- : ' = = = . - . - : - - - - T - _ SI , T ' ' t , 1 / TT I ii : - - - TJT OMAHA DAILY LEE : SATtTItDAY , AP1Ith 4 , 1SDG. _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - IIELD UP BY TIlE ShIPPERS . 1ai1road Officiala Say that Ia Why Rates Are Outs TUAT FEATURE TO BE INVESTIGATED c Iuertie * Coiiiierc' ConniIilon 1u , , IIre.pfort Io1iiI I n n IItttrczit JIrectlnn , but ' ' . 'lII : ( ) V Try n Ncv Cfllrse. ciiicao , April 3.-Tho Interstate corn- merco offlcn19 In ChIcano are , IL h saId , planning to make trouble for erne of the t large B)1ppern ) who liavo been receiving cut I rates from the road9. No actual rteps have . : ( been taken as yet , but It Is said that the offlccrn or the law % ilI be after the largo grain anti packing liouce ahlpper . Thia will ho the flrt time that an effort ha been , made to get after hlpper for taking as . . - low rates as they have been able to procure , from the roads. It Is a fact , however. that in the majority of cases , which the Interstate Comnorco coinmhlcn hao taken up In this t city , that the ahipper has been the chief offender , as In most cas the railroad man . 1.9 not going to reduce rates until li is as- cured that he must (10 50 in order to get the business. The officiate of the commission ; eny that in many of the cases , when reduced . . rates liavo been made in favor of certain ahippera , it has beui practically a game of . atand and deliver on the part of the shipper , anti the roads have been compelled in a large measure to take the businoa ! for just what they could get it. . This has been the case every year out of Chicago , just before the opening of navigation. The railroad omcials are , of course , equalI guilty with the - shipper , but the comrnisaon has dcrotcd all of its time of late years to the railroad men , and it Is now propoel ? ( to see if they cannot , under the I3rown decision , bring In some of the shippers wIth their dragueL . At the annual meeting of the Chicago railroad - road aaociatIOn today , C. A. higgIns , as- aletant general passenger agent of the Atchison , was elected president , and A. F. 11cMIlIan of the Michigan Central was for the ointh consectitWo time elected secretary. rhe meeting decided to comply with the request - / quest of the Interstate Commerce commis- slon in regard to Initialing and numbering the tariff &ieeti In such a way as to make any road party thereto reeponsible for any cutting of rato. 1)ICLIXE 'I'O 1t1dIl.tSI TlIfl T1tF1rIC Chnlriian ii Cnl1svelISnyN No to n Cnn- it4litii 1'nilIe l'ropoNzLI , CHICAGO , April 3.-The Canadian Pacific I has notified the chairman of the Transconti- j xiental Passenger asscctatlon that it intended - tended to withdraw all of its Intermediate : business from under the associatioo agree- . mont. The business that It proposes to leave under tlio control of the agreement is that paeslng through , to , or from its west- cm gateways .and vithout relation to Ito ; interchange of iramo with the Canadian 1' PacIfic steamship line. The reason given for the withdrawal of the business Is that the IntermedIate business of the Great Northerni road has never been covered by the agreement , and the Canadian Pacific - sees no reason why the business of another road should be exempt and Its traffic remain under the agreement. The chairman boo . declthod to accept the withdrawal of the ' InterMediate business , saying that the Canadian Pacific must take out all 'or none of , ' Its trdfflc from the agreennjat. The reaon .1 why the truffle of tue Great Northern Is allowed to remain outside Is because it was - not Included when the association was 1. ; formed. The chairman has suggested , however - ever , that tine Canadian and other roads see if the Great Northern cannot be induced to place its intermediatebuoiness within the jurIsdiction of tine association arcement. ANO'I'IIEIL CASE FOil. 'LOJO1N'rS' Nortl1pp4tern 'FJeIet Snilti do Jinve Been P)11'i In niSenlpcr's Otlice. , Local railroad circles are nIl agog again. . ' . Charges and appeals have been coming fast t end furious wIthh the past few dayi , and anenthors of the 'low jonts' ! have been kept on xn'1itktIe to 'nidilre cVldbnce to lay before the iocai association. Tue latest case Is one - brought against tine Northwestern olflco by - tine Milwaukee officials. The latter road . asserts that it found a Northwestern ticket , to Chlqago In the hands of a ipcal broker , . and that It strongly suopects the Northwestern - western office of knowing bow It came to be , there. The Northwetern people stoutly . deny that there Is an 1ott f truth In the - charge. - Complaint haa been made to Secretary Munit of the local association , and the I charges vjII be Inivestigated On Monday next. Tlio matter will come up before the associ- atlon at the regular nnpntlnly meeting , which : inns boon called for Monday at 9 o'clock , Au announood in Tine flee ThuroJay , the Milwaukee vIll also appeal from the decision of the "low joints" in the Frnwiey cane. Tine now charge , together with the appeal of tine other ease , is keeping the Northwest- era officials on tine Jump to defend them- seivCs. T1ICy are quite connfldcnt , however , . that neither charge vlil ho proven against 7 them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1OtdItiGI' 'I'AL'ICS UNiON flfll'O'I' StilL ? $ tIt It Itt tint' Mnoin Sn'eet , Site : During the recent western trip of Inspection of the Burlington's highest , omcials , l'resl- ; dent- Perkins and General Manager Iloidrege conferred at great length pa tine depot question Inn tiiI city. The full extent of tine conference Is not known , hnnt the result of ; their deliberations Is expressed in tine following - lowing Interview with General Manager t Ilokirego , To a lice reported yesterday Mr. 1101- . , droge spoke as . follows : "Tine positioni of tine Buriington company , relative to the innioni depot question , Is unchanged. We , have been ready at nil tinnos since the or- , gannization of the Omaha Union' Depot conu- pany to complete a suitable and creditable building on the Tenth street location. More than $500,000 inns beoni expended by the Union Depot connpany for real cstto , buIld- inng anid viaduct. " \Ve do snot believe that It would be con- : ventont or desirable for the traveling Imbue to move tine locationi to onns point distant from the main line of the Important roads : nasstng through Omaina. We do not wisin to ho understood , however , as opposing the construction of a depot by' any of tIm other 4 lines wlnich desire to join in tine project at tine foot of F'arnann street , or on any other loca- tion. " : O1'ldN JLt'1'F Ot ONLI .tSi ) ONI.-'VIIIILD , ; : ANketi for Tlaosi ino % ( tt'n.I tine ( Inn Club Iiinn. The railroads have been asked to make a . rae of one and one-third regular taro for the round . . trip front nil points within a radius of 100 miles of Onnnnnha on tim occa , . sion of line gun shoot , which will be meld . hero during Llno latter part of tine niouth , i It is expected that tine occasIon will bring 41 _ several Inuinnired gunners together. , - Tine railroads mayo already offered a rate a . ) of one anni one-titled regular fare for the I round trim upon tine certificate pinnnn , flu the ilotali iealera' association want an open rate of one and onne-thlrd and are worltin hard , to secnire it. A pronninnent railway oiliciai said yesterday that ho thought the wIshes ' 1 of the retaIlers would be acceded to , Tine Onninina Fair and Speed association has I akod for a rate of one and one-half regular - fare for tine Arbor day celebrat'on at the , state f&&h' & grounds. As Arbor day comes , within tine perIod for wlnicin the gunners' reduced - duced rate Inns been asked , the granting of t onie request wiL cover tine other , : Nov1serii l'ntiiIu's i'nst 'i'rnin SclvdiIc L ST. 14UI4 April a.-Onn Sunday , April 12 , 1 ? the Noriberni I'aclfle wjli inaugurate a double N , ) daliy pasenger iraln service between 13t , I'oul and 1ugeL sound and I'ortianj , No , j , 1. the Puget sound innnnii , vinich viIl leave : ' St. Paul daily at 3:15 : p. an. , will ttO1) ) oily ) at i c ) inlInortant intcrnnediute voints betweeni St , II - . . Vaui itind Portianid Ore. , and will make as quick tlnn to Montana , Sinokane , eastern \'as1intOn * end tidewater on 4tlnQ Pacific C cput as Is beiing nasde from SI , Paul , Chicago or tbe east by any line , No. 2 , Twinn ( uty 2nali , tine ol)1)OJIito train , 'viii leave Portland t 5 o'clock p , inn , daily , 1'u'et 9ounn about ' ; it p. inn , , arriving at St. Paul at 5:15 : p. m. , some time as at present , making close connection with the fast night trains for the cost , No. 3 , the Oregon express - press , which will leave St. Paul at. 8 o'ciock , p. m , , while making all of the stops and carrying all classes of passengers , will run through to Portland practically on the nhenthle of the present fast express train. No. 4 , the Twin City express , wIll leave l'ortland at 11:10 : 1 , ' m , daily , Puget sound early In th morning and will arrive at St. Paul at 7:30 : , making close conneotions for the east and south. ILenrretpi on Charge of ConNIIrney , Et PASO , Tex. , April 3.-Senor Lauro Aguerro and Fiores Chapa , editors of Il Indepondento , a Mexican independent paper publiohed here , and Richard Johnson , a printer , were arrested on a warrant from Solomonivllie , ArIz. , charging tinem with a violation of tIne neutrality laws of this country - try , by Instigating the organization of a military cxpedition into Mexico. Only last week Aguerro and Chapa were tried mere before tine Uffited States connrnissoner on the same charge and discharged from ens- tody. The prevailing opinion is that it is a Case of persecution instigated by Mexican authorities on account of Aginerre's scathing criticianna of tince officials in his paper , and that tine United States government officers at Salamonviiio are allowing thennselves to be used as tools to punish the two editors. It is possible , however , that now evidence has boon discovered. 1finriiitn SIlC'CedM Flynnin , Wilder Harding of St. Joseph has been ap' pointed assistant city ticket and passenger agent for tine local office of the Missouri Pecifle. lie inns been in tine employ of tine road for five years and has mcml a siinniiar position at St. Joseph. Ho will arrive here next Monday. Edward J. Flynun , wlnonn harding suecoed , left for Salt Lake City ycnterday afternoon. Ho goes to accept tIne position of traveling freight and passenger agent for tine Miseouri Pacific. lie takes the good wIll cit every ticket seller in the city with hIm and all the local railroaders wisin him great success. Quick 'i'i ; ; : ; I'niget Sound , General Passenger and TIcket Agent Francis of 'tine lluriington announced yesterday - day that on April 12 new passenger service between lucre and l'ortlannd and Senittlo would be inaugurated , Trains vihl depart from Omaha anid Kansas City tine sanne as at present , but connections vili be made wIth the Great Nortinern at liiliinngs , Mont. , which will save twelve hounro to travelers to the I'ugot sound country. i'leiisu'l T It1I the : ( n Cars , Thomas F. Godfrey , city passenig'er and ticket agent of the Missouri Pacific , has 'ust ' returned from a short business trip to St. Louis. lie is enthusiastic over the new compartment palace cars that have just been Introduced by his road betweonn St. Joseph anni St. Louis , via Kansas City. These cars contain ten sections and were designed and built by tine Pullman company especially for tine road uning tinenn. They wont into service on Monday last. ' % Ynus Sitting ona tine 'Irnchc. fluriington train No. 3 , when a short way cast of Denver Thursday afternoon , ran over a man who was sitting on the end of a tie , leaning against tine track. lIe was hadiy injured and removed to a Denver hospital. Yesterday his name was found to ho Joseph Ippiseln. His home is n Eiyrla , Cob. itniluvay Notes nod I'erninnznls. President Arthur 5 , Potter of the Bridge anti Ternninal connpany has gone to Florida to enjoy a month'e vocation. Otto C. Luelns , pa.senger agent of the Erie lines at Hohoken , N. J. , was in tine city yesterday , enroute to Edgemont , S. D. , on a pleasure tour. The Burlington's depot at Gibson caught fire Tinuraday , The flames were extinguisined by a stream from a switch engine before much damage was done. The Milwaukee road has just Issued to its patrons the April edition or Tine Pilgrim , it is an at ractlve booldet , annU.contains. , a nunnber of short kta'Ies by popuiar authors. A pacty of capitalist from England and Scotland passed tinrough the city yesterday , enroute from Denver to New York. They travel via the Buriirngton route , and live in elegant style In a private car. Tiney have been inspecting the weat with a vev to making sonno Investments. D. 0. Clark , superintendent of tIne Union PacIfic's coal department , baa gone to Chicago - cage to confer with representatives of other rcuds regarding Cbioranbo coal rates. In Chicago - cage Inc will he joined by Freght Trame Manager Monroe of the Undn ! Pa lflc , ssho has been Inn the east on business for . som time. . - General Passenger Agent fluchnanan of the Elklnorn road has eent out a circular announcing - nouncing the appointment of W. F. Morphy of St. Joseph to be traveling passenger agent. of tine Sioux City & Pacific road , svth headquarters - quarters at Kansas City , The agency Is a mew one , and the appointment Is effective at once. Left a Ti'nil of Blood ilehjinnul. Yesterday a tr'tIi of blood was visible on the sidewalks along lianney , between Six- teentli and Thirteenth and nortln on Thir. teentln to tine alley between Farnam and Douglas streets , oxtfnnding east along tine alley into a yard In the rear of a smali build- i lug. It led to a bench , which was found to I be stained with blood. Tlno quantity of i blood led observers to believe tlnat a crime had been connmltted. It appcats. however , tinat late Thursday. evenng a boy , while scuffling in the alley , fell down uponn a piece of glass , and sustained a severe cut in the leg. lie was taken into the yard and placed upon the bench , wlnere the voUnd was bound up. As mo proceeded upcn his way honne he lOft tIne bloody trail behind hIm. - - - Thno cleclicious fragrance , refreshing feelI I log and soft beauty inniparted to the skin by I'ozzoni'nn Powder connrnends It to all ladles , WEATIIEI1. FOIIEC.iST 1'rolunilFair nndVu'ariuer Ins East- em Nehr..sIn WAShINGTON , April 3-Tim forecast for Saturday is : For Nebraska-Probably fair ; warmer in the eastern Portion ; varinbie winds. For Oklahoma and Inudlan Territory- Partly cloudy weather , followed lny local r showers in _ theeastern _ portion : wnnmer ; soutlnori winds. a For MissounI-Gennerolly ( air , but with Increasing - creasing cloudiness ; warmer ; winds shiftIng - Ing to southerly. I or Iowa-Fair , but with increasing cloudI ness ; wnrnner ; southeasterly winnthu , I : For Knnsus-J'nnrtiy % cloudy ; soutlnerly vinds , beconning variable. For South Iakota-F'air ; warmer in the asterln portion ; colder in tIne wcsternn lmr- ion ; variable winds. In 1or Colorado-Generally fair ; variable 'innls. S I'or Wyoming-1"nfr ; n rtherly winds. For Montann-I"air ; soutlnerli winnds , be- " omiuig variable. - b J.oeuul Record. OFFICE OF' TIlE \VFATlIEI1 BtIREA1I , . ) MAiIA , .Avril 3.-Onnnsha rrt'ortl of ternCl ernittire and rainflull , compared with tine tI orrcsponriinng day or tine pust : our years : oi . 13. 1S3. 1t91. 1813. f Inuxlinunnn temperaturo. , . . &I Cl ) Gi 82 t lInninnunu temperature , . , . 213 31 41. 59 vcrago temperntture , , . . , S 47 51 o 'recipitation . . , . . , . , , , . , , . , , 00 .QQ .02 , Q' ' ) V Connditiod of tennpcrature and precipitation , g t ( . ) nuaina for tine do ) ' nnnd since Marein , an SG : ornnal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 b ) elieiency for tine tiny . , . , , , , , . . . , , , . . . . , , , , 7 hi eeUmulntct1 denleicincy since March 1. . . , 179 SI orinnl InrecilnitatIonu . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI : ) cilclenncy for tine uiay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in 'otal iuneeipitutbon sinc itiareb 1..IC. . . inches . . ) ellcicnney inco danclu 1. . . . . . . . , , . , j inch hteports froni ttiuis a t es s. an. c . ' 1 I , ' ° ' STATlONSANOSTtTBOp , W'nATIICII. 'ot'1 CC or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nnualna. cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 51 , tIn orlin I'iatt. cIir , , , . , , , . , , , , . . . , , . . , , 3 G , ) Inlonu , nr ; cloud ) , , , , , . , , . , . , . , , , , , , , , II .01) an Inicago. cisn . . , . , , , , , , , , , , , . . , , . , . . , . , 4) ) 42 .01 I , i.otiig , cioudy . , , , . . , , , , - , . , . , . . , , . . , 45 SQ , O ) P1 t , l'atnl. clnr . , , , . . , , . , , . , , . , , . , , , , , , , 2 CG , O ) an aveinporl , uIear , , , . , , , . , . , . . , , , , , , . , . . 41 46 .o ) .nnnuns City , pant ciOuLhy . . . . . . . . . . . .t6 55 ,00 clean. clear , , . , , , , . , . . , . . . , , , , . , . , . . , te M .0' ' ) Fl 4vre , clear , , . . , . . , . , , . , , , , . . , , . . . . . . , In 45 , Ot ) nu nil hake , c.iuudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .04) InunarrhcInr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , . , su .e nnenne , nisit claudy , . , . , . . , , , , , . . , . C ) l .00 'ililatonu. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aI1 City , clear , , , , , , , . , , . , . . . . , , , . , . 0 . 2I .0. ) ruIveatoncinudy. . . . , . . . . . . . . . .c . . . .1. Indicats trace of vrecipitnutloan. a 1. . A. WICI.SJI , Obryer , CU PRICE 01 ? STEEL \\ILL \ \ CO LIP Obstacles to the Proposed Combination About All Removed. MIDDLEMEN LEFT OUT OF TIlE SHUFFLE Mnnunifneturer * Get Togctincr annul tgreu' to tuIninpu , IIxile IP ) 1)ezuL lung with Cotustnners Direct 8M FftI tIN 1'OMible. NEW YOitK , April 3.-There was a continuation - tinuation today of the conferenico of steel nnanufacttnrers of tIne United States at the hotel Waldorf , As was tine case ycOter- day , ai outsiders were rigidly excluded and the greatest secrecy was observed as to what is beIng done , It is said , however , that. no action has bOon taken In regard to the Protest - test agaInst the poolin made by the Schoengerber Steel connpany of Pittsburg and discussed at tIne nneoting yesterday. Tine consensus of opinion was that an advance would probably b agreed to In tine price of everything made of steel. At the concluoion of tine meeting T. Oliver , president of tlno ifoinewortlu Steel connpany , I'ittsburg , made tine following statennent : " \'ith the exception of a few weeks last fall the manufacturers of Bessemer steel in tIne United States Inave been conducting a losing business for tine , ast three years. This has resulted more tinrougln the growing Influence - fluence ot tIne middleineni than on account of conupetition between tine manufacturers tlnenn- solves. With tine purpose in view of elinui- natinng such Influences and of bringing about closer relations between buyer and sellertlne steel men met in ses9nnn and have succeeded In agreeIng among tinemselves tlnat in tine future all negotiations small be confined strictly to the producer oni the one Inand and to tine con'.sunner on the other. It Is not intended to restrict productlcn , except so far as such restrictito will be brought about by doling away with such fictItious trannaic- tionis and the confinIng of business to the actual wants of the country. In many ! .n- . otances a middleman will purchuasa rteel In large quantities from a nnanufacturor , for which lie has no curtonner ! a 'sight. Winen the time of delivery arrives tlne nnanufacturer wilt natinrahly expect ini customer to furnish speciflcationns for tine steel. ills only coinros is to Clump it on the market at any price it will bring. One such trannsaction has In nnany instanuces resulted inn the dennorahlzationn of tine entire market end oven the bnnsl'ness for the rest of the season.Vo4lnope through tine influence of this organization and by frequent - quent meetings and Interchange of views to do away with this evil. We thinik we can d so. It i not our Intention to bring about any undue advance In prices. Tine price wlnich bans been agreed upon for the rnrennnt $20 per ton , is fully justified by the strcng advance - vance which has taken place within tIne past two weeks in pig iron and irca ore , and it Is really doubtful whether , in view of the existing - ing conditions , manufacturers can make any profit at that price. " Mr. OlIver admitted wIth some reluctance that another meeting would bo hold tonnorrow afternoon. He intinnated that an organization wouki probably be perfected at this mootng. ! Before the conference begann today tine steel manufacturers were waited upon b31 a cam- mltteo from the Tin Plate association , made up of Warner Arms of Niles , 0. ; W. T. Grahann of Bridgeport , 0. ; George Grier , president of tlno Now Castle Tin Plato coni- pany , arid John Jarrett , secretary of tIne Tin Plate Mannufactinrers' association. 'fine tin plate manufacturers desired tinat a discrimination - crimination should be made in their favor , as they contended tinat alnould the advance in steel bars be applied to them , the Ameri can tin plate industry would be seriously affected. Secretany Jarrott , who acted as spokesman for the tin plate manufacturers , asserted that foreigh tin plate would regatni all It hind lost if the price of steel was advanced - vanced , with reference to the home industry. The tin plate manufacturers were informed that. their contention would receive due con- sluleration. Neither Schoenberger & Co. of Pittsburg , nor tIne Illinois Steel company of Chicago is represented at the conference. When the meeting adjourned for luncheon the gontiement refuoed to nnake any state- meat , but one of thorn intimated that the tangle Inad been straightened out. Tine Ilossemer ateel manufacturers corn- plctet their organization today at tIne Hotel Waldorf. The executive committee is : Jolnnn Galelshman of tine Carnegie company , chnair. man ; Henry Wick of the Ohio Steel coni- pany , H. H. Hubbard of the Wheeling Steel and Iron connpany and I'owell Stacklnouse of tlno Cambria Iron company. It was decided that a connmlsslonor to main- age the organization is not necessary. The regulation of the output of billets is to be left to the eecutlvo committee. They will be the judges of tine demand and will fix the figure for each month. A certain portion or tine total svlll be allote4 to each company In the organization. Tine apportionment will he made on the basis of last ycar's output. I If any company produces more than Its al- toted portion , the profits on the surplus are to go to tine organization , and by it will e turned over to tlnat company or th080 corn- parnies which have inot produced . tlneir oh- I Loted portion. Itinlujier 'Vrust ln'ades the Coast. SAN FRANCISCO , April 3.-The Cinronlelo soya tinat wIthn tine next few weeks there I wilt have been corn.sumrnated here and in Portland - C land a consolIdation of tine Pacific coast branches of four of the largest rubber boot md shoe manufacturing concerns in tIne United States-tine Goodyear flubber company , Inc Boston Rubber Shoe company , the Woon- nocket Rubber company no.1 . tine Bowers flub , . icr company , as agents for tine Cornice line If rubber footwear. Tine connsolidatbon wlii aork a trust in tine rubber boot and shoe rode on the Pacific coast and will make tine onnnbine dIctators in the rubber boot and 'moo market , This combine will he knosvnn In , tine UnIted States Rubber company , end viii be in reality tlno Pacific ccast brancln nf the corporation of that siannno wlilchn has xisted for tine past three years Inn cities of lie east. NEW YORK , April 3.-TIne New York ubber houses mentioned in a dispatch to the asociated press from San Francisco today .5 combinIng their separate agencies on tIne 'nellie coast into one , and forinuing what vill 0 In reality a Pacific coast branch of the united States Rubber company. are unwil. log to admit tlnat there Is any truth In tine apart. The manager of tine Boston Rubber moo company denies tinat tine roncernu is in lie combination that is admitted to exist ore. p R. D. hivans , president of the Unlltei fn tates Iinnbber company , which controls tine genclos of the Goodyear and Bowers rub. b or companies on tIne I'acific coast , r.uid day that although there Inad been as yet 'j' 0 cona3iidntions of tine agencIes of tlnese ncorns on the Pacific coast , sucln a conndlc oa of affairs would in all probabIlity pur before long. Tlneso agents are ageatni nr thno Caindee goods , which have been con. roIled by tine Unnited States coninpanny for hI nroo yenira , so that a union of the agencIes iIIj lnavo little or no effect on prices , lie- irding the report that both the Woonvclcct id Boston Slnoo liubbeni companies were to v I consolidated witln the agency represent- tc ig tine concernns controlled by the united lates Rubber company , Mr. Evans saId nat they were individual cor oratlons , awl thought it likely that they would cpnn- mile to preserve tlnoir individuality , ii Ilhi' ithlIll.l. ) t.tiHMhIlS It 1i'Oht'l' . I ? Os' 1) ) Fire During the l'nst 'riar. ' . , M a a t Ins. Chief Ilodell of the fire departmcint Inns J nipleted mis report for tIne tlnreo months idling March 31 , It alnowe tlnat during tIne nod slvcnty.six alarms were turned Inn , i irfaur in January , twonty4our in Febru- 1 and elglnteen in March. The total los Sn as $ iS,800 , $24,000 occurring In the Cady ailing until fire. Tine loss was distributed W nong the three nncunths as follows : Janu- y , $7,139 ; Fcbrtnary , $37.102 ; Mnucii , $1,475. no total value of tine bulldinng' , sixty.two in S nnphicr , on tire was SOI,015. , Iurlug tine same tlnroe nnonntlna of 1StI , 123 anus were turned in and a loss of $3,387 I : La sustaIned. The name One Minute Cough Cure suggest medicine that relieves at nco , anti quickly res. Its U.90 proves IL xo 1).tNI1III. Ol' lti'tlL Ff.OOl)5. Mfouri Inuer 1i' 'f'liitn in tprhI for 'l'eht 1'enr , , There are thonisand 'tt fiottlers and property - erty owners who liveJj'hcent to the trench' ' eronis Missouri ths ! year are expecting - pecting to Indulge Inn ljss nnnournt of worry than Ina been theire idnare for yenta vast. This is because duridgne ; winter tine river Inns been lotor tinnnnfor quarter of a con- turn' . The danger inns so-far-ilirnini.qlnenl that the weather bureau hnasnbt ) undertaken , as In years past , to issue bulletins on tine stage of the water at 4yaloua poInts nip and downi Its course , but Qead has incorpora. ted thIs feature inn thineral , weather map wh'ch is issued daily. Beginning about tIne first of April and ruin- ning nnp to the middle of Junne , In ordinary years , there are lnroperty ownnors annul railroads - roads rcpreselnting many thousands of dol- lnnra' worth of improrcinents , wino look anx- lonnaly for the signal service bulbctinns A few feet of sudden : rise Is liable to aei ) away large amid costly lnlalnta , But tlnl year the snows in thno mountains , which are tine source of tine water for tine annual rise , have been ununsunally light. ObmerverVelsii states that. in sonne Parts reports are received in- ulicatinng at leant one-tinird leas sinew than tIne annual fall.'lnat the spring rains may result iii. " Mr. Welsh says , "of course we cannot state , but while presenit conditions continue 'e will not Pursue tine Plan of issuing - ing the siecai buiitin to warn river own- era , I haul a conversationi with an observer at F'loreimco aind Ino told nno that on March 11 the MissourI river was lower tlneni than it has been for twenty years. " Mr.'elslt inns secured tIne services of an extra nnanm. who viiI take his station at tine telephone tomorrow , TIne day preceding Easter the olilco inns Ineretoforo always been flooded with questloins concerning weather prospects , annd the extra assistant will he posteti to answer inquiries at to winetluer tine wonmen can wear tlner new' spring bonnets. CiIAIItM.tN MUZILO IN A QUASIAItY , 1'Ignire Oi fl l'hun tu Foroe Re- painIng SIIV1IilCM , It Inns beonn the policy of tIne city autlnorl- tics during the past year to make as few levies of special taxes as PO9slble. Tinis is especially true Inn regard to sidewalks. Tine result is tlnat the sidewalks in most parts of tIne city are in an extrennmcly dilapfflnitcd con- dition. Even on such well traveled thor- ouglnfares as Nortin Twenty-fonnnthn street there are nunnnerous places where planks Inave boon removed entirely , oxposinng mobs a foot or more in depth , which are countinnual nnonnaces for big dannoge suits against the city. A dark block in whicln planks are out of tine sidewalks at intervals of every dozen feet is a common spectacle in tine suburban districts and the fact that nno acci- denntns Inave occurred is regarded as re- nnnarkable. - Chairman Munro of tIne Board of Public Works says tinat In Inis opinion the onnly solution of tine climculty Is legIslation tlnat will d away with wooden walks altogether. A brick walk can be put down at very little athlitionnal cost and In tine end is much cheaper for the property owners. Under the pre'ent ' system he asserta tlnat. It i practical - cal 1mposlbility to keep tine wooden walks repaired. Tine city may-assess the cost of material and laborS nigai'nst tine abutting property , but In moflt iasos the cost of advertising - vertising and otlnet expenses amounts to nioro tlnan the cost of the repairs. 'ICILY V1tIPESiO1'EN LETTER. lIe ' . ' . nns not a ( .oQ.l j.inouIg1n I'olllieinnt tin Suit , .ironteII. OMAHA , April 3.p-TctIne , Editor of The Bee : While you are0agltatlnmg for lower fire Insurance rates anfihotter fire protection , why don.'t you also jaflnttentlon to tine attempt - tempt to usa the bnilding' inspector's office for politics ? Tine building inspector is a chnarter omcer. l'e br4u 2OQO a year , and is presumed to be n 'iierience builder , capable of pasinng ? np all 1dnd of cOo- nntructiop , any , is exofl to , hLchiwInoltn tinnno exclusively to , int lutles of the office. When it became knwA that Mayor Broatcin lnad decided on a cflanc , a niuiuber of nay friennds , heavy taxpayers and property own- era , equeted inc tq allow nay menlo to be used. I consented to thir request , but distinctly - tinctly told them tiiht I ulifi not want It an a vollticai favor , but wanttcl to go io on my mcritshs building supervIsor of nloi'e than twenty years' experience. That did nOt seem ; to suit tine : mayor. ire decired to my friends that r waS not a good eneugln pohl- tlclan to fill the bill. The Inati whom ho did appoint will doubtless give inin2 oatis-1 fiction as politiraI worker , hut it seems to me that was lint winat tine office was created for. Wlnat use Is tmnero of a buidlng iintpoctor , annyway , when me i expected to ptnt In mOaV of his timn _ laying pipse Instead of examlaing plans and buildings ? J. F. TILLY. SldEKIN ( ARIIOR HAY ORATORS. MOrtO8 annul Mannulersoin l'ievul OtInen Enngngs'Inn cuts. Secretary Wakefield of the Omaha Fair and Speed assoclatlon yesterday received a Lelejram from J. Sterllnng Morton , regret- inng his inability to deliver an address at tine itate fair grounds on Arbor day. lie wialned : hno committee every success in the celebra- ion of the day and said tlnat only tine nnnost ingonit buvlness prevented hinn from ac- optlng the invitation to speak on a subject .lnat was very dear to hinn. General Manderson haid that inc would e unable to speak . upon the oc- aslon in question , as he Inach to argue a cry important case 'In tIne United States uprenno court on April 20 , and ins feared that he engagement s'onnId keep ininn In Waslning. on over Arbor day , Governor I1oicomb , ex-Governor Ftnraas ant Dr. George L. Miller are tine other unnern vine maYo been invited to make adnircames at he time of tine tree planting exercises on tine tate fair grounds. So far as is known tlnoy ill he In attendance' thl reopond to tine lnvi- ation tinat inns been extended tinenni. It May I ) . , nus nlumt'n for.Youn. Mr. Fred Miller of lrvirng , Ill , writes that no mad a severe kidney frcublo for mnanny 'ears , witn sev re painns in mis back aind also i lint his lnianldor was affected lIe tried manny 0 called kidney cures , but without any good esnnlts. About a year ago he began use of iectric flitters niunci found relief at once. I leetrin flitters is eaecialiy adnnptetl to cure f all kidney arnd liver troubls find often ives niliniost , innstarnt relief. One trial will rdve onnr intaterneint , Price only SOc. At ulin & Co.'s drug store. Cradle Ounti tine Grave , Thu following births and uleatins nvore re- cried at tine inealtii cj9ce duripg the twenty- iunr Inoura ndg nf ; uoon yesterday : Blrtlns-W. II. Caa1r , 4209 Lake street , n oy ; Ginstav Mirncln , 1W , Leavenworth , boy , 1 Ientinn-MailJna SannJa , 65 , 2734 South , wenmty-elglntlncirthaJf liver , holy Sepali i iner connAtery ; mnaF&j. FlecIner , . 68 , 1211. t rj'pspect Hill , ' JIopne-hgulq- ( fin lgor , Collector North lieiiado a c9nparison l itweep tine ros'cnu , s , Maceli of tIme cur- nat year find Maceli ot last year , nmnd finds not Nehn'nnnlq clgar.ro gr6wInIn fsyor L itin the munnokers otj : sectlou , according n all fippearaunces , Tund Wao fin increase at $2SL50 in r4sehd wnjch $ represents ' 1' 1,830 honpo-nnadu nsnu1uctured inn eoss of tine oututp89. 'I'Jf1 IIUtllthiI'i' , STRUMENTg plaee4 n record 4prii a : mc WA1tItArrrY JIED. it J P'ek aunni innnsbannd to Onnalna SavIngs bank , it . 4 , Campbell's nniibdiv , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . , . . . , . . . 1,200 0) lnnn Neloh to Id I ) j3runin . , w4 SW 8-15-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . ' . ' , . , . 2,00000 r Q ( "lark to 0 N iioar.hiun.n . , lot 15 nind W , hilorit 5 , lJub'ont I'laee. , 10 03'rc ' C Paumlse'nn et al exeenmtor. to mills ( 'lank , hot C , likek \Viliininnn ilagedorn's nndul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo ) ime to M A 'rlnonnpsonm , lot ii , Inn niocit 3 , same , , . , , . , , , . , . , , . , , . , . , , . , 00 C' ) w 'ostdde Investrnennt compamny to Piank Tlnornpvin exeutor , w 4' ' ) Ia Icot of a 170 ( Set lotni Ii and 12 , Lic-ck 7 , lltiqnuc'onn I'Iaco , . , . , , , , . . . . , I 00 inn mu to saune , w 40 fOct of e II ) reel lots U and 12 , block 7 , same , , 00 ni . IELUS. Iii necinml master to 'I' F' Swift , a nj- , lot 2. 'renrace mId , . , , , . . . , , . , , , . , , , 4 COd 0) Ia ecial nnaali'r to Byron heed ron- may , C 8 mores of in ji ) acres of Iii e so 7-14-13 , , , , , , , . , . , . . , . , . . . , . , , . , . lG5000 Total anniount of Iniunsfers , , . , . , iii : ; ? J I TRADL IIPROVIIENT BECUN Not Visible in All Lines but Is Distinct in Others , STEEL OPERATORS MUCH OF A FACTOR (1 1gm u , It' Connnlnl inn ( loin or lntere.ut h- nnectu'l to Ifuse ( reit In lliieuicc un Suntn tIiurlets ( iennernIly. NE\ ' YORK , 4prilTh (1. Dunn & Co.'s reekly review of trnde , which ins issued toinoriov , will ann ) ' : 'rue regular quarterly ntntement of fnliurcs shows 4,0.11 , wIth lint- biIltle of $ & 7,12,133 : ; , ngainn't 8,80 last year , with lIabIlities of $ l7,813GSJ , nnnnl 110l inn tine nuamno quarter of 1891 , witin lIabilIties of $6i,127l.1 , Tine average liabilities were $11- 2t0 , against $12,577 last year , and $11,000 in 1891. ManufacturIng ( allures were &I.1 , against 61 mat year , with liabilities of $21,507,920 , ingaimnunt $2O,23,591 last year ; Increase - crease 16.2 11cr cent , hut tIne decrease inn comparisoun with iscti , iq 16. 1 11CC cennt. Time trading failures were 3,118 , with liabllitie of $11,421,312 , against $ lI79S9i last year ; innerease 20.9 muer cent , but in conaparisoin with ISII the decrease Is 6.9 ver cent. The ratio of defaulted liniblhltles to iuay- meats tlnrotngin clearIng houses was $1.45 nor $ i,0 ( ) , tine average , Previous teni yenura having been sa.e ; nni the avernuie per firm in litisiness wa $1T.4u , nantost $48.64 fr tine nrc- t'rOus lent years. Tine nunain Innercase over last itlir Iuins Ient In nnnnnufa cturinng ( a Ii nrcs inn New York , l'cnnuyiwnnnln , Otnicn ninil Kentucky cmii in faiinnres In Tenus , nn,1 , l'iiuincsota , owing to two recent lnrg utefauits. Other coinnnnereial fntIItnre nrc als , ) larger tlnnun lau4 year , niteic' tically all tIi increase bennng , ut tine scull , . itank- leg failures mayo been lilly-one , aqainat tlnirty- six last year , innt with liabilities of olnI ) ' $4,3l,9T ? , ngnlnnst $13,1S2,531 last year. Mire thao limIt tine entire honking derauIts were in tine northern states , \vest of the Misnssnpn river. Th. ' impruvennenit exieCtetl wttln spring weather has beguni , though In norn liniachen of busIness It in ; scarcely YistIlu ? . Ai conuiners make spring nunclnanen. tine ) ' bust lencnn stocks am ! c innneI buying , Tine stocks taiCen inn nnivance of last , uunnnlncr's dernanuns have been , itstrntnnne,1 far liner , , slowly than was expcetEuI bnnt nuontlig at wattling hate nienpetl to ICn'an the lonnil wlnlenn it is moped anu ing tunyinug will clear nuneny. Tnne ijacknvard season nuns been a. InInunr&nnce. as has nlnj Ien tIne nitinilier of Inanis tinncnnploy. ni Inn inipontannt InnlnnstrIen , nnul tini low pnices of farnin inoiUCtS. AI'nnrenennnnon , of ( Oneign tlnnait'lal , ltt- tlcnnltlcs have lnnnnene.l , bunt one , nnow seurcely felt. Gout exports are rumored , hut at thin sanon ale tIn ) finr nnaturai that they have no inicin newer to cause alat in , as the ) ' lund Inn tine wnnter. Tine gIgantic steel conThlnation Is t'xpectel to hive a great inniltienee inn sunstznnnhng nnari-ts , innul stImulating ccnnnlieneo , anti tnnougln such operations oftein nnnins tine sure ss tin'y seek they rarely fall to kindle kneeuiative buying for a ( line. Tine golden advance of $0 per ton in bIn- iet ft % veek unio Inu , raiseil liesienner Ig $1 nit l'lttsburg , and the , Ieinand for strnncttnrnil farms inicietites Inn expectation that prices will rig ? . Nih association ; have gIven notice of anutiner nult'ance of 10 cents nut the end of this innth. hans have been greatly demoralized , bunt sonic malions now hope to le-eatniblishu tine combination , oa steen bars wInI become leaner. hut one foundry is slIghtly lower nt l'iillnitieipinia , arni tine general , lc'mani for flnlsiied pnnsluets tines not yet hnnn- piove. Tine steel concetnns proplie to restrict production ny allotment , those producing more tnnan their 5115cc naylng $2 per toni ti those wino prouluoe lean. Orulers ( or lake copper are so- hlciteul tnt snoso , nnm leal is weaker at 3.1O. but a single buyer lifted tin to $ n3.5. Tint' tvnien manufacturer , Ies nat gain in rnlers , , aniul a lange part of the inrncininery is stoniped. l'rlces , , f Sooi have fallel 7' ' ncr cent , tIn , , average at 104 qinotationinu lctng 13.62 cents. Sales in anarcin were ( manlIer thani in any other inonutin sInce 1191 , nnt for thip qunnirtor were only 7l47,0) notnnds. at ihnich 3',9l6,2lO-pounls ' wits foreign , jgnhnst 69,011,313 pounds last year , of viiicii 2,2tSt5O pounnuls was foreIgn. Cotton mills still pIle up goois in advance of orlers. ins re- 'luctions in linices have rained ins yet to stinnuij. ' Iuying. Speculation In products has been tanne. Cotton eontinueq to come farvarl s largely that former nreiletionu of 6.tOl,0 ® bales are neniena- bored with dtrslon ! , anin tine outlook for tine next emo continues gOOd , \'Incat inns slightly advanced , anid it nate re- north or injury frito , 'xtenshvc frosts aol storms prove conrect , wIll , ntlvanc niece , though vest- em receipts contInue nearny CO ncr cnt lnrer than last year. and for hive wcns Inset Ionic been l3S,4l0 IUheis , against 5,831,372 huineis inst year , winhl Athanntic eanorts have he'n only 6.730.132 lusiieiuu , , flour tncluilel , agahninit 8,135,701 buinels last year. Coin exports nrc larger innul ri'eetlitnn niso iitai'y but pork has declined 35 CCMnIH Per barrel. % 'El'5It fY CIntit1NG II OUSE 'I'OTiIS. .tggrc'gnte of' 11niinness Trzimisncjed Jn I IlL" isseIiut&J Iliniuks. NE\S' YORK , lrl1 3.-'rnne folnowinng table , cQnnpilenl by nra'lstret's , ninnies tine total clearances - ances at tine prnncnpal cities and tine percentage ct1 increase or decrease , as comnnpnred with tine corn'esponcllng week last year ; z'L.cEs. Clearings. line. Dec. New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 52).093u.nII. . . . . . . 8.1 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7.837,911) ) 8.2 . . . . . . hiostnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,7l9g , . . . . l'bnttadelphiia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' ) , , ) . . . . . . . . . . itt. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nOan FrancIsco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3,744r4 ic. . . . . . . . Ilaltinore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0. . . . u'httsbUng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,59 ne 5.1. . . . . . . . . CIncinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll.c'uoo . 8.6 Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ln.3 Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , 4,2. . . . . . . Iluffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,002,755 6.1 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Qfl.585 6.4 DetroIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aos , : ni' . . . . . . . Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MinnEapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .214th ; . . . . . . . . . aaLAnIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . asss8 : . 10.7. . . . . l'novh'lcnieo ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4iu'ji ; : . . . . . . 17c Lilevelaunil , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4SSft28 . 7,7 liounuto , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . , it. l'aul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,4)3.713 . . . . . . . . hJeu'er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z,6)IB9 I . . . . . . . nnnilunnapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,56J,447 S.C. . . . . . . LoIumbu , 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,2)3,500 . 4.8. . . 8.6 hartford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,4t6cCS. . . . . .5. . . . . Ithelinnonil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,8)3 , ; li. . , , 15.1) ) Wunehilngnon , . , . . . . . . . , , . , , , 2 2)1,12 , . 23.1 Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . lalla' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2.i0t5t. . , . . . . It. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iOJO,760. . . . . . . . 26,0 t'a.rhat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I,2J,2n5 2,6. . 3.7 tlennnndnli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,722nns . s.o I'on'tinvih. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . con Itoclneter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 Sew nfavenn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402t2 4,8 4 tavannahi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,727,02i 4.21. . . . . . I 5nrlingnielni , , anass. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,246,50) , , , , . , 14.4 . Worcester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,2s7.CG : . 6.5 ' , nrttnnd , Me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii56lln i. . . . . . Atintinta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1IIT,412 . I .7 Lcit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . \'nnc ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . 4'raeunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sils2 ; . 11.8 Jr's Moines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 : , . . . . . . . hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc.ittie . . , , , , . . , , . . , . . , , . , , . . 4.4'J. . . . . . . . . 1,6 ) nnynun , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . Cnnoxville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.owchl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . L'linntnigtun , . . . . . . . . . ( , , ' ) ) . . . . . . . ) . ( torollc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Iloux ( ' .ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 6.7. . . :05 : Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,141.683 . . . . . . . . l'nennit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 17.1. . . ' , tngUstnn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 8.5. . . . . . . . . C iiolunnne , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4G0,07T..1.3 I . .3. . . Iacksonvihin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . .incilin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . , po. Itedtord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 91iita . , , . . . . . . , , . , , . . . , , . . . 436.511..c . lii , nlnghann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761,561 . . . . . . . I'tiWkLt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , . . . . . . . 26.4 . I ; , exlngtcn , K . , . . . 11.0. . . 12,11 I iinghnannnpton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277,912. . . . . . . . . . . . 21,8 t tclforii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 10.4 . . . . . . .g lay cnty , . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , . . . . . . . . 13.8 0 ' , nIl River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . . Unrsn , 0 . , . . . , . , , , , , . , . , 212.10).I ) . . Iprinighhc'lii , 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.521 . , . , , , , . 17,7 r antoln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) . . . . . . . . . tI Iiou't Icahin . . . . , . , , , . , , , . , . . 7o31 24.0 . . . . . . 'nelnoflI , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , , . . . . . . . , . hnustlngs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 17.1. . . . . .8,7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 2.5 . , , , , 'argo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157,73) ) . . . . . . ; nuhni'Ihin , , , , , , . ; . . , . , . . , . , . . . 23.Q. . . . Ii Ialvu'ston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 1 , unlnnliazO0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241,777 1 , " . . . . . Iayt'nport , , , . , . . . , , , . . . . , . 1t7S,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 1ahce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . ernlon , , . . . , , , , , . . . , , , . , . , . iliLTOS . 20.1 . . . . . , lelenini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .573.2)1 28,71 . . . . . . 'FoIais Vnhtd f4tntu's. . I 251,076,788 6.0 Ixciusiro orflea'Yorlc.414,983,75i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a.s DOMINION OF' _ _ _ _ lontrunl . . . . . . . . . , , . , , , , . , 14 8,033 , 99k. . . . . . . . . . oroflt . , . . . , . . . , , . , . , . , , , , 6,02,64t , . . . . . . Iuuilfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIJ..w . . Inininton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i.l . , ni 'tnviipg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI . . . . . - Tit.nis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . lfSiT,631I. . . . . . ( 'hearings nit Augusta , On , , 1)avenp itt , ) ) un tOll , : nozvIlie , Wnno , Iiouutonn untI (3ali'eloen , not " nelude.l in totals , ' 13lI'IiIl OF 'i'Iill MAitItIi'i' ( IIAN.l'314 , b NYflul Is of ( lie' lIvers lmnI I to l'Iih'et45 II Vinlilt's , I. : Nt : ' , ' Tonic , iiiriI 3.-llradtreet'a. hinninci.n slew ionn'rriw ' ivill say ; , nnnurke.i . clnanige nil npln.lvnlt in the temper and tenlenney of an icCtiiunIIofl this week , A inure coinlltient f thing ( It iakrn tine lihince of I mv dOlr8155'II san I I Inlent hicin lrt'flultl ) only a fori.'nlglnt ago , ' 4'hn iih. rQ'vnnent ; inn nnires has riot been n'e' ' jOtc'nl , . it it. Inn a cmi rast win in tine ) 'etrisln miiI ; t , I r vt . . - cnns sit' liii hnnoflth , 'rinougin thi nnnt a ticonnlI. , ' uvunnnu'nt ( It tine ivetk nuas nainn Inn ni ' , 'f nine " , ; nnipu Ill i t'd inudnit4t rids. A ninet main 'i'uI One coin- . , ofi , the tact thnunt I Inc n oh I n ounni sInai v I 1st ci . lilt , it Lu eu'rtnnh , ann lint of fln'hiviny teas innl"ln I PSI irnnilcnltiinn tiut tine flnnirinct % i'a n.'tthin ; to a Inure Intuit in ) ' tnln , 'Iii ' I niudnnp iii. uveyer , stint ( ' , annul huts bunIug , ninnnr 010 tIne coven lug of shorts isialnly Fnsr pc antI 0 nubile aiui still unnonfinig nile , in iul ii ii tultI nu"enn I iunnt onin of I ho Inn rger lint'rupl in inn 01 , inns i kla ionic jngnimn haLco I intir it.iinui on I Ii" nt nil ad , ' . This reversal f , prui.ntIru vuWItt.nn . sI iii nnnpnurcntly tune 1(1 ( tInt' fuhi'ent of mnr senion- ntt,1e wenhiiu'r cnn ! his effect , nnt only unlon crp Vt'Ust'teis , hut on l'ulnes ' activity as necil , mt thA samn tim" the fear of inherferunee nhth busIness ami tinaneini attaiN thtough eangres- sion'nl actIon In connection witin , nnr foreign Sc- hitlnn huts % ' : sibi ) ' dtcreas , ti , nni nnpreinenslan in tegapi to an t'xicnsIn at current Iroullen Iii timie have spneareI t3 ho tnntuundel br esag- gemisul. It nisy ha noted that the utmost pttorta of the pmtcssionnl operators faIled to create any , lc- clued stliling moteme.'ni , nund tinat tinuring th last few weeks t'i''r' nuitack on 'alues sinninly Increased - creased the otnttflmn4Ihng short Interest. Itniiroanl earnings , too , have contlnue,1 to increase at a gn'rshly fair ratIo , anl ( Inert are certain ite- i'f'lopnncntq which inrnnnise it , lentflt important tunninr'ss , interests , nalnuhily tInt , ( 'uninbiniation of tim lendIng Producers of steel , S'l'IlilI. l'lOIj tltY I1RII' l'IIICES. AIIICII lnuhumsIrlcVilI 1il.ely l'ruhit train I lit. ( 'ninlul tii"M litist'unu'u' , NllVtltK. . APril 3.-ilrndstreet'e tennert'ow nviil say : Ptotnny iveatliCr inn tIne northwest , coin- tlnnueil restrlcthonn of nlktrilnnti ni of staple nier- c.inanlise , ninth tnnnntisfactory nnwrcantine coilec- thins contlnnneul to bs tine It'nhing vluntaeteiistles of gen'rnnl tnntllng. The Conspicuous change he in tine steel aol liOn markets. 'llie ( atnnanlonn of a lol of manutactnnrrs f steel In regulate I'm- ( luetlon nntl nnnnlnhnin lirlees tcuiteul In nnl- S'nnces of $3 tier ton in quotations for teCl till' lets nial $ iB tier ton fur 1iessennr tnlS Iron A corrcsn.ondlnug stlhnnuhus ii. gli'enn , ltnotathons for other tories of Irni annul steel.S'hiercaq leuntliag Inelni nniereinantn , were thtill nnnnl , ulc'nirt'pscI a inceit ago , nichlrhly Is now leiltnrte,1 , iclihi a n'rl > spect ( or full liner atnvtnnncc's. This nitist materially tentl t , stinnu lho ki innll'el I nt1ustnlt' . , , ilthhh honnt fnvor. nublu f.atnnn's ii ut' nt'nlorls tinat at I halt iuniora tine qtinnrtor's gennu'rnil trade hns been tine ht for years ; ( hint them Inns mccii a slight inicrease In tile i'olinnne at Inuin at l'Ittnbnnrg ; that at Kansa' , C'hiy ulistnhiutin , of genneini nnnerclna'nuIIso in , tai r ( Iut eonunnnhssitnn nnAnes nilnul t being over- runt with cuUntry t'onnsignrnents , ti Inlein une pncw , of little ) , nail ( hint , iennannd for , ireq woolens , atitu inn Iciivry , line been sunnltcienit to stlnnunlnie Innnnufacturens to buy hnunflerijul Innate freely , TISlICI ( ii Of vheat ( flour iniciundc'l as ii heat ) fnuinu moth consin , , t tine Iliniteti iintes ( lila week nnggre- guts 1,653,000 lntnsinels , ngelnint 1,7110) ) ttnsit'he , last week , : , s53lJOi ) in line week a year ago , 2,788,0) ) tusheig , In tint ivt'ek twa 5'enrs ego nnnitl as conniptin-el ivhlhn 3,165,000 bushels in the lIke ii unek Inn 1l3. i3xirnrts of Inonlani corn have increased - creased anti nmtnnnnnt It , 2,159,000 buhieIs thii wetk , three ( mines ivinnut tinny \'ene Inn tine week a 5'ear ago. ago.TIne first qunarter of 1890 Inresents tine largest lhnt of actual connni'uchaI , antI inntlnnstn'Ial raiiunree in hiUshnnes , In tIne 1In Iteti Ii ( a It's t hntne inn win kin liabhhItIe excen nisnuetsi ever lellorled ( r a lIke n'ri Tin , . I oha I ( hod md log Ilnnunncinl inn'ti inn- ( loins ) is 4,512 , or 70' ) Inure. tintnni In a like nnerlotl or 1197 , 5.13 inn we hum In Dli tItul 1,413 moore tl'ani in tine 131st qunanter of ns'J3 , tincrt'asen or 13.11 nntai 4 ? 11cr edit iCsineCtheiS' , Tine lug- eat prect dIng like total , i,09 , wuns nelnorhetl In 1885. Lialnhlitlsnu of those fallIng tills year nninotnnt to SG2,513,000 , inn innertan , ' of 30 11cr cent ins calm- n'nr'd iItin 414 5'ear ago , 27 nncr cent as eonniaretl , ii Ith tine fln'st Iluarter of 1094 antI lit ) lien' cent en ; conntrnsetl ( wIth tinree ynra ngii. Iiusiios.e ( allures In Canada. number 3'Sl tar tine past quarter , against rsl in tIne flOut pnalter of 1C'5 ' , with total liabilitIes of 13,573,004) . agaInst 14,253 , . tn ) last year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAII4t GEN13ltAl itIt16j' . Coiniition of 'I'rimile in nnd ( iitun tionime aim Stunlile ii mmii Fin nicy I'run.naice. The iccehints of eggs are art very heavy anil tIne nuarinet is nnrnner ( mann it was a few days ago. Qnnotnntionns : IOOI-Fnesin stock , fic. lJUPTgnt-Pair to good stock , CfJlOc ; choice to fancy country , 14811Cc. VIIAI.-.Cholc , . ( nit. 70 to 100 lbs. , are quoted at 6 ½ 817cn large nnnntl cOalse , 465C. CIIIICSIS-.flonnertio brick. Edam 114c : , per doz , , 89.50 ; Club Inouce , 1-lb. jars , per doz. , $3.56 , Linnberger , fancy , per lii. lIlic ; floUefcrt , i4'lhi. jars. par doz. , $3.60 ; Young Americas , 11 ! c : Tivininu , fancy. lie. 1'OULTt'n'Lii'e1Ccns. 6 ½ @ 7c ; old cocks , Ic ; turkeys , ICfJtllc ; ducks. RiSc ; geese , Cfl'7c. IIAY-tlpn.nnnl , $5.00 ; midland , 84 50 ; lowland. $1.0) ; rye straw , $350 : color niniCes tine prlco on hi'iy ; light hanes sell the beet. Only top grades brIng top lniCeS. BrtOOa ( COflN-llxtreinely slow sale ; ' new crop , delivered on tracnc in country ; clnolce green self-working carpet , Per lb. , 2c ; eunice green , nunning to hurl , 2tc : common , 1c. ! G.aTg-Jacnc snIpe , $1 : golden plover. SIB : mallard duneks , 82.750F3.0O : rellnentds , 52.75815.01 ; Cannva.Mlaek ducks , 53.00041.56 ; teal , Inline wing , $1.75 ; teal , green wIng , $1.50 ; mIxed ducks , $1.50 ; Canada geese , * 4.50815.00 ; small geese , $3.508J1 4,00 ; speckleJ brants , $3.0014.e ) . P1OEONS-Lly , * 1,208111,25 ; dead pigeons not wanted. VIIOB'rAnrES. CADBAGE-calIomia stock , her lb. , 2. ONIONS-per ho. , 35Qc. IIL'ANS-inanj , Inlckol navy , per Inn. , 51.46 , S\\'I'IP I'OTATOK.9-ChoI stck , $2.25 per bid. ; neil sweet potatoes , $2. 25. CI't.ERY-Canifornn , per doz. , No. 1 , 75c ; No. 2 , lOc. LIMA DI3ANS-Pcr lii. . 4l4i. w.vrgit C1t1'iS-Pcr ' lGqt. cane , $1.75. Pin PLANT-Hot house stock , per doe. bunchnu4 , 75e. I'OTATOES-Fanicy nrtvn , inocnc 238110c : fronnn store in small lots , lIe ; Colotado stock , 40c ; itccl ItIi'er i'niiie' seed nnatatoen , SOC. FRUITO. STRA\S'flrlflRIkS-Texas , per case of 24 qtnn. , $5. 5010 6. CO. A1'PtEfi-Clnolco to fancy lien Davis. 83.1010 .2i ; choice Wlnne saps and willow twngs , $ l.0)8J CRANh1gl01tIEs.J5ey , $5.000j6 , ® ; boxes , $2.04) MA1AQA CBAPRS-per hl-nh. main. , 55,05103,50 ; per 63 to 7O-lh. Crosq. $5finOlrO0. TROPICAL. FRUITS , onmNogs-cnlIronna budnicti seelilr.gn , fancy , $2.642.75 ; choice , $2.50 ; fancy navels , 53.75 , hhoic' , f3,50. L1Th1ONs-aresslnas , fancy. 13.25103.50 ; choice , * 1,06813,54) ) ; CalIfornian , $2.75f2.0o , 1iA2ANAS-Chnice large itock , per bunch , $2.00 2.25 ; medium sized bunclns. 51,56102.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OrSTEI1S-Mcdlums , lIe ; mntantirth , , fec : etna relecis , lIe , company nehecta , Tc ; New York counts , lOc ; standand bulk , per gal , , $1.10 , 1lONn'1raney whIte , ner , lb. , 14c ; clnohce , lIe : California annbor color , JOe. cnogn-cnavlned juice , per lnalf bbl. , $3 ; per hnbl. . 55 IAUIB1 ICT1AUT-l'er bbl. . $3.50 ; unit tnbl. , 52.00.H . H PIfl SYRUP-Five gel. cans , each , * 2.75 ; cal. C.tfl. per doe , , $12 ; gin ! , cans , 86.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. FIGO-Iniported fancy , 5 crown , 30-li , , boxes , lie ; choice 1011 , . hoxu4m , 3 croon , 91010c. DATES-lIallowt"n , per ii , . , Sc ; fards , iO.lb. Ijoxein. Ier lb. , 7c. atmpnne SUGAII-Cholce , ner lb. , Sc , C I'RESflRVICS-Assortod , co-In. malls , each , . 100 , $1.50 ; each , Cc. N1iTS-Ainnonuls , Calnrornia. ncr lb. . medium .1cc 1Cc ; 'nnnnragona almonds , ver lb. , lange , i2'e ; Draziin , per lb. , Sc ; ICn.eilsh % vhlnUts pot : : fanicy s'nt smell , lIe ; medium snze , lOc ; iii- bnis , per lb. , bc ; poncans. POiinlnCtl inedlmnni le ; large , lie ; peinnute. raw , 6If10c , ; roasts. ) , 7Ie. Mini Icrimnicisco ' , Iinntnc Qmiotnn tiois , SAN FISANCISCO. .tprIl 3.-Tine official ciolnn uOt utionns for nttnntnn ; lnlJc n to I ny wa.n na f.flI I : Owls : a MLa . . . . . . . . If , OotmltIIC'iin'rv. . . . . 2fl 4iulmt ; Coi . . . . . . . . . 14 Ilnnln , & Norcroi , , 1 25 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Jinhint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lexican . . . . . . . . . . .hR tiet.t & Iloheinet , . . , Ill alonno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 14)11 Ii ) Con , . . , , . . , , i ! . I Occithinnntr.i Con . . . , its Ilinlihonn. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Onninir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 ci ltnlannOnnna. . . . . . . . . . . Ii Ovornnnan . . . . . . . . . . . ill II al bingo . . . . . l'otoai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liollam'.1 1 R'tt'nirti . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 iOu 1Ilunco. , . . . . . . . . sin i4cornhonn . . . . . . . . . . 'i 5 innnn. Cii , 1 , V.t. , , , 1 35 Shn'rt , Nnantn. , . . . . Ga ion. Innnpnnrlit ; . . . , I Silver 11111. . . . . . . j anm . Nt'w YonC . . , . :1 : tInitonn Con . . . . . . . . . tin nvnvmn ' . . . . . . . lItin (1011 . . . . . . . . . . H xCitnotnmnur $ _ _ YcblowjaeknjtfiS tI An nnsessniennt of 2)o ) a snnre has hnen Icylni 41 Crowin n'ollnt in ni jOe a ilnare oh Ciceitienitul in on'ntjihdtp4 Cleared , tI,773runlaii nincal : , n in Olvni Oloims ( III Iii to Cuin'i. , Wi. . 1.01113 , AprIl 2.-TIne nnlteniinco en lint' 'a UIII ( clay uvitin ( inn liierclnnnhnn' i'x"hnnge closed SI ni oLs.'rvtnnee of ( luj'I Ii h.iay , anti tinGling n'as I' iticli etna Ion t 1i 0 I 1 nnsu.nil ' Is 'tin IlinrIn it inol- sI lnuy-n 'I onal lt't mUsh mutes ninth not Ring n rticinin (1 woik unxn. Tine felling s'as be nm IsIn , ani ne. ii irIs maIn nn'hnent nail m > nl. iin itnttcn hitimig Ii fCnrcd for 241(1) ' nit lt5c , nnn,1 , lit' ' bU'et nitove In Ic' . Mat' ivinent 'anus onhereti fre"hi' at I'J'c ennui ( I nni' at hOc , lint Inu'ein intro sc'tnnco Ut ilnese IC nntsj , nind finally May onrered at ( n onn ; 10.llc to : l4c ! , wIth 53i4e itkl , Pd 111' ) ' 6o.muls. ci N i' ' YOltK , A InrIl 3-I I Inaq iteen ii 'Ill let niu' ci niti 1 tnu ointrvnnnnc" , ma in linen nil nnntrnt a ton nil , nf a Cm 'gal hnolilin' , nnncl as 'n c'nmnn.'qu.'nvo . tory little l UslInCisH han hte'n tirnn. ' unsid frinnn , tlntnt ieeeiu'cd ) ' mall , l'n hilling chinlInn tiuln'I alt 2tu' , 'line lii tntnr5 ( of next week at" Inn nntnrtlonn sIc of 1'043 Cal tons lit null sIlk rihnlnnun ; uISn lIla ounce until u I to 11th' , III ri ii 11,4 , I ' . 'ninngs , hinmelinti iliu , et. litre Is it bctten' IC' ' hIm' ; ilnl.nnginaui ilno rn.nrket , 4t ' % 'w' 1'on'l. Ii.i , i4tovI. NIGW' YORK , tii ii 3.-lliI1'Iii-rlocitnnts , Si 231 lotnI ; nethit ii Intl In I her ; inn t I u. a I u'i's. hijon 41 ' Prinne , $3it6J1. i ; axqn , * 2.0381 l.3 ; bulls , 81.15 ' 3.45 ; dry coo's , 0l.78I3.25 ; , c.nbbeu inc Utile .finflChl'Uil , 514'1'15 nut I.kot ( , ' , dressutI It , damns : rcrlgc'rntor he"f nit C.IJIJ ; i" . nil IlcI3l' . C I ) 1. . % M iln4-.iteei hph , 5)0 ) in'itl ; 3. n.'L'p . , Ilno : lanai on a tlnntln : lnhgin'i' ; , 'inr'c'p , gn'i , , 0381 1.15 ; Irnnnmtts , , trilnnry to prhnnne , $4.0105.ili3 , it , . l.nitt. : ; i.iyt- 14T. IOt'll , prIl 3.-CATTI.I1 . - iteu'rI'ns ; , 0. 1mm let ; ii Ln'inhy. , to stronn c Nn tin , . t'Vt'n4. Unnlg" , $ ' 4.25tiI. ' ; 'J't. ' , smears. sosr 83 : ntoclne'rs nnn'I ( e.tl"in' , 52.23811.C0 innu Ifen's. ' . 'r'n3.5) ) ) ; JtuIi uniosily , $ L2)ij 1.75. I iO(1e-llc'celpl s , TtOJ Int'niti. ' 1111 lii'-Ihranng5 nlnlite'l , 51.LiJ3,9l' iv"nicn n , r 'I .4'ifI.tl ( sennthnetmn , $ ? .83u0'I.tl ; lamnnt' ) , $14300 Flint unt'Ini Noi u's , 1)Ofi'I' ) ( ) . April l.-Ciearilnnon , ilCJlIffi ijni. : - nre , $1,618,761 , NI'iS' VOItIC. . % pril 3.-CL'mrinugs , $ I')7SCI5) ' ; J iiiineeq , $3,25lttll , I'mltltt. .inrIl 6.--'I'iirrt' nwr unit i tinles , li35 'e ' Cr IIn nnacotnnu ; , UcinnnllC sin i , nnntlurn , C lime for itisujis , t'RlliOT ( . /.jiht : I.--'the hroiuonry lot I ; 1.070 I in golti ct.Iti a tat 54 I 2.1 I Inn Ito a' . on Inicn : , nvt tine hue tnnnmiunnt of ioiti ; I eqi vu 112- . - - - - 'II IsslinKVuitii nun I.i nil. Dl'VJl. 4pr I7. Mt s Cub iieiIt trm , tha eli.'i'nnflmlIne , 0 , hnells.e , wt'se : i1Iyhlf' . 0113 JIuUlninl.Urfli' ( ' frsnns Ine todriings last LIII lay had beOn Et'lnontetl Ii tIn' tno'Ice , Innniietl to'ay sa'e annul ns'e'l 8h said no kitd bCt'I : vlsItiI iii I.eott'lie. OIAhIA LIVE STOCK IAR1CET Hardly Enough Cattle Received to Make a Market. BUYERS PICKED THEM LiP EAGERLY Ilnt Mmnrket trninn1isfiuelory-Stnrtc'.I mt S. tin it ) ( 'eunts PIT sunnil Gru'on' 'nrse 'l'osvitri tine' CIUM ( ' liii miI ices front ( lOner l'nlmnts , - (4 liUlAV , Alnrli 3T. Receipts for tIne day Inihicatt'ti use : Cattle. lione. Sincc. Ilortios , \liril . . , . . , . . , . . . . 62:1 : 2,510 25 , , . - AprIl 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,155 1,060 111 ' . . . April 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . S&'t ) 6iiSS 70 ; 12 ? .lntrcln . St . . . . . . . . , . . 1t5i 4,125 3,17.1 Mni'n7h 50. . . . . . . . . . . 92t l&St 057 , . . Mnnrcnln IS. . . . . . . . . . . It35 5.013 . . - , 25 March 27. . . . . . . . . . . 1.4711 2.735 S12 CAPTll-Tlnen'e % % 'clO hot cattle onultiflit inn tIne yards this lilorhnihig to i'atl Ii gnnni , annul other tnnnrkets nilci not Imps'e nhl3'tlnilng to ho lrothul of. All told , only 522 beau of enuttle were reported inn , as r.gniinist I,1.5 yestcrdmty anti 2,733 on Fritllny of last week. It inns been a lohig time sinnee so few' c'tttio % 'crt ) lneru , Tine oiniy expianatloin f'.nr the light rtnn nit all tine ninarket penn in thnut sinilniners are hmoltliung back un nccolnnt of tIne 'ery low Prices. The lnnnirlCet wnns at uibonnt ( Inn lonvOnut POitnt totnelneni inn yu'nnrs before limo recoint hirenuk , itind shippers njnpear to ioi waiting for sonine i'entctioin. itelnants , hi0W t't'er , front nih sourCes of llnton'nuntlonn , CoO- ttnitncn to inndlcnte a very light tlcnnnniitl for 1ec , ( munul nil packinig house proultncts , nnnd tInt' sltnggiehmness of tine nnnn1n'ket oh live cattle Inolilts in tine ntannne dlrec.tionn. 'ronla"io receIlntnu votniimtetl ntlflnonut cnntlrily of klfllnng cnttti , html lInde wan hnntruliy ennonlgh of nay nine itinnul to unnako a test of thn nnnn'lnet 01' estfibhlsh vntltnes. Tine sItiho- tiomn w'otnid , lierinnins , tie best ulescribeil his' calling it a goutl notronng nnnarket nIl rotnnil oil nmnnythniing nnul es'i'n''tlnlhng tlnnut svouln nnnnlCe hietif. 'rue btn'era wore out entri' nnintl bcntnglmt everytinlhng tip lit sliest .artlen' , tine tranle conuling to nun cud nlnnnonot none soonn as it coiinniehncetl. Omnt' snunnil bnlneln of 1 , 1&G-lln steen'a sohol at I fO.85 , whIlcit W'flii tine t'iot ) prIce of tIne till ) ' . Tine most of the steers litre were of tine kintul that sell for sa.tu ; to 5.70. Tinoore is'crui ii few cow's $10011 onnotnuh to hurling $5.Otfi3.o5 , anitl somnie goonl fat hnelters at $3.5. There sveI'e almost no fetien's in tlnn 'ntn'nli either iii ihrnut hininds or tine Inniniols of speculators. 'Pine feeder'u mono yestoroinny score InrettY well t'lcnineol unp by tnnmu or two large btnyen' , auG the frsln ntm'rli'utlnu % rcn'on extreinnely light. Tlnere wen'o a fess' small tnunichncs of stock cattle bnnt nnot enonigin to niitnke nntno'in of a showing oni tine InluriCet. Tine larger Part of tIne lighnt cattle oltl at $ d.t5ii3.Sl ) . The nnnmtn'kct eomntiinuca 'er' Ilrnn oIl the latter , annul tine receipts fall short of time demntand , ltepreschitntlve antics : migF ; STIIKIOR. No. Av. Pr. No , At' . l'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . S7) $2 ' 75 12. . . . lnii $3 63 10. . . .1157 51 70 1. . . . 70' ) 3 00 1. . . .1123 3 53 Sl..llC6 3 70 1.lllt ) 3 00 7..nnll a 6 17..n13) i so 12. . . . 716 1 SI ) 20. . . . n240 3 74) ) 13..1450 3 53 24 , . . . inS 3 65 27. , . .1ISS 3 70 COWS. 2. , . . 003 1 50 4. . . . R5 2 51) 1..1233 I 004 1. . . . 72' ' ) 1 75 3. . . . 941 2 Ci ) 2. . . .15)3 3 Ct ) a. . . . 163 1 Sil 2 . , . .122 , 2 75 1.1204) 3 01) . . . , ) 2 Ot ) 6. . . . 508 75 18..1442 3 Ct ) 1. . . . DSt ) 2 II 2..1O55 2 5' ' )2. . . . 1213 3 00 ) 4. . , . 867 2 25 2. . . .1l ° 5 2 10 1..1220 a 00 2..1173 2 27 13..1003 . . SI l..1204) ) 3 10 1. . . . 1St ) 2 25 10..IOSS 2 83 1. , . . tilt ) 3 15 3. . , . 913 2 23 i..Ili'G ) Si 1..1171) I 25 12. . . .1001 2 11) 0..IOSC ' 85 4..1267 I 25 1. . . . SI 2 to 1.1200 85 ? . . . . 3 36 1..lOtt ) 2 5t ) 1..112) 0) ' 4 lIn4lltllltS. ' ' a. . . . 413 2 o ; 4. . , . a7S 3 00 2) . , . . sot 3 CS 1. . . . 740 3 013 6. , . . 590 1 21) ) llur r.u. 1..12Cd III ) 1..1270 265 1.17CO 2110 1. , . . 560 2 23 1..tiCl ) 2 Cii I..I300 3 01) 1..1411) 2 65 2..1395 2 5) ) i.100) I 00 1. . . . 501) 2 63 ) , , , ,323) 2 85 l..1550 3 00 CAI'lCs , I. . . . P1 3 5t ) 2. . , , 225 3 75 1. , . . 160 4 5) 2. . . . III ) 350 11. . . , 235 3 75 1. . . . 1111 4 141 1. . . . 100 3 51) 1. . . , 110 4 00 1. . . . 12) 4 5) ) ' 2 , . . . 33' ) f ) 1. . . . 2)0 4 P3 1. . . . 20) ) 5 01) STOCKIIICO ANT ) P11DfltS. ' 1..740 300 3. . . . 813 3 60 4. , . . 567 3 6.5 1. . . . 83' ' ) : i 0' ' ) 6 , . . . SIt 3 6) 1O. , , 403 3 75 2. . . . 395 3 15 1. . . , 461) 3 f5 1t..1CIS 3 75 1. . . . 7:0 1 53 23. . . . 410 3 65 3.3il3 I SO . 19..728 350 . 11005-If ( litre sn'em any eatisfnctqryfeatnnres , , t ccnnnnetitetl vlthn today's hog trnntie , they wene few and tar between. 'I'lne receipts were light to start wlnin , oii' 2,510 ineati being mcpnri l inn 4t tile ynnils , its agaInst 2,733 head on Fnhlny at inst week. At tIne saline ( line conic reports of f' n' a break in other man mets anti tine buyon a hner ivanleti a similar once.uaion. 'rue early market was SOflOc lwer anti tine , otrenInigs svcnt largely at * 3.50815.60 , an ngnlnst 1360103.63 S'estenday. Tit trade nn'uf ; met vey ; active anti tIne market ilnnoteatl nit innpmovinng , . 1s grew Worse toward tine close , ' ] 'ino lnus'ens t8'ore t lnltldlnng $3.50 for nnedhunnnn weight tin heavy lnihxcl loads and salC'amemn were unwIllIng to accept tine price. Inn conntieqnnennca tnn lnnnnnket itecanne 'ery duil , itint the itu'ernu ninaily got line \ ' hogs. tIne lite stiles being largely at 13.55. svhnhno tine nnnoct of tine lnbts miItl at $3Jt3.56 ; , one goal light load .nuiltl early , before tine ole- iinie at other markets vns known , at 03,70 , ' 1'hno hog nn.'nrket nnnnpears to Ito sufferIng from Line same caunse as the caitle nnunnket , it lnvlc of lemanti far ptucklng nnoueo product. Itepresent- stive soles : Ko. Av. SIn. Pr. o. As' Sii. l'r. . . . . . . . . 160 $3 4 ; ; . . . . . . . . 8) 53 53 , ) . . . . . . . . ) , . , 3 43 . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 62 . . , , , . . , 2t ) 40 3 55 8' ) , ) On . . . . . . . .1St 10 3 55 . . . . . . . . 40 i'l ' ) . . . . . . . . 40 3 55 4) . . . . . . . . 55 ISO P3 15..274) . , , . 16 a . . . . . . . . 25' ) lt ) 67 , . . . . . . .212 , . . a si . . . . . . . . . , , . 50 58..IF ) SI ) 3 Cl 0 , , , , . . . . 302 . . . 5 , ) . . . . . . . . . SO 3 60 . . . . . . . . . 160 51 14.,3 . . , C Cd ) . . . . . . . . . 344) ) 50 CO..0 , . . 3 , l ) . . . . . . . . . 80 15 44 . . . , . , . .2 iS . . . 3 Ii ) - . 0..152 . . . 55 64 . . . . . . . . lit . , . I GO Y . . . . . . . . . 160 53 Ci. . . . . . . . 242 . . . 3 604 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 79..z-m : 40 1 Cd - . . . . . . . . . - 40 53 . . . . . . . . . 5355 Ci . . . . . . . .213 , . , 3 60 ) . . . . . . . . 80 15 . . . . . . . . ? . . . I 63 . . . . . . . . . , . 55 76 . . . . , . , ,2 U , . . I 76 1,105-ODDS AND 15N1)H. I . . . . . . . .10) . . , 3 23 . . . . . . . . ) . . , 3 43 I . . . . . . . .II' ) a 2. ; 1..1 , , , a & . . . . . . . . ) . . . 1 54) 5..250 . . . 3 43) . . i I . . . . . . . . . ; : i ; . . . 3 4,1 1 . . . . . . . .275 , . . 1 61 tl t . . . . . . . . ' ) . , , a 4) s . , , . . , , , 211 . . . 3 CO 4 2 . . . . . . .2)5 , , , 243 , ; mln.l -Then , wene onls a few nohnrep lien-c , ' ' tint they moot nwhtln nendy sale , at. usual tnt bIt . ti 'nd at god nntronng inrlces , Itepresentatlve rnls 400 ' .0 y. Pr. 5t ) cult' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c , i ; s .3 . ninutive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 3 CII1JUA(5O , 1.1 OTIS S'i'OCl. ' 'Jmnnv' ll't'Vu's n.'o'l'i \'ort In nis ) lmmnli ins nm 'I'Innun'ooiltuy , . p t1IICA(1O , April 2.-ChoIr , , ltec'ycs slith mnrouod 1.23 lOom ) ' , amid fancy bc'u'veui s'oro sytni tIn as j innch its ) 'estcnday. Connnnonn to fancy , lreiosel 4J tc ! ii shipping steers solil nut fromnn $3.40 to ISo. tinkli ) ' nut ( nonni 1570 to 51,25. Is year age lie heat etuttI ! it1 nnt * 670 'intl two ) 'ClmniO 1n5' ) t $4.50. Cows anti ) iulis Ionic lint ebnumnget.l nucln , mind cnlu'es an-c fronnn ISu' in lie lower , ' tying to larger otlierinas , ( ow selling ins high ' II $3.25 , Texan entllto inane more tlnnnnm nt'covorei , Inn , mncchino , Inn hnrIcoll that octinnicil tInIly Inn thnon eC , anti tInt , Iust tnro int'lllng cloute ho , $1. 'fine Ina'kcr onni fonlur irintlo linus l"nn , light , ins ' t [ _ reinntis'tily Inlglner , tIne inst sellIng I'riod4 Car lnit5i , fell oft 10 Inlay. iinnynrno acre ndepcntlent anti m'n'curd ' tins supply nit ( innn 53.45 I 8:18 : : ; ( or cominnimunln to chntnln'e olirt % ' , silts Icing ugcly iiittnlnti $3.70. Itglni wigInh nlnoetl inn e.leclina and ciunnOetl : owacrnnhnlnn nit ( noun $3.70 l'u"inho'ns mire plentlnnh nnnnl extraarnilnnarhly tint' . WI I ii a i entr c'nnin .1 ennnnnnd , l'ronnnlnient cone- Igslonn P rn non nine linolict lnng nu tin nip to 83.50 ( or ntil n TrurkInnn 'Iron'es ' nnnonnihn , J'tmar t utIca sti-'p siniti nit froni 8 : tim $ : i.J ) , iIni.fi ) ' Ii I Olin $ ; i,07 t . $3.83 , nvu'attrnno hnro.itnlninnntIli. nlinht sell icntilly lot ti"mni 11,2) to $1.35 IncerIllisi CnUie , 3to3' ) Iueail ; hogs , I7O ) ) ln ad ; 4 noes , , 3,00) ) lncnnd , lii , IINII H ( ill ) ' 1.1 'o RI oeIc , ICAN14AH ( 'IT ? , t pm II a.-o.'rrlJ-1teeItv. :00 inn'ii , ; $ iniiomntnnts , ItGi ) hnu'utl. liinn Inc5 vtu'.oily u'tnunn.t , 'l"txini. nt.'oru , tJ.5I(8.3t ) ; 'I''xnuno cows , 2 , jI. ; : , ; Iteuf sloento. $0.23tIji ) ; lnntIVe ( ' ( nit's , , tinS.50 ; ) ; stvittis : ninth feedcre , 52.55103.80 ; mUll , ' .sswn.its , I ll')1514--i 1eVo'iinls , 10'Ji4) ) Ino'intl ; nolohininiennl no , 01 unil , Mamict ; Pie lower ; ltullC of sales , 53.53(13.63 ; ' aVIu's , tl.233.GO ; Itatlo-rH. 53.10413.70 ; junixei , .i.Olfl.(5 ; Ilchth" , $ l.5t)813.73i ) ; 5'oiiner , $3.CIJ5 ; 2' ' , ; longs. $3,0)fiI.C5. 14 I I I 1 (1 PIl o'o''i , IllS , I .600 mind ; rlnli'mnnt'nltnm. ' I .50) ) 'luti. 7-tontitet sheintly It , - stmorng ; lnng lanmnb.n , .G3JG.B ; mnnmnltno , $27$5J3.7i , - - - - - S 145n'lf fin $ , , ' . P Ii"o''al of Ieceilnto , lit ( lie ( our IirinnOIIntuI marIN - C IN ( nil Audi Ci. ISt'G ; 1.2 ( aitle , llogg , Hued' . - onhin OmnOlnO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( fl 1.510 215 ' nli'agti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3OtlO ni oe.o 3,051) ) unsue ( lt ) ' . . , . . , , , , , . , . . , . . , . 1,3041 11/,901) 1,600 . I.onnls , . . , , . , , . , , , , , , , . . . . SI ) 1u0) 419 Totals ' " " ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' :2- : , 31,110 5.025 : _ _ AM3S E. BOY1) CO. 'i'nlIolllntItu I (1:31) ( : ) , tin nlii ; 1 Nub , t - CoMMISSION [ AIN1 : POYISJS : ND : S1'0CK3 ' 14r.unl 1lJk lknnuud of 'I'rnnde. ISilect vu'es 1 CInlr.ngo flunG flew Yonnc. : ! : : vi ! ndentan John 4 , Vprni & Co. . . - - - 1V18 1'lUIONSWt'I'i-3I ) . . . . liiinest 1 ° rico I'lit for I'Igvisnni. .I.illiS t , ( ; I.AlIh ( it.iII'tN' utter , Iggs , I5ouiir' , 7enl nntl ( Jahil ; ii7II1I ) ioiufh 1tJs 1lri'et $ ,