Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1896, Page 14, Image 14

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    - - Li _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAIT ADAILY flfE : StTN1)AAPR.tL 12 , 1896.
I ] CONDITION iiitt6i
r Local Iroti Mon Interested in the Tn Plato
VoIfl$1e of .To1bIig fltiIiicsFn1Ir , Ui
to Idust SVCCkI IIccor4l-CnttIo Ite-
ccI1it. . 1li1I Ci.IdcraIr
1chliiil $ Lut Year.
The weather I In the for1rOflt of In
flucnea trnmeiatdy nftectng tnide , atiti
118 It hitS been of tecIded1y prtng chnrnc
tar tt efect ) iU proven favorable , though
the rain storms that IinVt viRited most all
Rections of the state may have ctUcd a
temporory 1oa of retail tratle , The retail
tra(1o tilroUEdtOUt trlbutaty terrItor3 h4 to-
ported fair , but otlil rtthcr on the qulot
oi .Jer , owing to the cnrcIty f money , nnd
titero Is nothing In the reports coming Ii ,
hantl to ithow that lila tet inlity better emnil-
tItii ; , o1iatv1icre , In fact , there Is
every rea.'on for helioving that every see-
tion of the country h cxjcrteuclng nhout
the eatito condIL1on as t-egurds busihess ,
At ( ho COnnI1COrflO11t , of tIu dull titucs
there vi'c porno cettOflR which were luter
than otitcr lit feeling the ( till force of the
t1eprlott , but suiticicnt time has now
cltised to nilaw ot its i'prerul to every Ia-
ciIIty , and tIiorG Is now no city or town
In any Part of the country that claims anything -
thing more titan a fair bustnss. All are on
a ; ar 811(1 Omaha appears to be doing ab3ut
n veII us the others. In fact , Omaha is
t1tiln a geol ( leal better than many cItIe. ,
Jtklglflg front the bank clearings , which
shw an Increase the past week
amounting to 33 per cent , while for the
whole country there Was a loss of 3 per
con t ,
The henvy rains have produced a 'ery
good feeling in the country and the corre-
Epondonco of jobbers is filled with cheerful
reports from customers In nil sections of
the btnto. 'rho farmers nipear to be so
conflileilt of a large yieltl this season that
the lirosIect Is that they will put in a much
larger acreage than usual.
'Pho jobbing trade of the city has con-
tinned in about the mime conilitlon as was
outllnel a week agn , there being no appre-
cIabn elitingo itt either direction. There Is
ft fair movement of goods into consumption -
tion nnil the volume of sales Is running con-
sldernbiy uhenti or last year at this tune.
At the tame time there Is nothing to be
very greatly elated over.
The advance In the iron and steel market
ContitluCH to he a most Interesting feature
of the wholesale and manufacturing bits ! .
ness. Steel biiets have atIvancei $ G per
ton itt two veeks , which has worked a
wonderful change in the market for a mul-
titucle of manufactured articles. A local
jobber observes that one of the worst
features of this FOltid nlvttnce in the price
of steel Is the prohabuiity that American
tin plate mills svlil be forced to suspend , the
advance In the price of iron making It. im.
poslhlo for them to compete with the
English manufacturers. For the past year
or more there has been no foreign tin plate
seen in this market , or at least none of any
account and the sonic has been trite of
most other markets. 'fhte iron men were at
flrt slow to repontl to the Invitation
offereil by an increase of duty , but when
the sheet era.Io . became dull manufacturers
began to hook at the tin Plate business as
a substitute , and the prolits made by the
photwers led to a rapid extension ot the
number of tin plate plants. The redue-
tion ot thci tin plate ditty in 1S91 excited
iome alarm In the new factories , but
there fllowed low prices of toe that oft-
iet the reduction of duty. The tin plato
tllt were ti ; n tllUt'tflel last year b the
advance In the twice of steei , but ft cc-
ceded , anti they held all they had secured
nail gained more. The early months of
this year "have marked an epoch. Do-
mest manufacturers not only captured
the trade of the great jobhng ! houses in
the eastern seaboard cities , hut they also
extended their operations to the l'aclftc
e'jt.t and tienrerl nrgc ordets fruin the
onst canneri , " In spite of the drawback
allowed to' exporters of goods In cans of
foreign plato. In the Interior cities job-
bars are said to carry few foreign plates ,
nail even there the domestic manufacturers -
turers are gaining. Previous to the last advance -
vance in steel billets orders for plate sent
from this city were filled reluctantly , the
mill men complaining that there was no
money in plate at the prices made by the
fregn ! manufacturers. They now have a
still further advance to contend against.
Local drug men are taking a good deal
of interest in the fight that is being made
In the east against those houros that cut
prices on proprietary medicines. The drug-
ists' association Is making a hard fight
against a Cincinnati house on account. of
price cutting and is striving to prevent
It from obtaining the goods fn3m the man-
; i ufacturers , To Itrevent such price cutting
is one of the chief objects of the asocla-
tion , and Its success or failure in the pres-
oat conteet is awaited with no little in.
The comptroller of the currency has
pri'pared figures showing the Condition of
the national bnnlt.9 of the country at the
time of the last statement , as compared
with previous years. The volume of loans
and itiscounts. according to this showing
remains about steady with a year ago ,
; j while there has beeti a falling off In the
deposits. The fluctuations In the volume
of discounts and of Individual deposits
, from May 4 , 18D3 , before the outbreak of the
panic. down to the date of the latest report -
port are shown in the following tables :
Loans nail Individual
Iiscouats. Deposits.
ii May 4 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . , , & $ I,749t3d,817
July 12. 1S93. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,02a,433.Cl1 ) 1,5t6.761,231)
' October 3 , lS3. . . . . . . . . . I,813.G34,161 I,4l,121,33O
Iecember 19 , tSi3. . . . . . . lS7It74,769 l,539.3o9,7
' tebrunry 25 , Jt4. . . . . . . . t.872.402.COS lrS6.SOO.444
May 4. l8l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioa.csszt ice.oscj
July 18 , 1814. . . . . . . . . . . . . I,94t,41I.2l l,677tOI,201)
October 2 , 1M14. . . . . . . . . . 2,007,122.191 l,728,1iSS1
Dccetnber 19. 1891. . . . . . . 1,974,623,974 1,695,459,346
March 5 , 1545. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,951,846,832 1,667.S4I.2t6
I.iay 7 , 1595. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,976&i4,445 1,690.561I9J
Jitiy II , 1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.OO4,475,59 1,726 534al
ieptenibsr 28 , 1595. . . . . . 2,011.846,233 1.701,653,521
iJr'eernber 13 , 1595. . . . . . 2,02t,961,792 ) 1,72Ot5,2li
February 25. 1596. . . . . . . l,95I.344,781 1,648,092,868
The statement or speclo holdings anti legal
tender notes might be suppored to show
a raiiienl roducflon as the result or the
placement of the 4 per cent bonds. Some
retltictlon Is shown In specie , but the legal
tender holdings , including currency certlil-
eates , have Increased by almost exactly the
same amount us the specie has decreased ,
Thti would seem to Indicate that there was
pienty of idle capital , outside the banks as
well as within their vaults , nail that the
loan had not caused any marked strth-
gency. except perhaps in isolated localities.
The following table shows ( ho specie and
the legal tender notes held by the banks
at the same dates as the preceding table
eltows the discounts and deposits :
Legal Ten-
Dnt . Specie' . dec Nate. ,
2tay 4 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . , 1115,641,168
Juiy 12. 1593. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l56,6ll73 102.493,677
October 3 , 1895. . . . . . . . . . 221,703.560 121,72),32
) ecenber , ID , 1593 , , . . , , ! 1.253.6v8 168.851,759
Febtuary , 1891 , . . , . . , , 24i.166t.85 177.513,676
Iiiii.y 4 , 1594 , . , . , , , , , . . , , . 259,911,923 192,161,291
July 18 , 1894. . . . . . . . . . . . . ? .0,670,652 _ 188Ztt,318
October 2 , lStil , . , . , . . , . 237,2.I,67l ) 168.614,028
1)eoelnber 19 , 1594 , , , , . . , , 21S.NI,22.i .
i1arcli 8. 1863..Zi,931,64t 144.D36i2
May 7 , l$9 . . , , , , . , . , , , , , 2i6,6lG,599 141,49l59
atii' II , l59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214.42.l9t 163 513,173
Ichit'tnbir 2.9 , 15P.3 , , , , , , 191,2.37,311 143 866,683
Zorcrnber 33 , 359-3. . . . . . . 2)6.7124t0 330,619,421
1'ebruary 28 , lSJu . . , , , , , . 190,017,159 141,242,513
The tnarket on live stock cotitinnes very
low , and in that respect there as been no
very material change since t week ago ,
barring the usual fluctuations that occttr
l't'0113 clay to ( lay. Another ( eatitra of the
situation Is the lllht receipts at nU market
( joints. Not only hitis South Otnaita run
lieltinil her record cf last year , but there
ittLs been a decrease In the number of cat-
tie slaughterd at al ( Ito markets of ( Ito
country. The actual ( lecreaso in the aaugh-
ter at Chicago sittc January 1 , whoa corn-
pared with last year , is 3,682 , bitt the cc.
Ceiite are still very stuall. At Kancas C ty
tito olilcial report of the secretary of the
rtock yards company shows a decrease from
1S9 ef 5.914 In the slaughter of cttIo , The
Eteek yards at South Omalta begin tteir
busiaess year December 1 , and from tite
: ht report , florember I , lk)5. ) to iti-t ) 31 ,
there was a falling off of 7,172 witeit corn-
p ircti with the sttme perio4 of a year ago.
the reoeitts at the four slaughtering loints
show a Iidght increase , but the export tie.
tnand for cattle served to reduce
the ucttmi shattghter , W'Itie a few
more cattle arr1ved In the three
Inontitit of 1&tG tItan In the ocr.
responding pliloti of 1895. a considerable tie.
crease lit t'hOWn from the ilgitros of 1891 ,
1893 , 3892 , antI 1830 , FollowIng are the re.
coipta mr tlir tn3ntlts at the tour irnints :
Cattie , StWp.
I 1htrngo . , , . , . , , , , , t , , , , . , , , , , , , , . , , t73,000 844O
9ais.iN , tIlt ) , . , , , , , , , . . , , , . , , , , , , 333.975 23t76
( > nttitui , . . . , , . , , , , . . , , , , . , , , . , , , , 111,313 43j8)
ri , 1iUtu , , , , . , , , , , . . , , , , . , , , , , , . , , 163,814 85,339
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,212,172 l,19tD4i
'X'Iirrc inoMiis 1893 . , . . , , . . , . , , , , , , 1,195,1533 1Ot9.t0)
'litre. fluMtthlX 1534. , , . . , . . , , , . , .1.301,7t7 2,042 2.3)
rhirru inoittits 55t13 , , , . , , . , , , , . . , . 1,453,2,23 599,556
Three atoathis 1592 , . , , . , , , , , , . . , , . 1,327,614 69l,36
Three months 1831 . . . , , . , , , , , , , . , . . . 1,169,008 757,5131
'l'hree rnbnthi 18 . . . . , , , , , , . , . . . , l.227,33Z 711,514
r3iu Soutis Macclean slaughter of cattle
this * s ; of te kll U 5c.V.2fl to
itirc ) , ii nts a. . foilow
b8'4 i(4 1593.
flinnoi A'tei . . old io.o4 jq 18l , ' )
M ntevld-o . . . . . . . . , ; oo : oo i9W ) )
ii.igijt.9' . . . . . . . . . . . . .151.0''O ' 164.0' ' ) ' ! 13.r ) ) 14fY'9
l7ntre In's snl Psr-
5n3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3,0Co i3.OO
Te61 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . % .i/JO' ) 61,0id t.Il.9 Ill
Illo . . . . . . . . . . 15.0)0 ) O.030 10.CO 3I3,99.
ai-nnil mini . . . . . .219O ; 7Z3O G.GCPO :
AvitDtC ( ( iT VIX , 'enre , 1F..rc47.
It will be seen the quantity khicd In IO3
Is 116CGG shcirt of the average for six Years.
Taken altogether the foregoing figures in-
dtcato a contltiise shtoltige in the Cnttll2
8UIIt,13' ,
OMAhA Gh1' , ti.t1tlCl1T
Coni1Iio of Tri.i1 and ( lulfltiottN ,
( III Sittititi ti liii Fit tte l'rniut'e.
The wctt cirdd irith sicily tnttket.
coniml..sion inca sa that th'y anticipate a
contest , citnhlar to ( lint which tins been tutighit
over Ole9rnal5stinc' , when the bill to tAx flied
cheese comes up for flnti ) ct.nsiderntlon at'nsh -
itigian , A tinlicirni tax at 1 cent 5icr pound i
1ovhd upon nit chcse rnanutac'iured , but 11th
is tittly a 1itl t of the weight of ttixtttion * iitcit
t ito I ntiutt I y ivould hear ii alec I lie hIll. Stattu-
fzteturcn , nt'o tPflUitil to iY An liitflhinl lieene
at 840's , i'hioleeal , ilealet. . . ID ) and retailers 810.
Att ) Pet1Ofl Who offer. . filch chire in the twig-
irini titeliuftielurets' pacluiges icr cub or to re-
Intl tleitot-rt ! i.iiiiti be deemed a Whtilca1e ilesler.
Mi packages , cxecpt 1los6 cold at retail for
cfl5tttiititiiti , nt , e'iIthtel to be ot'ooi1 , bail to
I , tjtiltkt,1 ' 'F'hiUi Citeepe' ' in foitr i.lnre , in
letters not to , , than one iti length. . . Ito-
tittleti ; cannot poll tim at tine ttatititrtti'.l. but
Iliust put * tputt vondcn or paper teknges 1tttcr
hot less than half tin mdi in lengths
Contiiihieiitt men are ndrisiitg theIr shIppers
to keeji the game at home. Tue .iernand is
very light , and this \ i'tathctso ivatiti that very
little game cait lie Cxlieetetl to orrire in market-
cite condition , It Is better to itt it spoil at
tiuttie iiti,1 snvo ( tie contmtesion men much neul-
less annoyance. Qutatons : : -
11a014-F'rcphi etock , 5',4e.
IIUTTt1I-l"alr to g.od stack , (9c choice to
tan9p country , I2tfltc.
ViAL.-Ciolco ) fat , 70 to 100 lbs. , are quotcd
at 6,8f7c ! ; iatge and coarse , 4gc.
citsItsl2-rtimstic brick , llt4c : Idatn , per
ioz. $9.50 ; club house , lIb. jats , per tieS. , $3.50 :
1.imlicrgor , fancy , per lb.5 11cl. 11o14uPort , 14.1b.
nrs. Is'r dna. , 8.1.60 ; bong Americas , 11540 :
Twins. fl11C3' % , lie.
.1'OU1T4t\-LI..IIn , 865ct old . 3tI
Ic : tutlu'yp 10012c ; iluckS , stise ; geese , Gfc.
11A3-Upfanil , 85.00 : midland. $4.50 : lowland ,
$4.09 : rye straw , $3.50 ; color makes the price ott
hay : light hitties sell tile best , Only top grtides
brtng top prices.
i4itOOM CO1tN-lxtremeiy slow sale ; new
crop , ilelirereil on track in cottntr9' ; choice green
self-Working enrtet , per ii ) . , 24c ; choice green ,
runntng to hurt , 2510 : common , 1',4c.
( lASt tt-Maiiartt dUcks , $1.,412.0O ; roil-
hicaib ; , * 2.00472.50 ; canvas bark ducke ,
$2.090j2,50 : teal. btue winged , 81.004 ?
1.23 : teal , groin wingeil , $1.OOti'lIS : mixed
Canada geese , 13.50614.50 ; small geese , * 2.00013.00 ;
e'eeklr'.l . lirhntp , 12,00113.00.
PICl1ONS-Live , $ i,206J1.25 : dead pigeons aot
Wanted ,
Therp axe a few Florida new potatoes on the
market , tot they nrc eniali and ate not selling
very frothy as yet. liefore new potatoes beconie
pknt9' enough to euppi' the demand holders of
old will have to clenn up tue bulk of their
stock. Quotations :
TOMATOES-Florida stock , 6-basket crates ,
' 5.
I'F3AS-IlOxes , % bu. , $2.50.
TOP ON1ONS.-.l'er doz. hunches , 200227C.
CUCUMItI4ItS-t'cr doz. , $ t.22.4u1.F,0.
WAX IStIANS-l'er bu. box , $4.t0.
STRING tlANS-Per bu. box , $3.50 ,
S1'INACII-I'or box , $ l.l0I,25.
I'ltl 1'rArrr-1ihhnots stocti , 50-tb. box , $3.80.
CAIIIIAOIt-Catifornla clock , ' per lb. , 25c.
ONIONS-I'er bu. , 350350c.
IIIOANII-hIand . pIcked navy , per bu , , $1.40.
svEE.r I'OTATOItS-Ctiiitce stock , $2.25 per
bIJI. : sied sweet potatoes. 82.25 ,
CltLltItY-California , per doz. , No. 1 , $1 ; No.
2 , 5Cc ; No. 3. tIle.
LIMA BttsS-Per lb. , 4g4c ,
\'ATrttt CIIESS-l'er 36-qt , case. $1.75.
POTATOItS-Native stock , 202,7c ; Colorado
stock , 35440c : fled River 'alley seed potatoes ,
tOe ; l2.arly Ohio seed , 400450e.
The market was almost bare of strawberries ,
only a few carea of pInts beIng offered for
sale. The price on Texas berries was cut down
80 how that shippers have stopped sending to
this market. What appears to be a serious
olijection to this market is that witile it Is tlte
best in the country in which to buy , it is a
looli market ( or aihppers of fruits , and , in consequence -
sequence , it is no easy matter to secure supplies
ot fruits for this point until all other inarkes
are full. Wlienee'er It happens that tltete is only
enougit of anything to go , around , Omaha is
ery opt to be left out In the cold entirely.
I"rttit reports from nit parts of southern California -
ifornia show that oranges ate blooming well
and that excepting in the northern sections
peach anti iwune trees are covered With bios.
some. In tie : last few days copious rains fell in
most of the State , which vere of great benettt
to ati fruIt crops. These rains % vere well dig-
tributed , cnd ranged from halt an inch to above
cne inch. This makes the total for the season
train live to ten Inches. Late temperature has
a whlo range , from 41 to 82 degrees on different
days. Oranges arc' btooming much better than
a year ago ; apricots are well set , with the
present outlook pretty generally favorable for
fruIts. Quotations :
STISA\VIIltltlSIES-Texas , per case of 24 pts. ,
$5 ; LouIsIana , 24 pta , $3.0043.25.
APPLIOS-Choice to fancy lien Davis , i84.0O4
4.50 ; choIce wine saps and wIllow twigs , 14.500)
5.53.CRANI3ERRIES4erzey , $4.V00)3,00 ; boxes , $2.03.
ORANGES-California budded seedlings , rancy ,
12.60032.75 : choIce , 12.50 ; fancy navels , $3.75 ;
Choice , $3.50.
LI4MONS-Merninas. fancy , $3.2@3.80 ; choice ,
$3.00@3.50 : Cal ifornlos , 42.75g3.00 ,
IIANANAS-Choice large stock , per bunch.
$2,000J2.23 ; medium sized bunches , 11.500)2.00.
The oyster seifeon is practically over , and
no one is trytng to do much in that line , There
is , however , stock still to be had on the mar-
bet. Quotntions :
OYSTJtRS-Meiliums , lIe ; standards , 20c ; extra
seleCts , lIe ; company selects , lie ; New York
counts , be : standard bulk. per gal. . $1.10.
HONEY-Fancy white , per lb. , lIe ; choice ,
lIe ; California amber Color. 100.
CIIOltIt-Clartfled juice , per half bbh. , $3 ; per
bbl. , $5.
SAUIOR IRAUT-Per bid. , $3.50 ; half bbh , * 2.
2.SAPLAO SYRUP-Five gal. cans. , each , $2.75 ;
gal. cans , per doz. , 112 ; % gal. cans , $6.23 ; quart
cans , $3.50.
PIUS-Imported fancy , 5 crown , 30-lb. boxes ,
jOe ; choice 10-tb. boxce , 3 crown , 90)iOc.
1)ATIOS-llalioween , per lb. , Sc ; fards , 10-lb.
boxes. per lb. . 7c' .
MAPLIt $ UOAIO-Chotce , per lb. , Sc ,
S'II8SERVIOS-Assorted , 20-lb pails , each , $1.40.
COCOANUTS-l'er 100 , $4.50 ; each , Sc.
NUTS-Almonds , California , per lb. , medIum
size , 100 Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large , IE4c ;
Ilraztls , per lb. , So ; English walnuts , per lb. .
fancy soft shell , 12c ; medium size. 100 ; Otberts ,
per lb. , bc ; pecans , polished medium , Sc ; large ,
bc ; peanuts , raw , 6544lc ; roasted , 7',4c.
BEEF-Good steers , 400 to coo lbL , 60)6c ;
good cows and heifers , 5'i36c ; medium cows
and lielfers. Sc ; good forequarters cows and
heifers , 34454c ; 8500 hIndquarters , cows and
licifers , 64J754c ; good hindquarters. steers , 754
tjSc ; cow rouadsiceCow pInts , 30)350c ; bone.
he'ss chucks , Ic ; cow huclcs , 3c ; steer chucks ,
4o ; beef tenderiolna , 210 : beef rolls , boneless , Sc ;
slriotn butts , boneless , 9c ; loin backs , boneless ,
9c ; loIn backs , 734c ; cow rIbs , No. 3 , 8e ; cow
loins , No , 3 , Do ; best trimmings , Ic ; rump
butts. Sc ; shoulder clods , Sc.
2.iU'I"TON-IOreosed lamb , Ic ; dressed mutton ,
Cc : necks. Sc ; legs , Sc ; saddles , 8c ; stews , Ic ;
sbeep plucks , Ic ; sheep tonguas , per doz. , lIe.
puBic-Dressed hogs , Sc ; pork loins , 654c ; spare
ribs 8'4c ham sausage butts , Sc ; pork shoulder ,
4c ; tiork shoulders. skinned , Sc ; pork ( nut-
mlngs. 414c ; leaf lird , not rendered , Sc ; ten-
denioins. lSc.IUDES
hIDES-No. I green hides , 34c ; No , 2 green
hides , 254c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4',4c ; No. 2
green soIled hides , 3 ½ c ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 15
lbs. , 6c No. 3 veal calf. 8 to 15 lbs. , Ia ; No. 1
dry flint hides , 743Sc : No. 2 dry ( lint hides , 50J6c ;
No. 1. dry sitlted bides , Ge ; part cured hides , o
el' lb. less titan fully cared.
SlIltEl' 1'ItbTS-Green salted , each 251160c ;
green salted shtarlings ( short scoohed early Bkina ) ,
ciecha lSc : dry sttearlinas ( sflort wooteil early
skins ) , No. I , each , Plc ; dry stiearhitgs , ( short
wooled early skins ) , No , 1 each , Sc : dry ( lint
Kansas antI Nebraska hotelier wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , StJ6o ; thy ( tint lansns and Ne-
brtuika liturrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 40)Sc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
lieltg , Per lb. , uctuai weight , 44JG',4c' dry ( itat
Colorado 1.turraia vpol pelts , per ib. , actual
weIght , 44i5c ; tiny pieces and bucks , actuai
weight , 45c ; feet cut oft , as It is uselas to
pay freight on them.
TAI5LO\V ANI ) GIIEASE-Tahlow , No , 1 , let
tallow , No. 2 , Ia ; grease. white A , Ic ; grease ,
white Ii. 254c ; grease , yellow. 1',4c ; grease , dnik ,
154c ; clii butter , 24254e ; beeswax , prime. 154
22.01 rough tallow , 154c.
IlONItil-In car lots weighed and delivered in
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , $ l2.OOhll.O0 ; dry
country , bleached , per ton. 110.00(412.00 : dry
country , damp and meaty , per ton. 16.00448.00.
WOOl.-Unwastie.l. tIne heavy , COuic : ibis light ,
54300 : quarter blood , I04lZc ; seedy , hurry and
chatty , 8000 ; cotted atiti tiroken. coarse , 704Cc ;
cutletS anti brokn , fine , G0)SC , I'Ieeee , washeil-
MedIum , 15441801 tIne , 14441Cc ; tub washed. 164)
ISo : black , Sc ; bucks , Cc ; lug lacks , 0J3o ; dead
pulled , 8tj6c , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Vll Mirkt't.
NEW YORI ( , Arinil * 1.-WOOL--Dull ; domestic
tleece. lGfllIc ; puiied. 15112CC ,
I.ONDON , AprIl ll-Tli wool arrivals for
the next sale are us follows : Now South Wales ,
50.933 boles ; Victoria , 49.915 bales ; Queensland ,
3,719 bolt'S' Thetnania , 7,0fl bales ; Houtlt Aus-
ttalia ooclo bales ; west Australia , 6.039 bales ;
New 7eaiand , 19,693 bale.t ; Cape of Ocytl hope
and Natal , 48 1751 bales , making a total of tibout
244OY ) bals , including 69,000 bales sent due-ct to
Yotkshiru and the continent. Tue illitOrtV ( or the
week ugsresute 4216 hairs , including New l4oUtht
\Vaies , 22,659 bales ; VictorIa , 4,376 boles ; Houthi
Austlaila , .3,2.15 boles ; \S'est Australia , 11 bales ;
'rasinania , 133 baiea7 New Zealand , 0,143 hales ;
Caou of QooiI 1I.'pe and Ntat , 3,3518 bales ;
China , 18 bales : Singapore , 123 bales ; Ceylon , 10
bales ; SPaIn , 1.125 bales ; Fiance , 14 bales ; Italy ,
10 bales ; lielgium , 23 boles.
CtOtt inrlcut ,
NI5\V OItL.EANS. April 11-COTTON-Quiet ;
talilililtig. 7 11'lSt , ; low miilslling. 784c ; good cr131. i
nitty , 7 3-lCd act receipts , 2,429 bolt's ; gross ,
3.870 boles ; exports to this continent , 100 bait's ;
eoastwlse , 75 boles ; sales , 75 boles ; stock , oor.
reeled , 183,099 boles.
N17\V YOl5 , April 11.-COTTON-dull ; tid. t
1din , lOje ; receipts , 1,084 bales ; sales , lI4 bales ,
all t'pintiens : siock , 141,5C3 bales.
ST. I.OUIK , April ll.-CO'l'TON-Pull ; mid. i
ilting , 7o ; sales , 243 bale. ; tecslpti. 321 halts ; I
slti5ltUt.'tit , , 114 bales ; stock , 84,151 bales.
I Wiioat Broke Two Onts on Bullish Govern-
moat Report. ,
itnohier Active Session Vns I'nscd In
file Onus Murket stll. ) the Voltitito
of Itimaltiess 'S'ns Iivest llct'
Icr 'Flints on I.'rIdn' ,
CIIICAC.1O , April 11.-.llistory repeated
itself in the heat pit today. A bullish
governnlt'flt report was Issued yesterday
afternoon 011(1 ( the price for May broke 2c
er bu , from the point. it touched at tile
opening , nnul ciosed with a net loss for the
dn3P of Itc. Corn and oats both suffered
from the weakness of wheat and the favorable -
able growing weather. i'rovisions ss'ere
stonily for lard antI ribs and strong for
Wheat opened strong at G6c to C6c for
May , but the miscellaneous buying , whIch
was the conspicuous fenturo of the first
few minutes' trading , was met by heavy
selling by nearly all the big bears on the
floor. In an hour from the start a decline
to G5c haul occurred. The Liverpool market -
ket was quoted 4d higher on account of
our government crop report. BerlIn was
til ) from PA to 1 marks , probtubly on the
same account , The week's shipments from
Argentine were 880,000 bu , , compared with
2,216,000 bu. on tile corresponding week of
tha year ljefore. The clearances from
both consti ( of this country for the Week
wore 1,761,000 bu. , agaInst I 693 000 bu , on
the week before anU , , 2,93i,0150 but. on the
corresponding week of tlte year before , The
bulls entirely lost heart when they saw
how easy tile bears fotinri it to put the
price down to the previous day's closing
Prices nail about nn hour from the close ,
they 'began grndunly to get rid of their
long wheat. Twenty mInutes from the
close May wheat was sellIng at ' 64e , or
2c below the price it was brInging at the
opening. and the latest trading was at the
loe'est point of the day's , range.
The opening strength of the wheat market -
ket held up corn for a time to the level
of the price it closed at yesterlay. The
fine weather and the break In the price of
wheat had the natural effect of such a
bearish colnblnation. The resulting tie-
chine In the price of corn was meastired
by 3-ICc per bu. The opening price for
May was from lOc to S0.4c , and the lowest
and closing rate was from 29c to 29c ,
at which price there Were buyers as the
bell tapped.
Ailothier active session Was passed in the
oats market and the volume of business was
oven heavier tItan yesterday. May opened
at 19c , sold to 1954c and closed at from
195412 to 19e , .a decline of 4c since Fri-
day. July ranged from 20c to 201c to
frqm 193c to 19c ending % o lower , with
the latter price bid.
I'envlsions ere nctivf , the shorts in pork
beitig the principal sustainers of prices.
The receipts' of hogs were as expected and
they' met a good demand at a shade higher
PrIceS. Pork rose 20c per bbl. , but closed
with a gain of only 75c per bbl. Lard
and rIbs were dull , the former closing
without change for the day and ribs a
shade under yesterday's final prices.
Estimated receipts for Monday are :
Wheat 17 cars : corti , 100 cars ; oats , 235 cars ;
hogs , 5,000 head.
The heading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. i Open. llighp Low. I
April Ill GO 639 ( 63T
MaO' OtIi4 663 ( 64 114)4 )
July 07 07J,4 05 U5
CornNo 2. .
Aonil 29l 2084 2S 20 (
May : oo 3C 290 2004
.Iuly 313 * 3154 3094 30)4
Sept 321 S2 3174 ' 3114
Oats. No. 2. .
May 1074 1054 1i15 10)4
July 2U0 2O-4 1094 1014
Sept 20)4 20)4 2014 2034
May. . . . . 8 8714 8 7(1 ( 8 5714 S 5214
July. . . . . . . . 8 80 8 05 8 7734 8 8234
Lard.lUO lbs
May..5 . 0734 6 0734 5 0734 5 07L4
July. . . . . . . . 5 20 25 5 20 11 20
'dortRibs- .
May. . . . . . . . 4 55 4 5714 4 5234 4 5234
July. . . . . . . . . . 4 70 47234 4 0734 4 754
Cash quotations were as follows :
WIIEAT'-No. 2 sprIng , 63'4cNo. ; 2 red , 67)4)
CORN-No. 2 , E4429c.
OATS-No. 2 , 19c ; No. 2 white , 194)19c ; No.
3 white , 195'c.
RYE-No. 2 , 37c , ' I
IlAItLItY-No. 2 , nominal.
FLAXSIIRD-No. 1 , 9054c.
TIMOThY SICED'-.Prime , 13.254)3,10.
I'ItOVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , 19.68448.60.
Lard , per 100 lbs. , 15.0254. Short ribs sIdes ( loose ) .
84:50444.55 : , Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , nominal.
Shoit clear aides ( boxed ) , nominal.
\V1llS1Ct-.D'lstiilers' ttnlslied goods , per gal. ,
SIJGARS-Cut loaf , 16.27 ; granulated , $5.62 :
standard "A , " $5.31 ,
I'OULTRY-Steady ; turkeys , 104)114c ; chickens -
ens , 80)9c ; clucks , 114)I2c.
The followIng were the receIpts anti shipments
today :
' '
'Xiicles. Receipts. Shipments.
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4,000
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 71,4(1)0 ( )
Corn , bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.000 57,000
Oats , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182,000 172,00' ' )
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
flarleybn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,000 _ 8,000
Ott the Produce exchange today the butter mar-
rlcet was steady ; creamery , 104418c ; dairy , 1045
17o. Ega , han ; 0G41tJ4c.
Siteculation In Securities Iteiluccil to
Small I"roportloita.
NEW YORK , April 11-The speculation in
stocks today does not call for extended corn-
ment. Thio total deallnga were the smallest
that have been recorded in many years past ,
footing up about 32,000 shares. London prices
were slightly lower , but.the local market was
sustained by purchases to cover shorts. The
publication of the government crop report fahied
to exert any Influence upon prices , although
the condition of winter wheat. 77,1 , ha the lowest
for twelve years , with a single exception , 'rite
railway list made general fractional gains.
Sugar absorbed interest in the industrial list
and advanced an important. fraction , Tobacco
was practically neglected , but moved up 1 % per
cent on cowerIng , the market closing almost
stagnant , but fIrm in tone , at general slight
improvement. The speculation of the week Itna
beca dull and entIrety professional. The course I
of prIces. generally steaklng , isag Irregutar ,
with a sagging tendency , and final sales recorded
concessions in most lnstance , with the gruagera ,
08 ft greup , the cittet sufferers.
' 1)0 ) formal ection of the house of representa-
tlves tue outset of the weelr , favoring recog-
nitien of Cuban belligerency , was a foregone I
conclusIon , but the overwhelming majority by
which tite vote was carried disturbed loctil trail.
ing. 'rite profteslondi dealers sold stocks , anticipating -
pating a deprenicel market ( or AmerIcana in
London. The news , however , vat. neelvedabroatl
with ntnrwd conservatism , nail accordinKiy the
boii5 toote In part of theIr lines. Freeb vi'ni i
tur'a wera subsequently made on the bear
side , in anticipation of an early olflcial state.
nient oxpresleing' the pppuhar sentiment in favor
of Cuba. Accordingly the eltangeg on title subject -
ject were running at intervals , and a number
Os' euaiors emanateit from \Vatihtington , purport
hug to ilehlne the attitude of Site presidett ; ,
Their tenor was decidedly conflicting , and served
alternately to depress or advance prices , Wasit-
ingtun houses ltgured actively in the truntiacC
tiotia. To en extent , apprehension of gold ex-
lions has restricted business on ( he Stock exchange -
change , owing to the strength of the exchange I
ntat bet ,
Later In the week , however , rates eased nit tea
a point that vould preclude exports of gold on
Is liurely exchange bosig. The weakness in ex.
change is partly duo to the operation of a num.
her of sterling loans of Importance only In tito
aggregate amount. The demand for exchange
has been very light , offsetting the continued
dearth of conimercial bills. It is understood
( lint any shipments that may be' made in ( lie
lmtnedate future wilt he for htussiitn account
nail would ie practicable only on account of th
s1'eeiah inducentents. 'rite dullness of the stock C
market lifts logically prevented any appreciation C
in rates fqr Call money. unit a , tendency toward C
relaxation is rioted in the tuaricet for commerI
vial paper. An important develolimant of the C
week Stint wlii undoubtedly cause eyenturii irn. I
tro'etneflt in the earnings of many traultlliortnI I
lion 11am ii the Oron.clati egreetat'nt enttred
Into between the roads , included in the ( Southwestern -
western Tratllc intO Transcontinental aseocia-
tionil. The agreetnent _ covers Site steamship
hues of the Southern I acillo ansI tither e'eitipa-
nies. and in most of its details resembles the
contract between the New York ttunle lines
tail connecting niads , tltpcks of various iron and
steel companies have been favorably influenced
Ii ) ' ( ho lnlhrovoil condition of those industries , 1
A noteworthy incident , bearing upon the reor.
ganizatlon of Site Northern I'aciflo properties. Is
tit settlentent effected tiy the reorganization
committee wIth the holders of bonil of the a
Cour 4'Aieno division. following upon tue tice
rungenucat concluleil with the itoideis of North-
era l'aciflo nail Montana bonds. The important
values noted in Site specialties
change's in verc c
. Tobiecco tttl Manhattaa mint
with Sugar. ( ri
pt'oininent. ' ? hto ( Inst nanteil was ailvitneed by c
11001 buyIng and by reported favorable trade
condItions , lot sharp recessions occurred itt In-
Lervitls. TobaccO suffered ( rota itersistent hiqui. I
button by inside interests , and was also ham.
maceu by the tnttleni on revIved rtttnoni oS hill.
gation to restrain the pnyntextt of the 213 pir
a'ait scrip dividend , Covering of ltonts led to
ttarp ) fluctuatIon. at Slates , but Site prica event-
Littily ; eetded to 52 % . against 59 , ttts final
Irma a wesk ago. The closing transaclloai C
.how a net les if S per cent. Manhattaif let I
art with a net gain of 1l per Cetit on expecta. .3.
ton of increased exteitsian privileges , The. an- It
iual retort of Site llunltngtco was unfavorable ,
.iut its publication applareil to have been dliit
.sunted until Site aggregate t, were 74,7L 4i
PItI.L'I ( , liitsn : pe in i.onils looted up $275,000.
The. t.ttC haS flrm
'Flit , rnjetne.nt Gt'tptIsee for the week wee Ic.
regula tlihi n declitting tendency. Northern
l'aeifl ipsue wet 1110 fentart's. anti riispheye.I
sitr , iiii Ott doI liaduls in onnection with the
se'ttiometi ) . witt 14Wi. of the branch line. ,
N"rtlern I'nclfl and Montana lets gIneil seVeral -
oral poInts , hitS e1Iif.y' ' rn'intAin SIt' entireIm -
PrO'emcnt. Sharp- losses are noted In tue 8Cn-
sac & Toxnt and Attfihpnn Is..tes , extending to
114 per rent In 1150'itIjiisinient ) 15 of tue Inst
mentioned eonipnn' . The saleS Were $5,50O00.
( lovernmints for tieS' ruled firm and higher
on pttrci.aes of ; ll 's00.
The New 'ork , D1nhncior sa)5 this week !
Till statement of tile. p.icIatil lanks at NeV
York for Site veek , ii5ng AprIl Il , tot tue fIrst
time in sIxty eIny rhipws an Increase In the
cesor'e , ( lie hianli sn for the week being
nearly $1,000,000 $ , TI 1.nnku gnln'it In caslnc. !
conIng' to liii , reho7T.264,200. $ This result , in
'ieuv of this ehnngj.a . inrldiat to Site work , was
not vitnt hail been ctpieted , as the preliminary
( litinuttcs idacal thelOss to Site banks from
subtrensury operaons anti gold export. fit
al,3itt $2,000,000. 'nip ne Interior movement hail
prohalily been greaIi ( uniierestininteI , however ,
since ( lie lOsses mentloncil Were not only made
Up , bitt the stateniont linings the tiatilcq out With
$1,250,000 mor- rash tltnn they reported on hand
at the close cit Site pievious week. Time only
refereno. ' , if the statement is a. correct average ,
I , that Site Interior movemint made tip for the
hcosies Ietcurre'l In oilier trnfli.nctionC. 'rIte ci.-
ing premium on New York exchange at all
interior cities is plain vldfnee of funds in this
directi.n , anti this amOunt is hound to increase
tinder normal condition. , for coins time to comae ,
JStet how nitwit money Site New 'ork money mar.
bet can absorb from nIl sources wIthout a break in
current rate. , is nm Important question at pres
eat , tapecinily a. the rulIng quotation. have in.
viteil larger offerings bf funds , which otlieri'he
wottlil have been exported , nnl W iticim surely will
en mit as soon as the money niarket decline , .
The' banks ia'e. teen itaying into Site treasury
of late part of the nvernment funds loft on tie-
posit , Site amount for the week teing abut
$2,000,000. This money will be gradually witit-
drawn from now on. 'rite surplus of Site New
York bank. is very utnoqitnlly dIstributed at
present , a few of the larger institutions Itoitling
the bIlk of ( lie excess reserve , The next
few weeks are destined to bring more important
changes in She money market.
The following were the ciosing quotations on
the leading stocks oL the New York exchange
Atchison . . , , , . , , , , 16)4 ) N. Y , neutral. . . . . . 1)554 )
MInima. , 148 N , Y , & N. II. . . , , . . , 40
A1'on , T. 11. . . . . . . 58 Ontario . ! e W. . . . . . . . 14
Ala , ltxIrecte , .4. , S 112 Oreon Immip , . , , . , 1
lmaltitmioro & OhIo. , 18' ( Oregoti Nay , . . , . , , , 11) )
Canada Pacific , , . , 355 0. 8. 1. . . .i U , N , , , . . 334
Cmmuudasouthteni : , , ' 4034 l'ncittc Mail . . . , . , . , 2515 *
Central l'iuciilc , . , . 15 I'eorta Dcc , &F. . . . . .
Chic. , & Ohio. . . . . . l5't l'ittabitrg. . . . . . . . . . tOo
Chicago & Alton , 154 l'ttllntnmi Palace 1551
C. , Ii. & Q . . . . , , , 714 ltenlltiL : . . . . . . . . . . . . 10)34 )
Chicago (7a. . , , , , . , 11,1)4 , It , CL W , , , . , . , . . , lit
Consolidated Gas 1153 It. 0. W. Tifd . , . . , , , 45
C. , C. , (2. & St. L 343g ItocK Islameil. . . . . . . 70)14
Co1. Coal & Iron , 2 St. Paul , , , . , , . , , . , , 75)4
Cotmoit Oil Cerl , , 14)4 ito pitt . . . , , , , , . . . ,
Delan'tre& Iltid. , 12i' St. 1' . & Oniah'i , . . , IS
Iel. , Lack , & W iao ; do pfll. . . . . . . . . . . . 121
13.&lt.G. pfd. . . . . . 4SI4 Sotititorn Pacilic 11th ,
, D. , ! i C. F. Co . , , 1704 Smtyar lioflitery , , . .
East Tettit. . . . . . . . . 1414 . Tetin. Con , & Iron 31(34 (
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Textsl'ticiflc : . . , , . , It
Eric prO. . . . . . . . . . 22 P. & 0. Ce't. aid 751 %
Fort \Vnymo. , . . . . . . . 1(10 tbtlomt I'acttlc 834
(7 , Northern pitt , 1 10 51. S. l4xpre 45)
(2. & : . I , imid. . . . . . 11(0 ( V. St. L. P. . . . . . . . . 5134
hiockitig Vn1lo' , 1(114V , St. L. & p. trd 18
Illinois Central , 1)1 Vclle Farce lOx. , , 11(11 (
St. 1' . & fltiltttit 24 W.'miie'rn Uttion. . , ,
K. .5& P. Vtl. . . . . . . . . 21154 Wheeling , lu 1. . . 15. , ti34
LtkoEnio&West 17 do prO. . . . . . . . . . . . 3234
(10 otil , . . , 7(1 ( M. .Si St. I. . . . . . . . . . . I 0
LakeShores. . . . . 14714 I ) . & IL. 0. . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lenil Trust , , . . , , , , 2414 0. F , , . , . , . , . . . , . , 38
Lottiavilto . 'eN Oh , N. L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1834
L.&N.A. . . . . . . . . . . 8140.8'&I. . . . . . . . . . . 2834
ManltnttahtCon , , , Ih03 do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . 08
Metttphiis& C. . . . . . 15 II..ti.V. ! C. . . . . . . . . . . 134
Mtcitigan Cciii. . . . . 1)234 P. St. L. & IC. C , . 534
Missouri Pacillc 2434 P. St. L. &Ic.C. pid 10
Mobile & Ohio. . . . . 22 5.15. 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . I )
NasltvilloCitat OS S. It. 10. 'id. ' . . . . . . . 2034
NationalCordago 4)4 Am. 'rob. Co. . . . . . 8314
Nat. Corelaeepfd ii do pfil. . . . . . . . . . . 1)8 )
N , J. Cetitral. . . . . . . 103)4 Amit. Tol. , t C. Co. , oo :
N. Si W. Pitt. . . . . . . . t,74 Cott'l , Cable Co. . , IOu
North Ama. Co 534 Alit , Sog ir p1st. . . . . 101)34 )
Nortiicnit Pacille. , 3 % U. S. Cordage clii 1.34
N. I'acitlc nid. . . . . . 1134 II. S. Leather pfil. . 5t15
U. P. U. & (1. . . . . . . 354 U. S. ltitbber. . . . . . . 2t)74 )
Northiwosterti. . . . . 15)334 do ptd. . . . . . . . . . . 85
_ 0OVd. . . . . . . . . . . .
The total sales ot"stockg today wee 35,789
satires , including : American Sugar , 6,753 ; North-
era Pacific. 4,800. 15 s I
Nev YorI .i5luttes' Murliet.
Easy at 3 ½ Per cenlaet loan , 3 : closed 314.
S'RIME 15tEltCAi'43thE 1'AI'IIR-5144j634 per
cent. .
STERLING ICXCIIANOIS-Steady , with actual
bosiness in bonkeniObihi4 at $4.SS444.S9 for ito-
man , ) and $4.873tiJtiSOe for sixty days ; posted
rates , * 4.SSl,4454.89 ithd 11.8914444.90 : commercial
bills , $1.87.
lIAR 81LVER-69'A7
STATE ISONDS-Dulll railroad bonds , firm.
UOVIIRNMICNT BONIS-Firm ; new 4. reg.
nail coupcst , 117 ; 3s rotc ; and Coupon , 11314 ; Is
teg , , 10554 : 45 coupon , liDo ; 2s reg. , 95 ; Pacille 6s
of ' 97 , 103.
Closlng"quotatioas nbonds were as follows : 117 0. P. lets of ' 03. . . . jUt )
U.S. 4scoup. ttcw. 147 P. di It. G..7a..s , _ 1$5 $
U. s : ss , rcr' . . . . . . 1I ) U. & ' It. (3. 4s , , , . 8834
U. S.SuicoUp. . . . . . 11.31.4 Enie2dss. . . . . . . . . . .
to. S. 45 , cog. . . . . . . . 10904 G. H. i S. A. 6g. . , . 105
U. S. 45coup. . . . . . 1010 G. H. . % e S.A. 7s. . . . 100
U.S.2a.rog. . . . . . . . 0 Ij.eT.O. be. . . . . . . 108
PacilcOsot'OS. . . 103 doGs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
Ala , , class A. . . . . . 1013 31. . IC. . P. let 4s. , 8434
Ala.classli . . . . . . 108 do'24'4s. . . . . . . . . . 88
Ala.cIassC. . . . . . . 100 Mutual UnionS' . . . 114
Ala.Ctirrency. . . . . 100 N.J.O , Giat. Ss. . . . 117 %
La.Now Cott.45 . 5)754 No.l'acitto Oats. . . 11434
MisoimriOa. . . . . . . . 100 tio'2els. . . . . . . . . . . . 11034
N. 0.1:5. : . . . . . . . . . . . 12234 N.w. Congols. . . . . 13034
N. C. 45. . . . . . . . . . 103 do S. F. flab. Se , . 11034
S. C. nonfund. . . . . 54 55. 0 , % Vcst. Oats. . . 74)4
Teitim , new set Sc. 87 St. P. Console 7g. , 125
Tenit. new set 5g. . 108 do C. & P. SY. 0.t. 11,3
Teiin.oid51s. . . . . . . Q0 St.L.&I. ! d.Gon.5 7734
Va.Conturiea. . . . . 0134 St.L.4c3. F.Gan.0. lOOM
do deferred. . . . . . S Texas Pac. Oats. . . 8 %
Atchison 48. . . . . . . 7784 do 2ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 (
Atcitlson 25 A. . . . . 4434 U. 1' . late of ' 00. . . . 104
CatiadnSo.2tls. . . . 104 Weat8itor4s. . . . . 10354
L. & N , mtttled is. 78 Soutttiern is . . . . . . . 0034
O.It.&N. lets. . . . 1ION.Pac. ads. . . . . . . 7534
Boston Stock Quotations.
IJOSTON. AprIl 11.-Call bang. 4420 per cent :
tuna loan , . 4344511 % per cenL Closing price9 for
stocksbondusnnd minima ; ahlr3t :
A.T.8. ? . . . . . . . , 1551 OV.Eleo. otd. . . . . . . 5234
Am. Sugar. . . . . . . . . 110)54Vfs ) , Cetttral. . . . . . 214
Am. Sugar pd. . . . 105)34 ) Edison E1e. Ills. , 130
Slay State Gag. . . , 1)14 Octi. 111cc. hit. . . . . 7534
Itell Telephone 20214 Atehi8On2da. . . . . . 24i.
lioston & Albaoty 201334 Atchison 45. . . . . . . 7734
floflton& Maine 104 New Siutciand ( is , 112
C. 31. .ii (3. . . . . . . . . . . 78 Comm. Itlectnic Js 893.
Fitchburg. . . . . . . . . . 0434 WIg. Cent. ista . , . 42
Gen. Electric. . . . . . 38 Ahlouez Mining Co I
Illinois Steal. . . . . . GO Atlantl . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mexican Central , , I 0 Iloaton & Moittana 74
N. Y. .ci N. 44. . . . . . . 75 Uutte& Boston. , , , 1)4
Olil Colony. . . . . . . . 17634 Caltitnat & lSccla. . 305
Ore.SitonlLtne 334 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . ii
itttbber. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25311 Icarsargu. . . . . . . . . . . 3034
8imiDico. ; . . . . . . . . . it ) Osceol'i. . . . . . . . . . . 2534
Union Pacitlc . . , . , 1434 Qsttacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
WestEnil. . . . . . . . . . 6'4 ' Tiunaraclc. . . . . . . . . . 5)7 )
West Ettd nfd. . . . . 00 Wolverine . . . . . . . . 7
WestImttcht. Elec. , 2914 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
San Francisco Stining Quotations ,
SAN FRANCISCO. .trll 11.-Tiio official closing
uotattomttifor mInIng at.kt 5o43y varJ as ts1
Iowa :
Aibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ltaie .t Norcrosg j 25
( elplta Con . . . . . . . . ii Julia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
&mles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . ' Mexican . . . . . . . . . . 37
Ueat& llelcher. , , 50 Mono. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Etoillo Con. . . . . . . . . . 35 Occidental Con. , . , 113
[ tuItion. . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : Ophlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
FlitlwerCOn. . . . . . . . 20 Overman. . . . . . . . . . . 0
7ltitllengoCOn. . . . . 22 I'otosl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Dimoilar. . . . . . . . . . . . Savage . . . . . . . . . . 28
Domtthlonco. . . . . . . . . 70 Scorpiffit.'I
7on. Cal. & Va. . 105 SIerra Nevada . . , , , 57
3001 , Iiiponlal. . , , , 1 UnionCon. . . . . . . . . 30
lrowtt l'olxtt. . . . . . . 32 Utah Comt. . . . . . . . . . 4
Cxciteqttt'r 3 Yellow Jacket . , 8th
lotiid & Curry. . . . . 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silver bun , OR34o : Mextcvm dollars , 55341511o.
light drafts , Sc ; tuiegraphic. 734o.
London Stock Quotation. ,
LONDON , April 1 1-4 l. at. closing :
loilbolil. ttt'V. . . . . . . I 11114 texIcait ordinary I 8
2onsols.ecc't . . , . , , 110)4 ) St. I'timl con . . . . . . . 7I374 I
7iti , l'aclilc . . , , . . , 571 N , ' 8' . Cotttral , , , , , , 08)4 1
trio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31) l'ennsvlvnnla. . . . . . 5(3 (
4rlo lbtptt . , . . , . . , 35)34 ) I50adimtg. . . . . . . . . . . . 514
it. Central. . . . . . . . . 9 Mex. Cea , new Is 7134
i iAii SILvItn-hI5fit , iper ounce.
MONEY-ll0) % pets ( C4t ,
'rite ruts of discouttt itt the open market for
hort and three jnontw' tllls , , 14440.36 ocr cent ,
New York ltIimtiztg Quotations.
NEW YORIC , April LLrrite ( ollouviti ; nra tti
losing atittitig iiuotatiotisp
) iiIvor . , . . . , , , , , . , , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: itollar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4)1 ) , Oiitiiio , . . , , , , . , , , .1 . 30l (
rovtt Poimit , t , . , 80' Plymouth , . . . , , , , , ' 'O
otl. Cal. .5 ; Va , , . , ISO Quticiesilver. . . . . . . . 155)
) e5dwood. . . . . . . 100' . quicksilver pfdlSOul
hoitlii Ctmrry..2(3 hlerra , N.mviula. , , , , 55
bole A Norerote , , 1 Jaitclzurd Con , , , , , , 100
fuittestako. , . , , , , 2501 ? , Ojttion Con , . , , , , , 45
ron Silver . . . . . , . , ! ,4 Tallow Jacket 30
Fisimmtmc.IsiI. Notes , '
BOSTON. April llJClearings , $10,710,110 ; hales -
es , $1,937,675. '
IAI5TlOtOltlO. Apl ll.-Cleirings , $1,169,644 ;
alanet's , $ ' 9,234. ' '
NIOW YOltC , ApoiL.1L-Cleariags , $92,242,100 ;
alances. $5,662,116. j. , 0
l'IIILAIIILPIiIA , AprIl 11.-Clearings , $10-
70,945 ; balances , 11,194.005 ,
lIT. roUIf3. .Apt'il 91-Clearings , $3,219,370 ; lath-
net's , 1700,404 ; owney , G4jS per cent ; New York
xchangv , 1100 im'tttiurn , bid ; Il alced.
CIIICAGO , April 11.-Money , easy ; on call , 6
or Cenll on tIme , C4s1 tier coilS ; New York , cx.
hange. 4 prentium : sterlIng excttange. ited
ales. 44.5) tin demand , ; i.te on sixty days' time ;
iearings. 112,44,6,573 , , .
Nll'eV YOltlC , April 11.-Tue experts for SIte I
feek amounted to $1,614,105 In gotii and 11.5)50,650 C
i silver , 'rite Imports were : ( hold , $595,770 ; elI-
cc , $11,225 : dry goods , * 2,283,153 ; general mer.
hiuotdise , t6,5O,47l.
PorriSCSl Il'lsmiitici&ml Affairs ,
LiERLIN , April 11-Exchange on London ,
lgitt days' sight , 00 marks , 445pfg ,
I'AItlH , April I1.-Titree per cent rentes. hOlt i
'iO for Site account exchtaage on London , lIt t
1540 for cheek. .
LONDON , Mail 11-The amount ci' bullion gone SIte
Ito ( lie flank of England on biuiance today , 4
1040W. Old is quoted loday at JiCenva Ayres l
225 Tniltiii , 10.23. Li.'bon , 2354 Xtiiens ,
1,4 , Ilonmo , 109,12.
, ( ri. ; . 'nrk 1'cekl linmmk Statemniceif ,
NIIIV t'OlllC , AprIl Ii.- The weckly bank
statement shows the following changesi Reserve
Increase , $823,258 ; lean. tacronse , $387,500 ; specie
, lecneuuse , $4hGr.oO ; legal teoder increase , * 1,680.-
500 ; deposits increase. $1,355,700 ; circulation in.
crease. $56,800. The iiflnk5 flOW ) toll $17,531,260
In excess of ( tie riquirements of the 23 per cent
rule. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1omidomt Cin'ouut ,
LONDON , April ll-Coneol's. money and no-
count , ll03 , -
NId"iV TOILIC ( I1'0 lllt.tI. MAItICIST.
Qitotntlomm. cit tiieflnr flit ' % 'nrlouis
C.itmiiiieilit ice ,
NIIIV TOER , April li.-Fl.OtiR-flCCCII'ts ,
11,500 iibls , : exports , 20,000 bbls. ; market quiet ,
but stonily ; Minnepota patents , $3.50)I.05 i'in-
tor extras , * 2,60433.00 ; Minnesota baker. , * 2.704)
1.15 ; wlnSr straights , $3.G&443.IS wtater low
grades , * 2.20442.40. It'e flour , steady ; superfine ,
$2.05t42.7S : fancy , * 2.754)2.00.
hitTClCS'lli.1Aplumli ! itt 394)40c.
COIINMIIAL-Steady ; yellow westCrn , cOatse ,
ht't'17-Nornlnnt at 414445c ,
lIAlSLE'-Stcady ; maiting , 894415cl feed , 334)
IiAItIllY IiIAT.T-luli western , lIGISo.
\S'IIIIAT-hloeelhlts , 4,5.0 bit. ; exports , 26,400 lnml
No. 1 hard , 7934c. OptIons opened steady , ltit on
Site appearance of long 'luat , sutifered a bail
lireak1 She we'aknt'ss hieing aided i.y lreilctI3ns
of main in ( lie Wheat belt , nhsence of oittpilo
, utlort anti stuall weekly exports : ciose'iI 1c
Ii ion' the cttrl , price , hut ' ,44I1c nlsn'e Sue coast.
Inc clOse of inst niatit : April ciaseil at 75540l
Slay , 52 5.160173 Il-ICe , closed at 73'4e.
COISN-Itcceipts , 8,800 list. ; export. , 12,000 but.
Spot , stnc'ng No. 2 , 41140. Options openeil
'tcaiI' , but soul oft with wheat , nail tin reliomis
, if favornlie coniilmtonut for lilantimmg , closed par-
tialiy 4c net loworl April , 37437c , closet ) at
17cI May , 35 lS-164450c. close'l at 16c ,
OATS-lteceipt , , , 116,400 liii. ; exports , 3,000 bu , l
salts , 28,000 hu. Spot , stonily : No. 2 , 2534e. Op
Slons inactive attil easier ; closing 554434e net
lower : April cioel at 25510 : May eiop.e,1 at 24'.4c ,
IIA'-Qulet : sitlpping , SOc ; good to choice ,
hlOl'H.-tulll 1904 crop , 2i4414itc ; lSSuS crop ,
IfOSe ; I'acitlo coast , 1594 cr01' , 2',4444c ; 1593 crop ,
lIlIJllS-Iull ; hluencayre. . , tiny , lOc ; Texas ,
dry , Cci California , lie ,
I.1LS.Tlihllt-Sieady ; hemlock sole. II. A. , light
So heavy weight , 195120c : acil , 14122c.
l'ltO'lSlONS-loof , steaui' : famIly , 110.004)
12.00 ; txtra. mess , 7tlSc : beef lining , * 11.604416.00.
( 'itt meats , stonily ; ptckietl bellIes , 454446c ; pickied
slioulihens , 411c ; hiekle.l hans. , 8'4tfOe. Lnrt ,
str'aily ; western steamit deceit at $5.35 ; May , 88.35 ,
nominal. l'nric , 'hutil : mess. 89.00419.50 ; miitort
clear , * lO.0O4jll,50 : fusinily , $ hO.lIOIlO.73.
TLLOW-Quiet : city , 14)3 11-ICc : country
( lackamces free ) , h4)3 13'lGc , as to qutahity.
lltlT'FRIt-ltsctipts , 3,291 ouscknge. , ; inarluet
etea'ly ' ; western creamery , I21llSc ; 111gm. , ISo.
EGO-Reveitts , 0,154 packimacs ; market steafis' :
state and l'enmssylvanin , 1311334c ; westerts , 124)
l254c : southern , Il',44Ile. '
OlLS-l'etroieumn , dull : United closed at 51.23.
Rosin , dull : strniti'il. cnnintoa to good , 11,73.
Turpentine , stend' , 29144129c , Cottonseed oil ,
quiet : Prime crude , 214422c : luumtter grades , 274)
lOc : prime sunimisel' 'eilaw , lI',4c.
MOI.ASSI4S-'irm ; New Orleans. open kettle ,
good to choice , 2944'27e.
htlCR-Qitlet : domestic , fair to extra , 33444Cc ;
Japan. 3T40i45c.
MIITAI.S-I'ig iron , quiet ; southern , * 11.004)
13,00 ; northern , 811.534412.50. Copper , stenily ;
brokers , $10.75. Lend , steady ; $2.90. TIn plates ,
quiet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. 1nuis ( icueral Mrorheet.
ST. LOUIS. , April 11.-FLOUR-Easy tand
iawer : patents. $2.650j3.75 ; extra fancy , 13.134)
3.45 : fancy , * 2.00443.53 ; choice , 12.55012.65.
WIIIIAT-Openeil net-volts nail higher , but tie-
chineil on tue good sitowlng for wheat male
1y tue government crop rollerS , nail the heavy
selling by longs. In the last hour , despite
stronger cahlo4 , and tiurentpnel war news , Sue
market become ( lemorailzel. the only buyers
of the large nmosmnt of whteat offered being
sharts , and tue chose was VIto to 174o belmy yes-
terila9' . Spot , ilsill , but steady ; No. 2 roil , cash ,
70c , elevator : 7354c , track ; No. 2 hard , tIle ; May ,
t93c ; July , Ole.
COItN-lull , an , ) declIning with not much
corn for future' delIvery for sale. Spot , dull nail
easy on call ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 26)44420c ; Stay ,
27 c.
OATS-Futures , weak and lower , Spot , dish ;
No. 2 cash , 18c ; Stay , 1Sc ; July , ISo.
JOYS-lie , eisst sub.
JIIAN-Iull , but higher : stacked offered , east
tmck et 45 , ' , and unsold ; sales , 2. car bulk , east
track at ISo.
FI.ANS1ED-Quotnbbe at SIC.
TIMOTHY SEll 13-82.50443.25.
ICAY-Strong for choice grades , but none to
be hind : prairIe ,'ij'S.&O ; tlointhy , * 1.004412.00 ,
this sibe.
flUTTER-Dull and unchanged , with lower
prices expected next week ; market quiet ; cream-
cry , 154420c ; dairy , I00)15c.
11008-FIrm : freSh , tic.
I'OULTItY-Turlceys , higher , 134114c ; chick-
ens. easy , 747',4c ; ducks , 94494c.
METALS-Lead , stronger , with much better
demand ; 20 cars.of chemical seillng at * 2.7754.
and Stint bId for reflned Speller , ltehd at $3.90.
but no buyers at that.
PROVISIONS-Pork , Uower ; tandard mess ,
jobbing , new , $9.75 ; old , $ S.25. Lord , steady ;
cltotce , * 4.85444.80. flacon , boxed ehoulibers , * 5 :
longs , * 5 ; rIbs , * 5.25 : shorts , 15.3714. Dry salt
meatIf , boxed shoulibers , $4.50 ; longs , $4.75 ; ribs ,
$4.75 : shirts , * 4,5714.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 3,000 libis. : wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , 15.000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu ,
SIIIPMIINTS-Flour , 12,004) bbis. ; wheat , 8,000
bu. ; corn. 316,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu.
Iiverlmool Market. .
LIVERPOOL. April 11-WIIISAT-Spot , firm ;
Na. 1 stnnibar,1 California , tis Ru ; No. 2 red
winter. &s Cd : No. 1 northern spitsg , &s 7t,4l ,
Futures etendy ; current month , Sa 7i1 ; seond ,
ihtrd. fourth and fIfth monlhs , 55 711 , ) .
CORN-Spot , firm ; AmerIcan mixed , Is lii.
Futures , him ; current month , Is 335 ; t'econb
month , Is 1545 ; third mouth , Is 35,40 ; fourti
month , Is 3d : (14th month , ls P451 ; sixths month ,
: us 3 ½ t1.
F'LOUlt-First bakers , Mlnneapolie. 18g.
PISOVISIONS-llaeon , finn ; demanil rno.Ierste ;
Cumberiaml cstt , 28 to 30 lutz. , . los ; shunt ills ,
2.3 Iba. , lOg Cd ; long clear , light , 78 to. 'iS lbs. ,
lOs Gd ; iong clear , heavy , stocks exhausued ;
short clear backs , light , 15 lbs. , lOs Cd ; short
clear middles , heavy , 53 lbs . , 238 Cii ; .chear bel-
lies. 14 to 10 lbs. , 29s Cii. Shoulders , square , 12
to 18 Ihis. , Ifs. hams , iltoot cut , 14 to 16 lbs. ,
405. Tauic.'w , fIne North American , lOs 3d. Ileet ,
extra India. mess , Gin 3d ; Prime iflOg. , Ole 251 ,
l'ork , primne mess , flue western , 40s ; prime
mess , niedium , 45s 3d , Lard. quiet ; prime west-
era , lOs : refIned to pails , ha iii.
CIIltlC8R-Steasl' ; finest AmerIcan 'white and
colored , 42s Gil.
ISU'I"TIIR-Finest Unitoil States , SOs ; good , SOs ,
OILS-Turpentine aptolts , SOs ; rosin , common ,
4 , ; RI ; cotionseed oil , Liverp1 refItted , us ; linseed -
seed oil , 19s Gil.
It1fl"ltIfll2.ESA'l'OR J1EFSF--Forequnrter , 274i1 ;
hindquarter , 554d.
ULISACIIINO PO\\'DER-Ilardwood , f. 0. ii. ,
Liverpool , 7.
1l01'03-At Lixibon ( Pacific coast ) , 1 ISa.
ICtumtMiiN Clt3 SlimrkelN.
KANSAS CIY , April 11-WIIIIAT-About Ic
lower : offerings small ; No. 2 liarS , nomInally
at 624168c : No. 3 , 494454 ; rejected , 35444Cc : No. 2
red , 744475c : No. 3 , 654472c ; No. 2 spring , 6144
6234c : No. 3 , 684460e.
CORN-Winker ; 5444c lower ; No. 2 mixed ,
2142331c ; No. 2 , 2454.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , lie ; No. 2 white ,
lIe.I1YENo. . 2. I311c. , . -
HAY-Firm ; ttmthy , choice , $ iI.eO4l1.50 ;
oIlier grades. $4.60@I0.0 ; prairie , choice , 46.501,4
1.00 : others , * 3.00446.50.
ntJTTItlt-Weak ; creamery , 1S4)I654c ; dairy ,
itucIs-Veny firm ; strictly fresh , 831c.
Loimdous Marlect Ite'ievi' .
LONDON , April ll.-'I'hte weather during tlte
tact week itas. been tIne , nail Site crop seems
Lu be i'emy promieing In the market for wheat
LIme hmoltlii9'mt checked business , but it was ttf 5cr-
ward lirmer anti more active on light offerings
mu Jemnerican ailvices. Pried. nbvaneeii Gd to Is.
Lalitiirnta. ' wheat , tit'OtnIit delivery , was quoted
t Ito 3d. I'arcels vere sieiuby , hlaril lutlutht
ivilent , April dcuivery , was quoted at ZTn. Spot
was 11cm nail quiet. Maize wan firm anil in m 'I-
ernie demand. American ntaizc' , Alirli delivery , I
listyeru , was quoted at 1Sf , I'arcels % vere quiet.
Opi4 % t'as slow. Parley was \'ery fIrm , with
liSle offering , Oats wore ilrmer , American weet-
rn oats , "April and May delivery , were quoted
it ills Iii , 33) lbs. ,
l'coriti itiirIet'tN , C
PEORIA , April 1l.-cOltN-3ulet , easier ; No.
3 , 3)14c ; new No , 3. 111c.
OA'I'-Firns , inactive ; No , 2 white , ' 544J2lc ;
o. 3 witlie , 19411134c.
11Y10-ScitrcO. itontinal , .
W'hIISKV-Staricet steady ; Ihnislieil gods on
ito basis Of $1.22 for iiigi wines.
ltECISIPTS-ccrn. 25,400 bu. : oats. 29,100 bu. ;
rye. 653 liu. ; vhtsky , none ; wheat , 7,60) liu ,
1IISIPMFINTS-Coln 8,8CC hiu , : oitts , 3.9,253 bu. ;
rye , pone ; whisky , 675 gala. ; wheat , 4,800 bu ,
'I'oui'iie trtlmm ,
TOLEDO , April 11.-WIIIIAT-Lower nail
weak : No. 3 cash , 72c : Sia' , 72'to : July , G8',4c.
COlON-Dull anil easier ; No. 2 mixed tinS Slay ,
l054c : No. 4 ellow , Re.
OATS-Quiet ; No , 2 mixed ttnii Slay , lIe ; No. 2
white , 22c.
htl'tI-Iuiil ; No. 2 cash , ISle.
c'Lovlit : HEFSD-ItUwIy ; lirma cash , $4.G9
pnll , $0.55. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ott tite Iesi'cr Idxchsiige ,
D10N\153t. April lh-'l'wenty.tWo thiousanil
hares of LlnoolnsriOy mining stock vere cclii .
nilay on the lem4er exchange for Ohio account
if Ii' , it , Smith. 0V. . Stursitai , a. New
fork broker , bought ( ho stock in January 41
or future delivery at 9 Cents iior share , but I
ailtd , Se , ( alto up lii , contracts. Smiths btd in
he stock at 3 cents per ghuie ,
Stigoir Market ,
NEW YORK. April li.-HUOAIO-flaw , strong ; P
air rsiiaipg. 3c ; ctatrltugai , . 516 test , 454c ; re- 5.
( ned firm ; standard "A. " t5'4c : cut iif anil G
rushed Go ; powdered , 5c : granulated , Sc.
LONION April ll-tIUOAit-Cane , firm , hut . (
iuiet ; centrifugal Java , 14s Iii ; Muscovudo , fair SI
efinhmig , 1101 Cii. Ik'ei , firm and steady ; April , 4
ls 15551 ; May , 12 $ lid ,
Dry Gocals Itsrlft't ,
NEW YOISOC , April 11.-Au usual to Saturday
L was a quiet market , antI yet a very fair
usness : WUml reached , as ( its result of orders.
Sn intliroveti tone prevails tturougtiuUt the atar74
IsiS that is Iromislng of business lo ( lie near St
uture ; printing cloths , dull at 2540 , wth a 31
liist ; buiiiuess doing in odd guoda ,
Saturday Keeps Up the Recora of' tile Week
for Heavy Eccoipt. ,
Denmunul tam' litmg. Act'e amid Ihta Of-
ferimig , I'rtctiah1' ' All . Solti at
1"rIiln"e I'ricei.-Ciosrol at
Aii.nit ttOttiiOt3'N Figitsee.
SATURDAY , April 11.
Ileceipts for the days indicntcd nro :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep , horses ,
April Il , , , , , . . , . , , . 1,507 3,806
Apri' ' 10 . . , , . . . . . , . . 1,593 3S&I 871 15
AprIl 9 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1)09 ) 3,770 445 , . . '
APril 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,318 2,433 593
APrIl 7 , , . , , , , . , , . 2,232 3,156 336 35
Almril 6 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 777 fiGS . . . . 22
AprIl 4 , , , , , , . . , , , , , 72u ) 2,037 Sit . . . .
Thio official IluhibbCl' of cars of stock
brought ill totlay by cacti road vns :
: ; attIc , hogs.
C , , lii , & St. P. fly . . , . , . , . , , , :
0. & So , L. U , , , , , , . . , , , . , , , , , 1
MissosInl I'neille Ity , , , , , . , , , , , , , , . 1 1
Union l'nciilc s'stein , , , . , . , . , , , , , , 15 , 11
C. & N.V. . itv , . . , , . , , , , . , , . , . , . . . , 1
15. & M. It. It. Ii . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 15 19
(1 , , Il. & Q. Ito' , , , , , . , . . . , , , , , , , , , , 7 2
Ci , , It. I , & 1' , fly , , east , , . . , . , . , . 5 2
C. , It. I. & 1' . 359' . , west. . . . . . . . . . . . 2
C' . , St. 1' , , iii. & 0. Ity . , . . , , , . , . 11 1
ii' . , E , & lii. V , It. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 18
'l'otnl receipts . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , 73 59
The OliSpOsItlOll of the slay's receipts was
los follows , etichi buyer purchasing the Ibtun-
ber of head indicated :
1)uyers. Cattle , hog. .
Ornnlta l'acking Co . . . . 'r , . . , . , . . . . 5112
( I , 11. llnrnmonil Co . . , . . . . , . , 78 507
Swift & Co , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , 424
Cuulahi ) ' I'acking Co . . . . . . . . . 220 1,135
I , . I ) . Armour , Chicago , III , , 219
IItlh' & 1.ewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
It , RecIter & Degan . . . . . . ' , S
Vablsant & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
J , I _ . . Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Union Dressed BeOf Co. . . . . 225 . . ' . . ,
Sinclair & Co. , Cedar 1t'p's 463
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402 3,771
The receIpts for the veek with compari-
soIls \vere :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
lteceiptms thisi Week , , . . 8,508 17,812 2,2)3 )
ltoeeipts last week. . . . . 5,780 15,563 3,5 3
Same week last year. . 8,5196 22.150 2 ' Ii
Same \'eek 1894. . . . . . . . . 17,624 t9,7l5 1. Ui
Same week 1S93 , , , , , , , , , . 15,150 21,600 i7Lc'I
Same % 'oek 1492. . . . . . . . . 10,027 I7,63S 3,659
CATTLE-The receipts of cattle were
quIte liberal for a Satstrday , there being
1,567 head , as tigniast 1,595 yesterday and
710 on Satuirday of last week. There has
been a considerable iticrease In the receipts
of cattle , as compared with Previous weeks ;
in fact , the run has shown a considerable
gain at all market points. There has aim
been some impm-oventent in tue ( itlailty of
the cattle coniing. The cattle are becorn-
ing iteavier as the seasoti utovaitces , antI
Site proliortion of well nnishod beeves is
much larger tItan was the case two or three
weeks ago.
Today's receipts of cattle , as has been
the case on nnost every day of the week ,
consisted princllrnlly of corafeul beeves , the
offerings of butchers' stock and feeders
being limited. 'rite market an a 3S'hOle did
not show mulch change , handy little
beeves sold readily antI were active at
steady , and In some cases , strong prices.
Heavy cattle 3sere inclined to drag a little
at barely steady lrices , The demand for
beeves was goc(1 for a Saturulny , both packers -
ers nail shippers being on the market. and
an early clearance was effected.
Butchers' stock sold In nbout the same
notcht as yesterday , there being no quotable
change in values. The offerings were
light , consisting of only about eIghtt loads
of cows and helfers , and the pens were
coon clenreil , The demand for butchers'
stock has been very good at this pont ,
vhsich , taken In connection with thte light
receipts , has Insured a strong market.
Stockers anil feeders were In lIght re-
Cellit and the amount of business transacted -
acted was in consequence very limited.
While there have been quite a good many
feeders in thie yards during the past week
the demand has been such as to keep everything -
thing sold U ) close , and the market just
about steady In spite of the decline' on fat
cattle. 1.ightt stock cattle have been good
sellers all the past week , anti it does ne
appear possible So get enough to satlsf9
the demand. Representative sales :
No. Au' , Pr. No. y. Pr. No. y. Pr ,
3. . , .1013 $3 25 13. . . .1'346 ' $3 70 34. . . .llOi * 3 $1)
7 , . . . 952 3 25 3. . , . 950 70 18..IEII SI )
1. . . . 870 3 to 7. . . .1090 70 16. . . .1131 80
2. . . . 1160 3 50 33. . . .1100 70 19 , , . .1130 SI )
3. . . ' 906 3 50 ' 1. , . .10)5 70 23. . . ,1103 liP
26. . . . 960 3 riS 1S..1262 75 ll..11l8 SO
19 . . , , I' .S5 3 60 OO.1419 75 24..122S 80
29.Il17 6.1 16..l4l6 75 41.IISS 85
1..1030 3 65 9. . . .I4G 1751L..1" S6 53
l0..1O30 65 1' ) , , . , 1130 75 Ii . , . ,1' 151 83
11. . . . 522 3 63 27.1178 75 2l.I4C1 . 55
I. . , . 916 65 23..1250 I 75 lIt..7I 5
2. . . . Clii 65 46.1441 SO 23 , . . .1320 80
20.1l83 65 27. . . .1344 SO 1G)231 SI )
7..1217 65 17.,1467 SO 22..1339 95
1. , . . 510 50 1. . . . 660 35 1..h1Ci ) 00
1 , . . . 1150 1 50 4. . , . 567 40 3..1176 0' ' )
.1. . . . 550 : ; 3 , . . . v41 15 l..1090 00
I. , . . 500 75 2.I025 45 1..IlSO 00
l..Il00 0' ) 1..102' ) SO 14..1l53 00
I. . . . 5140 0(1 ( 4. . . . 865 2 5' ' ) . . . .1170 00
2..1125 15 1..luilO co & . , , .lIbO 00
l..lOSO 20 1..llli ) SO 1.l090 30) )
2 , , . .lOlO 25 1. . . .hfUuI ) " t.3 1. , . .117 ( ) 3 00
1. , . . 550 23 2.1100 55 5. . .1024 3 10
2. , , , 900 23 3. . . ,1121) 61) 5 , , , .1i54 3 15
1. . . . SiSO 25 1..1IOO 65 4.,1205 . . 15
1..lOSO 25 2. . . .1015 65 16 , . , , bOSl 3 20
I.IOl0 25 1. . . . 86' ' ) 75 12. , . .11159 3 30
1.I200 25 2.l045 - 91(3 ( 1..lZtI ) 3 15
1. . . . 820 23 l..1020 85 2..1bO3 I 45
3..1143 35 12. . . . 516 2 90 lS.,1136 3 GO
1. . . . 630 2 70 1. , . . 44(3 ( 3 25 36. , . . 757 3 40
2. . . , 435 3 (10 2. , . . 500 3 35 1. . . .122) 3 so
II , . . . 400 3 00 2. , . . 940 3 35 2 , , , , 564) 3 50
1. , , 700 3 00 1.1061) 3 35 5 , . . , 715 ' 1 5' ' )
2. . . . f 75 3 10 9 , . . . 761 3 3714 1. . , . 070 3 50
16. . . . 777 3 2i ) 3 , , . , 609 3 40 ' 5. . . . 714 3S5
1.T0O 325
1..1IIO 2 1) ) ) I.1270 2 50 1,1870 3 043
2.l22. ' ) 2 25 1 , ? , , 590 2 50 1..1G5) 3 00
2.,1191) 2 10 2.,1025 2 Ci ) l.IlSI ; ) 3 05
1.,1070 2 5' ) 6. , , ,1403 2 75 1.l72) 3 10
1. . , .1260 2 51) 1 , . . .143' ' ) 2 57 1 , . . .l710 3 10
2,1425 2 50 1.2t00 2 55 ,
1 , . . .1430 3 25 I.,182' 3 15 1 . . . .1' 80 3 35
2. . . .1490 2 50
3 , . , , 303 2 60 1. , , 314) 3 75 1. , . . 130 4 01)
I , . . . 130 3 10 1. . , , 220 4 04) 3 , , , , 12) 4 50 '
2 , . . , 2.0 3 15 1 , . , , 160 4 tO 2 , , , , 185 4 50
1. , . . SO 3 10 4 , . . . 122 4 50 , ,
1 , , . .5101) 3 00 3 , , , . 643 3 55 24 , , . , 726 3 65
5 , , , . 927 3 00 46 , . , . 1129 3 55 2. , . . 500 3 75
I,1eG0 3 13 4. , . . 572 3 ill I. . , , SOi ) 3 50
I. , , . 630 3 40 . , . . 610 3 65 6. . . , 725 3 P3
5 , . , . 444 3 50 3. . . , 743 3 65 1. , . , 700 3 80
4 springers. . . . . . $18 00
110(35-AS in the case of cattle , She receipts
If hogs were heite'y for a Satuntay , theme lie-
mig 3,5.06 basil , atO agatact 2.0117 iii'al en I4aturilay
if last week. 'the receipts were almost cxncily
110 bRiP nut on yesteoday. e far as nuutbers
were concerned.
'rise market wan In good condition , hieing actIve
sn'l steady to strong. Tue demitanil was gooii
toil Slit' Iieits were cletircil eat ly in ilte day. It
'amo 'eiy near being a 83,55 inailcet , ( iso , great
ulk of nil Site lions selling at that price , A
'ow bug , heavy loads haul to toil a little under
hint figure. witile a few loads of CliolCil light
vent a , . hIgh aim $3.65 , 'flue inaihiet us a I
111010 ibid not 8110W maueit change front yesterday ,
xcept that there were fewer mire under * 3.55 ,
Thin uog , market hug been in very satisfuictory
, oniition all hit' uliet s'ek so tar ye demand
vas concerned. l'rlcts baivo been low , Slioughm
'uliy as geniI at tIde point its anywhere else ,
rIse parucere have Iieen free bilyormi evt-'y clay snil
n aiiilition tiara have hecti semite bhipping onlers ,
t'fta receipts of cac ) day ittive StIeS n'ith lurotnpt
'ale ' when ( lie hrhili'rg iiava been wi'.htot to
iceept ( lie prevailing iirlces. At tiuc opening
if the wtiC aleg raugeil ft rn $3.1) ) to * 3.6) , but
aostly $3.fM43.60. Ott TtteIIitY there was route
mprovemnent anil tint hoyt light sold UI' 00 * 3.70.
) n 1\'cilncsihay it wits still tittongt'r and tite most
it Ihte aies Weiti retionteil at 13,684s3G5. 'flie
nisrket guifered U reaction on iriiiuy of &ijloe
nil thin week closeil about witeru it .op'neii , iv
4 afl'Oiting a liotle easier , Itepreseatative
ales ;
Jo. y. SIt , Pr. No , y , Sb , Pr.
t , , , , , . , , laiJ .14) $3 10 , . . . . . . . . , . $3 II'S
, , , , , , , , 157 2)0 38314 V2l'jS , , , 65
, , , , , , , . 2:10 ill 5334 48 , . , , . , , . 2:04 : , , . 55
I . . , , . . , , 242 P3 3 5254 53 , , , , , , , , 299 165) ) 55
I . , , . , , , . 33. ' 1510 3 8254 & . , , , , , , , 40 65
Ia..2'I 160 5251 , 54 , , , , , , . , 12.1 . , . II'S
I . , , , . , , , :073 : . . . 55 5' ' ) , , , . , , . , 2'4 121 II'S
, , , , , , , , 254) . . . 3 65 , , , , . , , , IfS 1510 t.tI
I . , , . . , , , 2.S0 'SO 65 i , . , , , , , . 2.76 50 iT. -
) 0 ' 261 . . . u ; &s , , , , , , . , 24 ? 40 5714
) , , , , , , . . 232 1643 rr. Ci , , , . , . , , 2' .5 , . . 8751
. 55 73 . 246 40 0)
2.62 . .
" 'I . . ' ' . , " ' ' ' 'I.
. , , , , , , . 235 , . . 85 103 , , , , , , . . 231 . , , 33 C
i , , , , , , 103 360 ( .3 i 64 , . , , , , , , 2-49 , . . 36. ) ' "
, , , , , , , . ' . , , 55 I 1 , . , , , , . , 155 40 CII
i . , , , , , , 261 , , , SrI ' Cl. , , , , , . , lhl . . , 64)
) , , , , , , , . 2:4 : 50 65 63 , , , . . , . . :31 . . , U )
r , , , , , , .244) 160 55 70 , , . , , , . . 221 15) 3 60
S , .275 , . f.5 ' 61 , , , , , , . . 22.3 33) 3 6)
I' , , l4.S 4' ) sr. ( . . . . . . . . . , . . 3 GO
I , ' . , .3ll , , . 55 64 , , , , , . , , 253 40 360
. . . . . . . . 40 55 76 , . , , , . , . 224 40 60
I. . .112 . . . ia ' 72 . . , . . , , , 156 , , . 3 6234
. , , 270 8' ) 55 83 , . , , , , , . 1510 50 65
) 2.71 + 0 55 75. , , . . , . . hiS 00 65
I' 271 40 55 ' 'U..218 , , , 65
. 40 3 10 , , . , , , . . 184 , . , Gil a
, , , , , : , : , . : 55 * 120 56 41 , . , , , . , . 193 . . , C" 1
' _ :1 :
_ _ _ _ -
4) ) , 'ldj 10 3 5.5 ( II , 123 . 3
141 , 303 fOil 2
l'iOS OlD9 Ai'l ) RWS ,
I . . , , . 73 , . I 20 1 , , , o'o . . , s to
I . . . . .O . , . 325 1 , , , . . , . 3O , . .
2..4) ) ISO 3 23 4 . . , . , . . 807 . , 3 P.
2 . . , , , , . .iS0 , . . 3 18 3 . . . , , . , 3M , . . S 1.5
3 . . ' ' . , . . 410 , , , 6 35 . . . . . . . . , , . S 1.5
4 ' . . , . , . ' 332 40 3 40 3 . , , , , , . . 310 , . . 3 1.5
Slll1hIl'-'tt. ) , 'Sieme no sIieem here to make
C lest of tue maiket. 'lito deiiuitmiil wes good , Anit
hind there been any histe timO ) ' souid no doutel
have brotigist tuily steady prices. .
CI1tCAC3 ( ) 1.l'id S'I'OCIC.
lIet' , ' llee'vt' , Cin.otl'enk litit iigltt
Veigit I . IImtlmi'o't'l ,
CIIICACO , Auth iI-dieavy beeves closed
Weak , hut lIght nail lnt'lllhil ) wOiglt , of desir-
islilo qutalit' sic sc1iing atiosit bOo tii3her thtami
a wcek ago , nmtil Shtott' tin nilvance of froow
200 to 230 witiihmi the Cot ( night , Common So
Chiuio cattle are se'ling ' at ( ruin $3.50 to * 1.40.
tu'ith tue t'ullc cif the aies. at front * 3.73 Is
44,2) , ttti few fency beeves i iii iirotitsbly
phI as fromit * 1,60 to 14.6) . Timie is a fair do.
tunaS for 1iiitiue't ettilt , nnii i-alec. are front
ltic 10 ISo iictt'r tltami a iveek ago. Cow Pales
are largely at lain * 2.23 ti * 3.60 , flout chtoii'
ushers arc stnSteiunlhy high , TOxas cattle are evIl-
ing rea51iI' at ( tutu lOt , ta blu above Inst % vcek's
prlcee ,
'FiultC line a genii , lgtssnal ( uI. morning for
hinge , a. bug as lIme ilntiteil supply lasted , Snil
liriecs. rmticd i'll ( i'gc'r , lit So higher far the moors
di'sirable tifl'ei itig. , ( 'QOtlilolt ma IrimnO dro'e , ,
soul at treat * 3,4' ) 0 , ) 13.1'S , largely mit front $3.78
So $3.53 , nfl it inie lIght at flout 02.1.0 to $4.
'l'iio Lipti liens' ) ' nail mnlxei liege soul 100 higher
Iliin me 'ccii ego , butt lit 11113 ilgitt cere Sc letter
tlittn then ,
Inferior to choice iiC'e'p teere , nialie at from
* 2.73 to $3.3i0 , anti lambs t'ero Wflnteil at front
* 3.83 to $1.70. A few spritig lonhi , weightIng
foity iii. , sell itS $1 er 10' ) his. Texan ewes
averaging Pevtniy.hiC'o pounds Poll at * 3.00. and
tommttnhiit , 'Izag t'uiee'p sCll mileuttnil $3. heat's'
sitCelt sell to lioct' advantage , as tIt export tIe-
asanil is pour. lIeat' ' n ( 'glottiS' have sold thti
we'k at $3.60. nail ligjstei' Sheep Loran Site paine
fc'iilotg lit $3.80.
hticeitstgl Cuttie , 800 heail1 liege , 12,000 headl
shed ) , 2.0)0 heal.
lttt ii.n p4 CI I y 1.1 'e S t'k ,
ICANl5.\H Ci'l'l' , Aliril It.-CAT'l'i.l3--1)ecclpts ,
35) iicail ; ihililin , nts. 1.5)3 head. Sttrket aiIm.
111,1119' , sSetuii' , , t act uc'auly no mnnrheet uttil qstctta-
Shuts not gi'tn ,
IlOOS-Itt'CCllitg , 3I0 hiendl , 'hilpnicmttti , 500
bend , ? iiumket C5i'ail' , Itulk ef pale , , * 3.18443.60 ;
itra' ' , * 7.4401.5.7 ; l'iuckrms nail , ' , , * 3,50443.63 :
lights , * 3.50443.70 ; 'utkers , 15.504)3.70 ; pIgs. , $2.W5
tlllIlEi'-tto'eeiItg , 1.10) itimsil tliliitni'nts , 1.801
head , Market mteaul' ; hinitis il.231m4,2i ,
11melc lit Sialit ,
Iteecnl of receipts at the four princIpal macN ,
kets for s'l'ril 11 , 15 % :
- Catthe , lIons , Sheep ,
SoutIt Omaha , , , , . , , , . . , . . . . , , 1,567 1,506
Chicago . , . , , . . , , . , . . , , . , . . , , , . , SO , ) 12,000 2,000
imsnss City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISO 5,50 , )
535. Louis , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , . , 33 , ) 1,04)3 7043
Totals . , , . , , , . , . . , , . , . . . . . , , 2,617 22,000 2,7043
.st. I.tsiis li's'o Stoek ,
ST. LOUIS , Iepril l1.-CATTL1S-htei'i1iq ( , COO
hruil , Market steady , hut almost entirely con-
iitieii to i''taii iota , l'rlces Uoiiiunged.
lIOaS-lteeeii5s , 2,10) itusil , Slarket steiul to
strong. ltcavy , 3.60443.S0 ; tuixeil , * 3.45443.70 ;
lights , 11.65443.85 ,
SlII7Itl'-lt'cCIIts , , 710 lien , ! , Mat lieS steady.
Natives , $3,2343S5 ; Te.atis , * 2.75441.50 ; sprIng
laiabt , 74.004)7.50 ,
Coffee Mnrket ,
Ntl'iV' YO1tl , April ll.CO5'hi'1i35S--Op5ion ,
opened irregular at 10 Poiltia higher ho 10 toints
lower , luit , milled geaenhly , iinti on Iluropeams but'-
ing nail Icciti corerimtg , followed by small cc-
colitIs itt OSlo atiib Sisntos ; dcccii m'teail' at umt-
clmangel Prices ti , a ties ali'iince of II ) points
Stay , $12.514jl2,95 : pilot , $ ll.20041l.23 , Shot coffee.
lSii , quiet : No , 7 , $13.75 iii,1 , 5111,1 , quiet ; Cor.
, bnva , $ lC.7SOJI4.0''S'nreiouse ) , tlell'eo irs front
New York ) 'esterilisy. 6,124 bags ; Nosy Veil
stock , 142,131 tinge ; tlmtiieI , State's stock , 290tuSl
liags ; itilnat for tite l'niteib Slates , 1S4,3 bags :
tittutl 'isii.lo ruipply tot' tie : SJnltel States , 425,283
bags , against 454,541 Leigs last year.
SANTOIS , April 11-Quiet : good average San-
Sos , I5IOI ) ida ; teceltits , 2,000 bags ; stock , 139,000
bags ,
ItM1IUllC3 , April 11.-Quiet : pales. , 6,030 bags.
1110. AprIl Il.-Ptrmn ; No. 7 , 14,030 , eels : cx-
change , 9 1-16,1 ; receltSs , , 3,000 bags ; clenrei fat'
this United States , 1iJqO bags ; for I4urote , , 2,0043
bags ; stock , 53,000 bags.
'Frito , ) ' , 'hieimt ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Apt ii ll.-\VlIltAT-S5 il
icr ; Decembcr , 11.0851 ; Stay , $ l.0 ; % ; cleated ,
42,000 centals wIst'at. _
' 1,00 VI0AK TO 1101.1) 'KItE MAI1KIOT. .1
Old 11mm' Ii'oii jts'ioclmtlin Jisol'ei
tint , ! Aiiotlier lute l"orimiiti , .
CLEVELAND , April 11.-The Bar Iron as.
socint3on contintleul its cession at the West-
dell house today. It 'was currently reported
tltat tltero had been a dissoltition of the
o1d organizatiop , and that an effort was be-
lag made to form a now association , Tim
denilte of the old association was attributed
to the fact that It was not posseaoed of aulfil-
ient strength to control the output and
accordingly many of time members declined to
partclpate ! in any attempt to raise prices , I
fearing outside competition. It was furthet'
stated that a strong effort was to be
made to organize a new association , which
shioulil undoubtedly have rufilcient strength
to control tlte entire output of bar Iron in
the UnIted States. , When seen Secretary
Nutt of the association refused to confirm -
firm or dolly the report thtat tlto old asso-
elation hind been dIssolved. "This matter , "
said one of the delegates to the meeting ,
"will , in the natural course of events , all
coma out. in time. but at present We cannot
COflSeIIt to talk about It. "
IUlillLdi ) hiY 1115 OVN S'l5IIi'1'IIIiiAlt'F.
Cloves' Ittise of it lhtmitlc 'Feller to Itisie
flue ' % % 'imtl.
NEW YORK , April 11.-Omcors today recovered -
covered from Emma Lyons , the sweetheart
of Walter Price , tIle $1,050 of which the
latter claimnd to have been robbed yesterday -
terday as Jio was carrying it from the Ator
Place bank to the manufacturing establishment -
mont where ho was employed. 330th Prco
nail the girl have confessed. They had been
living together for some tione , nail It Is
said that they wore married , thought Price Is
but 19 years old , amId had but $10 a weds
salary. Tue eatchei contairhtng the money
was taken front Prlcd'n hand by the girl
as they met on the street by prearrangement -
mont , nflil she took it to their room to await
Price's coinlrz.
' 5
Erie Absorbs Oilier I.iuc.
ALBANY , April 11-A certifictito of CIte
absorption by tlto Erie Rallronil company
of the Buffalo , New York & Erie Ilailroaut
company ansi the Suspension Ilriilgo &
Itrio Junction Itallreati company was filed
today with the secretary of istate ,
Fii'oritmjg a Nsav Caliitet Olilee ,
BOSTON , April 11.-At a special meeting
at ( he Boston Fruit and Produce cxclhangu p
today resolutions were adopted favorlns
0 national ( lepartmeitt of commerce anti
manufactures ,
FimiJier a mul Semi Iroa'ut'ii ,
CINCINNATI , April 11-Charles J , DeCamp
Camp and his 10-year-old son , also Ihamed
Charles. of JIehlivuio , ICy. , were drowned
today by Shell' alclft striking a barge.
I3rokore , Chicago
No. 3 ChIcago Board of Trado.
Execute Ordore for the Purchuue
or Solo of GRAIN , PORK , LAlD ,
Corro8pondonco Invitods
909-clio.Qi'I Royal insurance IluIIdIng ,
In Grain and Provlslons r
Orders eecttteil L'tilCssgo Itoanil of ! Trsde-ia rash smi4
o1itiutts.eivstii'c msslO , en cofl.igtitied. I .uvi.ioa
% ' , Cu ehiOUse , SJiloii ( ( Iota Ysnls , , Jotter to any Cbio ,
. . , C
l3&aklnte institution or t.ommi.rctai Agency
IiarkcS'mt , iiitlCAtiiiit. ( ( CurrespoflileliCr sohiciteut.
the opportunity to pun-
ciuat'e wheat anti Perk for
N W11 profits. , May wheat will
tI sell for 750 before ay 1st.
Write for our book on spec-
. ulatilln and Daily Market
t : CU , 1615 Vail lltmrest Sired , CltismimiSo ,
S I' II C 53 LiVI' ION ,
Send us. your spculatiyo orders for wheat ,
orn oatS and proyisIns. 'rrades bandied upon
sargins. Active markets are ( lie rule and
hileadid opportunities for &aoney-mnakitmg offered
for our litatket Letter and book
peculation , both free.
McKitN'/.iiii , TUItNISIt & CO. ,
418 Western Union Igdg. , Chicago.
I Titocrop tisntag.perlod is
I now aS itaitil nitd price. will
I' ' , M I ltizbcr.WrtetOr . ,
( '