Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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i _ TITE OfAi14 D4nx BE1
: : : . _ _ ztosIwATInditor. :
r : ; ¼ tH OrStYflCflIVTrON :
flatly flto ( WIthmt Stin1i One Ynr q M
IalIy 1Je nnd Sunday. Une.Ynr V ) O
I RI Month , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Three , ) fltjj 2 G )
, Hundy Iiee , One Ypnt . . . . . , . . . . . . ' 2
Htui thy Ilee ne Yttr . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I 6' ' )
VeelIy fleet On Yttr . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . 6 ,
OIrpt't8 )
I Omaha. ThA P e 1hiHUng.
& , uth Om'hn. HiMer 111k. . Car. N nn1 2th $ Sti
COunCil flirr. 1. N'rth Main ' tteet.
' Chk orn 217 Chnrnbir 0 ? romrnrc.
? 4tw York , ltnnflpi , 13. H nn ) IS. TItjUnc 1311 ; .
, \Vfl31Itflgton )4(7 ( Il trcet. W.
i All cnmmunIoi $ , rettng to fllW 1U14 )
tuiinl mnttpr 'I'uulI be ntht.i tI To the IItor. )
t ItH1N1s )
Alt . Iii Utt'rI an , ) rentlttnncci P11U1(1 ( bn
ftddr.stl t ) TIin 1ee 1'itbIIihtn Company.
Omatui. ) ) rartn. cheeks no ) po'tnme orilcr to
ho Imute pn'.al , ) . . to the ort..r of thn VO3iAnv ,
riii : nrj 1'UIif111t1NU ( CM1'ANT.
- - -
a RTAT1tT 01. ' C1ItrL'1.To. )
flcotg , U , 'rzuehui erttry of The Upe 1'lii. )
) IibIn comptl,1) , Ietg ! ) iiy ) , o.nrti. that the
ncttUiI numhr f full flI)4 ( OmtI'tfl C.PIM It th.
DntIy0 7.Irntrg. ) entnj nntl $ ttnla ) ' 1) TU1ffl4
V r1urin the tIWtl of Match , 1SG % SflI
I . . . . . . 1).o3 ) 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 y ;
I . . . . . . . . . , irs ; i , . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . , , l7,1'2 . 2) ) , . . . , . . . . . . . 17.c fl
6 ) , . )4 ) ; 21 . . . . . . . . . .
' , a . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ; 7 , . . . . . . . IR.o7 ; 2) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' : it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fn ! t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 . . . . . . . . 1'2:3 : 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17'47 '
t. 10 ) ,2 ) 2' ' ; , . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . , II . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 . . . . , . . . . . 17.I )
. 12. . . . . . . . . . . . 1t.2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 . . . . . . . . . . . 1s,07t 2' . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , fY4)
1 . . . . . . . . , 1S,22 ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ROt
1 , 31 . . . . . . . . . . . i7I6
' 1G. . . : , . IS OG'
roiI . ,
w Tes rlp1IttIoa for uno,1 ) end returned
( : eupe ! 6,216
Net a1e
Net d.tI7 ! I' 003
( ] EOIWfl Ti. T7.C11UCFC.
f3wotn to b , .
tr. nnil uhcr1betl In my
PTe'eflce ' thin cl day of pr11. 1606
k ( beat. ) N. 1' . 1'FIL. , Notflry Public.
. ; A free silver rcptlIncai1 ) Is us lilliell
or flit flhlolflnly I1 IL ft'C ti'ulc reinib
Jicaro ot il 1)VflhlI1)ItOl1 ) ) ( lOiHOClltt
1'Iit filled c'heee bill h iidy : to t'
fiol's ed Ill ) to the 1IOIIIevIt Ii iiII the
tVIIlIflg. ! Isii't. IhiI $ fl ( Ilihitty tIShI ! to
Bet befort the Icing ?
The cotilichl is no Iongtr compoei of
rCJtlbhICalli4 iiiiti (1elItOCIittg ( at the ratio
of lfl to 1. \\'Ithi the ndvuiit of Duiicaii
tim ratio ss iII lie raisNi to 17 to 1.
AntI how iitiiy ofl1eer arc quoted as
saying that thIp3' vouId rather 01)010(1011 ) (
I 13'oi't ; 1toIiluioit nitogethier titan tl1)lllldoll )
tile IOst canteeli there. It h to be hoped
that there svhhI be no occasion for such
a move.
- Cotigressninit Mercer litis a ( acuity of
secilrlitg flihrOIrilltiOllI4 ) fet 1ib coustitu.
QfltS tliatJustifle4 the expectation that lie
.ih1 8IlC'ePti iii pulling through his
1 TIl0i1SI1liSISSI1)1)I ) ) exjoosltioii bill lit suite
of nil 01)StilCICH. .
The thief that tried to get at Senator
b Quay's papers iii the IlOlles of sectit'iiig
, i SOIflO inaricetable political ( locmnents
alparentiy reckoned without his host.
t Senator Quay 8103's that lie s'hio steals
the contents of his desk steals trash.
At thie risk of inalcing Itself disiree. :
ably olTeitsive The Bee ventures to cx-
, I)1eS8 a doubt as to the moral effect of
jouriiahlstic. etiteijirise that goes to the
1)rolrietors ) and liiinutes of bnvly :
houses for Easter Stintlay sermons to
juveiiihcs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: As usual , congress will commence to
give serloois consideration to the ques-
. thOU of OL geticral baiikriiptcy net aifter
.c the expiration of the time vIieii the
1 act would hiitve dotie 'the niost good
1111(1 ( v1teii Iliost ( leSer'ilIg (1e1)toiS would
llllv ( ) takeit advaittaige of Its hI'OVISIOIIS.
An Inspector of customs hats becit indicted -
dicted by a Saio Francisco gran(1 ( jury
for neceptiiig bribes for aiIoriig Ciii-
neso to hand in violatioti of the exclusion
' itoy. The itIshector Is evidently a iiiioii
who believes IriIt ? money is worth just
the same , whether it is paild by an
American or a Chifiininaui.
Tue debate lctWeCIl Secretary Jlolce
. Smith flht(1 ex-Siunilcer Crisp htatl to be
stOpied on aiccoiltIt of the ex-spenicer's
sore throat. iid now the disappointed
, Georgia crackers feel sore that they
have not leeii ) giveii at chance to shout
until their intrelted throats were its sore
I as those of the hoarse ex-speaticer.
The increase iii the lllsiiloss ) of the
: iaioiny order t.lepairttiient ot the ioHt
ollice , shown b3 tii report for the last
quarter , is tin encouraging sign. People
; nuist hiiive inoiiey iefOr ) ( they calli traiiis-
" mit it thirotight the utails In the simile
: of money orders. It' they catil siid
Illoney though the mmiaoiiu they ought
also huve coiiie to spend.
Time Deitver Chiunimer of Coimituorco
bits giveim evidence of the limicrest it
takes In time 'PranmnississilDi e .x position -
tion lmroject liy luissilig resoititloits iirg
hag time Colorado tielegation in coligress
to bud its tlllhOrt ) ) to tue pmomiditig exm-
sitioti liiI. ) I t is mttehm tolct'ims of good
wiii 811(1 elIcoII1ageammeiit thttit count
vith time IeOi)1C ) tif thte westerim states.
Thud Liiidsey , t Itu canliIute of l4tI1i
caster coillity , ( Or the imosit ion of tide-
gate to St. Loomis ( rout thit First ( Jon-
gressiotmal thisti'iet , luaits , thiatt he vits
successful in secoititog the emtdorst'mumtnt
or his touiity con'emmt ion , bectiiisto lie had
a. iimnJority ot' the rtptilthicatiis of l4Iinoln
behind ltitmm. 'I'iti'ro is ito qilestioli bitt
that this is tim ICOliO' ) $ 3'elir , legatriliess
of race , tolor ( n 1)t'CVIOIIS ) cOimdltloii
' .I'hto iOliticmtl fortune 'hioel ims : giveii
us a cotmimeil coinpost'tl of sevemitt'om re-
Ilubhicalis mid QIItO deitiocrat. 'Fime loime-
linest' of this olllt'ial ihi omot cause htimim
a timoinetit's dscoitmIltiim'e. J Ic Is in vosi.
Uoio to statiul his ground migatiust any
sehietitu to loot thmo treasury autoil vihI
I not be subject to the iatr1 lush or eatul-
I cu dicta tion us to t ito pal iey itt iiiai
decide to lllt'stlfl ) on any question timat
may. come before time council.
'I'hmo peeiai biii granting ( tmierah .Johtmo
t , lI. 'I'hnyer U jmensiomm of 1tX ) ) iiioutlt
jtI55t'l ) iy thiti 1100150 SmittIi'hmtY ( ithiOtli(1 ( lie
li'tlImitIY ) citticteil 1)1ktile t4tIlfltO. ? ( elm-
, orati 'l'ittiyvr gave time best years of his
life to the seiviec ( of the itlllk ) ) , him both
nmihltau'y autiti civil CaiitlCititaI. Iis-
fortune huts heft htitto him lois old mig vhth.
( mitt niletitlilto nlealms for his suport. )
No niore worth ) ' case for 81)tt1t11 ) i't'cog-
flhtlolt Iiy the goverimlileut. Is likely to be
presented to cougte.
TU ) .ttC1l AT STth1 ? .
, ¶ l'lit' ( lphiltt ) ( itietit l)3 the State Board
of Irrigation of SenmmtorS'ihhlnni ft.
.th-pi s tti time POsitiOll of seci'etnry to the
hoard Is nmmothier Iiitnnce of Ilagrauimt.
thisregaii'tl af the letter 811(1 ( iirlt of thic'
ias lit tile Illatter of nppoiimtiimeiits testate
state othlee.'Iteti Senator . It. Alters
ilitrotinceti hits irrigation 1)111 ) , hIs soit'
OIjt''I % .ns hrCi4tltlletl to lC ) IL dt'site to
) llt00tO I lie ilitt'i t'st of the peoimie of
t Ito sei a i : m rid 1)0 ) 1t 0 f the s t a t e , v1 tom hit'
relI'esulmtei. ) ( At 11(1 stage of tue dis-
etissinit this bill vaos there nimy intl.
iimntiotm that its author vais t'tigngetl in
11 schiotie , to Pruvhic' a sniuu'hed : positloim
for iiimmue1f. 'Fitis tleltisioii vas , hioov-
e el. , ( hisidiht'l , 'Imt'ii lie hecaiiie a catli.
( iitlmltt' for the PositiOll of secretnvy , hot.
iimedhtttt'hy after the lmu vcimt into ef.
I i'ct. ' .I'hit , hit t.hrt's.Mly ) loovities that
I itt , seeretalry shall he "aiim il31ratithlc
t.'itghtit'et ( if tltt'oi'et ical hcituvhethgt , umiid
IraIcticltt ) skill omitl exierieImce. ) " \mt lv-
lag hit' mimauti lest itmliu'oprlt'ty ot svlett.
ing at IImaIIO to at position cremiteti by Itimmi-
14t'l f fo t I t I imosel LI. I t I he a i neam l'r ( t f t lie
h'gishn t ii l e , I ha' a ( 't I iou to L tim t' s iii I e 1)1)9 ) ii
is Iutiiefeiisihde , in viev of the fact that
eimtt ( II ) Alcers does not iretdul ) ( to be
:1 : it I tytl ratmlht , en gi Iteer , t I leoret lea 1 or
practIcal. his ldographiy , fum'ulshied
imy himself to the iilstoritii , of thtt' list :
leglslttiirc : , i4lmo\vH htiiio to haive ) & ? & ? Silt'-
cessivciy a school temicitci' , a county su
ht1'ilttelldellt. ) it COUlltt'y hits'tr , niitl mt
farmuet' . 'l'lmt ! lmt'art'st ime ever collie to
liydi'niiile ciogimoctiritig vlts 'iieii lie
liehileti to dig mt ditch In Scot ts ltiiuir
c010ilty tilitI orguiuized at fatriimers' immutual
irtIgat tion astuialtioil , VilihU emigageti
iii ftmi'iimiumg iii that county. Coimeetle
thimot .Me . Akers hitis seeti a grett : thinly
Irrignthuii cionatis aitmti ditches itimil hats
iuequii'eii a fair lchoovledge of time hiterat-
tuire o.f irrigation. how' does that lit
lilimo for the L'eSlolmslhle ) imoSition to vhich
hit hats just beemi Piolmlotetl ? At the
[ ) reSt'ltt stage of irrigation enterlrise ) hit
Neln'atshcat time VO1'k devolvilhg 111)011 ) the
heath of tIhC irrigatioti bui'etu : becoimies
a lhlitttel' of gralve CohIcerlI , loot olily to
time ltrties : iiivestlitg nmoney in irrigation -
tion iroieets ) , boat atiso to time people of
the viiohe state. lie is iy ) latw ye-
iuired to lalss 011)011 the feasibility of
1)t'OlOsCtl ) ) cahiab' amid. thiteime .s .uimtl to
t'xt'i-ciite SthlerviSiOll ) OVeL' 1)10115 ) anmtl
VOrk. This lleSlP1)OSL'H emhgilleerihlg
itlhhitY ) of a high artier : end exteimsive cx-
pei'ieamce In ItytIrauihics. I TImless ? [ r.
\kers is (0)jaIilc ) of coumpu t big vithi aup-
lwoxihnate : icctiratcy tIme available sup-
1)13' ) of vater at aumy point , he Is liable
to issue lmerllmits for vhmot : will in the
cud I)10S0 ) to he (117 thiteiis toini catulto
iatcnictihiilthc loss to the lroimooters of
time emmtem'prlses. Eveti if we hind assurance -
surance timat the ioes- secretary would
Sutllet his jOl ) to a coimhletelmt ) ataiti CX-
} ) rIe1mced engineer , at hits os'ii expense ,
his liOlmoOtiOlm ) 'ivotilti still be a questionable -
able 1)roceetliImg. 'l'hiere is altogethmet-
too niticli at stalce to Imialce this 1)OSitiofl
time rcvni'd of 1)Oiitical activity.
Tue general manager of the Burhing-
ton road makes the announcement that
' while his cotoipany still conteimipiates
lie erection of a passeimgor statiofl mit
Tenth and ? ilnson streets , it wIll itit
Ito obstacles in the ovny of any other
colnpaimy that tiony see fit to joiim in the
irojt'et for a union pnnger ( lCJOt ) at
the foot of Farionito street. "W'e luive , "
says tlit' getmeral noalmager , " 1)0011 ) reauly
at all tinoes since time organization of time
Olnaha Union Depot company to coin-
lldte a StiltitbhtO aittl creditable build.
11mg on timO Tenth street location. iIore
tlmaim 5OOOOO hats becit expeimtletl by time
(1Ci)0t COUipiil3' : for teati estai te , luilding
and vimitluet. "
Conming from the chIef executive olli-
cer of time Bnrhiimgton road in Nebratsica
this aimimoiiiicetnent lutist be takeim as a
tlethtncc of tile order of the State Board
of Trammsportntion , whiich , after exhaust-
iwo investigation naiti mature delibera-
tioti , declared time ? .Iaison street sit. Inaccessible -
accessible to time puiiic anti time pro1moct1
strotettare btgiimi by time Union Depot
coiiijauy , itmauhequnte to tue imeeds of
time city. But nssuanhimg timat time Bow-
liimgtoim road 'ere nisolvel ) froimi paying
lOll ) ' attention to the orlor of the state
board , why shiottid it it'sist ) iii leaving
Omaha vitlmout aimy' lissellgcr ) ; ticcohhi.
iiiotlattioiis w'imamte'cr moitil iii exlosiimg its
Patrolls to time dtttmgers u imd d lsconm forts
oC iiizzaris ) , smm0' , raiilh , vimot1 1111(1 Still-
stroke ? If time coiiipany iroposes ) to
lituihti to reicCttiile ) 'tlelot , such as a
city of time size of Omnalta is entitled to ,
viiy doefflit It iroeee(1 ) to build it ?
Time assertloim timat OtOQimmis ) ( ) bt'eii
exit'hhded ) 1)7 tile ljmmiotm Depot commoiatiiy
for muds , lnuiidiimg and viaduct Is iimis.
leading. There w'ns mio occasion for
lilly depot commmpauiiy to buihl the
Tentim street viaduct. Iliitler the
imow tue cost of erecting viaducts
falis upOn time i'aiirouis ; whose
tt'mtciaa4 mire Ii'oteCtetl ) by titoiui. Time
Union l'acilie and Burlington roads
hail for yemoi's umaintaimmed a most daim-
gerotti ; grade crossimmg that w'na a. miocit-
Imatci' to life 1111(1 ( PrOlOVtY ) mthmtl oIStrtlcttul )
traillu and ti'ns'ei. ' 'ime constructioim of
time viitthttet imims sttved its cost over amid
over migatin to these eohtmlanie5 ) by re-
iieviimg thieiit trout time cost of Ilaugmnen
amid giutitis and time liability of tlammm-
ages for imijumius to iurson mmmmtl prof-
erty , to saty notimitig of the mulvniitaige
gat iiietl iy ) free iiaty ) for hmmcotmming nimd
ntttgohiig tnt his. 'Fitt'y hat't'1 mnoreovem ,
aititiexeti it 'amlnmi1iltt tract of land , nens-
iit etl by time diiimeitsiotms of thu street
that hams ileen cioseil.
Leaviitg the cost of tue viaduct out
of the coulit , tIme tLctIhflh niolmt'y Othtiay
of time 11111011 1)epot cotmmpaity hmmt imot
exceetlt'tl liOOOO. ' 1'ii lamed vtui'chlmisa
vmis iioemehy 111cc sovaiiillg ) ) jitehkhiiveH.
¶ I'IL ( ) raiivoatd colimpaimies sihiijmhy Coil.
'eyeil It ) time deimot cotmmpatny latittis
w'itit ii oigimmmmiiy hmaid beeii dommated by
thu citizemis of Omaha , for a trimmisfer
grottimil ohm etumditlomm that miii limo loovat
roattis ( 'mItering Omuahmio should iiavto tiC-
cuss to it.
litaismiotichi as tIle ilniomm Depot commi.
pahm' , 140-ctiiieth , does imat own time rotmimd
In tee simimplo attiti hmais no Inoimey iii Itmt
treasury for time comuimletion of time imim-
lhimiSilel buiidiimg , atimil time Ilmmiomm. l'nchtlc
i'oatl is , mimo'eovcr , in tue htattids of m'e-
veivers , the iutotthrmmltco emi time vail of
time hhuriingtoim thmlmt it holds itself rt'mmdy
to lltOO'O into ( hi ) tInKolm titt't't't ( lellot
affords very littit ) coumfort to time lUiIhiC )
or to the citizens of Ooualia. Grant
that flOOOO has imeeti t'xpetiilctl on time
suibstruettire of its depot , the Pnlomo
lepot coiiiptifly has hong since recotipeil
itseif i ) exacting ( rota the railroads
that occupy tilt' htmmiulgrnimt shied 81111
sh(3' parlor interest ohm au iinagiimnry
hmovestmnermt of a inhibit aittl a half a
atitutal remitni. Out of tiiis itmcoimoe time
ihumrhitogtoii hmns loud its i)1 ( ) rota , besides -
sides saving tue i'x'iose , of mminimmtaiim-
lug a commodious stnt ion for the tie
coinmomotlattioti of iitu tromms a imd inhIiie.
rzii ; ; 'zusr 11'Tfl t ;
'Fimere itt imot itimig very relimalrlcahhL' ) In
liii , fmiet that titt' 1t'itlbhiCflhmS voii iii time.
Ihimode Isiatmil eleetloim last week. the
tlrst state ehectioit of time year. 'l'iie'y
't'ie exiectell to tin so. Bumt it is monte-
vom't hiy that thte vem' iat'ge1 lmmcrt'aa4t'd
their vote , their ilurathlt3 beitig the
hti'atvlest siiice lSt2. 'l'lmi' lit the stmitt' hiiu
hot alvamys beehl reptmihIealmI. ) A tleimio-
erotic goverimor vmtH ek'ctetl In 1Sii. ) but
every state election iitce hats siio'mu aim
I flcl'emtse I n t lit' i'e at hil i ' : t It Vet P. 1 s it
IICCCSSOI $ to t'xlmlain 'ity ? lhhtothe Is-
bintl is atmo immdtisti'Iah state. llt'm' 1111110
111111 raictorit's stlmly ) laltur mtmid sttlmsist-
( 'II CL' for I icr in'oiile. 'I'imest' I t aove fel
the dauimiatgimmg elTt'cts of thit' demt0ocrmt I Ic
ecoiioiiil imohic. 't'Imt' _ ' inuve iiot heeti so
aictively Imuti colmstmihmtly ctmmpioyetl iiurimmg
thit' immst : t'o or tlmi t't' yeah's alma forihuerly
im ml lam t Ii eat ioi t ml I mu Im U in hum r itaive su 1'-
feteti. titi' fortuet' froloi rediuceti lWol1t'
aitti the ha [ tee frotim hosvem' vahgcs. 'i'iit'st'
fruits ( If demimtmt'mittlc policy , together
vit h titt' fuel time t it hIlls deprived tue
govertimnent of suiiiit'icmmt r&vcimutt' to fleet
expetithitures miuti hiai coimmimelied au
d I t I 1)11 of st'verau I I t ii miti ical immi I I I omis t o I he
lUiliC ( lelt , ham .P COliViilt'(1 ( thiotisat 11(15 (
of voters iii lilmode ishmmmdvhli ) formmierly
tttet1 vithm tiit' ( Iclhmocratie vitL't tlmtt :
they 'Rht' htmIstatlct'l1 tutu that a restorn-
thou of m'jflh1)litNtml ) iOhiCY ) IS essemitial to
tiiit' vehfatre multI iroslml'rity. I t is iiot
to lIP ( l011htt'tl ) that this will be evehm
iiUi't' ) strommgly ( lemimolstrnte(1 ) in tile IresI-
dentlail elt'ctiotm _
It Is the stlmle : lii every state whose
once iwoslmt'iotus indtist rids lime iiov de-
) ' ( ' ( : iiitl 'lISt' ( wmlge-earmiei's tIi't'
get ti img less enmployunt'imt a mid less coin-
un'nsat ion thati forimoerly. Evem'3'\'hit'me
time micim wimo f.ielieiil for their sulsist-
010CC 1111010 tltc'it daily vorlc are tired of
time colmIlit bits bm'ougimt itpoio the colon-
tmy by time democratic pnrtY and
a1I ( ' etiger to i'cglstt'r timeir ver-
diet agauiimst the lIolie of timait party.
Time lumu'd iiiitl tryiimg experlt'mice of timt'
ImUst tliret years lums beeii enough fom'
tlmeni. 'l'ime IuocreaIae(1 mp1)uihi ) can vote in
ihiuode lslatimd foreshmadows the over-
wlmeiimiiiig trInInphm ( if time repubhicami
iatltY iii tlme motion next Novemmober.
WA 14LI1P. ' S2'h T1311NT.
'lime tmtteiiieiit ioiadt' by Fx-Coiistii
1\ratlilr , rcgardimmg Itis treatineimt at the
liahmuls of the French autimorities , after
hits colivict iohi by I lie court ihIlirtial mtt
'l'aimmntaveIadagasea r , i)1tceH : time imilli-
tory olilcials who loud clmnm'ge of hub
lii a. vem.y uiieiiviabhc iigImt , and it is so fete
to say that the stntt'mmment w'lll not be
allowed to staiid ihmlcohitm'lLhICtcd. ( It
is somewhat uimfortutiate for Ir. 'uViolier
that investigation did moot susltiii all of
his imr'toois : mssertioiis , rcgartliug his'
case , a fact ilutt iiiliitates agahmst time
unquestionihlg neceptamice of wits t lie
itos5fl5 rescctiihg [ imi trcamtimicimt.
'l'iieieViii be am dislsutitiomm to give the
otimer 1)tmties ) a lmeirimg : , amiti uimmtloulitetliy
tlmeyvIli desire t o ha itearti , for i t is
miot to be imrcsilhlmel ( timat. t ito Fremmchi
authorities viil quietly suhilimlt to such
at stigma as time miihegations of WTaller
ilamce 111)0mm timeimi. IIflVeV1' , it hO prob-
: thde that mit the imest , ite was imot shiowim
much consideratiolh , for tlilqiicstioiimmlily
there vmts a very strolmg feeling algaillst
himmi , anti it is quite possible that his
conduct as a irisoiier ) was hot such as
to create any symupatity for hiiiio.'tVahier
says that in miCceitiilg imis release , lie dlii
mmot waive his clainos for tlaiimioges. lie
imoaty brhmog sumit for tInimmages iii time
Freimhi cour ts , but there is very iitthe
iiiceiiii)0tl ( tiiait lie 'will do this , and Ime
cannot rezisoliably expect 0111' govermi-
illQimt to tb nimythilimg ftmm'thler for hmimii.
\ Ii'Vmiiler huts stmiplie(1 mmii himterima-
tiOilUl iiicideimt timit : vis for at tinie quite
immtere stiimg , 811(1 hit' othghit to be saotisfletl 1
witim time result nmmd tirop time imoatter.
D1iUC1.1'1'1C D1SIii-T1Of. : ;
Deitiociatic hemidmirs mire giving expres-
situit I ( ) t lie it iirt'lm(1m ) S i 011 t Im a t t imo comi.
lilet iii thicir imairty over silver vlii me.
suit iii Its dIstillitioli at ( 'imicaugo. Ex.
( os'em'mmor Campbell of Ohio is one ( If
these. lIe is mciol'tel ) ( as sayiimg timiLt
lmlii(50 ottutuial coitcesatiotem mite imianhe a
sPlit in tine mmntionath commvention s-Iii 1)0
limovitabic. It mippemirs from tue i'e-
mmlitrkml credited to Imini that AIr. Catimp-
btmii vouitl exlect ) tIme nmost iammpom'laimt
comicessiolis to conmu fromom tim gold simimid- a
tit ti elellh'lit ( Iii tlit' imhl'tY ) , foL it 8t'hims (
to be imis olmimlloim that if the Unitel
Stitt,5 S'Ihhl ( ( bitt itmmlioiilice the inteim-
tioli to ittlopt free coinamge vithllII titree
yeim.s : tue other eonitmoorchai iiattioims
\'Ollii ( mu gl've to at im i mm tei-aiit t ion ii i am a'-
m'aoamgcimicmmt before I hit trImift exilreth ) ,
AilOtitel' leattlt'i who '
, sees tm'oiiblo ahead
its thmo mesttlt 01' tIme silver light 1mm timi'
hitl'tY ! , is AIm' . Cimmiuimct'y F. liiitt'k of
l'emihIsylVtmlllzi , So'hm ( ) smmys the silver tiimt's-
tlomm is a Ililitter oh' lucre econoimhy zoimtl
expedicmmcy , 1111(1 ( itsics vity time demno-
ci ntle hmll'tY ) , goiti staimdarii itiiti fa et !
silver tletmiocrat : ; miiilu' , simonid mint aibitit'
by time jutlgmmiwmt of thit' immimjom'itr in tile
miattlomial colmvehmtiolm oh time shivemtitles -
tioii , Ito humalttel' vhmat tile jiItiglilclmt of
time mimajority mimlgiit ha' .
'Vile PillhmihtIpimilt ( ? hiecorti , a stallImeim I
deimoocrattle nlvoen te of imoimest mmmoimey ,
tells these gcmttit'immemit that thieve' calm hit'
Imo cohmmlronmise. ) it says thmtmt ' 1ntvecmm
time lmlimiIiteliltiiCe of the gold stitudard
of this goverlmmnelmt ( thlim theimmoc'rmitic
liemmtoiilaim staimmdmtVtl ) , nimti tree silver
coimmaige , thieve Is no ilOSsIllitI gtotlmmil of
t'OiiiirOllmiSl' ) , o'hieh luhillali lllgeilthity
( 'ciii stiggest. " It dt'ehaues ; timat ( ) iml-
lWOIhliSC oim tills ( htmtsti0li hats long siiico
bct'ii cxlltiltsted , ammmd that no colmeesiomis
Ott the hart of thit stlli)01t'i'8 ) ) of a goiti
stitiitImmtl mire to be thought of. "it. vie-
toi' , ' Ylthi it biinetniilc 1)hattfom'mmi timid
it liiImOttlhIiC caumihidmito , " says the itecomtl ,
"s'ottlt1 benr ovhthm it 110 glory , for its
enImhaoign ) ) ledges couiltl be metlecmimed
only in mmmttionnl i''lullIiltIOim ) ( aumtl ialmhc-
i ilptcy. I lemit o time vital mmt'cessity that
time tILmlmocrmttle ? nittloimal cotmvtntiomm slmttih
immako no COUili'OLllIU on the currelmey ,
t _ itimer iii itC.Olitiilllitt' 01 , its Plait foi'imt , "
t'lliiilest Ittiil i % " , Iii I hIs , tue Record
voices tile S ilftiit'mmt of tue 501111(1 Inoiley
( ht'lliocmittS. ' 1 t is Ileedless to say that
the nlvocnftsqpf ? tll ( free colimnge of
silver s'ilh ? ' ' no ie firmum Ittiti lull'
113 i1
cotuproimmisi Itg1
bitter citimtt'st. in thic' muntlommnl coIl-
Velltioll is vonseqtlelmthy assureth , alid
hint It siii 4ituinte iii a spilt , nmay be
i't'gatrtied IIS.I iii llioat Itievl table. Est i-
hmmfltes are m17aVmil1g 115 to the prolmhhe
sti'etmgthm of t o eicimoeimts , nut ! Ilit'
50111111 liiOliP't'I ilciumoermits fliC clalmnimig
Unit timey Tin o' a imiijortty : itt thit'
( 'ohivelm I Inmm , . vihl ilitV ( ' to be o\-'i-
w'llellmlllmg , iloiVever , lim ortler to avert a
SPlit. anal this tllcir Ilgures the moot
lrOhImlSe. ) OIl till' oIlier linimil , it iS 1)3'
itt ) Immemoims iiiiprolibhe : timat tile free sli-
% 'er ehemnemit vilh t'oiitrol the cull vemitloit.
liii' , iii atim' ( 'VeIlt , it is Imlost dllhht'tilt , to
conceive 1iov a thlsi'uiptiomi of tIme theimmo-
erotic lalrt3 ) alt Chile-ago COIl lrn lIe- )
' ( 'fltPi. (
'i'ite litter vortltTc.ssncssot alleged ex
lm't ) test Ihimomly mis to thti' vnltie of htutlils
muimtl hots vaus expllmimlhlhed ilm tue i'cCellt
( 'at'it' of ( "itift atgam immst time city. 'l'ime
% 'alIle of a strip of inimd tlhlm'ty-tilrve feet
vide ahid 400 feet iii length vats 1mm t1I-
lIttle. Vamlimaitiomis as lhlCetl 1)3 VitlmCSSCi4
ratilged froth $20t ) to hC ) mucre. In
oilier VOmi1S , I lie testilmuilmy tltoms ad-
( ihttt(1vahs ? VO0St' tlillhm no testiimloimy mit
mill. I t 'ats Siilllly ) gilessvork. 'l'ii ( '
vhmo1e ( htletIIil , illVOl'Cl iii thit'
taut s.a1s tiierefom'e left to time cat-
mt'ice of 'itnesses s'imo kiiew athIsoltItuly
tiotilihlg tthmout it. Cem'taimmly iltiganits are
entitled to hmettet' it ) oteCtloit thtatit tills.
Far better results could lie attained lv
comisulting time register of tleed fur mm
recori of smihes in the lmeighlhorh100d ) amid
striking nit average from timehil , ilmYSIcmti
CtlitlItiOhiS of it'lei'tY ) ) ileIng coimsidereal.
4 t immmy m'ate , this method vouhth mofford
SIhiit' tat hlglIle bat sis for giuessvork ,
wimichi does imot now exist.
'It is lIllfom'ttIliatte that time Iowa PeOile
Interested ill tlit' sticcess of time Trans-
immississihil ( ix1)osltioli ) feel called 0)1)011
at tub tiiioe to fomce conCItlsioImS in the
Imomotter of iocatioim. It is immifalito time
directors mind lroi100tei's of time enter-
hmrise.tlmat thtis questloli be raised amt thus
time. As 'ais time case in Chicago , it
mmnmst be a dithicuit lmrolieIil to solve.
Petty mimotagonisimis ontust ooe'cessarlly
arise. Bad blood will be engendered.
It ctooitiot it' ) atvoidetl. Iim view of tlmis ,
why (10 the Iowa ieOIlC ) 1)ei'SiSt ) imi tug-
immg the llmestiomi at at tillie VlmelO there
Is nothIng to pcate numd imothmiimg in Poimit
( If fact 1)tlt time hmaltlov of time substamice
over which toomotemiti. it does not look
right. . , I ,
Fire losses .0 or 1tlme first quarter of
1590 were ab-OhIb $18,000. Property
YflhttCl ( at ovi .iS00,00 ( ) was meimaceti
1)3' time liatines. Tile effective work of
time fire depatiiment lIlust certainly hi'
conceded by the iITmSurailmce leOlIC. Tile
c'imief's reportfor tlme past yeaL is tiuc
strongest mlrgim1itmL tlmait can. be urged
lit favor of rt'tlmicet ( iimstlrnnce rates. it
111:13' : be fire flgiufuimg forces in other
cities of OmutiJlmossize are larger anti
imoore t'xIcitsio'L' : hint timey ioi'e flot 1)ro-
( liliilig better rtstiits.
iaclm successive year witmmesses sonic
advalmee iii the conduct of the mlh'l113' .
( oiiei'ti : Coipilmger , coininaimdur of time
Departmmwimt of the Platte , 11:05 : hsaued a
general order calillig l'ot' tinily practice
drills , signal 1)ratice atioti practice
inaorcimes.'hioii thu veatimer is not
ii'mlitiOllS for outdoor exercisti the
soldiers are to lrLetice : atimleties for time
iiilll'oVehuieiit of phmYsicati commlitiomh. ( lii
this latter ih'oViSiOil tiuo order goes a
stei ) faitluer titan aimy imeretofore Issued.
its boimotits lolust iC obvious.
Onmalma scientists more keeping fully
ibreast of tluo tihmots. The extraordinary
success attending time use of monti toxiioe
lIt time treatnient of dipiitlmeria Is time
talk of tiuc limediemhi fraternity in tlii
eit3' . Amid imow coinOs a. immost successful
surgical OiCrlitioli by imionmis of X yuys :
lrOhuiCeml ) ( by Prof. 'l'urner of time Omaha
IIlgli school. A lllhlet ) emnliedded iii a
Iioy's imaind w'as plmotographicil mend cx-
tmmtcttsi vluere time ohd mmmetimod of probimig
Imad failed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Senator 'i'iium'st oIl i'elmlimoiel ( time
r4eaigue of iieliiiiiCalt ) ) College Ciliih9 at
Its Chicago latnqtmet Inst veek that ime
itaiti jtlSt gomie through at seveme cain-
aiigmi. 'i'hme Sevt'i't' enii1maign umust have
It'L'il ) tlI ( ' 0llt'3' of t'ohiege yelis that had
lt't'it ) lhtlm'il'ti mit imiiii 'lit'ii hue muruse to
ieaic. ) No ( ( timer severe catimoilalgIm
tlmrouigit vhmiciu time se lmatoi- hits lassei )
Ii ; iPceimt etiomighi to iiaove beemm alitmtietl to
Iii such llreciso lammugimaige.
' 1'ime Cltizeih's coimmimolttee of r4iimcoimm is
imaking a raid umpoum gmOlmlhhers atmmtl ve
titi actuahi ) ' told by tilt ) Lincolim Jotirmual
Litait lucre is amblllihutilt ( evitleumee that
) iOli ) gitlmmhhilhg ) imais ht'ea goIng cii hIm
limit city hit tleliamomee of hans' . Ui ) to this
Litime we iuatve ahwmmys beemm assumed hy )
LImo , saitne authoritY thiitt Ommiathiat vas tIme
oily idnec lii time 'tnte ' vimut'e time vice
wIis tok'i'aotcml imi 1Iy forimm.
Siui'Ic4)i * , It , i'lt
Clilcoa rlbune.
Tue tendency t ' 10C2a1fl ilner to run
iground as acomm as tiiey reach New York
iay Is duo , probabW , Lb the PreValllimg eait-
mm de'iro fcr thea artim.
A 4411 li.vein'it.
OIobIjiacrat ,
The avw comigrq'ltiiaml library at Wash-
iaLOn mna cialamm tp b time eighth vender
) f the woi-ii , IL F14 o conipletcil tvltlmln
he m'pecUled 11100 aitd1 pr l..s timamm time esti-
iatod co't.
St. I'itiii mluhgterN for Nevs.
i'te'm i'res.
Omaha hams tt iurte * ordilmaimco. but. the
1tliaLcbus fail to titit * whether the cknic
rorbddlng ! lnarredcimen to appear on the
itreet alter l o'Qicmvltmwhtliaut their wtve.t
waj adopted ' I'
% 'tti-rlaig l2c 5t-MNl-u I'rolttii.
NesY York % 'orbi.
Tlo Boil Teiephouo comupany'a annual dlv-
Lalond of over $3000.000 is considerably
mi6hier titan Limo rcmorted tiurc of its grosam
) Porating cxpen8cs. It cn woli afford to
reduce rates , but it finds it moors econonmlc'al
Lo water its capital stock to the extent of
Lwo milhiomos or so.
Vugsirit-s Of itt Coiii gltite 3hIIIIm.
Olobe. Deinoerat
4t' one of time eastern colleges a otu-
lent has hoeto coaled up In an airtight
imaanber for the purpoma.m of studying time
: ffctit of variouu food products upon the
murnan yatem. The idea. that aim cx-
crlnment uimder such conditions couid have
he slightest posoltile yalue to average Iuu-
mmanlty Is emma of the anoucing curlo4itleam of
lie coiieLate iniumi.
IN 'i'1113 GtIl11tt'FOhtI.tIa tIthl ) .
Vayio lleralh ( ( rep. ) : it hooks very mmmcli
like Itigene Moore for govermmor.
Weelng Wntcr lteubhlcan ( rep. ) : ii. I. .
hayward of'iebraska City Is being i'ronil-
naiitiy tneiitloaied a a republican caiodt-
date for governor. The judge Is an able
nato and nil honored citIzen , whose candi-
ilacy wIll be foot. with favor by all his
O'Neill V'rontler ( rcpl ) The republicans
of Nemaha county assembled In convention
thuo other day anti launched Tom Majors'
1)000) for governor. When Torn gets into
the next state convention he vihl find time
tleiegates hlavo hearts of tlao finest kind of
( irand island Independent ( rep. ) : It is
asscrted hay one in a imosition to know thUit.
lion. Jack MacCoIl lies tliaqaosed of lmis Col-
oratlo gold tube far a Ilularter million , and
vIlI now return ta Nebraska and devote
lila tliite hereafter to enlarging tml guber-
natorint boom.
Tilden Citizen ( rep. ) : State Auditor Eugene -
gene Moore appears to be lii tue hcad for gil-
bernatorttmh honors. o hotter mimnmi could ho
foummd to lenil Ohio Nebraska reptmbiicans to
victory this fall , as ha hums a clean record ,
aimd that. is a whole lot him this day and age
of the world.
Grotna itoporter ( rep. ) : Even It Mayor
htroatch could get the support of Dotuglas
county for goveramom' ( wiilclm ho can't ) , ho Is
hikciy to have vety hoard sheddIng after
that. Nebraska wants Imo more cnmnhldntia
for whelm excuses mmmtmst be offered , liroatch
li.tal better let vehi cnoimglm alone.
Seward Iteirnrtcr ( rep. ) a Totem Majors is
really a candidate for governor. The Ne-
mamlia county republican convention endorsed
hum for govermior. niual gave 11110 time PrIvl
iege of choosing the ticlegatiotm to the state
convcimtion. Ills candidacy is not hikehy to
arouse much entiitmsiasmmi this year.
Illair Courier ( rcp. ) : Jack MacColt has
upeimcd hais caimipaign for the republican iioiim-
ination for governor. Some of Ohio heatllaig
repitbhlcaits of liair ) hinvo receivoti letters
from litimm saying : "r would like very much
to have a oart or all of your ( iclegation. "
.Tho outlooic just now is decidedly favorable
to MacCoil.
Valparaiso Visitor ( rep.a iloti. Jack
MacCoIl seems to be baiting good headway
' 1 lilta race for governor. h3eldes the solid
backing of time westerim Part of the state , lie
will have a large following in the eastern
plrt. MmMacCoIl is a good , clean man ,
and if nominated antI elected , would niake
Nebraska a good govoiiior.
Genoa Leader ( rep. ) : Tue Neniaha county
repubhlcaui conreiittoim oam Monday last imassed
rcsoiutlommmi endorsing Tom Majors as candi-
tlate for governor this fall. It begins to
look as tIiotIim Majors iimeaimt to try it
ugaiim. hut you can't make It , Thomas ;
time people are for Meikiejohmn this year ,
every last one of 'cm , aliti the people are
rtinuiimmg timings in this year of our Lord
isG. )
Ncrfolk News ( rep. ) : Eugene Moore is
stronger now as a candidate for governor
than ho was a month ago , and lie is gather-
lag nei' utrengtlu every day. Because of his
exceilotmt record in the auditor's 0111cc , lie is
the choice of nearly every county In the
northern part of the otate , as time peopc
himow that with hint iii the executive chair
time affairs Cf govomionment which coimie under
his supervison ! would be conducted with
: 'crupulous ' haimesty.
Grand Island Independent ( rep. ) : Until
after the smoke of the presIdential battle
has subsideil lion. Jack MacColt Imas carefully -
fully packed his gubernatorial boom in a
gripsack and gone to the mountain fast-
imessos of Colorado. Jack evlderstly is profit-
log by time cpcrionces of former years ,
and realizes that a "boom" is not to be
noade a political target of when there Ia
such a fierce battle aging as that going on
in Nebraska just at present.
Seward Reporter ( rep. ) : Camutalit C. E.
Adamnu of Superior is announced as a candidate -
date for the republican nomination for gov-
oilier. IOu Is a mflCSi of high standing , aud
has a het of friends , not only In the South
Platte country , but ahi over the state. It
Is no discredit to other candidates to say
that Captain Adams Ia easily the peer of any
of them , and it is beyond a question that
he wihi go Into the state couvcntlon witim a
good following.
Stmpmror Jourmial ( rep. ) : Republicans of
Nebraska are going to have the choice of half
a dozen or o of names of good , honorable
public inca front which to pick a governor
tills year. Not one of them but who would
fill time omee with honor to his state , his'
narty and hiimsohf-if he could got it. A
glance over the list i. ruflicloit to convince
that of all the iaanes so far on time list the
cquah of Captain C. E. Adams as a votci-
getter Io.-m't to be foind , Repimbhicans should
rcnmomber that it's the votes that coumit.
Caiicway Courier ( rep. ) : Two years ago
the republicans of Nebraelca wanted Jack
MacCoil nominated for governor , bitt the
boeaes and the corporations got together and
nomioated another man. lOut Nebraska ro-
publlcns don't take kindly to bosssm. ! aud :
they gave the bosci an object lorson in
the eiape of a pop governor. Now , then ,
let the 1)eOIlC rain tImings thl year , and nomi.
nate and uhect Jack MacCoil for our next
governor. That is what they are going.
to do. And tIme people have also made up
their anetls to nominate and elect William
McKinley for our next president. Hurrah
for tium two Mc'e !
Ut , IN l'iIE DIG SIXTh.
Alliance Guide ( rep. ) : There are not very
mammy mc.i in the big Sixth congressional
district who can fill Onier M Kein's shoes ,
hut there are thousands viio can fill lIlt ,
Sidney Telegraph ( rep. ) : It is intimateti
that Judge Nevihie of North Platte will be
the nonolnco ot tla populist congresaionai
convention of this , the big Sixth district.
L.oup City Times ( rep. ) : Ex-Jiidgo Aaron
\Vahl of this city Is in the field openly work-
big for the repubhtcaii nomination for con-
greso froni thmic , Ohio Sixth district. Mr.
Wall has been a life lcng republican and an
acttvo worker In the interesto of tlmat party
anti is deserving of some recognition from the
mactubers of thant party , showing him thou
appreciation of liii' faithtuhliea3 and efforts
in the party's behaht
O'Neill Frontier ( reo. ) : Judge Kinkald is
the logical candidate for eolmgress. in time bil
Sixth. As between time popimhists anti repub-
hicano hmonore are ai'ut ' oven in time district ,
therefore. the repubhican must not emily
onminate a competemt ! 10511 , bamt also a vote.
geLter , Judge lCinkaid fihim , time bill. A re-
pubhican who can gt 1OG popmlhlst votes itt
this jaimhicish district is a immure winner in time
congressional thietrhct. The judge has done
tliu : ' . lie caim t13 it again ,
Grand Iuianmi Intlepenlent ( rep. ) : Time
Sixth district ilaners announce that lion. A.
I , Cathy of SI , Paul , has decIded to becomio a
candidate for conressmmman. Camly will reclaim -
claim time iopuii.tlc . stronglmobl to the re-
pubhien party. lie ie clean , hmonoralmle 1mm
politics as in btmsltmes'a , anal a flmhiter that
Governor "Si' , svili fimmi worthy of lila r.teoh.
liohl comlnty is intoretitemi in , time success of
ti'o ticket in the big Sixth , as the selmatorimil
amimi judicial ( iistrlcta of wHich huh coutmty
it , a part , will be greatly strommgthcnetl imy
puttilig euclm mmmett as Cady to lead limo hmattlo.
Iloyarti Transcript ( rep. ) a Cnamhitlates , for
c'ngressional honors are plenty III time big
Sixth. Captain W IL Akers of Scotta fluff
county is way in the heath imo the western
counties aM wo eli hope lie mmoay maucceed In
aecuring time coveted plumb. Judge Heist
of Cheyenne county is prominently imion-
tioned anti Woilid ijiako an excellent Cmilmthi-
date. It neither of these gelmtlemett receive
the noninatiomm , , lion. Aaron Wohl of Loup
city would hO avilable timber. lie is one
of the umost capable mnen in the ( iimltrict
and is dealrous of carrying tile colors of time
republican imarty through the campaign. If
imotiminatemi lie will make a galiaimt fight ,
Kcarney Sun ( rep. ) : Sun takes especial
pleasure in liresenting the name of irank
E. Beemamm of this city to the republicans
of tue big Sixth district as a cantlidato ( or
the nomnination for congreas. ft does mo
with a kmmowledlo that ho Is a young miman
in every wfty eqlliphmed for the race , and
qualified for the positIon. Mr. liceman was
born in Trunmbmuil couniy , Ohio , thirty-five
years ago , and spent his hioyimootl days on
his fathmc'rs farm , After taklimg time usual
caureeu at time public vlmoohm , ho entered
the Utmiyer.ilty of Micbmlgan and graduated
( rota the law and collegiate mhopartnmemit8
of that institution , lIe was admitted to
thmo practice of law by the suprc.mno court
of Itlichlgaim iii 1SST and came to Nebraska
time SilOC year anti located at iCearney , where
he has been actively engaged ever since ,
building Ui ) In a strong bar , a lucrative itrac-
I'OURTII ilS'J'ItICT 4bN'I'h3I i\T ,
lavid City l'ress ( tlem.t ) it General
Colby thought he wa going to profit
by Mr. Ifainer' efforts for Matitierotimi
lue is iiht'hy to get left. Mr. liotner know
how to make strraumgemmments ( or gettiumg his
eoimgrr'sionAl COmiventlon out of the way ime-
fore the regular ghost dance , at Omaha , con-
vetoeS. 'time flies may catch Mr. Colby , but
It matist be ctnceiied thoU Ml' . llaner has got
his convention antI liasses arralagetl for comi-
sidcrably iii nds'ance of the thy breeding
5(11300 ,
\'ahmoo Wasp ( rop. ) : Von don't vaunt to
forget that Congresemmoan Ilsiumer has nvude
cUe of time nlmlest records ever made ltm con.
grass by any coimgrersimmami timid we have sent
to Washington. IIe is able , clear-hic'adc-tl ,
vigil a ut , fearl es a lid lao mltt t riotis , and Iii lao-
halt of Nebraska anmi for tIme Fourth thistrict
lie Is a hiuiimmer. lie sluouimt be renomnlnatetl ,
It wealth be worse than a blunder to pill anon
non- amid untrIed man in imla place. hlalner
nmtmst go back from tue Fourth district is
tlio vcrciict of the republican jury lii Satmmidcrs
iloltirege Citizen ( rep. ) Qimite a mmumnber
of arpiraunts are springing tip who want to
have Congrssman , ilalner's shines , Comi-
grossman umber hmas made an able repro-
tomotativo In congress and 'o believe ho imami
served thio people well , Tlmo only timIng we
hiavo imeard Halumer crltlcirod for is the part
lie has taken In the fIght for a Mamamiersoim
alehegatlomo to tue St. i'tiis comivention , It
will be a great note if the repubhican.s turn
a congressnmnlo ilowit just hmecnuse he favors
a Nebraska mann for vrcsitlent , If time ro-
liubh'cana ' over that district do turn ihalnem'
( laWn they 1'ill make themselves tb laugh.
lng stock of folks everywhere who laioiv the
situation ,
Seward Reporter ( rep. ) : Time Lincoln News
makes a mistake in attaclcing Congressnmamt
llninor , anti mnlarepresemmts tlmo feoliimg of ro-
publlcans of time lotmrthm district , The News
says that tile recelit imseeting of tue cotigres-
slonal committee demommatrated that there
Is a strong sentiinemmt against the rcnomnl-
nation of Mr. llmtiaior , aumml timat every timovo
tomb by lmis friemids omm the conmmnittee was
defeated. This is e'mnplmmotically untrue. Time
sentiment of every nonmber of time committee
Was for tue rei000illimitloli of Mr. Ilaimmer ,
and timeres'mia mme motion offered at time macct.
lag that had any ilmdlcat'on of being Inspired
by time comigresmiumman. The News milmoulti not
allow its orciutlce against MI' . ilainer'a lire-
ferred presidential candidate to lead it Into
nmlsrepresentatlon of facts.
Wither Gazette ( rep. ) : If Comogresaman
Haimmer Imi out of thie race for coimgress , then
vL' are lii favor of liomo. Jammiaa
Dawea of Crete for this position.
There is not a man in time Fourth district
that is batter fitted to fill that irneition than
ie is. He is timorougimly conversant as to
vhaat viii be required of him-
able , tearless. coamscisntious amid consistent.
Ills record as governor of time state of Nebraska -
braska is one timat our people point to witlm
pride , Lt no scheme of the vily rohitIcian be
imrouglmt. to hear upon time reoplo to foist tonic
omce-seeker ( who is end has been feeding
.at tlmo crib for the past ten years ) into greater
proininenc by gi'ing him thm nomination to
tiiis olfice. lIon. J. W. Iaweg is the choice
of time peolikof Siline county for congress ,
and it 10 but right mind proper that the wishes
of Ohio people lie respected.
Friend Telegraph ( rep. ) : Ta answer to
questions put to us as to why we were not
favorable to I-Ion. James W. Dawea for con-
greag , and in order that omur reiatiomes to Mr.
Dawes may not be misunderstood , we make
this statemmoent. Not until we had time hier-
sonal assurance of Mr. Dawes that he was
not at this time a candidate. did we place
the name of another as our choice ; and we
nmay without belaig charged with lack of
loyalty to others say hero almd now that if
Mr. Dawes had beemm a camididate wo should
have been first for hahn against any amid nil
other aspirants for the llace. Twenty-three
years or close and intimate friendship have
only served to atrengtimeam my osteeni amid
regard for this mmiii amid to brlmmg Into
strcmmger light his mnatmy noble qualities of
imead and imeart. Mr. Dawes lam 'in every
sense worthy of all that his friends claim
for limo , and In the future , as las the past ,
will homier any position to whmlcim the people
may see fit to cali him. E. WHITCOMIJ.
Meami Advocate ( rep. ) : The oman must b
very narrow mmiimidcd Indeed who will not accord -
cord to Imis fellow nina the caine rights
which lie delegates to himself. Because Con-
gressnman Hainer expresieti hImself as favor-
log General Manderson for time presidency , a
great hue and cry lies been raised iii this
d'strlct against hiimmi by a few persons who
oitimcr want Iiis place themselves or have
friends who have a congressional bee In
their hat. Mr. Ilainer has domie just what
he amid every other cItizen has a perfect
rIght to do in this free country of oure-lmave
an opinion of lila own and backbone enough
to express it. A man whmo will not stand up
for lila Own rights will not stand up for
ours , and the very fact that our brUliant ,
brainy congresammiami has so fearesahy aeaerted
his right In time nmatter referred to is evi.
denco , if any other proof were needed , that
he viil as fearlessly anti courageously do.
fend time rights of hs constituents in the hail
of congress , Mr. hialner has 1cM no friends
in Saunders county by his actions in tiiis
matter , and we presunme time saamio is true in
other coummties iii time old Fourth and time at-
teimipt to create a feeling against him by
such a flimsy excuse simply mihiows the calIber -
Iber of time muon wimo are nursing the scheme.
Sugar cii tile ILINC.
MinneapolIs Journal ,
There is a prospect of a rite ill time price
of refined sugar on account of the great do-
ficlency of the Cuban cane sugar output
through the destruction of sugar cane hind
grinding houses in Cuba by the rebels. The
Sugar trust people tadmnit ami advancet , by
tlio time the fruit scasomi begins , to 7 cents
a hound. The Cuban sugar output lies fallen
frommi 1,000,000 tons to about 160,000 toni , and
Ohio Sugar trust usually takes hOO,000 toims
from that Ielammd. Thia country ought to
be Immtlepcntlent of any foreign country as
to sugar , and it would be if time boummty sys-
tenm. killed by tIme dolmmocrats , lied been con-
timmueti for the original term of years.
OhMcrvmItlns ( Iii tile Canteen ,
lemiver RepublIcan.
Time commflict botiveemi the otato and the
regular artmiy authorities iii Nebraska over
thmo coiling of liquor in an arnmy 'cammtoemi"
at came of time military posts Preeclits a
commmphIcted problem. Thiero is no mucution
that a sheriff c.anmmot make aim arreat witiitmi
tim hiimmits _ f a regular ormmiy post , If time
state lied cetleti its jurlsdictloa to the federal -
oral government. But there must be tome
way to prevemit time sale of liquor at euelm a
piuco to civilians , As for saks to toldicre
iii a regular army "canteen , " time state bias
mo authority to net. A post situatcml oam
ground ceded to thio federal governuicimt. is
ummdor federal juribdictiolm.
l'l'Ogl'eMM of ( lie JIma mall Vtgomi.
Sioux Ctty Times.
It the Omomahma papera keep It up hong
enough , it the present rate they seth got. Ohio
coummtry to talking about Omaha trclmi San
Diego to Tomum htecd's town. Yet there tmro
Oluomo wIle believe aiowmipapor talk ducsmm't
amimoumit to anything
I'OhlTlrth , NO'l'Ii ,
Mr. Olny't' hoonocsrotimhiy , avoIds it col.
listen wIth that of Billie Ihtmsschl.
F'aurt3 thmotisantl framitlimient namcmi wore
e'ttickcmi frommi the regIstry lists of Chicago
last week , The local mmuicimimmes slipped several -
oral cogs.
lion , W'ihliaunm hi. Morrison's boom Is tramp.
laos arounti 1mm IllinoIs nntl MImi'aamrI , autub-
b'img Its toes against Ilrer rochc with pain-
fimi frequency.
The Massaclitist'tts nihimmimers of ox-Gay-
ernor itttssell are looking forward imopefmmiiy
to time boy govenmor's nfithres's at MoamtIcohl
on the anniversary of JefTersOn'LI blrtimtlay ,
thmls nmonthm , It Is expected iulmi deliver-
mince wIll limIt imini iseil to time front for thmi
deimmocratlo nonmhmmatlomm for prositlent.
A rtory it' goilmg time roummcis of Ohio New
- ' ark itapere to thme effect that MclCinley's
hmreerrcd ! cantlkiate for vice ircsldont on
his otm , ticket is General E. A. McAilmin
of Governor Morton's staff anti hirskleflt of
tIme League of lteputihicati Clmiims. That would
give ua two Macs omm cije ticket.
It Is giyemm out that the Taumimmiany braves
will not be COmtsjmICmlotm. in mimitmobers at Ohio
Chicago comiveaitlon , There line been a Imiehi
amochmoly tiepresslon in busIness iii time tIger
iieatiqtmartcrs during time year hiast , mmmi there
imi not 110W available time surplus of lush-
fruct which emmabletl Ohio braves to lire- \ r
emmipt an entire floor of a Chicago hotel lit
'P2. Still , thmotmgim tue ntummmber nitty be less ,
their htmmmg liower La as formmiithablo as ever.
Colommel Henry 11. Lymnami , the new commm-
ImlIaslolier of escr of New \'ork state , is
ml native bormu , 57 years oith , ills tornm o
ofilce is five years amiti time salary Is 5.000
mo year. lie ham' the nhpOitmtmliehmt , Of a llehmhtty
mit $1,000 , a secretary at $2,000 , a flnammcial
clerk at $ iSOO , three special deputies for
Now 'York , l'Cliigs miami Erie , mit $4,000 , $3,001)
mimiti $2,000 respectively , amid sixty conlitlemmtiai
agoiots at $1,200 each. tie wIll also appollit
vhuaevor attorneys are imeetleti to enforce Ohio '
lass' in time different counties of time state.
April iil lie a lively immomith lii republican
cIrcles. Three state con'etutioims will be hmeitl
this week-South Caroilna on tluo 7th , Ore.
gao Oh the tithm aUth Rhode Islitmiti on tIm
10th. The verb' lii South Carohlmma is ill-
vidoil Into two factions , and two comiventlomis
.uhl he imeld , one otm tue 7th aumil omio emu thin
14th , The fohiowing week , time conventions
of Nebraska , North lakota amid KelitiCkY
meet on time 15th , tumid those of Maitme and
New Jersey on he 16th. IllinoIs republican ,
mmieot Oh time 17th , Tenbmessee , Maryiimntl mmd
Virgimmla on time 22d , and l'cmonsyivanla on
tIme 23d. '
Governor AhtgeltVs favorite for the ilotno- '
criotic nomination for president is raid to be
Judge N. F. Wortlmiimgton of Peoria , Ill.
It \Vorthmingtomi vimo noinnateti Adiai
Stevons'cim for vice president iuo Chicago in
a speech of remarkable force. Later lie
was one of time mimemmmbers of the I'mihiman
commmilssion amid gmiimmoi a mmmotloimal repute-
tion 1mm labor anal ecuiomnic circles by his in.
vestigatiomi cmiii report of time etriko troll.
hles. In 1S82 amid ISSI lie was elected to
congres's froni time old Tooth district In time
face of a repubhicami mimajority of over 2,000.
lie is auto ardent advocate of free silver ,
free trade anti direct labor leghilation , mmtl ,
according to Governor Altgoltl , Is the log1-
cal canditlato of Ohio Illinois democracy for
time presidoncyof thieUmiited States ,
sL'JIIN ( ; IllthOiO'/.ils , ,
l'lmilafiehphla Press : Tommy-PQp , 'lmat is
a necret ? Tomimmy's P'3j-A secret , immy boy ,
is Limo one thlntr in time woritl that. everybody - '
body will give a\\'ay for imotiilng.
New York Recortler : 'Tliat missionary '
wo've just eateii renminds inc of a country
" ' ? First Cmiii.
h'teh. Secomid CaIiliibal-\Vhm )
nima-omme : ii at wayside inn-hut the old
dufter is away ineide
] 3roolciyn Life : 1 feel rather semi when
i : thInk of refusing him. " 'Never mind ,
fly dear , I foht time stone way when I first
refused your father. "
Town Topics : Dc Vere-I heard a conipli-
nment for you today. Miss AntIque-Indeed !
What \s.fl5 it ? \Tcro-Young Chupmnmimi
says you carry your ) 'ears sveil.
Chicago Record : "What did time band play
ifter time wemkuing'eIl they hail or-
lors to play 'Omily One iri in time Worht
( or Me , hut they oimndo a mnimttako and
atm-tick up 'She May Have Seen Better
Days. ' "
Truth ; "Rut I aiim so unworthy dariimmg. "
ho mnurtnured , as lie held time ilear girh'm4
hand in his. "Ohm , George. " she elgimetl. "If
you mtlmd papa agreed on every other point
as you do on that , how bmnppy we could
be ! " , .
Somerville JournniThe : tall man ions a
great atlvnntngo in seeing thmimmgs when lie
is in a crowti , Imlit when it C0fliH to gather-
log four-leaf clovers , the short noun beats . , , ' .
him every time.
ChIcago Tribune : In tIme dead of night
Mr. Iiiilus hmoard a faint scream.
"Maria , " hoe saiti , rousing hmimn9elt , "I forgot -
got to tehl you I was cnrrylng my money iii
0100 of these trick pocketbookS that m-umi a - '
pin iii your thmunob wlmeim you try to opeii
them. Press It on time left side. just below
the clasp. "
Cincinnati Emmquirer : "A good wife , " said
Mr. Wallace , in whom time tpring weather
bimsil developed a itircaic of mtenthmnetmt , 'is the
greatest blessing nftcr all. "
"After all what ? " naked Mrs. 'Wallace ,
who took a sudden notion to get tunmmy.
"After all she can get , " ntmsweu-ed Mr.
Wahlace ,
Timls mildneiea in tIme atmosphere
\Vhiichm tehl of stmiilitmg flowers , '
Of swallows in time azure clear ,
Or April's fickle slmos'ors ;
To Imini who cami comnmanti lila soul
Poetic dreams to skip
Ii ; traugimt with little , on the whole ,
Smivo ViSions of ha grippe ,
ItIhilY 'l'O CItOUC1 ! .
fliat is an exqimimilte lilt of verse James
Wlmitcomb Riley himts addressed to the dying
conmposer of "iCathiloelm Mavourmucen. " here
it Is :
Kathleen Mavouriieen , time song is still ring-
tug ,
As fresh amid as clear as time tril of thmo
In world-weary hearts it i sobbimmg and
slmigitmg ,
Iii inithos too sweet for the tcmmdoost syOrd ,
0 , hmttvo we forgotten time one who first
breathed It ? *
And have we forgotten Imis rapturous art ?
Our meed to the nmnster whose gelihus be-
qucathoti It : '
0 , why art thou silent , thou voice of my '
heart ?
iathmlecn Mavourneen , thy lover still un-
gors ,
Time long nlgimt is wmmning-thie stars palo
amid ( civ , i -
Thy saml serenatler whim tremulous fingers , , '
is hioutiti with Ims tears as tue iiiy. witfo
d ow ,
'rime old lmnrpstrings quaver , time old voice is
smmaklng , (
In slyhmia atmd in sobs onoans time yearning
'rIme oto : vlsiomi dims and Ohio old heart Is
ICut'hieemm Zmlevolmrmeemi , inspire us again !
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