Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Olowd 1 Cent Lower After a Strong
rrcMUIntiN Closr-il Hllglttlr
Though nt Times HIP Di'innml
\Vnn llrluk niul Hie Ailvnucc
\\Vll Up.
CHICAGO. Mnrch 2.-Of the two principal
Influences conlrolllng wheat today Iho Mln-
nrnrolls elevator fire nnd the breaking of
the drouth from Callfornln-tho taller fin
ally proved the stronger nnd Mny closed
about tfc lower than Saturday's final tig-
at n subslnn-
urcc , thotiBh opening strong
tlal advance. Corn nnd onts were both
neglected and closed n trine easier. I'ro-
visions closed cllfthtly higher.
In wheat fnlr activity was dl'plnyrd ,
there being n good trndo wlljiln a Hie
was .tnrct-
range. The feeling developed
tlcd. May started with a gain of nbout
&e nnd there were good reasons for U. Two ,
clfivntors nt Minneapolis holding , It wns
Mild , l.GtW.OM ) bu. of wheat , were reported-
to ho burning and commission houses hero
hnd orders , before the opening to buy In
the wheat sold In Chicago against n large
proportion of their content ? . The Liver
pool mnrket was only V.d higher , but the
KUH'lan shipments ofUie.u nnd llour for
the week wcro only 1.GS8.0QO bu. compared
with 2,000 WK ) bu , on Iho week before , In
dicating that the total shipments from all
llici exporting countries last week would
be found much smaller than the estimated
weekly requirement * . Wllli filch ctlong In
ducements the buying for half nil hour wan
vigorous * nnd general and the price of May.
which at the clise on Saturday was from
r,7 i , < .o to G7Hc. sin Hod nt ttom ( .No to GS > | W.
and Insldo of the llrst hour It had ripen to
CSUc. At this price , however , a strong In-
'clmntlon to reiil'ze was manifested. Sev
eral holder * of big lines took advantage of
the bulge lo put them on the mnrket. and
the price gradually ensed on. to Ci c. Ino
life went out of the trade when the dec line
took place , and for an hour In the middle
of the session business got down to unall
proportion ? . The Atlantic port clearances
were depresslng'y finall. this being duo tone
no shipments of wheat since Saturday's re
port and only , 3G.KW bbls. or llour. Then
cnmo the report of rains In California , thti.s
tneaklnp the drouth prevalent there , and
under this Influence the price had a further
reaction. The mnrket for nn hour before
the close wetncd to need null news to sus
tain It and none being forthcoming the
price got down to G7ic. ! The latest trading
win nt from 07ViO to G79i > e.
Corn was quiet and sold wllhln a narrow
range. May opened llrnt and fractionally
higher at 3VJc ( ) and advanced , a trlllo with
wheat , but heavy estimates for tomorrow
caused a reaction , the closing figures showIng -
Ing no chnngc. , , , , , ,
Trading In onts was exceedingly dull , and
rather Inclined to weakness , tlio heavy re
ceipts and expectallon of continued free nr-
rlvnls having u depressing Intluenre. May
opened unchanged at 2Hic and ruled easy ,
Provisions opened strong at a good ad
vance , duo to the better prices prevailing
nt the stock yards , but there was consider
able selling at UIB Improvement and prices
gradually reccdPd , nt the close pork show
ing an advance of T'.ic nnd lard and ribs
Co each. Business nt no tlmt ? was heavy.
Estimates for Tuesdav : Wheat , DO cars :
corn. COO cars ; oats , 400 cars ; hogs , 23,000
The leading futures ranged as follows !
Cnsh quotations were ns follows :
FLOUR Stendy : winter patents , $3.50fl3.50 :
winter stialB'its ' , J3.00S3.50 ; spring pntcnts , J3.106
S 40.
WHEAT No. 2 cprltiK. C5KWCCUc ; No. 3 Fprlng ,
CViISiVic : No. 2 red. C9'lGK : ic.
XRN ) No. 2 , 23Jf20 tc.
OATS No. 2. 20V4c | No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 2H-.0
21iSic ; No. 3 while , 20H021C.
HYB No. 2 , 40c.
11ARLEV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 27037C ; No. 4 ,
2Gifi'29e. '
FLAX SEED-NO , i , sauc.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bhl. , $9.C2l4fl9.7p ;
laid , per 101 Ibs. , J.1.I2Vifl5.35 ; short Him , sides ,
IOOHC , $5.0303.10 ; dry salted shoulders , boxed ,
4W4'in ! : short clear shlPH , luxcd ,
WHISKY Distillers' flnlthed goods , per gal. ,
11 22
.SUOARS Cut lonf , J5.87 ; granulated , J5.23 ;
tnidnnl "A , " 13.12.
POULTRY Stendyj tutkeys , 1161"c ; chickens ,
7 ? 8'ic , ; duck ? , 1W13C.
TMC fallowing were the receipt * and shipments
today :
On thu t'roluo ) ctoi.iiu ! to.l.iv tha buttsi-mar
ket wan linn ; creamery. l-t'i''lKc : dairy , 8B
18c. KcBB.Bteady ; fresh , OW310C. Cheese , quiets
Condition of Trndeniul Quotation *
oil Staple niul Fnncy I'rnilucc.
The week opens with the market nbout Bteady
on Iho lending lines of country produce. Ite-
celpts yesterday were light nnd the maillot was
without nny change of Importance. Quotation * :
KnOS Freeh Mock. Sc. *
BUTTKIl Common nnd old Rradcs. 60 ; fair to
Coed etock , 7 < fSc ; choice to fancy country , 12c.
VI3AI Cholc * fnt. 70 to 100 I us. , are quoted
nt CViS/.e ; Inrgo nnd coarse , 43c.
ClIKKHU-DamrMIc brlclc. lltfc ; Edam , per
do : , . 19.60 ; Club house , 1-lb. } urr. per doz. , J3.M ;
I-linbrtKcr , fancy , per ill. , llijc ; Hoqu fort , V5-U' . ,
jure , per doz. , $3.60 ; Young Americas , ll'.Jc ' ;
living , fnncy , Ho.
rOUI.TIlV Uicusrd-Chlckeni , choice , 7 ! O
Sc ; contce nnd laffio , 6V4 Cc ; ducks , choice ,
ICfillc : ( nrlicyn , choice i'Si)3c ) ; geese , Sc.
HAY Upinnd. 13.00 ; midland , Jf&O ; lowlnnd ,
11.00 ; rye ulruw , I3.CO ; color makes the price on
hay ; Unlit balm cell Ihe beat. Only top grades
bilni ? lop prices.
nilOOM COIIN Kxtrcmfly slow sale ; new
crop , delivered on trnclc In country : choice green
( elf.worklne cnrpel , per lb , , 2 c ; choice green ,
rmmliic to hurl , 2l c : comm n , 1'ic.
OAMK Jack unlpe , "ScHll.OO ; polilen plover ,
tl.iS ; Jack tahnllH , per doz. , } 1OUi/l.23 ; Final !
rnbbils , II ; mallard ducks , J3.M'ij:3.73 : : icdr
bcnila , J3.75C4.00 ; cnnvnulwck clucks. JJ.OOiJ8.00 ;
teal , blue wing , J2.00ff2.23 ; trnl , Br < * n wlnir , ; mixed ducks. J1.75 2.:5 ; Cnnnda gee e ,
IC.CO7.W ; email KCCBS , JI.M'uS.OO ; brantt , 13.10 ;
'lillrrclH. per doz. , COW75o.
l'HiONH-Llve ! : , Jl.OOOl.COi dead pigeons not
While there IB ullll n good ttock nf 1S91 ! limn
liciuiH lelt on the ronil. It IB tn'rt ' to be well cm-
trolled by alron/r hands nnd the holdera ure not
Inclined to tell It nt IlKurt'H which buyers nre
vlllltiK lo pay , until prccpeclH for the coining ;
crop Improve. Ho far the weather has been
unpropliloua fpr the npptvncblni ; crop , the nunn- ,
, tlty of rain that hn fnllrn huvlnn beegi con-
fcldctnbly below the nvernRv. For n io < l crop
uf lima iK'oim n ccptous inln In neet > " iry durlni ;
the winter nenocii. but no far , iidvlcea flulo.
there ban been only about S3U per cent of the
needed quantity of lain lu the irrnwlni ; dlelrlcln ,
Hume people , however , nre dlipoted to look upon
thu Inio rcportB fiom the coast as being of nn
rxtremc-ly bulllth character not ultoKelher wnr-
rnnlcd by thu ex | lliiK cnndlllon of nupply nivl
ilemand , Whlln ndmltllni ; that the Block of
Hums has It-en well cleaned up , they hold thnt
there la plenty In tight and. tukliiK Into con-
vlderullon the deprenecd condition of values In
nearly nil food pnxlucli ) , ninonnhlch they ray
lima beniu do not rank as an article of nbco-
lule neccBslty. they do not xee thnt there IB much
If any room for u further Improvement In prices.
Quotations ;
TOXIATOis-riorMa , per nlx-baekct crate , Jt.OO
CAilDAOR-Callfornla r'- : ! : , per lb. , Zo.
I"OTATOB8 Vuncy native Block , 30c ; from
( tore In biuall tola , SOffSte : Obloiado Block , 45e.
ONIONS I'er bu. . SSJiSOc.
IIRANB-lfnnd picked navy , per bu. , Jl.W.
B\VIIT POTATOi-s-choice mock , 12.75 per
Vbl.CKI.KIIY California , per doz. , No , 1 , * &c ; NO.
J , 70 IJc.
WMA IinANS-I'er lb. . 4lCBo.
WATKIl CHKH8 I' r 16-qt. case. 11,75.
1'IIJ r I , A NT Hot house Block , ptr doz.
bunclio , kOflSio.
A I'l'M..S Choice to fancy Urn Davis , | ] .GO ( ?
S.5 ; choice wine rarui and willow twigs , I15JW
C'ltANIlKItUIU-K--Jeiiey , ( CD O'.OO ; IOXIB. US ) .
MAUAOA aitAI'i:8-lVr : C0.b. | btl. , I5.W33.M ;
per C3 to 70-lb. iii-ott. 15.W4i6.00.
TitoricAK i-'HUira
LKMONS-Mfulnai , fancy , 13.Uilf4.CO ; choice ,
II.2SGI.SO ; California * . I3.:6U3.ID.
OllANaEB"Callfoinl * buddwl lecdliocB , fancy ,
I2.-,0.M ; choice , J2.00G2.U ; fancy navnl * , 13.003
3.S | choicer I2.CO.
TIANANAB-ChoIco large ( lock , per hunch , 12.00
02.23 ; medium Mted bunrhf < > , Jl.00ff2.00.
OYSTERS Medlumf , lie ; standards , JOe : extra
MccH , 26ej litnncri & Co.'s selects. 27c : New
Yolk counlr , 300 ; standard bulk , prr gal. , 11.10.
HONKY-Fflnty nhlte , per lb. , T6c.
MM'I.IJ PYRtP-Flvo gal. cnnn , each , 12.73 ;
r.M. cAn . rtt dcz. , J12 ; H gol. cans , 16.25 ; quart
cons. JJ.75.
( 'tliu-P-jre ; juice , per Imlf bbl. , JJj per
bbl. , Jt.73.
HAUEH KRAUT-Per bM. , JJ.i3 ; half bbl. ,
12.23 , ,
FICJ8 New crop , Callffiinl.i , JO-lh. boxes , per
lb. , 10c ; Inip-rif ; ! fnncy , 30-lb , boxes , lie ; choice ,
L'ATES New Petrlan , CO-lb b.5xcs , per lb. ,
Cite ; fflid" , W-lh. Iwixff , per lb. , Sc.
MAPLE SIMlAR-Chrlce , R ) . , 9010C.
PRESERVES Ansortwl , M-IU p ll , Cadi.
COfOANI'TS ' I'r 100. tl.Mj fnrh , 5c.
NUTfl Almonili , Cnllfoinln , I'tr lb. , medium
sli" , 1 ! < f Tntragmia nlmond ( pfr lb. , Intge ,
12'ic : IJrnzilt , per lb. , 5c : l.iutllsh walnut * p > r
Hi. , fnnry Miell , lie. tniiui r < ! * , ll HUe ;
IlihTlB , per lb. , lie ; pennim , tiollined infdlum.
IOC ! Urge , 12ci pfnr.ut * . tnw , 6Vic : rnnslwl. 7R
7 < Jc ; hickory nuts , mflll , per bu. , J1.76 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bit. . I1.5CJ Mack walnuts , per
bbi. , j > .
onrssnn MRATS.
IlEEF-Onod steels , 400 to COO Ibs. ,
fi'iliCo ; good cows nnJ heifers , 5fi3'ict ' medium
row * ami tirihfeI'.iVlUt. . ' ; go-i-l forequntteri
cows nnd helforn , SMj4y Kocxl hlridqimtlers cows ;
nivl hflfPl-s , C'.ift'c ; BOOI ! hlnilquniterii , steels ,
"l c ; cow rotinilK , Hi1 ; cow p. ales , Sf3tic | ; l ine-
KMS uhiu-lirt. 4fj sieti- chucks , 4e ; cow churk * .
3'jo ! Wef tpmlerlolnt , 2V ( ; beef nilK bonelefs , c ;
sirloin butts , u n4lri ! , 1'c ; Join backs , 7c : cow
rlb.t , N . 3 , 7'.ic ; cow loin-t , No. 3 , 8'sc ; beef
trlnmiltiK' * , . ' .Tin ; tump bull * , tc.
Mt.'TTON Dressed mutt n , 6c ! rncks , 10c ;
Ugs , ( c ; saddles , Sc ; stews , Sc.
PORKUrcfKtt ! hogs , 3'ic , pork lolnn. C'.tc ;
IMifo Ill's ' , B'.SP ; potk s-houldcfK. 5u ; polk shoul-
< ] 'rf. ! kin nod , 5'ic ; polk trimmings , SUc ; tender
loins , 16c ; pigs' feel , i-kamil , t'er doz. , 33c.
BIIF.EP PELTfl-Ortcn tailed , each MOMc ;
green salted nhonrlliigs ( short ivooltd early skins ) ,
each 15c : dry shtnillnKn ( short wooletl mrly
Kklnt ) , No. 1 , each , Mo ; diy chcnrllngs ( short
wooled enrly skins ) , No. 1 each , 6c ; dry flint
Knnhas and NehinM.-n butcher WIKI ) pelts per lb
actual < 'lght , 5'iiCo ; dry Hint Kansas and Ne-
| jrafki : Murrain w cd polls , per lb. , nctunl
welEht , 4f(5cf dry Hint Colorado butchfr wool
pay fm > ; ht on .them.
TALLOW AS'I ) GREASE - Tnllow. No. 1
34c ! : tr.Ilow No. 2. Sc ; gteasc , while A , 3Wc-
Kicnfp. willte II , So ; BI-CIIBH , yi-.lcw , 21Jc ; grenre ,
daik , ! c ; old butler , 2U2J4c ; beeswax , prime
130220 ! lough tallow , 1'Je. '
HONKS in Inn \\elcbed and delivered In
Chicago ! Dry buffalo , per ten , 12.00 < m.oo ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , flU.OOffJZ.oo ; di-j-
country , damn und meaty , per ton , JC.iWflS.OO
WOO1 Unwashed , nne henvy , W7c ; line light.
889c : < iuatter blood. nO12c ; sctdy , buiry and
ihaffy , SliOc ; cotteil nn.l broken , couise , 7U'jc ;
cottoil nnd broken , lln . I'fTSo. Fleece wnshed
Medium , lifflSc : line , UJIlOo ! lull washed , 1C
ISc ; hlncu , So ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2 T3c ; dead
n.tltnil r.ff R -
No. 1 No. 1 No. II
- ( MJjn | SnVll |
lllnck . . : : . ns oo sffio iofi2 $ 3 00
ll'.nck 12B15 10 00 7 00 7 00 300
Hlack Cubs ' 4 50 C 4 00 B 00 s oo
Uliick Montana ft
Mountain 14 00 1000 1000 4 00
Ulack Montana
Yearling * 11 00 8 00 C 00 coot 250
Uluck .Monlima
CUtlM < 4 K 3 00 t 00 200
Silver Tip 20 12 00 800 900 4 00
Silver Tip YrlB 11 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 2 50
Sllvw Tip Cuba. 8 00 4 U ) 3 00 3 00 1 50
Ill-own 20325 16 00 12 00 12 00 D 0 }
ViullhlgB 10JI1. 8 00 C 00 8 00 4 00
7 00 C 00 3 00 , 4 00 2 00
NEW YORK , March 2-FLOUR-Recelpts. 22.-
8 ) bbls. ; cxpoits. S.OOO bbls. ; mniket steady nnd
active locally , but only trade brands of winter
wanted , and cprlllK. patents were dull. City mill
patents , J4.SOC4.35 ; city mill clears , Jl.l5 i4.25 ;
Minnesota patents , J3.0003.75 : winter patents ,
$3.W 4.00 ; winter grades , J2.30W2.G5. Rye Hour ,
steady. HUekwiieat Hour , firm ; Jl.25ffl.SO.
BUCKWHEAT Quiet ; 3 ! ) > ,44vc.
CORN MEAL Quiet ; yellow westetn , coarse ,
' "
"liYE-Dull ; 4044c.
HARLEY Steady ; western malting , 43G4Sc ;
feeding. 3SQ39C.
IIAK.LEY MALT Steady ; western , 47 < ff35c.
WHEAT Receipts , 000 bu. ; spot , < Jull ; No. 1
hanl , 7Ec , delivered. Options advanced sharply
eatly In Ihe day on the loss of l,0i ,000 bu. In
the Minneapolis elevator fire , small world's ship
ments , local nnd Wnll street buying ,
cold weather west nrd firm cnbles ;
Inter lost all undJr strung selllnpr. prompted
by an Increase en passage , disappointing late
cnhlcH , ? nmll reduction In English visible supply
nnd lack of export demand , closing ItffUc net
lower ; Nn. 2 ted , March , 75'5fl7G',4c , closing 7Stc ! ;
May. 73 H-lCS715ic , closing 73 c.
CORN Receipts. 2J,40i } bu. ; exports. 13,400 bu. ;
spot , nominal ; No. 2 , 37'.5c. Options opened
tinner with wheat , but flflcrward inclined under
teallzlng , nnd clwcd at unchanged prices. Mnrc'.i
rliwt-il at 37c : May. SC'ift-'ic , cluHlnR at Sli-TiC.
OATS Receipts , COiO ( ) ( liu. ; exports , j.wi liu , ;
spot , dull ; No. 2 , : OUc. Options tpencd dull and
nominal , closing > 4.c net lower ; March , 231iC23T c ,
clwlni ; nt 23ic : May , c-Iotcd 25Hc.
HAY Steady ; elrpplng , 7.50iS. ( J ; good to
choice , J8.CKW/9.CO.- .
HOPS Weak ; date , common to choice , 1P34
crop 2fl1.4c ! ; 18J3 crop , 3 Sc : Pacific coast , 181)4 )
crop , 2H' 4e ; 1593 crop. 3 Sc.
HIDES Quiet ; Oalveston , lie ; Ruenos Ayres ,
dry. Id- : Texas , dry , Sc ; Cullfotnla , lie.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Iluetus
Ayriw , light to heavy weights , 20a : ncld , 21ifrjc.
WOOI/ Quiet ; domestic lletcc , ] C4i2Jc ; pulled ,
PltoVlSlONS-Ilecf , Ele.idy ; fnmlly. JI0.03J ?
I2. W ; extra mess , J7.30WS.OO ; beef hams. J15.50ir
100) ) . Cut ments , plclclcd belllc ? , 4f5'ic ; pickled
hums , S'.fcfiSViC. I-ird , steady ; western s'enm
clotieil nl J3.25 J5.Ci > noinlnnl ; Mny , J3.70 nominal ;
rellned , steady. Pork , steady ; mess , $10.25ffll0.50 ;
short clear. Jll.50ftl2.50.
TALLOW Steady ; city , 3443T c ; country , 3i
fl'lc. ' UH lo quality.
PETROLEUM Quiet ; United closed nt J1.2iHS
ROSIN Quiet ; strained , crmmon to choice ,
- .
HICHFlrm ; domestic , fair to extra , 3'iOCcj
MOllAHHKS-Qulct : steady ; New Orleans , opei
kettle , good to choice , EW37C.
KOdS HecelptB. 18,414 pkRS. ; steady ; slnle nnd
I'eannylvanln , Halite ; wt-Btcin , lie ; touthern ,
IIUTTBll Ilecelpts , 8,2'3 plcgf. : easier ; western
creamery. HHOMlie : KlKlns , 21021'Sc.
MI-5TAI..8 I'll ? Iron , easy. Cup T. steady ;
brokerr , He ; exchange , > 11.12i. ! I. nd. steady ;
broken ) , J3.12V4 ; exchnnse , J3.2JltQ3.23. Tin
platen.weak. . Spelter , quiet.
< XTTOS8UKI ) OIIQulct. . with bujers nnd
sellern apart on round lotus prime crude , . .ci
liulter glades , 2Sc ; prime Bummer yellow , 2jf
Share Spt'Oiilntlon W IN Active niul
. Movement of I'rli't-M Irri-uriilitr. .
NK\V YOnK , March 2 , The share specula
tion today wns nctlve , nnd the movement of
pilceii 5rreirulnr , Sugar reached the largest
total of nny Individual Block , nnd a lanri
volume of business was done In Tobacco , but
ns a. flans the dealings In the railroad slocks
exceeded those In the Industrials by n con-
nldeiable amount. Murk d depteesloa In prices
wns noted ut Ihe rpmlntr , the contributing In-
HueiiceH bilnK chlelly thnt of the anti-American
demoiuitrntlons by the populace ut llarrelonn
nnd other places In Spain , nnd the formal
dt-clnmtlon of the * olvency of the Dalllmore A
Ohio inllroad. The nrpolnlment of recelvern
fur the pripcrty wns u surprise to but fuw
pi-oplr , ns a UIIB chain of unfavorable develup-
nic.-ilH hud that event foreshndawed , Tlie sc-
ourUH'8 of the company , nevertheless , were se
verely deprrBHciI. The stock told slmultamnuidy
nt the opening nt from IC'j ' to IS'.j ' un denllngs
> f S.lto ) uliarn. us against ! ! i , the final gain en
Haturdny. SuliEequenlly , the price baldened to
: > . > . nnd left off at Wi. The 5 ptr cent lends
nf 1S123 were marked up 2 per Cent , The c nsol
CH of 1DS3 reacUd to 93 , en conipaicd with n
bale nt 103 , "seller 20" on Saturday. Western
1'nloa waa dcprexsed nn extreme 1" ! per oint
on the tlu-ory that Iho bankruptcy of Ihe Hal-
tlmore & Ohio would irsult In lh Ihrowlni ; cf Its
holdlnirs of that st rk upon marker. On
the ntn-nmh uf denials of tbo lirubablllly of
huch u CJiUlntency , a rnlly of 2 polntB from
thu lowest was made. There were nlso rumcis
tu Ihti i-ffi-ct that 11,000,001) of Un W'Mrm I'nlisi
slwk had bevn Keciclly sold l-y the llalllmorr *
Ohio management n yenr ago. This slory wa
ul i denied by parties claiming to bu \ > ell In
formed. Liquidation was nlso pronounced In
TVim'Kwa dial , that stock bieaklnir 3y p r rent
on K | e of 700 nhaii'M , The Kenernl list iiuf-
fi-rvil to the extent of 'jCl'.j pvr cent , the In.
ternatlonal hliares , t-rantciw and Hutrar U > lnz
most prominent.
The reuctktiary movement n roon checked
an < l u large pait nf the loss was recovered ,
Thu inatket then again reacted on renew vd llnii-
ntoj lu the tteillajr excliaos * maiUtt. A re-
vival of Mrtngth w notM townnl mlddnjon
forclcn nnd lornl comml' lon Imylnff nnd rover-
Inp by ihott * . The Improvtmcnts were mo t Im-
portnnl In the high rrlcnl Industrlnld , the
Ri-nnKrm , l/ou'lrvllle * Nashville nnd n few of the
cpeclivllle * , The > Rfllns rxtendul to S'/d per c nt
In Tenncmce CVnl , Tobacco fold up l"i 1'er
cent , but on nilvlcrx of further nctlvc nKKrcsilvc
mrn urps by the t'ppfiltlon to the company , wnn
hftrnmrrnl down to . " on heavy ilcnilnitti. TUP
general mnrkct proved fitperlor to the wenknewi
In Tobacco , hut developed wcnknfss In the flnnl
hour , and f M off generally en lltiuldntlnn In-
Mueneed l y the nnticlpntlni ? of prompt nctloi by
the hoiiKft on th ( > nil \n twlllgerrncy rejolutlono.
Spcculntlon left off wcnk In tone , nlthouch the
llnnl prices , ns n rule , showed hut sltRht de
clines n compared with last week1 * clonlnit IIB-
ures. Hallway Ixinili ere moilerntPly nctlve ,
with wide lluclunllons In n few l miej. The
bnnktuptcy cf the llnltlmorc h. Ohio company
wn rulected In ilecldeil wenkne 4n Its lionds.
This fnme development wns responsible for nn
extreme drop Pf 7 per cent In I'lttMmrK & West
ern llrsts to C3 , with n subsequent rnlly to CS.
Tii < > ( tenernl market wns IrrrKiilnr In the early
denllng5 , but becntno slronil In Ihe Inle session ,
In sympathy with the rnlly In Mocks. The North
ern Pacific weie excrptlonnlly utroni ; aid nctlve
ami good supimrt wns evident In llcadlnc llrst
preference Incomes nnd Atctils.n Issues. ( Imern-
ment Umds illxplnscil decidedly Increased nctlv-
Ity nt the expense of vnlucs. The declines , how
ever , were not material. The nggrcgnte sales
were J503.O * ) .
The Evening Post.V Ixindoa flimnclal cablegram
sayni TIC : stock markets were Itteeular nnd
rather dull. Ametlcnns < pencil lint on the Haiti-
more & Ohio receivership nnd fell below the par
ity , then tallied nnd then declined on Ihe New
York opening prices , nnd flnnlly closed n trifle
heller. The various Issuing houses here nf Hut-
tlmoro A Ohio bonds nfsure bondholders of their
Intermtn being protected , nnd Spoycr's announced
n rendlness to buy the Augunt coupon Ixmds of
1925. The ilofntilt today on the 6-per cent Iwnda.
however , gives n nnsty Waw to the Amerlcnn
bond mnrket , for , ns It wns snlil tnjay , no
sooner does the public here bgln to buy binds
thnn a blow comrs , e'thcr It n fresh receivership ,
nn outburst of jlngnlsm or n silver ngllntlon.
Knlllra nre better on the political stnlement .
There lo much Interest In the city na to the
iletnlln of the nnvnl program to he announced In
Parliament tnnlght. Thp I'nrls nnd Iletlln mnr-
kets were dull nnd quiet.
The total sales of stocks today were 317,181
r.lmres. Including ; American Tobacco , 40.000 ;
Atchlsnn , 5.100 ; American Sugar , 50.GOO ; Rurllng-
ton , 17.GW ; Ilaltlmore & Ohio. 18,000 ; Chicago Gas ,
4.400 ; General Klectrlc , 3.000 : Denver & Illo
Oiande picferred. 3.100 ; DIstllllnR nn.l Cattle
Feeding. 32,000 ; Louisville & Nashville. 23.4CO-
Missouri Pacific , 4,7W ; Pacific Mall. S.COO ; Head-
In ; , ' , 4,700 ; Hock Island , 10L900 ; St. Paul. 4S.JOO ;
Tennecseo C nl nnd Iron. 5,200 ; Wabash & Lake
Krle , 4MO ; Southern preferred , 0,500.
XIMV York Money Mai-lift.
Kasy nt 55T4 per cent ; last loan , 314 per cent ;
closed. SiitSVi per emt.
STERLING EXCHANGE Finn , with actual
business In bankers' hills at Jl.fiT if ! I.SS for de
mand , nnd } 4.ti554f4.S7 for tlxty days ; posted
tales. $4.S7&a4.SSVi4.S9 ! ; commercial bills , 14.80.
GOVERNMENT IIONDS Steady ; state bends ,
dull ; railroad bonds , slronfr.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
KlllllllCltlllltl'H. .
1103TON. March l-Clearlngs. tl2 , < 15 , 2Sj bal-
anccs , } lc:4t2l ,
I1AI.T1MOUIMarch 2. Clearing. 2,138,379 ;
balances , 131 : ,5C'J.
Ni\Sf : YOUK , March 2. Clearing , 7CS2IS)0 ! ) ;
balances , ( C,3C1C3J.
rillhAnii.riM.\ : , March 2. Clearings , JU.3CO-
107 ; balances , JIfc'CW.
HT , I.OL'IH , March 2. ClenrlnBS. ,167.6 % ; 1ml-
anrtH , HJl.tlO. Money , CCS per cent , Nt-w Yolk
eschanee , iSiiCOc discount tld ; 23c dUcount nske.1 ,
CIIICAdO , March 2. Clenrlnps , 115,870,000 ,
Money on cull , steady at C per ccnl ; on time ,
l > ! J7 per c < nt. New Yolk exchniiKe , Ma dis
count. FoielBn exchanre , firm ; bankers' ( I n-
don ) SlerlJiK ,',4. '
l'\irelKii : Kliiiiiit-lnl AfTiilrH ,
liiU.lN ) , March 2. Kxchanee en l-ondoil , 20
marks 23 pfu.
1'AIIIH. March J. < p , m. Thtee per cent
lentei ) , IMf ki'ic fjr the account ; cxclmnKe en
I ndon , 25f 2So for chjck * .
LONDON , Mutch 2. Ould Is quolrd al liu lies
A5if * totuy nt 2'X ' ) ; nt Madrid. 19.2S ; nt Lisbon ,
2 > ; at SI , rrten > burir , W ; at Atht-ns , 77 ; at Home ,
1I2.W ; ut Vienna , 103. CoiiroU for money ,
lus IHC , t-x Int. ; cutiboU for account , iw , tx
lilKln llultcr.
KLQIN , March 2.-IIUlTKH-Fiimj offcrlnKs.
6tUW Itu. ; tulce , ll.UO It * , ut 21c , 47 , 0 Its.
at 22c.
Very Light Re'ciSl a of Oattlo and Hogs
Mark tKb1 Wtok'a ' Opening.
of Critttc All TnUrti nt
Striuly l.'Isiirrf. AVItliout Miifli
llo R.Inltt n Mckul
MONDAY , March 2.
Receipts for the days Indicated arc :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
March 2 . SOI 1.003 fie . . . .
. , . , 21
February 25 . 3,007 C.,494 616 4fi
February 21 . 859 1.2C3 S7C 49
CATTL.B The present week opened about
where last week left on and In porno re
spects the market was merely a repetition
of last Saturday's trade. The receipts wcro
SOI head , as against 853 Saturday nnd 1,263
Monday of last week ,
The- market as a whole did not show much
ehniiirr > nn pnmnnroil with the values pre
vailing nt the close of last week. Only a
few fat cattle wcro offered on the market ,
but of that number there were two loads of
right good rornfed steers which \\ere belter
than anything seen hero In some days. The
balance of the offerings consisted of only
fnlrlsli stuff. The market was not overly
active , there not being enough cattle to
e.xclte nny enthusiasm , but the prices paid
were about steady. , ,
Only about eight loads of cows and heifers
were reported In the yards and they were
picked up quickly at good strong prices.
Home pretty decent 1.197-pound cows brought
$3.10. The demand for butchers' stock has
been good right along and as the receipts
1mvo been only moderate the market has
held up remarkably well as compared with
beef steers.
Only a few stockers nnd feeders were to
be found In the yards , either in llrst handn
or In the hands of speculators. The demand
was fully enual to the offerings and the
market strong , representative sales :
HKKFSTisnns. .
Av. IT. No. Av. IT. No. Av. IT.
.1:00 1.1 no 23..KW $3 43 20..12H ? $3 70
.1IS 3 2.-1 7 . . .1121 3 .V > 1 . . . .12"0 S 0 *
, .124C 3 C.1 3G..1329 3 CO 30..HOI 4 05
.1203 3 43
12.V ) 1 73
1000 1 M
933 SCO
910 2 a >
nio 2 01
11.15 2 1 }
! WO
! > 73 2 2.
910 2 30
6. . . . 520 2 BO 1. . . . 710 2 Ki 4. . . . fS1 2 SO
3. . . . 420 B DO 3. . . . ( .00 . 300 4. . . . fca , i >
3..1243 253 1. . . . 7ft ) 250 2..1SIO 270
1..1390 240 1..201V ) 2 CO 1..141D 273
1..10CO 240 3..14 ; < i 200 1..1400 290
1..1SSO 243 1..1C60 260
1..10CO 273 1..1197 300 1..1330 310
2..1720 3 00
1. . . . 200 2 JO ,1. , . . . 300 SCO 2. . . . 213 300
] . . . . 270 2 SO 1. . . . 170 350 1. . . . MO 5W
3 . . . 203 313 * 2. . . . HO 500 3. . . . 100 5 W
0. . . . CS3 3M . . . . 500
. . . .ran s oo a..uso 3 to 2 : . . . . eao 345
1..1170 300 11. . . . , ! > 340 r.ll"2 35- )
3..10SG 309 y..721 310 3.ISO SCO
42. . . . 345 323 K..1003 340
HOGS With only 1,003 hogs on pale anil the
ilcnminl poad the tradi was soon over nd the
pens cleared. A' few scattering loads went nt
J3.70 nnd J3.72VJ , but the bulk broimht J3.73 , mak-
InK the market a. bl 5o higher than Saturday
wh n the sales weie largely at $3.035(3.70. (
The week opencil with n unusually llsht mn
even for a Monday and It Is collected that the
slonn will keen the farmers nt home oml have
a tendency to hold lown receipts during the
next tvvf days , riepiesentative sales :
No. Av. Sh.'r. . . No. Av. Sh. Pr.
11 213 . . . JJC770 237 40137214
12 257 . . . 370 71. . . . . . . ,23i ) . . . 373
58 342 ICO 3 70 ' OS 23S SO 3 75
G4 23C . . . 370 | C9 2JJ SO 3 73
14 230 . . . 3i ) C3 . ' .240 . . . 3 7S
27 . . .307 SO 370 Cl 2-10 . . . 373- '
; ,0 , } . :307 ' 80,370' ' . DO 242 60 375
] 2 2CD . . . 3.70 ' 77 11)0 ) . . . 3 75
70 232 . . . 3721.4 60 347 . . . 3 72'.5
07 241 . . . 3 72'/4
1 240 . . . 300 2 2SO . . . 3 C3
3 230 . . . SCO C 301 . . . 3 C5
1 230 . . . 3 CO 5 220 . . . 370
1 430 . . . 3 60
SHEEI ! Only one small load of sheep was
received. The- market was slow nnd lower.
I'lii-re AViiH nil Aotivu Demand for Ic-
Nlralilo I.otM.
CHICAGO , March 2. There was an active de
mand for dcslrnbhl lots of cattle at nn advance
of about lOc , nnd a good business was trans
acted , sales of native steers to shippers and ex-
poiters being largely at from } 3.73 to $1.25. A
car of 1,213-lb. steers rold nt 14.50. llutcherx'
cattle ner ? In fnlr demand , cows nnd helfera
silling IHIKC ! } 'it from (2.15 to $3.15. TJie Ktncker
and feeder trade was no better than last week
Texas cattle were In pee < l demand nt ttrongei
prices , with fair receipts.
In hogs there WHH u good local nnd shipping
demand today , nnd prices were strong to 5p
higher , pnles ranging ul from J3.70 to 53.0"i for
common to prlmo droves , with sales larRely nt
from JJ.IK ) to JS.M'.i. T.icre were mere gales nt
J3.W ) than on Saturday , and fancy light assorted
brought from $3.i7Vs lo tl.
In sheep the demand was only moderate , nnd
prices weie largely lOe Imter. Coimnmi to choice
drove.1 were Mdahle nt from J2.30 to $3.05 , sales
being chlelly nt from J3 to J3.50 for natives and
westerns. I imbs were In request nt from $3.50
to $4.50.
Receipts : Cnttle. 11,500 head ; hogs , 2GOX > head ;
eheep , 18,000 head.
St. I.uulN lIv < - Stocl.- .
ST. LOUIS , Mnrch 2. CATTLB Receipts , 3,000
head ; mniket active nnd a shade hleher ; native
hecvin , $3.25Q4.i > 0 ; stockers nnd feeders , S2.S.1 ! ?
3.60 ; cows and helfeis , | 2.0'Q3.4S ) : Tcxaa stt-ers.
$2.50i3.90 ; crass and fid ; cows nnd heifers , $2.000
JIOGS Receipts , 7,000 head : market lilwlier ;
heavy , J3.7C.C2.S1 ; mixed , $3.53.S5 ; light , J3.SOff
BHECr Receipts , 2,000 head : market strong ;
natives , $2.7503.75 ; southern , $2.CO@3.40 ; laniLo ,
ICmiHiiH City \A\f Stock.
KANSAS CITY , March 2. CATTLH-Recelpts ,
4.1W head ; thlpments , 900 head ; top grade * ,
steady to strong ; others nbout steady ; Texas
Rtfers , $2.40R3.55 ; Texns cows. $ l.SW(2.i,3 ( ; hcef
steers , $3.00fi4.'i > : native cows. Jl.fOfla.W ; stockers
nnd feeders , 12.0.ij3.W ; bulls. 52.157(3. ( 10.
HOGS Receipts , 2COO head ; Fhlpments , none ;
market strong nnd r.o higher ; bullc of pales.
$3.7083.75 ; heavy. $3.0303.70 ; packers , $3.G7'.iQ >
3.60 ; mixed , J3.WO3.75 ; lights , $3.C5&3.8) ; Voikeis ,
$3.753.bO ; pigs , $3.COQ3.7U ,
Xeiv York I.lvt > Stoi-U" .
NEW YORIC , March 2.-llEivrs Receipts ,
6,182 head ; fleers. COWH nnd oxen , steady ; bulls ,
lower ; nleerii , tMOfU.M ; oxen , | 2.70ffl.ll ; bulls ,
$2.coft3.25 ; cows. tl.C. . 3.1J ; cables , steady ,
HIlKin- AND LAM IIS Receipts , 7.MO head ;
sheep , common to choice , Hrm , J3.iWJfl.Kj ( ) exiiort
welheis , slow , $4.25 : lambs , H.Mfi'3. lili.
HOOij RecelplH , lilW head ; steady at $4.200
4. CO ; choice , $4.75. _
Record of receipt * 'nt the four principal mar-
ns for Muich 2,1&VC :
, . , , Cattle , Hogs. Sheep.
South Omahn , . . , > , , . , . , , . , . . , . 801 3,281 C5
Chicago . . . . ; , . . . . . . 14,10i ) 2SuiM .JS.'Xxl
Kansas City . . . . . , , , . . , , . , 4.10 > ) 2 , & ) 2OW
Ht. Louis . fflY'l. . 3'WI ( ) T.OJO 2,00) )
Totals . . . ' . ' /.t . 22,001 40,981 22,063
NEW YORK. Mart'll ' 2.-COlTEn-Qillet ; op.
lions opened iiul' " " ' > lnl unchanged to 5 points
decline ; tilled and fc.iturele > .s on unall
foreign buylnB-ortlerfllnet by local sclleis * rl-s-
Int ; dull nl 5 I'Ointr ' .net ndvanre ; raits , 4.210
tiaK" , Including Mjichtl2.diei2.C3. . Spot coffee ,
lllu , iiulet : No. 'j ' ] Jl3.SWjlJ,37v. ! Mild , quiet ;
Cordova , $10,75/17.73E Wnrp'.iuuia ilellverlca from
New Yorlc Haturdiin 4.SS2 IIIIBH ; New York stoek ,
218,1)13at. ) \ ; l.'iilitil rValeK slock. 271 , CI2 bags ;
slloat for the l'nlf-dSlnles ) | | , 5,000 baui ; tola !
vIMble bupply for tDR Onltf-.l h'tutu * . 410,613 bags ,
BRalnel 4(2lt'2 bngs"Jast year.
SiANTOH , Mattli.Z B. I'lrmj K d overage
HnntM , 15 , 1'KJ ' rein ; tecelpts , 4,030 bagH ,
Wiekly rrpuit : Khtiii i-fcelpls for Iho week ,
20.W ) buBs ; lilpiienls ) to the Unite I States ,
24.000 hags ; slock , 31 , 003 bags.
1IAMIIURO , March 2. Steady ; > 40i I'fff. ud-
HAVRE , March ! . Closed rjulet nnd unchanged
to > , ' , { net lifeline ; kales , 22.001 liag * .
RIO , March ! , Klrnij No. 7 , $13.63 ; rceelpli , l ign ; rlenrwl for Kuropp , l,0i)0 ) bags.
Weekly report : I'lrm ; reeelplH during the
week , 21,00' ) bnKir. ihliuu'nts to the United States ,
40,000 bugs ; stock , IGLOO" ) | > aga.
I > IX > niA , March 2. CORN-sieady : No. Z7O
Hc : No. 3 , new. 2J'Kc. '
OATS-NO. 3iiite ,
RYK Dull at Kv.
WHIHKY iileady ; flnUlied gods , on the ba Is
of J1.22 for hlKh' ' wine * . -
RICCKJl'TS Coin. 75.500 bu.s rnts. Ka.SOO bu.j
i-ic. 1 2 < iO bu. : whlkky , nonp ; v.hrut , 3t u bu.
HIIIPMUNTB- . 19C'XI liu. ; outH. C3.2W Uu.J
lye , ncnej wiilnky , 823 Bain. , wheat , 3.COO Lu.
lr > - ( iiiuilH .HiirUrl ,
NUW YORK , March 2. In commission house
circles there ns ( inly n moderate demand by
cpot purchacrrn , but the mall order business
lunifd out better Ihnn was promlitxl early In
the day , ami Included very fair to touU ordeiv
for brown pottotin. In Ihe Jobbing Irmle lliere
were mnny buyers tircucnt , nn the Klorm of the
previous twn days had prevented thflr comlnjr ,
but undtr nil comlltlms , a very fnlr hiuln'io
wn.i cffectetl. 1'rlnt clolhii weie dull nt 2HO
2 11-lCc.
St. I.nulx tJoiiLTiil .Mnrkot.
ST. I.Ol'IS , March 2-.rrX5UR Domwtlc trndc
contlmiM KOiwli export nlf oimciill to iiinke ;
but one snlo of 1,0 ) s.u-k.i innde ; prices lilgher !
pnlenlsi , $3.70flJ.$5i cxtrn fnncy , $3.4 if3.50 | fnncy ,
$2.W > ff3.on ; choice , $2.5002.63.
WHEAT The upeciilnllvp market was strong
nnd higher during the turly pnit cf Ihc day
on n varied lot of bull neus , but l.itfr hecnmo
weak nnd declined , closing Irresular and un
settled nt iff ic under Snturdnyj upot ;
No. 2 red , cnuli , 71e Mil In clcvntor ! wiles , truck ,
73HW74UC ; Mnrch , C3c ; Mny , G3Hc : July , 14 : { T
64'c. ( ,
CORN In the futures th" market wns tnmp
nnd did not change mntctlnlly , but cUni'il Uf
Uo under Saturday for Mny nnd July ; tpot
easier ; No. 2 mixed , cnih , 2r lHitf27ic ! ; Mnrch ,
SCTkc ; Mny , 27SCj ! July. S4fr'S5e. ! .
OATS Futures weak , nnd cnFeil off , with l.ul
few liiyera nt lower prices ; tpnt dull but nte.vly ;
No. 2 cash nnd Mareh , ISc ; July , 19'ic.
llVI-Qulrt at SS 39c.
1IAK1.KY Slendv nt 33c.
I'OULtRY Turko-s higher nl Ite ; chickens ,
CiR7ci ducks , Oc ; gct-so , r > ' .ji' .
ItRAN-Snlnble nt < Jn for MCkcil , east trnck ,
Init none to bo had nt Hint tlsuie.
KLAX SKKD-l/mer nt il'ic.
TIMOTHY SEin-$2.35 .40.
HAY Without strength , though higher Kind"
still scnrcc ; pmlrle , $3.2508.50 $ ; lliiulhy , . Ht
HOTTER In fnlr demand nnd ittcndy ; ciram-
cry. 17 T22c ; dairy. 13ftISc.
KdOS Strong ; fresh , c.
LKAU-QuItt nnd lower ; 100 tuns sold nt
Sl'MLTER Nominal nl $3.75.
1'ROVISIONS 1'ork slnndnid '
, slcndy ; m'ss ,
jobltliiR , new , $10 ; old , $9.50. I ml , quiet ; prlmo
steam , $5.15 ; choice , $3.22U. Hacon , t > oxe < l
shiiuliter ! ) , $5.C2Vi ; totigs , $5.C2ti ; xhoits , J5.75 ;
rlt , $5.02' ' . Dry snlt meats , boxed Khoilldcis ,
$4.75 ; longs , J5.12m rib * . $5.25 ; nluil53.3715. .
HECEIITM 1'Mour , 7.0i lilil . ; wheat , 14,0)0
bu. ; corn , 132.000 till. ; onts. 4G.IKX ) Int.
HlllI'MllNTH Klour , 14,000 lihls. ; hcat , IS.tuM
bu , ; corn , 54,000 bu. , onts , 15,000 bu.
Liverpool Miu-kcfN.
LIVERPOOL , Mnieh 2. WHEAT S-iit. , steady ;
demand poor ; No. 2 led winter , Us Sifeu ; No. 2
red rprlng , Ktuol ; exhausted ; No. 1 haul Muni-
toga , 6s 7',4il ' ; No. 1 Cillfornla , 5s M. 1'utures
opened steady , with near positions unchanged ,
nnd distant | > osltlon * ' 4d higher ; rltsed nulel.
with prices unchanged from yesterday's clos :
business al > lit equally dlstllhulrd ; Maich , 5s Sd ;
Aptll , 5s SiO ! ; May , 5s S'id ; July , 5s 9d ; August ,
5s 9'ld.
CORN Spot , ftcady ; American mixed , new , Ts
l\d. I'ill n ITS ripened steady nnd unchanged ,
closfd quiet , with March lid higher , nnd other
mnntlm unchanged fiiini yesterday's closing ;
business nbout equally distributed : Match , 3s
Hid ; April , 3n < > ; d ; May , 2s lUd ; June , 3s Hid ;
July , 33 Hid ; August , 3s Slid.
KLOt'R Steady ; demand fnlr ; St. Louis win
ter , 7s M.
1'ROVISIONS Uncoil , quiet ; demand poor ;
Cumb rland cut , 2S to SO Ibs. , 2Ss ; short libs ,
28 liu. . 27s , long char , light , 3S to 43 Ibs. . 20s
6d ; long clear , hcnvy , 53 Ibs. , 23s Cd ; short rleat-
Imi'lts. light , IS HIM. , 27s ; shoit clear middles ,
heavy , 53 Ibs. , 27s Cd ; clear bellies , It to 1C Ibs ,
27 . Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. . 24i Cd.
Hnmi. short cut. It to 10 Ibs. , 37n Cd. It.-ef ,
extra India mess. 6Ss 9d ; prime mo-H , 53s. 1'nrk ,
prim- mess , lln. WfRlern , 50a ; line medium.
46. i 3d. Laid , dull ; pilmc western , 27s 3d ; re-
llneil. In palls , ? Ss.
TALLOW Klne North American , 20s Od.
CHEESE Dull ; demand poor ; llnest Ameri
can , while and colored , 45M.
lltTTTER l.'lnest I'nlled States , 03i : good. 60s.
OILS Spirits of turpentine , 20s Cd. Cotton
sfetl oil , Liverpool rellncd , 17s. Linseed oil ,
13s Dd.
ROSIN Common. 4s 7l4d.
REFRIGERATOR UEEF Forequartcrs , J'.Jtl ;
hlnilquniters , 4"id.
11LEACH1NQ POWDER llardwoud , Liverpool ,
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2.
The following are the stocks of breadstuffs
nnd provision ! * In Llveipool : 1'lour , 73.0M unekri ;
wheat , 1,754.004 centals ; corn. 550,000 centals ;
banon , 17.4IW loxes ; hams , 6,700 bjxes ; t-houl-
dera , 3.800 boxes ; lard. C3.W ) tierces ; cheese ,
94,200 boxes ; butter , 5,40' ' ) pices.
Cotton MnrUct.
NEW ORLEANS , March 2.-COTTON Slcndy ;
middling , 77ic ; low mlddllnf. 7 3-lCc : goud 01-
illnary , CTSc ; net receipts , 2,766 bales ; gro .s.
2,943 bales ; exports to the contln-nt , 0,650 bales :
sales , 3awbalin : stoek. 302.077 bales.
NEW YORK , March 2. COTTON Qukt ; mid
dling. 7 ll-16o ; net receipts , , none ; gross , 7,6 > C
bales ; exports to Oicnt llrltnln , C.OOO tialefl ; to
Fnince , 1.270 bale ! " ; to the continent , 4,5 ; " ! bales'
forwnrdfd , 917 bales ; sales , 2.673 bales ; vplnncra ,
173 lalos ; stock , 181,9SD bales.
ST. LOl'IS. March 2. COTTON Quiet nnd 1-lOc
lower ; middling , 7',4c ; Hales , 20 > ) bales ; lecelpts.
2.S73 bales ; shipments , 3,111 bales ; Black , 69,570
IvitiiNnx City MnrUrtH.
JCANSAS CITY. March. 2.-WHEAT-Improvr < l
.ilonland : prices tihotit Id higher ; No. 2 haid , 63 ? ;
No. 3 , 47ff53c ; i ejected , nominally ; No. 2
roil , 75e : No. 2 spring , C3C6Kc ( ; No. 3. 63'ifi64c.
CORN Active ; No. 2 mixed , 23V4c ; No. 2 white
23 lie.
OATS He lower and rather dull ; No. 2 mixed ,
16'ie : N.i. 2 white , 19',5iS20c. '
RYE No. 2 , 36c.
HAY Veiy dull nnd weak ; timothy , $10.001) )
11.50. prairie , $4.50fli,50.
HUTTER Steady ; creamery , ICSlSc ; dairy , 13j )
EGGS Steady nt Sc.
Toledo CJrnln
TOLEDO , Mnreh 2. WHEAT Ixiwer ; weak ;
No. 2 cnsh , 74c ; May , 73lic ; July , 705ic ,
CORN Dull : steady ; No. 2 mlxid , 29c ; No. 3
mlxeil. 2SUc ; Mny. 31&c.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 20',5c ; No. 2 white ,
22e : Mav. :2'Ac.
CLOVER SEED Active ; steady ; prime cash ,
HFVEIPTS Wheat. 8,500 liu. ; coin , 27,600 bu , ;
clover feed. 1,100 hags.
SHIPMENT. " Klour , 3,000 hlils , : wheat , 1OM
bu. ; coin , 3,000 bu. ; clover Feed , T89 bags.
Vlxlblo firalii Iiirkct.
NEW YORK , March 2. The visible supply
of wheat S.itunlay , I'Vbruary 29 , as complied by
thn Ntw York 1'rodue exchange , Is : Wheat.
6IOS9,0X ( ) bu. ; decrease. 921,000 bu. ; corn. 13.01S.OOO
bu. : Increase , 1,522,000 bu. ; oats , 7,001,000 bu. ;
Increase , 63.000 bu. ; rye. 1.507.C05 lu. ; decrease
St. 000 bu. ; barley , 1,027,000 bu. ; decrease , 203,000
bu. .
Mliiiicmmllx AVhent.
Mnl-ch. 61'lie : Mnv. G2 ie : .Tnlv. f f..r' n , . „ , . ! ,
Nn. 1 hanl. C2',6c ' No. 2 ' . '
. . ; northern , G2'/.c ; j\'o. 3
northern. COV-c.
I-'ljOl'H Illcher : first patenl.i , S3.3.W3.GO ; fec-
o-id patents. J3.15g3.20 ; llrst clears , J2.CO ; second
clears , t2.log2.20.
SiiKtir Mitrkvt.
NI5W YOUIC. March 2-SI'OAn-nnw , stendy ;
fab- refining , 3-Hc ; renned. quiet ; slnndnrd "A , "
4Tio ; , rc ; granulated , fc.
LONDON , Mnrch 2. SI'OAH Cane , dull : cen- Java , 13 9d ; Muscovado , fnlr n-flnlnK ,
12s ; beet , dull nnd Irregular ; March , 12s 3'Al :
April , 12s 4i ! l.
IJcci-mber , J1.13U ; May ,'.i ' ; cleatcd , S2.331) )
eentnlB wheat.
Snowfall nt San Fi-iiiii'lNi-o.
SAN FRANCISCO , March 2. There was a
fall of sonw In tills city tills morning for the
first time In ten years. The fall was quite
heavy while It continued , but melted as
soon ns It fell , and nt thu end of ten minutes
turned Into a cold rain. The lust snow
storm here occurred during the winter of
1886-S7 , when the ground was covered to a
depth of several Inches.
AVe wish lo state to our patrons that One
Mlnuto Cough Cure la a snfo and reliable
remedy for children troubled with croup ,
colds , lioareoness and lung troubles. It la
ploatunt to take and quickly cures.
I.ltllo ICiirtliiiiiuKu In KIIIINIIN.
KANSAS CITY , March 2. A special to tlio
Star from Caldwell , Kan , , irays a distinct
earthquake shock wns felt there nt 7:17 :
o'clock last night. It passed from the south
east to the northwest and lasted.about four
seconds. No damage was done ,
They Ili-tniyoil Military SeeretH.
LKII'SIC , March 2. The trial of Engineer
Schorcn , Lieutenant Pfrnffer and a news
paper man named Illngbauer , charged with
betraying military secrets , began today be-
li'.nd ' cUEcd doers ,
fur 40 years Cook's Kxtry Dry Imperial
Champagne has toad tbo test for purity and
Us delicious boquet.
INSTUUMENTS placed on fie ! Monday ,
March 2 , 18 % :
M V Chapman to I ) W Anderson ,
1S.C8I acres In no sw 30-lfi-ia J 1,091
D \V Anderson to A .M King , fame . . . 2,000
Omaha Becurity company lr > 1'hlladol-
phla AlortgiiKO and Trust compuny ,
lot 12 , blirlc 1 , Mayne'H 2d add 1
K Dunkln lo K O Kalvey , lot 18 ,
U'oclJ 20VHcox 2d add 3,000
i 10 lilackmnn and husband , to .Mary
J Hunt , lots 3 and 4 , block I , Pnitt'H
sub WO
I'eter Lovely and wife to A W 1'attcr-
KOII , hits 2 and 3 , blucK 101 , South
Omaha 1,400
J N llrown , trustee , to J 8 fitcwart , lot
7 , block 11. Urlb'KH1 I'laco 1
QUIT CLAIM unions.
I > 8 KeoRh to Hannah McCJrmlek , lot
8 , block 10. Walnut Hill . , l.WO
Same to Keogh Uros. , lot T , block 10 ,
pa inn , . , , , . . , lbOO
1C Wlndham and wlfo to ! ' J Hart ,
n feel of c 110 feet lot 107 , aisc'u
add , 300
Total amount of transfers
Oonrts in Other Jurisdictions Aot on the
Baltimore & Ohio Petition.
Suit Kntci-iMl In Cli'voliinil on n Claim
Stunreil li > - Collateral Security
Other I.iitcn In-
vulvvil. .
WASHINGTON , March 2.-Judgo Cox of
the district supreme court tcday appointed
Messrs. Coweti nnd Murray receivers for
the IJaltlmore A Ohio for this jurlsd cllon ,
I'HII.AUUU'HIA , .Maich 2. Application
In the United States circuit court was tniulo
today for receivers for the Daltlmoro &
Ohio nnllroAtl company In this atato. Judge
nutter appointed John K. Cowt-n and Oscar
M. Murray.
CLKVELAND , March 2. Suit was filed In
the United States district court hero today
by the American Trust company of New
York against the Daltltncio & Ohio railway
for $1,000,000. Collateral security for this-
amount Is on fllo with the trunt company.
WILMINGTON. Del. , March 2. Dcforo
Judge Walter Wales , In the United States
circuit court today , Andrew II. Sanb.irn , rep
resenting the- Mercantile Trust company of
New York , holders of $1.000,000 promissory
notes , marlo application for the appointment
of recovers for the IJaltlmorc & Ohio com
pany In Delaware. Jtltlgo Wales consented
to Mr. Sunburn's application nnd named
Messrs. Cowcn and .Murray as receivers in
I'tTTSUtma , March 2. Upon application
of the Mercantile Triijit company cf New
York , Thomas M. K'ng ' , second vice president
of the llaltlmoro & Ulio ! lallwny , was ap
pointed receiver of the I'lttsburg & Western
railway today by Judge Uulflngton of the
United States circuit court. The bill apply
ing for a receiver alleges that the defend
ant company has an outstanding indebtedness
In bonds , mortgages , etc. , of $16,240,000. The
I'lttsburg & Western railroad Is n part of
the Ilaltlniorc & Ohio system running from
I'lttsburg to Chicago. The receiver Is re
quired to give a bond of $50,000.
CHICAGO , Marcli 2. The appointment of
Messrs. Cowcn and Murray as receivers of
the Daltlmoro & Ohio railroad was extended
by Judge Sliowalter tcday to the property
cf the road In this circuit , concurring in the
action and order of Judge Goff of Baltimore ,
Saturday night.
IIALTIMOKU , March 2. John K. Cowen
ami Oscar u. Murray , the newly appointed
receivers for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ,
were In consultation today upon a plan of
action for reorganizing the affairs of the com
pany. Their plans arc not stilllclently well
formed as yet to Justify a full statement ,
but they fay that the first effect of the re
ceivership will bo to enable the company to
withhold payment of Its pressing obligations
now duo or soon to bscomo due. It Is be
lieved the receivership will --obably j cover
a period of about live years nnd that J.
I'lerrepont Morgan will bs asked to under
take It. Prompt action has been taken to
Illo supplementary proceedings asking for a
receivership In the District of Columbia ,
the states of New York , Pennsylvania , Dela
ware. Virginia , West Virginia , Ohio , Indiana
and Illinois. A special train has been started
west carrying John D. McCubbln , jr. , and
assistants , bearing the documents. Mr.
Cow en says the rtcolvershlp extends over all
lines and property owned , controlled or
operated by the Daltlmoro & Ohio , except
the following : Baltimore & Ohio Southwes
tern railway , extending from I'arkersburg
to St. Louis and Louisville ; Valley railway cf
Virginia , extending from Harrlsburg to Lex
ington , Vn. , sixty-two miles ; Staten Island
Rapid Transit Railroad company , operating
a sixteen mile railroad between Tottonvllle.
-NT. Y. , and Clifton , N. Y. ; the West Virginia
& Pittsburg n.'illroad coijipany , ISO iniloj ,
leased by the Baltimore & Ohio.
HoiHllialilcrx Go Into Court with XH-
iiu-rnlis DciiutiiilM.
MILWAUKEE , March 2. Johnston Living
ston , representing the bondholders under
the general second mortgage of tbo Northern
Pacific Railroad company , today ( lied answer
In the suit of the Farmers' Loan and Trust
company , upon which the receivership Is
bcbcd. This Is the first answer that takes
Issue with the allegations of the bill and
It will create something of a sensation , as It
attncks the collateral trust ( denture bonds
and the receivers' certificates.
The demand Is made that the second gen
eral mortgage be declared a prior lien ; that
If not BO held , the payment of Interest on
the collateral trust Indenture bonds to the
amount of $1,400,000 was without authority.
Suit would then lie against the receivers.
Tits demand Is also made that If the mort
gage is held not .tu cover the securities
pledged In redemptions for tlio receivers'
certificate's that the certificates bo ad
judged to constitute no Hen on the property
covered by the mortgage. The sale of the
property Is asked for the benefit of the
second mortgage bondholders and that an
allowance bo made for attorneys' foes.
All .tho other defendants arc asked to be
Still Another Plan for ItuorKiiiilzatloii
WASHINGTON , March 2. The house com
mittee on Pacific raliroada gave a hear
ing today to L. J. Morrison of Now York ,
the attorney for holders of about $5,000,000
of Union Pacific first mortgage bonds. The
plan ho outlines proposes to provide funds
for the satisfaction of the first and second
mortgages by issues of bonds based on the
pro93iit rates of earnings of the roads for
which tha Junior Interest will bo compelled
to subscribe. Three commissioners would be
appointed by the president , who would ob
tain a decree of foreclosure on the Central
and Union Pacific , and purchase the roads
In trust for a company or companies , to
ccnalst of the present creditors nnd Block-
holder ? , who subscribe to the pan ! , and
Issue new mortgage bonds bearing a lowci
rate of Interest than thelrt-1 , prior liens , and
based on the earnings of the companies , the
nuw Issues to Include the amounts of the
first mortgage bonds and the sum secured
by the government lien.
Mr. Morrison thought ho could guarantee
that responsible parties would agreeto carry
out this plan , which would require $ 107,00(1- (
000 of bonds , Ho also declared that the
hand of the Vanderbllts was to bo seen
In the present proceedings ? .
"I.oir JnliilN" of ( lie WN ( .
The "low Joints" of Colorado and Utah are
to form an adjunct of the Western Passenger
association In Denver on Thursday. The now
organization will be known us the Utah-Col
orado Passenger association. It Is the out
growth of dlfilcultles that liixvo existed among
the passenger agents of that territory for
several months part. It was said at the time
that the Itlo , Grande Western road refused
to Join the Western Pasenger association
that It was beciupo the business of the asso
ciation was to bo transacted In the east , and
far western roads wanted the headquarters
In Denver. As the chairman of tliu new or
ganization U to bo a Denver man , who will
work In harmony with the Western Passen
ger ns-soclatlon , It Is thought that the dlUl-
cully has been uolvo.l and peace secured ,
Oar llnllil.TH ICvi't l ii > - .
filnco February 1 orders have been placed
with the varlcus car works for over 0,000
now cars , and In January numerous orders
wcro placed , BO that at present the car works
are well employed ; In fact , better than at
any time ( since 1893 , The Ohio Kails Car
works at JufTersonvlllo are building a lot
of cars for the Denver & Itlo Grande and
the southern railways ; the Tcrro Haute Car
woiks are btilldlni ; cars for two western
lines ; the Haukell & Darker works , at Mlclil-
The Child l.ovc.s It.
The DyHpuptlu DctnuttU.s It.
The Uplcurc Dates on It.
pnn CKy. ire building BOO cars for the
CliiMto ft Xcrthwestcrn ; the Indiana Car.
mid i-'i mi'lry works nri still at work
on 2f > h x cars for Ihe I'cnn&ylvonl.i cotnpAny.
The llB.llro.vl tlAr.cttc figures out that tlicra
arc now under contract 20iK)0 ) nr more c.irs.
The Union 1'aclflc in flttliiR up 100 flat ran
which will soon be put Into service nt the
gravel pits Just oat of Sherman , Wyo , A ?
track to hold povonty-flvo cars Is being lal < l
at the gravel pit , nnil H shovel will
lie put to work as BOOH as the track Is com
pleted , probably about Apill 1. U Is c.\pccted
that upwards of fitly cars of the gravel per
day will be shipped to points along the road
In this Mate , to bu upod as ballast and in
making tit-pot platforms.
Itiiltituy .N itN niul 1'iTHDitiili.
General Manderson Is expected honn
J. 11. Krnwlcy , general ngeiil of the Union
1'acino nt Kaunas City , Is In the city ,
Tlio Mlfs-.tiri Tactic Is putting out ? om
beautiful advertising of Arkansas fruits.
Katlroad wcnlhcr reports yesterday showed
clear. cMd weather along the various lines.
Frank Thompson of the Union" Pacific's )
general freight tdnco lias returned after a
fortnight's vacation.
liporgo K. Clayton , northwestern agent of
the \Vabasli , has Just returned from n btial-
nos.i trip throuch eastern town ,
\V. I' . Hohliison , general manager of tha
St , Josrpli A Grand Island branch of the
Union 1'aclfle system , was a caller at head
quarters yesterday.
E.V. . Nash nnd family left for the west
yesterday. Mr. Nash goes to Denver
on business , while thp oth r members nf his
family go to Los Angeles f r a brief sojourn.
The members of Hoyt's company go from
here to the Pacific const on Thursday via
the "Overland Limited. " Frank ( . ' . McKeP.
general manager for Hoyt , will accompany.
the troupe.
Freight Claim Agent W. II. Hancock of
the Union 1'aclflc IMS bren In Ii.if.imlc for
the fmv days , disposing of goo.M that
were recently taken from a partly burned
freight car. Some cf the goods wcro sent
on to their proper dftlnatlons , while others
were returned to this city.
A number of the local freight olllclals left
last night for Kansas City , where tha
Trnnsmlssourl KrelRht association meets to-
duy. The question of terminal charge *
at South Oinalia is likely to came up for
general dlscu-lon. Among those who will
attend from this city arc General Agents
Crosby of the Utirllngtoii , Morehouso cf the
Hlkliorn nnd Phllllppl of the Missouri Pa
Ciirp for llciuliiclic.
As a remedy for all forms of hcailacho
Klcctrle Hitters has proved to be the very
beat. It effect ! ) a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to
Its Influence. We urge all who are aflllcted
to procure a bottle and give this remedy a
fair trial. In caes of habitual constipation
Electric Hitters cures by giving the needed
tone to ths bowels , an ! few caves long resist
the use of this medicine. Try It once. Only ;
fifty cents at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store.
lly purcliimliinr Kooiln inmle nt tlie fol-
loivliiKr NoliriiHkit fnu < orl < < H. If j-on
cannot 11ml what yon want communi
cate with Lie manufacturer ) ! UN to
what ili-ulcr.s liuiiillc tlielr
Minufacturers of all kinds of collon iind bur-
Jap baps , cotton llour Eiicka and twine u spec
ialty. CM-61C-C18 S. lllli Ell.
imisviiitii3ii. .
Car load shipments made In our own refrig
erator cars. Blue Itlbbon , Elite Export , Vienna.
Export , nnd Family Export , delivered to all part *
of city.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. Dlack. Manacer. Omaha.
Manufacturers anil Jobbers of Machinery.
General recalling u cpcclalty. 1S01 , 1103 anil liOS
Jackson street. Oniu'-ia , Net ) .
Manufacturing end IlepalHns of all Ulmls of
ir.nclilnery , enelneu. pumps , elevators , prlntlne
presses , hangers , charting and coupllnc * HOC and
HOS Hoivaid St. . Omnlm.
Manufacturers of Archltectutal Iron Work.
General Foundry. Machine and Htachsmltl ) Work.
EnKlnecis and Contructors for Flro I'roo ?
li-jildlngB. OIHcc and \voila : U. P. Ry. ana
So. ITtli street , Omaha.
The only peifcct protection to propeity. Examine < -\t \
It. iest thins on earth. HeUuces Insurance 1 |
rates. 130 < Douglas St. .
Exclusive custom elilrt tallui. 'SIS Ftrnnrn.
Our Free Letter
Reviewing the grain nnd stock market ) , will bo
ifnt you dally on request. In th * hope of deserv *
Ing part of your business. Orders tolldtej tot
cash cr on three to five point margin * .
Mei.ibcra Chicago Hoard of Tfaae. N w York
Produce Exchange , New York Com. mock Ex-
chcnge. 17 Hoard Trnije , Chicago. 44 Uroadtvay ,
New York.
Tclcplione ! ( ) ! ) . Oiniiliit , Nub.
X.K > m lllli Hoard of Trade.
Direct vims to Chicago and Nuw York.
John A. Warren & Co.
Dy vlrluo of three onlern of Halo on nt-
tncfiiiient Issued out of tlio district court
In und for DOUKHH ! county , Htiito of Nc-
lirn lii , onu In llio cnsu of the Hrst Na-
tlonul bank of Omuha vs. CJatch & l.uu-
man , ( locket l. tuimhcr 143 ; onu In the
case of Simon Causady vs. ( latch & Lau-
inan , docket Cl , number 111 , and one In tha
CUHU of HI moil Ctieaudy VH. CJatfli & IMU-
niQii , docket Cl , number 140 , and to mo (11-
rticted , I will , fn the lltli ( lay of .March ,
A. U. , ! ! > % , at ten o'clock n. in , of said day ,
nt tlio store teem formerly occupied by ,
Uatch & J.ummiu , defendant ! ) licrel'i , and !
known as number 1511 Karnam Htreet , lu
tlio city of Omahn , Doimlaa county , Htnto
of NcbraHka , fi-ll at public auction to the
hlBiiost lilddcr or lildderw for cash , thu fol
lowing di-Kcrlbcd Koods und chattels , tu-wlt :
All of the stock of crockery , china ware ,
silverware , ulnfaware. cutlery , llxluren , and ,
book uccouiilB and hllla receivable of every ,
description , formerly bclonKlm ; to Clutch &
Lunmun , a corporation , and contuliied In
Iho iibovo rnenlluned ulore room , and also
In BtorcrooniB at IfilS und 152U l < 'arnam
Btrcut In xald city of Omahu , and also In a.
store loom known as niimlicr 420 N'ortli
Twenty-fourth street , Konlh Oniuhu. Uouti-
lan county , state of Nrlirimku , and hereto
fore attached by me In the above entitled
cattfH. Kalil h'oodH und eluittclH to be Hold
to Kallsfy , lln < t , the Firm National bank oC
Omahn , the sum of twrlvn thousand foun
hundred and forty-live dollars and ninety-
five centH ( JI , H5.1)5) ) ) judgment , with Inter
est thereon at the rate of elKht per cent (8 ( >
jier annum from February U , USD ,
until paid , and seven hundi-cd and flfly-
nlno dullarn and twenty-eight cents ( { 759,28)
costa Of Hillt. To natlfify , Hconnd , Klmon
CaHHiuly , thu gum of eleven thouxand ono
hundred and thlrty-Kcven dollura and sev-
enty-ono ccntu ( $11,137,71) ) judgment , wlthi
IntercHt tliereun at tha rale of eluht pea
cent ( k ) per annum from February 3 , 1890.
until paid , and twenty-two dollars anu
thirteen cents ( i'ilM ) COBH of suit. Tobii ,
Hold , third , to untlsfy Klmon C'assady , tbo
Hum of six hundred and Heventy- even dol-
laru and live cents ( JC77.W ) JiidKinciit. wltU
Interest thereon at the rate of eight pen
cent ( fc ) per annum from Kebruury 'J , ItlKI ,
until paid , and the further sum of sixteen
dollars and elijlit cents ( | | 6.US ) , coats of suit ,
together with accruing tontn , aceordlng to >
thu judgmentu tendered In the abovu en
titled actions.
Omaha , NcbraHka , February 29 , 1690.
Bheilft of Uout'laa County , Nebraska.
- - - ,