THE OMAHA DAILYBEE. _ ESTAthJISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871 . OMAIIA , Ifl31DAY MOItNJJG , Al'RIL 1. 7 , 189G. ' SINThE ( tiOL'Y FIV11 OJN'S. BA1TIST PREAChER iN JAIL American Missionary Dotainea at Uavana by Spanish Authorities , HAS FREQUENTLY BEEN IN TROUBLE I'Jneeil Iii ConflnrHlelti znil flie At- tenthuti Of the VtiIil ( nlcg IteireMIIlItISe , tt,1Iei1 ( D JII Cnic. ( C"pyrlght , 1 % , 1i3' ! 'rr 1'ubIIInR cmany. ) JIAV/tNA , Cubi , April 1O-New ( York World Caljkgram-Speci1 Telegram.- ) Atherth 3 , Dlaz , a mlslonary of tim Southern lJaptlBt church of the United States , wn or- reate1 today and taken to pollee ) ieadquar ters , lib ; resitlenco was thoroughly aearchea. . As the prlnor is "in communt- cato" there Is nothing to bo atd concernitig the nature of hlu offense. I learn that nothIng - Ing of an Incriminating nature waa found In 3iIs re'tlenco. Consul General Williams prompfly mode Inquiries. DIaz Is a native creole. lie has been acting as a missionary foi a number of years , in charge of the ethoemnno church and has been frequently th trouble with the authorities. Ho called on the consul general of the United States , February 12 , 1887 , and re- ( lUested him to write 0. letter to the captain cneral an Inform him that ho ( Diaz ) was , - . upervIsliig bishop of the I3aptist church in Cuba. lie had a controversy with the flomnn Catholic bishop of Havana , because the latter prevented DIaz from using prop- crty bolqnging to the diocese. DIaz is also engaged in the undertaking business. Ito is a naturalized citizen of tile United States and has been a pronounced oj- ponent of the government , talking iebelllon openly. Nothing of consequence comes from I'inar dcl 1110 province. Macco I showing more activity than ho has iliown In njortnight. lIe was between Artemisa and Cabanas yester- day. lxciting rumors of an intended attempt to force the trocha are circulated , with the usual failure to realize. In Vibora. a ubU1b of Ilavana , some young moo attempted a demonstration yes- terday. They collected a unaiI rarty of sympathizers with the rebellion and were preparing for mischief , when they were attacked - tacked by a detachment of Spanish soldiers , who capturei several. The leaders were Jlacod In the Cabanas fortress today. Their action vas foolhardy , as the result proved. Three prisoners tried by courtmartial and sentenced to death for incendiarism will be executed Friday morning in the Cabanas fortress. The police searched the pawnshops today for arms. WILLIAM SITAW I3OWEN. o.iLY ; OFFLflL $ IJN1I CONDITION. b ZtlZILL fleiflitilSiK tilO tIICOIIi1itIIIII p \ Surrender of hue IIIreIItM. , MANAGU/ . Nicaragua , Aprii 16.-Vta ( Oalvoton.-A ) tecgram has Just arrived licrefroin Nagarote , where President Zelaya ow Is , which says a messenger from the rebels is no * on bin way to this city , bear- 1n a message from the leaders of the revolt to the United States minister , Lewis Baker. It is supposed here that they want Mr. Baker to intervene and arrange a peace be- tWen the contestants. The only terms Zo- layn has , up to this time , been willing to consider are unconditional sUrrefller on the part of the armed forces and the giving up for trial of the leaders. 'rho progress of events recently has been steadily against the rebel cause. . The government troops have entered upon their campaign in co- oitration with their llondurean allies and for- some days past the two forces , by a combinct movement , have slowly but surely ' been , surroundipg the rebels at Motombo , La Paz. Chinandega and other points. The government completed the circle when It took Ceiba Mocha. Coiba Mocha was attacked - tacked today by the rebels , but they were repulsed with heavy loss. General I'aiz of a th" government. force has taken La& Linias , , from the rebels. several hundred of them being killed. President Zelaya Is himself at Nagaroto directing the campaign of the ove1nnient forces. CON'VIhl'l.API NO NEV LEASES. Preniileii t of the Grziuil 'I'runI 'rnhI , of * Iit Ftittit'e Hf I be l'ropery , LONDON , April 16.-SIr Charles Rivers Wilson , president of the Grand Trunk railway - way of Canada , will sail fqr America On April 2& . In an interview today ho is quoted as saying that the object of his trip across the Atlantic is chiefly to inspect the road. The management , ho added , was heartily gratifIed at the attitude of the harohiolders at the recent semi-annual meeting. At the next meeting thioro will be several impor- taut financial measures to discuss , the most iniportant being the receivership of the Vermont - mont Central railway , now under the con- trpl of the Grand Trunk. This matter , said tie ; railroad , president , will receivq hie most careful attention , as the Vermont Central is a yital lart of the Grand Trunk system. In conclusion Sir Charles saidVe : do Dot propoe to lease any new roads. Our PolicY is One of striCt conservatism , \Ve must roritract rather thou expand the servIce - Ice , There will ho a sp'ciai meeting of the trame assoihation in New York in order to confer upon different matters. We desire amicable arrangements with all our corn- petitors , especally ! the Canadian Pacific , " 11 % C1Ig ugt' for tsIrrJgi'Ill4' VOIUeIt , VANCOUVER. Il , C. . April 16-The mayor of Vancouver has received a peculiar letter from Toronto , written in the interestN of the young women in Toronto and other Canadian cities , in this unique epistle the writer etatee that , accvrtling to statistics , there Ia a 4X shortage in the teinulo population In the - - \ northwest territories and British Columbia amounting to about 10,000 , and there Is in eastern Canada a corresponding overpius of unmarried wonien , In order to equalize mat- tera it hi proposed to exid young women of good health and moral character west to be distributed where the demand is gre3test and for thia ilurpose It is iroposed to establi.h a borne at Vancouver far the reception anl distribution - tribution of the young women for British Columbia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FIiuneIiil Situation I IIIhrflyIIg , LONBON , April 1G.-Tue Times has a dLi- vatch from Santiago do Chili inodifyitig soInevhat the intelligence published in the 'runes yesterday on the flnancal ! distrust ox- J Jstiiig In Chili. This tEspateh says : "Sitico \ my last lolegrair the financial situation has itiuch improved and coufitlenco is returning. It appears that the governmon ha sup. Portetl thft banks and tears for the safety of the couveriionplan are disappearIng. " St'ttit. hay lIiiiiavt ; C1aIUIN. ILAMIIUI1O , April 16-The floersenhaile has a dispatch froiti Caracas , Venezuela , say. Ins that a settlentont of the raiiway claims iiinde by Germany on behalf of German sub. jocte has been signed by tue representatives of the liseonto qessehshaf , North German bank , ailti the govertimont of Venezuela the latter agreeing to Jay 30,000,000 bolivars in settlement of last ) liabilities future claims antI the guaranteed Interest IUQ. ( ) lpinpiu GOLIROS' IhicIkliflllp LONDON , April 16.-A dispatch froi Athens to the Daily News sty A the I'ronch insist upon executing tbelr orlgina idan foc a celebration at Paris in 1900 It Is lrobablo that the Olympia games wli be 4 : helti biennially , The prince of'oles0 is a ' 'arm advocate of the plan for making the ooio permanent scene of the , Ill Setiti an Army In he Vuhl. LONDON , April 16.-The 1)4117 News re- ZOrtStb8tlOOOOIrIIibrQOps ) ( ( are going tQ GUNIIOAT SAVED PilE COMMANI ) . 3lnceo's Vorccs had Oie Alfr'ttso html- lioti Snrrouiitlcd. HAVANA , April 16.-Letter to Gomez , Macoo , Aguierra and other insurgent lead- era show that it is estimated that the loss of property by fire in the district of Arte. inisa , province of Pinar (101 Itie alone is $3,000,000. The village of Corral Nuovoln 1110 Matanzas district has been burned by the in-'urgonts. Sixteen houses antI part of the local church were ( lcvtroyed. The fiche of the ettIernents of I.abarinto , Zapata and Fumero. and the houses and plantations of Ios Felicas , near liolondron , have also been burned. Lacret , the insurgent leader , who was ye- parted yesterday to be moving , is in the vicinity of the swamps in the southern part of Matanzas. There are percistent rumors that the In- surgcnt brigathiers llego and Cassaihlo have been removed from their commands. The splendid plantations and houses of Ochenta anti Don Justo inthe Guhra Mela- nada district have boon destroyed by the Insurgents. The , insurgent leaders , Mason , Lastre antI Vegi , with abotit 2,000 men , have passed Alquiza , thie province. Further details of the fighting between the Alfonso.XIII . battahiom anti the insurgents under Macco , at San Claudlo , near the north- em cxtrenlit ) " of the mIlitary line across the province of Pitiar dcl Rio , shows that. the Spanish gunboat Alerta , which so opper- tunely % vent to the asSIstance of the troops , found the latter had been compelled to rc- treat before the overwhelming force of 5,000 insurgents , Although the latter outnurn- bcired the men of the Alfonso XIII battalion by over ten to one , and in pite of the fact that thu soldiers were led , In pursuing the retreating vanguard of the enemy. into the position which almost enabled the insurgents - gents to surround thexfl from neighboring heights , the Spanish retreated in good order , fighting stubbornly as they did 0 , . During this retreat the government troops inflicted heavy loss upon Macco's forces anti sttcceedei in maintaining a correct formation until , after seven hours rctt'at , the harbor of San Claudio w'aa reached arId the troops barn- ended themselves In the best positLono possible - ble and determined - to tight to the last. Dtining this long and harrassing retreat the Alfons'o XIII battalion only lost one officer and four men killed and had only thirteen men wounded. Tue firc' of the troops was so eli delivered and. the movements of the battalion vena .5 efficient In ordering , antI promptly executed that 5,000 Cubans were further unable to achieve any advantage than compelling the greatly ovciinatched body of Spanich infantry tO retreat in good order. SUPPORT WAS POOR. flesides , it Is 'asserted , even this retreat would not have been necessary had it. not been for the supineness of General Echiavaria , who wac in command of a much in conjunction - stronger Spanish column operating junction with the column of Colonel Devos ( the Ahfonll3 XIII battalion ) , and in the lat- ( er's immediate neighborhood. Generals Echiavarla , Saurcz and mean loft Manlel , north of the line , with the Alfonso XIII bat- tailon , On Monday , by dIfferent routes , in an attempt to engage Maceo't forces. The Alfonso XIII battalion became engaged , aS already detailed , and should have been promptly supported by the nearest Spanish column. that of Echavania , but the latter not only faikd to support Colonel Davos as promptly as ho should have dene , but Ito seems to hiave delayed notifying Generals Suarez and Inclan of the location of Macco's forces. 'vlton the latter had attacked the Ahfonso XIII battalion n force ; otherwise a combined flank movement of the Spanish troopti might have resulted in crushing . .MaceO's army , .and possibly extinguishing the rbchiioli at the mine time. The Alerta heard the. firIng while cruising of ! the coast and headed for San Claudlo , where the arship found the Alfonso Xlii hattaliot hastily barricaded' In houses. warehouses - houses , ek. , In and about the little port. Colonel Doves , while determined to hold San Claudio to the last. was caring for -his wounded to the best of ltis ability , and under the fire of the enemy he succeeded in embarking - barking thirteen injured soldiers Into entaIl boats , from vbich they were transferred tea a smelt schoone , which was at anchor ncar the landing place , when the battalion entered tile town. When the gunboat got within range of the Insurgents , vhio were swarming in large pumbcrs over the hills In the vicinity of San Claudlo , a hot fine from its guns Sand riflemen was opened upon the enemy's ranks , causing much dlrorder. Then , when tile troops under General Inclan arrived and ppened fire upon the Insurgents , the hatter beat a hasty retreat over the hills and finally disappeared , whereas ii thr. Spanishi columns had acted vehl in concert , the result might have been a most disastrous defeat for Macco. RELIEVED QF COMMAND. General Ecitavaria has been since reliovOd of his command , and Is now In this city trying to explain his inaction to the satisfaction - faction of the captain general. It is understood - stood lie acted as promptly as poeibie under the circumstances and In view of the difficulties - cultios offered by the country his columns had to traverse. General Iluis at San Ancircas do Lao Vihlac , has been engaged with the insurgents under Torres , anti has captured the latter's gamp. Time Inourgents retreated with the 1053 of seven killed and took with them a number of wounded. A column of Spanith troops near La .Jas has been engaged with an Insurgent force. The enemy lost nine killed and left behind them In their retreat six. rifles and a quan- tlty of atnmunltlon , The troops had two nien wounded. A detachment of Spanish troops under Colonel Estruchwhile skirmishing in the province of Santa Clara , has bad a brush with the insurgents , three of whicin were killed. The Ineurgont leader , Trujillo , near Piacetas , province of Santad Clara , recently ourprk'ed a dotadlirnent of government gueriilas and volunteers , Thirteetj guorihias vtmro votttidcd , but Trujlhio was , according to the report , killed tlnring the affray. lurIng recent ekirmishes at Itahila Ilondo , San Antonio do Los Patios and Jaruca , the insurgents left ten killed on the field and the troops captured six persons. The insurgents - surgents have twice attacked the village of ilajayn , neat' Maranco , hut bare been i-c- pulsed each titito. Another detachment pf Spaniards at Vivora , a vuburb of title city , aurprisod on ( ho farm of l.a I'pstora , a newly fontited band of Insurgents. Three of the latter were killed and eleven were capt.arcd mong them being the header , Ahbcrtc Ferrera , 'the Havana police have detained- the Protestant bishop , Alberta J08u3 laz , apti lila brother , Alfredo Victonlano Bias , These two gentlemen are naturalized Arnericarr citizens. Tlto police report that they found in their Imossession cortitin Insurgent tiocu- tnettts. Tue insurgent leader , Ihlas Aivarea , has been shot In Pinar dcl Ilie for being an In- rendiary. lie was confessed by a priest and received the saeran.eflt , lie then wrote a kind letter to his mother , asking hey vardon atitl bidding her farowohl , lie declined to take any breakfast. but dranlc a cup of sherry and ate a few biscuits. lie was un. willing to receive a vIsIt front a reportbr and expressed a desire that itobotly should men- tieD his execution , A suuare was formed by a tietacitmont of the ltoiiia battalion for extcutittg tito contlemaneti man , . lie fell at the first lire , but was not killed , and it was necessary to fine three more shots , t-ltIch are called mercy shots , before thmoor wrcth was dead. lie died bravely. l'iNI'tl 'i'lirttigit g 'I'errljiie Cyclone. SOLITIJIAMPTON , April 16-The North German Lloyd eteanmer Spree , Captain wii. iigerod , from New York on April 7 for line- 11100 , via this port , arrived hero at g:5p : this morning and reported baring passed through a terrific cyclone shortly after her deimarturt , trout sandy hook. The steamer , however , was not Injured , Ilittiors to 1,1 h1tai C1tnn.r , CONSTANTiNOPL1 , April 10. - The tcatner conveying Li Hung Chang to Uusaa ! , In his way to attend the cerernonle9 of the czar's coronation at Moscow , trIll be escorted tittough tite iedtorrancan $ by a ilusshau war sitip , POCKETS FULL OP DIAIIONDS Two American Crooks Taken in by Londoi S Police , SUPPOSED TO BE DANGEROUS d1PEOPLE Connectetl i-itl a IIet'eit1 , lInrginr ito Ne. Yirhc ttttal hielil It , Asonit IlL- . formation frottt the Au- tborities. ( Copyright , 1SG , by I'ress PtttttIlhIIng Company. ) LONDON , April 1O.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.-Two ) men , whose real names the London police say are William Turner and William Roberts Dunlap , were arraigned in tue Marlborough street police court this afternoon , charged with the illegal Iossession of a quantity of j weiry. Only a brief statement was made itt court , anti the prisoners were remanded Into the custoday of the police for a week. No even- lug paper makes any mention of the case. The World correspondent is informed that the two men are uniloubtetliy the actual burglars , or accomplices of the burglars who robbed I. Townsend Burden's house In New York City some months ago. They were arrested - rested this morning loitering before the win- donws of various jewelry shops in Bond Street , but it appears that the arrests were really. arranged beforehand on information received by Scotland Yard front New York. The arroots were made by Inspectors hare and Forrest and Sergeants Alien and Shaddock - dock , The men made no resistance. On arrival at. ( ito Vihe street statIon the men were searched and twenty-eight dia- ttlon'is , valued at 3,000 ( $15,000) ) , were found In their pockets. They reftised to give any x'hanation. Time police knew they lived iii lodgings in Shepherd's Market , near Whte Ilorae street , Mayfair , and not far from Piccadilly. There thd police found jOwehry to the valuc' , as they cay , of $200,000 , together with the scttngs of Ih.e diamonds founti upon thOm whien ar- iested , Th other jewelry was sewn tip In beltsanl in t-he linings o their.clothee. . . One gold piece with the name "liurden" engraved upon it was also found. The police say the jewelry corresponds to th0 description of , that stolen frotir Mrs. Burden , and they' think all that was missing tas been recovered , 'Tue police are most reticent about the case. The arrested men , while making no rosiatanco when overhauled , seemed greatly frightened. They have refused to make any stmttemcnt , bne Is about sIx feet tall and the other about five feetnlne. BALLARD SMLTIL SIJflI'LIIS IS ' 1'lIE LAItGIdST KNOWN. Chancellor tltehxcliequcr ltlkeN It Stitteiuttit In the Coitinon. LONDON , April 16.-The financah secrp- tary of the treasury. Rt lion. W. lianbury , in tim hlous'e of Commons today , teplying tea a , qucstjon , said that ieprcsentatlon had ieen made to the United tates relative to the order regarding the mailing. of newspapers - papers from that country by American line steamers alone. and a reply to thIs corn- rnunlcatlon was awaited by the government. Thie chancellor of the exchequer , Sir Mchacl ! Hicks-Beach , made the budget state- menL He said that the surplus for 1S95-9U was 4,210,000 and he esUmated the expenditures - penditures for thtecurrent year at 100,017,000. The chancellor ef the cxcheqimer caid that ( h's had been a wonderful year and one of unexampled revenue , In spite of the fact that the expenditures- been the largest SInce the great war. The surplus was the largest ever known and a Janger sum was devoted to the reduction of the national tieht than ever known. Thte condition of the working c'asses ' , ho continued , judging from the cnsurnptiou of tea , tobacco and sugar , liati materally Itn- proved and it was a remarkable faCt that while the decrease in the exports and im- porta for the first. six months amounted to 7,531,000 , the increase for the cecond hmalf of thie year amounted to 28,228,000. -Tea , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. further no- marked , was driving coffee out of the market and British and Irish spirits were entirely dspIaclng foreign spirits. The Increase in the import of tea was 10,000,000 pounds from India , and Ceylon , replacing so much Clii- hose tea. The increase in the imports of tobacco was 108.000 pounds. The increase In the revenue on imports of tobacco was 108,000 over the catimate , chiefly for cigarettes. The customs authorities calculated , he added , that 1,000- 000 yearly was thrown in the gutter , in the hapo of the ends of cIgarettes and cigars. The imports of vines had increased 1,250- 000. LIght wines were preferred. Beer had increased 617,000. The death dutici were 2,881,000 and stamps 1,629,000. Referring to the estiiiates for the current year , ' the chancellor of the exchequer said that the expenditures were placed at 100- 047,000 and the revenue calculated upon was tlol,500,000. Touching upon the proposed reduction duction In expenses , Sir Michael hicks-Beach sad that the govorntnent proposed to reduce the maximum land tax from 4s on the pound to Is , which would absorb 100,000 of the surplus , allot 975,000 to reducing the rating of farm lands , devote 433,000 - for the education jIll and 200,000 to a slight alteration of tIm death duties. This , he continued , would heave a modest surplus for cont'ngencics. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itiviits IN OItNAIA OS'EltiLOW , liridgi's Vus1teilAwt' ) LLILII Streets in ttItL ) ' 'I'U'tl SiibttergeI. MONTREAL , April 16.-Great damage Is , being done in the eastern townships of Quebec by water rising in the rivers , duo to the melting snow. Railway bridges and tracks are washed out , houses submerged anti factory fires extinguished. Tue Quebec Central lost Its great iromi bridge , 150 feet long , which crosses a ravine twenty-one miles outhi of Point Levis. This , cuts off eli communication between this section antI the New England vtatcs. In the vicinity of Sherbrooke the tracks of the Quebec Central , thto Maine Central. and time Boston & Maine have been yashied out in various places , Traflie wIll ha interrupted for weeks. At Sherbrooke the St. FrancIs river has burst from Its banko anti covers the country for the' dItatice of half a mile between that city and Iticlitnond , At Richmond the water Is several feet deep In the maIn street. The village of Janesvihio is completely submerged - merged , Urnherton and Melbourne suffer In a lessar degree. The vater is still rising. 'l'I ) ( ) Miti ' ( I'cllirtiel. MADRID , April 1G.-TIme fIgures of the poll at Madrid glvo more sotes than there dre registered electors , The Marquis Cabnlana was not elected. lie only obtained 14,000 votes , and liab protested , ontotidlng that votes In lila favor were given to other can- ihidates , It was the marquis who brought the mensational charges of fraud against tIme municipal council , which resulted In a riot and considerable legal complIcations , The arts and craftu guilds demand bat thQ dcc- tlons be annulled , 1ttitii SlItles ( rout I1iti'cr , BERNE , Swtt'zerland , April I6-.An mi- tlicflso landslide has occurred at Trubb , twenty mIles east of this place , Many farms have beeti devastated , whole woods have been carrIed oft and the 1053 Ia said to be most serious. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - No CrIsIs lit tisnIts , . . MADRiD , April 16-No disturbances have yet beeti reported as a result oitbo eiectIons. The government newspapers contradict the curreut report that a crIsis is irnpmdlng , New York Mi'tJiodists Oppose ' . 'onIeti , Gi.OVIilS'1L1- , V. , April 16.-At tue Troy Methodist EpIsCOiat conference tot'u' the question at $ tIlrnItting women as lay delegates to time genera conference was voted down. 113 to 78. Mlid.llltS CilAilGil IIICIL1ItZNATIOX , American VrnitictSiiljet.ttedo Extra Tolls In Ing1tnd , ' NEW YORK , April 1G-Char2cm'C. Bovcy and John Crosby ot Minnpbiis , representing time National Millers' association , are in this city. They say flour inspeetons of London are greatly exercised oer what they imoltl to be a discrimination ngidnst American flour. Flour from Macrid enter London docks and Is subjected to * labding charge of 18 Cents per ton. Frepeh flour anti Amer- iedn wheat. escape tlil cm go , Parliament has enactctl that no ch4rgb whatever shah be made on goods handed tot , these. docks , but time sttalllpshlp comnpanl 's , IL is itatetl , issued - sued to American millers tiiii of ladng ! con- tainimig a clause subjeetltg' flour to tIme 18 cent charge per ton. In thlb , way the itmiller contracts himself out of ' time laws of l'ar- hiament and must pay tite tdx. F'urtltermore , tite dock companies , It is stated , propose now to Increaca the tax of lapding materially. With this fact in ieov , Mqasrsm Bovey and Crosby have been in Waahiflgton. where they represented , to a subcomntittee of the house ways anti means commIttee that tIme Amer- lean wheat product Is subjected to charges in contravention to Englisl4 laws and which they have urged may be abated by retaliatory legislation here , . a- FOUNI ) 1)EAI ) ON Thu LE'EE , flentit Suimittiseti It ) Iti' , Itesulteti fruits Ntitiirnl ChutueM , ST. LOUIS , April i6-Watter ii. hiutchmin- 5011 , thio insane defaulter o4 the Commercial bank' at Ihoonevilie , Mo. , wau found ( head en the levee at the foot of Chetnut street this morning. lie lad stretched' himself out on the rocks , drawn a heavy tarpa iin over himself - self before going to sloop , and died sonme time during' the night , prbnbly rromn heart diecase , supeninduceti by dropsy and rhou. ihatism , from which lie va' a sufferer. lie wandered to tim levee . Vn1ter it. hlutchins3n' lit one tIme stood high in time ranks of lCrdgimth Templar of the Masonic fraternity , and reared a rnos estimable - timable family. A year. o 1is nlind hegan. to fail hint and at irfegular. intervals it would entirely desert -1imol and 'leave him without , reason for da. at a. time. Soon after hIs mind began tci trouble hint , his books in the Commercial' Thnk atBoonevlihe , where ho was chshicr , be amno itnglcd. An expert found there waD fl ltortago of eavoral tiioueantl dollars. Time bank .eflieials held a conauhation wlthmMr , hlutelilneon and the 'le- falcation waS settid up b him assigning his life insurance' to the bnk ' It NEW USE I'Olt 'I'liEitlIdI'OEN RAY. tilitfluiiiCCI it ItsC.t'tti1u : lDht 10 ilthtlierin. ItimIl ,9tJmrhittctIII. CHICAGO , April 1G.-'rof.t. P. Pratt and I'rof. 110gb Wlghitmati uiinounce to the world lhint diphtheria ' hnd iyphoid fever germo are aboahiltely Icil1d by'the Roentgen ray. ' 1bis statement. .I.jnaiIo 'witltout re- rve. The ilecislon was reched'tthis oven- lag in thelaboratory , w'ben't1md last of the germo yhichi hind been epbed to the ray failed to chow signs Of life umtdr the glass- Cia leathly.baeilhi rentalnit1g idle and inactie , in the mIdt of hte best and' mnear , tempIng ImitatIon of''hmiian tirnes Tour'ew colonies of epidemic brcders1 Jabtm3et1 no cholera , tuberculosis , bog' 'holera. ' and diphtheria - theria wore located in tuiic&flhledwth nutrl- macnt. Prof. Pratt tutmeci t1ucurrent into the great cell and the ti y was thrown into tile group of bacilli. 'The magic agency \vmia allowed to work two rnintite ? The two. physicians are risking tbeir pralemuionak. reputation by' the imroIie ' that .ziot one bf the four gt'oups will ev i'-b bc ! to ; e. cover. Thty'aro certain t r effcV dii' the diphtheria-confident oncrnIuj the others three. , . - -I , j ---u-I S'VOCICCISOWERS , iW % ONVEXTION , Vcstern South Pla1ntm Association Ili'Ct.4 ( JIlicerN iii.I tAdjourns. RAPID CITY4S , ID. , A&til 1G.-Speclal- ( ) The conventIon of'thoV sjcni South Dakota Stoclgrowrs' dsccia1ioi .ajourned lact. night. The pfficer elctcd jor thta ensuing year are : c : K. Howardt , prdent ! ; J , 1) . Stevensyice prusiient : I' : M Stewart , see- rotary and treasurer. The rn'embers of the executive committee elected are : II , A. God- dand , Hot Springs ; h , hielcomb , Rapid City ; Ed Stenger , lIermosa : IL , 0. WTeare , Spear fish ; \V. J' Barclay , Sturgis WIlliam Rood , Drkota City ; C. M. Lasneon , Qeirlchs ; II. A' , Dawson. Pine Ridge : . F. 7d. Stxwart , Buffalo Gap ; A. Tmddtkip , SturgIt ; , Jones . Craig , Belle Foqrcho : , C. IC IJQWr0 , Smithvihic ; George E. Lemon , Rapid ci , T. B , Irwin , Gordon , Neb. An assossmuejitof- three cents on cattle and two cents oJiorses'mvas ordered levied on thomembers , payable by July 1. The application of the oni1mwestern Ne- bracka Stock ast clatlonfqr'adnfleaion to time Western South Dakota tirowers' aeao- elation was referred to , tJe executive conm. mitteo. The executive cow Ittee will meet In this city July 9. . ' . 'Sin l'ite Mn itiI1nctimres In Session , PITTSUURQ , April , I6-Toe. largest gathm- eying of timi plate manufmpturora ever' held In Plttsburg is now In aion here consider- log plans' to overcome tiie advance In the price of tin pinto bars , The meeting convened - vened at 10 o'clock this morning amid In- cludeti many produeer ndtmembers of' the association. When 'am ; . 't1ournnoent was taken ( or lunch no dpcl5ion hind been. reached , The exectitive compmittee helti an early mornIng session submitted two plans for consitleratlon , One was to es- tabhish a central selllngagepcy and uniform prices nrnh the other to foqna combinatIon somewhat similar to tto ) ttcl mionutac- turers' pooh , each producer to have an a- ! iotrnent equal to the capdclty of time plant , Snto doubt wasexpressel as to time ( mel- bihity of the latter plan , as time trust lawn in some states may Interfere with the or- rangement. Btigeestlonm were muse macic as to tim ndvsabllity ofbdhing open lienrJh pinnts to make steel for their own use. These plans were thorhttghiiy tliacus'ed and It is exuecteti thilit a satisfactory arrangement - mont will be arrived nt'bofqre adjournment. . S Shot ilis % 'l to tmit4 Cimihil. DENVER , April 16- . . Q. h'C nn dy , a cleric In the auditor's ofilqeof the Union l'aclilc , Denver & Gulf , 'formerly' traveling auditor of the Union Pacifl9railroai , shm3t his wIejn the right tompie utmd iIa , young son in the mouth with u .tttnall revover totlay , and then attetnled , to ItIli himself wIth a knife , Time wouh0s 'n.rr not fatal. Kennedy , through long flintsphlaad undoubt. edly become Insane , " , VisLl'r Ilesort bu4inae.i. AShEVILLE , N. C. , Amdi6.-Fira ) today destroyed time dining r om tnnd quarters above the iarge anti ishi3epable Buttery I'ark hotel. Time rest lt 1o 1nmilding was saved. Several flremtmi wrr' 'slighmtly ito- jureti. Time loss by thi lIre iaemmtimuted at 12.m.tJ00. TIme main partof , 1lmthoIel escaped damage , time thames iitin confimoed to the kitchen amid dInlmmg yearn wing , Mdv'imctmls itt ( Icegiji Vusit4ii , AirII 10. At Now York-Arrived-State at Nebraska , front Glasgow. At SouthmamptoimAn1ved-Sproe. from " N"ew York , ( or linemen , At Quoetmstown-ArrveU-IieJenhand ) , front PhiladelphIa , for Liverpool , A t l'lymnouth-Arniv dIuert Blsrnarck , from Neo' York , for CIICLIr and liatnburg , At London-ArrIved.Mapitoba . , from Now York , , At. Queenstown-aleadlnItanoia ) , from ' New York. At 1ioston-ArrivedSttvanla , fiom Liver- - 1)001 , , m At San Francisco-Dppaytetj-CIty of Rio Janenio , for hiong'icon arid Yokohama , At Linbamm-Arrlvemi-Peninsular , from New York , A t Cbmerbourg-Ariyed , BIs'marck , front Now York via , Plymoutlm , for hianm- , burg , A I frommm Now York. At 1ivcrpool-ArrLo'ed-uclgemmlammd. frommi h'huiladelphia , Sailed , flothnia , for Iloston. At Genoa-Salled-Enms , for New York , At Glasgow-SailetllfthiopIa , for New York , At London-i3ailctlMaumtehueetts , for New York , At Baltimore-Sailed-Montana , for Loti- dciiGrefeltlo for - ; - , liremea. AFTER TIlE SECOND PLfr - New J'OrSOy &pubBoans Advance Ga ' A. Hobart for Vice President , COME UNINSTRUCTED FOR PRESIDEI ote of the Stmote % 'lhl Uiiuuiptc.hl lie Cmt'ut for ii 'es1ermt 3immi- Iclegntes 'ere NmLntel Vita iLl Dl Li it N i 3. TRENTON , N. J. , April 16.-Time repub. Ucans of New Jersey met here In convention this afternoon and unanimously elected time satet ! candidates , United States Senator William J. Sewell , Garrett A , hobart , John Kean , in , , and State Cimairmomami Franklin Mimrpy , as delegates at large to tIme St. Louis convention , wIth Congressman II. C. Loudenslager , C. H. lireckenridge , liarket Gumnmnore and Charles A , Reed as alternates. Time delegates were imot instructed regarding the presitientlal nomination , but time phat- torimi contaIned a strong recotnimmendation of Garrett A. hobart as an available man for time vice presidency. Some friends of Mr. hobart , led by Congreesmami McEwen , endeavored - doavored to secure the adoptomm of a specific endorsement of MclChmiey , but time headers regarded such hampering of the delegates as impolitic and the propositIon was ruled out of order. Vhat Prontisel to be a hmot fight between the friends of Franklin Murpimy antI Elias'S.Varcl , time wcalthmy ra irend moman , as to whmicim of thmemmi should be delegate to St. Louis was averted at tile last moment by time withdrawal of Mr. Ward's name. Time prmmcipal Imiterest in time idatform centered - terod in ' the money plank and as expected the convention adopted a reralution leg for the gold standard anti against the free coinage of oliver. Time fricimfis of Mr. Hobart declare tlmat hils candidacy for vice presdcnt will be vgorously pushed , They recognize , hmowover , that it an eastern man heads time ticket hue chances are weakened and it was for this reason that some of his friends endeavored to secure time endorsenmemit of McKinley. When in thme course of lois address on an- surning time chmair Senator Stokes spoke eulogistically of Major McKinley there was an outburst of applause that continued for nearly five minutes' . A mention of Mr. Hobart as a fit man for time vice presidency was also greeted with enthusiastic cheers. Four of 'time eight. district conventions to elect two delegates each' to St. Louis were held this forenoon , witim the following result : First Distnict-Ex-Congressman George Eihra of Salem and ox-Sheriff Robert P. hlarmd of Cape May. Second DIstrict-Ferdinand W. Itohiing of Mercer and Captain A. M , hIradshaw of Ocean. Fourth -Dlvtrict-A. Blair Kehsey of Warren and.Stophen K. Large of flunton , Fifth Dktr.ict-Wmihiam M. , l3arbour of her- gen anfi J'okplm P. Quackenbuch of Passaic. The Sixth and Eighth district conventions will not be held today , but It ii practically agreed that the delegates from time Sixth will be J. Fm it For [ and , , .Charles Bradley of Newark. anti those of the EIghth will be Frank 3crgen of Elizabeth and William Ricker o Esrex. None of the district delegates - gates . el ted today were instructed. ' Time Third and Sevmnth district conventions were lm id llwci. It wa'.half an hour after time appointed timovlmen Franklin Murphy , chairman bi the rcpublicn etate committee , Introduced Semiator Edward C. Stokes of Cumberland as the 'chmoic of the aate committe for torn- porary chairmion , The selection wae unani- m uely , ratified. Mr. Stokes was hater made th imermantnt chairman. After the tern- pornry ot'ganlzatioii' had been effected the conventoh ! took recess until 2 o'chnck. The tthporary organization was made pen- manent after time re-asmiombling of the con- yention. Time committee on platform not being neatly to report , time convention proceeded - ceeded wIth the selection ef delegates-at- lSrgo , The followIng were chosen : Senator 'Wihhlam J. Sewehl , Camden ; Garrett A. lie- bartPaseaic ; Joimn Keen , Jr. , Elizabeth , ant ? Franklin Murphy of Newark. Time followIng Were chosen as alternates : C. H. Beckimo- ridge , Bergen ; Congressman H. C. Louden- lager , Gloucester ; Barker Gummert , Mercer , -and diaries A. Reed , Somerset. The committee on resolutions , after some delay reported as follows : The platform in its first section declares for a tatiff that will afford adequate income for time expenoes of time government , avoid in- cneaoe of the national debt. revive American industries , restore American svags and reestablish - establish time national prosperity on a s3und and stable basis. The necond section demands that "the reel- procity volley adopted by a republican ad. ministration and destroyed by time demo- crate should be restored. " The Monroe dOctrine is endorsed in the third section , anti in Ibe fourth there Is a' demand tar a more vin1l foreIgn , policy and for atm enlargement of the nmyy and the construction - struction of Coast defenses. , Section 5 says that "thIpractical sym- pathmy of this nation siqtmld bo extended tq all peoples who have been dniven by op- presolan and wrbng to take-up arms in be- halt of the right of . .sclf-gosernment. " Time exclusion of Criminal , pauper and anarchistic Imrnigrammts is denmanded. Ills- crinminating dtmtles In favor of American ships are favored. Following is time money plank : "Time standard of values' In title copntry and in the principal othmer conmmnercial nations of tim world lii gold. Wages anm prices imavo been made and fixemh In accordammcevitlm timle ntandnrd and time welfare of the imeupie do- lmoandm , that Itt shall be nmaintalned. We no- gmmrd time agitation for time free coinage of silver as a serious obstacle to our Country's prosperity. " Time eigimthm section says : "Relying upon the discretion of our delegates to voice time preference of tIme republicans of New Jermoy lit timtf national convention , we refrain from imatnpenitmg their action by specific instruc- tiorms , anti we phetlgo mind devote ourselvem , to time imearty support of the ticket there to be soecteti , IndulgIng at time cameo time time lmopO that redeemed New Jersey may ho represented on time national ticket In time ierl'Omt ' of Its able and tlletlnguialmetl citizen 110mm , Garrett A , Hobart , " In a commcluditmg section the convention en- doracs time courna of the state legislature anti Goverimor Gnlggs , time first republican executive - tivo time state has hmaci in thirty years , The McKIneyites ! began their flgh as soon as time resolutlcns hail been road. Congrosu imman McEwan spoke against time plank do. cianlimg agaitmet tile ilon.inetructlon of dole- gatem , aimfi offered a resoutlcum instructing for McKinley. lie was rnletl out of artier , j Delegate Edgar offered a sut'itute ( request- log time delegates to eupport Mclcinioy , lie also was declared out of order , time cimalr ruling that time resolutions shmoulml go to the committee on resolutions , time ccnvention hay. ing previously adoimfed limo platform , Senator Sowell spoke vlgorourhy against tic- daring time delegates , saying that sooner titan go to St. Loula with a tug he would resign. The renolutiona of Mchlwan esmti Ed. gar Were laid on the table and time commvention adounmmcd , _ _ _ _ _ _ , llst'o'eri'i a Nv't. Comtie't , PASADENA , Cal. , April 16.-Just ten ( lays ago l'rot. Swift of the Mount Lowe ebservntory dlscovereti an object In time heavens , whicim ime Eupected to ho a new cornet. Ott Momotlay nlghmt time suspiciorm was portia ly veritied , anti last rmlghmt ( uly Ito , The visitor itt itm nislmt uscetmsiomi , three lmours and timinty-eigimt minutes ; decienrion , mmonh $ , titeen degrees , frty : minule' , Time comet Is bnighmt , whit a short tail. Its motion is very slow , - a 'i'rouiles qo ( iri'zm $ do ilt'mmr , J3I1't'TE , Mont. , April iG.-J , F' . Kelly , a ponminttmt Mason anti one of time largest wimoiemule fruit dealers 1mm time city , conitnittej suicide by simooting imimself in the head to. ilay. Cause , dOmestic trouble. Kelly car. rjed 63,000 life Insurance. Before corn- tnlttlng suicIde Ito wrote timirteemi letters i-c- itlimg to ide affairs. I'AIITIAIa ViCTOltt' Volt iiltAlLIY MeKIiilc' Scemmresone of time tide- gntes-nt-Inrge from iCittticl. LOUISVILLE , April 16.-The Bradley slate \ considerabiy thituageti ( a the contest for in today's repombiican con. ention. A , It. liurnam , who imati been a pro- tmnced McKinley man , was cimosen delegate 'ethe seconmi hmighest vote received imy the t . 4flditiate5 for those places. The other three icgates are Bradley men. Time governor ' , tmreti the ontiorsenment of lila presidential ajtmditiac In the platform , btmt lila natisfac- ' hi at tlmi tnitmmpim over his opponent within ' * 4rty of this state cannot be tmnahloyetl instructions are couiletl , with the vro- S on that when his name simmoll be withm' drawn time vote of time state shall to Mc Kiniey. The McKinley mon coulti lmardhy imavo asked more , Time Imottest flgimt of the convention occurred after three delegates hail been cimosen on time qmmestIon of negro representation on time dole- gatiomm at large , hut it was emmded in the' colored - ored noun's favor imefore the vote was half t hmrotmghm. Time friends of General A. II. itobson made a strong ilghmt on thmo strength of his war record anti Judge 11db , Ott anti-Bradley titan , hatl a considerable. following. Time work tidmie by the colored delegates anti their friends 'aa time liveliest seen tltmring time convention , anti timoir labors were rewarded before time I ballot was half over by time witimdrawmoi of all tIme opposition of S. E. Snmitim. , lie was elected by aeclanmation. The convcnttotm simply wore tseif mit hart nigimt anti after four imours' of wrangling time tired delegates threw up both hands nnJ called everytlmlmmg off untIl morning. All the leaders were gIven a chance at speechmmnakimmg amimi then one ambitious PatrIot after another lmarangcmed time crowd until timey absolutely re- fuied to hear any more , yehilimg tiowim two successive epealcere. This exlmaus- tion was not conducive to early rising and tim result was that the mnomimimiw was far advanced - vanced when Chairman Blaimford rapped for order. At 9:50 : the chairman announced that the first bmmsinesm , in order wns time report of time comtmoittoo or , resolutions. Time comimmittee was not ready , and mmonminatlng e'peeelmc Wore reported , Time rules were suspended and Judge 0. S. lemlmmg of Laurel county anti Samuel Casio of Clay were chosen as electors- at-large for time state , RESOLUTIONS REPORTED. The resolutions conmmittee timen filed upon time Stage , anti timrouglt Its chairman , pro- ented its reports , Time reading of the rose- lutloimmi aroused time greatest Interest yet man- lfested in time proceedings of the convention. The speaker imad proceeded but a few seconds wimemi lie came to time doclarmttiomm against free silver. Timis caused the greatest demnomistra. tlon of the day except the one vimen tim presidential candidates were reached. Time latter canoe close together , and time c'nthusl- .asmn was about equally divIded , time greater part of the convention taking part in both demonstrations. The republicans of Kentucky , reposing confidence - fidenco in tiio justice aTmmd patriotirni of the people. anti believing that a clear , commciao and unequivocal declaration of principles Ia duo from the party to voters , present the following platform for the consideration of the intoihlgeut voters : We are opposed to the free and unlimited Coinage of silver , believing timat it would involve - volvo the coummtry in financial ruin. The gold dollar Is the best dollar and the least limobe ! to fluctuations , anti for timeso reasons anti In order to contorm our standard to that bf other great eomnmnCrcial mmatlcmns , we fa'rpr It a the standard mimoney of the United $ bites and the maintaining on a parity witim It every other d9hlar , whether of OlIver. or pamer. 'A'o' ' favor a tariff s regu'ated ' a to pro- mihLcjasses of our ctl- 'Zf'nS 1ir1I'artcleswimich ! may 'be sifccess- fiiy marnofactured or produced In this country - try , tbu insuring good Wages to time l bdrer anti a borne market .foj' time producer ; anti in , this connection we favor time re-e.mtablishmmoent of the doctrine of reclproctty , We believe that such a system will defray' ' every gay- ernmmmentai expommee , gradually liquidate all in- debte1ness , restore confldeh e ut into motion - tion every wimeel of industry , rekindle time fires in our furnaces , roestablsh ! time mar- kote for time products of our fanmmmers , and relieve the umitiue excitement now prevailing over time coummtry. We believe in an AmeriCan policy tlmat will protect Americans amid American' litter- cats In all parts of time world , and will main- tam time dostrine of nonntenference in American affairs of time mnonarcimles of time east , We sympathize with time people of Cuba in their struggle for Indopemmtlence , and trust that their efforts may establish a republic based iion time intelligence anti patriotism of a tree people. We believe that time intelligence of its. cltl. zens is the safeguard of the republic , and to that end we belieVe it is neceesary to main- tam and extend our system of free Amen- can schools. M'KINLEY FOR SECOND CHOICE. lielleviimg in time avaiiablity anti flttmess of , Governor William 0. radioy as a presiden- tlal candidate , mindfpl of time splendid VICtory - tory under his leadership , proud of his executive - tivo ability , knowing time soundness of h's views on the tariff anti finanCial ueation and confident that his nomination will secure for time republican party the electoral vote of Kentucky and other southern states , we tie- clam him our cimoice. for the presidency and instrtict time delegates elected by this convention - vention as delegates from the state to time next repmmbican..national convention to cast their votes for him as presidential nornitmee. But in time event Imis name Ia withdrawn from before time St. Louts convention and lme cease to be voted for , timen timey are directed to cast their votes for Hon. William Mc. Kinley , the great friend of protection , so long as his mmamno ahaii remna'n before time convent iomm , Otimer resolutions endorse tue republican state administration , limo last repuimhicaim house of the iegislaturo , anti contiermmmt time detmmocratic senate for defcatitmg legislation nceesaary to time financial welfare of the state. The platform was adopted wIthout opposi- tim , but It lit an ermapty victory ( or the Broil- Icy men , wimose plan imami been to give time ( iclegates straigimt instructions. Time McKln- icy men are jubilant over theIr success $ n forcing recognition from thu faction which has controlled the convention frmnn the out- set. set.Time Time convention then proceedeti to the dcc- tion of Three of the four delegates-at-large cimoscmm are A. R. liurmoarn of Iiichm- mend , one of time orIginal McKinley loon ; Colonel Low P. Canton of Lexington - ington , ceo of Governor Bradley's rIght- hand men , antI Senator W. J. Dehoo , also a Bradley man , received a majority on limo first ballot , mInd were declared elected dole- gates. On the election of time fotmrtlm man lime most 9xciting Incident of tIme convention occurred. A : proposition was nmade to suspend time rules _ a'ni elect , by acclamation , Rev , 5 , E , Srnltim , & "coloretl snail , who lies immade an active coin- palgn In time Bradley litterosts. Before time chairman had fully anmmouaced the questIon there was a chorus of ayes , but It was sue- ceedetl by eqttaliy as noisy a ( ieinonstrmttion lit opposition , half time convomitiorm wau on its 1ee4 yelling anti demmmmmnmiing recognitton , wimiio in various pants of time lmaii there were ex- ctod 'oiiequies between white aitti black delegates , time incident resulting In commsldora- bIn Ill imumor. 'time titiammlrnous election of Smith cas pn'ented , however , and aimother ballot Was mmeeesmamry. After eioctiimg Rd Cimanault of Fayette county , \S' , II. 14'onB of CatmmimbeiI , W. R. Wehisim of Lee , and 'fimoinas irorenmatm oh- tenmiates-at-large , time commveimtion adjourned sine die. lsit'n I itli'il I itti 'tiiuit'i , II uiIH'r. I1TCh I Fl fiLl ) , Ii' . , April 10.-Time emmgimmeor and lineman of time 'Frisco railroad positively - tively ideittilled the nmaim simot imere a week ago , together with. lime two othier Immen uim- tIer art-oct. us being time perc.oqs who ammo- ceasfuihy imeltl up time 'Inimico traiim some time ago , mmear Lebanon. Mo , anti tok several hundrt'ti doiars , Itequimmition paimers wIt : be asked fur tomorrow , - p liiiimler Imimiietcd for limmmhi'zzleic'imt , IIOWFON , April 16.-TIme united Statel grand iur' ) maS retunmmed on Intlirtmnent against SY , S. Jeweti of Lawrence , charged witim. the exmmbzzteumont of i00,000 ( remit time Luke Natiomul boim of Woitboro , N. IL .3 : REED ENDORSED AT 1IOIE Maine Convention Presents the Speaker as a Presidential Candidate , : VENERABLE HANNIBAL HAMLIN PRESIDES I Mnke it 'Ignrous Speech on Assmmlmt- Iil I Ii Clmnirl'ln ( font , Aiiojilct Declares fur Stimii.i toiey , , , multI Prtectiiim. I'OltTLA4D , Me , , April 16-WIth enthu- slmmsno ahimitx't unequalled Ito the history of republican politics in time state , time conven- lion for the nommminattomi of delegates to time national convention at St. Lotus wits holti imere today. The enthmtisinsmmi was centered abodmt time nalmmo of lion. Timonias hi. ltecti , time umnammimous cimoico of the convention as - candidate for president of the United States. In fact there was no one to be found among all tue dolegatna from whom the slightest. reference to Reed diti not cahl forth a. demonstration of sonue sort. Reed buttons anti badges were overywimero to ho seen , and from 110mm. Joseph Manley , who called ' the convention to. artIer , to time least promi- font delegate lmreent , there was n apparent desre to enter into time comiopetition to BhOW' : wimo cotilti cheer thi loudest for the favorite camothltiate. The convention u as the largest timat huts ever assembled lit this city , every delegation boipg filled , I'rovloums to time state convommttoma tIme First congressional district convemotion wait itcid aimd the following delegates to time mmatiommai convention were elected : George P. \'estcott , I'ortinmmtl Charles II. Towmusend , hirtmmmswick ; J. T. Davidson , \'unie , anti Cap- taut j. F. Warren of Buxton were cimosemi alternates. liemohutiomus ivenc adopted sup- portiimg Iteeti for time presidency and recog- moizimig no second chmoice at St. Lotus , Time stale convention wimicim is to nomtmlnato ticiegates-at-harge to the national commventlon wool themm called to order by lion. Joseph hL Manley , cimairmmmsn of time state comnimmittee. lion. hannibal E. llaimmhin of Ehlewortli was citoncim cimairmmtn , aumti in acceptance of the .oiilce spoke iim Imart as fallen's : REVIEVS PA11TY HISTORY. Mr. ilamnllim's address upon asemmimming time posltlomo of permmmanent clmairmufaim openeti with an outline of time repubhicamm party's history amid an eulogy of its tariff Itoilcy. ContInuing - tInuing the latter subject , Mr. Ilamulin said in part : "tinder time imrotecttvo system so well provided by time repubilcamo party in 1593 , whemi the democratic party host vent into power , time Ummited States imati beconme prosperous beyond time mmtct sanguine expoc- tationmi. 1mm 1861 , when time denmocratic narty weiit out of lower , our tOtal wealth was $16- 000,000,000 , In 1893vimen 'the republican party wemmt.oiit of power , our total wealtim was mmmoro timan $60,000,000,000. Time year 1892 , says Dun's rovlew of trade , 'lint , been time most prosperous ever known lit business. ' In the year 1893 time republIcan imarty went out of power , while time 30'imeeis of Industry were steadily turnlmmg anti time laborer had plenty of empio'memut. Tue deimmecratio party , pledged to Its octrimme of free trade , caine in. Confidence was shaken ; the whmCehmi of industry stoppeli ; htmimdj'edo of thousands tif worlcimmgmetm wore imrown out of onmpioy- rpent' ; Coxey'a army invaded Washmngton ( ; qoilis shut down : banks failed ; raiiroa4s went iimto the hands of receivers. amid a depressIon followed vhmtch called to' mind time disastrous panic of 1873. . ' , , - . , "In tbo year 1894 time\Vlisori-Gonmnnmi tariff dct was passed , which has been rightly named a tariff. for deficiency. Scarcely a month elapsed since it becaimme a law in which time 'receipts of time government imavo equalled time expenditures anti time govern- nmont yas obliged to do that wimicim it never had done before since time days of James llucimamman , namnely , to borrow money to , pay its running Oxpemmees in the tinue of peace.- "Aim we review these facts , why houhd we 'nut almost expect the very earth from the Atlantic to the Pacific , from time Canadian line to the gulf , to cry out : "Lot time grand republican panty be returned to power ; hot it protective policy be inaugurated , together - gether wititthe policy of reciprocity , the who creation of our never-to-be forgotten statesman , J , G. lilaimme. " TOUChES ON FREE COINAGE. Taking up the subject of time currency , Mr. Hanmlin argued against time 16 to 1 sIlver coinage proposition , sayimmg : "Upemm timis basis the gold and silver dollars would not circulate - late side by aide in tlmio , commntry , and Instead of more money , we shoultl Imava Ices. it cannot be ieiievcd that a man wouid no- calve imi own pay in silver worth 50 cents on time dollar anti pay 1mb own debts In gold worth 100 cents on the dollar , Good money would not circulate with time sliver here , bqt would be' ' imoardeci and used for payimmento , abroad , where it is time only legal tender nmommey. "It is not more mommey that we want , but what we do want is that party In power pledgeti to hmohest motley wimich vill not break it faith whim the people , so timat time man who buys a bond payable in bit or any number of years to come , or mimakos a , contract of labor or for manufmoctumre on which money is to beconmo ( Idle in the future will know timat ho Is to be paid in doiiar worth 100 cents each and not In anything wimlelm may be worth time fraction of a penny less , "Let the republIcan party pledge Itselt etmew to the doctrine of imommest money , In- siliro confidemuco In busimmeni , anti save its respected " Country from bonkrmmptcy and dis- honor. At time mention of Reed's naimmo time cimeor- ing continued , over ItmcrcaImmg 1mm strength ammml volume , for fully five mnintmtes , E , B , Jiomitehio was clmosen secretary , with a long list of asmistammt secretaries , Wimen time formal organizatlomm immmtl iWen completed Herbert M , Ileatim of Augusta , clmairrmman of time committee on remiolmitlomme , reported time foilowing platform ; l'IATFOItltI ADOPTJD , "Time reiUbiicans of ! ' ! join with timeir brethren Iii other states In presentIng I ? time republicans of time nation for Promo- t.on to time presidency time speaker of time natIonal htatmsc of representatives , lie mmeods no p.ntfonn but the record of his life , Uimdem- his atlmnlnistration , as hIs ptmbiic efforts eon- Epicmiously simow , oo'ouid be rcstored timat no- Pubilcaim policy of Imnotoction taugimt by Lin- coin , illustrated by time signal prosperity of the country for timirty years anti zurmounteti by time reciprocity of Blame ; a polio ywbicim woulti be adapted to time huelnese of time country atmd atljusted witim cane front time to tinme for changed Confljtions , Timen , wIth confidence mind prosperity restored , nevemmimo ovlii be made adequate to limo support Of time goyernmnen and time Issuing of imomds : , osten- mmibly for time mainteimagmco of time redemptIon fummd , but really to macut a deficiency , will cease , "lie is opposed to the free amid unilmiteti coinage of sliver , except by limtermmatlonal agreement , and until sucim agreernemmt can be obtained , believes limo present gold standard hauid be mmmalntained , "lie has always been ummconmpronmlslngly for time mnalmmtenimnco of time imigimest natlooni cr'chIt by time utmost goor3 faith toward time publia credits , not for time eredIor's $ sake , but for time nation's sake , ( or time sound reel. foil timat the most valuable posaeIon of any , imation iii time of war or distress , next to time courage of Its people , Is an lmonoabho ncputa. Lion , "S'imoovem' pays with imonor borrows wIW ease. Sound finance and certainty at the treasury and protection for prntitmccms viiI nmean prosperIty anti Imeaco , "Our candidate favors lime rcatriction of Imnnmigration , lie favors a just atlminietra- lion oj eli penslcn lc'gislatioim and is an carts. cit friend of American simlppimug and Its restoraticem to its former rank in the world , lite stammds for the preservation of natIonal imomior at borne and abroad , "Under hIlt administration the republleaui imarty may say with imimmm : 'And wimon the Iliac comes , as it will surely come , to heat ) timis iantt imack to tbose patims of pnospenlty and fanmo wimich were trodden undet ; ejut.