Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1896, Image 1

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J } STABL1SIIED JUNE 19 , 1871 . OMAhA , MONDAY MORNINGAPUtL 6 , 189G. . SiNGLE COPY ixvi ci'rs.
Report from London that the Treaty of Alliance -
liance is Cono1ndc ,
I SnhI14ur , JIOII'N I ) ) till ! Mfl % ( It ) CIiecI
hit , UtIttII StsicM ( fl % One JIniiiI
SLIIL Fratice Ott tIi
' Other.
. it rIght , hIC , by I'tM I'iihlIIIflS Company. )
LONION , Aprfl 1.-New ( York World
Cablegrani-Speclal Tclegrani.-Tho ) poltlvo
* tatcinoflt caine tD me tonglit from a lead-
, t ing financier of the city ( the money making
part of London ) , that. lngland liaB concluded
a treaty of alliance with Pflin. Ills final
inesEago to me was : "Within ten day3
Iurope will be utartlol by the official an-
liouncement of ( his fact.4'
, I give this Ftatcmcnt. lth the recrvo
vhicli Its internatioqal Importance warrantH ,
pointing out only that the enBttLvo Interests
of the city are are often better informed on
tiuch matters ) ian Is any other part of tIm
community , except the highest. omclal authorIty -
. Ity , and that my informant Is now , and for
many years. has been associated with the
leading financial enterprises , conspicuously
the international ones , of London batkers.
Ills name , If I couhi mention it , would bo
recognized as very authorlttve by every
Now York banker , as well a every London
such a treaty would h3vo a. vastly important -
portant bearing upon the continental sltua-
tion. It would have a comncrstlratoI , ) im-
portent bearing upon the Cuban questIon In
the UnIted States. I quoted to my Interment -
torment the & "tatement In two New York
newspapers , reachIng ma by yesterday's mail ,
that the Washington government had re-
colved a semi-clilcial intimation from the
j liritish ministry that Great I3rItaii would
approve of tli recognitIon by the United
States of Cub3n belligerency. Ills reply
was that oxactI' the contrary is the case ,
that , in the first place , the a1isbury mm-
, Istry Is dlspocd to do. anything It can
with safety and in reason to check the pro-
tendons of the AmerIcan government to Interfere -
torfere In either West Indian or South
. American affairs , particularly In the \Vest
Indies , where Great IJrItaIn herself has moat
Important Interests. and that. oeeondiy ,
: Spain , by this treaty , has ma'i important
concessIons to England , in return for the
latter's more or less active supporL of Spain
In her conflict wIth the Cuban rebels.
; I can furnish no further detalla of thIs
alleged treaty than that , according to my
. judgment , It will Include gIving to Great
hJrIt&iln & the rghit to harbor and refit. her
IIeets in the Mediterranean ports of SpaIn.
Thio harbor of Cartagena Is one of the finest
on he MedIterranean and would shelter the
entire ijritlsii navy. The Salisbury ministry
J 4 has openly anti officially stated one of
; J % Its chletreasons for that oxtraordtnary movement -
ment , the advance on the Soudan , accepted
no hostile by 1raneo and Russia. to be a
. & frIendly diversion In behalf of Italy. All
Europe has In turn accepted thts auronc
as proat of England's sympathy with the
Triple alliance , anti Germany showed appre-
' clatlon of this fact by votIng wIth Italy and
. ' wlth the.
' Austria to nssit England's war
khaitfa. France and RussIa , cn the contrary - .
trary , are ablaze vtlt hostile Indignation
against lngiaiid becautu of the movement.
. From all this the importance of the Anglo-
Spanlshi alliance to Greot. riritaln Is obvloue.
NeIther Gibraltar nor alta-ngIand'a only
two porte In tIm MedIterranean-is capable of
either harboring or refitting , but with both
. tae italian and Spanish ports thrown open to
the BritIsh navy. the French fleet ot Toulon
. . would be at England's mercy , and Rusa
could hardly make a junction from the l3lack
, . ' Sea with the' shiip ; of her French ally. Such
are the apparent reasons why Great BrItaIn
filOUld wkii to make such an alliance as above
hithicatet ] . It wculd moreover , leave her In
rate posseision of Gibraltar.
. Time alone ( my lniormai ys less than a
fortnight ) can LjoW If the statement above
l Is founded on actual fact2 , I would not
cable it to the World bed I not very great
confidence in my authority and In his tin-
( lucstIonh opportunity to know the facts if
" 4 they have cxtended beyond the foreign omco
. to thto money center of tlio l3ritlsli empire.
. DYC.EILT GL'l'S FltEI TillS VflEI : .
: Nit' Oil SliM to lc Set
, . sit Ilhert ) .
: ( Copyright. IICS , by I'ress Publishing Company. >
. . hAVANA , April . -Now ( York World
, Cabiegram.-SPCCIaI Tolegram.-Walter )
I Grant flygert wIll reach Havana this week
and be sot tree. An absurd report that he
has boon put to death was circulated hero by
partisans of the revolution.
I cabled several dayi ago that I had been
Informed on lilgit autlmorty ! that Dygert
would be released. General Weyler made the
same statement last evening to Consul General -
oral WillIams , and the latter notIfied the
eecretary of state at WashIngton. The catise
of delay in this case , as in many others , has
been that otficlal papers have to pass through
a itumbcr of hands before reachIng tIme su-
pronto authority. General Woyler has exercised -
cised hie discretion and riIl lbernte the pri.-
otter as tin act of courLe'y. He clainma that
110 would be justified in holding Dygert for
goIng outside the imill tary lilies without a
permit , but ho does imot vIslt to Inure the
young joan , whom lie bolts upon as ignorant
anti Inexperienced. I would have vIsited Dy-
gert at Guines wIth authority , had not his been determined on.
NeIther the American State department
fr nor the cansul general made a demand ( In
the government for Dygert's rc1eaO , but InformatIon -
formatIon as to the cause of hi detention
. was requested olflcialiy and flimsIly obtained.
. Dygert is unaware of' the stir that lies been
imisdo eve ( Itimil. lie will be glad to get.
out of prison and go homo , where no laws
regulate travel in certaIn sections.
It Is reported otilciahly that the column
of Colonel l'avla had an encounter viLh
limo force of the rebel header known as
"El Ingiesito , " near Guanabona , two days
ago. "El Inglesito" Is time one for vhoni
'alter flygert was mistaken. At present
"il : Inglesito" ( time little EnglIshman ) Ia
heading a baud of insurgents operating
south and cast of Matanzs City. lie used
to be a voll lciioWii athlete at Matanzaa.
Rumors about Antonio MacoO's movements
are in circulation , but they are not confirmed.
lie Is mtmking desperate efforts to get out of
time military net thrown about his forces in
L Finer dci hilo Province , and hmaa tried the
4'4.strength of time Sitaniali lilies both eutim anl
north. Ystcrday I reported hiti attempt
to break through near Majana ; Ilo. I learn
, that ho has been feeling the line eu the
. north s1do of the island between Artemisia
and Mend ,
Ih , is reported today that a rcbl force is
near Hoyo Colorado , which is this side of thr.
trochmmi , but it Is hot conhlnmed. The band of
Lacret Iii near Coliseo , on the line of time
railway front Matanzap to Jovelianos , ammd
there have been trilling akinmuislies.
. a Major General Gonzatw Munos , formerly
commanding In the district of Mamizanlilo ne-
hlevea General Zuarez Vaidez , commandIng In
1Inar del hlio. Munoz is a Cuban.
cleneral Lschambro returns to Spain , Time
alleged reason iii bi.s of health ,
. ; Sickness L lmlcreaBimmg in Ilayena , There
Is considerable yeliow fever , The yellow I
. fever ii Increasing In Clenfugos , Mansanillo ,
Fhme total miumber of wounded soldlenu In the
military hospital et havana i 190.
holler of ii Tug iX1tlOdC5.
' . IIRUSSlI..S , April 5-Time bolher of the I
: steam tug Virglnio exploded today between
the villages of Moretaeke anti flaenrode4 on the
- chmeldt , Four of the crow were kIlled amid
the shock of the explcson ! caused a barge
, to pink , drowniug the bargemnan't , family of
. .hS14 person. .
PtTO of the EMeurtiCilled full tile
Itmiin hitler Ca mitosred.
HAVANA , April 5.-A report ha.a been no-
ceived that Generals Suarez , Ynclan and
Linare have fought time band of Macco near
Vinnies , In Pimiar del flO ! , and that Maceo
was routed , leaving thirty kllied. No details
iavo been receIved. The column of I'ava has
inflIcted a loss of aix kIlled upon the In.
surgents at Niaves plantation , near Santo
Domingo , In Santa Clara province.
It. has been learned that whIle Gomoz's
fcrces were marching on March 31 , near the
district of Santo Domingo. they surprIsed
eight soldiers who were acting as convoy tea
a supply of grccerlcs , killing two of thent and
taking prisoner a corporal and one private.
! t Is not known what became of the other
The insurgent leader , Marniano Torrcz , was
encamped at the farm of Ciavellina , between
Itodrigo and Sltio Cite. The column of General -
eral 'Luque was encamped tIme miext day ,
which was a polItical one , at time pantaton
of harmony , near ltomlriguez , and bo was
pursuing time Insurgente closely.
The insurgents attacked an exploring
engine near Sitio Cite , with tllo intention of
surrounding time escort. Tim attempt proved
tiscie , as they were repuhectl with a numerous -
ous loss. Goniez was encamped at time t'mno
at time plantation of'abu Cto , between Santo
Donmingo anti Cifucter. lie left lila camp at
: i p. III. , html. the direction lie took Is timi-
known , lIe effected a junction with Terre ,
whose force Is about l,000. Gomez much
laments time death of a certain doctor who
was killed in the attack on time explorIng
On AprIl 2 Gomcz wLts encampei at the
Plantation of Peneto , near Santo Damlngo.
On April 3 numerous bands passed the
Nioves Pla.tation. They are now at Central -
tral Torgue , occupying a strong positIon In
the district of Santa dcl Vale.
Ccuntrymnen emrm they imavo seemm the in-
surgemmt ieadems Vicommto Nunoz nd hlernludez
amid that. Iiermudoz Is dIsabled' by reason
of his WoUnds. In an engagement between.
Geeerai Ctmnella and time insurgents In Plnar
dcl ltio the columns of General Canoila
at time first charge khlle ) twenty-two in-
surgents. I3ermudez escaped as by a mnlr-
ado , Time greater ; art of time lmand were
negroes and they were nearly wIthout arms
and shoes. For this reason they strive before -
fore everything to secure as plunder shoes
anti cictimee.
Time insurgents admit that the leader ,
Jcse Cope , killed In an engagomnent
four days ago whIle acting as a guide In
time vanguard of Gomnez.
Colonel Treja imas discovered at Cienfue-
gos a collection of arms , consisting of twenty
rifles , 800 revolvers , 15,000 cartrIdges and
loading nmachines.
Several persons hava.been Imprisoned on
suspicion of secreting time arms.
SIZHhxmrdM VIio Never SL'v time Ilmumiil
Exipeet to Sid for tIi Culmt ) ,
( Cotyrmght , 1596 , by Press PublIshing Company. )
MADRID , April i.-Nov ( York World
Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram.-.Timelist ) of
candidates for deputies for the Cuban and
Portr ilfean constituen.cles rre published
here. Thmeym show that tueaty.t.wo out
of the thirty deputies for Cuba , and ten out
of the slxten for Porte Rico will be mem-
bert , or nominees of time union constitutIonal
party , and that only ten out of tim forty-six
West Indian representatIves vIhi be natives
of the colonies. All time rest are Spaniards ,
most ot whom never visited cother colony.
The Madrid nevrpapcrs ay the council
of mInIsters wlli meet t determine Spanl's
line of conduct wimon time Amcrcan congress -
gress votes 'upon the Cuba resolutions.
The chief of the dkisentient conservatIves ,
Senor Francisco Silveia , has declared that
Ime dooms it advIsable to Immediately carry
out In Cuba the reforms voted by time Spin-
Ish Caries last year. He says further that
tile present government has incurred grave
reseponalbllity in postponing the execution
of those reforms In PQrto Rico , for puttIng
them In effect timero wonid have produced an
excolient impression In the colopies and
abroad , aLl attesting the sIncerity of the Span-
isim Intentions.
Aimost all the SpanIsh republicans in theIr
recently published programs imavo pronounced -
nounced In favor of time early establishing
of home rule in the West indies and time
majority of the dynastic liberals are disposed
to give tile colonies at least the full measure
of hmomo rule agreed on by Sagasta anti Abar
zuaza lact year at the time the conoarvatIve
party assented to time bill. Its author , Abar-
zusza , intentionally made It elastic in word-
lag to enabie tim government to conciliate
tli majority of time Cubans , who are home
rulers. Since that tIme , imowever , much
pressure has been brought to brar upon the
present government by military Influence ,
Senor flomaro Roblodo anti time conscrvatlves
of the Cuban revolutionary party , who vism )
to postpone imcme rmmlo untIl the Inourrection
afordo thoni a Pretext for mmnlmnizing ro-
term and for contlnulmmg to ho themelves
time promoters of the Spanish colonial policy
\Vomnnmm , luMt froiii Ciilut LaYN tIme
Atrut.l11e' All tO lime SmilIIssrtlM.
CINCINNATI , Alril 5-The ComnmnercaI
Gazette's special fronm Tamnpa , Fla , , gives.
an Interview witlm time wIfe of a corre-
spondant who landed front Havana , "Gen-
eral Weyler's latest' order , " she said , "Is-
sucil only a few days before I left. is that
all prisoners taken imnlI iioshot. The prls-
ens are full and they must die. ivory
morning at daybreak we heard the shots
at More castle , and our hearts grow sick ,
for we know that some Innocent man was
dying like a dog. No trial is allowed , and
time orders are to aimoot all ,
Only last Monday evemmlng , when the
playing 'for the Prado ammd time crowds of
gayly dressed people promnenadoil to and
fro , I sav two mmmen , one an old negro amud
time' otimer a countryman , shackled together
antI mmmarclmed off to be suet.
"Time families of these poor ummfortunates
are left wholly ( lestitute and time suffonIng
In the districts Is terrible. The mnemm ,
wonmen anti elmiidree of the towns captured
by time instmrgenta beconme a part of the
army. Timero are no depredations commmmnittol
by thme Insurgents , btmt time atrocities corn-
nuitteti by time Spanish troops are too icr-
riimlo to tell. 'rlmey are nast comnpreimenslomm.
"Time generals of time immsurgemmt army are
pitiless in their punishimnont of depreda.
tiona , hanging bcini time imimmetllato penalty -
alty , Tlmoy realize timat if depredatlomma are
alioweti there vjli be umiter lawlessness ,
so they pummish by death for time first of-
"They are authorized to take horses and
saddles , for they am e imecessary , but time
taking of money or valuables or tIme cnm-
mission of any violence whatever are Imunish-
able by instant deajlm ,
, ,
4\o imear every day of roost terrible
things done by time Spanleim troops. The In.
miurgents have more nmcmm thman timey need-
they ore emily lacking 1mm arms and ammmmu-
nltton , "
lOUIt. ThiOUStNl ) IiIIISIIS lIUltNIdl ) ,
IeHtm'imetIy Coiillmigrjimtj In tme ( tipf _
* mil of tli l'iilliiilmit' ishtmimls ,
MADRID , pnil 5.-A terrible fire ima
occurred at Maniila , In time Pimhlilpine is-
lauds , by Wimicim 4,000 imouses were d.
stmoyed amid 30,000 people left iiommmelesmm.
Mautila Is time capital of time Pimliiiplimo Islands -
lands ammd has a ioflultmtlomm of 100,000 or
with the suburbs 160.000. It Is one of rime
great emporiums of time east , Time imninci-
pal bmmiidimmgs are time cathedral , the palaies
of the governor anti archbiaimop , a beautiful -
ful town imouso , tea cimurcimes o different
religions , time muonastenics , time arsenal , tlmo
ollego for young macmm and two for young
tvonwmm. a itupremno court , prison , several
Imqapitala , university , a mimanine ammit a coin-
immercial scimool , a large th ater , a custonm
mouse and barracks. It has frequentiy beemi
'lsited by severe and dotrucIive earth-
uakes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Origimmuteil uIIim lCIi.w liumimhmt'rt.
PAIt1S , AprIl 5.-TImo Temps asserts time
Idea of the Dongola. expeditien ernanatd
rromn Kimmg llumbert , who iimultaneousiy ad-
ressed England and Germany on the sub- j
ect ,
Natives urronpding Maf'oking Are in a
Restless Mood.
Disttmried TerrItor I on tim harder , ,
of Cape Colony Mi4lWIt ) ' lie-
ttveemt Cammetown UmitI
CAPETOWN , April 5.-Alarm prevails at
Mafeking and the farmers in the otmtiying
districts are bringing their families Into
town. They declare that the imatives In time
country around are preparing to rise on account -
count of time discontent aroused among timem
by time slaughter at their cattle In the effort
to etamp out time destrmmctlvo Itindorpest.
This cettlo ( hiIea5 bus been creating great
havoc among the herds of the Transvaal , and
hthcdesia has become paralyzed. Mafeklng
Ia sItuated on time northeastern border of
Cape Colony , with the Transvaai adjoining It
on ho cast. It is time point front whicim
Jamneson's raidera set omit for Johannoeburg.
It Ia also the pont front whIch Sic Hercules
htoblnaon , governor of Cape Colony , last
week dispatched a force of 500 British troops
to assist In pmmtting down the Matabele up-
riring. The border of Matabeleland 340
mIles to the northeast and Buluwayo is 450
miles away.
The present outbreak of discontent can
hardly be time result of race aynipatbmy with
time Matabeles. If It has any connection with
the Matabole revolt , it must be through time
exciting agent being the sante. Measures
have been taken to protect Mafeking. The
inimabitants have held a meeting and decded
to appcai to time governor , Sir Hercules
Rob'nson , to send troops , time police not
being eufilcient for time protection of Iieclmu-
animlanul to the north.
LONDON , April 5.-A dispatch to the
Timmmes from Capetown says : It Is knowim that
100 whites have been killed In time Matabole
rising and It Is feared the mmumber wIll
amount to 200. A private telegram from
Iiuluwayo says they have plenty of arms ,
ammunition and provisions for thmrre mantha.
Time Johanneoburgers are equipping a force
for i3uluwayo , but it Is stated the feeling
in Itimodesia is to dochino Joimannesburg as-
ristance. Time wIrc. , are interrupted and
timore Is no news of lion. Cecil Rhodes.
A Pretoria dispatclm says : Colonel Rimodes
ima offered increased bail If ime might be
allowed to go to l3uluwayo , but permission
was refused , The i3nitislm government Imas
intimated to PresIdent Kruger that the Un-
cauness will probably last until he decides
about going toEngland.
EngilMhl mintS iJrmIted Stale , Mlimlpter ,
Smistim lit ( lie ahIMnh.musirIes.
CONSTANTINOPLE , April 5.-Sir Philip
CLimb , the British ambaa'sador ' , and Mr. .1.
\v. Riddle , time United States harge
d'affaires , on Saturday renewed their protests -
tests to the porte against the expulsion
from flitthis of time American missIonary.
Rev. G. F. iCnapp. Mr. Knapp wag accused
by the Turkish officials , some time aince ,
of taking part in time Armenian revolutionary -
ary movemnont and was stmmmoned before
the criminal court to answer to a charge
of conspiracy. Mr. Hampton , the British
consuml at l3Ittlis , reported that the charges
were absmmrd and that It was believed they
were brought for the purpose of compelling -
ling Mr. Knapp and his fellow misslomnry ,
Rev. R. M. Cole , to leave the country.
Whuen he appealed to Mr. Terrell , the
United States minister , by telegraph , that
gentleman told him not to answer time sum-
mona , and if he were threatened with arrest -
rest to etay in his house. Mr. Terreil then
informed tim porte that he would not consent -
sent to Mr. Knapp being tried by the crim-
mel court and that lmo must be brought
to Constammtinoplo to be tried before the
UnIted States minister. Mr. Knapp has
complained timat he has been blockaded
in l3IttiIs , his servants not being allowed
to go to the market anti time roads being so
bami that he could not leave for Constan-
tinopl _ _ _ _ _
Itemiit of ii. fleeeimtEngngemncmmt In
I'lmmnr del Rio.
TAMPA , Fla. , AprIl 5.-Passengers arriv.
ing tonight from Cuba report that the Span.
tsh general , Inclan'm , forces , were entirely
surrounded by the insurgents , and a hand to
hand conflict ensued. The conflict occurred
In Vucita Abajo district. Nothing omciai
has been published , but 100 wounded at tlm !
engagement were brought Into Havana FnI-
day night. All the wounds were maohe o
cuts. melon was also wounded.
Quintin hlandero , time Insurgent chief , has
sent a letter to Genaral Weyler , requesting
humane treatment for lmcipiess famliies. The
Cubane hero Intended to burn time Spanish
flag and Weyler's picture last night , but
the police Interfered.
Imirt inlay ,
LONDON , April 5.-A senIc.3 of events
Interesting to Aemricana occur iii commnecticn
wltim tifo celebration of Shakespeare's birthday -
day In Warwickablro. the poet's county. TIme
first of these will be the annual. commemoration -
tion of the birth , to be imelm.l at Ilirntingimsm ,
Tuesday , April 21 , by time Dranmatic and
Literary club of that city , of which time
United States consul , Mr. George F. Parker
of New York , is presIdent. On that day
Ambassador liayard will go to I3mrnminghm
wlmere he sviil respond to the lnincipal toast ,
"Literature. " liret Harte and Roy. Dr.
Augustua Jessopp have promised to ho pres-
eat , thus Insuring time literary representation
of botim Enghishapeakingcountries. _
hierimmimshim. hiuii.1s It , Csmrgo I mm CimI , , , ,
NEW YORK , April 5.-Secretary Qucaada
of tIme Cuban junta states that ime has had
positive and authentic iimfornmation of the
succeasfimi landing of time cargo of the Ber.
nmuda In the eastern part of Cuba on ? tarchm
29. It is Inferred that the Bermuda went
t , the coast of honduras after dircharging
its war supplies in Cuba , Time scizuro of a
cumuli quantity of cartridges on the Bermuda
and the failure of the Iiondura.s officials to
even attempt to retain possession of time
steamer divests timq. incident of much of its
interest or rlgmmiflcance.
itotiteti the Jcrvlslt IrceN ,
CAIRO , ApIl 5.-A skirmish imas occurred
at Anib , between Suaklmn and Abu flamed , cmi
the Nile , In which friendly Arabs routed tIme
forces of a dervish outpost , killing several
of timern ,
Conlmimmmkers 'I'lir.'mmti'mm to StrIl.e ,
CINCINNATI , April 5.-'rimo strike of time
ClothIng Cuttermi' union ha lasted two
months withmout results. Time Coatmakerti'
Protective association today resolved to join
time strIke tomorross' uniew time mummurac.
turera mecognize both unIons , President
Uciehermm of time United Garment \Vomkers
of Anmerica is mdiii hero. 110th time maimu-
fucturermi rimml cutteri % viil mmow await the
rei.uit of tue voatnmaiers' efforts to tie up
time clothing industry imere tiuring this week ,
'liii md Vieli am of time Stain. 'l' ,
AKI1ON , 0. , AprIl 5.-Ira Btii'son , the
imired man of Alvin N , Stone , wimo was
asaaUltcd by time same imerson tvimo killed
Stone and Imia wife week ago last night ,
died timia afterneJn , lie was neyei able to
give a clear account of time tragedy , saying
during the brief interval timat lie was conscious -
scious , timat ime remembered mmothing of the
assault t.pon himself.
- p
iCilhi'tl Pcuit't'msmisiier ,
FOX LAKE , Wis , , April . -Ethyard
Davitis , a nrominent farmer , was eliot and
Instantly kiiled last night by Julius 7eIiko ,
a farm imahmd workIng for lavids. Davlds
had interfered to prevent ZsIike atnikin '
a young man in a quarrel and 'Zelike waite
for Iavldmm to come hens wimen imo itimot
mim 1mm the presence of DavIs' wife , iI bus
( lot yet been cuptumd ,
hmhtoThiEit .tsi ) SISTE1LAUIII.TO MEET
Mr , , . hlnothm-Tiickeriesiyei Ijuirriedl'
for hull IIlgIIt'IS .
NEW YORK , April 5.-1.'ri nda of the
Ilcoth-Tuckers assert that llahitngton IlootI'
and his sister , Mrs. Ilootlm-Ttmckor , will
meet tomorrow. All the restrictions re-
bitIng to a third party being present at
the conference by way of guarding agaInst
suspected mIsrepresentation on one side or
the other are reported to htvt been discarded -
carded , and Mrs. ilootii.Tmlckei' , in her ammx-
iety to meet her brotlmer , was willing to accede -
cede to the request that Mus , iJaiiimmgton
heath be permltte1 to hear the 1)00th tam-
iiy dialogue.
Late tonight an. emIssary from Ilallington
hlooti' , who hurried over from the conm-
mnandcr's Imome In Ment Chair , N. .1. , rushed
into the Salvatinn armny quarters InVet
F'otmrteentim street. and told I3nigamhier Perry
that he desired to see Mrs. Booth-Tucker ,
as ho was the bearer to her of a mnesaage
from her brother , hialiington Booth.
"You cannot coo Mrs. Booth-Tucker tonight -
night , " said Brigadier Perry , "no matter
what your bmzaimmcmms or to what It relates. "
Time measenger left the buitlng somewhat
cimagninei : at the actiomi of BrIgadIer Perry
anti hastened to time garrison imeadquarterg
In'est Thirteenthm street , where it was seen
ho delivered the message. Then there was
hurrying anti coumsidorabie excitement. and it
was Bubscqmmefltiy reported that Mrs. Ilootlm-
Ttmcker , accompanied by her Private score-
tary , Major Alice Lowp , and Staff Captain
Canygihl had left surroptitioucly 'for Mont
Ciair , N. J , -
PhILADELPHIA , AprlConimander
Booth-Tucker conducted a rcligiou. meeting
imm timi city tcday. He was ccomnpanlod by
Major Milan and a numnber of the Phlladel.
phia omcers of the army andthe hall was
filled to its capacity. The commander was
greeted with applause. In , an' interview ho
sa'd : ,
Time army Is going along just as It was
always conductod. hialliimgton Bootim was a
gocd Salvatlonir't. and I see no reason to
change his plans. Tlmere many ' be sonic new
dcvelopmcmmts in social schemes , however. I
propose to spend a week In time , sIummms. Our
idea is to deal with time povedy whIch exists
In time cties and we have no idea of making
time army a colony to be overseen by Eng-
"Time personal teehing. for flahlington
Boctit will last for a whil m , but it vIll not
continue. He Is iike a politician who will
not work with hi party. He thinks lie can
stvcep the country by himSelf withotmt rings
and without pulls ; but ho cannot. I am
as good an American as I3ahImmgtan. I am
of American descent on nmy father's side ,
although nmy mother's famll3' were French.
fly ancestors have fought ii the revolution.
ary war , and I have a couqin in con.ress ;
tlmerotore , I have a rgbt to be here. I am
taking out natuarlization papf.g now. Among
other timings , we will stop .lyJng mnost of
time imiguiclst positions in tdarmy to Eng-
lishmen. NoV emily will Anwritans get time
positions of prominence In.'this country , but
they will be seat to the hmighe offices , ail
over the world , Of coured they must have
the qualifications of goodness , ability and
Salvatlotm army expcrience.t'
In regard to Brigadier Fielding of Chicago ,
who went , over to flaiilngttn Booth , Mr.
Tucker said : "He has recigned , but wo
bare not accepted his resignation. We
hope to yin himn to the army. CommissIoner
Eva Booth has gone there to , try to settle
the dlmcmilty. "
CLEVELAND , April 5.-There was a con-
filet iietwecn Balhington ilooUm's Amenicamm
Volunteern and corps NO. 1 of the 'Salya.
tion arnmy herQ today. IL was a Conflict of
prayer and nmeldy , hmowevdr. Time Volunteers -
teers held their first publFe meeting In the
public square. There were abotmt twenty-
five of the Volunteers. Most. 6 them wore
time old 5alvition army 'ulfcwnam1 , time
Ballington tfloeth badge. Altrowd , of 1,000
followed the volunteers from thh 1'ira'Meth.
odlst Episcopal cimutch , vkmIclm had been
packed at time Easter 'service. ' , Vlmeq time
meeting 1mm time square was hn prcg eas time
SalvatIon army corps , wIth a brass band ,
appeared on the scene , drowning thb pray-
era of time Volunteers. The meeting went
on , however , and soon the two bands of
soldiers were prayIng lii dIfferent parts of
the little pamk. Tlmere were many patriotic
peccImes by ihe Volunteers. At time conchu-
imion of the meeting the American flag ,
vhicim the Volunteers had carried , was
spread , witlm a soldier at , each corner , and
all who desired to' contribute were nske.i
to do o by flInging their money upon the
flag. Timero was a shover of 'coins and a
lmandomo contribmmtlon was the result. Afterward -
erward there were scryices at the First
Metimodist Episcopal aurcim , timat edifice
being packed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Siaoshomie ChiiefAmmx1omr IC ) See Ills
Grmtnd.on's , tIimvherrs I'ummlslmeii ,
LANDER , Wyo. , April 5.timiafVasbake
of time Shosimones is yery 1mnuch in earnest
In his desire to punshm Wi11Lnmoroux and
Cal O'Ncai for the part 'tlmy took in killing
Young Jim Washaicie. Time old chief takes
imia daly walk frcm lila houa over to the
nmlUtary post , but his imoadils 1'owed and imlmm
step measured by the weight of eighty win-
tens , which hmo carrIes uppn his shoulders.
The meat of his talk is qomm ernng the nmur-
der and Ito makes no secret of his demand
for jumatico at time hmand of'tho white man.
One byone hi sons have met violent deaths ,
ii : oldest , wfto was macho .war chief of the
tribe , was killed 1mm battle oiftime Sweetwater ,
near Burnt ranch , by tima Sioux in 1868.
Another son was murdered at Nortim Fork a
few years ago , and etilh tnother was killed
in time woods wimilo clicpping timber , and
now comes time death of hs favorite grandchild -
child , time support and comfort of his old age.
lie has two more aoa , ' George , who is
known as anything but a good Indian , anti
Dick , a popular young Jprd , vimo is a sort of
prnco ofVales of time tribe.
Chief Wasbakie is an Indlan whose word
is good wltim everybody hmp knows Imirn.
Faiceimood and trcachey are not in his comim-
position ammd he takes prtie in speaking the
trutlm fearlessly at all tImes ,
Cal O'Neai amid flIhlflobert.s , , two men belonging -
longing to tue Lamoreux crowd , are not yet
arrested , but it is hoped Uey w ii lie caught
and made to suffer tim fuhi venalty of the
law. Captan ? WIlson , thu acting IndIan
agent , deserves credit for' hs management
cC the Indians durng tlm late excitement.
The chief men of tlm , Slmeshoae tribe ox.
preesed timor confldeucofTrhlmn anti chow a
wlhiingnosa to ba guldc y b'.z advice , and
titus violence Is avoided.
Arm'ested for StrnlIias Mommey.
DENVER , April 5.-Mrst'Cmma Yorko Of
San Francisco was anrech hero tonight
as mtim alighted from , a athmm , on a telegram -
gram from San Francsco , chmargimmg imer
'S itlm time timeft of $22 500 fomm ; imer daughter-
In.lav , airs. Gibson. irs.Yorke's sop , Fred
Chibron , a aoioon keeper mf 'san Francisco.
tiled a few days ago , anti his motimer heft
bafcre imla funeral for FredQrick.ton , N. II ,
Upon discoverIng timat lime ioney Gibson
imad in time banlc , was , m'gaipg , his widow
Immid telegrans gent , which rtcpped her
muotimer-In-haw here , Yorko admits
having the money , imtmtm'a' imer eon gave
It to her before lie died , 'yjimen searched ,
but $1,300 was found on , her person ,
Ni'I.i'iisltti hli , ( ) lmL' Of IssCusmtcstitmm : is ,
CAMIIItIDGE , Mass. , Apr41 5.-Yeaertiuy (
afiermioco , at a linal coumettion. harvard's
rcprccjmtativcs for thoooming Yale debate
vcre chosen as ( oiiows : Wililamu Beimont
Parker , ' 7 , of Nontok , Neb. : , Atlolpim Mcneil
Sayre , FImaCifti student efL' Wnsimtngton ammd
Frank Randolph Steward or Miesouia , Mont.
Time alternatcu syili be Charea ) Grilk. 'fts. of
Davcmlrort , Ia , and WIrt ilouvo of New
Orlenmmtj. Time ebate will be held In New
Haven cmi May 1. Harvard vlIl support the
nlilrrnatlva Cf time iiuestlon : "htesoivetI ,
Thut it ierm800nt court of arbitration
Cimoull be established by the United States
anti Great Britain. "
hlmiiat'd time i'rk't' of Stet'i Imihlu'ld ,
PITTSIIUBO , Pa. , Apfll 5.-Word oomes
from one tmf the I'ittaburg mnanu-
facturersimttontiIng the mqceting of time steel
mnammtmfuctUrera in New York timat the prlc
Cf billets wait yesterday set at 2O. 1' . o , b. ,
at the manufacturer's mill ,
PIT'rSIiUltG. AprilR. . C. P&mtteriomi
Ut' time New Castle Wire Nail company is
auri.crity ( or limo utat enemit tmat ! as a re-
su't of time steel billet 1)001 , v no nails will
b3 advanced 25 cents per keg , Timis wIll
mmiako an advance of 40 cvnt5 witimin time
past two weeks.
Uoolness of a Ztago Manager Prevents a
eri0uB cque1.
Ohhisdn Stranger Conmc to the lie-
cite of a Smiimke Ciinrmimer suimil lie-
I IOu tmmoigleil svith a.
lion Cniiitricter ,
ChICAGO , April 5.-A fire which bore a
very threatening aspect for a timno and
created a 'pammic broke out this afternoon in
a Clark etreet dimmuc mnusourn , It being Easter
Sunday , the two small theaters In the build-
11mg were emmtertaimming audiences of mimoro tima'
time usual proportion , at least 1,000 persons ,
who occupied every availatmlt space , being
lmresemmt , Time audiences at ommco made a rusim
for time doors and for a time pandemnoniummi
reigoetl. Time stage manager , Clmares Bell ,
took a comnmandtng postion anti urged the
imeopie not to lose timoir heads , and to his
coolnet'a amid self-possession is dub time fact
that thmo patrons finally cecaped without imm-
jtmry , Time wildest confusion , Imowevor , pro-
vaiied anmong the freaks and stage per.
formora , but all eseapemi witlmout injury , mmmammy
of the actors ruomming into time streets In timeir
stage attire.
Probably tIme greatest cxcitemuent attending
t1m fire was caused by aim incIdent timat hap-
pencd on time third floor , wimere time collection
of image snakes was on exhibition. Among
timi collectIon was a boaccnstrctor twenty
fact In lengtlm. A female snake charumer had
charge of time reptiles atmd wlmen the fire broke
out she attermmpted to niace theta in a box.
Calling for assistance , a stranger chimnbed
into the cage and offered to help capture the
smmales. lIe picked the largest coo up by
time neck and mme sooner bad imo done so tlmamm
tIme snake , recognizing it was in time hands
of a stranger , coiled its huge formmo about
time mnan's arm. The snake chmarnier , realizing -
ing time amen's danger , told hiiiii to keep a firm
grp on the snake's neck. A terrIfic stntmggle
tLen ensued , but by time cornbineml efforts of
the fair snake charmner and time obligIng
stranger the bonconstr'ctor was finally
jammed into a big box amid secured. The re-
malnuler of time snakes vero easily rescmmed.
Time blaze was a hot cne , while It lastemi , but
time fire department soon extinguished It
emily nominal damage. Tue origin of the fire
is unknown.
WORCESTER , Mass. , April 1.-Firo broke
out today in the Waslmburn & Moon Maimtm-
factuning commipany's plant at Quinslgamond
village , resulting in a loss of $150,000 to
$165,000. Fully insured. Two hundred men
will be out of work until the building is re-
built. The fire was caused by an oIl pipe
running near a furnace.
EcItcet to Siowuimutcrinls Useti by
hio1 mit llfIemeimt 'I'imneH.
MIDDLETOWN , April 5.-Tlme professors -
fessors at Wesicyamu c llego , wimo have for
some time been c'ondcmctibg tIme novel food
experiments wimlch have , attracted general
attention , give the following statement for
publIcation : Mr. A. W. Smith , who entered
time respiration calorimeter apparatus emi
Monday , March 23 , at 0 a. m. , came out
today at 3 . m. , thus making a stay of ten
dayn and , six , hours. ThIs is the longest
eontinuouma eipenlment of the l Id 'that hmas
oYer besn made , Smltim reports ) dmself. as
feeling entirely well and none time worse
for tue experIment , The tasks abmigned him
included revere mental work , arduous mus-
cimlar labor , and the mnaking of frequent
observations of the temperature and imygro-
Scopic conditions of the atmosphere within
the apphratus. Time experiment was divided
into a ioriotl of nearly two days' rest , one
of three days , hard mental work. in calculat-
lag results of a previous expeninment , studyIng -
Ing of Gornman treatises on physics ; one of
three dayn' rest ; one of three days' of in.
tense muscular exercise in lifting weights ,
and finally a day of rent. During all thir
time the Inhaled and exhaled air and all of
time products given , off from the body were
measured , weigimed anti analyzed. The
energy received by the body in the form of
food and drink , and that given off In time
excretory products and in the heat radiated
form time hotly wore also measured. Such a
large amount of work reimmaIns to be done in
completing and calculating the results of the
expenlmentmm that the fimial outcome will
hardly be ready for some weeks. When
fully completed the results will throw valuable -
able light upon time quantities of food and
materIals used by time. body when at re.ut
and when the imerson Is engaged Iii intel-
iectual and muscular work and also omm the
nelationmi to time body fmmnctione.
. _ _ _ _ _
A Lb S.i 10 ONS TI ( Ii'I'LY CLOSED.
I'roirietor 'I'imke No Chances with CIte
i't'w Italimes J.tiw ,
NEW YORK , April 5.-The flames liquor
law was emmforced in timis city today , It
was mmpparent all over the city that time
saloon keepers had made up their nminds
to take no chances tmnder the existing comm-
dillon of affairs , for there was no attempt
to evade the provisions of time law and no
violations were reportemi. On every street
the interiors of time drinking places were
expoaed to full view , the bhindB antI ctmr-
taina being so tyrangetl as to give a clear
proopect of wlmat was going on Inside , Time
saloons were in almost every Immatarmee mie.
sertetl , evemm by the proprietors amid their bar-
tenders. Reports imad It tlmat tlmo uptown
hotels 'ero profitimig largely byt the changed
orderof , , , timings anti tflat mnost of them were
doing a rumthlmmg. though legitimate , bush-
ness. None of them sold liquor ever the
bars , but the mmmajority , especially those
whIch have bars In their cafes , diepensod
liquors sith lunches ammd meals.
Reports fromn all over tue state indcate
that the ness' law was quito generally cmi-
forced. Very few persons defied time law ,
Those doing so were prommmptly arrested.
SCIIENECTA1)Y , N. Y. , April 5-Time
liquor law was enforced imoro today , and
nearly every saloon commiplied with its pro-
visions. Andrew M , Stocir , ropnietor of time
Terrace imotel , attemimted to evade time law
ummder the Imotol clause , At S o'clock ho was
arrested , Ills bar was exposed , but lie was
serving ulquor 1mm the dining room , lie had
a big register , contaning over 200 imames and
a small iumicim was served vtim each drink ,
A test cave will be made of timla affair.
Acqmil I it'll ( III Cli ( ' Fourth Truth ,
Sr. LOUIS , April 5.-A pecitmi to time
Republic froen ] ientommville , Ark , , says : A ,
J. Testament , charged with the niurder of
11ev , Ihursel Sinimns an old genteman ! , stmp.
pored to have mmmcii mooney secreted In
hin imomne en Pea Ridge , &x miles north of
hmcro , was acquitted last night , titter a Imard
tight , thIs being the fourth trla , In lb9i ,
when time murder occurred , Tesiamnent watt
convicted anti senttflmcetl to imammg , A rehearing -
hearing was secured for him , anti three
othmer trials immmvo followed. resulting in an
acquittal , alter a cost to time county of
about $12,000. _ _ _ _ _
Uo'.t'm'mium' % 'lll Not Iii terfere ,
hiELEN % , Mont. , April IL-Late yestertiny
Governor hllcham'tia decided not to in.
terfero in time case of Wilhimmmn Biggerstaff ,
mentepeed to be hanged on Monday mmext
for time murder of Richard Johnson.
: tie e-ismt'im I N of Ot'csi mm S I emmimi cr5s v ri I
At New York-Arnived--I..a hlourgogmme ,
from Ilavre ; Fuerat hlianmareic , ( rota Ntmimies
anti Genoa.
AC 1)over-Paasetl-ICenaington , from Antwerp -
werp , for New York ,
At Malln head-Passed-State of Ne-
bruska , from Glasgow , for New York.
At halifax-A rrlved-1anisian4 from Liverpool -
pool ,
At Phiiadc'phmia-Arnivcd-Grcclmmn , from I
Glasgow ,
At hIavro-rnlved-La Normmmndie , from
New York ,
At Qucenatown-Salled-Etrunla , for New
York ,
Soutimamton-Sailed-Saaie. for New
TOO SI.O % ' SlThI A ( fl'X POlt ONCE ,
Slayer of 0 , emity Mcmi Shot hr
ft I lliirtthimml ,
El1 l'ASO , To. I 5-Joimn Seimmman , the
victor of not Ic . : : : tWenty shooting of-
frays In Texas. . _ termmmInator of "bad
lumen" and tIme rI C th notorious Joimn
\'esley hiardin , I , _ . with a. bullet imohe
timrommgh imis hod ) ' , we or three mnommtims
ago , Selmnan and mica Deputy Mar-
shai George Scarbo tk had a quarrel over
a gammme of earths , si 1dm occurremmco the
relations brtween tim e not beemm cordial ,
Timla rnernimmg at 4 time ) ' mmmet imm time
wigwamn saloomu and . were drinking ,
Scarliom'omtgim says Selmmmn asked lmimmm to "comae
out lucre , . .1vant to see you" mmd timat time
two walked out imite an alley beiminti time en-
bout smith Selmiman , wimose comm Is 1mm tIme .lumarez ,
Mex , , jail , on time charge of abductIng a yotmmmg
rommman from this side , for immoral lmurpose ,
raiti to Scarboroumgim , " 1 vant yoms to go over
tIme rIver sitlm 1mb this nmonzmingVo mimmst
get that [ toy out of jail , Scarborommghm cx-
pressed a wiIllngncr to go with Selmmman , btmt
stated mme bati breaks simotmkt be mimetic 1mm
Scarborougim niti Selmuan timen rencimed for
imla Imidtol whim time remmmanlc , "I believe I'll
kiil you , ' '
Searborouglm pulled ims , gun and begamu plmont-
ing. At the secomiti slmot Selnman fell amid
Scarborommgim fired two mmmoro shots as Selmmman
attonmpted to rise. Wimen Sehmmiami was
searcimel mme pirtol commici be fotmnti cmi him , or
nnywlmcro around tmlmmm , lie says ime' imatl a
imisiol , bmmt timmit it t'an taken from lmimn after
ime fell nmmd before time police reacimeti Imimmi ,
lie vas imit by every almot that Scarborommgim
Scarborouglm Its abommt 3S years old , was born
Imi'touisiana , but was raised in Texas amud was
several years simeriff of Jones commnty , Texas.
lie is mmow otmt. of jail tinder bommtl. Selnmamm
was raised emi time Colorado river , Texas. lie
is about 59 eors of age and lam 'Icd a stormy
lifeVlmon not drinicimmg ime woo gemmtle amid
as modest as a cimlld , but be ( lid miot know
what fcmmr was ammti imas killed umot lestt than
twenty ommtlawe. hI was a deami sluot anti
qmmick as llgimtning witim a gnu , Last August
in this city , limo imotorious Johmm Wesiey liartlin
clmsliengcd lmlmm * to a free Ilglmt in time Acme
, salooum , and Selman killed timat dangerouro
character. .
- -
Not Over Thirty l'ersomis W'lhI W'iltiemoi
I he Itmmrm'iMou-IIpulu lel. Nuiptlmaitt.
NEW YORK , April 5.-Ex-Prcsident liar-
risen entertained a nmmmnber of imi friends
today. Final preparations for imls wedtiimmg
lmnve been commipleted. Admission to time
church wIll be by card qnly , and not more
than thirty guests will be present. Timere
iu still a great deal of speculation about
tlmo timmie at which time cerenmony wIll be performed -
formed , bmmt no Infornmatton upon timis hues
been allowed to leak omit.
General Harrison took breakfast at time
hotel , muRim Colonel Corbn , U , S. A. lIe
had at luncimeomi wIth imlm Daniel rtamsdell ,
who was marshal of the District of Columbia
dtmriimg time harrison adnilnistration ; Llemmten-
ant Parker and Secretary Tibbeto. After
luncheon the part)1 called on Mrs. Dlmniick
at the imomne of lmer sIster , Mrs. Gray.
IV. H. II. Miller , attorney general during
l1arr'uon's admmmlnistration , arrived dtmnimmg
the day and spent some time with imimim ,
senator Redfleld Proctor and ox-Secretary
of State John W. Foster will reach New
York tomorrow. Governor Morton , wimu
wIll be present at the wedding ceremony ,
will also arrive tomorrow , Mrs. Morton will
net be able to attend.
Charles Foster , ox-Secretary of the tress-
ury , will not comno to the wedding , a telegram -
gram advising Mr. Harrison timat ho found It
Impossible to get away , Imaving leen re-
ceived. Mr. . Noble Is alee unable to come
and , Mr. 'Wanamaker is in Europe.
Ifmuloycs % Tnht4gfr time Arri'm'mil of
'L'Iieir Nut tioutti l'repi.ielmi. ,
NEW YORK , April 5.-A r'ettiemnent of the
trouble hetween tIme Metropolitan Street Rail-
t.ay conipammy and it.'m 5,000 cmployes wimo
threaten to strike Unless ten diseimarged
men are reinstated has not yet bon reaclmed ,
The emnployes are still persistent in their
allegatlomms that the ten men 'were disclmarged
for their activity In organizing the Metro- .
poiltan miystem as a "local" of the Amalgamated -
mated Association of Street Railway Em-
ployes ot America. At the general offices of
the company , a reporter was informed there
was nothing to add to or detract from Prcsi-
'dent Vreoland'a statement that the amen
wore discharged for violating time rule of time
company , which says no employo shall enter
a saloon while on duty ,
TIme executive conmnmittee of the Amalga-
mnated association hold an informal mneoting
today at their headquarters. General Or-
ganlzer McCullough saidVe : are in the
same position as yesterday-awaiting the
arrival of National President Mahon , A ide.
gram sm'aa received saying timat owing to an
unforeseen delay , President Maimon could not
be here before tomorrow , As soon as Mahon
arnivet' , " added Organizer McCullougim , "we
will send a committee to the railroad offi.
dais , to try to ottlo time matter by orbitra-
tico. "
Vzirrimsm Is Omit fom'thie Smmr1yiimg I'rIm-
tiimnI auth Slecliitortt ,
IJAVERIIILL , Mass , , April 5.-Arthur
Bradley and Richard Ingram , two factory
hands omnployod in this city , engaged In
a prize fight last night and as a result time
latter died at midnight , The light was to be ,
a friendly one , to settle time title of which
was the better man. Time men , with about
fifteen others , left hero for Soumtim Lawrence -
renco early. last night , and went to Blair's
lmarzm , Oii South Broadway , where time fIght
took place , A man named Mcintosh was
the seceni for Ingram anti a tm-lend named
Donovan seconded Bradley , while Jammmes Gil-
ilgan , a local sport , was tinmokeeper , and
Timomnas Gibmmey referee. The lcmmockout blow
was landed on tlmo vein tmntlor time right
jaw after thirty amimmutes of flgimtimmg. All
efforts to restore Immgram to commscIeu'nesa
failed ammd he was carried to hIs brotimcr'a
house , where imo died at mnjtlnlghmt , The police -
lice ofllavenimlll were notified and arrested -
rested Arthur Bradley. James Moservo ,
Thomas Gibney , Fred \Vimitny anti two
men aumned Mchmmtoah and McItae , The po-
Ilco are searching for the otimer spectators
and officials and a number of arrests are
oxpected. Time immodical examiner will hold
an autopsy tomorrow.
- p
it'el I macs to 1mI i k aim A rimmemilu ,
NEW YORK , April 5-Timo at amo Fuertit
hiismurck arniveti today from Naples and
Gemmon. Anmong time passengers was Mr. A.
\v , Terrehl , United Stales minister to Turkey -
key , air. Terrell dec'inetl to talk on the
Arrnommlan troubles. lie mtaitl ho was anx-
ions to reach Wasimimmgion , and womm'd leave
on the first train. lie was feeling wail ,
considering time very mmnpieasammt and
tenbneatuous v'ynge. The F'uerst lPamnrek
rondo time I)355a1e from Gibraltar to time
Sandy 1100k highmtsimij In eigimty.four imomirs
ani fifty-seven minutes , covering mm mis.
tammco of 3,180 mIles , Throughout time ias-
amigo imead winds and seas vero eximori-
enceri , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'lin'r'uIhc,5114 1mm Iim iry Cit I II. ' ,
PITTSDURG , April 5.-As a. result of a
test mumede at Eeonomy , Pltisburg will probably -
ably require all dnirymnemm to furnish clean
bills of caltim for all cows mated in timeir
buslmmemts 'i'rustee luss recently decided
betoro selling mm herd of blooded cows to a
hair ) ' compammy to have thmeimerd tosteti with
tubrecmilimm , for tubercuoels. 'l'ne result
mtimowed timat 5 per cent of time cows weme
diseased , mlii mmiarxnlng condition , In a
Place supposedly pure , has stirred up time
Ohio valley anti wickIi boards of health ,
mtnd on Monday they wIll mequire all dairy-
immen to furnisim bills of health for mt'i timeir
cattle , Steps 'have ' been token in Vittsburg
ioklng to time same end.
. .
Clilidre'n " , Vlii Not lie i'resemmt ,
INiIANAPQI4IS , Almrii 5.-General liar-
rIsen's' children , Mrs. McKee and Russell
13 , hiumrnison , did not start to New York to.
day to attend their futimer's wedding. it
Imact been unmieratood for several days
neither would attend. Titere is no estrangement -
ment between fattier anti children , but time
momu amid daugimter have decided smut to wit.
flees tIme ceremony.
Not Soaking the Presidential Nomkation ,
but Would Accept It.
Commile'r , tii Qimest of l'lmttftmrnt
! Ilur himimortmt , ml t 'ilmitut CnuulL.
.intes-'l'iinI niid Cuts-
5'ii3 time lNu ( ' , .
\'ASIIINGTON , Mini 5-Secretary Carlisle -
lisle imas written time following letter on time
subject of iml cammdltlmmcy for time lmrcsiticlmtiat
imominatiomm at the Chicago commventoum.
\vAShhlscl'roN , Almril 4.-Clmmiriemu It , Long.
Clmnirmmmmumi , lemmmoctntlc Stnte Commumflhttec.
1otmhsviiie , Kv.-My Dent' Sir : 'i otmr favor
01' March CO. In which you m'ay 1mm stmlmstmtmmcct
timmmt nmnmm' of mmmy fniommda in lemmttmcl' antI
cleewimere tiesire mmmc to becommut' a cnmmtmltlato
before the nltlmromiching imrttlommrti deimiocritio
commvemmtiomm for mmoimmlnmmtlomm to time oillce of
hlrcsltlemit mmmlii reqtmc.'utiiig mo to gi'e itomno
ntmtlmonitmttive or dehhmmlte m'xpm'esstOfl impon
time llroiect , has beomm immatmmrel' ccmnsidercmi.
Mammy commmmtmmmicntions tmpomm time , bmlmmme stub.
.iect amul slmmillmtm' Imumport immmve lmetmm reccivect
froni friend 1mm duiTem'emmt Parts of time cotmmm-
try mmd t'imtle "cry grateful for timese flu.
maccommit expree'siomma 01' commfltlence anti esteem
tmpomm tilt' llflm't of immy demmmocrntic fellow
citizemms I immivo mint tmeemm able to reaelm time
commclusufomm that time exithmmg commditiotmmi no-
qumire Inc to comply 'ihi ( timeim' m'eltmests ,
zmtmtimorizimmg' thmemmm to nnmmommmme mae mutt a cammdh-
, late for time prcsiuiemmtlmmi mmommminntiomm , 't'imiin
I feel a imrofommmmti Immtrest in tIme welfmmrn of
mmmy jmlrt' , I nmmi mntmch inure commeermied mulmotit
its declmum'atiomm of lmrIimclimies than its elee-
tiomm of cammthidmmea , becammse , iii may cimimmiomu ,
lttt failure or success at time olectiomm , as
Vell US itml cnlmcity for tmefmml scm-vice in
time cOummtry 1mm time future , tlepentl.'m mmpon time
onimion it tnkett or ommuitmu to tmmke mipomm them
ImtibiiO qtmemttions mmos' engaging limo mmttcmmtiomi
of tim people amid ettP5ciniiY time qtmtmstiomus
nffectimmg' time mnonctmmry mtymmtcmmm of tlm comma't 't
try and. time' cimurneter anti mmnmount of tmmxa-
tioim to be Immmposed upon our citizemma ,
ibm positiom , tmimomm timese anti oilier mtmmbjcctn
having beemm agreed upon nod clearly mmmmd
distInctly nnnoummmced time commvemmtlomm ommgimt.
to have no dumilcumlty hum m'electimmg nmm nc-
CCptnlto candidate wimo will fairly m elwc- - ,
sent i'is 'iews , nmmti hum order timmmt itmi tleillmcra-
tlons may' be emimmrm-nmemeti as little as imos-
iblo by time contentiommum of rival aspirants
muiml , timeir friemmtis , I timlnlr mn' duty to time
party will be best 1)orformlmetl by declinlmmg
to Participate him IL contest for the nommmhmma-
tlctmm.The obhlgntlctmms nsetmmneti wimen I ncccpte
mim3' rmrescnt ohilcial uotthtlom , require mime to
, ievoto immy entire thimmo anti attentlomi to
time public interests corrrn'tted to my cimmurge.
and I shall contimmmme to dimtcimmirge time dutieS
inmimoseti upomm me to time best of iii ) ' ability
and iii stmcim mnanmmer mitt vili , In mmmy judg.
nmommt moet certaimmly Imromnotc time tru'j iii- .s
terertis of time coumntry ; ouch , if , in time olmimilomi
of my fellow denmocrats of Kentucky , my
servIces entitle me to timeir comnmenimltion
anti approval , I would regard their Immdorse-
meat of my public commrso ott An ample re-
wnrd for time littie I have been able to in beimnlf of imonest administra-
tlOn nntl a sotmntl flnmmncitmi POlicy.
\Vitim mummy timammks for kInd letter ,
I anm'ery trumly yours , .1 , 0 , CAlihiSLif ,
LOUISVILLE , April 5.-Time Counier-Jommr-
nal will tommiorrow pubhisim time following cmli.
lariat on the letter of Secretary Carlisle ,
mmmade public tonigimt : "Time posItion wimicis.
Mr. Carlisle takes i one , ' entirely In no-
earth with time dignity of the office of prest-
demmi and with tima duties of time office of
secretary of the treasury , Ho declines to
participate in a contest for time namlnation ,
holding that time matter of first moment
is time declaration of the party's ' principles.
Ho desires time endorsenmont .ef 1mb ; aerv
Ices by his state , and thougim he 1oes not
say so in ; o many Words , if lmis state shall
psesent hIs mame to the national cnvemitlon
on a satisfactory platforn'ho vill tmntloumbt. '
tudly accept the responsibIlity. This is a 's. . $
matter of exceptional moment at once to F. . 'I
the democratic party and to the eumtie pee. . ft
pie. of the United Statco. To time demo- ' 4 .
cratic party It brimmga home tIme Iesu ' . .
wimether it Is to continumo to bo the party ' 7'
of Jefferson , Jackson , Pnmmton arid Clove. . ' i
land , or wlmstimer It is 'b set UI ) straimgo
gods and lend time priceless prestige of its
name and hIstory to aim alien faltim ,
"To the ieoPle of time United States it Is
of vital comicern , for upon the decIsion vitimia ' ,
the ( lemocratic party of the issue timims forcoa
Upon it depends time one possibility that tlmis
country mmimall have as a presidential candidate -
date , backed by the organized reurcee of
either of tim two great politIcal parties , a
man with a universally conceded cirar coma-
prehension of the nature and necessities of
a sound money system as indispensable to time _ , s-
protection of national Integrity and material
prosperity , antI with a rccormh , not of profession - '
sion , but of parformaimco , in itself at thh timno
the oniy unimpeacimabie proof of practical , tin- '
swerving and unassailable fidelity to time
principles of suclm a syatemn , Kentucky Is
ready. It needs no campaign to bring Kentucky -
tucky to Carlisle. Let time convention ho
called-limo sooner the better-anti time state
which took the lead for out honest tariff wlil '
take the lead for an 'honest. cuniency , "
ComigresNlmmams lIunterlends' the 01,1)0- -
ttltioii to Cite ( Oovermor , ' '
FRANKFORT , Ky. , April 5.-Tlmoro will ' .
be a contest between time fniemmmls of Coy- , , , ,
ernor Bradley and Congressmnamm Hmmmmtcr at
the republican state commventlon in Louis- '
vihle , April 15. hunter was manager of
time campaign when Bradley was elected gov'J '
enimor last year anti clmarges the governor 4
whim ingratitude during time past svIrmter in
not helping hunter in hula senatorial con-
test. Hunter is now a. candidate for renoin- :
mallen for congress amid for delegate at
large to the St. Lommis convention , litmmmter ,
is a pronounced McKinley man omiti it I
charged at time state hmommso timmzt lie would
not follow immatructiomma If time state ccmmmven-
tlon adopts Bradley resolutiomms , Wlmiie time :
friends of Governor Bradley are said to be
opposing Hunter for congress as well as
for delegate to St. Louis , time frIends of
hunter are saul to be workiimg for time
adoption of MclCimmley resolumtions in time
county anti district conventions , ammtl timat
limo final trial of strength will commmo at this
state convention ,' I lie Fight t aim hireeki aridge ,
LEXINGTON , April 5-Colonel W , C.
P. llreckinnitlgo baa been quietly imracticing
law hero ever slmmce time m'uit for dammiages ol
Macline Pollard two years ago caused imlimi
to be sacceatled iii congm-ess by Colonel W. '
C , Owens , Although Miaa I'ollard got s
judgment for $15,000 , site ima never boon
able to get execution , or to recover mmnyttm'ng ,
Now timat Colonel iirecltiimrltigo it , canvassing
the district agaimm to nm for congress 1hmlm
year time old mnovomemmt of time wommmen iii time
distrIct is being reorganized , . Colonel
iIreckinridge will imavmm time women agaipat
him , as ho imad two years ogo. Thou timd
race for the nomination botwcemm Breckinrldgo
anti Owens wait chase , Now time frient1 'of
"Kentucky's "silver-tongumed orator" exprw
the fullest commfldesmco Iii lmimm success , ,
Semmt 'rrgIOIH4 tO $111 Ificctjmm , '
NEW ORLEANS , April 5.-In resimonso 1cm
time applIcation of tito almeriff of St. Landr
pariah anti limo mayor of Opeiousas , 0ev-a
ernor Foster directed Brigadier General
Joimlm Glynn , comnmnanding time State National
Guard , to COmmilhy ) svitim time request of tii'
St. Landry authorities. Oemmerai Giynn issued -
sued time necessary orders and sixty men of
time Washington artillery left this ovcnin
for Opelousas. Term of the men vere artil-
lerymnen 1mm cimarge of a gatlimmg gun , Tlmo
others went. sit infantry , A special traits'
will coccI tito party at LaFayette amid this
troolma wIll be In Opeiouaaa before morniug
hIrsm.lit' ) ' Leimals Vu Oc Itute , 7
CINCINi-4ATI , April 5.-SpecIals to 111.1 .
Commercial Gazette imow that timoro wcr
hard contests yesterday botweerm time Irad-.t
by and McKimmhey men at county convend
( ions to select delegates to time state rej
Imubilcan convention at Louisville , April 15.
Of the fourteen convenlons ( imeard from yea1
terday , Bradley received the Instructions of
elgimt anti leiCinloy of mmix. Eighteen county
conventions have Instructed for MciUnle'