- - - - - - - - - - - - - r----------- . - 1 : - _ _ - TIlE OMAUA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 16 , 1896. TUE OMAhA DAILY BEi n. noslwATIn : , Ethtor. L _ _ - _ - . - vUrnAsilfD } VEftY ) IOItNXNQ. T1RMS OF SUBSCItII'TXON DftIl ) flee ( Without unThy. One Year $ O Dafly Her , unti Sunday. One Vent . . . . . . . . . 1) O fI L1nthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 o ) 1liree Monllie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. . . . . . 2 5) Httbdny Ike. One Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 o 8turthy 73e Ono YAr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I &O e.ky ! IJe. One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Onittha , The fl thiIt4lng. toUtt Onuih.i , Finger fllk . Cot. N nfll lth St Council 1lItitfi ie North Mln Strct. Chicego om 317 Chnnib'r of C.mmrce. N.w TOIk 8nme. I3 14 ttfl4 13 , TrIbune l3tdg. S nuibngLon ! 117 1' Street. ? 7 W. MI eommunfrnttin , relnttng to flfw I'flI dt torel : matter srntil ! be nt14ree'd : To the 1Itor. flTJlNtsS i.rrrlitS : AU btiein , t.tt nn remtInnce 1rnuI4 bo ft4r1 tn The flee 1'uI,1Iilng Company , Omthn , Irit. checke nntl postomee ordere to bi maim piyate ) to t7i nr'lnr of tu ! compnnv. T1II fl1 PunLisiriNci CO't1'MY. - - - - STAT1MTNT 1W C1RCtJbATIOr. Ocorge IL Tchtck , ertnry of The fl Pii ! III1iIng copy , being duly 'a ) tIflt thi ftctunt IItimbr or ftiI ) iind complett copIes of th IaIIy , MnrIng , nni iun.1ny flee prlntec turIng the moath of Mnrth , S3G , wn n fol. I . . . . , , . , 1.fl ) 17 . . . . . . , , , . . 2 17.97 lq . . . . . , . . . , . . . . 17 'J ; : iq.ns 19 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , , . . . 17.m2 2J . . . . . . . , . . , , . 17M , , , . . . 1.ov $ 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 I6.o1 22 . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . 7 , , , . , . . . 2S.0G7 2 ! . . . . . . , . , , . . . . 17.fl3 8 I91OO 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t , , , , . . 1&2 2 ; . . . . , . . . . , . . . 17U1 10 . , . , . , . , . , . , , , , 2 ; . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.flD2 2t , . . . . , , , , , . , , , 1,25 . 2T . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . 12 , iqo 2 , . . . , . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . , . , , lq.n7q 2.P , , , , . . . , . . , , . . . 14 1R,22. Is . , , , .O , ' ) , , . . . . . . . , , . . , IC . . . . . , . , . , 1SOG Tott Lce dpi1ucIo ! for unnli1 anil returned cople . . . . . . , , . . , . . , . . . . . . , , , , , G.21 Iet Rotee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? , et ( Iflfly overage 1 003 rnoncn n. TZSCtIOJCIC. 8worn n before m no.1 ! tlIcrfled In m presence thI ; (1 tiny of' piiI , 1P0 ( enI. ) N. P. FrIL , Notary ruble. ! T1ilo l ii year of the 1)eople. IIOVliulIlg the IJeO1)l ) the 1)OIItICIflhIS ) have their , s,8y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S 'I'Iie Omulut IlfltfrIfl ) of 1800 Is note to hie coitfotinikiti with the Oinnha Iltlt ) forni of 1S92. 'rho stitu coii'etition on ruly 1 prom. ! ses to JR' Uflcoinfortilly : waiin for ninny IeopIe. ) Y113' WlS the Omaha conventoii like ft 1)fl\\'flSlll ) ( ) ? flt'cause it toolc In moro pledges thini ever can hc releeined. One ss'n1iow doesn't niako n. summer. And the lefeat of otme or two Irnodle' uldermeti vill not imiuke Chicago liito a New Jerusak'mn. i\Ienmorial eltmy v1Il alTorti a. timely In. teiruption to tIme convention oratory with w'liicJi the coummtry li to be stir. feited betveezi now timid Tnly. \Vlmeii the lOlltlCilns ! get behlIi(1 time peOile ) and the Ie91)le ) get 1)ehIIRl the lOlItICiflhIS time maclime w'orks as easy as sliding dowim a greased pole. fins Mayor liroateli taken out a Ii. cense for his headquarters SIlOiJOar(1 ( ? If imot , isn't lie afraid that his detectives may discovo time sign of time game ? Tim cnrfev repeal ordlimatico lmns been Introduced Imito the council. 'lime council slmoiihI give videnco of h. returmi to coin- 111011 SC1iO by iroi1iitly ) zislzig the re peal mimeasimic. Wnllen time tTnlte(1 Sthtes SiiiI'Pmfle court gets to It , It can lift a great burden off the minds of the ieOIle ) of Nebraska by handing (1o\s'ml Its decision in time mmlxi. mmmiii freight rate case's. Time national coavention of cooks anti. waiters has Jwot 1meii In session in Gin- cintmati. Its immembers exlect to meet again In Oinnlma Iii 1S9S anti. Itch ) us Q11. tertnin oui' trmillSiliISSlSSipII ) guests. IVith Spimator Tilitunu and ex ov- ernortiIte lit Deliver at one nut. th saifio tl ie there Is tiamiger tbnt tile earthquake iimsiirnmice rate on risks Iii that vicinity vili be temporarily raised. Time Germnan Anierlcan school , attended - tended Iy SeVOt'flI hundred imupils , has for mutiny years becit located on Ilarney streeL It lutist be 1)rotceted ) against tue tlmrcatoiied nuisance which city mu ire motors would put there. Time mmmcii W'ii ( ) are ioudetst iii titeit' de1 1 nmaiitls for shutting out nil Immigrants s'Iio cannot mend mimiti write are also time noIsiest in their advocacy of time annexation - ation of Cuba , vit ii nit Its Imoimabitamits , Ignoi'aut 1(11(1 ( eductti'tl : alike. Jack ( lalligati , Iii his , w'as one of tIme foremmiost lire llgimii't's Iii the comma. try. lie remm(1ere(1 amid faithful service - ice to the city. 'rime citizens of Omaha of twenty yttrs : ago can form a just estimate of the value of his work. And now the \S'mmmmimt's climb enters protest against time location of a Jahi on upper IInrmity ! street , Its mnemmmiers ) have simply ( nilomi In hue vitim time Iest iublie sentimmiemit. it is time wiii of time joOiie ) ! of t1mis city timat a Jail b not located at Eigimtecmmtim anti Ilmirncy. Semmator ' 1'tiirstomt imas , It is nunoumiceil , been cimosmi to mimmike time prlilcipai sveecim secomidimig time imomuimmatiomi ot' ox- Governor icTimii'y 1mm time St. LouIs comivemitloim. This is mmmi honor certalimly earmitid by times semimitor's t'ffeetlv efforts in behalf of time Ohio candidate. A mm uncomisciously iuimmmorous comitoni. porui'y prints nu itent lmemith'd "C ; rooni 75 , Bride 60. " in its oIitlImtly columuim , followed 1)3' fl ( oW imartmgrapims eutitie(1 ( "Otimer Itmitiis. ' Time miged untie 1111(1 ( groom , however , s'i1I doubtless ( miii to I SOt ) Iii timis anytimimmg ilke a imiugitimig nmnt. ter , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It Is proimosetI to ImupostI a tine on niemubers of time commmieii wimo a1)sent timemnseives froimi time regular nmetimmgm I of that body. Jr timis is ilomme eountii. , Inca wimo vmtmtt to tiodge a vote vIII I immivo to 1U1 , ( or tiilt' hum , or rather zimitho imomimo ommo vise iiy ( or it , wiiici.i they can rt'atliiy do Tax evasloit imims beemi rethiceci to such a fimmo mitt . tliiit any assessor listing prop. I erty ( or taxation aceordimig to time $ Iii it ttiic ! letter of time revenue Imtws wotmid i cause a ovcmi-tImiy moonsatlomm. Such a i nmmomI however , commit ! got a. miomlimatlon to any oilIce-4t tinm Cravtoid county i Bystem w ere In vogue. . e . - - - = - - ClX1'IYTWN .4NI Pr1TPoflM. Time mPlmImTilcnhIs ) of Nebrnka enter * lpnmm tiic ilfltkilfll t'amniaigii of 1896 timu1r rmot favorable auspices. Time commeorti anti en t Imimslmmsmim t ha t cimarnet er- 17 ei the jmroee'dimmgs of tIi state comi- ventlomi nflortis gratifying proof that fimetiotmi tllfforcmices Imave bm'emi sumootimod 4ltW'fl , nmmd time nmItllglnhim41115 by vlmIcim lime iam tV , has Iic'ii distracted nnd divided Ima'e gIvmn way to time patriotic desire for ristorimig iwosimority to time country tIim'otmgi ! time restorn timim of re- Ptibitcnn stmpremnacy 1mm time mtmImiiItlistrmL. tlomm of time atYnirs of time nation. The ( leCIllrmitiOht of inimiciplea calm- elated 1mm bt'imnlf of time reptihuicim mis of Nebrn skit is omtcIse a miii yet e.nmmpre- imemisive. It covemg eve'i'y vitii : istie holY liefoi'e limo \.mniim'kn1i iieoi1 , ammil yet discrttiy icives : the spt'eiIlc detail to ie ) formmmuinted by time mmatiomisi cnmi- vemitioti. F1114t amid formmmost timt re'puimiicans of NC1)tilMkfl ) iitemlittl tiie'Ir nllmt'reiice mmmitl ( levottoti to the poiicy of imrotectioii cmi tIme iltie of flit'fc'1iii1ey bill. Nm'xt , amid not iems COliliiieIldfltIC ) , Is time imosl tI'e ( l'CilIiltIiit ( iii favor of imommest nmomil'y amid ngaimmst I ime free and imniiimi- ited coInage at tim' ratio of 10 to 1 viiieimvollld mcvii ably iilPciliit1ttt a disastrous comimmimerehti crisis amid leave our curremicy on a. silver imsI. 1qmmaliy gratifying Ii ; the poitItive entlorsenwnt ( If time totiroe tioctrimie amid time demnmimimi ( or legisiativo reguiatioim of tramispurta- tlomi coiiipniiles amid prolilbitiomi of ti'usts. \Viintever mummy lit' tlmonglmt of time \Ic- 1CImile'y-mimmm1erson ! comnpromiiise comnpmtet mimiti time nttt'mmpt to forestail time' mmetioii of the canventloim in time choice of dt'i- gates to the mmmmtiommal comivemitlomi , it. v1ii be COlicC(1Cl ( timat. time four delegates-mit- large arc reproseiitimtive repmmblic:11114 : vimo , In polmit of alIllity , will ramik falily vitli those of nimy of time tiiiiiimisk- iIiiI ) stmites1 and. for timat matter , with those of tIle mniddie or emuUern states. , ur4lIrtND AND ( UflA Time statemiient imuhmhisileti several days ago that a note had been adtlressed by Secrtmimy Oimiey to time pamuisim gov. Crllmflllit , offering mediation and tlm' ftieiidiy ofilces of time Ummited State's In time settiemnemit of time conflict Iii Cuba , has 1)eelI ) COIltrllliCtCl , 'I'ime denIal , liow- ovum- , was miot minnie as by olilcial flu. tiiorit3' immiti time triist'ortlmy WTnslmimmg- tomi correMpommleIIt ( of time Pimiiadolplmia Letiger , whose opimortumilties for obtaimi- Imtg Imimmide Iiiforinmmtlomi -undoubtedly equal to timose of any otimer mievspaper mmmliii tim Lime natiomiai caiitai , says time statt'mnent Is correct amid reaffirms that time i)1'sldetut hlmis tendered time good offices of this goveimmmneimt to timat of Spain. 'IiiIs correspomknt aiso says that it Is not comitempiated , nor has It been comitemuphmited , to scud ammy mimes- sage to commgrc.SST on time subItet , The aipOifltmmwflt of Ce'neral Lee as consul gemierai to Cuba gives added interest to tub question as to time iii- tention of time iresilemit iii regard to time Cimban mnattem' . It is suggested Unit time seiectioii of ree at ilmis time menus it great deal poiittcaiiy , It ielmlg untlem'stootl Hint. lie sviii go to Havana instructed to give time admuimilstm'atiomi acetimate information regarding time mmmiii- tiui'y situation timiti advIse It. as to tIn' I prolmaimle outcome of the revolution. It is said that ime wiii at the very outset - set endeavor to learn it time reroin- tionists imavo estabiisiiecI civil nvern- macnt iii forni and strength sufilcient to wari'amit theIr recogmiitiomm as beiiig- eremltbo. It is also reported that Comm. era ! Scoflold immay accompany General Lee In the capacity of m special rep- resriitmmtive of tii governmmment to in- iestlgate time comiditions on time IsimmncL I is obvious that the resit1ent is giv- lag -ory carefimi attumitlomi to timis mimuttet' nit ! 141)mfle action emi his in time mmcmii' I fimtum'e is very proiaIle. ) If lie lmmi of- feured mueliatiomm ( it Is vemy likely wltIm time expeetatiomi timat it uuihi be declimied. lIe amity timemm , immivimig imhlceti time go'- rmmmmu 'mit In a tiefeimsiblo positiomi l' Diferimig its good o1ihQ for time settle- maclit of time troubie , recognize time revolutionists - lutionists as IlelilgeremIts , or evemi go fur- timer muid imckmmouvietlge their intleimemid- I uced , his autimomity in eitimor case 1)eimmg ommmpiete. i'ttr. ' Cleveinmid possesses a IWei' ) in timis mimatter wimichi could be so XeiCiSei ( ts to involve tue Timmltcd States mmid Spain In. a. vmir amid It is this fact which cmutises a felimig of great Interest md no iittie solicitude as to wimat imis pmIi'iOse hilly be. It Is IossIi)1e tiiat Limis vIii 1)0 ) disciosed b3fome time muet- tug of time democratic nmmtlonai conven- lou , nw ao.ii.Irs'IoN ACTS. A good effect 111)011 ) the lntersato coin- IIlOi'CO comnmiiIssin appears to have beemi wodticeml by time recent docislomm of the 4tIpremmio court of time Ummited States me- miitlImig time obiigatlomi of witmmesses to Lestity 1mm CaSes Imistituitod ummmder time In- erstmtte comumnerce iav , oven though , imelr testimmiommy mimotiIti. ie ) seif-inemimmilmitit- I lug. It is mummmOtmmmcetl timat time commummis- oioit Is imrepnrlmmg to vrocoeti against i'lmIi. romuimo rmmnmilng ( 'list ( moimi Cimicimgo for ivlmmg i'e'bateo amid cut mates cmi packing mouse PiOltICt ( $ limit ! huts summimnomieti to mppemtr before It a mmulmtior ) of time freight itieimiis of time i'ozitl. it time comnmimIsiomi mieamms scm-bus imimsimmess In timis it w'iii nmmtiuhtediy ) fimut emmoimgim to justify mmmi I Ll\'lumI ( time inbor of time immye.-mtigittiomm fir there cami 1)0 ) HO ( ioult that tim big DimIcimgE imlieket's Immmve imecim getting IIIXM'liI rebates amid cut m'atts ( rommu nil Limo eastern railroads , yimtio they hmu'tm I)10tmbiY ) ! ) l > eemm mme ies fmtvomt'd i' vest. jrmm roads In tiw toiilimmiieimt of stock. Un- rluIO8tiOflfliiy iii timiio respect time lmmter- 4tato colmilmmerco imi' imas ItJtIll ) per- ; istentiy vIolated , to time great ativautmige lIt the Chicago vnckerm , It Is to 1)0 101)0(1 ) the Immyostigatiomi iii hi , thorough tmtti timmut If yioiatiomms of time law nyu $ tmlI)1im0ile(1 ( that somimo of time ollicisis mi ) t' time momuis viii be iuLmislmed as mmii e. tumpie , Iii tile mneanu'imIio time gemmeral 'J ) UbiiC will be glad to kmiov timat time ommmnmissiou has expeylemicod a reawaken. s ing and will commildenhly hope for ommie ip'actical results. .1 iiinutr. ; SUM 1'J1l I1'N'S. Time Imoimse of represemmtatives is iii line w-ith intelligent ammo ! pa triotic inilolie semi- I uncut. 1mm 1tprOIrifltImig over $ lt,000O ( ) { ) lom' coast defemisos.Vimat dh4ImsItiOmi tim senate will show 1mm regmird to timla imimproprimltloim i-cmimnimis to be seemi , but it ongimt to 1)13 a sa to prlkt tomm that It vii1 not ieitmce tue nimiotimit , tlmt sent I- mmmpmmt vlmichm Immis 1)0011 ) Itiflhift'Stel ) iii that hotly vmmi'i'nntIimg flit' opimmiomi titmi I : it w ili ComlelIm' imi liii' imlOsei ( ( < ximt'nditumrc. 1mm time Imaust' thit'i-O V1ls no great opimsitton to tinu mimemstire : niid It ieeei'i'd time stip- ) of mimt'mi of. imotim imolitk'zti immmrties This illustrates time feeling imi time cotill- try. 'lime qin'stioii of provhulmig ndeqtiato ( le'femmscs for our seaports is not a 1mar11- salt ( iilestkmi. It milmimemuls W'itil etimmnl force to mmli citIzeim , regardless of timeir iolitlcai nttliial iomis or timeir setlomiiui locatloim. Omme' ( if time' most distingmmisimetl demimoerats ol' imis tinme pmilmlei ( ( OUt , temi y1ui.s : 01' Il1i'e ( ) IiO , tImt nim llmilerlI ) tive ditty of time govermimnemit ' : ms to jn'ovhili.i tlefemmses for time citiem t time scacoist : wimicim vouiti be objects of attack by an emienmy 1mm tiit' eu'olmt of mmm. At timmif timmme no ammo timotigimt of tii possibilitY ( If I ime IJmiltel States becomnimig immvolved 1mm a coimilict vItim milmy eouhltm3' amni time inimmiommit Ion of ? iiTihut'u ipeuivod lit tie Ii I temi tiomi . S I mice ti mcii I mm t ermma t immimmi i cciii. iilicntiomms imave mirisemm us'imlcim imim'e coil- 'imiCCl ( the Ai ericaiu popie that timere is miot ii'fect ) sectiilty iii Isolation , aim % as foi'mimeriy quite coimmmnomily timotm.imt ) , mmimd that safety us'IIi in best missured 113' being 'eii vrimircd : for nimy imssibie - . . t mmmem'geIme'3 , Time fueL timnt. our soalmurt ( ' 11105 u'otuiti he at time iiit.'i cy of a forumidabie emmemny at this ( hue is tmsserted imymulittmry : mmmm(1 imivmti : oll1etrswIiosp jtnigimmeimt must be rcspec'tl. - 1\'Ci'3' oll'iitir Iii time armimy mmmiii iifl'3' .yimu titus eXpresstidAuIt oimimiiomi oil timls sum1eet has iirpd time ileCesSit3' of imimpi'ovImmg out' comit ( lefemli4i4 , mimost of tiieimm m'cgardlmmg timis mis of evemi gmcater immmpoi'tmummce timmimi lmmilllmmg ) imp time' lmli\3. Botim are requii'etl , but a 53-steam of (11'feimses capable o copimig uvitim immod- ermi heels w'ouiti , imi time' opinion of sommme ( 'XIO1t ) $ , b i11010 effective for time lImo- tt't'tlomi of time seaports timami s1mips , while time imtsCsSi0mi. of umcim defemmses w'oiiid nilous' our tI'ets to O1)Ui'lmt ( ' against aim 'mmeiiiy e1o\1mt'ie. Time iii'gnmimemmts for aim nleltmate ( systemil of coast de- femise , imouvever , immt\'e imeemi shited so often that it mnust im immesumnel : every- hotly wimo lakes mummy imiterest 1mm time subject is faimiiiiar s'itim timein. Time speech of Seimmutor Squire 1mm ad- vocae'y of comist defemises suggests time emiorimious vaiue of time Pt'OJCrtY 1mm tIme seaport cities timat woimiti be exposed to time attack ofmt ' ammd fom'eigmm Onemny mmmi- douibtedly time figures ime gives , as time result o f eai'efuml luvesUgation , ar not exci'ssIvo. Ten timoumsammd mnhiiloims of dollars is timi imimmii'mise siiml , mletmly : oile Immiif of it iii time cities of Neuv York , 11i'oOki3'ml amid Jemsey City , timat u\Iiml(1 bc' lint In 1)C1'ii of destruction In time es'eimt of a. war witim a powtr or iiou'e' , that could semi agaimist us'a mmau'm1 force greater than otu' w'ii. Sucim a. state- macnt may w'eil at-rest attemition amiti suggest wimetlmem' as a practical question of immsuraimce time 1)m'oiosel ( exielmtlltimrc' ) for coast defenses is not . wise mumiti prim- demit. Although timere is mm appam'cmmt tiangem' of s'ar , still it is not to le ) ( loumbte(1 that - ' ' of time Ammicricaim 1-i Vel Y iam'ge mmmmujorlt3' t'bple agi'ee u'itim ? 1r. Cmmmmmmomm , cimilrman : of time house ' appropriations coiiiiimittee , timat it is imi'onoi that w'e slmouiid be iie- pared for any emnergemmey. A PrITPIOT II'ITII il GflhIJ VANCE , Time imomiormulmie II. Itlcketts iimnemmto ; timat there is ito republican ilovspape1' Iii Omaha. Time iionorabio \ . . Ricketts mimfoutmitis reinmiiieaiiismn witim boodier- Ismn and imnmugimies that a rumpe lwofess- lug republican irhIcIlle'a ) Is iii' imomiom- boiimul to stii)1)ort 'timieves nimil bribe takers for oliice bqeause thmt'y w'eir : a LOlttiiieahm badge. lIe doesn't. iumov nouighm to iimo'iv timat a. miew'spipem' : w'hicim isili irostitmlte ' itmmeif to Amich baio emmds wields no immflueimcme. yitim inteiiigemmt , self- respee'tiiig voters , Time tiny of time yellow dog orgami imims bug simice 1)asse(1 as'ay. Timei'e Is not ii ieHIeCtlti)1e ) ) iaiwr iii tiii' large city lint viii immdispiinmimmnteiy : cmulom'so i'ogliem till ! ( I Isrepumtaimics niomig s'1tim i-cpu- table imarty cammlitlat'm4. ( Timere Is miot a ciuiiiicilmi ) ) iaiei' 1mm Oimiciigd ( limit did not Ldmmckiist miotorious. Ijoodle cammlilIutes ( ( at Limis spm'immg's city election , Ammil no de- omit repmibiicami iii Cimicago lmas vomitum'm'd o assail time r fiiililI&iiiIl4iim of thmo Imiter - ammd TI immes-IIei'mmitl be Dc'eiimi , Tribumimeammd - : uuiso they foigLit. time boodle alderimuemi ri'ommi stai't to fliim ! , It many trmmtim 'iIy ( ho asserted that timimost w'Itlmout eption time ye- ) t11)liCammR ) u'iitm 0O for redress to the fm-ce m'nde amid fi'ee shyer orgamm are mmmomm vimose m'ecords imeed defemitlimmg amid ylmose comiduict i'equmires exiimlmmiutlomm ) , l'imls class of isttrIots wimose stock 1mm .tmitie is vaummJug. . their piirty ioymilty 'viIi ' ( if cotmist' eontiiitmt' to aim' time'ir l'iO'flhieel0 In t1tm im3'im'll simt'et timmit hits litorini imice tO s'eii to au time (115. p'imIIthui mimic ducks 'imoso roitltatioils iced patelmiug. Inspector Frniiklfrmls mme doing immimeim a time 'fl ) ' of olilehul ( itity Just imos' . As issessol. ' lie cmiii eniiioy ) missistamits wimleim i lie county will iimmy , wimilo tii womk of I mmspe'ctlomi mmmtiy be tieferred to mm mimoro oii'emiieiit season. Metmiitliiio time boyH 11'O Imeing drilled amid miimumsiiitied for' time I ; tiberimatoi'Ini coimtest w'III ] ii'oatcim time , cmmtrmml figure. Attom'ney ( icmiei'tml Clmtmm'cimiil agalim verm'iiies time suiprtmJo ; lotirt. .by JimNist- mig tlmat registore state wam'rmmmmts arc i lot ; state securities , 118 leciared by time 'oumrt. % ' , 'itIm time usmoistatico of time at- ormmey geimem'mti time itttto treasurer will I tot immmi'o dlliiculty In imuammufmu4uJmig ) rotexts to ieej ) tinft ; Oi1OOO In imis mmjmids , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As predicted by Time lice , convemmtions I aid mussocimutloims mire already dosigmiatizmg ) mmmuima LL a immeuting imltmce for 1598. Cimo natloimmil coiivcmmtlon of time Deaf Iutes' muatoclatlon expects to enil its ession bore that year , Lot congress pass it thltqmrovimlimig for govem-mimuemi t niti of tim tositioim entCrimm'lstI and coim- veimtIommsUi4iI nil coimie our WflY. Time nmoimiemit siicim a thu ieComlie.9 ) ii. inuscait - tniistmi simThlWat ommc immove for a palace hotel. th 'l'lme nmnmivhmo spreads time virus of fimutismim nmmTiee silrerisimm Is a good re- itiimileami , Imiik ( ns ito HuIiiOL'tS imootile Cltiiliit1imte5..flflt1 3'etiofl' dogs. Iluit time ImpeL' v1mi iiqtiu'tmeates imonest mmmcmi iiiicl iiomieitt immpIme ( IS mint a rt'ptmhiicmmmi 1)mller ) ) iii tiit' eyejtiIe sptii'ioiis pati'lots v1mo simoimt i'i'piibik'timmhumi for revenue emily. One tiiimrj'imicim time State Ilsim coma- imllS'411)ml OUgiIt to bogimi soomi to colt- simler Is how time imrolmosetl tnimpimig of Neimrnska st reamims for irrigmitimig ilmm'- 1)tS5 ) ) Is going tO affect Its voi'k of lisit immoiiugmm ) tiuli. 'l'lme 1-ammilticat of the Ii'migmitiomm imiobiemim mii'e lmulmmmei'olis mimiti mmticoasiiig. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'iImSMI IiI. fit i'oeki ( ( , iher. New York Sun. Time almost irimuitiag pro-enmineaco of tue pocket gopher in the aninmai kingdonm 811102 the IlublIclition at time great monograph by Dr , Clinton Hart Merriam of thin iilvielon of crnlthoiogy amni nnnmnmalogy could not bet forever. hi the nature of thiigs ! anJ anImals amid the division or ornithology anti manmnmai- ogy , now cotnmetitors for tllstlnction would iprIng up amid receive iionoratilo nmention amid have thmoir biographies written ani illustrated by Mr. Morton's collection of orimtthoioglsts amid mnamnomahogiotmm , Almeady time pocket gopher begins to tremble on his throne , The orimitliobegists antI imiamimnialoghets have built a niomiograpit alt "Time Jack ilabbtt of time t.Imiited States , " a vork fuli of spirited plc- tures anti soummd information. Thmo jack mb- bit wiii lie a proud and happy chap thus year. his geographical distribution , his manners end imithhts , have been spread upomi time record by a kindly goverameiit , red his economIc UseS have been explalmieti , Ammy jack rabbit who is not sitisliol uvlthm this monograph Inust b2 hard to vieasc. Cisli ServI'e In iisn'n. Chicago Tribune , A clvii service law was defeated lii tine Iova legisIature last week , just before it ad- joumned mlne die. Such a law would have taken away patmomiage from sonmo newly- elected mayors , or time iolltictamms who beer tiieai. So the.Iatter exerted their Influence , and a meet salutary macammo , without which decent municipal govei'nnmcnt is inmposeiblo In large cIties , was beaten. This was a crinminal error on the part of time legislature , It hiows gronu ndifferenca cii thai part of the membora for the welfare of the inhabitants of Iowa citie'j. The evils reunIting from Limo spoibs system of government , which bccanie Intel- erabbe here , are maaitestlng themselves Inn the larger towns of Iowa , and are going to grow as their population doe. limit for the mnahianant Interference of spoils humcketers , Suit ! thme criminal weal'neso of legislators , the mrogres of misrule could have been stayed forever , C l'iie ip'vji CiIL'IHlI1nl1lg , I harper's W'eelnly , Thu battleship Ipwa was christened at her laumielming on March 27 wltlm cimampagno , as Is customary , and not with buttermilk or raspberry vinegar as aome of the folks In th state of Iowa sceni to have desired. Something mIght lo said In favor of break- hug a bottio of conres water , for its name's sake , on tumennose of a new battleship , but chanmpagno senp.o o have done good servIce at ship chrislenhmigs heretofore , and doubtless - less It was felt. to-abe safest to stick to that , We are told , however , that summdry officials of \Von1anChilItian , Tempeaace union of Iowa romonutratenJat the use of It , aad thmat Govemimor Drjico'e ! m daumglter , who did the pliristening , roieivcd many letters of oxpostu. Jatina. These. sigmts of an abstInent apirit encourage th9 appj'e'mumnsioii .tbat there will ho no punch bwI'ii the Iowa's sliver service ( if she gets one ) , tad mie spoons either , for they might to stIr toddy. I , ' ° ) i ft StrIii. The Ohio legislature has followed up tim thieattlcai high hat law with another adopting - ing the electrIc chair In execumthonmn , and a third making It a mIsdemeanor to offer to treat a man in a saloon. tIut as the caine legislature ic now fixing up fifty-year franchises - chises for street raIlways , tn , zeal for reform seems to have boenm exhauted. still ' 1'iie ftre Not mmzmmsiy , In4Innaple Journal , There wan , a time 'hen tine prlnclpai corn- plaInt of democratic stateemnen was that money was being plied up in the United States treasury. That txrno has passed. No manley is being plied up in Ins treasury now , anti still there arc people wha are not. alto- getlier happy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pit'e of habit , Ktinsan City Times , Mr Bryan of Npbrztska should not he mnlctakemu for a democrat. lie himsoif admits that ho has left the party , Why , then , Is lie addressing iiis reniarks to the deniocratn inatead of hia own bebo ed band of vein- uhists ? Vhieji J'i'nei's Am UHeiens , Globe-Democrat , 'ProsperIty I not the chIld of pmaye ; " Colonel Ingeraoll declares , and ho ins right as tIm case now stands. That is to cay , It Is ucalosu to pray for good times tinder a demo- craIc admnlntstratlon. 'J'lme' hlohi-l13)N IINt'mIlpui , ChIcano Tribune. Chauncey Depmw'.s experience with robbers reminds us of the burglar vlio pounced down upon another lawyer Inn his office. After a desperate struggle tine burglar ercaped- penniless. seiluims ( FitliiNA.'I'lii 'I'ItOU1ibIi. Kansas City Star : Secretary Morton iia got oven with tine congressnien who Inave been nbusimmg hminim for not providing for seed m distribution , lie has senr omIt , a bulletin con- talalng over 100 citations of newspapers aimd agricultural and hortIcultural organizations approving ills project of abolishing tine seed iiulnbmig , Indianapolis Journal : A Chicago seed firm bias flied cicirgos against Secretary Morton or favoritisimm and Jobbery in time recent awarding of seed conitmacta , and hiss also directed its attorneys to bring suit against Mr. Morton Imidivldually for $100,000 danmagos I for iibelous statenments published regarding time firm , The vecrctary certainly lmas the I faculty of lceepingrhhmnself in hot water , Boston Globe : , J. Sterling Morton , time niuchi-assaliod secrtary of agriculture , Is no moro to be scared r stampeded than Mr. l Cleveland hlmnseif'lt3pqaking ' of a suit. brought agaln.it him , he eaWtu "we shall be only too glad to have tlme..fulioimt Inveotigation posel- I f bie of tItle mumattdrt' 'If ' It is desired , it may L be investigated hieTo tom in congress , or amiy- I where else. Itnutec hsary , articles of liii. peacinmnont elmouluiliJo drawn up , amid time mat. tar tasted to tbeendt" Soux ! City TIms : .ecretary Morton ought 1 lo have the telacraum. lie sent to that Esed 1 Il&'iii fralmmeti and itur ) .In his omco as a samL L 110 for uturtn setfretaiiea in ofllciai tuIness if the departnmeet 'ime firma had mmotiiied liiiii of Its iimtemmtfl togtmring charges of fraud m In relation to thocouiract for supplying tine ovoramneiit wIth.-aeJs almd time searotary I Ioiegr.tpheti back1s follows : "For ideal Illation - ation pleaae playfim1r firm's name on eacim t package of cimarg 'imoy will be thoroughly I Icated as to ver4 ' , , purlty of purpose and I OWt of gnowtIuj iTe department hopes I Ihey immay soon bn..4erxnulatetl and gIven to m We country. O Oi here scema scared up o date , " Secretary Morton Iii hle researches after I iio wrong thing to dn , has evidently coni muited the new testament and read the liar- I ibis of the talents. Mr. Mortcn's choaon 1 model Inn that careful aervant who took his Isient and wrapped it in a napkin and buried I m it In the earth , and , wimemi time day of ac- ounting caine , showed up expecting imotiming iut approbation. The secretary of agricul. II I ure was glvenm a department splendidly or- I auized for progreasive work ir aid of the ramnmiing Interests. lie mae been aided by I mppropriations tromP congress , liberal in I mnmiol.mnt , but really careully coniderod to. I ward the work in view. II Is now an. I aoutmced that th secretary's single ambition I to ieavo a stimpius of $2OOOOOO in his do- partuient , and that all his energies are di- rooted to that sole end , And he evidently Ibiniks lie will de.uervo approbation. n t : : i RI STARTS FRO1 KANSAS O3mmgressrnan Bino Attacki the Isemuvon'- worth Sodiors' Home Managomnont. ChARGES DRU1ENNESS AND CORRUPTION llmtiei. ( if tiL ( ' itImlimse Vln , Are cii tiii ilnas'mi of imtiingm-rm Jfetid ( heiserni In'8 niiln tuitu tile Ilommm lllitmlIl4cisLCi1t. \'ASiIiNGTON , April i.--'flio report of tint ele tiiis co5iutniittee on the case of Morgan vs Latimner. from tIme Timied die- strict of South Carolina , n favor of time sitting member , was adopteJ witinotmt division. Mr. Hull of Iowa , republicami , chairman ot the commirnittee on military affairs , called up the resolution for time appointnment ofVlI - hiammi ii. Franklin of Conimmecticut , Thomas 3. iiemmdrson of Illinois , George L. Beebe of tiaino amid George W. Steele of Indiana as memubera at the board of rnmmmmngors of tIme national soldiers' imonme's. Iuring tine eommslderationm of time resolution Mr. Illume , repimblicami of Kansas , made a san- satlomial speech against ( lemmeral Franklin , charging hum and Smuith ( for whom he said 0eneral Franklin was responmeiblo ) with cruel amid brutal trcatmmieiit of the Imnnnatos of tine inonme at Leavenwortin , iCan. lie linoved to i'ubetitutethme ' mialpo of General 0. 0. howard for tinat of General Franklin , iii answer to a specific question as to the' persaimni character of General Fmankl'im , Mr , 131mb replied that lie charged tinat General Franklin was either grosa'iy ncgiigenit or tlihonet , lie also charged ( lint the general trcaunmrer , "Genmer l Franlmlini't , man Friday , " forced balances accordimig tu in'pectors' me- Inorte. ito further alleged druikenmioss aim the part of Gorermior Smnitii and iatimidationm of inmmiates or uiic Leavenworth home , Mr. thmme , who has cit several recant occa- miens 'avereby critchatl ! General Franklin , at once , asked three imoimrs to tlhscuu'a tine re-so- lutlon , lie said hue held in lila hand ( fiommrish. lag a lot of papers aloft ) charges against General Franklin , and Smith , tine manager of the Iavfldrtii' inomue , for winommm tine formner % i'as roepcnible , of cruel and brutal treatnient at the himnnatea of time inonimo at Leavenworth , Kami , , where lie said 2,000 soldiers - diers were toiay practically inicarcerated. lie proposed to offer an amcmmdmmmeiit to ubstltute tine maIne of "that gallant soldier , General 0. I 0. ioward , for that of General Franklin. " Mr , Iluit declined to make any conccssionm ai : to tli time and Mr. Blue opoled lila at- tack. Ills purpore , said he , wae to free time I Leavciworthm homo ( roan time drunken amid brmmtal man now at Its head. "Do you know he lma been drunk ? " asked I Mr. Steele , member of thi board , "I 'do-vomiting , puking drunk , amid I will produce the proof. " "Ic ho notat tub head of a Keeiey organization - zation ? " Inquired Mr. Steele. "lie is , " replied Mr. Blue , "at $1,200 a year. " "I do not belIeve that lie was drunk , " said Mr. Steele. "Time gentleman , " replied Mr. Blue con- tcnmptuouely , "is gorged with misinfornniaticmm rcgardingtiness imomas. " Continuing , Mr. Blue lnnmd read eaveral lot- terms crltlcltnlng Genierai Franklin amid Gov- omen' Smith , one of tinem alleging that Gov- emnon- Smith was hot only a drunkard , but a corrupt maim. Mr. Blue said he had letters from Inmates of tine Leavcimuvorthi home , wino , if their name3 were known , would be driven to tine road by Governor Smith. lie read a telegram from lii. J , Anderson and others urging him to flihmt General Franklin's re- appolntmneimt , and tehi'uig , him that 60,000 soldiers in Kansas wore beh'mid hinm. Another - other letter , read by him , said that the writer had enough evidence to lmammg Smith , Ma Blue concitmded mis array of testimony by reading an affidavit from an inmate of the Leavenworth homne , charging Governor Smith with drunkenness , crueity and great favorite ism. lie asserted that Governor Smith maIntained the bIggest saboonm in JCansds und r tine shadomr.'of the flag the soTthlurs fought by eave. Last year , he said , the rnroflts of the beer mall alone were $13,000. That snloon , he said , was run by the mann who was time head of the Keeley league. "l-lavo you amiy charges to make against tiio rnersonal character of General Fraak- un ? " asked Mr. Hill. NEGLIGIINT Oil INCOMPETENT. r "I charge , " replied Mr. Blue , wIth great deliberation and emphasis , 'that the in- specter's report sinews that General Fmankiimm is ohtlncr grossly negligent and inconnpetent or that lie Is not inonest. lie knowe of tlmea beer saloons , li& knows of Smitli'a conduct C amid , it tlno rcports are true , mo holds In his Inands , iii violation of law , trust fumids timt should have leon turmiod into. the general fund. ti "For years , " Inc continued , "inc was geni- C : oral treasurer of tine home , When the law prevented him from continuing in that capacIty , lie picked up seine ammo , a Man Friday , an ut him In as general treasurer. " Mr , 'Blue ' charged that time Inspector'o reports - r ports hwed ' tinat "balances had been rm forced. " C "Do you charge misconduct against any other mnombernm or member of tine beard , " aI asked Mr. Hull , "Not at present , " responded Mr. Blue , m "I charge no member except Franklimn , ho- u rauso I ann not conversant with their acts. " isir. Blue also read an affidavit cinarImng Is that a contract existed whereby tine ICeeiey gi cure was gIven to inmates for G , winils the inmates uvero charged $20 , What became of tine dIfference the aiflant said lie did not imnow. of "Has not the board made an iimvestigation ti of Governor Smith's adinminlatmation ? ' asked Mr. huh , tI "An investigatioiu made by time board of mnammagers , " replied Mr. Blue , "is a roaring arce' . Nb man In time Imomne dares to testify and I cinarge mere and now tinat tine innvesti- gation was made fot' the purpose of shielding Governor Smith , It is an opent secret , " he continued , "that time commnittee on military affairs voted once , 'five to four , against Gen- hi ural Franklin's reammpolntnnent , 'rinen , by sorne occult influence , to vimIeh I do net nn care to refer , ono c tine members of the PI committee was Induced to cinanize his vote. " at Mm , Blue said time Inspector's reports would il rrovo that tine board of managers was a prIOn vote corporation holding government prop- arty In its own name and buying and selling at its own sweet will , In corcludIng lila arraigninemit Mr. Blue charged that under ii , Franklin's management last year $250,000 of E government promnerty mad been condeinmmed or UI Icstroyod amid that the board blSd iast year in niatlea trip to tile Santa Monica , Cal , , inomno , at. a cost of $ G,000. Ho appreciated , lie said , iii time subtle and ioworfui influemnces at work to keep General Franklin on tine board , Ie reiterated amid reaffirmed the cimargea mu itt mad made and concluded with tine state. cl nor-C that as long as inc lied a place on time rim leer lie would defend mis comrades against In ime brutality of tine coitemnpthble miman at tine ar toad of time Liavenwortlm home , hAD I31IEN INVESTGATIiD , Ins Mr. Curtis replied to Mr. Blue iii a calm " mud ternper f'e speech , lie asked time house 0 consider carefully time charges inreferred C I igainmnt General Franklin , tIne prosidemnt of ime beard of mamnagerd , and Governor Smnitln. FIne cimnmrges , be said , were old ; they had beemm nvebtlgated and the official rolnort. did mint ubstamitiatu theta. b 'the diildavlta produced by Mr. illue were ntIreiy ox parse. Tie trouble at j.eaeii- kr worth arose out of tine complaints made by hn inc post surgeon , Dr. Weaver. lIe reviewed ci Inc testimony In the official report ef 'imo ' nj mmvetIgat1oii to shea' that the cimarges lnad Jeami in no way auistanntiated , ifs rca'l in nany tesJmonlais to the high character and lie bilIty of Governor Snnith , WRit regard to he ] eneral Franklin , me said to those uvimo lcmnu' tim iin , lie needed no defense , lie mad been pr irged for re.olection by time members of lie boar1 , wile knew his high character and lit lualificatloaL In conclusion Mr. Curtis paid a mnagnlflcelmt - orsonal tribute to General Franklin , Mm , Steele , a member of time board of nanagers , made an impremnlvo defenao of time oard. Mr. libue's statement that what Ito tti not know about time soldiers' home wouid Ui a book , lie tattI , was true , although lie mad been an active member of time board for ou years , "flut , " mo coimtinued , "what I cnow about eucim charges as are tnrouglmt in more would fill a library , Every niemniber of ho b94rd Is deluged with au kinds of iitcra- ure , piid I can acauro the mouse that all tineso diarges are carefully imivestigated from time o time by subcommittees of the board. lie uiegized the work of the Imome , which. since their t'.qtiublishment , hed carcil for 7g,000 soidlers , and hail expended I0O00,0O0 with- omIt the Iot'i of a tattling , Thin Itceley bemnguio , 110 ald , was fonmmmeil in 1S92. Over 1,300 soitilers hail takcn the cure , and there had bran onil' thirteen lst'8e ' , Ito dt'nieJ that any tile Was forced to talu' time cure. lie lnul ratl a telegram Iroom Governor Mom" till of Kansas , eimderaing tine Innanigomoit of the Leavenworth home , amiti naying that ho % vtu rcspenshbio for liii' orgalnizAtiun of the Koeley icagima at that home. ifo also had roami a telegram tn'onn roinutabbo citizens of Lu'avcnwortim , iiITUflNS TO TIi CliA1tOF "At Limo proper time , " imitcrjeted Mm , lUuie , "i will show tine motive of tinoso telegrams , Imicluding that of the' govomnior of } CAiim. , General Curtis aiil that all of tIme charges agiulimst Governor Smmiitim had boon investi- gateul , ' ' lie c'iimtinumed. "line the charge that ho wau drunk In February last been lnvesti- gated 7" "i'crlmaps tint , " r'in'miOd Mr. Steele , "limit jmmdging from tim cimaracter of limo uvitnesecs amid testimmion ) ' Inc brisigs mere , it wotilil me- quuire a great deal of additionial anti bettor testimnony to induce mao to believe in the truth of enmchi a charge as that. " 'ilava you heard that a bad state of affairs - fairs exIsts at tIme Logims imommie ? " asked Mr. 111cc. ' 'I imnt'O imet'rd of mnotlninig that. lists not boon investigated , " replied Mr. Steele , With regard to time charges that post built. . immgsuere Immsumred in connpanies in wimich General Franiciiti was interested , Mm , Steele said that post inimililingsvcro insured to time amniotlmnt of $199,000. There were seventy-two miolicles ; of tinemn five were in comimpanios in which General Fmamnldin hani ami insignificant iimterest. "lo you , as a member of time board , " in- qumireci Mr.'aiicer , "iuitoimni to keep us govermior of tine Leavemmwortlm homne , a mmman ihmo .wns dmutik all during tine uvar , and Is mmciv in tIne inmmbit of getting drunk ? " Mi' , Steele rcmilid timnit as a mmiemnbcr of time board Inc wotnld vote to mIst Smith if proof were adnimuced that ito had been drunk , At timis point , Mr. i'ooio , wino Was one of Colonel Smith's commmrddes iluring time war , frequemitl ) ' , ito said , sleeping innulor the sane blanket armil mimickIng aunt of time samnue cnimnteeim with mini , gave mis persona ! CSti- Imiato of him as a solullor and mu miman , lie denied mnmost emphatically timat Colonel Smith was ever drunk during tIne war , and paid a high tribute to hIs bravery as a soldier amid ability as a man , Mr. Mahomm mimovoti to amemnd tine resohmm- thou so as to provide for a joint conmmmmittee of time house cmiii senate to investigate time uharges against Colonel Snnitlu. Mr. Henry said a few vords iii euiogy ) f General Franklin , With time immmderstanding that a vote should e mad at 3 o'clock tomorrow , tine house it 6 o'clock adjourned. At tIne opening of the session , Mr. Deli ) f Texas cahied up tine report of elections omunnittee No. 3 emi tine case of Moornman igaiost Latimuer , from tine Tlmimtl district of ioutii Caroilmia , which was umnanlniously in aver of tine sitting mucinber , and It was muloptod witimout divisioni. iuiiai m'L's OLI ) COmtitESi'OSiFNCId , I'nrt of the tJiiIlcI Stati's in lime F'oriiti'r Cuba ii htelieii loin , WASHiNGTON , April 15.-The president otiay trammemltted to congress witlnout conn- nent tine correspondence called for by time enate at the instance of Senaton' hoar , rd. mtlu'o to tine attonmpt at mediation mnmade by mo United States govormnnmenit during the nurse of tine preceding rebellion 1mm Cuba. fimo correspondence covers tine period from 'ovomber 15 , 1875 to August , 1876 , amid corn- nrises about 400 typewritten pages. A : rent nart of it imas already been made pub. Ic , some of it in Wimarton's digest of in- emnationai law , and some in correspondence omnieriy supplied to congre 's , The leading eature is the ietter of Secretary' Firm to Jnltod States Minister Caleb Gushing at tadrid in 1S75 , setting out at great iengtlm me evils of the sittlatlomi as It then existed n Cuba , and suggested many reforms that lie Spammish government sinould put Into Peration in Cuba to correct these abuses. opIes of tini mioto wore submItted to all f time courte of Europe , mpparentiy to pave ho way for time interventions of Mr Fish ; ut th concluding hapter of the corre- pon.deimco show , as fs uvehi known miow , that I lm effort to intervene camno to naught , amid mat tine recognition of time belligerency of lie insurgents was meld up by' our govern- ent. Ci-inlrmul Aiiiei'icnuis Hxposi tiosi , WASHINGTON , April 15.-MinIster Ar- alga of Guatemala inns informed time Depart- ient of State that a Central Annerican ox- osIton sviil ho held In time capital of that epublic mmext year ( rein March 15 to July 15. 'imotnglm time exposition is of a Central Amen- au and not of a universal character , it will evertineloss comprise a foreign scction where Inc exhibitors of other countnles may show ime.r wares , tumid a cordial invitation is ox- I nided by time Guatennaian government to tine Itizens of the United States to be repre- mnted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ItejeitiM time in'i't'e Alcohol Cittilse , yAsIi1NGToN , April 15.-TIme houanc corn- mittee on ways amid meano today decided to s inert favorably the bill introduced by Mr. . w. Stone of PennsylvanIa to repeal time oction ot the Wilscui bill whicim gives free Lcoinol for use in tile arts and mammu- ictures. The internal revenue officials have oknowtedged tine'ir inability to carry out me lirovislons of the law. Grciut frauds are mid to be possible under time law and mnany m : rge claims have been plied up agaInst the cnremnmnient wider tine law , Sm-e',1eui 'VZ'N Aiimi-i-iemuii Mealpm , I : ' 15-Tiia secretary W'ASIIINGTON , April a agn'lcmnituro is in receipt of advlces through mi IC Deinartmeot of State from tine United ; atea rn'nhstor at Stocinimolnm , Sweden , that 0 Ilelchnstag has veted to lmmcreaso time aims- nm rates on smrnoked pork to 30 ore per i ho , anti to Inmcrease time custonnm duty on ) ric of other kiindnn to 20 om'e , One hundred ' 0 equais .268 cents at ourmoney. C iiiii'I Dim tin , ' Sjiom'tluug.r Frzi termni I y. A WASHINGTON , April 15.-Senator Platt " is introduced a bill to prohibit tine trails- ission of time reports of results of bets on A rise llgiits or races from one state to an- her , and making mstmch trimnernissioum a mis. omeanor , to ho punmisimed by fine or imnipris- irnent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Couullrnm'il 1 , ) 4 lie St'immte , 15-Time senate to- WAShINGTON , April , - ly confirmed tlno nomnination of Cinariell . M. Cinesney of Ilartinstoni , Neb , , to lie ; ont for time Indians of tine Rosebud agency ' ' I Soutim Dakota. A - tIMALLIIY TLJiINiIfl iOWN. Chicago N0WE MrGeorgo W. Smalley T La been suspended from tIme Metropolitan mmli for thirty days for lmmfraction of a club le-inresmmnmubly rule 9 , which reads as fobi' we : "Any mnemniher wino insists upon being I ass all tine timno will be mmtmspenniei. " Chicago Tribimne ; Mr. George W. Snmalhoy " " his rival LS scored another "scoop" over riters on foreign topics , lie bias been sue- nded for one month train Limo Metropolitan " , mb in Now York for "maiming imlnnself gwm- ally obnoxious , " amid no otlmer foreign con- ' spandomit caii claiimm such a distinctloim , Chicago Journal : George W. Smalley , inca of nimglo-nmanmlacs , has been black. Vi lied by one New York club and suspended . another. 'I'hne whys amid wimoreftires of ese remarkable proceedIngs are not made lown , but it seems cruel that ono wino .5 labored so long and faltimfuhiy for mis nthain readers siiouhc ho brought so low 'L' ' iimt in their very midst , Have hilts ummgrate- I censors forgotten time years lIe has live'ml London town and tine gtoat personages has moot there ? lie has scaled time lofty ights at which they gaze from arar , and ' elm treatment of iniam is little ieee tinan ofanation. It is ainnomit us if they hat ! bacribed to tine hateful doctnipo of the ' natomi tea party , VJIIISOS4b AI'D OTllEltViSi. A ( Ihippewn milieu , who died In Wisconsin , loft $15,000 in legal tontiet wampmmmml , tiimurk henna's p1cturc confirm the charge that ho is tine beardIes cherub of Clove- liunmil , The report that General Weyier contern- inlates taking the theld Is iii the advance stage of slecrepitumdo , A celisus of the city of liuonos Ayrcs shows that its polnulation ieceniber 3t last mfis 677,532 , Time olflcial returns siiow that f,1,226 irnmlgramits arrived in tine Argentine republic during time year IS9L limmuing settleti tim hgh bat question to their own satisfaction , time legislative states. men of Ohio inmoposo to regulate time itmoumlit of troth tinat ninny ho served in a glass of bear , Legialative froth is oxenipt. Probably ( Ito first statue to ho set up In limo sommthm'e new "battle abbey" uviii be one of Matthnow 1. ' , Macmy of Virginia , tine "path. fumier of the seas , " and one of time greatest of soutimerners. A r'oimuila ' miumbecriptlon lame been starteui ton the Initrmnoso. 'I'imo reimnains of Colonel John A , Cockorlll , time ihlsUngimisined jonmoaltet who died sum- mlenly in Cairo , hgynt , last Friday , will be broumglit to St. I..ouis amuti imiterred 1mm "God's Halt-Acre , " the i'iks' lot. in Ileliefootaine cenietery , litre , Cockenhil resides in St. Louis , "l leave the stage , " said Mnmo Modjeslcmu to atm iiiterviou'er , "hot because I imavo tired of mimy art , hilt owing to time dreaulfumi nioumot- any of comiftammt travel , whicim is Invriably a Part of a theatrical career , I am weary of it. all , amid long for time rest amid qimiet of hmonie , " Tine czar of Huisela has ordered that small bottles of brandy , orimaunmeimted vIttm limo royal armmms , be distributed at Moscow dunning thmo tlnme of tine coronation festivities. ibm linus also directed time motel mmroimrictors iii timat cIty to exorcise tine greatest liberality toward their gursta , Dr. Mary \Valker is living quietly on a farmim mmear Oswcgo , N. 1' . SIte Is a familiar figure on tine streets of the touu'n , to which eho drives nearly every day. Sine always wears a full stilt of black broadcloth , vitlm Prince Albert coat and silk hint , and walks with mu anile. Tine lower bmamichn of tIne Mamusacimtmn'etts legis- lattmro has given the "mnianiy art" a knockout my passing a bill prolnibitimmg boxing niatcImes. liver siince Boston's cimamnpiomu wennt down ineforo time mmnaulers of I'onmpadour Jim regard - gard for the nianly art has been gravitatimig toward zero mm time hub. "Timero arc Lum'o things time world wIll probably - ably remmiencher about Gladstone , " says tine St , Janmes Gazette , "winemm his oratory amid his personality are forgotten. One is his cxtmaordinary power of comncenmtration upon the subject tin inand , time other tine fact that lie takes thirty-two bites to ovary nmoutinfui of food , " While Clnaunccy lit. Dopew was in San F'ranmclsco lie ummic enitertaineti by the Union League club. At time bancuot lie was intro- dUc'd by General W. II. L. h3armnes , wino was Dopew's cohiego nmato at. Yale. General Dames is time star after-dinner speaker of California , amid tine ncuvsi'apers say he can make a better spec.chi tinaim Depouv. w _ J. hi. Nourso of Boston , who was a member of General Woheoley's Nile expedi- tiani of 1SSI , toils some tmnterestilig stories about it. "Every evening , " hue says , inatl a ration of Jamaica roam served to us , At first we were allowed to carry oil our gill , but tine mont got to mauvimig it up inc a bottle for a blow-out , anti so we were made to drink It on thio spot. " - Let Cinicngo weep no more. Ihopo glide its horizon again , bamnisining the blues oreim from thmo last cipher of its census. 'Fho Greater New York selnemo Is dying of over-exertIon of time maxillary muscles. Mayors Strong and Wurster have vetoed it , amid its sole cmi- dorser Is Patsy Gleason , the polItical poteni(4 tate of Long Island City. Wimercat tine World refuses to be comforted. Jomcloits' INSTItIJGTIONS , Texas Sifter : A Texas cowboy who was ( iefend.'tIit in a breach of inromise suit aaid he was lass-sued. Chicago Tribune "I wonder , " mused Mr. Ardup , as lie lookoti at trio $5 greenback In his hand. "what I s'as goIng to do with this ! 0 , yes ! I remember. I wums gotimg to pay a bill with It. " Somerville Journal : When a man takes a 1100 bIll to tile ianlc to get it changed , uvity 'hiotihti lie try to look as if hue was accus- lomed to doing tue same timimig every other lay , Wauihlogton Star : "When yer own plans itoes wrong , " ail , Unmcle Ehon , "it's .bad ' Itc.k. : When nnuddniu muon's inlans goes " .C'- tvronmg ho orter done kimowed better. " Philadelphia Times : It numist hnave been a might on iii ; late trial to see time ruin Kntah- liii churn tine s'nter into milky whiteness. It is a strong butter. Harper's Bazar : "I see that time Austrian ou'ornment has granted a inension to a anan mild his m'1fo uvino have just onipleted tlnn mpe-mnunmlrenlthn , year of tineir imitmrrlet life. " aid Iinpmuicus. "Dear me , " said C'ynicus , "Are those war mensiotis never to stop ? " Phhladeiphla liuihietin : llubby-Darwimm comas to have a. lot of trouble witlm mis cuff mut to nit , lvossie-Ttow SO ? Hubby-Ito was always howling about the nlsslng link. New York Worlml : Clarn Footwehi-Sav , Vihlie , dey eay dat a. tree is worry iinblu l be mutrucked by lhghtnin' , Let's move. \Vitmlerlng wmmmamn-Nay : , may , Claud , I refer death by lightning , Tndinnnpohis Journal : "Tell me now , " ulti tim earnest peron , "wimimt difference , r any , there Is between the Lure parties ? " "Conic to tiulmik of It , " said the gentleman ( tom' tine ouilce , "salaries are tine same , imo mutter wimlcli party comtr.als , linen-i. ' ' TJIF DIALECT FREAK. New a'orin i'r1i.9. Jlouithing mnrofessom' of mm severn different tongues could nupique- ' Rmnsimmn , Proosman , Aimdmnioosinn , Iftinese , Choctaw , Dutch and Grtque. muagnzinmo editor , mnmundiln and niique , Viipn lie heard of iilnm , cabled time no'got fnique , \Vinom Inc hired on tIne p3t , To write dialect not , t seventy thiountaod iuolts , a wique. COIiIINC. IIV1IN'I'S , ibnnervliio Joumnuni , me crack of time but , and time wlnlzz of time bmill , And tine unmpire'ni fog-morn nimout , ili soomn hue hoard , and on every imu.mnni Good mmemm will be striking limit. he jnitclmer wIll tie himself Into a. knot , Whim tt ilendlsim twist on his face , nil time ball will come in , with a corkscrew curve , And a batter will full ( menu gm-ace , he catcher wIll nutnmnd in his armor of jiada Vitii a bustle strapnetl over ini pius , nit whmen IL foul Imps up over mis head , lie uvill struggle to see uvime'ro it lit , inc coaciters will mug up cit close mi they dare To time base hines , and cheer an tine men 'itim hoarse cries of "Go it , 'i'finl" "Wide , lceliy , tilde ! " And "Nosy you're offi Come back ngalni" Vay out at right lielmi , with tine sun in his eyes , A inlayer will inut UI ) lila mmmd ; ho mail will conne sailing miong timrougli time sky- himt'il macif it-then hear time grnimti tttaimd I Tlmik Murinbmy at itlnort-blest cimhlti of tine godnil- As a screaming hot liner spIns by , Till limit out imimi imanti , tint , by inane iucit.y c'lmumnce , Will gather it in on tine ilyt imen. oinl winat a howl frOnm time bleachers uvill risci And l'iiurinlny ' will take oft iii lint , 14 if 'tweru timu coImnonest , every-day timing To camntUro balls hot ( rein time bat , ens , time crack of thme bat , anmi the swish of time ball , And tue umpire's tog-morn cry TIll soon be imeard. Amid tine cimuimpiommniimlp ? \Vell , We ii talk of that by tmnd by , Highest of all in Leavening Powcr-Latest Ii. S. Gov't Report B&dng ' RoYal Powder5 . AISoLvTEL1 ( PU - - - -