! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 t a , - - TilE OMAH4 DAILY nIrrlluItsDAy : , ArurL io , 1890. . COIIERCIAL AND F'1ANC1i\L \ Wheat Market Ruled Rather Quiet an1 Inactive - active All Day. CORN WAS FIRM AND AVERAGED HlGIIR 1'rlce ( if 1'rvIIoitN 1)1.1 NOt Move cr ) Inr fr4 , , , , I'OhItt CloNed aU I Titsi1n . CIIICACO , April 15.-II1Ing 1roitii ro. nrte1 from Cailfornin nuti cold wave pre dictions for the Dnkota nnd Mlnnosotn trengthencd wheat today i that May clo9ed at Ge , or 3ic over yeztorday'n cbs. lng price. Corn , oats anti rovIsbons were all Hblghtly bcneflted by the c Improve- meat In wheat. The wheat market titled rather quiet and inactive at times , the lange being Ic. The feeling dOS'CbOpel wits a little mixed and the courHe of iricts rather uncertain. The opening was firm at c advance , and after cIIing u a fraction more , eased off from c to rallied ic , changed some and cboed flrm. The early strength was at- tributabbe to the frosts reported on the weather 'nni in California anti the stead tone of cahIec both FngIIIi and continenta There wa also erne buying by broken. , Ifl1tlO'eI 10 be acting for l'ardridge , % 'ho b rej.orted very III anti this added to thu 1Irrnnen. The ndvnc0 was met with free leIlItig of July by houseM acting for elevator Interest ! ' , and lrIceH receded. Northwestern receipts were larger and Private alVicvs reported good weather In that section , vith Peeding going cii rapIdly , The weather crop bulletins were generally more favorable In the winter wheat ( lL'trIcts , but up in the northwest the past vtek was said to be cold nnd wet alid spring work delayed in consequence. The market bad a neconil rally on the prediction by the signal service of colder condItinnH ( or the Dakotas and Mlii- nenota , with rain anti snow. The trade , however , bccnme ( lUll and the absence of any outsIde biilnes of consequence made hip advance dllflcult to maintain. ¶ I'Iio corn market w.i. firm and averaged higher than the closing rate of the ha ) ' before. 'rho opening price for May vn Ilnehangeil at 811(1 it soon rose to from 80140 to 3Oc. l'ardridge broker * bought iii coiisltberabbe short corn. Ills buying % vas ( nke by oni brokers as a signal that a free held for short selling on the ndvnnce was open and they force. ! the price down to from COc to 3Oc. At the decline New York Sent buying orders , which. along with the firmness of wheat carried corn up again to from Oc to 3Oc at the end. end.A A moderately active market was reported for oatH. The range was confined to c for May and from , c to i ( or July. Irlcci of provisions dlii not move very far train the lOlitt they closed at yester- ihay and at the close pork and lard were : ½ ( I lower for the hilt ) ' and ribs about half as much higher. Tue receipts of hogs at the yards were large and started the market - ket with a downward Ilicliriatlon ahlti under the Influence of the closing strength In wheat it became firmer. Est imateil receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 20 cars ; corn , 170 cars ; oats , ] hO cars ; hogs , 7ooo head. Th heatling [ UtUres ranged as fohbowtj : Wh.eat.No.2 . . . . . . . O ! O4 Mn . . . . . . . ( j ; ti44 ( ii4 . . . . . . . . . . tniij ir.j ; io : ' . . . . . . . Ui ( 60 Cctn.No 2. . Aijril. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( * . 30 iu July.$1 31 $ flt ( ' . . . . . . . . 32)4 ) 32 ( J23 thits.No. 2. . . . APril. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 1p3 1o IO ) . .JuI.v. . . . . . . 2J ( . 2OJ 1IJt 2O Sclt . . . . . . . 2O3 ( 2O . 2O ( 2O ( I'ork.pcrbtl April. . . . . . . zw ; . 57 . 47 B May..H . r,7 % i3 62 H ( ,2 B July..8 75 8 bO 8 72 it Lard.1Ulb ( ) . April..4 02 % 4 97 4 U2 ! . 4 05 t ? .1i . . . . . . . . 4 115 b ( ) ( ) 4 5 4 974 jnty. . . . . . . 5 10 & 32 0 10 0 12 % tlitltiba- April. . . . . . . :30 : 4 as 4 50 4 as lday. . . . . . . . . . 4 :41 : ; 4 .10 4 3i 4 40 July.4 50 4 55 4 0 4 55 Cash quotations were as follows : StjGMtS-Cut lent. $6.23 ; granulated , $5.62 ; stnn.laril 'A , ' V.31. wIIiA'r-No 2 spring , 63c ; No. 3 Fpring , G2t@ C.e ; No. 2 red , G.S6a4c. COJlN.-No. 2. 3Oj3Wc : Mo. 2 yellow , 3Oc. OATH-No. 2. 19c ; No. 2 white , 19G20e ; No. white , 15g22c. ItYR-No. 2 , 37c. ] iAfthIY-Norninal. FlAXHIlD-ti2c. TIMOTI IV SEEI-Prime , $3.i53.2. . P1tOVIHIONS-Ms pork. per bbi , $8.5633.GO. LaaI , per 100 ibs , $1.9t11.I7 % . Short rIbs. sde3 ! ( Io.e ) , t4.4'Yf4.43. Dry aitet1 shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.&eI1.C2 ½ . Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $4.5O 4.62 % . " .VIIXHKflY-Distillers' finiShed goods , per gal. l'OUL.TItY-Firin : turkeys , 11f312c ; chickens , BtiDe ; ducks , lI6hi2c. 'run tull3wiag were the receipts and thIpmcnts today _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Articles. Itecoipts. SiIj1entH. . Flourbbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .io.ooo 13,001) \Vlieat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) 7(1,0(11) ( ( ) Corn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) ) 27.1)00 ) Oats , bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253,0(1(1 ( 110.00 : ) Ityc , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( 1,000 . llarleyb.t. . 11.000 On ( lie Pro.Iuco exchaiuo loFty tit butter Inir- ket was Ihteahiy ; creamery , 12G1Oc ; dtlry : , 1U lAo. EggB. steady ; u1Uc. OMtIfA GENIiItAL MA1tT , CoitillIlon of Trade ititil QtiudntIonN oil Sitiple tutu Fztiey l'roJttee , It seIiis at. it tue lOwer the market the larger the production of cggu. The country IM full Of egg : . , but there does not appear to bo any to (1100) ( ' to suit the track buyers , who lire Iioldi.ig tito itlarihet up to a point that booh high , as Compared with oilier markets. Their prc ( it IresenL Is 8c on track , and a 5O&I ) iointa Sc. A good many eggs arc corn- lag to Omaha , antI quite . a. few re going into tornge. flutter is very weak , and slow , SitI. the vcry best sellltrntr creantery butter offered trvIy to ( lie trade at ICe for bricks. there Is I no great clmnco for country butter to do much. A few bill ing chickens ere in today , but they ' 11th flOt sell very rcdliy. Quotations : EGaS-vresit tock. Sc. 1UTTflIt-Fair ( to good stock , 7635c ; choice to fancy eoultry. 12e. VlAl.-Choice fat. 70 to 100 ib. , are quoted at GS7c : large and coarse , 4i1c. C1iFiHE-Dotiictic brick , 1ic ; Etlam , per .loz. ' ItO ( ; club house , 1-lb. jan. . . Iter doz. . $3.50 ; LIm'Iierjer , fancy , per lb.1 11c ; Roquotort , % 4.ib , 11 uls. per doz. , $1.GO ; oung Amurlcas , I1o ; ( 'wins. fancy , llc. C I'OtTL'J'IIY-LI'c-lfens , Sc ; oh ! cocks , 2I 4o ; turkeys , 1IO3i1c ; .Iticks. 8J9c ; geese , 67c ; rpring chickens , ptr .toz. , $5. I1AV-lJpland , $5.00 ; itildiand. $4.50 ; lowland. $1.00 ; rye utraw. $3.50 ; color toalces the price on hay ; light bales sell tit beat. Only top grades tIrIng lop ) ricea. liltOOM COJt-Ixtrmeiy slow aaie ; new cloy. delivered on track in country ; citoico greeti aeI-wDrking carpet Ver lb. , 2o ; choice green , running to hun , 2',4c ; common. 1',4c. ' UAMI-Mlian1 ducks , $2.OOf2.G0 ; reilbenila , I H.o0t2.s ; canvas back ducks , $2.OO.P2.2s ; S teal , blue winged , $ i.Wfl.2 : teal. green winged , h1.O0I1.25 ; inixiti , 1.OOg1.2 : ( n. ad. . geet'e , $ . &Off4,5O ; inail geese , $ L01flJ3.OO ; ipecklel lrnnIa , $ Z.OOZ$3.OO. PIGnONH-Liye , $ l.lotJl.25 ; 'lead pigeons not wanttd. vla1sTAl1z.1. TOMATOiS-.FIorida stock , 6-basket J'lAH-.lloxe . 1w. , t2. TOP ONIONH-l'er .ioz , bunches , 201125c. ( fliCUMl3Elt-l'er , tioz. , $ i.2i$1.fd , 1x 1tItNH-1'cr Ut. . bnx , $4.60. H'I'Jti'U ) lIiANS-I'er lU. box. $3.50. Hl'IN/tClt-h'.r box , , $ I.1OtJ1,25 ; ier 1,14. , 52.60 ( $3.60 'I J,1l l'IANT-Illlnoia tock , & 0.lb. box , $2. $ CAt'Li1'LOWllt-I'v crate , 2 dcx. , $3. ( 'A1ilAUI-Caiinrnla ( stock , ier IL' . , ONIONH-I'cr bu. , 1$60C $ , 1IIAN13-lianil IliCked navy , per bu. , $1.40. Hvnl'r I'OTATO1H-Cl.uce . Black , $2.GOtj3.00 ii pir bill. ; seed sweet ilOtfltoeS. 52.25. e1ltltY-Cqlltornia , ver dos. , No. 1 , * 1 ; No. 2 , 0c ; No. S. tc. : LIMA 1)IAH-I'er ) lb. . 4t4c. \vATllt ( 'lti-l'er iG-qt. case. $1.75. h'orATons-NatIve stock , 201j330 ; Colorado stock , 3S44Oc : ltetl lUvcr aiiey eetd potatoes , e mc ; 1arly Ohio , aNd , 4Gtf6Oo ; Florida now c lttatoei. . per iiu. crate , $1.10. J1iItMIJ1)A ONIO2JH-I'er crate , $3. ( 'ALIFOIII'UA AH1'iiltAUUB-Per 20-lb. crate , o 12.60. FRUITS. Titerci were no strawberries of any account C in the market today , owing to ihu exccaaie Ii rulnt an1 wu'hout. iii thu south. Tito few ii tIh8 501(1 at 'ery bight prices. QuotntIona u HrnAw'hIFnltlIs-rexaa. Per CUSO ot 2t pta. , I' $ S.Oe(7. : per 24 pta. , $3.$0tj3.f,0 , c Al'I'tlH-Cholce to fancy lien Ials , $1.60t b 4,60 ; ChoiCe wino ba.3a antI wIllow twigs , I.6OJ f 600. Ii C1IAI'1hL'1tRlES-Jcraey. $ l.6015.00 ; boxes , $2.60. Ii rRoI1cA14 FRUiTS. U OflANU1S-CahitoroIa budded seedlinga , tancy $2761t3.o0 ; choice , E&wI.75 ; fancy navel , , $3.76tJ 4.110 : choIce $3.0t13.75. bIMONH-Metluaa , fancy $3.2tJ3.$0 ; choice , ; 3(35. Cahifortila. 52.75(13.00. BANA AH-'IIobce large . .tock , per bunch , $2.O0 j2. ; tuediuni aized bunches , $1.1QU2.0U. 7dlscnuANEoUt. The oyster season iii practically over , nail a no one ii trlng to do much In that lUie. There ii b. . htowevr , utock atlil to be lied on the mary ket. QUOtulionl P IIONhiY-Fancy : Willie , per lb. , 14c ; choice , g 13oi'Coiifornl4 amber color , lGc. 1' C1PrC1ariiict1 Juice , per halt bbl. , $3 ; per a % - , U standards , ZOo ; extra ti , - " - - - - - - - selects , 2c1 company select. , flcl Ney York CountS SOd standard bulk , per $1.k. BAUhrt } tHAUT-Per bbl. , * 3.60 ; half tt.t. , $ . r1as-Importe fancy. S eron , 30-lb. bose , , iSo : cliMes lO4b. boxe , , * crown , $1Oe. DATJS-h1allowIen , per lb. , o ; fardS , 1O.Ib. b/nbi'-ri5 gale Cflfl. . tnch , $ L3 ; gal. catiSper dot. , $12 ; % gal. Cans , $5.25 ; qusrt hOAfl-Choice , per lb. , DC , I'ncsnitvls-Assorted , , ) .lb. pnIl. , &ch , $1.40. COCOANUTS-I'er 100. * 1.60 ; each , . .C. NUTS--Almcfl4s. CnIIornla , per It' . , mellum IDe ; Tarragoflti almonds , ver lb. , large. 12'tcb lIrrizils , l.er III. , Sc ; lnglIsli wslnula , per lb. , fanc ) POft phehl , 12' : medIum alto , 1001 fllberta , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , Po1lIled medium , to ; large , lOc ; peanuts , mw , C'467c ' ; rontCd , ½ c. I)1"SSIi ) 'ICATS. hi1flF'-Oootl aleets , 4) ) to 00 lbs. , C'4TS'he ' ; medium steer. ' . Get good Cous itittI lieIirp , 5 ( $ CC ; Ineihitlin cOws and hlrcr , , 6tjSo ; good forequatters , cow's and lielfers , 41J4c ; good hind. quarters , cows snil heifer , ' , 7e,1.4c : good Itind. quatteti' . steeLe , 7j41c ; cow roun , & 4c ; Cu % llttte , 3e honeles chucks , 4c ; cow chUcks. 3,4e ! ; steer chuck ! , 4C beet tndrlolns , 22c ; beef roli , loneles , DC ; sirloin butts , bonhle. tIC ; loIn I'ntks , boneless , Do : loIn backs , 7c ; cow tilts , NO. 3. S ; cow loins. o , 8 , Sc : beef trim- nhinj.t1 , 3e ; TtItop buttp , Sc : ahouldcr , clods , So. MUT'FO-Ifcj.ed lainli , 7' c ; drepsed nlutJai , Gt c : rncks , Sc : legs. tIc ; ) , addies , tIc tew5. Sc : ltlCCp Itiucks , 3c : h.eep . ic.ngues. ( 'CC , lnz. , 2C. I'OItIC-lrespCtl hogs , Sc ; ptrk loins , 6t4c ; spare i-i1.s , 4e ; haiti sattsnge butts 4c' pric sitoul- ders , 4e ; potk shoulders , sfirnaI , , iyei pork tritnutings. 4c ; ivAt lard , not icntlercd , 5c ; t6nilerioins. lie. lIIDIs AND TAI.T.OW. 1t1D1S-No 1 green iildcs , 3'Set No. 2 green 1111k ! ' . 2ttc ' , o. 1 gieen salted hides , 4c ; o. 2 green aIted hides , 3c No. 1 % ettl calf , 8 to l lbs. , Ge ; No. 2 ( 'Oi colt , S to 15 lte. , 4c ; No. S tiry ( lint hides , 5J8c : No. 2 dry hlIit hides StiCe ; No. 1 tI ) ) ' suite , ) lililes , Cc ; Part curel hihJts , ' , o per II. . less titan fully ettico. 81Ifl1l' PhT.1'S-Oreen rattIhi , nchi 2Z$760c $ ; stern soiled shiarlings ( short woled early klns ) , eadi 1c : di y sileitrlinua (511)rt ( Woolel early shins ) . No. 3 , acht , Joe ; dry shearlings ( short voolcd early chins ) , No. 1 each , Sc : dry ( lint lCnnsns and ? 'ebraska butcher Wool pelts , ; er lb. , actual weight , 6(1Cc : Uty flint lnnt'os and Nebraska - braska 1tirtnin wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4f&c ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wed Pelts. llC II , . , actuOl weight , igiic' dry hint ClOflhllO Murrain wodi pelts , Per lb. , actual % eliiit. 4f45c ; they Itieces and bucke , acttinl Ieigiit , 4tj&c ; feet ut off , as it is uselcss to iIY ftelgitt on them. ' 1'ALLV AND GillAS1.-.Tnllow , No. 1 , ? c : tallow , N" . 2 , c ; grease. white A , Sc ; grease , witito Ii. 2c ; grease , yellow , 1c ; grease , dark. 1'4c ; old hutter , % beeswax , irime , 35t $ 2201 taught tallow , l'.4c. IIONnH-In CCt hilts veigtcd nfl ) delivered in Cltleitgo 1)ry buffalo , ocr tun , $ ; 2.rog11. ; dry country. bleached , per ton , $10.0'h12.0) : tlt' country. damp and maty , per ton. 16.O0S.C0. ( WOOL--IJnwttlti , tth ( ' l.eay . , GtJ7ci' lLpe light. St9cl quatter tilooti. 304t12c ; seal ) ' , butry and CittIft ) ' , S59c ; eotted Ond brokon. coarse , 7iSc : cottet and hrokcn , One , 6gSc. Fleece , washed- Medium , 15tlSc ; fine , IlIjico ; tub vnsiwd , 16 $ 180 : black. Sc ; bucks , Ga ; tag locks , 2fJc ; dead pulled , MICe. runs. ro. SlNo. I No. I 2 I 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.ge. Md'm Om'll . ImAn- I I itlack . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 15 60 5 D6DIO $1MJl2 S S 03 likick Yeatiings l24l ) 10 00 7 0) 7 00 3 0) ) lilitek . . . . . . . S 6@ C 4 0) 6 oo 2 O ) Black Monttna & Mountain . . . . . . . . . 14 00 10 OIl 10 oo 4 oo itiack Aiontatia . Yearling' . . . . . . . . . . 00 8 03 5 00 5 00 2 60 lliak Montana . Cubs . . . . . . . . . . . . .C 50 4 60 3 00 4 0) ) 2 00 ailver . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) 01) 12 0) ) S 0) 9 00 4 1) ) I3iiver Tip..2' 00 8 03 5 00 5 00 2 P3 Silver Tip Cubs. . C 00 4 60 3 03 3 (10 ( 1 50 liruwn . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 12 043 12 00 5 Cd Yearlings . . . . . . . . . S 03 6 00 8 00 4 0' ) Cul.7 . ( H ) 5 O 3 00 4 0) ) 2 00 Iladger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. , CO 60 51) 5) Fishier . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 6 4 110 4 00 2 00 FOX- .S iillver ( according . . to beauty ) . . . . . . . 100 00 60 00 40 00 30 00 10 03 Iilver Pale ( nC- cording to bet'y ) GO 0) ) 60 00 20 (0 15 0) 6 0) ) Croas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30' ) 20) 151) 100 fled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1 23 1 0. ) 75 23 ( ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 40 33 15 iit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10 2' ' ) 10 l.ynx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 00 2 00 1 60 1 25 53 Marten . . . . . . . , .3 00 1 P3 1 00 1 0) 60 Mink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5 GO 45 25 10 Mnk : Dark. . . . . . . 55 63 45 20 10 Mountain Lion ( PerfeCt head . and ) . . . . . . . . @ 2 Otter feet.1@ 67'7 ' 600 400 20) Otter l'nle..7 00 5 00 4 03 3 00 1 50 ltacc000 . . . . . . . . . . C00j0 . 50 25 20 10 Raccoon , Black (0.9 to beauty ) . . 50t152 I4KLJNIC- . Iflack. . . . . . . . 23 75 60 50 25 Short cased..1 00 70 45 40 20 Narrow etriped 60 40 23 20 10 Dread striped. . . . . . Wolverine . . . . . . . . 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 \Voif , Mountain. . . .4 00 2 00 1 60 75 40 Wolf , L'rntrio. . . . . 6090 GO 40 20 10 fleaver , per akin. St $ C 4 50 2 00 4 00 2 0) ) lietter : . . . . . . 00 1 60 73 50 23 Kits..2 . Ppring . . . . . . . . . . . . Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . Mj10 9 7 Fall . 7 C Kits 2 . 3 NEW YORK G5iNLILtL MARKIiITS. Qttotn110nN of the Iny on Various Coiti at oil I Ii CM , NEW YOflIC , April 13.-FLOUIt-fleceipts , 15 , . . 100 bbls ; exp3rts , 3,100 bbls , stdy but quiet ; Minnecota. patents. $3.754.i)5 ) ; winter extras , t2.C4i3.00 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.700J3.13 ; winter straights. $3.65tJ3.75 ; winter low grade.i , $2.200J2.40. Bye flour , steady ; superfine , $2.63 ? 2.75 : fancy. $2.7543.00. 1ltJC1CV1I61.tT-Dull at otji.c. CORNM23AI.-Stcady ; yellow western , carsc , 73e. 73e.I1YENominnl I1YE-Nominnl at 1341c. B.tItLF3Y-Steady ; naltlng , llOJiSc ; fee. ) , 35@ 37c. 37c.SIARLF3Y SIARLF3Y MALT-Dull : western , 445c. V1Ii0AT-1xports , 62,6430 bu. ; spot dull ; quo- lotions oil ( or hake and rail : No. 2 red , 63c ; No. 1 hard 74c elevatOr ; options opeied Orator on covering crOon. , but soon weakened under tayorable crop news , bthj home anti foreign , and easier cabin. . after which It ralileil on rumors that a big Chicago operator was ill. becoming strong in the Omit halt hour. heied ; by lesto ( a- yoraljie winter wheat reports , and closet % ) % net higher : No. 2 red. April , closed at The ; 1uy , 71 12-I6j72 9.1Cc ; cIosed at 72c. CORN-Iteceipta , 54,600 bu. ; exports. none ; rpt quiet ; No. 2. 400 elevator ; oittioai generally firm all day , with a. ( stir trade on good s.ort : demantl at Chicogo , clcsed % $ j',4c ! net higher ; April cosed % ? % c net lilgiter ; Aittii closed at 37t4c ; May , 260j263c : cloeed. at 36c. OATt-1teceipts , 145,8) . ) bit. ; exports , &t bu. ; 'pot steady ; No. 2 , 25c ; eptions quiet , but steadier wlih other markets , closing net itiger : May , 24tJ24tc ; closed at 24c. 3CAY-Dull ; aitipiiIg , SOc ; good to choice , SIc 1.00. IIOt'S-Dull : 1854 crop , % ? % ; 1693 crop , 313 Sc ; I'acitlc coast , 1614 crop , 2034c ; 3803 crop , 1tS. lt1IEd-Dulh ; Buer.cs Ayres , dry , lie ; Texas , ii' , Sc : California , lOc. Ll3AT1lihl-Steady ; hemlock sole , 1) . A. , light Lo heztvy weight , lio200 ; acid. 374t2Sc. IItJTTIOIS-Iteceipts , tI.574 pkge. ; atendy ; wcot- rn creamery , lltjl7c ; Elgina , ITe. EOO-Iteceipta , 30.541 pkgs. ; market quiet ; .tato anti 1'.nn8yiyanla , 13c ; western , 1ltlie ; outitcrn. 100111c. 'rAbLOV-Qulet : city , % ? li-Ice ; country .acknges free ) . % ? 33.3Cc , as to quaiity. L'IIOVXSIONS-licet , steady ; ( timily , $ l0.00J 2.00 ; xtrn niess. ItiOc ; lwe hams. 511.500(16.03. : ut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , 4'4I'Oc ; pickled boulders , 4o ; pickled hams. t'Atic. Larl , , tetidy ; western steam closet ) at $5.25 : May , $5.33 , om1nnl. l'ork , dull ; ( tices , $ S.rJ0.U3.50 ; short ieir : , $1O.COijl1.r,0 ; family , liO.26J10.75 , i O1i-1'etroIeum , quiet ; 1Ynltcti eios.cd at $1.23 i ltd. foam , ilrmor ; strained. common to goad , 0.60131.55. Turpentine steady at 2S5(23c. Cot- .0080cc ! oil. quiet ; irlina crude , 217f22c : butter 3'ItlftI , 27032Sc ltriiiio summer yellow , 23c. MOISSFIS-Firm : New Qeleana , open ketile , toed to choice , 2'J0137c IUC13Qulct ; domestic , ( air to extra , 3tJcc ; bipan. $ (44c. MF5TtLH-1'ig iron , steady. C'pper , steady ; .rckers , * 10,75 ; exeunge. : $11.00. l.ead stetitly ; i l cokers. $2.11) ; exchange , $3.05. 'nfl , dull ; straits , il.23010.3A. ; plntes steady , Ilpelter , quiet. STOCKS' ' AJ ) ' iiOJDS , t 'e.Mfcr4lI'M t0eeurlt Market VeIl Con- NIII&0I1,13 $ bert Of FXIICCfIttiIN , Nli' . ' YO1tlt , aprIl 15.-Today's stock mar- tt fell conaitleratly s1ort of general expecta. ions , so far as activity I a8 concerned. TItia i vhs parttctliarly dlsappintIag , as at intervals I iiow of unlmaion watt niatie. Thto tone of I peculation , however , was unmistakably strong. i grniy1pg rlevelopinvn anti one that offset firmer teIltIer3ey in exchange rptes a enewal ( IC interest in Aniorican securities by orelgn dealers , giving some conilrmittlon of the b : Uiieflt suggestions that ( lie visit of Mr. Mar- am 00 L.ondon will be favorably rr'llcctcd in S lie nutricet , through reawakened investment eulaittI f'c our raiiway aelurilies. Tlte con. inueii accumulation of Idle capital in London B causing operators at IliaC center to lettirect heir atteotle , , to this maiket.Vcllinarmed Itiarigiers. however , siili depreate thu dispro. L ortionato activity in the shares to the lurgo olurne , or buSlilea4 in the intiqatrial list. Tlier C I ea again today a inoilerate deinanri for so0 , uiitlea by commission hots. The early dial' S rigs % tere chtoractrfxed by a certain amount t snap , but after the hlrst rush of buying 1 rders was exeCuted the market yIelded on i ealizing sales , and the tonporarlly tmavoritblt , ( feet. of an advancu in posted tOtes of cx- liango of ' 4c , The market soon steadied , , oever , and then relapsed iota dicided duli- tb5 , PrIct.f , however , being well held. Con- r ldcrablo interest was manifested. as to the roboblu figures at which Tobacco ex , the 2 per efl cash and 20 per cent scrip dividends would a quoted at the opretlng , the estimate. ranging rout TO to 75. This continued talk of lojuaction ti rocettling to restrain the management ( rota b taking the scri : ) tliKburSCtIlent aiso adtlc.t to hi , prevailing uncrtaloty , 'tIio initial price tIt : aa . 71 , agaInst SI , the Sinai hlgure of lester- ° t so. . Hubsequentiy decitied heaviness Wa. siotal t ) ml a receuslon occurrc4 to 68 , Tex ( , clock ? II off at 60 % . Cash pales were frequent during 0 I he do ) ' , and an rally rise of 3 % ier cent to % was succeeded by a alunip to S23 at the ' 2 lose. Oilcialt. ) of thi American TOtacco coin- any again denied up to the close of business , fly knowledge of lnjuncflon prueeedgg. Trans. etlolls in the scrIp were nutde around 70 , at C iteryats during th day LouisvIlle & Naii Ii Illu a4vanceil 1 pci' cent ott th foreign buying di reviously iefcrr.1 to. Tile tOp prices of the t ( I ntngen. were beored in the late fofternn , ft lte bull pool lii Ougar ag.Un cut out. the pace , ai tvaocing the pricp 1 % to 234. Ic I Tue tlecidett strength of the b'ugar market , and dl e wIder tns.rglxs of proat ow being obtaiaeil a - . ' . It ? the trust , ft-ol the 1fferenca in price be. twe.n the raw and tho. conned product is the text for the upward movement. Tafting of profits Causet ) reaction of I per Cent , which was followed by a partial recOveey , In the speciahtis Illinois Rteel jumped * ' ,4 per cent to 75 ; Ann Arbor preferred rose S per cent , Cana. titan I'aclflo fl anti Metropolitan Traction , Pull. man , Michigan Central and Louisville & New Albany I per cent. The closing wits firm at general fractional gains. hoods were strong , with the more notable ah- 'ances In the maclive lasuep. The Improve- meals extended to 24 ! per cent in New York and Mnhnttnn IJOnch 1st , , . Morgan's Louisiana .50 Texas Cs gained 1 % per cent ; Chesapeake & Ohio Sa , 13 per cent ; Wabash debenture , . 21s , itt. IMIIIS hiouthwestetn Sds and St. l'iutl & Sioux City latS , 1 % per cent. The sake sycre $1,762- flea. ( lovernment bonds were flrm en pales of $125 000. The dtaiing In state stcurltles amounted In hS,000. The lIvening I'ost'u London cablegram says : The demand for Investment securities is spread- Inif , anti even pilotsit signs of reaching Amen- ran raIlways. Iirokers here report that thty have had more inquirhe today for toeks nOtl bonds titan for week , past , and the feeling In regard to the market nt the moment Is decidedly mare cheerful. The I'arln and Ilerhin tnarkta % Yero quiet antS featureless. Paris has taken a little gaid from the open market here witit a view , It is said , of remitting to Opitln. The following were the closing quotations on the lending tocki of the Ntw York exchange todny .tcIilson. . . . . . . . . . 1O N , Y. Central , . . . . . ttl4 ( Adnhtis F.x . . . . . . . . . 14(1 ( N. Y. & N. l. . . , . , , 48 Ah'oilT , II. . . . . . . tot Ont.irlo , Wa , , . , 147 Alit , 1.xpre's. . . . . . 313 Orvgoti Imp. . . . . . . . 1 Iialiltnorc&Ohilo 18 % Oregon Nov. . . . . . . . 22 Catintla Pacific. 57 0. 8 , L. & U. N 4 Cniindasotttiiern. , 50 % l'aciflc Mail. . . . . . . 27 % Central S'cIi1o , . . , 15 l'eorla Dec. .n : . . : 2 % Chie. & Ohio. . . . . . i0) l'iitsbtirg . , , . . , . , . , tIlt ) Chicago & Alton , . 1.14 l'ulhiiiin : l'alace. . . ISH C. , 11. &Q. . . . . . . . . . 7U ltt'aclltiw. . . . . . . . . . . . Ciitcuiro ( ; ts. . . . . . . ttIj % , It. U , V. . . . . . . . . . . I H Consolidated . ( Ins , , 157 IL ( I. W. old . , . , , , . , C. . C. . . . . St. L. , . 50 % ltoclc 1.lttnh. : . . . . , . 7 h Cola. Coal & Iron. 2 St. l'aIt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 0110,1 OIl Cent. . . , 34 % do ftl. . . . . . . . . . . . Dclawtro& IIttd. . 127 St. P. .t Omaha , . . . 31)4 ) 1)el. , Lack , Y. . . 159 tIe ( cI . . . . . . . . . . . . 1224 I ) , & It. (2. : ft. . . . . . .1' ; Sotithiolil 1'aiftc. . I 11)4 ) I ) . & C. 1. Co. . . . . . . 1H Surar lteilnerv. . , , 1214 Entt 'rein : . . . . . . . . . 5444 iTunu. Coat & Iron. 0l 4 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1876 : Toxnsl'ncilc ) S Erie i'tti. . . . . . . . . . 2214 ' 1' , & 0. Cant. itfU. . . 73 Fort Vayiin. . . . . . . . 31111 lititoti 1'.tclilc 8 % (3. Noniiierii lirtI , . ,1 IC ) U..S.Exprnta.i ) C. .t F. 1 , i'ftl. . . . . . 101)V. ) . St. I. . 3' . . . . . . . . . 7 hocking Valley. . , iiii w.st. . L. & p. pal. . 15 % Illittoit. Central. . . . 1)4 % % % 'ulla 1'arco F. . . . 1)5 ) St. 1' . & Ullilitit. . . . 24 W stern Union. . . . 8161 If. P. p10. . . . . . . . . 27Vheellng & L. 10 11 % Luke I'1rioVoiL 18 do lit&l. . . . . . . . . . . . 323k .10 ptI. . . . . . . . . . . . 7(1 ( % ) I. , t St. 1. . . . . . . . . . . 2064 LakoShorC. . . . . . . . 1411 1) . . ! It. 0. . . . . . . . . . . 1264 Leul 'rrust. . . . . . . . 25 n , 1.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37)4 ) LotilviIl & N. , . . 5164 N. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1844 r.&N.A. . . . . . . . . . . % . } ' . , % . . . . . . . . . . . Manliatuti , Con. . , . I I 13 do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . Still ? , it'ttllliI4& (3. . . . . . 1.5 II. &T. C. . . . . . . . . . . l'ilciilgtii CCitt. . . . . U.S'4 'j' . St. L. & If. 42 54 i.llsotin1 1'tclllc , , 2565 T. Si. I. . . ! 1C.C. p1 it ) Mobile , ( : OhIo. . . . . . 5 , It. IL. . . , . . , . . . , . ti6 ( NaaitvilltCiitt : , . . . OS S. It. It 0th.0(1 ( NaliottalCortlago 43 Am. Tob. Co. . . . . , Nat. Cordaic i'd 0'4 ito fltt. . . . . . . . . . . 9i N , .0. Ccutr:1h. . . . . . . 5074 Ant , Tel. & II. Co. . . . 113 % N. & W. 1)d. . . . . . . . 5.fi COfll'l C.'tbla Co. . . . I 5'4 Not tit Atti. Co 5)1 ) Alit. Sug.Ir pf.i. . . . . 1(1211 ( Northern 1'.tclilc. . 1 % U. S. Cordage intl. , 11131 N. I'actIIo tihi . . . . , , U4 ) U. S. Leather ptd. . III 34 6J , 1' . I ) . & a . . . , . . .nu..s. 1titbbo. . . . . . . 27 Nortitwesterit. . . . . 10.1 % do pi. . . . . . . . . . 84 tiott. . . . . . . . . . . . 145 S L.S.13 1stPJti8--12 ; Tub total sales o ( stock today were 143,10) hare , includIng : Amcricnn Tolacco , 17.000 ; Chicago ( Ins , 7,000 : American Sugar , 20,600 ; flur- llngton , 7,200 ; DistillIng , 3,70) ; Gen cal Electric , 5.40' ) : LounvilIe & Nashville , 9,60) ) ; Narthern I'aclflc , 3,500 ; St. I'ttul , 11,500Vestern ; union , 7,100. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York Mottey Market. NEW YOI1K , April 15.-MONEY ON CAL- Easy at 333 % pet' cent last loan 3 ; ciozd at 3. I'ItIM6S MEItCANTII.I0 I'Ai'EIt-i'tG % per cent. STIIItLINO EXCUANG6O--Stcody , with actual business In bankers bills at $4.IS)5 for demand , nod $ I.67614.SS for sixty days ; posted niltes , l4.8Stfi.63 and 54.8364434.90. CommercIal bills. $ i.S7. liut SIhVFIit-67',4c. SI1.VI3lt CEitTiFiCATgO.-671,0J3S'ie. GOV14ltNi1INT BONDS-Firm ; state bonds , ( mm. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U. S. Is. reg. hOW. 11I3h C. 5' . lgtM of ' 113. . . . 191)34 ) U. S. 1qcoiil , . new. 117 % 1) . & it. G. 7s . . . . . . it : r3 U. S. its. re ; . . . . . . . 1i24 13. & It. 0. .h . . . . . 88 tj. S. 5'i , coap. . . . . . 11:414 : ErIe 20'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 05 U. S. Is , r.g. . . . . . . . 1U't % a. II ; & S. A. Os. . . . 105 U.S.4scoul. . . . . . 11)9 ) C . I1.SA. 7ij , , , , lilt ) U.S. 25.rcg. . . . . . . . 03 II. .oT.O..5a. . . . . . . 103 I'aclilc tht of ' 05. . . Bit : ito Os. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10364 Ala. , class A. . . . . . 100 M. , IC. , ieT. 18t34. . 811 Ala. , class Li. . . . . . . 100 do 2d-4q. . . . . . . . . . Ala. , class C. . . . . . . 107 Mutual Union il. , 111 Ala. Currency. . . . it ) . ) N. J. C. Geit. Sa. . . . 1 I 7 % La. Now Coti. .l'i . tlS4 No. 1'.tciftc isIs. . . 11 4)1 ) Mlaour1th . . . . . . . . 100 do ' 'cIa. . . . . . . . . . . I 11134 N. C.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12264 N. W. COn'i . . . . . 14) ) ) N , C. . . . . . . . . . . 103 do S. 61' . D. 53. . 110 % 01. C. ttoLlfLinI. . . . . 4 it. G. We3t. P.3 t. . . 7S Tuna. new set 33. 85 St. P. OaalH 7. . . 128 Teitit. nowset 55. . 101 rio C. .k P. Vi. Si. 113 Tetin. old tie. . . . . . . ( ii ) St. L& 1. 11.131.1. , 7731 Va.Ceaiunlos. . . . . 01)34 ) St.L.&S. F.G313 , 107 ( ho Oeerrziri. . . . . . 534 Tons P.to. 1st. . . 89 Aicitleoti 4,4. , . . . . . . 79 do 2d. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.13.1 Alcthlson2d A. . . . . 454 u. 1' . lstso ( 'di. . . . . 105 CatiatIi : St , . 211'3. . . . II ) I West Shore Is..11)13.1 I. . & N. tiitiitci Is , 77 % Soutiiari : Si . . . . . . . 1)2 ) 0. It. & N. Sat' . . . . . 1 1064 N. l'aa. 3ia. . . . . . . 743j Boston Stock Quotittiosis. IIOSTON. April 15.-Call loans. 1300 ) r ccitt : hum loan , . .1li per cotit. CIosln prlc39 for tockH , DOalt .izil r si rr , 1 ; A.T.'GS.F. . . . . . . . l0) ) W.Elec. Ofil. . . . . . . 02 Atil. SIt.ar. . . . . . . . . 123)1 ) Vis. C2nir.t1. . . . . . 3 % Atit. Sitrar prrt 1024 Edlgoii Elec. SlIM 138 11:1 : % ' Stttu Gas. . . , 0)6 ) ( len. Elc. pt.1. . . . . 70 [ hell Tlepitona. , 20 : ; Atciiioii 2t 20)6 ) lioslon . 'a Alba'iy , 207 Atchison 4s 7831 IJoton , % Mttri : 104 NowEnrirtid Os 113 C. Ii. , t . . . . . . . . . . . . Geti. E1etr1o .o Ut ) Fltciibnrg.n. . . . . . . 03)4 . Will. C01t. 18tJ 43 ( ion. Electric.07M Alioaez MIntti C I I1linot Stool. . . . . . 74 AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mexicati Central 10 noeton & Mont ru S 75)1 N. Y. & N. E. . . . . . . SI ) Uuttejc Beaten 2 Old Colony. . . . . . . . 17tfl1 Clnntot 3I1a Still One. ShortLino. . . . 734 Fr.utkitu. . . . . . . . . I I itubbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ktrs : trjo . . . . . . . . 1034 'I Sati D1o. , . . . . . . . . . 10 tMc513 . . . . . . . . . . . 2534 ( Jitioti Ptc1ilc 8 % Qutiic.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . 121) ) IV'At Euti . . . . . . . . . (18'4 ' Tt'iitvacic. ; . . . . . . . . . 1)5 ) tVobL Eitl , afil. . . . . ' th ) Wolvi'nlno . . . . . . . . 7 'IVestiturli. 141cc 2934 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ San Francisco Mlttitig Qitotittiolts. S.N FP.ANCISCO. .turll l-TIiaomlal cloiin quotations ftr tilt.iiu : at .c i to . I iy vo a i tn- lows : Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H JTOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 .Iiistico. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) iIiexicLn : . . , . . . . . . . . . Ucat , t liclclier..It . ; Mono. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill ilodie . . . . . . . . . . Occidental . Con , . , , (10 IltitwerCon. . . . . . . . ' 28 Oiltl ? ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'll Cale.lonia. . . . . . . . . . 37 Ot'eriian. , . . . . . . . . . . (4 ( ClialletigoCon. . . . . ' 21 PotOal.tn..j 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Confitienco. . . . . . . . . . CS Sqonpion , . . . . . . . . . . 9 Colt , Cal. & Va , 155 Sierr.i NoyaSa 55 Coii. Iiiiienlat..I , 1111j. , , , I Crown ' . . . . . . . . . ) . Uttioti Con. . . . . . . . . 47 l4xciieqtier . . . . . . 'I utah Con . . . . . . . . . . .4 Gottld&Ciirry.'IV Yellow Jacket 20 llnlekflorcroaM 125 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sllvorbsr.i , 07c : Moxt3al tli1ltrs , 54.531c. } SighsdrMts , 5c to1et.tpitc. tU. , , lew York Mining Quota tioiis. NIISV YOP.It. April i5.-T113 ( oilo.vlng nra ti cloeiiig niltiltig ( lttOtattutl9 Iluiwer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21) OntarIo. . . . . . . . . . . . 1201. Chohltir. . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Ophir , ; . - . ; . , 811 Crowli Point . , , , . . 25 i'hyiiolitli. , . . . . . . . . . 2(1 ( Con. Cal. ' . Va. , . 155 Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 151) ) lcadw000. . . . . . . 100 Qticekllver , or. ) . . . 805 Gould . . Curry , , . . , I S Slera Nn'ILL : : : , . , SIP lI.il. : & Noncruss. , I 10 Statdanrl Cot , . . . . . . 100 iunl'P.ttko.1505 : Union Con. . . . . . . . 45 roiitlver. . . . . . . . . 2(1 ( Yellow Jaekt , . . , 25 Lontloit Stock Quotntioii , LONIO3N , April 15.-I p.ni.ciotng Doiiioli ; . my..I ( ( Mexican ordinary. 18 % oiiol.aco't..11U 15.111 . 8t..P3tdOoiI. . . . . . . . . 7(434 colt. l'acitlc. . . . . . . . 58)4 N. k. . Central , . , , , , h'ti ) - Enlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3551 l'crtlHylytni : : $ . . . . . . 5564 nlo leIptU. . . . . . . . 41) ) heading. . . . . . . . . . . . 1134 l.Cdntr5l. ( . . . . . . 1qx.Cn. iiCw,4s 7131 liAR IOILVIOl-3Od per ounce. MONF5Y-t ½ ( let cent , The rote of diecount In the open market for hurt and thivo inonih 9.1 $ ? pet' cent , 11'orelgtt b'iiiunelstl AUitlrs. BEltI.IN , Aptil 15.-Exchange on London , eight bye' sight , lOm 444Pg , . . 0 I'.Altl $ , April 15.-Three 11cr ceit nettles , 101t 00 for account. lSxcJlapge. on t1.Qltdw , , iSt iTc t,2 cheeks , LONDON , April 25-Qohl . is quottI at Iluenos r lytes today at 223 ; Madrid , 30.13 ; LIsbon , 25 % ; tthens , 171 ; Itome , 108.4) . . . . . . Flutitielal Si,1e3t1 . f BOSTON' , AprIl 15.-ClearIngs , $15,178,606 ; balI I ees , $1,030,103. , . . . U IIAI4TIMOIII ) , Arl i.-iearanccs , $2,070,028 ; . , alances , 1214.507. 1'IIILAIlOL.l'IIIA , AprIl 15.-Clearings , $11- 01,790 ; balances , iIQI'JOO. . ST. 1.01115. April 15.-Clarings. * 4.103.183 ; l'aI- U ncs , $650,130. M313ey. C0J $ 1Ir ( VVflt . . , Jlew a 'Urk exchange , 5 % prcmum ; * 1.5 asked. WAShiNGTON , Aprfl j5.-Tptay'a statement a t the conditbn of ( ho tneasuty shows : Avail. bio east , balance , 5270,650,37 , . ; gold reserve , a lil,001V83. C NEW YORK , April 15.-The Natonai ) Park 0 ank has tieposltttl at ( lie aubtr.nsuiy 2100,0)3 g n gold coin for examination , The Stilt In- c tallnient on the Inst government loan Is duo otlay. There he still due the aublreaaury 2tiS,055 on accouitt at principal , and $214,040 n account of premium and Interest. Clearti igs , $92,673,612 ; balances , $4,968,765 , flrr aood. , Mzrket , NIOW YOItC , April 15.-There was a much bet. ri tr demand throughout tile market , of which ti rown cottons recelyed a greater share than for a : ama time , but the offers by ) r001e buyers were 5) loW fI general acceptance , though export riers diii much better. There is much better fle to ( lie market and prices for staples are d a a pretty sure basis. l'rlnhlng cloths wer dull tc 2c. ' 1 FALIi fllVIifl , MUFI , , April 15.-Print cloth. ult ( antS steady at 214t : . YooI Market , flOSTOf , April 15.-The American Wool and ai elton Iteporier will say tomorrow of ( lie wool , tidal Tite sales in the three pnlnclpal markets urlng the wCek under review have amounted b 3.237,00' ) pund. of which 1.C32.)0 poundi. were ci relgn wool , This is a lergat' aggregate than in j ay recent week , but lisa increate Is maInly foreign stock , The demaqd is mainly for m nnestlce wool ot date and is comparatIvely tr - Ight ; further eiport moytalent o wed to 1agre land and IltIglum II1. Pihn a notb1e Incident of the week. It thla Iiliov4ment devilops conaidern ble proportIons In The ass ? future the mora3 cC- feet upon the domttl niarket iitttiliCn mutt be pronouncet' the fetllng that ft possible outlook xlpt. ( Or te lnrgs.st , , held at this time will have. meftsuirabi. % r3tect In restoring coo- fldenc'e. The snit' slflc'o January 1. SODS. bare amounted to C3,201Q0 ptinds , as compared with DlCC00l pounds a year ago. TOte flosion tales for the week err. Srf'.1I0 poun'ls , 688,800 pounds .homtstlo and 3.61,20 trtttnds fonclgn , Sale. tinco January . I , 28)0 , t0) , against 60,161,056 a 3.1:01 tigo , I 'ill SI , 1otiI Gcnernl Marked. ST. 1.Ouiit , April ) S.-F1.OUR-Eaty and lower ; patents , SZ.SS' & : extra fancy , * 3.33 ? 3.15 ; fancy , 32.1:0013100 : ; Shoice , $2.t12.S3. \VIi13AT-Plfl . 'entl4er ' for growing crops caused an ails'nnct' . t'ftrly. dOspito heavy receipts touthwct nail dull cable. . Although the nil- anee held t , the dl eo , which 8.4 above yesterday , 1"or future. : SPOt lower : No. 2 red , cash , SOc askedl for elevator ! 0tui3 track ; no sales cC harill May , tOc ; .IU ) ' , 61340 lilil , ( 'OIlN-Consi&jernble , trength was displayed in the future market , aral there wee : more buyers than sellers , There wee a good demand for May , sitIch was scarce. tpot , higher : No. 3 mixed , cash , Nc May , 2t3 ; lilly , 20'4U20'6C. OATH-1'uturrv , stronger , hut tintling light ; spot , 'lull ) No , 2 cash , 1Se : May , 1S76c ; July , 101flSc. 1tYlO-Stealy ; 3110 fast track , CORN MEAL-l.lOfLI.i5 , 1II1AN-ln demand only for nearby tliipmcnts enst track , 4S , FI.ANOIIIODStenly , itt tIe. TIMOThY Si7T3D-32.6043l0. hAY-Strong ten choice ; Prairie , 5G.004j'7.00 timothy , 5f0O4il5.00 , this si.l. I'OUI.TRY-Market caslerI chickens , % c ; tur. keys , i3c : ducks , De gi'.se , 3C. IIUT'FlIfl.-Mnrket 'steady ; creamery , lltJlSc ; dairy , ICc. EflUS.-lMwer : fresh , $ c. \VITIHI4t'-lIZ. l.13. l-1)uhi l Hl'iIl.TIOit-iuli ; $3.00. l'IIOV1SIONH.-l'ork1 higher ; etandanil incas , J.bbing , flew , $3.60 : old , * 5.30. Laid , gtcady' choice , * 4.50431.3.5. llacon , boxeti slioulilers an'1 longs , $3.00 ; nibs , $4.25 ; slorta : , $3.23. Dry salt locals , boxt'il slinuldeil ) , ti.3i)4 ) longs , $1.60 ; ribs , $4.16 : slionla , 51.75. ltECi41I'Ti4-lour , 2,000 hula ; wheat , 1,003 ho. ; corn , 15.000 lIlt , ; oats , 12.0) ) liii , SIlll'MEIN'r4-Fiour , 4,00) lOds. : whuit , 5,00) bu. ; corn , 135,000 tin. : oats , 13,00' ) bu. I.Iverpool Slacked. Ll\141POOl , , April 1i.-Vt'l I iIAT-Spot steady : 'Itoanil Imon : No. 2 reiI , winter , fs 7'l : Nc' . 2 riirig ! stocks , exhausted : N. ' . 1 ( tOni , Manitoba , Ca lii ; No. I Ciirarnlt : , , rs 7il , Futures op nod quiet at unchang.l liners : clesel dull , vitli near posItions ' . howei and distant positions i.1I1im lawer : business heaviest on curly P051- tlona at ' 4(036th linrer ; April , Cs 7 % . ) . COItN-Spot flrhn ; American mixeil , non' , is % ) . Futtitea opentti 11cm , with near pOaitlon 4d higher , n nil 0 ista.it lntons : ( unchatigeil closttl firm , wIth near isitlons 'ASl higher and distant liollitiOfla uncliangeil to ' ,4tl higher ; business about equally , listrihutal ; April , Sa iI ; May , Is 2.1 : June , 2s 2,1 : July , Is 2'.d ; . % tigust , ln 3d ; Sei'tem.ier. Sa 3ltl , F'LOtllt-Firrn ; deinanil fair ; frchy supplied ; St. 1jttit ; Cane ) ' wInter , Is 14. i'i4A-Cnr.adion , 4s 71. l'ItOVlSiONI4-liaeon , llttn' denianti moderate : Cumberland cut , 23 to 30 lbs. , Ils ; shalt rbs. B lbs. ifs : Icog ci or , light , IS to II lbs. , 26s Cd ; long clear , hear ) ' , stock eXilaustelil short clear inicks , light , IS lbs. , ITs ; short clear mIddies - dies , heavy , 55 lbs. , 23a 64 : cleat' lollI s. 14 to IC , II. ) . . 26a. Siioulilcrs. square , 12 to IS Iis. , lii' . lInn:0 , short cut. II to 16 his. , 4l. IIef , exra ( InhUn. niess , C0t ; primni ? mess. SOIl. ) 'ork , Pnlm Incas , line wesiern , Sos ; One medium , 42a 00. Laid , dull : prime weatemn , ISa 3.0 ; ne- llnt'il , In pails. lit. TAI.TO'-Flnt' North American , lOt 0,1 , CI114141411-Siendy ; , leman,1 moderate ; fInest American , white nail colored , 42s Cd. ItOSlN'-Common , is 50 Ilt'TTKIt-Finest United Itates. SOs : good , SOs. 011.5-Spirits of ttiilCntine. Slit 1.1. Cottc' . , seil n1 , Liverpool reilnd , us. Linseed oil , 19' . 6.1. l'.IiflIGEItATOR . lhl4IlF-Fonequnrters , 33ftI ; hIndquarters. 55d. 11l.CACIIING I'OWDEH-llardwood , C , ci , b. . LIverpool , 7 , I IlOS'S-At London'Pncih1ccoast ) , 11 1St. Ctiee1jinrlcet. NEW YORK , , .April 15.COii'FEi3Opticns opened steady , will. . umuo'manged to hO. ittlvnncO of is point' . , minI firm on1.favniatle cables nail for- tOga ittarkct , Later tieitnitket ) broke uader lktul- dation onil eloeiI barely ztat.ly. tt'Ith prices finally 13 rolnts net 0ntr ; sales , 24 750 lags , Including - cluding _ March , (50.602710.50 : AprIl. $13.10. Spot ma , sicatly : No.117. ) .81) ) asked ; ratiO nid st'at1) ' . . Condnva , . R tiet , f'X1. lion. Marnealbo , ManetIius.tleiircrIi ) , ( It m Net , ' a'oilc yesterday , 12.604 lgs : 1t.ck today , 3).903 Jigs : ITnileil $ t0iet stoekC1l.75 hagsp.jmiioa ii's' the ihniiel States , 103JO ) bags ; tolal vIaih'e ( or the UnIted 'Slates , 419 0Th bags , , agnint4G3C4G bags lart year. I HANTOS , April l5-QuIet : gooI average Fan- trw , 15,00) reis ; receiptsf . 2,003 Jias ; stock , 143,60) hoes. / HA.utunr. . ApIl 1-COFF1423.-Seody : ; ! pfg acitance : sales , 4.0)0 ) bOgs. IIAVRI3 , April 15.-Closed ataIy ani0 tin- changed to 3 C aiXvanc ralea. . II 000 hag" . Itlo. Ap3il 35.-Icaiiy't ( No , 7 , 64.10 ; ecitange , 3. 1-16,1 , : n'eeipls , 2.0) ) bags : iidd fr the United 8tates , sOloo bags ; for Europe , nl1c ; stoclc.rSZ30f bags..4 " -0. . . . - - - - - - ' ' : --i---- , , . iCitusits CIt ) ' 5arlcs. KANSAR CITY , iinlI 15.-WItPIAT-Stcatly ; No. 2 hard , Ole ; No. 3 nomnaliy 600134c ; rejected , ncrninnlip IStlioc ; No. 2 3 t1rin. C0c ; No , 3 , ntminaly 67ICOc ; No. , 2 red , 74c. CORM-Deqiand fair ; No. S mixed , 21c ; No. 2 whlie 24c. , 0A7'2-Steady ; No , 2 mlxeii , 1TlSc ; No. 2 white , 21 ( ItYl-No. 2 , 23'MJ14e. ' IIAY'y.Firrn ; limn4hy , choice , $ iI,00hl..O ; Irnltie. eiolce , 57.608.00. r , . 4. , . - utjrriflt-Lower ; creamery , fancy , ICc ; daIry , I IC. , ' . - LOGS-rllnsettied ; fasli , S5e , 'lW' . Cot n SI : , eket. NEW YORK. April I5.-COTTON.-Qulet mIll- dilng , 771c ; net receipts , none : 'gmss , 1,244 bales : exports to Cleat liritain , 4,066 bales ; -to the con- Ilnent , 2 13.1 boles : ( otttartlcl.'nnne : rates , 641 bales ; spInners. 241 haiesi ; siock , 143 512 , hales. NUV OflT.EANS. April 17.-COTTON-Easy ; middling. 7 11-ICc ; low mltldi na. 7'.c : good or- lunar7 3-ICc ; net receipts , 1 273 lo' ( ' : gm's , 2.021 iale' , : . 'xpor a tl Ihe cintilnent. I ) , OII bales ; rides , S 210 bies : stock , 1S 416 ST. LOt'IS , April' 15-eOTTON-.Qaiet ; ntIl- lung , 7ie : Faics. 227 babes ; receipts , 4 ! ? boles ; sltipmets , $12 bales. 1'orJ Irkets. i'EOEIA , April 15.-COItN-Steady ; No. 3 , OATS-Inactive ; N. I White , nominal ; No. 3 WillIe. 19l5'c , ItYE-DuIl , nominal ; No. 2 , 17e , V1iiSIC6'-Market atcaihy ; Ilnithed goils on tue malt of $1.22 for high vInes , ISECE1PT-Comn. i6.Ni. ) bushels ; oats , 15 S : uriiels ; rye , none ; whIsky , 23) gallons ; wheat , I:03. : u'usiels. HlIIl'MENTZ-Cern , 10,650 buheia ; oats , 18,500 - usieis : lye , none ; whisk ) ' , 215 galons ; ; wheat , : , ioo bushes. _ _ _ _ _ _ SiIg1 Mn rk't , NEW Tonic , April 15.-SCUAR-itaw , quIet ; teitl for liigier pnioca ; till ) ' reilning , 3c ; cen- riiugal , , , 06 test , 4c. iteilned , strong ; sianiliird t , 5'c ; cut leaf , , S6c ; clashed , Gc ; grilnu- ated. Cc. I.ONION. April 15.-SUGAE-FIrm ; centrifugal lava , lIt 434th ; ) IIuLiC'o''fld ( , faIr metining , ISa 7340. icet sugar , steady ; : hi.12.tlii . ; May- , lIt 1)ti. 5lIitiieIIPOII $ 'il'tIt Sltrlcej , MINNFIAI'OLIH. AprIl lI.-WIIIIAT-Ijieady ; lu'II. C2c ; May , 61cr Juy , C2 On ( rack : 'lo. 1 hard , C3e ; No. 1 nortitein , 62c ; No. 2 torthern , C2'.4c. Ikceiit , , 240 ears , 1'LUjt-Quiet and uneliingeil : , 'I ° rtscoVIs t'fl t 31 rk e t. HAN FItANCISCO , ApIl 15.-WIIIIAT-Inae. Ice ; December , $ l.OS ; May , Si.OS % . 4C11 ( ) OF' 'l'illS 'I'jt'LOlt ShZO1t'FAGIO. 4tiI ( of l'ectilli.r Siguigit'nnc'c Jirotigli t I Ii lederzt I Coo rl , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , April 15.-Speclal. ( ) -A cape has just been decided in thio united tates court which posactae.o considerable 'po- itical significance o the people of the state. 'or some months hicro have been quiet no. C nors that exSecretary of State Itlngsrud , rho is a candidtf , pr governor on the re. lubhicari ticket , M'd.beon ' mixed up In e3mne ) eculiar , not tilii ; crooked , tranelctlons long the lIne wh1ch1'ought ' about the down- all of TroasureT'y1or. The Ctony went a hat about six yjl.r"ago Ringaruil , then eec- etary of atate , Ai 01 Mebietto , then governor , r. V. F' , Smith , t1thrsttto treasurer , and ' tImers , with Vhj1.Catneron of Pierre , orniod a ayndicit9htethlchl opeculatad In mm- ilg and other i tIu.la 'In the Black hIlls and a eo4 the state money for that purpose , It ti l.a. alto stated { IIat thiu syndicate lost con- Idorablo lnoleytiatni. that aa a result the n. ladison bank ftld pfter compelling TressIi nor Taylor to , eup 7,000 of the boss , " sum which , privqtl a loss to him and hrough him to.htiatl. , , This story now ppears to be up , When the bank a t Madison fai o and the receiver took " hiarge , ho found aenoto from "W , B , Cain. ? ran & Co. " fotV4Si4O , Ho knew that the entietnen zneutffcd ° hal at one time purcc based property In 'Pierre ' and that they bad 51 l3 invested as a ayndicato In Deadwood. He was also inforzmed about the story znn- oned and was led to bollcve that the "Co. " ttached to the name of Cameron was corn(4 aced of Meaars. SmIth , .Ieihetto and Rings- Id , As the tirat two were not solvent at 10 tinO and as flingarud was , ho brought lit in the United States court against hIm , co his case caIne up for trial at tbL term of & 4 10 UnIted States court ir. this city , it. was Iamlaaed on motion of the plaintiff's at. rney , who made t written stipulation to 45 10 effect that lie ) ia4 on further invcstiga- on found that Itbngarud was in no way con- raed In the trant'actlons about which the ory aroa'o and that. he had witbdrawn front so 3) ' connectIon with-i Caueron before the IS tta of this note. While nothing was cold f the attorney to the court about the g , targes of corruption , I is learned thst yr Ingerud aeparated , from the other gentle. 181 an before the time of the alleged crooked -anactlOnl. IL appears , therefore , that ba putatton i-i entlrchX clear n thaL head. s , ; siAilA LIVE STOCK NARRET Very Little dillango Noted In Oondltlons Governing the Oattlo Trade , HANDY LIGHT BEEVES SELL BRISKLY Detimnuil for liensles Still Shitek Iptit Cores anti lielfet's In Unoit lie- qttcstlflt Itun of Slugs itliti I 1.ower l'rices. \VFDNESDAY. April 15. flecelpts for the days indicated nrc : Cattle , flogs. tlhcep. horses. April 15 , . . , . . , . 1,703 6,860 1)31 ) AitrIl 14 . . , . . , . , , . , , . 1t123 4,550 1913 Atril 13. . . . . . . . . . . 1,278 932 , , . , 15 April 11 , . . . . , . , . . 1,507 3,800 April 10. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,605 3,865 871 l.i A3)rii 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 3,770 41. . . , . AprIl 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.313 2,633 593 The official miumber of cttrs of t oek brought iii today by cacti road wnst Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , : t. & st , i' . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0. & St. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 1 MiI'gotlrI l'nelflc . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Union 1'.tclilc system . , , . , 2) 20 4 C. & N. \V.- . , . , , , ; 1 . . 33. & ill. it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j C. , It. & Q..1 2 C. , II. 1. & 1' . . cost . . . . . . . 2 . 2 (3 , , it. I. & 1' . , vest , , 1 2 1 C. , St , 1' . , 7t1. & 0. . . . . . . . 9 8 F : , 11. & ltt.'l' . . . . . . . . . 11 ; 25 Total receipts . . . . . . . . Si 107 5 The disposition of the day's receipts was an folbow each btl'er-llhrchasing ( lie ntim- ber'of heart indlcateil : Buyer , Cattle. flogs , Slmeep. Omaha Packing Co. . . . . 21 2,01:1 : G , Ii , hammond Co. . . . . 413 1,6.15 Swl t & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Ioo ; 735 . Ctidnhty Packing Co . . . . . 'ItS 1,77.1 193 1' , D. Artlicur , Chictigq. , 167 Lehman & Itothsehilrlio Ill 1 ! . Becker & Degan . . . . . 378 Union Iressed licef Co 20 Wilson & ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 & 14OS'i5 . . . . . . , . . . . IS Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5 Lcft'o'ier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,72G SO1C , tIIO CATTI.E-Th receipts of cattle today vcl'e 1,753 heath its against 1,923 ) 'Csterda ) ' and II1S on Wednesday of last week. Quite a good ninny of the cattle Itero svore covs nab feetlers. so that thu receipts of fat atCers Were not eta Very large after nil. The market Opened with hlfliIly little cattle In good demand OntI the yarns t'ei'c Soon cleared of tllitt kind of stock. 'fiie prices 1)aid were a little stronger than yesterday - terday anti tlo market was In it very ati- factory condition , A bunch of pretty good light cattle aod itt $3.80. . , A good. many of this beeves on sale s'ere heavy antI the dernanti for that kind wan not so brisk. In fact the market on heavy cattle was alow and no more than steady. 'rhe offerings were sonic time In ehiaiigiiig hands. Cows alIt ) Imelfers were in quite liberal supply to what they have been on somne days , there being a dozen or more lutths. 'I'he market vttii steady on choice sttlfi' , but the tendency wn easier on the Inotlitiot grades. A few cows and licifers solrl at ; 3.:5 and $3.40 and quIte a large bunch of helfera brought $5.25. The ( lemand was good and the pens were practically cleared iii good season. Quite a string of Western feeders 1\'ZIS included among the receipts flied in nihill. tion to the fresh arrivals there were quite a good man ) ' in the Ilands of speculators , co that there vere mere heavy feeders In the yards than for some days. The market on that kind of cattle was not particularly active , owing to time numblr on sale , and prIces were a little lower. Light cattle Were In small supply anti the market. s'as active and steady on that kind. itepre- x2fltatI'C sales : TIEEF STI4ICBS. No. Av. Pr , No. y , Pr. No. ) .v , l'r , 1.,1121 53 00 20..1276 $3 60 10.,2503 $3 75 1. . . . 621) : : 00 11. . . , 02) ) 6) 3 , . . . 0S3 73 1. . . . CC. ) 3 25 l..1362 CS 4..1025 73 1O.1236 3 25 17. . . . 876 CI 20. . , .1071 73 1..163' ) 3 15 31..1230 65 8..233 75 I. . . . 990 3 40 4. . . . 542 63 . . . . . . . , 75 23..12)o ; ) 3 45 9..1244 .65 17..1261 75 1.3334) 3 60 9. . . .1201 ; CS IS. . . , 1262 0' ) 10. . . . 561 3 50 2J..IiG . . . . 12S8 Si ) 1..141.0 3 5) 12. . , .1100 70 Ii. . . .1211 110 i:7o 3 50 20 , . . . 01 . . . , , 1537 60 - 1..l07) ) 61) . 2).271 2 70 ll..I243 8) 1..ZBI 3,30 8.$72 70 2..1215 51) 3 20..I211 3 11 : ; - 70 19..1143 SO 18. . . , i0S ) 53 18. . . .1155 70 IC..1173 Si ) 8. . . . 520 60 4 , . , , I003 70 37.1265 SO 2 , . . ,123 5 60 1.,1l9O 73 41,13S3 6,5 4. . . , 927 . CO 42. . , .1368 75 35..1371 85 II..07 60 21.,1iI 17318..I" 3 85 2..1070 60 . COWS .1 , . sr.o i & 3 l.,1140 75 , 3..1133 3 00 S C 1. . . . 60) 53 5.IlIO 75 1..i0S0 3 10 2. . . . 661) 5. ) 2. . . .l03' ' ) 75 2..Il6G 3 10 , 1. . . . 710 73 2..ll20 73 1..lO7O 3 10 4. . . . 562 , & 'I 1..1183 SO 1..1230 3 1) l..1t2) 113 ' lliO S ) 1l)70 3 15 l. . 870 1) 1..I23' ) 510 ) l..loiS I 15 I. . . . 74) II I.-.1230 51) 2. . . . 055 15 2.1ll0 25 1..1160 ( ' 0 1..1O70 IS I..lf3) 23 L-.116O . . . 110 1S.I045 15 2. . . .lO03 10 2..hl0 . . . . . .ieso 25 7. . . . 3.03 .0 5. . . . 3111 2 85 2. . . .1125 23 1 , . . , 100 40 2..1170 3 00 2..lOI5 23 2.125 45 1..l1SQ 3 0) I..1230 23 i.1O6 ( ) SO ' 30..1231 3 00 1..1330 25 4..1lO3 5 , ) 4. . . . cli 3 01) L..I100 25 I. . , . 1161) 50 7..IllI 3 01) 2..1223 15 1. . . . 940 251) ) .1. . . . 760 0' ) 1. , , , 1130 75 1. . . 1) ) . . 5) 1. . . .1'lO 3 00 2. . . . 010 33 1. . . . 610 2 5) 2. . . .12e0 01) 1 , . . .1590 40 I , . . . 6110 2 70 - 7..I0CI Oil 2..12.h5 to It Ill i ° CflS. 12. . . . . 715 2 35 2. . . . 433 3 01) 7. , . . COO 3 35 1. . . . 700 2 5' ) 1. . . . 55' ) 3 (10 . 1. . . . . 761) 3 33 1. , . . 763 2 C. ) 1 , , . 3.21) ) 3 . . . . . .10)1 3 43 j 4. . ' . 517 2 65 12. . . . CII 3 2) 1. . . . SSO 3 40 I. . . . 713 2 67 763 3 25 12 , . . , 632 3 4) C 8. . . , 433 2 CS 3. . , .1iOI ) 3 50 44. . , . 6G 3 40 2.775 2 73 , 2. . , 113 3 20 3. . . . 660 343 DULLS. 2. , . .IStS 2 10 4..1270 . 2 75 1. , , j430 2 05 U 1..lt83 221 1..20) 175 1..11i20 3 (0) ( r 1.l2lG , s.o : . . . 1.l6S.0 2 80 1. . .1900 3 0) l..1312 25) 1 . , . .l" 40 2 65 1.,1160 300 . .2-.13l0 2 6. ) I.,1570 I 63 . . , , 3 00 1.1IC ) If. . ) 1..isso : 290 1.1SCd I It ) 1. . . .ICCI ) 2 65 ) . . . .i5S0 2 00 3. . , , 73 3 1 1..1CCO 270 ' - " ' p - STMIS. , 1. . . . 940 2 00 3 25 32.,1135 3 40 1..1Z00 325 a - . - . . CA1.V145 I , . . 213 2 0) 2 , . . , hO 4 00 2. , , , 135 4 50 1. ; . 320 2 81) 5 , , , , 150 4 60 2 , . , , 10) 4 54) 1 : 2. . . , 253 2 WI 1. , , , Iii ) 4 51) i , , , , 200 4 75 ri 1. . . 360 3 CO 2. . . . 110 4 5' ' ) 4 , , i70 3 75 3 , , . , 220 3 40 1 , , . . III ) 4 60 5 , . . , 162 3 73 . , , . $ TOCIEItS AND IEEDLItI4 , 1. . . . 636 2 65 II. . . . 610 3 40 16 , , . . 691 3 ( .5 4. . . . 575 200 7. , , , lilt ; 3 41) 3 , , , 930 3 60 4. . . . 407 3 25 8 , . . , 878 3 ( I ) 39 , , , , 7(15 ( 3 67 Y I. , ; , 170 3 23 10. . , , 400 3 tI ) 8 , . . , 464 3 65 1. . . . 400 3 25 10. . . . 605 3 Cl ) 1 , . , , 563 3 71) 0. . . . fit ) , 3 25 , , 2. , , , 710 3 55 24 , , , . 683 3 70 P :1. : . . . 627 3 40 3. , . . 636 3 55 1 , , , , 560 3 60 d t 2t11lJl3JtS3 ANp SI'ISINGEIItS , k 1 sprInger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24 00 w I cow and calf . , . , , , . , . , . , . , , , , . , . , , . . . , . , 23 00 I cow nr.il calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 00 1 springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 1 srIger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 th 1 cow , aitil calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) ) 0' ) tt 1 coty and calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 1 eptlngor , . . . , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , 1500 1 cow and calf . . , n- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41) 00 tt WI3STFIItN CATTLE. ilo , Ar. I'r. b 24 feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3233 $3 34. ) ri 11005-The receipls ci' hogs , 'eno the iieitvlest 2 ( f uny day since January 7 , there being 6,818 ' ' " ' CI tead re ont.d''Iit" Ih'addiIon ( to the ( mesh me- ek'ts , jhleje tvee about 1,00' ' ) staIn careleil over cart ) ) 'esierday , makIng total of about 8,000 on 'iS' ale , Reports ( rot , ) oil oIlier markets indicated f eas'y rcceipta anti lower hrice , . 11 WIts in every fl5pCet tIfl elf day for the eliers , as they Imnil everything against tii'in , envy receipts , lower niankets Lit oilier PoInt , nil a not overly brisk clemnartil , 'l'liu tlltdo Pelted vlth a pretly good cientand for light ogs , vhJci ; o1d , 2irFely at 63.43553.50 , or about A 0 lower mIlan yesterday. ACtOr the early buyers W cere eutiahldd the market teas not so goorl , and ai be heaviest packers wouid not buy Unlers titey ' ouid seeuro a concession of IOc , 'l'he market cmi heayy itogs Wa. , , not active at ny tIme during ( ho day , salesmen beIng slow :0 : take err. The tnarket on Ihat kind was a Cl -00,1 big IOu lower , ii large shame cit Ilie talc. In clog at $3.35. na against 53,43 for about the 11010 weigflia S'eatemtuay , it the hinge were 'it'ry COY ) ' the ' buyort would only offer $3.20 , and quIte thi number' lootls had to sell hhiat way , ' 1'a Is lose was 1O4i15e lower on hvavy hogs , anti a few ails vero left tintoitl , The bulk of all the sales tea. at Z3.3I3.45 , as Ci gainst 63.46413.60 yesterday anti $ i.60(3.C3 on V dneaday of last trek. itepreaentatlve tales ; CII ro. th. liii , Pr. ' ' No , Ar. Sit , Pr. i. . . , , , ,5215 160 53 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 37t , I..3 80 3 .O 75 , , , , , , , , : ni . . . I. . , .291 60 330 71..iti 200 2734 ' . , . , Ilh 160 230 . . . . . . . . SI ) 3734 0 ' . . . . . . . , , , 3 31) 70 . , , , . , , , 257 (0 ( 01)4 ) cii . . . . . . . , . , . 30 61 , , , , . , , . 244 60 3734 . . . . . . . . , . . 3 : ) CI , , , . , , , . 217 80 3374 I . , , . , Zt5 , , , 10 60 , , , , , , , , 39 , , . 371,4 011 . . . . . . . . . , , 10 65 , , . . , , , , ice 40 3734 vo I. . . . . . . . 322 . . . 30 63. , , , . , , , 2.11 , , , 3734 do . . , Zt. ) 120 3234 Ci , , , , , . . ICO , . , 3734 . " , , . . , 267 BC .SZ)1J ) 53 , , . , , , , , ic-i 60 3734 I . . , , , , , 293 , . . IF. Id , , , , , , , .2 ,3 . . . 33734 lot . . . . . . . . 160 2.5 ' - CI , . , , . , ,1C2 8) 337 % 111 , . , , . . , , :574 : . . 35 73.,233 . , , 3 4) to , , . , , , :74 tO 35 61 , , , , , . , . 223 . . . S 1) : - I . . .2G3 . , . 35 41 . , , , , , , , 212 . 60 3 40 mi : . . . . . . , 2.64 , , , 35 , ( .0..0 60 4) . . :0' ) . . , 35 Cl . , . . . . , . :130 : , . , 40 , , 2'jd 80 3 : is I 2 , , , , . . , . Id , . . 4) . , , .257 . , 33 . 48 , , , . , . , . 2.43 80 40 Ti . , , ,333 . . . 25 61. , , , , , , . N2 ISO 40 , , . , .1-4o 80 25 (3 . , , . , . , . ITO . . , 4) ) 0 . , , 505 , , , 33 67 , , , , , , , . 231 60 (0 ( lai ' , , , . 100 , , 35 30 . , , , , , , . 2 19 0.0 44) of , , 'i' ' .303 , , , 3 25 66 , . , , , . , , 618 , , , 40 0 ' . , . : , . . S 35 ' 63 , , , , , , , 24' ' ) , , . 41) ' 0 261 50 8 35 , 78 , , , , , . , . 241 , , , 3 4) I11 ' 21I , . . 335 I 75 , , , , , , , 254 , , , 340 Wi $ . , ,27u 40 .05 64. , , , , , . , 241 , , , 3 40 tb . . . ItS .j 118. , . . . , . 231 , , , 3 o ' . , . , . . , 230 370 ass 30 , . . , , . , ,2 19 . , . 3 40 .257 , . . 85 1 ( . . . , , , , . . 2.4 $ , , . a & 64.2ZT . . $ 0 Mi p..SM fO IS . . . . . . . . S 1) l . . , . . . . . 2 , , . 35 1.5. . . . . . . . , , , 3 0' ) , , , . , , , . 120 53 $7 . , . , . , , . 2.O 4' ) 3 1) $3 . . , . , , , , SCSI , , , 35 73..22.1 200 3 10 01..2)1 , . 3.0 33 CS..235 , S 40 . . . . . . . . ' 60 35 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. ) ) . . . . . . . . . , . 3 53 63. . . . , . . . its SuO 3 4) ( ii. . . . . . . . fli $ i ) 3 33 ( ; .t , , , , , , , 24 . . . 3 1) ) lei.v , $1) 3 35 7).220 550 3 40 6L.e..1 , , . 3 35 52. , . . . . . 217 . . . I 10 . . . . . . . . . 41) 33 1 fl. . . , . .233 . . . . 40 41' . i , , , , . . 31) . , , 3:1 : ro , . . . , , , 221 . , 45 . . . . . . . . lOt ) 3 : :3 4'i , . , , , , . , 202 160 . , 15 Ci . . . , , . , . Ill . , , 3 15 . , , . . . , , hoc , is 4 . , . ' . , . , .120 . , , S 33 01 . . . . . . .243 4:1 : 27 . . . . , , . . 201 . . . a 33 . . . . . . . . 12) 45 41 . , , , , . . . 245 . . . 3 35 . . . . . . . . , , , 1,0 76..27) 5) 55 70 . . . . . . .293 , . . 150..litI 3.0 3 31 $ . . . . . . . , , , 1,0 59 , , ' , . , . . 501 160 35 f'S . . , , . , . , DI ) , , , 50 no , , , , . , . . 215 I' ' ) 3 3734 . . . . . . . . ) , , , 60 57..21i0 SO 0718 70 . , . , . , . .l' JO $0 60 66 . . , . . . . . 260 110 317)8 ) . . . . . . . . . , , SO , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3114 CI. . . . . . . . 133 . , 50 Oh . . . . , , , , 272 . , . 3274 l'iOS-.Ol.'iS .NI ) IINIMO. 1. . o. , . , . , lCd SO I 75 ; . . . . . . . . .211 , 33 2 . . . . . . . . . 460 00 2 : ) 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 , , , , , , , , . 330 . , . 20 . . . . . . . . . . , . 25 . . . . . . . . . . , 25 . . . . . . . . . ! , . . , 33 I , , , . , , . . . 363 . , , 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 , . . . . . . . . . , . 23 - , , , , , , , , , , ill' ) . . . :5- : I , , , , , . , . . : iii ; 2714 2. . . . . . . . . i . 23 4 , . , . , , , . . 22) . . . 10 3 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 35 . , , , , , , , .2(5 ( . . , 31) . . . . . . . . . ' , , . 335 . . . . . . . . . , ii ) ; ; . . . . . . . . .Ie'2 , , , : u 33 . , , , . . . . 110 . . . :13 : 7..233 4. . , , , . , , . Ill , . , El - . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 35 , , , , , , , , , 223 . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 4' ' ) 0 , . . , . . . . . 230 . . , : s' ; ' . . . . . . . . . , , , 3 10 C , , , , , , . . . 210 , . . I..2. il ) - . , , 3 40 'I . . . . , . , Sf,7 . . , 25 6..0 . . . 3 13 PlilIi41'-Tlie , , Ctflahlih for , nitittins was % ' , 'i' goni , nail the tiui'rlmigs nero all taken cnrl ) at fully tteady Prices. Dept tauntattee tab-a : No , At' . l'r , 1 Western tver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 51 00 129 * % 'estt'rn * sctiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 3 77 210 western lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.3 CIL1C.tOO I.IVF3 S'I'OCh. , SitI'n of Co I tie Were on an lmnproveil I3itMli , CIIICAIlO , .tr'rll 15.-Falet of cattle today wcIe on ii , basis of ( mitt $3.50 to $4.30 tot' coin- 111,111 to e.trn , choIce tircaseil beef anil shIpping cattle , 'is'lth transactIons largdy at. front $3.73 to 51.15 for faIrly good to choice , nail export lierv's Stern * Vflitnt ( around 51.510 to $4.10. (3at's coiltinneil to soil bmiakly at higher PrIer's m'lativr'ip ) titan fitCt'ri' . enles being largely at ( trio , $2.50 in $7.60 , Iltills ihid not sdi to nearly as gael itilvaniaga as cows and boilers , nnii cliolet , ealvea siiih or ! to from 54.50 to 54,73 , owing ii , Increasing flecipit , , n bIle PlentY of colil- muon C' ) g.iod calves went. ( or ( rem $3 to 04.23. Texat eattle' 'itcre In good ) lemllanil at friin 51 to $7.8) for steers amiti at ( rein $2.23 to $3.50 tot' oxen , bulis , shag. antI eons , Trade in ( legs \t'n , sltw at a , ecline of from Ca to lOt' , hient' ' hogs catclhiig ( Ito 'ivorat , nail ligit thawing tile least weakness ; Common to clioico heavy drove's found purciiasi'rs at ( ron , 55.3(1 to $3.63 : choice meIiiimn bringIng $3.70 , citmiea iilxeil : 53 8' ' ) and prime asiiotcl light frmn $3.15 Ii ) $4. Filet weme largely at from $3.6) ho $3.65. heavy weights are arriving in tp'catiy eevs'si'i'o nunljmyrs , Sheep , ais Were sltiw at n ilechino of lOc ; eiinnioit , 10 choIce SlIce ; ) * vero anlabie at ( toni $2.60 to 03.73 , very few goIng lylow $1.23 or nlmvo $3.C1) . with westerns In demand at ( real 5.1.60 to $3.65. Laniba soul at fmoil $3.75 to $1.60 , ( ott' going under SI. $ priag lambs weighing al)1tt (0 ( his. sell at $7.50 per 100 lbs. , and 8001 ? n.h Colorado lambs hiroiigiit $8. lteeeipts-cattle ; 0,000 heat ) ; hogs , 12,0)0 head ; tileeis , 14,000 lien , ] . Xe * ' Yorlc i.lve Sleek Mnl'ket. NE\V YORK , April h5.-nIci4VllS-Itcceipts , l,60'J lii'ati. Maiket alan' ; natl'i'o stcers , poor to irhine. 25.11)51.4,30 ; stags itnil oxen , $3.000i1.70 ; bull , . , $2.iSj3,35 ; dry eon's , 51.40(33,25 ; ltmropean cables quote Am rican steers at lOc , .lrensd tetght ; lcfrlgerator beef at tIffj9'.c , dressed SIILIEP AND LAIiIlS-flecelpis , 6,393 beau , Market slow : tinshicirn sheep. i'or to prltne , $3.9)4i.33 ; cIipeul ahep , * 3.2303,50 : unsluorn lanit'i , corilmon to choice , $0.500J5.30 ; clipped 10011)5 , 53.730jIG3. IY'OGS-lteceipts , 7,167 bend. Market weak at S i.I0tJ4.4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltstttszis City LIve Stock. IfAN'13.\S CITY. April 15.-CATTLF3-it000ipt , , :1,90I : head ; sirpineriis : , 1,900 heuul : market strong and actIve ; Toxas'steen. , 52.438)2.55 ; Texas cows , 51.00712,70 ; beef steers , $3.00g4.0O : natIve eon's , 81.50013,10 ; stockers and feetitis , $2,600J3,73 ; bulls. $2.003.lO. IIOCS-lteceiptt , 13,600 lies , ; shipments , 1,200 teadl market * ' ak , lOc lower ; bulk of ailes , 13.40153.53 ; heavieg , $3.7t3.60 ; packers , $1.454 3.60 ; nlixd , and light , 53.53833.60 ; Yorkers , $3.33 2.60 : pigs , $3.153.6' , Sl1lIci'-ltecoipts , 4,100 head ; shlpnlznts 2,700 - tend ; market alan' ; inuttona , $2.400Ji3,55 , St. Ioiil Iit. Stocic. ST. LOUIS , Ahinil I5.-CJt'F3'llO-fleceipta 7,000 tend ; market strong , some sales better ; native ,00ves , 53.25311.50 ; Texas steers , 52.60633.80 ; stock- rs and fc'eclers , $2.S08J:3,717 : : cows and heitems , -2000j30 ; bulls , mainly $2.232,73. lOOS-Itcelpit. 0,000 head ; market SOilOc heavy , 53.15113.65 ; mixed , 53.20373.60 ; light , ) IIIEEII'-Marlcct dull and easy ; natIves , 8323 ? 1 .75 ; Texas , $3.603.CiJ ; sprIng lambs , $6.O07,5 , Stock lit Sight. Record of rCcCiItS at the four principal mar. I Cetu for April 15. 1816 : Cattle hogs , Sheep. loutli Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . 031 Suicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,03) 14,0' ) -ntis-as City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35)3 13,60) 4,100 It. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q00 0.000 l Toials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,608 19,031 'I'Olelt ) Grm'ln Slacked , TOLEPO , AprIl 15.-WliIttT - Active and tigher ; May , 7334c ; July , CO34e , t.'OltN-Activc and steady ; No. 2 mIxed and C Jay , 11c , OATH-QuIet ; No. 2 mIxed and May 2134c. I8YII-Dull ; No. 2 casi. SIc. CI.0V141t SSIlOI-Stendher ; prima cash , $1.65 ; ) ctober , 54.6234. I.tY NOW CONTROL TilE fl.tNGSS. ) ecisiomt Of Gresttiuerest to Stock- ] much Itemitiereti lit % ' ' .mmiti ii , EVANSTON , Wyo. , April 15.-Special.- ( ) n Important decision was rendered by II udge Knight In. the case of the Union Pa- iftc Land andWater company against 1tigt' holder for trespass. The suIt involved a he right of sheepmon to graze their flocko LOfl tlio lands leased by others from the allroad company within the twenty-mile ti traits. Tile court belt ! that such grazing nuId be trespass ; that the government cctlons , which alternate with the railroad ti ectloas , are open to all parties for grazing j turposes and that care , intuot be exercIsed tI 1 croneIng front one government section to fl nathc-r to not trespass upon the railroad tails , TIlls practically shtits out the sheep- hOfl anti the cattlemen who have leased irgo qualltities of $ hio railroad lam'.i are ajoicing at the opportuilitp tiio decision lvc'a thom to control thio range. 100vcIoII ui 01(1 i'roNjIt-CIN , LA18AMIE , Wyo. , April l5.-Speclal- ( ) Iears. Ildhtolm & Akin of Deadwood are reparing to reopen and develop some old roapecta made ill tue Spring Hill mining 1. . Istnict as long ago as 1868. These are e nowa au tI&o Mlienfcltor Itrospects. They c ore opened by three hirothera of that name , i 0'O of * 'i'boni werd killed by the Indleiw , The lird was wcuiI'Jcd by the Indians anti left 10 country. Tiit ) mines have remained Un- uchcd until the present tinle. Work at the iflilIC'J lb the Cooper Moun- tIn district Ia proresslng very satisfacIs ) rily , The tunnel being driven cn tbe AS. ion property is in 150 feet and Ia in very cli ore. CII the Croesus the tunnel is In 10 feet , with encouraging prospecta. A new Impany , to ho known as time Gold Coin : lniig ! and Miiling company , Ia being formed , E : Ith Messrem. Brieken , West Onli Morgan as el icorporatore , to work the Emma 0 , Clara I King Solomon and M.lneapolls prorpacts , I ° nilei 1) J"ili5i Crsm.i'fortj Ll'iiier. EVANS'I'ON , Wyo. , April 33-Slleclal.- ( ) , a investigatIon of time reort5id flndIn of 'ihliam Crawford , -thio stockman who din. pcarecl from thIs place in 1893 , alIve and oil , at Fairfield , 13 , C. , bias resulted in prov1) ) .g the reponl to bo a canard , Time (9b0ritt Id postmaster of the district in which rawtord was repertoti to bo living state Ili anaser to Inquiries that no person anaSt erlag Crawto'rda description has ever lived ore. 'fhu story of finding Crawford alive believed to have boon started to intluenco B result. of the pending trial of Iii , 5 , rr rocker charged * vltIm time murder of lila 14' ' irtuor , Harvey Ii00thi , anti generally iarged with havIng murderbd Crawford , Citdcsd O'er mt Iirri.nti. ' 0111cc , a L.i RAMIE , Wyo.1 April 15.-Special.---Aa ( ) Iclal count of time vote cart. at time recent ia ty 'election baa dI5los3d that the two candl. tea for city clerk , Charles 5 , Orct'nbauin id Jour1 A , Cokcfair , each receivull f88 tcs , Mr , Greeimbaunl , the republiccil canji- to , lots filed notice of a contest , cialmning at a flumber of illegal anti irregular 1a1. it. La 'irene counted for Cokofair , which hoUiuI ral Lye becn thrown out. Greenbaum ia given a days In whicim to tile lilt testbnony in time atter , - J , iiiiI un Itijiorsimoims ( .rizsly li.'iir , OASPEfl , Wyo. , April 15-Spcclai.- ( ) 101 10 largest grizzly boar aeon In thia part tue counfry for omiany years was killed it week at. Hurt's sh ep camp at time head Salt creek. Tflo mnlmal was kIlled by argo Arnold aftora. brisk fight in which a bear charged on. the sheep wagon in iicli Arnold 'was riding. The 'weIght of 1) bear is estimated at COO pounds , Tickle youi' palate by ernoking Sweet smeuth cigarete , 1tey oI.ru the beat , . _ _ _ _ _ : = _ _ -3 LEFT \FE \ ! , hONE AND BABY amei , Ralph ofwakcfiold DebIts AU lie Shotthl Have Hold Dear , IRUIrLEss SEARCH BY IllS AGED MOTtlER lii ( Ifili ieter frmit lii. . " 'onmig Siioit. 'l'elia. ii Sorron ( Ui 'l'itle of Neglect , Iccept 11)11 itimil I ) esu r I I ii ii , OAlil.AND. April 15.--Special.-sirs ( ) , . A. Ralph , an elderly laity living at Tenth and I"rallkiln atreeti' , Is abnlost brokenhearted - hearted over hot beIng able to find her son , Samuel ItaIph , who Inystem-lollsly left his 1101110 , ) 'Otillg wIfe and Ijaty Stay inVake - lbeltl , Nd , . , fl little over two years ago. Ills ttisappcarallcu at the time 'i'as tIn- htCCOtIntable , aliti over since Mrs. Itaiph , the boy's timother , athil his sister , Mattie , a dress. niaker at 225 Geary street , San Irnmicisco , have kept tip a reai'ch for the sOn and brother. Salt Ill vain , The mother tililIks lie is In Oakiant , mId is posItive that she had : a cllmpte of Idni recently , but she did not get to speak to hini. She has reported the matter to time poilec , but tile ) ' could give 11cr but little ihlfOrIliLttIOfl , At the tIme of lila dlsappenrallco In No- bmaaka the abandoneul wile wrote this pa- thetlc lot ter to her litlshand's olothier : \'AKllcilil.l ) ; Mn ) ' 11 , 1891.-Dear Mrs , Italpim nimul 5liittI : I am sorry to 'i'rito to ytill tonight , lot' 'i'Ilat 1 52 % ) ' Will Oilly CR1180 3011 luitIn. I can hitribly tell you * vhittt'i'tts the tratilile between us ; 'ive han Imitti lit ) 'a rt Ictm Iti I' qtiarrel , hilt ( Ill C lives for a long little llittl bCt'il dOlli'thnlltb ) ' ( Irift. ing apart. YOtl kmiow I 'i'tiiltetl to live ti. i0teitI ) , iilhitlstl'lous , Clii istian life nmlii h1 8C'C'lIlCti bottitil to go In just the opposite illrctioml , All 'i'i'imiter he hid been neglect- lfli ( hilt work , .peiillhiig lilt tIme ahid tllOIht'3' nnti enusimmg Ine , ohm , so nitlchi sarI- 11058. lIe 'is'ttmt mellitlg earn tihtl Itogs and cattle , etc. , alIt ! 1 stilpO'il , lie 'ivita la'ing 111,9 debts 'i'i'lth the raulle ) ' , for he told 1110 lie tS'as , but I limb now that tile debtu are hut Paul 1111(1 tIle 1110110) ' Imanl hmeen snitmiln- dered iii a gabbling hole ; ilot till Iii ovfl lflOnt' ) , but ulo immonoy lie hind borros'ed- all 'i'eiit the sitino 'i'i'a. . All tillS 811mb 1 was at hoimlo worlcllmg and tiawlng , watch- 111g and praYIng for ililmi to be kept out of teniptatloil ( itill be sa'i'tnl from 8111. Jtmat before lie 'i'i'ellt away lie sold the cormi 'it-c haul kept to feed the horses tIllS suimuner ( lie told 1110 it W'its gohimg 10 spoIl amid ho 'ivould tiilto tile muoticy nnul buy more ) , niitl 'ire lmntl twcnt' imic 'otmrmg pigs ; liii sold them , too , to get mnone' tO go away , with. I think he hail mt hmunulreil dollars. perhaps more , 'i'IiCIl Ito 'i'i'emlt fl'iVlt ) ' . I 0111)7' imad a ( en' dollars , about $5 , that linppencdi to ho in InN' PUI'80. The morning lie Weilt away ito ( tOld Ii % vLis goIng to a Ileighillor's to see about nomad busimmess nod might Iusibl ) ' Intro to go on to tOWil. I wonilereil 'ivhm ) ' lie IlUt oct hil best clothes ; but I trim too bus ) ' to thiinlc much ) abotit if. 1 looked for hmimn to eolno home all day Itild nil night. 1.ong I ts'ntclletl anti waited , hut ilL' never canle , nor will he ever collIe. The next mornimig I took the hired Snail's horse ( ilmti buggy aliti 'ivent toVnlceileld anil found that lie had put the team ill tIme lIvery barn , stayed all night In towil , 'ivent to hi show ahid In tile mOrlllng got oh ) the train ani went 0ff. 011 Mattie , Miittio , how cotmld lie be so cruel , how could 110 WtOhi37 me so , when I was tryIng go hard to be a good , true wife anti do 'iclmnt was rIght ? I expect tills letter wIll ho Ilard for you to believe-perhaps von will not believe it at all. I 'ivisit I ( Idll't ! have to belleve it. I wish I could' wake and ( lad it wmts al a / ' 'i horrible dream. Let your mother read " every worth of tills ; don't try to keep any- timing from 11Cr. I thought at. first I wouti not tell 0tl itl : , but. then I thmotmghmt ngitin It might be the best to tell you everything. I have caIne back to fathters to ivc ; that ii ; all tim Ilomo DabsGolrgio and I will over have again. Volt see ttter all thlnt lIaR happened I aan never look ( or Sammy to return. I know his pride s'i'oulnl b-cop him , away if nothing more , amId It would be worse than useless for me to try to fInd out Imis where- abonmts , for I know that 'i'i'oului be Inipossi- ble. I don't think lift . is In Ios'fi. or No- Liraslca , In fact , I don't behiO'i'e he Is any- whieso in the UnIted Stnte , He may be barer 3'OU than lie is 1110 , but I think t , more probable that lie would go to some ar distant land , I [ tlfl afraid thihi wIll almost kIll your nothier. May the Lord give you both. .trength' to bear it. You 'i'ttnted to know if Sam was drink- ng. I doml't think lie was very much , 110 Id seine though. hut I thiiiilc it 'is'ng bail ' , : ompany anti gamblng that ruined him. Dh , hcrtsi could lie change so ; lie seemed dIfferent when lie inni-ricil ' to me. 150w' sail [ feel wllen I thInk over the past , and It Iccills like the darkest or ciOud hangs ) ver all my ftlttmre life that 'i'i'ilI never be ifteti , Oil , What have I done that I hotmlt.t te SO severely pnmnlshell when I was try- \ ng so hart ! to do rlghiL o ; . that I had nly died before tills groin troimblo come nto tny lIfe. 1)ear Mrs. Ilalpht and Mnttio ray ( or It1no that ho may yet lie saved , It there is anyilmlng you ss'oultl like to : now that I have alt itiroady written lon't be afraid to write ant ) ittlc it. Write to me soon , it' onIt' a few lines. 2vcr yours , SUSIE ltAI.PJj. Ralph in descrIbed as 30 years of ago , iedhimrn height afli ( heavy buhhil , and 'ivoro then be left itomne , a simlahl dark moustache. Vhcn a child ho was burned on the back nd bears the marks of tile scalds' Thmo example of V.V. . Drawer , orq. , jus- Ice of the peace and a prominenL citizen of it , Jewett , Pa. , is worthy of emulation , lie ays ; "I never leave home without a hot- o of Citaniberlain's Colic , Cholera and iarrhioo fleinody , anti always recommend It 3 Ifl friends. It in tiio beat I ever nseib , nil never fails to give immediate relief. " 'or isalo by drimggptits , - C patronize Iome Industries ly IurehmtNlnl gooti. SHade sat the to ! . fl'liig NeIrgmskti fitetorle. , If ytwa amittot find v1tnt s'ou vnnt comniutuni- ado with t.ie ntsimliitimottirers us to , 'hitit ,1.'mtlers Ittimlletiteir goods , IIAGS. IIUIILAI' AND TWINIS , 1iEIIS OMAhA HAG CO. Mitiufaciurer. cit cli klnis of cotton and bum'- p bag. , cotton flour sack. sad twine a .peo. hi , 614.616-618 S. llthtIft , - - _ ' - _ 25 _ _ 'A OM1tJIit BREWING ASS'N. Car toad shipment . made in our owa refnig. tutor cars. Blue ltibbon , Elite lIxport , Vienna rP:1Ii.and Family Expect , delivered to all part. VLOUR. S. F. GILMAN , Manufacturer of 1010 Mcda Flour. 10. IHack , Manager , Omah IRON IVOII j.s , IAVIS & COWGII I. IltON WORKS iron sill. ! llraas l"otimitlcrs , Manufacturehs and , Tobberi , of Machinery. nerid repairing it specialty , 1501. 1503 and 2501 cltton street , OmahaNeb. INIUSTRIAL IRON WORKS ariuacuriag ( and Itrpairiatt of all hlndt of athilnery , etighmiel , tunimI. eie'ator. , printing ease , . hangers , shaftIng still couplings 540 $ enS Is howard St. , Omnhtm , AX'lON & T1ERLING I RON V'RKs $ fanuaCtUrelI of Anciiitectural Iron Work. ncral Foundry , Macitlitu and Iliacksmnlib Work igineers and Contnsulcra for Fire l'roof hIding. . chutes tund work. ; U , 1' , Ity. and ' 17th street , Omaha. , lUi1T y,43JJpJftJ5 8EIIVICII , AMERICAN DISTRICT 'J'ELI. GUAIU , is only pelted protectIon to property , Exanlia , lIeu thuing on earii , iteduce , Insurance is' . 1304 Douglas St. SlililT ieAc'rohtg1M , tF : VANS-NEIIRASKIt S1IiR'F COMPANY. ic-lusty. custom ihiIst tailors. LiS Fasosnt. AMESE.BOYD & CO. 'L'el-plioie 1 030. Oilhalui , Ntb. COMMISSION lAiN1 : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS 'i , I-tom 11164 Board of Trade. Direct 'dea to ChIcago and New York. orTe.adtnta ; John A. Wsrrex , / 44 - - - - - - - -