Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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I r 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA _ DAIL3 _ i3EE : SATURDAY. - APRIL 4 , 189fl , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Aldornianlo Contest Is Decided in Duncan's
. Favor.
No A t4VflhIt tinIe Eu tnt roil , * ee OIiIos-
his ' 1' I I.lHhI-c , % IciiiberVIIL
sit Once I'reMtit IIIs IIUIId
. iiiiil TnJLe III , , Scn * .
The courts have rellovel the city council
tf the reponibIiIty of electing a successor
to John lcrnIy , the councllinan-at largo who
. TeSlgflcl early In March , otter having been
c out. of the city on leave of absence for about
a month. The city's quota of councilmen
Is now complete and the Fourth ward Is
reptesonted In the council by two councIl-
men-at-large , besides the regular ward coun-
Judge S1abwgh of the distrIct bench yeSterday -
terday Iued a decree llnd'ng that Itubort
I ) . Duncan was one of the nine persons who
received the higliest number of voteR cast
the last general
- for councilnien-at-largo at
electIon , held In November , 1895 , and tie-
dared him duly elected anti entitled to a
' scat In the city council for the term of two
. ycera , commencing on tim first Tuesday in
January , l8i6 , together with the emoluments
of the oFfice for such period. Tue decree
. also gave Duncan an execution against Lemly
for the costs In the case , but. as Lemly left
i the city insolvent the execution Is not of
great value.
This act of the court is the ending of a
COfltO3t commenced In the county court of
thin county soon after the result of the
omclal canvass of votca as announced ,
Duncan brought suit to contest Lemly's
( i _ right to a seat In the city council , alleging
that ho ( Duncan ) had received more votes
for that position titan bad Lomly , and al.
leging that the election boards In a number
of the districts of the city had not credited
him with a large number of votes which had
bton cast for him. The case was heard before -
fore Judge Baxter about the middle of January -
" ary , and , under tim ruhin of the court regarding -
garding ballots In which the voter had
marked croeses opposite ten names among
the councilmanle candidates and afterward -
; ward erased one of thio crosses ,
. the count ahowed Lowly four ahead
of Duncan. As there were a larger number
of theoo kind of ballots cast for Duncan than
for Lomly , the former vae the loser tinder
the ruling of the court , but as the objection
to counting those ballots had been raised by
Diiiican's attorney , ho wae not In a poeltion to
object very rtrrnuoualy , The catie wae do-
CkICl In Lenily'n favor and Duncan appealed.
The case canto up for hearing In Judge
. Slabaugh's court Thurtiday. In the meantime -
time L.omly bad resigned and had left the
I city , lb was repreentod by his attorneys
1 who lind appeared for ilIm In the lower couit.
'ritero was practically no contest , the cvi-
denco Introduced beng ! the poll books and
I * . tally heete and the eworn evidence of Duncan -
can , who teitifled to gaina In the 'cveral
i % & warde , whichi gave hIm a majority over
, Lomly of fifteen votes. All of thl9 evidence
' ! q was Introduced by conrent of the defendant
and the ruling of the court was based on the
. evidence beforclt. The question passed on
by Judge Baxter , regarding the rejection of
_ _ tile ballots marked with ten crores , cno of
9 which was erased ( prewinably by the voter ) ,
wat , not before the court and was , therefore ,
t not passed upon.
Duncan announced that he would at once
precnt his official bond to the mayor for his
approval and would be prepared to take his
veat at the next council meeting as a full-
fledged councilman. lie alec stated that ho
l would inalce no effort to collect his ealary as
councilman during the time he hold the poal-
tion of plumbing Inspector.
ltIIIMt J'll } for Liit.1 'lstkeii fOL' flotale-
yard I'urJloseM.
Tim city was the lcser in the suit. brought
agaln9t It by the trustees of the estate of
' Fanny Croft to recover the value of the land
; r taken by the city on North Twentieth
street , the plaIntiff being given judgment
against the city In the sum of $800 and interest -
terest , amountIng In all to $874.60.
- , The evidence In the case showed that the
? park commission , acting under the authority
. of tile city council and mayor , took posos-
- sten of Twentieth street as a boulevard , and
t opened the street to the full width of Mxty-
ix feet. In so doing , the park commison
took a strip of ground belonging to the Croft
estate , and lying Immediately south of Ames
. avenue , thirty-three feet In width and about
400 feet In length. The street had been
dedicated at this point with a wIdth of only
thIrty-three feet , but tim park commission
claimed to be fgnorant of this fact antI Improved -
- proved the street to the fuhi width. An attempt -
tempt was made on the part of the city to
shift the responsibility of this action on the
park commission as a separate department ,
Whose action would not bind the city council
and mayor , but the court ruled otherwise ,
and it then beeaitto almost solely a question
of fixing the value of the land. A number of
real estate titcit were called on both sides to
give their opinion of tue value of tile land
; taken. No two of them agreei as to what
tue land was worth , the prices fIxed by these
vltllossea ranging from $200 to $2,500 per
acre. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t3tjI'sI ) itILEI ) 'J'O JIOLI ) ills JOjI ,
UrH. L.Ingiifolt Appeals In time Courts
Lor Asitp.tance.
, Mrs. Martha Id. Lingafcdlt has commcnced
an action in the district court for a divorce
from Ifarry I4. Lingufolt. Iter petition is a
lenghity document and charges the defendant
, J- with numerous acte of cruelty and abuse
which have made life a burden for tue
plaintiff to suet , nit extent that she has boon
compelled to take refuge with her neighbors
for protection train the abueo of her ilu8band.
Sue infornul the court that she vai married
ir In I'onnsylvania in January , 1879 , and they
now have four children. She Informs tile
' court that her husband keeps a jug of
wllthky In the hotlso and Is under tile k -
Iluonco of liquor alt time.
Within tile past few weeks she alleges
. that harry has atruck , beat and kicked her
to such an extent tiijt site ilas been con-
polled to leave the iloLIso , and only returns
to it WllCll lie is away. The court Is alsJ
lnforinpd that tite llaifltitf and defendant ,
by their joint labors , hare acquired a hotl
and lot in Sllinn'i , addition , and that the
defendant Is eiullloyetl by the nostoflico tie-
partmcnt , and receives a monthly salary of
$105 , Silo asks the court for tontporar ) '
alimony to oltattio her to prosecute the silit
for divorce , and asks for a decree of divorce -
vorce , alimony , the custody of the children ,
title to the homestead , and that tue decn4.
alIt be required to keep up Itaylnenta on ills
lfe Insurance , which Is in her name ,
( iliY OF ' 1'Jll SiCJNl ) ChASS.
DILkIlilid MIINt Rise to th , . , iJgiiit > ' iii
tiato OeeiiIoi ,
Under the ruling of Judge Powell , made
yestordar , the little village of Oakland , in
hurt county , will be a city of the second
class , tniesti further proceedings are brought
to Prevent the carrying out of the action of
the board of village trustees. The case
came lii ) Oil an application for an Injunction
restraining the truiitees of the village from
holding an election next Monday for the pur-
1)053 ) of electing a mayor. treasurer , clerk and
! , four eomnciimeii ,
Tile petition in the ease recites that the
village was organised III April , ISS1 , and has
I continued under village organization ecu-
tinuotlbly vlnco that time , March 12 , of tills
rear , sa reads the Potitioti , tila vi'lage ' truttess
t Issued a call for a special meeting to be hold
two days later tel' tile purpose of declaring
the viliago to be LI city of the second class ,
Tila rneeting was held md tile declaration
(4 made according to program. At the same
lileCtilIg an ordinance was pai'sed dividing
, ' tile city iiito two varde. The petition
I further tilforlIla the court that the village
trustees threaten to call an election for tile
I purpose of eieCtillg officers required for a city
of the acond.cias. which system of goy-
orillllellt , It is elailntd , vlll be a burden
UPolt tile taxpayers of the village which 1110) '
are not able to bear , and It l also urged that
such action on the part of the .trustres 'ae
takeji against the wishes t't a 1lljorlty of
the residents and txpayer of the village.
It it furtiler ehieged that the population of
the village is not to exceed 950 , and is not
1,000 , as required by the law providing for
the creation of cities of the second clans.
To this petition the village trustees demurred -
murred , alleging that their acts had been In
strict compilanco with the law and denying
that the system of government required for
a city of the second class would be more
expensive than tue system now in for-co in
the village ,
Judge l'owehl sustained the demurrer ,
ilolding tilat the trustees had acted strictly
within the limits of the law , anti that the
evidence introduced in support of tile do-
milrror allowed that tile cost at government
would not differ materially under tile two
oystems. The qtleStion of population , he
held , as not one whlcil could be brought
tip In an notion like the one at bar. It
could properly be considered only In quo
tarranto proceedings , At tIle end of a
yeir , the court said , the residents of the
city couldvote on the question of whether
tllt'y would continue. as a city of the second
class or return to a village organization.
Ol.JretM In i'lIllg jut' Tax.
Louise llilleke , by 11cr guardian , ii , S.
Berlin , has asked the court to sot aside the
levy made by the city council for the prtv-
Ing of Shernian avenue , north of Ames
avontie , on the grotlfld that it is excessive.
Site owns fourteen lots abutting or tilat
street , WJI1CII Were assessed $175 Cacil , to
pay for the paving , whereas she claims they
Were benefited only to tile fxtent of $400
all told. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
O'Ionniiiuo . , iNkI , for lnnlsigeM.
The county of Douglas is the defendant in
a stIlt brought by John O'Donahue for $500
tiamnages , alleged to have been inflicted upon
lila property , tWo lots In Cunningham's addition -
tion to the city of Omaha , by time action of
tile county in opening a road from Sheeloy
station in a llorthwesterly direction , througir
the lots of tile plaintiff , thereby rendering
tilelfl unfit for any purpose.
siltV1CifS or GOOi ) FRIDAY.
ifoilrl. of CIrit's Ag(1IL ) Cola-
lilelllorlii'll J ) ) I'iOllM it''o ( tiii ,
Yesterday was Good Friday and the day
was observed ill au tile Cathohc , Episcopal
and Lutheran churches of the city. Many
of tile larger churches were rowded to the
very doors. The central tilenio of tue die-
cotlre3s turned upcn the meaning of the
day , and attenticn wan called to Eartertide.
The members of the churches were admon-
Ihtet1 to prepare for the celebration of the
holy communion.
Beginning Witil Palm Sunday , for the entire -
tire week many of the churches have been
holding meetings constantly , and the rer-
alcitO have led up from the story of tile
latter days of Christ to the final conrum
mation , witneaed in the resurrection , which
is to be celebrated tomorrow ,
Trinity cathedral began its services at
6:311 : yesterday morning. At 9 o'clock l3iehop
Worthington delivered a sermon on the
meaning of Good Friday. At 12 and 3 o'clock
comlnenlorative exorcii'es vere held of tile
hours of agony. At 7:45 : Dccii Gardner delivered -
livered a rermoa on the nature and institution -
tion of the Lord's Supper , and upon its
symbolical Ineaning. 110 said that it is
more than a mere commonloration of Christ's
death , and should also be as spiritual food
to man'a nature , The rervices wore a
largely attclded , during the week at the
cathedral that hu.tdreds have been unable
to gain admittance at sone of the meet-
11ev , A. S. Turklo. who has been holding
meetings each night at Kountze Memorial
church , ended the services last evening by
dilvering a sermon cn "A Message from
tllO Crons , " taking as his text "it is FinIshed -
Ished , " Ho called cc his hearers to apply
personally to themselves the meaning of this
final utterance of Christ , which meant the
summng up of Ills earthly agony and suf-
rering and hi entrance into glory.
Prompimiess Is a commendable virtue ,
That's why we offer you One Minute Cough
Cure. It Is prompt in relief and prompt in
curing. Tilat is what it is made for.
Soilfil at Low hatcH.
hlomeseekers' excursion tickets from
Chicago via Pennsylvania Short Lines will
ho sold April 7th and 21st , and May StIl , at
city ticket omee , 218 South Clark street ,
Chicago , and at Chicago Unon ! Sta-
tfon. Points in nine states may be reached
at low rates , concerning which full particulars -
lars may be learned by addressing H. Ii ,
Dering , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South Clark
street , Chicago.
Ylit IisMOilrl l'nciiie htiiIivny.
Very low rates for the round trip to all
points in Kalli'as. Arkansas , Oklahoma , Texas ,
in fact to nearly all points in the southern
state , . Don't forget the dates. April 7th
and 21st , also May 5th. For full information ,
land pamplllots , books , etc. , call on your
nearest agent or company's olhicet' , N. E. car-
ncr 13th and Farnam , or depot , iStlI and
Webster streets , Onlaha , Neb.
J. 0. I'P4ILLIPPI , A , 0. F. & I' . A.
An hour Alslrt.
The flying Northwestern Line trans to
"No. 2 , " "TIme Overland , " Omalla 4:45 : p.
m. , Chicago 7:45 : a , ni.
Omaha , 5:45 : p , m. , Chicago 8:45 : a. ma ,
Modern art had t. stop a wIllie after these
trains were built.
City ticket office , 1401 Farnaln street.
Tile l'ligrlma-FnNtcr Numnber.
Is now ready. Everything in It is new and
original. It contains articies by Capt. Charles
King , U. S. A. , ox-Gay. Gee. W. Poole of
' , Visconsln aitmi otiler noted writers , and is an
cntertainlng number , well illustrated , I'rice
lOc at time Chicago , Milwaukee & St. l'aul ily.
city ticket office , 1504 Farnam et.
i'EIISOS1tI. I'itltAGiLAlilS.
Euclid tlartill has gone cast to be absent a
fortnight ,
George Sell'nger is registered at the tiarkcr
from Now York.
M. Friend , Chicago , hIM ills autograph on
tile Darker register ,
C , E. Wilkins , Philadelphia , Pa , , is registered -
istered at the Barker.
S. II , If. Clarke loft for Chicago and east-
urn points last night.
Ed Swobo is here from Cbcago ! to spend
Easter , wltui his parents.
Robert Scimuller heft for Tabor , Ia. , yester-
tiny to renlain for a week.
Mr. anti Mrs. Vi' . II. Iiarnett of Toltamalm ,
Neb. , are stappimig at tile IJarkor.
General Attorney Hubbell of tile Central
Pacific road was in the city yesterday.
If. . Snyder , general freigilt agent of the
Rock Island , left for Chicago last nght. !
14 , II. Korty , superintendent of the Union
Pacific telegraph lines , left for the east last
Jollu Ilier , stock agent for the Ilurhington ,
went to Chicago yeslcrlay ( to be gone soy-
oral days ,
Diysion ! Superintendent Glbzon of the
Milwaukee , Marion , is In tile city. lie is ac-
couipnnied by C. It. Morrison.
E. T. Jeffrea , Irosident of tile Denver and
Rio Grande , was in tile city the greater par-
tioll of yesterday and left for Cilicago in the
Ed IJralldt , assistant auditor : T. E. Cal-
vert , dIvision superintendent , end Fl Iluck-
IlIgilamn 01 thu flurlingtoll left for Chicago
lact n'ght ' ,
Ex-Unitod States Senator A , S. Paddock
of Beatrice is III the c'.ty to spend a day or
two visiting friends. lie is on his return
trout an extended trip to W'asilingtou and
Now York ,
Neb'raskans at the hotels are ; F. Ilartioti ,
'estfieidl "V. 8 , Mattley , Ord : J. P. MeGov.
cm , North Platte ; Frank J , Jverson , ICcar-
ney ; John Reniors , Grand Island ; 0. W ,
Packwowl , Cruigiltoll.
At the Murray : John II. Foster anti 0.
\v. Keilt , New YorkV. ; . H , Zueillng , Mar-
shalitown , Ia. ; F. S. iilodgett , St. Paul ; E.
Muir , Chicago ; \V. II , floor , Now York ; J.
11. Dougierty , St , Joe ; J , W , Woo4tartl , St.
I'aul ; JCII ilardeman , St. Louis : A. J. Rowe ,
Minneapolis ; P. T , hiircilard. Norfolk ; E , 0.
Steams , Chicago : i. M. McCunc , David CIty ,
Nob. ; 14. Li. Chrlstianr , Des Moines ; J , K.
Millikall , Kansas City ; James Whitaker ,
Gait , Cal. ; J , ii. Rowe , Now York ; a. P.
Mcoriiead and wife , Dunlap , Jo. ; D , Ray anti
It. A. Miles , Gall , Cal. ; A. IJrittaml , Chicago ,
. - - - - ; - - _ _
Doctors Extract a Bullet Locate1 by the
Now Process ,
hiy Its allilInIlce the Operation % liM
FerforIlictI with an IxneitleHH Cliii
Snfe1' % 'idcIt % ' ( ) illl1 Otherasise
ilzt't'e heels 11111)OM'SihPle ,
The first case in Omaha in which a stIr-
gical operation was successfully performed
with the aid of the X rays occurred yesterday -
day , when Dre. Savllie and Towno extracted -
tracted a bullet W111C11 had been located by
medIa of a Roentgen photograph taken by
I'rof , Turner of the Omaha High school ,
The patient was John Fcllc , a 12-year-oitl
boy , and tllo operation was of such a nature
that it'otlid ilave been very serious without
tile aid of Prof. Turner's scientific assist-
ance. About two weeks ago tim boy woe
accidentally SilOt. Tile bullet entered the
palm bf the left hand , Owing to the bony
structure anti tough tissues of the hand it
was practically impossible to locate lirn
bullet With a lrobe. Moreover , the two
arteries wilich cross the hand at that point
rendered an incision a serious matter unless
tile exact location of the bullet was known.
The attention of Prof. Turner was called
to the case nmli ho coilseilted to assist the
pllyaiciane. ThuraJay the boy was taken to
the laboratory at the Iligil school , whore
the photograph was taken. The hand was
exposed for an hour and a half , in order to
ho sure to get a clear photograph of the
bullet , The experiment was in every way
successful. When completed tue pilotograph
was perfect. Time bones of the iland wore
clearly defined and the bullet appeared as a
Plain black spot in the Iniddlo of the palm.
Yesterday , by referring to tile photograph -
graph , the surgans extracted the bullet
without tlimculty. Tile exact location being
known , they were able to make an inolsion
t1 oflu aide oL the artery under which the
bullet had lodged , and thus reach the object
without Interfering with the artery.
Since tile first operation of this sort 1105
proved so successful , Prof. Turner is likely
to Ilave his hmanil full In attending to similar
requests front physicians. Dr. IJacon has 'a
case in whcit ! a patient is suffering from a
very obstinate spraIn of the shoulder joint.
It is proposed to try the X rays to see if a
photograph of the ailoulder cannot be ob-
tamed , showl'mg exactly to what extent , if
any , tile joint is dis'lceatea. 'It this is sue-
Cei4Sftll the treatment of the case will be
materially sinipliiled. The pilysicinne of the
city are taking a great deal of interest in
those experinuents , nail Prof. Turner is being
congratulated on account of the fact that hIs
photograph of the hand of young Feic Is
one of tile most perfect results that has
been reached anywhere in the United States.
At Boyd's last night another large crowd
turned out to see the Woodwards in "The
Gold King. " The company is doing excellent -
lent business and Is certainly pleasing the
people , as the house is packed every night ,
Tonight the five-act comedy drama , "l3rothe
Against Brother. " Matinee today , "Ten
Nights in a Bar Room. " This old play has
not. been presented in Omaha for ten years
until played by the Woodwards. Thousands
of clulidren in Omaha that have never seell
this play and parents should see that this
opportunity is not lost. Two performances
will be given on Sunday and tile conlpOny
will move over to the Dohany for a week.
There Is a large advance sale for the hal.
ance of tile engagement.
Thomas W. Keene , the tragedian , should
be warmly welcomed hero on his coming
visit. Ill Ofl age addicted to burlesque and
farce comedy , the loyalty of Mr. Keeie to
the best tradItIons of histrionics Is In every
way commendable. Tile eminent actor esrays
511011 noble parts as Shylock , Hamlet , Othello ,
Louis XI. and Richard III. , and thus keeps
alive In the memory of the younger generation -
tion of play-goers the ideas which charmed
and elevated their fathers. One of
Mr. Keene's stage productlcus thus
becomes an historical object lenon.
Mr. Keene Is coining to Boyd's next
Monday for an engagenu.ent of three nigilts.
lie will play "Louis XI. " on the openIng
night , "Richelieu" on Tuesday , and "Richard
III. " on Wednesday. The sale of seats for
\Ir. Keene's engagement will open at 9
o'clock this morning.
"La Loie" Fuller , crowned queen of the
cerpentine dance in every country in Europe ,
is coming to the Creigiiton for one night
only , Monday , April 6 , "La Lob" is
anncuiuced to present five of her moat
famous dances , including tile "fire dance , "
in which tile CffOtt is that of a pillar of
flame , and the "Lily of the Nile , " from tile
ballet "Salome , " all of whIch will be produced -
duced with the same completeness as in New
York. Seats will go on rule at the Creigh-
ton this Inoming at 9 o'clock.
"Little Miss Nugget , " Interpreted by a
company which Includes Herbert Cawtilorn ,
Leola MItchell and Charles A. Loder , will
open a four night engagement at the Creigh-
ton with a matinee Sunday , April 5 , conttn-
uing at that theater with the exception of
Monday , April 6 , when Lob Fuller will be
tile drawing card , until Thursday nigilt ,
Tue advance sale of resrved seats will open
at the Creighton box omco tomorrow morn-
log at 0 o'cloelc.
The tenor of tile Moic. Patti concert tours
of America , Chevalier Albert L. Guille , ilas
been engaged by Manager Charles H. Pratt
for the season of grand opera to be given by
tue Tavary Opera company , whicil will open
ft two flight engagement at tile Creigilton
Friday , April 10 , Mons. Gulilo was born in
Avignon , France , In 1854 , and studied with
tile great tenor , Audran , father of the fa-
meus compoeer of "The Mascot" and "Oil-
votte , " lie has 110(1 0 most remarkable and
Interesting career , one that would read like
a romance muore than a history of real life.
Guiile has sung in all the leading theatoro
of Europe , lnciudlng tllose of tile Russian
emiliro , vith all tile greatest artlats of tile
Creiguiton lull will be the scene of animna-
tion anti enjoyment Saturday nigilt , April
11 , the date of tile Anon bail , which Is prom-
Iseti to be the masquerade of the sean ,
Active preparations are being made for the
reception of those attending and tIle pro-
mnoters promise tile occasion to he long ro-
mewbered for its numerous and elegant
costumes , good music and thorough respecta-
bility. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _
A course of llood'a Sarsaparihia this zuprinu
may be tile means of keeping you well an I
hearty all summer ,
Sis : 1' . 5 ,
Omaila ,
Chicago ,
Limited ,
via tile
HM llwaukee , "
F , A , Nash , general agent ; George Ilayjoes ,
city passenger agent ; city ticket 001cc , 1501
Farnam street ,
Miirriligt , Ilecmiscs , r
Permits to wed were issued to the fol.
ioving Parties yeaterda ) :
Name unil Addremum. Age.
Truclllnu Ii. homes , Omoh , , , , , . , . . . . . , ,
Eva ( ] rewill , Onlaila . , . , . , , , , , . . , , , . . , . , , . , , 30
Thomas fl. Q1tqu , . Omaha . . . , , . , , , . , , . , . , . 23
Katie Leevre , Onuuilu. , , , , . , , . , , , , . , , . , , . . , 15
The iicalflg properties of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve are well known. It cure cc-
aButs , akin affections and is simply u Perfect
remedy for piles.
' 1)ilfl ) ,
Thursday , April 2u1 , at 730 p. Ill. . 1"uiler4i
fioni lila lute residence , 2127 ldge at , . ,
SlInday. April 5th , at 2 p Ill. hmiterment ,
l'leasal.t flib ,
I , A1 it. ( iilOUIM 131 i'iIO'Ji hiNTs ,
Track hieing I'tltljn ( boil Cotisliliots
. nail Sebilijig 1)0110 ,
.v , n. hlennettl'Dtidley ' Smith , John A.
Wakefield , William Paxton , jr. , George
Kehley , Daniel FarrphlJr , , anti Frank Brown
of the Omaha F'str snd Speed association
yesterday visited te fair grounds to Inspect
the 'work of trimming up the grounds for
the great races thaf have been arranged for
Jtlno next , The eaSt end of the track , which
gave some dIssatisfaction last fall , has been
repaired. The troubIe.during the state fair
races was that a few rprings in that end
of the grounds kept the east. end of the
track constantly idamp and heavy , Tile
drainage has been placed around both sides
of the track , while tinder the track there
are largo drain pipes at intervals of twenty-
five feet , The track is in as good condition -
tion today as it was last fall , and as daily
wOrk is being put on it , it Is expected that
It will be something hard to excel by June.
Liberal quantities of clover anti timothy
seed are being ei3Wn all over the fair grounds.
When this springs up it. is thought tile tlust
nuisance will be largely diminished. Otiler
inlprovements are going on all about the
grotlnds end it tile present march of tin.
provement contInues they will be in tip-top
shape in a few months ,
I'ormlssion Ilas been granted an Omaha
blacksmith to erect a shop on the grouln1s
and time exclusive privilege of ilorelo siloettig
has been granted him. The comlnittee yes-
tertlay decided tipon tile location of his shop.
It will be in the southeast corner of the
grounds , near the stables ,
The committee desires It known that tile
gates are open and the public is invited to
drive out to tile grounds anti see What
progress is being made , 'File track is alc'o
open anti will be until a short time before
the Juno races ,
City Collilcil II5'etH 0114 CoilNilleri.
l'1t11114 ( if , % sseMMlIicllt ,
The city council met as a board of equaliza-
tlon yesterday to pass on a number of
plans of assersment for small Improvomenta' .
Councilman flenawa was elected chairman.
The only protest heard was that of John L.
Kennedy and other property owners against
the plan of assessment on account of grading
the alley north of Dodge , between Thirty-
eighth amId Thirty.ninth s'treots. The protestants -
tants aeerted that they were assessed for
benefits , vhen , s a matter of fact , their
property had been materially damaged by
tue change. They succeeded in showing this
to the s'atiefaction of the board and it was
deternuinei that the plan of assessment should
ho rejectel.
At the afternoon session there was a
long discussion of the plan of assessment
for grading Seventeenth street from Coo.
teliar to Vinton. The amount involved Is
less than $600 , but the property owners were
represented by Ii.V. . Richardson , who talked
for nearlyt an hour to show that the method
of levying the tax was Irregular. He represented -
sented that no petition had over been filed
for grading tile street. Moreover the council
proposed to assess taxes for benefits UOfl
several lots the owners of which had already -
ready been allowed damages on account of
the grade. how a lot. could be benefited by
the 501110 improvement by which it was
damaged was a proposition which would not
stand in court. In support of his position
ho cited a number' ' of supreme court dccl-
510115 01)41 City AUorney Connell practically
confirmed his posiUon , 'Tho plan of assess-
nlellt was rejected ,
Central Labor UUtQll OfilcerM Called
liefore ii. C inllltitee.
A committee of the , Central Labor union ,
appointed at tile last neetlng , met In Labor
Temple last evenIng , to Invectigate the
charges of bribery aqd corruption brought
against' President 3Fieher , Frank Kennedy ,
\v. C. Iioyer and , , other prominent mom-
hers of the centrhl body. Those charges were
brougilt forward by. ox-SuperIntendent Wailer
and ills riendo ,
The lnvestlgatlngz'commltteo' is eomposet
of Julius Meyer , chaIrman ; Harry E. Eaoton ,
secretary ; F. B. Kltffner , Benjamin Flood ,
Frederick Schuebel , Charles Sadileir , Fred-
crick M. 'Ycungs , M , P. Hinchey and A.
Gale. All tito accused were called before
the committee and subjected to a rigorous
examination , which was conducted secretly ,
tile men against whom charges have been
preferred being called before the committee
one after another.Tiue committee was In sea-
aba at a late hour. Its decisThn will not
be announced until It Is presented to tile
Central Labor union at Its next regular.
_ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _
Front Citizens Qfl'cnllHyIviInia Wiiq.
Ihtive fleeti Cured.
Mr. W. W. Spillen , drug cleric , with J. W.
McConnell , Parnassua , Pa. , says : "I was out
all one night last winter and contracted a
uevoro cold. I was so hoarse for a week I
could hardly speak , Knowing bow' well cus-
temnora of our store spoke of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , I concluded to try it. One-
half of a hattie cured me entirely. "
S. D. Neahart , Sayiorsburg , Pa , , says :
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an excel-
heat medicine. I have used it for coughs
and colds with fine effect. I have sold it at
lll etoro for over two years. and nly custom-
era have all been pleased with it. "
J. A. Van Valzah , llughesvllie , Pa. , royal
'Chamborlain's Cough Itenlody lIsa proven
SD valuable that I do not hesitate to recommend -
mend it to any one. "
Dr. F. Winger , Epbrata , Pa. , says : "Mr.
J. D , Chine , a cigarmaker of this place , reports -
ports a complete cure of his cough with a 50.
cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
after ho bad tried others , whlch had failed. "
For sale at 25c and5ocabottle by druggists.
% Yt'nt G ttllllitlg for l1ie"hI0'N ,
Gottleib Feillmott. an old man living near
Sixteenth and Williams streets , has long
been annoyed by a crowd of urchins who
persist In throwing stones at himself anti
11W Ilouse. Last evening patlenco cencd
to be a virtue with Gotticib , and , rubbing
UI ) his old army musket , he puratled tile
boys , firing right and left into the crowd.
None of them svere hit , but an otiicer who
was near placed tim old man under ar-
lost and lodged him in jail on tile charge
of disellarging firearms within tile city
limits. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W , T , Satiford , station agent of Looper ,
Clarion Co. , I'a. , writes ; I can recommend
One Minute Cough Cure as Iho best I ever
used , It gave instant relief and a quick cure ,
To points on the I"remont , Elkilorn & Mis-
soon Valley railroad in Nebraska , including
points In tile upper portion of the fertile
Elkilorlu river valley ,
AsIc agents for partioulars , or send to the
undersigned for maps and printed matter , J.
n , jiuciuanan , 0 , P. A , , F , E. & M , V. 8.
8. , Omaha , Neb.
During last month 1,3b6 meals wore served
city prisoners at a , cost of $138.60.
Joe Moore , a newtbuiiy in town , was yes.
terday sentenced totun days on the atrot ,
United States Judge Bluer will sit in
chambers at the federal building next Tues.
The condition /Attorney Ed P. Smith ,
ill with inflammation' oftthe base of the brain ,
was umucilanged yesterday. The doctors say
that Ills recovery is vey doubtful ,
Tile residence otlJolln Phoon , 220 North
Thirteenth street , ougiut fire about 7 o'clock
last evening , The blaze originated around a
chimney and caused but alight damage ,
The Jury in tile case of George Confare
and Joseph iloiTmuan , charged witil stealing
a bicycle from In front of a house at Tll'rty.
seeomld street and Woolworth avenue , returned -
turned a verdict finding 1110 defendants
gu'lty ' and fixing the value of the bicycle at
Tile mnenobera of the Omaha Veteran Fire.
men's association and a delegation of the
paid department vihi appear Ill full uniform
thIs aftero.oon at the funeral of Charles
FishIer , A large number of members of the
old volunteer department will also attend In
a body.
\v. C. Mitcileil , a South Omaha gambler ,
went into the house kept by Jeanette Allen ,
115 North NInth street , yesterday afternoctl
and assaulted one of the inmates , 11cr cries
brought to 11cr rescue the Alien woman , wile
grasped a curtain pole and beat Mitchell
over the hvad with it. ills itat was ernshe,1
ill and a gash several Inches in heugihi cud
in tile scalp , i3otb partIes were arrested ,
' 1 t
lice , April 3 , 1890.
.44 : S .
t The Ticklish Age-u
t When a boy gets so particular that he won't cat bread'
and rnolasscs for supper and wants hot plc with his lunch
- ' . - he has arrived at the age when he Is "ticklish" about his
clothes. Too long for short pants and almost too short
S for long pants , he is as hard to suit as a woman at a
! - olovc counter or a bride at a bazaar. We can suit him.
Vc can show him more suits of HIS kind and more
t prices of HIS MOTHER'S kind than any store in the
country , and we fix it so that he will be so well pleased
4.f that he viIl think kindly of "The Nebraska" all the rest
of his life. Just now we arc ready - to show him a thoroughly -
- - oughly well made , strictly all wool , perfectly well fitting
and stylishly gotten up suit in THREE different shades
c of the same pattern for THREE DOLLARS AND A
HJLF He can wear this suit to school , or at home , to
t or to play in , to smooth it or to "rough" it , and tin-
f rose he is a reguLar Sandow he can't burst a seam or
- . - wear a hole in it for several months to come. IT's A
f _ GOOD SUIT. It's a btter suit than dry goods stores
can sell for $5.00 and as good a suit as is ever offered in
- - - "bargain" sales for $4.75. We have it in all sizes from
t 12 to 19 years and in three different shades-light grey ,
dark grey and brown. We have other suits , of course.
& , 11. ; ' ? are makht , aj5lzcnoinenalj5/ace ofour C/ii/d'cn's
- - - DeJn.zrlmen/ &izg. J3ecn enc of f/ic lucky ones yell'
i '
1goJrcL'Aa it
t L 4
Yesterday Councilmen Blancilard anti
Bulb got together and appointed members
of the Board of Registration for tile First
ward to fIll vacancies , as follows ; First precinct -
cinct , J. F. l3lair ; Second precinct , John Carroll -
roll ; Third precinct , II. Sage and James A.
Vail. The following changes In jutiges' and
clerks of election have been made : First
ward , First precinct , W. U. Reed , in p1aco
of Alex Schlegel ; First ward , Second precinct -
cinct , Jollo Carroll , in place of James Carroll -
roll , anti Titomnas Beard , in place of F.
Cockroil ; ] 'irst ward , Tilirti precinct. James
A , Vail , in place of J. M , Welsh.
On the hoard of Registration J. J. Looney
has been appointed In place of J. Dworak In
tile , Second precinct of the Second ward , anti
Bernard Krebs in place of William Erobs , iii
the Third pretinct of tile Second ward.
Tills is the only day for registration before -
fore election. All voters who did not reg-
later last fall must register today , It they
wish to vote.
This evening tile republican clubs of the
city will have a grand torchlight procession ,
and afterward a rally at Sanger hail. Tile
different clubs will rendezvous at Twenty-
fourth and Q streets at 7:30 : p. m. , from
which point the procession will start. Each
ward club vill be led by a mounted mar-
simai 'to be selected today.
Captain William Kelly has been appointed
grand marshal , and has chosen the following
aides : Colonel A , L. Root , Bruce McCulioch
and Frank Koutsky. Tile candidates will
follow tile procession in carriages. Froth
Twenty-fourth and Q streets the column will
march to Twenty-fourth anti J streets and
countermarch to N street , thence .west to
Twenty-sixth street and to Sanger hall.
After the procession there will be an indoor -
door rally at Sanger hail. John L. Webster ,
John C. Cowln , E. C , Lane and J , H. Van
Dusen are expected to be present and speak.
The Bollernlan band will furnish music for
the procession , anti a colored quartet has
been engaged to sing during the intermis-
sian between speeches.
Ictn iiie.I for htiszuiiity at l'lattMJllOlllil.
Joseph Vomaclc , who lives In Brown park ,
and who ia supposed to be insane , was cap.
Lured yesterday afternoon at Plattsmoutii
and is in jail tilere. ThuradayVemack's rd.
atives and friends feared that he would be-
comae violent and either Injure himself or
WInO one eke , and Chief Brennan was called
LlOfl to place him in confinement. Tlle chief
ilunteti all tile afternoon aqd part of the
night for him , bnt could not find him , as ho
took to the woods when he heard Ills friends
talking about turning him over to the police.
A. description was telephoned to towns near
by , anti tile town marshals were requested to
be on the lookout. Vomaclc will be brought
back here and taken before the Insanity
commissioners , _ _ _ _ _ _
Mggie City GONNIp.
Jolla Hamilton of McPaul , Ia , , is In the
city witll friends.
There wiil be a democratIc rally at Fran-
cit's bali Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs , H. L. Dennis will entertain
the Iligil Five chub tili. evening ,
The Board of EqualIzation will meet today
to equalize the tax on sidewalk repairs.
Sunday afternoon the German I'olitical
club will hold a meting at Pivonka ball ,
Tue women of tile First Methodist church
will servo dinner anti supper on election day.
J. Smith , a ranchman living near New
Castle , Wyo. , conic down yesterday with a
trainioad of cattle for this market.
U. S. Grant Circle , No. 16 , 0 , A. 8. , will
give a social this evening at the home of
Mrs , lull , 'Pwenty-fourth and L streets ,
Tile trial of A. L. ! Iolbrobk , who Is ulltler
rtrreet for an alleged assault on Annie
ICment , is set for this afternoon at 3 o'clock ,
Yesterday children playing witil matches
caUSOl 0 fire at the home of E. 0. ChrIstie ,
Fifteenth street and Missouri avenue , Loss ,
Tills evening tile Ladies' Aid society of
time First Presbyterian church will give an
Easter entertainment at the Reed hotel , A
Illusical and literary program vili be ron-
bred , Lunch will be served and Easter
souvenirs will be offered for sale ,
At tills evening's meeting of tile Current
Topic club , Cilarles Knight , Roy Dennis amId
I'red l3rown will read essays ; Manley Mc-
artiuy. Mae Darling , hal Roberts and Mar.
aret Kruaa will deliver recitations , "Home
Duties in tile Kitchen" is time topic of an ad-
irese by Miss Mine Gifford , Charles Mann
will give a character description , and Myrtle
Roberts a declamation.
'rho Epworth iellgtlo has made a change In
lIe arrangenlents for tile four entertainments
M be given tills month , T. H. Cralnblott's
: tercopticllmt lecture , WiliCh was to ilavo been
; iven April 9 , imas been postponed until May
r , on account of the reception to ho given
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
\ u : Grape Cream ofTartar Powder , Free
cm Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
on the 9th by the Womemus' auxiliary of tii
Y , M. C. A. Time first of tile aeres ! will be
given April 16 by Rev , C , N. Dawsomu of
Omaha , Vl'ilO will lecture on "lIow to Manage
a Wife. "
No preaching service will be held Sunday
morning at tile United Presbyterian cllurchl ,
but Sabbath school will be at the usual hour ,
Hamilton Lackey , who has been elected
superintendent for the comnig year. will
enter upon his duties at this tune , The an-
hual thank qfterlng service of the Wonian's
Missionary society will be held at tile time
of the regular evening service.
Lizzie Johnson , the 15.year-old colored girl
who recently gave blrtil to an Illegitinhate
cilild , died Thursday evening at Twenty- '
seventil and L streets. The funeral will be
held today ; interment at Laurel 11111 ceme-
tory. A colored porter running on tile
"Irish Mail" was arrested last month for
betraying tile girl and ills hearing is set for
April 14 in Justice Hedges' court.
Tills afternoon the wonien of time South )
Omnaha Hospital association will have entire
cilarge of tile publication of Tile Sun. For
a number cC weeks tue women have been
writing for their Easter edition and all of
tile work of gettIng the paper out except tile
typesottillg and press vork wIll be done by
the women. Tile leading editorial will be on
municipal reform anti the womneml writers will
give their ideas of tile reforms needed.
No Loiigrr Sttspectc.1 of llt'iiim a Snot
FrlIhleIneo Strangler.
Julius Festner is no longer suspected of
being the strangler who recently killed two
abandoned women of San Francisco. A dispatch -
patch yesterday stated that the authoritIes -
tIes at San Francisco were satisfied that ho
was not in the city when tile murders were
commItted. Ito was exonerated , however ,
only after a full inveoltigatioll was made , an
the authorities of tue city are anxious to get
ibId of tile murderer.
Festner is at present in confinement in tile
Insanity ward of time receiving hospital at
San Francisco. He Is to he examined by tile
conlmlssloners of insanity , after whicil final
disposition wIll be made of the case.
Fifty CluIldidates for l'inee.
The spring examination for applicants for
posItions as teachers in the public rchloois
has hem finished allul the papers are in the
hands of the examining committee for investigation -
vestigation , They will probably males their
report In a couple of weeks In order that
there who have passed may apply for positions -
tions before the annual election of teachers.
The examinations were taken by fifty candi-
be oouz
)4 ) may be made more
p4 oious still , if , in se-
4 Iecting gifts , the won-
r derful resources a
: A are drawn upon for i'
'A' that which Art has 114
ji stamped with Beauty , 1'4
111 and Honesty with ' 1
i'1 ' Sterling worth. , ,
. . . , . . , " Sta d Is
I14 + . 'z withthc 114
5X4 L 1i ) theAnchorancl
.a. R ' the Letter G
, 7'oa good JoDy Goads Stores-
I Jcrvthrs only. 114
C. S. RAY1'i'IOND ,
S. : , Cor , y5th and Douglas
Is what you find by patronizing
10th and Fht1'ilrtfll Sts ,
3rd Floor Paxtoii Block
Tel , 1085. Lady attendant.
Twelve years expuorienc , . 8 years in Ornalla ,
Fine iiiiings inaerted without pain iob , war.
tilt , test of tulle ,
ranted to stand Many of our
vatientS are now on illeir cigiuth year Witil their
* 5.00 sets of teeth ,
llridgo leetil (11111 all classes of soilc pitOrl1Ie1
In a satisfactory millIner at a reasonable price.
. 14
t ' _
A' '
, , -
Teeth eatracted ISitilCUt the heait paIn or dan'
ser without 5111. a&i iCCIlI mind given when
. . .
Capes Gloves
At Lowest Prices.
Special Silk , Notion. Hat
niul Cal , Sales. Pio-
visiolt Prices at
Hayden Bros.
Your Enstcr
Hat or Boiiiiet.
I'rices on E.ister nlillnery were never so
reasonable as tiii ecaron , As usual , tley
go to tile lowest IlOtch at hiaytieml liros.
lillying was ninioct umuilinited ill tluin tie.
partinemut , anti still the greatest care anti
jutlgment'as uliod , in selecting , Every
fashiomufavoretl style of hat or bonnet or
toqtle , all elegantly trimmed in tilt' newest.
1110110 , 15 on view. hats prontptly trimmed
to order.
For Saturtiny we have engagetl an atitli-
tionni force of salotladies , nOLl you HIfty rely
111)00) receivIng every attention anti finding
jtist the lint that becomnes ) 'oil ,
Our prices are tile lowest over named on
fine new mllhiinery ! ,
Your Easter . Cape.
Notiling In more becoming or more coma-
fortablo timmun a Cape , anti , fortunately , there
is Ilotilillg more fashionable. We imavo an-
ticipateul every want and show the IllOst
varied 411111 extensive asaortlncilt of fine
110w Capes ever shown ill Omaha.
Cloth Capon lit all the al1ted colors , '
Illade tip In $1.50 style' , at. . . . . . . . . . . . 75c
Stylish 1)ouble Capes , braid trimmed ,
all colors , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050
Fine Double Capes , velvet collars , neatly
trimnmned , ot regular $3.00 garmellt , at$1.48
Clotil Caller , in all colors , eiah3rately
triflhtlied wIth silk braiti anti jot buttons -
tons , silk iiiietl , at $2.98
Ladies doulblo Kersey Cloth Capes ,
trimnmetl WItil satin braid amId silk
velvet collar , time ordinary retailer
Wotliti ask $6.00 , on sale . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
Ladies' fine Brocatleul Capes , silk lined ,
full sweep , very rich appearance ,
worth $7.00 , an sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
Ladies' fine plain Satin Capes , all silk
lioieui , full sweep , the acme of sImple
elegance , worth $7.00 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
Ltlies' extra fine Velvet Capes , hanti- , '
SOflhCly trinllued with lace anti jet , , (
hued Witll cluangeablo silk , wortll
$3.00 , on sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
Lathes' fine black all wool Clay Worsted
Capes , full ieflgtil , trimmed with very
( loop lace and jot , wortim $8.50 , on sale ' '
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00
Ladies' best quality flue black Silk
Capes , liticti with silk serge anti trim-
with jet and dm10 satin ribbons ; this
Cape is 'cry rich lookIng anti effective ,
worth $9.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.50
Special Sale of
Easter Kid Gloves. '
1 lot of 5-hook Kid Gloves , in all eel-
ors , vortio $1.25 pair , now. . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
1 lot of 5 ann 7.1100k , our regular $1.50
Gioves , every pair fitted and warranted -
ranted , go at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special ' ' .
Sale of Umbrellas.
Over 10,000 on display , Wo ar .iow
showing thlo largest line in the west4
1 lot of 26-inch Umbrellas , fine handles , ,
worth $2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
1 lot of 26-inch Umubrehlas , Congo sticks ,
worth $3.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.01
Ladies' Hosiery.
, ,
100 dozen iadlea' Seamless lInac , fast
black , worth 20e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 '
Ladies' black Silk hose , worth 75c. . . . . 39c .
100 tlozeii boys' black Bicycle hose , '
worth 25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19o _ ,
Ladies' jersey ribbeli Vests , worth lOc Sc , ,
Ladlea' fine jersey rIbbed Vests , worth '
25o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12o
Muslin Underwear.
100 dozen ladies' Night Gowns , worth
750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48e
Ladies' fllutlhlfl Drawers , worth 35c. . , . iSo
Special Saturday
Morttiiig Silk Sale.
Wash Silica , iii cllceks , stripe's and
plaids , freon 8:30 : to 9:30 : a. m , at
yard . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . , . . , . . . , ISo
Oii Sale Saturday.
Bankrupt toek of Laces.
Titoulsamuda of yards of elegant. Torcilon
Laces , emIly , per yard . . . . , , , . , . . . . , , . ,
l3eauotiful wide Silk Laces , in black ,
cream , brown , green , p111k , in fact
all colors , at , per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go
The finest of English Torcilon , Irish
Point and Silk Cilantihly , worth & 0
yard , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be
All sIlk Veilimlga , ill all colors , at , per
yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go
Cheap Books.
500 regular SOn Books go at. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 f
2,000 new Novels go at bOo
250 ElIvelopt's , best , go at , , , , . , . . . . . . . . Sc
Best Black limk go at , , , . . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . , 3o
Best Mucilage goes at , . . . , , . . . , , , . , , . , 40
Dozen Leati Pcncil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2o
Special Easter Offerings t
In mcml's , boys' , misses' and cillidron's
Ilatti , Caps and Tam O'Sllanters ,
SOc-Men's fur derbys , in black and
brown , worth $ l,50 to $2.00 ; sizes to 7 ,
115c-Meml'ml Fathoms , in black and bluwli ,
worth $2.00 to $2.50 ,
Soc-Boys' l'aiiha Hats , In black and steel
mixed , worth $1.00 ,
2&c-IIOYU' and children's Yacht Caps , In
blot' and au colors , worth SOc.
29e-MisseS' and children's Tam O'Shan-
tern , In plaid and fancy colors , worth SOc.
We ilavo all of tue iatet mlilapes of macn's
fur derbys.
Fedora Ifats , half llattern' prices.
Salut'day is Positively
the Greatest.
Butter , Eggs , Meat
and Lard Sale.
Country liuttor , Sc , lie , 12l4c , ide anti , lOti
Creamery , ISo and. , . . . , , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , 200
Our Waterloo Creutmolery , the finest Butter -
ter mIld" , goes at , , , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 22o
I'Otmrll Salt l'ork . , , , , , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , 'ie
I la000 , ,4. . , t 4 I . , . , , . . , , 70
Corned Beef . , , , , . , . , , , . . , , , , , , , , . , , , , , 3yo
Sugar Cured No. 1 llama , , , , , , , , , , , _ , , , 8 ½ e
Caiiformiia hlamns , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , 6l/u ,
I 'igs i'eet , , II If .t , , , , , , , , , 40
Bologna . , , . , , , , , . , , . , , . , , . , . . . , . . . , . , , ' do
3.paulnd Cans best Lard . , , , , , , , , , , , . . , , , 103
5.IlOUnd ChIlls best Lard , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 32o
10.pound cans boat Lard , , , , , , , , , , , . . , , . Ole
Attend our silo on Fancy Lemons at 100
a dozen , anti don't forgot where you will get
the boat. ( 'beeso ,
v. . :