Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1896, Image 1

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tiliargea the pansh with Conspiring
Against the Government.
c'-crn1 SinIl 1igngcniciis ILepnrtcd ,
lit tII but ( lite ( if ' .VIuIch the
S1InnIJL L.I % ) CijiltiL
tO VIctorS.
rHAVANA , April 1.-floge1IO TOma9nO , the
ead of the fire depftrtrneflt of Sagua In
Dran'Ie. and Dr. flamon ( Jarcia. both promi-
rient autonomlsts , have been ImprIsoned on
3oIItIcaI charges.
At the village ot Chira , province of Mat-
nnzas , the ( nsurgents have burnel forty
,1oues and they have ako butneil the ma-
ehinery , houses am plantation of San Bonito
in the Macurijes ( llstrct , besides destroyng
8,000 tOfl3 of cane.
Maximo Gomez Is reportel In the dietrict
of Piacitas. province of Santa Clara.
The well known Spanish patriot , Manuel
Galvo , ha been nomlnatcl honorary colonel
of the Urbane batttlIon of volunteers , and
the aucen roent has called to the countess
of Ilueno Vista to represent her majesty as
spqnsor In blessing the banner of the hat-
taIon. ! The ecuntess In repfy telegraphed
ho condorod herself highly honored and
was greatly pleased at being commissioned
thus by the QUeefl recent.
LIeutenant Colonel Pinto surprised anti engaged -
gaged the Insurgents tinder Maso near
Vcso Itedondo. in tim Batabano district of
this province. The enemy left ten killed on
th Hold and the country people report the
Insurgent loss was over twenty killed and
ninny wounded.
In sicirmishes wlmch ! have recently taken
place in the province of , Santa ( ' 1ara the.In-
surgor.ts lost three Icliled and the troops
caPtured three prisoners.
' Tito guerlila baniJ of the Eperanza plantation -
tion was attacked by the Insurgents anti lost
six killed. -
General Sunrez Valdez In an engagement
with the insurgents in the Capitana hills ,
Plnar del lto ! , killed nina of the enemy. The
Insurgents have made an attempt to force
the mIlitary line at Mariel , trying to iass
through , wamnps. The gunboats Almnendares
and 1)ardo openol fire with guns and rifiGs
upon the oemy and the latter were repulsed
westward. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. tVl'l'IJItEV PIZI ItEunlJAI : , HILL.
Sir Churles TIIIbIerStutes It iM NCCN-
sztr tO 'I'itI& & Ut , SsippI MCIIMIIrON.
OTTAWA , Ont. , April 15.-At 11:30 : tonight
Ir Charles Tuipor , In the House of eo'-
mous. rose to withdraw the temedIal bill.
1o lttti hO did. so on the ground of obstruc-
tion. It. would be necessary to go Into supply -
' . ply toniorrov apd therefore the bill could'
r\ not be further proceeded with. lie ddnot
say that It would not. b& taken tip after the
uVpI was granted. lIe moved that the
committee rise.
.1r. Laurler. In reply , denied obstruction
and 'howed that tli oppitton had amended
and perfected every clause of the bill that
was pascd. The governthent had a large ,
majority and ought to have latroduced the
bIll earlier and put it through.VbosQ fault
WIF I' . lie asked , that the crIsis took ulace
In the cabinet and that ministers hatI resigned -
signed and the bill was not gone on with
until two months of the session had passed ?
It Was not the fault of the opposition , but
of the government , and he was prepared to
leave to the Judgment of the eopIe the
charge of Its obstruction laId against him
and , bIB part. . _ _ _ _ _ -
; - Claaplnlst in IJIN Sermon Bitterly Cois-
_ - de1IIIH 1)iselIIng.
BERLIN , April 11.-Tho funeral services
Ct the late Baron von Schrador , who fell In
a duel with Count von Kotze , was held at
Potsdain today. Thvro were elaborate
. I wreaths from a great portion of the court
.y society , Including Duke Ernst Gunther , nu-
1 nerou prlncs and Count von Kotze , the
dead man's successful ant gonlst. Among
there present at the funeral were Count
Perionehr and Prince Arlbert and Count
Euleilberg. the emperOrs master of core-
monies. Court Chaplain Woodland's sermon
was a terrible Indictment of the views of
duelling which prevail In the German army.
Ills prayer was for the aillghtenmont of the
Deoplo front the throne downward. After the
funeral the body was conveyed by railway to
Ratzburg , the Baron von Schrader's seat , for
interment there tomorrow. , It Is reported that
Cotnt von Kotze e i'an has sent Count von
Schiraders son an Insulting letter. and that a
dud Is ImmInent betwetfl theetwo young
men , _ -
Itebelhloiis NzttlveN Iii Iuhl PoNNCNNI0IL
of MiitaieIehtIt1.
LONDON , April 15.-An official dispatch
from Buluwayo , Iatabele1and , says : It Is
Impossible to estimate the numbers of the
enelny. The whole country is now in the
hiaiids of the rebellious natlvet3 and they arc
znasslng In great force northward. It will
requIre a largo force of troops to dislodge
them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Imuierliil Crowtis Stnrt for MOCiW.
LONDON , April 1g.-A dispatch to the
' Times from St. Petersburg says : A scene
of ponip witnessed by thousands today was
the removal of the Imperial crowns
-r galla from the winter palace for conyoyanc
Mosco'v for the coronation of time cz't-
There was an Imposing cortege of : , t.tto
carrlage. . with tIme imiusters of ceremonIes ,
an otleni bearing the regalia on gold cii. .
broldercil curhlons. and trooere of hiomee
A guards with drawn swords riding at the Ido
0I each carrIage , wIth a great military : lts-
play , giving a foretaste of the goraus
scent"i tu b enacted at Moscow.
( ihIhl onil Argt'sitiimsm to . % rbltrntc.
LONDON , AprIl 1.-Thio Times has a dls-
patch from antlago do Chill which says that
It Ii , believed there both Chill and ArgtutIima
will agree that England lmouhtl arbItrate time
boundary dispmtto between them. The dlii-
patch adds : Time Ihtiunclat situation of Chill
iii eerlout , owIng to the want of confidence.
Cold I being exported or hoarded and the
etitton of the banks to the government for
assistance bus been refused.
Cnmriglit Com.gres's ' Coiivt'mies ,
_ . PARIS , iprll 15.-TIo ; International copyright -
' right conference Ic opened at time foreign
othlco , twenty.titno nations , Including time
united Statcii , being reprscnted. Id , flour.
geols , the pronmler , delivered the spec'ohi of
welcome and M , DeFreyclnot , the dustln-
gulshed statesman anti savnnt was cloted
president of the congress. I'resdont ! Faure
received the delegates to this conrcso this
Coimiro OtllinIs , mmitmit t ted ,
BRUSSELS , April 15.-TIme
BeIge , pmbhIslmes a rilimior to the effect that
the trial of Captain Loathmairie , time Belgian
official charged with illegally hanging an
English trader named Stokes , at Klluna ,
smear the river Aruwimi , In the Congo state
' 3 concluded with his acuital at flomnba
yesterday. The Conge state officials , ho'y.
ever , have no news to this effect.
He Hccr I.ouid Azxcnt Pizied
C.PBTOWN , Iiprll 15.-Mr. Rutherford
local migent of the D Beers Mining coin.
.4 < who has been undergoing a trIal on a
churgo of having shipped arms to tlmo iIt
inndrr8 at Johannesburg for use in the Into
V uprising , has beog lined 20 , C'aii
Doeciioeten , unde secretary of state tom- time
Trsnsvaal , aaild from hero for 1uropo
- -
P1rMt Tinie He ; ; ; ; ; ; ' Sinee time
Cnr'M Visit Iii 1878.
LONDON , April 1&-Tbo Vienna corre-
epondent of thd Times , in a description of
the ceremonies connected with Emperor \VIh-
ham's visit , says Today's parade goes a deal
further than al the comnlcnt ot the Aum.-
trlan and German press toward manifesting
the Intimacy of the two monarcbs it was
the first time that Emperor Francis Joseph
has ao3umed supreme command of a miii.
tary parade sibee 1S73 , during the visit of
time czar ,
The different nationalities of the monarchy
wore duly represented In the fleW today and
the pIcture woo enhanced by a sprig of
green fir , which cvery officer and man wore
In his shako or helmet , s a token of the
( hay being a festival , There were altogether
forty-one battalions of infantry , or over 20-
000 men.
Time first section was 1e1 by the Archduke
Fugene , brother of the queen regent of
Siain. The two monarchs were escorted by
a brilliant suite , In which voo 1,000 Aus-
trlan , German and other officets anti military
attaches ,
In the opinion of time military , it Wfl5
time finest review ever witnessed here , both
in point of numbers and efficiency- The
spectators included four of time archdukes
and ( ho Archduchess Maria Josepha. Over
2,000 equipages cobtalneti the aristocracy.
lii the afterncofl imperori Frances Joseph
deposited a wreath upon the coffin of Archduke -
duke Rudolph , the prince ImperIal.
At the hunch at Josefstadt barracks , Emperor -
peror William gave the following toast : 'I
remain faithful to the traditions of my
august grandfather. M hi loved time bravo
Austrian army , so , am I devoted to the gallant -
lant troops of my Illustrious ally , I have
imighmly appreciated the opportunity offered
1110 today of leading my own regiment past
the Emperor Joseph. F eel that I interpret -
pret the feeling or all present at tills table
when with all my heart , I cry : llurraim for
time emperor and hIs army. '
Emperor Wihitam raised his voice , crying :
"Hurrah" thrice , 10th in the Hungarian and
German languages.
At 6 o'clock , Emperor Francis Josepim gave
a grand military banquet of 139 covers at
time palmica In honor if Emnpotor William , time
only nonmilitary guests lieing Count Golu-
chowakl , time Imperial Austrian mInitor of
foreign affaIrs ; Plnce iloimenlohe. the Ocr-
man chmamiceilor , ammd the AustrIan and Ocr-
man diplomats. Among the guests. were all
the archdukes who took part in the parade.
Emperor William started for Carlsruho in
the evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jirillizmnt CerenotIClflMiflI the Coit-
teNts tzt the OlnlpIlLn ( ztImleN.
ATHENS , April 15.-BrillIant weather pro.
vailed here today and the stadium was packed
with people desirous of ecein ; the prizes
awarded , Upon tha arrival of the royal
party Mr. Robert delivered a Piudaric ode cm
tile games , Using the inodern pronunciation.
Each of the wInner of the first prize received -
ceived from tIme hands of the ting a wreath
of wild olive from the olive trees at Olympia ,
according to tbo ancient custom , the proposi.
tion to bestow Miver Wreaths having been
abandoned. The wknera of second prizes re-
celved laurel wreaths and all the winners ro
ceivcl ( dIplomas and medals.
The prize winners then paraded , the stadIum
band , ayIng the national air of each nation.
Afterward the king proclaimed the close of
the ganer. : The greatest enthusiasm was
manifested throughout the ceremony.
Tletnrnm frozis SpanIsh Elections.
MADRID , April 15.-Tho election returns
today show the parties to be divided as tel-
lows : Conservatives , 318 ; liberals , 87 ; dlii-
sident coxnervat1ves , 6 ; Independents , 11 ;
Carhusts , :10 : ; republicans , 3. OwIng to irregu-
larlties In Madrid , the presidents of the
electoral bureau have been llnoJ 100 poetas
each. Fines have ahS3 been Inflicted upon jho
wire pulions. The liberals elected in Madrid
th'silc of resigning , in connection with the
suit for libel against the marquis of Cabri-
aba , who 'aii instrumental In exposing a- !
leged municipal corruption , and who , as a
result , is being prosecuted by the municipal
councihions. The marquis has been ordered
to find hail. but it is believed he will prefer
to go to prison. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ExluiItngholmes' StencH.
HAMILTON , Out. , April 16-In time list of
Holmes' victims appears the name of Mrs.
Haverkamp of hamilton. No person of that
name was ever known here. There is no
such nanmo in the directory. The police never
heard of such a ilonson , and do not believe
she over lived here.
TORONTO , Ont. , April 14.-Holmee , In his
confesslonii , says ho aephyxlated the Pitzei
children in the house on St. Vincent street
In this city by turning gas into a trunk.
Timero is no gas on the premises.
IIen-vy , , rtniiict Agtiiiist the Ci-ntliie.
ROTTERDAM , April 15-The ownere of
the British steamer CraThie , belonging to
Aboideen , have been comi.demned to pay
665,500 fiorins damages to the North Ocr-
man Lloyd company for the sinking of the
steamer Elhe , by collision on the morning of
January 80 , 1895 , with mm. loss of 335 lIves.
Sir. Knapp Renolmeii AIt'IlilO ,
CONSTANTINOPLE , April , 15.-Rev. ,
George P. Knapp , the American missionary
who was charged by Turkey with stirring up
the Armenians to revolt and 'who was afterwards -
wards said to be detained by' time vail of
Dlarbekir , ban arrived at. Aleppo.
French CllHlosmlH ILeceiids ,
PARIS , April 15.-Time custom house re-
cepts for the first three months of lIfil
shotvs Incmeaes oyor 1895 of imports to the
amoimnt of 145,000,000 francs and exports of
49,000,000 francs.
FireH f It flmi- .
SAGINAW' , Mich. , April 15.-The Central
scimool building on de west side was do.
stroyed by fire this morning. it was built
L1 1863 at a cost of $90,000. Buildkig and
coimtont8 were Inured for $47,000.
DETROIT , Aprii 15.-A fire at an early
hour this morning consumed time entire plant
of time Michigan Beef and Provision coin-
umany , anti its contents , Including 3,500 hIdes ,
200 tons of tallow , 200 carcasses of beef , tools
and machinery. Time total losa Is placed between -
tween $85.000 and $90,000 ; insured for $60,000
FREMONP. April l5.-pccia1-The ( )
school house in district 2t , west of hloopr ,
was burped yesterday morning. Owing to
tile sickpe's of the teacher the school was
not in zesalon and there was supposed to bo
no lire In time building. Time origin of the.
fire is not known.Time loss is estimated
at $500 mind is covered by Insurapce.
1'Al4LS VlLt4AGF. Cminn. , April 15.-
ilertima immkimi , 11 , zulu lIce V. ooihin , 9 ,
graildchiildrcn of Nelson fllhmop , with whom
they lived , were burned tO death In tnIr
bed last mmlgltt , Mr. I3Iztmop mratnaged t3
escape after being 'erlouiy 1 .zrm4ed ,
MIVelIlt'ilt $ of Oc'ziz Vessels , April 1f.
At Queenstown-Arrlved-Majcstic , from
Ness \ erIc , for Llvepool.
At for Now
Liverpool--Saileti-Britanle ,
York ; i''nmiiand , for Plmliadoiphia ,
At Soutimammmpton-Saiid-Traye , from Iiro
moon , for Now York.
At Rottcrdani-Sailed-Massdam , for New
At Now York-Sailed-Prussian , for hamburg -
burg ; New York , for Southampton ; F'rless.
land , ( or .ntwmmrp GermmanIc , for Liverpool.
Arrived-Teutonic , from L'c'rpooh ,
At hlaniburg-itrrlved-Vatria , from New
At Semi Frpncusco-Departed-U , s. s.
Perry , for Ummalaska : U. S. Bear , for Un-
alaska ; U. 8. S. hush , for Unalaska ,
At New York-Arrived-hlavel , from lire-
men and cmutluammiptou ; Stuttgart , train lire-
mnomi ,
At. flostort-Arriveti-Ri-mneta , romn hlaimm-
burg. - . -
At Southamnpton-MrVed-St Paul1 train
New York ,
At Napies-Saiied-3raunschveIg , for New
Yoik. .
4 t llmmllfax-Arrived-Asayrian1 from Gias-
gow for Philadelphia.
. At l'anlilac-SaIleth-Panama , for Now
At tottin--Sauled-VlrginIa. mr iew York.
. % % . . . , _ artbagcnian , for ,
Chairman Dngloy : Unable to'ay Anything -
thing About thoExpositton Bill ,
liolie. . to have the Action Of the
Osunha 3In111gcrN to I'rescllt to
use CongreMsIlteit V1mo Are
. intereNtell.
' 15.-Spcclai Tehi'
'WAhllNGTON , April - (
gram-The ) exposition bihi'Ufl rebts'lmi'tho
hands of the comnmittee on ways anti meass. :
Representative Mercer endeavored to have a
deflnIt agreement with Chairman Dingl
as to wizen it should be reported , but the
chairman \SflS too bury on time zthcphoi hiil
to take up anything not german to that subject -
ject today. It lii thought thai a dflnito
course of acticn viii ho dccl led upon tomorrow -
morrow , when Mr. Wattles will undoubtedly
have advices from Omaha as to thin ( leCisicil
of the managers there. The bill for time
Naehvillo centennial expositlon , carrying tin ,
immnediato appropriation , lice been introduced
in the mouse , and this , it ' is ' thought , will
give an additional string ft the Trans
mIsisslppt people to pull. Nashviiie intends
hohdiig the exposition next. 'year amid' neede
the money at onCe. When the ways . and
meant' committee adjourned today It was to
time next regular meeting next week. There
ui nothing , however , iii the way of calling a
epecial meeting to consider time Onaha ox-
pontiomi bill , which vill be 3Qflo ylincvpr
a ccncerted plan of action Is agreed upcn.
Messrs. Wattles and Wyman. hued a talk
with Comptroller Eckol today relative to
liquidating tIme debts of the American Na-
tlonal hank. A plan wa grod upon anti ,
Mr. Wyman heft for home tonIght. Mr , Wat-
tleii will remain until s3mething definite. as
to the 'exposltimi liii ! is decided upcn.
I'crey Lamoreux , special'examlnor of the'
general omce , who wass.ent \Vyoming
to examine certain linda In whic1 the Globe
Canal company of Omaha is interested , has
returned to Washington. While his report
has not been made public , enough has been.
learned by the members. of ccugrems Inter-
eted in recuring these lands for time corn-
paul. that time riport , novbeforetkq secretary -
tary at the interior ; finds that 'on certain
forties timber i grossimig' iii .sufficieot quantity -
tity to warrant time govenment's intercersion ,
but that on a large portion of' the laud in controversy -
troversy he touna little timber , a1d , rccom-
mends that a title be givifi thd comnpan'y
for .theoe. There are about 1,00 acres held
up and the company is growing anxious o
have the matter settled , in view of Intending
settlers deciring to take up lands along the
canal. it is further stated that the report
recommenthi mort liberal treatment ta thla.
company t1 the use of water rights , the thea-
tion of dams , etc. , , on the -timbar. rererva-
tions. The return of Secretary Smith will
probably wind this matter up in a very short
time. . ,
- -
Acting- Secretary of the Interior rteynokfs
today transmitted to the cemmisloner. ot. the ,
general lanjl omca lnrtructions to local 081 :
cers at North Platte , Nob. , land dlst'rict 'as
to ontrie upon iandn embraced in th alci ,
doned Fort McPherson military reservation.
The report of the apprairons shows that the
rebmrvatton 'embraced 19,500 acres , all of.
which is surveyed , except the orig'nai rca-
orvatlen of four miles equare , or aboutl0.240
acres. ot time land embraced in the reservation -
tion odd , numbered sectiona accrue to the
Union Pacific Railroad company , in part sat-
Ifaction of the 'grant to aId its ccnstructtep.
The evemi numbered sections of the purveyed
land , except a military road 200 feet wiJe
and seven-eighths of a mile long , have been
appraised at $11,432. The lumd will 'be patented -
ented to actual sattlers under the homestead
law at its appraised value. Settlement an
date back to August 23 , 1894 , the date of the
approval of an aCt restoring the reservation
to the public domain. ' -
The acting secretary of the Interior today
rcndered decisionsi in the fohiowimig 'land
can2s : South Dakota-Andrew Ilengen
against Mrs. l3ssslo Floyd ( nec' Olson ) , Cham-
berla'n district , decision of commissioner at-
firmed ; defendant'a entry is to , stand , the
complainant having forfeited any pre'erenco
right to entry by refusing to pay The , cojs
of uit. Joimn A. Streneky against Lizzie A
Shant , Chamterlain district , decision reversed -
versed : Straneky's contet l , rustatned and
Mis-a Slmaumt's homestead entry is to be can-
celled. Wyoming-In re .Janhos . Wiisen ,
Lander district , decision reversed ; patent for
desert land entry to issue to Wilsoo
Captain Thomas M. Woodruff , Fifth .ifan-
try , and First Lieutenant Sathuol A. Smoke ,
Eighteenth Infantry , are crdered , tp , Tlia-
hazise , Fla. , to participate In time encampment -
ment of'-thc state troops.
Six nicetha' leave has bean granted Pout
Chaplain William F. Hubbard , U.S. . , A. Permission -
mission to go beyond sea , usgranted First
Lieutenant William W. Forsyth , Sixth cay-
airy. First Lieutenant flarry Taylor-.Corpe , of
Englneers to relieved from duty under immi-
mediate orders of Captaip Walter L. Flek
and ordered to take station at Seattle , Wardi.
A3iB1tiCt TO HId REI'tS1iNTiD. ,
F'SLHICNt Ship Iii the NIIV ) ' 'Vill hleli ,
Cclelrnte tile Czar's Coronmilloii.
IVASHINGTON , April 16.-The United
States navy will ho reprcpnted. at tii fes-
tivitles attending the coronation of the czir
by the triple rerow cruithr Minneapolis , the
swiftest vessel in the navy , The yessei list'
been docked and put In order at the big
Italian government dock at Taranto , and this
morning sailed from that ptaeofor Nplcs ,
At thmo same time ( ho San Francisco , ltd.
mimi Selfrlmhge's flagship sailed from time
Plracus for Naples and time vosreus will meet
there , Time admiral will transfer his flag to
time Minnemipolus and ste'ar.m away for Cron-
stadt , on time gulf of Finland , This is the
nearest Russian port to Moscow the hilace
where the coronation will take place , and the
Minneapolis will lie there , alommg with many
men-of-war of all nationalities , making a part
of the naval denmonstratiori. Time remaining
vet'schs of the Europeai squadron wfll remain -
main for a time , at least , in time. Meditorra-
mmean , and while they will not necessarily ho
kept in Turkish waters , they will be within
reach if need ho ,
'Pnlemistimli Coimnulmig of 2Iztils ,
WAShINGTON , April 15-Time trienqial
naticoal counting of all mails going from ommc
country to anotimer In time postal union will
take place from May 1 to 28 , The Postoffi o
department lisa therefore ordered all railway
postoflices exchanging mail direct sviti Canada -
ada during that period to exclude from 'the
Canadian mall and forward to etber the New
York or Boston postoflice for countng all
articles for delivery in Newfoundland , St.
Pierre and Mlquelcn and to Sun 1"rancleo ,
Cal. , or Taconma , Wach. , all articles for
Japan , China , Hawaii and time Australian
colonies. All closed malls sacks or packages
addressed to the New York and San' Francisco -
cisco rcstmasters received from Canada or
Mexico In railway postal cars during the
coumit'ng perod will ho forwarded to tmose
offices intact , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
More Eleclioii Contests Decided ,
W'ASIIINGTON , April i-EI ctlons comn
mittee No. 3 today die'posed of three easer' ' ,
leaving but one to tie acted upon by this corn-
mnlttee. The contest betw n Joimn A. Brown
popuiit , aganst John id , Allen , democrat
fromim time FIrut Mississippi district , was dc-
cided In favor of Mr. Ahlcu ; A. M , NewWn ,
populist , against . J , 0. Spencer , deniocrat ;
Seventh Miseusslppi district4 wa decided In
favor of Mr. Spencer. Time committee in
the tlmlr4 cafle fpund that 011cc Otis Pearce ,
independent labor. received 157 votes ' q
against 47,000 for John C , Bell , idpuiist'ftlmd
the lacier was given the coat , Thmi contest
Caine trom the 6econd district Colorado.
In each instance time action ot the committee
wan ruanimnous in allowipg ( lie sitting mcmii.
ber to retain his seat ,
IlFlt1Nfl SEA TltIiATY iAT1i'lED ,
- , .
Not a VOte COHt Agnlnit iin time
Sen n t e '
WAShINGTON , April 15.-Time senate in
executive session today ratiflcdtho , Berlng
mien arbitration trealy , The treaty pro-
video for a commission to ' arbitrate the
claimS made by the citizens of England
against the United States for. seizures of
vessels engaged in the capttfla of fur seals
prior to time Paris award , 1 was' verbally
amended by the comnsnitteo on fOreign re-
latinns , but not to an extentto materially
chmmingo its purpose , The senato5wns satisfied
without making any changes iii addition to
tiiotj.s made by the committee and without
imny dimuenting vote , The agreemnont was ox-
phained by Senator Sherman , chairman of
the committee , anti by Senators Gray and
Cimhiom. Messrs. hoar anti Chmmtiier criti-
cIr'etl the wording of the document ,
Senator Pugh suggestoti the absence of imi
colleague , Senator Morgan , anti stated that
the hatter Was desirous of being present
when the treaty should be taken up. Attemm-
tion was called to the fact that Mr. Morgan
had opposed time settlement' proposed by
Secretary Grosharn during the last esion ,
but it WflS stated iii reply that Mr. Morgan
womihl be satisfied with time treaty as amended
and it was urged that , as seine time had
already elapsed , it important that
action bemmo longer doiayed.
' Soimie questions were asked as to time
amount involved In time proposed ettio-
'Intmnt , and It was stated in reply that this
, could not ho definItely given. Time nearest
approximation to time figures ossiblo was
time sum Secretary Gresimani had agreed to
pay. which was something Iess thami halt a
million doiars ! ,
Democi.nlH I'rohoMC to Vote on It
W'ediicsl Next , ,
WASHINGTON , April 1&-Tie senate
'spent time entire day on tile Dupomt case ,
Mr. Gray arguing against thoiiaIm of Mr.
Dupont. ' ' -
During time day Mr. Gorman p'moposed an
agrecimient that a final vote on'the Dupont
caoa be taken next Wednesday. - -
Mr. Mitchell , In charge at time case , de-
cil'ned to malco an agreement at thus time.
-Timl tender by Mr. Gorman was- regarded
as significant of time confldend of time op-
iOSltlQfl to Mr. Dupont. to rceist his claim
to a seat. -
Mr. Gray will proceed with his speech tomorrow -
morrow , after which there Is promise of a
furtimer' clash over taking up the 'bond
resolution , as Mr. Alliscn stated today that
the bond ( lueCtiOli must give way 'to ap-
propriatiomi bills.
Mr. Gray yielded at 4 o'clock and thmo
senate went into executive s apion.
At 4:55 : the senate resumed its open sos-
non. Bills were passed amending the law
relating to the protection ofsmlmbn , fisheries
in Alaska ; for the sale of , pubiiclands by
private wile In time atato ot , MIsotmri and
to pay the heirs of Sterling B. . Autin $59-
287 ; appropriating $17,00ct foraeuirIng burial
grouhds'at Frt Meigs and PtitInfluy island ,
0. , , and , ti , intermient thcrin 'of the remains -
mains of soidIers and , sallorof'the war of
1812. , , ' -
tAt 5:30 : p. in. ' time senaCe z ljourned.
' % 'nuIer ViIiirIIliCnIaiis , ,
"IVASIIINGTO , April 15.-ExConsuh
Wailer of Madagascar came rover to W'asum-
ingtotx from 1119 imomo iii Baltimore tonight
and tomorrow 'will go' to the tate deixirt-
mont' 'with his stepsonlPau flay , seeking
an interview with Secrdtary 'Oln.oy. Bray ,
was , deported froni Madagascam'tm Zabzibaz
atc'the same time timat"Wailer was incai-
cerated , and he will claim diari for ihieg4i
dcportation A restoration\ot Wollor's wilu-
able oncesions will. be'urgediplso. ' '
Nomiiinmite a iew ArimedIusj C4nsni.
WASIIINGTONl April 15.-'flh pralident
today nominated LeotLierglmolz of' New York
to' be consul of the United States at Erzer-
oum , Armenia.
- . - .
EiloiiIoii a FlreworiLt Fticjoi-r
Results Fsiahl , .
CHICAGO , April. 15.-Oo of the maui
buildings of the Chicago Fireworks company
at Gross PoLmt fourteen miles north of , this
city , blew up this morning , resulting in the
death f two empioyos athi th'o aerious 1n-
jury of ix more. Time' : -
The injured are :
Cimauncey Sierny ,
Rosa Nertena.
Lizzie Simatten. , '
Katie Tahiman. .
Emma Simpske , ,
Annie Cressant. , 'I
The cause of time explcmion' is not known ,
but it Is suppothd to have beep caused by
sonic grans ! of powder being Ignited by con-
cusion in the machinery ' used in making
fireworks. - ,
The explosion occurred about 8:30. : The
first dL-'charge blew out tImeeides of the
building , letting time roof fall in. A moment
latr there was another etplosIon which
-shattered the roof. As yet time remains of
Anmmie fierce have not been found amid it iii
the belief that she was bi wn to pieces.
Nicimolas I3oree , her brohor ; was horribly
mangled. Several others were so badly
huzmmed anti lacerated that It is feared they
will die. There were oigimt people at work In
time building at the time ; not one of whom
escaped injury.
'I't'rriIle ISseil of mm lIupthzinuI Vimo Sits-
jit-eted Ilis iOiise.
NEW YORN , April , 15.-Frtderick Merriclc
shot antI killed his yIfc today Iq her bed-
rcomn at tioir home in Iir4oklyn. Thou ,
'standing before a mirror in an adjoining
room , ho fired a bullet IntO mi right temple.
Death was instantaneous In b2tii cases. Time
'couple were well-to-do , hal : been married
six years anti leave it cIid ! 5 , years old.
It is alleged that Morickygs , auspicious
of lila vito amid.- that 'h iun a detective
watching her for some ' 1imns past , About
'daybreak a woman in ti house heard Mrs.
Merrick cry out in an alajmwdtono of voice :
"Oh , Fred , what are yoii'golngto do ? Are
you crazy ? " ' . t
Immediately three shotS Tdng out in rapid
succession. Then there aa the sound of a
failing body. After thus carnqa short nause ,
followed by another shot ud :1140 : sound of a
falling body. There wet 'wp. bullet holes
In Mrs. Merrick' temp'e ' , cmnq n the cammter
and the otimor a ulttIe-p iI jght. A third
bullet imolo was aimnostexaetlyn th middle
of imer chest. ' m
4IM'illll'Zlliiii mmmlii ,60versmor Disagree ,
ALBANY , April i-Gcqor Morton today -
day asked AHsembJrpman , 1dbbins to with-
threw time -coal tritat bills , syimium passed last
week , giving the Attorney emmerat time right
to prosecute ai .trusts , , 9imo governor
gave aim a reason for maktig the request
that ho imad not time to , xant1na them and
imo would like to unakS timam thirty day
lulls. ltobblns returned 'amstver that cmi-
tier no circumstance wnil'i , tme jeoparml ze
time blis i brIngng limem back. "The
coal trust lawyers and iobpy are still lucre. "
said Mr. Itolbhuma , "amid , , I dmm't lu'oposo
to run any risk , 'J1iiO bhilmi zre lilain enough
and can be imammdied in ( eq dayms. "
Wimen Gcmvernor Mertpnreg ived Mr. Rob-
bins' roaly lie sent back , another message
saying that if time hiis ycu'o riot witimdrawzm
as roquestemi ho would veto them without
delay , lie (11(1 ( riot iiJeve. lie said timat
they would be ut in any' jeopardy by to-
aliing them , -
ALBANY , April 15.-Time Grouter New
York imill was passed by the senate today
over the vetoes or the mpvons of New
York anti Brooklyn , The vole Wn3 : St ayes
ID 14 nays , : rime aeenmbIy baa still to
'met upon the Vetoes.
. -4-
' 1
It'nJi5 of IL lmmr
TORONTO , Ont. , April 1-Colonel F , C ,
Denleon , a member f to Douumini n Farlia
ment for Vcst Toronto died early Ibis morn-
lug. 'Viuie oiflcer vas iii command of the
Canadian voyageuns wh9 accompanied the
British oxVedition up tb Nile in 16S5
MoKinloy Supporters Make a Determined
Tight In Kontnoky1
ForcePt Secure the Teumi-
iornr , ' niuti i'eriultuuleult Organ-
Izatiomi tutu Coimiuuuittee on
ILcsoi U ( louis.
LOUIS\'ILLE , 1y. , April 15.-Time repimb-
licaim state convention , after two iommg and
weary sessions , adjourned shortly after mIdnight -
night until 9 o'clock. While notiming more
than organizatIon and a few nonmtnatimmg
speeches wac accomplished , the result of the
day's proceedings served to nako certain the
control of Bradley men over the convention ,
sectiriig te the governor time endorsement of
his etato as a presidential candIdate , time
adopt-Ion of a piatforni to his liking , contain-
log a flat declaration for the gold standard ,
anti time selection of train
this state favorable to Imim. There a
strong McKinley sentiment iii time convention
anti the friends of the Ohioan 'were defeateti
by a narror immargin on time vote for tern-
porary organization. After timat time lirad-
Icy men had things their own way.
The convention was called to order at
3:25 : p. in , , by lion. John W. Yerkes , chairman -
man of time state central committee , who
made a brief speech congratuimmtlimg the iCcmm-
tucky republicans upon the recent victories ,
paylmmg an eioqtmelmt tribute to Governor
Bradley , Major MeKumiey ! anti other leathers ,
anti 1mm conclusion placing in nomination as
time choice of time cemmtral committee for
temumporary chairnman , Judge Timomas Z. Morrow -
row of Pulaskt county.
Time anti-Bradley uncut placed in noummina-
tion George Denny , jr. , of Lexington , anti
a call of the roil by counties was orlered.
The call occupied over two hours anti a
half , during which time time ball was a
scene of great confusion ,
Time vote resulted : Morrow , 833 4-5 ;
Denny , 742 1-5.
Delegates aggregating 123 votes vcro
passed because of contests.
Judge Morrow , who is styled the "Father
of repimbhicanisumi in I'Cammtucky , " in a short
speech on taking the chmair , commgratulatcd
time republicans of' Kentucky on time progress
they had made in time past thirty years.
lIe recalled time early days when , lie said , lie
had to get out a search warrant to find imis
political associates In timus state ; the hardships -
ships endured by tflase pioneers of repub-
licaimisni , their struggle against almost corn-
plete commercial and social ostracism , time
gradual development of time party organization -
tion in this state until now time republicans
politically own time state. ( Cheers. ) The
21,000 votes cast for Abraham Lincoln had
grown to 173,000 cast for Bradley. And , lie
continued , in 1897 , time republicans would
, have enough members of tile legislature at
Frankfort to htit an end to the usefulness
of th Jack Chinns.
There was small comfort for democrats ,
Judge Morrow said , In the rivalry for leadership -
ship among republicans. Their strife would
end with time announcement of the declaration -
tion of this 'conventIon. He urged the delegates -
gates to ac harmoniously in completing the
work of tue convention. Tlmey should , ime
said , make beir endorsement of sound money ,
utthqulvocah , He layoyed such protection
tlat every'laDo4-Or In the land may know
the republican party. is his friend. There
aim enIhuaiaatth , dcnionstratlon.whentbe
speair urged every delegate t , rally 'tq the
supior that' superb leader-the greatest
leader any party ever had In an' state-
Governor W. 0. Bradley.
A significani IncIdent occurred when time
speaker , while enumerating Kentuckians who
shared the honor of republican achievements -
ments , naming Congressman Evanh and
Judge Denny , was Interrupted by cries of
"Hunter , Hunter , " 'the demonstration last-
lng several seconds. Judge Morrow attempted -
tempted to proceed , ignoring the irmterrup-
tions , when ito was again interrupted by
calls for the congressman who was the republican -
publican candidate for the United States
senate before the last legislature. Timey
, came train all parts of timer hail and caused
time doctor , \vimo was on the floor of the convention -
vontion , to nmove nervously in hi seat , but
'the speaker was obdurate , He proceeded
to time end of his address , without once
tittering the name of Hunter ,
Time temporary organization 'ras then corn-
pleted by time election of Freti Roberts of
Owensborough as aecretay and the appointment -
mont of th regular commiteee , after which
time convention took a recess until 8 p. in.
Undismayed by time defeat ot the afternoon -
noon , the McKinley men started out 'wiuen
the convention reassembled to contest
every point of thefdradiey program , The
miumerous ulgmts ! before the committee on
credentials delayed business for several
hours , the time , being occupied by speech
making. It was 11 o'clock wheum the crc-
dentials committee presented ita report ,
The principal contests were on war&s of this
city and Jefferson county' ' outside of Louis-
yule , wimich was decided by giving one-
half vote to each side. The report was
adopted withmout opposition.
The comnummittoc on permanent organization.
then presented Its report naming diaries It.
Blantord , speaker of the last house of repro-
urntatives , for perunaruemit chairman. The
McKinley men again presented the nanmo of
Judge Denny , but lie declined to run ,
Mr. Blanford 's'as elected by acclamation ,
The committee en resoiutl no pleaded to be
allowed until tomorrow morning to ireparo
its report , but the convention voted down
several motions for a recess. While wait-
log tom- this report , time convention. listeumod
to nominating speeches for deic'gateo and
electors. A dozen or moore nominating
poecimes were made and 'still time resolutions
comnmittee' ' was unable to maka its report ,
The convention then at 12.10 adjourned till
9 o'clock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Houitim Cuirohinhizi hits Greater Clmarnis
'I'li n It Cozive-utious liusluess.
DENVER , April 15.-Time deummocratic state
couvmtion imeld here today , after adppting a
free sliver platform and electing one dde-
gate-at-large , adjourned to 7:30 : tonight , As
Senator Tihiman of South 'Carolina was to
speak In tIme santo theater in which time con-
VCntiit WIUI transacting its business , it was
impossible 'to proceed 'ith further eiectlon
until after the ox-governor lied Enisimeti. The
theater was packed witim poppie anxiou9 to
hear Senator rriiiman speak , Thousands jf
persons were unable to obtain admnlttmnmco to
the theater , Seldom has a political Iemtier
received such an ovation in Denver as thid
Senator Tilimami tonight ,
Ueforq ttr. Ttiirnan began his speech letters -
ters and telegraina of a ccngratulatory miarure
were read by the recretary of the sao $
central ommnittee train Governor Stone of
Missouri , Senators Vest of Missouri , Daniel
of Virginia and Call of Fioi'ida.
Mr , Thiinman prefaced his sPeech with a his.
tory of time democratic and republican parties.
He soon drifted into a sarcastic mtrraignumient
of President Cleveland' cud time prescnt ad-
mimmistration ,
Hi ? remarked : "Wimo Is thIs maim mit Waumim.
ington ummamxjuerading iii time clothes of letter.
son and pretending to tue introdmicitug reforms -
forms Godl-timmmt time name of democracy
should be disgraced by such a man as Grover
Cleveland. "
lie spoke 'ii tiuhs same stran ! when referring -
ring to Senator Sherman , Major Mclcinley
and Recretary Carlisle , Ito concluded ; " \\'o
are face to taco with a crisis , Men are
ctwting about to find out where the shoe
pin ica. " He urged time democrats amid to-
publicans alike to bolt at their respective
national conventions should a gold platform
be adopted , and assured the Colorado dolega-
ticu that the south would stand solid with
tbe west should it be utecesaary to "leave time
convention bali. "
It was an antl-admninimtration convention
throughout , Temporary Chiairu&ua vAhiney
of Pueblo mti / 'rong silver speech , as did
Permanent 'an Judge Itoyal of the
same city. ' 1 - 4ter , after making a long
and sincere . favor of time white metal
at time ratio 10 to 1 , eulogized Senators
Vest anti Co ' and other prominent au-
ver advocate - eNmo east , When he amen-
tioned time n jt ex.tongressnman Bland
time delegates , , ,1udeth anti cimeeretl.
The platte hlth was unanimously
adopted , deal no othmer question but
that of the m 0 5 y issimo anti favors free
coinaga at time ratio of 16 to 1. The pint-
fornm is as fellows :
Time democratic partS' of Colorado pledges
its unwumverimmg devotion to nil the itrimmel-
P105 of time democratic fautim as laid down
bY Thommias Jefferson anti Atmdrew Jackson.
imeiievimmg that time evils hunt now oppress
time people are time direct restmhl of it ( he-
parture from the true itin'liiics of deuumoc-
racy ; ( lint time poiicy ummnumgtmrntctl by time
republican hmart for time coutrumction of time
currency , amid for many years continued by
it to time grntltmnh nuuti certain iunpot'erisimrnent
of time people iii tile fnce of slentlfnst opposition -
tion from the tlemnocrntic party btmt titmopted
auth aprovetl hty time Present atlmninlstrntion ,
has resmilteth iii time creation of aim enormous
bonded debt in a Periol , of profommnil hence ,
visiting a dcatliy blight on every intlustry
amid carm'3'ing tlhu'eotirngernont amid dismay
into time imommsehold of every vealtim prodtmct'r
in time land ; timnt there never cnn be a contli-
tion of general welfare tiimtil time voimumne of
a } lomimmi nimtl stable curreumay is equal to time
demnntis of Inthmstrlutl nod commercial lmtmr-
stilts : hint time first step in this thirectiomm
shoulti be the immediate restortition of au-
ver to time Place it ocetipleti in time currency
of ( ho world for cemmturies hirevious to 1873.
We thmererore fmmvor time imnmetliao restorn.
( ion of time free amid tmnhimited coinnge of
goltl and sliver at time trosent legal ratio of
it ; to i , ns such colnnge existed prior to 1873 ,
witimotmt waiting for time aid or commeemit of
aumy other nation. sUCim gold and silver to be
a full legal tender for nil debte , public and
Private ,
lion , Charles S. Thomas of Denver , who
wn elected delegate-at-large by acclanma-
tion , addressed time cotmvention , and imis remarks -
marks regarding time action of the Colorado
delegation at time Chicago convention may be
commeideremi signiflcammt , inmismnmmcit as imo Is
and has been for nmarmy years a representa-
tlve tlernocratic leader , lIe censured the
present deniocratic administration in strong
terms for its action in Issuimmg bonds , con-
eluding his address :
"If , after time efforts of our delegation at
Chicago , silver Is not recognized , I vihi withdraw -
draw from ( lie conveimtiomm , "
As Mr. Timornas wiil likely leati time Cole-
ratio delegation at Chicago imis utterances in
this . respect are taken meammimigly.
After Semmator Tiiinman had made. liii
speech , the conventioum reassemubleti amid ccun.
pleteti the m'oii of delgatea-at-large , ammd
cor.gresttionai delegates , mmmakimig time selection
aum follows : Delegates-at-large , C. S. Thommmns
of Arapaiuoe county , T. J. O'Donumel of Arapahoe -
hoe county , 13. 0. Sweeney of Las Anlummas
and Adair Wilson of La. Piata. Delegates
from time First congressional district , It. W.
Sneer ; Second district , H. II. Sehdomrldge.
Time convention then adjourned.
: uucit i'i'uusitss IN MtiNId.
ICOn. ISa utimibni Ili uimlius to I'resl.le
Ovt-m' 1Jtt Conemi t tiuui.
PORTLAND , Me. , April 15.-Not since time
convention vhich chose tlii delegates to
support tie late James G. I3iaine in 188-1
for time presidency , imave time republicans of
Maimma gathered in sucim force as they have
tonlgimt in tiul city in anticipation of the
election of delegates for time natiommai canyon-
tion at St. Louth In June. On every man's
coot is a I teed button , in every mouth Itt
the name of Maine's favorite son. lion.
hannibal hlamnlin of Eiisworth vill preside
at tue convention. Time delegates at large
vihh include Arnett A. Allen , Reed's private
Secretary , mind Cimarles B. Littiefleld of Rock-
land , 1o will present Mr. Reed's name In
nomination at. St. Louis. It ii understood
tlmat time platforni which will be adbpt d will
ho brief , hut' to time point , anti will advocate
'a ' , aundflnanciah. . policy , reciprocity and
high tariff. '
Yortiz Dnkotmt for Sojinmi Momaey
FARGO , N. D. , April 15.-The republican
state convention just closed in , this city wan
one of the moat notable in the history of
the state and in moat respects it was time
mostinteresting. . The whole northmwest has
looked to this state with imiterest and has
waited patiently for the result on the silver
question and the preslthentiai support. At
the convention today free silver was turned
down. Time delegates to the St. Louis. convention -
vention were instructed to use all honorabio
means to support McKinley. The foiiowlng
are the delegates : C. lii. .Ioiunsorm , Richiand ;
A. S. hiaisn , Trauli ; S. T. Sattersvalte , Case ;
J. lit. Devine. Lamoure ; Alexander Hughes ,
Burloigh , and J. Ii. Bingcrmheimer , Morton.
The following is time money plank adopted
by the convention : "The republicans of
North Dakota , in convention asembied , renew -
new their devotion to time doctrine of pro-
teetlon. Time republicans of North Dakota
are ummyieiding in timc-lr demand for honest
money. We are unalterably opposed to any
scheme that will give to time country a depredated -
predated or debased currency. We favor time
usa of silver as currency , hut to the extent
only and under such restrlctIon that its
parity with gold can be maintained. We
are therefore opposed to the free and unlimited -
limited coinage of silver 'until it can boar- , ,
ranged by international agreement. "
Several I'ersons FurtulJy Imijurc,1 timid
Muuiv lieu 'ti'sVreeiced. .
FAULICTON , S. D. , April 15.-A tornado
passed through Faullc county , , northeast of
hero , last evening , resulting in two de'mths
and several being injured. Considerable
damage was done at Cresbard , Millard and
Murkmere. Scverai housce awl barns were
blown away. Time residence of E. T. Evii'iis
near Cresbard was completely destroyed ,
killing iuus two cimiidreui and badly injuring
lmimseit and wife. At idmmrkmero time
Winona : illli counpany's elevator 'was dernol-
ishied and time Creutbard chmurcim was removed
from its foundation ,
IPSWICII , 5 , D. , April 15.-A severe imail
and wthdatorm occurred today in time south.
east part. of Edmmmuuuds coumity and thin north-
cast part of I"auhlc coumity , The extent of the
stormn anti clammiage is not yet fully known ,
The iuous of Jaimies ilmmney , with his fatally ,
consatlng ! of hmimimseif anti five children , was
taken up ummmd scattered over time prairie , All
tue meunbera of time fanully were considerably
hurt one child fatally. Other tlwellmg ! :
lmoureu anti ecimool houses , barmms arid wimmd-
mills nero made kimmdltng wood of and scat-
'tered over thn prairie. I'ersonmm are reported
to have been tmjured at Cros'bard ,
( ol,1M II uitl'.Ytmi tees Cons'cmitlun.
CINCINNATI , Anvil 15.-The national
commvention of cooks and waiters adjourned
this afternooum t meet at Detroit , Septem-
her 23. II was foumni necessary to imuve
two t'smtioumii timhii your because macny are
orgaged now m8ltinzr summer contracts
rInd immmtthla Li ) attend the convention , A
oeai union was orgaumizetl here today with
thirty-five clttmrler members. Time national
hteadciuam'ters 't'ie changeti from St. Louis
to Cimirago wiic're time American Caterer
\iil ho imubiaimed ; nonthhy imereaftar , as. time
organ of lime association , by Vice President
William C. I'omcroy , who lii nlso managing
suitor , 'limo foliwimmg oiiiccns were ciectedm ,
i'rosltlent , D. Ii. Aibers , Brooklyn ; vice
president , Wihlium C. l'omnoroy , Chicago ;
secretary , Franic Eggers , Chicago ; ( ream-
urer. Etwat'd Longimenry , ChIcago. Exec-
titive board , henry Meisel , New Yorlcj 1' ,
if. hJ'mmilton , Ieroit ( ; ' 1' , l. weony , LIen.
ver ; Idwmmm'd Longimenry , ChIcago ,
iloimimes do lie ilmipt luemi ,
PHI LA IEfPl I IA , April 15.-Although
Rev , P. F , Dali ) ' of the flornan Catholic
Ciiirch of tIme Animunciotiomi , rctftuiies to coum-
firm or ( lCmP lime statement that , he is to
baptize Mimi'derer holmes In his coi. it was
stated on good autiuority today that time
ceremony vlll take place during tii week
set ( or lloimnemt' executiomm ,
'I'cnuiermi * Ii rc it Ileeorml lireit iiei' .
J3OTON , April 15.-TIme thermometer
registered 81 degrees above zero at 2 o'clock
ibIs afternoon. April 18 , 1872 , iii limo only
day of April in. twenty-five ycom's which
imami equalled this 'hiIh mark ,
Id'n bloat Ii Istt1e Couiimtiulumdiimi t ,
TOtONTO , Ont , , April 15-Miss Eva
Booth , youngest daughter of General Booth ,
has been appointed commandant of time $ alva-
, tloa arum7 In Capad , ij owjouuUd.
: No Sixteen to Ono ro Coinage for No-
brash Republicans ,
Secures the Election of' Three Delegates-at.
Large by Acclamation ,
Plan of the Wharton Letter Carried Out
Without a Hitch.
Seeks to hamo the senator , but is Overridden - .
ridden bytho Dolcgatcs.
Matt Daugherty Lacks Several Votes ot
Being Even a Good second ,
Iiiidmrsen the St. Louis mmmiii Llimeoi
Coli's'emit&oiis In Ailva ace sand
l'romiihscs Simpisort to timu
Tleiet Next Fell.
For' :
JOhN ii. WEBSTER at Douglas.
ThOMAS 1' . ICENNAID of Lancaster.
lETER JANSEN of Jefferson.
GEORGE H , TI1UMMEL of hall.
Alternates :
0. 0. SMITh of ButThio.
C. B. DEMI'STEI ( of Gtmge.
1 , . . P. JUDI ) of Boone.
A. C. WItIGIIT of Casa ,
Above are given thenames of time macn
elected as delegates to the national con-
ventlon at St. Louuii by tIme republican state
convention which ummct for timat imurposo at
( ho Coliseum' ' last evening. This part of
time proceedings was most quickiy and liar-
moumiously accomplished , all time delegates
being elected by acclanmatlomm except George
II. Timunimei , wimo triummiphed after a close
tussle with his only opponent , Matt Daugh.
erty of Ogalalla ,
Besides selecting the delegates time con-
ventlon adopted a money plank whichi do-
dared in so many words against the free
coinage of silver after a futile effort to at-
hence the convemmtion en timat issue. The only
other difference of any consequence was over
the ratification of the resolutions adopted
in 'Omaha seine time aga as a compromise
botwcen , the supporters of McKinley' and
MuIndrson. In timis case eaatcr Timunston'
plea , for the compromise retoiutiouuts falied' tc
find a sympathetic responoo and a subatl- '
tuto reohution was adopted which contained
110 other name thaim that of William Me-
Time convention hail itself the hargeet ,
best ventilated and most convenlouh ever
tendered for time use of a state gathering
in Nebraska. There was as crowding of
delegates Into narrow ausleii , on the stage
and in galleries. Everybody had plenty ot
room , and the am'chmed ceiling nearly a bun-
tired feet from ( ho floor gave ample oppor-
tmmuiity for breathing-a iuxtmry seldom enjoyed -
joyed by conventions In Nebraska , The
floats amid paraphernalia belonging to the
lCnlgimts of Ak-Sar-flen lent a picturesque
feature to tii otherwise severe plainness
of time interior. The second Infantry band
from Fort Omaha was in attendance , and
while time huge crowd was assembling
played a varied program , literally inter-
mipersed witim lively campaign melodies , On
( ho immense stage back of the speaker's
desk , on the west side of the auditorium ,
were seated a large number of time prominent
republicans of time state , including most of
the numerous mwplrants for places on the
state ticket.
The big crowd was pronmpt in assembling
anti within a few moments of schedule time
Vice Chairman John T. Mallalica of the
republican atato convention called the convention -
vention to order. In the absence of Chairman -
man Halner , wimo Is detained In Washington
by important. duties in. connection with iuus
official position , Mr. Mahiaiieu has had general
charge of the preliminary work of preparing
for the convention , W'Imcn hue arose to call
time convention to order ho faced an assem-
biago of fully 3,500 people , Ito first intro-
duiceti tile Joimn Li , Webster Glee club of
Omaha. The club sang a campaign umielody ,
the accompanying words , portraying the
ponderorms woes of one Grover Cleveland and
tlepictimmg iii general terms time panic stricken
condition of time democrats. Time big crowd
iiked time sentiment miumd applauded the glee'
club. 'rim Sedgwiclc of York , secretary of
time republican state central commiunittec then
read the call. This forunality' being over ,
Vice Cimairunan Maiiaiiemm introduced as time
temporary chairmmman of tito convention hloum ,
Wiiilanm P. MeCreary of Hastings ,
MrMcCreary's brief iipftocit was listened to
witim deco atteimtion by timosum close enough
to time itiatforni to imear it. Uimorttmnatoiy ,
htowover , time crush of dolegatca constantly
crowdimmg Into time rear mmmi stiles of time
autlturiimm created so mmmcii noise and confusion -
fusion that the greater norlioum of the audience -
once 'ns unable to catch umiuch of the best.
nart of time elotiuent speaker's amltlress. Time
tenmporary chairumman was frequently tip-
plaudeti , Imis references to ImlcIcimmiey givimmg
full opjmortummity for the escape of time pent-
tip entimmislitsmn and lila detimand for time corn-
pieto deunonetizatloul of , democracy and the
free and unlimited coinage of repuimhicanismn ,
honest amoncy , protection and recIprocity
bi'ougimt dommm time house , Mr , McCrearyi
saId In ltai't :
"It woulmi be indcnd a cclii imeart timat
wommiti not ho warmed by mmcii aim occasion
alt thus , Especially is thus tm'ue at thus
time because this is time beginning of a campaign -
paign of time 1)001)10 who have semit timeir
representatives to tlilM eonventitiii to do-
dare timimir views upon limo vital questions ot
time hour , Never was 'timero a time hun
Atuiericaim politics since limo mmssasslmmation of
Abrsmhuamn Liucoin , wimemi the neopic were
so sem'ious as tim'y are today , It iii not
blow struck at a stateammitmn tluis time , but
one struck directeiy at Aimics'icamm indumi-
tries anti time ltummerican hmnumme. Time people
who have selected these delegates are en-
titleti to the deliberate judgment of thmi ,
convention , Like time Israelite of old , they ,
are seeking for a Moses ( a lead timeni ou
of time wilderness. It has beenm chargedtm
that in selecting the degates to timis con.
veuition there were cases in which time will
of tlmo people was not consulted , I have mm
need to deny timia accusation , The peopl
imave but one idea iii this campaign , and
this convention would be false to thorn 1
it did not declare in favor of one grcat
exponent of the protective tariff pritmeipie,1
I refer to Major William McKinley of Obq,1 .
( h'roionged applause. ) . -
"It baa been said that Major ZdcKInioi ,
iii no more entitled to credit for thio1iIc
Kinbey law tlmsmi tiny other member o l4
counnmittee. I remember tlmat at. on9jumnft
Mr. MvEinhey was downed in his
trict because it nit. held that hue was ru , ,
sponsulilo for that Jaw , We hear a goo
deal of talk about the mommey question bujt
what the American