Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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- _ - B _ - 'I'IIE OMAhA DAILY BiT ] MONDAY , APRIL 6. 189G.
Eaator Attendance at All of Them Uncommonly -
monly Large.
VitinI SPrItcrM or ! Oflg niul Olfcrltig
i uf VIe ( t N InereawtiI hi Iflect
I 1) 'I1nrt , I'crftt Aji-
IiIlIiiIcUt. (
' _ _
' ; thit one ththg one lacking to niako yc , .
terday a pcrfcct 1ater , and that a genktl
- radiance from the Eky to greet an enhance
the ra1lanco that wa on earth , for the day
came without a un anti nature eerned
carce1y In Lynipathy with the rlt of joy
, that was Ir' t1i licarte of men. A dull In
. , the air made the constant clouds look cold
nnj the bloom and folIage that ware In in
4 istizil profusion In all ixtncturlc , soerne(1 to
- . b3 In a peculiarly grateful L'helter , carried
there , fl9 they were , to be a part of the
I worthlp of the ( lay. The ceno , irltlc the
-i church wa Indeed , for lack of sunriilne , at
I helgiitencd contrast vlth that outde ! , but the
beauty appearing on thIs account void gladly
have been aacriflccd for that concord aiitl
. .
- unanimity that spirit of praise alwayv eek.
The irowIng tend'cy to still further ox-
nit the occa'on ! of Farter wao plainly mont-
fcot. and the evidence was one of the most
. I markoJ fvnturo of the holy feotlval. Not
only dI'l ' titore appear to nave been more
. attempt at beautiful effect In elaborate mnti-
Icai program antI floral ( Iloplay , butlt Is
the mitatemcnt of many that on no previous
ccca'lon in Omaha we o the numbero attcid-
lug the services at the several churc1ie ro
' . large. Every church , nioro like a temple
-1 at thIs ason thou any other , way crowded ,
ahitl tim inure than one lntztnco people stood
I In the aIsles anti on the outer eteps , while
many wore compelled to turn away altogether.
_ _ _ _ _ Thl incident of the day was forshadowcd
at the outzet , for at all churches whore early
morning cervicc.q were had , and eapeclally
the CatholIc , tile attu2dance or worshippers
i was large. and wimila many vent shivering
home , yet a the common hour for church
ae3embly drew near time waik , canvorging
to the various sanctiiarIovoro crowded.
Easter was celebratel Upon a magnificent
I scale at St. Phllomnona's cathedral , an
olabarate mtislcni program being rendered
0(1(1 ( spientikl decorationa bazg mised to ama-
meat time chancel of the church. At time 5
0 o'cicck service yesteriay morning Brown's
mass was 5111mg. At the service at 10:30 :
I o'clock time Italian mass No. I was rendered.
' .Vcrner's . "flegina Coeli" wa sung during
the offeratory at the latter service. The
music was under tIme directon of Miss Margaret -
garet Swift. who presided at tIme organ. 'rime
oio parts were vell taken by Miss Swift ,
Mr. Swift , Mrs. Carby , Miss Croft , M53
Jounie Cecit and Mrs. Iugdale. Time pure
white altar9 appeared eveim more beautiful
than ever. ornamented as they were with
beautiful flowers. Immense lilies. the moro
t modest lIlies-of-the-valley , large bunelmea of
! roses and vases filled with pirfk carnations
r vqre especially noticeable amdst ! tIme floral
muae , tIme fragmanco of which spread itself
L throughout tIme afliflem' . The officers of time
. - servces wore Father Carroll , celebrant ;
t Father Galvin , deacon , and Father Kelley ,
Time Clmurclm of the Iroly Family was filled
1 with worshippers at the calcbratlon ef high
maas at it o'clcck by Rev. Meyer , assisted
lt by Fathers I'eters and Legne. Time altar
and the .pac wthin ! the chancel rail were
i , , lavishly decorated with flowers. The serznou
was delivered by Father Lcgae. his topic
beng , "Christ i Risen. " The music In-
t , eluded lrarmner's mass in B fiat , sung by time
Itill choir of thtr& voices , with time following
- aolosts ! : Miss Coagrove , Siss Danihy ,
Messrs. Do l3eclmer and Jacobson , constituting -
ing a jmmartet , Miases M. Baumer. Rhea
. Primnenu , C. Gentiemen and Kate Murphy ,
t Messrs. Momnad , and Schali. For the offertory -
, fertory 'fleglna Coell' was L'ummg by the
; choir. The music was under the drection ! of
. - , Idles C. Schonlc.
_ At St. Cecilia's church , near Forty-first
I and hamilton streets , gay flowers transformed -
? formed time space within time chancel railing
ftj into a garden of bloom , tIme brilliant colors
of time flowers vyIng in brIghtness with time
lights about the altar. Father O'Iieilly
r afficiated at tIme service and delivered a ser-
men on "The Iesurrectlr'n. " The music In-
CludOl ( Millard's mass in F , with Mrs. DaIley ,
Nisses Gallagher , J3radon and Meyer , Messrs.
Mulick and Dailey , am , soloists. The offertory -
tory solo was sung by Miss Hayes.
The music was a feature at time services
of the St. Patrick Catholic church and was
rendered under time direction of the organist ,
Mba M. O'Rourke. The program conm.lstcd
of a number of solos. One , "El. IncarnatiTh
Est , " a baritone selection , was ronilcrcd by
Prof. McCarthy , and another , 'Et In-
spirituni , " was sung by Mrs. F. Moriarty.
130th of the selections were from the Credo.
Prof. McCarthy ako sang the 'Armgus Iei , "
, asIteml by time chorus , and another vocal
selection was given by Miss Mahommey. These
4 impressive sacred selections svere sung
beautifuily. In addition to the solos the
. program was further comprIsed of songs of
Eai'ter cimaractor from tIme chorus. This consisted -
sisted of Misses Mahoney , Conneil , Mc-
Auliffe , A. flush , M , 'Allen and Mrs. Moriarty ,
, sopranos ; Miss ci. Itusim , alto ; Me.srs. J.
. ' itmmh ammO McCartlmy , bassas , and Philip Mc-
. . Milieu , tenor. Time Interior of time edifice
- as quite lavishly decorated with flowers.
Tiio hlgim altar s'as amiornod sith lilies and
pure wimito flowers of other kinds. Time side
altar. 'ero beautified with pOtte(1 vlants of
various imuemi. An impressive sermon was
. - . . delivered by time pastor , Fatlmer J. T , Smith ,
An unimmmally large congregation attended
. ' time sorvhces at St. Joseph's Catholic church ,
; , one of time German Catholic churches of time
city , It was fommnd inipossiblo to acconmodate
all witim seatzj amml. as a conscqucico immany
were comnpohbed to lLstemm wlmlio standing out
on time mmtcp in time oiton air , Time lower
' . Part of the high aitmr was nilorned with r
flowers of variouc colors and was crowned °
witim otlmeis of iuro white ho , time imiajority C
of the latter being lilies. A side aitar was
_ _ _ _ also adorned with Potted plaimtt. Time aerviec ref
of mmmusic vam , extensive. Time imum of fl. I
_ _ _ _ E. Steimle , "Salve Itegina , " was smmmmg , ammd
WaD followed by John Scimwetzer'mm "Clinch
iieg , " mi Common eng , null time ' ' \'Idi 4'mquamn' '
of J. Dioi.mald , As an offertory time "Offer-
torimmm in lummtinhca Itesurrectionls" of I' . N ,
Komunmuellur wa rc.mmlememl , All the mmdcc-
tionsvoro by tim choir , Time crmon touched
upon time resurrection anmi the le.meona to be
drawn thercfromim and SV59 deliverc by Fatimer t
flaukhiolt , C
'time usual mmmuical service was remmilored at
the SI'encesIau , Boijeimmian C.mtimolic
church , but music vmms not mimetic time lea
turo of time services. 'time cimarocter of time U
hay vas brought out rather by time renmrlce a
of the pastor , Father Jolmu Vrtumek , who ills- r
coursed upon limo meaning of time resurrection ,
Time bmiglm and side altars of time church , Imow-
ovcr , wore Pientifuliy adorned with flowers
of diifcremmt colors , amnommg wimictm lilies pro.
dominated ,
I t. Mary Magdalcn's church was unusumihil
crowded at the momnimmg cervices , Friday C
mmight time cimurcim lied just flniimel time cero-
: unity of biee1ng a cozmmpleto set of "Time U
_ J Staiona $ of time Cross , " 'These for time first
1 time were placed about the ralis , They °
cost $500 , anti arc a great addition to time '
cimurclm , 111gb mass was celebrated by Fatimer
Ulaubor , wlmo lreaci8eml , flowers were taste.
fully imiacod Upon the altar , consisting of
choice lilies , roses and spring flower8 , At
:30 : vespers were celebrated ,
At St. Peter's , Twenty-eighth and Leaven-
womtb , timree services ware held in tIme fore.
noon , Fmitimer Walsh celebrated mass at 7
4 mm. m. ; Father O'Cailalmgmn at U , and at 10:30 :
Fatber4 OCallahan , Walsh and McCarthy b
ceiobratcjl s lemnn lmigh maa in time presence p
of a large congregation , The choir cong 'I'
durIng high maBs "icyrie Eieisoa" and u ,
D "Gloria in Exceisis , " by Lamboilette. The si
offertory svaa the "Regina Coeil , " by Gilsiun. e
Among time musical numbers were a duet by Em
i1gs : Mc.rdlo and Ztiias A. , Ieyors , Eoprano o
solo by Mrs. Dowaey , bas Eolo , "Quommiant o
tu 8olus , " by Mr. O'ilalioran , and solos by me
Mrs. Maher and II , clritfllm. After tim mnau
Wli3 giyea the benediction , In which the p
choir rendered time following programn : 'O , imi
Eaiutarhe , " by Dosi ; "Tantummi lrgo , " by w
RoNsi ; "Time lIeaven are 'I'eiilng , " from the
Z.Ieniah. . Prof. I'rovost was aL time organ , tc
Joet IwimmelilVe 1asIer seTceb wcre bcld
- - - - - - - -
at St. John's Collegiate church. The flnc
music and lovely Ilowets attmflctsd a congre'
gatlorm that was all too large for the edi-
flee. Clergy and acolytes were in attend-
once. lmmster lilies , azaleas and other beau-
tlfnl flowers were used In gren profusion
in the decoration of the marble altars. Sd.
emn high mass was cciehrated at the mornIng -
Ing service. The musical program included
"iCyrie Eieleon" from Ilay.ln's second mass ,
and Paclni's "MIsa Solemnia , " Time otter-
tory was a briiliammt "Ilsec flies" by Gil-
slnn and afforded an excellent opportunity
for the soloists , while in the numerous cho-
muses th voices of the clmoir blended beauti.
fully. The "Voni Creator , " a baca solo , by
Moart , was admirably interpreted by Carl
Hoffman , These win , assisted In time pro-
( huiction of the artistic musical program
were : Mrs. Cudahy , Mrs. Corfrnan , Mrs ,
Lange , Mrs. Allison , Mrs. Bethige , Misa
Creighton , Captain ilinsio , Mr. Ioyie , Mr.
Iumrkloy , Mr. flraumn and Mr. iloffmnan. .V. .
T , Taber presided at the oragn. Time ser-
mcmi was by latlmer I'ahils , president of
Creigiuton college. The subject was "lie is
Riterm , " The other officers of time services
Were Father Boyce , celebrant : Fatlmer lo-
Iiiiryver , deacon ; William McOeary , stub-
Time mumsie which rormdertd at tIme
services in Trinity mathedrnl lmas never been
'xcelieml for heatmty of flnisim and harmony.
It vas after ii o'clock before time tlmrong
at limo doorways , wimicim had boon laticntlY
standing for an imour for ilmo distance of
iinU a block away , vtts relieved , and time
nuimlienco could gelmu entrance to time clmurch.
Many vemo compoilo'l to lemve diseppuinted ,
unable to gain admission. The floral otto-
hugs were alnmost entirely of Easter lilies.
( heat banks of timeoc flowers were ranged
about time oIler and chancel. Eases and
IalnlS ) were flea effectively ttcd in time dcc-
orations. For time organ prelude nmm offertory -
tory In I ) minor by Batiste was played.
Time proccosiommal was "Christ is Itison , " by
Rinibault. Time "Hallelujah' ' fromn liamudel's
Messiah was sung with effect. Time bishop
was present , assisting Ican ( ] armlner in time
service , At 3:30 : a children's service was
rendoed , and in the evening a musical
puogratmu was carried otmt , of mnammy heautl-
ful selectiouls.
At All aimits' Episcopal church time rector ,
Rev. T. .T. Mackay , preaclmel time usual mnnrn-
ing sermon to a large congregatiomi. Time
altar and cluamucel were invisimly decorated
ammd lighted , time floral offerings consisting
in greater part of the canventional Easter
lilies. The tnusleal program was brief btmt
noumo the lecs excellent. Tile nunuber.i sung
Were : Processional , "We March , We March
to Victery , " by Iiarnby ; "To Down" anmi
"Jubilate , " by Caiklns , both in B ; a tenor
solo by I. M. Treymmor ; offertory anthem ,
"Flue Day of flesurretIon , " by Sclmneckor ,
a bass solo by G. W. Marmclmester ; tluc
"Sarctus , " by harris , "Gloria in Excel.
sis " and tIme recessional , "Ten Timoimsanmi
Times Ten Tlmousamul. " A similar programn
was rendered at time afternoon umervlce.
The pulpit at tIme Cimureim of tIme Goo1
Sluopimermi was hidden by the palms , wreath
of enmliax and flowers , with wimiclm it was
banked. At time morning service the rector
prcaclmatl time umermnon , dwelling upon the life
of Christ , Services for the children were
held Inter in time dayat which there was
inetrunucntal and vocal mnusic , recitations and
an nddremt' . During time day pretty Easter
cards were Oletributed to the pupils of the
Sunday school.
The beautiful little cimapel of St. Philip ,
the Dcacn , on Nortim Ttventy.flrat street ,
was radiant with flovers , the r odor filling
tlmo cimurclm. Time altar and chancel were
tastefully decorated with cut flowers and
Potted plants , time stately Easter lilies pre-
dominating. Time surpilced cimoir of boys and
girls had prepared a special rervice , includ-
lag an mznthamn , "Christ , Our I'azsover , " by
Chapple , Fhorio's "Ta Deumn , " the comnmnunlon
omce in F by Garrett , and an offertory , "lie
Is Risen , " by Clare. Rev. John Albert Wil-
Ilanma , time pastor , took for the topic of his
sermon , "The Fact of Resurrection. "
Prolonged services wore held at St.
Mathias' Eplcopal cimurch , which were die-
tlnctlvely pervaded with an Easter spirit ,
despite the met that no extenstvm floral
decorations had been made. Time mimmituro
catimedral interior of this little gem of
churcimes , witim its rich colored memorial
windows and otimer commemorative furnIsh-
ingi' , seems always to be in harmony with
time occasion celebrated and it neefled no
floral adornment to be permeated witlm Easter
joyousmiess. A tow tall lilies on the altar
sufficed to symnbolizo the day. Time mumsical
program was quite extensive , but solely of
choir selections , which were rendered under
tIme dIrection of T. 11. Norris , the organlat ,
who will appear for time last time on next
Sunday , as he leaves a few days afterward
for Cimicago. Chmamits occupied a fair portion
of time program , timesa consisting of "Christ
Our Passorer , " ' 13cnefiictus , " "Gloria , " and
Time Nicene Creed. The "To Doumu" of
l3eskc.rck , the "Ifyrie , " "Gloria TIbi , " "Sur-
simm Cormia. " "Sanctus , " "Agnus Dci" and
"Gloria in ExceLmis , " were rendered , As an
mntlmemn , "Timoy Have Taken Away My Lurd , "
was sung. The services closed with the ren-
litioIm of time "Nunc Dlmlttis" of Carl F'lorio.
The pastor , 11ev. William Greer , preached
) n the unlverai topic of time day , tiuo "flosur-
rcction. ' holy coumumnunion was celebrated
t tito close of the services roper.
S. I3auumbas church prepared an elaborate
mvice. The floral decorations were tacteful
ted lrofumso. In the center of the church
tbove time altar was suspended a large cease
node of pink auld white rot'es , wimiie bankm ,
) f 1111cc on eitiier side of time altar-piece roua
vith a vrofmmsion of flowers. On the riglmt
yore Placed two large oleanders in full bloom ;
upon the altar itself was spread a chain of
cd anti wimite rosea' . Palms served as furtlmer
lecoratlomu. The mmmsic consisted of a scice-
Jon fromn Siwurt , "To Daunt Laudamnus , "
'Jubilate Dee , " "Mumk , " "Gloria Tibi , "
'Sursum Corda" an'l "Gloria in Excelals. "
violin sale , "Legendo , " was remimlered by
ntcit Spoon ,
Time music at tIme mopuing services of the
ountze Memorial ciummechtaii especially at-
ractive , time ieioctions cnnsitiuug of the
mmost bautlful cimorumses ammd ealos. l'ieces
cuiereI ) ( under time leadership of Prof. Keats
tore , ' 'iiia is Riseum train time Dead , " "The
testmrrectlen , " "Awake , Glad Soul , " by Vance ; I
'Sanctums , ' ' by Layriz , and "Agnus Dci. ' '
1ev. A. J. Turkie preacimed , aimd the corn-
uummlomu was administered , Beneatim time I
egarm loft letters were worked um green I
oloms emu a wimite background , i-coding , ° In
himmu W'as Life , " Time ilatfornm wltimin time
ail'smg. , was banked witim lilies. Palms I
laCCl on eltimer dub of time sitar rose above I
1mm' wimite flowera in graceful contrast , Time
'cning t'trvimo was given up to time cimlidren ,
ho Smuhmday seimoni giving time beautiful can- I
ata , "Thmo Itisen Lord. "
Smmnriio services secro held at St. MacIc's
utboramu cimureh , witlm regumiar services at
lie um'mmal mumornug imommr. At time 'iatter C
ervicea a number of yommng people united ss'iUm
ime clmurclm , Suumday school services for time I
Imlidreum were lucid In time evening , comusisting I
I recitations aimmi songs. The church was I
ccnrated witim flowers , naims and emliax. I
Time Grace Lutimeran church undertook no
articular celebration of time day except of S
gemmeral character. Time pulpit wa eur-
ounmled by a variety of Plants , but timero
ere no larticPiar services of n mnumuical I
attIre. A sormnon was pfeaelmed by time S
astor , 11ev. Luttmer M , Kuhns , Time services
cre attended by a congregation that packed I
imo cimurcim. e
ltov , l. J , Sword of the Swedish Lutheran %
hurclu road the story of time resurrectioum train
Imo Gospel of Luke , Imis vtrmmmon being based C
pen that portion of the scriptures. A
plondid musical program was carried ommt In
a aulnuirablo manner , Mankell's 'Caivary"
as sung in time muorning before the sermon , I
hue smthem of time evening service was from
me oratorio of folio , "The World Is Saved. " I
lie music swas given by a chorus choir I
rimich had been drilled by A , Edgren , Th 0
root of the church was banked with floral
ecorations , lilies and the palms oil but C
rccnng the pulpit from the view ,
Tlue pulpit at Trinity Methodist church wa
anked imiglu with E.tater lilies , palms and
tted Itowees tlit hint their sweet fragrance , e
hue ummoenlog exercises consisted of a serrqbn
pan the subject o the resurrection and the
ngimg : of anthems by bo choir , In the c
ening the regular Eapter aervicea were p
old. Those exercle5 gero by the pupils b
the Sunday school4 an coimaistomj largely ii
u'ongi , recitatlona and soiccticns of icstruIi
Ontal music , a
At time Seward Street Methodist church time t
ustor preached in the morning , devoting L
ucit of time timqa to telizmg ! of Christ'a work el
Imile upon earth. In th evening a Sunday si
bool coimcert waa held , the clmtidrtn singing it
upgs , readiug an1 reciting. b
'Jhe otutb TtI Stro Mctb1st cure
- -
t was one of the very few churchea in whch
the services were not of a premlominantiy
Eaiter character. The pastor , 11ev. .1. H ,
l'reat , delivered a mlsslonary sermon , "Time
. Great CommieIon , " and a missionary offerIng -
Ing was taken , The great holy day was not
forgotten , however , for the interior of the
edifice was adorned citii a variety of flowers ,
The musical service was of the usual cimarac.
ter ,
A large congregation gathered in time
First Motimodlst church at 10:30 : o'clock to
participate in time Easter celebration. The
decorations were simple rather than profuse -
fuse , consisting of a few beautiful lilies
and fragrant roses place3 impon time uenter
table before the altar. Mrs. Martin Caimn
was soloist and Franic Brown was at the
organ , Time music comnprisod selections
frcmn the olml and famIliar gospel songs ,
ucim as "I Know tlmat My Redeemer Liv-
etim" and "One Sweetly Solemn Thotmght. "
"immortality" was the timenie of time pastor ,
Rev , John McQuoid , who delivered a dis-
cctmrse showing that it is mere natural , log-
teal anti reasonable to bellevo that man
is imnmortai than to sumppose that God ore-
ated him only to disappoint his imopes and
051)1 ra t iou s ,
At Ifansconu Park Methodist cimurcim time
forermootm was given ump emmtlrely to the primary -
mary and lnterr.mediato departments of time
Sunday scimceI , time regular 'service for the
seniors beimug reserved for the evermimmg.
The display of lilies wait not lavislm , but
tmutIIy atranged , Across time organ nipes
warm displayed the "Cimrlat "
legend , Is Itisea ,
in iotters of gold , time altar rail bolmmg
banked by lilies anml palms , wimile slmnplo
batiquets ornanmenteli the desks. Miss J050-
iihiiie Timatcimer ircsided at time organ , 'rime
musical featumecs of tIme nrogranm consisted
of a solo , "htostmrrection , " W'ill Stevens ;
"Bedeck time Cross , " Mngdaiena Mayali ; a
quartet , " \ Vait'ait Awhile , " Mlnmuio Stimme ,
htcta Clark , Clarence hailer amid Bert Cimaf-
fee. Time scimooi also united iii mmevemil char-
tmres. Tlmero vere responsive readings anti
a brief taik by time pastor , Rev.V. . P. Mum-
ray , mmd an address by W. II , Ifazzard.
Iii time evening regular service was imeltl.
At Plymouth Congregational church there
wore sarvice , during time greater portion of
the day. Timere was limo regular Eactor
services in the morning , a Smmnday sciiool
cervico in time afternoon amid a sermon at
nigimt. Time Interior of ( ime chimrclm was a
perfect bawer of flowere' , potted Imloluts , roses
and palnm being iii evidcmmca in evemy part
of the churcim. The mmmuslc imad b2en specially
lrelmared ) for time occasion , an3 cenalsted
largely of ammtimemm , by the choir , with time
congregation joining in the imymne.
At St. Mary'a Avenumo C mmgregational
church the services were very elaborate , the
decoratiomme tmnuaualiy profuse ammd tasty. Time
Men's club imad cimarge of the music in time
nmornhlmg. iitmt little attempt was mmmmtde at an
oxtommdd progranm , time greater service being
reserved for time evcnng. In time morning
time mucic was fmmrnishied by Miss Terry amid
Mra , A , G. Edwards , wimo sang tlmree mmummm-
hors , time first a duet , "My Faith Looks Up
to Thee , " time second a contralto soio , "Timo
Lord is Risen , " by Mrs. Edwards , and the
timird , a eojmmano solo , "I Kmmow That My
Redeommier Livetim , " from Hundel's Messlaim ,
by Miss Terry. Dr. Butler preacked the
usual aermon , choosing for h ! tcpc ! , "W'imat
time Rimming From the Dead Means. " In time
evcmmlmmg time Kmmigimts Templar of Omaha and
Council Bluffs attended In a body. Time I
music consisted of a very elaborate program.
The cimoir was mimade up of time Lorciei quartet -
tet , commeistimig of Miss Terry of Ormmaima and
Miss Mantle Oakley of Llncoimm , altos ; Mrs. I
A. G. Edwards of Omnaima and Mrs. I ) . A
Campbell of Limmcoin , sopranos ; Messrs. W. Ii.
Wilber and 0. C. Ilolmmies , tenors , and W.
11. ltuseall anti J. Ii. Conrad , bassos. The
Lorelei quartet sang Miliamd's maca In G ,
"Lord , Hear Our Prayers , " "For Thou Only
Art Holy , " "Conic , holy Spirit. " "Great is
the Lord , " "I Stretch My hands to Thee , "
"lialiciujaim , Hallelujah , " "Iloiy , ITaly ,
Holy , " "hlosanna in time Iligimest , " and
"Lord , ' We Pray Timee. " Anmong the numner-
Otis solos were three by Miss Oakley , who i
sang the 'Qui Tollis , " time "Vcmmi Creator"c
aad time "Agmmua Del" with much feeling and
expression. Mrs. D. A. Campbell's rlcim contralto -
tralto voice was heard to great advantage i
in the "Beumedictus. " Mr. Conrad sang three
numbers with mnucheffect , and tile duet by I
Mr. 1ioIme and Mss Oakley , " 1mm Vain IWO
Turn , " was one of the notable fcattirea of
time prograum.
At time Second Presbyterian church the Eastertide -
tertide was celebrated by a special church !
arvico in time mornlmmg and an entertainmuent
givemi by the Sunday school 1mm the evening , c
Time ehancel was lavishly arrayed with potted
plants and lilies , which showed. . to advantage
ag'ainst time background of large palms flnd r
ferns , wimich rose imi the rear of the pmmlplt , r
At time mnorning service 11ev. S. M Ware
epoko on "Time Resurrection anti the Chris.
tiami Sabbatim. " He simowed that thhro was a .
really no baels foutmul in time bible for the beIi
Ilef timat time Sabbatim was any other lay thamm I ]
Sunday. The mumsical features were exI I :
ceptlonaliy elaborate. The quartet clmotr
wimlcim consisted of Mrs. Lumnbeck , Miss IlL '
Nece , Mr. Owens amid Mr. Gardmmer , was supported -
ported by a imiano end violin accompanlnmommt ,
Miss Lottie FIiieli5 , pianist , and Mesers , ,
Jaqrson amid \Vhmittlesey , violins. Three amm-
timemmms were rendered and Miss Lily Drummer
sang Adam's "Holy City" as a solo. Tile
Sunday school emmtem-tainmmment In time evening
waa vary creditable. Timose eImo participated u
% 'ere MIsis Shinroclc , Lucia Switzer , Isabel
Willialnut , Given Delaney saul Timimrmna. Len-
beck. Miss Pimelps and Mr. Wimlttlesey acted 0
as accompanists. ti
At the I'aric Avenue Presbyterian churcim
no especial musical service was rendereml
and no particuiar decorations wore made on
account of ihlmmees imm the the pastor's family. Ii
Nevertimeiess time character of time day was a
recogmmizod in the few lilies that were placed ,
aiotmt the pulpIt. The pastor , Rev. Edgar t
Mclili , preacimed on "The Rocurrection. " mT
Time pulpit and the platform at time Castelb
Jar Prcbyteriun cimurcim were mo't profusely
decorated wltlm potted nlants amid lilies. As a
commsequenco time interior of time chapel was
permeated with a joyous Easter air whicim
was further heigimtened by time character
of the mnusic and time services proper. Time
mmmtisic was rendered by time choir , wimicim was Ti
in charge of Mim It. E. Wilson , Among
otimor selections it sang "Our Lord Is Risen
frommi the Dead , " and "Abide witim Me , " Time at
sermuon was (1eilVCd by time pastor , Roy , at
I , Id , Wilson , Time topic was "Time Itesurrec. rI
Lion Sabbatim. " The aeryices were atemmded
Liy aim unusually large congrcgation , Time to
little edifice was vacked alummost beyond its
apacity ,
At the Knoc Presbyterian cimurch the
Laster s'orvices were imelti in time morning , time
muster imrenclm 1mg aim Easter sornmon. Baumicu ,
If Easter lilies , imaimus , roe and cut flovers
urrotmnded time pulpit and time organ , prouluc-
ng a very pretty effect. At time evening
aryice , Miss MelLon , a missIonary from Per-
ia , addresseml time congregation , teiiimig of
"Imat miaxnam'ies had accommmpllsimed In time
mid world , ci
Time Iirt tnited Presbyterian cimurcim ceie. F
tated Eacter with a Eeruumctm by the pastor.
10 dwelt upon time work of Cimrist , telling of
lie tmavcin and the manner of Ills death.
lime evening services were conducted by time
immnday scimool , Songs , recitations aimd
criptural readings edified time congregatlop ,
Easter eervices at time Westminster Presbyle
erian cimurcim were held In time mornIng.
I'hey consisted of vocal ami Instrumcumtai
elections , with a simort admires by time iaa-
or , Time floral decorations were elaborate.
'almna , lilies antI imotimouso jdanta extending
ntirely around the pulpit , almost imid it from
jew , Time evening eervices were given over
0 time Sunday school , at which timno a comu-
eel was imeld , Timoro were songs , autheuma a
mmcl rocitatlceme ,
Time Lowe Avenue Presbyterian cimurclm ofi
vas not extenslyely decorated , About the
mulpit were placed a few potted plants and
: utt flowers. Time pastor4 Rev. Fradorclc to
ronge , preaclmed cmi the topic , "Paul and time
tcsurrectiomm , " amid the choir sang a number
if Easter anthems ,
Time cozy little Presbyterian cimurcim on ci
leant street , in Clifton Hill , was trans.
ormed into a perfect bower of bright m
towers. Time pulpit was almost imidden with
otted llianta In full bloom , their brlgimt Or
olors forming a bammi of brilliant radiance.
toy , J. D. Kerr , the pastor , delivered an tn
loquemit sermon on "Time Resurrection" and
he choir renderea several Easter anthems ,
The mmuutlo cit the Central Presbyterian
hurch morning and evening was from the
salm book used everywhere by UnIted Pres.
ytenlan churcimes , A choir , consisting of
lxteen well baiatmceil voices eaog time follow. p01
ig anthems at. time morning service : "Now In
ia&mees Fills My Soul , " band on the twento
V.bixth psalm ; and "Time ICing of Glory , " aim
ased on the twepty-fourtim psalm , Time muiar
cal prograni was given unties th leaderne
ip of it. A. Finley. The platform was ne
unrounded 'by a row of plotted plants , whose Wi
eaut- and tsagranco greatly enhanced the
c" of the aovtv Tlme Rator1 Rev , .1.
Alexander Gilchniet , D , D. , preacimed on the
topic , 'Tho Empty Sepulcher. " Folowing
the morning's sonvicewithero were reception of
members &nd time baptism of children , The
s'tmbJect of the evu1ng srmon was "Man
Exposed-Man Shelteveci , "
Zion Baptist church hold the Sunday school'
eercisea In the monimg , There were reel-
tations and songru , Idlfowoci by a sermon by
Rev. Martin of Lawreuee , Kan. The ulecora-
tions at Zion Baptist were unmmeualiy beauti.
. ful , the pulpit being' banked with flowers anf
palms , in which werothidden from view mnany
canary birda in cages. As time choir sang
timere little feathered vocalists joined in , producing -
ducing a very picaiat effect. Many gold
fish in glass jars , idaceti at time foot of the
pimlpit , lent an attractIve appearance to the
Interior of time room ,
At time neat little Immanimel Baptist ehurcim
the regular Easter service was precedeul by
time adnmirmkttation of tii socranient of bap-
tisni , The hnjtietry is located back of tme
pulpit antI vaa nearly conceaieJ by time rows
of lilies and potted plants , wimich lined time
cimmumcei rail. Two imauidsome buncimes of
cut flowers mliftimmreil their perfumnie from time
tlek. Time commgregation gatlmened around time
altar and remilnemi standing vimile time camm-
dithite was dIpped in tIme baptietry , after wimicim
all joined in simmglimt "Jtmet as I Am W'itiiotit
Omit. Plea , " ' regumlar e'rvice followed at
vlmiclm time pastor , Rev. Frumnic Foster , spoke
on "Tho , Sprlngtimmme of Eternity. " Time
cimorus cimoir , tmnder time directiomm of If. C.
Wenlen , sang as an nntheimm "Where Jordan
Flows" anti Miss Iiawemm immg time cole , ' 'Comm-
stder time Lilies. " by Gounod ,
Some very pretty floral decorations bauti-
fled the Interior of Calvary Baptist ciitirch
at Twenty-sixth amumi Sawanti otreets , wimero
itev , 'Itmoimias Amnlere'on delivered an earnest
dIrotmreo on time smmlijcct , "The Living Clmrist
with time Keys of Itatlm , " The clmolr , a
dommimle qivmrtet , m1ireetf1 imy George Newton ,
rentleremi a very creditable prognamn , which
Included time "htesmmrrection' ' by Leslie and
"Chmrlst Arose" by Lovry. I1arrtt's "Jesus
Ciiret Ia ltisemm" was stmmmg as a solo and cimo-
rums , the t'olo being by Miss Gertle Donaimtme.
At the German Bantist church at Tweumty-
sixtim anti Seward strcets the Easter service
was given in time evening. It was by the
Stmumfiay school and time cimidrcn ! rendered a
very interesting amid conmmemmdnble programmi.
There were a'engs , both soIos amid cimorumsea ,
recitations and other exercises.
An unusually large crowd of wor.ehlppcrs
asaanmbleml at time First Chrirtian church ,
Time large choir rendered a numimber of choice
selections. Time choir was aimoet hid be-
lmind a bank of flowers and rich green leaves.
Two large lilies occupied the center of the
railuig , which stands in front of time organ
left. On either side wore potted plants anti
festoon.s Cf myrtle cimmumg to time end pieces.
Above time orgami an Anmerican flag had been
raped , wiuile olcanders and ferns were placed
on time restrtmumi as a frontispihee. ltev. T. E.
Crambiet preached. Atnbmmg other timings , lie
called attemmtion to the idea timat because of
Easter every flrrt day of time week is to be
regarded ao holy.
Time People's cimtmrch was beautifimily decor
rated witim Ilowcr.s , potted jmlants and cut
flowers being used in great profusion , Time
decorationa were iii charge or Joseph Gatimaa
gan and a comnmittee frcm time Young Peoc
pie's society , anti the appearamice of time
church testified to time failuful work done by a
timcmn. Time mimslc wasi rendered by the choir ,
under the direct'on of C. 0. Lebeck. Little e
Lahrammmlt Wycoif sang a sweet solo In a
praiseworthy manner. 'rime. pastor , Rev.
Charles \V. Savidge , preacimed on "A Look n
into the Empty Grave. " In time vening I
services were held in Creighton hall and C
rormed a fitting close to time day The evenIng - c
Ing eermen was on the query , "Can I Know P
I Aiim Saved ? "
Rev. flammlel Griedor of the First German b
hurcim yesterday morning preached an Easg
or semnmon , A number of cimortmses were
veil sung by the choir , tinder the direction It
if' Miss Seilner The pimlpit was prettily
lecnated with potted plants and cut flowers. a
mellowing time morning service time ordinance it
if the Lard's supper was admuministered. S
At Unity church Rev. Newton M. Mann , 0
ime pastor , preached on "The Story of time A
tesurretion , " The front of the church was b
Lpprdpriateiy decorated with a ntmber ; of ti
Ilies.Timero 'waseta' special muslc.,11 't fi
, .
- - - Ci
- 0
) ljectem of St. .loMej.Im'M Itosimitni stitI ti
. % id Society , . im
A now Woman's club , to be known as the ti
it. Joseph's Hospital amid Aid 53cety ! , waa
irganizod at time hospital on South Tenth
'treet yesterday , time object of which is to y
irovide funds and clotiming for time charity I
atienta , who apply for medical aid at the I
iosptal. It Is proposad to enlist 1,000 promU
font. Omaima womcii , who shall agree to pay si
.n annual due of $1.20 each. There vill
10 a meeting of time club mmmontimly at time
ospital for time purpose of sewing and alter- t
tug clotimhuig donated. Time organization
tarteJ with saventy-firo charter momnbers. 01
lie following officers were elected for time
ear : Pretdent , Mrs. John 13. Foray ; vIce 01
reaident , Mrs. Mart'n Ittner ; secretary , MLw
iorgan : uiacond secretary , Ms ) Smith ; trcas. "
rer , Miss Burke. The anmotunt of medical
sietammce rendered by the imospitai in the
art may he estinmated by time following fig.
rc. : De'tittite sick cared for in 1S95 , 750 ; F
S94 , 743 ; 1893 , 690. Time expenses for the
reatment of timeso patients canmo wholly out lit
f time hospital frmi. , Time society proposas ti
9 assummie in part these expenss. or
tt(1C lime LittiC Oime Glzuii.
A viz't ! of the Westerian club afforded degut -
gut to time children at St. James' Orphan- to
go ye'terday. Time club Is composej of cI
romnlncult women , who every Easter visit Ot
o orpimanage , to carry fiowere and sweat-
meats to the little people who imavo no imomne UI
Ut there. 51' '
'imL tlm' ihmrilimgton.
April 7-AprIl 21-May 5.
To the sommth and tvmist-Arlzona , Arkansas ,
mxas , NEBRASKA , Icanuias , etc.
Just about HALF' RATES.
Call at the city tlcket 0111cc , 1502 Farnain Ht
reet , and get full Information about rates ,
op-over privileges , return limits and terye
tory to which reuluctiomt will apply.
Or , write to J. Francis , 0 , P. A. , Buriing-
in Route , Omaha , Neb ,
- - *
Sli : 1' . 1l ,
Omaima ,
Chicago ,
Lbnhted ,
uia the "I.
c'Mhiwauke. " rim
F. A. Naslm , general agent ; Gorge Ilaynea ,
ty passauiger ageat ; city ticket office , 1501 Him
arnam street , an
Ili'tvm'm'ui CimIIuejrD Ii mui Ciuie'i uuimutti ,
Entirely new amilt very elegant Pullman
coping cars are rmtanimmg on the PENN-
mien station ( bUy Ut 8:15 : p. in , , reaching , C
ncinnati at 7:15 : mmoxt niornimig , hieturemimig tO
aye Cincinnati atR0 p. in , , arriving Ciii-
go 7:30 : a , m , DarIng , 248 South Clark SI , , let
micago , for details. vi
hIAIt' 1'\A.itIl SOIJ'Vi
'Imi time ' 4Vu1uiHIm It , It ,
On Tuesday , April 7 , tIme Wabatim will let
I , tickets to oimu.rly all imoints soutim at
13V0 rate , with 2jadded , For rates , tickets of
further iiuforrnaticc , call at time Wabash no
ice , 1415 Farnamu atreet , Omnaha , or write aimi
N. Clayton , AgunL
Dr. Parker , so bag identified with Creigimof
II black , has moved to time ] tamngo building , do'
, % mm Iluumr AZjtu't.
The flying Northwestern Line trans : to
micago ,
"No. 2 , " "The Overland. " Omaima 4:45 : p. ammi
" Cimlcago 7:45 : a. iii ,
naima , ' 6:45 : p , in , , Cimicago 8:45 : a. en , mc
Modern ant had ta stop a while after timese
mini were built , tee
City tkkct t2ce , 1401 Farnamn street , to
- - in
IIO3WSEIIIUIUS EXcUitsio'is , ily
' 'Ia Missouri l'acilio htrulhvny , liv
Y'eny low rates for the round trip to all soil
ntis In Kansas , Arkansas , Oklahoma , Texas Del
fact to nearly all points km the soutber Joi
ite % Don't forget the dates. April 7th
ml 21st , also May 6th , For full information 0 , ;
ud pampimiete , books , etc. , call on your vim
arest agent or company's eMcee , N. E , coni. .
r lltim nod Farnanm , or depot , 16th and Mu
ebster streets , Omaha , Neb. 14 ,
TIIOS. F. GODFREY , I' , & T , A. Ca' '
0 , PIILLII'PI , A. 0 , F , & P. A. 0.
Importance Not Realizla itt the Outbreak of
the Rebellion.
Iluiti' ( lie W'Ires 'm'erc Usesi ' ! . % 'liiie ott
time tinrt'im-Qumiek liimilmii mig of
LImes - Ciilmer MeN-
One of time most important brancimee of time
military service in time war of the rebellion
was pemformned by the munmny of telegraphers.
Time service grew as tlmo'war alvanced. At
first it was small and but few , if any , rellz2d
its inmportane in carrying out effectually
evcry uuuovement of the great nmnmies stationed
in time different parts of time country. lInt
as lno war contimmtietl the service , wimicim was
C ) smnahi that time \Var deptortimment imad bmmt
three telegraphers when tIme war olmeneil ,
grew immmtil every gencral 1usd his corps of
epemators end telegraph lines. Both were
tmmtiispenu'able ,
Somnt of those wimo entered the service Were
mere boys fllhtag positloims of sumeim importance.
It , F. Vm'eitbrec of Iomiver , who was him
Ommmaha last u'eek , was one of this mitmnmber.
lie emmteretl time stevice at ab'ut time ommtbreak
of tme var , beimmg then 15 years clii , and
served maimmly in time rumiy of time Potomac ,
tmnmlcr the mmumerotm generals 'imo succeeded
to time eotmmmanml , 'rime telegraph operator
ran time sauna risks no eum' vnivate. Mr.
\\'eitbrec was also mimmiomtg timose wimo spent a
season 1mm LIbby rrlson.
"The service was wommtlerfully vcll empulppeti
for effective work , " remarked Mr.Veitbrec. .
, \\re lmatl for a sample a small telegraph in.
strtmment , whlclm we coulmi stick Iii our pock-
ote , Wimemi niarchmlng eiommg ci line of telo.
grapim if time gemmeral wanted to semiti a mes-
emge vo wotmitl tep time wire , wltu time aid of
a lalr of pimmcimers , and ent1 time mmuessage.
Timero was a special corps of constructors and
they could build a line of telegrapim as fast
as an army votmld ordinarily travel. In
putting up time lIne imamutily tile umien votmltl
use trees for teicgrcmpim poles. At night ,
wimemt time armmmy camimped , we would fix tmp aim
ertilnary lnstrummmment in sonic tent or cabin ,
tt hcatlqumartere , end communicate ritim Wash-
Ingtomt or any otimer point.
"Sometimnca we would not commnunlcato ,
however. T'itis would imtippemm wimemm time I
lnemny intercepted our line. and either emit the
iviro or tapped it b rtmmmnlumg a wire down
0 the groummd from somime telegraph Polo.
Plus latter trick was a very adroit way of
utting 01 ! conmnmtmnicatiomis , because It took I
' 0 long to linti the break.
"As the system grew the cipher code
vas used more and mnoro for seumding ito-
ortant messages , timouglm nfl immense
imnount of work was domie jtmst to transact
imo omJia.ity commercial business of the
rmnstme1t as the nmovcmermt of armmmy stores , '
tc. 'u'ho gerais imami tlmeir special clerks ,
chose duty it was to send cipher messages 0
mmml tlmen deelpimer those received.
"Oime might think that a cipher message ,
specially when sent dtmring a campaign , 0
ouid rtmn little risk of being caught by
ho enemy , but tindoubtedly 0mm both sides
many mnessagers were caught and declpimered.
t is well understood timat wimat any man
an construct in tlmo way of a cipimcr code P
an be unraveled , it omme has enough dls-
atches on wiuiclm to work. This was seemm P
Ii time exposure of the Tiltion frauds , mmmade
y the New York Tribune iii 1876 , whemi it 1
ot out special editions , pubhisiming time
rruds to wimlcim the cipher dispatches re-
ited. it
"in speaking about the equipment of an tI
rmy with reference to its telegraphic serv0
: o I remember in time Memoirs of General b
berman lie states that lie had duplicates b
I the principal bridges on his route from fm
tlanta to the sea. When lie found a
ridge destroyed lie ainmply telegrapimed back 51
: u send forward one of his duplicates. But "
) C timat matter he imad such an orgdnlzed ti
Drps of engineers that it could go lmmto time 0
eads and make a bridge In no time from I !
ewiy cut trees. Time story is told timat
ito general once proased the rebels pretty IC
ard mind they imad mme 'time to blow up U 01
iimumei. 'Oh , never mimmd , ' one of time rebels cm
ild , 'Sherman has anotimer tunnel witim Ci
anyway. ' ti
"I spent two weeks in Libby prison.
'Os , WO imad some pretty hard fare , though n
gave the rebele credit at the time , as ai
remember it , of doing cmbotmt as well by rm
S as they'could. . At tI o'clock we got a tm
lIce of bread , half as large as your hand , n
mmcl a piece of meat , which time boys called u
alt imorse. ' This meat , I think , was used ( C
IC day before to make soup with , for at 13
o'clock we got our second anti last meal itt
ad were given a bowl of very thin sommp tc
ado of black peas , together with a slice ol
! bread. I renmember our company was
iroied fronm prison in April , 1863. When
0 left City l'olnt on time aimip for Wash-
gtomm we were given a square meal. It thi
as the lest BlOat I ever ate. As a sample 1.1 .
time distress to which time soutim was reat
iced , I remember I saw an engine at Ia
iedericicsburg which I recognized as one
imicim , at. time battle of Bull Run , our troops im
10 dIscarded anmi failed to destroy becaute gr
icy thought it too old and decrepit for any tim
10 to make use of. "
- - tim
Curd of 'l'lmnruhos ,
I desire to express my sincere thanks
the nmammy frientis and , rnenmbers of time tic
ty fire departmnent , Durant Fire company , ci :
ralma Pioneers' association , Schwaben rer-
mm , afll especially the emiloyes of the cmi
ruion Pacific' shops , for tlmeir kindly. aid anti Ci
mpatimy extemmdo3 nme dmmrlng time sickSo
ss and death of my husband , Mr. Charles de
scher. hiltS , ChARLES FISChER , Di
1'IIItSONt14'IIS , be
iti , Friend , Cimicgo , is registered at the Wi
uricer , p.
Miss Leola Mitchell is registered at tue
mrker from New York ,
itt. V , howard amid Mrs. howard of Den- tot
r are among time hotel arrivals. mmu
George l'ummtlt left for Lincoln amid points tim
tutu last evening and rlii be abcnt a tem
ek. - fr (
Lewis Clarke , who i'as visIting friends K
Salt Laico for a nmontim , returned home flc
mt mmigitt ur
Judge Baxter and st'ife returned from a
stern trip fast evening after an obsence
weeks ,
Ianager H , 5 , Mitcimeli and , time emmtiro pp
ittio Miss Nugget" commipany are stopof
i at time I3arer ) , '
C. II. Vance , stage manager , amid aixtcn CVi
'nmbers of time Thommias Kccmuo company mitt
a quartered at time Barker ,
tr. amid Mrs. Cimaniea F. Persons of Now an
irk and Mr. amid Mrs. P. Ii. McCarzo of
ilcago are anmomig time imoeI gtmestu.
[ ranir L. ICtmnbali of time Mereimanta hotel
t for Indianapolis last evening , where I
will visit r'iiatives for a fortnight ,
w , 0. hluiett , Mrs. hlulett. and Miss flua
t imave rettmrned from Adrian , Micim. , be
mere timey remained for smne time after the Lw
moral of C. C. Iiuiett , ral
. hi , Sheldon and wife of Simerman , N. wi
' who were time guests of Mr. and Mra , an
' ii. Clarke of timimu cIty for a fortnigimt , lea
t for home last evening , timm
I , , lul. Scimuniacimer , general freigimt agent us
limo Union I'acitle , formerly of this city ,
U , of San Francisco. was In Onmaimut on a
ar visit with hum friends yesterday.
, ieutonant Claude L , Cochran , U , 5 , N , ,
Portland , Mo. , was in time city yester-
V. CII route to San Francisco , whore 1mB
S been assigned to duty on time revenue
ten Dear ,
Barbs A. Loder and wife , A. E. Cunco
:1 : wife , C , H. Vance and wife , Mortorm
ker and wife , herbert Cawtlmorn andre
ro are New York arrivals registered at
I Darker ,
V. A. Gibbon left. top Oimlcago and Do.
it last evening , and vlhi extend liii trip
St. Louis. Mr. Gibbon expects to locate
St. Louis and will remove with his fain.
early in May.
ebraskans at time hotels are ; J , 13 ,
me and Mrs. hiuino , W , E , Reed , Madi.
I ; Donald Brown , Winsido ; J , 'Wilimelm ,
reimester ; 0. itI , Lambertaomm , LIncoln ;
in A. Elmnimardt , Btantoa.
U the Murray ; 'P. 11 , Muons , Cleveland ,
II , II , Ilackman , Kansas City ; E , 5 , Bald.
1 , St. Paul ; J , II. Craiger , Norfolk , Nub. ;
U , Muldoorm , St. Paul ; W. 13. Keith , J , M.
II , Marion , Is. ; H , P. Hunter , Boston ; J.
( ilanbeeg , New York ; Joseph Von Jonimey ,
vingtou , Icy. ; Ira Thomas , Oakland ; W. 110
Young and wife4 iuuz Fails , 13 , P.
tthc $ '
& $ lice , April 0 , 1890 ,
Greater Sitits ( lcii's )
That's iust what they arc-greater suits , Coin-
i Iflencing at $4.25 and "ending up" at $2 J .00 , we arc
4 showing J i6 distinct patterns of Mcii's Suits that arc
'm. * greater for the money than any you cvcr saw in your
: life. For fear you may think this is simply an advcr-
. c tising cxprcssion we want to repeat it once inorc-thcy
& _ _
arc grcatcr suits for the money than any you ever saw - '
in your life. W'1ien "The Ncbraska" makes that asset'-
4 tion it comes pretty near being the absolute truth. The
' - $4.25 suits are pretty , and honest , and well made , and - '
all wool , The $5OO and $5.75 suits arc still better and &f
c handsomer and there arc more of them to pick from , and
- - the $6.00 and $6.50 suits arc as good looking , as well -
made , as well finished and will wear as well as any ten 4
dollar suit ever sold , For $7.50 we are showing suits
- - that are astonishing people who think they know all - -
g about clothing , ' and our Ten , Eleven and Twelve dollar
U suits are made-to-order suits in every respect except
L price. We want people who complain of the hard times -
M to look at these grcater suits. Perhaps it won't hurt to &
remind you that
i 1fri/c for our Sj5rhzr Ce/a/o , ue. :
: th t1L&1 t t L j LLLt
Time brautlful Easter services which have
eemi iii Vogue with time mmienmbers of time First
'resbyterlan clmmmrch for time past e'ght years
yore , if pcsslbie , umioro Impressive timan ever
tt yesterday's service ,
Time mimusic was prepared with great care
nd rendered 1mm a faultless mammner by time
veil-trained choir , composed 01 J. C. Carley ,
r , B. Sniltim , Mrs. Nellie 0. Sage and Miss
tnna Fattier , with Mrs. Grace Sttmrrock as
rganist. "Time Old Easter Anthem , " at Lime
uomniumg servIce , was vell rendered , wlmie
Imo dtmot , "I Cling to Thee , " caugimt time hearts
f time eveniumg worsimipers.
All of tue floral decorations were by tile
tmmuior Emmdeavorcrs , under cimargo of Miss
. D. Sage , assstcd by Mrs. Jolmn Bayes.
rtistic taste . was displayed in placing a
rofumrlon of lilies , carnatiomma amid roses , bor-
ered by paimmms and pottcml plants , on time pmml-
: t and about time rostrumn , wimilo on the coin-
munemi ! tables were dainty bouquets of white
mmd English forget-nme-nots.
Iii time immomnimig dtscotmro Dr.Vimroler said :
Not many picttmres 1mm time dear old book
ring to time hearts of men a richter blessing
an that of time first Easter. The faacination
I the story of time women whose night hail
een spent in preparing the spices for em.
alnming time bruised body of time young priest
om Nazareth , skurryimig througim the dark-
ess of time early morning to the grave , to
nfl He had risen , and to be told by the
ating angel resurrection's story , is to us
[ me fumlfihiniemit of the pledge of God's promise
I all time timings we imope for , and live for ,
i the faith of Jesus Christ.
"Timrougim the grave grasses from over our
o'ed dead of long ago , or time fresh mound
I yesterday , comes an assurance that death
inm-mot Imohul them always , nor shall we walk
lone forever , but somne tinme we must see
mom again. 'Because I live ye shall also. '
"Easter carries witim It a eonvction we
ecd in days of triai when doubts press hard
id friends are few and life Is a Jericho
: ad. Timen it is that the vision of the
iucrmphiant Christ , tile love Calvary could
at kill or time rich man's grave imoltl , lifts
a tip in sweet benedction and we are coin-
rted as one wimotn a mother conifortetim.
based Easter story , conic to all the troubled
[ arys and baffled Peters and every mimoumner
day wIth a new and better interpretation
the story of time cross for sinful moan , "
Y , 'U. C. A. ItooImmN Ieilenleol.
Yesterday cmftern mon occurred time dedica-
on cervices of time Soutm Oimmaima Yoimng
en's Cimristain association. They were lucid
the association rooms , 2116 N street. A
rge number of the mnemmmbers and others were
esent. After tiue'simigimmg of a nmnmiber of
mns , C. A. Stmurr of Omaha tielivered time
eetlng of the Omaha Yoummg Men's Chris-
in association ,
Rev. C , C. Smith , pastor of the First flap-
it church followed with on addreuo omm
m'otmng Men to time Front. "
T. C. Marc'm ' , president of time local assocla-
in , addressed time assmnbiago on "Our Asso.
itlon. ' ' -
13. 13. Henderson made a few remnarks
iDut time good domie by the Young Men's
iris'tiami associatiomm amid predicted timat tile
utim Ommuima branch would b a success. The
1icatory'.sermon was preacimed by 11ev ,
. Wheeler.
Time association starts out with a good nmem-
rshlp. Mr. Van Arnan is in cimorge of the
Lysical training departmmmenL Time rooms
ii be open every day fromn noomi until 10
1mm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sleimrr'iuig to ( o't VOefl ( ,
As Tuesday Is electiOn day time candidates
r tue different offices to be filled , twelve in
mnber , arc worlcimmg lmarJ to get all time votes
ey can , Tue fact tlmat ye'terday wan Rae-
Sunday did umot prevemut time politicIans
tn holding mmmeotings aimfi plannlumg how teL
L all time votes out. on Tuesday. 'I'iie of-
era to be. Clected are : Mayor , city treas-
Cr , city clerk. police judge , four coumicli.
tn-at-large amid four mmiemnbers of time lioamd
i'onlgimt tue deummocrats will lmoitl a rally
Sanger's bali , Speakers ( rein Omimaima have
omnisctl to attend. It ium expoctemi that all
time climbs in t'.ie city viii be prceemmt ,
rho flutal raily of republicoums wlli occur this
enimig at Koutshy'a bali , All of time can.
latee cill in there to mumake mopeecimes ,
iembera of tue ! iluuilciiai ; league will imold
open air nmeeting tommigimt if time weather
rmltum ; If not , some Jul11 will be emmgogeml ,
0 league cantlimiates and a mmumber of busi.
55 IflOfi will speak.
1omozi I Liglm I Cmi iii u.n em " $ o'ts' It mm I
rime local electric light comnpany has mmuamlo
hammge In its rules amid each consumer will
served with a printed copy In a day or
0. Time new mimIc establishes a mninimmini
to for all incandescent lIghts commrmc'cteml
tit a meter. The rate will be $1 a mouth
( I 00 hill will be rresented for an amount
5 , eveui timougim time rumeter simowmm timat less
iii 0210 dollar's worth of ligimt ha been
d. Thi ! wil' ' not affect consumners wimomw
Ugliest Honors-World's Fair ,
DR ;
pIcIiR ,
1'II0sT ' rnRII3CT MADE.
Pure ( rape Cream ofTattar Pos'dcr , Fece
m Amnmonfa , Mum or any other adulterant ,
bUls every mouth are niece timnum tue mini-
I mummi rate establislmccl , Timis i a lower nato
than In use iii other cities , 'rime nminiimmtmmmi ,
rate is generally $1.50 nntl In somno ctiea $2.
Mogie City ( iasslp ,
Time public schools opemm this. mmiomniumg after
a. week's vacntioim.
Today tue letter carriers rihi ceumme out Ia
their sunmumicr unIormmms. 1'
1' . I'ilicr has been arrested for stenhlmm.t a. '
lock froumi a fruit stammd on Twenty-fourth
street ,
Timero will be a mimeeting of time Board of'
Equalizatiort today to fix time levy for sido.
vahh repairs ,
Time Dummean hotel , cortmer of Twenty-sixth
amid Q streets , was totally tlostroyetl by fire
tilts nmorning. Loss abotmt $3,000. (
Timestla ) ' time woincn of tlmo First Metlmodist
Episcopal chmurciu vIhi servo thinner ammd sump-
per at. one of time vacant storefoomims Oii N
street ,
Monday ovenimig , April 6 , Beecluwoed camp.
No. 5S , Woodmmien pf time World , will give
au Easter ball nt Youumg Mens Immetitute Imali.
Those iii charge are : Master cl ccremmmonicej
13. II. Sprague ; reception canilmmlttce , P. J.
Butler , D , W , Click , 11. V. l'ersohls , N. A.
Lommg ; floor ccmtmmnmittee , El. harding , N. A. )
Lommg , D. W , Click , Ii. L. I3alzer ; door corn-
nmlttoe , R. Ovcrnmire , II. Ijarding ; cloak room , . ;
D. Ryan , N. F. Atair ] , J , W. Daiey , Josopim
Baust ; tickets , J. T. llcamoly , It. Niclmels.
AiriiTlSii. ) (
( To points on the Frenmont , Rikhermm & it1l- .
I sourl Valley railroad in Nebraslca , includlng
poInts in the tipper portion of the fertile
liJlkhoriu river , valicy. '
Ask' agents 'for imarticulars , or send to time
tmntlersigumed _ for moors and prnted mmmatter. J.
1I. Buchanan , G. P. A. , F. Id. & M. V. R
It. , Omaha , Neb.
% 'ilI 'l'ullc Aimout ( Im' iiNImNi lout.
Time Current Topic climb of time Young
Men's Christian nssociation iuns rmrrangect
for a discussion this evenlmmg of "rho Trans. .
nilmosiricippi Exposition mmd Its Bcmmeflts tce
Omaha. ' Time bct informed rimutlcers on ,
time subject , anti the most enthmusiastio
champions of the exposition will speak
prOmimient among whom are President W'at-
tle , G. itt. 1-hitchcock itnd .1. A. Wakeliold ,
'fhme moessiouma of time club mu e open to all '
amid every one is imivited. On Montlay even
ing , April 13 time new X rnys will be illtma- .
trated mind dc'mnonmmtrntetl by Prof , Levietom
of tue High school , and Elcetnician Licimaei-
Time docllciotms frmflrance , refreshing ( cci. . I
trig and soft beauty immiparteti to the skin by
Pazzoni'c I'owder cotminmends it to all ladles ,
RNIZ'eMMmuiUeL 0o1s mm lSzmrol Irall ,
Cimmiries Britten , no expreasman , witilo' I'
cressiuig the street railway tracks , mienr th
c rner of Sixteenth en \Vcbster I st ( Ott , Wb
thrown from his wngon and stm'tmclc tha
Pavement with mouliiciermt force to render huin
Inensilule , lie vai3 Picketi UI ) and takcr J
to his resitlemiee , 509 Nom'thm 'rimlrtecntim street ,
110 was found to be badly cut about tho.
head and internally injured ,
JtmuumdH ( t uid Fmieo lluuiiiy iluurtued ,
Oifleer Ronk , who lives at ' 102 North Six.
teentit street , started to light a cigar yes.
t rday morning , wltefl hue ( rimigo of timo'
ulivami , on w'huicit ito 'iis cated , caught fire ,
mmcl in n momemit it was ablaso. lb tiirevvi 'I
time divan into time street mumml turmicil in tins
alarm. 'rime tire in time buildirg was cx-
tium ulsimed before time depmtrtniemi t nm'rivetL
Honk's imandim and face were badly liurnec )
and his cletimlmmg ruined ,
A. Lincoln Kirk , irmipereonator amid hmu
tncmfiet , gIves omme of imla entertairmimmenia at.
the St. Mary's Avemiuo Cormgregatlomiai church
imext Thursday ovemming under time atmsplce.
of time Yoimrmg People's Society of Chmrlstiaui
Endeavor ,
Time Nebramoka delcgntiomm to time lumen-
eon College hteptmhjhhcnmm Jeagime commventiors
returneil yestertlay , A. J , Weaver of time
tinivt'rsity ot Nebraska was elected iirst vico'
lrcmoidemmt , 'rite iirceldemicy went to Jamne
A. Ponlcins of harvard.
DrLy ; ( ci
Tooth P@wer
Used by people of refineniont
for over a quarter of a contury. '
- - -1
- - - - - -
- . : :
When looking for a
Good Dentist
you'll find that
Is the heat ,
4th floor Brown Iiiocic-'L'ei. 175 ,
16th and Douglos ,
_ _ _ _
. Sometimes micada a rcilaiM
S monthly regulating : nedlcIu
ojrompteafus tmiidcert.ainiu rsauif. flmegeoi.
ue tue. Peale ) nverdisappohmt. Bent auywbc
; i.oe , itbarmar , & 3IcCountl Dtu Cu , 1111
) odja airtet. 0wa. N.I.