- , , ' Tel9 tfl I - io . r- : - - . 1'JIE oMAhA DAILY ] 31i SUNDAY , APIITTi i3 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WOMAN'S DOMAIN. Pitiu AXI ) 'L tiit 3IJI1II Iai1srk. : tn0Fi'tehlng oei. t1'pi ApprnviI hr PiiJi Iiui. NTV YOItIC , April 9.-Only a week ngo nrbed ) In 1astor novItIes , thIs woIc IMme Fashion ha turned her attention to umner , trappings an4 In color8 and do- lgn never peen before. 'I'ho shops are itow .atjoundtng 'with her waic. ilut It 07ily Mrs. IahIon were a hade c'ss rapklt There I.rnatiy nn old love onowouhi ltko to cling-to tind nothavo a now one tIiriit 11pn thetti , but aa long u the woI(1 ( vag 03 It ilo k ' I contaicy In tashtou attach- mi1t mu4 be the thing. - What will become of the t1iIn.houIderci1. rcrawny-arrncd women one wonder whn tlht 1eeve IiIt replaee-th oop bn ? , Aaet tby no cny tbTetenn to o.rno 1)pck ) au1 are In Btich quaint InsIntIng nut1o1s that ono cen' cavce1y r sent. them. 2lut , If ( lie fa5uIon OrAcIe may ho bolloved , pre many moflc nrc over 1covcs will go _ _ _ _ _ _ lc4cJc to tile old kIn.tIglit principles , w1itn arin needed to look a If they have been -tleItc(1 nd pouted .lnto cases Ilico aUsagoS , 1athV comfort wt unkhown. Thopthero 18as.latbIy been a reacIon In fvorottrIinmed ekirts , many of the etItnmtr deelgue In thlft toxtllo being most e1abrate. There are organdy. Swlse and daInty' ' inusIn sklfte , decked nlmo8t 'to the l nee with lace edged flounces and qulillnga of ribbon. ' - Many of the mohair eklrte in the novelty weaves bavo the S001115 outlined with satin pipIngs and there niu linen juDc , each gore of which shows 'froit hem to belt elaborate decorations of lace , braid or embroidery. , wen the tailor skirts are running iitichto 1)10111 ) and fancy braid trimmings . at the bottom , and , though there are alcirts In plain and thowered silks nod brccaded woole as severely untrimmed asiormerty , they haven't the elnt of the hatosti stann. WAISTCOATS IN FAVOR. Ihit there are certain trim little waIstcoats - coats being worn In conjunction with some or the 1nglIeh tailor go'fle that one trusts % 'ili , ltlo Tenny'oa's brook. go o forever. They 'ore ua snug and dapper' that they carry with thorn a sense of cxtremo noatiis , anti wash vestings are the materlale most used. - ome of these vctIng are In bold plaids . _ _ . At4I . ( . F. .j - - - BLACK ANE.WHITE SILK. . , . - , - -----f.- ' . - - l that ; have& sporty' hook , ddnr.t3 the _ girl who loves ji. mannish iflnke UI ) . Otheni are In bright red or blue initteriud with tiny star3 , diinonds. tJct , and leafdesigns , wtiie rch ; cream-white linen danjiek Is as bicIc as cardboard and has a luttrous eatin finish. ' In cut tuc1 EenraI efect hieEngUa waist- _ _ _ _ coata ape "it' coquettish masculinity Und are proyided the brcast and waist pockets of the manly iirtlcle. They are sngle ! or double breastei , and , arp cut eitJie very high 4cr else quite low. like .man's aven1ng vet. , t If there are any reyers they are u'ually round and very-urroW. WItl such w'ale- catB. vhtch'bY t'hewiy ; will be worn 1atr .with the linen and duck suits , ito veli os I with the tweede. chieviots , aerges and c mohairs 1)0W seen , a vtif linen collar anti ' - .shilrt front stUd narrow -bow tie are correct t ccoinpanimOIitS. I OthIioticC'a made of bandenna and Turkish ltandkerchteU' are becoming and useful oelties. - Meny are sold ready made ntue shop. . the gay borders of the great -silk squares torniflg yplce anil sleeve Puffs. - The bandanna bodices 'are short and round , - gathered full , and button at the back , vnere , butterfly bows of the - borderingfinish the neck and waist. line. The Furkisli affnirv - are often more eabQrate. and wIth , rich east- tI * rn colors of the liant11cerjhefs , yIIov lace' or 'Itiack ' itet wijI bb usti uver contraetiig. - ; linings . with flue -offct. ( . - ' - ; ' - } XTJLEME COSTI4SS. : : not think flat that uch a bodice is for ( ordinary folk-unl ss. It 'Is niado on tub side ct the w.atcr. Zbe , 1mpprted.inoa.aro no r (1QI : 4' jlear. , nt1 to , iut'Ihea of what 1u ans In thts aeelO , lthc price , ; tst Iow being asked . for , otto . . ti aI1roadvay ; shop ! . . I , flut oh ! such a bodice , such a bodfe au 4liht was ! The coloring In itself vou1d lutvo fliadO any nian' pretty ; hucli dint , tender browiis and pontegranite reds and yehiowo. with here tuIl there a , high glint of flame and gret.n in thu ohactows-tho euddenhy a dash like the sun on golden armor ! WJth , .this tbere , vero pritty 1rhteli lines , a IOflg , Qpe effecL with a snughid- ' - ' . I - - "rt ' / \ //t \ - I I I _ * ! Iir , - /jl / ! ! t.I . ' _ I ECIIU IsINQN a . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - C hlnZ Q , nerrw hit braid pv r little haunting g b3salkQ. ge TIto bug. cloo sovc.s were shirred length. wlst over cords , the 'hort puff at the shoulder bunhd 111gb into a butter1y ooI , II Tlttuu thro % as black brussels noi In a 'V c at the front utd buck of the bctt-vo ovpr raije % siik JhirLs of 11w same tu the sleeve c JUQ. ) igd a jure1ed ttroaL clasp and bolt , burJi its , a uJtaua might sport. ' 1out .outler tbts gorxtgo wue a 1ov' . anti this cxc r trV.VDgSJIQQ Pt it hung gould ho f rgiveu t i tun wpiuau. "Fancy II at a Iclnoidco fork o t bre3I.fet on a aw"tI Nay morning ! ' iiiie4 I a ' 0110 .g1I3 is abe looked at it , Then another e ' uiitau uloog said that h vouhd tie adorable e m with a plaIii black cloth or peau da iota ' skirt , and than they both aighod agaIaand went sway without Iii In direct contrast to the other splendid colorings of the , cason arc the ecru linens anti battetes that are being o extensivoiy ueti. "Linen lrntistes' are the thinnest of theaa linens , end ( hero. are some designs showing leaf antI flower applications in color ( hat are extremely b'aiitlful. A warp prlnteJ batlete to another novelty and i caiLd "painted linon. " The plain cern batistes are used for gowns , summer dust cloaks and parasols In every degree of dressiness , and are made up over colored silks which eow effectively through J lns rtlons of white or c eam guipure. . A ummer tavellng cloalc pictured Is of unbicachod flnon with an openwork band of L % ' : . . ' s-J \ - \ J - ; \ ,1/ / , ' . / : \d\4\ \ \ ( J I ) \ \ . - PAINTED LINOI'T. linen andwhie gupur ! forming-a cape and stole arrangement. This Is appliqued en stein-green satin ribbon , a thin surah lining throughout the cloak matching in tint. A ROSY SYMPhONY. A Worth costume do llaze shown is also of the plain ecru batite. Insertions of on- bleached guipure over a lining of peach bIos- soin pink silk ornament the skirt and bodice of this effectively. A cruth band of peach pink velvet finishien thio throat and waist line. The hat with this toilet to a close French f walking ehape ofwhite chip widened at the iildos with huge clumps of black prlmroscs. A toll pink aigrette takea away the square s look so trying to many fapeo-notwithstand- log square lists ore the thing-and lifts the s left side to approved heights. The painted hlnono are raro.'here by the yard , but one of the best Broadway shops c I showing them in darhing suit' patterns. h A delicate scroll tracery in black Is epo tI elegant dcalgn in them , aud there are some a with clitni and othera with Persian effects. a A skirt of painted linen Just sent over by f Fehiz for the summer races has a round bodice of klited black silk muslin. The black warp Printed scroll design mentioned covers , In this caio , each entire gore of the skirt , which Ia lined with 'vhlte tllk. A white silk muslin gamp over pink gras grain. a pink kid belt and a breast knot of pink sndwhite roses are elegant details of the , bed ice. Hcr , so iotent arc their charming sug- gestiot. oiio foOls awarm desire to talk aboutt1io hinep- parasols as veil , one : only feei that one iust nof. Sufficontiuno ! the - day are the evils thereof. flut one plain nero hatlate parasol , remember , with a siik hung a t'oft green , ' viii bu a smart and useful addition to a knock-about summer toilet , NINA FITCH. JUST 'ISLINIC OF IT , % ezil ti , It-1 , reseji t iI I u I Iit Coroz.n- ( ItObe of Itnssin'N Ill,5prcMN. A fifth of a million of clohiara foia dress to be worn culyonce. . Ju.t think ¶ p it ! That amount -of ! flOflC 1nvestel at. 6. per cent would bring in the tidy itttle'lucome of ti 12,000 a year. or$1,000 a m , nth. Most e women would be willing to accept. the roepangi Etbhhity of wotrylng along on $12,000 a year , and run the rs1r of ixitording one.or two be- al coming gowns 'ii the bargain. The lump sum of $200,000 , which title rate of interest repros. w seats , has alrea4y been invoted in a corcirn- ' tton robe for Alexandra Feodorovna , empress of Russia. For a few hours on the 24th of next May --d = = - Wa tootioa of that once popular itand-by , "bsmca description , " it would be an M - tempt to give an adequate idea of this won- derfui gown , which represents the work of so many skillful bends. A world famous artist t1esIgno it , a world fatuous milliner constructed It. anti a world famous Soweier directed its adornment. Ito foundation is of white satin , the richest and heaviest the mule of Lyons could pro- duce. The cut of the skirt do-es sot differ frOm prevailing styles , for it In an unwritten law that coronation robes tnua pre.erve a severe simplicity of outline. If , for instance , time world of fashion were undergoing a flounce anti pannier- age at praent insteed of the plain , full skirt era , thion tue cm- press' $100,000 corcatiom 'robe would not be in otyie. No suCh dark ciouti. however , overhangs the 24tl of May. Tue convon- tionni coronation skirt nccur1e perfectly with prevailing modes. WHAT Thil GOWN IS L1KI. - 'rho skirt is cosc < vltk , a&1 & oraUon of nearis and tiny diainondW , t'eirctl , 'b afrct- : work of golden wires so arraned a to ( qrm a conventional design , Tilts 11ctorat1on fr an achiicveinent of tionitattmfarnacientiflo ; work , and , whil bblnptltIon ah' eon- suntod inonthin of llatent ! oiI by the"most okihhful jewelers in l'aris , be : effet' ' di the whio ha that of eient slmi1Iiblt. 'Fun bodice is low cuh wtii ) angel sieovc falling from ehouldem' to hni. 110th bico and lcevos are hitcrbl1l coycred vith , the Jeweled trimming that atltir'i1 ' tlip , kirt , The decoration of the st cve and bodice , imowevor , differs in deegtt. ! - ' ' .TIio-crmlne lined iunti-of b'ti'efstlvcr brocade is attachdd , to tluj b1puders : and. eweeps away the I ngth of aovrarythdsin- . long , graceful lines. " ' At. his coronation the czar wilt be coin pletely outdone by his wife in gorgcdusnes of attire Custom demanils that , IiI ' , , "lioly czar , ' ' no Ito is known iii the ritunr'o tile orthodox- church , ehal b ' crowned .la 'his army uniform , which , of course , dbe , not compare to a diaiiicad amid cari hSest own garment. his crown , hovever oht to go a long ray toward balancing matters , for it contains annie world-famous gems. it was made for Catherine II , in Geneva , and in hmnpo rsemnbles a mitre , At the summit - mit is a croes of flyn perfect diamonds , and tIm pear. ohapctt ruby , reckoned the fluect in time world. Tile other jcwehs composing 1110 crown are white diamonds , of the nurest watcr , and pearls. All these jcwes ! are set in milver. _ _ _ _ _ _ Thu l'Oj'F.VilL LADY. A. NoteI iI.Nton Girl Ojie of the Spring JIVIIICN. BOSTON , Aprii 0-"How much more tie- h tgbtfuiiy social , " said Miss Suaaii hale ; " bow much more case and abandon there a- ! ways scorns to be in a reception or an 'At h lonjo' in a studio' , than the sanlo oort of unction given in a drawing-room. " At this remark ivo paused in our convor- - atlon and glanced about the room , and cor- ainly a more animated and picturesque cene rarely meets the eye. Outside the tiny a w as dull and dreary enough , but in the harmingly artistic atohier of .Miss Laura C. ills , overlooking Bayistors street , Boston , t m meiiow light diffused from open fire , C ntique lanterns anti candles fantasticaiiy it rranged , the warmth of color that glowed rom painting and eketch , the refined detail , ii an Inch than any of her sisters. flut , while they have the advantage in height , they cannot - not cqua1 her Iii the matter of hair , notwithstanding - withstanding that all three have curia over a yard and a haif long. Not the least ra- markable part of this wonderful- hirsute development - velopment is that while all three of Mrs. Davis' sisters had long hair from early childhood - hood the young woman herself could .nover i induce imer tessCs to fall bhow her shoulders , - lf' S : ! o s i _ m a I ) kWu1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . t . \a - LiP DQ151) , & ' * ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c - - -w ' " . - ; . 1u4-yi'a-i . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' , W3 ¼ -r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . , ' a -a _ _ - . . , - j'- , t ' : ; . - % j'b b - . . , - ' - ' ' - - . -v- ' ' : - , . ; . . ) t ' lo -'t - - - - ---s - - , - ' - - - . - , - - : - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - s ILLUSTRATIONS BY MISS REID. s 10 COSY tea table and groups of gay and iger talkers. refreshed oiie's spirit like a Ilmpso into Fairyland. All this , however , as but tlto harmonious setting for tar an.1 way the most pcturesque feature of the rtornoon , which was none ether than the eautitui poster lady , Miss Ethel Reed , for hen ) thC reception was given in honor of er recent engagement to Mr. Philip Hale. MISS REED'S PERSONALITY. She might. almost have stepped from one j' , , . . l:2. .1 - -i. . ' ; . . JTh _ 1 - s , . ' _ Jf t1:4' : j. = ; : Y : - - ' " ' . - T ' ! hi ' : : , a i , ) IiI-r - . /fI9llhJ4i I i iciI A iiij ; ti _ _ , - - - - - - . - - - - - . , 'I ' - : I TRAVELING COAT AND TAIL.OR GOWN. lie WIll weat thir 50W ! ) 'whicb has taken six 1001115 to CotniletO , It then becomes prac. cally state rpperhy , and will apeud tiu ! re- aimider of its CX1SIUICO In a gIaa case ihoietl , "Coronation Robe of 11cr Imperial injety Alexandra Feodorovua , Empress- onsort of , Itutsia , " A $00,000 coetumo hying useless In a glass ae , after a' few hours' wear , yihl make a ice Jargot for tjto eloquence of anarchists. ihiiists. sooiahlsts , anil alt the oilier "isis" which Russia aboqnds. It zany be im- glncd tbt tbtW will do full justice to its v ery CtLF and diamond , its fretwork of olden threads anti the clx mouths ci Patient e li that it ttmk to complete It , OTIIEIL TJUaSU1ES ! RATIE , ' ( 'we ltundrotl thousand dollars v1il tty no. OOfl * complete ttte cost of the empress' o renation costume. 'rhero is also the r inlne-iined iiiantie of burnished silver urn. a do. uim * the $ ate jenle , time coronet at imleh its estitnate to have cost l,000,000 , The lieckiet contains canto of the finest owe j0tvei * . in Europe , an Ill addition to lese states ; eeas alto wli war -all the gifts jcwttiry which list hiubband has given her since their marria&o , Surely Solomon , veil In his ahlmtiesL days , cauki ao go the npress one hotter , If any occasion could jutify the raur- of her hilck ana white itosters as ahie otood there , lter pale strong profile coming out lrOtfl a mass of soft black hair brought well down over ber cars , dressed h1 a SiIUilO black gowu with white muslin capo coming up close about the neck and trimmed all around with a narrow trill , Utmost exactly as she appears In. tito portrait of 'EtheI heed , by herself , " 'which , bythe. . - ; way , led to liar acquaintance with Mr. Halo , Upon his first view of this picture Mr. lisle exclaimed , " 1 should hike to so the woman who looks .hilce that ! " A friend at once offered to present him , and waa not long In obtaining permission to do so , and the romnantia old story of "bye at first sight" was epacted over again as rethiy and naturally as In the good old primeval days. Several representatives of time lInUs family were present lds recep- lion , anti whlelt I rosuined conversatIon with Miia Uaib % be said that they were all so happy over Phiiip'a engagement , as the leas ofhis brilliant and well beloved ± rother last year had plunged him into a IOC1&UChOY from which it bail seemed Impossible to emerge , until like a , suddan light In the darkness came his chance meeting with Miss .Rcad. .Rcad.A A 'VERY YOU'flIFUI. AUTIST. Although but 21 years of age , Nis Ethel fleel ranks 'Onoilgat tim fotemost poator ninkers of Atnr1ca , and 1158 attrActed con- elderablo ( flti5fl in both Engiantl and France. , , She hiausprung very rapidly Into fame , her first poster being sent to a hioston Sunday nowspppen,1 Fqbruary 24 , 1895 , bring. log instant spantneoue recoRnitlon. Since that tim ) e ilna had epore orders for posters , desIgts I ? book cyers , Illustrations for books , ot.tJljn ho could possibly fill ; her posters , 2tIIgi. Traumerel , flehmind the Arras , Fairy a1' The White Wampum atiti others ( a national reputation. Thso are all 'barncterizod by the same broad effect f decoration , great dash and brilliancy in Tomth anti color , flowing lines and graceful ctItbs , aE.II7LY ; OI1IGINAT4 , Although Miss 'Reed has no doubt felt the influence of thohienidaley school in her die- petition of black and white , her work is Instinctive - stinctivo with oiginaIty an versatility. 11cr fron her pocket , and in a few moment-s. there on a bIt of paper was a design so apt and fitting as to delight both publiSher and author. Her latest contributions to art are the lb. lustratlona of Miss Gertrude Smith's "Ara- beila anti .Araminta Stories , " a charming book for children. AB some one has eald , "Every picture is a bower of delights , a paradise of' ' dainty devices of roses , toys and children. " Miss lulls andMias , iteed are both from the same gentie , quant ! old town of NewburypOrt , and when 12 years old Miss Reed began 11cr tudiee In drawng with Miss Hills , since which time they have been devoted friends. - EARLY WORK. From the start this palo , quiet child who did not mingle very much with other young it1 wue of absorbing interest to her teacher. According to Mls Reed herself , she was bath inattentiv& an rebellious as a while with Mien hills , but she delighted in tli titliet and artistic air -of the studio , anti used to love to spend hours there reading and writing. A little rairy story which she wrote In verre and Iiiuotrated at this time was full of poetic as Irell as artistic promisa ; and al- thmouglm no doubt the poster fad has aided in the rapid doveiopment of Jier decorative abhi- fly , it vavery pronounced In her as a child , when Iter only field for It was paper dolls. Idis3 hills tells me that simo used to make , dolls so 'fnrnaing with their flowing linet and graceful curves , their big hats and sleeves-when both ycre quito tuikuown to fashion-their striking originality , that even , ' she used to beg for and treanuro them. Though Nias Reed is decidedly of e romantic temperament , alto ltad a docp , rich , abundant nature , at the same time simple and serene. he Is one of the young . ' y ) fl who never chatter end unless alto really has something to say takes refuge in perfect silence ; time sort of temperament that offers many surprises to those Who know her. Site once took tlto rar of an Intense , pas- lonato young vomnan , in some amateur the- atricala in her native town , and enacted tue part with so much warmth and color that scarccy one In time audience recognized liar as time cold , atqtjiesque yoting woman withm whom they wer11cqqainted , And , though she unconsciously1 meds a certain fascinating ' air of mystery iput her , alma. is au fond , 8weetly simple , , S1t ; is passionately fond of IflUSic and , ambition was to be a violinist , but tp , Ironger desire to paint seems for the tni1being to have gradually forced this aspiratIon Into the background , In fact the whn4p3 of her youthful soul are open to lmpres ra.from every source and literature , Znusi4l4d art must yield of their best to nourJshzph , stimulate her brilliant imagination , A PICTUIIIO hERSELF. Miss hula completed a miniature of Miss bleed ? ilIcJb with another of Miss Hilts' lncomparalJo ; ninlidures , lisa just ) eon accepted by tbp5qcIety o American Artists and 'will ho exijilihfetl In Now York from March 28 until i7 , idiss Rood , with her large green eyes leaking out ftom under beautifully jarcle4 , ypbro ; bor fine pallor , with sometimes bst g tinge of pink coming and goug 'autiite temples , bet abundant soft black hair growing in the most bewitch. hug vsy abolt brpw an neck , her strong throat anti pc foctiy rounded curves is a subject whom artiats joy to paint. She is above all tidugs piastio and poses so wonders fully that 'Mba ifilla ss since beginning j this miniature she has wanted to do her in 100 different 'positions , hte also. says that though ho has palntec her many times h over abs still has to struggle against a tendency to vaint tier -too tall ; that titers is that in lmer nature , her character that. gives -J one a aeZlob-o ( unusual beigimt. Philip .lltb her dance , he 28 years old t and Is time , s in oC Edward Everett Tiale , lie l I s an artt'Weo ( , haVIng studied at. the hoe- i tots Art snueeun , the New Tork Art league and sovam years in I'arle , during -which time he izatl numerous exhibits at the salon , lIe now holds a professorship In the , i3oaton Art s museum , 1 The young artist hoyor expect to be mars rkd its the early spring , anti will go Imme. dintely abroad , making Paris their temporary - rary home , MARION hiEPflV. IifllLT' lSChtI9Ol' hAul. j-xraorqhIiinry lm.nKtl , ot a WOman's "Vrusyn I ii g ( U nr.m Mrs , , .1 , Davis of San Fancisoo has gained the honor of having tile longest hair of any woman on the coast , end verhaps In the whole world , for the hugo braids of which elto is so proud ro at extraordinary length , measuring eighty inches. It there is any ono with a longer growth than this the San I"ranclsco Examiner has'yet to hear from her. her.lItre lItre , tavie comes of a family remarkable alike for their height anti the , length of their hair , 'rliough Mrs. Iavia is five feet anti nine incites in height , alto is shorter by nearly : - ' - : - . - I i1 : l'I , ' \ ' - - 1 , ! ' I , , - , -s- H' ' -I 1t - \t \ ' ' 't - ! 4\ - ' I TN : MISS ETHEL REED. - york is all con9pved vith perkct freshness Lnd freedom , lqr' brhh1ant imagination being pparently un.r/untheleti by schools or con- entions. Site Works wholly by moods , doing tothing for diS tion in'a frenzy of work urzing out oudbrlliiant , desIgn after another. inly a short , tiiji'4go ! she conceived one of er mOst sucdnetiful ideas for a book cover hlle 00 the vpy to the omco of the pub- slier. When 1ie atrlved she tonIc her penc.1 so that. it is only within the past few years bl that they have developed such a tendency to eclipse Paderewskl'e shaggy mane. But it is not surprising that Mrs. Davis anti her sisters houId have such a "crowning glory" th to boast of , for the mother of tills Interest. ing family had hair that dangled five feet from tile crown of her head. Mrs. Davis va seems to have lIved all herbifo among long- Pa haircL people , for her sister-In-law , with sli whom she now roldea at the Union hotel , in the Potrero , has over four foot of hair ; and I e her niece , a little girl scarcely 3 years old , n has a braid twenty-one Inches in length1 ' ll Which she succeeds daily in tangling very ' badly , and for which she regularly does 1 f penance when tIm comb Is apphted. I ma Wherever Mrs. Davis gea her hair 10 the admiration anti envy of every man and I p woman who sees it , It has so long been -a subject for comment that Mrs. Davis has int become accustomed t it. ult "I never brush -my hair , ' said Mra. Dityla , du as she removed the long coral pins that held the great coils in Place about Imer head , "for tile reason that I tie not believe it Is rei ar good for the hair , In fact I have demon- no etrated my belief to my own satisfaction by - experimenting. When a girl I gave very little attention to my hair , and in conse- ol quenee it- did not grow at all. Sometimes col I felt very nlueli.chiagrined to see how much vei Icager alit ! prettier was the hair of all three of my sisters , but 1 was aomowhat careless. ( ] ai - When I became a woman I suddenly tie1 t'im ' yoloped a deslro to' hiavo long Itair like theirs a nd and began to talco tlte. utmost care ofwhat aos little I had. Every morning and sometimes twice a da)1 I brushed it thoroughly , but it ii Ii diii not grow any better , Then I noticed that ae the brush , after th& daily' applIcation to the 00 , lmair , von when the latter lied no tondenc' ar . tAl fail out , would. be filled with very fine kair , 'apd ' soon I .realized that while the brishIng lied no effect upon time long hair las it , etrct.ually killed Limo siow growth , and I f decheLto .stop. or "Sineo-tlmon I have used nothing but. avery L ro coarse comb , Evpry ntornin I go over time iair thcrougtiy ! and carefully , removing 0 ivcry , snarl until It lit as free anti flowing as ha water. Then I braid it. and coil t Into varied 5 : coltrures about my head. Do 1 use a tonic ? It'e No , not exactly , unless that good soap nod ' t'e warm water iuaybe called a tonic , As' I said , I believe e combing with a'rough comb , ol with a Iegularvhafnpoo , Is the 'best timing to be 20141111 IO the hair. Under that treatc si moat .inlne has grown to its present length nd j a a feW years , You see , it Is all glossy and silken. Thatjroatment 1 believe. prevents the Jiair 'from becoming dry. IL is rather ro i nconyonient t9 have -to stand on a chair ' Int while arrangln1t , and I have often thought of cutting off about half of it , but my friends ' 'th have 'dissuaded jne , It lii not very heavy he now , and never causes my bead to echo , as T OfllO women claim theirs do ; but I am a _ t afraid It it. keeps on growing there will a nt1 soon be too much for sue to handle. " a ut ut 0T Time Novel tint ! Cn$11) ' Deimille Clint T ( hlilJlCle Ii 44irlmiw 'l'ollet , U S Women who are not unreasonably extrava'I 'af icl gant don't hesItate at buyog ! a half-dozen ' re 'ots of veil pins , some of turquoise in io a wreath of cut steel , some cabochon emerT aids in hypsy etUngs and ethers in the form a thi of little gilt buckles and fancy shields. ted French gilt anti cheap eiamel or imitation b od s tones are their composition , though in at the ' tlmi owelere' numbers of really costly and lovely Pits pins are sold to do duty en one's hat. ii its The jewelers , too , are offering many of time H oW designs In ornamental dress buttene , ii be These are of opaleecent white pears and in- d at d cccnt mother of pearl , carved , oybt1etly by ii 1 apanero urists , and then studded with the V ei s mallest diamonds anti coThod 5101105. At Vin fiiil he dry 09115 shops these are Imitated in d i-il ess exquisite carving and the whoo butcm e ( fe s set ip bqop of rhinestc.oes or chqrminghy y cr r arycti tee clrcle3 to taie the place of F miniature and porcelain buttons. Cameas hi Ut h ave come to this surface In the search tor c Ut , omething novel. Just bow such lovely e- a ro ec as a eylph-lIke , anow-wbito Cares on n p lal oft blue ground of translucent atuete are ate ml uived at it is br1 to xpisin , 'Timeo depend on their beniitifui tiltIhlig anti contrasts of colgeingor effects end Are to the eyes bug wearied b' painted chifta a s-onderful joy and relief , FOR PAI1ASOLS , Something simliar in deu'ign is being accom. hlliaheti for laraaoi handles , though unany most OnellatItingly iovely stun shades are lnoMtetl % on simplest curved sticks of yehc low bamboo' or car1ied red cedar , while a few have nppeare1l with interesting tnffe of teak wool carved evidently JU tile east. Another notion is to eiptmei thQ liandia the exact shade of the silk that covers.tho ribs and one Imported beauty , In shot green ailk with dcii- cab llifes of cream lace outlining each rib , had jjie handle encrusted for four inches in diamonds and a turquoise of goodly proport tuna aot in the top , None of the now" handles are exaggerated La length , but the novel parasol has its p11k corer very deeply ooopod out between erery rib and the eiotion is t lay On a first cover of brightly flowered silk , Over this is then tightly sti-etchietl a iccomul one of 't'hiito duchess lace that falls in a full godct - frill over anti far below time points of tile gilded parasol bones. Entraneimig to look upon , but far too fragile to tempt a discreet Purcllaser.aro the pnrnsols covered with enc layer of Svis snuslln over -which , flt intervals ot.flvo Inches , little puiflngs of cllifton rup , caught dow-n by tufts of field flowers , These trhiles , for as a iro- tectioii againsthq sun they flnlluflt to moth- 11mg , are macant to Use nt Into afternoon garden - den jartics afld drjving in the p.ark. , NOVEL' hOSIERY. Tlmo unavoiilabie Scotchi Idalmi has at lent crept Iflto tIme hosiery dolartment and the smartest stockings for at hioiuio wear , for afternoon teas , etc. , show time plaid of the Caumierons , Dougiasees , orroyal Stuarts. They are woven in silk anml halo thread aimti now the fancy of tlmo nlotliSll WOinlIll , when In all her bali room splendors , is for gorgeousiy clocked atockings. Stockings with grace. fimI Ilaitto dragons romlhng up either ankle , Or beautiful gold and silver bullion lube era the desired novelties. Designs like these tro doti oil (110 richly colored Petunia and capu- ciflo colored silk hose that \vomnen liaro agreed to vear with govna of whatever shade , so that the feet are now clothed 111110- pendentiy of time prevailing tulle of erie's toilet. I3ut color does not dominate everywhere. hlalldkerchiefs , for instance , are white , nil white , and tlrO prettle8t of them appear In a faint tone of cream In very soft batiste. These are embroidered in tiny Irnints around the edges and then borjjorcd with a row of wee crescents , Tire batfo ( mocliiors are never starched and those of linen have hfoni- toil initials let into their 'corners , a letter in three of the cornera anti one's crest in tIme fo.urth. Anotlter.vpry pretty little hand- kerchief , for full 'dress , has the four m hiiuen corners scooped out and deep points of time finest noint-.applique let in. The linen squmrea' for everyday imso ore very chaste in their unblemished whiteness , oiiowing a oar- row hmenistitciied edge , beyond which Is a beading only of white embroidery , The headed stitch also forms one initial letter , while the monogram is In conipete ! toiti- porary seclusion , FANCY FANS. One branch of the Japanese trade will suffer aeriously this spring , for the now fans are now all made on the model of those Wattcau used so charmingly to paint. One can buy Limo most pcturesquo ! little paper'ca ones with quaintly gilded stlck and time tinted paper tops hithograplieti in cunning colored designs of court ladies and berlbbonod shepherdessea , There are more expensive to ones of silk , well painted and gay with gold and sliver sequins and one and all these ar are small , -not - more than six inches to eight nches long and meant for use rather than pr ornamentation. . Fashiozi Jotcs , , er Ties an wide as sash ribbon are seen en oluo tiny bonnet's. dl White tulle cravats are , popular neck dccI I to rations for sumnier gowns. ' , ' Lir Neck rufhlea are enormous anti wIll be very uch arn in tile early spring. White taffeta mohair gowns niatiqin. atlor in tylo nre.cons1dercdvey.-hmJc Shot mohairs with , bayadere stripes' of I ' hine flowering are one of the late novelties , Dainty corsets to match' nilkon petticoats re a s'Insomo but extravagant caprice.'o Spangles in needlework are a , now conceit hat will develop on'aunimer hotel piazzas. ifi Braided leather Jelts are seen , ut are too ulky for any hut the very alentlerest waists , Black and white dress bonnets , with 1cnty jewels in the trimming , are especially fash- nablo this season. ne m The French orgsndies are receiving a large ar hare of tlte superlative adjectives from inir ro hopperajust how , ro Otioof , the noveltitis in dress trimmings is do ack sIlk , net , Uecoratcd with an applique of em bIoidered grass lawn , Tbsephino combs in shell are flair. Being rul ris ort and broad , they are effectiyo only when oiiaIr Is worn in flat braids a is empire. f an Tile round 'waist , in endless and elegant I ea rieties , comes to us again , fresh Ironi s ilO ris , among typical styles for the spring d summer seaoona. a ft The leading colors for spring capes for t ) nerai wear are black , green , tan , brow d several itanilsomo shades of blue , th , p re ver-bluo and marine dyes taking the lead. b ci Paradise feathers are one of the revivals b ut fashIon , and they are seen on the larger d oil ts , falling away froni eIther lde of Limo ro wn , making the effect of width very p er paront. ii Los B ias ooarf-hike belts favteneti with a buckle c ess l ending In two shot nds are a late 'novV izi y. Wltha silk tie to match tlioy.mnke a Ii S e finish to tita popular shirt waist. , d ali C orsage bouquets of rpscs are not as popu- a1 tile as ill former years. tlto favorite mode A ng ' to carry a great bunch of flowers in ci mu 's arms , no children carry dolls , d un F ancy pins reflect the modish amusement hi an f , and the implements of time gamno in II ea d and silver -ro warn by onthuslast as Ii fte l as time uninitlaLed , ra P anama straws are -worn , anti one , very ' raom ntlly trlmnmned-iias plaitlngs of black and n ad le tulle itrfnding up 'around tile crown covering the brim , with a finish 'ofwhite es and leaven at time back. F ashion still concentrates all time caprices trImmings upon tIre corsage. lace , passe- mutorie , niousseline do sole and fancy rib. 3 are not infrequently employed on one mnent. G ray , in tlio lovely soft hIlmt shAde which , a tinge of pink in it , scorns to be one the favorIte colors among tire recemitly irim- ted gowns , but tall , dark amid light blue , wn and green are well reprehented. T he now smootil-faced cloths are very dime texture , bight in weight , and conio in rming delicate cobra ; hut tito serviceable well as stylish dreirace are made of al- n , canvas and mohair in all the coarse avea , D elta grow narrower and narrower , Tile d bolt still prijoys modish favor , and sa n erai bIas tile taste for pasta JeWels be. ne that the jmiwolod girdle Is now shown will have a certain vogue. O no of tue excptlon in millinery Is the ad-brimmed hint , y1tii a band of velvet l bandeaux of roses underneath tire brim , b unch of black tips ud eiotiier band of vct around tile crown. This Is tied under chin With ribbon etrings. ime wrinkled alcove wIth a medium pure time top seema to be one of the favorites , nearly all sleeves are cut to show tlto bino of tile Inside of the arm , while the side seam appears in sonic of the sleeves the elbow only , he floe underwear for the seasons before F I s fashioned very richly and dxtravagaritiy , feta -llk , both plain anti flowered , also' I , lustrous liberty satin brocades are in al use , adorned with leagues oi lace loser- n and crimped frills. r he linings of garjflrnta era features that much to the artistic effect as 'well as to length ot the bill for 'findings. Jacket L. D ices are invariably gay as to linings , It to and Dresden bmung used for this pur- pn R. Capes anti jackets display charimulag cii tic em of color when the wind blovs , to It ighly lustrous soft-textured satins , with em or rty finish in black anti colors , and In cii om te ] , tttrrod an flowered designs , will be dear demand for flat , pQinted and round full lya : ar tii , as vcli a for enlir'o costumes anti j 'JE cy waIsts. In black brocades of mali , ir 10 cate patterns , for separate skirts , ratin co cte on buetfous corded surfaces wIll roro i Ick Is y pcpular , its tr ashionable skirts are all grecoSulIy full , ree r they are not restricted to one style of u OA and one o the latest model. is cut full hii und the hips and laid in tiiree.inchi box If M ts across tlro back immi olcies , beginning pe either sIde of tite trout breadth , and the itr plaits are caught lown tmnm1ersieath or stitched down ton inches troni the walat , eo t hat ttmor keep their form to the knee. A returned Iniiortet says that the Inst anti meet rechierchlo Protluction of modern Inmius. - ' t ry is "polqt lace , into the web of which 1 ' rench briiliants are woven , This costly tie. t ame will be omit of the reach of moat persons. So far , it tIM culy been ic'ti for bonnet c roule and for covering lane. Ono great c outurier. however , has ordered the entire t rimming for a superb gown to be luCtie of i t , to surpass all robcs , past , Itretent or f uture. " Flowora of mous'eilno do soio are among t he novelties for tile garniture of spring hats. T ijeno flowers are very effective , time pretty material lending a delightful softfle.'a anti t ransparency to the leaves vhicli compose t he 'blossoms , For e. yellow owl black hat a re , than ) ' vctaietl roses of deep Tag- g erino ) 'CIIOW.tillletl With black , Even stich a llounalies as green roses are limIt offensive wlioli imiado of niouss1ino do POlO. Odd color inixturemi appear tiniong aemo of t he models for summer gowuis. Soiiio are d ainty and attractive , othots incongruous coil p ositively tugly. Jtuiiong tllo fernier i a very -p retty dress of soft cern bntite , triinmnd on t he bodice with cern Inca Insertion alit ! oh ( lie s kirt seanie with 'untrower ineortion , and a oniall lace-edged rOche of the batipto ' a roiuilmi the hem , Instead of.beilg. ! lined with s eru silk , the entire gown is imiade tip over s oft rose-pink taffeta. Tiii prodllcos a faint e liot effect of rose huti cent tilat is charming , i'i'iiihitii&e ttlti'I , rcitduchees Mprla Theresa 91 Auetrla It I s eaid , fences , boxes and rides every ( lay aOl ! i s tlio most athletic wonian In Etit pe. Couiitcss Cadogan lien just made a thor- o ugli iIlstlC tlOll of tile hiotanicci 'gardiis at D ublin , unakilig a study of the flowers and h othouse plants. The c'rnpress of Austria , having become tl iorougitly conversant 'itil Greek under Limo tt litiOfl of her ilelleneno secretary , lIne now c oninionceti the study of Hebrew. Mrs. ifate Chase iprague has starteti a tr uck farm at EtigewOOti , near \Vau'lilngton , a lit ! will slipply'nsimington WOlilul with v egetables , eggs and imtiitry. Miss Masrey , daughter of tile poet and E gyptologist , liai betmi obliged to retire from h er aecrctaryship In , tre Proobel society to ai ti in her father's literary labors. Time countess of Warwick , at Warwick , E nglamiti , has established a imoiiio for 'the su rgical care and treatment ot crippled hia- ti onts , Silo has endowed tire institution h andsomely. Ada fleltait lies a lovely home in Nos' York C ity , her mtie'ic room being ctUipletl witlt a fu ll pipe organ , a grillid Iliano , a harp ant ! andolins galQre. And yet ohio docet lint a1l he rself musical. Mrs , John Jacob Astor and her friend , Mrs. Se ward Webb , are both expert hunters , and tr amp oil for ninny nil liour's shooting witilo at thro Webb country place in Now Englaild. Miss Zola St. Louis , in the wiltis of Texas , is famous as a iluntress itnd a taxidermist , Si nco tire hunting season opened last fail she hit s shot tweuty-thlree deer , five blackl bears , se ven wildcats , three wolves and one luoun- la in lion. Tire report of the countess of Dllfferin's me dical funti SlIOWS that- during the year jlrst clo sing 1,000,000 women have received mcdi- ca l treatment , and tbo buildings now sup. po rted by the fund are valued at 2,000,000 pees. 1 Tile duchcs of York lies just been invited take tIle presidency of the Ladles' auxifi- y of the London Lifeboat association. Fif- tee n titled women have been nominated for esidents of district organizations of the La dies' auxiliary. Another new woman drops the reina of gov- nnient , Miss Olga Pleric , tThputy registrar , y f deeds In McPherscri cowity S. D. , and nirman of a baclrcior club , left her imosition marry an Iowa man. Iio vaid she was ed of the now woman experleilcC. Mrs. Cierelruld is taking. a great deal of u tdoor exercise tleso days , and cah be seen , tile .ntreet almpst any , nfernoon-ueually tie no-talclng bc.r ' constitulcnal. She \y ik 'ap idiy , w'it icug , swinging strieand wears iea vy , broadi bottomed , low-heeled shoes. Mrs. Jolia m1' . Muon , president of the Vo man'e Legal Educational Society of New 'o r1c City , wIll preside amid confer tiip car- cates upon tile fifty graduates law at lie closing exercises of the Now York uni- el wity , April 29. The women will appeai In ca demilical cap and gown. L ady hi'ury Somerset is adtlresslng lhrge etillga in tIle interest of , tile iiidustrial ine Arsociatlon forInebriate Women , These m itomnes are sanltarlunw for wealthy meo. TherOara Other ilomnes 'for working memi and nrrangcments are being corn- ted 'for free patients. C olcnel Fred D , Grant's daughter , Mis ia Dent Grant , is lIar fathers political sid- er , and sire knows as much about political ou ditions in Now York as any one. lra is jiliar with tile doings of various 'district tiers , Informatiob which may be of value uld her father over run for afflee , P rincess Maud of Wales has decided that er irer marriage with Pruice ! Charles of 7 en niark ohe and her hu.sband will reside at Pi ) lOY hall , Norfolk. A county wedding - aent is being planned , time nubseriptions ng limited to $16 from each individual. the whole will represent thousande of ers. t ) M iss KatlleriflO Wcstendorf is general su- Iitolithetlt of the Jewish Associated Olsari- of'Chicago , which shin manages very sue. fully , hlVr experience gained-while super- mIg the Aseociateti Charities of M'n'icapo- lisa proved most valuable , and 11cr rash- ce now at thro hull house , Chicago , en- s her all tie better to perform her duties , rchducilesC Maria Theresa of Austria is lating Sandow. She practices with largo ib.bellri 'and can lift a man with ono d , Shio Is mid , on one occasion , 'wiroa a vy iron -column - fell on a man1 to lIaVe I' d It bight enough to enable him to be wn from under. Silo is a delicato-iooking an of 34 , wife of Archduke Karl Steplrun. mother at five children , , ) ( - - f-i I' . _ 4 : 1Lz. ' . , I' .4' Y ALE I . lAIR , - It ONIC IE3 AND OENLEMIN1 affords me great pleasure 'to call iii. stUn- of tlio pubilo to Yale's Excelsior Hair 'roiilo , li is time tint anti only remedy knewn to litry which positively turn , &rmly hair liacic s original color without mlye. It lies tone on tt that lime. LI. Ynlb-'wonti'arfui wonlemi ist-hmse loads this xilodj Valuable of all ical diimcoverlei. Lime. Yale personally en- es its action and gives Itmo pUbIlo b5r solehmn ' / anteo IliaC It lies beefl tested In every Con- ble way and lifts proved itself to it ths x hair IpciflO. ii iSTO1B liAlli FAI.L. Imtnethiatviy anti creates a luxumious gmattiti. ntains no Injurious ingretiint. h'iiyiCis theraIts invited to coals-s. it. ] e Is not y or greesyl on the contrary , it makes his soft , youthful , flurry end keepe it In curl. gentlemen anti iatltON With hair a.lithe gr ke.t iray. t-ntirely IUY and with hA T)0 , it is speclflcimliy recommt'udcd. drug isti sill ii it _ . l'tIv , ; I.Q , anybody offers a submitiluto , ebun ( hem. E. Li , YitLit , Ut'aith itn6 'Cotnpl.xioii ciaiist Yale 'Funipi. of hissutjr , 1CC Sttl est , cIticig.