Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Olosod Heavy at the Bottom Prioo o
Corn Wrtfi VCTJ- Dull ntul Itntliu
llcitV- . tint ( tip llronlt In Prlco
AVnn IiiHlKiilllcnnl ) livcrj-
I * " tlihiK C
CHICAno , March 23.-As the rtsult of n
break In oats and provisions nml n falltrr
of the export movement in" New York I
grain , wheat today closed heavy nt th
bottom price of the day. Compared wit
Saturday night , It shows a net loss'Bf % c
Corn lost Uc , oats ic nnd provisions from
EC tO KiC. .
There wns n good trade In wheat wlthl
tt l'c range. The feeling developed wn
n. little unsettled , thn tone early bclne
stronger , nftcr which n weaker feeling se
In nnd the close wns cany nt from ' e t o
% c decline. The news nt the start was o
a character to encourage noldcrs and Indue
buying , T- > start with , cables cnrnc quit
strong , both Kngllsh and continental , Liver
pool showing n gain of from ' d to
% d. The world's shipments worn rn
ported smaller than lust week a
C,42I,000 bu. and this Imparted n
jjood deal of strength to the situation nnd
private Liverpool advices stated that th
name started the advance there. There wa
a ( Iccrpape on ocean pasfnfic of 4SO.OOO Im.
which wns also a "bull factor , " anil then
the visible supply on this Hldo showed i
larger decrenro than figured on. nt TS3,000
bit. , which likewise had a stimulating ten
ilcncy. At the advance there was tree nm
active felling by thu largo professionals nm
prices finally yielded , thu ilemnml not be
ing Riilllclcnt to nb'orb the same. The mar
kct wns further weakened by moderate ex
ports. The weather , too , cut some figure
the cold wnvo falling to materialise ; entire
tire contrary , warmer conditions being In
illcattd ; northwestern recuipts , too , were
again larger tbnn last wee * . The break In
provisions and oats hail some little effcc
on the FCfslon nnd started "longs" to real
Izlng , which Increased ns the pensioni nil
vnrrcod. May opened 9'c higher ut K-Uic
sold between C2c and UVJsc and closed cas >
The corn market wns very du'l nnd rathe
heavy , but the break In the price was In
Blgnlllcnnt , taking Into ounalderatlon the
extreme weakness ct oats nnd the n.ttmpy
manner In which wheat acted after its
c-arly bulge. May opened unchanged a
23c , nold Fparingiy at 23740 and closed n
that price bid. .
Oats were active , weaker and lower , will
free penernl liquidation by longs and sell
Ing by local traders. Prices declined' to
from fee. to % c nnd the close was tame at
the bottom. AIny and July were the active
months nnd there were good buying of Jtm
nnd selling of May , which spread the dif
ference from Me nt the close Saturday to
/.c today. The buying was mainly bj
snorts and did not attract especial at
tention. The market opened steady , bu
weakened under rcallz'ng sales. May opcnct
at zone , sold at from S > V&c to SOtfc. declined
to 19'iic and closed with that nrlco bid , o
drop of ? ic since Saturday. July ranged
frcrni 20o to 20-4c to 10c and rested with
the latter price bid. ,
An unusually active specu ntlve business
was transacted In hog prodlrcts and tlrt
market , In a general way , was greatly un
settled. The market opened rather 11 rm
with moderate buying , mainly to provide for
outside order ? , nnd prices were higher tem
porarily In sympathy with the hog mar
ket. The easiness In the grain markets ,
however and considerable desire to unload
by longs caused a decidedly lower market
As prices declined there wns considerable
pressure to sell , especially by parties car
rying property on stop loss orders and on
narrow margin ? , which resulted In a marked
decline on all the speculative articles. At
Insldo figures the demand Improved con
siderably and purchases were falr.y liberal
nnd chiefly credited to shorts. Prices , how
ever , rallied slightly , ns buyers were un
willing to follow any advance. The market
closed steady at n , small Improvement on
the insldo figures , reached.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
CO care ; corn , 570 cars ; oats , -100 cars ; hogs ,
* The lending futures ranged-as follows :
winter utralKhts. J3.00O3.W ; fprlnff patents , * 3.10
W3.40 ; BprlriB otraltlitn , J2.COf(2. 0 ; bakers , $2.100
'WIIKAT No. 2 sprlnK. GOViOUc ; No. 3 spring ,
COVteClc ; No. 2 red , C45CIVjC.
CORN-NO. 2 , 2sa > : s > 4c.
OATB-No. 2 , 18V4Q13C.
KYK-No. 2 , 35Uc.
1IA11I.KV No. 2. nominal.
FIAXSKKD-No. 1. 80c. .
TIMOTHY BKBn-l'rlme , M.30. . . . .
1'KOVIHIONS Mess pork , pr bh ] . , J8.S71509.00.
Jjiul per 100 IbB. , l5.72t4W5.7u. Short rib * fliles
( loose ) . J4.7MTI.SO. Dry suited shoulders ( boxeil ) ,
.C2 > ,4 | 6.75. Short clear Hides ( boxed ) , J5.0J8 :
6.12" . .
W1IIS1CY Dlstlllera' finished goods , per gal. ,
SUOAHS Cut laaf , Cc ; granulated , J5.37 ; stand-
nrcl "A. " $5.23.
1'OtJiyniY Klrm : turkeyii , 12'i0HHc ; chick
ens , SliBlOc ; ducks , 10 13c ,
The following were the receipts and uhlpments
today :
On the I'ro.luco cx3haiiia ted ly the butteriiuir -
kut wan Btcatly : creamery , 1 IG'-'lc ; dairy , 03
of the Day on Varlouit
NKW YORK , March 23.-KI.OUR-HccelpH , 2 CO
l > bls. ; exports , H,200 blil , Thn market opened
li'ttcr with wheat , but weakened during the day
nml cljeed heavy. Minnesota patcnlu ,
$3.COff3.80 ; Minnesota bakers , J2.SOJT3.15 ; spring
low grades , J2.0)tf2CO ; winter patents , $3.S5ff3.D5 :
winter Elrnlghls , J3.C003.70 ; low grades , $ : .25Q
2.15. Ityu flour , dull ; nuporllnp , } 2.CO 2.70 ; fancy ,
$2.7002.90. lluckwhent Hour , dull ; $1.23. $
IlllCKWIIKAT Dull ; SO Ollc.
COHN M1IAI/ Dull ; yellow western coarse ,
RYIS-null ; state , 42ff45c.
HAHI.KV Quiet ; malting , 43QOOc ; feeding bar
ky. 350 40c.
IIAUI.KY MAI.T null : western. 46fl53c.
WHIJAT 8iot | , weak ; No. 1 hard. 71 c , f. o. li. ,
afloat. Options opened stronger on higher cables
und talk of email world'8 shipments , but soon
yielded to big pprlng whtut recelplu anil favor
able crop news , the decline bringing about free
liquidation , which lasted nil the ufternxm , ( in
sisted by an Increase In the Hnnllsli visible
and snmll each demnnd , nnd closed Vic net
lower ; Mnrcli , CDKBiOiic , closed at 70c ; May ,
CS 15-lCfHOVic , closed at die ,
COUN Receipts , C0.7W lu , : fjcporls. 1S.COO bu.
Snot , dull ; No. 2 , 374o. ! elevator. Options opened
steady with wheat , but weakened during the day
under a large vlslblo supply Incrixue and liberal
car lot tptlmates. and clos il lo lower ; March
closed nt 37Vio ; May. S. WJSWe , cloned lit 33tc.
OATH Receipts , 172,800 bu , ; exports , 31,800 bu.
Spot , dull ; No. 2. Cc. Options , dull , with unim
portant base and a weak t ne , nnd closed He
lower : March cl" ' ed nt HV4o : May , 23 > ic ,
HAY Dull ; bhlpplng , $8 ; good to choice , $9.00JJ >
0 CO
'lIOI'B Weak ; ItSJ crop , 2 , iC Hot 1893 crop , 3Q
$ c.
c.lltniCS Quiet ; aalvcnton , Ho : Iluenos Ayrcs ,
dry , ICc : Texas , dry , ICe ; California , ICc.
I.HATIIKU Bti-aily ; hernliK'k sole , Iluenrti
Ayrca , light to h ivy weights , We ; acids , 21C
UUTTBIl Receipts , 6,729 pkgs. ; steady ; west
ern cramery , l22c ; Kllinis , 22c.
UOCIB Hecelpts , 12.207 pkgs. ; steady : vtnte and
IViumylvanla , lUitfllc ; wtbti-ni , lljllic ; uoulh-
ern , 10HllO\c.
1'ROVIHIONB lieef , steady ; family , 10fl7c ,
Heef hams , M5.W016.00 ; packet. $9.00911.00 ; cut
meats , dull ; pickled 1m ins , 8V4U8 > ic. iJirJ , dull ;
western strnrn closed at $5.45 , asked ; May ,
5.W ; rrllned , steady : compound , $ I.COif5.K ( > .
I'ork , easy ; mess , 'J.7W10.S5 ; family , $ IO,6 < Hj )
11.00 ; short clear. $11.CO J12.CO ,
R1CU Klrni : domestic , fair to extra , 3Vi06e ;
Japan. 3iO < Vic.
OII j Petroleum , dull nnd lower ; United closed
nt $1.31. Rosin , steady ; rt'llnej , common lo g'xid ,
$1.72'jttl.75. Turpenttno spirits , easy , ZSUifUc.
Cotton seed all. Inactive , but steady ; prime crude ,
21c ; crude , f. a U , mills , 17OI9c. liuttcr grudui ,
28a : prime surnnier , > ellow , SJ'AOJCc ,
MOUABMEB Sternly ; New Orleans , open ket-
tie. irotxl to chalce , 9037c ,
trw , weak ) southern , $ H.Wei
1" ' .fl ir" - firm : Iirnkns , IIO.M14 ; a.
jr. Ijinl s'rirdy. brokers , t ) , r/XPhnnire. 1120 ,
TL > . ilull. strnlls , m.SHl.U. Pistes , rtftk ,
f'ptl' T , tend } ' . _ _ _
OM.VIt.l (1I2M2HAI. MAItlvl'.T.
Cuiiillllon of Trnilp nnit ( Itinlnilnm
( in Slniili * mill Kniic.Produce. .
nansi.Yri > h nwk , sv.
tltlTTRK l > ! r to good stock , 00100 ; choice to
fancy country , lifllCc.
YiAICh > > lcr fat. 70 to 100 lb . . re quoted
nt "fti'ic ; latge mid conitc. 4JV5e.
ClinnsK-Donii'itlo brK'k. lltie ; Kdam. pet
An , $9.Wi Club house , 1-lb. Jarr , per dot. , $ XM ,
t.lrabergcr , foncy , per lb. . llVis ; Roquefort , H-lb. ,
] ar , [ n > r dox. . $3.60j Young American , H4c ! |
Twlni" . fancy , lie.
POUI.TRY-I.hf-IliMH , Tej eld rocks , 3c ; tur-
krJM , Ilfl2ei dllt-K * nnd geese , 7C8c .
POULTRY-IireMed-Chlckens. choice. . JO } * !
ciAnc nnil huge , G fV ; ; duel : * . choice , JiWlIci
turkeys , rlnilco light , HOI&cj heavy , 12 JI3c ;
geee , I'illOl' ' .
lIAY-Upmn.1 , $ : .M : midland. H.M : lowland ,
$ f.OO ; rye straw. $3.M : color mnlirs the price or
liny ; light bales c11 the beat. Only top grade )
bring tnp prices.
IIHOOM CORN' nxtrtmcly slow sale : nen
crop. delivered on trnck In country ! choice green
SFlMvorklng cnrpot , per lb. . 2Uo : choice green ,
running to hurl. 2V4c : comrnun , l4c. !
UAMIV-Jnck tnlpc. $1 ; gulden plover , ll.ti !
nmllnnl ducks , $3.r * ) ; reaclht-ads , $3.M ; canvnfbneli
duckn , $5.00ilS.Wi tr-nl. blue wing , $1.7ofr2.00 ;
teat , grew wing , $1 , WILTS : mlx'd ducks , ll.MI
1.75 : Cnnnda KC KP , $ C.OOf7.00 ; small gccse. $ t.K)8
fi.fXll brunts , $3. CO.
Piai-ONS I.lve , { 1.2001.21 ; ilcnil ptgeonu no
TOMATOI3S Florida. per fl\-bnfket crAte. $ < .
CAlIltAni-J-Onllfornln ft' > ck. per IK , IKCilc.
POTATOES Fancy nntho Mock , 2iU20c : fron
store In small loll" , "A ; ; Colorado stock , HOc
lied Jtlvcr Millty sred potatoes ,
ONIONH-1'er bil. , .
liIJANS-llnnd picket nnvy. per bu. , H.tA
RWUUT TOTATOEShf'lcc Block , 12.76 pe
Mil.cnLnRYCatlfotnla , per doz. , No. 1. 7c ! No
2 , Me.
LIMA I1I3ANS IVr Hi. . Wlc.
WATnil CRtvPS Per ir qt. CA , $1.75.
Pin PLA NT-Hot house itock. per doz
lunches , SOffSIC.
STRAWniRKIEH-Toxas. per at. . 23c.
APPLKS-Cholce to fnncy Iten Davis. J3.r,0I
1.00 ; choice wine snpa nnd willow twigs , $ f.030 >
'CRANUERRIES-Jersfy , $5.WJG.M : boxes. 2.2
MALAGA ( IHArnR-TVr OT-ln. 1)11. . J5.005J5.M
perK to 70-11) . crop * , $5.rV > fl6.0fl.
OUANGnS Callfnrnln budded seedlings , fnncy
2.7riif3.00j ciioli'o. S2.3r.fT2.IiOi navels , $3.W
{ J3.7S : clmlce. $ : t.2.-iW3.M.
I.KMONS Mprsliins , fnncy. M.50Q'3.7Bj choice
13.00'T3.60 ( ; Cnllfornlns , } 3.0Uff3.25.
IJANANAH-ClK.lce large ilnck. per bunch. 2.0
Q2.2S ; medium plinl bunclufl , Jl.JOfl2.00.
OYSTEIlfl Mediums , IDc : standard ; , 20c ; extra
selects , 25c , cumpaoy selects , 27ci New York
counts. SOc ; standard bulk , per Kal. , J1.10.
HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , Ho ; choice
13c ; ( ' [ ilironil.i umber i-olor , 12c.
CIDER Clarincd Juice , per half bbl. . 3 ; pc
bbl. . $5.
fiAUER ICItAUT-Pci- . . S3.CO ; half bbl.
(2.00. (
SIVPLE SYRUP Five gal. cnns. each. J2.75
Knl , cans , per cluz. , } 12 ; 4 gut. cans , 56.25 ; quar
cans , $3.iO.
FIGS Imported fancy. S rrpwn. 20-lb. boxes
Me ; choice 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown. lOfflllc.
DATES New Persian , 60-lb boxes , per lb.
5Hc : fards , 10-lb , boxes , per lb. , flc.
MAPLE SUOAnChoIciper lb. , SillOc.
PRESERVES AESortcd. 20-lD. palls , each
COCOANUTS Per 100 , J4.CO ; each , Be.
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium
clzp. lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large
I2',4e : Hrazlls , per lb. . So : Easllah walnuts per
lb. , fnncy nt clicll , 12c ; medium size , lOc ; 111
berts , per lb. . lOo ; peacans , pollfhed medium
So ; large , lOc ; peanuts , raw. C'ifZ'c ; roasted , 7lic
11EEF Good steers. 400 to COO Ibs.
QCiic ; Kood cows nnd heifers , CUtfCo ; medium
cows and heifers , 5oj gpcnl forequartcto , cows
and helfera. S HfJlic ; good hlndquartfrs , COWH
nnd heifers. Oii7'ic ; good hlndquartcia , slecru
; cow rounds , C'4c ; cow plates , 3Q3',4c ; bone
chucks , 4c ; cow chucks. 3V4c ; slper chucks
4c ; beef tfndeilolns , 22c ; beef rolls , boneless , 9c
sliloln butts , boneless , t'c ' ; lo.n I. nek ? , honctos
Oc ; loin barks , 7',4c ; cow ribs. No. 3. Sc ; ojw loins
No. 3 , 9c ; beer trimmings , 35ic ; rump butts
5c : FhouIdtT clods , Cc.
MUTTON Dressed Inmb , 7c ; dressed mutton
6cj racks , 9c ; legs , 8c ; Baddies , Sc ; Htews , 3c
sheep plucks , 3c ; sheep tongues , per doz. , 2'ic.
1X5UK Dressed hogs , 5c ; pork loins , GVic : ppare
ribs , CUc : ham sausagel.utts , Cc ; pork shoulder
4Jc ; pork shoulders , skinned. Scj park trim
mtags , 41c ; leaf lard , not rendtrcd , Cic ; tender
loins , 15o.
Thla lu the time of year to write depressing
stories about hides , according to the Shoe am
Leather llevlew. March hides arc , as every one
knows , the worst of the year. It Is an old stor >
of how hides that would K3 Into the light
weights If short-haired when long-haired nm
dirty weigh sixty-one pounds or msru and brink
Ic per pound more.
All these matters should of course be consid
ered by the prudent buyer , but his scrutiny
should not end there. . Jt Is a fact that hide'
thla winter , while , runnlmr.erubby , arc not In bat
condition. The winter' has bacn a mild one nm
the tnke-olT Is loss undesirable than usual. The
packers are not very Insistent on prices nm
conc < mlons are easily secured as the nuallts
leprcclntea. The packers ore , however , slmulat-
n a weakness they do not feel. Their principal
inrlety Is to enter the short-haired o.-oson will-
no lonK-halred hides on hand. The packers are
lot altogether succecsful In disguising their
iroject , which Is to engineer a suUituntlnl ad
vance before the June roses arc In bloom. Quota-
Ions :
Cansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts nor lb
actual weight. CS6c ; dry flint Kansas 'and Nebraska -
braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb nctunl
vclght , 4650 ! dry flint Colorado butcher wool
> elts , per lb. . actual weight , 4acV5c ; dry iHnt
Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per ib. . actual
vi'lght , 405c , dry pieces and bucks , actual
velght , 4ff5c ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
HONES In car lors welched and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , 12.00ijH.OO ; dry
ountry , blenched , per ton , J10.00ffl2.00dry
ountry. damn nnd meaty , per ton , JC.OOSS 00
* WOOI > . Unwashed t.lnn. ( , nne tn-n < heavy .qrt. I C7c T. ! ; . fine ll-ht ' .
NEW YORIC , March 23. The traders had to
day's limited market entirely to themselves ,
tlio financial community at largo holding aloof
mi account of various uncertainties In the situa
tion that are likely , or are considered to bo
likely , to unfavorably affect the market , The
London market for Americana wns flu. , but at
Ilio local opening sales for foreign account were
renirnnl , nnd this caused u dUappmronce-
the Improvement that hud bt-ci In progress at
thu closet of buslne H on Saturday. In the early
dcallngu Sugar displayed eipechil strength nnd
gained 1 per cent , while In several other prop-
i-rtles. sharp fractional advance * were recorded.
Vh foreign operations referred to showed u
Kdicrnl reactionary movement , In which some
severe losses occurred. The trading element ex
pended Borne energy on the boar side , using as
a text the unfavorable , commercial situation as
reflected by the sharp discrimination In mer
cantile paper , the Cuban dlncuwilon and a stif
fening tendency In the exchange market. The
Kinnger stocks wcrr especially affected by the
fiimini cf the directors of the Rock leland rail-
rpad to Increase the rate of quarterly dividend.
In tlio linluitlrluls. American Tobacco received
bupport from Ml" poul. Weakness In Chicago GOB
wan attrlbuKd HO the probable result of tb In
vestigation by Attorney General Molonty of the
ik'lulls of the ri-cr3nlmtloii plan , and General
lilectilo wan allpcknlVQn general principles , pre-
lumably. Paclno Mall * ytTered from uncertainty
regarding the outcome tifvthe proposed subsidy
negotlatlona. In Ihr late crttillngs the bear lead-
em uwdo ao effective drlv V various ktocks ,
ppelitl ( Mlrnll n In the ffinxttt ,
vine & Nnnhvlll * . New Jm < > y i > ntrnl. Kanw
& Tcirn * prefrrrH nnd > omf of the Ir-diiMrln
Rhnrrfi. Itencwol llquldAHon TVA * dlnctrnlble I
Tonneotec ConI and rraullnl In a cunip'slon n
Hi per rent. Ax In ununl In A nlunRlsh mar
krt , wrnk rpo'i ' frp found In A number of th
tisimltv Inncllvc rhnrrii. PNIIntt by ImurMi wit
\Vnnlilnctnn cnnnertlnns wan quite marked. Th
Itram nt the low level 1H2 points In the prom
Inent nhAreo , with Iturllngtnn and New Jerae
Cpntral the chief mffercrn. Among the lf i c n
rptciiou ! ! thnrr * the extreme decline wn grentt
In onp e > r two CAM-S. Thi1 trndln t In the fore
noon UAH npnthellr , but In the late session th
TnAtkPl became Animated nt the expense of vn
es. The pressure to Sfll abated In the Ins
hnlf hour , nnd nl movement by fhortu , In whlc
Tolncco flifirretl for A point nnd other shares t
a frnctl' ' nal extent , occurred , The tdllnff wn
tf-ndy qt th { Improvern ? " ! , Vul ivllli the ne
lomel fcenernl ns the result of the * dny' opera
tlons. Ilimlness In Imnds was restrlc.p.1 , nnd th
market developed henvlnfM In pympnthy with th
slock market. Texas * pcond declined 2 per cent
Other net losses of consequence were In Chesi
ppnkc & Ohio 414s , Northern Pnclfle tlr ts nn
Northern Pnclfle thirds , 1'nlon Pncldo and Dcnve
K. Gulf firsts , Oordnitp nrsts , trust receipts , Am
Kansas & Texas rlrMs. all of which declined
per crnl. The ngurfgnto dealing * were J773.000
Governments were Irrpitu'nr within n narro\
rnngc ( .n dealings of Si.000.
Tne .rcvcnlng Post's London Mnnnclnl cablegrar
snys : The stock markets were Idle today. Th
settlement In mines begins tomorrr/w nnd th
general KCttlement on WcdnesJay. The tone wn
Mcndy , except for1 Argentine" , which have falle
on n fiirthpr rise In the gold premium there an
n renewal of thp talk of Ktrnlned relations wit
Chill on the frontier qupsllon. Aruprlcans wor
Knbut \ merely reflecting1 New York advices
tlure Is no Initiative here. Northern Paclll
bonds were exceptionally tint. The llerlln rnar
kct was quiet but steady , nnd the Paris rnnrke
Weak on the aspect of Egyptian nfMlrs.
The following were the closing quotations o
the lending stocks of the New York cxchnng
today !
The total cales of stocks today were 172,42
Rlmr. ' , Including : American Tobacco , 28iO'J
Ilurllngton , 16.200 ; Distilling , 8,900 ; Louisville &
Nashville , 14,200 : Il3ck Inland , 12,700 ; St. Paul
2J.COO ; General IClcctrlc , 5.600 ; American Sugar
15,000 ; Tennessee ConI and Iron , 4,900 sharm.
Sft'iv York Moiioy .llnrlsot.
Closcil easy nt 3314 per cent ; last loin ; , 3',4 pe
cunt : closed nt 3W3V6 per cent.
I'llIMB MEUCANTII.M PAPRU 5fl6 per cent
STKULING KXCHANOB Firm , with actua
business In bankeru' tills , J4.S7i(7t.SS for tie
nianil and } 4.S6-ilif4.S7 ) for sixty days ; postei
rules , M.S7'AiJ4.SS und $ I.SSV4QI.89 ; commeicla
bills. fl.M.
band ? . Inactive : railroad bonds , weak.
Closing nuotntlons on bonds were ns follows :
IslllUIlL'llll NdH'H ,
PHILAOKU'IIIA , March 23. Clearings , $8C83-
BOSTON. March 23. Clearings , $10,739,453 ; bal
ances , $1,40C,1C1.
IIAIVTIMOKR , March 23. Clearings , $1,832,9C3 ;
lalancts , isiC07.
ST. I.OUIH. Mnrch 23. Clearings , $ U3C.113 ;
inl'incts. $538CW. Money , C 8 per cent ; New
Vorl ; exchange , 25o premium bid ; COa premium
NKW YORK. March 23.-Tho Rock Island
( rectors have declared the regular cjuarlerly illvl.
lend of Hi per cent , payable May 1 , Clenrln&u ,
C5,175.Clt ; balanci ) , $ f,670,79 .
CIIICAQO. March 23. Clearings , $ H , 120,719.
loney , tlrm : on call , CS7 per * cent ; on lime , 7
er cent ; New York exchange , 30o discount ;
l stt > a rates , l.omloii on demand , Jl.SS and $4.87.
FliiniiL'liil AITnlrM.
IlKItMN , March 23. Exchange on Lndon ,
Ight days' sight , 20 marks 45 li pfg.
I'ARIS , Mnrcfi 23. Thr-ie per cent rentes , lOlf
Oo for the account ; exchange on London , 22f
2o for checks.
LONDON , March 23. Cold Is quoted at Iluenos
Vyres Ixluy at 223.CO ; Madrid , 19.25 : Msl > on. 2. 4 ;
41. 1'Herthurg , CO ; Athens , 11 : Rome , 109.6
lennu , 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VUllilo Huiuilof Ornlii.
NKW YORK. March 23. The visible supply of
rruln Haturday , March 21 , as compiled by the
? ew Yurk produce exchange. Is cu follows :
Vheat. tlJ48,000 bu. ; decrease. 775,000 bu. : corn ,
5S.000 Ul. ; decrease. v66X bu. : oats , 8,164,000
u. ; Increase , 751,000 bu.j rye. 1.618.000 bu. ; In-
rcas , 61 , WO bu. ; tarlty , 1,338,000 bu. ; decrease.
S7,000 bu. _
Dry ( iiiotlv Blurki't ,
IAM. . RIVER , Mass. , March M. 1'rlnt cloths ,
Irm at 24c ; u < jd demand for odds , but inanu-
acturers are slaw sellers.
NUW YORK , March 23. It 1ms been a Ki'ner-
lly quiet maiUct an the result of lite now-
full , Moil or.Urn . rnmc to hnnd In fair numli m
but tvnntu were nfrrfiicti rediict l proportion
\\ornlcil dress Rorxlli If n fancy character nn
linirmlnt rffrels nr - Mntt well , nil nrc R\r \
print il novellimi ! > ngured taffptan , print
yarn , fsncy nlk nrvlivalln i1urhrMi > . but slap
slllm nppenr nfRlecfw Ilir the moment. I'rln
Ing cloiliM , nultt Mi * rtcndy nt 2Hc , nnd n
business of moment In odd
SI. I.otiU CiMTrrnl Mnt-Upl.
ST. IXJU1B , Marcli-aj.-niOt'R Very quiet n
ilomMtlo account nrW'mf export business , cable
bclnff entirely too | a\r , rnt'-nls ' , $3,5HN.i ( " 'r '
fancy , J3.aHi3.30 ; faHiJ'v l2.S5f2.9Ji chollC , J2.55W
2.0.WIIBAT The early 'sTSslon today wa netvou
nnd unsettled , The matkrl openctl nt nn ndvnnc
of ? 4C1o over Sanifflnl's clo > e. Cables wcr
lower. The market lacknl tuppirt , however
nnd noon resljlrreil - heavy drop. No. 2 rei
cnsh. C H TC8c ; May , MUc bid : July , 69'Ao nfkeil
CORN ThTo was ) Ultl ! trading nnd the mar
kel In general was , featureless nnd the fcelln
easier : No. 2 cnsll , ZCHc : May , 26lic ; Jul >
MR27Uc bid. til
OATH Futures v/fsa lojver nnd trading active
rpot , dull nnd lower ; No. S cash , ISHc bid ; Ma >
l'Jc ; July , 19Uc nsknl.
UVn Ixiwcr to selirNo. 2 offered at 37c ; cas
track. SCo bid. I
CXJRN MiAl -l.3-f1.40.
FI.AX HUBD-Nomlnnl nt 83ic. !
TIMOTHY SI-r.l-$2.Wfl3.25.
HAY UnchangrO ; stock very scarce nnd nrml
lirld ; prairie , I5.00QS.OO ; timothy , $3.608 13.00 , thl
sld. ' .
11HTTKR Demand fair for all table grades.
1X1OH Firm ; S-Hc for fresh.
WH1SKY-$1.22. |
1.HAU Knsler ; Rffcrs t nell with no respons
at 2.90. Speller , nominal at $3.fl3.
POl'I/TRY Quiet ; turkeys. I2012'.ic ; chickens
SfJSUc : ilucks , 10o ; geese , t.OJ'.ic. .
COTTON TH72c. . '
PROVIHIONH Pork , lower : new standard mess
$ ! UZV4 : old , $ S.C214. Lnril , lower ; choice , $ I.W {
4.95. llacon , Imxed shoulders , 5Vlo ; longs , CHc
rllw , f > Hc ; ehorts , CHc. Dry rnlt rncnls , ! K > XIM
shoulders , 4 < ic ; longs , Cc ; ribs , Co ; aiurlb : , C'.ic.
HKOKIIT8 Klour , B.OOO Wit * . : wheat , 30,000
bu. ; corn , C9.0HO bu. ; onts , 461,00i ) bu.
SHIPMENTS Klour , 7.OW bbls. ; wheat , C.OOO
bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu.j cats , 18,000 bu.
l.lvcrnnol Miirkctn.
MVKItPOOU March 23. WIIKAT Spot steady
demand poor ; No. 3 red winter , Cs 6Ud ; No.
red pprlng , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard , Muni
tuba , Cs 3'td ; No. 1 California , Cs Cd. Future
opened steady , with near and distant position
% d higher ; closed quirt , with near nml dlstan
positions > Jd higher ; bunlnem nbout equally dig
trlbuted ; March. Cs 6'id ' : April , Cs CUd ; May
6s CHd ; June , Cs CHdi July , 6s C d ; August
Ci Cd.
MAIS5IJ Spot dull ; mnlzc spot , American
mixed , per cental , 3sid : mnlzc futures , steady
current months , Sljil ; second , 3s Ud ; third , Ss Vid
fourth , 3s lVd ; nflli , 3s ljil.
FLOUR First bakers , Minneapolis average
price per sack of 2f > 0 iiounds , 17s ' . ' < ! .
PROVISIONS llacon , steady : demand moder
ntc ; Cumberland cut , : S to 30 Us. , 29s ; shor
rlliK , 23 Ibs. , ZSs Cd ; long clear , light , 33 to 4
Ibs. , JCs Cd ; long clear , heavy , 65 Ibs. , stock ex
hausltd ; Hhort clear backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 27s
short clear mldilldi , henvy , M Ibs. , JCs Cd ; clen
bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs. , :0s. Shoulders , square , 1
to IS Ibs. . 24s Cd. Hams , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs.
SSs Cd , Tnllnnr , fine North American , 20s. ll-'ef
extra India mess. CCs 3d ; prime mess , C2s. I'ork
prime meiM , tUie western , COs ; fln * western
medium. 45s 3d. I.nlcl , dull ; prime western , 27s
reflrud , In pnlie , to * .
C1U2USU Quiet ; demand poor ; finest Arncr
lean , white nnd colored , 42s.
1IUTTKU Finest Unltwl Slatfs , 80s ; good , Ms
OILS Turpentine spirits , 2i)3 3d. Rosin , com
mon , 4a Oil. Cotton seed oil , LlverK | > 3l retlncd
ICs 9d. Unseed. Ifu 9d.
RKFRIOURATOR IU3I3F Forequarter , 2d
hlndquarter , 4Hd.
HLHACHlNa POWDER Hnrdwood , f. o. b.
Liverpool , 17.
HOPS At London ( Pacific CDast ) . 1 15s.
CofTvc liirlcvl.
NKW YORK. March 23. COFFEK-Optlon
opened steady , with March 20 ixil.its higher , nm
other months unchanged to 10 polntn higher ; for
clgn receipts were featureless , but foreign buy
Ing supported th * early market. Later , the feel
Ing was easier , under net local decline pressure
clossd unchanged prices to S points decline
r.ales , 13.0W bugs. Including : Mnrch , $13.30013.40
Spot , Rio. steady ; No. 7. $13.73. Mild , qule
and steady ; Cordova , $10.75 13.000 ; sales , 1,150
bags , Maracalbo , p. , . t. Warehausj dellverle
Saturday from Ncw 'orl ! , 7,743 bags ; New Yorl
stock today , 192,5GS. .bags ; United States stock
237.4C2 bags : nlloat for tlie United States , 270.800
bnto ; total visible for the United States , C08.2C
hags , against 4C4.C1J' 1-ai * last year.
SANTOS , March , < i3. Strong ; good average
nominal ; receipts , 3,000 Uigs ; stock , 143. ( XW bags.
Weekly report : Strong ; , weekly receipts , 19,00i
bags ; shipments to" United Slates , 21,000 bay
stxk. 148.000 bags. . .
HAMHima , MnrcBi 23.Qulet nnd unchanged
sales. 2.000 bags. .1,1 .
RIO , March 23. Stf-opgl No. 7. Rio , $14.C3 ; ex
change , 8 27132d ; receipts. ' 3,000 Lags ; cleared fo
the United Slates , 2tXX ) bags ; for Uurop. . none
slock. 70,000 bags , i It
Weekly report : Strong ; -receipts , 15,000 bags
shipments to United States , 33,000 bags ; stock
70,000 bags. , . , ,
demand Improvlngr Nrt. 2 hard. Clc bid : No. 3
4t052c ; rejected , 35QiOpNo. ; . 2 rcil. 7273c ; No
2 spring. Clq ; No. S. sprlng , CSJJCOc.
.CORN Vtry flrm7'slow ; NO. 2 mixed , 23c
No. 2 white , 23o bWji .
OATS Slow ; No. * 2f mixed , lClCJ4c ; No. 2
white , igiifiSOc. -
RYU No. 2 , 33034C.
HAY Very nrm ; timothy , $9.50011.50 ; prairie
11UTTER Firm ; creamer } ' , 1719c ; dairy , 12 { ?
EGGS Firm ; 8c.
Toledo ( iraln.
TOLEDO , March 23. WHEAT Lower nnd
weak ; No. 3 cash and March , C9' c ; May , C9lc-
July. CS ic.
CORN Dull and steady ; No. 3 mixed. 30e.
OATS Quiet nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed 21Uc-
No. 2 white. 224c : May , 22"/c.
RYB Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 cash , 39c.
CLOVER SEED Active and steady ; prime
cash , $4.N > ; March , $4.47V4.
RECEIPTS Flour. COO bbls. : wheat , 7,000 bu. :
corn. 18.000 bu. ; clover sfed , 725 Ings.
SHIPMENTS Flour. C.OOO bbls. : wheat , 5,600
bu. ; corn , 7.C03 bu. ; clover seed , 470 bags.
Cotton MfTrkt't.
ST. LOUIS. Mnrch 23. COTTON Steady ; mld-
lllng , 794c ; no sales reported ; receipts. 1.408 bales ;
shipments. 1,642 bales ; stock. CO.C67 bales.
NEW YORK. Mnrch 23. COTTON Dull ; mld-
Illnsr. 7c ; gross receipts , 3,207 bales ; net re-
'Clpta , none ; exi > ortB to Oreat Ilrllaln. 319 bales ;
0 France , 4G2 bales ; ti > the continent , 5,705 bales ;
'oiwarded , 71 bales ; sales. 292 bales ; spinners ,
)2 ) bales ; actual stock , 1(2,774 bales.
1'c-orlfi MnrUctH.
PEORIA. March 23 , CORN-Stcady ; new No.
5 , 27e ; new No. 3 , 2r4c. !
OATS In-egular ; No. 21 white , 19V10'20lio ; No.
1 white. 18'i@189ic.
RYE Dull ; No. 2 , SCe.
WHISKY Steady ; llrllshed goods , on the basis
) f $1 K for hlg'i wines.
RECEIPTS Corn. 83,750 bu. ; oats , 70,230 bu. ;
ye. 1.800 bu. : whisky , none ; wheat , 3,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Corn. 43,000 bu. ; oats. 6S.700 bu. ;
ye , COO bu. ; whisky , 450 gal. ; wheat. 3.COO bu.
MliiiiciumllN AVlli-iit.
MINNEAPOLIS , March 23. WHEAT Weak ;
March closed at C74c : May , C7fi.'i7Sc ( ! ; July ,
i7rffr.75Jc. On trnck : No. 1 hard , 6SOM54c ; No.
I northern , 674c ; No. 2 northern , C7e.
FLOUR Steady ; first patents , $3.15fi > 3.M ; sec-
jnd palentH , $3.00 3.10 ; first clears , $2.65 ; second
: leai-s , $2.0092.10.
NEW YORK , March 23. SUOAR Raw , nrm ;
sales , 4,123 bags Cuba , centrifugal , ! iC test , at
3-lCc , ex-fhlp.
LONDON , March 23. SUOAR-Cnne , nrm : cen-
rlfugal , Java , 14 ; Muscovado , fair rellnlng ,
2s 3d. licet , firm ; March , 12s Cd ; April , 12s 7Hd.
AVIiiMit ( lnotiitloiiN.
SAN FRANCISCO , Mnrch 23. WHEAT Dull ;
December , $1.07 % ; new sellers , $1,03.
Ilnld-r Mni-kct.
ELGIN , Mnrch 2.1. T1UTTER Steady ; offerings ,
2,800 Ibs. ; sales , 20,220 Ibs , nt 21c.
\ot Guilty nt 'I'rj-fiifr to
n M < IJ.
Prank Drogllnjyho waa arrested In No-
cmbor last lor IncHIni ; to riot by trying
o ralso a mob to lynch George Morgan ,
ho murderer of llt tlQ Jda Oasklll , Novein-
er 5 , was put on /yal In the criminal
ourt yesterday afternoon. When tlio case
as called Brogllnsaiil ho had no attor-
ey and trad bad no-fljijiortunlty to got ono ,
s lie had been In JqUi-.fpr some time on an
ther charge. Attor-i 0tno Inquiry of Drog-
n the. court learned that the defendant
Ail no witnesses , ' 'null ordered tire trial
o proceed without1 ! ari' ' attorney for Urog-
n. A Jury was Bfnpaneled and tire wit-
esses for tire pro'soct/tlon / were called to
ic stand. Five of" < ft ) > witnesses were po-
cetnen and the other , ono was a common
tlzen. Droglln C9nUdcted the cross-oxam-
latlon of each wllncss , and ho showed
Imt he did not r'saujro on attorney. He
xrmined the witlies es very closely and
t tbo close of the testimony for the pros-
cutlon niovoi the cburt to dismiss tbo case
n tire ground that there was not sufficient
vldence to nialco a case. Tlio court agreed
Jtb Droglln and Instructed tbe Jury to rc-
urn a verdict ot not guilty , and tbe de-
indant was discharged. The evidence
io\ve < l that Droglln had headed a delega-
on which entered the Jail and afterward
eportod to tbo assembled crowd that Moran -
an was not In tbo Jail ,
IIucUIeu'H Arnica oalvc ,
The best salvo In the world for cuts ,
rulses , sorei , ulcori , salt rheum , fever sores.
> tter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns , and
II nkln eruptions , and positively cures plies
r no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo
orfect satisfaction or money refunded ,
rlca 25 ceuls per box. For ole by K'Jbu
Light Receipts of Oattlo Find a Very Strong
Xcnrly All Mio OITcrliiKu Won : Nntlvcn
nnil Sold llrlNUly HORN Too I'oiv
In .ViiinluT to Make n
MONDAY , March El ,
Ilccclpts for tire days Indicated arc :
Cattle. HoK . Sheep. Hone ; .
March ! 3 1,133 7T6 931
March 21 6S5 Z.Va . . . . 61 !
March 20 1.T.9 3.K9 432 13
March 19 1,373 3.MS S90 73
Mnrcli 18 l.r,18 , 6.3J (
Mnrch 17 1,631 4.23S Ml 19
March 16 1,037 539 CM : i
CATTIjB-Thc receipts \vcro nbout like the
n. unl Monday's run , only 1,131 head being
reported In. As to the Hind of cattle on sale
thcro was n train of western feeders nnd
the balance of tire receipts consisted almost
entirely of cornfcd native steers.
The market on beef cattle was In n very
satisfactory condition. The demand was
Rood nnd the market a little stronger all
around. Among the offerings were a few
rlglrt good cattle nnd ns high ns $1 wns
paid for some. Practically everything wns
sold early In the day.
There were barely two loads of cow stuff
on snle , or not enough to establish values.
The feeling , however , was strong nnd had
there been anything hereIt would no doubt
have sold readily nt fully steady nnd per-
hRp < t n little better prices.
Tlio offerings of feeders were the largest
In some days , there bclnn n train of west
erns here , ns noted above. Tire market on
desirable light cattle was strong and other
grades about steady. Representative sales :
96 feeders..1146 (3 40
I. W. Illcc & Co.
3 feeders. . . . 78S 2 76 M feeders. . . . 823 365
Illcc Cattle Co.
1 staff 830 1 75 99 feeders. . . . S23 3 20
3 feeders. . . . S2G 3 W
HOGS Only twelve loads of hops were re
ceived tsday , the receipts , us usual on a Mon
day at this point , being extremely lljht. ; Opern-
tlonn wcr ? so limited by the small number of
bogs on sale that It could hardly be called n
market. The buyers wanted hogs nnd they put
on Co , bidding $3.75 for the bulk nnd J3.80 for the
tops. Salesmen seemed t3 want J3.80 for nltout
everything and owing to the difference of opinion
as to the matter of valuca the trade was slow.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
CI 263 40 S3 75 8S 193 . . .J380
65 63 . . . 3 80
1 200 . . . 275 1 : .470 SO 3 25
SHEEP The market was ttrong nnil active and
everything sold. Representative Bales :
No- Av. Pr.
CO culls , 95 Jj C3
154 western yearlings 94 3 35
241 western lambs ( O 3 CO
450 western lambs 79 3 go
Offt'rltiK * of Cuttle Were MeitRcr nml
There AVr'N H Ailvntice.
CHICAGO , March 23. Offerings of cattle were
nenger today nnd there waa an advance of from
lOc to 15c , heavy beeves showing the least Im
provement. Sales were on n basis of from J3.CO
: o 14. CO for common to prime OresEed beef and
shipping cattle , with the bulk of the transac
tions nt from $3.80 to $4 35. Exporters were ns
goal buyers i\s \ the moderate offerings would
permit , most of their purchahes twlng at $4 nnd
upwards. Butchers' cattle shared In the actlv-
ty and advance , nnd cows nnd heifers s
nrgely nti from $2.25 to $3.40. Texas cattle were
n moderate supply and In good demand nt the
ilgher prices , with titles largely at from $3.M
to $4 for fed steers.
As the supply of hogs was light , sellers were
n a position to dictate terms , nnd there was n
BBod local nnd shipping demand at advances of
from Cc to lOc , lhc < bulk of Ibc sales occurring
at from $4 to $4.C24. ! Common to prime droves
sold nt from $3.85 to $4.10 , and u few fancy n -
lortcd HBht found purchasers nt frcrn Sl.l ' .i to
4. 15.
There wns n fair average supply of sheep , with
n good local shipping nnd ex | > oit demand. Prices
ruled htrong nt from $2.75 to $4 for poor to
ii'ime s'.ieep , westerns predominating , und not
nany sold under 3.2 > . l nrnbH were In good
demand nt from $3.75 to $1.75 for common to
choice. Bales being chletly over $4.
Ilecelpls : Cattle. S.500 head ; hogs , 27,000 head ;
she < p , 15,000 head.
KIIIIM-.N Cliv I.lve Stoclr.
KANSAS CITY. March 23.-CATTI.E Receipts ,
! , OOJ head ; shipments , 8GO head ; market strong
to lOc higher : Tcas steers , $ X10 < ii3.n ; Texas
cows , $2.K)02.70 ) ; beef steers , $3.10ff4.23 ; native
owa , $1,2.W3.C.1 ; fitockers nnd feeders , $2.SO&3,95 ;
bulls. J2.004f3.10.
HOGS Ilccelpts , 4,500 head ; shipments , 400
head ; market strong to lOc higher ; bulk of sales ,
$3.7503.80 ; heavy , $3.60fl3.S2Vj : packers. $3.754f
3.65 ; mixed , $3.70Jf3.SO ; lights , $3.75f3.iO ; Yorkers ,
$3.7083.80 ; pigs , $3.25 < r/3.C3.
811 BEP Receipts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 1.000
lead ; market strong ; lambs , J3.SO&M0 ; muttons ,
2.WS3.60. _
St. LoulH Ilve Sfocfc.
ST. I OUIS , March 23. CATTMS Receipts ,
3,000 liead ; market strong nnd lOfflSo blgber
within the rnngc ; native Ixjcves , $3.4 ii4.b5 ; Texas
cattle , $2.COiJ3.10 for grncs steers. $3.1503.90 for
fnl ; stackers and feeders , $2.3o03.C5 ; cows and
lelfers , :2.25 T3.50 ; bulls , chletly J2.3)fi2.73.
HOGS RecelplH. 4.000 bead ; market CJTlOc
ilgher ; hffivy , $3.8084.00 ; mixed , $3.70 3.35 ; llfiht ,
. . .
SII1CKP Receipts. l.tX ) head ; market Urong ;
native muttons , $3.2503.85 ; southern , IS.biij/D.W ) ;
vesterns , $3.2.1j3.70.
New Yorlc IJve .Sf ek fnrkct.
NEW YORK , March 23. IIEBVES Receipts ,
,702 head ; steady ; native steers , pour to prime ,
4.0004.50 ; oxen , $3.0003.90 ; bulls , $3.00 < r13.75 ; dry
cows , $2.00ff3.00. European cables quote Amer-
cnn stceru nt 9j94c , dressed weights ; refriger
ator Ix'of 'iit 7 7 c. Exports , none ,
SHEEP AND I.AMIIS Receipts , 10,6.10 head ;
sheep , llrrn ; lambs , steady. Sheep , poor to prime ,
3.5004.55. I < arnbs , ordinary to choice , } 4,750 >
HOGS Receipts , 3,639 head ; firmer nt $ ) .40ff
.65. _
.Stock In NlKlit.
Record of receipts nt the four principal mar
kets for March SI , 1890 :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
> outh Omaha . 1.133 776 Ml
Chicago . 9.DOO 27,0V ) 15,000
( ansas City . 4,000 4.M 2.0W
t. I.oulu . 3.0UO 4,000 1,500
MnrrliiKe I , | < 'CIINI-M.
Permits to wed were Issued yesterday to
ho fo'.lav\ns \ parties ;
Nnmo nnd Address. Ago.
i'loyd Q. Hulftcnd , IlOKcrs , Neb . 2t ,
.lary A , Doyle , Rogers , Neb . 21
Vnsco Oralrnin , Omaha . . . . " 1
ilary Cunnon , Tecumaclr , Neb . , . , . . 'M
Old I
Old people who require medicine- regulate
he bowles and kldneyii will find tire true
cmcdy In Electric Bittern. This medicine
ocs not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other Intoxicant , but actu aa a tonic and
Iterative. It acts mildly on the stomach
nd bowles , adding * strength and giving tone
o the organs , thereby aiding nature In the
erformance of the functions * . Electric Hit-
era Is on excellent appetizer and aids dlges-
ion. Old people find It just exactly what
Ircy need. Prlco fifty cents per bottle at
luhn & Co.'s drug store ,
I.enbeck nt Work.
Expert Lcnbeck , who has been hired by
he bondsmen , of ex-City Treasurer liolln ,
cached tlio city yesterday and at once
cnt to work upon the books In too trcao-
ror'a office. _
A little III , then a little pill. The 111 Is
one the pill has won. DoWltt'u Little Karly
Users tue little pills that cure great ilia ,
Avoitic intit\s TO snow uisi ; t.-rn
Cluti IN Alrciuty In lOvl-
ilptino In tlie Wrxli
tlio Ncunsltn club Is yvt In Itt
fonndllnR clothes nnd Is not permitted ttmlct
Its Articles of Incorporation to do nny ngRrco-
slvo work , It clnlnto to show re
sults. The miTO fact of this movcnicnl
being Inniignrntc.l , together with the fncl
that It Is ftato wide In Us Inception nml
purposes , representing the organization ol
all the pcoplo And all sections of the state ,
evincing n disposition on tile part of the
people and all sections to pull together for
the common good , Is attracting general at
Secretary Williamson handed The Doc n
copy of a letter recently received from Su
perintendent Jnyncs of the Chicago , St. 1'nitl ,
Minneapolis & Omnhn , In which
he compliments the work of the club ns fol
lows :
"OMAHA , March 12. Charles R. William
son , Secretary the Nebraska Club , Omnlr.i :
Dear Sir Answering yours of the 10th , since
February 1 sixty-five cars of 'emigrant
movables , ' so-called , have entered northeastern -
eastern Nebraska , their dcotlnallon. hclnR
over the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omah.1 railway , via Omaha. Illnlr nnd Sioux
City. This represents only n small part of
thn largo Immigration Into the state over nil
the roads the past few weeks. Evidently
the efforts of the Nebraska clnli arc already
brlpglnc about the desired results.
H. S. JAYNHS , Superintendent. "
A few of the leading workers In the Manu
facturers and Consumers association , the
well known exponent ot "Patronize Homo
Industry , " with members all over tlre'etate
of Nebraska , are entitled to the credit for
conceiving the organization. They had ob
served what other states were doing all
over the west and northwest. The matter
wns formally presented to the board of di
rectors , the original proposition being that
the association would undertake Immigra
tion as a part of Its work. A special meet
ing of the board of directors wns called , at
which the committee appointed to devise a
plan of action reported that under the articles
of Incorporation of the association , Its phases
of work were so proscribed and different
that ns a corporation It could nat legally
enter the Immigration field. The members
of the board thereupon adjourned , and Imme
diately formed the nucleus about which has
developed "Tho Nebraska Club. "
l ( lie Otlleer , 1mt Not Until
After He WIIH AxMiitilteil.
In the criminal court yesterday the
case of Mike Courtney was called for trial.
Courtney was chorgcJ with assaulting Police
man Sebck and was convicted hi the- police
court , taking air appeal to the district court.
Courtney's attorney brought up a motion to
quash on the ground that the examining
magistrate , Police Judge Hcrlia , had used a
rubber stamp In signing the docket of the
police court.
The dockets of the police court were pro
duced In evidence and It appeared that the
record of the proceedings , a book kept by
the clerk of the police court , was not signed
by the juclgo at all. One of the dockets
contained entries of some of the cases and
appeared to bo entirely superfluous ; the
entries In this docket were signed with n
rubber stamp , bearing the name , "Louis
Doika , " In ordinary type. Thu transcript
docket , In which were entered all appealed
cases , was a complete record and was signed
by the police Judge with a pen.
Judge Baker examined thu several records
and refused to consider the motion , saying
that It was not a proper proceeding and that
the rubber stamp was not a material point.
The case then went to trial and the ovl-
dcnco was submitted on both sides. Under
the Instructions of the court the Jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty , the court
holding that there was not evidence suffi
cient to warrant the bringing of the cabe.
The evidence showed that the policeman as
saulted the defendant first , but the de
fendant , who was Intoxicated , then pitched
Into the policeman and knocked him Into
the gutter.
.Minor MM Horn in Court.
The case against Matthew O. Daxon ,
charged by the Gormully & Jeffreys Manu
facturing company with embezzlement In the
sum ot 11,120 , will be called for trial
WedncBlay or tht&"wcel { , according lo the
plans of the county attorney.
Martin Kelley was placed on trial In the
criminal court on the charge of assault and
battery , a city case appealed from the police
court. Kelley wns discharged by the court
on account ot a defect In the Information
the name of the defendant having been
emitted. .
The Jury In tbo case of Frank Szczepanlak
charged with assaulting Anton Inda , re
turned a verdict ot not guilty. This Is the
second of the four cases brought against
members of ono faction ot the Polish Catho
lic church at Shceley , both having resulted
In the acquittal of the defendant.
VetrrmiH of llic I.nte IVnr lleiiiem-
liereil liy the ( Jeiieral Government.
.WASHINGTON. March 23. ( Special. )
Pensions granted , Issue ot March 4 , 1890 ,
were :
Nebraska : Original Albert Mnrolr ( de
ceased ) , North Platte , Lincoln. Additional-
Benjamin H. Lewis , Harrlsburff , Manner ,
Incrense-IIorutlo N. Leach , Ord , Valley
Original -widow Eunice Marsh , Nortl ;
PIntte , Lincoln.
lown : Original-George H. McCnrtnev
Wilton Junction , Mucatlne ; Wllllnm II. H ,
Duckworth. Centervlllc , Appanoose ; Jacol
Jest , Aredale , Hutler. Increase Henry .1.
Wanner. IJes Molnes , Polk. Orlfzlnal wid
ows , etc. S. Elizabeth Hoar , Ileil Oak ,
Montgomery : minors of James Thornton
Cresco , Howard. Mexican war widow Ellzs
A. Chatter-ton , Montpeller , Mnscntlne.
South Dakota : Original Alaxnnilcr Hav ,
Hot Sprlnps Kail Hlver. Add t onal ( spacial ;
JoHepb Prilford , Macllsxjn , Luke. OrlRirrn
widow Helen M. Ilogtrs , ikilnnd. Splnk.
Wyoming : Original ( special ) Gustave
Greerrberjf. Lander , Fremont ; Escol A. Cops-
land , 13lg Horn , Sheridan.
IBSUO of March G. ISM :
Nebraska : Original William II. niggs ,
Ornntra , Douglas ; Joseph Frrller , Ashland ,
Sanderw ; Joseph H. Urowrr , Mlrrden , Kear
ney. Additional ( sneclnl-Wllllarn ) Miller ,
Benedict , York. IlelWie ( special ) William
Vnnderford , Omaha , Douglas.
Iowa : Original Dnnlel McGlnnls. Mnr-
slrnlltown , Mnrnhall : Evander II. Kellogir
Centervllle , AppnnooHe ; Durnas J. Peak ,
Tatnn , Tarna ; Charles Gartin , Charlton ,
Lucnst. Additional Thomas II. Moore ,
Dnawa , Monona. He-storatlon nnd Increase
Daniel Gray ( deceased ) , Creston , Union.
Increase David Drurnmorrd , Dubuque ,
Dubuqire. ItclFSUe and Increase Hufus W.
Reynolds , Onawn. Monona. Original wid
ows , etc. Mary K. Smith , Cedar Ilnplds ,
Linn ; Clara E. Gray , Creston , Union ; Ella
A. Hlscrodt , Robertson , Hardln ; Elizabeth
Quy , Davenport , Scott.
Colorado : Original Jametf 11. Wilson ,
Pueblo , Pueblo. Additional William II.
Douglas , Denver , Arapahoe.
Washington : Original James Ulrd , Ana-
: ostes. Skaglt. Widow , Indian wars Ellza-
jeth A , StepheiiH , Goldendalc , Kllckltat.
Issue of Mnrch G , 1SOQ :
Nebraska : Increase William J. Keith ,
Reaver City. l'"iirnas ; John Ledger , Elsie ,
I'erklnB. ItclKBue nnd Increase Gottfried
3tenzol , Palestine , Plutte. Original widows' ,
> tc. Minor of James t ) , Lowla , Gretnu ,
Iowa : Additional John S. Edwards , Ne
irndn. Story ; Samuel Burton , Boone , Boone :
'Hpeclal , March 11) ) , Hiram Palmer , Missouri
fiilley , Harrison.
South Dakota : Original Peter Qulnn ,
Hot Springs , Kail River.
Colorado : Original William A , Glpson ,
Saqunche , Saiiuncho ,
Imue of March 7 , 1S90 :
Iowa : Original John F. Ramsey , North
Mbertv. Johnson : Alexander Mitchell , Fnlr-
leld , JeffjfHDn. OrUlrnl widows etc , Minor
if Tarpley T. Jone , Des Molnts , Polk ; Eliza
\ . Edrnondson , Alk-rton , Wayne.
ColorndDi Original John A. I'rlttf , Monte
V'lHla , Hlo Grande.
IFSUO of March ! , 1690 ;
Nelmirka : Original ( rprclal , March 13)
MirainVlnegnrd , Omaha. Douglas ; Jarncu
Mnrr. Ilrnlnard , Duller ; .Iame A. Beelrr.
/beity , Gags. Incr a-c Lifayette R'tchey ,
Lincoln , Lancnetcr ; John P. Johnson ,
iroken Dow , Cubtor ; James G , Hiiner. lOxc-
or , Fillrnore. Original widow Cordelia M ,
: ' 'orl > es , HastlngH , Adnm .
Iowa : Original ( bpcclnl , Mnrcli 12) ) Peter
) oty. Burllnuton , Des MolncH ; Jacob Hubel ,
.e MarH. Plymouth. Additional Martin
'rirett , Honey Crock , Pnttuwattamle. In-
irense Edward T , Wiley , Washington ,
Ynshlngton : Calvin B , Campbell , Ablngton ,
[ pfferson ; Francis M. Blakesley , Ailerton ,
iVayne ; James 1C. Denton , Carlisle. War-
en. Relffiie ( special , Mnrch 12) ) Charles
recland , Hentonsport , Van Huron.
North Dakota ; Original-Oliver J. Stlrl ; ,
; nnilo , Towner.
Colorado : Restoration nnd IncrenHO John
' . Beckman ( deceased ) , Hnllnit , Boulder. In-
reaso Orlando C'ortrlirlit. Mont rose , Mont-
ise. Original widow Wllhelmlne Beckman ,
lallna , Boulder.
Busy poopla have no time , and sensible
icoplo have no Inclination to use a Blow
emedy. Ono Minute Cough Cure acts
romptly. and flvei oeruaneut rcsultn.
Mrs. J , Coleman DrAyton Granted a Divorca
by a Jereoy Oonrt.
Docrni ! Orniitcil an tlio flrnniul nt
DcMcrtliin lliiiliiiiKl'M Hill Ignored.
on Acrotint of l nlliiro tu
* -
TUKNTO.N' , N. J. , March M. Chanccllcr
.Mcfllll filed a ilecrcotoilny RrnntliiR nn nb-
solute divorce to Mrs , Charlotte Coleman
Droyton from J. Colcmnn Drayton on the
grounit of desertion. Mrs. Drnytcm Is the
dniiRlitcr uf the Into \Vllllatn Astor , Nona
of the evidence taken In the cnsu Is on flla
In the chancery clerk's olllro , all hclng In
the possession of the clinnccllor. in the
hcRlnnlnR the decree says :
"It Is Impossible to escape the conviction
tlmt the Orfcmlnnt'u suspicions of his wlte't
Infidelity were not destitute ot foundation In
questionable circumstances at least , hut I
fall to find any Judicial precedent which
holds that under a statute similar to that
ot this state a husband may with Impunity
be polity of desertion of his wife , merely
because he believes her , even under gravely
suspicious circumstances , to have been guilty
of adultery.
"Desertion , " the chancellor holds , "Is
Justified only when It Is shown by clear and
satisfactory proof that the deserting party
has been so offended against as to authorize
nt his Instance a decree for divorce or Judicial
sepo ration.
"If the defendant would rely upon his
charge of adultery as n defense against her
charge of desertion , ho must prove IU
There Is no evidence that It was the Inten
tion of the defendant at the llmo he left tlm
petitioner to Institute a suit for divorce on
the ground of adultery. , _ IIo did , In fact ,
commence such a suit In June , 1SSI. a tlmo
BO remote from the commencement of the
separation that more than the period pro
scribed by law In which desertion must con
tinue to contribute a cause for divorce had.
Intervened and thereby n causa for divorce
had become available to her , and even after
tire lapse of ilmt tlmo his suit was not
prosecuted with diligence.
"A moro Institution of a suit 'for ' dlvorco
en the ground of adultery will not avail as a
clefenso to a milt for dlvorco on the ground
of deportlon. The adultery must bo proved.
It was the hup'jand'o duty to net expo-
dltlously , BO that his wlfo slrsuld not remain
longer than necciclty required , If guilty , un-
convlcted , and If Innocent , under the shadow
of such a scandalous nnd disgraceful thargo. "
The chancellor llnds that there was no
collusion on the part of the husband and wlfo
to secitro a divorce and Kiyn that the mcro
fact that both desired to bo divorced decs not
constitute collusion. There must be a dis
In the decree reference to the testimony la
made , but the chancellor does not mention
Hallet Alsap Dorrowo by name.
"One B - , a neighbor , " | y , however , re
ferred to and "this ono 13 - " is mentioned
as having been named as a co-respondent In
the suit brought by Drayton against his wlfo.
Borrowo was co-respondent In that suit.
In reviewing tire testimony the chancellor
says It appeared that Drayton questioned
hlo wife's fidelity while they were living at
Dernardsvllle , In thla etato , and that she
then went to her father's home. This was
In October , 1891. In November a partial
reconciliation was effected between Mr. and1
Mra. Drayton. They then went to England
and while there the estrangement widened
and Mrs. Drayton , according to
her own testimony , became un
happy and miserable nnd determined
that separation was necessary. Having no
ono In whom to confide , she telegraphed to
America for D , and he met her at n Lon
don hotel , where arrangements had been
made for her to meet nn American lawyer.
The lawyer was late lr > arriving , nnd Mrs.
Drayton and B went. Into another 766m"
where they had lunch , a waiter being In
the room with them. While In this room
Drayton and two men , presumably detec
tives , entered and Identified her , afterward
departing. After this , In accordance with nn
arrangement between Jrer lawyer and her
husband's lawyer , Mrs. Drayton went to
Wimbledon to bed her children goodbye.
She then wont to Paris to meet her father ,
who persuaded her to seek a reconciliation
for tho.sako of the children.
The chancellor says ho Is satisfied that
this effort at reconciliation was made In good
faith by Mrs. Drayton , but was rejected
by her hueband , because of his continued
belief in her unfaithfulness. Ho points out
that the legal tlrno for bringing n suit for
desertion had elapsed , and that the desertion
was willful , continued and obstinate. The
only point , he says , was whether the deser
tion was Justifiable. Ho refers to the fact
that the husband's suit for dlvorco on the
ground of adultery -was not brought until
June , ISO I , and that since that time no proof
of the adultery had been adduced , and that
In the present suit the husband made no
charge of adultery , but contented himself
with a denial of the desertion.
It Is not a miracle. It won't euro every
thing , but It will euro piles. That's what
DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve will do , because -
cause It has done It In hundreds of cases.
Ily iHircluiHliiR KrooilH iiiuiltt nt tlio fol-
lo\vln - .VfliriiNkri factories. If you
fa n no | fliiil xvfint i-oii iviuit cnniiiiiiiil >
L'litc wltli < .ie iuiiiiiifiiflni-i > rH n to
% vliut ili-itlurn Iiniiillc tlirlr.j- *
IIAGH , IlfllLAl * AM ) TWINE.
Minufaclurera of all kinds of cottr.n md bur
lap baRB , cotton flour sacks and twine a < peo-
lalty. CH-C16-C18 3. lltlr 81.
Car load thlpmenta made In our own rcfrlg *
rrator can. Illua nihnon. I llte Hxrort , Vienna
Export , and Family Export , delivered to all parti
ut city.
, . , ,
Manufacturer of dold Medal Flour.
C. E. Dlack. Manager. Omaha.
IltUN WOllltS.
_ _
D AVIS & coVvG 1 1 L iii'oN "WOK KS
Iron mill ItriiiH Kouiulurx.
Manufacturers and Jobber * of Machinery.
General repairing a cpcclnlty. 1W1. 3M3 and IMS
lackson Blrect , Omaha , Neb. _
Manufacturing end Itcpalrlng of all'klndu of
r.achlnery , engines , purirpi , flevolois , printing
ircmon , linnb'iTu , Fhaftlne and couplings 1400 nnd
( OS Howard fit. . Omaha.
Manufacturer * of Architectural Iron Work.
lenernl Foundry , Machine and Illackiinltlr Work.
inplnecra and Contractor * for Klre Proof
rjilJInus. Offlco and work * : U , I * . Ry , and
> o , 17th Btrtct , Onrulia.
'he only perfect protection to properly. ISxamlnt
t. Host thine on earth , lleducei Iniuranc *
atea. 1301 Pouelaa fit.
iicluitv * cuiiom ah In iall a .CIS K rn m-
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb.
JLx > m IHVi Hoard of Trade.
Direct ru > < - to Chicago end New York.
CuTe &dentsl John A , Warren ft Co.
Highest Prlco Paid for Pigeons.
luttcr , KKSS , Poultry , Veal ana
IU SouU 1Kb Struct.