Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 1'J11 OMAHA 1)AII4Y B J 1 : 4YI't' flIAAPIt Fri J I , 13IHJ. .
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L3orn , to Mr. an1 Mrs. I. S' . Spetmnn , a
eon ,
flenri I.oulcn of Irfle1d Ta , , I"
yIItIng Council Hltiff tvIesuI.
Tw 1C ( nc lj. of S. will hOI(1 ( their rgii1ar
mc tng $ tlits evening In the ] bya Arcanu'n
h1t. -
Mra V. \ V.Vatlnce tins ieturncd from
1)e ) , MnIne , rhcro shu vislud her son1 Will
flhllif City Todo ? o. 24 , C. M. A. , will
fIve a ball at Royal Arcanun * hall next
Thiiriay evening.
Miss ; 1lin I'enu of Mount Plo3ant is a
gvct of Mra. hugh Cole , nod viil remain
hero evrat week ! .
The Doilgo Light guatil ! are expecting an
nrder to March ov rlanil to fled 03k to the
itato CIIaTflJtuPflt ( iii August.
.1 , J. iftork , who recently recovered from a
protracted 11i110u4 , ha ? uffered a relapse , and
I ! ? flOW in a critical coniition ,
The Grnid hotel , Council fluff ! . 111gb
class in every repcct. flates , $2.&O per day
and upwnd. E. F. Clarke , proprietor.
The can of Auguat Graeon ngaint Ed
Ilohlen , a ! tlit to quiet title , Is on triat be
fore Judge Smith in the district court.
theriff Morgan vent to Fort Matlison last
night In charge of 13111 hail , who goes to
ierve a three years' ii2ntence for robbing
freight cars.
The funeral of Arnada fleidlor will occur
this morning from the re9idence onue !
itreet , and the remain ! will be taken to
Dunlap. where they vill be buried.
In tim ! uperlor court two foreclosure tiults
'veto begun yesterday. their titles betngt
11. Chitteudon aguinst henry Sclinulilccke and
otIern ) : and the State I3avinge bank against
John Flageolia and others.
Manager Allan came dOwn from Misouri
Valley yesterday , where his theatrical coin-
PanY Js lhflYlflK a very snicccssful week's
engagement , and 'pent the. day with his
wife celebrating their fhftcentii weddliig an-
Tue lailge Light guards are seriously coii-
teniplatliig the ercctlon of au , armory. Vlthi
a little extra hustling. with the money already -
ready n sight , they believe they eau secure
enough to put III ) a flue armory , large enough
for their accommodation.
TIle condition of S. 1 ] . Wadsworth was still
further improved this morning , and it is be.
lieved ho will no rccover easily , umiless lie
si'cihd ' , stiffer a relapse. Miss Emma Etnyro
anl Charles Etnyme , relatives of Mrs. Wads-
vcrth , are hero ( toni Oregon , Ill.
In the suit of George Neil , guardian ,
against Oliver Millard and others , Grace
Mayne Wfli4 appointed to receive the anw ref
of time garnishee. She flIed the tnswcr
of D. C , Bloomer , garnishee , amid a motion
to condemnmi money in his handa svlhl bu heard
April 23.
Prof. Price of the flig'h ' school hos been
COflmPelled to give up teaching for the rest
of tIme year on account of ill health. Ills
classes vIl1 be heard by Prof. Irons' , who
has been teaching in Norwalk township , and
Fred C. Par'3ns will teach Prof. Iroiis school
for tIme rest of the term.
The funeral of Amanda Bledler , the young
girl io committed suicide by shooting , vIll
occur this morning at 10 o'clock. Johimi r.
Harris , the brother-in-law , arrived from
'rxas yestorlar morning. Brief services
vihl ho held at the hiouiie , and the body viil
be taken to Dunlap for burial.
Last evening at 7 o'cloelc at the Dank'h
Lutheran church , corner Avenue A and Ninth
Street , 11ev. Mathiae2n performc1 the mar-
nags ceremony for Nels Petersen of this
city and Miss Christona Petersen of Ciii-
cage. Quite a number of friends of boti
parties were present to witness the core-
? nony. Mr. anti Mrs. Petersen will reolde
in tItle city. The groom Is a nephew of
Dcputy Marshal Petersen.
In the police court. yetert1ay morning E.
Ilurlburt , a 16-year-old boy , who was or-
rcted with Lloyd fllackmore on a charge of
chicken stealing. was given a sentence of
thirty days In jail on a bread and water
( liet. Ho was elsa convicted of having
robbed time henroost of Benedick haag.
Judge McKee suspended th sentence for
twenty-four hours In order to give the boy
a chance to get out of town.
Lester Wallack's beautiful comedy drama ,
"flosedale. ' will be presented at the Do-
bony next Wednesday anti Thursday evenings -
ings under the auspices of St. I'aul's guild.
The production will be an elaborate one In
every way , and is under the able direction
of Mr. .7. Edgar Owen. Every evening the
large cast meets for rehearsals , and these
rehearsals are carried on with an earnestness -
ness and enthusiasm that insure success.
'rho sale of reserved seats will begin next
Tiesday : morning at the box office.
Miss Kate Farr and Don Overman , Indicted -
dicted by the grand jury for stealing a
valuable dog from Lucius Wells , were
brought from Omaha anti confined in the
county jail pending the herlng of their cases
in the diatrict court. Yesterday afternoon
Miss Farr succeeded in giving a eatisfac-
tory bond for her appearance , but Overman
bath no friends willing to risk 5OO on him.
Some of hia friends sent word from Omaha
yesterday afternoon that it would be vchi
for time officers to waWh him cerefuhly. for
they feared ho would attempt suicide. He
was taking life very easily last evening ,
lounging in his cell and smoking cigarette.
Tlio storm of last evening did not preveat
time Woodwards from filling time Dohmany
to its full capacity. The play was "I'awn
Ticket 210 , " anti was well presented , The
Woodwards don't do anything bad. The
company lO etrong , as Is proven by the fact
that they have llaYed hero six weeks this
season , and arc doing the largest business
this week that they have ever done. Tonight -
night time strong melodrama "Time Streets
of New York , " will be presented. Time adVance -
Vance sale is large for this production. MatInee -
Inee at 2:30 : today-"Ten Nights in a h3ar
Iloom. " The company vlll close with a
strong three-act comedy , entitled "Time Law-
yer's W'edding , " onSunday , night. This Is
tIme last chance this seasen to see this cx-
cehlont company.
flring or sommd $1 to Syndicate headquarters ,
Nonpareil office , and sectiro Cyclopedlc die-
tionary on easy terms. W. A , King , repre-
hiit'yeje Thief in Jnil Agnln ,
C. C. Carter , the misguimled man from Mis-
mourl who stole W. II. Lynchard's bicycle
and was allowed to go practically on his own
'reccgnizance , was indicted by the grand jury
and was yesterday rearrested at his home in
Blair. lie was locked imp again in the county
jail pendlmmg time trial of his cao In time dis.
trict court. There was a strong disposition
on the hiart of time owner of the viiett to let
tIme thief go witlmout Iuimishimlent , on account
of the litiftil vovcrty of Carter's family ,
consisting of a vito and three small cliii-
ellen , but the granti jury thought otimerwiso
and took time mutter In liantl amid ritturned
an Indictnmemmt. Time trial of time case vill
occur at time present termim of time district
court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hot hleil Smishi ,
We ha'o , OOO hot bed sash which we are
going to lose out. They won't last long.
How many do you wznt ? We will make you
a price that can't be duplicated. C. II.
Paint. Oil anti Glass company , Masonic Tern.
le Council 3luUs.
, _ _ _ _
Cohianiblis Hid liij School.
Cole & Cob , the enterprising hardware
anti cycle de.ilers , have rented Chmanibera'
acatlemny and opened a private riding school
frommi 9 to 12 a. rn. Free to purchasers of
their * hecls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lthmirrise Liceiist'u ,
Marriage licenses have been issmed to
the following persons :
Name and Amitiress. . Age.
\Villiamn Cailemi , Oummilma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
] ' .iary A , Urine ) ' , Oznmiha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
herman \'om * hlebel , Neola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ,
Itesona Keeper , Neola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nels ! 'eteraomi , Council Bluffs . . . . . . . . . . . . .2S i
Christina I'etersemi , Chicago i7
Vall paper cleaned , now process , with
patent right at Mihicr'a , 108 Main street ,
Vrnzer is ii ( oimstmsblc Ntriv ,
John Frazer , Jr. , baa been named by tIme I
hoard of supervisors as constable for Lay.
ton towmmuhip to succeed Albert Morgan , who
resigned the position to accept the place as
county jailer tinder Sheriff Morgan ,
have yiu seen the new gas beating stoves
it the cQrmpany's ciTiceT
DAvis , Only drug Mtor. with registered clerk. t
Lo3rd of SUPOFViEOTS Askea to Make t
Now Ruling.
Iii Imm ( mire inemtl ilos1i ( OhM % 'iil 'Iron I
SimhJcctM Ai'cirihimiir Ii , time
ieI hinils of ( lit' Itcgti-
liii' Simmif.
A delegations of physicians called upon
the board of supervisors yesterday afternoon
wIth a grievance. In time delegation were :
1)rs. Treynor , Jennings , Waterman , hlarstow ,
and Lucy. Theil kick against time manner of
treating pauper patients was presemitcd. and
the board unanlmoimsly decided that the
relief apked slmommltl be granted.
Hut there's anoiimer story in connection with
the matier. 1)r. .lemmnings was aoietemi am.
spokesmnan of time delegation , aimd lik statc
ment Wa8 Plainly and tersely mmmade. lIe
said it hail been the custom uf the tommnty
physician to follow the county chargco into
time hospital and treat them tlmero to the
exclusion of the regular ataff of hiopital
physicians. It was a case. lie aaid , viicrm'
the physicians , were anxious to do some-
thimmg for nothing. h1 m.aiti every thmysician
in the city , anti everywhere else for that
matter , did more or less chmarity btialness
every week , anti alnmo't every day iii time
year. I'hysiciamms 'ero called almost daily
to attend patients who were unable to ray ,
and the physicians knew timis at tIme time.
Not infrequently tIme physicians furmmishmtti
their own medicines , and were lao often
lou to buy food for the : mtlictmt paiients ,
simply no a matter of immmmmmnntty , 'ntisvmt
a common experience with physicans. Diii
there wait a redeeming f"mro to time nrc
of clmarity. Occasionally a remarkiblo ease
was iliscovered among the pauper patiemims
and the pimyIciaii , s'ho bail boei treaLi :
such eases for nothing vat' certainly eqiltied
to profit by any development ut "me case
that mimight occur. And hero wau where the
trouble canmo in.
110 instanced a case o a woman in East
Onmalma , a county charge wimose ci'e was very
unusual. This attention was callel Cr. it , and
he and another physician went t' the ( 'X-
ponse of making revcral visits tnd treated
the woman. She was ronved to St. 11cr-
nard's hospital , anti an epoimitiomi WLS : mcciiied
impon. Then the county phy1cimtii steppeti in
and decinreil that the wormvnvas a c.inty
patient , and he would tirat iie and tIme
physicians who had been to the trouble 'nd
expense of former work in time case were
barrett out and prevented from profiting by
tIme result of the. operation whch it hal been
found necessary to perfarm.
Dr. Jennings said that it ws ebe do 'ir of
time physicians to ho allowed to treat time
comimity cases at the hospmtahs without tmo
interference of the county p .y9ieun. Each
hospital had a staff of phyeiamm , end tl.cit
was no cimargo for treating 'he imommi'Ital's
patients. lie understoomi tlttt time .u 1 i y Imad
an agreement anti contract with : lmo two imjs-
pitais that county patients 'iiijii.i he cared
for at a certain stipmmiatc'd r.te , anJ that
the contract called for medical attcrmdamte.
It was time deslro of tIme iiimysichans timat time
board make the rule tlmat time county IlmysI-
clan should have nothing to ( ho with county
patients in time hospitals , but that the 'aurlc
of treating them should be left to time regular -
lar hospital staff of physicians. There v as
no trouble on this score , and the board do-
cideti timat such was the intention and word-
lug of their contract with the hmospltlti , and
that hereafter the county phslciafl would
be expected to leave patients in time hospitals -
tals to the treatment of the regular hiospi-
tel staff.
Part of the trouble in tmostion is due to
the efforts of time county pimysician to introduce -
duce imonioepathic practice into St. Bernard's
hospital. All of the rtaff physicians of that
hoepital are mnemmibers of time old school. Time
hospital has contracted ' .o furnish medical
attendance to county patients. To commmply
with this requirement of time contract under
the county physician's plan , would compel
time sisters to put in a stock of homeopathic
medicines , and they do not feel lIke aseum-
tog the expense for the purpose of accorn-
modating the county physician , as none of
the regular staff physicians of time' hospital
would use the same remedies. Under time
ruling of the board , the difficulty vIll be
settled. Dr. Itelier , tIme county physician , is
a member of the homoepathlic staff of the
Womemi's Christian Association hospital.
where both nchoois are represented , and will
have to confine imla hospital practice to that
institution , wimero county patients are con-
corned. -
'I'lii'ct' Tough l'rlMuncrH.
There was some little excitement yesterday
about noon atm a small grocery store kept by
Mike Boyle , who talks lime Danish language.
A tough and determinetl looking negro came
Into tim store anti asked for a plug of tobacco -
bacco , Time grocerymnan imantled him out a
plank of thick biackstrap. but the negro
threw it down , anti demanded time best there
was in the house. The groceryman hustled
around and got out a pound plug of Piper
Ileidsick. This suited time negro , and he
bit off a square mcii for time first cimew anti
shoved the remainder down into Imis hip
Pocket. When he withdrew his imand from
beneath his coat tail lie fiamtimed a big , wicked
Ioking revolver and offered to give time mner-
chant a part. or all of the bullets In payment -
ment for the tobacco. lIe backed out ot time
room , but kept Boyle covered with time gun I
until ho reachci the sidevalk , then lie coin-
pelled him to close the door and stay imu'ido
unmior. penalty of being shot. There was
something abaut the looks of tim negro that
convinced Boyle that ho would commit mur-
tier for a plug of tobacco , anti he made no
effort to stop him , The hmighvaymnan disappeared -
appeared in the direction of time Northwest-
em round hcuse. Boyle notified time police
and several officers headed by Detective
Murphy went after him.
In the Nortimwestorn yards they loumid a
negro who answered sonmewimat time det'crip-
tion of tIme man wanted , lie woe in corni i
pammy with two white rnemm whose faces would m
be eiitflcient warrant fe" their arrest anywhere - i
where , Time trio were placed under arrest I
anti brought to time station. Boyle was called ,
but. be promptly declared that time negro was
not time man wanted. Time white mnen gave
the emamnes of Ed Static and Dan Donogan.C
In Siado's possesm.lon wore found two imew
silk imandkerchicfs , a lady's gold neck cimain ,
a numnber of new collar anti cuff buttomms ,
two skeleton door keye , one designed to
fit a comumnon ( hoer lock. and time otlmer for
operating on store thoors , and a pair of nip-
pers. In Donegan's poseession were found
a lot of shoemaker's tools and a new razor I
anti iltrol ) . Time police are positive that tmotlm
of time white men are professional burglars.
The negro proved to be a Iily , darlc-skinmmed
tramp with nothing to indicate that be pos-
sesseti criminal characteristics. All will be
held emi a general charge of vagrancy until
time oilicers can make further iimquirieti. Be-
tecttve Camnpsio of the Itock island examined
Siado and Ionogan closely , smith thinks ho
can connect them witim time robbery of the c
ticket office and the baggage room a few
days ago , when a couple of grips were taken ,
anti subsequently found slashed open and
their contents missing.
ihiecleil ii , Jmiiiitor ,
Time board'of supervisors yesterday afteri
eon put an end to the buttommimolixmg the v
nemnbers have been subjected to hourly since
he openimmg of the session by electing a
anitor for time court house for the ensuing
rear. C
Timere were nearly fifty candidates , amimi it r
00k eight ballota to decide the contest , Thee
leelding ballot was in favor of Thomas N
tile ) ' of Council Bluffs. None of time women it
vhmo were aspirants for time position received
vote. The job carries a salary of 1,500
irni a lot of work , ,
"Just tell them timat you've seen me" at
: Furniture company's , 336 , 338
lioffimmayr's Fancy Patent Flour imiakes time
et and most bread. Aak your grocer for It. a
( j.i.I ( l'iriiii's YlSl'l' A SUCCIiSS.
t'iegn I Inn Comm't'Iiec , I lie i.'fliliI I mire
or tl. Necil of .igmiiimig mm imo ,
All time members of the Council Bluffs '
ecu mittec have. rettmrneti from Ies
tfoine after the most stmccessfmmi
termination of their mission to so'
cure an appropriation from time Iowa leg-
Ilattmre for the Transmississippi expositions
Time bill pasem1 the senate yesterday after.
noon without opposition. The members of
the committee ealieti upon Governor Draltd
antI receiveml assurances that he would slgmi
tIme bill as soon as It came into his pOsses-
Every member of the committee certainly
deserves time heartiest praise for Imis efforts
to overcome time apparently instmrniommmmtaL'le
obstacles encountered from the first. it was
the last week of the session , Time nppto.
prlntion bills hami all been agreed emimomi in
cammittee anti reported to the house for mip'
proval , mind tIme cchnmmmittee hmati been tlis-
cimargemi , Time aiiiiroimriatiomms had alrermily cx-
ceetled the limIt fixed at time beginning of
thmo session , antI there was imattmrally time
greatest reluctance to increasing time ammioummt.
The Council hJlimff committee was commmpeliti I
to appeal directly to tIme mnenmbers for sup.
port of their proposition , anti time memmmbers
were Imarmi to approach on nccoummt of time
gmeat rusim of btmsimmess Incident to time close
of time session , It was emily time very best
gereralsimip anti time most indefatigable Ia-
bar with indlvidmm.ii mmmembers that. the appro-
Pliation was posihie. The bill only liro-
vldes a fund of $10,000 , but timis vili be increased -
creased by th next IcgisImtturo in ample
tinie for misc In iSDS ,
Tue members of the comntmiittee who re-
turmmed lost fli.imt were extremely tired , mit
in a imappy frame of imminmi on account of time
signal success that lied attended their efforts -
forts , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% 'hI.I , P1LOSI'EC'I' FOit COAt.
Ciiimiit' ( hITi'rs mm ih.iiims to time Mon % iii )
Strikes ii i'giyiiig Veltm.
There lies long bctemm an opinion among a
number of tne residents of time county that
coal in payimmg quantities is to be found iii
timis coummty and time board of supervisors lisa
expressed a willingness to encourage pros-
' ' '
At the mmmeetlng of time supervisors yester-
they afiermioomi it was decIded to offer a
bonus of 1OO to ammy one who simotild fimmd a
three-foot vein of coal in time commnty tiurimig
time coining year. Several parties wimo have
done some preliminary prospecting mmmv Iwo-
pcse to go ahead with the work on a larger
scale. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iiMtrlet Court Cmiscs.
Before Jmmtlge Smith , in the district court
yesterday , time case of time Citizens' bank
agaimist Weston was up for a imearlmg , Time
bank secured jimmigment against Werton for
$1soI , bmmt when it caine to get execution a
daughter of Mr. Weston's appeared with a
dec'ml to her father's farmmi , which tfme claimed
lied bean given imer for services iii attending
him anti keep his home. Time action yeoter-
day was to test. time validity of the transfer
of the property.
Jtmdgo Smith made a decree in the case of
Lena Grote against Adoilmie hansen , a suit
for time partition of an estate. The decree
Was in accordance with time report ofV. . II.
Thomas , Ira hendricks anti C. T. Dllhimm , imp-
pointed by the court as referees. Their report -
port shmon'emi that thm state wan valued at
3SOO , anml that nine hmdirs 8imould receive
one-fifteenth each of time property , anti that
tilt ? rest of the cetato simoulti go to Adeiimme
Uncle henry DeLong lies work for ten
men for a ntmmmmber of days. Applications
may be nmatlo to himn at time Industrial
scimool , over Cite State Savimigs bank , today.
( ) iuIny Femlerimi Court Sesslomi ,
JtmdgoVoolson imeld a sereioim of the federal
court yesterday , ammd would imavo held another -
other today if District Attorney Fuhien had
not been too busy to give time criminal cares
still on time dockct. time attention thiey do-
serve. TIme only timlmmg of importance done
was the omijudication of time case against At.
torney J. II. Sweet , indicted a year or more
ago witim lila law partner , Judge S. P. Van-
natta , for conducting a bond inveatmmment
swindle , Vannatta is practicing law in
Cripple Creek , Cob. , anti Sweet appeared os
his attorney , as well as attorney for himself -
self , Judge Wooiomi took Vannatta's case
under advisement anti iassed tmpon Sweet's.
Ho wan found guilty and semmtonced to pay a
fine of $20 anti costs. Time amnounts were
prcmptly paid and tii cs wiped off time
Half a dozen bootleggers , arrested simmce
time ciose of the Mardi terni of time court
upon bench warrantct , will have to remain in
jail until tcie autumn term or give satisfac-
tery bonds.
Judge Woolson left for Moimmit Pleasant.
last evening with his daughter.
% 'ell Fixed Drnmiknrii.
W. D. Graham , or "OlmI Dave , " ac ime is
familiarly known , was locked up in time city
jail yestertiay afternoon upon a charge of
intoxicutlon. 110th the charge anti time con-
dillon are quite commomi to time oid maim.
lIe is an olti soldier , good naturemi and
harmniess , vitim a few tried friends who stick
to himim through t'mmick nmmd timin. Yesterday ,
wimemm lie was found on time streets In a helpless -
less state of intoxication , seine of his friends
offered to take Imim oil the Imanmis of time
policeman , Time offer wan accoptet , and the
old nmmn was taken to imis imonme at Eleventh
avenue anti Eleventim street , but the family
refused to permit imim to enter time house
until lila drunk was over , ro time' officer as
compelled to call time patrol wagon and take
himmi to time city jail.
Time old nman has been tlrawimmg a pension
for a bug time , and a few days ego received
his quarterly allowance , time greater part
of which he imas already left in time ealoomma.
in addition to his old lmene'on Imo vhhl receive
In a few days a back vension ammiounting
to $4,200. Grmimarn is'timeu uncle of the eommme-
aliat. notorious Molly Gralmnmmm.
lit' Voultiit't Stmy A'sity ,
Zed Betimers was brotmgimt over from Omaha
last nigimt tutti given a berth in time county
lail on time charge of burglary.
Bctiers lisa been more or Ices of a terror
to time police for a long time. Last winter
me was arrested for robbing Paymme's grocery
ttore , On account of lila family ammti for
ertaimm other reae'oims me was allowed to go
vitm time uimmlerstantling that. imo wotmlmi mmot i
e vrosecutetl It lie left. Iowa anti stayed
tway. lie couldn't. lie has bqmi dropping
fl mmow amid then anti causing immore or less
: rotmimle and unwilling transfers of property ,
timmi it was ilecitiell to ( nice imini In cimmmrge.
1-10 was arrested iii Onmalma last week by
Deputy Simeriit Comnpton amid was brought
ver list night on requisition papers ,
% It lo ( lit' Irmiimii ugh
Why ? Becatmse our goods are the beat.
) ur prices are right , amid We guarantee satis-
action , See our imc' pictures.
11. L. SMITH & CO.
We offom' you only clean , crisp , snow white
mtundry 'erlc and best delivery servIce at
agTo laundry , 724flroadway. Telephone 157
Clergyman's Mb , amade of Jattcnburg ;
) raltla , on exhibition Saturday , April 11 , at
, ilss Sprimmk's , No , 10 Main street ,
Dr. Cleaver'e 0111cc nmoved to 600 Broadway.
Attribimiemi It ) ihiNmumnreic ,
"Ah , yes , " said Bisinarck , as be pro.
leeded to ligimt an excellent havana , "time
'elite of a gooj cigar is brat umidermmtod
rhen it Is time last omme you possess , mmd
hero iii imo chiaimce of getting another. At
conlggratz I had only one cigar left In
ny ickct. This I carefully guarded during
he whole battle mis a mnivr does hl treauuro ,
did miot feel justified in using it. I painted
tith glowing colors in ' my mind the happy
our when I simould enjoy it after victory.
hut I hail miscalculated my chances. A poor
ragoomi hay helpless , with both arimis
rualmeml , moaning for emornotiming to
efresh imini , I felt in my pock-
ts amid foummti I bath only gold , .wimicim '
ouid be of imo use to imimmi , [ hut stay-I had
till iii > ' treaistmrctl cigmiri I lighted thmi for
im antI imlaced it between his teeth , You
houlti imavo aeon the ioor fellow'is grateful
mniloi I never enjoyed a cigar mucim as
Imat one which I did noL samoko , "
For strengthemming and clearing the voice
Be Broyn's Bronchial Trocimes-"f have
animnended them to friends who were public
peakers and they have vroved extremely
erviceablo-ltey , henry Ward I3occber. i
Logislattiro Makosa : ; Appropriation for
the Tranm1ssJjppI Expost1on
In tf
Meiiiierps of iinhliI1rgne1cs Vliitl Vtiri
CrnuiiImmj 'i'lii ; , romn All Sli1t' ,
hHit " , 'iIl Ut ! 'I'i.roughi
Ois1'ime ,
DES MOINES , ; pi : l0.-Speciai ( Teic-
gram.-Time ) centmto today pasemi time hotmso
bill appropriating $10,000 for the Tranemis'
slssippi expositiomm in Onmalma In I9S ,
The amemmileti jury bill paseti both houm.s.
Carpenter'a resolution relative to an extra
session to finish up' time , ode passed time
senate' . The resolution declared the code
cannot be completoti at. otmy regular session ,
and reqtmce'ta time governor to call the legis-
iatnro together to complete time work ,
Friendo of the governor reaont time effort
to dictate imis action , anti time resoitmtion may
be defeated in the lmouse.
The house , in the forenoon session , passed
the bill relatimmg to time tax levy far time en-
stung biemmnial period. C'halrmnan Wood pre-
cipitateti the figimt by calling up the enato
bill directing the executive council to fix
time state levy high enotmgim to cover all of the
appropriations that have been mimatlo. Porter
( hop. ) moved aim ammiendnment , limiting time
rate to 2 ¼ mmiilis. Mr.'ootl said Clint timis
amncndmnent , It ad plod , simply meant that a
elate debt simould be incmmrred , rather than
aim increase in taxation , Powers ( dciii. ) re-
immiimtieml time house that the house had tim-
strimctei its cornimmittee tt' limit time total imp-
prcpriations to' time cstlmnateml receipts , based
on a 2 ½ mill levy , and if timis conmniltmee
tiieregardeti thc instructions , a coniidetmce
game itati boOn played on tIme house whtch
might not to pmtas unrobukemi. Mr. Ladd said
Imo had protested agaInst time passage of
timose approprlatiomis in time manner in which
they were rushed tlmrough , but was now
fcrced to vote for aim increase iii taxation to
save time credit of the state. Without waiting -
ing for ftmrther discussion , Gurley anti Fuimk
tiomnaniled the previoua question , amid time
aineimiimmment was lost , Ayes , 17 ; imays , 70.
The bill was then passe't Ayes , 72 ; mmays ,
10 , mainly tlemimocrats , Time levy will be
mmearly 3 immills.
Time house rejected the Garst bill , which
imas already pasaed the senate , making all
fire insurance policies null ammd void if writ-
temi outcido tue state. Smnith anti Early
stated that time pemrposo of time bill was to
oiut out the so-called underground Insurance ,
and was aimed eapecially at the New York
Time senate bill providing for withholding
all of time pension exceedtng $0 per nmonth
frommi tIme imimmmates of time soldiers' hommie at
Marsimailtown was passed
TIma senate having refused to take up and
lasa the tmoue. bill abaoltmteiy forbidding tIme
placimig of any mmietialhioims 0mm the mmionuimment
amid tiirectiimg time substitution of scenes rep-
reentImig time firimmg 0mm Fort Sumter amid
rurremitier at APIommiattox for time storming
of Fort Donelsomi , time house passed time
senate joint ret'altmtioim , whmicit is couched in
time sammie langemage. The reeolution imas not
time binding force , f iaw , but. many mom-
hers feel Clint timeaomnjnission wiii imardiy
talca time rerpommaibihity tmf ignoring or disre-
garthimmg this exprei , action of tAme legiala-
tore. . : ,
The usual resolutisvere ) passed in both
branches of time gemmeral&as'emnbiy , comnmnend-
iimg time presidlimg 'emctrs for the taitlmful
anl impartial niani1r in vimicim they had
iresided over timerrskectlve bodies , and
prcsemmtlng each with time. gavel and time chair
iied by them during this sealon.
Preeltiemmt. r'arrott iipealcer Ilyeru made
brief but fitting acl ibwIedgrnent of Uime coimi-
Time resolution was pr semmted iii the imoue
by BaIter , and in. tile s jiate by Rouck , both
democrats. Iii time senate an unusual scene
yas enacted just ber repme iose of the fore-
tmcen sessiomm. Sen'aeor Rowen of Wright
was called to the Jmoi and agreeably stir.
pristi by th pres iXatton of a mammoth
bouquet of flowers as a coinphimmient frommi
time seven demnocrai : 'senators. A card was
attached to time basket , on whmicim time hope
\'as expreii.eti taat ! time prohibition Senator
woultl hive long enough to be called to time
highest office within the gift of time state.
The scene was affecting iii time extreme.
F'mriii flimI1dImigsiiiovn A'm'rmty niuti
Ot hmei l'romierty ) ( ( ( ) .
OTTUM\VA , Ia. , April 10.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-A ) ftmrious wind and bali storimi swept
over southern Iowa this morning at an early
imour. At Bloomfield a mmumnber of farm buiid.
Ings were blown away , and hundreds of panes
of giass shattered. At Chariton , Fairfield ,
Mount Pleasant , Batavia and other places
time stornm was severe , witim two inches of
Imaif on the groimnml. At Lucas a fierce rain
acccmnpanieti by heavy hail and hugh wimmti
caused time inhabitants to seek protectiomi in
caves. South of time city Scovihie's big barn
was scattered all over the sectiomm , amid other
farimi property shared a similar fate. Time
damage to propetty was great in time aggregate -
gate , but no one was imimrt seriously ,
flmmJolncii I lie County ilonrd ,
tOUx CITY , April l0.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Immjunctfcii ) proceedings were corn-
menced here today to restain the Woodbury
county board froni letting time contract for
county printing for the ensuhmmg year to Per-
klne Bros. , a local firm or printers , on time
grotumd timat Watters Bros. , a rival house ,
imad a lower bid , The right of the corn-
mmmlrsionere to use their discretion in ouch
canra , regardiess of the bids offered , has always -
ways been a questicim in time state , and time
leclsioim wihi be an important one ,
liii 5'i mig lip Ioua Iiieynora ,
WEBSTER CITY , Ia. , April IO.-Speclal.- ( )
Considerable apprehension is felt anmong time
farmers in this , rection of time state over time
future price of grain. A corporatirn known
aim the Interstate Eievator company is gobbi-
ng in nil time eievatora hi time mieighborhood ,
They have aireatly purchased time two large
elevators at Jeweii Junction , wimicim is cm-
sidered one of time beat shipping Points in
mortimern Iowa , Timoy have also secured con-
1 + 'H + - .
i Sargent's
Are paid to customer's
: bidding , It 'Yqf ' merely want
I tu loohc at ti agniflcent new
V ( ' +
line of $1 , 2'or$3 Oxfords or tan C
2 shoes or biacshoes or anytImng ,
else anti donI .irant , to buy yet
; i' '
Doit't Hestate ott
I That Accit.
1' '
'rimis is ar , , ! nvitation to you anti
yomr friends to come in and 'look.
Tue oftener you come time better
we' like it. Every day is recep.
tiou day here ,
Look for the Beor.
' + + * 444 } ' * + 4 'H ' + * ' * ' ± ' 5'HI 4r4
trol of time e ai rs at Ehisw rti , , lietlehiffe
Slnmiimopc lhilirsburg mmmiii atijiLrmmt liommtp , Time
eommliiany has l's imc'Alqumartcr ; , 1mm ( 'hiiemmga , and
representatIves , ay they intumd to cover limb
t'cctiosi very thorotigiiiy ,
( 'tih1llNh ) : tUtfNS1TllI hiill , ,
iliielt'mitipmil lniisi'l'elepimoimp Cimimi-
liii ii iei Xoi'm ( eI I I mig 'logel her ,
WIIISTEII CiTY , Ia , , April l0.-Special (
Teiegrain--no ) of ( ho first telephommo corn-
ijanies in time state to maio a move towarmi
a me anmalgaimmation of time intiependent Iowa
lines for competition ltim the lieu Tele-
pimono conipany , is time E. Ii. Martin Telephone -
phone company of this city. Wires are hieing
strung to Fort Dodge , and hiiie mire beimig
exteimdcd fronm timis Place In every direction ,
Time president of the conipany has ativios
frommi other commipanies wimich joimmed time association -
sociation that they rlhi push work ralmimily
antI it will be but a short time tmmmtil time
entire state is covered by time independent
companies , _ _ _ _ _ _
itmiiironim 3lmugmmn I e ii t Ct'lnr itniuil.
CfiiAlt I1APIbS , In , , April 10.-Spcciai (
Teiegram.-iton ) , Chammucoy M. tiepew amid
Cormmeliims Vapderbiht or the New York ( iommtral ,
accommihmaniel by Mmirvimm lhugimitt , preidcmmt ,
and General Stmperimmtentlemit Simmiborn of ( ito
Nortimwestern , ImasSeti through imer this
mnorimimmg oim a special train cii route to Cimi-
emmgo. Messrs. lelmw ) tutu Vmmmmderbllt' deny
tIme report that they are figuring on purclmas-
immg time Union Pacific , Tlm , tumm ( rout here to
Clinton , eighmty-oimc mmiiics , was mimetic in
eigimty-eighmt mnintmtos , incliimiing timrce stops.
'I'ry I ii .z' I ii 'm't't'k it Vu sitemi gt'r 'i'rmi I ii ,
MASON CITY , In. , April l0.-Speclal ( Tele-
grammm-Twico ) dtmrimmg time week attempts
have becmm niade to wreck the mmight passeimger
on the hltmrhimmgton , Cedar Rapids & Noi'timei'mm.
Ties were imiled across time trzmclc at time White
Fox bridge , just east of Ciariomi. Emicim tlmmiti
the engimmeer imas dimtcoverm'ti time obstruction
jttst 1mm tiimme to avert a terrible aceldemit , The
ofliclais of time road are immvestigating.
I'ittni Siiree of mmii I nil ,
.IOUX CITY , April hlJ-Special ( Tehe-
gramn.-Charies ) Englisim , a Winnebago him-
cumin on Cite reservation twenty imiiles from
Imere in Nebraska , overturned a lamp in 1mb
cabin while iii aim Intoxicated condition amid
vas btnned to tleatlm Time federal authtoritiea
are hooking for time Parties who sold time
liquor , with a view to making an exaniple
of timem.
I.I,1,1Lii ltOM.tXCIS.
, t ii ugh I mug of Pmu'tN mmmiii Fiet ion on
Life'N You zig ireniii.
The sequel to a romance wimichi lied its
origimi during the war betweemi time states
timirty-two years ago was tIme mnarrage ! of
Miss Clara Glenn of Coiuimibus , ( In , , to Cap-
tab James A. McFerrin , a member of time
intermial revenue aervico in that state , whielm
has just been soleniuized at Lewlsburg , Tenn.
Captain McFerrln ommhisted In the coemfede-
rate service as a mmiemmmber of time Timlrty-sec-
ommti Tennessee , lie received a severe wotmnd
at the battle of Athamita in 1S63 , and was
comiveyed to a hospital at Colunibus , where
Miss Glenn was one or time nurmes. Sue
ntmrsed imim back to health , and then be
fell in love and proposed to her.
When ime was about to be discharged from
time hospital , site presenteti him with a sut
made by her own imammds , but would not con-
sitier imis offer of marriage , replyimig that lie
lied best servo imis country. lie returned to
time arnmy , and after the hoatilities had
ceased returimeti to his native county , was
nmarrled and has raised six children to mmia-
turity , his wife dyhig a year or two ago.
Captain McFerrln sought out the lady ito
ioved In lila youth , Fimmding out sue was
yet. unmarried , Ito began a correspondence ,
against proposed amid was this time accepted ;
so after a lapse of thirty-two years time itair
are married. Captain McFerrin wore the
coat qf time suit made amid presented to hinm
by Miss Glenn so long ago , at time wedding.
Strv or Teiider flevoliofl ,
A frail pale-faced boy applied for a night's
lodging at. the police station in New Bruns'
wick , N , J. , the other night. Time officer
to whom time request was made was struck
by the supposed boy's peculiarly fitting
clothes and small hands and feet , and blurted
out : .
'Ilere , you have played this game long
enough. Now , what does all timis nmmmsquer-
ading nmean , You are a girl , and you can't
deny it. "
Time officer's sudden accusation and gruff
manner acted a9 he expectc they wotmhd
Time little vagrant was taken unawares , and
tite way he hung her head convinced time of-
( leers timat they Imad discovered a young girl
in man's attire.
In explanation Cf her strange costume she
said simo vas from Cincinnati. Her sweetheart -
heart , Jack Williams , left that. city sommme
time befere in itearchm of work , and she determined -
termined to foliow him. "I had a little
money saved , " sue said , "and I decided to go
to Columbus and see if I could find imim. I
stayed at a cheap boarding house there ,
after slipping away from home one night
witimout iea7ing any worti , for about a week ,
but got 110 trace of Jack. Then I decided
to go to Pimiladolpimia , to a friend's imouse , at
1496 Fmmirmont avenue. 'SVimen I got there
they told me that Jack lied called on them
one day , obomit a week before , but said notim-
ing of imis troubles. He imad gone on to Trenton -
ton , they timouglmt , hoping to get work in one
When Baby was lck , wo gave her Castorfa.
Vhcmi imo waS a Child , simo cried for Castoria.
Then site bccaimmo tlia , ho clung to Castoria.
Wlrtn she had Cltildrtm , she gave them Castoria ,
1E1s'r ' NAflONAL BANK
Couiicil B1ufs , Iowa5
CAPITAL , - - . $100,000
ef ( Ito t I tttles , a bmttines tm Itb witchm , lie
famiiiliar ,
"I thc'clmletl to make mimy Ay Ia Treni n As
brat I ciulti , tmltimotmghm out of mmmcm ' , ammil I
conelutleil to put on mnefll clothes , since it
woimlil nmnkt , immy way safer amid I ( taught
tommie tec'otitt immmnil ehothmc h i'hiIlat1hpiiIn ,
" itim which I fltteil imp and started lim to waik
to Trenton. I imd scarlet fever last fall , amid
nmy hair lmimd been cut short then , so it liti
Tint attract any attiitiomi ,
' ' 1 got to Trentomu e mm 'Timtmrstiny , hut ecimmiti
find mm trace of .tthl ( at ammy of the pot-
terics , One of time smmperintemmtlcnts told mule
that a yotmimg fellow like the one I tin-
scriimemi hail caiieti on imimmu for work , Tlmemm
I itcm1ed to walk emu over time , l'emmmmaylvai'i.i
tracks tomvimrmi New York , feeiirg timtit Jack
womiitl naturally nmake toward a lmig city , "
Tommcimed iii' time story , the officers at time
station mamic imp a ptmrse amid time girl tic.
ettleti to take' their nilvice ummtl Put 0i girl's
ciotimes , Time followimmg nicrmimmg : shmci ap
learc'ti at the Imolico stmttien In a Itatelicti
tip attire anti aimi that muhe had decitictl to
go tin to New York , althotmgim time police advised -
vised her etromighy to go back imomume. As she
eatmi simo wail 20 yemers of age , and set'miiti
dcermiiiimcd to taku care of herself , she was
aliowed to go on her way ,
- -
Amutmtiir ttt. fur SkyMt'rmuers ,
A great commotion wa createti iii time
Mntonlc Temple ibm ? other day hiy a series of
explosions mcsttummlmlimmg time ilisehmarge of a
Imeekage of firecrackers , says time Chicago
Chronicle ,
Time explosiomma occurred about on a level
witim time fourth mloor , in the area , Fohltumving
the reports came a Imyrotecimnical dislihay iii
( ho lmnpe of littie dc'scemmtiing sticks , with
spirals of smnoko in their wakes. limqtmiry
s mmE mnado as to time cause , anti time sticks ,
wlmthli were burnt hmarior immatches , were gaUm-
e'red up by time jammitom' .
It proved to be a joke , the PerPetrators
hieing a couple of young mmmcmi , who were
ammickerimig nmmti wimisperimmg together , One jtItl
to time other : "You imavemi't got tIme iier'e , "
The reitiy vas : "Vatcii iiio , " ammEthmo bettor
stmokesmimaii took froni 1mb mmmatcim safe a Imanti-
ftml of imarlor mnatcimes , extenihetl lila arimm out
over time rail ammd let. thmemmi drop Imito smaco.
Time frictiomm caused by timeir rapitl fall cx-
imbued timemmu , hence time comiminotion oil time
floors belos' ,
limiti to % 'orHe ,
Washington Star : Time bad cold Imad captured -
tured time careless man , who commmpiaiimed
bitterly of his fate.
"You are a imtmisance , " lie said to time bad
cold. "You immilict time imtmmmost discommifort
and have absolutely mme commipu.'mmsatimmg ad-
vantages. "
"That's right , " replied time bad coitl , in an
aggrieved tone , "Abuse me. % otm don't
realize how mmmuch worse off you might be.
Just wait till your wife gets you amid parboii
your feet tim mmiustard water , and jmuts a
mmmtmttard phasfer over your wisimbonu amid
immalces yomi drink red pepper tea. Timemm you'ii
think timat maybe I wasn't so bad after all , "
'l'he hmappimmess o
. I- ' married life dcpcmmdmm
9 oim the wife's health
, \ \ ofteimcr timan emi ammy
' . ' other one consmdcra-
: u : :
t\ discontent to herself
I , and a burden amid
. i \
I takhmmg mimore interest
' \ in timeir own hms-
' ical coditiomi would
' lay tIme best fotmimda.
'Ip \ / ) ;
I other happiness.
! More than half thur
time emicrgmes amid sours tIme dmsposmtmomm af
womncmi is directly traceable to sommie disorder -
der of time organs distiimctly fenmimminc. Timere
is no real need of such troubles ; they are
invariabl' ctired by Dr. l'icrcc's Favorite
Prescriptmomm , vImicIm reaches amid strcmigtimemis
time iimtermmai gciicrative orgamis as imo otimer
treatment can possibly do. By restoring
health and strength to tlmis immost irnportammt
part of the feimmimmine constitutiomm , the ' ' Pa-
voritc l'rescriImtiomi ' ' gives imevtomie amid energy -
ergy to all the rest of time hotly.
Omme of time most deeply iimtercstin and
truly educative books ever written is time
' Pcopic's Comumnon Sense Medical Ad.
viser , " by Dr , IL V. Pierce , Chief Consult-
hug Pimysiciamm of the Invalids' Hotel ammd
Surgical Institute , Buffalo , N. V. Tlmii
siemmdid volunme of IOOS pages , includes
ninety pages on tIme subject of diseases pe.
culiar to woolen , with directions for imomims
treatnmemmt , remmdcrimmg umumecessary tIme esmi
barrassing ' ' examnimmatioiis , " amid gemmerahi
useless ' local so dreaded bg
modest women. TIme book contains the
most coimipreimensive explanation of hunmamm
physiology and the rational primmeiples of
imygicime ever pimblislied. Illustrated with
over 300 cmmgravings-a coniplete iimedlcal
library in one voiummic. No other medical
book in the Emmglish language everimad such
an cnornmous sale. 63oooo , copies were sold
at $1.50 each. Dr. Pierce is now distrib.
uting a new free edition of half a immilhion
copies. A copy will beicent absoluI1j'free
to anyomme who will scud to tIme \Vorlti's
Dispensary Medical Associatlomm , Buffalo1
N. V. , 2 ! omme.cent mttammmps to pay cost of
immaihing oIj' , Thme present cdttiomm is in all
respects the caine as that sold at $ m.o cx-
cept ommly ( lint it lit bouimd iii strong muniiIa t
paper .ivers immittead of cloths ,
' _ )
1o1hIng , Dross3s and ! ! ons1iold Gods -
OMAiJA OF'F'ICE-llCl Fimrnam. Tel. 1521.
OUNCIt I11.UIrFiiWomits anti 0111cc , Car. Ave.
nue A and 25th Tit , Tel , 310.
Send for Price List ,
' ' ' ,
'I ' , , '
I'/i' ,
Gladness Comes
\1f Rh a hotter mitiderat tmuiUmmg of Limo
trmtmislemmt. mmntnre of the mmimimiy 11113'S.
leni ills , wlmkim vnmmlslt before proper ef-
forts-gemitleqiTtmrttm-iemtsnmmtcflorts- ,
rlglmtl3' tilmectt'tl. 'lim're is comnfot't lit
the kmmo'hedge , thimi , so mmmmimm' formus of
ttiehimcss itm't' not ilmie to mmtm' mtettmnl d Is-
disc. hut. Slliipl3' to ii Cimit.tilittCdCofldI
tleui of time systt'mmi , w'lmk'hm ( lit. , plt'ztmmmmt
fmmmmillv lnxmttive , Srmmp of ligs. imrommmit-
13' m'eimnmvcs , 'l'himmt Is why It is thu emily
r'mmmcly 'itlt niiihiomms of faimmilhms , anti is
ever3'wlmnre e'stuemncd so ItIglmi3' liv nil
\'im ( ) vnimmt.m irml ht'uitlm , its hucnetchtl
effuicts nrc ultit' to tlmo fuel , timnt it is time
_ ' , 'iiIeli imttei'nmml
( ) mmt m'enmed3 prtummmot Cs
clt'mtmmhlmmoss "t'ltlmommt debillttitliug time
om'gnhms Oil wlilt.'lt It. acts. It Is t1mtrcforo
nIl Immipurtamit , lii ordem' to get It. ' . beime-
flclmti L'il'eets , to mmote ' 1men you inmr-
ciiae , tlmmmt. you have tlit' geimuhmme nrti-
elLis 'lmii1m is mmiammtmf&mctimrcd by time Call'
fornimt i"ig 83'ililJ ( m , .mim 13' mumd sold by
mill ru'pmtttb1e di tmggbts.
If 1mm tIme emmjovimmemmt of good iicmtim ,
numd time systt'tmm Is regmmimmm' , hitxmttlvi's or
otlmer remmmetlks mtt'e timeum mint , needed , If
imfilietcd with muiy mmc'tmmmti disemtme , one
1mm ) ' be eummmmnc'imdi'd to time most slciliftml
plm.vsieimtmm:4 , limit If in mmt'ed of a hmtxmitk'e ,
0mb slmotmlml hmmmvo time best , mtmmmi s'ltui thu
veil-hmmformmwd e'ems'w'lmere , Syrup f
Eig , htmtild liiglmi'st ii mid itt mmmost lnm.ircly
tiseti amid gives mimost geimc'rnl sntisfmmctlou , .
In charge of time
This widely known institution has been
doubTed in size timirimig the imast sunmnmer anti
rimado one of time most nmodcrmm anti mmiodel
immstltutions of its character in the west.
The new adtlitions will be ready for occu-
panel by the first of the year. When fully
eomlniletetl , accornmnotlatiomia will be affortietl
for flOO patients. It is beatmtifuily situated ,
overlooking time city of Council Bluffs. A
full staff of enminent pimysicians and trained
nurses minister to time comfort of time pa-
For fuller particulars , apply to -f
Council Bluffe , Ia. C
310 DROIIY - - COllNI1 8UFfS. IO
YEINESIAY r.p' ii : , i 11 ?
miti 'fii1Ji&D1t\ ' jjlli iii millil I
: : : I"
Elaborate Pi'oduction of
Lester Wallack's Great Play
Ummdcr time Auspices of
tNI ) IIItEC'I'ION 01'
Superb Pi'othiction of a Superb
Play. ' 1 : ,
I'ItIccS-7e ; , aIc ) mimiI : c. Seals i'iui
hut ? III iHX oIhiet 'i'uestlmt y , April 14 ,
ii. iii.
ILLIO'I"l , AL'I'ON . , . . . . , , , , , . . , imuiimiier
' -
' ' ' '
In Five Acts.
'I'CN'l'S IN .4 hAlt IIOOM.
It Pays to Investigate !
Before purchasing a mount ( or , .
Limo season , Our Ilicycies will
itantl investIgation. We make
w assertions we cannot subatan- .
inte. We have letters of mec-
mmnendation anti praIse from _ _ _
xperlenced cyclists timm'oUgimout '
) Ur territory , Our competitors ,
mowl-We can't help It , becauo \
) ur wheels are preferred to
titters , Our agents are not corn-
eilemi to cut prices to sell. Our \
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