Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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2 T11J OMAUA Di\ILUflEE : MONDAY , A1'IIIL fl , iSfl ( . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I ngaInL their ninto favorite. IorLy-&x coUn
tIes out of the 119 In th tnte that iavo
hold conventions how 44 tIcIegQe for
IJratiky arni 212 for McKinley.
voht IC. O1' SATUILIAYCON VI . % 't' IONS.
I 1)cIgsi l.'p ; ChnMeintu1 iII _
I dorsI fi Nr1)rnIIrI Itt.juu Iii IsI SIN.
I STANTON , Nob. , / tprllSpeclalThe ( )
teullIcithA O stanton cosrty held their con-
ventlon yesterday to elect delegates to at-
tenti lx different convention , . There wa a
t large attenJance , and while perfect harmony
rolgnel , thro was plenty of cnthulasm ansi
much Iisceret Wft9 inanIfctOd , The dole-
I gatIon elected arc a follows :
8tato convention to select delegates to the
nftIoua1 convontlor.-C. ! 1 Chace , l. Y.
k Abbott , Lotilj Smitliherger , Andy Spence ,
' John iler1y , 1. P. Carroll.
Congrelonal cnventIoii to elect natkssal
deicgate-I4. J. Horton , A. C. ling , 11. N.
Way , A. W. Furt , W. 0. South and id
Congre's1onnl convcntlon to nontnate a . can-
i1datc for cc.gress-J'hn . A , Ithrhardt , W. W.
j Young , S' . McLeol , Alex l'etcr.s. 11. F' . Ste.
1 Ihcn , Willlam White.
w SciatorInl-V. 13. Well9 , C. II. . qhace , W.
jfW Moheod , 1. M. 'rijomas , Karl Lay , \S' . A.
' 4 Iteprceentativo-lT. A. Vail , Jainess Chace ,
. , Agge Axeis. C. N. EiwolI , V. licswlck , C. S.
4 tate , to nominate a etato ticket-T. Ia.
Ackerman. chairman ; A. 1. Lnn , S. I ) .
- Donney , fl. Y. Apploby , D. IL Kern , I. 13.
Tha choice of the convention for president
\ and governor was acertAIsed ! by ballot , with
re.ults a toliow :
I'residpnt-McKinlry , 40S voto' ; Mandereon ,
71 ; Iteid , Ii.
( lovernor-Eugeno Moore , 489 vote ; Mefldo.
. . john , t ; 1acColl , 1. A motion wius carried
. to instruct the Omaha delegation for MciCn-
MINDEN , Neb. , April 6.-Special---The ( )
ropubIicc county convention was Iselsi here
I yectorilay to noniinato a a3 t of delegates to
t the congrea3lonat ansi state ccnvcntfon , re-
. pectiveIy. The senro of the convention was
I absolutely for W. F. Andrews fOS congrees ;
) Captain C. F. Adams for governor , and W.
I A. McKinley for ijreaIdnt. The congres-
I atonal convcntlcn viII be hold In Minden ,
S April 8.
WAhOO. Neb. , April 5.-Specinl.---The ( )
democratic county cthtral committee met in
thtLi city yesterday afternoon and called a
coulty convention to meet in this city , April
s 18 , to choose delegates to the state cciven-
tion , to be heldinlAncoln , April 29.
Itvin.vztI ( If gJi. 'j' ri ( miii I'I Itle.
. D1TROIT , April 1.-S. fl. Archer of New
York , secretary of the National Coinmt'sion
league arrived horn today and Is consulting
Detroit corwentlon promoters regarding
the holding of the national convention of
advocates of a tariff commission in this
1 city. Mr. Archer said today that Cleveland
and Kansas City wanted the convcntjon , but
. that inco yesterday lie considered Chevoland
I out of It. The secretary predicts that at
) leaNt 2.000 advocates of the removal of tise
tariff question from politics will attend the
cQnvcntlon. Of uIwarci of 200 commercIal
bodica in the United Statw. all but two have
appointed delegates.
It'ctl 31'iI CIziiii ( lie District.
. I NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April . -Aithoughs
the Davidson county republican corwentlon
yesterday endoroad McKinley , well Informed
republlca leaders say the distrIct con.-
. , vention will send two iteod delegates to St.
Loula : that the outside counties will select
' enough Itced dciegatea to capture the (115-
: trict convention , wtlh the assistance of
.1 fleed delegites from tisis ( Davidson ) county
j ; and the Reed men claim with a good show
c of authority , that they have outmaniged tli
McKinley leaders.
; F'ree iItvcr Men l'relnsilsinte.
, ST. LOUJS , April 5.-The free sliver men
of 100 or more townships and counties of
Missouri held conventions yesterday and in
almost every instance free coinage at 16 to
{ 1 wis : endorsed and delegates to the state
convention were instructed to vote for dele-
gatca to the national convmtio who favoreQ
that idea. Wheievcr the Issie was made
? the conventIons expreed themselves In favor
of rending a ohid silver dolegatlri to Chicago ,
: regardicos of the 'choices of congressIonal
Cattle Itnisge OIL tile iVinil itivcr Coy-
I ereil Six F'ett Deeis.
LANDER , Wyo. , April 5.-Speclal.--Deep ( )
snow in the mountains and foothIiI has
. greatly Interfered with the gathering of
' cattle at the head of Wind river , and also
over on Green river. The last two atorms ,
vere ot accompanied by wind , consequently
there Is no bare ground , and the snow lies
six feet deep. Dravea of elk left , as it by
1nstInct , a vast stretch of country , now coy-
cred by the deep snow. The anImals
started out to the lower foothlll just before
tlso snow caine , and old-timers , who noticed
t. raid that there would be very severe
titorms , which turned out to bo correct.
Iany farmers In the Lander valley have snore
than lialf of their spring plowfisg done , but
these operations came to it halt on Mon.
1iay , when ( silly a toot of snow fell all over
L : the va'ly. It ui : cover' the ground. Stock-
9 ( rnIS Prthiot abundance of Coed for the season
of 1896. because of the large amount of snow
which Iia fallen this spring.
. t _ Great activity is displayed among stock-
t men thhi soanon , to protect themselves thIeves. They have no hositatton
III saying to men of questionable character
that there are two roads , either one of which
tloy juay take. One leads out of time state
1 and the other to the penitentiary. Sevcn
vIi1 le tried here at the next term of
court for stc-ck stealing , and saveral now
cases will 1)0 fled , . ansi the mo arrested be-
. . tore tlso term begins. The stockmen ray
that time tIme ha. come , for them either to
pnd time thieves to the pn1tentIary or to
. give up the stock business.
4 - i'remtJmg for thmi lint Sirlma.s.
LANDFit , Wyo. , April . -Special ( Teho-
gram.-Tbo ) Indian. department has in-
atrucied Inspector Major Jomes McLaughlin
to make a treaty for the purchase of the Big
d Horn hot springs. Tim major , under these
irs&tructions. arrived hem yesterday , and is
* now in conference with captain \Vilson , act.
In.g lndan ! ajemit. lie will irocecd o the
hot springs , and after a complete examnina-
tion , viIi comb back to the agency anti hold
couneli wIth the Sheslmonca and Arapa-
hoes , amid If they will accept a reasonable
nmsipont'tlon , time government wihi purchase
the springs and a strip of country ten miies
long anti five wide , Immediately surrouni-
ing theft. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Inyis' iiomlF'nmimmd. .
LANDFIt , Wyo. , April . -Special ( Tele-
gramu.-Tlso ) body of John lavIs , a young
farmer , vlio was drowned In the Big \Vind
Wver , last August , was found today. At
$ hmo time that 1)avis was drowned an effort
IYPH made to litisi his relatIves , but none
) save appeared , and hits estate is now in the
hands of tii court. lie was a successful
farmmsor , and bad accumulated considerable
sroperty ,
- *
' 'I'riivel .
'Imeii ing.r.
Whether on pleasure bent , or business , take
psi every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as it
acts most pleasantly and effectually on tbo
1 idneys , liver and bowels. preventing fevers ,
headaches. anti other forms of. sickness ,
For sale In tO-cent and $1 bottles by all
readimig druggIas , Manufactured by the Cal-
hernia Fig Syrup Cjtmpany only.
C ( .emm.rmiL CoIIVIII , htt'Ire.
1il4TEtiCF , Neb. , AprIl . -Speclal.-At ( )
- a recent amseeting of conipammy C , First regi-
- meat , Nebraska NatIonal Guard. resolutions
were adopted consmnendlng ttiti career of
hirigatller General Colby and requesting huts
to agaIn be a candidate for election to that
posItion , Under date of Aprl 3 , General
3 Voiby wrItes to CaPtaimt Braineril , command-
lag company 0 , ucknowledgttg the receipt of
, ) the resolutIons , but sayimig Ito has decided
A aot to ho a caudidato for ro-clecttomi. liriga.
dier General Colby will sever IsIs connection
l tIth the Nebraska National Guard at lisa
Chose or his present term.
p Iimmimmlmmg mmt limmioli ,
I LINCOLN , 'AprIl 5.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
11am began. f4IhIng this morning at sunrise
sad continued until na.iriy 11 o'clock ,
irtrult imismi I.tiimlsvhiits Tie.
. LOU1S1I4l , ICy , , April 5.-Loulavilie , 8 ;
IcIrolt. S : thIrteen immmsings ; game calied on
account of darkmsess.
Hotel Olork Taflis of' the Unlucky Odd
Imistnimee's Cited % 'hiere t'enmie 'e.VII ( )
hImt 'i'ormi a Ii ii I hie 1'lii ri's ,
hove Commic 1mm ( rIef mimimi
iIttiy 'I'lmiicN let lenthm.
"It was lnnounce(1 a few dayo ago tlmat
thirteen of anything as no hmooloo , " me-
hiarked a hotel cleflc of this city last oven-
lmsg as he nervously fingered the register in
front of him , "which only proves that there
nra ignoran.t people in this world , " he added ,
as ho SIgned a bar qimeck for a bell boy ,
"Any person who has an Idea that he can
get through tlmh world without trouble and
tamper wIth thirteen had better try it. Hut
I would advise him to get hia life insured
drat and make lila best frhond beneficiary , "
continued the titan who prosllca over tue
temnporary destinies of hla guests.
"What do I know about the No. 13 ?
"I cmii a living examliple cf Ito ( loathly influence -
once , for I sin the thitrtccnus chiid of thirteen -
teen generations , in each faintly of which
there wee thirteen clmildum.
" \'hen I as 13 years olil I fell down an
areaway and broke my collar bone , and
whets I recovered I mt a bg bully whose
fattier ( liii not like nilne , and ho broke my
51050. That is the reason I wear this sinister
expreseiomt cn my face , People rise Ictiow me
vehI do miot mmml it , but It has lost me many
a jolm , for gueLts object to bcln.g sneered at.
That was an oventini year in mny exltence ,
I can tell yost. I Imava oflen wondered how I
ever ilved tlmrotmgh it. "
"Did you over have dlmeulty in renting
room No. 13 in this hotel 7" was asked.
"lo ve ? When I first came here , eight
years ago , % e had a proprietor who got math
when I suggested that the number ef that
room shoishl be changed. Lie said that It
one of ! io best rooms imo the house
and tlmat if there was anyone siily enough
to refuse to occupy It , who believed In. the
idiotic auperstltlon , ho should be booked for
a ky parlor. I let it go at that , and siid
nothing , lcoowing that he would regret his
haet' oxpre3slona. 4 few weeks later a
woman who occupied the room was robbed
or $150 and eli of her clothes-everythIng she
had In the world. In tlio iiext room but
OSLO there was a jewelry merchamit vlso had
$5,000 worth of diamonds in lila trunk. Tue
burglar siever thought of lookIng for him ,
Two weeks later a consumptIve who was
on isis way to the Pacific coast occupied No.
13. I knew it. was all up wIth him when I
booked him , and. I have felt like a crIminal
over since , for lie dieJ that night.
'Tliings vent from bad to worre. and pea.
iile were rcbbcd In that room oo frequently
that. it faIled to excite comument untIl we
discos'ered that it was a porter who was
getting rich off the property of our guests.
Wojalled him , For six months wo had no
more trouble with the room , and I began to
think that possibly I had credited It wIth
freaks of fate which might have happened
anywhere ole in the house. I had cause
to regret that decision aftcrwarj.
' 'Ono nIght , vhitn I was on the cdi ] shift.
which kept me ui ) until 3 o'clock in the
morning , a lineiy theowed young fellow , hand-
sortie as a picture , and undoubtedly rome
mnother's darling , came up to the desk. 1-La
had the appearance of having just recovared
from a protracted debauclm. ills dark eyes
were deeply sunken and bloodshot. He had
a re.tiera . mcnner which aroused my sue.
pielons the minute Ite apprcaehcd site , but I
comfortcd myself with the thought that possibly -
sibly I mnight be mistaken as to his Inten-
tions. The house was full with the excsption
or No. 13 , and after a momont'ai heItaticii
penciled it Of the book opposite his name.
"Ills eye caught the figures as I hian.ed
him the key ant ] as he turned to follow the
bell boy he gave a short laugh and sald
lighitlrVcll I guess that ona will do as
woli as any.I bad occaclon to remember
'that'rnmarlc , for thieext morning the man
was found dead , banging to the bed post. He
had suicided.
"About a mcsith later an athletIc looking
young man and hIs mother caine to the
hotel. They were asrigned roonsa Nos. 12 and
13 , the young man being placed Iii No. 13.
I watched him closely , for I knew lie was Infer
for It. I wao not mIstaku , for upon the third
day ho was taken sick. A physician
called and a few days , later another one was
r'umnicned for the purpore of holding a con-
sultatlon. They decided that Ito had an aggravated -
gravated case of veriform appendix and that
an operatIon was neeesssry. During the
ahort interval w'hicb ensued while the young
man amsd IsiS mother were deciding whether
he sho'tild undergo the operaticn or not he
discovered. that 1mb room number was 13.
lie was ona of the messy who knew that it
did not pay to trIfle with Providence and ins.
mod1ateh demanded that he be changed ii to
other quarters. It was done and , iatrange to
relate , he improved steadily and In a short
time had entirely recovered his health. The
doctors announced that isis case must have
beems merely a severe attack of inflainniation
and so the matter rooted.
"Ths ! little episode set the landlord to
thinking. and ho had the obnoxious uunsber
rensoved and "Parlor A" substituted. From
that time on we had no more trouble with
the room In questthn.
"Take Thirteenth street in thIs city. for
instance , " contbued the clerk , who had by
this time thmorouhly warmed up to his cub-
ject. "More crimes and accidents have occurred -
curred on this thoroughfare than upon alt
the oIlier main 1rcets in the cty 'combined.
WiIlian Chapple moved to time corner Cf
Thirteenth and Jackson hortly Iafcmro he
was' killed y James , Jab. Pil tchutt. a
saloon keeper on the opposite corner , cosn-
mitted , sulcde. ! I have no dcubt that late
upon the nglst of his death , % hilo flurlng
at isis desk , he must have caught a glimpse
of time tatai talIsman. whictm the flickering
of this street lamp disclosed , and reahILIi1
that it was tmseieMs t comnhat bmis otrait-
emiesi circumstances in such a locality , do-
ilberately stepped Into hia Ice box and turi ed
On the as.
"It svas over Thrteenth ! street that the
body of John Sehjan was trundled by hiss
mysterious assassins. and It was here that
the officers lost ali clew to this route which
they took , James 11am , one of Omaha's most
popular hotel clerks moved tm Thirteenth
street and Im.mediateiy afterward lost
hil life by falling from a fourth.
story window. It was Into a hotel
at the corner of ThIrteenth and Dodge
streets that Dolly Edwards , a tImer-
oughmiy bad woman. beguiied Earl Gondoss ,
where , upon December 13 , 1894 , when bunted
by the police , ho shot and killed liImsit.
"Time engineer at the Barker hotel fell
down a stairway on the thirteenth day of the
month , two years ago , and was afterward
found dead , his neck having bent brokems ,
It was on July 13 , 1S94 , thmat Jolts5 Slal.
macher , a shoemaker at 021 South Thirtoentim
street. was last seen alive. Three days
later IsIs body , in a badly decomposed cundi-
tion , was found by the police , hans Schu-
man shot hiniself , dyimig instantly , in a
saloon on Thirteenth street , south of Jack.
son , and it was at tIme corner of Tlmirteentim
and 1Iowad. streets tbatSam , , Duliols snot
his deaths on Dqcesnber 13 , 18D5.
"I toil you a surfeit cf tlmrteems ! Is worse
tItan cpldemnc. ! ' concluded the cleric , us
iso hastIly pulled down a call fromn parlor
"A. " which stlii registered the old number ,
- - a-
V'or Crmmeh t lo Ammlnsmihs ,
MAT4VEI1N , Ia. , April 5.-Svecia ( Tele-
irazn.-T ) , 13 , GIbson , one of our most promInent -
Inent merebants , was arrested today for
cruelty to aninmuis. It is niteged that Iso
continonced beating bis horses before church
time , thIs niorning , all comttlnueti untIl
church was out , over alt hour. 4fter his
arrest , ho caused warrants to be isued
agsalxss some of the bystanders , one of
these , a iso ) ' , for assault wIth intent to do
great bodily Injury , and forming a mobS ,
$ eekhmg lisIuiiee of More Mimriltsrs ,
MOLINII , Ill , , April 5-Men have
beeit digging over Henry Ihastian's farm.
yard , near MiIams after further links in
the chain of evidence against Ilastian , time
suIcIde and supposed mnurderer of Fred
lCumichniammmt. iilmtce tlto finding of John
l.auderbmtch 8 remains , another skull Itus
bevn found. Ulbo an phi tims basin , centain.
Ing coagulated Jlod and hsupusu hair be.
lteVs'l to be from a third vIctim , t is
now believed 11551 Hastiest's farm will be
toumid a enurderos e graveyard ,
IIASTI1i1 S1Ilt'iiHS AT L'hilIflNT.
Clitirrhmps lhmthormtehr and .IOTDIIN1E
Celeitro to I he htt'stirre't lists Iit'
F'REMONT , ApriI 5.-SpecIal.-Etrstcr ( )
Sunday , was especially observed itt the
churches In this city , They wore crowded
with worshipers. At the Congregational
cinmrch the nilisic was particularly sorthy
of mention. The anthems , "Christ has Won
the Victory" and "O Saving Victim , " were
rendered by the church quartet , and the
solo , 'Grassea anti ltostw , " with violin oh-
ligate , by I ) . II.S'hcoler and Miss Dar-
lena Coo of Omnaha. The church anti chan-
eel nero tamsietully decoratel wills Easter
ilhtes , daiska and potted plants. Centimmsial
lodge , Independent Order of Odd Fellows ,
to the number of 110 were present as guests
of the chstmrch. The sermon by 11ev. W.
II. Buss was 'Easter Victorleso. " In the
evening a isinise concert sas given by the
choir , assleletl by Mr. D. 11Vhsceler , Mrs.
CassIus Reynolds and Miss Coo of Omnaha ,
violinist. The music was especially aiipt
prnte to the season ,
At the Presbyterian chitireli Limo decorations
ere very extensive and vell arranged and
time music of a high order. Mt. Tabor cotn-
Inamidery , ICmsiglits Templar , attended in a
body lIt full uniform ,
At the Episcopal clmurcls the holy eucharist
% vasm ceiebratel at 8 and 10:30 : a. nt , The
floral decorations were elaborate anti thse
music deservlmtg of mspeclai snention , especially -
cially the solo by Louts Keene.
At tim Mothodtst church the music was
under the direction of Prof. Iavia of tlmo
musical department of the Frcmont Nor-
lrmai school and 'as especially good. The
builthing"wss crowded anti the floral decora-
tionsm very weli arranged. Theto were also
special Easter services 'at thso Cathalic , lIap-
fist , Lutheran anti other chmirchcs. It
seemed mts though all the plants amid flowere
in the city were used to decorate the dif-
fercmtt liotmses of worship.
The Wotnams's club yesterday afternoon resolved -
solved itself Into a presifiemitial comsvcntion
of 1990. The first order of hmsincss , after
report on comitesteti delegations , which cc-
casloned conslIerablo animated debate and
resulted in a compromIse on the Texas dole-
gatlon , was the adoptIon of a platformn ,
vhsIch was very iemsgtlsy. Ommo of the Isiamiks
adopted favored giving men the right of
framiohiso on school board matters , It suet
with some opposition. Several speeches
were made , presenting candidates , which
created a great deal of interest , Alaska
delegatIon had a candidate to propose , also
Illinois amid Texas , but the convention was
tinalile to agree on either candidate pre-
sented. The ladies took a vote on their
presidential preferences and McKinley won
by a large majority. The opposition was
very "scattering , "
Iiaaimietse C4simetmrse Ateimds ( lie S'ry-
ice's sit jut' Craye.
LINCOLN , April 5.-Speclai ( Telegram.- )
The funeral of late County Treasurer Maxey
Cobb , hold today , was time largest ever wit.
nessed in tlto city of Lincoln. Rev. Lewis
Gregory , pastor of the First Comgrogational
church , conducted time services at time reai-
iloitco of the deceased , 130 South Twenty-
eighth street. ' The Ancient Order of UnLtcd
Workmen , ICnghts ! of Pythias , and a de-
tacimment of the Loyal Legion took charge of
the remains , with impressive eerensones , at
Wyuka cemetery. Thousands of ieoplo
thronged time vcnIty ! of the stricken home ,
and passIng through the rooms viewed time
caskot. banked heavily with a wealth of
floral cffernga , Time entIre roadway between
the house and cenietery was lined with car-
rages ! , which foil Into the procession as it
passed. The the house were held
at 3:30 : p. In. Among those who attended the
funeral fromu Omaha svcre Governor Alvin
Saumiders , Il. It. Stone , H. E. I'aimer , Lyman
Richardson , F. 13. Bryant , 0. F. Fmiiilce , T.
J. Clarkean and Lyman Brown.
EiL'ILt $ sit Hxeter ,
EXETER , Neb. , April 5.-Spec'ti.-The ( )
Congregational Young People's Society Cf
Christian Endeavor held its regulam monthly
business meeting and social at the resdenco
of Mrs. W. H. Taylor , Friday evening. This
was also tto tIme for the annual meeting.
There wcr about flay present. Reports.
were made by , time Qfliccrs and cisziirnen of
committees. , At the close of the business
nseetLng the social committCe tack charge.
and gave a Mother Goose social. Several
were very appropriately costumed to repro-
cent the characters portrayed in Mother
Goose's rhymes. Altogether , a very pleasaat
evening was spent. t
Several days since a few of our people
who happened to be up and out of doors between -
tween the hours of 10 and U. o'clock at
night. saw what looked hike a iarge ball of
fire with a train of flame fall fromn the
heavens. The Immediate country was made
as light as day for a few aecond. Mr.
Ashnocre , who lives abapt five nilies north-
west. of town , came in a day or two later
and showed sonoo yery peculiar looking
pieces of stone , or rather cinders , whiclm he
said Ito found in his rye field. lie said he
noticed a spot In the rye which looked as if
there- had been a fire in thmo middle of the
field , which Imad burned a epot equal to an
acre. Ho said he couicl have picked up
hundreds of piecer. The pieces look like the
slag frqm a blast furnace. It is believed
the meteor fell In tilts rye Ileki and cx-
pioded just before touching this ground.
Thu Sunday school of the Chriatian church
gave a very pleaeaitt taffy pull at the residence -
dence of Mrs. G. W. Patton Thursday nIght.
Quito an Interesting entertainment was given
by the young people. One hiumedred dishes of
taffy wore aold during time evenIng.
'l'esnpernimce Macthin at 1'eciimmueh.
TECUMSEH , Neb , , Aprir 5.-Specal ( Tale-
gram.-A ) union temperance meeting was
held In the Presbyterian church hmee tonight
by thin coxigregatons from , tIme Christian ,
Baptist , Metlmothiit and Proby erian churcimes ,
and was generally attended by citizens. The
large church building was crowmled to the
doors with an enthusastic ! audience anti
niany wore limsahie to galls admittance.
Speeches were nsut.e by the pastors of the
churches nsentionod.
VIAThitIt IrOiiIlCatST ,
GenerzLlh' F'nlrnmmd W'mtrnier with
SOhiihiClI 5.VInmiN for Nebraska.
WAShINGTON , April . -The forecast for
Monday Is : For Nebraska-Generally fair ;
warmer ; southeasterly winds shifting to
For MissourI-Local rains in lisa eastern
portion , followed by far weather ; cooler
Imi the southeast portion ; msorthseamsterly
For Iowa-FaIr ; warmer In the western
portiOns winds shifting to easterly.
For Kamssas-Generaliy fmm ir ; wtmz'mucr ; east.
oriy wInds ; shmiftimmg to ssomtlmeriy. ;
For Coioratlo-I"nIr warmuer in the north.
em porliotmI isoutilerly winds ,
Wyoming-Fuir ; warmer in the east-
em portiolt ; sotmthcrly wimisha.
For Montann-Increnmsing cloudiness ;
warmer in the eastern Portion ; soutimerly
For South Dakota-Fair ; warmer ; southeasterly -
easterly winds.
Lot'ni It'eorl ,
OMAHA , April 5.-.Ovnnha record of lain.
Imerature and ralmitnit comiarei with the
corresponding day of time past four years :
1896. 1S95. 1801. .1893.
Maximum temperature. , . , fil 77 f3 75
Minimum tensperaturo , , , , 35 51 29 19
Averagit iwecivItnthon , , , . , , 44 CG 41 02
i'recipitatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .00 .0) )
Condition of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for limo day and since March 1 ,
1190 :
Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Deilciency for the day
Accumulated excess since Mnvch 1. . . . . . . 351
Normnai PrecipItatiOn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
icflciemsey ? or the ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l'otnl precipltatioim ainre March 1 , , , , , , , .
Deficiency since Marclm 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
it i'jmnrts fiomim html loaN lit 8 p. in ,
. .
: e'
Ontahmn. part cioudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iT'
North Platte , part cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 , oo
huron , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 .04)
Clmicamo , part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 .00
St. Louis , raining , , . . . . , . , , . , , , , . , . , Ga 10
HI. Paul , clear , . . , , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , . , . . . . , 42 443 .0)
iavenlsrt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) ,00
Isnsa. City , ruir.imimc , , . , , . , . . . . . . . , . . . , 4 GO ,21
helena , part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 . CC .00
hlavre. cloudy , , . . . . , . . . . . . , , , . , . _ . . . . , , , ms GO .04)
Sait Lake. 5sart cloudy , . . , , . . , , , , . , , Cs 70 .04)
lilsmnarci. clear , , , . , . . , . _ , . , , . , , , , , , , , . . , . 41 4 .04)
( 'lmeyenne , part cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . . , , 55 GO .00
WIiilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ,0)
Rapid ( 'ity. loll cloudy , , , . , , . , , , , , , , . ec 06 .00
Gahveaton. clout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - - -
I Indicates trace of precipItation.
14. A. WEL.511 , Obaerye
- -
- - -
Pro1ininafta6tromcni ! O3nIisted of' Unveil-
ing1 St1atuo to Their Patrons.
it'eorcls o 'tIe ? Amit'ri'ntms % Vhmo Art , It ,
Comtmimti ! % 'h I hm ( lntn's-l'm'ugriI In
limehlli'Ie'A ml Vhic flange
5Vt,1f SmmrtM.
AThENS , Asril 1-Tomuorro'v is the day
set for the opening of tcme ccntests lit the now
lielienlo gatnes anti at tolay's preliminiry
ceremony a statue was unvehlied by the Crown
I'rince Constantine of Greece of M. Averot ,
tha wealthy Grtek of Alexamidrks , who has
alone contributed I ,000,0O0 drachnias _ toward
tii expen' of thai restorAtion of tie Stadimttn
as nearly as om3iblC to its origlmsal condition.
The gaines are to bo under tlm direction of
tlmi. Athenian Olymnphc gaines comnmittee , of
wIm'ch ' the crown prnce ! is time chaIrman. 'IlIC
Umsited States contributes two teams to time
competition , one frons I'rinceton end one
from the floston A. A. Time Boston team Is
conmposetl of 12 , limmeke , svhmo wili bs. . entered
in the 100 , 400 antI 00 metres i-aces , which
vracticaily Is 110 , 440 amid 880 yards. He
lisa a record of it ) lr t'.comitls for 100 yarmla ;
22 2-5 econihs for 2O ; 32 2-5 for 300 : 49 see-
onus for tIme quartermnlle. Arthur lilalce will
be entered 1mm tue 1,000 and 1,500 metre rune ,
amiti also Lme tsxfmtty-five sulk rums front More.
thou to Atitimens. lie imas it utile in-door
record of 1:29 3.5 , mantle whirls lie won the
ntermsatiottnl clmaniplonslmip of tue N. E. A.
A. U. tWo years ago. Ellery Ii. Clark is a
student at Harvard , Ills records are : High
jtmmimp , 5 feet it ) 5-S inches ; putting sixteen-
potmnd hmot , : io feet ; broad jump , 21 feet , 10
iitcho' ' : 120 yart1 , iumrthies , 17 2-5 seconds , and
tlmrowlng time hemmer 123 feet.
The Princeton team will be enotalned by
Robert Garrett. % vlto is entered for tise
mihiot put , throwing the discs , broad jmmimmp
and imoriaontal bar vault , Garrett put tIme
shot tlmimty.msine feet six incites at time lim-
dcor flied of lImo Boston Athletic nssocla-
lion this last winter. A. C. Tyler will
enter thmo itolo vault competition. hits roe-
ord , made imm New York on May 25 last ,
was eleven feet two amid three-fourths
im'clmes , equal to that of 0. ' 1' . flimoisolx of
the UnIversIty of Pennayivaimla. F. A. Lasso
is entered for the 100 mnetcrs , anti is a
100-yard man , havimig ( lone tIme dash in ten
seconds fiat , Ii. 13. Jamnesomi , vimo vliI corn-
1)0(0 in the 400-motor race , is the fourth
111511 of tIme team. Jameson has a record
of fifty-three seconds for the 440-yard dash.
Foliowimig is the program of tIme games :
Athletic . ' 5irnrts-Foot races , 100. 400 , 500
and 1,505) ) motors ; htirdio races of 110 m
bra , itimining broad. amid high jump , pole
vault , putting 'time ishmot amid thiro'ing tIme
discs ; bug distance run fromn Athens to
Marnthn , a distance of forty-eight kilo-
Gymnastic Sports-Individual exhibitirns.
exhibitions ( In the rings , parailei bars , horse
leaping and toym work , femselng and wrestling -
tling , work 'vith 1me foiis , stave and sword.
amisateur , cLjl , aijO military vrethlng , Gte-
cian amid Rornnneimsethcda , ,
Shooting-\Vltii nrniy rifles , carbines and
pistols. ' I
Nautical thorts'f-Yachsting , race for steam
yachts over'a tomi-mssiie cotmrse , races for
sailing vessrLa , - cowing of one-oared skiffs ,
tvo auth four-oam'd yawls with outriggers ;
swimming , Fl0 , 00 and 1,000 metes's ; game
of vater pola.
flIcycling-5Race , ot 2,000 and 10,000 misc.
tars and 100 kitometers ; also a race for
two hours , - . '
Athletic Gisqiss-Lawn tennis , single and
double , anti tiichct.
Tue weathqr isj' rainy today add there is
some doubt ) vhetber the games will cans-
licence tL'moarow' . s
LONDON,14 AIIrII 6.-A dispatch to the
Times from Athmns says the premnier , Id.
Delyannis. arid all of the ministers were prca.
ammt at thto unveiijng of tIme. statue of Id. Aver.
off , t- - -
The TimncbaailCtter from Athens descrlb-
lug time hmistor of the twesent issoysnient for
the revival of ths Heilenic games , whlcim
says : "Tli SUCCeSS of the festival is now
ceziured. It hiss boems vlsey detes'nsined to
avoid all needless expenditures on temporary
decorations and not to atemnpt any fetes on a
large scale for the amusement of visitors
The Grecian finances are not in a condition
for a lavish display. Of all thi capitals of
Europa Atimens least needs embellishments ,
whiclt would only detract from her unique
An editorial In tIme Tlnes highly
epprovea of tIme movement anti regrets that
Oxford and Cambridge' are not better repro-
Time Daily News has a dispatc'h fromAthmens ,
which says : The traimier of time Greeks. is
well aittsfled vitlm their progress , but muclm
cannot b expected of the few veeks' jire pam-
tion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tn1iiqtmr Ie'fen ts St. J'mul.
DUDUQ1JF. Ta. , April 5.SpeoialTwo ( )
thousand seetator.t saw tIme Dubuques wIn
today. Score :
Dubuque . . . . . . . . . . . . 010011307-13
St. ] aui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 i 0 0 1 0 1 0-11
Hits : Dmmhmque. 13 ; St. Paul , 12. Errors :
Dubuque. t ; ; St. 1'til. 4. I3atteries : ltm-
buque , itoxendaha and Zahner , Smith and
Graver ; St. Pttu' . Pii'le and Kmaus.
( hinrrele,1 t ) ; , . ii Ihstisilh.sihh Gimimme ,
ChICAGO , April 5.-lielmer Monahan was
shot and ltiiod : amid Robert Ramsey seriously
wounded at Barber amid Canal streets tonight -
night by a Islals named Andraws. who Is otill
at large. The men imnd participated in a
game of handball 1urlng wImich beer drink-
lug played an insportant part. A dispute
whIch occurred In time afternoon was revived
anti the shooting resulted.
he,111 re''nIli Gmtiie mm Dra'y.
p1IITADELP11IA , April 5.-The four-
tcenth game of chess for the champIonship
of the United States , between Kemomsy anti
Sim3waior , yeas islayed today , and after
thirty moves , was docareti a dma' . Time
scomo now stands : Show'nlter , 6 ; Kemeny ,
I ; drawn , 4.
Gthlert holds I hat' Chiainpiommslmjp ,
CHICAGO , April 5.-In the match yesterday -
day for time Dupont clstimpionahmlp trophy at
104) live birds , F , S. Gilbert of Spirit Lake ,
Ta. , dcfeatetl I. W. Build of Pemberton , N.
J , , by a iscoro of 92 to 74 ,
Iesillms of fir 1)my.
JEFFERSON , Is , , April 5.-Special ( Tcle.
grans.-Framsk ) Fuller , one of the most prom.
Imserit Knights Tenmpiar in Iowa , tiled last
nigbt. at ( hiphthleria ,
PARIS , April . -Tho .painter , Duez , is
dead. Ernest Ango Duez was born in Paris
in 1843. amid stu1ipd In the atehier of Pile.
lib Inado imis appearance in tue Salomi in 1808
wltim a "Mater lloroso , " Since thmat time
scarcely a year isatr passed without souse
important work Jrbiii isis brush. In 1890 ho
sent to the DWsidht Salon nu Champs do
Mars a portraht'Wstd hues since contributed
to that society. M. Duez obtained a medai
of tue third dimm'tim' 'In 1874 , and one of tue
first class in 1879.t'mlie ' receIved tile decora.
then of lImo 1Xiiibn of Itenor in 1880 , and
wa niado an cPTcmrm1n 1889.
' 1'ECUMSEIIPNtW. April 0-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn-At ) 11 o'ciocic this nmamning W , J ,
Darling died fltttmIi Imomo in this city of
bronchitis , agett 45 ear3. ir , Darlimig came
to Tecunsscmhm from time state of iNesy'ork
three yeara ag6tM , lmope of benefiting hmls
healthm , whicht cms timemi poor , Ho made this
trip by wagonml0tmtIvaH aecomnpanied by hs
famniiy. Rece1Silit-tmo benefit , ho last year
drove from Tecusnolm to the mountains in
time vicinity of Dmtsr in search of a cilmnato
that would afft hmn relief. Again his was'
disappointed , 4m1d fali returned to timls
city to joIn bi amiy , wlmichi bail been left
here ( luring thm4uIner. Mm , laring ! 's'as a
tailor and has enged in that vocaticn hur-
lng his resIdence bore , lie hmatl hocms In 'ery
poor healtlm this ¼ vlnter , but vas able to be
out oii the street 4lmsst week. lie leaves a
wife ansi two ciuuiden. The deceased carrIed
a 2,000 life Insurmthc policy in the W'ood-
Inca of the World order. No arrasmgenscnts
have yet been made for the funeral ,
N13V YORK. April 5.-Israel Iiurhatt , for
mIlan > ' years identified wIlls thus wimolesalo
dry goo busiress in tlmis city , died at lila
borne In flroQklyn last night of Pneumonia.
Comnphhinent to mutt Singers.
FORT DODGE , Ia , , April 5.-Special.- ( )
Time GrIeg Mandskor , time NorwegIan sing-
lag socloty of Fort Dodge , has received
a song written czpociaily for it by hijorn-
stern lhjornson , who imad Grieg , time famous
composer. set It to 'music. In view of time
fame of both author and composer , the local
musicians greatly appreciate ibo coampil-
meAt , -
i-lNhOitSi2i ) iIY 'l'ilil CONlhlflStht'1N.
'iht ho All Thse'C8n to hhi'li , tIme' Ne' .
hrnskn Club ,
The following extracts are quotei from
letters semit to Messrs. ii Ii. itheens , Satntmel
flees amml ( others first interested ims organizing -
ing the Nebraska climb. Congreftnsaht Mer-
ctr eoo :
"I tmsssmre yeti of my co-ol'eratiOn to the
beet of imsy ability in emicotmraging imisnsigratin
to Nsbraska , Advsrtisir.g always Pays cmiii
Ne-hiraska hears advertising , It can simp-
Isort moat flattering econiuins. "
Conps'cssmmsami Sirode writes from Wttshiing.
ton :
' ' \'liile I caisnot obtain time names of time
Nebraska pfoimio here to the rcss3lutions sent
me , I want to Sc ) ' for tnymseht that I inn ctt-
ily imi synspathmy with time sentIment of tli
preasmillo and reeoiutiomis. " itd under ems-
other date : "I sin imi full sympathy wills the
sentlnsmts timerein expressed ansi hll be
glad to lend my aid to ammy project looking
toward the building nIt of Neliraska interests
and the encouragement of ismsmmslgration of
good citizens , You cams count cmi mime to do
what .1 can to forward the work outlined in
your resolutions ,
lion , \V. E. 1\mmdmewms of the Fifth diotrlct ,
tinder date of Mardi 14 , writes to this' msc-
me tory :
"Yours of maccut date has just isiets me-
calved end carefully considered. I ant pleased
to miote lme emsergy and vractical work of LIme
Nebraslca club. I lmnve read your l&ter with
a grtat deal of pleasure aimul interest , although -
though I hove been so very busy that I could
not ettitly tlmi qutatiois as coritmliy as I do-
aired , Kmsowlng that the s'ork l In good
iiamitl.-j Otiti tlmat it will be direced to time great-
( st benefit of tIme etate I have givis my at-
tentlon to time dumlics , wlmicis are pressed for
consideration here. I hope that the people
of Nebraska wIhI have a prosperous year in
cross auth hsmsitmss , "
Senator Thmimrston sent imi regrets Iii me-
5Dec50 to an invitation to a club ineetiimg ,
, ) sying :
"I regret that I cannot attentl your meeting
tide evening for the reason that the Umsion
Pactflc oflicials have terdeicil Inc a (111111Cr
for the same tlmmse. I expect to be In Omisalsa
all the preremit week , and should you mave
another mmteeting amid desire umy nresence durIng -
Ing that titus , I will ho glad to attend , as .
omit heartIly its syiitiYtthmy wills lisa inovemmscmit. "
Comigressnssms Meiklejohi mi lies entiorsed the
climb him a practical way by delivering a stroimg
asltlres-s ots time work of the state club at a recent -
cent conventlotm of time ilcet Growers' Artt-
ciatlon Cf Nebraska , attemsileti by over COO
delegates from all harts of tlte state. "
The Atkinson GraphIte refers to time club
In time following terms :
"On tIme inside of Ibis issue of the Graphic
is an article , wimlch tlirougluiy explains the
pians of timEs Nebraska club. It is isnmesl by
tile imrue'tlent amid excctmti' coinnsittee of time
club. head it. hand it to your smeighbor and
tell him to Imnud it to s'omne one else. ' ' After
quoting sin edtoriai frosms asmcthscr Nebraska
paper referring to the chimit it adds this en-
dorsensent. "This is otis of this grandcet
nmoves tttat hats ever beesi ismaugmtratetl , amii
should meet the hearty approval of all. Silas
A. iloiconib is vresidcnt. You will find n
aabscriptlon hsiamik in nnotiier column , which
cut out amid fIll In anti imIcloro $1 and send
to Judge Cli'mtoms N , I'oweil. chislrmuan of the
exocimlivo comnmitic , Otssaiia. Time aim'sreo
are ostly $ i apiece , anti you can take more
lman one if you 'am1t to. Theme you are
privileged to suhicribe for mimors smimt to be
paid till a yeas' fromis date. Put your shoulder
to time 'hesl amil , Nebraska vili boom as it
never 1ia3 boomed before. "
0)1 A I r.t C. ' . : ii i it A C i. LI hi A Ts'FAI ItS.
I mimimmeilate Iflt'i't'IL't' I mm Iziterest and
tcsaihi'rshm1 p Ivt'ctt'l. !
That flurisiming institution , time Omaha
Camera climb , is bestirring itself with the
approach of eirimig , amid preparing for a reviVal -
viVal of immtercst anti a stmbstantial increase
lit membership. The scull-monthly exhibits
of imomimc amid foreign lar.terit slides imave
conme to be 'ery Isleasamit occasions , that
occurring last Monday evenIng being tIme
slIest erjoyalsle and bst attended display
ever given by time club. Beside numsseraua
well exectmtod iidcs by ismemisbers , a number
of beautiful spechinens 'ere showis of work
from the New York Society of Ans'ttour
Photographers' , imiclwilmig admIrable sped-
mene by Alfred Stelglitz nt1 F. C. Beach ,
Sofia igiy Intero.timmg reimresestations of
disease gemmmss by 1)r. Edward Lenmhmg 'of
BelIeves hospital , anti four exquisite colored
flower stimihies by Mr. anti Mrs. Cornelius
Van Brunt. These last are so near technical
perfection that they lmava bcon adopted by
this New York Board of Education as the
utandard botanical representations of tIme
The lately adopted system of the inter-
cimange of lantern slid has given a new
impetus to this fascimmating branch of pimo.
tographiy , makIng it posibIe tar lesser and
remoter chubs to see mind profit by the work
of others further advanced.
if thess perIodical displays by the local
club w'oro properly advertised , it Is thought
muammy outsiders wotmld enjoy seeing tile beau-
tifui pictures thrown upon the screen. To
this end ; t - is oroposefi to give due notIce
of this' next exhihitlen. sit whicit time club
will be glad to see ail Its friemsds and thcso
interested in phmotograpiiy or ammy dejmrtment
of tIne pictomisI art. The roomus are at 1312
F'arnans i4rcet. upstairs , and ir.fornsatioms
concerning the club , Its aismis anti require.
nsents xviiI be furmilshmed by Miss Kemp , who
Is In clia"ge of the rooms , or byV , 1' .
Durimali , time secretary.
liIUEL' I'ANIC Ci.hIAILS A ClliJittiii
Floor nt South SltheMethomhist ( ; I-ess
Wit y ,
The evening Easter service at the South
Tenth Street MetimoJist church was biter-
routed by an accident that caused a mmmiid
pammic , Time opening prayer lmat.i itist beau
COlmdlmdod ( , when a large part of time floor in
the rear gave way and sank reveral fect.
Time Isauce vast crowded. Tlicro was a great
deal of aicroarning , and the room was coon
No cite s'as hurt , thmougim it was at first sus-
peeled that soimse were , and a doctor uae
callei ,
The eubsidence of time floor was not cc great
as to iilO pOople elm top of OflC another , anti
miono were trampled. Time stoves are emi
tlmio part of thme licor , but they vere mint
overturned. 'i'he fires were drawmt before
time btmiitlismg was left. Thu damage Ia stimali
and wili be s'aoum repaired.
It was found that the sinking of time floor
5yas due to thu giving away of otmo of Limo
isialum thrnbermm in. the baeonsent. The janitor.
it Imi said , has been In the Imabit of throwing
the ashica frons the furmsaco us too door
proximally to time supports , anmi several days
ago the itsLor noticed that one of the coitimna
was burned about Its base , Ho thought
little of the matter at time tilmIe , but it was
the one lie nctlced that gave way ,
ltms Ilifhtt 'LivIng ittmthmtiils.
SAiT LAICI , April 5-It. special from
Butte , Moist. , sa"s : John Greemm , who is
trying to have lila marriage annuileti , told
a remarkable story about lila tvlte's
mmttrimmtoniai adveniurese. Thmo woman was
known in Butte ahmotmt a year ago , as Gladys
Homitissearti , and vmms ma devout member or time
liaptist church whems Orcen Inst her. They
vero married last Selitenibem' . ( in tim l2lIt
of last month Green smiyn shme deserted him ,
taking nih hi cash. Upon isiveattgmstion
Green UntIe thmat ( lie vomsin ha olglmt living
iiusbammds and tics never heCmi divorced.
11cr fIrst liusiUimd , wimom she min'risd when
sims vaii 14 , is a farimser naumicml Amnem'mnan ,
hivint 7-scar Des Mcliii's , Ia. Iatr sisr niar-
rial aoasi'ge iii Ios Mo na's , Lassi I i Iilessa ,
inyton his iavemsport , Nelson In PomIiand ,
Om'o. , and Ryams sit Albany. Ore , t3ime iii now
i4UiIOmCd to be in 1'rtiantl. ,
liii miimmt'it'ii iCr , it'ie'sv ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April 0.-Dr. Chmauncey
M. Depew was banqueteti last nigbmi by lime
Union League club , tIme heading ropubllcams
orgamslzation of tise Paciitc coast. 1rOnsi-
mmetmt mcmi of tile state nitemmdetl and Dr.
lepow. after feastIng on use good tiiimmgs
set itotoro him. utiado a milmort spOoChi1 in
which ho taikt'tl of hi's mtpplecitition of this
hmonor ( lone bins , anti of Isis lmmspe8stomms ci'
Cmiliormmimt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'i'imbert'uihisis ill thmt' Cnhht'it' Cut iii' ,
I1ANSINO. Mich. , Aprii 5.-Dr , l. at.
Orange of tis Michigan AgrIcultural cal-
lege , who imami lmsvsIiu'ated tmbercimlosslss ; 1mm
almost evci'y Iart of the state , hmtmui hIa
covered that Ut distaso also exists In time list'
hierd of thorouglmimreds mit time college turns ,
notwithiatanding time especial earo atmil exi'r-
else given these cattle. Iaiserlmsmeais will
be made upon time Infreted nmiirssais.
Itimu. loViL lIT II IL lxjress 'i'ritI ii ,
CIait'II1aAND , April 5.-\ hedioi fr. mm :
MasslUon , 0. , says ; Confused by eemsersl
passemiger trains , thrco brothers naismisti fumm.
cennatto , living near Nmsvarre , 0. , drove di-
racily imi front of a rdislmiy running ( li've.
land , Loraizse & tVlueelimtg ttXI(5 ti'.iimt ilimu ,
mprsming , V'illimsm s'tid Frusik y.ero ksiio I
and the tllrl ; ocaped Time untor uuate mis a
% i arc
Oubftn Resolutions (111(1 ( Two ApproprMtion
Bills to Be Disposed OF ,
Semimi fr's'I'hiiti' t'i II lie l'rlneiiim hh' ( he-
emsik'ih Ii ) ' .tpmmr.prlat iiti III iis-M nr-
gimmi Nitls' of ii Siit'eeh
( ilL I'aici the liii , .
WAShINGTON , April 5.-This imrenmisea to
be an exceedingly lively week III the hmotmse ,
Tommmorrow time house will 'oto on the adop.
tion of tIme cenference report oit the Cubaii
resolutions , whIch was ( lebatcil 015 Friday
and Saturday. It is a foregomse coisciimslon
tIle reisort wll ! be adopted by an overwhielni
Ing vote , but it is probable there vIli be
snore mnember.s recarded agaimsat it timan
agalmm4 the passage of time original resolu-
Imimnmed'ately afterward an effort will bo
niado to Isass the river 1(15(1 harbor bill ummiler
a smm.spcnshomt of the rules. Tue bill carries
sonsethimig over 9,00O,000 In actual nhsisro-
priatluns , but authorizes commtracts for almost
$10,000,000 additional. The dismisocrats 'would '
like ass opsortuisity to attack time bill ho-
caimso of the eisornsou.s charge it makes UllOf
the treasury in tIme future antI they vhii
ussake eli the re-sirtaisce they are abho to.
tlntler time rules , however , their opposItion is
not hhkely to be effectual , and tmmoreover , there
are many features of this bill lit which mdi-
vdual ! demnocrats are vitally interested , V'v'lmcms '
a mimotion is Ismlo to suspend limo rmilos but
thirty iiitmmiitos' delmate arc nilowed on a side ,
hut it is certaims that an extcneioim of tInme
will be mailo to two or three hours.
Following tue passage of the river antI
harbor bIll , Mr. l'ickler , chairmuan of tIme
Invalid irnnslons cosnmnittee , % t iii prohiably
ccli up cmi Tmiestiay omme of thme general bills
reported by his commrnlttce. There are also
two ehection cases to be , lccidcth , one of rhtlchi
will unseat Judge C'bb of time Fmfthi AhaLama
By W'cdnesday it is exisrtd the tftsrtiflca-
tlon.s bill ' coimiplotesl asid it wuil probably -
ably ccctmpy the attentlen of' the house for
thme remimalnder of time week.
Time senate will comstiituo time consIderation
of the Imostothlco approprIation bill ots Mali-
day , takimmg it tip as sools as lsract'CahlC
after tIme ccnclut'ion of the routine immornlng
business. It. is hmnped time day will suffice to
conchiutle tIle debate cn tills Imill.
Semiator Morgan has given imotico of a
ShlOeCii elm Tuesday ems the Pacific railroad re-
fundlmmg qimestioum and lOasibly wiil constimsmo
time greater part of time day. Time question is
oime to which time senator has givems a great
deal of attentiois asish on wimchi ! lie Imas sic-
cimsimiilatctl a. 'ait amnoumit of in-
fornmation. lie w hi pak in support
of his resolution outhismlng a bill
anti in oppo'iitlon to thmo blii under cortaidema'
tiosm by time joInt subconsnslttee of time two
houses ,
The retmsaInder of the we-sic will be given
Cli largehy to the laden apsropriation bUl.
This mucasura contauims several feature-s
which are certain to develop controversy , time
Prndhpal ! Oslo of wimidit is the provisIon fo'
the discontInuance Cf time aectariamm schoois
for Indians , including the LIncoln anti
ilanmpton floads itmstitutons. ! There ale v Ii
be an effort in the senate to amnend time bill
by athhlmig the 1)1015 agreed upon by the cons-
rnittce cmm iimdlmtn affairs for changing time
i'ystemn of lard hmcliiismg In Indtan TerrItory ,
and this will develop a sharp debate.
TIme naval appmopriat'on ' bill will be re-
narted dimrng the week and will be in con-
'l'tlott to be taken up as soon as the lisdian
hill is oUt of the way.
It is Senator PelTer's lntenton to call imp
imis anti-bond resolution If opportunIty offers.
Cmtjilii Lu Jaclc's Fzmrew'rhl m
LINCOLN , AprIl 5.-o limo EdItor
of Time BceVihl : yost kindly allow mae sufficient -
ficiont space to- thank the nsany kind friends
of thmD old time and time now for kindly
courtesies antI generous' appreciation of my
hmummmbio efforts to entertain them ? Deepito
tine many pressing invitations to remain and
entertaIn , I must start for the east after
my second night at Waterloo , April 4. I
have. imowevor , concluded to return for ten
imiglmta about 1st to 10th of May. I have
given threq entortainnments here with alrnqt
online chano of program ant ] four talks.
I want to thank the press throtmghotit tIme'
state , especially Omaha and Lincolms , for tiio
kindest consideration. It Is indeed a pleasure
to receive only kInd words after nearly mmmc-
teen years' nbeesmco from the old stampIng
ground. I wish that those wimo may contemplate -
template havImmg cmi ovesmimig with time I'oot
Scout in May would address Manager Cap-
tam Jack , 41 World building , New York.
Yours in cloude or eunslmimmo ,
hlostoms Police Lo'e 'h'lu'ir Mmiii ,
BOSTON , April 5.-Thso L'oaton inspectorms
were nmuchi surprised yesterday to receive
a telegram from Leamiville , Cob , , statimsg
that Frank , Ii. Mnmtimi , vlto was arrested
there several days ago on request of tIme
itoston isolice. hind heel ) released. Martin
its wanted hsere on ass Immsiictrmiqnt for holy-
gamy , hiavimig lctimped bail in January. The
Inspectors located hint in LeadvIllo Jaat
1'/eelc sifter a long search and after request-
11mg bsts ari'cst Chief \Vntts semst it mnosmnmge
rcqtmestimmg tIntS lie he hold to awnit requisi.
lion papers. Yesterday Marshal flurgees of
Leadvll.e sent a message saying : In the
absessee of itmstructiosis from you. I hmmivo
beets immiable to hold the man nmiy longer , "
Asmmi I versa ry of I ii e Jail III rim * ii a riley.
SAN I"IIANCISCO , ApIli 5.-A year ago
today the body of Jilatmcimo Lament ns di-
covoremi in the belfry of Emanuel Baptist
church. Theodore 1)tmrrant. her convicted
nsurderer , is lms jail , : ts'aIting isntlently time
decIsion of thmit supreme court In lmlms casr.
Durrant expresses conhldenco tisat he wIll
mmot hang ammil did hub scorn affected today
wiscss reniinded of the nhmnivermusry of his
Infests the bicipti of liurnnisiy. It
a1)Pei1l' iii'm1'iC(1 101'ihlS , bhht is forced
to yield to I loud's Sal'Smtlull'iIla , vliIc1i
1)t1l'il'iCS 1511(1 the blood mid
climes all audI iliecusec. flead this :
ii In h3optcnmber , 1801 , I summilo a mnlsatep and
Injured may ankle , Very soon afterwards ,
A Sore
two imiclies across formeti and In walking
to favor It ; I sprouted my nmsllo , Time sere
becmmmno mvorae ; I could imot put mny boot
0I1 and I Llmougimt I imlmould have to give up
at every stop , I could usot get any relief
and had to stop work , I read of a cure of
a alissllar case by Hood's Sareaperlila and
comicluiled to try It. Ileloro I Issod taken
all of two botticts limo sore bad hicaied an i
the swelling hail gene dot'n. My
15 noW well mmml I liavo becn greatly bone-
filed otImerwhe , I have increased in
weight and am in botte beumllim , I cannot
say eumougii In jmraiso of Sarsmmpa-
rilia , " MIle. 11 , JILAIIIC , So , Jierwick , Mo.
Timis uud other sImIlar cures vrm'o that
Is thU One l'rmme li'mou.i l'mmriiier.'iiI druggist , . l.
l'TL'I..srttt . ttiiy I' ) ' ( Y I iIoQIi .1 O , L'invlh , Mass.
iii. ' istI tmmmmdlycmtlhsartlo
1100(1 C S I ) ills mmd liver stliimtmhirmt , .c.
hill ) MhIIIONS VISIt A Vit.tNt'liISll ,
Ilmmglishi After Ih.'I'ris'ili'gr of itsiit-
sii hg lihI ru' humus nit fine' ( n smith ,
NEW 'OhtlC , April 5-TIme t'orlmI today
says , that e big deal Is being negotiated 1mm
\'eli street that Is potent for good or ovhl
to the freight shippers of both east and west ,
A COShI offer of 2OO0,0OO lttw been made by a
leadimmg bankIng hossse , representing a for-
olgm : syndicate , for ( lie privilege of mummIng
canal boots ems the fine canal by electric
traction. Thse exclusive franchise for eke-
trio traction cmi tIme canal belongs In the clot-
nrusct General ElectrIc conipny , otme of the
lrancime of time great Niagara leahls l'ower
coitipany , It gives time cositpamiy tIme stile
right to sitting wires along tue tow latlm ,
ert Power houses anti stmplsly electric
etirreist for runnIng canal boats , ThIs right
it , good for fifty years.
'l'bme Cataroct Cemtral Elctqrlc comispilmy was
forssitd to act n the tik'irlbutimmg ngeist for
thmis Power outside tIme coumitlt.e of Niagara
aimmi Erie ,
lit order to mse'iutrate t.te . ftmtimre distrlliiition
of electrIcity for coinmimercial pmlrposc's amid
for catsal uses , this. Erie Canal 'i'ractioss comms-
15551) ' was forzmsed to essimmise all the rights
mumsi lsrivlieges of rmmmsnimsg canal boats. Tue
cmtarmict eomiipatiy owns all the niock of time
hew cosisimimly , Time offer of time foreign syndicate -
dicato Ic for time stock of tlmis Erie Canal
Traction company only. Several sitonthis \
ago CXI-terImuonts vero missile at Tons-
\'anmia wlthm a systemim of towing -
ing canal boats lmy a s'nsall immotor rmmmsnltmg on
a cahde. The motor ran successfully antI
towed several imts at good speed. Many of
it tisccliamiicah tletectsm have becit remuedieti
sInce tlmon , oimii time Imiveptors clalims that it
l ready for operation time entire lemmgtlt of
the cmmmmal. Contracts have beess mmtado with
Cooper , hiemvitt & Co. for the cosmotrtmctioss of
a caimieway for the systemim front Tomtmswasiila
to lltmftalo , a distance of twelve itiites. If
thtli systesmm be iiimt into successful OpOO'fltiOsI
the caital wctmhil becomm-ts thus great teome
route fi'omn the lakes to thto seaboard ,
None of time Cataract Electric commmlssny' .
officials would spCnk aimout the matter to-
day. Clmariton Ii. howls of thus Mutual Life
Immstiralice company Is e'cretory anti treas.
imrer of the cataract compamsy. Wimeis asked
about tlmo reported sale lie saiti : "I don't.
foci at liberty to discuss the incIter at thii
timne. " FraimkV. . hawley , vice lmresidesmt.
was eqtmally reticent , lie was asked about
thio poeriisiiity of conspctltlon with time trtmumlc
Ilmies , end replied that tIme public ts'ould Imave
to mvoit for deveiopnmento.
A us eden mm St aa'k s Ad s'aiee.
LON'lON , AirIh 5.-TIme fact of the Cliine
losta beImsg stmtscrlheti several times over
caurod a iiht hsmirtlemslng of tIm osmotiey
market last week , hut the rok'mmmm of iov-
ercmnont dI'itiendm vill caUSe a furtimor sas.
mess tlte commsissg week. Time Stock cx-
cimammge has imomt closed slmsco Thinrsslmt ) ' ,
Thus imsailtets.Sl'e fairly active amid In-
veatmmmont stocks wore firm. Home rai'-
t'ays mvere stroiigOr. ForeIgn seetmrities
'oro duil on the French pohltieah troimbles ,
istit time Spammlsh and I tnhiamms were Immssruvetl ; ,
Mines were quiet. Chmmmrterels , wem'e flat on
the Matabtsle risimsg. Grititi : Trimnk showed
a smart , leclimme , but recovered rismtmwlmat
on 'l'htursuiay. Amuericaimsvere 1mm fair re-
uoest , nuti show a general advance , m'aimg-
ing ( coIn to 1 iter comst ,
Yale's L
Resnoves Wrlmmklea anti all traces of ego. 11 '
feeds through the pores and buIlds up the fatly
muembramies and wasted tissues , nourishes time
sliiIVCled and shrunken aide , ( ones unit mnvigem'-
ate , ( lie nerves antI muscles , emmm'lohcs time 15mm-
poverIziti't blood vessels , and supplies youth
cmiii clnmtlcIly to the action of time shin. It's
Ilsmwnre of substitutes anO ountcrelta. Yale's
Original Skin V'ood , orSee * 1.10 ciii 13.00. At nil
drug stores.
M5dlO. as. YAMI , Stealth and Complexion Spec-
lailIt , 'alo Temple of hiesmuty , 146 State lit. ,
Oswego ere Starch
The finest and best for Puddings , }
Cuetards , Blanc Mango , etc.
Tel , i531-i'axton Bargosi , igr.
'rime idol of London , Paris md New Yomk ,
AND A sniic'r coNeamr COAll'ANY ,
h'rlces-23c , 'Ac , lIe , $ i.u4) and 11.50. Yme list
entirely suspended.
APIUL 7. 8 , 9 ,
The Commiedy Success ,
Little IVilss Nugget , ;
Prcsenicd 5.7 a company imiciuclinir
litti'beri tm tit ii'i&'ii , iat'lmi tii tulmehl ,
Chins. . % Iolei' . S
i'rIces-2.e , lIe , & 0 , 75e ntiS 1Q4) , limstineo
W'dmueeday. -
APRYL 10 AND 11 ,
' 1'11h0 ; iumsic4t i iovi'i' ' ole 'i'ijai t
( iUalSnteCd Enmmgesmmnt of limo Fmmniua
- . 4NUOACo.
IInhrr Jir&'utl < mn Mr. ( Jimiss , II , I'a'sit ,
I'm''s'IL II mig
4' J mm ( 'I ml. ii I Lii sit iii ( ' r iii o a r' ' ml mm ii ' 'Cii sil I m
Ivm'Iii it uNtii'n slim , " "Citvumu'ms" mumil "Ii
MATINi fiATURD.Y-i'rIcen-21c , 500 , 73C
11.0) armil * 1,10. iuic of ststta u5ens Tucs.ltty. Apili
Tntliamu , _ 4i
4' jm'Il 12- II IiO'I'ii (1i .N'1' till 'a' G i It 14 , . .
wgwr1 : , TONXGHV
11-p ' ( ii. Li : [ 40ULs X ; -
Jingaciiimit Three Nights Only sit
AIq1J0 : { EWIE
; ur'uormed ' by a supo I , comapasmy , mircjcntimg , elasmic
mnii , . .JlhaIt' , Irsmism ,
'i'IJhsIhi Y-"iIlifilbhIihl , "
\'pBNhiSJ.tY-.ILiiiItg ) Ill , "
"A111F131PL19a CONCEIt'I'
tir , 'I'iii I Ii immil Sin mu t'y Ss ,
llc-enaement of the 41
Oll1 FllI1 Liltiles Orclrll
From the Royal Auues iUmmm , L.mmdssmm. i.mtg.
. : ancm'rt every e'onilig , a tu 12. Metlimece ,
Monday , Thursday emmil atimrtiay , 3 tq 5
W'lJ.t'OX ( Ohi'Oti )
'c.miV . S'i 5 , I ' iti Aiwi' t r'llsith' . 'm ti' eQ
ibjmlttite : _ I. em saSs , , . , its is' . tipms. $ 4 'i4.
r ii uuefr5j,1I , % V I m..cnx MI ictiv : t'A. (
.cs LiImtlt , , ( reet. 1'111Z.AtELl'1iL.t , I'A.