Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1896, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    TI1E OMAHA DAILY JUST ! ! ; St'UDAY , MABOn L 18f > B.
But Little Found for Society People
to Do.
Soclnl aiUlieHiiKH of nn nlini nrtnn
MtOirr nnji.x-.t I.J TlioMAXlio
Uo Knt IlcroKiil p Hie Senmm
of rit
Society people ' "ve had " t little to tn
tcrtaln tlicm the past wecle , for , with the
exception of ft few Informal catnefliiBii , a
nruslcal or two , nothing uiunually lutcrcst
Ing lias happened.
Now that Kent has come , It In the moper
caper to Imagine society realms dull , dreary
but there arc those who , If they would
could tell many a tale of gay diverts
pnroued sun rosa between the K lr.R out 6
Shrove Tuexdfl ) and the Incoming of Eastertide -
tide such as little suppers.- , luncheons
dances , card parties , tnfoimal ol cour c.
A very amusing story reached us not long
ago concerning one of the recent brides
Who , not Knowing what to ghe her brides
maids , took the whole family Into con uUa-
tlon , and even some of her particular friends
who happened to call upon her at that time
It wan her tleslfe to give them omothlni !
unlquo as well as pretty , and so she racked
her hraln , hut to no avail.
However , ono da > her little lO-jear-oId
brother tnme ru'hing up the Blairs , two or
three BtcpSi at n time , his radiant faca bearIng -
Ing one Rreit smile. When he reached the
ton of the E'tolrs ' tie shouted , bi oitnlOBSly
"Oh , sister. I have Just thought what to
give your bridesmaids. " He then told her
that there were some of the dearest , ciitcsl
little black puppies out In the barn and
why not give them each onfa of them.
However appropriate this seemed to the
boy. the brilliant suggestion was not taken ,
daintiest of souve-
a < the maids received the
The measuring party Is the latest. II
was Inaugurated In Omaha last week by one
of our churches and proved highly successful
as n novel meuis of raising money. Of couise
It has Its advantages and disadvantages
the disadvantages accruing to the long people
ple , just ao the disadvantages of the birth
day pirtloH accrue to the old people. The
Invitation that was hont nut describes the
details of the scheme In doggerel that would
do credit to the most proficient machine
poet :
It will be a pleasure
Ueyonil Ml inearnrc
To welcome > ou hearty
To our moasuilnir. . inrty.
And Juit vvhut we'll do
I'll tell unto you
We'll count nil light
Your feet In height
I''iom one to live
Just a nlcko ! n fool ,
IJach extra Inch
A penny to boot.
If > ou can't , come
'Twill make us all sat ! ,
IJut Fend us the monev
And It won't be so bad
If you do iii this favor
Our ble 'lng will fall
Without dlitlpctlon
On short and tall.
A n > of .Inbllcc.
Lenten quiet put restrictions on those who
wquld have wished to give publicity to tins
silver Jubilee of Ht. llev. Bishop Scannell
last Wednesday. IJut the- pupils of the Sa
cred Heart academy , I'ark Place , contrived
to offer their congratulations In a form
which , without eliminating the spirit
of the penitential season , held the audience
spell-bound for more than two hours. About
twenty of the clergy of the dlocess were
The iccepllon rooms were perfect In all
their appointment. Vates of cut flowers and
patted plants were arranged with good taste
and the laamnrequlns and portieres of sli
ver cloth gave to the whole a gorgeous ap-
ptarnnaco In keeping with the- event cele
Misses Jlejnolds and Turay opened the
program by the "Sleigh Ride. " Miss Hlla
MacAdam of Chicago then dellveied the
congiatulalory address. She acquitted her
self admirably of the task commute 1 to her
that of ottering the sincere good wishes
of her companions , thanking the bishop at
the same time for the many marks of favor
of which they had biren the recipients The
Important feature of the program was the
diama , composeJ in honor of the occasion
"The Patroness of Philosophy. " If , In this
drnma , the vivid powers of mind and heart
hnd full play not a llttlo credit was due to
the scenic arrangements by which the Im
agination roamed for too brief a space In
fair Alexandria. The green marble palace
of the empcroi , the empress' white marbio
reception room , the dreaiy prison scene and
the pleasant gardens of the noble Catherine
all stood out In bald perspective , praising
njlke the conception of the artist and its
realization. The costumes could not have
bfen more tasteful or more graceful and
were an Important factor In the exquisite
harmony which characterized the evening's
The Emperor Maxlmln found a very flit
tering representative In Miss Mullen. The
character of the empress gave Miss Theresa
Smith , a charming young woman of Hock
Island , ample scope for displaying her elo
cutionary talents. Miss MacAdam played
the part of HIpolltus , the pagan philosopher ,
perfectly. Her bungling sophisms , her dis
comfiture at being confounded by a Christian
maiden gave spice to the scene In which
slio appeare-d Colsus , a companion philos
opher , was cleverly personated by Miss
I'nray. Miss Irene Maple , ns Placldla , the
friend of Catherine , was graceful , self-pos
sessed and dignified , Misses Uarrett and
Hartley Identified themselves perfectly with
toe characters they represented. Misses
Wyman and Test weie most successful as
"living pictures. " Miss Emilia Schmidt's
acting was so true to life that more than
once the audience was visibly moved by the
heroism of the Christian philosopher. Many
a useful lesson In pleasing form might have
been derived from the seance and the pupils
themselves gave evidence of the practical
knowledge that "strength of mind Is ex-
nrrlfirv not rest. ' *
The musical Intciludes were rendered with
a really brilliant facility of execution , The
program closed with a beautiful tableau ,
which represented St. Catherine- leaning on
the broken wheel , while voices In the dis
tance sang a soft , sweet welcome to the
martyr as she triumphantly laid the palm
branch at the Master's feet.
At the conclusion Ht , Hev. Dinhop Scan-
ntll , In thanking the pupils for their good
wishes , paid a high tribute tn the educa
tion given In all the schools of the Sacred
Heart. He bald that the high , Clulstlan
sentiment which pervaded the drama par
ticularly pleased him , although ho was ac
customed to flnd thla the dominant note in
all that la presented dt the Sacred Heart. The
order of exercises was as follow B :
Overture Slelijli Hide X.
Mis-ties I'liray and Itcjnolds
A Dnv of Jubilee Mlsa IJ. MacAdam
St. Catherine of Alexandria
_ Mlm R. Hi'hinldt
Kmporor Muxlmln Miss Mullen
KmprosB Fniihtlnii , . . . . , , . , .MI.SH T. Schmidt
Orontla .Ming HOPS
" " lii > M M IfllM
Hullna . , , . . . . . , . . . . . ; , . . . . .Mlta" ! ; . MucAdim
Gelsus SIlHa Kuray
Hypulltus . . , , Miss A. Mac-Adam
A"808 ! Test
Bpherzlno . . . . . . . . . . . . Scharwenkn
Miss \oung.
March . . . . . . . . . . . Schuman
Misses A , und II. Gaivey ,
Nocturne . . . . „ , . . . . Chopin Op. 32
MUtus Purity und Junge.
Pnno Uc-ossalfo . , . Cliooln
Mlns 's Hoynolda and ( Survey.
Bagatelle . . . . . . , . . , , . . , , . , . , Scharwenlca
Mlt > H Junge.
Jolly 1'imtt'p I'll rly.
Misses Luella and
Joscphlno Allen gave
poster part * Tut-sday evening In honor of
the Kutcrpean c-lub , of which they are inem-
bers. The house VVOH gaily docoraUd In bril
liant posters , which afforded much amuse
Mle Thatcher recnhed the ladles' pilzo
and Mr , Harry O'Neill the gentlemen's prize
for guessing the greatest number , A splen
did musical progiam was given by the club
assisted by Mra. 0.V Johustono , .Miss Maya
Ualbach and Mies Jonophlne Allen.
Those piesent were ; Mr and Mrs. p. L.
Hallor , Mr. and Mrs , I. 0. Ilhoade * , Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Oarratt , Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Johnstonc , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mnhoney ,
Mr , and Mrn Kiiher. Mr ami Mw. Allen ,
MlM Dulbarh , Mis * May Ilalbaeb , Mta
Clinmbcrlaln , Ml Claire Chamberlain of
Ciunril Illuffs , MlM Darl-Mio Coe , ill *
Thntcher , Miss Mlscner. Miss Hake , Mis
Allen MIM Jossphlne Allen : Messrs. Harr >
E 0 Nolll , Ilradford , Yonse , Vctte , Claik
Hugging. Ilalbich and J , H. Fteaso of Na
poleon , 0. .
At Mrx. lioiililfr'M I'luK Vnriy.
An enjoyable social function took place a
the cottage home of Mr . George W. Hoobler
2118 North Twenty-first street , last Wcd.ios
day , from 3 to G p. in ,
The guests to the number of tlxty cs
temblod In response to the following unique
Inxltat'on :
Mrs. Hooldcr vvMiffi her friend" to greet
At Ittr cotlnti' hume on Twcnt.v-flrt Btreet
On Wftlncsilny next , tluce lo lx , the date
Wcuhl be u'.oa'ud to have von Join the fete
Hrliitf needle , thread nnd llilmble , too ,
And an ) work you v , Mi to do ;
The ; iii ur. If joii plense. In rhyme ,
Will tell > ott wby nnothcr time.
The Interior of the hotifo conforms to the
general nhnpr of a inaltcso croi , and IB ad
mirably adapted for reception pin poses. For
this occasion the looms were superbly dec-
oratul , llu dccorattonu harmonlitlng with the
character of the affair , which was a dis
tinctively "pink party , " p'nk ' azaleas and
carnations greeting the guests on all sides )
while ttntcly palms filled niche nnd corner
adding beauty to the scene. The chnmlcllers
reflected a soft glow of , pink light through
their tinted coverings , nnd the pink Idci was
canted out In exeiythlng. even to the re
freshments. The sldebonrd was resplemlen
with fcsrna tnd sparkling glass , nnd a huge
punch bowl Invitingly filled with orangeale
which , owing to the nlmo t summer turn-
peiatnrc , , san especially arccplablc.
The tables , each seatlnK four guests , were
sot In snowy linen nnd garnished with the
prevailing color. The minutest detail was
fo een nnd amply prov Idc'l for , so that the
whcle affair from bfginning to end was ns
harmonious as the decorations The favors
In pink , eich containing original lines de
scriptive of the one to bo the partner at the
table of the possessor , was given cact
woman , and much nmuismcnt was creatcc' '
In fitting the favor to the woman. After
mus < c , both instrumental and vocsl , the
event of the afternoon was the reading by
the hostess of the responses to the Invita
tions. This afforded much merriment , for
\ \ to loin and witticism prevailed In each.
The "will tell you why" of the Invitation
was that six prizes were bestowed , the for
tunate wlnncis being Mrs ? Hacc , for style
nnd character of thought and for pojtlc
merit ; Mra English. Mrs Conrad. Mrs.
Mitchell , Mrs. Womereley nnd Mrs. Dumont.
The guesU > ptosent were : Mrs. J. Howie ,
Mt < u Bowie , Miss Jessie Uowle , Mrs. W. II.
Christie , Mrs. J. A. Conrad , Mrs. E. L.
Cook. Mrs. J. F. mic. Mrs 0.
N. Divonport , Mrs. .1. II. Dumont ,
Mrs. A. J. Dunne. Mrs. C. M. Eaton , Mrs.
A. E. English. Mrs. F. F. Everts , Mrs.
Fonda , Mra. P. T. Ford , Mis. W. H. Gates ,
Mrs. Garrctt. Mra G. Qlacomjnl , Miss
Glacomlni , Miss Carrie Glacomlnl , Mr ? . L.
A. Harmon , Mrs. C. W. Hayes. Mr. . H. H.
Heller , Mrs. A. J. Hunt , Mrs. M. H. Hawes ,
MIsu Jefferson , Mrs. Allen Koch , Mrs.
Kosher. Mrs. E. V. Lew to , Mrs. J. H.
Loomls , Mis. Henry Lowrle , Mrs. D. S. LeaD ,
Mrs. J. P. Lord. Mrs. C. A Mitchell , Mrs.
J. M. Mlekle , Mrs. Maynard , Mrs. T. W.
McCullough , Mrs. W. B. Nichols , Mrs.
Spencer Otis. Mrs W. S. Prltchard. Mrs.
P. F. Porter , Mrs Fred Race , Mrs. W. E.
RIddell , Mra Will Hlddell , Mrs. A. T.
Rector , Mrs W. t , Hobs , Mrs. W. II.
Shrlver. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Willis Todd , Mrs.
A. S. Towne. Mrs. J. E. Tetard , Mrs. E.
Van Court , Mrs. E. E. Wormeraley , Mrs. C.
Woodworth and Mra C. F. Woller.
llr. niul Mrx. (3. W. Sutton Entertain.
Ono of the enjoyable events of the past
week was the progressive high five party
given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Button , 2115 Leavenworth stieet , last Wednes
day evening.
Thn guests on tlielr arrival were ushered
Into the rooms , and at 8.30 plunged Into the
excitement of a series of eleven games ,
twenty-four persons taking part In the con
test. Mrs. IVvlngston won the ladles' prlz ? , a
picture and frame. Mrs. W. H. Mathls and
Mlsa Statler cut for the consolation prize , the
same bjlng nwaided to Mrs. Mathls. It was
a little doll nnd Vahy carriage. Mr. C. A.
Lewis was presented with a very unique clgai
case , filled with cigars , for the men's first
prize , and Mr. W. W. Connoran was awarde-1
the men's booby , a good Imitation of the N'-
braska grasshopper , but of an unusually large
size. Theca present were : Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Oatrander , Jlr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis , Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Connoran , Mr. and Mrs.
Theo Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bouk.
Mr. and Mrs P. L. Sanfcrd , Mr. and Mrs
A. E. Wallace , Mr. and Mrs. E. Farnslsy ,
Mr. and Mr ? . W. H. Mathls. T.ieo Farnsley ,
J. Wells , Miss Ryan , W. C. Bouk , Miss Stat
ler. Frieda Vom Weg , M'ss ' Anna Ryan , Mrs.
J. Hooycr , Mis * Wallace. Miss Connoran , Miss
During the evening refreshments were
served. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mathls will en
tertain the "Happy Home" club at their
ldenc * . Twenty-sixth and Decatur streets ,
Wednesday evening. March 11.
Ciitcrtnfunl lit Luncheon.
One of the prettiest luncheons of the sea
son was given by Mra. F. P. Klrkendall on
Prday | at 1 o'clock. The round table pre
sented an exquisite picture with Its decora
tion of American beauties , which formed the
coriterplece In a tall cut glass vase.
At each cover , one of these fragrant flow
ers was placed.
The guesta were : Misses Mabel Taylor ,
Grace Allen , Alice Drake , Bertha Sloan ,
Loulco Squires , Hattle Cady , Sue Colpetzer ,
Bebo Wood of Kansas City and Emma Sharp.
After the luncheon , a very novel guessing
contest , called a "T" test , was Introduced ,
which created no end of mirth and amuse
ment. Among some of the questions were :
What our forefathers fought for ? Liberty.
The greatest thing In tht > world ? Charity.
Poicver aud forever ? Eternity.
Something new under the sun ? Novelty.
The mother of Invention' I cesslty.
The soul of wit ? Bievlty.
The four nundred ?
Mother Eve's falling ?
What does Omaha moat need ? Prosperity.
To laugh ? Hilarity.
Many ethers were equally amusing. Prizes
wers won by Miss Squires and Miss Sloan ;
they were dainty books.
An inj : > nlilf UniiHiiK I'nrty.
A delightful dancing party was given on
Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John S.
OIOK at their now home In honor of their
laughter. Miss Florence Knox , and their
nleco. Miss Helen Knox of Nashville , Tenn.
Tha liouso was tastefully decorated with cut
flowera Very6nlce refrenhments were served
luring the evening and dinclng cortlnued
until n late hour.
Mrs. Knox wore a handsome black satin
gown , trimmed In green velvet , fur and Jet ,
Miss Helen Knox wore a becoming gown
of yellow moussellne de sole ,
Miss Knox was In black satin and violets.
Among the Invited guests were : Misses
lamllton Comsloek. Acheson , Drake , Sloin ,
McConncll. Until , Tukey , Haughey , Short ,
lurguse > , Parrotte , Mount , Hartman , Fowler ,
Sharp , ICatherlne Barker , Wood of Kansas
Clt > , Mrs , Boss ; Mfstrs. Wltman , Simp ,
opplin , Clarke. Cockiell , Tate , llculon ,
llackwpll. McConnell , Burgess , Vlckers ,
Meyers. McCoy , Raymond , Haskell , Webster ,
< orl , JoHi'bn of Council Bluffs , Muento-
ering , Naulaln. Jones , Tuuier , Dowd , Drake ,
laumnn and Weir ,
( irii * Him a rnri-vn'll.
Mr , M. Donovan , who has been an honored
itlzeii of Omaha for the past twenty-seven
ears , departed last Sunday for Cripple Creek ,
, m Saturday evening a large number of
lis friends of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan as&cm-
tied at the residence on South Thirteenth
treet , for the purpose of taking final leava
f the worthy couple. Farewell addresses
vcro made by Hon. C , J , Smyth and lion ,
olin Rush , Mr. Donovan responded In a
pcecli full of feeling and expressions of
rlemUhlp for Ills many friends , both present
n J absent ,
The following were In attendance : John A.
? relghton , Jamcb Crelghton , M. Lea , C. J ,
Smyth , James C. Brennan , Thomas Tallon ,
< ! ter O'Mally , Patrick Duffy , P. II. Carey ,
elm O'Grady , John Ward , M , Lahey , M.
'Itzpatrlrk. Th mas O'Neill , Patrick Heafey ,
'lisiles Hauler , P. W. Lynch , P. Ward ,
'honias Nolan and Thomas Ormshy.
JJlltlTtlllllfll HllNllll'HM MlMI ,
About fifty of Omaha's business men wpre
entertained Informally last Monday evening
> y th Thurbton Rifle * . The Hut event o
he evening was an exhibition drill. unJor
IIB direction of Captain W , J. Foye. The
drill wan enjoyed , and the boyi nhowed what
d'aclplii.e , energy nnd close application has
accomplished Private Robert Forgan won
the individual drill prize. At the conclusion
all repaired to the reception room , where
Her , S. Wright Butler pretlded , nnd the
Rifles' banjo and mandolin clubs playe.l.
The feasibility of tend ng the Rifles to the
next national drill wn discussed.
The Thursfon's have Issued Invitations to
the March Individual competition for tie
Thur..on medal nnd Informal dance for to
morrow evening nt 8.15 o'clock.
Tu'fOny afternoon was very cnjoiably
spent at rife practice by a squad of the
Riflca. At 00 yards distance firing , the
follow Ing scores were made out of a paulble
1G1 points : Pr.vate Yost , C2 ; Private Joseph ,
CS ; Private Tlsher , 61 ; Sergeant Eastmtn ,
61 ; Private Scramblln , G1 ; Private Bu
chanan , 47 , and Sergeant Forby , 41.
Tlirlr SIMr Wi-
Mr , and Mrs , Anthony L. Cost gave a re
ception last evening at their residence , 1921
Wlrt street , In celebration of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Cost
has been a res'dent of Omaha for ten years ,
and n host of friends were present to tender
their c ngratulatlons. The house was hand
somely decorated In green nnd white , with
u profusion ot flowers distributed on the
mantels and tables. In the library n large
punch bowl , surrounded with garlands ot
green , held the post of honor when refresh
ments were served , which was presided over
by Miss Francis Bucholz and Miss Hattlo
Henry. Those who assisted In receiving
were Mrs. E A. Parnnlce , Mrs. A. T. Rec
tor , Mrs. Go rga Kelly , Mrs. W. It. Hoinin ,
Mrs. Jaqulth. Mrs L. G. Kratz , Mrs. C. W.
Dclamater , Mrs. Prank Porter , Mrs , Nora
Lemon , Mrs. W. C. Prltchard , Mrs. E. V.
Low Is , Mrs. Dr. Ward , Mrs. Harmen , Miss
Bucholz , Mlv Eltr.ibeth Morrison , Mastc
George Fowler , Master Harry Crandall , Master
tor Walter Coal. The music for the occasion
was furnished by a mandolin club.
A licnii Vrnr I'nrty.
Last Thursday evening the } oung womoi
of the Carlyle and Aurora Borealls Soclj
clubs gave a leap jear dancing party at Ly
ceum hall. The party was chaporoncd by
Mcsdames Clarke and Thomas. Carriages
and boutonnlercs were provided b > the
women nnd refreshments by the men. Puncl
was served by Miss Jones.
Among those Invited were : Mlssca Cramp
ton , Berg , McKay , McKcnna , Nelson , Lang-
ton , Jorgensen , Ellis , Thomas , Jones , Eggles-
ton , Williams. Byrne , Vlnqulst , Stockman
Olives , Gill , Bird , Whlpplc , Latsch. Sohrop-
shlre , SImlngton and Page : Messrs. Marnell
TileEen ! , McNalr , Craig , Klrkland , Snyder
Simpson , Buclow , Kespler , Honey , Lowry
Elton , Grotto , Walker , Vnndorvoort , Thomp
son , Dutton , Edwards , Donoghue. Yager , Pe
terson , Potter , McKcnzle , Page , Foster , Han-
klrson and Clarke.
niitorlnltiecl n ( IIlKli Tito.
Mr. and Mrs. Halght entertained a number
of friends on Friday evening at their home
Twenty-fourth nnd Lake rtreets. Progres
sive hlnh flve was 'ndulged ' In until 11
o'clock , when refreshments were O-vd. The
lady's first Drlze. a fruit dish , was won b }
Mrs. Abbot , and the gentleman's first prlzs
a clear case , was won by Mr. H. Matthes
The booby prizes , consisting of miniature
dccl's of cnrds. were won by Mrp. Davk
Talbot and Mr. George Weldon. Those pres
ent were : Mr. and Mrs Carl Woodworth
Mr. nnd Mrs. David Talbot , Mr. and Mrt'
George Weldon. Mr. and Mra H. Matthes
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Sterrlckcr , Mr. and Mrs
Shrlver , Mr. and Mrs. Templar , Mr. and Mrs
Cole , Mr. and Mrs. Abbot , Mrs. Du Bote
Mrs. Dunne , Miss Maud Pratt and William
Galbratth. _
Trllic of llfii Ilnr.
A very pleasant social of the tribe of Ben
Hur was held at the residence of Mr. E II.
Hemming. 2103 North Twenty-ninth street ,
Friday evening. This was the first of a
series of social events Instituted by this
order and the prevailing opinion of about
seventy-five friends who wore present was
that It was a pronounced success. The duets
plajod by Miss Patch nnd Miss Stout were
enjoyed , as was the "Ben Hur" march by-
Miss Wert. The songs and dances by the
5-year-old daughter of Mrs. Snowdcn won
the plaudits of the company. An old-fash
ioned spelling school was had , after , which
lunch was served. The next social will be
held at the residence of Chief L. E. Lucaa
1817 Locust street , on the night of March 17.
In Honor of MNS Mor e.
A very pretty luncheon was given by Mr ? .
Richard Carrier on Thursday , at 1 o'clock
In honor of her niece. Miss MorsKj. The
table was prettily decorated with la France
rosea The plate cards were decorated in
water colors , the work of Miss Florence
After luncheon the guests were given leaf
lets on which were printed "Floral Enigma"
and there was twenty-three verses inscribed
thereon , the answers to each being the name
of some flower.
Covers we-o- laid for Miss Jenness , Mis *
SargentMlsg Squires , Miss Allen , Miss
Taylor * Georgia Lindsay , Misa Morse and
Mrs. Carrier.
A IMciiNniit
. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ncal gave
them a pleasant surprise at their home , 1714
Sherman avenue , Tuesday evening. A very
pleasant evening was spent. Miss Katie
Efwartzlander contributed toward the en
joyment of the evening by reciting several
of her laugther-provoklng plecea.
Thosa present were : Misses Swartzlander
McNalr , Shepard , Wagonsaller , Rice , Patten
[ feller , Neal , Rockpfellow , Alva Rockefeller.-
Knapp ; Messrs , Bruner , Knapp , Murphy ,
Mesdames Metcalf , Gardner ; , Messrs. and
MeaJames Joyce , Warcham , Drake Mallorv ,
Meyers , Bishop , Shephard , Rice , Wagonsel-
ler , Neal , Rockefellow.
Mri . C. AlIt-uN Illrtli.lny.
In commemoration of her birthday anniver
sary , Mr ? . C. Allen entertained a party of
fr'onds at her res'denco , Eleventh and Pa
cific streets , last Tuesday evening , the young
folks passing a very enjoyable eveningIn
dancing in Mr. Stutt's hall , near by , while
the older ones were entertained with cards
and music. During the evening supper was
served , and not until a late hour did the
; uests take their departure. Mrs. Allen was
: ho recipient of several birthday gifts , ns
tokens cf the roteem In which she was held ,
and with the wish that she might have many'
lappy returns of the day.
CaiiKlit liy Ciiplil.
Married , at the home of the bride's par
ents , at Deerfleld , Neb , Wednesday , Febru
ary 20 , MU3 Emma Pauline MIIIus and Mr.
-iouls II , Leeder , Rev. A. J. Turkle officiating.
Thu house was decorated with ferns and pat-
ed plants. The walls were festooned with
mnllax , studded with La Franco and meteor
os-a. The wedding was private , only Hie
mmcillate friends and relatives being pres
ent , The bride was becomingly dressed In a
landsDine go-away gown of French broad
cloth and carried bride's roses. After the
ceremony an elaborate flipper was ssrved ,
after which the happy couple departed , amlJ
a shower of rice , for a trip In the east.
A. Yellow l.llllclirutl.
Another charming luncheon was given by
.Irs. F. P. Klrkendall yesterday at 1 o'clock ,
t was a yellow luncheon , the table decora-
Ions were daffad'ls ' and the Ices , salad and
ce cream In the form of roses , were all yel-
ow. The table was much admired.
The wereMiss Gorton Miss
guests were- , Bar
ker , Miss Moore , Mils Lindsay , Miss Hart-
nan , Miss Sharp , MM. Love , Mrs. Vlctcr
Vhlto and Mra. Brady , Conundrums were
given and guessed correctly by Miss Barker
ml Miss Gorton , who , each received books as
rlzes , There was also music during the
MrH. Miirtln'M ICvi
Mrs , Frank Martin gave a kenslngtoa at
icr residence , 2011 Spencer street , lait
Vednesday afternoon. Lunch was twved
nd In addition there were nuialc.hy Mies
"auet and a recitation by Miss Martin.
Those proent were : Mesdames White ,
'erclval , Gathers , Shephard , Kelly , Oath ,
ihlner , Shirk , Johneon , Ochlltree , Leard ,
acob Waltcmeyro , S. Waltemeyre , Mackey ,
ones , Jaqulth , George Marks , Caoper , Henry
nd Carl Ochlltree.
I'oKtpiMicMl the Dunce.
The Ural grand prize masquerade ballo
ave heen given by fiio Patriotic Daughter *
cf America In Eagle hall last night , wa.s | x > 8t-
oned and will b& htld Saturday evening ,
larch 7.
lluii Anil ( lull I2ii < ( > rtnlnii ,
Mr , and Mrs. John S. Brady and Mra.
Voodinan entertained the Bou Anil Card
club last Monday" evening Eight prim
were given , nnd were vvo'i by Mr and Mm
Cady , Mrs. HoMrrge , Mr , Babcock , Mrs.
C ngdon , Mr-cHanm. Miss Sharp and Mr.
Peatu. Beside * I ( he club members , there
wera present Ml and Mrf > Cangdon , Mr.
and Mr . ) f Mr. and Mr * Dletz , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wakenold , Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood ,
Mrs. Html of Cljlcago , Mrs. Dlxon of Col
orado , Mlts Shirp , Miss Cadv , Miss Wood
of Kansas City , Mr. Gould Dletz and Mr.
Pen oo. V
t i
Cumin nt > * nt ; < < , lti > rN * Kn liiKlon.
Mro. Her gWr J very enjoyable tccnelnii-
ton yeJlerdajt aft'ornoon at her home In
Kountzo Plncc jflfl tmllkc the u uil ken-
slngton , this one had rome features. The
women were called together early and for a
tlmo they tolled over their fancy work ,
after which they threw dull care to the winds )
nnd proceeded to make merry. Several vo
cal selection- ! were rendered by Mesdamei
Ro s and Lees , after which Mrs. Morrow
and MltR Bowlo preside 1 at the piano In a
duct. Mto Lcard recited one ot her choice
palectlons , which was enthusiastically re
During the afternoon a lirgo server wan
passed about the room. On thf dloh there
were as many article.1' ns there were persons
present aud each Indlvlduil was given an
opportunity to guess the names of the ar
ticle' , Mrs. Kratz , Mra. Bryce Crawford and
Mra Lees proved to be the mo t nccom-
pllthed and nrtlptlc guosiera and hit upon the
crrrest names. As thcro was but one prlre ,
these three women guetved off and Mra
Krntz won the prlro , a hnnd-pilnted dolllc
There was still another surprise for the
guests when they were ushered Into the
dining room , where the delicious Ittnch was
wrvcd. Each woman wan told that she
would find her card at the place that s bc
would occupy. Around the table the women
went , but none of them could find names
that In the least resemble. ! their own At
lost the mystery wan solved by some person
discovering that all of the names had been
tpelled backward For Instance , when Mrs
ncrdon was huntlnir for a card benrlnc her
name , eho found one that read , Mrp Nod-
rcg , and to with all of the others This
canted any amount of amusement.
Those present were1 Mesdameo Johnson ,
Ferguson , MoEachron , Crawford , Bryce
Crawford. While , Dr. Ro a. Perclval , Gor
don. Mlw Mable GorJon ; Mesdames Leard ,
Trail , Morrow , Miss Bowie ; Melamen Cith
ers. Kelley , Kratz , Lees. Robldoux , Bowie.
At the ColpHrrr MtiHleul. ,
The musical gjven at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Colpetzer on Thursday evenIng -
Ing for the benefit of the First Congre
gational church was a very successful affair.
Quite 200 of Omaha's society people en-
Jojed the excellently rendered program.
The performers all appeared In evening
dress. Miss Wood , the young violinist , de
lighted her listeners with "Chopin's Noc-
ti'rne No. 2" and "A Cradle Song. " by Hau-
ser.Mr. . L. B. Copeland sang the "Tho Horse
men" In a manner to call forth much ap
Miss Enid Smith of Chicago sang "Mus-
kow ski's Serenade" and "A Spring Song. " by
Saplo. As an encore she sang a very pretty
little love song.
The "Hindoo Love Song" was sung with
much feeling by Mrs. George McLaren. Mis
GeorgeW. . Johnston gave an a , b and c
number of threotdalnty little songs , "To the
Sunshine , " "When at Early Dawn of Day"
and "Thou Att Like a Tender Flower , " by
Schumann , w fitch' showed to advantage her
deep contralto , ,
Ono of the closing numbers was the 'stir
ring "Bedouin Love Song" by Mr. Copo-
land. i
At the conclusloil of the program the spa-
clous rooms cleared for dancing and
the younger members of the audience In
dulged In the .pleasure of a few- waltzes and
two steps. > ' *
Invitations were received in town last
week to the wedding of Miss Adelaide Sib-
ley Miller , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miller , to Mr. Samuel Addlson Megeath ,
which occurs Wednesday evening , March 11 ,
at 8:30 : p. m.'at thf ) First Baptist church , in
Franklin , Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Megeath will be
at homo on Tuesdays after April 15 at 1D12
South Thlrtjvsecoml-atreet. '
Announcement cards were received In town
last week ot the marriage of Mr. Herman
Rosenzwelg and Miss Adah Hlloy Thursday ,
February 27 , at Burlington , la.
The- marriage will shortly occur of Mlsb
Bertha Meyer , daughter of Mr. Herman J.
Meyer , and Mr. Charles Augustus Grlmtnel.
A I.iMitiMi Serving Club.
A number of society women have organized
a sewing club , which Is to meet once a
week during Lent and at the home of one
of Its members , with the laudable Inten
tion of sewing ! for the poor. They stitch and
chat the afternoon away and at 5 o'clock
tea Is served ,
This club met with Mrs. H. T. McCor-
mlck last Wednesday afternoon. The mem
bers are : Mrs. Coles , Mrs. Reed , Mrs
Redick , Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Deuel , Mrs
Bradford , Mrs. Remington , the Misses Sharp ,
Miss Hlmcbaugh and Miss SHIoway.
They IMnyciI
Saturday afternoon a bevy of young girls
spent the afternoon with Mlsa Lulu Peycke
Most of the tlmo was devoted to high five ,
Miss Weller winning the first prize , a dainty
bottle of perfume
Those Invited were : Misses McCune , Ma
cumber. Hunter , Taylor , Pratt , Polack , Ken-
nard. Wood , Cotton , Shackleford , Mary
Shackleford , Edwards. Carter , Barker , Snell ,
Lillian Snell , Tukey , Potter , Weller.
FrliMlill ) GoNwIii.
Miss Sliort Is visiting friends in St. Joe.
Mr. Charles N. Dletz left Thursday for
Mr. John S. Brady has gone to Rock
Springs , W > o.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wyatt are now located
at the Mercer.
Miss E. H. Terrlll loft for New York Sat
urday , February 29.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock returned from
Chicago on Sunday.
Mrs. F. T. Emerson left for Boston Tues
day evening for a visit.
Miss Fannie Daugherty his gone upon a
three weeks' trip to Chicago.
Mrs. Henry S. Jaynes go3s to St. Paul Tfc&s-
day for a , visit ot two weeks.
Miss Mary Nash leaves today for Callfor-
ila to bo absent several weeks.
Messrs. II , J. Penfold , Walter Jardlno anl
Uajor Wllcox have returned from New Or-
Mrs. J , B Melklo left Thursday for Baxter
Springs , Kan. , to bo gene tlirco or four
w eeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barton have re
turned to Omaha' to reside. They coma from
Mrs. Cole of"Grand : Island spent a few
days with hef , Vnouier ' , Mrs. Clara Hoedor ,
ast week. " '
Mr. and Mrs.'j. . A. Munroe left Friday
for a three wefts' , yislt In Washington and
New York.
OJ ( , „
Mrs. James ! \ [ < ; ICtl ) departed last Wednes
day for BurllngtenIa | , , where she will visit
until after
Mr , John L. Webster , accompanied by his
laughter , Mlssj , Jflo/a , left for Now YorK
"huraday evening , .
Miss Gretchttu vVounse returns today
torn Calhoun , vltero she has ben visiting
or the past week , ) , '
Mrs. Charlea K , , Ford will entertain the
Tuesday NlghtMjJubat ( her home , 125 North
Thirty-second ay nue.
Rev. Mr. FrftfiltyCrane took his departure
on Tuesday for , ( ttjqago , where ho la to enter
upon a new i > ajtorae. (
The Uemuetlillchkolt Card club will mcot
on Tuesday evening at the homo of Mr. and
Ira. Robert Rosotuwclg.
Mr. R. N. Wlthnell is nt Redondo Beach ,
2al. , for the month of March , expecting to
be at homo after April 1.
Mr. and Mrs , Newton E. Barkalow ot
Denver , formerly of Omaha , are rejoicing
over the birth of a daughter.
Mrs. N , B. Falconer sailed last week for
Europe , wtioro she will meet her husband
nd accompany him to South Africa.
Mrs. Ormlston Chant , who vviis the guest
f Mra. A , B. Smith during her visit in
Omaha , left for the cast on Monday evening.
Mrs. Joseph Garnoau , who recently re-
uncd from a delightful summer abroad ,
s the guest of her sister , Mrs. J. R. Ring-
The many friends of Miss Marie St. Clalr
f 2211 Webster street will be- sorry to hwr
hat Bin. left Omaha on laat Wednesday , to
tske tip her rMldeneo pfrmnncnlly In Van
couver. II. C. She wa Accompanied by her
mother and her broHicr , 13. J. St ClAlr.
Colonel Pratt nnd hi * daughter , Mlw M r-
Kiret Pratt , nro nt pro'Nit In Egypt , where ,
at last account * , they were enjoying a Jour
ney up the Nile.
Mr , and Mra. C. E. Yost , Mrs. C , W.
Lyman , Miss Jenness nnd Mr , und Mm.
Valle of Vermont left for Silt Like and
Dfhver on Thursday
Mr. and Mr . Prank N. Clatke returned
Sunday from their wedding trip through
Mexico , coming via HIP Pacific coast by
I'teamer to San Francisco.
Dr and Mrs. Chariot C. Allison returned
Wednesday from their hrldnl tour , having
visited New York , Washington , Baltimore ,
Louisville , Ky. , and Chicago.
Mm. Charlf.s D , Thompson of 2112 Douglai
straet was quite seriously 111 during the past
week , but Is no\v convalescent. Her many
friends hope for her complete recovery In
the near future.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. 13. McLead of St. Allnns
VI. , arc visiting at thf home of Mr. nnd Mrs
M. F. Sears , They return to their home 01
Thursday next nnd will be ncconipanle-1 bj
Miss Alidn Sears , who linn made her home
with her sister , Mrs > Sears , for the past tlirsc
jears. ,
Mr. Hiy Jester nud Mis * Llda MuCrcary
wore married at the People's church Ins
Wednesday evening , by Hev. C. W. Savldgr
Their wedding reception and supper was
served nt their home. 1821 Painam street
Mr and Mri Jester have goi.e west on n
short wedding trip.
; IliicUrtiint.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Fuller enlertilncd In-
foinully nt cards last evening.
Mr. ami Mrs. F T. Hansom entertained the
Tuesday Night club last week.
Mr. Vallo entertained a number ot old ac
quaintances at thO'Club on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hansom entertained In
formally on Friday evening for Miss Olm-
f > tead.
Mrs. W. B Mclklo gave a chafing dish
supper on Tuesday evening lit honor of Miss
Mrs. Doticl entcrhlned the Friday club
last week very pleasantly. Prlrcs were won
by Mrs. Haney and Mrs. Fell.
Miss Fannie Purvis gave a delightful ,
though very Informal , dancing party Frldaj
evening to a number of her } ounn friends.
Mr. and Mrs , W. E. Hamilton gave a thor
oughly enjojalilo children's party Filday aft
ernoon from 4 till 7 , which was largely at
A pleasant snrpilse party was given Alice
Nnlson at her home at Eleventh und Martlm
I'troets ' Pilday evening. Music and games
were the amusements of the evening. Re
freshments wore served at 1030. There were
about thirty present.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mlttauer enteVtalned
this Gctnuctlillchkclt High Five club at1 their
residence on Tuerlay evening. First prizes ,
wore won by Mr. J , Burster and Mrs Mlt
tauer , the consoHtlon prizes being awarded
tn Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schaeffer.
Mr. L J. Drake gave a stag dinner at the
Mlllard Tuesday In honor of several rcpre-
nontatlveD of the Stand a id Oil company nt
present In the city. Covers were laid for
Mr. M. Stores of DCS Molnes , Mr. G. W.
Mayor and Mr E. C. Conklln of Sioux City ,
Mr. John B. Ruth and Mr. Drake of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Rockfellow. 1716 Sherman
avenue , entertained last Wednesday evening
In honor of Mrs. Kockfellow's sister , Mrs.
Martin. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs.
Rockfcllow , Miss Hokfellow , Mlrs Alva Rock-
fellow , Mrs. Mai tin , Mr. and Mrs. Ncal ,
Miss Neal , Messrs. and Mesdamea Drake ,
Johnson , Mallory , Shepard , Rice , and Miss
Daisy Barker.
The "Magnolia Klub. " a recently organ-
1/ed club of young folks , met at the homo
of Miss Ethel Close , on Indiana avenue , last
Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was
had by 'all. Those present were : Misses
Fannie King. Dovle Markwood , Nennle Carleton -
leton , Besslo and Julia Shortllff ; Messrs.
Elmer Ballard. Peter Hansen , Will Wagon-
seller , Earnest Betebener and Harry Fisher.
Mr. nud Mrs. John Connelly celebrated
their crystal anniversary Thursday evening.
Among those present wore : Mr. and Mrs.
.1. \ \ ' . Logan , Mr. .and Mrs. D. G. Lyman ,
Mr and Mrs W" . F. Hay lies , Mr. and Mrs.
S. S. Huntly , Mr. and Airs. J. Daugherty ,
Mr. and Mis G. Wrlg , Mr. and Mrs H. A.
Day , Mr. and Mrs P. Nelson , Mr. and Mrs.
Charlci Best , Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shrlner ,
Mr. and Mrs C. W. Rockley. Many hand-
bome presents were received. HefreshmentF
wore served and all enjoyed a pleasant even-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyer of C21 Snutli
Seventeenth street entertained a party ol
fi lends Sunday ovPiling In honor of theft
niece. Miss Blanche Bcndhlen of Titusvlllu
Pa. A very pleasant evening was spent li
music and card.s and at 11 o'clock an elegant
lunch was served. Those present were : Mr.
and Mrs M. Goldsmith. Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Prey , Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosier , Mrs. M.
Kalin and Mis. II. Auerbech , the Misses
Blum , Singer , Drclfuss , Aiifliell and Messrs.
Kahn , Blum , Truerman , Harris , Kaufman ,
Lelsa Goldstone.
Out of TOUII Visitor * .
Mrs. Dlxon of Sllverton , Colo. , is the guest
of Mrs. H. P. Cady.
Mrs. Sachs of Cincinnatixls the guest of
her mother , Mrs. Hellman.
Miss Oakley of Lincoln and Miss Spauldlng
of Sioux City spent Sunday with Miss Ura
Miss Wood of Kansas City , who has been
the guoBt of Mrs. Wakefleld , left for her
homo yesterday.
Mrs. John Hamlln and Mrs II , B. Smith
of Chicago are the guests of Mrs. T. Colvll ,
1721 Dodge street.
Mr. and Mrs. Zora Snow , who spent several
days In Omaha last week , returned to Port
land on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. II , Reynolds and Mrs. W. N.
Huso of Norfolk spent several days In town
latit week as the guesta of Mrs. H. L. Whit
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. LambertEon of Lin
coln , and Miss Sherwood will be the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick over Sun
Miss Rrred of Boston , who lias been the
guest of Air. and1 Mrs. A. C. Smith for the
past two weeks , returned to hei home on
Monday ,
Miss Helen Knax of Nashville , Tenn , , who
has been the guest of I er cousin , Miss Knov ,
returned home Wednesday utlir a very
pleasant visit.
Co in I it ic lOvrntn.
Mrs. Coles will entertain the Lenten Sew
ing club Friday afternoon.
The Tuesday Night club will be entertained
by Mr. and Mra. Ford this week.
Dr. and Mra. Allison will be at homo to
their frlendn at the Millard on Tuesdays
after March 1C.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Clarke will be at
homo to their friends after March 1 at 301
North Twenty-second street.
The Wanderers' club will gl\o an enter
tainment on Thursday of this week. As
this Is the first one that this club lias given
thli ) year , the boys are all looking forwirJ
to It , with a great deal of pleasure , as the
"Wanderers' Smokers" are well known
throughout the city. General Cow In huj
kindly consented to give a talk. Mr. Tabcr ,
Hans Albert and lots of musical and elocution
ary talent will attend , A very Jolly time IB
expected ,
Miii'olii'H .Sofliil SI lie.
LINCOLN , Feb. 29. ( Special. ) During the
past week the Lenten pall has rather effec
tually silenced the voice of Lincoln society.
The past six days have been barren of so
cial incident , with the exception of one or
two gatherings known an stag parties , and
thesa were confined to high Ilvo and whist
players. Whit Is to como la centered In
the Tableaux D'Art company , which will
give a recital at the Funko opera honso next
Tuesday evening. The characters will bo
represented by many of the loading young
naclctjlidlcs of the capital city , and Uic
program Is a < follows I'nrt 1 Scarf drill ,
Williams , Tublennt company , "The Stasje
Heroine , " Jerome K Jerome , MUi Onw-
fordj group PC" * * * . William * , MlMti OMUini ,
Watson and Crawford ; pantomime , "UocU of
AKC , " Williams ( qtnrtft afcompinlmcnl ) ,
Mliis Orawfonl ; minuet drill , \Vllllnms , Tab-
leniK company , I'art II "A Dilemma , "
Williams , 0. C Williams ; "The Ust Hymn , "
Karnlngdim ( iitino aceompinlmpnt ) , Mhs
Wat'on : cxprctslve slept ni.d walk , Wil
liams , Miss Ollliim ; fan drill , Williams , Tab
leaux compuiy.
Miss Ura Kelley arrived on Thurudiy to
Visit Alice Itightcr and some of hep other
friends. Miss ItlRhtcr gave a LhnUng dlh
supper In her studio fet XtkH Kelley.
Mrs. Wright , Mrs. Uudy and Mis. Dales
returned from Kansas City on Wpdncslny.
Mrs. Wright's sister , Mrs. Weaver from Chicago
cage , Is visiting her.
Mr. nnd Mrs , Charlie llurr gave a caul
party for Miss Anderson and Miss Spaldlng
on Tluusd.i ) night.
Mao Burr gave a kcnslngton for Miss
Spalillng and Miss Anderson Friday after
noon.Mr. . and Mrs. I/inibcrts6ii and Miss Sher
wood have cone to Oinaht to spend Sunday
w ith frlcnds.
Ucv. J. L. Mattcsnn and famllj left ycs-
teiday for Los Angeles.
Miss ntlla Olds Is vhltlng with Mrs. I ) .
P. Oagood nt 2125 A Rttcet.
J. C. Scicrcst tetitrned jcstcrday from an
eastern trip.
Chance-Hot Jlacl.cin left scslordny for
It was one of those afternoons which seem
to have been wsnt by some evil Influence to
torture the eoula cf men and make them fll
for punishment. The giacloiw sunshine had
hidden behind cloudy frown-mantles , and the
winds , Valkyrie like , shrieked their ur.-
caithly shileks , and flung the Irritated dust
into the o > w of men as they walked , v\lth
the mocking words , "Dust thou art , lo dust
thou shall return. "
Mingling with the dust came the vocifer
ous cry ot the HUlc newsboy , ' 'livening '
Ilee. "
And again , mingling with the dust , came
the touching ciy of a little fellow who told
the passerby tlm lie had not eaten ono bile
all day.
"Mister , won't > ou give me a dlmo to get
T' no passed.
"Say , mister , won't you , please mister ? "
ho too passed.
"I haven't had a bite to " and a third
Meanwhile the newsboy was counting Ms
pjpeis. Quietly he came over to the
"weaker brother" and said. "Say , kid , cumo
wld me. " lie took him to a restaurant and
put down his money for a nu-al for the
hungry one. and came out quickly with the
grcatlng , "Evening Bee , here ! "
The dust whirled on with the wind.
The winds shrieked , but mcthoiight their
theme was different , and it sounded like
" 1 was a-hungcrcd and je fed me. "
And the newsboy's sermon had no sur
rounding glories , fine vestments , rich music ,
mnUl-coloicd windows , no "Gloria Patrl"
ivas sung at the close , no except by the
winds and the hungiy one's heart , aud lo ,
the sun was shining !
The following Is the musical program to
be rendered at the Park Avenue United
Presbyteilan church next Ftlday evening :
Quai let Star ot Defending Night
Mr. Muhaffy. Miss Daniels , AUss
Sword , Mr. Goodale.
Violin Duet Faust Potpourri Gounod
Sadie and Broson Shndduck.
Soprano Solo Rowing' . . .Mini Alice Daniels
Impeisanatlons Mr. 1JU S. Thompson
Tenor Solo Lovc's > Proving
Mr. Mortc Parsons
Duet Selected
Misses Hose Mncumber nnd Muble Mason ,
Piano Solo ( a ) Nocturne op. H7 , No. L' . .
( b ) Staccato Htude . .Hublnsteln
Ml Don N.
Soprano Solo He Was a. Prlifce
Miss Hose Macunibcr
Recitation June Conquest..i * . . . . ,
Miss Ada Hoycr
Tenor Solo , with Violin ObllKiito
Angel's Serenade Draga
Mi. Morte I'ar&ons.
Bass Solo Selected
Mr. N. 1' . Dean
Alto Solo No More I. fi. Perkins
MIs 12vn Sword
Quartet Good Night..Park Avenue Chclr
Mr. Taber will give his forty-fifth organ
recital this afternoon at 3:30 In the First
Congtegallonal church , and will be assisted
by a quartet composed of Mrs. A. F. Bethge ,
t-oprano ; Mrs. F. J. Lange , alto ; Captain
John KJnzle , tenor , nnd Mr. Harry V. Burk
ley , basso. The following program will be
given :
Overture Dcr Fiei chutz Weber
Quaitet Sancta Matci , from St.ibat
Muter Hosslnl
Mis. Dethge. Mis Laime , Captain
Klii7le. Ml. Hurkley.
Andante , from Violin Concerto
, . Alemlelssohn
Voraplel , Ix > henRrln Wagner
Tenoi Solo Cujus Anlmuin , from Stiibat
Alater Itosslni
Captain Kinzlc.
Larshetto Beethoven
Duet Ecce Pnnls Domlzettl
Alls. Langp nnd Air. Burkley.
Sung Without Words Theme
Melody Rholnberger
Processional AInrcli fiom Queen of Shelm
The musical exerc'ses tomorrow at St.
Alarj's Avenue Congregational church will
bs as follows ;
MORNING , 10.30.
Organ Introduction II. II. Allen
Hvnm Congregation
"Glory bo to the Pnlher , " etc
. .Congregation
S&prano solo Alias Lillian Terry
Hymn Congiegntion
ll > mn or soloEVENING
Hymn C93 Congregation
Anthem Alessengen" of Peace Wagner
Ladles' Choral society , L A _ Torrens , di
G'orla-Gloiy be to the Father
CoiuniHu solo Selected
, Airs George R. AIcLiren
Anthem No Evil Shall Befall Thee..CosU
ladles' Choral society.
iSo'o and Chorus Wliere Is My Boy To-
Mrs. Charles li Squire ? Ladles' Choral so
Offertory Organ H H. Allen
HMIIM 'All Congregation
Organ dismissal H. H. Allen
Next Tuesday evening , at the First Pres
byterian church , Twenty-first and Emmet
streets , the King's Daughters and Miss Ethel
Getst , assisted by AIIs Gertrude Sherman ,
soprano ; Allsi Margaiet Chamberlain , con
tralto ; Air. Wallace Johnson , baritone ; Miss
Elizabeth Llddell , Allss May Banner , AUss
Nellie Hardy and AUss Abbott , p'anlsts ' ; will
give a concert , with the following program ;
Piano Duct , Selected
Allsses Hardy and Abbott
"Grandfathei'-H Clock" . . .It. C. V. Aleyers
Alias Ethel Geist.
Bopinrio Solo Selected
AIIBS Gertrude Sherman ,
"Vlows of a Llfo In n Hotel ; or , a
Naughty Little Olrl , "
.Mlbs Ethel Geist.
Banjo Duet Selected
AlesvrH Allller und Wouil.
"Jerry and Ale. " Bon At. Hardln
Aliss Ethel Qelit.
Contralto Solo , , , . , Selected
AIISH .Margaret Chambeilaln ,
"Grandmother'w Courtship. " , ,
AliSH Ethel Grixt.
Piano Duet-Overturo to William Tell. .
, , , , IlosHlnl-Gottwchalk
MIsHos Homier and Llddell.
Scene from "Leah , the Forsaki-n" . , . .
Leah , 11 Jewish Maiden. Mlt.s * Ethel Gelst
Rudolph , the Alaglutiutc'H Son , Air , Joseph
Ph > Hlcul Culture Di111 Down Upon the
Swaneo River
The Klng'H DiiliRhteiH ,
Bailtono Solo Ari.iori'i'B Song .DeKovcii
Alt Wullure Johnson.
"Connao O'Grudy'B Courtship , " ,
AllMb Ethel Gulst.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
They Say ! ! !
" 77 breaks np .1 Cold.
" 77" knocks out the Qrlp.
" 77" slops the 81111(1108. (
" 77" cures the Cough ,
" 77" eoothcs the throat ,
" 77" works wonders lii Catarrh.
" 77" Is poetics ? for Influenza ,
" 77" proventa pneumonia.
" 77" clears Clorgj man's Throat.
" 77" restores Lost Voice.
" 77" annihilates Hoarseness.
" 77" Is a ehcot anchor for Singers ,
" 77" aids Inspiration.
" 77" Is Dr. lluinpliiejs' Latest and Qrcttest
" 77" Is recommended by Physicians.
" 77" Is the Tilumph of Homeopathy ,
" 77" Is a sifcRtmtd ngilnst Colds.
" 77" makes " "
von "Cold-proof.
" 77" acts like a flash.
" 77" prevents half your sickness.
" 77" Is pleasant to take.
" 77" Just fits your pocket.
" 77" Is the best seller.
" 77" tho' priceless , sells for a quarter.
" 77" Is Sold by Druggists Everywhere ,
or sent upon receipt of price Itiiniplircji *
Medicine Co , lit William St. , New YorU.
. TO'VTi'C ! Stindnj nnd Monday.
March I nnd 3
ToiilKlU 1IO1TS TunlKltt
runniest nnd bosl Comedy ,
Prices , 25e , 50c. 7Gc. $1 00 and $1.50.
3 ( VARCH 147 H.
Miitlnoo n ml Xlnlit ,
Popular prices.
THI. . 1531-Paxton K Hurzcss , Mitrt.
coSilc1 - MATISEE TODAY 2:30
, ; . , jit :
Gallery 15cII ilcotiv 23c , Lower Floor ; i. 50o
To-Nfglit at 8:15 : FRANK BUSH iu
NIGHT PUICnS-Galleiy. lUc ; balcon > , 2jc nnl
33o , lower floor , We nml 75c
AInroJi n-7 niOll.lKl ) M.l.N8lIRI.a.
Le u e3 ( BURLINGTON & MO R1VCII ( Arrives
OmalmUnlon | Depot , lOlh & > la on Sla I Omaha
S:30am : Denver"Express.H 0:3oam :
4 Upm.llllc. Hills. Mont , fs I'usct Snd I'.x. 4:05pm :
4:35Mii : Denver Uxpies . , 4.0Jim |
7.05pni..Nvlirai.ka Ixical ( except Sunday ) . . TMJptu
. . .Lincoln Local ( except ) ;
i:45pin..Fn3t : Mail ( far Lincoln ) dally. . ;
Loaves ( CHICAGO. DUULINGTON' & Q ( Arrives
OmnlmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts j Omaha
5 00pm . .TT..T..Chlcnso Vestlliulo 8 Mam
t 18im ChlcnRO Express 4:13pm :
7COnm..Chicago & St. I.uuig Hxprccs. . . S.OOnm
11.3Jam raclllo Junction Local 6.20pm
rast Mall SMOpm
Lea\ea ( CHICAGO. MIL & ST. PAUL I Arrives
Omaliaj Union Depot , 10th A Maaon Sts I Omnha
G , ( i > m Chicago Llmlteil 8 Ormm
10.45.1111. Chicago i\prcsa ( ci Sunday ) . .
gmalmJUnjon Depot , lOlh & Mason SIB ( Oniilia
11 OOim Hastern n\prcss 3.10pm
4.45pm Voistlhulod Limited 5-43pm
7'05nm Cirroll PaBsciiKcr 10.40pm
5 lopm . . . .Omaha Chicago hpeclal. . . . 8 00am
4.30pm lioo'lc 1/ocnl 9 30am
Missouri Valley Local . . . . 9 ' 3 Jam
Leaves ( CHICAGO. II. I. & PAt'IPIC lArrlxei
OimlmlUnlon Depot. lOlh R. Mamm Bis Omilia
10 40am. .Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . & 35pm
G.ESpni . Nleiii repress . 8l3im
4-50pm..r-hlcaRO Vestjlc,1 ! ! LniltJ ! . . . l:3Spin
4iOpm..3t. : ! Paul Veitlliule-i Limited. . . . Ittjpm
_ WEST. '
6.45pm. OUahoma & Texna Ex ( ex Sun ) .10-35am
1 40pm . Colorado Limited . 4.04pm
Leaves C . ST. P , M & O. ( Arrives
Omaha ! Depot. 15tn and Webster Sts I Omaha
8 inim , . Sioux City Accommodation8llpm :
12 15pm..Sioux City Express lex Sun ) . .11V > ain
5 33pm Ht. 1'nul Limited . . . . 9.10am
ClSpm Sioux City Acc'm'n ( ex. Sun ) .
uidi.o Zl' ( unjjca ) tkojdxfi [ muisi
uiiloiv ( . ungxi ) -xji SqbiuoiR |
1111191 pillU'l'I ' puunavo-
uitlQi ! .
UU.UUO I OJBJM ? g iioi | ' )0laLI ) uouhTBquiub" |
j.dVJjy | [ UIJIDVJ KOINH _ I USA ! j-i
poiiiun IS1
OlpnvlQ I SIS UOBI1JV y H0 | [ 'lOltKI UOUnlUl | | UJO
60VIJ4VI OIJ1JVU V AilD XilOIri navoa-i
f"-fltC ! - " ' " "p nmi'I jn a " ) S'
iuuio | I aia iacq ) AV UU" '
C ' ( tins -xo ) i DO'i n u.Kif4 uiiloo 5
tuilgs i Ksajdiio'i | is miloT'O
uiuoo a ' ' ' BaJiUxji BIIKIb "J ' " 'i-0 > 01
uiinuo | 1 5Ts J3siiAY | | [ " > M9I 'loilJQ
uiuoo 1 - uuji d , ) | Axn iH\ | | [ Y ) -JCU
uilLUJO rS UOHUJII y mo iuiUiuo | |
i.JM-"V | K V ) V T US "r >
' liunsxa )
ilK'5 " ( - UOKX
By vlrluo of thrco orders of nulo on nt-
tachment Issuud out of the dlHtrlct court
In umlor DouKlns county , statn of Nc-
1) ran lea , ono In thu cnae of the rir t Na
tional hunk of Omaha VH Gutcli & Lau-
mun , docket &l , ntiinlier 113 ; one In thu
c-nbu of Blmon Uomndy va. ( latch & Lau-
man , docket 51 , number 141 , and one In the
caHO of Hlmon Catwiuly VH. Qntdi & I.uii-
man , docket SI , number 115 , ami to mo di
rected , 1 will , on thu llth day of March ,
A. I ) . , VfJG , at ten o'clock u. in. of Hiilil day ,
at the store room fonnuriy occupied liy
Ci.ilcli & l uuman , defendants herein , ami
known as number 1514 Funmm street. In
the city of Umnhu , OouKlau county , xtntu
of Nebraska , sell at imbue auction to tlio
bidder or ilduer for cash , the fol
low Inir described ( roods and chuttola. to-wlt ;
All of the Block nt crocket y , chlnuwdrc ,
ullverwaru , clu vvare , cutlet y , llxtuiex , and
book accountH and bllla rccelvublu of every
dcecrlptlon , foimerly bulonKlni ; to Gatch &
J.uumuti , H corporation , and contained in
Hie above mentioned ntoru loom , and alxo
In Htoretooins at 1518 and 11 l''urnam '
htreet In mild city of Omnha , arid also In a
sloio teem known ns number -I2 ( ) North
Twcnty.fourth Btrc'ot. Hnuth Onmim , UOUB-
lou county , Htutu of Ncbruxku , and lieruto-
fore attached by me In the nbovu entitled
CUHCH Huld Kood and chattels to bo nuhl
to Hutlafy , , thu Fliut National bunk of
Oin.ilij , the uin of twelve tliouinnd ft-'r
hundred nnd furty-llvd dollarH und ninety-
llvu centH ( $ U',4t51iG ) judumunt , with Intri-
eht thereon nt the r.ite or eight pur cent (8) ( )
per annum from Kcbnmry 3 , 1890 ,
until p ld , and ueven liundrod and fifty-
nlnu dullur.s and twenty-eight cents ( J7.VJ.1M )
uorits of Kult , To fullHfy , Hucond , Klinoii
OuHsiidy. the Burn of cloven thouKind onu
lain ( I red und thlrty-scvmi ilolluiH und uev-
cnty-one cent (111,137.71) ( ) ludt'inent. with
Interest HUM con at thu rate of eight per
cent (8) ( ) per annum from Kebniary J , ISM ,
until paid , and twenty-two ilollarx and
thirteen cents U22 U ) ccmU of milt. To bi
nold , third , to watlHfy Blmun f'.iujady , the
sum of HX | liundied and Huvi'iity-Hoven do- !
lam und Ilvo cuntu ( J'j77.C > 5) ) judKinent , with
IntcTCKt thereon at the rtte of c-lulit per
cent ( b ) per annum from Kebiuury 3. it'JO ,
until paid , and the further Hum of Hlxteeii
dollai'M and eight cvntB ( $10 OS ) , coitH of milt ,
toKi'thcr with accruing co t , acuordlnv to >
thu JudKnientu rcndeiud In the above entitled -
titled lictlona.
Oniuhii , Nebraika. Kcbruary 29 , IBM
Sheriff of Duuulua County , Nubrueka.