- - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ - - - - J----- - - - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , DAILY J3IEI1URSDAY APRIL ic isr. - ' , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - BMER ( CASE COIES UP TODAY I % &crotrio3 of the lThtte Board of Trans. portatkn Meet in Omaha. ChARGES MADE AGAINST TIlE ELIOIORN .AIIrgetI flIuerlnlnntltui In Butt. , . flfl SIIiiiiptiti to ( lie South ' vh1l Uc OIflcInhI In- L.tIgtteII. , L1NCOIN , April 1G.-SpeclalJ-Tomorrow ( the iecrctatka of the State Board of TraflN portatlon will meet n Oinahia to lteten to argurnenta In the linker complaint that cliarge3 the Flkhorn raHroz4 with dIertfl Inatlon In the hilpment of grain to soutbrrn pont. Iteports from Onuilia itnflcato ( hat the Ehkltorn and Union Pacific road8 do not inond to pay any attention to the protests of thu Lncoln ( jobbcrM In ( ho niattor of thin , P , . reinoVa of thin dlfforentaI. T1IC7 claim that tIm dlscrimliiatloii Is merely fanciful , and urge that they would not care much It the grIevance were roah , as they secure but little frnlgtit from this city. This is Un- doubLciIy trLiO , aS It hi a notorious fact that from Ltncaln the Ihiirllngton road I favored at r.try opportunity at ( lie expense of nil coflhlictitors. Car.Ls em out announcing tim approach- lng tiiipttata of Miss Margaret Conany and ? dr. 1rnnk h. Mary , chief cierc in Governor Iolconihis olilce. 4t hi ocloclcVednesday morning , hunt 22 , the v.'cddliig will occur at i3t. Tltcvraa's pm-cathedral. The brldo.elect Is the accompinhod ! daughter of Mrs. Ellinor Conway , anti deservedly a popular young Intly. On Thursilay evening next the coioroii hico- pie of Lincoln wIll observe Emancipation day at Oid 1ellows hail on 0 street. The exorcises will conit of time reatling of the "l'roelaniation" by Miss Nettle Clemens. Short addresses by Itcva A. 3. Walker , J. 13. I'ortcr. W. If. Vnnderzoi , A. Alexander and 'F.VIlon , Dr. 1llpplmm , I ) . J. Crainpion , Thoniat 13. 1)ortchi and aniuet Grant. Thin athtiresses vili ho Interspersed vth timusic. A good social time Is expected. Refresh- Znentmm will be served , thin proceeds of samno for Cliriiitlan mission. A. .1. 11111 and P. J. Stopihey are thme managers. The state capitol was practlcahly deserted today , avery iictmi of tiupartment , and nearly all of tIme deputies having gone to Omaha to flttofl(1 the state convention. Even Governor llaleomnb was absent , but IL Wfl % given out that his visit to Omaha was not for the pimrposo of in any way In- fltmenclng time deliberations of the repub. hican gatboring. Steward A. J. Scott of the flastlnga Atyhtimn for hmcurables , was a visitor at the governor's office , but left thIs evening for home. Time attempt to prevent certain Lincoln saloon iceeper from securing licenses for thin coining fiscal year ended thIs morning In a comnploio fIasco. The excise board nmet In adjourned sessIon to consider protests svhmlch had been made agalnt eight liquor dealers. 1) . G. Courtney appeared for the saloon keepers and Attorney Ferris for the objectora. It was hold by the excise board that the protesta wore too vague In charac. tct , and did not specIfy time oc place of vIolations of law , anti accordingly overruled them ahi and granted the licenses as prayed for. for.Omaha Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Lindehi -A. 13 , Stihes , 13. A. Waters. At tIme Lin- aoin-Edward Walsh , Lawrence Roth , Frank llrogory. George Krug , N. 0. Chihberg. JAIL. llhItDS' ( .LE'I1lt IIhtE4tIC. York County 01Tc1111er14 Cut Their Way 'I'hrouglm Jroim Ihnrs. YoltIc , Neb. , April 15.-Special ( Telegram. ) -Georgo IClngen ad William Winnagar , the two prisoners who have been confined in he county jail , escaped at an early hour this morning. Their cicapo was discovered about o'clock. by Jailer Walsh. On opening tii'm Inner door of time jail it was discovered that one of time barred windows had been forced open and time locke drilled and ivrenchetl off of the iron cage in which Kingen and Winnegar were kept. Searching parties were Ininmethlately sent out and telegrams for- vardod. but no trace has yet hieen dIacov- cred. Time rrlsonors must have had ddn- - . alderable assIstance from some source. as they could never have accomplished their avorlc hind they not. Jonas Iteynolda has. been arreated as one oZ those who nsisted. Ho has made a partial confession , which is generally discredited. ICingen and Winne. gar have made prior attempts to escape , I I A few weeks ago iCingen attempted the Efe (1' of Jailer Walsh , who barely cacaped. They r bave both been a source of annoyance to York county for years. Thin damage to the jail wIll be heavy. Pavorahile (0 Crops. LOOKING GLASS , Neb. , April lfi.-Spe- ( clnl-It ) comnnienccd raining hero Tuesday evening and rained quito hard all night and ahl day. Tlml will certaInly put the ground In the best possible condition for plowing corn ground. The ground was In very good condition before for puttimg in all small grain and prospects now are of time very best. best.AhIIION , Neb , . April 1.-Special.-Four ( ) Incites of rain fell Saturday and Sunday. All smnaii zrain is sown. NORTh ! LOUI' . Neb. , April 15.-Special. ( ) -Time recent soaking raIns which have via- 3ted tims section have transformed time gralim Ilehtis and native pastures so ( hat they are rapidly lmithlng the ctirth with a thick coating of green , amid tIme hiruspect for early and abimmidaimt pamiturago Is excellent and cer- taimm. Wlmllo time usual order of miaturo lmero Is timat tIme early rains shall be followed by low tcnmperntiires , thus retarding the growth of vegetation , in the present case the rains Imavu boon followed immuedateiy by bright , sunmiy weather , thus greatly enhancing time beneficial effects of time moisture , and the elir tins already taken on the balmy character of a semi-tropic spring. NORTH ItATLTE , Neb , , April 15.-Spo- ( cial-The ) largeat acreage of smaii grain ever avmi in the county is now In the 45 ground. Inmnmigration , while not large , con- tinuc. to bo a feature of timD sprng of 1896 , end everything looks forward to a renewal of former prosperous peripds. TECUMSEII. Ne ! , , , April 15.-Speclal- ( ) Time rain of time first of time week has wonderfully - . ' fully benefited vegetation and put Limo , . .uground In excohlent condition for tilling. \ , 'hh1 Colhei-t the. Viiids , NOItTII LOUt' . Nob. , April 16.-Spoclal. ( ) -A special school meeting was held at the clmooi building Inmet ovenlmmg to consider the question of what should be done by the school baard relative to time msttet at mating pot- tlement wIth ex-School Treasurer Samuel Me' Clelian , who had a sum mannting to about $ lO of school dit'trlct toads on deposit lii tim t.oimp Valley bank at the time of ltn having been talcen charge cf by the state oxemmulner. Considerable difference of opinion prevailed , but. on coming fo a vote , the board was lzlidnictctl to collect the same , 28 voting for collection t025 against It. IOhIChli1STJlL S'Ei'P IIY IIAMI1S. On Intir hhmmMItmt'a flock litmrurtl- it"t 01 lime I.otses , DOflCihESTI1t , ? 'eb. , April 15.-,9peclal ( Telegrnmn.-VJre ) today destroyed four of the principal busimmess buildIngs. The blaze Is supposed to have becmm athrted by tramps. One entire block was swept clean , Some of ( ho stores burned are believed to have hmcn robbed by those who started the fire. Time total loss Ii 31,000 , with $21,000 In. ran Ce. Time losers and amounts are : J. M. Wolfe , stock morcimandise , $8,000 ; insurance , GO0O ; \v. T. lilackhimrn , building , $3,000 : insmmranco , $1,000 : 3. E. NartIn , drug stock , $1,690 ; no insurance ; John liurk , building , $2,000 : in- amiranco , $1,00G ; FrIdell & hlanley , general merchandise stock , $13,000 : insurance , 1OOOO ; J. Egolf , buIlding , $2,000 : Insurance , $ I.300 ; C , A , St. John , ' bakery , $ h0 ; no insurance ; Joseph Teal , one building , $1,200 ; no In- simramice ; on another , $000 , withm $150 insur- alice ; Scott & Muma , meat lmmarhcet , $160 ; no Insurance : lv. T. Thomas , SO ; imisuramice , $3o0 ; S. If. Weston , building , $600 ; no In. atmrauce ; Jolmn Planter , bmmilthlng , $300 ; mm insurance ; Peterson & Mount , building , $200 lie insmmrauce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : i I Iri-i1 Soltilors' ojiti Smi hors' IImime. : dlLFOitD , Neb. , April 15-To time Editor of Time I3eo : We , time memobere of the Sd- tlldicrs' anti Sailors' Imomno of Milfortl , Neb , , having read tIme malicious anti untrue state- mnenta of one 3. 'SV. Mosby In Time Omalma flee of April 11 , conmlder It only justice to the hiomiio and to ourechvea to etato that there is no foundation whatever for the state- immentim cormtalmmed in time article ; that they are ummtruo In every particular amid ere only time fabrication of the diseased mind of a wholly irresponsible hmereau. had the rep- remientatlvo of Time flee called upon any other member of this home he could have ascer- tamed time facts. which are entirely different In every respect from the pmmbhishmod state. mnent. Wo have always hind plenty of good food to eat. are well clothed mind well treated and , have a good , comfortable hmomne , well managed and deserving time commendation and best wishes of all tbo conmradcmm of omit state , as well as of all other private citizene. ( Signed ) GEORGE 'tY. STULTZ , JOhN 13. COOK. . T. M , WETUERSTOOM , J. S. SNYDEIt , F. W. I'AILMELEE , J. 11. HART , ED LEDWINKEL , S. S. I3ENTON , PETE1t TEAL , AUGUST KNIT'rLE , N , flOGERS COOK , MICHAEL ENDItES. JOHN flESH , JOHN SIMPSON , J , C , H. ESTES , J. ' .VAGONER , J. F. ADAMS , 1)ENNIS MURPHY , J. A. LITTLEFIELD , DAVID DOUD. SAMUEL J. ASIITON , A. CORNING. fiuvlrthI .emmguerM to Meet. TECUMSETI , Neb. , April 15.-Special.- ( ) The sixth annual convention of time Nebraska City Dietrict Epworth league will bo held In Tecunmoch May 6 , 6 and 7 , A goOd tO- grain hmas been rmreparcd. Among other prominent workers what have proimilseti to be present are : Hon. C 13. Mitchell. D.D. , LL.D. , of Kansee City. lion , C. S. Polk of Plattamouth , Rev. F. Deal of St. Joseph , Mrs. J. M , O'Neal of Lincoln , time Nebraska City Male quartet , the Tecumnseh Male quartet - tet , Miss Effle Itonshmaw of Tecumseh , convention - tion choletor and Rev. J.V Swan of Hum- boldt. _ _ _ _ _ _ Freimiont Fire Irpnrliilent AlTitirS. FREMONT , Neb. , AprIl ILSpeclal.-Tho ( ) Fromnont fire department held its annual meeting at the court hmous3 last evening , time president of time department , George L. Loomis , presiding. The report of A. C. Hull , chief of the department. wan read and the treasurer's report , also. W. G. Meteor was chosen chief on time fIrst formal ballot. Mt. Mercer was chief cf the department three years ago and made a capable amid efficient officer. _ _ _ _ _ _ Court hloiipso hioiii1 Voted. ALI3ION , Neb. , April 15.-Spcclal.-At ( a epecial election held yesterday in floono county the propomdtlon wac submitted of votIng - Ing $25.000 1)011(1.9 to build a court house. , and to time very great surprise of all , it received 750 maJority in time county , only two precincts voting against the proposition. Four prc. cincts camt only one vote each against the proposition. Time county board will meet tomorrow - morrow to maim arrangements to float the bonds. _ _ _ _ _ 'i'n1ied of the 'I'urlca. LYONS , Neb. , April 15.-Special.-Miss ( ) Annie Molten , -a returned mnisslonary from Turkey , lectured last night on "Timo Customs - toms , Manners and Mlssionmiry Work in Tur- key. " Miss Molten was sent to Turkey by tlmo Presbyterian board of thin country and has spent several years among the Kords amid Nostorlans of Turkey. Gre'le , ' ( II1y' $ Credit GOOd. GREELE\ CENTER , Nob. , April 16- ( Special Telcgram.-GreeleY ) county's credit 15 still above par , Time county board Just conmpheted the negotiation of time 43 per cemmt 'JOO0O funding bonds at par and was not commipelied to pay a comnmnission for time mmegotiation o time sale. Timis places time county on a cash basis. PIt.i'ee Count ) . hlommils Ipfented , PIERCE , Nob. , April 15.-Spoeial ( Tole- gramn.-All ) time precincts Imave been heard fmomn , and on time face of the returns it shows that I'ierco county's poor farm proposition - sition is defeated , , time vote being 437 for time proposition amid 264 mmgalnat ; hacking 91 Votes of iiavimmg tIme necessary two.tlmlrds majority. _ _ _ _ _ Front itim t Sl.Jii1hiivemi C. FItEMONT , April 15.-lSpeclai-Mrs ) , C. Iloiicmmbecic and her niece , Miss Josephine Knox , entertained about sIxty of their lady frienda yesterday afternoon wltb a imlgim five party , The occasion . was a very pheasant amid eucceso'ful ono. Elegant refreshments wore serveiL _ _ _ _ _ _ hienirlee OlhlelniM Iistnhleil. 11EATIUCE , April 15 , - ( Speeial.-Tho ) now mneimibers of time city council took thor seats last evening and John Dwyer was rim- elected prealdemit. City Attorney Pemnberton PEN PICTURES PLEASANTLY AND POINThDLY PUT. _ k -e7. . % e\ " . a. . . ' W4 . - - SI6I.l.ING II1iyOJtI ' ' StJI'I'S rov- At time i'C'qtlost of a mflhhnbei' Of eye1ss -frk'umls ot oimIm3-y have mit lit It etocic of' lleyelo stills-Ineltitllng 0111)8. ) Vtt liill't ) bt''u ( emtm't'ul to get tim best to lo lint ! I'mOmhl thu imlost ftOttt1 hflUkt'N , full 1' ) cmlii gthmiriihit time imlcemt assort ImlPhlt ot P0ithlUL' ) prlt'eil goohl8 lit this oily-lien ( lit'r lulxt ( Irt'd-SpoIell clLeclcH-Syjnm sti'lpes-ail nil wool- . long 'tvmmarlIhg-.olt.gttii lilting suits.- . . ( h1101'o totS Itmi ItdVertIst'iupt timnu 1)iOflt , py Albert Cahil , . ? Jail ordora tilled alwaym. 1322 Fai iittiii. - - - - - - r--- - : , . c : : : IIOOMING 01115 2O'I'il GENTIlItY- "iVe doii't boom It by b1os'Iug nbout It -Vt ? mmcli mt Iflhl' to a Imttly and her tt'Iepds 001110 after fl pair-imnd-tiit're nr' . Out' 20th ceutimry oxortl hits a reituiI solo like a inuit's shoe-nud time uppei's urti a timirk 8himmdo ot' titit that is very 1)OithlLl1ti1fl ) St3'l ( ) Is 1111 eXteiltieti razor too that leimils it vei' lmautlsomnn flIpOhii' . 111104) to tlw toot-the lrlco--thlat'H ) .i.t ) ( ) , 'L'Imo bicycle timut .vo gIve away soomi is iii thu window ytmt. Drexel Shoe Co. , end for our tHus. 1419 Fnriiain ( rated catalogue , mafie a peculiar ruhiag to time effect that harry Harper. elected clerk to fill out. the unexpiro term of .L T PhillIps , doe. not take tharto of The office mitil May I , hence time appointee , 3 , E flays , will hold over until that time. Itnih , . n IaorderIy hIoue. PIERCE , Nob. , April 16.-Speelal ( Tele- gram.-The ) authorities made a raid on the Inhabitants of the "bad lands" In the city today. One of time girls , who Is only 15 years of age , was cered for by some of the women of the town. Mme , Parkorson will be tried Friday. The joint has been operated without a license , mind Pierce people will be gratified if tlmo outfit Is gotten omit of time community , _ _ _ _ _ iIslriet Court ut Vniriumr' . FAIRIIUIIY , Neb. , April 15.-Spocial.- ( ) District court convened yesterday , Judge .1. S. Stuti mresiding. The case of John \V Edmmmnda against the tlurtlngton for $2OOO damages Is on trial today. The civil docket Is a large one , but time only criminal case of Importance is timat of George S. Williams for the murder of Smiley. tlmo flock Island yardmaster , over a year ago. Vzmimton Jury hi.mmgrees. O'NEILL , Neb , , April 15.-Special ( Tel - gram.-Tiie ) jury in the Fenton rustling case , having hmeon out for forty-eight hours , was dischargei at U o'clock this evening , having been unable to reach a verdict. Time Dimmilmam cattle caPe is now on. Dunimam was brought hero from Cedar coimmity last fall , cimarged with rustimg ! cattle in timi county. _ _ _ _ _ Mtri'Ied iii 'nhIey. VALLEY , Nob. , April 16.-Special.-Miss ( ) Nettle llmmrko of Valley and henry Nelson of South Omaha were married at tIme bride's parents' home , J , E. Burke , at 12 o'clock today , Rev. J. 1' . Yost omciat'smg. An elegant - gant repast was rervod after time coremommy. Fifty guesita were Irorcnt. 1im hell ) lime Irrirmmtlomi FaIr. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , Auth 15.-Spe- ( cial.-Thmo ) county conmmiesioners are In see- siomm this week and are considering petitions for a 1OOO appropriation for ( ho Nebraska Irrigation fair , to ho hold in thie city Octo- her 12 , 15 anti 14. NeirnsIst ien s NOtON. The Ii. & : tI. is putting In a new turntable - table at Drokeum how. Methodists of Meadow Grove have put- elmased a parronago and theIr pastor now raves house rent , Water ima.u been turned nto the big flur- well irrigation dltclm and the lands are being flooded for a big crop. GustaveNeufeld and Dave Bruet have been rent to the state penitentiary for elgimteen months for stealing harnena. William Ernst of Nemaha county has a field of alfalfa 200 acres In extent. Last season It netted hlmn 33 per acre , Madison's new city council is pledged to repeal tim occupation tax ordinance , which has been extremely obnoxious to the business men of that city. E. W. Stoddard of Mason City retired at night after a hard day's work. A sudden attack of congestion of the lungs caured his death before morning. Alfred Cox , an old and respected citizen of Custer county , died at the supper table , surrounded - rounded by imis family. Ho had boon a sufferer - feror from hmeam-t disease for a long time. Fire Eater , a Winnebago Indian , absombed too much fire water and rode his pony into the Missouri river. Time pony escaped , but Fire Eater rode right on through to the happy hiuntlmig grounds. While riding a bicycle race John Quado of David , City took a header with such force that his face was puhmeJ away back in juxtaposition - taposition with hie cerebellum. He was up- ccnscipiis for several hours and will probably be scarred for life. Charlie English , a Winnebago chieftain in Thmurston county , gave a pink powwow tea a large number of his tribesmen , and all succumbed to the Influence of resarvatjon whisky. Late in the night , wlmen time gucets had departed , Charlie tipped over the iamnp and act fire to the house. One leg and qnc arm were burned from his body , but he will imardiy amiss them , Ho Is dead now. a- l'IiCUL.LtIt CASE AGAINST M'COt' . Charge-il mvltlm lirezml.luw Omit Ismaleimil of Tub it hlomisem. A peculiar case of burglary was tried In time police court yesterday. The detenrlant was Gert McCoy , who was cimargemi , imot with breakimmg into any place , but with 'unlav/fully , forcibly , willfully , maliciously and burglari. ously breaking from and emergng from" a residence. McCoy is time mnamm who applied for lodging at time imouso of Bob Lawson at Eighth and Dodge streets at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning - ing , and left about an hour later with.romo of Lawson's clothing. Ife made his escape from time house through a second-story win- dow. dow.McCoy McCoy was sentenced to thirty days In the county jail. -S IIhftSONAt. I'.tRACIt1'IIS , Governor Ilolcombisln time city. -v. A. Paxton leftfor Chicago last eemh- in Judge Id. D. Jackscin of eligim is in the city. city.Dr. Dr.V. . S. Love and Mrs. Love pf Wliber are In time city. - Seth Cole left last nlglmt 0mm a western trip of several days. M. G , Bramfeli , anti wife left for a European - poan trip last evening. Captain W. IV. Marsh has gone on a short business trip to Deadwood , James Stepimenson has gone to Salt Lake City co be absent a fortnight. II. W , Simeral left , for Chicago last evening - ing , to be gone several 'lays. L. V. Haskehi of Stromsburg was among thmo evening arrivals in the city. Mr , amid Mrs. Ctmmmrios Kramback of Shelby , In. , are among time hotel guests. Mrs. C. L. Watson ot Sauna , ICan , , is In time city on a short visit with her non , W. H. Watson. Dr. Franklin R. Carpemmter anti Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Catnpbohl or Deadwood are among tlmo hotel guests , George 11. Pickett , editor of the Ashland News , and one of the Saunders county delegates - gates to the repubhlcamm state convontiomm , visited Thu Bec editorial rooms last evenIng - Ing , - flow. Dr.V. . W , hiarsha of the Omaha Presbyterian Theological seminary and Mrs. ilaraima left laut evening for Glasgow , Scot- mmmd , where Dr. hlarshma goes as a delegate to the pan-Presbyterian council , which convenes - venes nect niontlm , Timoy were escorted to ( hp train by a large number of students. vs ! : - : 'rMcIAN OLI ) w'OMAX'S .uvici- Itt'mitiimg a vlmumio Is time easiest way Io acquire OWhitrillhlp-WO iimtvo a nmmimtber of really hue lulmillos ti rent mit $8.00- $4,00-r.OO ; i mimommtli-stool , seart anti tuning iumelmuitnl-you 01111 apply the rent to tIm luircitnan vrico 01' ' II 11t11' IlmlflO- tlit'rtm's tIme ICltmmlmll-tlme Ilnilet & Davis -time 1raimIi'h & Dat'im amid a halt tiozeim otlmt'r w'ay lit ) imlitlmos-thtu only really high gentle imImiflos mimmule.S'o Iiimvo but one price-amid Ilmat's time lowest. A. Hospe , jr , Music almdArt 1513 Douglas DES NOINES fl BASE BALL xistonca ofths Club at Iowa'3 Capital s Thrned. I : 18 STRONG OPPOSITION iTO SUNDAY GAMES hteaiilc'nl. of ; ' Take Steps to i'ln3iumg set tIme I'iiPW Outalihe t ii e : tht lb. 'Fe' DES MOINES , AprIl 15.-Speciai Toie- gram.-It ) is possible that base bali iii Des Moines may be killed at one stroke by an agitation against Sunday games. For years Sunday games have tcen forbidden ! tm tIme city , arid euburban trainS have carried crowds to an out of town ground , at Walnut park. Now the people of Walnut townshIp are try- log to OtOl ) time game thorn ani ) imavo called on thid sheriff to prevent the next Sunday game. Time bail association has arranged for a commtcst ; bcnds wIll be given for each maim as uon as lie is arrested ant ! time matter will ho fought to the end. It tIme park Is closed it will be the deathblow tO bare ball here. AuimerI'nias St ill ilium Uimphuteetl. NE\VMAI1KEP , April l5.-Timl was tIme second day of time Nowmnarltet Craven meet- Ing. Iii time 2-year-old vlate of ? OO Mr. I'lerre Lorillard's Lamnetock ramm with four- teemm othmer5 , hilt not Imlaccul. Lord Rose. hmery's lilly Ilarnngtme womi , Sir .1. hilumidull Mnple's Sardine was aecomid anti Sir It. \Vmiidle Orillhth'S Commfu'miomi tlmird , There were eleven stxmrtera in tIme race for the imabraimam plate , (500 , l'i-immce Soltylott S Sati won , Mr. Aumont's tormetmse was see- onil and Lord lorbv's DInie flay third. Pierre Lorillard's Pigeon Vimmg was nunommg the thirteen starters for time maiden plate , 103 , but was not placed. 14. de ltothscmiiid a Rigg womi , wlthm IL C , Clayton's Fast secommd ' ' Cnrdwell's Gordito third , mmml 1' . H. In time race for the Column Produce stakes of 20 each , withm 200 ndtletl , there vere six starters and L. ( to Itotimachild's SL 1' rims- qulmm won , l'rlnce SohtykoiT's South Atis- traiinn was secomid timid Lord hhimidhip's hlrechIn timird. Among time emmtrles was Mr. Foxhall Keene's bay lhliy Faustina , ltmt'e hlenui its mit ietti tthmls , MEMI'hIIS , Tenmm. , April 15.-1.Veathier fine ; track fast , First race , purse $100 , for 3-year-elfin , four furlommas : Treopa won , Dr. Newman see- onti , 'lunie third. Time : 0:51. : Second race , purse $100 , for 3-year-olda , six furlongs : Irish I.midy womi , 1-lelemma Belie see- onti , Lucille H third. Time : 1:17. : Timird race. Tennessee Brewing compammy stakes 81,000 added , seven furlongs , for 3. ycar-olds and upwnmd : Tartai-ian won , Free Advice second , Nnt P timiril. Time : lZJ. : lrourtlm race , purse $40) , for 3-yeam--olds and tmlwnrd , mile anti one-sixtoentim : Tranby won , itomido ccond , Frontier third. Time : 1:54. : Fifth race , purse $0O , for 3-yonr-olds and upward , lIve furlongs : Skyblue won , Little Cliff second , John I' third , Time : 1:05 ½ . Sixth : race , purse $400 , for 3-year-olds and upward , live furlongs : Roy Lochiel won , Constnntlne 50000(1 , lIen Naiad third. Time : 1:03 : % . _ _ _ ILac I ug ml I Snii Fruu ii e'Ieo. SAN FRANCISCO. 'April 15.-First race , six furlongs : Aiverb , ii to 5) ) won. Meadow Lark (10 ( to 1) ) secnil. I'erhmaps (10 ( to 1) ) third. TIme : 1:17. : Secondrttceofle miln-Unclo : Giles (4 ( toll swan. Little Bob second , All Smoke (15 ( to I ) thiled. Time : 1:46. c Third race , miI , nd one-sixteenth : Cabrillo (2 ( to 1) ) wed , Logan (3 ( to 1) ) second , Collins (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:49t. Fourth race , live furlongs : OlIve (2 ( to Ii ) won , Dungarven ( Glto 1) ) second , Levena C (50 ( to 1) ) third. Time11131A. : . 1ifth - . race. mile. and thmree-sixteenths , hurdle rae : Silvera1o ( ii to 1) ) won. 'Temple- more 3 tr' I ) second' qolomiei Welghtman (4 ( to 1) ) thIrd. Time : :35i. : Sixth race , five furlongs : William Pinker. ton (7 ( to 5) ) .wofl , GeorgeMiller (4 ( to 1) ) eec- end , Nelson . Time 1:02 ½ . . . _ Track Gotiti niF 'lVezmthier Fair. CINCINNATI , Ap/il / I5-Time track was in good comttlcn : wetber plcnsam1. Results : First racdiursc 10Q.six fUrlongs , sellimig : ilannaban (10 ( to 1) ) , p'numnmerco ; (10 ( to 1) ) , second ; Cadina (12 ( till ) . thlrtL 'l'inie : 1l51. Second race. jmrse $100 , mile and one-six- teemith ; Sidkei (7 ( to 10) ) , won ; Lightfoot (4 ( to 1) ) , sccommd ; Muskalonge (3 to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:49. : Third i-act , purse $400 , six furlongs : Zn- none ( even ) , won ; Mirs Young (3 ( to 1) , eec- end ; Alamo (7 to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:15. Fourth race selling , purse 300 , one mile : The Banker ( b to 1) ) , von ; Tariff Reform (6 ( to 1) , second ; Hulbert (7 to 2) ) , thIrd. Time : 1:43 : % . Fifth race. selling , purse $300 , liaR mile : The 13lrYsomn (1 ( tim 1) ) . 'omm ; Princess Mnud (3 ( to 1) ) , second ; Vansse ( even ) , third. Time : 0:50 : % . _ _ _ _ _ _ . lteu1ts at Forsihae. CHICAGO. April 15.-Forsythe resuite : FIrst race , six furlongs : Weon won , Extra - tra second , Longdnle third. Time : 1:18. : Second race , unit mile : Chmesas'ille won , liomlnrdon second , N. N. Knuffrnatmn tlmird. Time : 0:52. : Third race , six furlongs : Little Sadie won , Helen h-I. Gardner second , Cauiflold third. Time : 1:18 : ½ , Fourth race , mile : Magnet won , Simmons second , Onalaska third. Time : 1:17 : , Fifth race , seven furiongs : Lulti T womm , El Roy second , Fiorcanna third. Time : Sixth race , six furlongs : Semele won , Hazel Hatch second- Rosa May third , Time : 1:18. : _ _ _ _ _ _ ) hiiici imue Ntsy 'l'uiiheim iteeordpi. SAN DIEGO , Cal. , April 15.-Randall and Sclmeteki , time crack tandem team who have been cutting many world's records , cut time world's tandem record for one-third mile. imaced , one ttmhi second , going It in 31 2-5 secommds today , 1)0w and Parker pacimig timonm. Staves and Winsett cut time world's two-thirds mile tandem record to 1:12 : 2-5 , the former record being 1:15 4-5. by Cnljanne amid Titus , made mmt Dent'er , whmirhm has stood for nearly two years , Kiser made two attempts - tempts for one-half mile limit tim wind was too etrommg. Randall and Sclmefsici went nil the way nnd made time renmmirkabie time of 473-5 seconds. _ _ _ _ _ _ M'stei" 'muM ihIhl Smiuilli ( louumimig Itoiuie , LONDON , April 1L-"Myeterous Billy" Smnith will be a passenger on board the steamer Gaihia , which will sail from Liverpool - pool tomorrow for Bostomi. lie is booked to tIgimt 'SKid" McCoy twenty rounds for a purse at Woburn , Mass. , May 4. "lan" Creedon has postpommcd lila. return to America , owing to hearing that I'eter alaiiei's manager le arranging for a contest - test between Maimer nail Creedon , the ilgimt to mice ulace in England. "Tomn" Tracoy has challenged the wthner of time Burgo.Lavigne light , and Burgt line already accepted , .YInemer 't'llI Chuiuilcuigo fllxn , NEW YORK , April 15-Time Eureka Atim- ictic club of Long Island City will be time next in time field with a boxing entertain. ment. One week from tonight four bouts will be vresented In time arena of that club , chief of whIch wIll ho a twenty-round cmi- test between "Tommj" Dixon of St. l'ntml and "Johnny" Layaclc.'of Cleveland , Time winner of this bout.yiiLlhe mumotcimed to fight George Dixon , Ieathmqrrmeigimt champion of the world , _ _ - _ 1ev hop , SteJIlmuuplL .huuu.ui , lterord , ALBANY , N , Y , , ApritilS.-At time Catholic Union Atimletic exhIbition lommight , Coagrave broke the world's trecbhl Imelil b' himself In thmo lhopstcup mind' jimmmi , lie made thirty feet and six inclmep. Jhe nrevioue record was twetmty.miino foppd cieveim immchmes , AlhuIott.e Agruci Ii , hieturn. AThENS , April 15.--It hmmms been decidel In the tuturo to ImaVe time games every tour years , ammd thmut r6ielgn athmietee who am now here hmavampromised to compete. . -J * ' There are mnany1 gitl reasons why you should use One ItIimtmt'e'Coughm Cure , There are no reasons wiif yi should not , if in need of iielp. TII .1j hmarmmhess remedy that produces Inmmnelt&1re.sults. . - ' Nehmramskmu Climb Sicetluug , A special meeting of time Omaha and Douglas county stockholders ot time Nebraska - braska chub is hereby called for this evening - ing at 8 o'c'ock at time office of the club 601 Bee bullding , Business of special ha- partanco iii to be transactemi and a full a.i. mendanemu Is a-f'questtsj , 'rhis is the tints anti Place for time regular weeki ) ' meeting of the executIve board ammd canvassing committee. Nothing so distressing as a backing cough , NothIng so foolish a to suffer from It. Netim- lug so dangeromms if allowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives Imm dlato relief. 1.O % ' UAI'lIS SQIJTIE. AprIl fllutgumuul Mui' gths , Via Penasyvania Short Lines from Ciii- cimgo. Ask for hiorpo eekera' excursion tickets over that ropte. II. It. Daring , A. ci. p , Agt. , 218 South Clark st. , Chicago , for details. Free. 11I1ST TJLRILITOflIAT , LLIUI5LATVR1. Stnt ItistnrIcnI5eielety VIhl flivusJi thuo ndy ut Its ezt leetiutg , ftwill be a matter of general Intreat to time ieopho of the state that the next annual mteUng of the State Illatoriesi society , oc. curring next January , wIll be devoted to rem- inlrcemices of the first territorial legisiaturo of Nebraska. It Is very desirable not only to have all znrvivhmmg members prenont at that ameeting , but to collect in time macan- tlirme all pssIbl chaLt with reference to all the members oni , thmo acts of that hotly , It will be a great help if those who can will send to time society hihotos anti pictures of the member& and any papers. letters , mnammu- scripts or books relating to them. tionmo members are living in other states and it may possibly take sonmo ttnie to fiuid them. Infornimmtlon relating to stmcim wili be thankfully - fully received , Time followIng is a list of the members antI officers as they were then apportlonetit Counchl-J. L. Sharp , Richardson county 13. II. Folepm , Umirt ; .1. 0. MItchell. WashIngton - Ington ; lit. 11. Clark , 1)odge ; 'J' . U. OooJwlll , A. U. Jones , 0. 1) , Itlcimartlsnn , S. E. Rogers , leuglas ; Luke Nmmckolls , Cass ; A. 11. ihrail- ford , II. P. Bermmict , C II. C'owlcs , Pierce ; hlichmard thrown , V'ornny. Officers-fl , I. Mil- Icr , chief clerk : 0. 1L.aiie , atmuitamit cleric ; S. A. Lewis , aergcant-at-armmme ; N. 11. Folaomn , doorkeeper. hlotmso-A , J , hlane'com , W N. flyers , Wil- 11am Cltmnccy , F. lavideon , Thoimmmms lavle , A. 13. Goyor , A. J. l'oppienn , itobert 't'imit- ted , Douglas ; 3. Ii. itolmrteon , II. C. Purple , hurt ; A. Archer , A. 3. tkultiu'asluiagtomm ; Fl. IL. laylo , J. W ltlelmardmtomi , Iotlgo ; 3. N : . Lathiam , William 1C'mmiptomm , 3. hi. Ii. Thompson , Case ; 0. lleimmmet. 3. ii. ( 'owlos , J _ Ii. Decker , \V. II. Hail William Madulox , Pierce county ; W. A , Flnmicy , J. M.'od , Forimey ; I ) , Id , . Johnson , 3. A. Singleton , Richardson. Officsre-J. W. Paddock - dock , chIef clerk ; 0. L. 3iae , aslsiant clerk ; G. L. Gibbs , sergeant-at-anus ; 13. ii. Thiomnpsan , doorkeeper , Conmmuimicatioime cam bum addressed to Cia librarian of time State historical society , Jay Amos Barrett , Limucolo. It's just as easy to tr3 Omme Mixmmutcm Cough Cure as anything else. It's e.usier to euro a severe cough or colti with It. Lot your next purchimmso for a cough be One Mlmmmmto Commghm Cure. fetter muediclfle betier results ; better - ter try it. ft- AMUS3M3NTS. CCCCCCCCCCOCCCCCCCCOCCCQ An overflowing parquet , which crowded time orchestra imito a gallery box , and b.ml- conies generous ! ) ' filled , weiconmetl Nat Good- wiim last imiglmt. at Boyd's , time occasion being lila one solitary appearance before tin Omaha audience tlmis season. 1mm Henry timmy Carleton's iridescent dream of honest moth- ds in politics called "Ambition , " Mu' . flood- win line a role which gives lmlmn aim opportunity - tunity for somna of time mmiost aatislmmctcm-y work his has ever domie , Time manifold amid varied acconmplfsiimnemits of this artist , who otar.tls very higim ammiong time best coniodians of time ( line , both in artistic excellemice and .n liopuhar favor , have never fommnd macro ShiCfltil000uS expiosslomm than iii the strong cimaractor of Senator Beck , the incorrmmptible ruler of presidomits , legislative bodies and mmotnlnatlr.g conventlomis. Mr. Carhetomi's lialogue is , as Usmial , bright , and even witty 'n ' thIs 1)15) ' , aS for instance in time case of time aphorism about editors and boys with beanshooters , 'hhch is familiar from ftc- quent quotation , and Beck's recommendation to time young man addicted to wino , women and soimg to heave off singing-counsel which is at least uncommveatlomial , Time aupportimig company is a very Ca- pabhe omme , and includes suclm clever people as Jean Clara \\'alters , an old Omaha favorIte - Ite ; Annie Russell , George Fowsett , Henry Bergman , Arthur Iloopes and John 'I' . Craven. Time piece is put on with excellent taste , the three interiors shown being imp- poInted with quiet elegance only marred by time sonmewimat Incongruous furniture cvi- dently contributcd by local shops. Time performalico of "A Gilded Fool , " announced - nounced for time afternoon ' " , was 'cut" too late to prevent dtappolntiiient to many ticket holders , the reason assigned being the mionmerrivei of scenery. Mr. Goodwimi was aim apparently ethified spectator of "TIme Twentieth Century Girl" at the matimmee at the Crelgimton. At Boyd's theater en Friday and Saturday - day of this weeic Stuart Robsomi will produce "Mrs. Ponderbury's Past. " Thio Ammiericamm production will be superior to time one of thi& foreign cities , as Mr. Robson has lire. vided a mimmut excellent cast , amid has hind magnificent scenery and stage accessories pro- pared. One scene represents time Inteior of aim artist's studio , wlmicim Poiiderbury Invades - vades in his mnad infatuatiomm for a model of rare beauty , wimo has fasclmmated him. Ire finds the model clothed iii her p0511mg robe , amid in the mmmoonhigtmt which stremmnmu through the s'lmido % ' , site nmlstaltes him for the artist with whoni she Is on friendly footing. 11cr - robe becomes detached mmmiii she requests the timId aid man to readjust it. Imagine tile scene ii'Itim I'ondembury's ' ife viewing it all from tlmo background , As Matthew Pommtlerbum7 , Mr. Robson will have abunulamit opportunIty for time display of his peculiar powers , as that character is adahited to his style of coimmedy. The sale of seats will open at 9 o'clock timis mmmorning for time entire engagemnemit. Time central incident in C. T. Dazoy's play , ' 'Time Old Limo IChin , ' ' 1mm which Ratio Put. narn and her cnimmpany will Lie seen at time Crohgmton ! for bun mmighits , comimmmmemmcimmg Smmim. day mnatimmee , April i'd , involves aim attempted nmminder at the nmouth of an old ibue kiln. The vlliahmm of time play amid au ofiheer iii ( lie Ummlted States regular arnmy have a struggle at the edge of a cliff , into which the kiln imas been built , Time burly llmmme burner overpowers - powers time yoummg otlhcur amid hurls imini lute the bmirnlmig pit , 'fho tlnmeiy arrival of limo heroiho fit time plot , played by Katie Pui- tiara , saves time officer from hml death. Time IncIdent is baseul upon fact , Mr. Dazey , ihmen a boy , Imavimmg been a witmmess to just r.mmch a stm'uggle , which resulteml In actual imiur- der iii time mmmammner descrlbcul , and furnished a cause cciebro in the courts of time state of Vermmiont. A brllltaitt complexion is a beauty In It. scif , ft lileases time eyes of thoughtless licople amid time inimids of tlmlmikhiig people. 'rhey know that a really good commmplexfon is a slgii of health , mid created b' Nature , there are dilTercut ways of immmItatimm a dime conmpiexhomi : cosimiethcs , which deceive nobody - body , but ruin time skin and miiakc the user look silly amid prematurely old ; stimulamita whlclm ommiy give a temmiporary fiuislm ; dangerous - ous drugs which drive plumply disorders ( roam timir face back immto ( lie blood. All these "counterfeit" comnplcxiomms arc mmmi. safe and easily detected. But tIme genulmme umimimistakeable , much . adnmired color am clearness of health caim only be obtained by clearimig all bilious matters amid humors out of the blood. Time first step towards crcatlmmg a iood complexion by Nature's own method is to get time blood clear , and the circulation ( tee amid active. There is no conmpiexlomm so sal. low , muuddyor pimimplybut itwlil be cleared amid brightened by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , It is the best natural complexiomi.mnakcr on earth. It sends time ( realm glow of Teal health to time cheeks by thoroughlyclearimig all bilious and eruptive humors out of time blood , It strengthens time digestion and regulates time bowels 1mm a mild , natural way , It gives brighter color to the blood. ammd not only beautifies time complexion but imiakea the eyes brighter and time breath sweeter , if time bowels be very much comistipated , it will be advisable to take small doses of Dr. Pierce's I'leasant Pellets , commJohumtly whIm time use of Ume " Golden Medical Discovery - covery , " One or two cacti day-just emit. ficient to get their iaxatlve and alterative , r blood cleansing , effect will be sufficient. Iovrlt , qv.tnfthtt , AI ) SUICilLi. Colored Girl tenvesa flrr Pony nnd 1'kt's Mnrphuhuie , Eva Itecklsy , 'a colored girl , who roonimht at 12Q1 Dodge 3treet , last evening commulttoLi suicide on account o a difference with lice lover. 1tl Cnviumgtnn , She and a number of clmimpanlona , among whoimi ws Covlmigton , pessed the earlier hart of time evening drinking beer nnti a u3umnrrol t'etwec.mm her anti her lover occurred. She left time roonm mlc'clsring that she iviuitt kill heieolf. Little was timotmgiit of her remark at tIme time , but whiemu , half aim hour hater. Minnie Tarlton , her ehuni , went to her rooimm cml ltn.lgcu street elm found her hirostrate upon the bed anti iooaning for assistance. lts. Towne'ormnm'ley amid ICing olwhle,1 a atom- achi pump and worked fem- over nm hOur try'- lam ; to bring imor back to coutciutismiem's. Their efforis wore frimltiess and ( tic girt died ahmortiy before ii o'clock. It was learmicui ihmt Eva nmiui her lover had bath a uitmnmbor of qimarrela pcvlous to that of last uilght nail that at ( lines lie haul abused hmr. Jealousy hind been in hir mimimmil for several mnontbs , Cca'hmigton is ii hirter on a ahi'eping car nail said ito could assign no reimsoim for thin simieudc. Thmny hmath laid a mmmcm hovers' mmmis- uimdt'ratsmimhimig , limit it Was of mmmmclm ulight miio- iut'mmt that lie thought little of time affair immitli toil ( lint Eva hind camamimitted timleido. lie hail Itmmown time girl for several years , amid tlic'y hind always been 'lvomm time lieu't of terumma. Eva's paremita live at i014 1)ecattmr street , amid lie lived with thumu until time last few mouths. 11cr mocuimi was rented froni Mr. ltavitz , who satl that ime always nppcnm-ed of a quiet dleposltlnn amid hail little to do with tIme ether immamatca. of tlmo hmoubo , Tlmn remuiniuts were taken in - charge by Coroner ihirkot , who wtl ) lucId an inquest thmi unornliig. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'referreil Smu iu'iIi' to himmnwi air , XIINIA , 0 , , AprIl 15.-Charles Morris , t'ie coimfesseul mimundcrer of Mr. and Mrs. Iommthm- ette , comnnmltteul suIcide this immorumimig hmy cuttlmmg lila throat , whme.mm tohti to got ready to go to Columbus to he hamiged. Youi' Face giuii'R tlit' 511)10 of _ VOhht' feelings tintl time state of ( mtiI' health an veii. liii Phlfl luinoti makes ltimc'lf nppnrt'nt in a 1)8 ) he , sitilO % ' ( :0111 : Pit'x toil , PlilhIICS ) iiiitl eLm ni'IlptioIms. if you nrc feeling 'otk : or 1'Oh'I ) out tutid ito imot ima a Ii caltliy flh)1h1'Ai'ithit'C YOU lIil tierivo great ' frohIl takitig ( lint invlgoratlui atlinuimitit , Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey vhilt'lt llL luirIf your luiootl , quicken iOi1r Olt'e'ihlahIOhl , multi tIji your symtetis nied give yell ie' life , it imt'ommiote tilgestioll , CiiIiS ( 'thti4tilttlnhl ) : mmd mirotises thlti glo' of ltnnhthi In e'ery inirt of the liotit' , . 'i'ry Ill 51)1(1 by all grtn'crs niul tirugglsis , )3 pf NEW COLLRR ! 1 VAt aiS ! ! _ h I d ! Catorla destroys worms , allays fcvcrisli. ness , cures dlarrlmcaa nnd wind colic , relieves teethIng tromiblc , and cures commstlpnttoui , Castoria coimtahiis no paregoric , muorphttmc , or opiummi lu ahmy formmi , "For several years I have recommended astofla , amid muimahi ai't-mmys votmtiniie to dose so as IL Imas Invariably 1roduccd bcmicficiat . results. " llowin V. rAnnar. , M.D. , 525th Street amid 7th Avenue , New York City. "Castorims hi utowehi tidapted tocimilulrcit that I mecomnumend It as r.mipcrior to aim ) ' pro. scmlptiou kmmown to 1mm. " II. A. Ancuami , M.IL , 'ml So. oxronul Str. , 3iruoklymiN. 1. , ' Time mae of Castoria Is so uimtvcrsal nmmd Its , mierit so well kmiowum that it scemime a work of mtmmpcrcrogatlomi 'to cmmdorse It. hew are time Iimteihigeimt fammihlica who do not keep Castoria witbin easy reach. " CAmLOS MARTYN , B. 13. , New York Clti. Children CryforPtcher's Castoria. TUE CCNAU5 COMPANY , ST MUNRAY arnc1 , NEWYORS crry Early . - I Mls't9 , . , , "e' : ' LCSSOII : " It's all right to let the ' little girls have an early . introduction to ' : . " SAHTA CLAUS SOAP It will not only snake their clothes clean but when in late ycarathe cares ofUic household comae they will know best how to meet theni. There arc a great mnomay wonicn who have learned a lesson of ecommonoy amid cleauuimmesa by the use ofSammta Claus. Sold everywhere. Madeomily by The N. K. Fairbank Company , - Chkago. -1 BACKACHE / \VHY ? Because your Liver and Kicke , . are ( I& out of ordct 0 'lt.jI Dr. J H0 CLEiWS § PI UVE BALM ' . - is the "PEERLESS REMEDY" or curing ? ailments of the Liver , Kidneys and B1adccr , Diactcs , Rheumatism - ; ; matism and Bright's Disease. 0 roE , SALE VCAYWHEA5 AT Ci.oo pie no-reLs THE Dn. J , H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO. , Sr. Louis. Wio. _ - - - - - - - - - - - . . - STOR' - LOT 1IGOI , . , , , , , . , , "I WI In duti ht to tie. ( r Pnous Dcbrilt : , , r cu ima , C. . ) . mmpotcncy , Atopby. Vulcoceis end omhn wekuenu , ( rem icy at. . , ass . , . , , . , , , s.mn. IiI flr&li cmecked and ( umm smger q5ckiy resmu.d , if nelsci.l , , sucl tseiaIes rctlI fateiiy. Cleliid any.b.re , sesIsd , Cm , S.om 4 bogs , ( or 1 as. W5 Result 1mm 4 weeks. vtrt Sm-os .rd. , . 1v. a Iiai gueret.o . can c , eetund the v.oy.44.as Tfi1hMAN St McCONNELL DRUG CO. , 151 $ Dodd. Htrs.t , Omaha , Nob. 3 ) OF INTEREST TO CountryPublishers1 _ . . . .PORSALE..4 Abozil 2,000 JiOUfltS 7111)110/i Iybe , p 700jOU1ZtS aale Ie. oo Jonnds brevicr iyb , 150 a fr two-fly/rd lyfte cases. - 40 doula iron slands for two-thirdcases. This material was used oi : 7Yie Oinila Bee and is len fairly good condition , I'Vz'lt / , sold cheaft in bdk ; or in qzantillcs to suit j5zsrciiasers. AJbiy iu erso' or 4) ' itaii , to The Bee Publisliiiig Co. , No b ret . n.j