Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE OMAIIADA1LY ] 3fl1 : iritiDAt , Arairi 17 , 189th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ob uf Getting BoBn's Books in Evidenc
About Done ,
tLt1Iflfle4l ( ) , iI iItI LefpreIf , I
$ PIII IIsIrIeM In Czi.Ii Houk-Titsie
of Cit ) CntiiIn'ew \I1
'I'ikeit Uft.
'the trial f Henry bun on the ti ygo C
trnbezzllng $115,000 ot city und while OCCI
ylng the omce of city treasurer continuc
to be uII anti uninteresting , being conflflc
entirety to the IdentIt1caLon of the recoti
of the 0111cc In crder to got the mime in cv
dence. TctInony of tia ) 3dnd Iia take
up the entire time of the tHai Inco Iuea
morning , atul there still remain several bo
containing Jetter.prcs copies of nbstract
varrauts % 1iIch will be Identificti and hi
traduced by the county attorney. V'hettie
tbcze will be followed by the It1etIflCatIO
anti introduction ot a large number o othc
recorils o the chico baR not been c'i ! rmlne
by the proectitlon. As it reuit of the dry
ness of this icinti of evIdence , the court reel
proented a desortoti appearance yesterday
there iielng no spectators except the reguin
jury panel waltng ! to be called to serre I
some of the court rooms , anti a few wit
ECE4SCS , sumnioned to appear In ! 13o11
case , and who drop in to ee when they wll
be called.
The defense , In accordance with an ar
iounccinent made when the trial starteti , ft
trotiuced another omcal reporter In the ens
yesterday In the person of Chance Pear
sail. court reporter for the Eleventh dtstrlcl
'with iieadquarter at Cohirnbu' . M. Pear
eall will make a full report of the proceed
tngs for the use of the derense.
At the opening at court tile cross.examtna
tton of E. \'uotiirleii Wfl9 commenced. H
testIfied that his dutlea , alde traIn keepln ,
the Journal , to which ito tettt1etl WednesIay
Included making abstracts , .if rcicqlpts. I
this latter work he was mctImes aC3IStC
by other clerks. whom lie nanetl. One a
tli clerics who had c aillsted bun was J
N. Wino. Tito witness acknowledged tha
sorIou mistakes eonlettmes occurred In thes
nb9tracti. end said that his attention hai
been called to one mistake of $10,000. Ii
response to a dIrect quention , tile wltnes
said thIs mistake lied been made y J. N
\VIee , anti , in reply to further qncstLns. salt
this wa the Sante man who had been em
1)lOye ( as en expert to cheek up the book
of tli treasurer's ollico.
\Vllliain Schwarlck , anoihor bookkeepe
nodor hahn , was the next witnes& lie Iden
tItled the entrice made in the journals whlci
Fend htui tetlf1ed to having been made b
The county attorney then ofrcre. In cvi
ikoco the journals covering helm's entir
administration , the dctone objecting on
numbEr of technical grounds , and also oi
thu ground that a portIon at the record re
iatctl t041 period marc than three years be
fore the commencement of this caec. Thi
objections wert. overruled cod the books ad
mltted in evidence.
George V. Ilclbrook was cniled and teatt
fled that lie lied been employed In the treas
¼ t5rcr's office during the ulret six months o
hahn's adinintstriltion. A portloit of lilt
work , ho tetetified. had been to keep tiit
"banic balance book. " He Identified the en
tries In this book during the i.lx months tiC
waif enipioycd In the office as having hoer
iiiade by iiIm'clf. On cross-examil lion lit
testified that entries in this book wore math
from deposit siip viiich were made In duplI.
cate In tue omee showing depoelts made ii
the varloliti banks , ndi also from the itubt
of check bonito , showing withdrawals. lit
tied no lcnowledci of withdrawals being math
on check" other than those in the otfict
check books.
On re-direct Holbrook testified th . he cc
cacionally made entries of withdrawals froni
certificates of deposit. On re-arose-examine.
tien lie said that he made the certtflcatc ot
t1cpoiIts froni Information given iitni by
Iiollii or Coulter , but never verified the cash
E. J. Wuethrich was recalled end identtfleti
tue entriec in the bank blilanco 1lce as
having been made by hlmselt from no time
tstlfled by Hothrook until mliii went out a !
office. On cross-examInatIon lie testified that
ho had made tue entrIes In the balance
hooks from tire b3nk deporit hoolca and from
the stubs to the check booki. . The banic bl.
none bookii were introduced In evidence , the
usual objections being suede by the do.
William Schwarlclc was recalled and testl.
fled that ho hail kept tue ledgers during
l3oiln's admInistration. lie Identified the
tedgoru imooct In the office ( luring that perIod
as having been kept by him. The ledgers
flero Introduced In evidence , the usual objections -
jections being made by tue defense.
Jerome IC. Coulter , deputy treasurei during
Balm's Incumbency , was called. lie testified
to having rondo entrtc.s in tue cash beaks ,
and was excuecti without cross-oxaintnattori.
Irarry U. Ceirosnian , second deputy under
I3oiin , was the next vltnes. He testIfied
on the cause hue as Coulter , and on cross-
examInatIon saul that mi nioney va paid
out , In the regular course of buslneri except
ti varraiits , but tic admitted that It lied been
Ctistoiiiai'y to advance money to city employee
without warrant9 , and also to refund taxet
wrongfully PattI upon tire surrender of' the
recetpt and without warrants.
O'car F. lcuiiiiif , a clerk in the treasurer's
ofilco during Iiolins Incumbency , testified to
having made a few entrico in tire cash book.
Tire sixteen cash books. which ii d beeii
Identified by cii attaches 'it the trbasurer's
ofilee who had 1110110 eritrloc In them , were
tir n Introduced In evidence.
At time afternoon eselnn Thomas Swoho
was called to tire samnl ; to. identity the entries -
tries made in tire cash ltook Iiiilriie'olf after
ho wits itilt In charge of the trtusurer's office
by iiolIns bondenieri when. the tact that
somethIng vas wrong iroil treen discJ .crecl.
George \V. lioltiroole vas recalled to l'lerr-
thy tue critrlei tim tire ' 'abstract of warrants
books" riiaiie by imlrir during tile tlnio ho was
eruployetl Iii the treasurers otilee.
\Villiarri ciivurJclc web recalled to itleit.
tify nit entries in the aiistract of 'var-
rants books as havIng been made by him
cxciiiit as testified to by hicibrook.
Tire entire afternocmn was taken up by
tins kInd of , testimony , anti at. time imotmr of
ahjournhlermt % tile county attorney said lie hail
Introthirced alt the records lie imitendeti to
bring trite time case for tire iresont arid would
put ixpertVettilng on tire stand th first
tirIng tins niorotmig. 'l'ire county attorney
'xpeats to doveiep the facto In time ease very
rapIdly now that ho hia tire. records In cvi.
deuce , arid iromiites sonic Interesting teriti-
moriy during the remaInder t tire trial ,
Tire trIal of ilciivy ihoiirt promises to ho a
tirormi in t Ire stile of soWo of tue heads of
niurileiltal departmnerrtir arm aceetmnt of tire comm.
ttriual eicmnantis for time services of cmii-
hiloycs as vitnesses. Iii time cIty treasurer's
chico It has been found airriost impossible
to do business during tiicr past fcv days on
tins account. Chief Clerk Fearl aol Clerks
hittnthhauer and Coimmririiam have been corn-
pelied to put In a good deal of their time
In court , while now that demmianris for state-
rimemits of taxes are begInning to comiio in
time ( till force is Insufltclemit to transact tue
busIness of the 0111cc. Cormiptroller West-
berg Is also embarrassoi by tue absence of
Mr. V''olthlrig ' , who has been rirucit in de-
niand as a vitneu.
lulls. ROS.t I.IYY StJlSFOlt lMAGCS
hr mu l'etitiou Slic flt'cltcr , it Loug 'I'rihe
ofVoe ,
Mmt , . Rein Levy has commenced suit in tire
ditrict court aaimist the South Oma ¼ a SayIngs -
Ings bank and H , 0. hioatwiek for $ lOQOO
in the petition flied in the ease the hilalntttf
shieges timat Noycmber 0 , last year , two
mi1en acting as agents of the bank antI Host-
wick , forctbiy entered her residence in South
Omaha and attempted to eject her from the
prenilsea. She charges that they tlrvcw her
ripen tle floor with great force , tntirIng her
about tim back an brandished what lookeul
to her to be a Iuge ax , She ay tiie ) then
threw her out of th boue , ehiutting time
dOLr quickly in euh a. mariner as catch
hcr dree.s and tear It completely o ( . Hxj1Iiig
3ilui verson to the lmoyrhlu3 mob wUeL .tim3
- .
congregated In the vicinity , &ttracted hi hei
ThIs hiapi'enetl on a very cold day , tb
Plaintiff Informs the cerirt , and she con
tracteti a serious iilneeis by rearn of tin
exposure , anti In addition siws says that hii
stiffereti great bodily Injury by the tong )
handling she teceIvcd and has been grentI
mortIfied flflt scandalIzed by the notorIet
and exposure to which she was subjected.
1)IC1lll ) IN PAOiL ( ) Ji' TIIll C1T
. .ltnr3i'ourcl EintitI'nsememmj 1LiM Ac
corn I rig to Con Intel.
The city came out victorious on the mali
pont.a in tire case brought by Met' . Sabini
Wakeiey to evade payment of the specla
taxes levied agaInst tue property at th
northcast corner of Nineteenth and Call
fornia streets to pay for the wooden bioci
pavement lain on Nneteenth : strCct. Th
main ground on which tire plaintiff reie !
was tire claim that the pavement was no
until In accordance with the specifications Ii
the contract , In that the material used In tb
pavement was not "sound. ilve vbto cedar. '
commonly known fl cypress , but. was dent
timber , rotten and taterscaiccd wimen it va
laid. Tiis ! question of fact was tried to
jury In eqimlty court No. 6 before Judg
I'oweii Tin , jury , nftCr being omit two days
returned a verdIct to the effect that thi
Pavement had been laIn in accordance wIti
tire terms of the contract and specifications
There still remairr to be tietermine1 severn
gliestlcris relating to ( Ito proceedings of tiii
council in levying the tax and question :
of a slnmiiar nature which relate to this tine
tlcuiar laverilent amid tax , but Assistant Cit
Attorney Istchie Is satisfied in having vor
the Point in the ease riiIclr Involved tlit
taxes levied for the Itaymerit for all of thu
wcotlcn biccic pavenient in tue city. Thesu
taxes anootrurt to iiitnthreds of tiiorisanil o
dollars. Mr. Fsteiio says that if tue poln
rondo by Judge Waiteiey hati been decidet
against the city It wouid have resuited Is
throwing all of these taxes union tire city a
large anti uouid hare caused hundreds 0
iavsu liii.
'This velict. ' ' eaki Mr. Estelie , "arnoumti
to just tins : The jury his pactlcaiiy sak
to tire hoopla riio itetitioned for voodex
blocks nr.ui got them , You . got jest vima1
you i1skeJ for and If you were fooiisb enoug
to think a cireap liavement would inst jusi
as long as a good one you got fooled ant
will have to stniirl the consequences. '
I'eifct iMdoin
Would give mmii perfect henith. Because mci
and women are not perfectly wise they mus
take niedicinea to keep themsehves perfecti3
hoifhy. . Pure , rich blood i tire bacis o
iootl boaTfir. Hood's Sarsupariiia is the Urn
True Blood Purifier. It glvee heaith becaus ,
It builds tip on the true fouridation-purt
Hood's Pius are purely vegetable , perfectih
harmless. always r'iiabie anti beneficial.
Samuei Burns announces three ( lays mOre
rr time anniral toict et sale , 1.S8 , 2.SS ,
forineriy $3.00 , 5.OO , 6.OO.
A. L. Deane & Co. , 1116 Fai-nam street ,
sell tue Union-the strongest wheel made ,
You'lt say co If ypu take time to oxanitruc
it. Cash or easy payments.
"l'lc Ovurlitmnri 1tntttctl"
Is the fasteat train out of Omahaani1 car
ties the finest equipment of any line in thc
west. Tickets via the UNION PACIFIC carl
be secured at 1302 Farnani street.
There Is No Ciirminge
In the running time of the Ilurhington's
"Vestiburicel Flyer. "
It still leave Omaha at : OO p. mn.-etlll
arrives in Chicago at 8:20 : a. m.-stlli carries
a-ia-carte dining care , elegant chair cars
and the finest sleepers Pullman ever built-
situ ! runs over the easiemut anti smoothest
track West of tire Great Lakes-still offers
the best eervico that money can buy or cx-
perience provide.
Tickets , time tables. berths , etc. , at City
Ticket Office , 1502 Farnarn street. -
'Csturitlcs's Gold.
Sent upon receipt ot six cents in stamps
to cover cost of maIling.
-Tho following summer pubhicatIonsFflE.
'SO1JTH PARK and the ALPINE pAss :
uTffl CANONS of the ROCKIES. "
Issued by passenger department of the
Gulf Road and the South Park Line. Address -
dress II. I.e. Wincheli , General Pasoangor
Agent , Denver Cole.
lroimiitl Guilty ofVloliiI1mmg tire Gar-
bitsc Orliirnimce.
The case against Epiiralin Meek , who was
ciiargol with illegally hauling garbage on
Marcir 17 , was called ln lOiiCO
court yesterday. Meek lives at 2008
Cuntng street. Ito has a famIly con-
sieting of a wife and seven eblidren , two of
whom are in arms. lie has been unable to
timid work this winter. and rather than see
his faintly atarve , he hn earned a few
pennies by hauling ashes.
Meek Was arreuted because lie hatried ashes
iron tire residence of Mrs. Silver , 702 North
NIneteenth street. Tire ashes wore banked
abciit the house during the winter , and sonro
stocd In a barrel In tire back yard. Mealc removed -
moved tire ashes to lila wagons and his sonru
hauled them to the island.
Tire witnesses for the prosecution werc
Grrrbago Master MacDonald , Garbage Officer
l'ete Miutea and Frank Shields , who Is Mac- .
Donald's collector. MacDonald was called to
show that lie lied riot granted Meek a permit -
mit to haul garbage. The other witnesses
swore that they lrad examined the contents
of the ioad which Meek bad lulled on time
wagon. They testified that it. consisted of
garbage , that Is , of potatce parings , lemon
peeulngs. broken glass. tIn cans and decayed
vegetable matter ,
Thii testimony was flatly contradicted by
Mrs. Silver anti Mocic. In anewer to a question -
tion , the former stated that. there was positively -
tively no garbage about liar premIses , arid
hat Meek lint ! hauled only ashes arid cinders.
lceic said that ho liati carried off no garbage ,
Lire only timIng ( lint could be called such being
a solitary tin can. Fattier Williams of St.
I3arnabas church etrengtlierreil this testimony
by swearing that lie hail frequently iiase'cii
tiirommgh tro' . Sliver's yard and bad seen
Luotiilng hurt ashes in it ,
The city prosecutor failed to show that
teek hiai imauieil tue loath away hlmeeif , al-
Lhotigii In the information be was cliargoti
with tiolrrg so. It ras shown that two boys ,
uvho were aoiis of Meek , drove oft with the
cad and deimoelted it on the island.
Dring. tjio course of ( lie trial the attor-
ey for \ieelc atteinptctl tu show ( list Mac.
Donald failed to respond to calls to remove
aragtt arid ashee because lie had an in-
tuilicleint force of men anti trains to do so
mod tirnt therefore cttizeos were compelled
0 leave refuse lyltmg op their premises until
iac1)onaltl got ready to rerr.vo It , Objection
vita runUp to ( iris and sustained by tim court.
Meek was fined $1 arid costa on eatii of
ire two coriiphaints.
The rosy fresiiness , and a velvety softness
If tIre skin Is invariably obtained by those
rho use l'azzonl'mr Complexion Powder ,
4 . p
SlitiI WO snd you an excee4iiiy pretty
ie booie art Manhour. Colorado's beautiful
esort ?
It Ij charmingly written erich profusely
liustrated ; Issued by ( be passenger depart-
nent of the Denver & Gulf Railway , end ab-
oiutely free upon application to 13 , L.
\'tuchOli , General Passenger Agent , Denver ,
SI ; 1' . N.
. STEAM 1t1A'rED ,
, Ciricgo ,
. . Limited ,
. 'via the
. 'I lufllwaukee. "
F. A. Nash , gcneral agent ; George Ilaynes.
Ity lsaseper agent ; city ticket sUite , 1501
'atnaul street.
_ .IJ. .
Ai.irl * 21st , 1OO ,
To poInts ott th2 1eceth0n , jlkbotn & ) Hs
ouriaIioy rW1oad In Nebtaska , irc1udin
oltite in tbo1ppz' portIon or the tetillo Elk-
era river valtcl.
Ask agents for particulars , or' sand to ths
udersigned tom : nmapssnd . printed matter.
I. P. / . . , Ii' , , I'Duba
Oompany Malcea a Vo1intiry Reduction c
25 Per Ocut. .
Smile PItCIN About Omonlmns Commiimrtsi
nnni ll F'rnnie1mlsimrcrcnNc In
the Coismminintioik of
GriN ,
The heads of familIes In Omaha who rc
gard the monthly gas bIlls as a burden wIl
have occasion for self.coniuratuintion who
they recelvo their April statements.
The Omaha Gas Manufactnirlng comnpan
has riecitled on a 25 vcr cert reductIon i :
tiio price of gas to all consumers. It is not
In effect and the hills which become payabl
May 1 wIll be computch en the basis of tin
reduction. The iirosent rate Is $1.70 per 1,00
feet , wIth 10 cents oft for cash. The net
price Is $1.45 , with tirci caine discount , whtc ]
niakcs the net price to the conounoer i.3
per 1,000 feet ,
President Frank Murphy of the gas corn
pany calls attention to ( lie fact that thi
reduction is purely voluntary on ( lie par
of the company. Tire tclsthig ordinance pro
vides tat the company tony charge $1.60 pe
1,000 feeL until the conetmmilption of gas. cx
ceeds 200,00U,000 feet annually. Although ( ii
Present consumption falls simort of this html
by nearly 40,000,000 feet , the. company lie
decided to melee a radIcal cut at thh time
makIng the cost of all gas the lImIt Indicate ,
by the ordinance for fuel gas , winch Is $1.35
Wlilio there rice one or ttt large clUe :
whtre the price of gas Irt as low as $1 or
account ofactive competition , tire reduction :
that have beeii effected during the existencu
of the Omaha company are better apprecIator
by hooking at the prices whIch the prevlou :
generation vas cornpelioil to pay. In 186 :
the price of gas in Orriaha was $5 per 1tl3l
feet. Ill 1877 it was reduced to $3 , where I
rcnialncd tmntll 1883 , Whre It war. , rlecreaer
to $2.50. Three or four years after the extru
iralf-rioilar was knocked oft arid the prici
rcmnalnetl at . $2 until the $130 rate went int
The Omaha Gao Manurtucturing companl
vae organIed In 1867 nod received a twenty
five-year franchise fron the , city ; subject t
such reasonable restrictIons as might ho tm
posed as the cost of nirtiufacture becaini
cheapeiied. This fraiichi're was praitlcalll
exclusive in its nature. The L'ate constitu
tion knocked out the monopoly by the pro
vision that no exclueve fruunchlsea rultoulti b
granted in the streets of any city In Nebraska
braska , and for sonic years repeated attenipti
were made by outside capitalists to breal
into tile field previously enjoyed ox
elusively by thro local concern. Tin
United Gas Improvement company , which
was composed of Philadelphia capitalists
entered the arena In 1883 , and finaill
eacured a thirty-year franchise. Thu
was rctrictcd , however , by the corrditionr
that the maximum prieo to consumers sitonit
not eicceed $2 , rind that gat for all publk
buIldIngs , including school houses , aimould he
furnIshed at $1.25 per 1 000 feet. It war
also provided that thio city mIght purchiasc
( ho plant at any time after the expiration ol
fifteen Years.
The local conr.pany macIc euch a determined
fight against the neW concnm that th Phil
adeiphia people finally agreed to a cornS
promise , by which they purhaseJ a large
amount of thin stock of the local company
at a liberal price. Tire result was that the
thirty-year franchise was never accepted and
thto gas buelnesa of the cIty rcmainz under
( lie nominal control of the local organization
to this day.
The Nebraska and Kansas Gas arnilleat-
ing company obtained a franchica in Omaha
in 1887. but lcwao so hedged about by re
etrictions that ft ivaa' never accepted. Tire
council made It bligatory on the newborn -
pany to furnish gas to private conurners
for illuminating purposes for $1.25 , and to
the city for $1 , while tlio maximum price of
fuel gas was fixed at 75 cents.
The Nebraska Gas Fuel' ' company obtaIned
a forty-year franchise In 1888 , but. as the
company was unwilling to make any guar-
airtees there were never any practical results.
The twenty-five year franchise of the
Oriiaha Gas Manufacturing company cxpiret
in 1803 , but the company continued to fur.
nisir gao at the old prhccm for severalmontha.
Finally an ordinance was introduced in the
city council and railroaded through on the
following evening , which granted a franchise
for fifty years on conditions that were die- ,
covered to be extremely unfavorabie to the
: lty. The Bee at cnce calicO attention to ( lie
weakness of the proposed ordinance and the
Dommercial elib and other business organl-
rations led in insisting on an amendment.
Fhrt agitation resulted in the ubstitution of
Lire present ordinance , which was agreed
Lo by all parties concerned , paeaecl by the'
ouncIl and signed 'by Mayor Hernia.
The increase in the consumption of gas to
rome extent indicatee the dveiopment of
ire ciiy. In 1880 the total annual coneump-
Ion \yao only 10,000,000 cubic feet. In 1894 :
Ire aggregate am ount of gas sold for all
urposcs wan 155,103,789 and in 1805 the
otal reached 161,214,470. With tue
rdditional reduction in the price
intl the Increased use of fuel gas
t Is expected that ( lie consumption tvill reach
iose to tiio 200,000,000 mark at the end of
ho present year.
It's just as easy to try' One Minute Cough
niro aim anythIng else , It's easier to cure a
revere cough or cold with It. Let your next
) urcliaee for a cougir ho One Mlhuto Cough
Jute. Dotter medicIne ; better results ; bet-
er try It.
It ) hours Saved ,
Second class passengers fr San Francisco
'Ia ' the UNION PACIFIC now save ten
rouro time. "Time is nioney. " Buy your
ickets via "The Overhand ltoute. "
City Ticket omce , 1302 , Faroam street.
ritIltLs'Ott' A 111I5311'l'fll ) CDUI'l.II.
Irs , Dmmssler lhr E-itmtM-
intuit Arrested.
A few of tinc trIals of a inismated married
ouplo are to be aired in pollco court , A
arrant has been ieued for iie arrest of
'aui Dassier , The complaint is Emma
) aesler , who charges that Dassler- store a
Louseful of provisions from irer.
It appears that the couple formerly lived
Iowa , whicro they were recently divorced.
iiolr property was divIded , Mrs , Dassier
ays ( lint her husband got tine ilon'u hiare ,
ut not caring to stir up any more trouble
lie removed to thIs city with her portion
f the furniture and toolo up her abode at
620 Davenport street.
She says that yesterday Dassler came to
ire cityand caused a writ of replevln to be
usued for alt of ( hid furniture. Tins wrIt
as served , Dassler , however , diii not zip-
oar to be satisfied with getting the furni-
ure , but comitig across a quantity of pro-
islonir , seized tiieso dnd carried thorn away.
'Ireso ' prpvislons vero not mentioned in tire
at of property in the writ of replevin aqd
tassler is to be atteatod on tire charge of
aving stoherr them ,
QItTII OMAIt.tCi1Oftjl SUCIlii'I'Y ,
'titans for Enmlertztinilm.g at TrInritV
Metironlist ( Irmnrlm.
The Epwortui League of tue Trinity Metlmo-
ist church iras completed arrangements for
a second aurmniai srIea p entertainments ,
Inch will be given at tire clrurch on the
veninigs of April 17 , 24 and May' 1. An
apecia effort lies beeq made to furolair cmi-
rtatnnenta o a high order , and the pro-
rams indicate that the obje svill be ful-
lied , The first ontertainniemit will be an
aster concert by tue North Omhha Oborat
ctety , under the direction of Mr. II. II.
'cdgo. Thu sIngers are : Misses Campion ,
lns , Wedo and Mrz. Schram , Miss Frapcea
oeder , Mr. Wedge toad Mr. Higgins , TJi
rogram Iflcluties sehncione trpmn the most
leasing eaccd compositi9a , arramoed as
lo ; 1ueta. trioe and choruses.
On tire evening of April 24Y , T' . Ourloy
'ill dehivem , hits. lecturbon "Orators and Ore-
aty , " and the series wilt conclude with a
rand concert by Hans Albert , violinist ; Don
ong. pIanist ; ? flas Zutlema Fuller , reader ,
ad the.Elks' . quartet
It not. only relieves ; it does more , It cures.
Ve efar 'to Qae MInute Cough cure. Suit.
I'LA1Jl ) 1 ( OMAIIn. tiAY YflAltf4 AG
Mrs. Jean ClurywnIter TOIkM Of it
4)lrt nitty Iiuae.
MrD , 3cm Clara iWzters , who Wednesrla
sIght took a ieadIngperL in Nat GoodwIn'
play , "Ambition , " Whllh woe on at floyrl'i' , I
not only ' 1an oiil OmnahfavorIte , " but is one
tht , few members ml limo hlptriuilc profoasic
who played before , atiflienccs In thIs cIty
quarter of a centuryio.
"Toe , been a 'long time ago since
used to play In Ommmairas sIngle theater , " sal
Mrs. Walters tn a Bee reporter
as sins pointed -sver to the Caldwe
block on Douglas trnot. "It. wa there ( hi
I ilIti my first bIt of mrctIng In Omaha. TIns
toll me that tine piaco has degenerated tnt
a low-grade music hail now. Still. I don
know but that I shall hrayo to rtrl In an
take a peep at It betoro leaving the city jui
to revive old memories.
"I was connbctetl wIth 1iat old place ft
five years. We lied a stock cornpniry arid
played in almost cverytiimng from 'Macbeti
( loWsi to 'Uncle Toni's CabIn. ' I don't ii
roeniber just what name the place went b
I thInk it was simply known as tiie theater
That wan neary twentyl.five years agu
Oniahia has chetigeti greatly during the ii
tervai amid the progreo it has made Is slmpi
wonderful , It seonis to me. I remiioniber Tli
flee very distInctly and even when in oths
parts of the country have read it wIth
great deal of pienatmee. Those were tiio ( ia
when hicriry M , Stanley used to write for fir
paper. "
Mrs. Walters nientioned tue names of man
of Ornauna's old-time citlsens , some of tvhot
arc still living , and inquired particularl
after themVlrai n.tlccii Wiretliei- sue ahioul
take ( lie trip to Atnatrahla tini snnmnner wIt
Nat Goodwin iiu replIed : "I haven't linli
made nip my mind about that. Mr. Goodwl
wants me to and ire says It will be a nlc
tray of ependinig thin stnrnmer , But. ire is
good sailor cud I'm riot ; tinere's ( ho differ
once. Jtnst thInk , it. wotilti be a four t'coin
trip there arid another four weeks' trip bac
agaIn , anti these eight Weeka on the write
for tue stke of playing a twelve weeks' ol
gagomctnt do notstrlleerno favorably at all ,
W'lneii 'I'rnveiizrg ,
Whether on pleasure bent , or business , taken
on eVery trip a bottle of Syrimp of Figs , as I
acts most pleasantly and cffectuaily on tim
kidneys , liver and bowels , preventing fevers
headaches , 011(1 ( other forms of sickness
For sale In 50-cent antI $1 bottles by al
lending druggi.ts. Manufactured by cue Cal
ifornfa Fig Syrup Ccn'pumn oiy ,
$60.00 buys a $100.00 bIcycle at .t. L
Deane & Co.'s , 1116 Farnain street. .
1302 FARNAM ST. is theUNION PAChFI (
City Ticket Office.
AC'FiVl'VY I ] mUlt.mIcG CIlur
Several Pmirtivi'r 1'reninIiig It ) Hrt'e
Costly Sti'melnres Ilm tsr Seirsoir.
All the Indications point to a conelderabi
boom in building operations during the corn
tog season.
The April buIldIng permits aggregated $40 ,
000 , as compared with a total of $36,000 fo :
tire corresponding month of last year. 1
number of extensive Improvements are nov
'Il prospect. The four-story brick flats a
Twentieth and Fnrrram .rtreeta , which hart
been under conederation for some time , art
now aesinreul. Gecrgc , iH Payne , wIno is act
lug am , agent for eastern Investors , has ro
celved word that 'the plans have been .p
provej and' a handeomno structure , costini
$40,000 , will nocir be un course of erection
Pidns haVe beau for a similar buiidtn1
cnu.Harney streettujuet. cast of thdquarter
of the Metropolitan club. Thib will aiso hot
four-story bride , oarranged In flats , amid thin
cost wili ho tine tame as tIre' Farnarn atreel
buildinig. Mide tfrom thesa Improvements
which are raid ate lie practically aeaured
plans am-c. trndertconnit1erntton for the erec
tion of several dther. substantial otructure
In the business flistrict.
SIlnJt.'Mo'.rd Mrsl'heI5s .tjij ti Yloicit I
. - . . titInuner.
Tha members. of Plagab Baptist church ,
Thirteenth and Jackoon streots.twcro treated
to abit. tif excitement durIng n : revival meet.
Ing at.u thG qrurcb Wednesday night.
Mrs : Eheips , tvlfe of David Phelps , porter
in aclothrhng ibtore , tools air flcttvo part in
tiie services , and as the spIrit moved her
sue threw tier arms wildly above her head.
Mrs. Covington was sitting near and acci-
dentallyr'got within range of the rapidly re-
volving. arms of Mres. Phrelps. Sbei'rogretted
this a moment later , for one of Mrs. Phelps'
fists struck hoc upon the nose , breaking it.
Tlio wildest confusion reigned for a short
tinic , as It was thought the asoault was Ia-
tentiorral. Blood flowed freelyTlio Injured
woman was conveyed to a carriage and talcen
to her home at 1306 Caira street. where shc
was attended by a physician. The services
at the church came to an abrupt termlna-
( ion. _ _ _ _ _ _
limIter Sells , nrt IL 1ow. l'nice ,
AccordIng to the statements of local merchants -
chants , there neverwas a tmo In the history -
tory of Omaha when butter could be purchased -
chased at as how a figure a. now , The very
best separator creamery butter Is selling at
20 cents per pouod retaIl , put up in one-
pound bricks , There may have been times
tvhcro solid. packed sold at this figure , but
bricks put up especially for table use have
always commanded money. flutter , 111cc
moot till other commodities , Is selling low in
iii sections of the country ,
. CrrIIe zrmnI tIne Grave.
The following births and deaths were reported -
ported at the hoa'th office during the twenty-
our hours. ended at noon yesterday :
l3irthu-Swan Slmonson , 619 flees street ,
boy ; George Cathroe , 424 Center , twin boys ;
L. itt , Hummel , ' 1706 North Twentieth , girl.
Deaths-Mrs. Rose Schraver , 41 , 2220
. .eavenworth. suicide , interment at Rock
siandIll , ; Mrs. Zarah Tuttle , 68 , 1308
orth Twenty-fourth , ireart disease , Pros-
iect HIll ; Harry lilaley , 24 , 2826 North
'wcntythtrd.Forest Lawn ; Sophia G.
Vorm , 54 , 1016 Davenport , Forest Lawn ,
lie Turmteii ,
"RIght facei Left face ! About face ! "
The little fat red-faced sergeant bawied
ut his orders , says Harper's Rounti Tab1e
md watcireti the lIne of feet as the raw re-
ruits endcavorerl to follow them out. To
us astonishment , one pair of feet , more no-
Iceahie en account 1f their extra largo size ,
mover turned , Withiout taking his eyes off
hose foot , the iittlo sergeant bawled out a
econd order , "About face ! " lie could see
hat all tbmo feet except those ho watched
.umrned In obedicnce flushing up to , the
rwmmer , a little. fellow , Ire seized him by the
boulder , shoutlng"Why don't. you turn with
he rest ? "
"Why , I did , " ephIed tine tremblIng re
did , cii ? Wttl , I watcbed your Teat
rid they never
"It's the shoes tkeyavo me , sir , ' said time
roor fellow. "Tfwye so largo that when I
urn my feet turns inthem , "
Minion I'ulieia ICrinrt Mint ters.
Chiriries Snear , utflOyear-old runaway boy ,
faa arreate(1 last Zlgbt by ( lie police at time
equest of the moWet , Mrs. Emily Cole of
loosen ,
A. E. Woodrlng , .a. resIdent of Fremnont ,
a reported thatrho was robbed of 7.50
y some woman ion the Ak-Stir-lien music
all on Douglas ztot ias ( night ,
J , B. Ilemaworiti i f Neola , Ia. , baa tele.
raphed ( lie pqlicnioor this city to hold on
tarry hiennsworflt it ire falls into theIr
iutches. I-larry iaaniiippoaed to be a runway -
way boy. _
tniie of 'iaar Work l'hissrt.
The rcadvcrtlzemeflt of the foreclosure sale
t tire water works appears in The Morn-
g lies , ThIs provides that II. S. Dundy ,
r , , ; of the circuit court
f tue United States , sbahi , on May 16 , 1890 ,
t 10 o'clock on tim mourning thereof , at thi
eat door of the Douglas county court house ,
Oil this prpperty at. guiction , The ucceasfui
hider must pay $50,000 In cash and the e -
mainder ip cash , bonds an1 coupoas , secured
. I.
y mortgage.
Misrrinigas License ,
PermIts to veii have been issued by the
ounty jutlke to time following parties ;
ramo tnd ) ( e3pee. Age.
'rank Palrntag , Sarpy county , Nebraska II
, tnnUa pilion , Ilehlevue , flee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
'r ti flechei , Dougip.s county , Nebraska , .
oIa Btuhr , Pougias county , Nebraska , , ,
'red Oeldemann , Omaha . , . , . . . , , , , . , , , . ' . . 26
fury lJohnicnstlngl , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 25
rthum' Moran , South h. , . , . . , , , . . . . . . 26
; ry J. Q'Dnneli , 4outh
t t tt ithtf t4 bt
. Ilco , April iT , hi&
; $ Take a "Peek. "
t&f If you arc looking for a Spring Suit takc a peck in ,
- our east window and you will see thirty separate exampics -
of the kind of buying which we have bccn making so
t1 niuch talk about of late. Never before have thirty suits
- - been placed in a window , which have caused so much - -
& comment or given so much pleasure to people who find
themselves iii the prevailing fashion of wearing McKin-
- & - - Icy badges In their buttonholes as an indication that they -
are in need of a little change. The highest priced suit in
tf the window is marked $15.00 and the lowest priced is
- - - marked $4.25 , and there are some marked $5.00 , $5.50 , -
c _ $ s.s , $6.00 and $730 that are a revelation to people
.tc who thought "The Nebraska" struck bottom on prices
- - - last year , There is one suit marked $6.00 iii that window -
: dow that some people are foolish enough to pay $ 1 0,00 f
for 1n other stores , and there is a suit marked $7.50 that a
- - great many dealers wouLd be g ad to buy at wholesale
for less than a ten dollar bill. There is also a suit
. 4if marked $8.00-but the best way to do is to look in the
- - window , and you will find the door not many steps away -
f _ and INSIDE the door is where the suits are for sale.
! 7'/osc $ 'O1.OO 11'O/'S1'e Suits We spiie abouf I/ic of/icr
c d j' i 1C stilt on sale and they are . .slt war/li fl/teen gelkt kt %
- ; : lars of aufl.ifl'S CaSh. ,
"Mr& ' . I'omidorhury'a Past , " founded a
"Madam Itiorigodirm" by Charles Ihurnard
Tlio London Punch , will be produced by Stii
ert Robson at Boyd's theater tonight , tim
engagement continuing during Saturday wit
maurice performance at 2 o'clock. "Madar
Morigodini" for three successive years Os
lighted the gay PanIslaitu , and Mr. flurnard'
version is flow givinrg pleasure to Londo
theatergoers , anl tIre foreign successes tier
duplicated at tire Garrick theater , New Yorl
where Mr. Robson played for four weeks
the capacity of the theater. TIre America
productIon is said to be sttperior to ( lie drib
orate ones of Englamiul and France , as Ni
Roban ha provided mnagnflcemit scc.riery an
an excellent cast. The role of Pontlerbury I
suited to Mr. Robson's peculiarities an
abundant opportunities are afforded hint fo
clever comniedy work. In act I he Is the sub
mlosivo husband , wino permits lrimnsclf to ti
locked in a room , and scirooiby-hlie
obeys hOe wife's eoriimnands tu
write compositions and to entertain visitor'
'lth thie story of irer past , whIch is nm ,
u : heroic virtue. In act two lie is the di
greasing husband , who steals from his horiit
to meat an ox-music ball summer in tin
stUOto of an artist frienid , where she doqm
( lie limited robes of a model and noses ton
tim gay old boy. who proves himself a ho.
imeminn ci li0 first water. lie also dip1ayr !
consIderable cunning , for when he is caught
, ba the studio by his wife , he felgmi som-
nambuilsul and escapes condeninaton. ! iii
act three he Is altermiateli' the rutirnisoive ,
ttitd gay , -the frightened , the eciiming arid
finally the triumphant man. strong in hii
8eif-assertlon for independence ; having' ' fin.
ally. by accident. discovered that the professed -
fessed heroism c his trite is a lie and that
he- has all these years been bowing horace
a mockery. The comnplcatlona ! of tina play
nrc said to be novel In conception and de-
velopmnent , and ( lie dialogue to bristle with
Nellie Mcltenry , in her latest cycle corn-
e.y. "Tue Bicycle Girl , " by Louis Harrison ,
wilt b- the attraction at Boyd's theater for
three nights , connniencinig witit a matinee
Sunday afternoon. ltwotmid be dimeinlt to
brIng to mind a more jolly little personr on
the stage than Nellie Mchlenry , who has lick ]
a 'iace In tile affections of the oniusemnent
pubico ! long. Mlss Mcllormry has strength-
encd her company , offerIng ninny opportunities -
tunities for tile Introduction of catchy songs.
pretty dances , orignal' music and new spo-
chaities , Time sale will open at 9 o'cioclc to.
niorraw mnornin.
"The Old Limo Kim" sviii be the drawIng
card at the Creighton for four nights , corn-
inencing Sunday matinee April io ; when it
will be presented witim all time advantages-
elaborate scenery. novel stage effects anti a
competent intcrpr-eting coni.pany , which is
headed by Katie Putnam , a popular comediene
veil known In tlit city. The scenic iliustra-
tiora of points of interest in Yellowstone Na-
tiornal Park adds beauty to time. presentation.
The etory of tue play is saul to bo of strong
heart interest and Is descrIbed us exciting
sympathy and approvai.
Cosimfort , Fieomroiriy nmijl Smiced
CombIne make tire weekly excursions via
the UNION PACIFIC the moat popular of
any now running. ' They are personally conducted -
ducted and offer every comivenienco to tine ,
traveling public. Get your tickets at 1302
Farnani street , A , C ; Lunn , City Pass.
& Ticket Agent.
'rho Funeral lIndliecmn it Dcliciomms
Dame aria. ] SIre l2mnJrsye.l It.
This was overheard tnt a North Clark street
cable car , says the Chicago Post :
"I was sorry I couidn't go. "
"You missed It , dear. IL was perfectly'
lovely funecal. '
"Large crowd ? "
"Oil , indeed , yes and such swell people ,
too. I thInk I never Old hear a better
quartet. They hail a now soprano , who was
sImply heavenly. "
"I dare say the flowers vere nice ? "
"Oh. they were perfectly magnificent. 1
told. Giara that tire flowers were. ever so.
much finer titan those a the Wilson funeraht'
"Black casket , I suppose ? "
"It was vary dark , and had time sweetest
lining I ever saw. Time body of it waapalo
pink satin , puffed , amid then ( hero wefe' deli-
: at roses , and they were all hiandpainted. I
never- saw anything prettier. " , . -
"Did you o to the cemetery , ? "
"Ye. ; atd ,4o you know. their lot was just
one mass of green , and Inside tue grave
Lucy had it thick bed of4pvergroeu covering
Urn box , It was siwoly superb. "
"Well , it's jut ray luck , " said the one
who bad missed all time festivities. " 1 didn't
know it WziS to be so swell , "
" \Veii , it was. It was the prettiest funeral
Uigliest Honors-World's Fair ,
$ JCEj
) 'pUe } drape CreamotTartar Powder. Free
om Ammonia , I1unpr ; ny other adullerant ,
I've seen iii years , amid I'm awfully glad
\t emit , "
Arid ( lien they bothm began to tahhc aboun
tire grand opera.
ot 'l'pct Snnicrutlr.
TIme tracks of ( lie UNION h'ACIFIC art
so smooth amvJ the ears furmilsimed so corn
iiete ( hint your eaui immiglnie yourself in yormi
otvn ltnxtnrious apartments at hionie.
Inspect the Buffet Library arid SmnoleIn
Cars as they paso through Omaha every
mccii in g.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnana street.
boudoir Notrilnies l'iry foe
( lie Ncstorlely 'l'hey A ttritrm.
During the recent upheaval In time Pall
Mail Gazette omce , says the Neuv York
Times , one interesting bit of Iniforrnotlomm that
came to the surface was that Mr. Astor's
editors end reporters Were accustomed , when
among themselves , to refer to a certain do-
lartriment of tire paper as "time tittle-tattle
column. " It contains dIvers short paragraphs -
graphs in which are recounted the doings ,
social amid other , of imotabllitles of various
grades , iriclintling always mimany tItled imonienti-
tIes , and occasionally lrofesslonal persons
like doctoss , lawyers and dipiomnats. Most of
time other London journals hare eirmiiiar
columns and they are au 'equally trivial and
snobbish. It now appears that what has
always Eecnmed to lie nrierely an amnusinig
illustration of the extent to which tine l3rlt-
ish pubiic carrIes Its Interest In tire , "upper
chasses , " is In reality something quite dlffer-
A . Manchester doctor recently got into'
roubie wIthr iii confreres because lie al-
lower ! hlmiiself to be advertised as connected
with a certain sanitarium , One of his
friends , noticing that -tli mnovernonmts of
other nmedlcai men , cli of whom hind been
voclterornaly scrupulous in regard to the
ethics of ( Ineir profession , were constantly'
recorded by time press , proceeded to ( lie
ofiico of the Thunderer Its'ehf with a similar
item exploiting a journey of his own. There
ho was informed tiirit 'animmouncennents of that
class were Inserted at thie rate of 1 guinea
for three lines amid 10 'shiililnigs C pence for
every additional line. Continuing his Iii-
vestlgationi lie learned that tire society people ,
too , bought farrio at the annie hugh price , and
that time so-called " ( ittle tattle" tvds pub-
hished not because line British public yearned
( or it , but because tine lesser higIrts of society
arid science yearned for notoriety , and were
willing to pay ( o it.
tL -
James Smiritir has beni arrested on a charge
of assault amid battery lireferred by mis
housekeeper , Nellie Grainann , 140th parties
live in tire bottonme.
Ed Stout , bailiff iii Judge Siabaingh's court ,
was called to Iris irommie 1mm Waterloo yesterday
aftermroon by news of the deatir of Iris 1811mev ,
who had been iii for a short time.
Thonras Moore , a paper hanger , fell from
a ladder while at work yesterday at 232' ' )
Nortin Twenty-third street arid was sorlomnsiy
injured. lie was taken to tine Metbodist
Tire managers of tire Rescue Home , 403
llancroft street , desire to expresa thicuir
urearty tinanks to tue kInd hmcarted business
men of Omaha arid South Omaha for tire
very generous aid given tireni during time past
week. It canoe in a timmne of riced and was
greatly appreciated ,
Articles of incorporation have been filed
with the county cleric by the Cemetery Mute-
elation of St. Iiedwjg's Independent Caihiolie
conigregationi , vi'lth the followIng pen-sons as
lnmcorporatomw : John Dali tz , Joimn Targacz-
owsici , Frannic Ryrnarzouvsicl , A ingust Krakow-
ski , Jacob Czerwlrr&ki , John Szczesmry and
August ICreft.
C , J , Smnythi has announced that time de1o-
gates fm-era Douglas coummty who will attend
tire democratic state convention at Lineolni arm
April 22 tviii meet at iiic liparrl of Trade
rooms in this city at 8 o'clock tonmiorrow
night , at which time anmi place they will Ols-
cuss tire imollttcal ztlttiatiou attn rigrec nmpomn
stoma line of actIon to be foliotted when tIne > '
get into tIre convention.
The Child Loves It ,
Thu Dyspeptic Dennnuids It.
Thso Iplcnnro Dotet on It.
rio ou EAT IT
I never Jitii't.
1 ° LtiZIlCtili ( hit
DnitiHts' ' .
) Vitli.
11th PJior out
JIn-eitvn ihili.
I thin anid Pttln ,
Doungisut. -
, - " '
Truest fle.rinys
Most Rigid Frame
'A Well Made Wheel"
Call or write for Catalogue.
Nebraska V-aIe Co. , nus S. lftIi st.
Oi- hose Cycle Co. , Council Bluffs , Is.
IRt $ SYiEB1i CQ , ( UairtrsJ 2ojsdo , Ohio.
Bros. '
ON -
Cothiiig ,
Flaniiels ,
Silks ,
Luen s ,
Wash Goods
ANt ) White Goods.
Test these Prices
by comparing the
g o o d s , , . , . % I
We sell the But
tei'ick Pttteins.
- . . ,
Di'ess Your Boys
We are eaneclaily noxious to please the
little feilowa because we know that mt'hens
they grow mnp they'll keep right on comnimi
to tms. "Anything is Good Enough fur
flay" is not our niotto.
lUi to 0 ! ajt1'
. l
: ri0 ° I
All wool junior suIts , sizes 3 to 7 years0 /
p1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 and imp to $6,50.
All wool dorrbio breasted 2-piece sults
5lze 5 to 15 years , at $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 ann !
Jl ) to $7.50.
Don't forgrc we carry the largest and
imost complete stock In America at prices
is per cent lower thiamm any other imouso.
Boys' and young men's long trouser surite
ulzes 12 to ID years. Wo place on sale GIG
mints at $3.50 ammO $5.00 , smite that are reg-
ilarly svorth $6.00 to $10.00.
Boy's' odd long trousers , all wool pants , at
5c ; finer ! $1.25 , $1.50 to $3.60.
Boys' odd rnee 1)ants , all wool , Samidow's
icubio seat and double knees , at SOc. r-cgu.
ar$1.00 value , ,
Flannels and
Men's blue hickory shirtlmig , 6 ½ c , Si,4c ,
Cc ,
Best indigo shirting , 12 ½ e ,
Caftan flannel , 3',4c , Sc , Sc.
Shaker flrrnmnmel , Sc , Sc , 100.
Special line of Saucy striped zepliyifian. .
ide at 7c yard.
Flannnelett skirt patterns at 25c each.
Special lIno'of luolka dot flanneiottes a
Special sale of fine ginginani remnants at
yard , worth double. These goods will
0 found. on bargainn commnter No. 2 , In last
Itemniants of blue and strlpoct Denims at
Dc yard ,
pecia1 SIJk Sales
til this week.
trped , check , plaid pod corded Wash
Silks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25o
zinc > silk bimnities , 29 incno ? .wide. . . , 39o
Inane > liros. ' $1.00 IndIa Silks for. . . . . . GSa
'ancy Persian Silks , worth $1.60 , for , , .
imperial large Brecades , worth $2 , for , USe
Buy no Silks without giving our grand as.
artinent an Inspection ,
? ine Linens
Several travoilng men were surprised at
no prices ( lie > found nrmarked on some ot
mc linens , They said they wore mouth
wer than Chicago quotations. Tineso are
to figures tire > saw :
Creamn , German dammmni1r , at 12c , Time
mae ouality ordinarily costs 20c.
Cream Irish damnasic , the 25c quality , a
'C. '
Extra heavy creorir damask , worth fulIZ
C. On sale nit 25c yard.
6,000 yards 72-Inichn bleached and unibleacherl
mask , ttio lIe qualIty , at 49c yard.
Sonmmo special bamgiriiis in remnants at
eroched , unbie.tchned anti turkey red da-
A lot of % and % napkins in bieachej
Id bait bleacher ] , to close at l,00 dozen.
Vhite Goods
Chreck aineools ; at 34o yard. I
4 good quality cineck Nainirtook , Sc ,
Striped lawn , ? ½ c amid lOc yard ,
A firm dimnlty to close at lOc yard.
1)otted Swiss at Sc , 12c , lIe , 20e aus , .
C ,
A lot of dotted Swisses , worth ISo , to close
1 , 25c yard.
Vasli Goods
Eyery'tlnlng new : frr'shineu's amid ntractiy ( ,
84 tIne zoaaorn Ion' ( lie popularity of th
gest wash goads ilepartmumt In tIre West ,
beautiful iino of dlnnitit'a in all coiorx
Iuiar ISa value , at lOc yard ,
, ui of our 25o lfrcemcbi sateerna , dark , ricl
umrmInr , neat printing , at ISO yard ,
hire finest 36-inch percale for shIrtIne
waIsts , We quality , mill week 12 ½ c ,
.fian plaids and neat checks , all cobra , In
hyr gIngiiirma , at Gc rind 7 ½ c.
rue most tasty err' elaborate clisphay o
0 French orgaxnflo rind Irish dinrltios , all
25o the yard ,
Iadz-aa cloth for shlrtings , of the newest
'los and effects , 1o to 25o yard ,
rInta , Simpson , black and whites , indigG
lea , rods , grays , ete , , cr11 of the best make'1
Sc a yard , I
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