. L I i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'VilE OMAHA DAILY i3ETh SUNDAY , AL'1tIr 1t. , 18913. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 . : STIJDYINC TIlE hORSE'S ' LEC i1uch Inters In th Lectnr s to Local Horoshoora. INSTRUCTION GLNERAI OVER THE COUNTRY . fl'rniihleis at Lnlnr Teiiple QttI't Iouit - ztiiit tIit Aulnitiilitrtlun Nuiw IIiliig Curriesi ( Hi S'i(1I- out I'rIetIiii. : I - The etutes being delivered by voterinart. ans betoto tim members ot the Master an' ] , Journeymen Ilorzeshoers' unlona are provthg . to be very popular , bocaue very 1ntrucflvC. 'rho latest lecture was given 1at MondaY evening by Ir. flackwoB ) , and the Interest In the In'tructIon In Increasing. The sertea will not ho completed for several woek. Tile subjects deal In the mOst coniprehen- , alvo way with the trade of horeshocing \ p.ip and Include the construction of the hoof and lower leg of the horse , and the treat. ment of bruises and strains. It hi not aum- dent for a horseshoer that ho know only ] iow to put a shoe on. U a horse Is brought Into lila phop limping ho Is supposed to bo p 01)10 to tell where the trouble lies and to ' appiy or suggest a remedy. The knowledge - that. malces this possible may ho picked up In year of experience by a thoughtful crafts. man , but It is the object to give In these lectures informatIon that orlInarIly cannot be acquired In many yearn. The lectures are illustrated. and in sorno places dissectIng - Ing lo done. This is the caee In I'huiadelphla. rwhero tub dissecting rooms of the veterinary colluo have been thrown opdn for the benefit of these taking the coiirse there , for this lecture syeitthn Is flow Common throtigliout the country. Tlio busy season for the ltorsiliocrs has flow opened , and most of the Omaha. shops are busy. It may not be commonly knntvn that a great deal more shoeing Is , done In tue sumnior than in the winter , particularly I if the wint'r ho one in which there is an . average enow tall. The reSsofi Is that the ' ' snow an Ice servo as a cushion , and shoes ' are hot worn out eo fast , though in this season all horses must bo shod sharp , In the sunmier the iron collides squarely with the hnrd pavement , and shoera cay that all clasacs of horses that are useti considerably on the btroot must be Iiotl every week or ten' days to be kept in the beat condition. The local journeymen horseshoer ? union has elected William Mullen a delegate to the I sneeting of the national union to be held at Buffalo beginnhiig May 17. Joseph P. . Norria , - ho was resldent of the local union , has resIgned - sIgned to go to Kansas City , and M. I' . I Ilinchey has been put In his stad. r ( tUii'r iiiiis tp itiiou reaii'z.r Original J'urpOMt'140f lift' Iiisiltutloil . . . IIelng CnrrieI Out. T1o discord which has been the moat promi- nmt feature of Labor Temple since it was I opened four months ago seems to have aboul Sub3Ided. Mr. Walier has finally withdrawn , B bag and baggage , end the will of the boai'd . of director9 is being smoothly carrio1 out by , the new superintendent , W. 'XV. Scott. The . . effort to bring the administration o ! the , temple hack to the functions for which it was t ! designed is succeeding rapidly , and it is 1 plan that a more genuine and sympathetic lnterca't ii ; being takfl in its operation than : at any time heretofore. There is more 4 quiet in tiM reading rooms than formeriy. ' though the attendance Is almost as large. for Instead of cent - they are flow reading rooms venient places for loud discussIon and de- t bate. The employmmt bureau is being main. tamed apparutly , wlth increased efficiency and ucefulness and thi6ugli its agency work for rome one who needs It badiy i found al- ' 2flost every day. Superintendent Scott is givlng opd satisfaction and the counsel wltih du experience of flftysavcti years en- nbthi Thhh tRc'isrecognIzCd aeo nuch ' vaiuo by the mass of yoruger men most active In the work of the unions. . The scheme of giving a benefit for the tern- plo is now being talked of. It is believed that one of attractive features would go far toward putting the insUtution On its feet financially , and it Is probable that the roJot will be carried out In May. Tha ireyaIent opinion Is tliat an outdoor cstor- ' thinmc'it ' shouldhe given , though it has been I , . euggeated that a lecture by Eugene V. Debs _ _ enight better accomplish the object. ILe's.,1utIuiu' us Mesuorlani. Union , No. 109 , .Paintera and Decorators has passed the olrowlng set of resolUtIons -rcspeting the recent death of a member , . / klohn D. Wallace : \ r Whereas , "rho Grim Reaper of Death ha taken from u. invaded our rankS anti has out. esteemed friend and brother. John fl Wnllaee , a member of beaT union No. lO'J of Omaha. Nob. , of the Brotherhood of Vnintsr3 aid Decorators of America ; there- rore , be it Itesolved , That in honor of our deceased brother our lode room be draped in mournIng - Ing ( or thirty unys. und that this union cx- tend to thn vife and family of our ( le- . ceased brother its sympathies in this their hour of great bereavement ; and that be it , forth er ) Itooived , That a copy of these resolu- tions be spread on our records and that I our secretary he Instructed to send a copy to the svlto of our deceased brother , and that a copy be sent to each of the daily IaPcrs for publication , VtIii'r l's ii Recruiting Oflicor. Proeidcnt Fisher of Central Labor union Is receiving a tremendous mail those days. . It consista of letters from parties in divers places who are anxious to hire out to fight the Spaniards in Cuba and who have got the Iinpre.'aion that Fisher is a recruiting officer. Ho beIievos the fact that ho was prominent In a Cuban sympathy meeting savoral months ego acronts : for this. l1ur 1 % III InduMtr , Texas has Jtiet finiahed a new 'eventy-mile ? aiiroad , arid a 100-mile rctd in Alabama and Mississippi has just been commenced. The woolen factories of this country are moftly located In Now Fngtand , New York , Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 'rla paiCI rniiia In vrocess of erection at WayerOJ , Ga , , wilt utilize the palmetto ' llat , which grows there in profuslrii. Thu saventy-three tin-plato plents now ostabiished in the United State are a. guarantee - antee against a repetition in this campaign of the old tin-plato slander against Arnerleaut ngentiity Under the empire the employcs of French Tailrflada , which are owned by the govern. hwnt , wore not denied the right of striking. but this privilege has been withdrawn under the republic by ( lie passage of a recent bill. Maiuos labor commissioner has been gaUi- 'sting tatistic cii the c'ot of living In that state. lie figures that the average daily coot of living is 21 cents a dy tar each Individual In the average family , The cost of living to fllngle men , boarding. 18 413 cents. These figures cover rent , food , fuel and light. S The constitution of the stats of Utah pro- 'vides that "eight hours chall constitute a ay'u work on cii works or undertakings car- ' ilod on oi aide ] by the state , county or \ aiuiiicipaI goveIsIinenta , niul the legislature \ bhuli lass laws to provide for the lietith anil , , safety of ernployes lit factorica , smelters and mints. " Accvding to latest advicea. iays the cigar makcru official Journal , the Illinois Paniten- I tiary cigar factory is a prnuincad : failure. . It is said , on good authority , that the stto is ' daily losing money , Tlio.sa reapotisible fcr this state o attaiv vcro fully warned that the venture would in this Inrtr.sce ; , as It bad In oil others. prove a dIsmal failure , Thu Carnegie Company lies just secured a good paying contract for 10,000 tot's of steel : aiia tar Japan. In the g tting of the contract - tract the cornIotitlon of all nakera lied to be cousidrcd , but Ainerlcui inanrifa ci iirrs who reek a foreign market for their prolurt generally win. The Itu.'hh co-operative cOlony , lcael ; a ; . Tennessee City , Tenn. , and coni1utel on the iehuniy ! ilan. h 5I1t1 O be l a ldglly flour. Isblng condition , and v1il eon btii : % a e'iIe e to coet 1100.000 , Nchs'on itIllweil Ler znaoy years a conipositor on tha Nortlveatern , Ml- ) < Jet , sal a tvetl mown rulan ruan , ha ac- ceptd the forernanhIp o ( th eolons paper , Ibo Coming Nation. In ( heat britain end Ireland , tram U Ia \ Inclusive , erne strlka oirri : ! Fhey affected IS5 'f ) si p : strikes aUetted 41. per cent ( 'S ' ib f I number : the partialiy successful 33,9 per cent end , the unsuccesstui 21.6 per cent In Franco , during the years from 1890 to 1S9 , there were I,88 strikes , affecting 7,69 as- tabhishments. The successful average was 2.24 par cent ; the partially successful , 30.12 per cent. The toLal failures numbered 44.GI per cent. Without agitation or legislation the large retali stores of Boston have Instituted a shorter working day for theIr empioyos , After the Christmas holidays the department stores adopted the plan of opening at 8:30 : a. m. and closing at :30 : p. m. Iacli firm was to be free to revert to the system of longer hours , it IL found that its interests demanded the change. Thus far , however , the new plan has proved successful and the short day wihi probably be made permanent. Labor Commissioner Dowhing of Now York in his annual report. shows that on July 1 , 1894 , there were 1&7,197 members in 860 labor organizations In the state. On July I. 1895 there were 027 organizatIons with 180,231 members-an increase of 23,034 , or 14.65 per cent. In addition to that number It is estimated that there are 25,000 members attaclief to the unions that have faiied to cc- spend to the bureau's queries. There are 10,102 women in the organizatIons , a gain of 31,9 per cent , In 198 trades there were increase - crease of wages and in seventy trades a decrease. An eight-hour work day is enjoyed - joyed by 51,250 members of 208 organize- tion , while 172 unions , with 25,040 members , established tIm nine.bour working day. In an article on social and industrial statistics in titinton's Magazine for April Commissioner Wright of the nationni labor bureau shown the wonderfui devoIopmet of tnnr.utacturlng industries in this country by contrasting the number of eniploycs in 1850 -731,13T-with the number in 18J0-3,745,123 -and by comparing the wages of 18i0-$23G.- 750,000-with those of 1890-$2,250.000,000. Ito shova that during the same period capital Invested In matiutactures has Increased from over $535,000,000 to G,250,000,000. But. with this increase bf labor , capital and wages , the value of the product per dollar of capital In. vested lies fallen from $1.01 to $1.6) ) . On the ether hand , the per capita income of the woikinginan has steadily increased. he cc- ceivlng In 1891 163,6 , compared with 100 In 1860If th reductibn In the hours of labor are taken into consideration the wages of 1&i1 were 176.S , cornpard with 100 in 1860. CIRliiilerinifl'M IjotigiL RciiietIT the Irnvorl Ce. Kromis. Mereer county , I'a.-We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remely to be the beet. remedy In use. We use it In our owib faint- lies , and it. is a favorite among our custom- era.-llecker liros. & Co. 25c and SOc bottles for sale by druggists. 'l'AYLOIt. lIlLOTIlIcItS 11i11tTC .TAIL. One of Tiii'iii lteenItiired 1nt the Other Still itt Large. CART1OL.TON , Mo. , April 11.-At Si0 : o'clock this evening the notorious Taylor brothers , condemned murderers of the Mocks family , broke from the county jail. George Taylor made his escape , but Bill was retaken - taken , and is again behind the bars in the jaIl , In which the two brothers were to have been hanged together on April 30. The escape was made by their breaking off a bar from the vest side of. their cell anti making their exit through the garret to the root , and letting themselves down to tile ground by means of pieces of hose which hail been used In clecning the celia. Juet as Bill lied reached the ground , teputy Shier- iff Cummings' little girl heard a noise and gave the alarm , and before he could make his escape complete , Deputy Shelton covered him with a gun and PUt him back Into a cell , It. L. Cunningham , charged with corn- phlclty In the murder of 01 Ecton a few ( lays since , also atternptefto escape , but failed. Excitement Is high , and a large posse has gone in eli directions in pursuit of George , but few think ho will be overtaken. News from flroning and vicinity , where the crime was committed , shows great cx- citemcnt and a special train svili bring most of the resIdents ot that vicinity to join In the chase. H. Leonard of Norborne , brothicr-rilaw of one of the Taylor , li been here today. Since oipper tie took a team out of a livery stable and drove out of town. He may have stopped at' the' bcU' gae alid taked ieorgo In' the buggy with him , but this Is all cn'ile'ture- ' . Mi any rate , a telephone message from Nor- borne says a team arrived at 10 o'cIck that hal beeti driven hard , but It 'could not bc learned who the driver was. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing aa foolish as to suffer from it. Notli- lng so dangrpus It allowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives immedIate relief. alAS IIaIYIVEI ) AN OhS ) SCANDAL. CILieligo 'FriIiLI Mysler' lsrenicjs Out In ft Nt'ii' 51)0 * . - TACOMA , April 11.-The dIscovery of the rnysteriouo body In a trunk'at Chicago Idci- tifled as that of Oliver PIke , formerly of Seattle , Wash. . has revived a scandal that involved the authorities of the Stoilacoorn , \Vnh , , Hospital for tile Insane and has- encouraged - couraged Allen A , Shadlc of Wauseon , 0. , to renew his effcts to prove that his son , Jo.eeph A. Shadle , was murdered In that Insane - sane asylum , Under date of April 3 , Allen Shadlo , the father. has addreaed "en appeal ( or justice" to the people of the state of Washington , ra- citing fully all the facto , clrcumetaiicca ; In- forencea and deductions , and offering a reward - ward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of his son and $500 for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of Matthew M. hiartiett. HUggIN * ion to ferchixiit. OMAhA , April 11.-To the Editor of Tue 13cc : Now that the bicycle has become fully recognized as oiio of the main factors in the meaxis of popular conveyance and is daily used by thousands for downtown errands , It deenis rather a hit of neglect , on the part of merchants not to have provided before this convenient means for hedgIng whecI In front of their sthres. Many a purchase has been lost to dovn- town dealers on account of the lack of a pioper place to stand wheels. Cyclers do not care to run the risk of standing their bicycles - cycles against the curbstone In a crowded stto9t or to Icavo them against plate- glass windows. It is rather remarkable that storekeepers have not perceived this fact. There is no doubt but that the majority of the 7,000 cyclera of tItle city would appre. ciato such accommodations in front of every store , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. M , IL Iiuor Loilge News. Omeha conclave No. 33-i , Improved Order of Ileptosopha. vlll give an entertainment on Monday , April 20 , but thu arrangements have not yet been completed. Banner lcdgo No. ii , Fraternal UnIon , received ten now applications and Initiated eight candidates at its regular aes.lon I'd- day evening. The iodge meet every Friday - day oycnlng In the ContinntaI block , Fit- tc'enth and Douglas streoto. ItLIflit'Nt Over Ilie MIiielinll Pitiull ) ' , PENTW'ATETL , Mich , , April 11.-The cor- oner's jury in the Inquest over the remains of the members of the Minchahi family reechetl a verdict today , The conclusion Is that the mother and tue three children were ehot by the father , who then 'shot himself , and that lie also inliicted fatal wounds upon \V. B. 0 , ando. The funerals of the entire Minchiail family wifl be held ttsuorrow , Ilislini , 'I'i.nIur , , U t hlonit' , NI5YOI1K , Aprli 11.-hlishop Thoburn , miicionary of the Methodist Episcopal church 1I India , arrived today on board the steamer New York from Soutitalupton , Mrs. Thobura accompanied her husband , iiiI % 'Itiidrnrvu I ni'SliIIiu.nt , NE\ ' YORE , Aprh 12.-Ladenhurg , Thai- mann A Co. hays tvLtltdrawt from the sub- . IrP3sucy the 200.Oh0 gold engaged for sh'p- meat to Ilayti loJay , . . - - - A.tCIIL'n ( Iinsvil list i , it'xIt' , , , llN\'FR. April 1lillepatchi was cc- toiVtMt Ill army hetiIqIiniceri today from Capturi Bell , who has been tailowlug the trnl c. ( the Apflehies t'hiu inuidereil Flund near IeoX , , r z , , March S. in WhIch ho L.I,5 lie folioweti Ilieni until they crose'l the tiexIean line. The Ituols hititi a hiurd march throtitdi tue iuottntutns , being tour Jays wiUQut forage. i'a Jtist as ea : . - to jrl Ono Minute Cough Ciro as aiiythiig : ; eLse , It's easier to cure a .i.v re rtugk cr cold vItht It. Tet your next "I .ia , ' ( 'r a tough be One Minute Cough 4II' ' I'et'er Irediciiel $ tttcr results ; bet- er try II CEERAL JONES CELEBRATES Famous Iowan Commomorato3 H s Ninety- ccond Birthday Anniverlary. REMARkABLE VIGOR OF' THE 'OLD MAN Ills Clear It'iitnr' It it'ht in lteiiiiiii.i- . ceilces if I'iihlic Mcii anti I15'eiits Hf IlitIt a , COIL- liir' Agii , DUBUQUE , Ia. , April 1I.-Speial.-Gefl ( ) oral George W. Jonps will be 02 years old tomorrow and will celebrate hia birthday at a family dinner , lie huts eeeived cougratu- iatory hatters from lila venerable contom- porarlca In the United States senate , Jameo \v. I3radbury of Maine , the oldest living eon- ator , and ox-Governor Ahphous Fehchi of Michigan. Two years ago. when , thie lt.gislaturo of Iowa , celebrated lila birthday , General Jones was much mare active than ho Is today. lie was able to travel the length ot the country , to lead the grand march at the charity bali , and to beat come old frienti at an occasional game of hililards. Within the last year , however , his sight huts beomo impaired and hits health enfeebled. Cataracts formed in both eyes. One was removed antI the sIght rcatored , hut the removal of the other will not be undertaken. lIe can see well enough to write Itis 'own name end to distinguich faces and is able to walk about the city alone , but the erect iarriAko and elastic step have gone and withi them his taste for travel au' ! excitement. Ills health rcquiree greater care than formerly - merly end he goce abroad enly on pleasant days. The vigorous manner and the. clear memory remain and hila conversation , rich in reminiscences of the famous public men and events of his time , it still meet cagag- ln. List June , at the urnnier hionie of a grandniece near Detroit , and with aid of a otonographer , he undertook thio preparation of an autobiography , This engaged his attention - tention at intervals far nonthis and on his return home he continued work upon it with his daughter , Mrs. Hay , at , amanuen.ls. lie has accumulated 260 typewritten pages , hut the work Is not finished , It will iiot be printed , hut wili ho preserved In the family , In contains , of course , an elaborate narrative concerning cacti of tlio important evento In which Ito took part durIng his public life. General Jones has preserved every letter he hia received since 1820. lIe s frequently ahicltod by m ll to part with letters from prominent men of the ante-war period and requests for Ida own au'ugraphi come from all parts of the country. Lately these have been ignered and lila health ha , received more attention than his correspondence. Ho has never used tobacco anif lie teeth that his reular and temperate l'abits have length- coed his life. While his 't'igor has dolined perceptibly within the 'ear lie yet gives prctnis3 of outliving the century , IOWA LEGISLA'I'URE LAYS OFF. \'iIi TIe a 11000MM Till tue MiIdZe of Next January. DES MOINES , April 11.-Special ( Tole- grarn.-floth ) houses , of the legislature adjourned - journed today to reconvene on January 1l next , whie they 'will be called together by the governor to complete the codo. The legislative districts will remain unchanged - changed , the efforts to take one representative - tivo away from Ds Moines and Le counties and give them to Clay and Wright being defeated - feated by tour majority. The senate biil providing for a board of fire and , ohico comnmissionem's for the city of Des Molnea and depriving time mayor of time' power of appoInting p licomen aqd fImo. men was killed in the house by a large , ma- jority. . . The usual crdmpliinehtary teIoi tIorisi1uero passed , the presiding officers and chief clerks being remembered with appropriate gifts. Much hilarity was Indulged in and felicitous remark. , were made by Speaker Byer and President Parrottof the senate. G1IAUGJSD wr1I1i "FIXING" A JUItY. v. ii. Lysic of Sioux CIt' Gui1L' of I5iiJezIegteiit. SIOUX CITY. La. , April 11.-Special ( .Tele- gram.-County ) Attorney liahiamn has boon awaiting the discharge of the jury on time case of W. B. Lysle , charged with the embezzlement - bezzlement of $2,500 from a local comniislon firm , for which ho was bookkeeper , to proceed - coed against one of its members on a charge of accepting bribes. Lysic has already been found guilty once , but secured it new trial. The jury v-as out thirty-two hours , and Mr. 1-lahlarn claims to have evidence that a ver- diet. would have been returned before but for tile "fixing" of one juror , lie dechine to give tile man's name as yet , hut says time same thing has occurred frequently of lab , and thiat'an example muat now be made. The jury rotursed a verdict of guilty late tonight , Lysle was so prominent in bus- inoes end social circles that hIs conviction has created a sensation. .fi'it Iii ( if liii iIiYeMiIgZttiOlI , JEFFERSON. Ia. , Aprli 11.-Spcial.- ( ) The effect. of the grain buyers' protest at Munson is already bearIng tangible fruit , The Illinois Central railway refused to inalce a rate to the grain buyers of Manson that would enable them to' compete with the smaller Fjrrounding towns on the Rock Island - land and Des Moines , Northern & Weatern , with time retult that the greqter part. of the siam that should have been marketed at Manson has been hauled to these other towns. Time Mansn buyers said they would cloae their elevators and refer the matter to the Interstate Conimnerce coinrnlt'aion uieso the Illimioio Central made ratco to them by a certain date , fletore that time tue ratez were made , Now other roads are taking action to prevent coining in contact - tact wIth tlio Interstate Commerce commissIon , having sent circular lettersto the agents at all poiiita on their hine. , warnln thcmmm that. there must lie no favoritism shown In the granting of freight rates , amid that agents disobeying would be diornisuod from service. Tlmese circimlars have been sent out wIth the greatest secrecy , for tear that if the Intoratate Commerce comrnic.mlon discovered tlmat ouch a circular was necessary they nmighit be called to account and past history looked into , fniturtnnt Legimi i'otnt Settled , DUNLAP , Ia. , April 11.-Speclal ( Tele- gramn-Quito ) an importamt school treaaurer case svas decided In the district court of hlarriscee county today , The question at isoue was whether a ipeetlng was held at the time flew officers should have beenclected for thie ensuing year , 'rho jury decided that no meeting was lieu ! , and that consequently no adjournment was imtade find the old tress- tmror , J. H , Patterson , was tlm lawful trees- urev , notwithstanding the fact that another treasurer lied beunelecled and had qualified. l'rost'rN ( of ii Flue Fruittin,1 , , M4II4VERN , Ia , , April ll-Special.-W ( ) , IC. Foiiett , the pioneer horticulturist of Mills : county. says that an examination of the , variouo kinds of fruit buds on his ircniises diclosooi the fact that. tlmey are In it' very thrifty and promising condition , The win- Icr has been favorable , lie says , and unless something yet occura to lrovent there will doubtless be a good yield of fruit of all icinds. _ _ _ _ _ _ Jt'vu'el College l'rt'siuieut Cuss'p , WEBSTER CITY , In. , April 11-Spccial ( Telegramn.-O ) , 0 , Stsgoberg has been chosen to fill the ofilce of prosidnt of Jesvol Lutheran college , mode vacant by the death of President 11111 a month ago. Time aelec- iIcn Is regarded as an eminently fit one , Prof. Stageborg has already entered upon hie duties. Fort flotige idiectric Line Arrziiugt'il. FORT DODOE , ha. , AprIl 1l.-Special.- ( ) 'l'iio route for the new electric street railway has been cbon , and the work at laying ; be tracks will be begun os"soon so the city en- glacer furnishes thio company the grade of Lime streets , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fort Dodge 1'r'aiyte'r Seat W't't'k , JEFI"ERSON , Is , , April 1l-Special.- ( ) Fho regular annual session of the Fort floilgo presbytery will meet at GlIdden , Tucaday , Wednesday 'a'Thtirtslay of next week. At this mnectrpg % mportant matters will be discuescil , nmomg thers Buena 'ista college , at Storni Lake , the denomInational institution , which is lit need of funds , ow- log to the herd tines of tim pact two years. Many of limo thosl prominent men in the denomination in tate will be pres ant and take active part. In the deliberations of the presbytery , anIhf , them lies' . .1. M. Greene of Fort Iodge 8 , halley of Cedar itapitis , home mlvsioiipj' ) let' the state : flew. A. C. ifayc of this eIt'r 11ev , 3 , H. Clapp of iloone , and others. At. this meeting delegates to time genefsirasaemnbiy will bo elected. Ci I so ii s IeiuiI ; td Ieuuituui ' , DES MOINFS , April 11.-Speclal ( ToIc- grarn-Tho ) city cotmnc'iJ meeting this afternoon - noon wac attended by a large body of ciii- rena to protest. agalnet 'sonic precipitate ac' tion the council is expected to take. The old coimncil will retire Apmli 20 and has under consideration an ordinance to give the Con- trill Tolcpbon company of tliI city a fifty year contract on terms which are regarded Its unfair to the city. ft is also proposed to buy a crematory amid build two bridges which the city at large dees not want. A vigorous protest was made againot these perfarniancee , and no action was taken. The council will be in aessioa almost daily till its term expires and it Ia expc'cteJ in spite of all efforts some legislation of this chase wiii bo passed. lOt's lipiii , ' ' Coirnetor Pulls. DES MOINES , April 11.-Special ( Toic- gramn.-J. ) C. Mardis one "t liii , oldest build- tag contractors In this city , failed today , with ilabihitiec of about $20,000. The value of assets Is ( loubtful , Thicy consiL mostly of district scliol bonds. Too low a bid on a large contract for rccting school buIld- ihgs is the cause of tbq failure. Attachments - monts and chattel mertgaos wore field for an aggregate of about $15,000. lie gave a chattel - tel mortgage of hmi ProPerty to thu Capital City Brick amid Tile company , icimii % 'iuIje 1)ruink , DES MOINES , April l1.-Spocial ( Telo- gramn-Jobn ) P. Tlmmubno , a painter living at Duncomnbe , was killed by the cars this morning while under the Influence of liquor. Given Thirty Years , WEIISTER CiTY , In. , April 11.-Special ( Tolrgrarn-Frank ) Taylor , convicted of incest - cost With his daughter , was today sentenced to the pemmitemitiary for thirty years. -S TIIi INViSiIIhi MAIIA'i'MA. lie is LoeiiteI Lit Nev York lunt Kept In CIte 1)uirk. The theoaphista have got a new Mshatma , or initiate or adept , orleader , says the New Ycrk Sun. Furthermore , it has been discovered - covered thiat hc is right here iii New York. The theosophists at tlieheadquartcrs in Mad- leon avenue will not mimicunco in so many words that le is in tew York but it is plain fropi their conVesation , that ho is. He is a foreigner , though. lie is miot to be- Caine known to men ae yet. Indeed , only a few of tim elect arc to know of his identity for the next twelve months. it may seem to thor wend at large an odd thing for the theosophists to hmave an invisible - visible leader after tey iave had two lead- era so nmch In evidojg's Mine. l3lavatsky and William Q , Judgb' Utit so it is. They bad an option on a vi1ble loader , for Mrs. Annie Besant isstiil jve'tnd ias often baemt talked of as .J' dgo's sdctaaor ; but however guarded the tbeasophit1'hre ' in their conversation - sation an to tim reatithintity of the new leader , they are , strquuatt in their demuiahs that Mrs. liesant Is o1'"ct1id be in the place held by Mr. Judge. h Js going off on another - other tazgent , it Es WfJ and Is trying to swerve the tbeosophistecto , a Hindoo move. merit and to form ncturrle solely for thq discussIon of esotrh pr blerns. This tbe genuine . theosophlsts tviilnhave none of. , When a SnAreportom.wemit to'Mr. Clanda Fahls Vrlghif to ask fqg jurther information ab'ut the prospects.qfth Thccsophtca so : ciety and about flelr new readei' , , Mr Wright was not inciiuic'o"grvb 'iaFtIculaf'a" 1 'it'frtb itj1I ' "The announcement made In this' morn- ing's paper , " he 'eaid'Ia substanttehly1cor- rect , lvherever yougotit , but there ln not very touch aa tp detail that I cag1ve you. ' "Do you know th new leader ? " Mr. WrIght was asked. ' 1 have knowledge of him , " Ito replied. "Is ho hero ? " "That I cannot say , " , , "lu lie a native or t foreigner ? " "Ho is a foreigner. " , . . . "Man , svoman or chId ? " "I refuse to answer , ' - "Is he to be at tlio convention ? " "No , for that would , Invoivo hmi , becom- inr known , and .tha , iiust not be yet. " 'rime convention Ic to be held iii the Mad- loon Square garden conert hall on Sunday. April 26. Although Mr. Wright did not like to acknowledge that ih' place of meeting of tlio convention hatibeen , , , changed froni ChIcago to thIs city at- the dictation of the new header , he amitted that it was done at the leader's suggecttc'n. The reacemi ascribed for the year of incognito - cognito of the now leader is a curious cue. Mr. Wright said ; "If ho vcre known , the trcmnenioua thought-waves that would come at him from , all over the world would , in his sertive conditiomm , kill bun , just as they killed the late Mr. Judge and Mme. Blavat- sky. On the oIlier hand , it knowledge of hit , identity is deferred tSr a while there vii [ be hess curiosity and tb's timoigbt-waves will have become settled , Moreover , imo will have time to form psychic connections with mumy pupils , and thus amiable ftlmseit'to work with greater freedom. " Or his power to make , these ccnnections Mr. Wright had no doubt. "I know iiip to be of great power and attainments , " he satd , "I know that at this prea3nt moment ho can tell tile character of every irnrsan in the society , although they are cii unknowui to him , and that lie can tell whmetlier any one is for or against 1dm as a leader. lie can tell aisc their statue and their mtai : , psychic , and spiritual condition. I have had a very strommg personal demonstration of these powers in tlme new adopt , " The society is fortunate in havIng In this now loader cois of better health than liii , predcceaors , for notwithotanding tile great. powers 01 mInd , worshipol ciii ! developed by the . Thecaoplmlats , Mr.Vrigtit. admits that geol health is ecaential' to great leadership , Of time iiew adopt Mr. Wright said : "lie has more vigor and opportunity than Mine , liiavatsky had or more than Mr , Judge lied in lois. last years. more opportunity I rnci that tile time is coming 'soon wimen the world viil have a striking demonstration of the miew era and of time fact that Lime ecl. ety lies a special work to do. I don't see just. why we have boei laughed at so much , butt iaugimter does no harm , and I suppose it will continua for a time in spite of Roentgen's denonetrations : of things upknowim , To those who are at all able Id stan,4 it tim dernristrg , , tion will be clear. Aft ? iKwiii come soon. " "And , what abou ; the j'st of the poosle ? " time reporter naked , .4 , , "For the other ; thm have to get cut , " sa'd Mr. Wrlgimt , "O1rso to students it viil tie tiio clearer. " - ; 'P.an you speak ot'tfcharacter of tht canting elemommstrationf Mg , Wright ? " "It wihi be a deniomistrattrn of the existence of the soul , " he answeedI"and secondly , of the fact that matter * swo now know it t : not all that it seems ; tfl1y ) , of thmo fact that man poSsesses hIIfihertJ.wrs than ortinary ! inentalityl ourthiy , 'gliinding that timey are human beings , Irving men , possesing : developments and abiity far beyond the average mortal man , aud further , that dowel. opment to such a poiuflporfectton Is pos- sltle to nil , " Mr , Wrighit said that vhile perhaps not all that had hmeen written about Judge was true , yet lie , Mr. Wright , belqsefi ) that Judge had , unquestionably , time pott of a b'gl adopt , tmat hi was i'i conimuneatton ! with the init'atea-thme theosophists like thmat word better - ter than Maimatanias.-ancj tbmat lie possessed powera of ziilnd far beyond those of ordInary muon. muon.The The new unknown , Mr. Wright aiti , had been kimawmi of a few of the elect for several years , but his time had not earns until now , * . _ viti 1'ii' fur Chin Joitt' , A pretty school girl vent Into a store In Geien , led , , to buy a tbbon for her hair.I I The clerk , who waa a tm'smart Meek , " pro. tended ito saw a mouse en the flor , The girl jumped and extended her saltatory of. tort through a trap dear into the cellar , I knocking out two teeth , I'ow she baa sued the firm fcr $3,000 fc' lepiog a practical I loker In its empoy. ONLY TWO TRY TIlE JOURNEY Oadmus Easily Defeats Pepper in a 'Race ' Replete with Pouls , PEPPER GETS THE WORST OF THE DEAL , Juuuhges llstemi to Cuimuuiulaimi is hulit lie- ciiume to Ciauige time ieclsion- liiimm' Mimecumlntort linril lilt , S N FRANCISCO , April 11.-The Ormnondo stakes , , valued at $3,000. at a distance of three miles , was the feature of time day's card and resulted in a disastrous overthrow. Only two horses went to thie iost for this eyent. I'aL Dunmmo'a colt Pepper opaned up at 1 to 10 , while Cadmus was backed down fron : 8 to 1 to 9 to 2. Cadnius led all the way at a slow pace. l'epper moved up on the third mile and forged a little ahead in time stretch , but Cadentla caught up to him under the whip. The horses came together two or three timne. , fouling each other , for almost a furiong. Pepper got the worst of the foul and was thrown ou1 of his stride , but Cad- inns won easily at time end , and was by far time stronger horse at tine finish , floth jock- ice hppearod to ho guilty of bad riding , in- asniuch as they kept so chose together , The judges heard what the jockies and vatrcmu had to say , but dii ! not roveise the decision , Time decicion very naturally created consid- treble cc'nirncmit , as the nmajority of the people appeared to hold the eplmuion that Cadmus first bumped into l'opper. Two favorites - vorites and fivO second choices .sero tiid winners , The weather a as floe and the traCk \vas good. Summnary First race four furlongs , 2.ycnr-olds , elI- lug , hurse 4ioo : Lurmilna , 10' ) ( Shields ) , S to 5 , von ; George I'nimer , 103 ( Mackiln ) , 5 to 2 , secommil ; Alma , lOd ( li. Jones ) 4 to h , third. Time : 0:50 : , SIster Adele Vilcimig , The Roman , Cyrus tRing , Link iloy amid Gratis also rail , Second rac one mile and a half , selling , iurae $100 : G , 11. Morris , 160 ( Cochirami ) , 4 to 1 , vun' Artieus , 100 (0. ( Sloan ) , 15 to 1. second ; l'orenuost , 100 ( Piggott ) 13 to 5 , third , Tune : 2:40. Flu , Coyle , L'rix , FUr- tiila and i'ersetis also rail. Thiirii race , three miles. the Ormonde stakes. 'aiuo $3,04) , 3-yoar-olds : Cadinus 101 ( MackIln ) . S to I , von ; I'epper , 10 ( Cochran - ran ) , 1 to 10 , second. Time : 5:12'/ : ' ' . Fourth race , live and one-half uriongx , seihimig. heats , purse $100 : First heat-To- nine , SO ( Slaughter ) , 4 to 5 , won ; Iungarven 101 ( Cochran ) , 3 to 1 , second ; l'erimups , S ( Johnson ) , 5 to 2 , third. 'rune : i:00 : ½ , yal. icute , Fleet anti /oolein also ran. Secomid heat-Dumigarvon , I to 5 , won ; Tonino , even second ; \ aiieite , 200 to I , tiiim'd. Time 1fl4 : ( : . Zeolein I'orliaps and Fleet also mu. Third hieat-15iimigam'ren. 2 to 5 won , 'ro- 111110 S to 5 , second , Tinmo : 1:10. : Fihhi race , muilo nnd one-sixteenth , hanthi- cap , a-ycnr-oids and upward purse $100 : Sir Vassar , 107 ( Piggott ) , S to & won ; St. Lee , 00 ( Slaughter ) , 5 to , I , second ; Logan , 104 ( MnclcIin ) 9 to I thlrl , 'I'imne : 1:49'4. : Sis- tom' Mary , Peter it and Collins also mu. Sixth i'ace , mile anti three.eighiths , over five hurdles , handicap , purse $400 : April , l2 ( cancy. ; 3 to 1 , won : Siivemado , 131 ( P. Murphy ) , : m to 1 , second ; 'reniphemore , I2 ( Boyd ) , 8 to 1 , third , Time : 2:26'h. : Sir Reel and liassanlo also raml. Sevemithi race , seven furlomigs , selling , 3- ycar-olds and upvard , purse $100 : Adolph Spreekeis , 101 ( Slaughter ) , 4 to 1 , won ; Serr vice 112 ( Shields ) , 5 to 7 second ; Goodwin , II. 109 ( Jomues ) , 3 to I , third. Time : 1:2S : % . Unity and Mosier also ran. HEAT ANOTILEIL WOuLD'S RECORD , Robert Elgreut 'throws the Iluirnimies- flu Astonishiiiie Dintnsice. SAN FRANCISCO , April 11.-Robert W. , Edgreh of'the University of California has again beaten the world's ammer-throwlng rec9rd. Fromu the. regulation seven-foot ring ho hurled a sixteen-pound hammer the. astonishing - ishing distance of 148 feet 5 inches. ThIs wa over three feet farther than the world's amid a foot farther than Edgren's prtuvious homig thro'whIcht waS disdredite ] by Mitch- 'I1' into 'bt the'NvYork , Athletic 'ciub. It was becauz of Mitcheli's doubts that' it wa iirran'ged to have Edgrcn 'make an effort to 4upiicate his teat' under circumstances that woukl heave no room for cavIling , oven alL though lila performance could not'take rank as an official record , hence thue trial took place 'in the presence of five persons , all of whom ohserved carefully the weighing , measuring and otber formalities incidental to thet complete pleto cstablishirmnt of time facts. ' . Iuumporlmiitt to LEXINGTON' , Ky. , April 11.-An fin- portant meeting of owners , breedex and trainers , embracing all the heading timrfmoa of the west , is called for Lexington April 29. Guaranteed stakes and other turf matters will receive attention , AUSPICIOUS Oi'ENING A'J NEWPORT. Siz Thoumuniul People Attend the' Itaces on OpemmIumr 1)miy. CINCINNATI , April 11.-SIx thousand peofl plc , one-fourth of them women , attended the opening of the first spring meeting f the Queen City Jockey club at tue now. Newport. track today , Thou weather was simply perfect , ahd the track was in splendid - did condition. The now cnurae is well ap ; pOinted. The greatest difilcuity at present is the. lack of stable room. Only 3' ) stal. were completed. Five of tile Brown starting - ing .maehines vIil be iii operation Monday. Results : Ftrat race , Inaugural scramble , six fnr- longs , purse $400 , for 3-year-olds and upward - ward : . Prince Imperial (3 to 2) ) won , SlOkel (4 to 1) ) second , Zamiono ( S to I ) third , Time : 1:1514. : Second re-co. halt miey , purse S300 , maiden 2-year-old liHies : 'rue Iltossom (5 ( to 2) won , 'l'empesta (7 ( to 1) ) second , Lady Eon (12 ( to 1) thtrI. , Time ; 0:5l. : Third race , one mile. purse 500 , for 3 yeam-olds : Kirk (8 ( to 5) ) von , Muskalopge (15 ( to 1) ) second. The Banker ( even ) third. Time : 1:41. : Fourth race , onO-half mile , purse $300. ! colts and Side mauIen 2-year-old geldinge : Partner (2 ( to 1) ) won , Oew-eow (0 to 5) ceconti , Srng (10 ( to 1) ) third. T.me : 0:51 : % . Fifth race , selling , iiurse $100 , for 3.yenr- ods and upward , seven furiong : Font d'Or (8 ( to 1) ) won , 'l'romom' (6 ( to 1) ) sceand , Spring- timim (3 ( to 2) ) tlvrd , . Time : 1il04. Sixth race , seven fumiongs , sellIng , purse $10) : , l'ekIn (15 ( to 2) ) won , Tough Timber ( if ) to' 1) ) second , Text (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:30 : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Race lt'suults mit ) leulphmiM , MEMI'IirStirll 11.-Results : First race , six furlongs , selling , purse $400 : Urania won , Ramomma second , Lucille ii third. Time : 1l6. : Second race. tour furlongs , selling , purse $400 , tar maiden 2-year-oids : Stentor WOn , Qalieo second , NeUie linicor third , Time : ' 0:51 : , Third race , Gaston hotel stakes , sour furlongs - longs , for 2.year-old colts : IlomLnerges won. Mot seoqd , Goshen tiihrti. Time ; 0fl0' ; . bQurthu race , one mile , peiilng , purse $100 , for 4-year.olds amid uiuuartl : Sandovai won , Mercury second , l'anjandrum thIrd. Time : 1:41'/ : ' . 1:41'Pth Pth race. seven furlongs , 'sering , purse $300. for 3-year.'oltls anti upwartl ; Princess Ilqso won , Rosmnore second , Trentor' third , Plume : l:30'h : , Sixth race , seven furhngs. purse $100 , ( or 3-yoar-oids and upward : filch 'rest won , Jane second , l'retendor third. 'rime : 1:31 : , Sn a Fi'mtumt'ise , , i'reumii'r IIe'i'Ie Idye'mf , SAN FRANCISCO , April 11-Tomorrow the greit , 100 mile rela' race , between the representatives of the leading bicycle clubs of-Clue coast , will be run oft , The course Is from Han Francisco to thin Jose anti baeic to Oakland , just 100 flubs , around San Francisco hay. Ten clubs have entered teams and such cracks aseigicr , Couhter , Foster , \Vehis , Vincent , Ulbrlcht , McCren and Edsvauds will ride in this race. Each man rides a' relay of cn mnhlee amid there will lie 11)0 ) men in time race , This Is the big cycling event of time year on time l'acitlc coast and for weeks tIme racers have been In active training for it , Last year the race uvuis won by time Bay City svtmeeiunemi , but thIs year oh the ciub3 are so closel matched tlmat any one is like ) ) ' to Ilnis iii front , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A us I smut S'iui flue SvIuusiuisu Iluset' . AThENS , April 11.-In time swimming contetts of the Olympic gaines today time 100 meter race Wami easily won by Ilajos of Iluda I'est , vhmo defeated over twetity competitors. 'rime 1,200 meter svlmming contest was wa today by halos of Butbt I'ost. Neu. 011(110 ot Austria won Itie V00 macicr race. The bicycle races were won by Mason , lb ) distances lieimmg two kIlometers and ten kiiomaetera and one lap. Cricket a t port Ontiujiti , At 9:30 : thus morning stumps will be' dtchod ( or a cricket match at Fort Omaha Ijetween the ( late City and the Fort Omaha learns , it set I bs snore of a practice mat ii han anythiog else. IIIONIIF'iT Poll 'FIlE Ci11'hiH. Anmnteuur Tleatrienis flntertnlumuiieiut , to ii. ' ( Iu'n in Umiv , The inangememut of time Creche hiss just compiCted arranements for a dramatic en tertainmnent to be given in the Creighton theater on the evening of Thtmrstiay , May 7. "The Bells , " in vhich Henry Irving Is se'II in the leading role , and "Nanco Oldfleld , " lit which llic''i : Terry tikes the princIpal part , are to b rodtmccd tmriler the three. tin of F , Ii. Short , The double bill I to be presented by a strong conupany of local ems. tours , anti time event it looitei forward to as one of the society events of the coming mnoithi , The Creche , for The benefit of thoac not famuiliar with the vork being done there , takes care of lilLy cimiidron daily , having two departnii'mits , a day nursery and a boarding home. Children under 8 years and over 18 months are admitted. It has lmt'en In ox- lutemico for the last nine years , mind uluring that timiie h5s steadily grown , it has on Rum average cared for forty.fivo chmihtlren daily for the last nine yearn , and during that time it lies not suffered a single death. It is siiii- ported wlmohiy by cemitributions , and the pro. deeds of entertainnments given for its benefit , SOUTH OMAW NEJ Tuesday afternoon time first eunuch niect. log of tue Joint Car Imispectors' associatiomi will be lucid at time Exchange huildummg. Time railroads forming the association are the Union Pacific , thmo lhmrhlngton , tIm Missouri Pacific , flock Islamiti , thmo Milwaukee and the Unton Stock Yards flaiiwmfy company. The officers are J , II. McConnell , president , anti W. T. Campbell , secretary. 'rime asaociation has boon itt existence cince Jumie 1 , 1895 , Ummiher tIme old system each road , for itt , owmm protection , was commipelled to keep a day and mmighmt force of car iii- specters on duty hero wimethior business was brisk or not. Between twenty.five and thirty muon Were employed , There was troimble ri ) of the timuo on account of tIm different 1mm- terpretations of the Master Car Builders' rulee antI a continual clash between time inspectors of the different roads and private line co'mpauuies , causing discatisfactiotm and delay. Often a car of packimig house product woimld be sent to the Itoclt Isiand and it svould ho rejected by tiio Rock Island imispector on accotmat of somne defect that , in hmi opinion , would prevent a fast run to tim consigned mnarket. While limo inspectors were wrung- hog abOut the matter shine other road would step in and take time car. This catmsed dis. satisfaction in the niechmamilcal and trammapor- tation departments and to shippers generally , Last April tIme seven roads got together and proposed a joint systemn of inspection. On June 1 the new system was put into of- feet , with W. 11. Cressy , a ( lisinterestell party fromu time Santa Fe system , as chief Inspector. Ito hell entire charge of Inspecting - ing , repairs amid oiling. Now , all of time old difteremices among time Inspectors are done away with and time work is heimmg do'ie with about luaU the force for- meriy employed. Under this management time interest of one road is the interest of amiottior , mme partiality whatever being shown , The schienmo hiSs given satisfaction to time packers , tlio railways and to tIme shippers and tlmere has been no delay whatever in receiving - ceiving or shipping freight. Time saving to all interested has amounted to a considerable sum monthly. Time meet- log Tuesday lmns been coIled to hear reports of the officero and make such changes as time year's experience dictates. .Itt flue Churches Today. " . " . C C. "Ilow We Are Save.1" is Rev. , Smith'a topic at thuo First Baptist church this morning. In the evening he will speak on "Time Church and the Laboring Man. " This forenoon at the First Methodiet Episcopal - copal church will be cetebrated the semiannual - annual anniversary , followed by the sacrament - mont of time Lord's supper. Time pastor's toliC (0 ? time evening ser'non is "How Shiall We Observe time Sabbath ? " 11ev. Dr. Wheeler's morning topic at the First Presbyterian church is "A FCirig's.Mls- take. ' The evouiing topiciui "Proclous Ptoni- Rev. 10. D. Gideon will specIe at time Young Mon's ChrIstian associati'mn at 4 o'clock this afternoon , Mr. Charle'u H. Daniels will preach in Grace Methodist church thmi afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Settleniesit Reached wi ( Ii Jefter. A settlement has been arranged botweeo B. Jettor and the city in regard to tIme , taxes on some Thirtieth street property. In 1889 Jetter jrnld $837 : nto time city trees- ury as a tax for' grading a portion of Soutim Thirtieth street , Time steot to be opened belonged to Jettor , but be never dedicated it to the city , The tax for time same amount paid by Thionmas Ryan was refunded iii con sideratiorm of lila dedicating hits part of the street to time city. Jetter has ben trying to have the city council ' .aieo the same notion - tion as did a former council in Ityan'a case. After considerable dIccshoa and wran- ghing the coumncllnmen fInally agreed , and at Monday night's meeting time city attorney - torney will be instructed to confess judgment In favor of Jotter tar $837 , Jotter will then dedicate three blocks and a half on Thirtieth street aouth of lOggers street to tIme city , 1feetIuag ( if Live Stoei Lxeluzmiuge , A special meeting of time South Omalma Live Steele exchange vas held yesterday - terday afternoon , at. which time ( oh- lowing delegation was appointed to represent South Omaha at time South Da- kate Cattle Growers' zmnntmal convention , to ba held in Rapid City April 14 : T. C. Shelley , W , H , Dudley , W , A. HiggIns , Brace Mc- Cuiloclm , D , L. Campbell , James G. Martin , \v. N , Babcock , John Fitzmoberts , W , J. Perry , 'V. F. Denny , A. M. Ricimsrdson , A resolution was adopted asking time repu'e- sentative in congress to urge time fuassage of house roil No , 7861 , Mr. Meiklejohmn'a bill to aid the sale of American meat products 1mm foreign countries by mimeans of reciprocity , i' ; n , C. A. lieuu'Ilt Tuesday evening at time First Presbyteriami church there will be a concert for the ben- cut of time Young Men's Christian assocla- Lion. Time following program will be men- domed : Cornet and plane..J. C , Cartey Vocal solo-"He Was a Prince" . , . , . . , . , Mi J. Ii. Mullen Piano duet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ItlItSeS Honey fleatllmmg-"Time Dutchman's ' Snmolee" . , . . , , ' . , ' , , , . . ' . " . . ' . " . . , , , , , " , . ' , , Prof. Beci Violin and piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' . . ' . , ' , , ' Misses JeiTrien and I'arkhtmm'et Duet-"Moonhight on thma Iflmimme" . , . . . . . . . . , ' . ' . , , Mrs , McCuiioclm and J , C , Cerli'y Solo , seiected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Gulls Reading , . , , , , , , , , . , , . , , . , , . . . . . . , Fred Winship - ) liugiu City ( iIH4sill. John Schwob lies gone to Kansas City to hive. ? .I , Benson lies recovered from a severe ihlumeas , Tlmo ice machines for time South Omaha brewery Imavo arrived anti work will coin- ' nionce 509Ti to place them in position , The California /tepiualt company it , preparing - paring to repair Twenty-fourth street , where hpies have been worn imu time pavement , A Bohemian Ancieimt Order of United Workmen lodge will be 'natittited ' Thuraday evening , April 23 , at ICoutaky's hall , All meunbcri are invited. Jacob Jasicaielc is the installing officer , Monday evening the official count of time votes cast at last Tueaday'n election wiil lie niathe by the city couniti , The recently elected city officials will then ho sworn in by Mayer Johmiston , News wee , received yesteday that Colonel 10. F , Savage , who was fur many yearp in the commisolon hu.simmess here and was at one time immnyor ef this city , was married at Clinton , Is. , oem Thursday last to Mica Elvirc. hess. As yet Mayor-elect Emmeor lies not an- nunceth his comnuilteemo amid he will not unti after alouiday night. It is uxpc.cte4 that ily- land vlii be eieetatl ine.iIeat of the ceumiel ! cmiii that Muilahy will lit. clumirumman of tht finance conmmttleo. A. 14. holbrook ef Albrigiit had lila pre- himinary' hearing in poihu court yecterday afternoon on time charge cC crtnmiumally as- m.'aultirmg Annie hcrnent. Iudge Cbriatunammr diseharged bite , na tlme teimouy was not strGni cuotighm to warrao lila baing held , Next Thursday afternoon time hiospltr.i to of ilie King' Daughters , whmich Is coniposet Beware of MorcuryF Whenever a doctor is called upon to treat a blood disease , time result nine titmice out of ten is that time treatmuemit is worse than time disease , amid in a short svhuile tite patient tinda hits comiditlon far worse thu It was at first , Time reason of this Is that miotvitlu stamtdimig time great progress mumade ims Surgery , anti 1mm somimc brandies of mimetic icimme , the doctors have fallcd absolute. IF to dlocovcr a cure for blood diseases , \Viicthmcr iii time forimi of pill , powder or' liquid , their treatment is always time sauce - potash and mimercury - which temporarily dry tip time poleote hi time systemic amid moo soomier has It takemi on time full effects of these powerful drtmgs , than that supldncss amid elasticity of time jotuta give va' to a stiffness , Lot- lovct1 by time racking paltia of then- ummatlsmmm , 'rhmemi follows loss of hair and flumgcr sinus , and creme decay of the bones-a condition mmoost horrible. Mr. henry Roth , of 1848 South Ninth atreet , St. LenIs , Mo , , was a victim of contagious blood poison-that worst formuof blooddlseasewlilcli has always baffled the doctors , He vas treated by a physician , and In due titmic ir 1 \ I ttf I -/\1 I1 17 ' ' , / Mn. HiNnv RoTir. nounced cured , but as usual , iii suct cases , time disease soomi returned , even worse than before , He says : "I hind severe pains in say feet and armmms , amid wascovered with smimall red sores. Another - other doctor treated mmmc for a hommg time and I vas agaimi pronounced well , but time disease caine backon sue again as before. I was in , a horrible iii' , amid the more treatment I received , time worse I secimmed to get. A New York specialist' said lie cquid cure mmmc , but his trcatimiemi't , which vas quite expensive - sive , did umme no good vhatcver. Mamiy patent mediebmeawere resorted to , but they did not reach amy trouble. I was stiff amid full of pains , imoy left armmi was useless , so that I waa ummablto (10 even time lightest work. This was iii ) ' COfl- ditiomi when I begati to take S. S. S. , and a few bottles convinced ammo that I was being bemmefited , I comithmmued time nicdicine , amid one dozen bottles cured she sound amid ve1i , My system was tinder thc ffects of umiercury , and I would sooti have been a complete wreclc1but forS.S. S. " S. S. S. is time only cure. for real blood diseases. It is guaranteed pure- iy vegetable and one thousand dol. lars reward Is offered for proof that It contains a particle of umiercury , potash - ash , or any other product of time chest- ist's shop. Time mercurial treatniemit of the doctors always does snore haromi Until good , 'Beware of nmcrcuryi Books on time disease and its treat- meat stalled free to any'address by Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. AMUSEMENTS , zgu.Tr1 : ! TONIGhT JLP L LV j' ( SUNDAY ) ( Amid Monday and Tuesday Nights. ) JAW. A. JIERNE'S "SKOILE ACRES. " "host American play that lies been written - ten 1mm ycars.-Chmcago ! Tribune. Seats -now on sale. First floor , SOc. 75e and $1 ; balcony , SOc and 75c ; guilery , 25c. BOYD'S ONLY. WEINESDAY . MA1'INEE APRIL It ) amidNIGLIT , Engagement ot America's foremost artist MR. NAT. C. PRESENTING AT MATINEE , "A GLE FOOL" Dy henry Guy Carleton. AT NIGHT , "AMBITION" Dy Henry Guy Carietomi , Sale of seats wli : open Tuesday morning at following lmrlce : Nighmt-Fims floor , $1 , anti $1.50 ; balcony , &Oe , 75o anti $1. Mutince , firsttioor$1bumicony _ ; , Soc amid 75c , ! : ! gvr , FRI. amid SAT , LJJ I. A.F Api' ! ! 17 amid 18 , - 'a MA'l'iiOid Sit'I'VutDiY , "have you heard Clue tary or tme : knifeD' STUART ROBSON Iii the great New York , Paris , London and hlemltn success , ' ' In RS PONDERBU1Y'S PAST , " tinder the direotion ofVM , it. If'e"'LION , 11m' ; It olusoim . . , , , , us , , , , , , i'ouid.'rbua' Whose pet name is Sammy , Sale opens 'i'hurniay , NiihtIrirst floor , 75c , $1 anti $1 so ; baleony , SOc ammtl 75e. Mat- limos-First floor , 75u and $1 ; balcony Sb , 75c , rpp ( 'DPII iI'rn1 Tel. 1531 , I tii ! uiritii i JjP.bxtoum hitur.aj , Mammagoru , - - Four Nihmta , Coummnmencing 'loutV .t'i' iimio. : 'i'ONZtlii'l' m1fl , llll1 2OII N1'IIIIY ' Ill 3ioil' Fuller , ima % Vililmu urns , Jumo , ' 1' , lt'i I ' umuui : io ot Iue'rs , ininc'riore rjeium'K n.ui.uu. Magnilleent cosmumes. Jmuihilunt ensemmmlale , N dyna lii srkri. l'rie'ei , Eo , Plc , 75c , flO ( ) , atTIN1 * VSI'igiAT ) , Ipril li.25-KIitio I'utumam 1mm 'the Old Limo Itils. A7I-.rwrI , CONC1RT vvii iri II4ILL , . , Cor , 'I'limtii uuiiui ilimrmmey Ills , fle'emmagunent of tie 11111111111 FoullY 1IIL rcIies1r i"romim lbs Easel . % tmualumu , Ltuidu. , lumg. tncmc , ms'rry ovemming , S to 12. Matinee ; Monday , Thursday 'anti imtuirdny , 3 to 5. o Mo"iarnea Anmes , Lott , Mibery. Cheek , householder , Mimumehaw , Taylor , Aberiy , i'ln- mcli and Stearns , will entertain at time houmme if Mrs. A , 1-4. iott , 'l'wc'ity'aeoomid and U utroota ,