Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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-2 TIlE : Al'flIL 17 1896. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - -
Hcin ruin to ; many years , wo ha1I take
with us our anclenL g1ory % JnlImmed ( by iid-
verIty : our ancient honors unu1IIe(1 by tie-
teat. ' "
The following WOV
elected ! Amot L. Allen of Alfreti ; Charles
E. Littleflelti , Rockland ; i(1wtn C l3urlelgh ,
Augusta ; 1)r. I. it. Thompn , 1)over.
The follewing vere chosen alternateq : Dr.
John L. Sturgl , New cilbucestor : lion. Hen
F. Ilrlggs , Auburn : lion. Charles A. Marston ,
Skowhegan , nnd Oeorgo H. linen , Houlton.
anvornor C1eave , , lion , Llewollyn Powers
anti IferberL M. heath all tnt1o brlct
Ppeedo nndortlng Iteed anti his polloy.
Jchn 0. Patton of Bath entleavoreil to intro.
titice a rco1tition favoring legIsitlon to dis-
crifflinato In favor of American ships , but
lie was ruled out. of order. lie then tried to
present th resolution a a minority report of
the committee on resolutions , saying that it
Mr. Iteeti favored American shipping it
Would not hurt him to stay no. Mr. Patton
was ruled out of order in this aiva , and the
convention then adjourned.
' % % 'liA. I'IIHSflNT A IIiAfl.
Ills iiIiI.MnJe Cinhto IIne fl fltnniI
of ( iiirM.
The onthup1asn that was diip1ayoti by the
twenty membeni of the Johi l. Webster club
who gathered in Washington hail last night
wa rather distliiod. Almost every speaker
announced that ho had been tip eli the night
before In attendance at the atato convention
and in Jubilating thereafter and wa consequently -
quently tired4 lven Webster wouid net talk ,
but John L. KonnEdly , County Judge Baxter
and Henry Knodeli aU.Pllled the vacuum as
well as they could.
. It was decided to prepare for a red hot
xncgting next Tlitirday nignt. The occailon
will be a flag presentation , the banner being
auppilod by Webster. lie viii make the pre
&tontation speech and Joliti L. Kennedy will
respond. There will be a druni corps , aengs
by a quartet and other flreworks. The affair
was l'iaced in the hands ot a continittee con.
Etntlng ! of flaxter , Barr , Hurry Clark , lI. II.
Iloylo and \V , H. TenFyck.
A number of apiIcatlons for membership
were received and accepted. Somebody sug.
gested that a hustle ho made to lncreae the
inemlership as non as poasibie. In this connection -
nection one ot those prcse't gave expression
top tIio following sentiment : 'I don't want
nobody in this club except Americant , front
tlto top of his hcad to tlio bottom of his
feet and republican ! . I don't want nobody a
a member who lina got. ono foot on the Tiber
and the other en America. "
Tue sentiment was heartily applauded.
President Johnny Thonion found a good
deal of satk'taction in th election of Web-
ater as a delegate to the national conventIon
and gave vent to himself.
1'1 IS iitii : szt.vzitdit A iioi.'v.
Uiiles due I'Iiit ftrin Stilts ColorztT
Iiiiiu'rzi Is ' % YIII I.eiive Coiiveilloii.
DENVllt , April 16-The democratic con-
ventloil. for the First Congressional district
of Colorado seIeted Ii.V. . Spear of Denver
and E. J. McCarthy of Leadvllie as delegates
to the national convention. The Secotod dls-
trict. convention chase H. H. ScIdnridge of
Colorado Springs and S. I. liallett of
Tue flocky Mountain News says ed ;
Itorally today that the representatives -
tives of Colorado in the national gatli-
ering of the democratic iarty will walk out
of the hail and out of the larty unlesa t )
platform contailia an unqualified declaration
for free coinage , and the candidate is suIted
to. the datforn.
lion. Allen W. Thurman of Ohio
sent a message to the democratic
state convention of Colorado predictiug a
victory for silver at Chicago if th dembcrats
from the western states are united and tie-
trniIned , anti declaring that the prospect
"ought to awaken in tlio breast of every true
democrat such feelings of exultation and
courage that even vere he three score years
anti ten. yet would lie feel that it was hia.
duty to be In the front. '
O1Ii1.1iN1 IWI'JjItLIC.tN I'1lIaLtniis
1It1tn F'nyori1Ieft MeiClitley itnil
. . riee SiLver. . -
CHI1Y1NNE , April lG.-S ( tclal Teic-
were .liold
here tlii ) evenlflg , to ielect delegates to the.
Lraniio 'qountr conventiOn , which will elect
delegates .10 the atate convention to ho held
May 12. Two tickets were In The field In
each of the three wards of the city. One
' . wa for delegates favprlng the electIon of
\VlliIs Vantierwater as delegat to St. Louts ,
the other in opposition to Vandarwater'B ciec-
tion. Tue Vanderwator ticket was successful
b ? . large majorities In alt of the wards.
Wlilie no formal expression of preference
was nmden any of the prmary meetings ,
the result is regarded as an exprcsion in
favor of McKiniey. It. Ia also a decided victory -
tory for the free sliver element of tlio party ,
the opposition to Vancterwater coming chiefly
from the friends of ec-Senator Carey , the
leedor o the anti-silver sentiment in the
state , thi entire representation of the city ,
thirty-six delegates. be'ng elected by the Van-
'derwater ziipporters. It willvo them the
control of thio Laramie county convention
and i an indIcation that thoatato convention
will be for McKinley and ahao for free silver.
'Iia1lLJiIt 1'ltI1'Alt1 . ' '
( ; Volt A. IiOL'I' .
1)oeMNot . ti ) Attiiitl the Conveji-
Ilozi it IL Icleggite.
DEr1VEIt , April 1G.-A special to the
Times from WahIngton says : Senator Tel-
lee and Iteprosentatlve Shatroth have tie.
cided definitely that they wlil not he cai-
didates for electiun as delegates to the national -
tional republican convention. They feel that
there is no hope that thin convention will
nominate a candidate or adopt a platform
'which they can endorse. IJoth eay they
cannot support a gold standard candidate
fo the prealdeucy , no inaUer by what party
nominated , anti they would only phaco them-
zehves in an embarrassing position by par-
titlpatbng in a convention which Is so cer-
tan to take a position nganst ! sliver as
they consider the republican cuaventlon to be.
Mr. Teller says that Ito protnisod the pen-
vIe of Colorado In iS'J I that lie would nqt
suPport a gold standard man , in thu cain.
pagn ot isot ; and that lie vihl pet. change his
po5it'on nosy.
NiIInziteul fur Comirvss.
lCNOXVlLLhi , Tennpril 1G.-Congress.
man II , it. flibson of the Second congres-
atonal district of Tennessee was renomnatd !
by the repuhd Icait congressional convention.
Tlu ; nomination Is euivalent to an election ,
as the district is strongly repubhcan ! ,
BANGOR. Me.tpril 1G.-'rhio reubhican
rourthi distrc't ! convention renominated for
tim eighth time , Charles A. Jicutelle as
rehresemitative in comigresa.
' I3IIELUY , o : , April 1G.-The republican
or tito Thirteenth congressional district o-
neininateil ( ongressnmnn ' ,1' . 2. Kerr ci
I'iaimstleld ' ,
ASIIEVII4I4E. N. C. , April 1G.-The Ninth
district republican convention nomlimated
Richmond l'arsoit for congress anti McKinley
lvas endorsed for iresitheiit.
ANCASTI1t , Pa. , April 16.-Thu dcnip.
crtio convention for the Tenth diet ict
r.omlnated Edward D. ltelhly or tbts city for
eongrer.s , nod ia3ed resolutions endorsing
Patthson for president.
ljiti'rs lUleimis in time l.I , ( .
L1C1NS , W. Vu , , Aliril iO.-.The repub-
- . hican county convention of itandahpht county ,
the home of Stephen 13 , JIkIps , today
adelted it strong rsolutIoit instructing % hiq
delegates to the state anti district. cunvemi.
tioiis to support delegats to the mtatiotl
relniblican convention at lIt. Louis who are
In favor of lion. S. B , Ehktns for president ,
and in time event that he is not , or wJll not
consent to be a candidate thou to vote for
such delegates as will 8tpport ; W'ilhiani Mc.
1lniey. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
teiiancrns Stleet Ilimlegis tei.
8YRACUSI. Nob. , April 16-Speclal (
Tt1egraiu.-Tho ) tree silver democrats hcld
. tblr .iirImarIus hero omiIgiit and niude l.
.w. Iiitser chialrnian and 1) , T , 11111 secretary
and elected eight delegates to the county
convention which will meet bere Satunlay.
'rho delegstes are : William Ileldoruoss ,
Vied flouter , WIlliam Roselus , IL 1V
% qhiers. Fred Witt arni D , 'F. lull. Only an
oven dozen .tttended the primaries.
. RuIi * ii CriepN Jtiliit ,
. rhio police ruidd a cigQr store kehit ly
It , Ii. Morrison , near ienth anti Capitol
nyenUe hat night , and captured twelve
uwn 'ho wore engaged iii U UfliO of
"rups. " A. number of curd tnbhe. Peker
chips. pnd other gnmbIInj devices were
: i itlorrisozi wa , charged
with keeping a gumbhlmig house , end the
otber fez being inmate ,
& . Louis f3urprise Every Ono by Do.
- . - feating the Spiders ,
: 'Jc ° VitriOl 1oci ln ( i.e Stmiittr
Through l'nur I'lVhIl Ing.Chilengo
HtnrtM Ott 1 , , l'ln _ Iiig an
lrrnrItMs ( nnie.
LOUlSVILLF , April 10-The largest
crowd . . ever. at League Park saw Chicago
down the home teani in a brilliantly played
gme today. ltind had time Cohonelm at his
mercy , wliiio tlmo Colts bunched their hits
on F'razer. Anson's team phayej aim error-
lessgamo , and catches made by Flynn aiid
Triib veo of the sensational order. The
ucual , parae took place. before the game.
Attendance , 10,000. core :
lotiiimill . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 0 0 , O 1-2
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 3 ' -1
hits : LouIsvhle , 3 ; Chicago , 8. lrrors
LouisvIlle , 2 ; ChIcago , 0. Earned runs :
liouiVCie. 1 ; Chicago 2. Two base Itits :
1)extcr. Three base hilts : 1)ahlen. Double
olnya : O'Brien ( unassisteti ) : Truby to 1)nhi-
bit to Decker. First base on balls : Oft
1razer , 4 ; off Frknd , 4. 1-lit by pitched
hall : Clarke , 2. Struck out : fly Frazer ,
4' by irrietid. 4. Batteries : Touisviihe.
lras.or and Warner ; Chicago , Friend and
lCittredge. Umpire : W'eyilrnnn.
ClNCIN'1I , April. 1G.-Gray'S errors anti
flhlnes' wenknes in the sixth anti seventh
innings lost the game f r Cincinnati today4
Fisher 'wzis substituted for Ithities Iii the
m'IgiLhi , but lie too , t'as batted freely.
11mLwey was hit hard , but iiot consecutively ,
anti save in thio seconil hnnin , when two
three-bagcrs sent George Smith around the
CincInnati scored no rttns. Attend-
itneo , 11,400. tIme largest opening day under
the present management. Score :
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 010000000-i
l'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 2-U
hits : Cincinnati , 10 : l'lttsburg , 13. Errors -
rors : Cinelunuti , i : 1'lttsburg , 2. Idarned
runs : Cincinnati. i ; .Plttsburg. 4. Two-base
hits : Id : ) ' . Merritt , Dleiiiaucr ; , Ic. Smith ,
Ilurko. ileckloy. Thtree-laFe hits : Irwin ,
G. Sinltht. Stolen bases : Dunce. Double
nlays : fllerhftior to liy to Ileckiy. First
lasc on bahls Oft llhmiiies , 2 ; Off Hawley ,
: i. alit by nitchmod ball : fly flhincs4 1.
Struck out : fly Ithines , 2 by Fisher , i :
1w hawley , 2. witl : pitches : By Rhinos. 2.
Batteries : Cincinnati. lililties , Fisher and
Peitz ; 1'itsburg , hawley and Merritt. Urn-
1)irc : Enishie.
ST. I.OUJS , April 16.-Fifteen thousand
people pas.-ed through the stiles at Sports-
mall's jmark today to vitiie5s the opening
game of the National league season between
the Spiders and the St. Louts Drowns. This
was the largest crowd that over attended an
opening game hero. Tue day was POrfect
.nnd the enthusiasm of time big crowd of
matis uproarious. 'l'hmey vent wild over the
playing of the home team. Which put up
it snappy game from the beginning. Time
' 'hillu that of
Browns' fielding was perfect.
the visitors was not up to the standard set
, by last year's gnhiies WQfl by time Spiders.
They. rntule two costly crrprs. ltroltcnstehn
was in guatl form anti pitched a wonderful
game , while Young was hit 'somewhat inure
freehy. Nonte Cross. us. short -stup made
several wonderful stops anti his excellent
throwing caught time crowd. who seemed
willing to accept him asa worthy successor
of Ely. Score :
St.Lomits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10010021-5
Clevelaiid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .0-2
Hits : St. LDul , Ii ; Cleveland , 7. Errors :
St. Lotus , 0 ; Cleveland , 2. Earned
runs : St. Louis , 1 ; Cleveland. 1.
Two-base hits : Sheehan , 1)elehanty. Three-
bab hits : DOwd , Cooley Connor. Shearon
anti Ihtflkett. First on bauhs : By Jirelten-
stein. 3 ; by Yontig , 3. Pasied balls : McFar-
land , 1. ,3atterles : St. Louis. Breitenittein
anti McFarland ; Cleveiand. Young. OMeara
and O'Connor. Umpire : Shorldan
WASIJINGTON. April 1G.A tuoruni. of
either hiOUs& probably might have been ob-
tamed with more confidence at thie National
Dae Dali p&rk today than at the capitol.
Many others in official circles were present
'itt ' the opening gtmot'between New York
and'Wasiingtofl. whichtho home tepnt won ,
6 o 3. It was as fine base bail weather as
could be desired. A band was in attendance.
The came wits well played except in the
fifth inning , . when the. home team tallied five
runs. The play which brought forth the
loudest applause was a sensntional catoh
by Abbey of a high fly from Harry DavIs
bat in the eighth inning. Attendance , . U,2u0.
Score :
Washington . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ii 1 0 0 04
Nowyork . . . . . . . . . . . 01000020Q-3
JIlts : Washington. 7 : New York ' 0. Errors -
rors : Washington , 3 : New Y'ork , 3.
Earimed runs : Vashington , 1 ; New
York. 1. Ttvo.base lute : Van. ilaltren , Stat-
ford. Three-base hits Mercer. II. Davis.
Douhin play : Rodgers to Cartwrlglmt. First
arm balls : Oft Clarke. 3. lIlt by pitched bail ;
Selbneh. Struck cut : fly Mercer. 1 ; by
Clarke , 3. Passed balls : Zerfoss. Batteries :
Washington , Mercer and McQuire ; . New
York. Clarke and Zerfosa. Umpire : Hurst.
PHthADELPHIA. April 1G.-The opening
of time championship senron iu this city was
signalized by a crushing defeat for the Phil-
lies. the flostoniana having evr'thing their
own way from time start. . 'When Mayor War.
wide tossed the first ball to the umpire over
23,000 people were on time grounds and the
crush limitable was so great that the doors
had to bQ ctiosed and locked and .tbousands
turned away. The visitors' victory was
largely title to the inability of the Phitlies to
hilt Nichols , nlthoughm three fumbies by Cross
at critical junctures . proved costl.y. Score :
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i10200010-7
Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 11 0 2 0 1 0-3
Hits : Boston , 10 ; Philadelphia , 7. Errors :
Boston. 1 ; Philadelphia. 1. Earned
runs : Boston. 2 ; PhIladelphia , 0. Two-base
hits : Lowe. Iuffy 2 Long. Sacrifice hilts :
inty , Tgylor. Stolen bases : Hamilton ,
rosve. Struck out : Tucker. Taylor , Dele.
hanty Clements , hirouthers. Double iilays :
NJciioIs to'Tucker- Collins : Lowe to Long
to Tucker ; Broutlmers to Clprnents. First
un balls ; Oft Niehols , 2L off Taylor. .1. . lIlt
by lilt clieti hail : Lowe. Passed hmli : Gnu-
sal. flatteries : ilostoim , Nichols anti Gnnzei ;
Phihatleltmhmia , Taylor anti Clernents. .Unplro :
BALTIMOJIE. MiL. April 16.-'hmc season
was opened hero today before a crowd of
about 11.001) people. The Baltirnores played
a. stirprlsiiigly poor game for theni in time
field. NcMxmhon's iitehing was gocd enough
to win nine out of tt'n gaines. Kennedy was
iii great form for Brooklyn , and un to the
sixth inning vzms lilt ( or two hits. 'I'hme but-
hug mind run getilug of Lalianee. together
with tue luottiiig of Anderson timid the nil
round playing of ShiniliL' , despite tmi twu or-
ron ! . were the ( eatutemi. loyie's flrs ( np-
IeitttttmCe ) was a sticoess. Be accepted every
etmailee in time ilelti ttiitl OtiiO\-i tlj ) seli at
time bat , Attendance , 11200. Score :
hialtlnmor . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1) 0 0 1 0 1 1-5
Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 0-6
Jilts : Iinltinllire. ti' Bruukhyn , S. Errors :
l3ahtimnore , Gi Brooklyn . Earned runs ;
linitlinore. 1 ; Brooklyn , 2. 'rwo.bnse
hits : JCeeier , Daly Corenran , Suerlilco
liltii. Ki'eier , Jenmilmigs. Iiliiniile. Stolen
Imses : Doyle 2. 1celor JCeiioy. Shimtlle ,
First base on halls ; Baltimore , 4 ; flrooiclymi ,
1. JIlt by ultelmeil bail ; JennIngs. Struclc
omit ; By McMnhmon. 2 ; by Kennedy , 2.
Passed bahlis : RobinSon 1 ; GrImm L iat-
teriCmr ihtititiinro , McJtfnlioii tmnfi lobinsoii ;
flroohc'iyn , Kenncdy and Grimm , iJbfllirO :
Keefe. -
Plioye&flS'on. . LOst. P't.
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 1 0 100.0
Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. ( I 100.0
Clileugo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 100,0
Pltisbur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 100.0
St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 100.0
\Vasltiiigtoim . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' 0 100,0
Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 000.0
Cimmehmjmntl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 0 1 000,0
Clevelanmi . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 .i 000.0
LouisvIlle . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 1 - 0 1 000,0
New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i 0(10.0
PhiliaL1ephla . . . . . . . I 1 Q0G.0
LarIhiiiim1 Dlii Not w'In a i'lime& ' .
NlVMh1KE'r , 1nglaiid , April 1G.-There
vere eleven starters , ncIuding Pierre i.urjt.
lard's l'lng of Bohemia , in the rave today
( or th Flying Ilandicap pluIi 103 , live
furlomigs. .1. A. Mliiur's riarimny 11111 won ,
with ! tlr. Iobelltm Chminca second. 'time
American lmoi.e Was not liluceil.
in the mace tar the Niwinnrlcct : bienimiul
tttake3 of 25 , wiii Q ) 0(1110 ( 1 , fur 4.yenrul.Js ,
ilistuilee one tilid cue-halt miles. Mr. Janieti
Joicey'i ; lmrovn colt , Tyrunny , ) wut L. tie
ltotiischitltl'tt Utica.
i3txten Jiorses wont to the hiost iii the
Double ' [ na ! lilato , lnelui1lnc Mr hnEil.
bird's . Sandia. whiCh was not hhacd. ) 'rIme I % Yits liVe firloiig amid the hiatt ) % % ' * is
of 200. for 2-year-aIds. J Ftr' . ' ii4 ,
Citmaimoellor well , Sir J. fliundohi Muiiie'a
llurndoor econd and Mr. Dcbi.'s 1.iugit
third ,
There vere ten sturters in the race for
the Craven stakes of f00 , addeti to it sweep.
stakc of 10 each , for .year.oltis. Mrti
llchest"r's L.urti liervey won. L. do liottis-
t'lmiliVs ( luhiatnim secoild anti Mr. Theobald's
l'lietiue .Apoliotbird ,
itllhh.'r ' % 'ilIN brflitfiiult.
JCth'SAS CITY , April 16-A bhecial to time
Blur ( rein Wicohilta. .1Ca. . says : lOs B. I
Miller of St , Ldut today v rn tile race WitiL I
.7.oimn F , Cribi of Wiibitu : , for tiie 100.mie I
ICniim , state hnnpionship , ( 'ribi ml rapping
out at thirty niies , conmpninlhg at his
heart. _ _ _ _ _
iiVBYISI (3.iI ' 1tS 'fllt 1Vl.
4eImn'ff.r nut ! 1)nl' l'tit liii a Fine
ttiie In I lie A
BOSTON , Anril lmi.-hlilhiard entimusiasts
were given two opporttmnhtles today to witness -
ness the contestants In the international
billiard tournament mU umsteaml hail.
Scliaetfcm' anti Daly were drawn ( o the
afternoon game , which. resulted in favor of
Scimneffer. 300 tb' 2(0 , 'ffm the eViilfl Ives
and Gamier were matchemi anti tlme former
Was an eas4 winner , tlmC score being 800 to
20 , All of time men ut tip sonic bil-
lirtrde , lint a draw allot ' by. ( lttrmmler- fully
half timmi length of the table. on wlmictm he
scored , was onci of the most clever witnessed -
nessed during time tourimnment.
In the afiernoon game thmimigs were dull
for several innings , SelmneiTer macking four
consectitive goose eggs after a. run of tweim.
ty-tw in time first Inning. In time nlmmthm , by
ft great masre Plny..tho relectnic'i hiiiiiself
flfltl counted for thirty-live. Dnl ) ' responded
with a run at fourteen , . made on oppim table
wt.-rk of a ) mlghm order. Scimneffer too a rest
until tha eighteenth inning , vlmen lie got
the hails golimg to his liking tilt Imis score
hail beemm increaseti by twenty-nine. Iii the
next , by time sahilt' tactics , lie scotedtwen -
ty.elght. Daly kept pegging nwny at the
bails with wonderful pntlenee , btmt It was
imot till his. tvunty-foprtli inning that lie
hat ! a tlmlrth of the icore. Bchaetfer'mt next
liii ; run. was in his thirtieth inning , when by
tli.e Sanme masse work ho counted for thirty.
lie added twenty-seven in tlmt' thirty-third.
Daly in time thmirtP-Soventh alit ! thirty-nInth
mum ! onio star cue work , making a number of
cushion draws .whiicl aroused the shleetntors
to an enthusIastIc pitclm , Wimen Jnlco hind
mmmntle fourteen iii time fortv-seeoiici inning
Daly suggested that the bulls sliotild be
wiped off , which was dune. On the very
next shot Sclmneffer fell down anti retired to
hum clmnir wIth a Ionic of intense disgust. In
tlit' forty-sixth lie again gntlmered the bails
and kept thjemmi. in the corners for tweiity-
four. In his forty-ninth Daly jimit in some
excellent billinrils scoring his highest run ,
tventy-tlmree. Scimneffer mIld little till his
lifileth inning , 'heii he ran out with nine-
SchaciTer's highest run was 8.'l average ,
5 l557 , Daly's hmlglmest. run s'zts 23 ; average ,
4 32.57.
Jim the evening contest Ives' lmighest run
was u2 ; average , 5 45-51 ; Gamier's highest
run , 17. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GE'l' ' 1lll0 lIES' ! ' OP 'i'IIE 1OOiiBS.
peemm1iilor lIzive a. ( otmml fln' of It itt
MEMPHIS , April 1G.-The track at Montgomery -
gomery park today was hIglmtnl g , fast.
Five decided first choices won. while In time
third race the public would have none of
Bultzen's Sister , whm1 wits posted favorite
on reported fast trIals. Oilcan was the
imtmbics choice and won easily. The ring
was badly scorched on time result . of tIme
last race. Itoy I3chlel was. posted at 6
to 5 , but barrels of money went in on hum
amid . his prIce closed at odds-on. Lochmiel
% .oit In a commomm canter. liesults :
First race , selling. purse $300. for 3-year-
olds and upward , sIx furomigs : Minerva
won , Crtmstmier ; second , King Michael third ,
Time : 1:17. :
Second race , purse $200 , for 2-yenr-olds ,
four and a half furongs : Sulsuimi , von ,
Scribe second , Moncreith third. Time :
O:5i4. :
Third race. the T.asle sthlces , for 2-year-
otl tihlle. * 1.0) ) a'd ti , four tr1og : Oilcan
won , Izeyh second , Full il tnd third. ' Time :
0:50J. :
Fourth race. ltmrso $1O0 , for"4-3Aar-oitis
and tupward : Fying Dutchnuan won , Hey
dcl Mar sonand , Mercury thuled , , . Tlnue :
1:4B. :
Fifth race , purse $100. selling , mte and nn
eIghth , for 8-yenr-olds and upward : Pro-
sidle won. , Cnptnlim KIdU second , Robeit
Lotta third. Time : 1:59. :
Slxthm race , purse $300. selling. sIx furlongs -
longs for 3-year-ohds and upward : Roy
L.ochfel wan , Valet second , Towerest third.
Time : 1:16 : , _ _ _ _
Gli'IiNkI hail illiii in a. ! lnllered
Cotuulilinim , lhtrivever.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 1G.-Joephi
Choynaki. champion heavyweight at thic
PacIfic toast. boxed eight rounds tonight
with Tom Sharlcey. Sharkey was formerly
a sailor at the Mare island Navy yard.
The contest took place before the National
Athletic club.
Shnrkey managed to last the priscrIbod
eight rounds with Choynelci , and was glvemu
the decision. IIewaa frIghtfully .punlshed
by Choyski. In. the lIt-act roumul Sharkey
fouled Choyuski. and time poilcastopped tile
fight 'for twenty mlfttotes. At thiS end of
that time Chuoyrmslcl went , on 'with' time cbn-
test. Clmoynskt ivas. the aggressor from.
the start. Clunynaki reached .Sharkey's
face with lois left..und foiewed It up wIsh
a hot left in the neck , which put harlcey.
staggering against time ropes. Choyneki ,
handed his heft on thin jaw. and in thme
mixup Joe knocked Sluarkey clear through
tue ropes , and the hatter fell on his -head. on
the outside. Choynskt reached the jaw and
nose in quic1 succession with his , heft.
It was at the chose of the first rouna that
Sharkey fouled Choynakl.
Ierrlil of Mtlavimimkee ' LCZSdM tim time-
flay's &verimge.
tTCHISON , Ican. . April 16.-The hIghest
average made in the open events at the
Manufacturers annual shooting tourna-
merit today was made by It. S. Merrill of
Milwaukee. Frank Parmalee of Omaha
caine second , follOwed by C. W. Budd of
Des Moines. Tent Marshall of ICeithsburg ,
Iii. ; Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake. In. ; J.
Den. Arapahoe , Nob. ; it. 0. Hlckes , Day-
ton. 0. ; Fred Rogers ot ILiavntha. Nan. ,
and A. 11. Bigelow of Ogden , Utah , 'tiet in
the amateur event for the B. C. i'owdor
company's siver cup. breaking timirty
straight. In time shoot off , Rogers womm ,
brcaklng forty-nine Gut of lIt ty.
II8MN ( ) Gmtve 'loots ztmm Argimuitemit.
CINCINNATI , April 16.-The McDanlels'
starting machine was used successfuhl'y In
the third race at Newport today. The after-
noon's races furnished some lively sport.
Time linishu betmeen ¶ t'oots and Basso was
the most exciting of the nmeeting. Favorites
and second choices won the card. The track
was fair and time weather clear and -warm.
Itesults :
First race , six furlongs , 3.year.olds ,
maidens. purime O0 ; Nnnn (10 ( to 1) ) von ,
Hands Off (4 ( to 1) second , Cashier (4 to 1)
third. Time : 1:183.
Second race , Louri and a half furlongs , 2-
yeam'-olds , ) urse 300 : Cyantlia Id (5 ( to 1) )
\s.oii , Let.I'hy (8 ( to , 1) ) second , Covimgton (10 (
to I ) titled. TIme : 0:57. :
Third race , lmantlicap. mile amid a sixteenth ,
nurse $500 : Toots (8 ( to 5) ) worm , hiasso (1 to 1) )
second. Ilooze (12 to 5) ) third. Tlme : 1:49 : % ,
Fourth race , selling. ptmrse $300. seven furlongs -
longs , 3.year-okis and up ; Doorga (2 ( to 1) )
vomm , Master Fred (5 ( to 1) ) second , Rapa
Latchmio (6 ( to 1) ) third , Tlmome : 1:21 % .
FIfth race. selling , one-half mile , 2-year.
aids ; Nina Louise ( S to 5) ) t'on. Margaret
Lynn (8 ( to 1) ) seommd , Leo Wicka (2 ( to 1)
third. Time : 0:50. : -
Sixth race , selling , seven furlongs , iuursa
i00 , 3.-vear-oiils and up : TIt for Tat (3 ( to 1) )
won. tlno (2 ( to 1) ) second , Judge Iieimny (4 (
to 1) ) third , Time : 1:21 : % ,
,1Oel ( ' ) .Jiiic liiihl' hurt ,
SAN FRANCISCO. April 16.-Eddy Jones.
tue crude jockey of time , Burns & \Vater-
house stables , was thrown from 3wcet
l00se in time first race .today , and was
lmadly hurt. lie was ronuoved to time lios-
buRl. w'iuei'e It was ascertained that hmi
almoultier blade was brokemm , anti lie was
olhierwlse Injured. which svIhi prevent hIs
rldhimg ( or some Iliac. Results :
First race , six furlommgs : Doubtful worm ,
Hazel 3) semId , Toning tlird. Tlnme :
1:1531 : ,
ijecond race. ' seven furoimgs : , Chmrtreuse
11 worm. Seaslmrny second , lice i third ,
Time : 1:33 % .
Third mace , one immIe. handicap ; Miss
L'rumunel won. Service second , f3trathliower
third , 'flume ; 1:42. :
Fourth race. time Rancho del Paso stakes ,
for 2.yeai'-olds. valtme $ .GO0. live furlongs ; -
Lurnina won. lowena Ii second , True Blue -
third , Time : 1:02. : ' -
F'it1m race , six furlongs ; Sir Play won ,
iellicmaeo second , Montaliado thrirtl. Thmmie ;
' '
'ili'xtlm race , - lJve and o hair frirlongv
Croelcnlack worm Lela 13 second , Tuberse
tiiii'tl , 'Flume ; 1:69 : % . - . '
tiovmtim , race , live mind a ba'f furlotmgs ;
Panic von , Metair second , Ctumdcr thirti ,
Time : 1:09. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' - -
Ilii'ycl.Me'ii 'i'ciit * ii , ' Ilalirmimi d huh's , -
ST , LOI'lS , April 16.-Time Mis'oupi di.
VISIOn of the -eagus cf Ameriran'iieeltnemm ,
thirnum'h Its attorneys , howell and Ferriss ,
tins immstittmted mamudamnuo iroceedumgs iii the
circuit court ngaimummt time MissourI ' PmleiIIr
ralirond with a view to testing tlmo baggage
ia % % ' in tlmim tBte antI comprlilng tile railroads -
roads to carry bicycles tree on ii first-class
ticket. Judge RUssell -granted a wrIt' me-
turmiuble April 23 , conmpehimmg ! the railroaml ( C
eaL'r ) ' bicycles as baggugim 0mm ilrat-eiamts
Liekete. 'flmis action was taken as the result :
( if the refusal itt ( lie Mi.m&ourl l'.tciilc to I
ii-rmmaport the tvizecls of a local niermiber of I
limo I.etmgtme of Arimerican S'lu.ememm aim baggage . -
gage ,
- .
Fitritilag it Nei rumnl Cir'i'uIt , I
1)Ffl'HOIT , April iG.-Repesentfllves. of I
tint trottIng associations of 1)etrolt , Cieve-
land , C'olunthus , l3agnaw , Fort Wayflo , 'In. I
liuhmapolls uim Buffalo loot here tocitty to
tom-jim it. now graimmi clrcqi ( for ISUJ. aimfi 'do-
Cititt UjOlt Itre dates of meetlnge , etc.
( , IIiirmbu , Fort 'SVmtyzie and Indianapolis
are lien' members , 5UCCeCilim' o"mtl'r" UIts
mhIolm quit , on mAccount of rItd afiti.
pool selling lawa. Te ihUfinlo soeimttton
lit tiimdeclfied , the restit heimig dependent
upon the TifLesage by the Now York senate
of timci po law , wlmIeh has already Zmft5Oti
them nrsemll:11 Is it'utOtl that tiimward of
1o00 will lmf1qffered. in liries on the cit.
( * ( F'thie. ; ;
ChtC'AGO , April 1G.-TIme racing at For-
sytho today Was clean and Chmflrl ) and was
marked by comp over lied Skin , who was
played bY tie rcht-ing ones from 3 to 1 to
1 to 10 , mnd evertime'ktter ; irice was a royal
orie. Results :
First race , five lurlongs : Margaret Aria
vomi , Ilinda second , Imp. Conhmenmara timird.
Time : 1:004 : lit' ' '
Second rrt. 5ne-halt mIle : hrvoIr won ,
1ihIai Anmes mcontl , . Calm. 1ily third , Tinmel
- -
0:513' : .
Timrd raet1 'i' fiirjongs : heti Skin won4
.Tohmn Iliclcey ? etond , 1)Omninlco third. TItmme :
1:1fl. :
1:1fl.Feurtlm rnce1 flve fm-longs : Inip , Reinetly
' , on , Anna Mayes second , Cossack thmlru ,
Time : 102 , -
Fiftim race , one mile mmii seventy ynrlsI
Still Itoss won , I.ittio Matt second , i'nt
I'.inhloy , Jr. , third. Time : 1:4S :
Sixth race , ' five furlongs : Miriam won , Sal-
Vatioit Secomiti , Queen Fittlst third , Time :
, . - _ - _ _ _ _ _
1ltieiittiiieaif by ilimIted'orlcmmmeii ,
A musical aiiti stereoptlcon entertaInment.
vmts gIven by hue mmiernbers of lodge 18 , cC
time A , 0. U. W. , in Patterson block , last
cv nhmmg. After an epenliug address by J. L.
ICing , time llrt imtlinbor cmi the prognun
was sting by time lodge quartet , wimlch
brotmght forth 'aim enthitmslastie encore. A
violtim 50o ; by J. I , Cook , a plammo oio imy
Miss Ileele l'iuoenix , auth one by Mimr Grace
Crawford elitiited thmir shinto of time np-
llaUse , and eommcltmmhcd the Ilrst half of the
entertalnmneimt , , A. large stereopticon was
tmmounted in lIme center of time hmrmll , by
meamis c'f Which C. 11. CollIer gave a plc-
torll lecture , ontitlemi "A Trp Around thitl
Worid. " Scenes fronm Engnnd , Scotland
anti the countrIes of time east were thmrown
upon the screen , and pleasantly discoursed
rmpoim iy' thm m. lecturer. Tire comicitiditug
imortlon of the entertainment was ably car-
nod emIt by 1-Inry Phoenix- with a violin
solo , a selection 1)1' ) tIme ldgo lmamujo cltmil , a
song by the lodge eitinrtei , nhuti a Vocrml
soio by Miss ? ntco wllinnms. :
Mute' WOrkr lilcet Olileers ,
COLUMBUS ; ' 0. , April 1G.-The National
Mine 'tVorlcer today' re-elected l'hill II.
l'erntn , Linteim. Ind. , presIdent ; Canoeromi Mu. .
her , Masslhlon , - 0. , viCe president ; W. C.
Pearce. Corning , 0. , secretary-treasurer.
Time executive board is W. i'ebb. . Ken-
Lucky ; John lrahuy , I'enmumiylvnnia ; Fred-
crick Dilehier , Ohio ; jnrmics O'Connor. liii-
flols henry Stepimemuson , West Virginia , and
H. 1. Davis , Ohio. PatrIck Mcliryde , retiring -
tiring secretary , was elected honorary niem-
bar aiim ! thmunked In resolutions worded in
the strouugest 'language.
Governor Altgeld vrms thrumiced for pardons
to certain 'Illinois miners. Censure , wns
passed upon ttt New Yorlc nnd Cleveland
Gas company for Conduct alleged to have
been contrary to. professions of' interest In
tile nomlimers , :
A resolution 'in favor of Deb for presidential -
dential candidate raised an avful howl , A
substitute ( hot' 'a wage-earner or friend of
tIne Wnge-ezmrmmot' be advocated for this office
was adopted.
Chicago Lnd- Quartet Coim trt.
A dehlg-imtful , commert vas given at the t.
Mary's Avenp , Congregatloumal church last
e'ening by tha'CmIcgo iady Quartet. Time
rotidlence 'as 4moue.too large , but shiowomI
its hmeum-t ) ' upptciatl9rm of-an e ellent vro-
grain by frecfliommt eimorcs that were re-
sloimml9d to wlti'thue pest of good will. Mss
Nettle Jachcsomjm gave several ' readings 'and
imuipersormations Jiz admirable style , liar ln.
personatiommf : l 'nicked iitte : boy beinr
excelmtiona1Iy1.olever. Mrs. llce Merrill
itaymimommd , It1) , nhIo soloist of softie reputa-
tiomi , was herd' t good advantage. in a bu.
pie -of sohos'.ammd mtho in the quartets. MIs
Pearl Hodsorm and MIss Katherine' Juries
atlmntrably repdeed- soprano and contralto
sees rospectve1y Miss Elizabeth Ludwig ,
Who snug time part of mezzo-soprano in tIme
quartets , acted as PIanIst. .
t..u , - .
Pmtrts'e1li to
.Amot exg iopt program. was,1ren1ered. In
the Young % pfl'Christiami , asoclatIpn con-
cart ha)1 ) la , t.evenIn by thun musicians of
tIme clt , , s 'aSdrtuiug tetinonIal to Mr.
Gulda C. Ihmeliit r , m4vhlo'leaves -next Smmnr
day to puriu hl musical' studIes iii 1er-
trany. A large rchestra , coniposed of the
lloyd anti Cruighon timenter'players , gave
the openingt ljuniber' . a sIectlon f1-m thme
"POet and I'aiant" opera , whieim 'watt fo.
; i04S-Ied by a 'ocil solo by Carl itoftmami.
Mism4i\IyrUe , toojj , , sang "Madjgal" amid
me SiIver.Riog ? , A male chgrms , . hieatjr1
by , Carl Hainiap'gave a selection from
"Icobin' Hpad"an the evemmimigs enter-
talnment waboniSIeted with two recltji-
tions by MissMayNorth , a.tviolin polo
by Franz Adehmflan and a curhmietto solo by
Mr. Huebner.
Fttiimtl a. Snn in Taylor's Cell.
KANSAS CIIhY , 'April 1G.-In the cell of
WIlliam Taylor , the Meekst famIly mur-
clerer , brought here from Carroilton , tia prevent -
vent a lynching Marshal ICehiear today
'found a. steel saw eight inches ' - longanti , an inch. wide , It was concealed' innman
old , atchel brought-irom Carrohlton byTay-
br. With thIs tool Taylor would .have been
able to saw hl way' out within half an
imour , ohuld ho have 'worlced uninterruptemiIy
for that length of . tIme. After 'snaking
tomlay' discovery , Marshal Kesimler or-
tiered wo deputy , marshas to watohi the
murderer's cell tiny and night , an i refused
to allow him to seeany one but his lawyers ,
Thommeands have been visitIng the murderer
_ _ _ _ _ _
- ItzLr'm'eVill Lecture In Omnnlitm ,
Secretary Wiillans of the Republican Ill-
metllic league 1announced at a meeting of
time league in Pattrsc'n ' hall last evening
that Mr. Harv iy authorof "Coin's Findn-
cml School , " wuid lecture at Creightomi hull
next Friday evining.
A Vote of ( imnk was extended W. J.
CouncIl for his'apeech in behalf of free silver -
ver at the recent republican state conven-
tlon. . I
A general dlscpssion cf time financial question -
tion followed , led byMr , Commnell ,
ilimizis In time' Soimtlierii. Portion amid
Fair In ortliern Nebm'imsln ,
WASHINGTON , April , 16.-Time forecast
for Friday 151
For Nebrailc-Loalshowe's lii lImo south-
era portion ; fatr in time northern portion ;
nortiieasteriy wlods. ,
For Oldahomna ind Indian . Territory-
Showers ; winds .thifting to easterly ; cooler ,
For Missour--l'artly ( cloudy ; probably
local showers : coolert variable winds.
1"ar Iowa-Partly 'coudy ; probably local
simowers In the soutimern portion ; much
cnomnm' Ia time easterri portion ; northerly
wlrmtls. . .
For Kansas-Local rains ; easterly- winds ;
much ooher In , the pastern portion.
l'o ; 'South , lahcota-Oermcraily fair :
warmer in time weterim portion ; northerly
For Colorado-Local somows or rains , tel-
losed by clearIng weather ; warmer lii the
northern portion ; easterly vlnths.
. For Wyornlngi-Loca snows , followed by
fair and warmer ; nlorthmeamotcry wimods ,
; For , Mommtapa-Falr ; warmer , ; southwesterly -
erly ( mvimmtls. , -
'iote-ThmiH is tiie fourth day over New
England and time middle Athuntle states
ar.d the fifth day over the central valleys
' "tl time lake rntons of the prevalence ot
y warm wather for tIre season ; the
.peratures ov'r. the greater portion of
tLo C reghoneenrarsliimg ever twenty degrees
above the noplrtl.imntl in Now lnglutmd , time
middle Athamp .ote ! amid time lake to.
giotue , on tIme' mind 16th , 'excetmding tiny
jrevlcus recbrdo1.i'/ , the weather bureau
during rime secoM8lcade of Aprl ,
! ttll .ltcoorit.
OMAHA , ApYII 'ig-Omaha record of tern-
neraturo amittiirrllfltall comrmared with the
correelonlumu t4yjot the past four years :
, 9ti. 1S9. . , is9i. 11413.
Maximmium terMmrdturo. . . . . si 7 7g .62
Minimum temmipe&ttirc , , , . . 45 4 50 31
Average teiimpee'aiure. . . . . 4U f.t ) 4 so
L'recilmitatoa , , . , , 0) .11 .00 ¶ 1'
Cammdttiun cc lmicrature amid lmreclpitation
atOnmaba 1otiem1uy and since.Murchm 1 ,
l'oriumai teinitatblo , , , , , , , . . , . . . , . . . . . , . , . , . ,
fleilcieney fupihkmes.ay . . , , , . . . , . , , . . , , , , . . . , , , hr
orznul mrcclpUatn , , , . , , , , , , . . . , , . , . 11 iimch'
lotlcicmmcy tcwstthil' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
Total prec'pItti4.J iuce March 1 3.71 incliel
ldXcesa since1j.o,5li l. , . . , . . . , . . , . . , 75 inches
I Iteilorts .tvom.h1nt4ons at S it. on.
Wi' ' , .l "
. . . - , . - . _ _ I" ' 1
' 3c
, . . .0'3 E
, ; a-
: . : I
) mpi'jciot'y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 .0)
'nrtlm l'iatte , , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
luron , clear , , . , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ilmirugo. cear , ' . . . n..4 . ci .0
it , Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tii.t.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
it. Paul , cloudy . . . . , , , . . , , , , , , . , II 54 .0.
) svenpu'-t. part cloudy . . , , , , , . , , , , . .1 t. .e'
(511551 City. cOUd ) ' . . . . : , , . . . . . . , , ' . , , , R 1 .0)
Flehemmu , clegr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .10
taiv , clear . , , . , b , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ci
tall 1ake , cioudy , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , Ii dl .ii
itBmartk , clear . , , i , . , , . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , . , CC t ! .co
2iieyennmr , aos'iag' , , . , . , . , . . 10 Si .1. ,
Viiiiston. cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z6 .00
tepid ciiy , cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B
lalvesionclotmdy.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - _ uL _ _ . I
. ijtcat.ii . ( rI of ! irecb.l'.imliui. .
' 14 A. % .s.I.,5ii. Obirver ,
Local Xughts Templar Tender Vititing
Brothers a Banquet.
'I'eiiet , of lime flrdi'rit'clt ilimoit itt
lt'iuU Ii In I Iii' Hem'puiseMifl tiil
firm' All that Is ( . , iil
I mm Som'tet' ,
From 10 o'cloc until midniglmt time ban-
qileting halt in Masonic temple resourmnled
with good cheer. At least 150 amen were
seated about the tables. It was no orgy , for
tlmo holy red cross twinkled frono the cape of
lie inconoiderablo of time toasters.
It was but arm Imimmocent feast of time Knights
Temnphar , who for the time being had haIti
aside time sword anti ecabbard of the knight
to take up time more useful anti practical
weapons of time hmummgry man.
Time affair woo tire eunuch banquet of Mount
Calvary coimmmnandery , wlmlcit entertained
as Its gtmests time delegates to tlro Mate
grant ! coimmimmantlery , which convened In an-
imual sessIon yesterday atternoomm at 4 oclocie.
It memight be looked upon as tIme aitermmmathm
of time ceremmuony of time earlier evening , the
conferrlfig of time Illustrious order of time
fled Cross by tire local communmandery.
Amidet tIme wavtmmg of grew plants , which
Were set along the center of the tables , time
collation 'as laId omit in abundance ammd was
attacked anti comuqmmered with kmmlghtly vigor.
A string quartet imrorlded a most enjoyable
imecomupammlrpent throughout the feast. The
mrmuslcvao , also interspersed tlmrought time
program of toasts which followed over time
wine and cigars.
Edward .1. Cornish was toastmaster. lii
belmaif of time local cormmrnammdery lie welcomed
the delegates as guests , and then at cimce
called for rosponels to time toarts. Grand
Master Charles 13. Finch of Kearney was the
first to ho smunmoumed.
The grand muaateu' talked of the "Grand
Coammandery iii Nebraslca. " lie apolce briefly
and to time poInt. lie believed that time Templar -
plar Knights formed the par excellence boily
of 'all societies. Upon this he dwelt and cx-
patiated. '
"The fled Cross lCnigimt" was responded to
by Samuel P Davidson mit Tecumsahr , who
drsorlbod hlnm as beug the oxponemmt of time
"alrnighity force amid power of truth , " This
0ntlniomit was . tire fOundatiomm stone of the
ociety , lie raid , a sentIment wimlcim elevated
miid dignified and forced th members to ac.
cthnplishm gs much goo as was in their
Powdr. , Thie socIety built up arid erengtiuencd
'yirtuo in time commhtauity , "did nat strive to
rec0nstruc a tothpho or city , but to brmlid
a now temple and cIty .wluldh would gllten
In time light of GctL Himself. "
J , J. MOi : il 'rclponded , to time "Lodge anti
110am" In , a speech frill of sense amid beauty ,
lie pictured tire various "homes" that a
yoming muiatf possessed 'until Ire entered time
ideal qne of time "happily niarried" man ,
T1e speaker used time terni advisedly , for Ire
said that a man could be "happily niarri d"
only when joined with a woman from
promptings of "pure , ilneehilsim love , ' all
Othrpr marriages being "dangerous expert-
.1nents. ' TIle speaker hGld that the lodge
strengthmenemi such a Irome , as It raised up
hiosth of friends azul furnished material aid
In. time of adversity.
Thomas 13. Lacey , wire Is grand nmaster of
Iowa anti resides at Council Bluffs , responded
to the "Grand Conmmandery of Iowa. " He
epoko of tire growth of the Templars Ia his
statp , and especIally upon the beauty and
convenience of their meeting ground at Spirit
Lake , which was open timroughout time season
to knights. lIe advised that time Nebraskr
commandery choose some like meeting place
ifll the stae.
' "Time Almighty Force anti Power of Truth"
was thu toast assigned to H. P. R , MiIlar of
Llncohn , He scud that the motto constituted
the cornerstone of the oclety. The doctrine
was pronminent throughout all masonry , but
wamneepecially so iii time higher degrees. .Mr.
Millar interpreted It to mean that menmljerm ,
must be truthful not only in worlcs but also
In acts.
In response .to thio toast , "The Cimrieiarm :
Knight , " ' Rev. T. J. Mackey said that time
'Tejuplar body represented the highest scale
of secret societies , as it was both moral and
religious' . It war , pledged to defend time
Christian religion by throwing its influence
on time side of the church. It pledged time
nmembers to practice time Christian virtues ,
not to look out for tlmemselves , but to help a
fallen brother and to whisper a word of
warning-in the ear of Iritum who was on the
wropgtrack. This being the dasa , he urgdid
that more attention should be paid to the
quality- than time numbers of the candidates
admitted. -
Rev. F' . H. Sanderson responded wittily to
the toast of "Our Wives and Sweethearts. "
"Woman , " hue aId , "did not sprln from the
head of man to be ruler , nor frenu- the foot
to b downtrodden but from beneath time
arms to be protected and frctn near tIme
heart to lxi cherished. " lie Imunmoroushy
warned time knights to be on the lookou ,
as the neat wonuan1 timreatencd to Invade time
sacred precIncts of lcmmlghnthooml anti it mighmt
be needful to put a side saddle upon time
goat antI obtaIn bloonmers and a bicycle.
Rev , John McQuold was to have been one
of the speakers of the evening , but disap.
poared before hue was called ,
The ammnual session of the commandery'
opened yesterday afternoon witim over 100
delegates in attendance. The afternoon was
opent In prelIminary work , aplointlng conm-
mnlttees , hearing the relmorts of tIre retiring
officers and other such matter's. Time hard 1
work of time sesslomi will be begun this mom-
big , Time session will close t9aight ,
lhmimtlzeii Jim JuN Ccli hpy 11ev , 1' . J ,
1)imllt' .
PhILADELPhIA , April 16-Il. H. holmes
was baptized and received into time Catholic
church thmls morning. The ceremony was
performed by 11ev. P. J , Dailey , pastor of
time Clrurchm of 'tire Annunciation , within the
four walls of holmes' cell , F'atimer Dailey
recalyeti ( ron Il lmnes the confession of
faith , which Is roquireh of those who enter I
time Catlmolle clrurcii , The condemmmncd man .1
went through , tbe ceremmiony slowly ammO sol-
emunly amid with every evIdence of sncerlty.
Tlmoft followed tue baptism , which was mantle
aomnditonal. Holmes was unable to fully tat-
lily Father Dailey that Ito lund really been
baptized into the Comugregationual church , ot
which Ire claims to have been a nmomnber
since childhood , Ilati Father Dailey beemm
51150 that lioliqee had been so bajmtlzemj ; the
secpd certrnomoy we-aid not iave beau , met-
formed , tire being recogn'zeml. c
One phase of Holmes receptiomm into time
Catholic church is of riecuhiar interest , Cthm. t.
ohics have impressed upon them train tire I
moment they are received unto thus cbrtmrcim a
tire fact that no one -who tIles by his own c
hand can enter time , kingtlpmsmot heaven ; no
suicide Is new buried In consecrated ground , a
holmes hmavng emnbraceil the CatlroIic ( ritm I.
o short a time hi tqre imiii execution has V
Qvldently doeitlei to wait for lime galiowe V
ratimer than att rnpt i.elf.destructiori , If lie S
ever contenmiplated it. a
'ilmort 'll'nhJes on It'gnl SiilmJci'EN ,
Time law class of ( he Young Mcn'a C'hris
flail association Was given a series of lee.
Lures by a number of Omaha attorneys last
ovenming , cjmtited "Practical 'I'allta on Conm-
12-mon Iaw 3milJects/t Ifowani Icenniedy gave
S sisort leciuru on Nebraska and general
laws us upplmmgt $ to gonlm-acts ; itn'l wait fiji-
owed by Elmrfer Thomas. who spoke of bud.
miesm : fermi' in cammnu'lion with motes and
, nimecltL' , iiV , l'emmnock gave rules for Lime
uitianco of real estate trarmeuctioiis , rmimil
Lime evening's intruction was coireluded by
hrmrles A. Goes , wIre talked on mnortgmiges. s
. - _
lIen ! ENtitle Ilium. Arre'stm'iI for .ihrtli'r ,
SEATTLE. Wash , , April 16.-James H.
Allzcmp , formerly a 'J'acoma and Mlnnenp-
hls real estate dealer. was arrested here
ioday by Detective Courtney of Minhmeahi-
ohs , on a charge of 'mrlurdes-liig 1..ena Olsor
at Jhuiuth , Minn. , in limb ' ( al pf 1SUI. Time to
niurderer of Mlsri Osomm went by time mmammmo o
r A , A. Austin , and Court&iey clatiom to
have ioltiveiy Identified .Allzop as Austin ,
ftilsp denies thmrmt lii' is Atiiimm
5OMil t'Ol'l'IlltM PltOt Oil iiION ,
SliggeNtintis OfTercil to thm eercnr'
or time Neirniien Cliii , ,
Time secretary of the Immigration as.tocia.
tion of Oregon writes to Secretary Willnin- :
son of the Nebraska climb as follows :
"Omir immigration board Is aripporteti by
voluntary subscriptions of the citlzCns of
Portland. Vem ar'o now soliciting stibserip-
tions Irma the b5nmkers , inercimants anti
othrri. The solicitors are a cotnniittee of
business tnen , It being their hnrhie anti
"holmby4 I ninny say. to establish time bocmrtl.
We are taking subscriptions frommm $1 a mmmenth
her year to any nnuotinmt , So far we have
fourteerm who contribute $50 a mrmoimthm for
twelve nmoniths-somno at J5 Per immontim , miami
, mnammy at 25 , $20 , 515 , $10 , anti then we accept -
cept 5 anti lore. UI ) to time present writing
wo have abomrt $27,000 signed for anti about
$250 a mmmomitim to raise this week , "
Tire letter refers to methods of work winicim
are sImilar to those ir000setl by the Nebraska -
braska clihb , except timat greater discrimnimma-
tioa will be used by the latter as to how
itA advertising rmmatter will bo distributed.
No promitcuomis circulation of It will be mnad ,
but care iixercisci.l to place It in time hmammd
of time tlmo-imt'atmtls directly interested In seek-
lug new locations. Time climb hmaa already
time ninnies ammtl atlrhressos of hundreds of In.
qtrirers as to Nebraska anti this list is rap.
idly increasing. Time lettcr cenmtintmes as tel-
, ,
\e expend our fmmnds In ntivertisng ! in tire
camnterhm states , 1mm immaintalmtng roonms anti aim
exhibit In thms ! cIty anti a few agencies in
eastern centers , iii lublishmlflg paimiphulets do-
Icriptive of tire entirO Pacific northwest ,
nummihing tiuemn to all iimqulrcrs , amid oven mnmall-
lug thtemmm lironmiactiously to pecplo in c&tnin
states , wlrose nameS we obtaitr fronim the
state gazetteers. In two different years wo
sent exhibit cars thirotigimout time amid-
die ammd comaterit states slmowimmg the
natural products of otmr elate. We give
information as to vacahmt. hands , or farnus
for sale , html do not buy nor sell nor act as
itgcnta under aumy clrcnimmstannces whatever ,
for 'e think this would lmmmpair tire efficiency
of tIme board arrd Its work. "
Tine following represents a portion of tire
Lerb-ncrlimtiorms received inn Omaha recently by
tire Nebraska club conmmltteenmen : Nebraska -
braska Clothmng company , $10 ; Parsons
Cormirmnlaslomi conimpany , $1 ; .1. F , Twarruley &
Co. , $1 ; II. Itornig , $1 ; A. U. Knapp , $1 ;
Dr. C. C. Itillzomm , $2 : Williammi D , hiancker ,
$5 ; Mary M , Puglm , $1 ; J , II. Gaylmart , $10 ;
C. H. Butler , $1 ; Nebraska Hay conumpammy , $1 ;
J. H. Gordon , -$1 ; Thomas linker , $1 ; Dr. J.
hholnnmqtrost , $1 ; William Schuize , $1V. ; . N.
Calk , $2.
At a meeting of tIre stockhrolders of tire
club last evening Major Ciarkson was elected
to fill thr vacammcy art time board of directors ,
Causeil by time resignation of Judge l'owell :
P. 1. . Ringwalt was niado secretary of time
Douglas county atmxillary.
Commnlssionmdr Utt of time Comnmercal ! club
was requested to fill -time page. Ireld for a
flcscrlhmtion of tire advantages of Ommmaira amid
Douglas county in tlrd circular that time Nebraska -
braska club l hraving jnrinted. A hundred
thousand copiea of this" circmnlar will be dii-
tributed , '
- -
JI.tiIliAS COltI'IJS FOR 'i'll 13 OFl"lCllllS
l'ott Cmimmtecit , Cnse AsMilimmes aim litter-
esthmig l'lmus& ' .
CHADRON , Neb. , April 16.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-A deputy United States nmmarshal is
in the 'city today with a writ comnmandir.g
Sheriff A. Is ! . flartlett to ehu'Gw by what an-
thorlty ire has Ia his custody Lieutenant
E.F. .Ladd amid Sergeant Ilraddon , U. S. A. ,
parties arrested by hInt for violating time
laws of time state by operating , or , rather ,
having in charge , the-peat canteen. Time writ
wea issued by tire Utmitcd States court , where
a test case' of Jurlsiction between tire utate
jnd federal authorities will be brought. Ilart-
' ' it is undere'tood will be
Intl's ihmot'ing , , a
copy of time coniuplaint , etc. Major C. S.
haley amid Captain I' . I' . l'oweil , as well nu
time parties arrested , rwo also here.
ROMe Shioistimil MIINICnIC.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , April 16.-Special. ( )
-Time rose show and musical given by tIme
iadic of time , ipiscopaI chmnralm at WIilto'e
lmal ! last niI'ght was attethiCtl by about 330
people , and was a suceer in every partihu-
lar. TIre musical program was especially
fine and waa particIpated in by Mls LIllian
Ferry , Mrs. Edwards arid Mr. D , H , 'Wimeeler ,
jr. , of Omaha , and Mrs. D. A. Campbell and
Miss M'aud Oakley of Lincoln ,
Xebrn4liai l'roperty 1mm Deimmaumml.
PLJPTTSMOUTH , Neb , , April 16.-Speciai. ( )
-Oorge Switzer , as admrifnlstrator of time
estate of thue late B. Hubnor , sold today
513 acres of line farm hand situated near the
village of Nelmntwka and coo block amid four
lots in that village , Time tale was attended
by a large nunub.or of people train that neigh-
borimood arid . , everything went at bargain
prices. Over $10,000 was realIzed.
I'tstoftlee Snie lhlow'n.
SEWARD , , Neb. , April 16.-Special Teie-
gram.-Last. ) nlht tire lOStOfflCe at Gochner
was robbed , time safe being iilowrm open arid
contents talen to tine amount of $150 , lii
stamps and money. Tire robbery was supposed -
posed to have been commomitted by tramnips
who were seen lotterln around time depot
during the day , _ _ _ _ _
Chillil ii'atzmlI' .Semildeal.
ICEIARNEY , Neb. , April 16.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-ltoy ) Coinqr , a 3-year-old child of
Charles Connor , 'was fatally ecalded ycater-
day forenoon by falling in -bucket of scald.
ing water. Time family bad Just removed
froni the city to time Island when the accident
occurred , The child lingered until S o'clock
this nmornming. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% Vcldi'il mum Dimmalmit Girl ,
I3ELLEVUI3 , Neb. , April 16.-Speclal- ( )
Frank Palnumtng was married Wednesday at
Omnaloa to Miss Amnanda Dillon , a 15-year-old
girl , The young couple returned to liollevue
aimd in the evening celebrated the event by
giving a dance to a large mmumber of thnelr
rricnds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marrit'd at Grmfton ,
GRAFTON , Neb. , April 16-Speclah.- ( )
Loot night Miss Lucy Eckley and Jarres
halley , were married at the residence of limo
rido'e parents.
flistriet 'tlommrt at Grunt.
GRANT. Neb , , April 16.-Speciai.-Dhs- ( )
irict court i's in session Imero tins week , Juthge
irimes of North l'latte mresiding.
Jcitims : Of Xi ltty ,
BISMARCK , N , 1) , , April 10-LIeutenant
horace ci , hlambrught , Twenty-second in-
iimtry , stationed at Fort Yatee , % ' 1roso skull
5'OS fraeurti by a fall train lila horse , is
bail ,
NEW YORIC , April 16-Baron Constantimmo !
In tlrliunm , time well known cartoonist , died
oday of jmneumnonla , conmpiicatcd With kitimmey
Iloeat'o ,
I'hIII..ADEL.PIHA. April 16-Coroner's
dryalcinim , Dr. 1S'lhiiammm , K. Mattern dropped
had thmjo aftempoorn , Dr. Matierjm was hires-
mat during time mnqmmeais , which , tvoro con-
laded at the coroner's office about 2 o'clock ,
lQon after Inc weimi Into the coroner's private
( flee , lie had scarcely taken a seat , wiroim
he gasped once or twice and tinea dropjmcd
In time Iloor mimormsciotmi , , A doctor was
aiiod , Irmit to ire avail ,
'LONLION , diJril 20.-Artirur Cecil , time
ctor , Is death at liriglitoim. Artlmrur Cecil
blunt. hcimown on the stage us Arliimmr Cecil ,
ens the son 01 5 well known solicitor anti
aa at first itrterrrled fur tImt tirmy , But lie
calm dhitplayesi a greet. talent for amusic and
etlnmg mind after a first essay simm an amateur
0 altpearei in 1863 In iIr. Oorsmmnmim Reel's
ompany as Mr. ( hmurcbnmriotmso in "No Carils"
rim ! as flux In thmti ImmualcaL version of "hex
ad Ccx. " lhimi omvem' to disguise hIs fao
asy to Take
! asy to Operate Ii
rA features Zecrmliar to I1ootl' l'ihis , Small in
lzc , tasteless , eflielemit , thiorc'iigh. As one irhau
akin ' You never know yet ;
aye taken rt pill till it is all
vet , " 250. (3. 1. ilood&Co. ,
rOhtrIetOfS , Lowell , lilass.
'he ualy pills to take With Hootl'a , mrsaInailIa , I
anti immannor was one of his chief characleris-
tics , lie has mippeareil in a large mmunmber of
roles , and from 1S13 to iRS ? ho was joint
manager with Joimn Clayton of the Old Court
theater 1mm Lonrlon ,
l'IATTSMOUTht , Neb. , ipril 1C.-Spc'oInl. ( ) -
-Horatio Alforti , one of time pioneers of Cass
county , tiled at his hone in this cIty last
night of Constitmiption. Time deceased bad
beca a resident of Piattsmnuth for about
twenmty years itirti was itlghly' ratpectetl , lie
leaves a wife ammd tirree cimlidreim.
Beechain's pills arc br bili-
OtlSflcSS , biliotislicaclache , dys-
IOpSia , heartburn , torpid Iivcr ,
dizzhlcss , sick headache , bad
tastc 111 the mouth , coated
tOngtle , loss of appctte , sallow
skin , ctc , , when caused by
constipation ; and consttjation
is the most frequcit cause of
all of them ,
Go by the books Pills i6c
and 25C a box. Book free a
your druggist's , or write B. 'F.
Alien Co. , 356Canal St. , N.Y.
Wci/ck : es
Made by 't1ieAmericai
Waltham Watch
Company are the
bestand most re1iab1
timekeepers made - '
in this or any other
Ask 10 SCC the name 'Riucr ,
side " or " Royal " engrave
on 11w plates , and always tlzi
word me rvalthain. '
For sale by all reinil Jewelers
Searles &
- - earlo S
. : , 6PECIALSTS ! l ,
crvoiis , Cilfoillo
- " : arrtl
' Private Disoas3.
biiXUA1JIA ; ! .
' , . . All l'm'lvato iise.I
.nut Dtordort of aaois
' Tt-o5trimeimt by maU
. cotiSUlcrithtflm frotm'
- k
Cuiwd for life aird the pohsoi. tmim'uUalmhl
ehansed from time ystem. I'hIdS , FISTUL.
VAflTCOcEL permanently and successtuii
etmred. Method new end unfailing.
STAIC1UHEANOGLE rT utltonto 'Cu-oct
lly new mothoti without pain or cutting ,
Call onor address whth atyflp ,
I 110 h. l4tlmt ,
DL SCaI1S & SearLe , , ,
: ' '
_ _ e. I
. -
' I' I
, .v\
S .
- -
- -
- T '
- '
( My mamma used Wool Soap ) ' ( I wislmxnlrno hadI
If Wool * dozmp Is used In tbo laundry , In
thiacleansingof winter biankotsniamuncus anti
ci I wool fabrics baCon-a storing for the season.
Tire valno or
Is lncstimablo. Washues silks , iaccs amid cli
sununnor fabrics without injury , 1cquali
valunClo for bath , houseijord and geaora
iaundrj' urpooos. Sold by all doalars.
aworth , Schodde , & Co. , Makers , Chicago.
ow7orkOffic007iLeonar-4 SthiostotmlCliathanaSi ,
Crati Drnhar
leAnt : , MAR11
-'i " G-
Dyspep5ia ,
Sick Headache , Ia
J Constipation.
'lime tirmee ' 'ihis' that nimoke life n burden
pronuiptly and 1osltively tarred by
lm trse for aevcm'ity.five years strcccssfuhiy ,
mmmd reconoulclidcI by ihysiciairs evcry.
4sri'or sale by all Druggists ,
rab Orchard Water Co. , LousvIIe. !
IS well adapted to all
ocionoinleal liounokCOpDl ? .
- - - - - -
j5 ; ; : ,3 Uritinmy arid haturdsy ,
AprIl 17 miami 18.
lire Stint 7-few Turk , Paris , Loidon miami
lheriltt . stmccnn
Under lime direction of W'hlI.IAM II. I1AYPEN ,
'iils goentpale 'thursday ummOrnhlIK ,
30 ] . . .
yJSStliI..MON. . ,
: Jolly Nellie UNJMY'I -
r.tnd her eaveiiemmt couutpaey him itm musical
C-cio Noirity , , -F-
, t satire mm this flitw wQmiun iuinamitl uud '
'ciln gtaz ,
U8UAb 1'IICt ( $ .
- - - -