Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1896, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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TflE OMAILADAtr1Y : -jt'flAYAt'1ttrA : ? 1t3 , 1896. _ _ _ _ _
: - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Ernfl Stemni wa g1en lccree In thn
tlitrIct ctirt yetcrby for $100 against the
ConcIt UIuff Iiiurance company.
Citn Stewart ? 'o. 123 wIll give a eoclal
2Il tJAIICt tucsday evcitn , April 14 at
floyAl .ranum IiaII Pearl street.
Am. D. App1cby ) iaa been glvem a tecreo
by Juilgo Stiith for Jwlgment nganst W. 0.
Iaw3 ; cr lot $177 n promIaory tiatc.
The 0rrn1 hotel , Council Bluffs. lflgh
c1a In every rcpcct , Itntes , $2.fO per day
nd upward. E. 1. Clarke , proprietor.
Th reguhir meeting of Fxcelslor 1ogo
No. 2 , Ancient 1ree and Accepted Masons ,
'viiI Ij , lieI.1 Mort1ay evening. VIsIting
brethren cor4ially invited.
:1te' : ; Lucite PorUrfleld will sing at the
MeII'R meeting in the Young Mon'i Christian
aa.clatioa this afternoon. Rev. IJyles of
Omaha vi1I give the nth1rvs ,
The floar4 of County SupervIsors made the
liberal offer of a reward of lOOO instead
of $100 , for the discovery of a profitable vein
of coid In Pottamattamle county.
Thu motor company ran out summer cars
yesterday. The new forty-fcot open sunilner
cachts vlii I ) ? magnificent vehicles , One of
thciii wat' taken out. for its trnI ! trIo yestcr-
Council camp No. 14 , Woo1meu of the
\Vorhl , will work in thti Protective degree
Mond.y , evening , It Is sIf.O expected that
t the , tliilia Guards of Omaha will give an
, exhibition drill.
IJ F' Eiclier hai' flied an answer In the
t suit. brought againit him by Receiver Ahli-
son of the Wc.'terti Home Insurance corn-
pany. lie ailegs thitt he has been deprIved
of a large sUtn of money rn cre1tts hih
ho paid and which do not appear on the
record of the concern ,
George Itodgers , aged 31 , cIlcil yesterday
at St. Bernard's hospItal. lie was tht son of
Jacob II. Itodgers. Thu funeral wI.l v'cnur
thia afternoon at 2 ocloclc from McDcr-
mott's undertaking parlors , from rhIch plac
the casket will be taken to the First Ihaptist
church. 'rhe body will be burled In Fairview -
view cemetery.
Three suts , each for $10 damage , have
been cominciiced In as many iutIce's courts
against Conetube Alborti In connection with
the seizure of the fighting dogs and pugIUtIc
chickoha belonging to Jack Whiittaker. In
addition to this , there Is a claim for $24
damage filed ngalnst the constable in the
district court ,
The Woodwards pleased another large
t house lasi night , with "The Streets of New
, York , ' vhilch 'as ehl Presentel. The on.
gagernent whh ; close tonight with the three
act comedy , "The LawyerS WedcVng. " l're-
p3ntlng Mr. Ashley Rush as Corydon i'ox-
glove , the lawyer. The company goes wct
to Grand Island , Kearney anti Denver , and
sv'hI clcse the season at SIOUX City June 25.
Two small boys , Peter Nelson and 1tichar
Dovenly , aged 10 and S years , wore before
Justice Cook yesterday to answer a charge of
' tools from an
stealing a hit of gunsrnlth's
crIppled old man flamel J. W. Boron. The
tcols wore found at the home c the Nelson
boy. The boys were too young to be sent to
ja'l , and after a lecture the Justice dismissed
them. but. not. however , until he had
IlaCel their parente tinder $50 bonds to keep
them out of mischief for a year.
Bring or end $1 to Syndicate headquarters ,
Nonpareil omce , and s.ccuro Cyclopodle die-
tlcnary on easy termi. W. A. King. repro-
tantatlve. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DsIIerOhI $ .
It a child opens a valve on a gael1ne stove
the chcnce are you are burned out. With
the Blue Flame Coal Oil Stove It merely
turne up a wick. Finest toast you ever ate
made In ( larno of coal oil atove. Cole &
Cole , sole agents.
Jnpasese camphor moth lahls and Persian
Insect powder at Deilaven's.
I'vItsoN.i. : 1'AIt.tltA1'1IS.
.1. B. flit'hel and family wilt spend Sunday
In LewIs , Ta.
Finley I3urke has returned from a busi-
ne trip of several days' duration.
Mrs. 3. M. William and Mrs. A , N.
p paulding of Trenton , Mo. . are vieltlng Mra ,
II. W. Sawyer.
: George II. Jackeon left for Waterloo , Ia. .
yesterday to attend the nnuaI meeting cf
tim grand council of th Royal Arcanurn.
S. ft. WadsvorLh was 'eported to be in a
crItical condition again last evening , and
his phyicians would not express an opinloO
concerning the outcome.
M'rs. C. A. Durkee and ber daughter , Mrs.
T. D. Campbell. of Cherkcc , Ia. , are visit-
log the family of their son and brother ,
George Durkee , 316 South Eleventh street.
fltving purchased from II. G. McGee his
entire real estate and rental busineas , all
rento formerly collected by him vihl be paid
at our omce , where all iuluiries concerning
any business previously attended to by Mr.
McGee will have our prompt attention. We
havti all of his lists and will give careful at-
tcntion to all property that nas been listed
with him. 11. H. SIIJ2AFE & CO. ,
I3roadway and Main streets.
. % , c 1)0 the Frtiiilighi
Why ? Because our goods arc the best.
Our prices are right , and we guarantee eatis-
faction. See our new pictures.
II. L. SMITh & CO.
For eale , span of young well broke horses ,
Cheap. 1150 East Pierce street , Council
I3luffs. _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Cleaver's office moved to 600 lhroadway.
Tflrk of the SIIIervlsors.
The Board of Supervisors adjourned yes.
terday afternoon. The day was spent in
the consideration of bills anti matter of a
urehy routine nature.
An appropriation of $400 was made for the
improvement of the Dyers road , The road
vihl be changed so that It will follow the
flock Island track .iear Neoia , and save a
number of heavy grades.
No action was taken on. the proposition
to construct a subway under the Rock Island
antI Milwaukee trucks just north of the
Iowa School for the Ieaf. County Surveyor
Cook ihled a Profile and a report of an in-
vestigatlon of the condition. Ills report was
adverse to the proposed subway , as , according
to the profile submitted , the road would be
under water every time Mosquito creek got
on a tear , The report was placed on die.
and no further action will be taken on the
matter unless it comes in shape of a prop.
ositkn to have the railroad tracks raised a
few feet to make room for a subway.
"Just tell them that you've seen iiio" at
the Durfee Furniture company's , 330 , 238
Ilroadway , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iloitmayr's Fancy Patent Flour makes the
best and most bread , Ask your grocer for It.
1ll.I'4i fr U Clenill II III ) .
Judge Smith wlil call the law docket on
Moiitlay , and will make an assIgnment of
trial eases for the rest of the term.
There will aLso be a vigorous enforcement
of rule 5 , whIch provIdes that any case
whIch has been on the docket a year without
any actlou having been taken will be stricken
from the docket , unless there is a mighty
good showing why it should be held up
longer as a live issue.
Colnzitbiii 111th iu School.
Cole & Cole , the enterprIsing hardware
end cycle dealers , have rented Chambers'
academy and opened a private riding school
from 9 to 12 a. mu. Frc to Purchasers of
their wheels , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Have ylu seen the now gas heating stoves
at the corapany's ofllco7
1hcemseil to % % 'sl ,
Marriage licenses wcro issued by the clerk
of the courts yesterday as follows :
Nante and htesideflco. Ago.
! latt F. Zdiiier , I'ottawattamie county. . . . 2 $
Mary A. Foote , I'ottawnttamio county. ,
Peter Petersen , Counci Bluffs , , , . . . . . . . . . , 29
ilisen Benson , Council Bluffs. , , . , . . , , , . . , ,
flmer Jam's , l'ottuwattnmnio county , , . . 22
Matie W'ood. I'ottowattamnie county. , , . , . 18
\\Ihiam $ Ilcuelt , Pottawattumie county. . 22
Nannie Itroctor. l'ottawuttarnie county.
W' . ) offer you only cleen. crisp , snow white
laundry v"rk and best delivery service at
Eagle launlry , 724 Broadway. Telephone 157
fi ath MiilKa'ti bouts . nd cottage pihuti ;
Just receivsd at Delisveu's ,
. , pE4wtQck _ , ,
'OPS ' NOT REMY ) j ( ) RE1Ol1
Pottawattamlo County's ( lontingent Turhu
Down the ( iOflllOil Bluffs Socklists.
Spill In ( lie ( ( Cimivemmthtmt lie-
NIIlM lit \itlidrnu til or Sochni-
ININ tlttali'r the Ieti of lN-
Cimimirtimmi ii Trn'ls ,
The row that bat , been brewing for some
tune between the rocialistis broke ycster-
day afternoon anti ( lie result was an opemi
rupture In which the sociahisto withdrew in
a body from tIme county convention and left
the populiis with a e'tammt dozen dehegatca
In a room that lmntl been Pretty vc1i flhletI.
Surfao indicatiom eero that the split
yesterday was ihtic aoiul to the fact that
the middle of thmo road popuihstii refused to
take up with the soeiatsL movement , but
thnro is another ithe to the story. It is
openly charged by nwmbo".m of tIme 'ocintistic
section who withdrew from yesterday's cot- ,
vention that the pep leactr.rn in time city of
Council flhuffr have boemi cilgagoil itt an till-
holy trafile In voles atuh 'anve ' sold out the
party it number of timet' , the last occasion
being no later than last ntonth's city dcc-
then. Tue charge. of brIbery v.ta mnado at
the city convention on Friday night , whcii
\v. F. Travk' , who has boon chairman of time
city central comniltue. resigned and wrote
a letter telihmig why lie wac constrained Ia
withdraw from tlu ptoltlt's party. lii his
letter , vhiiclt is a lengths but caustic deeti-
tiwnt , Mr. Travis explained that he had
espoused tue seiitlistlc .atis 00(1 desired
to renounce his allegiance to the POPulISt
arty. ilo _ ( lid SC for one reae3o because lie
thought the sociaiisti platform furnished a
better remedy for time reforms s3ugllt by the
laboring people titan uhid the populist schenue
. , id , then he had nnotliei reason , and he
gava it in the.o words :
"There has. however , been a poisonous
and deadly &erpent called around tue staff
of your banner and a loathsome moth gnawing -
ing the beautiful texture of its fabric. it
is needless to add that by the former I mean
fusion and by the latter bribery. Your ( IC-
croa'od vote at the las' CIty election was
doubtloO3 wholly attributable to tIme above
mentioned causes. Fusion is unknown to
eacialism and bribery and boodierismn have
itever yet four.d a place tu root their beads.
The platform , the candidates and the nuemn-
bers of the party are no subjects to barter -
ter or trade and woe be uo him who would
be so base as to betray It confidence. "
Mr. Travis concluded. lii resignation as
chairman et the committee with expressions
of gratitude to the men who had stood by
him in the honest. work for the populist party ,
alud a lromiso of war to the knife with the
assassins who had tr1ed to sell the narta
to the enemy. The resignation was accepted
and the city ccnvention selected delegates
to the county convention and adopted the
social.atic platform section by section. Delegates -
gates were appointed to bring in members
( morn time vards whiciu wei'e not represented
iii the city convention , and have them presented -
sented as delegates to tue county conven-
That was the situation when the conven-
lien met yesterday morning to select delegates -
gates to the state convention to be held in
Des MoInes April 22. The city delegates
were ripe for the adopt.on of the soallstIc
phatform , and the country tielegatea hasi an
Idea that socahists ! and anarchists were
synonyms and would have none of it. Only
a preliminary organzatioiu ! was effected at
the mcrning session. and the convention adjourned -
journed until the afternoon. At 3 o'clock
the convention met again in the superior
court room and Ilhhhtu Meyers was selected
as chairman and E. J. Orr recretary. The
committee on credentials , appointed at the
morning session , reported a list of accredited
delegates , and a rnotlcn was offered to approve -
prove the report. And then the mercury
went up a tow notches. Mr. Travis offered
an amendment that N. P. Hansen. N. Jensen ,
Nets Anderson , Robert Johnson , Neis Peterson -
son and Peter Christensen be admitted as
delegates from the Fifth ward.
Some one wanted to know if the gentle-
ineli named were populists. Mr. Travis re-
piled that they were populists and more.
They were socialists.
The answer started the rural delegates
.0 sniffing. and it was suggested that no
ec'aiists need apply.
Travis took up tile defense of his motion.
Ito read the call for the conventon in w'hich
all workers In reform movements were invited -
vited to participate in the meeting. Tue
socialists , lie said , were in line in a great
many measures , and that every populist was
a scc'alist in a degree. lie did not think
that the POPulist should Invite other reform
workers to come in and then refuse to allow
them to take part in the deliberations of the
convention. There was no question of the
fact that the delegates named were socaliats.
and they wore also popuiists.
J. W. Doriand and E. P. Brown . opposed
tIme amendment. Water and oil would not run
together , Mr. Brown declared , and ho was
opposed to mixing populiSm with socialism or
any other ism. After sonic d'scusscn , Travis'
amendment was sidetracked. and the report
of the committee on credentials adopted.
' [ 'hen the committee on resolutions presented
the following :
We demand :
1. Direct leglshntion.
2. Free coinage of slIver at the ratio of
16 to 1 , without waiting for the consent of
any other nation. Government h.suo . of all
nianey. the same to be legal tender for all
debts , public and private , and irreiieem-
3 , That thin government shall own and
operate all railroad , telegraph and telephone
II net ; .
1. \e favor any honorable unification of
reform forces.
Tacked on to the .report of the committee'
on resolutions svas a recommendation that the
platform of the socialist party be read and
considered and thut a vote on it be taken
without diiioussion. After seine talk the
queetlon was put and adopted , and tien Chair-
111511 Meyers asked that the convention pro-
ceeti with tIme selection of delegates to the
state convention. Breezy Breeze , Travis
and other delegates asked for the reading of
tIm s.cialst platform , 'is provided by the
resolution. They were promised a hearing
later on , anti ivero content for a little tune ,
The convention selected thue following mcii-
hers of thin county central committee to fill
vacancies : II. 1) . Stitt of Carson , 0.V. .
Honk of Grove , E. I ) . Snyder of hazel Deli ,
WillIam Ooborne. of Neola and Lewis llamii-
ton of Rockford.
Tluon a motion was made to have "General"
lftliy of Omaha read tile platform of the
soclallst PartY , T'me motion 'as carried with
sonic dissenting vplce anti "General" Kelly
arose. lie ald he would decline to read tIme
platform , as he did not coitmo as a disturber
of the itmeeting , lie desired nothing but
harmony , amId a unity of interest among re-
( ornu workers for them common purpose of removing -
moving the caue that led to the present
COtli I I hone-
That's as far as Ito got. II. S. Alexander
of iiardin township called a halt. lie was
opposed to speechmaking by any one otu tIme
socialist ido of the 1100cc , and objecte.l , cc-
imtcially to importing an Omaha orator to
read tue socialist platform. or make a speech.
"General" Kelly agaIn inumsted ! that ho did
not desIre to make a tpeech , and only
wanted to offer a word of explanation. 'ihe
elteir was against htimut , however , nd called
lilimi to order , Kelly quietly reached for his
cap and walked out at tlu room. "Come
on boys , " shouted an enthusiastic disiple of
sciaiismn , and the exodus waim a surprise to
the impulist leadors. There Were nearly 100
PtPl ° iii the recta. but when the door deed
witb the leet retiring s'ociahist , there was
just a dozen delegates left , and imiore titan
half of them frommu the rurul districts , Coun-
CII Bluffs PCis Itad gone ovrr to tile rirmlts
of time new reformers.
The rest of the work ws easy , and was
quickly disposed of. The following were
pel ctfd aB delegste o tli vte cgnv.ntion
at Dte Moinec ; L. 1. lirown of Neola , 11 , S.
\letmiider and Eugene Stumpfel of Iiartln ,
Ci , N. Iterniiigton of Ncoia , J , W. lorlnnd of
Lewis , J , Templeton of Garner antI Ir.
Fearon , E. J , Orr , M. hluitchinson end C.
L. . ( hilietic of Council flluffs. That endeJ the
trouble , anti the convention adjourned.
.SOCIA I. . iI.t l'I'ilIUS ( ) l' Thl I % 'lillC.
Teittli nni'erssir.vnf lime lii 411(011 (
' % V'il it I mm g mm Grem ; I A ITO Lr ,
One of the leading social events of tue
wrek was the tin wedding celebrated by Mr.
anti Mrs. henry lilebtom' in their pleasant
cottage home on hiarmlny street Frills ) '
evening. Mr. and Mrs. liishton are among
the oldest residents of Council Iliuffs , antI
a great number of their ld friends turned
out to give them a hearty reception on the
tenth anniversary of their Iraarricd life. 130th ,
although born across the water-Mr. flih-
ton in Maitchestor , England , and Mrs. lush-
ton In Dliludee , Scotland-spent their childhood -
hood in this locality. Mr. hiichtton crossed
tltt' ocean in 1845 anti came here in 1SSO.
Mrs. lushton $ arrivel as i little gin a year
later. Lioth endured all M the hmardehips
of pioneer life. Mr. RIsh'ton recalls time fact
that for six weeks in the summer of one
of thee early ycare lie anti his tather't
family lived solely upo 'pigweed" and
baked aquashi , Tile lntcrval was between
thin time when their previous year's stock
( if provisions had been exhlauetetl anti time
maturity of the new crop. W'hmcn Mrs. Rich-
ton grev into s'onuanhooti anti received her
education site devoted many years to tIme
work of teaching in the public schools of
Council thitiffs. As Miss .tgnes Farsytli , she
acqtiired a great reputation as an iuicator
amid manager or bad boys , She became the
secomid wife of Mr. Rhs'i'ton ten years ago ,
butt for the sake of truth atm veli as romance
It ehoulti ho stated that they were lovers
when each was a child , in the interval be-
tu'eefl his young manhood and his marriage
to Mips Forsyth Mr. Ithshton crssod the
Rocky mountains six times with ox learns
and tuttle trains. lie had nuany thrilling
experiences anti narrow escapes. lIe tray-
ehed ' 150 miles alone wit ) hii wife and one
child through a country infested with Iio-
tile indians. On one of his riturn trips in
1861 he s'as just one day behiind the terrible
tuaseacro at Plum Creek , Neb ,
Tiuo coniforts of his pleasant home as it
appeared on Friday night. ornamented with
all of the substantIal co'nforts of life and
brIghtened by exquisite flowers , was in
happy contrast to those rough old pione r
days. The guests brougl't with them loads
of all kinds of tinware for every known use.
One pretty little ornament consisted of a
scarf pin itiade of two tiny tin spoons tied
with blue ribbon , Elegant refreshments were
stu'veti during tlmo ovenng. Mist , Minnie
llancen presided at th gigantic now tiii
coffee pot and poured the coffee for the
guests , 'Imilo Miss Eva Coy and Miss Fan-
nb Brock acted in the capacity of waiters.
Among these preaent were : Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur , Mr. and Mm. Orcutt , Mr and Mrs.
Tulleyc , Mr. and Mrs. Senseney , Mr. and
Mrs. float , , Mr. and Mrs. White , Mr. and
Mrs. imlin. Ir and Mrs. Cleaver , Mr. and
Mrs. Schnorr , Mr. and Mrs. Danlgcr. Mr.
and Mrs. Joltn Cooper , Mr. and Mrs. Onren.
Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Phihlpps. Mr. and
Mrs. McBride , Mr. and Mrs. George Gould ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. McPherson , Mr. anti Mrs.
It. Turnbull , Mr. and Mrs. Moomaw , Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Bell , Mr. and Mrs. John
Cianeen , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenshiehds ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Childs , Mr. and Mrs. Finley
Burke , Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1-lane , .JuIr. and
Mrs. Dale , Mr. and Mrs. William .Alton of
Little Sioux , Dr. and Mrs. Ilanna of Burlington -
ton , Mr. and Mrs Wiieon of Duncan , Mr
and Mrs. John Mathews , Mr. and 'Mrs. Wli-
11am Arndt. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Waite , Mr.
arid Mrs. l3renniman , Mr. and Mrs. Drury ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. West , Mr. anti Mrs. H.
MulIls. Mr. and Mrs. Luring , Mr. arid
Mrs. Tostevin , Mr anti , Mrs. John Bone , Mr.
Mack Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Schubert ,
Mr. and Mis. W. S. Mayne , Misses MIznie ,
Maggie and Annie Hansen , Iva and Roberta
Hattenhauer , Mary and Lemma Simms , Dale ,
Gray , l3oyer , I3rock , Coy , McBride , Ella and
Edna Luring , Swires , Pile , Josie and Lena
Clausen , Dewey , Jefferis , Mrs. Fuller , Mrs.
Anna M. Jefferis , Mrs. Ann Whlttaker , Miss
Anna Roan , Miss IJessia Moomaw , Corrinmue
and Lida flishton , Agnes Forsyth , Misees
Jonnie , Willie and Nellie White ; Mossre.
Allen Jefferis , Fred Clausen , Walter LurIng ,
\vill lirock , Frank Gay , Gray , Frank Jet-
fans , Edmund Jefforls , Charles Jefferis , Norman -
man Fuller , John Sylvester ; Masters Edgar
White , Willie Schnorr , Willie Forsyth. Many
sent tokens of friendship and regrets who
could not be present on account of time to-
clemency of tile weather ,
Council Bluffs will not be specially prolific
in novelties during the remainder of thue season -
son , but society is doing its share toward
amusing theater-goers and will bring out
next week the play "Rosedale. " It. is a play
of exceptional interest and has the advantage
of increasing in interest steadily to the end.
We predict that it will captivate tIme taste
of the Council Bluffs people. Tile cast is
notable :
Elliot Gray , captain of the Rifle volunteers -
teers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W , L. Douglas
Matthew Leigh , a village doctor. . . . . . . .
MarIe Duryea
Bunburry iCobb. an old conservative
country aristocrat with somewhat
antiquated Idetum and inclined to matrimony -
rimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. Edgar Owens
Miles MeiCenna , a returned convict. . .
GoOro 1rughiu
Colonel Cavendlth May , an ex-olilcer of
Her Majesty's Guards. . . .Perry hiatiollet
Farmer Green , a servant of Lady May's
P. J. McBride
Romany Robb , a gypsy rufilan. . . . . . . . . . .
Ii. J , McBride
Docksey , a gypsy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corporal Daw of the Rifles. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v , C. lientiricks
Robert. a faithful servantWarren DaIley
Sir' Arthur May , the young heir of
Itosetlale..Francis McMillan
Lady Florence May , mlstrewm of Rose-
thule and Sir Arthur's mother. . . . . . . .
Mrs. II. L. Cummings
Rosa Leigh , , Matthew's sister anti life
of the house..Mls Jennie Keating
Latly Adelu Gray , mother of Eiliot. . . . .
Mrs. IV. . litishunell
Tabitha Stork , Mattlmew'mm housekeeper ,
with a soui ; . mper , bitt It
heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. M.olmnri
i'rirnrose , Lady May's maid , wIth song
I : , , " . . lrs. Froth M. Loomis
Sarah Sykes. Mtuthew's ; stuipid servant
, . . . . . Mrs Fred M , IMomnis
Mother Mix , a 'jusy hog. , . . W. L. . ltigtlon
Soldiers of thi Slmmnteer ititle corps anti
gypsies by members of the Ietlge Light
Another woman' , , club named "Onward"
was organized at time residence of Mrs.
George T. 1'he ? lAst \Vednsday afternoon ,
being a brnich o the University extenrion
movement , inaugurated by itt. Rev. Sarmiutel
Fellows of Chicaio , Mrs. S. N. i'orterfield
was elected presidtitl , Mrs J. Ii. Cleaver ,
vice president ; Mra. J. Ii , I'ace , secretary ;
with the fellowing charter menmbers
Medamei , A. W. Wyman , E. 0. Smith , N.
Jenniigs , .1. J. Gravatte , George Tulette , W.
Ii. Hunter , C. II. Sluerratiemi . S , Paulle mi ,
\v. 1. Smith , George T. Phelps , E. hunting-
toit , M , F. Rohirer , Charles It. Ilannan , M.
13. Mayimard , 'F. W. Joslyn , F' . B , Warner
end Miss Lulu Sherraden ,
A very Interesting raper was read by Mr.
hi. Coker on the "Depths of Stellar Space , "
taking a bacis for ihluistraticim the fact that
light travels through space with thuo amazing -
ing velocity of 192,000 miles in a second of
time. lie showed that if a row of posts were
spread arounti the earth at the equator ,
it would take 25,000 miles of
wire to reach arotintl , anti if tim
wire were contintiei seven tinues
arounti these ports , there would be 175,000
nmilcs of wire. Ness' , If an eiectrlc current
is etrurted. on its joutriucy , it would make the
175,000-mile journey hi less thuan a second
of limo , or while the 39' inch vendulum of
a clock vomild swing from one sitlo to thin
other , such a current would go from the
earth to tim moon in lestm than a second , and
to the sun In 430 sacondu' , a distance of
93,000,000 miles. And yet , the star that lies
closest to the earth. called Alpha Centauri ,
ii such an amazing distence from us it woulti
take an electric current , as it wings is way
along this iiiuaginary wire , not seconds ,
minutes , hours , ( lays , veeks or mouths , hut
four years would be necessary for it to reach
its destination. The naxt meeting of the
club will he held on Tueu'day , at 2 p. rn. , at
the residence of Mrs. Charles II. hiannan.
Mr.s. S. ii. Pace , secretary.
TIme Monday' Musical chub will nucet this
week withu Mrs. C. E. Wootibuiry.
Miss Carrie Dotige gave a party on Tites-
tiny nIght. it was a very pleasant but
wholly informal affair.
The choir of time First Presbyterian church
of Missouri Valley created much enthusiasm
by its singing at tlto Firet Christian church
of tills c'ty ' Friday evening. Despite the
disagreeable evening there was a large at-
tendance. The double quartet sang particularly -
ticularly well , their voices blending in per-
feet harmony. Time brIlliancy of Mr. Harris'
playing was greatly appreciated by the nu-
dicce. So many of our young pianists are
endeavoring to fester their reputations uupon
European fame. This is not so with Mr
Harris. h-ho never presents his program without -
out proper study , and does not strive to see
how marl ) new works lie cam bring out in a
given time. but rather to Illustrate the
beauty of music by playing whatever ho
undertakes with thoroughness and origi-
nahity , .
slot Boil Snsh.
Wo hao 1,00l hol , bed sash which we are
going to oiose They won't last long.
110w many .10 'OU wint , ? We will make you
I price that can' be duplicated. C. B.
Paint. Oil nd Qlas company , Masonic Tern-
pie , Council nlun's.1. :
Davis , only drug st'pre with registered clerk.
CITY AtM ) 'bOlJX'I'Y J.tiI.S.
Grand 'isls1lthi imimmi huM Simue
l'erlillCiLt ] teeoumiuiemmilmmtlons. ,
The grand jury adjourned yesterday afternoon -
ernoon for the term. Indictments were returned -
turned against 'a lai'ge number of offenders ,
most of then ori minor charges. The
llstus , , . ,
J. 0. Kel'y ' , disposing of mortgaged prop
erty ; John Leonard , larceny from a building
in the day time7 ; RInger and L. Davis ,
grand larceny ; Willtam Williams , breaking
into a dwhllng house ; Frank Smith ,
into a dwehllng , house ; G. W. harris , breaking
and entering a barn.
The grand jury also visited the county
and city jails and made a report on the
condition of the two places of detention.
TIme report was short , and in very plain
English. The jpry found the county jail
clean and bright , but stated that they had
had ocular demonstration of the fact that
prisoners were covered witlm vermin and
it was recommended that a trash supply of
clothing be purchased. The city jail was
reported as dirty , filthy and In sad need
of a general oyerhauhing.
Is it Worth Trying
To aiir
To bring the public generally in
closer contact with us we propose a
contest on the words ,
Royal Harcinian Piatto
And give the winner one of these $550
instruments , in any fancy wood , FREE
OF' CILARE. For particulars address
MllIIr PiaDo 8 ! Organ Co1
lr,211 Famriirmnm , OimummlimmNel , . , or
uni S. Mimiui St. , Courucil iIhuiffN , Ire ,
. -
t.tNX ll'fl fll'L'S iO'i'hI I Nfl ) X'L'lt.t.
City MitrshiiiIlI lie Cimlef or L'hioe
for Nthmlmmg' $ or ? m1nt a I .til ,
At the republican city convention , when
the preaent mayor , city marshal antI ether
elective offIcers were nomlnnatcti. a resohuntlen
was introduced anti adopteti as a iihank In
the platform pledging the immnyor , It cictcd.
to appoint tIme city marshal as chief Cf t -
lice , anti pledging the marshal to servo in
that capacity iii atidition to lilt customary
duties , and rio it witltout my additioiial sal-
ary.This plan woe selected tor tIme liurpese of
carrying out. the wishea of tine pcopi far
the abolishment of eithrr the chUte of thto
chief of police or that of the mnnurslmal. There
wOre two reasons for the domuuund , Since the
atioptiohi of the new chunter creatimug the
offIce of chief of police there hmnma always
been more or less friction between the two
forces. The marshal and his deputies shioweul
a desire to work alone a'uil the pollee hover
seemed to ho conu'unned rltb a desire to
work with them , The other reas.n1 , anti it
sas thici chic ! one , \'ail the denmaumti for curtailing -
tailing city expenses.
When Mayor Carson matie imis appoint-
incats he stood by the party platform anti
appointed Marshal Cannm.lrg elliot of police ,
anti Canning accepted tIm increased respon-
uibhIltie anti said nothing about extra pay.
iluit in spite of all this ti c question of extra
camnpensathon for the marshal has been
brought tip , anti some ot the members of
the council are talking about some sort of
a conniprornise. Some of tIme aldermen have
expressed time foamthtat if the marshal makes
tlio thtunnanti for extra compensation hue can
cchiect nil of Chief Scanlan's salary in spite
of time city coumneil or the pledges in the
nominating convention. While Mr. Canning
has given nothing more than a hint that lie
would accept any favors in the way of increased -
creased pay that the council might veto hilmim ,
ito imna nmade no sort of tlelnanti for it. Tme
conipromise umioat discum-ti by the ahtiernmcn
in their etreet talk is to settle all rlisputc'
anti do justice to Canning by fixing his salary -
ary at $125 a month. On July 1 tue law
abolishing tue rmmarslial's omce takes effect
anti titci aldermen argue that it would hue
better for the service to pay a small atidi-
tional eimnn for the extra dutlei of the mar-
shal'tu office than to get 'oto a wrangle rind
keep the force disorganizeti until that time.
"You can tty as clearly arid as st.roiigly
as the English language can express it hunt
there will ho no increas' , of time marshal's
salary as long as can prevent it , " i'aiti
Alderrnami Brown yestertlay. "Mr. Canning
was elected upon a platform distinctly pietlg-
ing him to accept thm 0111cc of chief of po-
hico wlthiout any additional compensationi ,
and I ann going to do all I possibly can to
assist him in keeping his pledge. Ratimer
than see one dollar addetI to Mr. Canning's
pay I wIll use all of the power I can coni-
niand in the council to secure the reappoint-
macnt of Chief Seanlan or any other gooti
man. The people demanded retrenchment
and they have a right to expect It. I will do
everything I possibly can to avoid committing -
ting the present administratIon to thin policy
of violating its ante-electlonm pledges within
the first. week after organization. "
Associated with Alderman Browmi is Alderman -
derman Casper , and he Is equally p3sltivc
in his determination to eritorce the platform
pledges. Although ho was electeti on the
dennocratio ticket , with time assistance of
his colieaguo , Altierman h3rough , he will
make a hot second to Alderman Brown's
proposed fight.
Another of the republican menmbers of tiuc
council , 'hio tloce not want to be quoted.
will also second Brown's efforts to prevent
aiuy increase in the nmar.tual's pay. Tlue
proposition to enlarge the city jail building
sumciently to make an extra room for the
usa of the desks and instruments in tIle
chief of police's omen line been favorably
acted upon by the council. ThIs will coat
several hundred dollars , and if tile nnar-
shale salary is increased it will wipe out
all of the savings made by the new order
of things. _ _ _ _ _
Wanted , about six gentlemen to board
and room in private family for sunnimier.
Pleasant surrotiidings. No other boarders.
Address L L , 13cc 0111cc.
Wall papsr cleaned , new process , with
patent right at Miller's , 108 Main street.
I I ir
WEINEiiAY : tntlT1IUItSDAY ri ItJ ao
EVENiNGS : : :
Elaborate Production of
Lester Wallack's Great Play
Unuder tiio Auspices of
A Superb Production of a Superb
Plai' .
I'flICES-7c , rOc itiil : ic. Seats UI ,
s.nle ret box olilce 'I'itesdtty , Aprii II ,
te a. all.
- _ .
- - -
. ' ' ' '
PresentIng tiit4 Three-Act Comedy.
The Lawyer's Wedding.
:180 Lmmiiglt' . In 18 ( ) Minutes.
fl &
_ _ _
t1 4- ' & '
. _ . CD
et1J .e4. : ' qe tnt 4f I .t
/ . , I /
f 4 , e I . 'I r
. 1e- &
, i
4 ; :
. "I tm
Oh ! What a Blessing is a Bicycle !
+ \ Aside traits the plensiii'c tlicrmi Iii In li3y.11ing , it s the most econolhilo niethiod of trtng-
. portttioii ; tIiit oiiti can IlR'e , Vhio svoihld exehiuiigc ii free , opemi.tii' : spin oti a vIiecl lot' ut
i ide In a sttthly , itlnhberlng iItvdct cam' ? All shades und eoihditjoiis of jisen ttiid s'oimieui sue
' + l iios % ' IOkilig ( iilt ( ) the utility of titti bicymk , Don't o'ci'1ouk the YtI1Ingtoii niitl the Ilttiii- ' . .4-/
iltoti , 'l'ltoy ttI'.i the best ,
I Van Brunt & Waite , 12
ttEA1.n oi. ' SPEAL1STS.
A\1IRS1ON 'l' ( ' ) BIilNG ! 3LI1) ) I N 'El LU MA' ! ' I'IR OP PEIS.
Iiivtt1kls ; hiit Elud tlio 'ny to Sihtti Ioetor ) \'hin 'mViII 1o 1'Jicn
NeItIiei t I1L % 't'Olig of 'iIn1ui'itotuec uot the Vioiig of RIlhcl'v ,
The proper course for those affected by
the first s'mpiohmls of any organic' tlilhiruhty
is to conisult miii honest nim'i CtlpmihlO ltli ) ' !
elan. Thote lie entertaIn on ongi ) ' fear
of bootilo speeiahls9 , an angry tuVisloni to
tieltig hicartieutsly h'led ' In the immatter of feet ,
lutist inquire the way to seine doctor vhio
wll ! do them neltiner the wronug of inal-
Practice nor the wromig of robbery. lidotlie
speelaists rio abound , in 1,1gb idares anti
iii low. 'l'hiere is ho qttest'nui ntuotmt that.
lint with hiundreds of Ph3ticilutmt lii cur
flutist she are honest , faithifuml anti htinunmnc.
itrud CsICCiahl' ) vlthi the tlonrs of irs. Cope.
lrtimui anti Siiepnt'ti witi OIC11 to the side
itiuti atitk'tel. extending to rich , nilti poor
alike time preciotma benefltt of c'nhlghttoneti
scIence at the merest nominal ehumirge anti
till nieu1ieimt , free , it it not lueceasary that
nnmy smmfferlnmg imnortal iii Omaha or vicinity
elm tmiiti ; e I t her be hi umrni oti by tli e specialIsts
vhmo nrc Incompetent
anti tmnwrtIm ) ' or
n'obiued by 5iieciallts vlio are dishonest anmi
umlmniereimut ,
'i'll I.t I. 'l'hti.'I'lL"'p i't HI.
Stufferers 'huo mum ) ' Co rlc'Irt will hue we'l-
conneri to a trial trentnno'it frOc mm apply.
ing in Person ,
lAhir.Hs'h' ANT ) 11IIS'V.
'l'i filth . lImt't' ( mmli ( ' , , iulp , sit n large
metiti ( 'ne'l I 'Iw hlrrtetIe ( 'otmeimi nal
II mmmi Shi epa rl't ( 'itosul ( :1 t lou rohlms II CC'
llet't.MNlhh ; . mtti ( 'UlIseti It.mi I. 'Vii < 'Ii'
ltliorr. tlirl'JC II re iii iIimmrg ; ' oh a
isteremi IIimtrmmmnist , ivhu m r'pil ret.
every mtres.rl 1,1 imm vI ( it slIl I a liii
( 'II i'C. 'Iii ese iii , % 's I ( .1 n us hit , V&
( 'till itiiieti I for I Imrmiaghm imrotessipirm I
'ii l , 'I'Ii t'l r situ ( .1 OlIN Nil I ( ' a I ito r-
lors ott ( Iii. ( Ii iril , , , , the Ni'i-
; iik 111 ; ' bnhlshiiig , mm.Iti , S'hli ( fromit-
Ilgi' emi hiothi Vmmmnniiu ii uoi Sevenle'emi $1 ,
MI re'ts. ( ' ( must it ii t.s , vl tliii I ,
I lie' II ; rgt s ( miii , ! lt't.t , rIhIiIoiiItei imtedi-
( 'ml I uIIIce I me Nt'hrnstum.
Hxiecte.1 Crerl li'iieli ( s rmntl ' , VltC tot
1)isn p ; mm ( I'll ,
ttrs. , r , F. Gliluem't. Ashland Neb. , a
higimly esteemed latly of that little cit ) ,
s'ri I es :
"The u'erioums state dm my health when I
began your treatment mnn' be understood
'heti I stty that. Iii ) ' hearing seriously
Impaired , as vell as my 03'eSiglit. y
vcca organs were so affected timnt nut tIrne
I coulul not talk plaiti. I suffereti from
severe hams thmromngh , the lungs anti utnuler
the sIotnlder blndes. My whole system
wnu4 broken tiown. I felt veak and tired
all ( lie tIme. and I never had 'lmat imealtiu )
peopo : would call a tmooul night's s'eep. As
to appetite I Inati none , anti footl always
caused mLer ) ' in my stomach , These
were the Symptoms that vere-cvery one
of thenm-a tlreadfmii reality to me , anti
slnco I am restored to health I don't see
how I was able to endure and stuffer so.
I on t.
. , x knew from nelizhbors anti frienitis that
Drum. Commelanti and Shepnrd hati cured Itun-
tireis of women , oven worse timan I wn.
anti I made up my mind to see what cotulul
be tione for me. After three tinys of treat-
nient I felt a real improvement anti when
the first month was lip , w rtls fall to expres.
how much I had gaineti in comfort anti rest
and strength. Of course I hat ] expected
hernp. hut hail no idea in a single nnonth I
Wouilti get back so mucim of my lost lnen'th.
it did nmot. take long to finish the work of
"MY advice to invnlitis is to write to Drum.
Ct'polatmd anti Shcpartl anti niutco themselves -
selves untier tineir care. I 'ili be glad to
votich for this statement to any anti all
'ho may inquire. "
tIm's. ( flhlert's ermse Is tL typo of imizmii-
thnt ( lC'IIt' Iui the irtmelIee tif irt ,
Colielo mmml a nut SIeirrii e't ry ivt ek.
A ny iii It IL 'hi a CII CON I o I t'II I' II Ill 0 l'e
MIl4llhIi Imthirt'p4s 11 rs. ( III'rt 1'IflI mtem-
tiniemit InquirIes 11 $ tO the ( nets sime
relrt let . -
Mr. George Dentier , Shelby , Iowa , son or
B. B. Dentcnmnember : of the Board o. '
Supervisors ' , h'ot tnytmttuiniic county , writes :
\iy hiersonal experiemice Imunket
; It a grateful -
ful miut ) ' to Sti ) that I regal-mi your treat-
niClit In Olttlflntte cnnrrhinl ( affections anti
clmroniie flihtumeni , as excectiingly hhloroulgI )
nutti . suletl'essfmil , I s'llI eritiorse your utah
) .Ouir som-lc met every Clportttimlty , "
* 5.00 A MONTH.
Ditnnt hinttldfltt. nrC s'cleomne to otun' fa.
nioums SIIlhlolfl ( hiltutthts , that cover all
chronic discnt , \\'rt' for ( mcmii ntmti get
a fret' anal carefmil opinion fetmin Phi'Plctnrmu'
'hmn treat hiunitiretis of cast's every rn nth ,
If )0U take treumtimmeiit tIme fcc is $5.00 a
nioiuth , niedicines itmeutleti ,
TlI.I,1 ( Ills llIihiNl5.
A 'ehi lCmmw'im Iltisitit't.s 3tmiit of ( otin-
elI hliuffs Alds ii I , . l'ersonni
Sttt'lSmClmt ( n thmt. Mit' . , . or Hl-
tIt'im't' .tl remmtl lie'foro
( lie i'tiiml le.
Mr. Joseph Ii.'elshm , P50 Fifth avenue ,
( 'omiiicil Ilitmifum , is lurolurictor of the C' 11.
l3tit ; nmud 'rrltimsfei couuptutm ) . 3 Ic is veli
kimovn thmroutgiiouit his cIty anti county nnmd
imitu expel ienice will b read with spccla in-
( crest. 1I say's :
% - . : - . r-H ;
, , . t
, : . ,
, ' , . .
ff .
' I
.IOSEPII It. w'iLSii , C.tnndll hhltmfts.
' 'I vouild say regttrhinmg the effectivt'tmes
of thin treatment giveni by Irs. Colteinnil
and Sineparti , on s'imnt you mnitght cull ri.
lirtuctIcally free ( masis , ( mat i ani able frpn1
personal experience to tell my friotmtis null
ahmut it. I Ilmive beeni greatly inmipresuteti
ssithi their skill in hirtnmtilng nil ) ' crise. I
authorize timlut Iless'u.pruper Btatemnent In hopes
that it. may inc.reumso ( lie scope of these
Imilysicians' turactice , and ilmereb ) ' be a teal
benefit to the public.
' \Vhen I vent to timonmi a shmort tinmo ago
I was unable to follow my lusinenms , I
\'as weak , unlsernble.umniti dejected anti vnut
getting worse every tiny. I teetnt'ti to
lack both 1)11 'slca' nimtl timental strenigthi ,
antI aumy exertion of ininti or lti ) ' mnntio me
flervcutis and Prostrated. I hmnmti severe
hictutiachies nil the tiiume. Itoh immerely a little
rlisconnfort in tim lientl , but so itmticlm real
agony anti suffering that fi'ommu ( hit cause
alone I m'as ticarly an invalid. My eara
\vere constantly lmuuzztng and rinigng , with
frequnent 51)0115 of ( liZzitleSut.
' .ly . digestion vnts mm IL vrotchetl state.
At times I could eat nothming , anti tlmere
was an entire lack of nnltut'at iitnnmgcr that is
common with healthy peo'e , i.ty stotimach
% 'as sore anti talnful amid always sour , tuniti
there seenmel to ito a total hack of umnitural
action of all my digestive organs.
1 regai'th theIr sucress in hnuutmuillng my
long standIng tromible as exactly In keepinr
with their reputationi , After a short period
of trcatrmient I found nmyself lmrnetlea'iY free I
from tuli catntrrlttl trouble in ( lie henti niud
mmtonmacli. I nmrmt dli yinmg excellent hmenitiu
in every respect. annul , to cO'er the jmlnt
briefly , improvement from time start Imas
been gratifying beyond all eximectntionm. '
omce Hours-C to it a. m ; 2 to 5 p. m. Eve.
nings-'Werinesda'a and Saturdays only.
6 to 8. Sunday-jO to 12 m.
Yoit Btty -
a Bicycle ' /I1IIw '
It pays to buy the best ;
It pays to buy wheels of honest value !
You want something for your money ,
Do not be misled-you can't affcn'd it !
You will make no mistake when you
choose a wheel covered by our guaranty
It pays us to offer the best for the money ,
and ridei's now appreciate thefact ,
_ aloise as tIt
Tribune Bicyc1esst
resciatative II igli Gi-ade
% VliccI ofthie dItY-$100.OO
Deere i'1ode1sT1' ° nekiiowledgcd Iceudes' of
tIme niediutimi priced high gm-tides
Fully titi'niitccd and built
Sylvan Model i'ide , . . . . . . . .
_ Tht best low vrlecd 'lmeel on
% L'Ioliiie '
Special thit. : iiiiut'kct. 'I'htis vlicel Is
110 "itool pigeon , " but it boisa fide bltyi t uttiti ivlll stauid up
We carry the largest and most complete line of
Stindries (111(1 Supplies in the mid-west ,
We arc general western distributors for the famous
fk'czilcs 1'I'ood Ri'n , the wonderful "RJirm" Saddle ,
and the U. S. cyc/oma/er.
Liberal discounts to Dca'e's and Agents.
Write for catalogue.
DEERE , WELLS & 00 , ,
J. 'l' . FINDLEY , Local Agent for Counci Bluffs , 'I
WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Local Agents for Omaha
- - - - -w
Entirely - r
Oii t he D og-
ciii tumid thu vtrin are oeces.atj 14. You hays nice tock-just wht people
. Junot.-but toeoiuro to rattlln ; good timn wient-bu goods won's sell unle5 $ you
Push the Dog Push the Business