fli' ' - _ - - ii - TT OHADA1LY ) , AeRrr J , tsm ; . _ _ _ _ - . - = - - ' /J \\TA1TS \ \ FOR \VATTLES' \ ' I Morcr ; Docs Not Know What to Do with - thoEzpa1tion Bill. CAN PASS THE ALIEN MEASURE ANYTIME .flfl tory. Sti 4)i ) I'IiI&z' .r tIC ! Got'- erti.itist % 'IIl t ( ) I'n r ' 1' ) iii'iI I'4.NlerlPlg Ft : * I It ii.Isi i411 * It . Securing Slt.te Sititort. \VAS1IIGTON , April . - ( Tele grarn.-Congrsrnan ) Mrcer b conId.rabW . put out over the actiGil taken In the vnnto yesterday In pasTng the Allen epoztInn bill , that t1es not carry an appropriation of a in . gle dollar , but lmpIy pledges the government - ment to spend $200,000 when neceseary. 1r. TIercr wired Pre8ldent Wattles ot thE' 1Xl ) iltloii aoelatlon today a to the wlhe of the people ot Orngha , &atlng that he coiilil pa almost lrnmo1lately the senate bill , If y the vliJh ot those Interested In the ' , . . 1 OxlD3 tion , The Nebraska senators etite that nnythfng beyond what they reelvet1 'was out of the question , anil that the plega of the government to Partfrlpate would go far to aroie entIiuslarn in .totes outsIde of NebrL'ka ' , an(1 would greatly facilitate the voting of approprlattonB on the Part of other tnte. Until lie hiertr from tha PrCi&1ent of the Fxposlthon association , Mr. Mercer vh1h 410 nohitng. ltolresFlltatlvo MelkIejoho succeeded In as3lIig today a joint renlutlon , ( htroetlog the tcretory of war to submIt a Plahi and eathtnato for the liiiprovement of the Nebraska ilde of the M1E1300r1 rIver oppoelte SIoux City. The approprlittton for the ceitimato hhl be tacked on the river and harbor bill In the eenate by Senator Allen , fleprrientatlve Ilahtier , clialrniati of the relubllcan state central commIttee , % hhl , In all probabilIty , leove for Nebraska loiiday evenIng , to attend the state convention. Should the fortificatIon bill , however , not be depoed ! of , ha rhIl remain \Vashlng ton , nr.d not ho Present In Omaha on t'ie ' 15tl that. The 1)111 ) , whIch Mr. homer has Iii charge , carries about $15,000,000 In direct up- propriation , and on extended contract , three tImes as much as carried by thb bill at the last ii ocn , Senator Thurston left for Nebraska - braska tonight , stopping at Philadelphia , to deliver a speech in the Academy of Music. flt'presentatlve Montlell's bill , granting right-of-way for 1)11)0 hines over the 1)111)110 donialu III Wyoming cii. . ) Colorado , has bcen reporu1 favorably In tito house , This bill it ) ) ( nIOY opeii oil flelde \Vyoming which have never heeii worked to any constd- erable degree , on account of high freight ratee froIn 1)olntJ \Vyoiiilng to the MleeurI river fl thu land contest of S. C. flUsy against lVtillnni S. Harvey , from tile O'Neill die- , trict , Nebraska , ActIng Secretary of the Interior Reynolds today affirmed the cofli- miul000r's decision dismissing tile contest , Ex-Congressman Tout Bovxnau of Council I3lufT is in V'ashiington. Alfred J , llurkholder , Fred H. Meyer and I Frank P. atterieo of Chamberlain , S. D. , I have been appointed a board to appraise lands lii tue abandoned Fort Randall miii- tary reservation. They will receive $4 per ehny and traveling expenses , Viiilam Fasthorse has been appointed assistant - sistant teacher at day school No. 5 , Pine Ridge agency , S. D. II. E. Brown has resigned - signed au teacher at the same school , IT . Jninei hut of Wyoming has been promoted ITem lOO to $1,000 in the pension umce. 13ev- I r erly F' . it gers of Iowa has been appointed t l inesscrigei boy In the pension olllce at $100 , per annum. Three months leave Is granted Captain .1. E. Eastman , Second artillery. Leave for one month and a fraction Is granted Captain Nathan S. Jarvis , assistant surcort. Lieutenant Colonel Evan Miles , First Infantry - fantry , 1111(1 ( MaJor Tuhiy McCrea , Fifth or- tiller ) ' , ore detailed on the examining board , convened it the I'rcidio of San F'rancisco , vice CaitIlIllS Charles Morris and Eibrldgo It. lulls , Fifth artillery. The following of- floors are ordered before Lleutenant Colonel ? les : Captain E. 0. Alutiiey , Seventh cay- airy : Ciptain Erasmus C. ailbreath , Eleventh Infantry ; Captain Constant \\'illtains , First Infantry. Five months leave , with permission to go beyond tile sea , is granted Lieutenant M. iCoehiei , Ninth cavalry , . Licutenaut Coiottel Lawrence S' Babbitt , ,1.e , - Orilliallee department , is ordered from Benlcia arsenal , Cal. , to Fort Winfleid Scott. I ARI : OH. 1'1t'VFi IN V1S'L'1G.tTfO. Scsi. . IP CoiiiiuI ( t.'i' ( III Naval AffuirN , . 1ectM IlL Secret S4MMIIfl. \ WASHINGTON , April 11.-The senate corn- - \ mittee on naval affairs held a secret session today tore the purpoo of coneldering the tes. tiiiiony which hia been taken In cornectlon with the armor plate Investigation. The only definite conclusion reached was not to inter. Zero with tile secretary of tile navy in making , contracts for armorfor the Kentucky cnd the KearLnrgo , but to allow these to be given to private firms as heretofore. The.o veseels are so rar advanced Cii the construction that any interference would caueo delay In their , COlflllCtiOfl ) umiti this the committee Is not willing to be rosponeihie for. The que'tton of future contracth , especially ( on the var ships atlthiorized by the pending t umaval appropriation bill , is the cause of con- 1 sidorabie concern to time committee. They feel Unit the price-about $500 per ton- . 'p which time gOvellIllient has been paying for armor plate , Is too 111gb , but have not found a feasible way of reducing it. Their invc.eti- gatlons , however , revealed the fact that the cost of the manufacture of the plate averages I stboilt $ : ioo a lou , The manufacturers make : the pica tilat the work furmiie'hcd is not suf- flCieIlt to keell tlmemn constantly enmpioyol and eay that with ccsflracts running constantly J for hive or ten years they could reduce the price , but slot otherwise , It is this state of affairs which has led the committee to coneider time advisability of buiiding a govornnlent Plant. The advice of the navai authorities imas , however , been op. posC(1 ( to this course , a coneeimence time cornmmmittoe Is imi wnimetvhat of a qllatmtiary 011(1 the roeult of Its deliberatlcna i not yet in eight , With reference to another branch of the conimmlitteo's inquiry , timat touching UPOO time ornpioylment or naval officers by armllOr plato coni'tructors , tlmo COmlllflIttlO will irl nil probability - bility report a bill forbidding naval ofllcera , . ( active or retired. to accept such enlployflleflt , 7 'File opinion iN that tile empioymnent is ireiu. diciai to the interostsof the navy. OR'F'I'I.t Ii 1lli')1t'1' ( IN ICA'1titiIN , Trimil % S'IIN IIlIIiillItI ) Sl.CINsl'dlry to * 1.NlIV ) l'lllsrtil.'nt. 'VAlllNGTON , April 11-Time eecreury of the Imavy baa received the report of time loarh ( of IllllpCctIOm1 Ul)0Yl time result of the trial of the ramn ICatltlmtlil ( tlmis iveek. Accordhg to tbh. report , thu onglno , butlers and auxiliary : nachimtcry porforzmied satI.faetoriIy tlmrougtm- i out the run , LIld the guile , gun mounts , fit. . tillg. etc. , worked lropery Tue total average speed ( or tile four hotlI. of time run was 12.75 , \ knots , tinder froco.1 draught ebo made 14,15 t _ ' ' , \ Icnoto. In LItU opinion of the board , with tue 4' exception of * everal mnimmor defects in crim. structlcmm , which can be easily remedied , ° tiie iliii Ia well built ammd sutilcieIltly strong , and the hull fltting. equipment , rnginos and boiler apparattme Ilavo not exhibited ammy weakmmess , ( ailuto or rc'ukage or dotorIorw thn , other than that duo to fair wear and tear , I' II.tNiONlfl i I I.I'lAflY I.tN1)S. t lm.ti'riiir flImirt lilt-mit tlsIl)1lmlt'I'M jilt , , A 1,111,1 ut iiitii t Ii ( tsir.i iit'vs , W'SIIINQTON , April 11-Tlmo following appointments of appraIsers of ab.uldoned military resorvatlona have been made by the &crotary Of the imlterioi-t F rt ItltlldLtli , S. 1)-Aifieij J. ilurkliolder 5'red N. Myor and lm-allk P. Satterlco , all of Chammmberiain , 8 , I ) . Fort Seiden , N , M-Wiiialml ! it , Fall amd ilobert C. liattoml of l.ss Cruce , Fort Craig , N , M-Cl1ris 0 , Cruikehianks . . _ % situ \Viilianl W , Jones at San Marcial , - ' Fort CullImlilna , N M.-hlurrage y , Mclceye and John Ij. 1iurnide of lemning. ' Fort Stanton. N. M-O.cnr U. Robertson . uL1 JObU Y. TborntoD 01 ltoaweii. i'lIe1l.ti , 1,011 III IIC- VOll klos' nil ubout SsvIs tli'aperies- vu thought ve did-untIl thmi epthimg- 'hioii w' ' got In our imn intishitis--tho iik'c'.ibIggetlowest pilcoti line oC Sts'lss dt'timoiIe5 ovet shown in nuy t'ily of niiy itizo lii Aimioricn-co1or--tlots -hpautltul ilt'slgtis nlt liluilit to nimi'io _ voli , If W't ) lindtit buiiglit io iiotm'ily infghit limive hieii , 111cc tIlt' otlic'ti , ' .vhio lttv : to iiII for 80c tli itli'iit teal ; wl84 WI. ) ask 1c for. Omaha Carpet Co Only exclusive 0 Carpet house Ilero , FItGiS ti ) 1i.t 1(1.1' liO ( lit ? 3I 1N'I' . ( iltlgrem.shiiIl il 1)ingI' ' OIl t iillCP4 tilt ) 1 ohIt ) of itei.nhIiellms 1.tlltiCl'M. WAShINGTON , AlIril 11.-Itepublican mnonllrmt of the house gathered at the capitol tonigimt ill the second caucus of this con- grca to detcrmnine the party policy on the imunligration itmeStlo1 , but ileCause of the failure to secure a quorum , no ( lofimlite action was taken , Tile meeting Was cillefly Interest. ing for a speech mnado by Mr. Dingiey , tile Icader of tile party on the floor of the house , Speaker Reed was not present , but Mr. Ding- icy e'poke , outlining tile views 111)011 general egislation held by. time leaders of tile house , So far as legisiat'on relating to imnmnloratioml Wa. ; concerned , Mr. Iingiey's SpeCCil did not inspire its friends with mnuclt 1101)0. The generai tenor of hits addrcas was that tile republicans should ilso every endeavor to of con- brimmg about an early adjournment If possible , within a gres& to adjourn , as the appropriation bills montim , as soon could be pasCell. There was consltierahlt general legsiation ! before congress , explained Mr. Dingley , but much of it would have to be left undone , and IllllmligratiOml question would be lerap , the among those which could not be taken up , ' his personal Intoret In \\'lile he expressed the lmnmigratllml ( 111119 , 110 deprecated the caucus rule of tile hnuse. and recommuended that the order of bImelmIess bq left to the Judgmnent of the comnrnlttee on ruies. The program of the committee , as Mr. Dingley ommtiinecl It , is to take imp tile fortifications 1)111 next veek and follow that With ) the gell- oral pension antI the bankruptcy bills. For the failure of general legislation , Mr. Dingley blamed the senate. ciled the caucus to When Mr. Grosvenor members were ninety-seven order. there present , about twenty-five leus than a quorum - consumed in die. hour was rum , Nearly an cussion of the advisability of any action by so i'mall a number. with time opinion predominating - dominating that no action which would bind the ilouso could be taken by tile meeting. There was also debate , led by Mr. I'ayne , upon the point whether party policy did not dictate that time immigrs.tiofl question be passed by. It was argued by Mr. Payne that the llatty platform did not justify so radical - cal a step as the bills before congress proposed - posed : the platform committing tile party to the exclusIon o'ly ! of criminals and contract laborers. . Other members die'couraged action on the ground that the senate could not be depended llpOfl to ondorco ally policy inaugurated by tile house. Two bills vcre finally made tile basis of dicusslofl , the McCall bill , for imn- posIng an educational test , and the Stone bill fcc consular examInation of Immigrants , beth of viiIeIi have been reported from the immigration commIttee , Clialrmiian I3arthold of that committee spoke in support of tue maIn features ot the McCall bill , but strongly opposed the Stone lmill , presenthiig many protests ( rein German- American organizations and many newspaper articles against it , The two bills wore explained by their sponsars , Messrs. McCall and W. A. Stone. Mr. Stone sllggosted amnetidmonts to his bIll which WOtll(1 ( mneet objections urged by Mr. Barthold that under Its operations mafly young Germans of mlIitery age. the most desirable class of Immigrants , would be cx- ciuded , A dozen epeeclmes were made for the Mc- Call bill. The cOfl000eUs of opinion seemed to ho for that bill , with amendmnents to prevent the separation of families , imnposin the edu- catlonat teats on the imeu1s of families alone. MuSICiAS WILL. CON'I'iSUF ALONE , Rejtet * 1I ( , l'roposalto .Tilti jutFeti - . eriitIolL Of Lmtbir. WASHINGTON. April 11.-Several cootro- 'ersles were settled at today'e session of the National League of MusIcians. Tile meet- and lasted severai tog was a stormy one hours witilout recess. The main contentIon was over tile scilolne to fix a imniform inltia- tiCWl fee of $5 in all local sociotIe. for mom- hors emltoring from another saclcty. There was a pronounced oppositicfl , several radical opoechos being made , but tile counsel of time friends of the mmlcastlrO finally prevailed and it was adopted by a practically unanimous vote. vote.Amlothor warn ) diacmmssion was precipitated by a proposed nmncndmncnt to the league con- stituticn forbidding time league to affiliate will ) any national labor orgnmization. Speeciles were made by 501)10 lavorimlg tile recent proposition - osition of I'reeldent Gomupers of the Amen- call Federation of Labor , for tile league to Join that body. The motion for affluiation was declared tmncOnstitutiOmlai by l'nesident I'remnor. Time rulIng ' . 'au appealed from and after a long controversy tile sciielmmo was dla- countenanced and time decision su.etaineil. At tommight's scealon limo establisimmnont of an endowment tumId for tile order was dc- cided upon. The conventlcn adjourned sine die soon after mmiidmiigiit. C I. 11 Vii.4t NI ) S I N i)4 XO LE'I"I'E ii. Similiii , mmii (51.1 Storr ltevuimmmii'l Jim IL NtP'omil. . WAShINGTON , APril 11.-TIlo stony that Secretary Onoy has addressed a note to United States Minleter Taylor in Madrid , guggesting nmediation , as repented , is a pure fabrication. When time published story was called to the attention of Semmor Dupuy do Lome , the Siamliah minister , ho V.11(1 imo hail received no intormmation of tile taking of actIon and that ho knew of no such note eltimor as goimmg to IiiImistel Taylor or himself. Time I oport ilami appeared ime various forms within time lmrosent week , time first etatemnent being that tIme communication had boeml semIt to the Spaolsh nministor , It is custommmary In diplomatic affairs to ad. vise time mnimmister of a country as to the course of negotiatIons wlmich are proceeding with his government whether time note is 50111 througlm him or not. 11e14'ns-si mmml AmImeil'flml. WASIIINCITON , April 11-The secretary of state today received a commlmumlicatlop fromn Consul General Williams at. Havana saying that the governor goaeral has ordertl time release of Laptsloa Quintore ; that Iygent i. vell and tllat. time governor general is taking great immterest in lila case , and iimat every other oxecimlive authority im to resict time courts having cognizance at tile mmmatter , ( 'Ie'cimmmm.i ( Jimliti rtmm 1)oI.m % Vell , WAShINGTON , April 11-All of the Cievolamltl children are reported to ba corn. ing along nicely this mllornimmg. Time measles ha ciaimmled no now Victiuls Iii tile family , (7.iii it iou f t lIc'VreleHmlry , WS1iINQTON , April 11.-Today's state. mnummt. of th condition of the treasury allows Available cash balance , 271,1O1,7IG ; gold reserve $12S,21,3i7. PJ3N ,1Ii isi : iui.t t"i'i i'ir. l'iCTtitlS- or Altil sliowerg are nil right Its theIr Pllit't'-iiUt 'it'li the reni ( hug interfereM vlth our "bIc3-t'lt' opeimhlig" ( loii't ( 'XllCtlY kiek-liut-w'e Irnstnolle-or rather coittintie our 41enhIlg" to ? .Ioii- . ( hti3 nfteiIioon nuld evt'nlng. 'I'Iios' ht. citimie yOStOrL13' nioclatmed tlienneivei W'L'hl lmlmistl vltlm our ( iii4lIIIY ) of 'lit'oim -niid ivitim out' imitisle itimil soti'enlrg. Coiiio 3lonmlmiy nftermmoon 01' eveiiliig null lice 0110 of the iwettlest hmu\v8 lii to\s'Il , Colunibus Buggy Co flenimmaim , 6O8 Harney IECREASE ) THE PENALTIES House Passes the Pilloci Oheele Bill with Slight Amendments. ALL TIlE DEMOCRATS VOTE AGAINST IT 1ICVCjL Itepsilmi ienmms Join 'Fimemu-Vote ( Ill time Fimimmi I'nspmimge Stilll ! tOO to iS-1jMtIilmitteM fur River I mmm 1i ro % emll I ? II t N. WAShINGTON , April 11-After two days' ( lObato the house today , by a vote of 150 to 58 , passed time Grosvemlor filed cheese bill. Tile democrats voted solidly against time measure , together Witll eleven republicans. Practically the omlhy amncndment adopted was one reducing tile tax on retail dealers from $10 to $12. The biU requires time manu- facturera of filled cheese to pay a tax of $400 annually , the wholesale dealers , $210 , alll tile retail dealers , $12 , and failure to pay audI tax Imposes upon nmanutacturers 111105 of from $400 to $3,000 upon wholesale dealers $250 to $1,000 , amid upon retail dealers from $10 to $00. It also requires tile branding of filled cheese , and Its sale only fromu original packages. Tile penalty for false branding is a fine of from $50 to $500. Time bill requires all retail dealers to post. in conspicuous - spicuous places : "Filled cheese sold hero. " In addition , It imposes a tax of 1 cent per poumld on filled cheese , tile tax to be paid by time mmmanufacturers. Imported filled cheese is subjected to duty of S cents per pound. The act goes into effect on the nineteenth day after Its panage. Before the debate on the filled cimeoso bill was re000led a resolution was adoptCd directing - recting the secretary of war to furnish a plan amid estimate for time Improvement of tile Nebraska aide of time Missouri river oppo- 1to Sioux City , Ta , \\'ileml time filled cimeese bill waa taken up for ammiondlfletlt ilmider time five-Imlinuto rule , Mr. Cannon offered an amendment to reduce the annual llcense to be vald by tIme manufacturer - facturer of filled cileeso. from $400 to $100. Mr. Grosvommor , in elmargo of the measure , refused to accept the amendment. He tilought time manufacturer could eaoiiy pay $400.'itlm regard to the tax to be paid by tIme retailer ( $40) ) , ho admitted that perhaps some concession mellould be mnado. Mr. Cannon , In support of lmis amendment , said that while tlmis was ostemmsibly a bill to raise TeVClllle , Its real purpose was to prevent - vent tIme eale of bogus cheeae in compel- ! lion with time genuine dairy product. Mr. Terry oltered as a substItute for tile whole measure a bill providing that every manufacturer of articles intended for interstate - state commerce wllp slmali soil or ship low glade goods pretending , by their brands , to lie a higher grade , shall be guilty 'of a fraud and liable to a fine of $1,000. Mr. Terry said that tile ostensible object of time pending bill was to prevent fraudulent practices. Compiaintcwere constantly made that inferior merchandise of all kinds 'as being palmed olt on time public , It the other alde was sincere , lie said , and did not desire to crush a single industry , this substitute would be adopted. Time eubstitute was laid aside pending tile vote to be taken at tile conclusion of the consideration of time onig- inal bill , Mr Dingloy. chaIrman of time ways and means comnmnltteo , speaking of time amend- meat , mnado an argument in favor of tile bill. Tills proposed legislation , like time oleomar. garimmo law , lie said , was exceptional , it proposed to Invoke time taxing power to ac- COmmIplish an object that properly came within tlmo police power of tile states. It could only be justified cn exceptional grounds. A great and ovcrsimadowin interest-time farming Interest-was being seriously Interfered - terfered witim by an Illegitimate product. \'ero It. possible to secure uniform state legislation , lie 'would 1101 favor tills iegls- iatioml ; but III view of time great interest involved , the overshadowing necessity of protecting the property rights of tile farm. ors , ho believed It should be passd. Mr. Dimlgley , however , favored a reduction of tllO proposed tax on retail dealers. Mr. McMiliin , argued as a practical ques. tion , that mmucit a law as thia could be mmmore easily and completely ontorced with lower taxes. lIe recalled the statement of tIle comimmissioner of Internal revenue before time ways and lfleal5 committee timat time special taxes of time oiconlargartho law wore too high.Mr. Mr. Tawney , republican of Mimmoesota , said the pending anlenmlmeflt came very Properly fronI Illinois , which last year produced - ducod 14,000,000 pounda of filled cheese. After some furtlmer romarkA by Mr. North- way against and Mr. Hopkins In favor the Carimmon amnerdment was voted down-38 to 75. Mr. Cannon then mcvod to reluce time tax on wholesale dealers from $250 to $50 , This amondmnent was also lost on a viva s'oco ye IC , Mr. Groas'emior offered an anlenfiment to re- dmmco time tax on retail dealers from $40 to 2I. 2I.Mr. Mr. Cannon moved to reduce the tax to $10 , lie mmmalnta'neci timat every purpoo snmmght would ho subserved by a 10 tax , Mr. Grosvenor finally agreed to a comnpromlso of $12 , wimicim was alloImloll , Mr. Cammnoxm offered an amendmnent to re- duct time tax on filled cimeeso from 1 commt to halt a cent imer pound , Ho argued that a tax on filled chees was a tax on limo farmers , who furnished tlme skimumed mmmlk and neutral hog fat , which went into the product , and e"uimi not be justiileml on time ground that tilled cheese caine Imito competition with another ( armu product , " 110w mmluclm revenue do you expect to raise from a tax of 1 cent per pound ? " asitoil Mr , Otey , "Enougtm , " replied Mr. Grosvenor , "to help time democratic adminIstration to pay the expenses of the government , " ( Laugimter and aimillauso. ) Mr. Cannon's amenilnlommt was defeated , Mr. hinner $ offered an anlendilmetmt Imro- viding that imo lou's authorizng compromises 1mm immtenmmai revemmue cases shall apply to violators of timis act , after time first offense , 'Fhe amemmdnmemmt was defeated , The Terry- substitute for the whole bll ! was defeated , 31 to 109. Mv , Owens moved to recommit the bill with Instructions to time ways anil means cornnmittee to report imak a 1)111 inovtlimmg for nmarkimmg and brammdng packages of tilled cimeese under appropriate penalties , but omolt- tlmig time tax and license features of thme bill. Ills motoml Wla lost. 41. to 129. The vote emi time final passage of time bill was taken by yeas and hays , 'i'hie ijlli was passed , 100 to 51 , Time reilubilcans as a rule , Votel ( ( or , and thme democrats solidly against the mncasure. Time following republicauls , eleven in nuns- be ; , voted against the biil Aldrich , liel. Kc PLEASANTLY ANDPOANTEDLY PU F. _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ : .l , ( ' .ti,14 i'll IUT'ti.titKS- Alioiit gmus .stovei 11th1 you'li be IWISel ( to ihuiil huoy iuiauiy of yoiit' ui'lt'iils :4'eai' : by tIme uumiimie " .ltvtI"-eet'y hit- lt''eiuut'uIt fonuumi In all othit'rs li founml iii tlutt " .It'svt'l"-l'slmlom4 ) me w'huolu lot lIIOl'i' tlm'y s'lll lituitmite Itt'xt. yt'mu' . TIme " .Tevt'l" 1i tlii' Imuolit. t''OmulllIt'mml lii time list' of gmss-i. emi8le8t elemiuit'tl-miiiml lo' . cilt 1)ulCei ) of mill-amnl 1111 $ aftet' ilftmeim yeni.i4 of uithuttt'i'ruuliteti i4i1'cwls t'm'r a lutitnircit " .Jt'vel" styles anti sizes to i'luoOft from. Johui Hussie Coflslderourprlcm.2407 C it iii I ii'g knap , flrummlmlm , Canmloml , Coimnelly , Evans. Lori- muer , LomIg , McCall , Tracoweli ammd 'alker. Saturday , April 25 , was set aside for pay- imlg tribmute to time nmemnory of time late representative - resontativo , W. ii. ( ' .ralmm of Texas. At 4:30 : limo botmee adjourned until Men- ( lay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'A1,1tIdI ) O1' i uC.t ItAG ClAN Ci Nti. . itetml t'mmnhi t ) ii.msimemtlCrIt Ieiies I Ito ito- nort ( If tilt ) Felt'rn I CommlmimiMMinmm , WAShiNGTON , April 11-Lieutenant A , a. Menocal , U , S. N. , time cimief engineer of thmo Nicaragua Canal company , appeared today before the imoimso cOmmlmllittee 015 coIn- morce and submitted a etatement wimich was in the mlaturo of a review of the report of the comlimlsslon sent to the isthmus last sumnnler. Ho said : "Time company regards anl has treated the project as a btmsiness emlterprise , with a view to conlmlercial requirements - quirements , teclmmaical success aild financial rc.ults. Time board emltirely igiiore. , two of these conditiotms and coasidera it fronl tIme point of umllImlmited exllenditures without any question of financial results , and provides beyond conlmnorcial requiremnents of tlmo pres. ent for demands that can ho only rarely occasIonal , " lIe eald that time board imad made a hasty trip timrough the territory , touching only imero ami4 tlmere the rotmto of time canal , when It was convemiient , and he imad all imperfect knowledge of the physical commditions of the problemmls presented , and time work already done. Time plamme of time comupany wore not for an ideal canal regardice's of cost , but for one anmplo to satisfy the heeds of commerce and larger thamb any shin canal mmow In operation - tion , None of the changes proposed by the board s'as in tile interests of economy or of a better canal. Mr. Menocal's statement dealt in detail with tlmml tffiospimenio cormdl- tiono , rainfall and other natural features of the country , as eil as'the engineering details - tails of tIle canal. ThOm was a long ox- animation of Mr. Menocal by members of the committee. The company , ho said , had paid to the Nicaraguan mgovernnlont $100,000 for Its concceaions , and $50,000 for its right of way , and notiming to the Costa Rican govoromnent. Mr. Menocal Imad made tile trip timrough Nicaragua with the govrnmnent comnmnission and gave an account of-the-journey. Practically - tically no surveys or beaiinga 'ere takeml , ho aad ! ; the observations were of the mmmost hasty amId superficial ot mld the report of the commnission might have be1l made as in- telitgetmtiy wiIlout ; lcae.g. yashtn9p Mr. Janfes Alexander of Plttsburgad. dressed tile eomulmll-aIpml . in. qpposition. to' the Nicaragua canal. He argued that tile scimemno was entirely imllpracticablo amId favored the Eads Shill railway across Mexico. itimims SIIImIIM time Egi itiitmmg. 'V'ASIIINGTON , April 11.-Rain , wimleb on Monday caused time postponement of the children's Easter egg roiling frolic on tile white house grounds , agaIn Interfered today. Tile threatening skies of the morning were followed by a smart rainfall early In the afternoon , wllich dieperse'I limo few chiidron vile had the temerity' to assemble for time annual play. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "TIiii.trRa JIA'l' . " FORT OMAHA , Aprilll.-To the Editor of The Bee : All article in time amUsenlent column of The Sunday Bee promnpts us to say a word In behalf of tile much abused tlmeator hat. We hope to prove that hat to be useful as veil as ornamental , ovemi in time theater. Altimough our scanty locks lmave been wimld- blowml by a Nebraska zephyr lmmto the worst disorder , we flatter ourselves that we have always been gracious onotmglm to remove tlmat hat when tile curtain goes up. But We are also tilankfui that we had that sammma hat handy In case of emergency , Amid that emergency arose a simort time ago. We wore at time theater and had paid our doUar allCCe for seats. The night was lovely , time troupe was grand , Our seats were Ia little farther front timan we like , hut. our escort In a trihie imord of hearing at times , amId that off oar bad to be imurnored , Time house imas filled UI ] and we anticipate a lovely ovenlmmg. The curtain goes up , our big hat ( whicim ly time way is most lmeconling ) cornea off. As the play fairly starts a party of timroe-wc would like to say ladies and gemmtlomon in time true sen.o of tIme word , but a prelllcc- tion for th truth forbids-tako seats Immlle- diately back of usVo patleimtly wait fifteen minutes for tlmeni to excimango greetimlg and 9ttle dowmm. They Imave caine nil the way to the opera house together to discourse in the first act of that play. Haven't loot for at least aix years-or at least we lmould judge 5) ) , from theIr conversation. ' 1110 play goes on , we don't. lmear a word , Our escort grows uneasy , We see people about us laugh , and imow we wish we might join in. But we faIled to catclm time joke- those people behind us ! They are saying timey have just been to California. Why ( iidml't. they go to time wilds of Africa amld ronmain there ? Time curtain goes down on the first act. We give tlmanka and hope now timat timoso peollle will finisif off that cunversation. Bmmt no , they are looking aroummd mlOW to see who Is there. Every one els 11e , ta1kin , html of course they are ( lifferemlt' ( pnl every one , Time curtaIn goes up agaimm , A rattling conversation begins beilnl mms , Our escort is fast losing patiencc-img sppu Is and we fear a scone. Timoo people arci'talklng ' now about time baby. May imeavemit .p1eservo the off- slmring of aucim parentagk'i ! 'Fimey are gong to leave time same baby at jomo , anmi go to tile opera in chicago , W decided to at once wire otmr friends In Chicegu to go to time opera before the Onlalma' contingent arrives. We ball over to too If we can Imoar some- timing that is boimmg saIi o , time stage , but 'tIe in vain , Our oscotrHtime , We see peallle about us weep , b1qny tears of rage fill our eyes. 'Fimoy imave now turned their attentioo to the stage , but. time babble ( we don't dignify it by tile mmamnoof convoraation ) goes on , We can't go home-our carnlago has been ordered at a' quarter to 11. 0 shades of imades , must Awe lemmdimro timis an- otimer hour ? 1 ' ) But no , we have an 'i1tsl ! Our eyes fall upon that bat ! We mmiakp grab ( or it amId put it elm securely ! Sinemi they are making fun of time people on time stage they naturally want to see time stage , 110w we bless those big waving plumes. \so Imear a groan go up from Imeimind us. 0mm tIme imas comlie at last. We hear tlmenm abusing that big hat , And how we do hug ourselves to timink timat we are having our inning now , how glad we are to timink timat we took a divan , ( or ' .o can shift about so as to give all of them a benefit , "Simo's" imat imovor wobbled about as ours does , "Revenge is sweet , " Our escort , tlmougim 'a rmman , Is takimmg a heap of satisUctlon out of our getting even. But he will never know what it IlleatlIl to us , for tme' ) "evens" of a ) .ommmsn are Past ilmlding out , So we say bless the big timotor list , We have imad an inch extonciomi lint 00 ours , and a big bunclm of Imodding roses added , And we are goimmg to wear it to the theater evem'r thee we go 1mm Onmaima , HAT. O'I'1i I Nfl 01' IltiT i ( I Iltiii c''el' lmeii hiu'eimted hun t etnuhi hohtl a cmiiitlli' to the 1iimibtll : iItuiuo for sveettlesm4 tmf toumi ) or Iuwtmt'mmi of priel' . \Vo''e stmlil It miow foe' a qumitter of n. t'eimttit's' , uuid wo limive' yet to ltt'mmt' of any 0110 r'ei'hImg It lmor Kluuu1imuii-ihli'y nrc nls'miy $ lmctfet't 1111(1 tlmoy ket'p iii tulle luiigt't' tlmmun nuiy IImstlIiIll'uIt lmimudt'-juuit mis ; imlgluly ihluhilied as time hIghest ink'tl- iitmd yet st''um'at imuumtlrei.l dolhurs ilimliel' otiiet' high grutle lImti1o. i.mmsy terini. A. Hospe jr , Music nmmd Art 1513 Douglas PREFER ChAliCES 01 ? FRAUI ) Sooti Dealers Make Tronbie Over Bocratary Morton'B ' Recent Purchases. STATE REPORTS HAVE BEEN DOCTORED Accmipe.t tlte Seeretmmr of itejeethimi time Lovt'st hid ileemlimNe S he hid- , Ier ilmmi Oiiiosd lime i'oiley tIf 11114 Ht'hllrtmllL'ILt , WAShINGTON , April 11.-Time recent closing of a contract for furnIshing seeds for general distribution by time gorermlmmlent Imama , resulted in the filing of cimarges at time Do. llartlllent /tgrlctmlture by Breulau. Good. sin & Co. , a Chicago seed flrmmm , agaimmst Sec. rotary Morton , Time allegatIons are timat their bid , though time lowest , was refused bocaimso tile firm hind tmrged tIme passage of thmt resolution providing for time revival of time distribution of seeds , notwitimstammding Secretary Morton's protests , timat reports furnished by officers of time departmmient by Secretary Morton to Senator Proctor of Vet- mnont , chairmnan of tIme senate committee on agriculture , amid to Mr. Wadsworth , cilair- nman of time house comnmittee , had been manipulated - nipulatod in order to 5110w that time firmu's seeds were below time atamldard ; that As- alstant Secretary Dabney Imad imlaisted on tlmo conmpany , In case It. received time award , ucimlg time mmmachincai of the Brown Bag Machine - chine Filling commipammy , arId timat Mn , Dabmmey bad decided against time commmpany because of Its refusa ? to do tlmis. Secretary Morton and other omcera of the Agricultural department make absolmmto do- fbI of time elmarges and say the award of time seed contract was based on a percentage of purity paid the genmnimmative powers of limo seeds tested by limo department last year at a time when there wail no prospect of further distribution , Secretary Morton said today that wimen imo found a distribution of common seeds was required by law , he called in Semmator Prop- ton and 12epresentative Wadswortlm and asked them to go over the bids with him , and after careful and deliberate considerattoml of all tha bids and of tile records kept by time lIe- i > artmnent , time awarls were decided , Senator Proctor firat making the suggestion to offer D. L. Landreth & Co , of Plmlladelphia the lunip sumu of $70,000 to furmmisim the vegetable Seeds and L. L. May of St. Paul , Minn. , $5,000 to furnish time flower seeds. Time Landroth origimmal hill was $78,000 and May bid imaif a cent per package for flower seeds. The two firms , after Proctor's suggestion had been adopted , were called in , time offers accepted and contracts signed. This mnado $11,000 mmiora than time bids of time Chicago firm , hut time action , time secretary said , based on time reliability , facilities and es.sen- tian nearmless \Vahlngtoml of the Landreth company. Secretary Morton declined to discuss tile question further , saying timat tile bids were made in open mnarket , as required by law , and that none were sealed , Mr. John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs , Ta , , counsel for the seed company , and Mr , Blastian , one of the firm , today retained Messrs. Worthington & Tamer of tills city and instructed tilen ) to file a stmft for $100,000 damuagea for libel. Time suit 'sill ' be haoed on time publislmed statement that time Nortlm- rup.Breesland.Goodwin coimmpammy "was a cool- mission im&use and that they could not put their nammmes on time packets as a guarantee of tile worth of their seeds. " The libel bill will state timat thIs charge is false ; has injured the fIrm and that it has 15,000 acrms of land under ctmltivatlomm in time growing of ceeds , and timat at tile 111110 this statememmt was made the secretary lmatl time firm's offer to supply the seeds at $10,000 under its hid it tile secrctary would permmmlt its name to appear on each package. tIiiti t Li'iiti'milimmt Lmmimg's Itetireiiltmml. WJtSIIINGTON , April 11-Tllo report of time medical board in time case of Lieutenant C. ii. Lang , Second artillery , U , S , A. , who has been examnimmed for retirement , shows timat hmo is smifferimlg from netmrastimenia , but ( lees not recommend his retiremmlent , Scene- tary Lament has not yet acted cmi the ro- port. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ir. % 'iirll'hi Comiming to Omumnhmmm , \Vord received In time city yesterday timat Rev. Dr. F' , A , Wartloid of llrocltton , Mass. , had accepted the call to time First Congregational cimureh , and timat ime vou'.d arrive dunlmmg time latter part of time nvntim , coming 1mm ttmo to preacim Ott time llrst Sunday - day in May. Mr , Warlield is 49 years of age , and is said to ho a very brilliant mflLtfl amId a great church worker , lIe wna pastor of the Per. ton Congregational cimmmrch at hlrockton ( or ten years , ammci recommtly resigned to accept tile call to Omaha. lIe hi mnarm'tem ] , tmmitl imuN a. family of timroe cilidrcml , a married ilaugimter and two sonii , both Of wiloni are in college. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % 'li.t'h'hiRIt FOlthi'AS'i' , , IiI ren t'ii iiis ; % % ' . 'mm I Iii'm' msi tim htnimiN , ( it'mmrei' lii V4,4t , , 'rim Nt.hrrmsicm , W'ASIIINGTON , Aimri 11.-Time fomecast for Sunday is : For Nchram4lca-Timreatemling woatimer , with rains ; clearing in time wc4tenmm portiomm ; winds slmitiimg to northerly. For Oklnimoina and Immmliaml Territory- 'l'imreatemilng and rain ; cooler ; soutimery syinds , slmittimmg to northerly , For Soutim Dahota-itmttn or ammow , oilovemI by ( airem ; warmer by Sunday evemming ; northerly winds , For Mimm'ouni-Locnl rains , preceded by ( air wematimer Ill time outimeast Portion ; cooler Sunday mmlgimt southerly wimmds , For Jowa-Itairm nn local thunder storms ; cooler ; southerly wimmda , imecommming variable , I"or Kansas-Rain , vItim avtle timuniler atornms : cooler ; winmis simifUmmg to mmortimory. For Colorado-Rain or snow ; clder in time southern portion ; warmer im time extremno mmortimern Imontion ; northeriy winds , \yomning-l"air , Ineceileli imy ammow 1mm tIme eastermm 1)ortion warnmor SUnday even. immg ; northerly , shifting to westerly winds. For ? , tntamma.-Gcneraily we rmnem ; westerly winds , h.4'Oi ltt'erii , OFFICE Oh' T1II WEAThER I3IJREAU , OMAHA , Aimril 11-Omaha recorml of tomn. Ileraturu and rainfall coxm1Iar'i Whim the corresponding day of time lflmt ) four years : 1891. IIB. lt4I 11193. Maximum temperature , , , 75 73 Sd 81 Mimmimnummi temimeraturcm , , Cl 50 J 4f Average temnperature . . . . . r. 0.i 41 SI I'rem.lpitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 .00 .0' ' ) .61 ( 'omlilition of temImperature 011(1 ( lmleclpittttiomm atOxmmmtha for the clay and simlee March ) 1 , Nor'mai temperature , , . , , , . . , , , , . . . . , , . . , , , , lixcesma for time ( lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ac umuinted tiefiei'mmc ) ' * 4imlCtt . iamclm . . . .18 Normal lreclpltatlon ) , , , , , , , . , . , . . . , . . 10 Inch Fixce3 for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 mdl Total imreciPitation vince March 1. .2.50 indies Exceme since Marcim 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mcii 14. A. 'ELS1i , Observer , t , II ( ill 'i IhlIM .t l'l..tCi- 'i'lhi. flhmt imlnet' itt tlic L'StIhlkltlOIl Of tlho8o lhn hmmivi' et'iu tlit'in - a lmes' style lii ml laItes' 2Oth ( emuttli'y tlmitk lurcs'im SlIO ( that Is tihilteSttOtmltl)13' % the 111(1st benutiftul erentloim Iii footv'at' ever lmmmiuiglit to thIs city , It Im 4muit of those imolmli _ ' styles Peohlt' ) go crit'i.y o'er-a imit'mliuiumm vi'tglmt sole for street 'emti'- 'hutlms . , 'tA to l mihmd him sIzes 2iL to 8. 'I'Iueim liii' ( 'rovlmltug f'itih'e : * of mill lit timitik of It-$3.OO tIme Prke--Jthst - . , Drexel Shoe Co. , Send for our ilius- 4 1 ' trated cmmtnloguo , 1'I ai haul ( ilithiA'hIi , N'l' ( hill , t1hh1C'1'hii ) , 'h'rn lls'iill I I mii'mm I mm I hi tvlslimm ' % VIhi It'mm 1t'mml Itim t's I'mml'Iiilmmgl'll. Freigimt Traffic Mammager J , fl. Mtmnroo of the Ummion Pacific systemu lmas returned - turned from Milwatmkee and Chicago , At tIme formmmer city ho attcmmdcml a mmteeting of freiglmt representatives 01 all tile transcontinental - nental roads , and in the latter city was in attendance on meetIngs of time executive conmnmitteo of the Trammconttnental Freight as. soclatiomm. Assistammt General Freigilt Manager - ager Wood of the Union l'aciflc is still in Milwaukee , as the associatioml is yet work' ing on limo revision of the freight tariff sued. Time revision of tramiscontinemltai rates is 110 Slmlaii task , amId time rme\v rates will not go imito effect before Ma ) I. Mi tranaon- timmentai roads , from time Cammatliaml Pacific omm time north to time Southmonmm Pacific on time eommtim , are imlelutled imm time mew assxlation , Mr. Mtmnree said that time prlmlciple of graded rates was being carried otmt as fully as imossibio 1mm muaking time new rates. hlerotoforo New York City has emmjoyed the samno transcommtlnentai rates as Chicago. By the application of time graded llrinclillo rates fromn Clmicago to tIme l'aclfic coast will be considerably lower timan thomas from Now York , while time rates westvarml fromm Ommialma will ho less tilall tiios frommi Clii- cago. Thmis principle affects articles of homlme production amid greatly Imicreases tlme advan' tages of immtenhor muamimifactories. Aeked if there would lmc ammy cimanges imm time flols' tariff simoet of interest to Omnalma , Mr. Munroo replied that lIe tumotmgimt timere would be no great clmammges hereabouts. lie added that most of time freight orlgimlatimmg here was fromu the packing imouses , ammml in tills clans of goods there would be no changes muade. In reply to a qtmery concerning time aboii- tiOml of termnlnai charges at Soutim Omaha , lIe eaid that a conference between time freiglmt officials of the varIous roads imere youhd ho held eaniy miext week. lie was not prepared to say wimat would be done at that mmmeeting , Or CVCfl what course Imligilt be suggested , as he lmad been so long away from Omaha that ime was not conversant with time exact condition - tion of affairs regarding time question. ' ' ' " ' P1110 . COUld ) NO'S' Sii'l"l'Lii QUESTiON. Western I'nMNpmmger Asm4ocilmtIomm Met mmmli ) CoimMIlierell i'smrty States. Chief Cierk Munn of the Elkimorn's passenger - senger dopartmmuint returned yesterday. frommm Cimicago. There lie has been 1mm attend- altec upomi the mmieotings of time Western.Pas- senger association's easterm ) commlmittee , Time troublesomno party rate question was the one the special nmeeting of time commmmittee hind beeml called to consider. amId the members labored with it seriously and lemmgtliily. Wimetimer to continue chmargimlg time theatrical comllpanies at the rate of 11 cents a muile and imavo no party rates , or whetimor to throw open to time pmmbilc reduced rates for parties conslatimig of ten or more persons , was found to be too knotty a vroblorn to decide at one mneeting. The western roads receive a great deal of travel ( rein time theatrical companies , and want to accommodate timemu if it camm possibly be done. On the other hamld , if time old party rates are resunled the roads wIll suffer at time hlands of the scalpers. Timis problem could not be decided , amId after wrestlimmg witll it for many hours , the conimnitteo decded ! to adjourn until next week. Another ineetilmg will be held in Ciii- cage oa either Monday or Tuesday next , at which timne time party rate question will again be the special order of business. 8LtSE LIICIILY ' 1,0 lIE DISMISSES ) . Opimmioll I'revni ; ' ; ; ; i lie hlmmrhimmgtoim 1'ima Not to hihaimme. A meeting of the local passenger assocla- tion has been called for Monday mormling at 9 o'clock for tile 'purpoed of immvestigatImlg time case against tile Burlington ofilce , whIch was noticed in Friday's issue of The lice. Tile prevailing opinIon among local agents is that time case wIll be disnmissed. It bolts as though the Associateml Cimar- itios had made a mistake ill r000mflmllondlng time rurclmaae of time ticket ill qimestion for a imif rate on account of charity , as thmere is good evidence that time milan at once disposed of the ticket to a broker. It was statoml at time Northwestern oillce timat tIme case wouhil not. be pushemi at all. It was necessary. imowover. to brimmg time matter before time 'low joints , " as all Irregularities must be immvestigated by that body. CoiiIs ilimmitiigtomm 'Yims Omoos'ii. SAN FRANCISCO , AprIl 11.-TIme ammmmtmai election of oiflcers by directors of time South. enmm I'aciflc commmpany almowed a division of opinion as to the fltmms of C. P. Huntington for the presidemmcy of time comupammy , which is looked 111)0lb as the beginnIng of a flgimt against time magimate , At tIme direction f Mrs. Leland &tnmmford , time two ( lirectors who represent the Stammford estate , voted for General Thomas Ii. iiubimarml of New York for prmisimlent. Wuihiammi Croeker also refused to vote for Iluntingtoml. Geperal ilubbarmi ailimmits that lie was urged by Airs. Storm- ford to imecOnle a cammdklste for time hmresi- dency , but lie refused. Mrs. Stanford Is , aid to have expressed the lmehief that if time Stamlonl , Crocker and Seirlea imlterosts could imavo tmmmiteml omm lltmbharil imo could have beemm elected. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIIiciI 4111 tim , ' IlrIige , Worml was receIved at ilUriimlgtOn imeimfi- juarters yesterday that Janmes IticMamma- immin , a Ioy year of age , was rmmrm over and kIlled yesterday atenmmocmm by train No , 1. The boy and his irothmer were playlmmg omm raIlroad brimle timres nmhles west of Ltmlcolmm at limo time of time accdent , Timoy lied run ahead of their fatimer amid did Imot hear imimi calls for timemn to get 01 ! time track , - - 'I'll It II IIA L.'l'Y N A It iCE'S' , INSTUIJMENTS placed on record April 11 , 1890 ; \VAIIT1AN'rv ] ) EIDS , Cyrus Mortorm 1)0(1 wife to C H War- thy , lots 9 (111(1 ( 10 , block 32 , Ambler j'lmmce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 503 J J Worthy ammd wife to ¶ 1' i Itimn- I.ll' , tr , same . , . , , . . . , , . . . . . , . . . , , , . . , . 1,000 Eihmnmmnhl lilurpimy to Ionnis Murphy , lot II , block 4 , Wllhianm llagetiorm's , meld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( l Van Camp and wh ( to Henry 'mII ( , lot 3 , block 5 , Cottmige park. . . , 750 A 1" Camompen mmmiii wile to It ' 1' Canlperm , lots 1 , 2 mind 1 , Morse & ii Place. . . . 2,0)0 \v it b'hei' and wife to None All. mttamlt , lot l'l. block 11 , Nom tim Omaima 400 Norn Atetamit anmi hUsinsml1 to mIs iflhimy , emmmne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ( ) Jmmiflem4 Cmimneron mmil ( tvite to Marramct Gralmammm , lot 4 , hmiock O , IJedormi I 'lace , . . . , , . . . . , , . , , . . , , . , , , . . . ' . . . . , . . . . . I IEiiiS. Sieeiab master to hl ii Bates , lot 6 , block CS , South Umnaha , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Sheriff to ' 1' i Swift , lots 12 to 15 , lOCIC ! 19'iioox's 2d add , , . . , , , , , , , , 2' ' ) Total mzrmDunt of ( rammsters. , , . , , , , , , iii'ii ; I JuTb\W . TI ) l'iii.tSlT 'I'll 111 A 1111SF- A shirt lit imiany colors-a shIrt-a lot of shmht'ts-tiunt lund - we Inst year- lie a slmlrt-iuot this ycmmt"s slulititbut for nil tlmat-shiirtmt tlmt If we vere to really tell you time 1)11cc % 'C OI1CP solti tllt'hum for-you'd 5:13' : , "OIl , vhnt a \ ' ( ) ) " - ) yotl''e hintmi $ l.tk ) aini $ I .60-mi II d ltIOt'4' t 1 i ml it I I ta i-for shm I rIo tutu t 't'i'e 114)1 ItS good mis tilest' shuts- iL'V'IIlt'i4-lmmlmiIIiS-'tl ) ( iTs mi Ltmtehitql ice , t'li'gaumt shIrts-nh sIzesl'k. . Albert Caliii , 1322 Faruinuut. DENIES iii ACTED AS ACENT Henry Villard's ' Answer to tlio Butt of the Northern Paciflo & Manitoba , BOUGHT TIlE SECURIFIES OUTRIGHT Oivmme.i time Emmtlre Stock of ( ha' Itond mt time 'I'immie mmimi Aihi'g's lie limmil ii htight tim ISo 'iimm t lie 1'imt'i 'ni I Ii S ( N Prni.erty , NiV YOltic , April 11.-TIme ammswer of iiemlry Villard to time commmplaimmt in time ease of time Nortlmermm l'aciulc & Mnmmiteba railway against imimmi for an nccommmmtlmmg , was flied in time United States circuit court here this aftermloomm , lie denies tlmmmt Imo acted u.s time agermt of time commmpany imm limo sales of Its bommds , and by time prodimetion of imim cnrreponm.l. ence with time ccmlmplaimmammt commlpamly seei ( to show that imo ilmmrdlmaseml $4,000,000 of its $5,260,000 first mmlortgage bommds ommtnigimt , wimilo time relllaimlmler were Ilcitimor sold nor lmommgimt by 111111. As regards tIme $050,000 termuinal bomlmls , ( or wlmicim aml accoumltImmg is also asked , hIs ammswor is timat lIe llCVO received 1110111 for sale , hilt timoy were llaiml to tIle flrmmm of lirecker , Howell & Co. , as imart coml- aideration , under a commtract betweeml them amid time cmmlplaimlant for time comnllotiomm 0 ! Its roa(1s anmi termnhnai Imnprovemnemmtmm. lie states timat the flrmml acted for imimmi because of imii abeemlcc in Europe. Time answer' ftmrtimer sets fortim timmmt Mr. Viliimrd was time Solo imolder of all tile stock of tIle cornplaimmarmt commlpammy , except somns qmmalifyimmg simares , aim' as audi absolutely commtrolleml time corporation , anti imm all time transactions wltim it reaily dealt with himmi- self. TIme answer aflirmu.s , fimmaily , timat one of time conditiomla of time sale of time bommtls and stocks of time complaimlamlt Nortlmern Pa. cific & Mammitoba Railway compammy : to time Nortimern Pacific comupany , 1mm time interest of wlmose receivers time smmit is really brought , was that ommly time railroaml terillinal Pro ! ) . erthes ammi ! rolling stock simoulml be delivered to the purchaser , and timat nil other assets slmonbl be disposed of by time comnplnimmamlt colrmpany previous to time sale , wimicim was done ImO alleges , by mIivimiimmg these asacts among those who at timat tlimmo were emltitlemi to then , . , ' ' ( " % : I'iehIie tmmiimmmi llh'iImm , DALLAS , Tex. , Apmil 11.--At time ammmmuah electIon of time Texas & I'aciflc raIlroad directors - rectors , tIme following vore electeml : Samnuel Sloan , II. M. Galloway , Joimim T , Terry , Samuel Timommlas , ltmmssell Sage , George J. Gould , Tlmomnas T. Eckort , Joint J. Moore , C. M. McGimee , Jolmmm P. Mulmln , A. M. Hopkins , Howard Gould and C. E. Satterlee of New York ; Isaac J , Wlstar and J. N. llutchmin- son of Philamleilhia ; mlhltoml if. Smmmitim of Louisville amid S. I-i , ii. Clark of St. Louis , The following were elected oillcers : George J , Gould , presidemmt : S. H , II. Clark. vice president ; C. E. Sattenlee , secretary ammml treasurer ; L. S. Ilomn , third vice pree.dent and general mmlanager , Cimut rimels V1t1L Eimmployes Stnmm.1s ST. LOUIS , April 11.-United States Circuit - cuit Judge Caldwell , to wimont time nmatter was referred _ today , semmt. a letter to Receiver JUstine of time Colorado Midland railroad , ordering ilinl to comnply wIth time contract mlmade by time mood whtim time emmmployes of time telegraph departmmlemmt. It SCOflIC that mu 1892 the telegraphers along time line scemirel a comitract witim time road , agreeing upon a cime3ule at Imay. Jtimie 1 , 1895 , tIme re'I , , alcimg s'itlm time Santa Fe ystemmm , womm' . 1mb time imands of a receiver , amId George Vs' , Itistimme was appointed a special me iver for time Colorado Midland , Time teie'rml,1mers assert - sert that Itistino refured to recogmmize time contract and cut commeideraimle from their we gee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ltmsmlel I'I,4'iil him (31m1&'migo , General Agent Ititcimie of time Cimicago & Nortimwesterml road returned yesterday fromu Cumicago , to whmiclm city ime escorted Mar- quit Yamagata and his suite. Time diatln- guisimed Japammese expressed timoir dellglmt at time repeption accorded timemmm in Omnalma ammmi tIme courtesies extended to timommm by tIme railroads , TIme Nortimwostern roami imlaced at timeR' disposmml time elegant Wagmmer coclm "Dlxomm , " 'and Gemmoral Agent Ritcimie iminmeelt superintended all arrammgemnemmts armil ampaint- monte iluring time trip. TIme representatives of Japan'a Immiperial court imami mmover beemm in an Anlenicami comnpmmrtment car imefore and time novelty of timeir triim ( ralmI Ommmahma to ClmI- cage vloautd timemml imnemmensely. , , 677 'Bids Colds Begone. 'J'Imc i4tugIa1ii it'4 ' .S7and Is Not loie Potent thuit Sevesity-sevemu , " 77" cures Colds , La Grippe , Inflmmemmza , Catnrrh , l'aimu , 1mm the Head or' Chmeat , Commgim , Sore Throat , ( lemmeral I'routrmitloml ammO Fever , " 77" wiil break up" a Cold had "imangs en , " anml yet " 7 ? " is NO r3ETTER than Dr. Ilunmpimroys' Ilomneopatimie Specifics for otimor dIseases , of wimicim lie makee a SL'rioa , descrIbed 1mm his Manual , inaiied tree , lISOIIDEItEI ) STOMACHS , flyapepsia , Irl. digestlomm and 'eaic Stomach carry in their wake imioro mimlsory timan imoverty. Specific No. 10 rclieyes imromnptiy , ammd by its con- tinuel use a perfect and ilormuanemmt euro is assured , RhEUMATISM , It was , Indeed , for tummato for sufferers frommm Rliuummmatlimmmi when Dc , ljummmplmneys discovered his SpecifIc No , 15 , It acts upon lime Liver ammd ICimineyms , cilmuinating Uric Acid frotmi time blood ; the cure follows ewift and sure , Hmmmuil bobbin' of iIeimi4ummt Pellets , lit tlmo yest hCkCt. $ oid by druggists , or aImt piepald upums rtcept of priLe , 2 edItS , ( i ) ' mive for $1.00. May tju ussoted , iiUmmlpiirL'i' Medicine Comujimuy5 , Ill William St. , Num yvk.