccu-
I ) iCI the Agoa distrIct.
It is expected that the news of the dc-
feats of the dervishes will seem reach the
' Nile , and have a salutary effect in the Don.
cola district. There is much. gratification in
Etigland at the splendId ohowing made hy
Iho Egyptian troops under British o1flcer.
and they are said to ho becoming reliable
enough to be pitted against the dervishes
with every chance of victory. Indeed , according -
cording to many of. tile war correspondents ,
the Fellaileen 110W appears to be equal to
the Soudanese as a soldier. The recent defeat -
feat of tlio dervIshes also had the important
result of compelling Osman Digma to evacuate -
ate lOitiDfls around Tokar , from whence he
has made forays upon the friendly trIbes ,
and it has apparently caused a diversion in
the Dongola district , Where the dervishes
have already missed the first opportunity of
harassing the AngloEgyptian advance guard.
The line of communication between AIm-
shah and Wetly-haIfa Is now secure , and is
patrolled on all sidea by friendly chiefs , A
small partg ) of dervithes fired into the camp
at Akosllah ycstrday , evening , and vanIshed
in the night Immediately afterward.
Some of Great IlrItai's latest gutis will
be employed ( or the first time during the
autumn campaign in tlic Soudan. They carry
a highly epioeIvo ehioll ten mile ; and. each
511011 is capable of ( lIt'Obilflg 200 of the on-
0111. 'rieo guns have such a rapId fire
capacIty that before the first 511011 bursth
three otller , are on their way Iii the same
direction. The government shell foundry has
- . ' been overwhelmed with orders for the maiiu-
' facturo of projectiles and private contracts
for 1.000,000 hiells have been given out.
TIm Chronicle ltlbhISheS an interesting let.
tot from Rome , In whIch it is tatod that tile
POPO still governs his great household wIth
order and diligence , though tlioro are stories
of tle ; occasional failure of his physical
vower. But neither his diplomacy nor cc-
cleriactical policy have Ioit their old keen.
ner.'s of perception ,
Jieferring to the pope's pro-French di.
plomacy , the correspondent remarks that lie
doc not believe that Uiei o ia a question of a
pppe ever making his headquarters at
Avignon , though "at an undated future there
\ sniglit be a POiO LIt ilaltimore , " the corro-
iundent aFeerts.
Ilislioiiness , It appears , Is now absorbed in
the idea of a reunIon of the Itoinan and
Anglican church ,
There have been some fresh case3 of
BlflaiiIOX ) at Gloucester , making a total of
1,302 sInce the pideiiio broke ouL on ac.
count of the auti-vaceinatioji Ideas , since
dhpeilod , of the inhabItants of that place.
Tue alleged terms of tim secret treaty be-
teen litissia and China were reprnted
hero today , from a German paper , and hare
created a bait Impression , though it is
evident that ( ho statements made are siot
wholly true. According to the atory , China
Zrnlts ) , Russia , in war times to use any of
its ports , to mobilize , repair , or coat Its warship -
ship anti to rAIse supplies in China , The
Lr latter allows Russia to u Port 4rtllur ,
Kianshoo or any pore of Klanslioo or
Chekiang , as a branch o military
Other startling provisions Include a branch
line of the Siberian railroad to Talieu.Wan ,
i'oiitiolied jointly for fliteezu yeari by
Itusia and China. Thou the latter , Jf
capable , takes charge of the railroad and
there is a virtia , cession to flhissla o an
iehand Oppo9Ito Tahlcn4Vaii and e'creral points
on the south ido of iluentachun , as a pro-
tectlon to the Siberian railroad ; the opening
of the Chinese mnrkeL'i to flussian goods
and flussia to SCflh several htndred omcers
to drill 100,000 Chinese troops.
Tile Globe this afternoon mys : "It one-
tenth of the foregoing is true , there Is no
doubt that the far eastern question is about
to assume a far graver aspect than ever.
hitherto there has been no doubt of the
existence of a acret treaty. Until the
coronation of the czar Is ever , it Is not
lIkely that flus.ia wIll do anything openly
irorocatlve ; but , aftcrwarl , it is probable
that iie Will boldly show her hand , aiiil we
shall be confronted with the most difficult
problem for a long time past. "
The pope iil bestow tile golden rose upon
Princess Marie Louise of flulgara ! as a
token of the approval of lila lIolinoas of her
opposition to the coversion of lor aon ,
I'rince Doris to the Grcok chiirch.
Further Information has reached hero from
Johanne&burg , showing that ( lie South
African republic Is making extensive mu-
itary preparations , and the news has been
confirmed from several Tarts of the Trans.
vanl. A dispatch to the Tmes ; from
Jollannesburg says : There i much disgust
here at Sir hercules Robinson ( governor of
Cape Colony ) persistently opposing the iend-
log of the BrItish troops to South Africa.
lie is accused of subservience to President
Kruger , and there are 1011(1 ( demands that AIr.
Chamberlain end the matter. The Doers already -
ready sx ! times cutnulnbr the ) British.
In regard to Matabeleland , such influential
papers a the Globe and Daily News are
urging that Dr. Jameson ho allowed "to
fill up Ills time on bail in running over to
Africa" to confer' jth the imperial officers
as to tIle necessary steps to be taken.
Tile Globe says : 'SIt is sheer fatuity for
the government to stand on punctilio. In
adopting the most effectual means , Dr.
Jameson i worth a regiment.
It is reported that the queen has invited
Emperor William to visit Osborn in August
and that when Major Jacobs , the emperors
aido-de-camp , called spon her majesty at
Clmiez , near Nice yesterday , bringing a
letter from the German emperor , he brought
the latter's acceptance of the invitation of
his royal grandmother. If this is the case , a
more harmonious state of affaIrs between
Germany and Great Britain , on paper at
least , may be anticipated.
The UnIted St.ates minister to Liberia ,
William Ii. Heard , sails for Now York on
the steamship St. Paul from Southampton
today , on a six weeks' leave of absence before -
fore going to Africa ,
The striking feature of the musical week
has been the success of English opera at
Drury Lane. Several standard works , in-
eluding "Faust , " "The Bohemian Girl" and
"Cavailerla Ruaticana , " have been produced
with great succese by a strong cast.
"lJiarritz , " Jerome K. Jerome & Co.'s
musical farce , produced at. the Prince of
Wales' theater on Monday , Is a dire failure.
The critics generally pronounce the book ,
which is th work of Jerome K. Jerome and
Adrian Rouse , as puerile to the last degree.
The mnsic was by F' . 0. Smauncarr.
The greatest rage in London is "The Gay
Parlsienne , " at the Lyric theater , which Is
attractIng all the emnrtest people. Late today -
day it was announced that tue premiere at
Daly's theater of the new Japanese play
( lilroto by Owen Hall and music by Sydney
Jones ) , which was to have taken place to.
nIght , has been postponed for a week.
H. B. Ivllig , , son of Sir Henry Irving , Is
soon to be marrIed to Dorothea Baird , of
Trilby fame. He sails for America shortly
to act in "The Sign of the Cross , " with his
wife. The eteamahip Umbria , vliicii sails
from Liverpool for New York today , will
take among its passengers the Pos tuuese
minIster to the United States.
The sale of the pneumatic tire patent busi.
ness was arranged in Dublin on Monday ,
the syndicate agreeing to pay $15,000,000 for
it , and the business is now offered to the
public for $25,000,000 capital , Former ellarc.
holders , who paid altogether $1,300,000 , have
sInce received $3,200,625 in dividends and
premiums , antI they will now receive another -
other $14,137,500. The profit in 1895
amounted to $1,540,000.
It is reported that the health of Mr.
Gerald Balfour , the chief secretary for Ireland -
land , Is breaking down on account of the
labors and anxIety of his cmce , and it is
believed that ho will resign at the end of
tIle session and that Mr. R. W. lianbury , tile
financIal secretary to tue treasurer , will
isucceed him. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A it Id EN i'll C'I' I N ( tX A SS .tU L'I' .
Fiver liur to tile IIflioIlIty of
fiu. SUIIIItIOII iii lIlIlllzll ) .
( Copyrlgiit , lStG , by tim 4ssocIaed I'res. )
CAPE TOW'N , AprIl 18.-No official statement -
ment from any source is worth consdcring !
for a moment if It takes the ground that
Buluwayo i not In ( hanger. Iluluwayo Is in
the greatest danger ; In fact , ere tItle , the
town may be in the hands of the Matabeles ,
sud one oC ( lie most terrible massacres on
rec'ortl may have cceurred.
The latest advces ! receved here from
l3uluwayo ila.e greatly Increased the anxiety
felt for the safety of that place , Military
men , scouts , Dutchmen and EnglIshmen ,
civilialul of all classes , veteran troopers and
government officials concur In the statement
that the governor of Cape Colony , SIr Tier-
cules Robinson , has not told tile truth If lie
ims iiotiflcd the 110mb government that Ilulu-
wayo is In no danger.
It Is evident to everybody here that the
Dritish at Buluwayo are in a most critcal !
position. The chief point of their weakness
is numbers and the lmnienslty of the hordes
of Matpbles gathering for tue attack. Then ,
again , large numbers of Matabeies , presumed
to be friendlies , have by some excuse or other
succaoded In entering ( ho town , and It Is
ohl known that they have planned to rise
and strlco at the I1rIsh ! as soon as tue
warriors of ( lie Mataboles are heard outside
tlio iliio of defense , Most of the Matabeles
in Buluwayo got In by pretending to seek the
proteotion of tIle whites , and the latter wore
o foolish as to tall lno ( the trap.
It has becis stated that Buluwayo is held
by 1,000 soon. TItle is incorrect. An stated
in these dispatches , the number of fighting
111011 at Iluluwayo is under 900 and of this
small number compared with the 15,000 Mata.
beles in the vicililty .pf the town 300 are reported -
ported to have been dispatched to uiohd
Moiiwe pa , which i a e'teep defile , with
allguiar turnings , and can be rendered im-
Other dispatches , lio'yer , announce that
a strcitg lorco pt the remaining 600 whRes
Intended to leave lIulayo yesterday , in
order to attact a I1atabelo Impi , coinpsed
of Lobenguia's thack Imbezu regiment , from
which the native police , who have been
shown to ilavo 3tartetl the rebellion , wore rc-
eruited , This linpi Is looked upon as being
( lie most torinidablo In or about Matabeleiand
( Coutinuel on Third Fsge. )
Recent Visit of Emperor William Leaves aero
ere Spot in Austria.
Gernans Give an Evasive Answer to Requests -
quests of E'upport ,
All the Attaches of the Oourt Except Him
Receive Decorationo.
CoM ( of the lCstlser's Inil MOnIM-Ilihi
to I'reVelLt UllfnitCoillilel i tieD
AlIlOllllCll I is tile 1)1cClIe. .
lieves tue Editors.
( Copyright , 1(90 , by th Associatcd 1'rcs. )
BERLIN , April 18.-In well inofrmcd
circles , there Is an imprccalon that the
visit of Emperor William to Vienna waa
not ouch a success in strengthening the
friend.rhip between Austria and Germany as
expected It is asserted that Emperor
Francie Joseph and his cabinet arc piqued
at tim lulgtil or Emperor WIlliam's stay in
Italy and the mutual effusion displayed there
( luring the lourparlers , The question of the
future German support of the Austrian-thaI-
kan policy was repeatedly broached without
ehIcitng satiefactory Geman asrurances and
a thorough understanding ces the subject between -
tween Count Badeno and Prince liohenloho
wac not effected. The Auitrian minister for
foreign affairs , Count Goluchiowskl , and all
thio minor Auctrlan offlcial received a German -
man deccration , but Count Badeno , the
premier , did not'
Another question left unadjusted is that of
the British-German relations. The German
press baa had an outburst of temper owing
to an article In the Morning Post of London ,
which Is ceneldered offenelve to Germany ,
and the government , It Is raid , in plto of
Auctria's wishee , is detormned to pursue
It policy in South Africa dictated by Its
own interests entirely , until Great BrItain
Is brought to its ecnee. herr Horff , the
German representative , has received minute
lnrtructlcns in view of the latest develop-
men(9 ( Iii South Africa.
'flie visit of Emperor V'Ihllam to Dresden
on Thurrday next on the occarlcn of the
kig : of Saxony's brlthday will be elgnahized
by a gala fete , a military parade and a
nioneter street procession , In which the
Dresden art students will take part.
On Tuesday next the impora1 court will
remove to Petsdain for the summer and
tile .empresa wIll shortly conduct . her two
eldest sans to the cadet school at Ploen ,
where they will remain for three years , returning -
turning home only for the usual holIdays.
Near the little schiloes where the princes will
live a small railway station In log hut stlo
hac been spccaily built. They will be taught
: n company with other pupils in the school
room of their private residence.
Occar Kaufmann's book makes public some
curious details regarding the private ilfe
of the Imperial family. It appears that the
ensperor contracts with his chef butler for
meals at so much per head. An ordfnary
dInner costs less than $2 a plate , exclusve
.f vine , but on festive occasions the cost
of a dinner varies from $5 to $10. The emperor -
poror usually has three meals daily , a meat
breakfast , a hot lunch and a six course din-
ncr , ( lie latter being always disposed of
tInder an hour. There are French and Ger-
men chefs , but the French are never used
for the Imperial family's servce , On the
menu are hock , bordeaux and champagne
daily as table wines and the cellars of the
schloss hold 2,000 bottles of fine wne ! and
4,000 cache of other wInes and lquors ! ,
The government bill to prevent iinfahr
competition In trade was considered by the
Imperial Diet on Fiday. : The bill provides
for ( lie punishment of persons rcveaEng
trade secrets , which the government has
divided Into two categories-first , tliose
learned by workmen in thie ordinary course
of service , and , secondly , thIose for which
employers have exacted , promises of secrecy.
The Diet refused to pass the measure in this
shape and adopted a modified form , by which
a penalty Is only applied to the betrayal of
business secrets ( luring time of service and
with intent to injure their employcris or cons
pete with them. The Diet also declned to
accept ( lie paragraphs by which editors of
newspapers vore to be held responsible for
fraudulent or deceptive advertisements and
iascd the eiause exempting editors from
penalty ulliess it is proved that they were
aware that the advertisements were do.
ceptive ,
A government edict just Pliblishied greatly
restricts the hibertlea of university students ,
Hereafter they must obtain permission from
bothi the police and their rector before ibid.
ing puhiiio ci- private theetings ,
During the week there were violent inow
and ball storms in the German hllgbilands ,
the mercury registering 22 degrees In tlbo
Hartz mcnintains , Witil deep snow. lieu fell
to thbe depth of six Inches in the Taurus
region and frost Ias doie much injury to the
young vegetation in the northwest. The
deep snow prevented the emperor from hunt-
leg at lCaltenbronn and iladen ,
On Friday the carpenters at work on ( lie
Berlin Industrial exllibltion struck for a
mark an hour and a mark and a half for
overtime ,
The hlaniburg.Amorcan Steamship corn-
pany Ilas accepted the conditions of tIme
mnuncIpai authorities at Stettln to erect cx-
tonslve emigrant quarters there amid , ship
emigrants thence direct to New York.
Major Luotwin , the Ger&nan governor of
soiitliwcst Africa , reports that he fears there
vIli be a rlIng of tIme liereros , who numn-
bar 60,000 1bsd who are givIng a great deal
of trouble , The German forces only number
60,0 and are quite inadequate to cope witb
them , If war breaks out it will be ( ho biggest -
gest colonial trcubhe Germany bIas yet had ,
United States Consul Deuster of Creteid
has received hits oxequater ,
'l'lio Itochstag oleomargarine bilL as
aiimentlc l ill committee renders the importa-
( ion of American oleomargarine virtually im-
poeibie. There is little prospect of iti
adoption ,
Mr. and Mrs. Stlhvehl of "Kansas City are
no" In title city ,
Vrelbole UIsbnsbcicrs Qill t Iigl C.
CAIRO , April 18-It ii understood that the
French syndicate is about to witlnlraw from
all banking operations In Egypt ,
11111.1) .tM A 1'ItISONEIL OP '
1initIst % ilsp'Ionnr'ii' 1)emsIncil on n
Most Serious
hAVANA , April 18.-The ni-r&t of the
Baptist missionary , Alberto Scsu Bias , now
in confiflemuit in this city umler most. son-
ous changes , bids fair to result in International -
national complications before 1111 case is
finally dieposed of , The first announcement
of ( ho arrest of Dinz was coupled with the
statement that it believed that ho was
guilty of Inflammatory talk regarding the
rebellion , lie is known to be a warm syin-
pathizer of the Insurgents anil It was thought
that his offence was of no more serious a
character than ( lie making of a few unguarded -
guarded remarks.
It now transpires that the Spanish authoni-
tics have more serious offenses charged sip
against Dias. It Is learned that hi arrest
was brought about by declarations against
llini by 11so Cuban insurgents captured at
Vivora , near ( lila city , and by certain In-
cniininatlng documusts found in their ties-
esslon , TIme Spanish authorities. a lii not
yet divulge the isaturo of the exact charges
against Dias , but a dispakh . received here
from Madrid states tha ( lid is accused of
promneting correspondence between the rebels
and the United States. If ( lila charge is
actiiahiy made against Daz his case is really
serious , for ho would then lie under the pcn-
city imposed by General \'eyer In one of the
first proclamations issued after assumng
charge of affairs on the island. The offense
In punishable with deaths unl's , General \Vey.
icr reinits the penalty out of.regarJ to the
strained relations between Spain and tIme
United States ,
What makes the situation of time accured
the more srioue Is the fact that in spite
of his assertion that lie is a naturalized citi-
zdn of time United States , the authorities
have up to this time refused to turn him over
to ( ho clvii courts for tnimll DIaz is held as
a prirciser of war and has been turned over
to the military ailthonitis for trial. Timis
menus a court.rnartial.
Consul General \Vi1lianms Is mzicing the
( float active efforts on behalf of Diaz , lie has
not been able to ecdure tIme consent of the
Spanish omcinln to a civil trial , but hopes
tvit he wIll yet be able todoso. Ithie can-
slot succeed he vllI report Ills failure
promptly to the State departmrnt at Wash-
Two American citizens bavq been arremted
between Cardenas and Matanga on the charge
cit taking plans of the d'efenii. They have
been handed over to the IvJl authorities , according -
cording to treaty provielcos wIththe govern.
mnelt of the United States.
. , , ' ' '
0FP.1Citr liULLE'I'1X FROM 1Li'AA
Nersipmiier CorrcKioi.Jpiit Suecei , b
lii ltI'at'lliyi lime Zlisurgt'ILM.
HAVANA , April 18.-It i reported that
the correspondent of a New 'Orleans paper
baa succeeded in penetratIng' Into the ineur-
gent camp.
Time government has decided to increase
tile strengthi of the fortifications In all parts
of the island.
A 'miumerous hand' of IlMurgents at Placetas
eurprised the local goerilla , jorce while the
latter was out foragIng' iud ht1I1ed nine and
wounded twenty-tour. l . '
In an engagement with the troopocom.
mnanded by General Suards yaldez near Paio
Real , province of PInar tIe Rio , tIm insurgents -
gents lcft fill'ic'IciIed ! and rotlrd with their
cunded ,
Several skirmishes have recently taken
place in tIme provinces ot.Snta Clara , Havana -
vana and Santiago do Cuba ; ; in whlph the
Insurgents left twenty-six killed and the
troops captured ten prisoimer. Only one sol-
(11cr waa kihied and eight' vor wounded.
General Valdez , In the pjv1nce of Plnar
dcl Rio , was captured , ' important ficcu-
inents , including a diary otthe operations of
the Insurgent leadero , Berrn' dez and Cas-
Maximo Gomez , when last heard from , was
camped between Placetas and the lImits of
Sancti Splritus , provlnc 'ot Santa Clara ,
Major Fondeviela , ime'ar Jaruco , in the
provinca of Matanzas , sul'pnised Leader
Mirabel , while ( lie insurgents were quietly
resting In their camp. TIm insurgents , ac-
cor1.ig to ofliclal advlc e , veceived by the
authorities here , left cleyeq dead on the
field , including one officer.
( . , olonel jIde , recently ti gaged tIm ii' .
surgents commaided by Lacret and Coilazzo ,
In the vicinity of Mttsnzs. The tamp of
the Inaurgiits was captured by the Spaniards ,
Details of the emigageuient , .Jmave not been
received , but It Is known the loss of time
insmrgents was very heavy.
The inaurgents reccni ( burned sixty-eight
hio'js in Umo outskirts ofSan , Cristobel ,
I'imiar del Rio.
The gueriilas at the ilan'ation Australia ,
near tile tOWil of Rosaliif , thirty-five 'ii num-
her recently engaged cud rpelied time insurgent -
surgent band coinrnandd by Amieve. It Is
estImated fully 600 insurgents particIpated
in the conflict , and it 1mm rcpirtec1 , they were
compelled to retire , leavligeight dead and
twenty-one wounded on th field , Two of
the guenllias were killed and five vore
WObulIOl ,
Nes from ( lie front ia avaited with time
greatest anxiety.
M.1)l5 IitJiOM.tSi'iiii" VIENNA.
t iii iSClbli Ct' L'lbu1Ci'4g'ljlIl IflIOML'li I i *
Ictlliibcc of tIm t' , tdnipt'i'i' .
VIENN % , April IS.-pj1ueger , the anti-
Semite leader in the R icbathm , wa again
elected burgomaster of. Vienna today by a
vote of 98 to 42. The w1irbty liberals voted
( or Dr. Gruebdi , The eroda outsIde the
town hail greted the fifloin einent of the
result with cheers and DrI.ueger made a
speecll , iii time course of wlmch io inveighled
agalmist Hungary amid declard tilat Ills elec.
tion was mi. vIndicatlois.ot Cbyistlan liberty
end the Independeoce otApetr1a Dr. Limeger
has been repeatedly eleoted burgomaster anil
as frequently rejecteif byth emperor. On
December 22 last a tiot foiow'ed the anti-
'Semite niecting held n t'io prater to rrotest
against the rejectIon of hr. Lueger.
Notes kfroin Cons ,
( Copyright , lS'jtl , by Press l'ibiiahtnx Ceinpany , )
COLON , Colombia , 4prit , i.-New ( York
World Cablegram-Speca1 ! Tlegrarn.The )
technical bureau of the Papama Canal corn-
pany Ilas offered Captain , Si ow $20,000 for
100 imieters of eubmarin winhlmg on ( lie Pa.
cUTe sIde of the Isthmnua ,
A Lima dIL'patch says that murderers of
the tiresident of Bohivlu have been senttnced
as follows : Captain T1gutlO , to death ;
Lieutenants Castello aqd Ortis , to ten yeara
In prison ; Aches , to ftfteemm znonths in prison.
The lilueflelde lteqorter sayi tilat Dr. Baca
protests against the entry of Honduras troops
into Nicaraguan territory , as 1w regards It
as a foreign Invasion , The Nicarpguai press
nidicuc the protests , In view of ( he tact
that In 1893 Baea wan'nly supported a unon
of Central Amenicap republcs ,
Corn lurlosi Oi'tiCl't'bi to IOIIt1I A fl'IclI ,
LONDON , Aiinil 18-General Carnington ,
tile British coimmmiiander at Gibraltar , bIas hieemm
ordered to the Cape of flood hope , in order
to take coinmmiand of time British forces In
Matabelelaild. lie hs a veteran in South
African warfare ,
English rinanolal Wookiles Take Up the
Ory Against American Stooks ,
Investors Solemnly Warnea Against Placing
Money on This 5kb
Mining Schemes Urged as th9 Proper Things
to Support with Cash ,
Elmilieror 't'IIlilssls's Colidilet a t Sarmi-
elsie 'I'nkcmL us Fi'sIiellec of Ills
Iesis'e to hteiiev Prlemi.Ily
( Copyrlgit , isec , by Press Publishing Company. )
LO4DON , April IS.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Telegrnm.-The ) rk'e In
American eccuritlea this week evokes a
chorus of warning from today's financial
weeklies. For months past , as I have in'-
formed the World , the hostility of practically
that entire tress has been so uniform and
no virulent that it gives a bans for time
quito general belief that these papers arc
all rubsidized in one way or another by
the South African financiers , Two years
ago they were as tlnanimolmSly hiortibe to the
South African "fever. " Today their editorial -
itorial and news columns ' are actively cmi-
gaged in bolstering up the South African
market , and par contra , strenuourly advia'lng
against a diversicis of investments to the
United States.
All tills , despite the fact that. money goes
begging in this city. Ten day'a bane are
made freely at one-quarter of 1 per cent
par annum , and ( urea Inontils' bank bills
are as freely discounted at. one-half of 1 per
cent. Even time Statist today denounces the
rise In "Aniericaims" at , from pure manipula-
tion. "We warn our readers , " It cays , "not
to ho misled by a market maneuver of this
kind , There Is no improvement in the etua-
tlomi. Trade Is very bad , tile currency disorder -
order is as great as ever , confidence is
shaken , the electoral campaign is about to
begin , investment has ceased for a long
time , not only here at home , but in America.
Likewise. the Arnericami investors are not buying -
ing bonds. To speculate , tlierofor , in ohares
is utterly rash , and the public will do well
to leave tile markat to the clever manipulators
who arc trying to engineer a rIse. "
The sale this week to an English rubber
company of a pneumatIc tire Invention for
3,000,000' ( $15,000,000) ) , recalls the fact that
wben : Dr. Dunlop , arm enthusiatIc Dubin !
cycbk't , invented a pneumatic tire , only as
farback am , 1889 , and applied for money to
develop the invention , lie was generally
laughed at. The commipany , as dually formed ,
Invested only 75,000 ( $375,000) ) , and In addition -
dition to tue vast coin now received , the
rharehoidere have been paid already 657,000
(3,285,000) ( ) , In dividends.
Major Ludlow , the mIlitary attache to the
American emnbasy , called today by ( lie St.
Paul , having been summoned hurriedly to
Washmiiigton by cable. He had only just returned -
turned to London , after a tour of Inspccticn
of various canals , and it is conjectured that
hmi presence in Washiimgton ! is urgently re-
( luired on business connected with the
Nlagra scheme.
Rudolph do Cordova's play at the Royal this
weak Ic etrong , but forbidding. The young
New York playwright takes for his plot the
love affair of time daughter of a French cx-
ecutioner , with a ncighiboi'ing farmer , who
repudiates his pledges on learning her
fattier's occupation. The girl thereupon stabs
him to the heart , and the curtain goes down
as she lmolds out the dagger , aetiialiy dripping
\'Ithi blooh. But Mi53 Violet Vanbough made
a vast success in the part , She has by one
coup made herself the recognized succasor
of Ellen Terry , as the leading tragic ac-
trees of the Loden stage , Sue was equally
good In time comedy part in "The Cilill
Widow , " following tile tragedy.
harold Frederic's "Illumination , " Issued
tbliB week , ll'a5 had an extraordinary reception
from tie L'nglisim critics. It is hailed as the
strongest novel of time day. Mr. Gladstone
has publicly declared it to be "a masterpiece -
piece of character-drawing. "
In tile realm of European politics , there
is , perhaps , as much sbgnificanco in certain
of ( lie kaiser's socsl proceedings , wililO in
.Italy , as in any of tile serious conventional
developments of the week , Iii hatred of
England Ii.i vell knos'n , and was abundantly
illustrated in his teiegrarn to President
Krugtr ; yet , when at Syracuse , during his
visit to Italy , Ills first visit after his yacit
051110 to anchor , was miot to time great Itallarj
war ship , sent to greet him , but to a second-
clew English cruiser , apparently only hap-
pzning to be there. Morenver , he wore time
unlformmi of a Brittaim admiral , and at a sub-
selUent luncheon on board the Imparial yacht ,
'bo placed time English captain at his right
alibI ( ho ItalIan midmiliral next tp the crnprcsa.
Sir Wemys Reid , in tile pcaker today ,
thus comnnsents on ( lie episado : "Tile fact
is decidedly slgnificant of imIs new attitude
toward this country. Last January , at one
of his Interviosvs wIth the lIritiSlI ninbas
safer , lie hiatt his Englisim admiral's uniform
in ( ho room Iii whicim time IntervIew took
place' , 'how can I ever wear that again ? '
lb demanded , after referring to the ahusa
to wiiicii lie svas being subjected In this coun-
try. At Syracuea lie put on tue uniform ,
boarded an English man-of-war and paid'
very snarkc'd attentions to its captaiq , This
is a mast unimmistakabie horning out of the
olive branch , "
From all of which it Is evident tilat the
possibility of an Anglo-German war of two
months lies faded Into the lImbo of Imnpos-
elbilities , am , this correspondent predicted at
the time it Inevitably would do.
Cinliliimll 'I'OvJlH I'ioom1..i.
T1I11EE 1UVEILS , Quebec , April i8-Tbe
greater part of this town 10 inundated , Ice
is piled n great masses in the streets , The
gas works are floodeil and fires extinguished ,
The electric light station amy ] water works
are also threatened , News from Iherthier ,
Yamachiclio and St. Aniio do Ia Parade is to
tue effect ( list those towns are all entirely
flooded , and their distress Is great.
lirIilge Clib'l'ied Asmy lmy Ice' ,
SIIERUROOIUI , Quo. , April 18.-The Que.
bee Central bridge , crosming time St. Francis
river , ilas beau as'ept avay by Ice amid imigil
water , IC is roughly estimated that time
hoes of time St , Anselmno bridge and tlmie one
jepreaent a damaKs of at least flOO,000 ,
Witther I'oreensb for Nebraska-
* . . 1'nlr ( mowing WorinertVeat W'ind ,
hi ,
. . ro Troops f.m 1ntalelelaii,1 , ,
, 4ieror , losemium Is lie'intisflvl ,
. . ' ( ( , I'mspcrm Battle is ltmn.
- ii Tries to Steal ma March ,
2 4 at tiso Expocitinim ituli Cicisreil ,
'ics at thin Natiolmat Cnjittmsl.
, Iltiircs of the I'rcriit L'oiigree.
3 , Idie School Ioiiey lteuiainmi Smile ,
Iotiiisiice ot ii l'eiiilati at l'Iitttiiioiithi ,
Itesicalist Provokes lmisa , L'cople ,
I"atitt EliliOsioli lii ft l'oweter 1iii ,
4 , I.nst Week in Onmalia Social Circles ,
I ; , l'rco Silver lemnocrats Choose ielegitte5 ,
Scntor Alien After St'Iilstor Oesr.
a , Council Iltuff , * Lucid Matters ,
7 , Aiiimseiiiriit. Notes timid ( imsqlj , ,
151550 limeht ( hitimi of Saturmimsy ,
Shot titus Eherts Are Here ,
8. I'rogress of time henry liuhimi Trial ,
Text of the thIeii Measure ,
I 0 , 'm'obuamlm lien S'nys nnii 11cr S'orll.
I I , "ltsiiiey Stmue. "
I 2 , lhitnnia1 nuL Coiisine'nt ,
18. Arior Iay : It'b 'l'run Slguitlirance.
% 'ithm Clilileril , Leim ituI l'Iitv. :
1 4 , Coininerdal iim.l Flumuiieiiml Nei'C ,
111. EcIiue fromis thu 4tiite Hooni ,
I ( I , In tile Field of Electricity ,
17. 'liltiO Of True tJbimirt Cryietals ,
Cy % Vmtriisiii : immit Silnamu's St reamis ,
18 , % 'cekiy Grist or SortiIig Gossip ,
'ailo's I'ropsrltlns ( for Ilcilicy.
10. Iii time Vor1i of S'hee1s ,
20 , "Time Stun for Vrrloimi , "
IUNI.Ol' ANI ) 'I'UmtNEIt 11111.1) PAS'l' .
1oiilols I' l ice ICeeii C lit' Nt'v , rIe
linmuotid 'l'ile's Closely Con Ilmiel.
( Copyrlgit , 15 % , by l'rss l'utiishlng Company. )
, LONDON , April 18.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Tclegram.-Thmo ) London
papers have only this muor.iing-tlio facts
being cabled back from tile coltmmnns of
'l'heVorldtiseir first intimation that the
jewelry captured here on Thursday was the
proceedo of a famous Now York burglary.
Their enterprising New York correspondents ,
however , stated that Tawsend Burden Is a
New York jewler. A World rcpre'entativo
saw this evening Detective Inspector hare ,
who , with Turpector Forest , arrested Duniop
and Turner.
"We hat ? baths men under obnarvaticn , "
he said , "form time moment they landed ,
three days prevIously , from New York , until
we arrested them in flood street. We might
have let them rim for a week longer , but
from the way they were hovering about
jewler'mi wIndows we saw they had eonio of
the 'stuff' on ( hens. I caine up behind and
caught both of them together , Inspector
Freest was chose by. The men did not
resist , they just tried to wrench away for
an instant , hut I knocked their Imeads together -
gether , and we had them completely secured
before they had tIme to d anything.
"Duilop bttd 3,000 ( $15,000) ) worth of
diamonds In his pocket , but neither of them
displayed any jewelry , except plain gold
chains and watches , wimich we aecertained
were their own property. They were well
but quietly dressed , and Dunlop looked quite
time gentleman , until he opened his inoutlm ,
when you know at .once by the twang that
ha waa not cue. Turner was plainly time
valet all over. Ho Is not such a fine looking
fellow as Dunlop , who , I would say , Is an
Whoa we caught tlaemn we had no idea
% % 'iiere time bulk of the 'swag' was lying , and
th prisoners looked painfully surprised when
we produced it In court , It imiciudes all
kinds of vaiuabes , not only diamonds 'ui
every form , but gold watches , chains , acarf
pins and rings-In fact , it was so big a lot
tlmat we had to have a special cleric sent
up here to Vine street from Scotland Yard
to make an Inventory. Time Jewels are miow
all lying at Scotland Yard in a strong room.
I shall be glad to see the last of them
cnd cf the prisoners , as we have quite enough
thieves of our own over' here without Importing -
porting any from America. "
"Have the men made any confessIon ? " the
World representative asked.
"No , they did miot actually confess ; In
fact , they would neither cemifeas nor deny.
But any one can ree that they know the
game le up. "
"had timey parted with any of time
jewels ? "
"I shouid say with very ( ow , it any , They
had only about 2G ( $100) ) , between them all
told , and time only article that had had any
stones removetb was a large tiara. Time men
were evidently proceeding very cautiously
to work , and were fairly dumbfounded whelm
we pOtflco(1 on them. Since ( hems they have
practically said nothing , but they look pretty
gloomy. All we have to do now Is to make
out a prima ( ado case for timeir extraditlomi.
But ( lint wili take a few veeks yet , as we
must wait for the arrival of police officora
from Now York ,
" \\o know nothing of ( lie circumstances of.
time Burdol robbery , nor did we know that
these men were concerned in it until after
we lied arrested them , when we soon raw
that time jewels in their IoSsesion corro-
L'peliiled witim tue list furnished us of time
Burden jewels , They will be broimghit up
In court On Friday , but. it would be impossible
for any one except thicir solicItor to see
thmemn , We never allow journalists to see
prisoners In custody over hero , "
GOES 'I'D 1'1t1tON FOIl HElL Il1I
l'imnlhlyllm'il t lit $1 ' .VlJIilI n C iii I I of
l1xcessis'i Ca'mleht' Co Clii iull't'il.
OTTAWA , Ont , , April 18.-Mrs. Bell ,
for cruelty to imer granIchlildremm ( , was
today sentenced to life imnprisonmnent.
The charges against Mrs , Bell , wimichi
were proved at the trial , were that
she imad punisimed the two cllildren , a
boy of 14 aimd a girl of 15 , wIth time most
fienisim ! tortures which malignant ingenuity
could devise. Stripping them to ( lie ( Imiminest
clotlmlng , she would soak (11cm in water and
( lien compel them to sit before open windows
when time temperature was several ( legrees
below zere , umitli their attire was frozen
On one occasiomi the boy was kept at work
In time cold , Imnproperly clad , until his toes
were frozen and ( lropped elf , 'rimey wore fed
on victuals msiixed with noxious fluids , lIke
kerosene , turpentine , and worse , Wimemi
brought into court both cblillremi showed ( lie
effects physically amid mentally of the agonies
they imad suffered. 'the defense offered was
that Mrs. Bell inflicted only sucim liunishI.
mnent as a parent or guardian had the right
to do , but the jury pronounced her gu'ity
and time full penalty of the' law 'was nmoted
out , _ _ _
Cccii Illbol's lImitIm'i'I' It.'co'erm ,
LONION , April 18.-A dis'patcim from
Salisbury , Zataboieiumifl , ( Sated April 16 , saya
lion , Cesil Rhodes has ommipietely recovered
from -lila recalt iiines. . According to tlmis
dispatehi , ho expected to start at ommco for
Btiiuwayo , oxpectimii to overtake the Britklm
troops sent to lmrotcct timat town , Accord.
ing to another dispatch from Salisbury ,
Matabeleland , dated April 17 , tIme departure
of lion. Cecil Itimodea for Buluwayo lied
, iaeea ptpoaet1 io at least forty-eight hpura ,
Spain Expects to Porco the Play in th
Cuban Matter ,
Preparations Made and Only Waiting thG
Developments at Wfishiflgtofl.
All Parties at Madrid Evince Great Illt0rCst
in the Quest'ou.
% 'ull i'mirt'lmi1 I bl'hiit ( Imimi or I ii terveis.
Culls b' ( Ii , ' thiite'l Stntt's imit , ! Iis-
unit tile thilitCIl tIlsL-
Clue lit liblilit' ,
( Copyright , 1SOI , by l'rcss I'tmhllohmng Company , )
MADI1II ) , Spaimi , April 1SNov'orlc (
World Cablegrammi-Special Telegram.-Tho )
Madrid goveriimmient , it has leakt'd out , ha
about to try to steal a mmiarchm on President
CI eveimi nil ,
It Is making preparatiotis , wilicil it pretends -
tends are voluntary , to psmt into force In the
\Vest Indies seine scimemmie of colonial hionie
rule , based impomi time bill which passed the
Cortos in Jammimary , ISIS. TIme rcformmis will
go into effect as soon ami Gemleral Weyler ,
guided by hints on the subject froni the
Spanish legatlomi in W'asliingtomi , deems It.
Many telegrams antI niucim correspondemico
on ( ho subject have beemi passing between
Governors We3'icr amid Marimi antI tile Madrid.
colonial office , where Minister Castehlanos
flnl other officials are activly drafting the
contemplated measures , hicii will ho of-
ficiahby styled political and admainistrativo
reforms. They vill be followed by tariff ro-
tombs and a pronmiso of electoral retormus , as
circumstances suggest.
There Is considerable stir in poilticRl and
niihitary circles over this mmiv phase of time
Cuban question. Tile Spanish liberals amid
republicans and time Cuban autonomuists and
reformniots are bitterly lamenting that ( lie
government did not take suehi a step in
time to secure representation of both the
latter colonial parties amid the Spanish ( tern-
ocracy in time new Parliament , Timey all sa'
the logical sequence of the promulgation of
tue reforms ought to be a vote of the Span-
lab Parliament declaring null and void the
recent West Indian ciections , If SpaIn wishes
to prove her sincerity In the Cuban lbomo
rule policy. It is no' known that both the
American aflI European governments iiavo
privately advised the Madrid cabinet to carry
out promptly these retorme ,
Tiio goverminaent' object In Iha maw policy
evidently Is to forestall both American ale-
( ] iatlon and certain criticisms of the Spanish
apposition party. At prcimi cmi tiid liberals ,
demnocrats arid ( lissc.ntlent conservatives
elected to tIme comnlng Parliament , and time
republicans outside , are united in condemning -
ing a policy which so long postponed timeso
reforms to please the \Vcst Indian reactionary
party , though both General Caileja amid Mar-
shah Campoo repeatedly adviaed tIme govern-
iiicnt to grant to Cuba hionie x'mmle as the best
miacani , to detach from tilC rebellion all sIn.
cere autonomists.
MilItary men and statesmen imavImig coo-
nial experience generally ( lmlnbc it rather
bate In time day for this strategy. But it
1mm likely to please thu mmiajonity of time Span-
lardm. ' , as they fancy their government can
thus avert American medtmation by demon-
etrating to Europe and time American ro-
vubhlci that Spain is disposeU to make concessions -
cessions to her coionloo.
The Madrid press reports dmat all time mm-
isters strongly deny that this tardy mnovo
has been dictated by any Indication fronu
time Unitemi States governrnpnt , El Imparclal ,
El Corrco and other papers scout time Idea
that any Spanish cabimict couiml accept the
American president's offer o mediate-that
would arouse time uusceptlhiiltmes of time Span-
lab people against their rulers.
'Fiirl. IsiNist lie Is Ittsjioiismihmle foP
iie 'I'roimlIepm iii A'miieiilml ,
CONSTANTINOI'LII , Aprli 18.-Telegraiiis
fromn Iiitlis , eastern 'rurkey , state that tIme
lmouses of Rev. George I' . Knapp and 11ev.
Royal M. Cole , mnssionariemm ! of tIme American
hoard of Foreigmo Missions of Boston , have
been blockaded by time Turkish government
and that theIr servants have miot been iii-
losved to go and caine frommi the niarkotmm ,
On Marcim 15 orders were given by the
Turkish govcrnmiient reqimiring timat they anti.
their famIlies mmhmouid all leave flitl's by time
southern route , Time rcaci.s were timen imn-
passable. Time missionaries lmcmsrtlly acknowh-
edgeil tIme activity of Mr. Johmn W , Itimbhim. ' ,
thio United States charge d'affa'res , in secur-
lag time nuliiflcatlomm of time order isammad
March 26 , as exclusively announced by ( lie
Associated press , for time expulsion of Mesrs ,
Knapp arid Cole amid timeir famnil'es and ( tie
zeal of Sir l'bmihip Currie , tue hiritisim mini-
bassador , In supporting Mr. Riddle's do-
mmianmls. Sir Pimillim Curnie toid tIme Turkish
minister for fnrogn ! affairs that the Amen-
can missionaries co-operated witim Great
Britain In time datnibution of relief , anil
tibat lie would blot 500 tlmem dnis'cn away ,
It. is further learned timat on Febmuary 27
fifty-seven Armnenian prisoners at ihithia wore
released , after being confined , imiot of them ,
four snontims. Witim few exceptions , all were
lerhiii men , Anions tileni svamm time oldest
and foremost Armnuiian Proteatant , Ills
brotimer and son , who was time bmeml teacher
in the boys' Imigil school of time American
board , vero both killed and for four months
imo had not been allouved to ECU hiie family.
He was time only one wimo could not ho forced
to sigmm time address of thanksgiving to time
sovereign , saying that the only th'mig ' lie
could express liimiwclf as thmnnkful for was
Gmat the rest of them imad nut .becn killed ,
When timcy wore released and were called
upon to pray for time long life of time sultan
with cimoors , ime kept silent , saying that his
beast was broicen and that lie could not join.
The depositions that imavo been made
against 11ev , George I' , Knapp charge him
with imavng ! planned and led an attack upon
tile mosque ; with lmavlng used time reboot
lell for giving signale for ( ho attack and
that on October 26 , 1895 , ime was responsible
for time slaughter of 500 or more people anti
for time plunder of thousands of lines' worth
of property train time markets of llitiii ,
A timely telegram fronm tile United States
maiimister , Mm' , Alexander W , Terrohl , a few
weeks ago , saved bini froimi being forcibly
seized and cast into prison.