- - - - - - - - - : r I - a - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TflE OMAIL& DAiLY J3D1iFRIDAY , AIYITL 8 , 1896. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) CdIERCIAL AND PINAC1M. All the pcn1at.ivo Mrroti ) tattcd rinu : and Olosea Weak. t3IJSINESS GEFIERAILY WAS NOT GOOD Corn 'iin NO Mnr Aellia 'Flinti oil % Cl1ltQ7lltt ) zulu f1ierc Little CInuge In I VItIIICN. ChICAGO , April 2.-MI the peuIntIVo marlitti sLartet firm nnd c1ouI veak to. 4 d&iy. Wheat , cotnpar'd Iti ) ytrdaY's cIoIiit , ) rIce4 WO3 4c lowcr , coin nn(1 ( oatS . cdi 1 , lower. I'ujk diIIncit ttm 1&c to 17Lo lard nnt r1b9 enc1i 1O. There wan no gciicial broad EpecuirItivo hulness. It wits confined atiletly to profetontls. Thu ecIIng develtpel In wheat early wa firm , ( ho pI)1IIng being c iIghei , nfld J401(1 U ) cC more , ricet1ct1 o an(1 closed easy ttt from G4c to Gflc. The hIgher t Opefllflfl 8s due lnrgely to the rtllnm thnt. the OhIo Clol ) report vii ; out and showed j a Very low condition , but afterword rovcd to be a privatu compilation ot a Toledo concern which' Indkatcd a. smohl yIeld. Cnble , too. clime 1l1 hIgher from Lter- ' pool , end 1erIIn wn up ! 4 to 1 , nrtrk , arid this also hitiped. The wintry clIdltIona werd . znol.o gcnei al than yesterday through the weat and thIs was nIo sorncthhtig of a nctor , though temperatures reio not es- aclitlaily changed. rho I'ilce Current Wa8 . . not quite so. ironouiiccl , us to tIle COfldI- p. / tion of the mop as Iat week. Northwest- I em receipts were very rnenger but uo.par- i tItular slgnhhlcnnce wns nttuched to the . / tam , tll a general blockudo was rcpoiUd I fl Duluth and \IIiiicapoIIs s'Ithi all kindri Ut trxtlllc at a standstill. In addition to itear at gold shlhnunts , the ilevIInQ late ? ha the day was attrIbutable to tha fact r thttt the board adjourned over aooil F'rhlay and traderi were Itidisposed to have open eflgagelnonth on the long side 'ithi a jro- , peet of warmer Veat1icr before Siturday. I Corn wiw no more active thinh on yes- h terday and tIitre was very hitti. . change In U speculatIve values for future delivery. May " opened firm and c hlhler nt 93c atd I cioied Weak at from to 293e. The . - 1t13t .1 ! ' " t j'om 29c to 2c and 't coln , , the lwcst. 3' ; ' Thi oats market was tenul early , but hater became wenk zintl on increased sell- lag by elevator people and local trailers prices recedeil c nriil closed itt about the inSIde , with a net lcss o train % c to ! ,4c. Tradln % was fair. - 1'rovflIona got it strong start from light receipts or hogs. There WitH itri opening improvement of 2c in POlk and ribs , vhich brought in hosts of sellers , afld It r Wtts evident the packers were anxIous only for buyers. In the end the market became quIte weak arid pork closed 7c lower for k' _ Nay and Ge lower for July ; lard and ribs iJ .caeh IQe lower for May. I' FstImated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 10 cars ; corn , 1O cars ; oats , 12 cars ; hogs 1.tIoo head , 1 The leadIng futures ranged as follows : : . ArtieIWlOpen. I ' - - 'EaI.No,2 t April G3)4 t34 O2 62 * ( 1553' . . . . . . . . O4t 84'4 ' ( i3 } 6:3 : : Jniio O44 fl.24 1)1 ) 04 July' . U4 U4 ( UJJ ( :4 : . . . . . . - . . : . . . . . . . . . . . - , Ma' 2O ( . . . ! i ) . : . ' 9 . . July ; SOb * : tit ( ) $ O 3u 4 , t Sept B1 31tt ' 31 . s1 OntBNo.2. . . ' i - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . ; . io ; 1114 Ii ) JU1y..i 2OA 2O 10 . I Sept 20th 2O 20 2O . - / . - . - , POjgrerbb April. . . . . . B 35 . 55 . . 3 1 .iay. . . . . , B 02W 8 02 8 40 8 424 I -July. . . . . . . . B 82t 8 824 8 57 8O2 . Lurd.1IOIba . 1 AprIl. . . . . 5 Ofl 10 5 00 5 00 , ) .lay. . . . . . . . 6 12h 15 5 05 tS t Juno. . . . . . . 6 24 6 35 . 05 5 I July. . . 5 274 5 27 5 174 5 20 I ' hcn1Ub- . . , April. . . . . . . 4 0. 4 01 4 5 ( ) 4 G2 , I May. . . . . . . . . 4 70 4 70 4 55 4 LTL * ' July . . . . . . . . 4 80 4 80 4 135 4 U7 ! . - . J CaRla quotations were as foh1o'ii : . 1'LOUlt-'Nominal ; wintir patents. $ JOti3.8G : .3 Winter strnigis ( , $3.t11.O : pprlng patents , $3.10 ! 4l5 ° spring straighto , 12,00tj2.8O ; bakers , 2.1) @ ; L _ W1D1WiT-Zo. 3 sprIng , 2c ; No. 2 red , C4 d UN'-No. 2 , 2sJZe. OATh-No. 2. bc : N. 2 white , 2Oj22c ; No. 3 white , 104tJ2O % c. ItYF-No. 2. 3.c. ItAltL1Y-No. Z nominal. 1LAXSEFD-No. 1 , St4e. - . P1tIMfl TIMOThY SELCD-$3.30. ji - 1'1tovIs1oNs-Mes poik , per bbl. , * S.3'Mi' ' / % .tio ; Inn , per 100 lbs. , $ : siQrt rIIs , stdei , I looa , $4.ret4.c0 ; ; dry nitetl shoulders , boxed , . ) 4'.4t14e ; ehort clear aides , boxeti , 4$4ic. 1A WIIISKY-Distlhiiers Itnisheil goods , per gal. , ' 1 ; 2' t it&IAUS-cut loaf. $6 ; granulateil , $ .37 ; stand , ard "A. " $5.2. . . ' . Vt 1'OUITIlY-1nRY turkeys , 321c ; chickenH , ' Ei'tsc : ducks , 1Ufllc. . The foll3Wlflg were the receipts and shipments . . \ : . today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Artlctos. _ _ ipts. Sh1pncnta. . , 3 , . . . . . . . . , 8,01)1) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) ) 70,4)0J ) Corn , bil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.01)0 00,00 : ) OatS , bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203,000 201,00 : ) . : . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) " " OJarley , bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23O'JO 14.O0) ? . O : theProduco exchange toity the butter market - ; ket was Ora : ; creaiiory : , 10G)0o : dairy , 1U 180. L'ggs , flni ; iKe1Uc. ? iF3W YOliK UENIdILAL IuotiitLoit of tilt , IOIIy on VIIVI0IIH Coinniodities , : NEW YORIC , April 2.-FLOUR-Receipts , 10,700 bbiK. ; exports , 9,200 bbls. ; steady and moderatlly active ; aine business done in country brands ; :4c : spring patents , winter straights , $3.50J3.G3 ; vin- 2 1. ter extois. * 2.60t12.0O ; winter low grades , $2.15j v' 2.40 ; spring ow grades , $2.00l2.G0 ; Minnrsotn cat- p. ent. , $3,55f13.85 ; IlinnesotiL bakers , 2.700J3.15 ; l spring iow grades , l2.002.60 winier iiateuta , $3.81 0t3.D5. Itye flour , dull ; eupertinc , $2.G0t)2.7O. ) liuclcwheat flour , duii at $1.25. Southern flour. 4 $ teUtly at t3.G0t3.70. . 1iUCCWIIF1A'l'-Qulei ; 40014k. , COIIN MEAI-IJuil ; yellow western , coarse , cz ; ' ' 3c. At I1YIO.-Duil ; state. 4347db. , , 1)A1t10Y-Lteady ; melting , 400148c ; feeding , .i , 014738c. IIAItLEY MALT-Nominal : vcstern , dlOJbGc. WliET-1teceiptn. 3,7041 bu. ; exports , 10,000 -z _ be. tipot , tendy , 70tc ; No. 2 red , 741t,0J75c , t lake and rail ; No. 3 reti , 74r , eievator , Options ; ' 1 otiened stronger on bail crop news , firm cnbies I and mmii rireipta sold nit , but rattled sharply , on rumors of buiiish Ohio tnta rep3rt , which ' was subsequetitly denied , auflng lwavy unload. lug , that bruk tue marke [ , the close being gel : . i cniiy unchanged ( coin inst iigit ) ; April cio ed 70c : May , 104771 15.1Cc , ebbed at 70'c. ) - CORN-Receipts. 25,401) ho. ; exports , 8,700 bu. , Spot , duii ; No. 2 , 37e , cievator. OptIons opened . firm with wheat , but biter soki off under ab. 'xh- , ance of buying orders end eluseti practieaiiy at last night's ilgures ; April cisec1 at 36c ; May , 4.1 55 D.1G0135e { , closet ) at 8bc. OATt3-1UcetPt , 8IG00 Iu. ; exports , ica,000 bu , . itpot , fiteahly' o. 2 , 24tJlSc , Options , mac. tIVo and eaidor on favorabio crop news , closing ! 4o iower ; May , 2444724c , ciosed at 24 ½ c. hAY-Dull ; shipping hoc ; good to choice 800 lb. , JIO1'S-Duli state , comnion to choice , 1801 . crop , 24780c' 1813 crop , 3tJSc ; Pacillo coast , * 2884 Crop , 2'J4o. ; JIlPKt4-Hteady and quIet ; Galveston bc ; . b4ueno Ayres , bc ; Texas dry , Ic ; Calfornia ( , l 14c , J' Ll1AT1I11H-Sady ; iienuiovk sole , II. A , , light ' to heavy , 2'c. PI1OVISIONI4-lleef. dull ; family , l0.000J1,00 ; extflV nfl'ss , $7,00liS.00 : bi't hams , $ ib.800018.tO. , . : Cut meats , steady ; pickled shukiers , 4,4J4c. 'Laulr weak ; Western tenni closed at : * 5.30 : retlned , stendy. b'oik , active anti lower ; . , , $ Babfi'0j,41 for mess ; hOrt clear , 410,004711,70 ; faIn. iiy , 110.01)4710.75. : flUTTIblL-Itt'CCiPtI , 3.833 ikgs. western cream. ry , 134J210 ; Figins , Ibe. 1700S-bteeeli3ta , 13,813 pkgs. ; steady : state lint l'ennsylvania , 120 ; southern , b0ItJl0c , . , OlLd31'eroiUm , dull ; United closed et $1.28. - - Rosin , Orm ; strqine.l. common to good , 41.1371) 3,71. Turpentine. iluli at SS01b3c' . Cottonseed oil , Inactive but steady ; irimo crude , Ztc ; crude , f. 0 , b. , mliii. 170100 ; butter grades , 25c ; prIme I , summer yeiiow , 2btftj26c. MOIASHiH-Vlrnv New Orleans open kettle , good to choice , 204737e , lIC0-RIeady domestic , fair to extra , 247Ce ; 3apan. tfd4e. gTI.S-1'1g Iron , duii ; sutiicrn , 411,000313.03 ; 4 riorthorn , $ hl.004713J.0. Copper , steady ; brokers , $10.75 ; exchange , 410.710111.00. Lead , steady ; brokers , $2.80 ; cichnago , $3.05. TIn , ( lull ; straits , ; 11.350113.45 ; Plate" , duii , tOpolter , flat. \ Cottois Miseket. t N1W QItL.AN , April 2.-COTTO2-Qutet and I steady ; middling , 70c ; low middling , 7 D.b6c ; I good ordinarY , lt4c ; net receipts , 1,130 $ baies : gross receipts. lV70 bales ; experts , to ( Iroat blrltnin , 4 16 910 bales ; to ( lie cntmneat , iiso bales ; code , , ' . b i , baiL'd StWk , 201,885 bales. rtov ; YORK IiprIi , 2.-COTTON-Quiet ; mid. dimnir , 7c ; net receipts , 3 baies' gloss receipts , , 2T57 I.aies export , , . to Ureat 1Irtain , 261 baicis ; to the continent , 43g. bates ; forwarded , 27 bales ; ShIeS 331 batesh liii splnners stock , lli,00 biep , WI , , LOUIS , Mrli 2-COTO'ON-Quiet ; mid. ililoir , 'bc ; sales 613 bales ; receipts. 619 baies ; Bhipmflf.fltN , $10 bafes stock , 5T,40 balce 1uture closed quiet and steady ; sales , 4I,0O bodes ; January 47 25 ; April. 41.00 ; iay , ; i.co ; June , $7.CG ; uI and August , $7,130 ; lepteinber , si.od ; October , $7.21 ; November , 87.18 ; 1)ccmber , 1 ; ; _ _ _ _ _ _ ' flry Goods Mnrket. , N80\V VOJl , APril . -hlucimiess looks better sad ii ) caine respects ii doIng better. Timli feel. in is apparent on ( tie pett1 of purchasers , vo taking small quantititmi while awolting lone. 4 . d.YebQpmLltI , iZs40Z4 cotWap MYS .btarvd j In a better lniilr' , and shipments in the agri. at0 lIMe been of fair quantIty. More mall inquiries wers received tor codorel cottons. that included mndrat. shipments ot once. Tisi corn. picicinli of the macket Is niece cheerful. Print. in clothe , iluht , at Unchnn8ed quotations , or 2e. 1'AbTj fl1'Illt , April L-l'rint cloths quid and alend at 2'.li' . OMAII.t GENL1JLATa M.1UCCT. Conulllinn or Trnule mIi1 QIC,4IIIOIIc sill i4tiiilt' nhii Fit sie' I'roiluce. Tbs' rcctiits of eggs are nt vry len : % ' ) ' and the mr'rket Is flrmer than it was a few daa ago. Qtmotntlois : } ( Jfl.3-1'resh stock , Dc , HVT'FgIt-F'nlr to good hock , DC100b choice to fancy eouImtry , 14011Cc. VIIA-'Choic , fat , 70 to 10' ) lbs. , are quoted at 6ccI7c ; large and coarse , i47hc. CliilllSll-Domnectlc hskk. l11c ; Ildam , per dcx , , $ D.0 Club lmoue , 1.111. Jars , per deL. P.Sd. 1.ilnbstger , fancy , per ii' . . iltic ; floquetert , 14.Ib. . Jars. rer tloi. , 13.80 : Youn& Americas , bLcl 'L'wllie , faIlc1' . Ole. 1'Oi'L'i'1tLierIlitis , Ctt77c ; old cock. , be : tlilkey , , 100112c ; ducks. 010c ; geese. 6077c' liAr-Upiand , $5.f mIilinnd , 24.10 : lowland , * 1.00 : rye straw , $3.80 ; color makes the price on hy ; light inles sell the beet. Only tot ) grades % iIng top prIe4c. Ooiioott : COflN-11xtrtnehy slow sniel new reel , , deli'erol sn track In coimntry : choice green scif.warlclng carpet. per lb. , P40 ; choice green , iualilng to hurl , 2'ci common , lt4C. OAtli.-Jnck , inipe , lit golden plover , $1.25 : nialimil ' 1 ilueks , l2.t.0173.O1 : rcdhenils , $2.7b473.O' ) ; ( 'nflt'nslnck ducks , 43.00474.50 ; teal , l.itic wing , $ l,7g teal , green lng. ti.t0 ; mi.d ducks , $ l&IH ( 'iinnln. ge'c' , $ l.&O7Th.O0 : small geese , 43.000 l.oo sp.'ckle.l ( rants , 83.00471.00. 1'1C1EONS-1ivp. 4l.20J1.2 ; dead pigeons not wanted , \'FCT7'rAlfl.Es. CAtl.al-ciiliroiain sto0lc , per lb. , 2c. ONIONS-I'er t.u , , 5503&0c , 1ICANsbtnn.t lflcke' nnyy. per bu. , $1.80. HWI110'l' 1'OTATOgs-Chqco ? stock , $2.80 per 1,1,1 , ; reed sweet potatoes , $2.2b472.bO. Ct1.tiitY-CtiliCinia , , per doz. , No. 1 , 75c No. 2 , CO. ' . Ll5t. fltANg-1'cr lii. . 14741,4c. VATI21t CRPSS-Pcr lC'qt , ease , $1.75. i'm Pt.ANT-Ifot house stock. per doz. hunrus. ! The. l'Ol'ATOER-V'onc'y intR' . stocK. Ib01bOc from store in small lots. Soc ; Colorado stock , dOe ; fleil River Valley seed ptatoes , G043C0c. lrIttlIT2. STltAt'nt7flfllr.s-Texas , per case of 24 qts. , 0.00. /tl'I'L11fl-Choico to fancy lien Davis. $ t000 4.00 ; choice wine saps and wiUow twigs , $4.010 4.23. , CltANtOIlflfllr.s-Jcrcey , 45.00016.00 : boxes , $2.00 472.03. M/.T.AQA OflAPfliS-rer M.lh , bbl. . 15.03J3.C0 ; per CS to 70.lb. gross , 15 00418.00. TbOPIC/W FRUITS. OI1ANOES-Californla budded seedlings , fancy. . $2.7313.01) ; choice , 42,80472.73 ; fancy navels , $3.60 473.73 : cliolee $3.50. LE3IONS-.1eesinag , fancy , $3.747375 ; choce , $3.00413.G0 ; California , . 53.00473.25. UANAN5-Chtilce large stock. per bunch , 52.00 472,21 ; medium sized bunches. 51.50472.00. M1SCELI.NEOUS. OYSTEIUS.-Medlurns , lIe : siandards , 0c : extra selects , 'lb , company selects , lie ; New York coUfltc. bc ; standard bulk , per gal , , $1.10. hONEY-Fancy white , per IL. . , Ide ; choice. 130 : California amber color. 12c. CID1fl-Clarifled juice , per half bbl. , $3 ; per bbl. . * 5. SAUFI ( lcflAL'T-Per bbl. , 43.50 ; half bbl. , 52.00. 52.00.M I'Ll SYRUP-Five gal. cans , each , $2.73 ; gal. cans. ocr doz. , $12 ; I.2 gal. cans , 46.25 ; quart cans , $3.80 , oIOImported fancy. 5 crown , b0.lb. boxes , i4e ; cimoice 10-lb. boxes , 3 Crown. lOOlic. DATES-New Persian , G0.lb boxes , per lb. , l4c ; beds. 10-lb. boxes. per lb. , DC. MAPLIC SUOAfl-Clioice , per lb. , 00110c. . , I'III7SERVES-Asorted 0 , 20.to. pails , each. 0COANUTSPer 100 , $160 : each , Sc , NUTS-AlmOnds. CalifornIa. per lb. . medium jlze , bc ; Tarrogana almonds. per lb. , large ; lZt4o ; flrar.lla. per lb. , Sc : Enmriia : % vslnuta per lb. , fancy colt shell , 12c ; medium size , be : Oil. berts , per lb. . bc ; peacans. polished medium. Sc : large , bc ; peanuts , row , C'4477c ; roasted. 71e. DREsSFID MEATS. BEEF-Good steers , 400 th coo lbs. , 6oJGc ; good cows and hitos , & 14t30c : medium bows and 1icles , Sc ; good forequarteis , cows anti liolfera , 3,47414e good hindquarters , cows and betters. 63477'c ; good hlndquartcr , steers , 7478c cow rounds , 5c ; cow plates. b473c ; bne. less chucks , 4c : cow chucks , bo : steer chucks , 4c ; beet teCclerloins , 22c ; beef rolls , boneless Dc ; sirloIn 'butts. boneless , tic : lon backs , baneies , Dc ; loin backs , 7'1c ; cow ribs , No. 3 , Sc ; ow iois , o. 3 , Sc ; beef trimmings , 3c ; rump butt , , bc : shoulder clods , Cc. MUTTON-DresseC lamb , 7c ; dressed mutton , Cc ; racks , Dc ; legs. Sc ; saddles , Sc : stews , Ic ; sheep plucks , Ic : sheep tongues , per doz. , 03c. POItlC-ILlrcssetl liags. be ; pork loins , Gc ; spare ribs , 54c' ham sausage butts , Ic ; pork shoulder , 4c ; pork shoulders. skInned. Sc ; park trim- mlags , 4'c ; leaf lard , not rendered , Inc ; tender. loins , b5c. hIDES AND TALLOW. btIDES-NO. 1 green hides , 3c ; No. 2 green tildes , : ½ c' No. 1 , green salted hides , 46c ; No , 2 green saltd hIdes , 3'c ; No , 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , Cc ; No. 2 eod calf , 8 to. 35 lbs. , ic ; No , I dmy flint hides , 7478c ; No. 2 dry ilint hides , 547Cc ; No. 1 dry salted hlde , Cc ; part cured hides , % c per lb. less than fully cured. $ IIICEP PELTS-Green salted , each 210380C , green salted shearitogs ( short Wooled early skins ) , each lIe ; dry shearliugs ( short Wuoled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , bc ; dry cacarlings ( short woeted early skins ) , No. 1 each , Sc ; dry flint Kansas 0mb Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 503Cc ; dry flint Kansas and Ne. braska Murrain wool pelts. per lb. , ctuai weight. 40350 dry flint Coiorad butcher wool tielts , per Ill. . actual weight , 4tJ64c ; dry Suit Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4475e , dry pieces and buclis , actual weight , 4115c ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on ihemim. TALLOW AN ! ) OREASLI-Taflow , No , I , Ic ; talloW. No. 2. Ic ; gr.ase , white A , 3c ; grease , whIte B. I'Ac ; grease , yellow , be : grease , dark be ; olil butter , 2i12 ½ c ; beeswax , prime , 355 22c ; cough tallow , lc. PONES-In car lots weighed and deiivere,1 In Chicago : Dry buiTalo , pr ton , 412.004714,00 ; dry country , bleached per ton , $ I0.014712.co ; dry country , damp and meaty , 11cr ton , $ c47803 WOOL-UnwnsCd , tine heavy , 647c ; fine lIght , 84790 ; quarter blood , 104712c ; seedy , hurry and chatTy , DuDe ; cotted and broken coarse , TOIDc ; rotted and broken , fine , GOtSe. Flecce , washed- Medium , lhtObSc ; fine , IdOjbce ; tub % iislled , 1647 180 : black , Sc ; bucks , Ge ; tag locks , 21f30 ; dead pulled , 601Cc. FUllS. No. bfNo. IlNo , 'I l Lge. IMd'mI $ ni'lli DEAR- - Ulack . . . . . . . . . . $204723 5 16 00 4 84710 iQ47iz 4 5 00 OlacIc Yearlings. , 120316 10 00 7 00 ' Co oo Utack . . . . . . . S 501 C 4 00 5 00 2 00 Week Montana & . MountaIn . . . . . . 184722 14 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 Black Montana . yearlings 12 00 8 00 S 00 5 00 2 50 Ulack ZItOIltafla Cubs . . . . . . . . . . . .680 400 300 400 200 Silver . . . . . . . . 00 13 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 Silver Tip Yelga , fl 00 s 00 5 00 5 00 2 60 Silver Ttp Cuba. , . I 00 4 3 00 00 60 tIrown . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 1 ! 00 12 00 0 03 Ycailing5 , . . . . . . . . 8 00 6 00 8 00 4 00 Cub. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104712 500 300 401) 200 Uadgr . . . . . . . . . . . .tf0l . 50 60 60 Cd so Fllmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 FOX- Silver ( according . to beauty.100 ) 00 CO 00 d ( 00 30 00 10 00 Silver I'aio ( ac. cordint to bea'y ) ( .0 03 10 00 20 00 18 00 C 03 Crc.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 200 150 100 fled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1 lb I 00 75 2 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 80 40 05 18 Kit . . . . ' . ' . ' . " . so 40 20 20 10 L.ynx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 2 00 1 60 1 23 60 Marten . , . .S 00 1 8) I Oil 1 00 50 ltmnlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8OQS 60 43 lb 30 Mink Dark U 5 40 24) 10 MountaIn Lion , . ( perfect bead and ) . . . . . . . . . 2 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 800 40) 200 Otter Pale . , , , , , , . . 7 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 1 Sd Raccoon . . . . . . . . . . G070 50 Raccoon , jilack ( as to beauty ) , 600 2 SKUNK- Ifiack , C5ed , . , . . , 1 25 75 60 80 23 Short striped 1 00 70 45 40 20 Narrow striped 60 40 25 2 10 Ilroad triped. . , 200323 Wolverine 4 00 S 00 2 00 2 00 1 oo Wolf MountaIn , , 3 00 1 00 1 5.3 75 4 Volf prairie. . . . . Ch000 GO 40 io heaver , per skin , 80 6 4 60 2 00 4 00 tel UaeYer . . . . . . 00 1 60 78 60 U sprIng ) ICita..I . Vi"ter . . . . . . . . . . . S10 S I Fa'l . . . . . . . . . . ' . . " . 7 6 1(115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3 STOCKS itNI ) IIONDS , ' ' it Jntvrect 'sVns tlserllmsie 'I'iiiile ( itimmerit'llfl 'l'llCCO tIllls1lltIlIltlOflN , NI1'.V YOSIIC , Apri' ' 2.-Tue extraordinary' per- f1)rrnunco of the directors of tue American To. bacca company at yesterday's meetIng was the milisorbing topio of interest In W'ali ttcct today. Criticism of the dividend policy was uncoenpru. snicing , cml the directors wIre referred to in forcible terns In fact , agitation loaned on investigation by tue Stock exchange lies already been begun , and rumors are also curment of injunction - junction proeellngs Ia restinin the payment of thu extra scrip divIdend of 3 ! ) per cent. The advance of over S per cent in tue curl : 1.1.1 Price yesterday over the actual closing figure led tlm Ilnancial community to expect a bad "tweeter of an lioUt" for time Slorts this tnrn- lag. and so. indeed , it oruvcd , At the opening climiultaneoUs sales Were made on 8t0) shares. at $5 and Dl , as against 803 , , last niglit' final sale , Tile decline vas under a rush to realize. A rally to 83 ½ . a reaction to 593k , another rally to Dfl. cli occurred within tIme Ommit fifteen minutes of business , 37,000 shares being dealt in In that ( line , The final price was at 89 % , or without change from Vednesday's closing. The stack footed up more than one.lialt of time entire dealIngs. The general list was almost entirely neglected pending to ; manipulation in ( tie ro. bacco stutres , 'rue opening fractionally higher all around in sympathy withi itmlpmovcnient In the irices cC American securities in London smut of soimia buying for that account in this market. ) . re- acttor.ary tendency soon developed , intluenced by the petering out of the Tobacco born. ( len. eral Electric , dIsappointingly to the bull traders In It , yielded a shari ) fraction , despite thu mmews of the formal execution of tile contracts between ( lie commipany atid the Westinghouse interests , I. moderate buying movemnent set in at the ex. treme low point , which carried values sea- ermilly above last night's ieyel , with the greng. era. I.ouliyiliu & Nashville , Southera preferred and UnI.in l'aclilo CoMS prominent. The last Inuationeil was Liouglit on exl.eetatlon of favor. able action by congress in regard to a settletnent or the ln4ebtedness og the l'acIV.a railroads by , - . _ . . _ - the * eo'v.rnmnt. Dulineal and lrregulnrttr wIthin a flsrrow range were the only features or the afternoon trading. 'the tlllflgI almost throughout the list were of the most proislOflAl character , No conflrntion of th4 reported prep. aratlonc for the export of gout on atunlsy wan obtnlnnble today ' the ppeculation , however - ever , DeflectinS ft plig'ht. but unuotab1e , silt- fening In exchange and in the rates for ccli money. The greater part of the loans made today - day were at 34 per cent but the market closed Ct 4 pe. cent. This c ndftion of the money market - ket , according to experts on the values of In- vesIment Pecuritles , Wits the principal reason for the nl.normnlly . small bI.l for the $ I,000 of New York City bonds and smell offered todny b ) the comptroller. No dtrect payments on bond account Were made at the cubtrencuty , owing to the fact that the fourth installment on the gov. ernment loan , which fell due early In the week , has been poliO up. Time market closed dull nnd unsettled , but at slught net gains , as a rule , let the railway shares. Railway bonds were Ices nnhnuttecl , but the ternkncy was higher , The Northern I'nclfla le.l in actiVity , nn(1 ndtnncel sharply on the npprovni of the reorganization plan by the foreign bond- Imlilers. The snls were lllh,000. Some corn- mont was excitc'l over tte lather singular fitet that no tritnmmnctions were moile in governments today In the bonnl. Sonic over.tie.counter bus- imsi , was noted. however. Tomorrow , being ( Iced l'riilny , is ii holiday en tIme Stock exeltange. The ibventng Post's Loidon flnancinl caldeginni says : lOusiness Is virtually suspended until after the Enster holidays , TIme tone of time toek mar. kets was gCod today , generally on closing of the hear flct'Otmflts previous to the holida0s. Consols were again at 110. Americans vere hem , ckslng at the best , Tere have been IndicatIons for ( hO inst few days of a better feeling toward Amer. leans here , and , If no more unpleasant incidents occur , either In matters roliticai or financial , on the American side , a. more hopeful view may be taker , of ( lint market than for some time past. No one expeCts a great rise , but ( hinge leak mit least a little better , TI-ic cain end bullion in the blank of Jinglanil decreased this ve'k , 1,614,030 cash havIng gone Into circulation , as tistlai nt the entO of the quarler and prior to ( lie hOlllflYF. litmmtng the week (30.000 im : bar gol,1 was bought nn'a 12,003 sovereigns caine in frolil I'ortugal , Tt decrease of 1,000,000 in other so- etirittes represents fresh investments by the bank. Time l'aris and Ilerlin markets were lIen : em ) mnoro ectiCe , The following were the closing quotations on ( lie lending stocks of the New York exchange today : Atclmtson . . . . , , , . , , it ) IN. Y , Central , , , , . . Adammis lix . . . . . . . . . 147 N. Y. , l N. F. . . . . . . . 40 Al'on. P. 11. . . . . . . 3i11 Ontario & \V . . . . , , 14h4 Amm. } 1xtrt.l3 . . , . . , 1111 % Oregon Immlp I ltaltimnoro&OttiO I7 $ Oregomm Nat' . . . . . . . . 20 Camiada I'ncitic1 , , 54 0. S. I & U. N. . . . . C.iiiada8outlmrii 40 Pacific Mail. . . . . . . . 27 Central Paclilc 1470 1' , I ) . . ii . . . . . . . . . . .214 Cioa. : & Ohio. . . . . . I GSa l'tttsbirg. . . . . . . . . . I I0 Chicago & Altmm 13h l'ulltuamt l'ainco 151 C. , Ii. , cQ. . . . . . . . . . 770 * ltcntlimmg. . . . . . . . . . . . 3104 Cimtctgo : (7as. . . . . . . 11714 Ii. U , V . . . . . . . . . . 15 Consolidated Gn'm ill' ! It. G. W. pOd . . . , , , , . 45 C. , 0. , : . & St. L 3(1 ( IIocz lolani . . . . . . 71'4 ' Cole. . Coal & Iroa 10 St. Patti. . . . . . . . . . . . 754 ( Ottofl Oil Cert I do Ord. . . . . . . . . . . . 123 ! ' Delrnco& bIn I. . l2mYt4 5 ( . j' &Onatrs. . . . lclLak'o ) W 10110 dooM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 % P. &ILG. pf.l. . . . . . 4:1 : ( S3tmtlicr' : Pclll. . It ) P. & C. F , CO. . . . . . . 18 Sular Rennera' , . , . 11711 llrio . . , 33 TcnuOoai : , Uron , 2814 do 1t tmfd. . . . . . . . : l7 Tcxauractne 8 do'bi pifi. . . . . . . . ui T.&O.Coat.pfi. ; . . 70 FortWaymmo. . . . . . . . 1110 UnIon P.tcltlc 8 (3. Northern pd. 108 U. S. Expr.m'i 43 C. & 3 ( . I. pM. . . . . . ( lii W. St. 1. . I' . . . . . . . . . 1104 Ilockitir Vallo. . , 1f1 VI. St. L. .s 1' . : : OJ hI llflnolsoemmtr.il. . , 1) ) 1 Vells Farso Ili 1111) ) SI. 1. .c Duluth. . , , 2(1 ( % V steel : Union. . . , 8374 IC , . T. p5,1. . . . . . . . . 2(774 ( Wiieolimg & L. 10 , 8 % Lake Erie & Veat 17 ilo pal. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ( lopt.t. . . . . . . . . . . . (1014 M.&St. L. . . . . . . . . . 3(1 % Lakoflimoro. . . . . . . . 14' ) D. & It. U , , . , . . , , . . , 12 % Lead Trust. . . . . . . . 2414.0. 3" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000 I.otttav1lle & N , 50 % N. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 8 L..mN.A. . . . . . . . . . . 8 % C.P..leI. . . . . . . . . . . 27 1ilanlmattanCt : , , , 10714 do pd. . . . . . . . . . . . 011 ltletiiplmls & C. . . . . . 15 11 , & T. C. . . . . . . . . . . 134 Michigan Coot . , . , , 1)2 ) % P. Si. L. & IC. C. . 5 Mi'.nouri Pacitlo , 24 % 'P. 31 , L. &l.C. old 10 Moblo .t 01mb 22 8. IS. IL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 * Nashville Clint. , 05 3. 113. IL ( .1. . . . . . . . 2i13 ( NtloaalCordaio 471 Ama. Tob. Co. . . . . . bUfl Nat. Cordaepftt 04 do pOd. . . . . . . . . . . N. .7. Cotral. . . . . . . 104 Am : : . 'I'd. & C. Co 92 N.s W. lILt. . . . . . . . Con'l Cable Co 155 North Am. Co 060 Ammi. Sug.lr pf.i. . . . . I Northern I'.iciflc 174 U , 8. Cor.lao gui. . N. Pacific nfd. . . . . . l1)1U. S. Lantimer pOd . Glt. U. 1' . U. & a. . . . . . . nIuIU. 5 , 1t'bbor. . . . . . 27 Nortliwesten : . . . . . 103 % do pfd. . . . . . . . . . 83 doofd. . . . . . . . . . . . 3433i ; S L.S.&F. . . . . . . . . . 30 The total salea o ( stoclis today were 319.743 thares , including : American Tobacco , 86.680 : Amerioaa Sugar ; 31,500 ; Ilurlington , 4,500 ; General Electric , 3,700 ; Louisville & Nashvtile 4S0 , ; St. Paul , 5,20) ; Unioet.PacifIc. . 8.580. Ne , ' York itloiie Market , NEW YORK , April 2.-MONEY ON CALL- Firm at 3474 per cent ; last loan , 3'/ per cent ; closed at 314474 per cent , i'itIi.E MERCANTILE I'APL7E-8OIG % pet' cent. STERLING EXCIIANGI7-Firm , with actual business in be.nkrs' bills at 44.8630,474.89 for do- manS , and $4.S7474.8S for sixty days ; posted rates , $4534471.90 : commercial bills , $1.67. SlL'Ett Cl1ltTlP'ICATlbS-GS476Se. hAlt SILVEI1-GOc. GOVERNMENT IIONDS-Firm ; state bonds , inactive ; railroad bonds , firm. Closing quotattop9onbonds were us tallows : U. S. 4o , reg. now. 1 1014 0. 1' , lets of ' 031. . , lOt ) U. S. dscotlp. aew. .hl01 13. .t It. G. 78. . . . . . . 112 % U. S. 55rcg. . . . . . . 113 % U , * e It. 0. ' &s . . . . . . 88 SLS.Dscoup. . . . . . ' 1lIM : Erlo2fis. . . . . . . . . . . . U. S.4s , rO . . . . . . . . 11)404 ) 0 , II. & 5 , A. Os , 103 U. S. 4s , coup. . . . . . jm)1) ) % G. II , , % 8.A. 7s it ) : ) U.S. 2s.rcg. . . . . . . . IFI 11&T.C. 5s. . . . . . . 108 i'aclflctiaof"J3. . . 11)3 ) dofl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 % Ala. , clns A . . . . . , 107 M. . IC. .o T. lot 4s 85 * Ala.class 11. . . . . . . lt)7 ) do 2d 43. . . . . . . . . . 50 % Ala. . class 53. . . . . . . 103) Mutuil : Union ( la. , 113 Ala. Currency. . . . . 11)9 ) % N. J. C. (3o ( : : . Os. I t 3 La. New Con. 4s 97 No. P.eciilo lets 1t5 ! Missourtfls. . . . . . . . 100 do2dq. . . . . . . . . . . . J1O N. O.ils. . . . . . . . . . . . 1104 N.W. Consobs. . . . . 131) ) N. C. a. . . . . . . . . . 103 do S. F' . U3b. 55 111 8.C.ortimd t ( R.G.West. laSs , 744 Tenn.ncw sot3s 85 St.P.03lsals 7s. , 12814 Tenmi.nowact0s , 100 doC.P. W.Oa 11i4 : Tenmi. old Oa. . . . . . . 60 St. L. & I. M.Oari.5 77 % Va.Comturies. . . . . (41 ( St.L.&S.F.GoaJS 107 do deferred ( ' 1.4 Texas Pic. late. . , 80 Atelmison 48. . . . . . . 70 do 2.Is. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 % Atchison 2d A. . . . . 2.1 . % U. p. lots 01 dJ , . . , 10F : % Camadte So. 2dq. , . . 101 % VcsL Shore is. . . . . 11)304 L. & N. unltled 4s. 74 Southarn 3s . . . . . . . ill 0. 16. & N. lot's. . . . Ill ) N. l'ac. : i.l . . . . . . . 74 Iloston Stock ( tilotatlolma , BOSTON. April 2.-Call Ioane. 4Qtj per cent : timno lottia , 4kI % lerccnt. Closimi prIi for stocksborr.t3uli:1iuiaf sirs : : A.T.&S. 1' . . . . . . . . 311 % V. Elec. DOd. . . . . . . . 63 Am : : . SurtIr. . . . . . . . . 117 % WIs , CJnira ( . . . . . . 504 Ammi. Surar pd 1(111 ( % E.itson Elea. Ills 133 lIav State Gas. . 1(430 ( Gem : . 101cc. pfd. . . . . It ) liell Telephone 20VO Atciitmson 2J . . . . . . 2:1 : lioston & Albany 207 Atclilaom : dii. . . . . . . 78 Iioston& Mitimo : 103 Now Elnl tin. , 112 ! ( C. 11. , ¼ Q. . . . . . . . . . . 7704 Allonea Mini : : ; Ca I Fitchburg. . . . . . . . . . 03f ! Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . . 17 Gen. Electric. . . . . . 37 Boston , t Momtimi : 74 % Mexican Central 103.4 ltutto& Ilomta : : . , , , 134 Old Cotomiy. . . . . . . . 17064 . Calunet ,1 Ifoala , , SoS Ore. Short Lute.394 Franklin. . . . . . . . . 12 ittibbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2034 Kearsirge. ; . . . . . . . . . 10 San 1)tmr0. ) . . . . . . . . . 10 Osceola. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 UntomJ'aciilc 8 QLmltlcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 % VostEmU. . . . . . . . . . 117 TaitiarAcIS. . . . . . . . . . RIO Wemtlngh. Elan 30 WolverIne 004 Situ Francisco Slintng' Quotations , SAN FRANCISCO. April 2.-TIme omelet closIng quotatlunefor inlaitlr sta's tolsy wsrj as t.l- lowil : Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Oonld&Cmmrry. . . . . AletlutCon . . . . . . . . . H . llttl0&Nom'Cro3 , , 115 AnieI1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Julia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lIelcimer. . . . . . . . . . . . 211 MexIcan , , , , , , . , . , 50 floHtJ ; IJelcitor. . , ( it ) Mono. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11) ) liodlo Con. . . . . . . . . . 27 OccIdental Con. . . , itS liultton. . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Ophmir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 bjtlis'erCon. . . . . . . . 36 Overman. . . . . . . . . . . 12 ( ntl.'aontt. : . . . . . . . . . S Potoal , . , , , , , , , , , , :15 : CiiallemgoCon. , . . . . 24 Savage . . , , , , . , 33 Clmoiiar . . , . , . , . , , 43 Scorpiom : . . . . . . . . . . . iO Comtkicico. . . . . . . . . 85 Sierrs Nevada. , , , 03 Comm. Cal. & Va 3(4(1 ( ( Sliver lull. . . . . . . I Colt. Imperial I UmilonCon. . . . . . . . . CO COIl. Now Yor'c , , , 3 lltait (101 : . . . . . . . . . , 8 Crown l'oimt. . . . . . . 38 Yellow Jacket , , , 35 Excilemlimer 4 Silver hers , (3834 , : M3xievl 118111r3 , 56.)133jo , Sight drafts , Ac ; tooeraplitc , lJ4a. Nev Yorle .SlIitiig' ( Luotzmtioiss. NEW YORK , April 2-Tfua followtir $ nra fit , cboattig mlnltlgtltlOtmittomlt ; Ilimiwor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( dialler. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Oplitr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 10 Crowmi Point. . . . . . 40 I'lymimotmtli. . . . . . . . . . 20 Comi.Cl. & Va. . , IDOl Qmmickiiilver. . . . . . . . 251) ) leathvoOd. . . . . . . it ) : ) Qmiicksllyer pfd,46014 ( ; onld &Cmmrry . . . , 015 Siecra NrivaUi . . . . . .05 llalc& Norcross. , lit ) Standard COt : , , . , , , PlO Ilotmiobtake..2501) ) Union Comi . . . . . . . . 4(0 ( Iromi Sliver . , , . . , , 20 Yellow Jaeket. , 35 Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . . flu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lnimdost Stock Qimodeitions. LONDON , April 2-4 p. in. eloaiugl Consoiis , mn'yliiii 11-10 Atoxictmtoritmnu'y : , 17 % Comiolminco't.l0U 15-10 itt , l'amlcom : , . , , , , , , 7734 cii : : , t'.tclttc . , . , . , . . 51134 N , V. Crimtral. . . . . . 1)854 ) Eriu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31134 l'oimiivlvammla : . , , , , , 5404 Erie latpfd , . . . . . , . 40) : , . . . . . . . . . . . Ill , Cemitral. . . . . . . . . 11701 Slex. Ccl : . 110W l5. . 7154 . lIAR SILVER-3td per ounce. MoNEY-m. per vent , The mate of discoUnt In the open . market for stort : antI three months' bills is % tIll-1G ocr cent , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Irsrtlit'ii. 01mm uk Si ml I emiseji is. LONDON , April 2.-The weekly statemnent of the Jtank of England , Issued today , siiaws the following changes , as compared with ( lie previous accounU Total reserves , decrease , 2,801,000 ; cii. . culation , inert ase , 1,141,080 ; bullion , decrease , ii.014,622 ; other securiltec , increase , fl,071,8)O ; ether deposits. decrease , 1,508,000 ; notes reserve , decrease , 2,133,000 ; government securities , Increase - crease , 63,000. The proportion of the hank f lngiand's rei.erve to liability , wimlch last Weck was 02.13 per cent , is now 69.24 per cent. 1'Altifl , April 2.-This weeekly statement of the hank cC France , issued today , shows the tel. lowing changes , as compared with ( lie Prcviotis aCcOUOU Notes In circulation , increase , 73G23.003 fratie $ treasury accoumls Curremit. decrease , 31 , . 273.001) Crones' gold in hand , decrease , 7,375o ) ( runes , bills discounted , increase , 7T,400Q0Q tmancs ; sllvet in hand , decrease , 2,110,080 francs. ForalOGli FimmItmlCiItI ASTulru , MERLIN , April 2.-Fxchamge on London , eight days' eight , 10 marks 45 pfg. 1'ARlB , Apmll 2.-Three ocr cent rentes , bit G3'.o for the account ; exchange on London , 03f 190 for checks , LONDON , April 2-Gold Is quoted at lluenos Ayres , 227.05 ; Madrid , 39.25 ; LIsbon , 35 ; Rome , 109.25. The amount of bullIon gone into ( he blank of England on balance today , 01,000 , Il'imtIneInI N te * , WMIIIINOTON , April 2.-Time treasury today lost 4208,400 In gold coin and 20,000 In bars , _ _ _ - - having ! ( lie true amoJfl.t . tue gold reserve at $ ibRlOSOt , Si , U IIOSTO , ; , April 2-Clearing. , 820,050,7001 bal- nerI , $1,837,000. _ NEW Y0011C , April 2.-ClearIngs , $1l9$7D&lOl balances , $ D.907,000. 1IALTIMORU1 Apht 2.-Clearing. , $2,633,971 ; balnnceu , $3660.1 . , , , I'IlILADELI'll IA , ApCii 2-Clearings , $16,701- 272 ; balances , $2,310,631 ; . ST. LOUIS. AprIl -Clearings , $3,476,218 ; hal. nafl's , 4446,969. MonejTC408 per CentI NeW York exchange , par bid , 25o oremium asked , CIIICAGO , AprIl 2.cMnney , steady : on call , C per cent ; on time , GU per cent ; New York exciongc' ) , lIe premiSslf. Sterling l > OstNi rates , 14.90 and * 1.89. IlnnkI'aringm , , $16,402,000. St. 1.omis ( ettris1 . ' % inrket , ST. LOUIS , April 3.i.1I.OU0t-Quiet and flrm only a , lomestio trade , Scith sales reported at $3.3 013.48 for extra fancy ; $3.76 for patents. w IIFIAT-The speculative market opened flrm on coller weather amd an unfavorable private reptt on the crop , which cas latter c'mlhctahiy denied. Speculation was light nail listlcs , antI when t.uyers eemnc'l to have all the wheat they wanted the : narket began to sag ott , and although - though continental naekeds were reported higher , retied tmi rally , and closed 47c lower for May anti steady 10 Ifc higher for July than ) 'esterdny ; spot , , lmll : steady : No. 2 re,1 , coal : , 690 elevator ; TNJZc , track ; May , SOlIe ; July , 6014e. COItN-The tone tt the apcutntIve rnatket was OlIn most of the session , but ( lading was light antI late itt thme tn5' ! prices eased off 5011:01 spot grades , tOrn : anti lilgimerl No. 2 mIxed , cash , 26el May , 21333012674c : July. 27c. OATS-Futures , quiet and stronger : spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 1134c : May , l9$47lO1c ; Jolly , IDe. ltYU-Qulctl Sb ! Nc bid for elevator. CORN Stlb.tl-41,0h67i,40. IIILAN-itteafil'l nable at ICC , cast trick. l"IX8lfl3l-C4motnh.lo . at 82c , TIMOThY SElD-$2.i3O473.b0. blAT-Choice timothy in fair demnnd , but bus- laces light ; choICe , Prairie , ecarco antI unettoll prairie , $7 ; ii , t , k. , 57,76 ; tiiutiy , 41,0)4712.00 , ihia sIde. l'OUI.TflY-Marltet steady ; turkeys , lIe ; chick- ( 'as , 7c : ducks , ICc ; gente , be. IOUTTEIS-Matket steady ; creamery , 163I3c ; dtiry , 120J'Ic. U0004-Iietter1 fresh , Sc. \'lIlhIOCY-l.12. LlCAl-lMmlI at the recent decline ; cales , 2 cars Missouri at $2.7TI. . Sl'lMTEOL-iIotIerR asking 41.80. Cot , ON TIES-0. . IIAGGING-447&c. l'ISOVISIONS-i'ork ; quiet : standard incas , job. blmg , new , 08.621 % ; old , $ S.l21. Lard , lower ; cimolce , $1.62471.0i38. itaron , boxed shoulders , 55.25 : longs , (5.27 % ; ribs , $3.80 ; hom'ts , $7.80. Dry salt : : : Cfl(5 , toxI sliouldems , 41.801 lOngs , $4.75 ; ribs , $1.75 : eliots , $4.S7 % . ltl3Cflll'TS-Viotmr , 3,000 bblc. : wheat , 23,000 bu. : .com. 19,031) lu. ; oats , 21,000 bu. Sltil'MIINT-Pl ur , 2.000 bu. ; wheat , 8,000 bu. : corn , 10,00) bu. ; nOts , 11,000 bu. I.l's'rjinol Mmmrkets , LlVIiRl'OOL. April 2.-1lUAT-SpOt ' , firm : deznnid poor ; No. I red winter , Cs Sd ; , No. 2 lcd , spring , stnck exhausted ; No. I hard , Man. itolil , Ga 3 ½ .l ; Na. 1 Calltarnia , Do 6.1. FuturCo clascd flrm , with near anti distant Ponitton un. changed (3 , .I . advanc : business about equally dlstributet : AprIl , Is 134 ; Slay , ho 5tl : Jomne , 5.8 &i ; July , Sa Gd ; , Vugust , l' . Gd ; September , Cs G'4d. COISN-Spot. tlrml American mix'd , new , be. Fottures closed stenly. with prices tmnchanged from yesterday's closing quotatIons ; busineSs heaviest early ; April , Is ; May , Is 4,1 : June , 35 1101 ; July , Is lill August , Is 2iU ; September , 3 ; : 2.4d. FLOUR-Dull ; clilnn..l poor ; St. Louis fancy. winter , 7s 3d ; itcas , Canadian , 4s Td. l'ROVISIONS-llacon , steady ; deniand poor : Cumberland cut , 28 $0 , 30 lbs. , bOa ; short rite , 20 lbs. , 2u Gd ; long clear , light. 38 to 45 lbs. , iCS 6.1 : long clear , henvy , 65 lbs. , tncks cx- hausted ; chart clear baclts , light , 18 lbs. , 2Cc Gd ; thort clear middies. hiev3' , 65 lbs. , Its Gd ; clear bellies , i4 ta 16 lbs. , lbs. Shoulders , 'square , 12 (0 IS iti. , lb. linens , short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , lie , Tallow , fine North Amarican , iSo Gd. ilcf , extra India meeg , Cs (9.1 ; prime mess , & 2s Cd. I'ork , prlno niece , flu ; western , Coo : prime mess , ni.dlumn , t'm Id. Lard , dull ; prime wentern , ICe 3d : refined , In atis , Ii's Gd. C0IF3ESE-Qui t ; : leennl poor ; fInest Atner- lean , white nS coittredl 42s. BUTTER. Finest Unutel States , 8051 good , 00s. OILS-Turpentine 1orirlte , 400 3d. Rosin , cam. man , 4ti Sd. Cottoqse'edoil. Ltverpaol refined , 17g. Llnmoeel nil , 19 Cd. 1 REFRIUEI1ATORi , BEEF-Farequarters , 2d ; hindqunrtlre. 5d. , BLIIACIIING PO3yDER-Ilardw000 , f. o. b. , Llvezpool. 7. hOPS-At LondonCPnCiflC ( coast ) , 1 iSa. The market closeii"at noon. CofT&Tnrket , NUW YORK 1Ari1' , 2.-COF'FEO--Opttons opened steady. whim pricea uicltftnged to I paints lower : fmmrtler deellmed under disappoint- lag cables. and rulcd'.g.erally dull. closing at tlte last flgures-inactlvo at' 1012) points declIne. Sales. 31.000 bags , incliaditma Morel : , * 10.150310.03 , Spot coffee. Rio , (1U1l Nb. 7. 13.7h. Mild , dull ; Cordova. 516.754710,00 ; 650 , bags , Iitnracalbo. p. t. Total warehcuse..eliveies . from tlme _ United States. 6,502 bags. . inciqding. 5,950 bags froiti New , Ycrk NOW Y6rk atnek today , 211,203 boogs ; Unltd OCtates tocUrl15163 bags ; nlhoau.for thO UnitcU States , 244,100 bags ; total vIsible supply Ior _ the United States , 449,0139 bags , against 448. . 423 begs last ) 'ear. HANTOS. April 2-FIrm ; good average Santos , 15.503 rats : receipts , 4.009 bass ; stock , 142,000 hag , . ilM'llL'llG ' , April 2-Qutet ; unchanged ; sales , 7io'i ( Ir.gs. IIAVISEI , Ai.rtl 2.-claseti quiet and net Unchanged - changed : sales. S ' 3' ) b.igs 1110. Apr11 2.-flnrely steady ; No. 7 , 14,180 rela ; exchange , 8fi : ieceipis , 6,000 Itags ; cleared for ( ho ntitl t"tm.e'L 2,030 bags ; for Europa , 3,030 bag3 5i3k , II(8 bogs. ICnimsnN City Markets , KANSAS CITY. April 2.-WIIIOA'r-Flrm , faIr Inquiry ; No. 2 barth , 620 ; No. 3. 450fMc ; rejected - jected , 354728c : No. I rei , 74c ; No. 2 , G00367c ; No , 2 sprIng. dc : No. 3. & 80162c. CORN-lIIgher No. I mixed , 2347Uc ; No. 2 white , 24c hid , 214724 ½ c asked. OATS-Steady , demand fair : No. 2 mixed , nominally. 160316'hc : No , 2 whIte , 19c. RYE-Na. 2 , 3341310. hAY-Firm ; tImothy choice , * 11.004711.60 : otlmer grades , $4604110.60 : praIrie choice , , .6.50417,60 ; other grades. $3.00415.60. 1IUTTEII-Weak ; crcanery , 163403bSc ; dairy , st.'ImtllP. 124116c. EGGS-Firm , 84e. Toledo 43rnhis. TOLEDO , April 2.-WIIiAT-Dull and en- changid ; No. 2 cash , 703c ; May , 71c ; July , C7ttc. CORN-Dull : No. 2 tnlxei , bOa ; No , 3 yellow , bOo ; No. 3 mIxed , ISo ; May , 30c. OATH-Qimiet No. 2' mIxed , lie ; No. 2 white , Ito : Ma ) ' , 210. 5 ISYIO-iuil at lIe. CLOVER SEED-Dull : prime , cosh , 51.40 ; Octo- her. $1.15. ISECL31I'TS-Floui' . 5043 hbls. : wheat , 2,000 he. ; corn , 8.000 lou. : clover-seed. 700 bags. SllIl'2.t1ONTS-Flour . , 2,600 bIds. ; wimeat , 2,000 lou. ; corn , 6,000 bu.pIovcr ; seed , 910 bags. J'oarln. Mirlects , I1EORIA , April 2.-COlON-Steady ; new No. 2 , lIe ; now No. 3 , 27c. OATS-Easy ; No , 2. white , 1D,4c ! ; No. 3 whIte , ISV.c. ILYIb-SteahIY No. 2 , 3Cc , \VIIII4FCY-Marke ( steady ; tlnlsied goods , on the hasi of $1.23 for high vines. ISECIIPTS-Corfl , 28,1St ) bus. ; 00(0 , 22 ) bus. ; rye. O'lO bus. : whisky , 180 gals. ; wheat , 3.000 titis. SlllI'StIONTS-Corn. 63,0051 bus. ; oats , 29.700 bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 110 gala , ; wheat , 2,400 bus. _ _ _ _ _ Sugar Market , NEV YORl , April 2.-SUGAR-flaw , firm ; fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal , 08 test , 4e : sales , 1,40) ) tons i'ernnnbuco at breakwater to l'hiilodel- 1)1110 , 60 test , at 3 0.1Cc ; Cuba centrifugal , 56 t'ot , 4 3-16c1 1,60 ° ) Lags Cuba. molasses. 83 ( cut , 3c ; refined , firm ; tmtanlar.1 . "A , " I'hc ; cut loaf , 5 13-ICc ; crushed , 5 13.1Cc ; granomiated , 5 3-iCc ; powtlred , I l.lGc. LONION , April 2.-SSIGAI1-Cnne , quiet ; neil- lag ilolmig ; beet , quiet and unclutnired , Coiidi tiomi ( it flit' bile ( Iris nil , NEW YOI1K , April 2.-The expectation ( lint a dividend would be declared at $ he monthly meeting - ing of the board of Iirectorc of ( lie Ienver & lila Grand. , Comipany , Is not likely to be realized. It has beeei othlclahly given out , first , ( hint there Is not likely to be a qilalUm at lie meeting , and second , tlmt even ifithere should be io quorum , only routine busines10illbe _ transated , ltliieeiiolIN 'lseest , MINNEAFOLIR , bu8vll 2.-WIIIIAT-Sten.iy ; April , 69c ; May , J3,4Ql July , G0c. On track. No. 1 hard. G'o ; N.qi northern , & 0c ; No. 2 northern. 6Sc ; reciilttC , 45 cars. FIOUR-SteailY : ' ftret" patents , P.18413.50 ; sec. end patents. s.oot1y.oo Lust clears , $2.63 ; second cleors , 52.00012.10. 'Vrlacu 'Wlsoht Quotations , RAN ICItANCIRCCES April 2.-WIIIIAT-Very dull ; Ilecemaber , 8l1o cleared , 24,101 centals Svhiea ( . , ii . ) _ 'l'rriimi ItolsW's ' still .t ICANSA47 CITY/jii / 2.-A special to the Star from Lobail , tIo. , says : TIm 'Frisco tain robbers arojUIijat large , The sborlff'a 00550 lies retuenedli without finding the vllghitest clew tcsiwok on. . Wells , Fargo & Co's agent , ' 1' , h. flroatlway , accompanied b)1 a detective , are ott tile ground searching for a clew , It tam said that officers suspect a man that hivesabout , seven znlieo from here , anti that , they 'have gael evidence to work on , This man was Implicated In a hold-up of a farmer.'about two Inoltiha ago , - ' - , No Gaul Sliipnmcmmts 'l'l.is % 'eeic. NEW YORK , .Aprii 2.-In banking circles here It ho considered ex'trenely improbable that any gold svill ho exported this week , There Is a diversity of opinion ac to tile likelihood t sllipmenta next week , It is expected that $5,000,000 of exchange will 50011 be avaliable from the assessments on the Norfolk & Western shares , which are largely held abroad and underwritten by foreiga capitalists. Vestimm tiit Aitti-fltisiihilitigg Act , RIChMOND , Vii , , April 2-Counsel for Richaid htl. Lacey , who is In jail charged with violating the apti-gambling act , has po. titioned to the coult of appeals for a writ of habeas corpus. Thu petition was submitted by counaeI without argument and the writ granted , returnable April , It is a teo't ' _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ , OIA1IA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla Receipts a Little Heavier but Mn1 Up of tookors Most1y , FAT STEERS ARE NOT COMING IN FAST , tetia'o Icinminml for llcc'cg Scuds lit' l'riee Up a 1'e'Y I'oiiLtes-lInIZs Also I'si3e all Upturn ems LiMist 1teeeipt. TIIUItSD.&Y , April 2. hieccipta for tlo dna' indIcated arch , Cattle. liege , Sheep. horses. Aprii 2 . , , , , , . . . , , . , 1,163 1,60 ' 173 April 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 3,1.5 T'J' ' 12 March 31. . . . . . . . . . . 1,6151 4,423 1,173 , Marc ) : 50. . . . . . . . . . . 1321 1,581 107 . . . . Marc ) : 28 , , , , , . . , . , . IW.5 3,013 . , . . 26 March 27 , , , , . . . , . , , 1,475 2,75.7 832 March 26 . . , . , , . , . . . 1,310 2,413 718 39 CATTIA-There was solne lncre'nSO ill the receipts of cattle today , tllrtre be1l 1.163 hentl , as agatriat 800 yesterday anil L.1O oil Thursday of last week. Tric CfCeCtb of the declIne were plainly visible In the reClS , there being a hieaV' falling off in foot atee"e , especially the kiliI that has StliTCd the nest shrinkage in values. Today there Were very few kiliig cattle of any kind In the yards , shippers eviilc'nthy hJreterrIIlT 10 hold them back , The great bulk of : tli the ic- celptmt consisted of feeders and tclc cattle , vhmicl : have remaitied tcady ill ipito of the. break ot : fat cattle. The nIarket imit a whole was in Very satisfactory onditI0fl , everything - thing in the yards being soul early and at better prices. The Tow beef steers on sale did not lam.t long Ill ( lie face of an active tlemiiaiiti , the meager offerings being picked up early filith at orices ( lint were a itto : : hiili'lr ( ball yesterilny. The market may be i'nhil to have recovered about 15o in ( lie two days. Tue quality of the catte oti all average 'an none too good , so that tiio sales mliii not show up so very reli on Impel' . 'l'hero wore , however , a few steers nid some steers and heifers mixed ( lint were gooti enough to bring $3.73. One load of fatley Hereford steers and helfers rold as high ! : as $3 SI. A consderabhe pronortion of the catte on nle brought $3.30j3.JI. There was not enough butchOrs' stock litre to make a real teat of ( lie matket , oniy three or four loads of cows anti hollers be- iii offered. The buycrie vere out curly and vei'e not long 1mm clearIng the yards at prices that were met least lOc higher. Some of the best cows here , hIll thle' wore not very extra , sold at $3 23 amid heifers at 'I.55. 'ruicre vero more atocker and feeders In ( he yards than for some da:1 , a targe : ) ro oortmon of ( ho receipts beimg mmiotrl. Um Cf that kind of cattle. Quite a good imnny of them were westerns of gold wegOite. 'l'Iie market was active and fully 9t'11td5' ? .mi . everything changed hands hatore the ehosl. The light stock catte continue to c'hl "out of sight" and the arrivals are snapped tp lIt short order. The heavy cattle are not in as mectiyo demand as the light , but they sell weil and there are buyers for all that arc coming. flc'presentatlvc sales : IIEEF STEERS. No , Av. Pr. No. y. Pr. No. As' . Pr. 10. , . .llbl $3 40 10. . . . 020 43 G ° ) 10. . . .112543 65 1. . . .lrl0 3 401 iT. . . . . 016 3 GO ' 2-I , . . , iOlS 3 75 l0.1l36 3 6 ; . . . . .1037 3 GO 3..i371 3 75 23..llil 3 65 19.I004 3 60 16. . . . 635 3 85 17. . . . DII 3 GO 1'.1425 3 65 COWS. 1 , , . . 040 1 75 1. . . .1050 2 40 iO..10i2 2 75 2. . , . 910 1 85 2. . . . 005 2 45 il..il9I 2 00 2. . . 045 2 00 1. , , . 910 2 60 7. . .IOSI 2 9) 1. . . . 1000 2 00 2. . . . 1140 2 tO 7..1b01 2 93 1. . . . 1:60 : 200 3..lOlO 260 1..l20 300 1. . . . 950 2 01) 5. . . .1038 2 6 . . . . IFIS I 00 1 , . . . ISO 2 15 32. . . . 979 2 65 i..ilCO . 3 10 2. , , . 1100 2 25 1. . . . IS ) 2 65 . . . . . . 3 10 2. . . .112. . ) 2 20 10. , . .1150 2 70 6. . . .1016 3 2,5 5..lt7O 2 40 1. . . . 110 2 75 IIEIFICRS. 1. . . , COO I 25 6. . . . 871 2 80 5. . . . 610 3 07 3. . . . bPS I 50 3. . . , 603 80 3. . . . 746 3 13 1. , . . 130 2 60 2. . . . 4110 85 20. , . . Sb ) 3 10 1. . . . 510 2 60 7. . . . 621 95 7. . , . 568 3 25 1. . . . 110 2 70 4. . . . 632 95 2. . . , 610 3 65 2. . . . 710 370 8. . ' . . 608 00 13. . . . GZ 1 53 2. . . . 690 2 70 1. . . . 670 05 bULLS. 1..1460 2 00 1..1230 15 1. . . . 93 2 75 1. . . .1410 2 15 1. . . .1360 60 1 . . .144) 2 75 l..l100 2 23 1..ll80 65 2..I37 2 85 1. . .1070 2 30 i. . . . 1000 . 6) 3. . .1610 2 83 1. . . .1300 2 30 3. . .1000 2 65 CALVES. 7. . . . 331 3 0. . ) 1. . . . DO 4 60 . 4. , . . 190 4 60 1. . . . 280 3 75 1. . , . 10) 4 00' 4.3b7 450 1. . . . 320 3 75 4. . . , 137 4 60 3. . , . 163 4 60 STOCKEI1S AND FEEDERS. I. . . . 620 2 75 12. . . . 651 3 10 12. , . . 690 3 GO 1. . . . 860 2 75 .33. . . , 605 3 11 1. . , . 840 3 Gb 1. . . . 920 2 8) 1 , . . . 62' ' ) 3 40 Ii. , . . 693 3 65 2. . . . 670 3 00 1. . . . 760 3 40 30. , . . lot ) 3 Gb 1. , . . 710 3 00 1. . . . 771 3 60 5. . . . 401 3 70 1. . . .1030 3 0) 1. . . . COO 350 23. . . . 691 3 70 l..lilO 3 0' ' ) 1. . . . 804) 3 60 303 , . . . 566 3 70 1. . . . 770 3 23 1. . . . 76) 3 CO 12. , . . 1113 3 80 2..715 325 WESTERNS. IDMIO. No. y. I'r. No. y. I'r. 1 steer , . . , . . . 1020 $3 10 , 44 feelers , , , .1012 $3 35 6 steers. . . ,150G 3 10 83 feeders. . , .1173 3 25 E. S. . Strong. 46 feeders. . . .1218 3 50 W. A. Simipson. 1 bull..1163 1 25 ' 1 stag..1650 2 50 1 bull..1150 2 25 8 feeders. . , 947 3 0. . ) 1 stag..1470 2 50 14 feeders. . . . 033 3 40 Win. Quayle , 14 feeders. . . .1062 3 40 15 feeders , , , .1162 3 60 Is feedtls..ilDS 3 40 Ii fecdets.13O2 3 50 24 feeders. . . .1237 3 50 IS feeders. , , , 1250 3 63 IIOOS-Thero was a big siump In hog receipts today , due apparently to ( lie heavy decline in prices ( lie past s'etk. There. were only 1,6130 imenil , as against 3,301 yesterday , and 2,413 on Thursday of last week. It was , in fact , the lIghtest run for time mddie : of ( Ito week reported in some time. In addition ( a the fresh : re- clpts , ( hero were about 600 head of stale hogs in ( lie yards. After a steady decline invalues _ since Momiday , (1:0 market took a turn today and came in the sellers direction. The. trade was a little slow to open , hut when it did it was at on advance over yesterday's market of fully jOe. The movement was active at the advance , ( lie packers nil wanting hogs , and the bulk of the oierings changed hands early. 'rime light bags cold at 43.65473,75 , as against $3.G&0013.70 yesterday , the ndvemnce on that Jcinoh hot being so great as on the heavy loads , which sold largely at * 3.55413.60 , iigni4lst 43.40413.60 yesterday. The bulk of ( lie hogs hero today sold at * 3.6(011.65 , 013 against 1.0413.G3 yesterday. Today's advance places the market about Sc above what it was on last Thursday , which was tim low day of last week. liepresentatiye sales ; No. Av. Sb. I'r. No. y 131 : . Pr. 13 . . , , . . , , 336 80 $3 60 48 , , , . . . . , 289 , . , $3 63 . . . . . . . . , . . GO Cl , , , , 227 , . , 65 60).113 . . . 36 ; . . . . . . . . , . . CS . . . . . . . . 80 55 10 . , , . . , . . 213 . , , 65 65..200 60 3 60 . . . . . . . . . , . 65 72. . . . . , , .233 60 3 60 Ci , , , . , . . , 251 10) 63 . . . . . . . . . , . 3 60 28 . , , . , . . , 160 , , , G5 26..278 , . . 3 60 39 , , , . . , , , 211 . . . 65 47..253 80 : i C' ) . 63..271 . , , CS 54..102 , . . 3 60 70..272 . . . 65 127..261 40 3 60 67..233 , , , Gb 64 . . . , , . . , 269 40 3 60 Cl , , . . . , , , 263 40 Gb . . . . . . . . . 40 1 C2'4 Go ) , , , , , , , , 243 . , , G7l/ . . . . . . . . , . . 3 6234 . . . . . . . . . , . 70 74 . , . . , . , 213 80 a 62 % 253..220 . . , 721,4 . . . . . . . . , . . 3 65 62 , , , , , , , .180 , , . 75 63..200 8' ' ) 3 03 53 . , . . . , , , 202 , , , 75 PIGS-ODDS AND ENDS. 1 . , , . . . , . 403 . , 300 . . . . . . . . , , . 360 . . . . . . . . . , . S 25 3 , , . . . . , , 213 . , . I Go ) 1 . , . . . . , , 4043 , , , 3 40 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GO i . , . , , , , . 400 . . . 3 45 1 , , . . , , . . 270 , , , 3 Gb 7 . . . . . . . . 318 , . . 3 55 I I . . , . , , , , 241 . . . 3 G2 % S , . , . . . , , 104 , . , 3 55 . . . . . . . . , , . I CS a , , . . , . , , 280 , , , 2 65 . . . . . . . . , , , 3 Ci 5 . , , , , , . , 294 . . . 3 65 4 . . , , , , , . 230 , . . 3 Gb 1OIIL'lIl'-Only one load of cheep was received snot it was consigned direct to a packer , A itew bead driven in , changed hands on the market , Time demand for miiuitofls continues very poor .tt this point , and In excess of ( lie receIpts flepremmentative sales : No. Av. Pr. 8 native ewes . , . , , , , . , . , , . , , . . . , . . . , , , , , , 107 42 GO 10 miativo ycarlimigs . , . , , , , , , , , , . . , . , , . . . , , , 69 3 00 COlIC.tGO iOVH S'I'OClc , 1)esirnJmi CntioSohsl higher I'lmzmni itt duo GlOs ( Lust Vei.ic , CIIICAGO , Aoril 2.-Desirable catti sold at from IOa to iSo higher titan at time close of Inst voek. Common to choice dressed hs't antI stip. pimmg steers wem'o In miemnanol at ( ron : 13,60 to $1.25 $ , wIth : an occasIonal sale of ( coIn $3.30 to 43.40 , and extra itne beeves were worth from $4.30 $ to $4.40 , Expartera were tile bcct purchoas- era of choIce catilo , and anything goad e'miouglm to bring over $3.75 , sold quickly , The offerings wore mostly fat and of very desirable quality , 1111(1 tIme Stuik of ( lie cattle cruised the scales at from $3.64) to $1.15. Texas c'attie. were at from 100 to 160 hIgher then caruier in Site Iseek , omnti ithighitly higher titan last veek , with cal. a at ( Corn * 2.65 (0 53.95. Common to Prime heavy and medium weight hogs sold at from $3.66 to $3.03 , whim the bulk of ( lie caies at from $3.75 to $3.69 , and the lIght wright bags found ready purchiaers at from $3.60 to 44.15. The surroundings of the market have not changed , and no material improymnent itt gemit'rally expected , unless ( he demand far provisions becomno's better , There was a strong market for sheep today with coins sales 100 higher. There was a goad dernaiU on (1:0 ( : basis of from $3 to * 3.00 for common to primno Ilteep , ( lie bulk aellimig mit from $3.60 to $3.75. I.amabs were active at from $4 to $4.60 $ for cnmon to choice stock. Clipped lambs bring relatively better prices ( lion hamabs whit the wool on. 1eceiptsl Cattle , 0,603 bead ; hogs , 03,010 head ; sheep , 5,642 bead. bCsiisas City Lh'e Stuck. KANSAS CITY , April 2.-CATTLIS--IUceipts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 1.400 head. Market 641100 higher. Texas steers , 1376473.60 ; Texas COWS , 52.9052.60 ; beef steers , 82.75(04.00 : native COWS , 42.00473.30 ; stockers and teeder , * 2.00033.65. lIOQib-flecelptc , 5,000 bead ; shipmentS , 3,100 hsazl. 9darket actIve , 6fhlOo hIgher. flulk 'f sales , $3.C0O' hi'y , $960472.63 $ , peketP , 5' ) 60 472.17344 mlsed. 40.00473.70 , ligliie , $2.C3472.D ; You- crc , $2.0473.t0 ; pIs , $ h.10113,7'0i4. Slll3C0'-Recelpms , 8,00. ) hcn. : tutpniemiiv , 530 heati Msrkt firm. Spring ) Sntc , 13.5)035.001 ) mnethns , * 2.00475.030. .Mt , luuih 1I'c , Smelt , ST. LOUIS , Aptll L-e'AT'l'T.li-'ilec.Ipts. 1,00' ) heath nualket stromq. tistive beeves , * 3.23471.25 , Texsa atCtrS , 12.15113 70 ; stocleua nnd Iteticts , 12.23(73.50 ; eons anol heifer , , $2 00473.50 : himIlS , mflOoib' $320032.78. I 10(305Itectipts , SC'O hired ; titarket lOJ100 ( highar' hieav' , 13.00071.53 ; nil sJ , $ u.og5.b ; light. L70412.93. SIlEi3I'-ltec'clpta , 1)00 hanoi' mnrkCt atrnngI natitee , $3.2bfj1.00 : mtoutl.ci II , 63.7l73.65 : wcaiemrmS , 43.50012.50. NeTS' 'orhi live Sleek Mnrhe.t , NI3V OliK , April 2..iIflt't3b-ltecelptp. antis ; na trading ; lmlroh'ait : eitiIii (4ttOiC AflWI Iran deer , , 11J0i3je , dtcsae'tl wa'gluts ; rfilgerAior beet , C't(07c. ' 8lEli' IA3llI3-fl eciptit , 1,531 head ; market clots ; allCc'lI , ituu' to IltimIte , $3j4.03Il l&iflIltil , L'OlItnIoIu ii ) vtny choice , $ l.OOU1lh. llOflS-lleccipts , 2S0S hicadi mrrirket laitti' mit * 1 00(14.30. ! 4si'lc * Itt Sight , Record of receipts at the four prncipmil ! mr- l < eoi fo , ' Allrlh , I , 16313 : Cattle. hogs. Sbep. Suth Oniahm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hlGb 1,6C ) 173 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.500 ,0Cs ) lIe ) ) ilnitsn's City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,00) f.D.iO 0.20) St. 1.ptila . . , , , . . , , , . , , , . , . , , . , . . 3,0) ' ) 6,00) ) 1,00) Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22163 29.16) SUS 't'IhllHlb l'OOl.S OX ' , 'tliiCtNI OIl 1)1111. i'roilit'ors of Fiuilshieil Iron NOt In Sc , ( isiolt ii l'usltios , cLrVIlAND , April 2-'rluo lion Trade Review tiie. ; teek tvthl say : 'Fiuoughi btuycrs have not bct'n entirely iassi'o , thifl past week hmn been ne.tdworthiy In the. malti for activity among sellers-lu the. completion of arraligeluuenti to rtlValiCO prices. Foilowltug chost'l ) Oh ( lie annotilicermient u the ore basis , three otiuer lmuti't'tml0lutS of proil'lcers have luecn brotigilt to ft workltg stage. TIto oeel bIllet luoni , lot ) atronlmtisiy wotled 1cr last tuinln6'r , ( tIlt % ithlotlt success , has bCl : SO f.ir cOnl'Jilulliateil in tim past week as to c.slab- Itch a $20 l1ittsljurg price for April , Four pr.dUters of southern iron hiav conic together - gother In it selling ltgroelnent1 anl an at : cariuvst of their InIrpase have an- uuiuice.l : . Blrmnlnghnii Prices about 211 ct.nts above the low flgures of the past t'o weeks' . Lastly , the I.ake Superiou' elmarcoa ful'iuaees have perfectr4 all organizatiomu antI flxcd delivered pricec on their uiroduct , Meantime - time makers otthic , various betas of fillislied material are fettling :10:110 : : difllcimlty Iii deciding - ciding just where the ) ' fit Into the increasing complex price.malriitg nleclmani8ni , For time pesent they scei : niece concerned about thuo volume and sources of ilomanol titan about tlict cost of their raw Inaterials. There are 93u10 alguus , however , of a re'ponso to time lnoveluleflt of general lines , NEI'OILK , Aorih 2.-Rc'prosentativoo of tle : twenty-OIlS' . .iding nuanufacturers of iberoolner steel in this country are iti sea- alcoa here today. The following are prcscnt : Carnegie Steel compatly , John G. Leishmnan , juresidcnt : llainesworthm Steel company , Pills- burg , George T. Oliver , pre.slolent ; , lones & McLaughlin company , Pitteburg , Willis I , . King , general nlanager Bethlehem Iron company , South Bethlehem , J. 13. Mcllvaiui ; Cambria Iron company , Johnstown , l'a. , J , D. Stackhouoe ; Schoenberger Iron and Stco ! conlpaay , Plttsburg , General 'F. H. Fitz- hugh ; Johnson company , Cleveland , Thomas. 14. Johnson ; ICing , Gilbert & Warner coni pany , Columbtms , 0. , It. M. Gilbert ; lihinoip Steel company , Chicago ; Lacknwamna Iroit and Steel company , Scranton , Pa. ; Penneyi. vanha Steel company , Steolton ; Cleveland Rolling Mlii campany , Otis Steel company , Covoland ; Cleveland Steel company , Youngstown - town ; Ilehiairo Steel company , Behiaire , 0. : Union Steel compally , Alexandria , Intl. ; Shenandoah Valley Steel company , Newcastle - castle ; Maryland Stool company , Sparrow 1 ° olnt ; Wheeling Steel and Iron company , Wheehimug , and Ahlnnd Stool company , Ashland - land , Ky. Ono of the members of the conference said that there. would be no adjournment until something lund been done to regulate ( Ito amount of production. It was the intention - tention of the manufacturers to complete their work as soon an 5possibhe , and while It was Imposslblo to say what the termo would be , each company would make a cor- tam percentage of the oteol for th coating year , the allotment probably to be made on the basis of the product of each company during last year. Tim reasons given ( or the proposed action are overproduction and ( lie consdquent fall in prices , which had made a combination neceasary so that the manufacturOrs may continime to run their works at a profit. It ha been reported that the combination , which includes tue makers of more than one-halt of the steel product of the ) vorld , 'has como to some rort of an agreement with the makers abroad , and that prices can be easily maintained in this way. This is , however , denied by those at today's moot. ing , who declare that thia country is fully able to take care of itself and ( lint nothing is feared from foreign nlakers. It is do- abel that there is any Intention to form a trust or pool , ACCUSIOD OF 'JIOLIISALli5 MUItHEIl , F'cir of 1)etection Criused dIsc Crlumsi- iial to Comusmilt Smmli'i.Ie. ROCK ISLAND , Ill. , April 2.-hundreds of persons today vIsited the Dastian farm , which is under possession of Sheriff Ilemen- way and a corpa of deputies. The finding of the decomposed body of John Louderbocli under a 1)110 of rubbsh ! on the farm yesterday strengthens the general belief that Henry F. I3astlan was an inhuman fiend and'that Ito cornmnltted suicide March 13 Inst because lie feared his criminal record was about to he laid bare. The following is a list of men who worked upon Ilastlan's farm and mysteriously ds- appeared eluortly after they were paid ofT anti discharged , and all of them are believed to have been slain by Ilastlan : Fred Kuach- mann , whose body was found a month ago by time road a mile from ( lie i3astian farm ; John Louderhoch , whose remains were uncovered - covered yesterday , more than a year since lie disappeared ; Fritz Kiernzen , who has not beetu see : : or heard from since the spring of 1884 ; Marshall Lewis , who disappeared in 1889. flastlaii teStified at the ICusclunann inquest that ho load paid Kuschmann $79 the night of lila death , lIe said Kuschimnann rode a fractious horse , whiiclu returned to the farm without a caddie , lie said ho then went ill eearch of Kuschinann and found him lying dead by the side of the road a mile away. On tluis toatimony the coroner'o jury returned - turned a verdict of "accidental death. " A local newspaper called nubIle attention to a number of significant facts that had been ignored by' the coroner's jury. Kuschnuann's overcoat lied boon found in the road with tIle marks of bloody OlatIdit upon the back of It. Two silver dollars was all the money found in lila pocket , although Ilastian swore to paying Ilimn $79 an hour previous to ( lie fluting of ( ito body , The doctor's examination of Kuseiumann'a head after this Inqueot altowed ( lint the wounl had been inflicted by a club instead of by horse hoots , as ( Ito coroner's physican lied concluded , When liastlan learned Ito was suspected of the murder ho told contradictory stories , Ills name s'as alt'o c3nnecteol with ( ho burning of Irarmer Laughlin's barn two night. , before the robbery , While the barn was burning an attempt was iziade to rob Laughlin's house , 'iiotl.ml to t.lliii \Soiien Ielegsites , FALL RIVER , Maso. , Arll 2.-The South. era New England Methodist conference this mornIng gave an emphatIc endorsement of ( ho plan of admitting women as lay fiche. gates when ( ho proposition , wliichu is to be submitted to ( lie general confereutco in Cleveland - land next May that all doleipitcQbo male , was taken up. With only a brIef discussion it was voted to lay the Proposition on the table , 101 to 8. A eubotitute propositIon that two lay delegates froimm the conference be either male or female was introduced and pasac' by a vote of 71 to 32. odIum 13' Cum.miisissiismll'rs On Trouble , ChICAGO , April 2-Every member of the Board of County Conuinisatonerii war , today summoned to appear before the grand jury , This action on ( ho part of the grand jury is said to be duo to a statement made by Judge I'ayno of tlIo superior court , to the effect ( hInt lIh , bath docununtary evidence showing that Cotnenissioner ! iicNiehola had accepted a $300 bribe to use hIs influence to prevent the indictment of a wife mnur- fierce , Judge I'ayao iia also been subpoenaed - poenaed , Developments of a sensaticual nature are looked fu ; . - - - - - 1ONC ChASE FOR OFFICERS - - - . "I Noted Counterfeiter Ehulos tlui Dotcotivos for 07Cl1t0Cfl Years , USED ONLY , \ PLNIN DOING IIS WOU } ( Ellinnilel Ituger , thin "ilmut Ixtert Coiustcrft'itcr iii tile Uuiiteit SIui'n ( , Cmijiliiriil .fter A 1.01166 Career. 5 NlV YOlL1 , AprIl 2-Iinanticl Ninger was * rrest'd hoist night and cnmuflhitil in hud- S low strcct joli in default of $20,000 bail. Th sccrot service ogeilts of thuc federal goverii. meat believe ( boy have' ols'ed the ecerot of tills lulyatvriOtis nian's life , cliii at the panic titiie hiave a counerfelter Wile hmas bstled oH their efforts for tevcuuteeil years. It is a cae'e that 1)08 ) been hiandeot down by lfl11fl S a retiring chief of ( lie secret service to lila succeraor. It was in 1879 that tue govern- S IflemIt tIci'tIvo ( first begon a hunt for a pen- Ilian who , by his painstaking huntuohicraft anti .4 al'iltic ( shill , cotulol , with elnlplo poll , itilc slid paper , P0 succcscftlhiy iuuitate a costly cii. graved United States greenback or batik note tiat It defied detectIon by nny export , 'Fitey found traces of Imi work In : iaiiy hart9 of the I ' counlry , but every tiiuie they thought they hmmI a 'icflnito citie , lit' Svoilhd vanishu and they wouhil be Clllhehicd : to begin their chase OVOI' again. Agelt : George Ilngge of ( Ito secret. aervice is of ( ho opinioti that Nimuger Is time man ( lucy Imavo beeiu lookIng for ex bug , Mr. Ilaggci clalmiis that Ninger has 1110db a confession and lIes solrrendored hue peius , ink and paper which ho used In umiakiiug ihe couuterfeit bills. Nlmigei' has liveil iii a snalI town near Flag- towi : , N. .7. , for years , Ills tuelghihors noticed that lie had a strange habit of thiteappearing several titmies a year , Ocasionnuiy hue would ' ho away ( coma hmotne for weeko , ot a tinla , but none of time village gossips ever utuleroolc t , S learn tlto reasot : , . l - hiwes'ereml Aumotlier Ilig Siaortiuge. , S PITTSflURG , Aorii 2.-Aumotltei , shortage A alnountillg to $30,000 was diecovored today by the committee nudiitig limo books of ox- City Attorney Moreland. The total amount is tiow more thlan $100,000. Moreland and lui assistant , Ihouse , are now Olt on bond : > ending S S trlai for : iuisappropriation of public funds. , A SILVER FICIIT A'l' ALBANY. Exposurc of the ElIul't to Invali. date tilt Pi'c'scit Sterling 1215 % ' . 0 ALBANY , N. Y , , March 11.-Occa- S siouniiy Ill Ieglslntioll Ilete tllcl'e is 5Ohletlllllg ) of iihtel'eSt Olhtsido the realm i at IOIltlc'8 ) Cuitirely-soillethllhlg in vlllchl % ' 0lIlO1l 8 $ well out 111311 * lll't2 COhiCet'ilctl , 1111(1 flotllllies ( ilhite as Illilehi 1114 tIlfi I'I'o- C ( Itlcllk'1'8 of .sitloons Hold Corner gro. 01 5 etiries. S S'IIC'ih is ( lie llttelit1)t ) (0 ( ll'flCtiCllhl3' in- \'illilltIti 1711(1 ( lillike Of 110 effect tile ben- L'lhCCllt stei'hiiig sliver iis : pnssecl in 1894 118 1111 llllhiilllllh.jllt ( . to tile 1)ehhill cotle nicl vhlk'll Ilolkcs : it a iiilsde- lhlt'lllOl' , lltllhiSllnble by lithe [ 111(1 ( ihlllul'iS. OllhlL'llt ) , for any 0110 ill tile stite ( either to lllltlltlfflCtllt'C 01' iti'hi gootis Illarked "Sterlillg" tltnt do blot c'olltaill 925 Ial'S ( of Iilrc ) SilVer to 7fu parts of 81103' . ' The izis' its it stauucls is OlllillClltIy Just : ititl ll'tPer. It works iini'tlsluip to . Site ito olle ; it is for tile 1)elll'llt of no class Iti plli'icihllll' ( , mIt 5it is hIlClllC(1 ( to pro- hiiblt , 811(1 ( , If strictly enforced , It. w'oulI * S ll'OhllIit ) Ii. 81)eCleS of Sv1hldiitlg ngnlnt vltlcli , llnforttlllahl'ly , there Is , OtIlor. f S ovise , vci'y little p'oection. ( For It Callilot be too w'hlely thilder- 8(00(1 ( ( that iii 110 ( leSCl'iltiOil ) of goods is S It hllol'e easy to ( leCeIt'e the Ptircllnser thnti in shiverwnl'e. Sui'll is tile C- cihhiar natllre of the alloy tlitit it IhlilY b ( lilly half base 111(0(111 ( 1111(1 ( yet Iresent ( hue sniliti flpettrnilce to the eye fl thlougit It w'fire 021-1,000 ptlre silvers V'lliCll is the stel'Iltlg Sflllllih'tl. ( ComisequenIy ( gl'eflt qtlnlltltles of dig. honest sliver have beell 1)iltne(1 : off for' geflihihle , iind evell nfter the passage of' , ( hue lresnt hitw' fin Ilivestigatloll in New' York City disclosed tile fact that Illost of the leiidllig thy goods multi ( leimrt- Illelit stores ss'ei'e still SL'hlIiig for "ser- ( F" hag" stuff thurit hititI no ClliiiOl Ot' title t Ij tiit lllllflO. Out of 82 iileCinlefll ( col. I. . lected at ralldohll , nuid assayed at tile o United States illilIt , 0111) ' 0110 l'eflCllOd tile legal Stnlldill'd , alld in 10111113' tliero tvils hot Ii fnrtlllllg'it woi'tli of silver in their COlllpOShtiOll. of coni'se these oxposul'es , nntl the COllSeqthellt action tlIkefl to cIlfOrce tile stattite , struck a pretty ha'd blow n this illegal coinierce , nnd ( lue bill nosv' - befol'o lIme 1t'glItifltlhi'C by which it is lt'0l)0Se115 "thlUClll" ( tIle lI'eh'eiIt lluv is S clearly ( 'ibotogil fill flttelhlpt to destroy Its. effect. For while renditig ve'y 1)1111181- 4 S 1)13' 011 tue stot't'itce , it fllOl'Oly iorohllbits ( lie lllhlllllflCttll'O of the disilollest , o wiunt has beeii called "di'y gootis" sll , t'er , 111111 as most of it Is lhltlde outside the state tills t'olilt1 have llttiti if any deterreIlt effect w'llel'ens the' ' , ' sile : 1)ehllg ) iillotvctl (11111cr 11w alIR'lldllleIlt , it vouli t4llfli)1' ) , ' 011011 lilt outlet for the disilOIhest fitllff tIll'ougll flhlY dealer disposed to S lhilll(11e it , S It is 110 Seet'et that tile ( 'iorhitiin Man- S Ii facttlh'illg (01111)11 ) hly , s'hiose lb 1110 lina beeii associated tvithi the ciluSe of lion- est siiv'l'ts'are ( foi' IllOl'e 1111411 half ii. ( 'elltttl'y , nllIl'lloso tl'fllC ( 111111k , tilG , 11011 , nioclmos' niod lettei' G Is lii itself tIle best gilitl'alltee of sterlliig Ylhlue that sllvers'a'e call have , are actively ellgllge(1 Ill llghitlilg tills OillOXloUbO ) hula 1(11(1 ( that lln'y have the ltIol'tI slplort'e ( ) itt least , of all tile lL'lldillg ItilVel'ldlllilla ( S niud jesvelPl'i4 in thin stitte. . It tvotoltl 1)1 ) ! Ii Kl'illlgI7 ( tlllllg , thllIleP 'l1 the Cll'CillllittilllCvs , If 1111011 IlhlhittlftlC- ttlrers nhitl tlit'it n'sllellt tililes slioult ) S. have HtlthlClt'ult. ilhliil'lll'ti ( OS'fiL' the k'giI4- iatiii'o of till ) Hthitt ! of Now Yoric tG ll'lllg ) iibout the of a lllCfl8tll'O 040 llttllulY ) ilgllllt the best Illtert'stu ot ( lie plll'Clullslilg p111)1111. ) Np.'ortIielet' , thin bill w'lll hC'ful tt'Ol tcliing till the labt 110111' of ( lie lireselit sessIoll. S trn WtIN , S ; ttazyioyplilllaporr.ianoniy cured ill lb t.G I5days. You car. botrentOillit home tot S L _ _ the Paine price i'noleritmimo gumirauty , it yoopeferto coma hero we w114 contract. _ _ _ _ S to pay railroad tare stud ltcutol U lhsand no. , CbsrgoIfwefailtocuro. Ifycu bare takeniner- ' - " S cury , lodido hOtUCul , anti still have gichea ao Ina , MuoouaL'matolmes In mouth , tOoro'riiroat , klmplep , Cmpuor Colored Hpcts , Ulcers ent l'y part of limo hotly , little' or EycbrosvO r.siilulJ 05 it , it istleis SYIhihltio 111.001) l'tIHON ( hap Wu guarantee to cure. We solicti the mast obsti. Itmatu oases , snd cimmeliotugo tlmo wurlQ for ft S anile vocouumiotcure , ' 31111 disease lies lwayp. hauled tia skiil otlme most eunlnentpusyst- clans , 8600,000 Ca ital behInd our ummoondi. L'onal guaranty , Absciutups'ooi's aentrealoti on "S "atioe , Address VOtX. 1tEMIIDS' VU. . WILCOX COMPOUND ANSY * PILLS Salsamal iti'Jii. Aiwaysr"liatle. , intultG S ul.stltiitt , . I'trsaltj byttil 'hrmtyglts. ia.w. I.eatl 4 Ft' for iY e.t's , . 'aJroiuunl , WI u'oX sl'E'l ' 10 ( .0. . is South Eigiillo Street , l'JiILAJkt.t'IilA , I'A. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. 'I\Jeplhone 11)39. ) O1uIIhil ; , Neb , COMMISSION 5 GRAIN1 : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS 1-seen 11134 hoard of Trade , Direct WIVeS to Chicago and Nsw York. Ccivcsi..a4ents ; John A. . Warren c. . . S ,