THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE ; % AT UUP AY , FE LM ) , 180(5. ( COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Buying of Professionals Was tlio Feature ol tbo Market. V/IIEAT / OPENED REMARKABLY STRONG Jtlnnl of ( tic Oppnlnjr Ailvniiro Cnmr from tlic t'nc\prolcil ll | iln > cd l.j- tinI.lrrr - pool CiilileN. C/HCAGO , Feb. 2S. The steady , persist , cut buying of profesalonnls , both here and In New York , \vho have 1iecn cnucht hcav- lly short , was the principal Impetus tc wheat today , and nldcd by the tinexpcctei ! fitrenslh displayed by the J.lvcrpoil mar J < ct , caused n B ln of fie1 for the day. Corr and onts were but rllKhtly responsive ntu provisions made further slight recession ! ! . Wheat opened rcmnrknbly Htronjr , confild crlntr that the clo lnir firmness yesterday v/as mostly due to apprehension resardlns the predicted cold wave , but which failed to materializes Jlost of liie opening ud- vatico came from the unexpected strenRtli fllfplayed by the Liverpool cables , whlcfc came from \ ' < , c lo V4c higher and which riither upset calculations. The undurcurrcni of the trade was bullish nnd reaulreil ° f'ls prcper cncournBement from abroad to RV ! ( It niffirerslve cournRe , ana this It got In t mensure. There were nlwo sumo bad tret damage reports In circulation , anil estimate ! of a liberal decrease In the visible Biipnty Jlli-.nenpnlls wlrlnpr that the Increase then wtild only be about 50,000 bu. Shorts were quick to take alarm , and there was gener ous covering nnd ns the selling \vas cnu tlotis nnd restricted prices gradually tnovci up. A good deal of long \vneat , which hni reoi-ntlj * bo Hquldatcil , wns bought bacl nnd there was considerable fresh Inveatmcn buying. The price was well maintained ni the atfvalico nnd the shortsi had evident ! } linil such n lesion ns tn make them keci their hands off even with the temptatlor of an ndvnuce of Ic per bu. dangling be' Toro them. May opened about Vic higher nl C7'lc , sold momentarily at GSc , duo to tin non-appearance of the cold wave , tner advanced steadily to CSe nnd eajied oft tc G7c. The mnrkct ruled strong during the last hour nnd touched CSltc , but the price finally proved too tempting and considerable realizing Helling look place , carrying thi price back to r,7&c , , at which price It rioted C 'rn ' wns quiet but llrm , talcing its tone Boncrally from wheat , although the henvj locil receipts prevented n matcrlnl advance Mny opened a trllle higher at 30 > ic aiu clo ed. steady at that llgure. Oats were quiet , little trading blm ? uone The feeling , however , wns llrm In nympath ] with wheat nnd corn , anil a slight ndvanci wan noted. Mny opened about He hlghni nt 21Wc nnrt nuctuated but little , closing n that price bid. Provisions were very weak nt the open Ing nnd a fitll ! further loss was soon notec irotn the number of stop loss orders whlc ! came in. There was good buying nt th < decline nnd most of the early loss was re < ualned. Mny pork closed DC lower , JIaj lard 2V4o lower and ribs unchanged. Kstlmntes for tohiorrow : Wheat. GO cars corn. 2SO cars ; .oats , 230 cars ; hogs , 13.0W ll 0 3 ll The leading futures ranged as follows : July. ; . . . ! C.ish nuotatlnns were no follows : FLOUll-FIrm : winter patents , J3..Mr3.SO ; winter straights. J3.003.50 ; bakctB. 2.10@2.40 | fiprlng patents , J3.10Q3.40 ; pprlng ctralghth , 5 _ ' . ( ; . < 31M. \VHRAT-No. 2 i-urlng. 63Ho ; No.3 spring , 6J 6Cc : No. 2 red. 6'JJ4&70'lc. COIIN No. 2 , 29ff29Wc. OATS No. 2. 2QUo ; No. 2 white. 21ff2c ; No. Z while , 2-Hifl21'Se. IlYi : No. 2. 40c. II.MILIIY No. 2 , ncmlnal ; No. 3 , 27',4a33"5c ; No. 4 27 I2Se. FLAX SKID NO. i. BOC. 1'llIMi ; TIMOTHY SKKD J3.63. I'UOVIPIONB Mexs poik. per bbl. . $9.50 9.53. trfinl , per 100 Ibs. . 3.2303.27'/3. ' Short ribs , sides , loose , t4.95R5.OQ ; dry sultetl shouldem. lioxed , 4V W4"4c ; short clear sides , Iwxed , B'.SWiUc. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , 11.22. POL'LTUY liisler ; turkeys , HOlJc ; chlckenj > , 7fR15c | : ducks. lOStUc. SL'CJAHS Cut loaf , $3.87 ; granulated , $5.23 ; Btnndard "A , " 13.12. Tne fallowing were the receipts and shipments to4uy : Oiilbo ProJiioJ CKouanra to lav tha bultar mar ket wan linn : crramery. Ma'-'Uic : dairy. Uia IKe. KKL-H. weak ; frcah , UHalOi. % Cliccao ' KI\V ei\iitAL ; MAHKKT.S , duoliitliuix of ( lie liny on YiirlouK ClIllllllDlllllcM. NKW YOHIC , Feb. 23. FLOUH-Hecelpts , 23- 70) ) hbla. ; cxpotts. 21SOO bbls. ; active and hlRher on favorite brands of bolh spring and winters ; export , ere were fair buyers of low springs. City mill patents , $ t.33OI.53 ; winter patents. JJ.SCWI 00 ; M n. nt-ao patents , $2.Wif3.20 ; fpr.lns low glade * , $1.909 ) . llyo Hour , dull ; superfine $2.00ff2.73 ; funcy , | 2.7'ff2.93. ' Iturkwheat Hour , duil ; 51.3 spot. IIUfKWHBAT Slemly , 40e tf. COllN MI3AIHlemlrj yellow wcslcin , coarse , 74i : ; IliHiidywIne , $2.29. HYE-Fltm tit 4 < Jlj4le. . HAIILUY Steady ; malting , 43ff)7 ; feedlns , 3.10 . fie. f fie.IIAIILEY MALT Firmly held ; western , 470 C4c. WHEAT Itecclpts , WO bu. ; exports. CS.CKW bu. ; No. 1 noitliern , 77io ! ; No. 1 hatd. 77Wc. Optluiu owned ( Inner und developed a Btrone undertone , . whli'lt advanced prices Heiullly until 2 o'clock , vhi-ii they cured tit under realizing , nnd closed 'It/.io. net higher. Hcntlment wan bulllth , nnd slons | rovcred freely owlne to llrm cables , foreign buvhur , cn h demand wc t and heir , pro5poctn of u fair dfcieann In Monday's visible supply , und u rob ) wave wit t , l-Vbriiaiy doted 73ic ; May , 73 5-1C1I7I 7-IGo , closing at 74c , fOllN--llect'lpl .' ' bu , ; exports , 27.2'yi bu. ; up > l , linn ; No. ! . 27 > ie. Options opened Kleudy nnd advanced slightly with wheat on a very dull Hade , t'liislnu ut ' , l < JV4c net ilwllne. Feb- rinIV doped at M7Uu ; May , : c i$30V , eluding nl Sii'te. : )1 n.VTS-Uevelptn. :0.0 ) bu , ; experts , 5.1W Iju. ; f\i'j ( , llrm ; No , 2 , 2GUr. OiUloiiH were devoid of ( culm ! nnd cloxed lit u lurllul ndvniuv of lie , 1'Miiuaiy , 2 < iUT20Hc , cliudif ill -'J'.if ; May , t'tO KU'tc , closhiR at 2tc. ! IIA V Steady : uhlpplng , $7SOC/S.OO ; coed to choliv , $ S.O < ) d9,0) , IIOI'.HCJult't ; rommon to choice 1M ( crop , 2'iiiif ( | ; 1S93 crop , 1'ncllla coast , < ijSc. IIII'KS Quid : wet united New Oilcans , se lected , 13 to 63 Iba , , lie ; flulvcitou , 2 > ) t ) 23 Ibi. , lie ; lltienos Ayni. dry , ti to 24 Ibs. . ICr ; Texas dry , 21 tu 30 Iba. , Sc ; Callfornlu , 21 IQ 23 lb 1K- . 1KLEATHIUI Firm ; hemlock sole , Uurnoi Ayr. . llghl lo heavy. 20c ; field. 21WJ3o. V.'nitir-Quiet ; domestic iloece. KJr2c ; pulled , I'UOVIBIONS-Ueef. Meady ; fmmlly. $10.000 J2.t ; rxlrn me > s. $ S ; beet liiinm , $10. Cut mcali dull ; pickled hami , SlifiSc , Lard , eailer ; went- em neiini e-lojed ut $3.83 anked ; icllnlnr. steady. Pot ! . . Him ; me . > li,2Sri 10.75 , e I'HIJKSIJ H'celplii , 1,713 pkRi" . ; muikft slendr ; ute lurirc. CWIO'ic ; umall , CtflO'lc ; part sklmti , full liirn'Kll-Stcady ; cicam ry , Italic ; factory , ti fii" , Imllallon creamery. H401.i.c. ! ! rH.H ! Weaker ; rttitu nml I'tnnsylvanl.t , C. lea hnure , 1.75".T3 ! ; routhern. TAM.eW-Steady ; city. 4 1 4 13-15 ; country , 4'.Sll 15-10. is to quality. Pin'llOLl'H'M-L.nver : t'nllc.1 dnex-il nt $1.34 1,1.1 i lellned. New Y ik , $7.35 ; I'lillndclphla imd llHltlmoio , IIW ; riilladelphla and llnlllmore , In bulk , $ I.SO. IIOrilN-nnn ; strained , common to good , ! .C2i..B 1.6714 , UU'IS I'lrnii domestic , fair to extra , S''W3e ; Japan. SMfl4e. MOIwNSSUSQuiet. . New Orleant , open kettle , goal lo choice. 37c. MIJTAl-S-I'lir lion , weak ; Kiiithcrn. . JJjl : ; ixu-lliiTii , $ i.OOIillW. I'oppcr. Ill in ; brok- cis. He ; exchange. fll.MUH.U , Lead ; Him. Lr. l-rn ; $ ! .18 i : exchange , $ S.Si Tin. ea ler rliulls , $ I3U$13.40. I'latis , heavy. Speller. mar Ki't Hcmly. > TTONSUKn OlL-glaek ; prime rnide. Mije tb < ; butter crr.des. Si'jti''So ; off gnidm. lOl/Joo ; prima mnnmer yellow. t' , ! % : off tumnicr yellow , ZIV' aiked ; primshlte. . > 37c Dry ( iueiiU JlnrUel. MYOlllf. . F--b. } S. In the character f tli it uciul demand rroin J bl > vr > iheio bus been no 'h.invr , und a coed trade has been In mo tion. Of jabbers lha demand v > m moie uu- vrii , * nJ for > e.ikon-atf | erailc * Krg * . The tvn- ial maiUel Is without cliunfv In xalum. and tlM cniuli > ir wek U InoUf-l foianl to us likely ( a iev < k > i < ua | ncr icd dtiuani on Hie part c-f the pitknro imrchiuwvi. frtntlni ; clotht , dull nnd nominal nt 2\c to 2 H-ltc. JIANCHKSTIill , Feb. 2The market for cloth * nn < 1 yarn * In quiet , but stoi.lj- . . PAM ntVitt : , Mass. , Feb. W.-t'rlnt cloths , dull nt 2..C. , OMAHA GK.VHHAI , 3IAH1CKT. Conillllnn of Traile nnil flnnlntlnnii on Nlnplo nml I'nncy Produce. IMJOS Fresh utock. S UHc. IirTTKIt Common nnd old Brnde , 6a ; fair lo Block. 7J3e ; choice to fancy country , 12c. VJ3AI. Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nr quoted nt ' 4ff7c ; large nnd coarse. 4JJc. ( CHnBfii : Domrstltf btlck. HHc ; Hdam , per d . , J5.60 , Club house , 1-lb. jnrf , per doz. , $ } . ( } ; UmbetRer , faney , per Ih. . ll(4c ( ; lloau'f"rt , V4-lb. , Jara. per doz. , $ J.CO ; Young Americas , llWo ! Twins , fnner , He. lXUI < TItr Urtiueil Chlckeni , choice , 74Q ! e ; eoar e Inrse 5H5"c ; duck , choice , lOailcj lurkeya , ch"lee. lrl.1c ; Kee , So. 1IA\ Upturn ! . $5.0' ) ; midland , $150 ; lowland , H.OO ; rye etr.iw , $3.60 ; color maken thn price on hny ; light Imlos tell the best. Only top grades brim ? top prices. 1IHOO.M COIIN Ejctrfmely slow sale ; new crop , delivered rn track In country ! cholee Rreen self-worklns carpel , per lb. , 21Jc ; choice green , ru/inlnc to hurl. 2yc ; o-immon. l'4c. OAVIi : Jactt snlpr. 7ScJ$1.00 ; coldcn plover , $1.2.1 ; Jiiek rabbits , per dnz. , $1.otUI.2 ) * > : Rmnll rabbits , | l : millnid ducks , $3.uOtf3.7. > : redheads - heads , $3.73fl.oo ; eanvosback ducks. $5.WiKO'l ( ' ! leal , blue wln r , $2.oflS2.23 : tenl , crc-cn wln , l.7-w72no ; mlxetl duelcs , J1.7' fl.J. > ; Cnnada Rccne , $8.00f7.50 ; small cvse. $ l.Ky3.00 ; brants , $1.W ; squirrels , per doz. , COiJ75c. PIOKONS-I.lve , 11,0081.20 ; dead pigeons not wanted. VfitlKTAm.Efl. TOMATOK3-Florltla , l > er six-basket crate , $1.0 ] CAlinAOE-Cnllfornla ri : : ! ; . per lb. . 2c. POTATOEd-Fancy native stock , SOc ; from store In small lots , soffMo ; Colorado slock , 45c. ONIONH-I'er bu. , S-iflSOc ItEANS-llnn.t . picked navy , per bu. . $1.M. SWEET POTATOES-CIIOICO slock , $2.73 p B CELEJIY California , per doz. , No. I , S3c : No , 'LIMA itEAN3-Ppr lb. , 4463c. ! WATER CntCSS-PerTMt. case , $1.73. Pin PLANT Hot house stock , per dot. bunches. MJJS3o. F1UHTS. APPLES Choice ID fancy lien Davis , $3.0017 3.2 > ! choice wlno taps nnd wlllaw twlga. $3.230 $3. > . CRANlIERRIirS-vIcrsoy. $6.B'O.0 : loxcs , J2.51. MALAGA nilAPKS Per 6Mb. bbl. . $3.003 > 3.SO ; per 63 to 70-Ib. gross. t5.MSTC.00. TIIOPICAL Fnurra . . ° , Il N.OES 9'ullfornl" ' biMdoJ seedlings , fancy. I2.2jlf2.u0 ; choice. $2.uo2.23 | ; faney navals , $3,000 3.23 ; choice , $2.BO. . , Ii19'yrf ! ? Mc8slr" " ' ' 'nncy. $3.Mffl.OO ; choice , $3.2ft3.M ; Callfcirnlus. $3.2.- , J3.r. ' ) . IIANANAS Choice large slock , per bunch , $2.0 C2.2u ; medium sized bunch.a. $ l.5042.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTEUS Mediums , 15c ; standards , 20e ; extin selects , ttc ; llrtmch & Co.'s selects , Zic ; New 2f SVutllr' 30o ! "tnndard bulk , per gal. , $1.10. HONEY-Fancy white , per lb. 13c. MVPLK SYRUP Flvo gal. cans , each , $2.73 ; Bal. can ? . per doz. . $12 ; 14 pal. cans , $0.23 ; quart CIDEli-Pure Juice , per half bbl. . $3 ; per ' * SAUE'R KRAUT Per. bbi. , $3.75 ; hair tw. $2.23. FIOS New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. . lOc ; Imported fancy , SO-lb. boxes. 13c ; choice , IC-lb. box&s , Ili,41l2c. DATES New Persian , 60-lb boxes , per lb. , 51ic ; fails | , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , 9c. MAPLE SUOAR-Cholce. per lb. , SfllOc I'RESERVKS Assorted , 20-10. palls , each. CO'rOANUTS-Per 100. $1.50 ; each , Be. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium slzi ? . lOc : Tarragona almonds , per IU , large , 12Vic ; llrnzlls , per lb. , 8c ; Eiicllsli walnuts per lb. , fancy eoft shell , lie , stanuards , lOo : 7He : nuts , 3l. . $2. DREPSED MEATS. HEEF Good steers , 4 ) to 600 Ibs. , iffSc ; good cous nnd heifers , 5fj3'jc ; medium cows nnd heifers. 4V44nic : good foreiiuarlern cons aud heifers. 314f4c ; good htndrtuaiters cows and heifers , 0147o ; good hindquarters , atcors , "V-c ; cow rounds , 5c ; cow plates , SVlc ; cow chucks , 314f4a' beef tenderloins , flesh , SOc : frozen , 18c ; Ijeuf rolls , bonelesrt , 914c ; sirloin butts , boneless , 94c ! ; loin backs. 714c : cow ribs , No. 3. 1c ; cow loins. No. 3. 8Sc ! ; beef trimmings , SJc. MUTTON Dressed mutfn , Co ; racks , We ; Itg3 , So ; saddles , Sc ; stews , 3c. I'OHK Dressed ho s. 5VJc ; pork loins , 7c ; spare ribs , iCc ; | > orlc shoulders. SUc ; pork shouldeis , .skinned. B'/to ; pork trimmings. O'ic ; tenderloins. 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , ! 3c. * HIDES AND TALLOW. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 23iOOOc' green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ' each 15c : dry Bhearllnga ( shoit wooled tarly skins ) . No. 1. each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled - early tklns ) , No. 1 each , Be ; dry Hint .Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts"iier lb actual weight , BB6s ; dry Hint Kansas 'and Ne braska Murrain -Wool pelta. per lb. , . actual weight. ' 4y3c ; dty flint Colorndj butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight. 40015o ; diy nm ! Coloindo Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight. 4ffuc ; dry pieces nnd bucks actual weight , 4 3c : feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay ficlght on them. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No 1 JVio ; tnllow No. 2 , So ; grease , white A. 3Hc- gi'ease. white 1J , Sc ; grease , yelloxv , 2V.oKreuap" dark. 2c ; old butter. 2S2 c ; beeswax prime' 15 22c ; rough tallow. 114c. HONES In car lots weighed nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , $12.00ail.OO ; dry country , blenched , per ton , tlo.ooii 12.00 ; dry country , dnmo nnd menty , per ton. iu.TOOS 00 WOOI/ Unwashed , flne heavy , C 7c ; Hno IlKht 8 9o ; quarter blood. 10012o ; seedy , burry Tvnd chaffv , 8W9c ; cotted nnd broken , coarue , 79c' celled and broken , fine. tiftSc. Fleece wnshed Medium.-UOISc ; flnc. 14 ldc : tub wnahed. 16O ISc ; black. Sc ; bucks , 6c ; tac lock * , 2JTDC- dead pulled. G0 < ° c. FUU3. St. I.uiiln Cieiifral MnrUot. ST. I.OUI8. Feb. JS.-FLOUU-Domeatlc trade continues eood : export fnle * dllllcult to mnke ; but ono sale of 1.000 racks mad , ) ; prices hlRher ; patents. J3.70f(3.S5 ; extra fancy , $3.4003.60 ; fancy , is.9'Mi3.W : cliolc ? . J2.50JJ2.C5. WHUAT Opened tlronw on firm cables nnil a stiff advance In Chiracs ; and Ihe market was well mnntalned thivughciut the sesslen , futures rloalne lUfirtic hlRhi-r than yeiteiiluy ; > p&tlull but llrm : No. 2 inl cash , elevator , 7.0 bid ; track , 730074',5c ! ; No. 2. haid , 63c ; February , C34c ! ; May , ( XHJot July. G3V4 < " . COIIN The market wa quiet , though the prlcr * were somewhat Imluenred by wheat , clos ing without change from yenteulny for futures. Hput , Btrcngtr ; No. J mlxnl. cn h , 27'jcj Febtu- nry. 27 ; Muy. 27ic ; July. ZS'Xc. OATH-Fulures rltong and hltiher ; spit , stead- l.'r ; No. 2 cath , 19o ; Febiuary , 19Vlcj May , 20ViCj July , IS'le. UYH IIlKher ; No. ? . 39JTM'ic , on track. < : OttN MHAIr-II.Sif/l.lO. / IHIAN Firm ; buyers for sacked at 43e , f&kt ti-jrk. . FU\X SKKD-CJulet ; 83e. TIMOTHY PiiU-l2J3 3.40. HAY Clwlci' grades Hill scatce and In de mand. with prices linn ; prairie , $3.5039.00 ; tim othy. $ , thli side. mtTTKH Fnlily ncllvf ; steady ; crcamtiy , 1IO > Mo ; dairy. 13R8c. ! ioni4-Fn : li. * He. POULTIIY Mnrkct tmrbanced ; tuikeyi , 9c ; chickens. 7c ; ducks , Oe ; gcoe , Sijc- . WIUHKY-Pteady ; l.Si. LHAU 4Jiil t ; fcttjdy ; talcs , 100 tons ; early March at $3. SPKITUltQuiet ; $3.75. 1'llOVlSlONrt 1'oiU , loner : standard me . Job- blue new , $ .CU > < ilj. $9.14. l iid. lonur : iiilm * mcom. $3.10 : choice , $5.15. Dacon , boxed shoulder * . V5.M'ii lonz . $3. 2',4t ribs , $5.C2'i ; shorts. 13.76. Dry unit meats , boxed thouldcit , il.73 : IOIIKR. > 5.1J'i ' ; ribs. $3.U ; ihorU. JS.Stii. JtKCKH'Tri Flour. 4.00 baiir. ; wheat , 9.000 bu. ; corn. C3.0X ) bu.i oat . 17.W ) bu , BIIIPMHNTS Flour , 7.000 bbls.j wheat , 1C.OOO bu , ; coin , 78. ' > bu , ; oal , 13,000 bu , AVIirul Market. MINNEAPOLIS. F.b. M. WHRAT Steadrj February , C2c ; May , (2Ho : July , ( Ic ; on track , M.i , 1 hard , 64c ; No. J norlhein , 6Je ; No. 2 north- F'LOUH Pen-ami t-ood : flrbt pafnts. J3.M03.W ; net-unil patenUt. $3.1033,20 ; tint clcura , t'i.W ; see- on J rleaM , SUM MO. Sntnr > Inrkol. NRW YOIIK. I-VU. il. Slia.VH-niiW. FtMn J fair r'lnlnc. 55ic ; , 94 tctt , 4i c ; re- nned. llrm. LONDON , Feb. ! S BUOAH-Cor.t. dull' rcn- rUuirul Java. H ! Mu oovudo , fair rertninif , 121 ; b cl , waak ; Fcliuary ua AliJ-rh , lb HiJ. WEST MARES BETTER SHOW No General Obnngo for Improvement Either East or South. SHORT SUPPLY ABROAD SENDS WHEAT UP Cotton nnil Woolen Good * llotli AVenUor , ivltli lilKlit Drinnnil Active Driiitinil for I'lki * nnil I Htriictnrnl Iron. NKW TORK. Fob. IS.-It. Q. Dun & Co/s weekly review of trade , which Issues tomor row , will say : In some quarters business gains , nt the west rather than nt the cast , but there Is no general change fw the bet ter , although hopefulness still predominates. The want of sulllclcnt demand for the pro ducts of great Industries still retards actual Improvement. Strikes ot some Importance In g-nrmcnt making and kindred lines affect traJo In Chicago and Baltimore , but there arc fewer labor dldlcultlcs than usual , as existing conditions warn wage earners that controversies nt this time arc unwise. Wheat has taken a flight upward , advancing 3Uo for cash and 2v-ic for May , with rumors of foreign supplies as the only basis. Kstlmntes ofvhctit tn farmers' hand * arc lower than Innt year , but sllll Indicate , with \lslble Blocks , a mipply much beyond probable need * . Western rncclpta have been 2,331,3:3 bushels , aifulnst 1.69J.- 733 bushels hist year , nnd fur four wcek of Kehiuary , 10,7W,104 bushels , BRalnst 4,910.140 bush els last year. In the im-rencu of such rwelpts , Atlantic oxp-iita of 7.011,07 ; bushels , Hour In cluded , aKalnil 0i ; . : is bU9hc ! for the name weeks last year , have ni > teal weight , but n laruer movement hereafter la expected. Cotton has been weaker , with only fair re ceipts , the Impurt.iiU decline In KOoOa ImvltiB much Inlluence. Ihu maiket for textile goj > U la dlEappolntlnc Material rcJ-uullon.i In cotton * have not brought out lha ncrdeJ demand , nnef the further decline In bivwn 'B eetlnca tliln week lo 4(4 ( cents corresponds with reporu that mills of nomc Importance may ptefer lo arrosi production for a time unless th , ! Im proves. It Is not to be rorcotUa that the mills nro Rettlnff an ovcraeo of about 0 per cent mote for their goods than a year ago , while paving 2S per cent more for cotton. Woolen mills ate receiving orders for spring , but business for the future doea not mend. Clay worsteds are again a shade lower. The range for all woolens Is rcnreety 1 per cent hlRher than a year ago , although wool Is more than 7 iw cent hlg'.iei , and a. good many mills are closlns or reducing time. 1'rlcej are rtll unchanged , as the demands of foreign inanu- faclurern for the American market keep prices up abroad. The feature In Iron has been the largo demand for wrought and cast pipe. Two hundred miles of wrought have been taken for the Stnml-in ! Oil company , and some for other companies , with ISO mllca wanted for llussla , while New Yrrk contracts for 2,5WMons of cast pipe have been placed at the lowest prices ever known , J17.50 to J17.65 per ton. I.arge orders for utruc- tuial work are received at O.ilcago and expected nl the cast , as building plans are usually large , but sheets sell slowly and rails very little , though bar Is fairly active , with many orders c. inmif for earn , lion qimtalluis nvrtage S pei cent lower for the week , because of the drop In besaemer nt 1'ittsburs to J1J.W and In grey furge to J10.73. Failures for the week have been 275 In the United States , ngaln. t 230 last > car. and 08 In Canada , against 3S last year. WKEKI.Y CL.I5AIIING 1IOUSI2 TOTALS atc of IliiNliifNN TruiiMiictcil l > > the AHxoclnteil IliuikH. NK\V YOHK. Feb. 2S.-The following table , compiled by IJradstreet's , shows the total clear ances nt the principal cities and tiie percentage of Increase or decreaseas compared with the corresponding week last year : DOMINION OP CANADA. ( .loiirlngs at Vtaco. Houston nnd Oalveston are not Included on account of there being no com parison for last year. Clearings at Dayton , Knox. vlllo , Davenport , Toledo und Augusta. Oa. . ore n't Included In totals because containing other Itrmu than clearings. \0 LAIIOK TIIAIJi : ANTIOIPATKO. AVontlier HIIH CIIIINCM ! Ilie CnrryliiK Over of .StouUH. NEW YOIIK. Feb. 2S.-lrndslrcot' tomorrow will say : Changeable and at times unseasonable weather hn continued to unfavorably' Inlluence. the distribution of general merchandise. Ile- | allvely the most active movement has Iwm of sl ic , grocerlt-s , dry goods , millinery and light hardware , but on the whole the merchandise movement has not materially Improved. Jobbers at larger western centers do not anticipate n heavy shipping Hade , as Ihe outlook Is for re- tallers carrying over larger stocks than expected Price movement of leaJIntr staples Ii more fuvor- tible with advances for wheat , corn , oats , top. pfi- , leather and turpe.itlae Firm or i.KrOy | irlre are noleil for wheat ll'iiir. coffee , autfar , Heel rallK. lumber , coal and hides , while re- aclloiu appear In quotations for pork and lard , col ton ( inJ print cloths , petroleum , bess-mer pig Iron , slecl billets and some grades of eoulh- tin pig , reports of wheat ( Hour Included as wheat ) both ciuitB of 11,6 United Suites this week shoued n ipn'nU falllnp off , nut only from the IMai rne week uga. which was 3,149,0i bushels , but ns cmiipated with roireipondlng loUU for t-nrr pniidlnB weeks In February In four preced ing > ( ura. Qua ytar agu the week' * expurt. e > ini > iin\cil tu . ' .CSD.O'Xj bushel * , and two years nto It was 2.9'iS.W tiunheU ; In lfc'3 It was 3,231- ( KiO bushels , and In 15 2 11 was 2,9J3.0' buiheU. Tne falllmr etc In the total number of bunl- IICM , failures Ihrcughout Ihe United Stale * a \\eel , airo. Is continued , Ihe total being 221 , as compari.'U with 2iC last week , 231 In the cor- rttl ndlnn week of 1S93 , 27 ! In the fourth wetk of February , 18JI , :17 In UM , and : I7 In 1S92. MAHICI2T DV1.L AND IIUACTIONAIIY , I 'cur of nu iilluutloiiM vvKU Sjjulii hfiuU 1'rleen DiMviitvuril. NEW YORK , Feb. 23.-rai ] > trcet's financial review tomorrow will say ; The market this week was dull and reactionary , but without sny large decline , except tn special eaten , up lo Friday , when It brok * rather nharply on lomewlmt In- defailtn ( cars that thu Cuban g.uctlon might lenil ti > trouble with Spain. The recension ap peared natural. In vlew'tif ( he profrnidonnl clmr ncter of the prcrdln mlinnoe * ntnl the fullur to attract ny large t'tUilliVMiylnjr ellher herp o In Ijondon. The foreign. Jnlluencm have IndeeV been adverse. Tlie siralncil situation In SMI ! Africa ( not ImprovM by ! the popular approvs. manifested In I imlou of Dr. Jameson nml hi followers , nnd the fortnightly setllement tn th market develn | > ed a short Impost In America slockn. Iximlon. Imt nl. wns R seller of ou stiKks for several days , though on Friday nn < l a the clnsc of the week * enn mire illsiwseil t purclmiie. The mnrkH for Americans therf I' however , largely professional. It may be noted th.1t the Eurnpetui Inlying ot bonds continues though on a more nuttlcti-d seile than ln t wet K l'rnf s < Intrrcsln H\ Wall sliect hate , t some extent , acted on the bear side of the ne count , though the nttienee of the liquidation an the c.n with which .the , market becomes ovei sold , U an obstncl" to their success. There wmt however , consldernblfr' activity In Itnltlmore * Ohio nnd I'nlled Stain * leather , snd n Icadln l nr Interest Is cretUtetl with attacking th granger * . The Increased cane of the money market nn the fading out nf disturbance ilue tn lit payments for government bond sulncrlptlons hn rau eil n , hardening of exchange rates , though note to n degree which would mike th" renewal o gold expoils n pressing question. The prartlea nlmmlonmont Ui the Vnlted Stales senate of th tariff bill wan not productive of nny spectilntlv crrects beyond a slight mlrnnce In sugar leflnln stickB. At the > close of the we k the poMilblllly of complications with Spain were used as a bca argument. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AM ) 1IOMJ.S. Volume nf ] | IIHIIHM Almnt Itoiiblci Thtirxilny'M Itornril. NKW YOIIK , Feb. 2 } . The volume ef business In stocks today about doubted Thurntny'n reconl the total footing up 410,000 sliAieii , as agalns 212 , OM yesterday. Decided weakness character Izcd the trading ; during the greater part of the day , ami nt times the mirket took nn n ragged appearance. Wholesale liquidation wns noted ami there wnv nlso vlg-iruus p.iuinllnK by the old-time bear lender nnd his following. The sell Inif movement received Its chief original Impetus from Washington , nnd leading houses hiving wire connection with that city threw over Inigo lines on leading Ilroadway commission houses , pulling out 40.000 to 50,0 > shares of stocks f-.r both nc counts. Including Sugar , St. I'aul , Chicago Uas ntnl Tennessee Coal. THe llrst montloneil stock llgured for nearly one-quarter of Ihe large ag gregatc of transactions , nnd scored a decline on the d y of 6 % per cent. The extreme decline wns 0 per cent , nnd the closing showed n la's , ns compared with yesterday's llnal figures , of 2i per cent. Tlie greater part of the selling wns for account of the Inside pool , which lias fo'r sevcra we ks past been active In advancing the stock. Leather ptcferrcd was about half ns active ns Sugar , nnd sold doxvn on extreme 2tt per cent , to 59i'i , It left off nt a net decline of about a point , The depression In the Flock was due to the continued circulation ot circumstantial un favorable criticism of the annual report and af fairs of the company. For example. It Is clnimec t'ae current Impression that the company has pali half of the $3.OWOj0 ( lontlnc debt snown In the re- l it Is enoncmis , und that Its resources have been tied up ns a result of a gigantic speculation In hides. It Is recnlled tlmt the misfortunes o the Nntknal Cordage company were prlmarll ) due to n similar policy. St. I'aul came ( hint In point of activity , nnd nbout only 1,000 shares behind Leather preferred In this respect. An unusually large business was recorded In Louis ville & Nashville. Th only attempted explanation for the slumi was that lame Interests were apprehensive of possible disturbances of the market In the event of the expected heavy vote In the senate In favor of the recognition of the l > elllgcrcncy nm Independence of Cubn. Nevertheless shrewd ob servers have tor several days pail reminded the market as tha opportunity , believing that stocks have passed Into weak hamts. The maiket opened strong and higher In sympathy with advancing London quotations , nnd by liberal foreign pur chasing of St. Paul and Louisville & Nashvlll : . The gains nt the outset extended IVi per cent In the active list , the Munhattnn leading. Ilnlti- tnore & Ohio rose 2U per cent on belief that a crisis In the nftnlrs of the company had been averted. In the Into dealings , hcwever , the price sagged to slightly below" last nlght'H level. upward movement scvnt eliminated and depres sion succeeded without Interruption until the last llfteen minutes of business. The Northern racClib"ehnres , common and preferred ferred , made n display of strength at one time In marked contrast to thp other markets , nm rose ' , i nnd ! 1 per cen respectively on the tin founded assumption that a reorganization plan had been otllclnlly formed nnd even underwritten The selling movement was In full farce In the more prominent shares nrouiid 2:30 : , nnd , aside from the losses already nqtod , the extreme con cessions from the top. level-were : Burlington nnd 'Tennessee Conl. 3W per cent ; Louisville & Nash- vlllo nnd General Electric,1' 3VJ per cent ; Consol idated Onn nnd Italthnnra1 & Ohio , 3 per cent Hock Island and I'ndllc Mail , 2j per cent ; St. I'nul. 2i ! per cent ; Chicago Gns , 2i per cent Manhattan. Knnsns & , T.exas preferred and Lnck- nw.mna , 2V per cent , mid Northwest , li per cent , A brisk cavorlng movement occurred nbout 2:13. : In which recoveries 'wcre mnde of IH per cent In Leather preferred ; Ilurllngton , l'j per cent ; Sugar , IK per. cent , ; Manhattan , m - percent cent , nnd I'nclllc Mall , Louisville & Nashville nnd Heading. 1 per cent. The market closed strong In tone , but with heavy 'net lossf-s In many shares. The market for' ' rail way bondsiiojelrlbltedi.n/i ilm- pravkiK tendency. In the , early nesslon ; under the leadership of the Northern Pacific , which wns helped by rumors noted elsewhere. The gains averaged nbout 1 per ctnt in the Issue referred to. Baltimore & Ohio 6s were marked up to 91 , ns against the offers nti " 89 seller 20 , " the final quotutlan of yesterday. . .Late In the das' the mar ket was somewhat affected by the depression In stocks. The denllngs wcic $1,186,0)0. Government binds nlso displayed a sagging tendency , and sales of $77.000 nt slight concessions were made. The Evening Post's .London financial cable gram says : The stock markets were Irregular today , hut with a firm tendency. Investment stacks were very strong , a d also Argentines , but Hrnzlls were flat on a further fall In ex change. Tlio yellow fever stems lo be seriously checking business. Americans have been good , HMltlmore & Ohio wns depressed by the pub lished statements , but closed above the lowest , on private advices that an Isms of preference shares has been practically aVrnnged. Finally Americans closed flat In the street. Knlllrs were Rood , nnd n further rise Is reported , apparently on rumors that President Krugcr Is coming here. The llerlln market was quiet. Paris opened un changed , but closed steady lo llrm. ft The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : The total sales of slocks today were 419,912 inures , Including ; American Tobacco , 27.2CO ; fUchlson , 7,700 ; Amerlrilii"Sugar. 99,600 ; Ilutllng- lon & Qulncy , IM.fWi Clr&ugo Gnu , 10V ( ; Den- , -er & lllo Grande preferred , 4,10) : Distillers and Oattlo Fenders , 8.2-W ; 'Uviier.ll Illeclrlc , 6,700 ; [ .oulsvlllo & Nat.hvllle , iD&lOO ; Manhattan Con- mlldated , 6,700 ; MU url. I'licllle. 4,300 ; Northern I'aclllo preferred , 4,900'L'afclllo ; Mall , 6810 ; Head- UK , 8.400 ; Hock Inlafd."t5,700 : SI. I'nul , 41,100 ; Fcnnesseo Coal ami Ircri 7,700 ; Union 1'aclllc , 1.600 ; Western llnlop. iCiWO ; Wabash & Lak * IJrle , 5a j Southern ufcfc red , 3MO , Sow York ' .Mdiii-y Mnrkrt. NEW YORK , Feb.l M.JUMONKY ON" CALL : : any at 383'i per cant/ilast ; loan , 3 per cent ; ilusrd , 3 per cent. , , , , . PRIME MERCANTILE' . l > APBU-GV > OSa } per ' ' : ent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with actual juslnesa In bankers' blllmlat $ l.87iI.W for de- imnd and $4.SGH04.SS1i > .jfor > Kly days ; poctttd ales , JI.57ai.87M : unil ilK3i01.W ' ! ; commercial Jills , $ I.S5 J. ' ? ' HAH SILVER-CSe. TJI.1 6 GOVERNMENT IION/Wt Eaiilcr. Stile bondi. lull , Railroad bonds. OAKIT ) , Closing nuolatlons on bonds were na followit j,8. 4 , reif. , now , \\i\ 0.1' . 1 at * of'1)3 ) , . . , 101 J.8.48coupnow , 117 0. A H. ( i.7a- 11 : < U I. s. .lb , re * llll : < I ) . .V U. C. 41. . . . . , IIOU J. S. SB , coup lli : KrlM'Jdu. . . . , . . . , . . , 7H I.S.4Htve inuit (1. II. iH. A. ( Is. . , . 102 J.S.4H.COUP 110 O. II. .V H. A. " . . , . 11)0 ) I. S. - ' . roi- 1)3 II. .VT. C , 69 , 110 : 'acinoti of 'us. . . 103 clodH 100 Ma. , claaa A KM M. . 1C. AT , I t4 . . K0l ( Ma.clitHH a " " do'Jd-la 3IIH 300 Muluul Union U . . 119 Ma. Currency , . . , 100 N.J.O. noil. CH. , . . 118 „ ! . New Con. IB. , IM ! ( No. I'.icltlo UlB. . . 117 vll aourlOn , 11)0 da'Jd HIM 1 , O.Ort ! ' . > . ' N. W. Coimola 130M t' . C. | H 1UJW doS. K. Dau. 5s. . HOW 1.0. nonfimd ! < R. ej. Woit. lulu. . . ntf I'uim. new setHn. 80 HI. P. ConHOU 7 . . 1'8 roiin. now net 08. , Ill doO. &P. W. 3s. 113 ! ( ronn. oldtla. . , . , , , 00 31. U & I.M.Oull. 5 70 I'a. C < iiiturte . , , , . 01 ) < St. 8. 107 do deferred U I'OXM 1'ae. lulu , . . HdU Uchlbon 4n. . 7H ( < do Jd4. , , , . . . . . . . . U.I ItchlbOiiUd A 'Jilli II. 1 * . Ixuof'Ud. . . . 1I'J ) ! ( 'aSo.vMu . . . lo.ltj \Vo t nliura U. . . . . lOtlfj ' , uulllcd la. 7Ui ! N. paa. : w si ) ) . I1..VN. IHIH. , . . Ill Southern S 0'J4 ! I < 'liiiiiiclnl Altai . . Feb. 2t.-Kschange on Ixuidon , eight law * ilKht. 20 marku KV , pfK. IXWDON , Feb. M.-Qg'.a It ijUyUJ at liuenoi Ayre * ( winy nt MI.Mj Mmleld , 1T.M ; tl twn. K 81. 1'eterMmre , M ; Athene 77 ; Iljme , 1II.SO Vl'nnn , 103. I'AIUS. Feb. -Thrff per rent rente105 72Ho f > r the account. I'schanee on Ixindon 25f 21 > ie for checkf , Ilnfitnn Stock BOSTON. Kcb , S8.-C.t11 Ibitn. 0 H p-tr cent ! tltnti loatiA. & ' 47 per rent. Oloaliu PMOJI fjr Blocks , bandit xnd inhibit Rh troll A. sTX s . K urn \VU. 3J4J Am. Sitcar. . Billion Blew. Ills . Ill ) Am , Sugar pM , . . . Ui'n. Klcc. pfd um " ' " ISKlt Telephone. . . 20.J Alchlsoii 4s. . . . . 7SV < notion ft Albany , 'jlll ' Poll on \ Malno. . 171 Won. Klpeilrlo < ! * . . H C. II. , < iQ 78H Allotiez Mining Co f > 0 Fllclibiirff . . . l'l < Allantlc 10 OPII. Klectrlc . . . . . : ! < ) ! < lloMoi ; , V Montaiu 7 > l IIUtiolH 9te l IU llultuA Ilo lon. . . . MM N. Y.AN. E HI Calumet & Hivla , . H0.1 Old Colony 177 Kranklln 14M On * . Short Lino. . . . n Kittrs-irse 12 M Rubber. 27W t ) toeola 'i' ! Union Pacific "h Outncy I'.l WentKnd HA " ' ' " " " Went Kud nfd , . . , . till Wolverine" . . . . 7H W. Kiev , nrd 2 Sun I'riiiii-lnoo Mlnlnp ; SAN FRANCISCO. Fob. US.-Tho official cloilnr nuolatlousfor nilnlnj mock * toliy were as fol lows : London Seoi-lc flnntntloiiii. LONDON , Feb. B8. t p. m. closltu : Consols , m'y 1IIUU Mexican ordinary. ' 'OV4 CoiiHOls.ncc't..log IS-III St. Paul co.ii . XOH Can. Paclllc ClIH N. Y.dCentral 11)1 ) Krlo 17 Pennsylvania 65V < ErloVds 7(1 ( ! * Ro.idln ? OH III. Central 100 Mox. Con , now -la. . 73H ll.Ml StLVIOIl 31U < I per ounce. MONEY UfTl l' r cent. The rate of discount In the open matket for short and three months' bills Is 15-lCtfl per cent. Kliiunclnl NotcN. NEW YOIIK. Feb. 23. Clearings , $51,007,453 ; bal ances , (15,140,850. ( 11OSTON. Fob. 23. Clearings , J13,003,917 ; bal- nnces. J1,2I6,53I. 1'IULADELI'IIIA , Fob. 23. Clearings , * D,1C2- 9SO ; balances , 11,277,301. ST. l.OUIS. Keb. 28. Clearings. J3,3M.10I ; bal ances , tl'J.903. ' Money , CHS per cent. New York exchange , Me discount bid. WASHINGTON , Feb. 22. The treasury today lost $ ) ,2J9tX In gold coin and 11,200 In bars , which leaves the true amount of the reserve J122.2H.229. This Is a net loss since last Wcdnes- d y of nearly J2,400OW. CHICAGO , Feb. 23. Clearings. tU.118,892. Money rates llrm nt 0 per cent for call loans and 6S > 7 per cent for commercial paper. New York exchange J1.10 discount. Foreign exchange , arm. U.lnhctV ( London ) slotting , Sl.SG5itf4.S7Ji. WOOL URALHltS WKLIj SITUATED. No I'rnlinbllKy of u Had leal ItrenU In the 1'rcMeiit I'rleeH. HOSTON. Feb. 23. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter onya of the wool trade : "The sales In the three1 principal markets have aggre gated 4,631,600 pounds , comprising 2,321,800 pounds domestic nnd 2WSW pounds of foreign wool. In Boston and 1'hlladelphla the trend of Inquiry has been unmistakably toward domestic wool and nalca of such stock at those points have considerably exceeded transactions In foreign wool. There Is no quotable change In the prices of staple wool or desirable stock erf nny kind. The statistical position of wool In deXlers" hands Is so strong that there Is no iwsslblllty or a radical break In rates. The total sales since Jnnunry 1 have amounted to 4. > ,1I3,139 pounds , against 44E3S,3G3 iraunds n year ago. "At New York the sales In the market for th" week have amounted lo G22.009 pounds of foreign , 813.00) pounds domestic ; total , l.nxl.OJO pounds. Hales since January 1 < have amounted to 12,2- KJ7 pounds , against 10.S23,2W pounds a year ago. ' "Totnl sales for the week nt Hoston are S.33G.500 n&unds , ' 1,32SOO ( ) 'pounds domestic nnd 1,030,030 pound * foreign. Knles since Jnnunry 1 , ISftO , linvc amounted to 22G80.S ( paundJ , against 23,581,330 pounds a year ago. At Philadelphia the totHl sales for the week were 939,600 pounds , of which 473,000 pounds were domestic and 405,81)0 ) pounds were foreign wool. The sales since January 1 have amounted to 10.323,0 $ ) pounds .against 8.6SO.S13 pounds a year ago. ago."At Kt. Lou I H there' ban been quite a business done. Demand 1ms been varied and consldeiably better than for Koine time past. A 72,000-pound clip of Dakota was cold thin week. It beinga feature of the business done. " Liverpool Mnrketn. LIVERPOOL , Feb. 28. WHEAT Spot steady ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 8d ; No. 2 roj spring , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard. Mun- 'toba , 6s 7V5d ; No. 1 California , Ss d. Futures Ijened steady , with near and distant positions > .d higher ; cltaitd firm with near nnd distant /jsltlonH liQ-Vnl higher ; business nbout equally distributed ; February , 5s Ed ; March , 5s Slid ; April , Es S'Jd ; May , 5a Sid ; June , 5s 8,1 ; July , 5s 9d. CORN Spot steady ; American mixed new , 3s. Futures opened steady nnd unchanged ; closed steady nnd unchanged ; about equally dlstilbuted ; February , 3s ; March. 3d lid ; April , 3n ttd : May , 3s l4d ! : June , 3s Hjd ; July , 3s HJd. FLOUR Steady ; demand fair , freely supplied ; St. Louis fancy winter , 7s Cd. z PROVISIONS Dacon , dull ; demand poor ; Cum berland cut , 28 to 30 IbK. , 2Sa Cd ; short ribs. 2J Ibs. , 27s ; long clear , light , 3S to 43 Ibs. , 27s ; Ions clear , heavy , B3 Ibs. , 26s ; short clear backn. light , 13 Iba. , 27s ; short clear middles , heavy. 55 Ibs. , 2fs ; clear bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 28 < i. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 lln. . 24x Cd. Hams , short cut , H to 10 Ibs. , Ms. Tallow , line North American , nil Sd. Ileef , extra India mess , 70s ; prime inefs , 53u. Pork , prlrno mess , Hno westein , GQn ; west ern medium , 4fi3 3d. Laid , dull ; prim ? Western , ! 73d ; reflned , In palls , 2ia. CHEESE Quiet ; demand poor ; finest Amer ican , white nnd colored , 44s. HUTTER-FInest United Htatts , 03s ; good , Os. OILS Rosin , common , 4s Hid. Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined. 1 % , Linseed oil , 19s 9.1. REFRIGERATOR HEEF Forequarters , 3Vld ; ilndqunrtern , 4d. IILEACIIINQ 1'OWDER Hardwood , f. o. b. , Mrerpnol , 7 , HOPS At Ixvndon ( PnclHc const ) , 2. The receipts of wheat during the past three lays wera ICI.OOO-centals , Includinir 143.0W Amer ican ; receipts of American corn , 15G,0 centals. Weather , warm nnd moist. C off co Mnrket. NEW YORK , Feb. 23. COFFEE Options jpjned steady ; February , 10 points higher and ther months unchanged ta 10 pol/itg 'lower ; Iluropenii buying oidem checked the decline , toiler local tradem were Hellers ; closed steady at mcliancril price. ) to 5 polntH decline ; rnles , 27,750 ingn , Including ! Ffhruary. $12.70 ; March , $12.'Jli ? 12.53 ; April , $11.93 ; May , $11. 012.00 : July. Jll,43 | September , $10,83310.83 ; December , $10.C3ifl0.70. 3p > t Rio , Nteady ; No. 7 , $13.23 ; mild , steady ; Cordova , $ HI.7ufl7.73 ; warehouse deliveries from Now York yesterday. 11,732 bags ; Now York slock nduy , 234,920 bags ; Unlled States stock , 230,171 mgs ; ullont for Ihe United States , 171,000'luigs ; : ntal vlalbln for the United SlJltii , 401,174 bags , igalnst 430,970 bags last year , SANTOS. Feb. 2S. Quiet ; good average , $11.50 ; ecelpts , 300 lags ; mock , 2TC,000 bags. HAM11URO , I'Vb. 28. Quiet , unchanged to ? J ifK. advance ; Bales , 4.000 bags. HAVRE. Feb. 28.-CIosed quiet nt ' , J0if ? net ulvrunce : sales , 31,000 bags , RIO DE JANEIRO , Feb. 28. Weak ; No. 7 , 13M ; exchangeSlid ; receipts , 5,090 bags ; cleared ! ar the United Klntni , BOX ) bags ; for Europe , l,0i)0 baga ; stock , 171.0 ) bags. C'olloii Market , ST. LOUIS. Feb. 2-COTTON-Qulel | mid- Illntt , 7 9-1Cc ; sales , 224 In lea ; receipts , 1.58S mldi ; shipments , 1,783 baleu ; Htock , 70,124 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 25. COTTON Easy ; nlddllntr. 7jo ! ; loiv middling , 7 5-16oj good or- llnary , 7c ; net receipts , 3,231 bales ; gross. 3,323 > alea ; salra , 3,039 bales ; Block , corrected , 313,171 NEW YORK , Feb. 28 , COTTON Quiet ; m'M- Illnfi , 7 13-ICc ; net receipts , none ; gross , 4.G63 mles ; forwarded , CO bales ; sales , 273 baltx ; plnnern , 175 bales ; et-jok , 18C.019 bates. Futures Incfd qulel ; snbii , 179,90' ) bales ; February , $7.43 ; .Inich. . $7.41 ; April , $7.43 ; May , $7.54 ; June , $7,58 ; uly , J7.C3 ; August , $7.C2 ; September. $7.37 : Oclo- ier , $7.30 ; November , $7.2 ; December , $7.29 , ToK'ilei ( irnlii Aliirkt't , TOLEDO , Feb. 2 ? . WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 , ash nnd February , 75c ; Mny. 75o ; July , 7IHc. CORN Dull , iileady ; Na. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 3 nlxeil , 28i/ie. OATS-Qulet nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 201 > c ; ; D. 2 white , 22o ; Mny , 221'tC. UVIv-Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 41c , CI/OVKH SEED Active ; lower ! cash nnd Feb- uurj' , $ l.42'i ' ; March , $1.33 ; receipts , CCI biifii ; hlpments , 1,200 bags , RECEII'TS-FIour , 600 bbls , ; wheat , 4OW bu.j :3rn. : 42.000 bu. SHII'MENTS-Flour , 1,500 bbls. ; wheat , 2,000 iu. ; corn , 8,500 bu. Prurlu JIurkflN. PI'XRIA , Feb. 28. CORN Steady ; now No , t. If new No. 3 , 2CUc , OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , WMflZWc ; No. J I'hlte. l3HW-'c ' ' , RYE-Nolhlmt dolne. WHISKY Market Heady ; nnlihed goods , on ho basis of $1.23 for high wines. RECEIPTS-Corn. J3.7M bus. ; oal , 7I.C50 but. ; rhlsky , 73 gals. ; wheut , 3.COO bus , SHIPMENTti-Corn , 62,700 bu .s oalg , 43,1 W UK. ; whl ky , 283 gaU. ; wheat , 1,200 bus. ' Trlne'0 AVIirnt ( ( iintnll nii , SAN FRANC'ISCO. Feb. W.-WHEAT-8ten < ly ; ) ceinber. $1 Itii May , $ l.lM i cleared , CI.7U - - enlBU OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARRE1 Oattlo Becoipts Light , but Those of Hog ! Fairly Liberal. PRICES OF CATTLE REMAIN UNCHANGED IUcHiv | ( of UOKH nl All I'olntf rrNNiMl < lu Slnrkpl triini 5 tn 1O Cents TPII IiontlN Itr- iiinlti lliiaolil. PUIDAY. Kelt , 23. rtccclpts for the elnys Indicated arc : Cattle. HORS. Shocp. Horse * Pcbrunrv 2S 913 3.BIS 1M 4 < I'Ybrtmry 27 1,201 3,713 1.520 . . . Kobrunry 2i ! 1.7X ) 3.4fi7 1,433 2 Kolinmry 13 3,057 C.,4t ! ) RIG 4i February 21 K& 1.2KI 878 4 February 22 553 4lf.l . . . . > February 21 1.163 3,7 % 919 CATTM3 Only 918 licnil of cattle were reported In the yards , ns ngnlnst 1,204 , yes tcnlny , nnil 1.463 on Frlilny of ln t week While the ilomnml wns not large. It wns Biilllclcnt to take care of tlio arrival * , nm the pens were ccnre ! < l before the close. The. trmlo In beef steers was Just nUiu steady with yesterday , so for ns values were concerned , but It was Inclined to be plow and featureless. Them was no Biinp o life to the trmle. Sorno salesmen thought I wns a ! lttle > easier to get llionva than yesterday , but ns n ivhuls : ! iurn wu little or no changa worthy ot notice. lUitchcr Flock wns nlso about steady There were only six iisfct loads of cows and heifers In the yards , nil told , no cnatiRh to cut very much ot a llfiuro on the market. The offerings were all tnucn early Tlio stocker and feeder trade was In a very satisfactory condition so far ns the FellliiR Interests were concerned. The < le mniul wns very fair , mid ns the offerings worn llht ( It did not lake : OIIK to effect i clearance at steady to strong prices. Hep resentntlve sales : 11EKF BTEEIIS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. lr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . . Cli ) $2 S3 1. . . . 730 $3 45 33..13V , $ J CO 1..1S70 3 ITi 10..11SO .1 M S. . . , 922 3 CO 2. , . . 920 320 11. . . . M7 3 SO 21..1110 3 fr ) 1. . . . ! Wi ) 3 23 17..1018 3 CO 15..1040 363 l..i. 960 323 53..1131 SOT 2..1M3 3 C5 5..1331) .ICO 7..11C7 350 , ' , . . . , > ! 370 l..Kia 340 C. . . . 991 350 17..111' ) 370 7..1151 345 18. . . . 36 355 17..1333 373 5..1SOO 340 3..1298 300 COWS. 1 , . . . S30 100 2..1030 240 1. . . . S30 273 1. . . . 810 1W 6..1110 240 6..10W 273 1. . . . r,10 1 .V ) 2..1100 243 G..11R1 275 1..1164 173 3..PKW 243 5. . . . 353 2 75 4. . . . SS3 183 1..1030 243 1..1ITO 275 1. . . . 700 200 8..1033 243 1..12M ISO 1. . . . 930 200 11..1042 243 11..11W 280 4..1037 200 1..11UO 2S > > 7..1M1 283 1..1130 210 2. . . . DO ) 250 C. . . . 910 S M 1. . . . KW 215 3..1116 2 M 1..11SO 2 W 2..10C3 2 IS 1..1130 2 M 4..1137 293 1..1020 315 1. . . . 890 2 M 3..1320 295 5..10S2 213 7..KOO 250 1..IOW 2 3 1..101) 215 1..10W 250 1..12M 30. ) 2. . . . S73 225 S. . . . U30 2 DO 13..1016 301 2 , . . . 930 223 8. . . . 713 260 1..1.V.IO 300 1..10SO 323 2..1070 20) 3..12SO 300 1. . . . Sji ) 223 20..1037 2 60 1..143' ' ) 305 1..1200 2 Xi 1..1010 200 1..1HO 310 r..llOG 235 2..1M3 2 Gl 2. . . .1313 310 1..1010 240 1..12M 2 03 n..112J 315 1..11CO 240 I..1010 203 50..1013 3 ) . > 1..1000 240 1..112270 ; t. . . . ! 0 323 1. . . . 910 240 4..1031) ) 270 1..1209 325 1..10W 240 HEIFE11S. 1. . . . SOO 2 V > 1. . . . 70) 203 4. . . . M2 30) 8. . . . 470 250 0. . . . C1C 270 2. . . . S75 3d ) 3 . . . 403 250 1. . . . 700 270 2..1020 300 8..1011 2 & > 3. . . . 08) ) 275 3. . . . 440 315 2. . . . 615 2.W 1. . . . 390 275 3..1083 315 2. . . . 610 200 13. . . . E82 290 3..9.W 315 1. . . . 790 260 22. . . . 600 295 1. . . . 4bO 523 3. . . . 576 2 60 BULLS. 2. . . . 845 1 80 1..2010 2 50 2. . . . 910 2 75 3..1173 225 14..10:0 : 2 M 1..U30 275 1..14SO 2 30 1..13S ) 2 53 1..150) 2 1..1070 233 1..15UO 200 1..141J 2 S3 1..15GO 233 2..1215 200 2..1775 2 ST. 1..12JO 235 1..KM 260 2..101) 2 W 1 . . .123) 240 1..1370 203 1..1010 2 W 1 . . .1220 240 2..1IWO 273 1..1C6) 300 1..1210 340 1..1740 275 1..15SO 3W 1..13SO 240 1 1G.V ) 275 1..1310 300 2..1001) ) S 10 1..1910 375 1..1100 315 STAGS. 1..1170 2 .10 CALVES. 1. . . . SCO 2 00 1. . . . 2SO 3 50 2. . . . 110 5 23 1. . . . 370 2 35 I. . . . 80 4 00 1. . , . 2.0 6 23 1. . . , 270 250 2. . . . 135 ,4 W 1. . . . 1K ( ) 523 1 . . . ICO 250 I. . . . 90 425 1. . . . 130 625 2. . . . 305 32S 1. . . . 120 423 1..160 623 1. . . . 330 265 I. . . . 120 EOT 1. . . . 100 523 I. . . . 200 323 1. . . . 110 500 1. . . . ISO 525 ] . . . . 310 335 1. . . . 140 623 2. . . . 1JO 623 0. . . . 331 3 40 STOCKEIIS AND FEEDERS. 2 , . . . 570 273 6. . . . 986 340 2..11)13 ) 3 50 1. . . . "CO 280 1. . . . 570 340 2. . . . 733 350 " . . . .788 285 6. . . . 410 340 4. . . . N13 350 2..715 300 19. . . . 684 345 12. . . . CCS 353 1..1000 300 1C. . . . 427 360 20. . . . 90S 355 1. . . . 800 300 ! > . . . . 665 350 I. . . . 530 355 2. . . . 803 305 13. . . . 430 360 1. . . . 810 353 14 , . . . 397 315. IS..1100 3 M 21. . . . 64) 363 2. . . . 623 335 5. . . . 032 350 4. . . . 17 360 I. . . . 600 330 6. . . . 411 360 1. . . . 620 3 CO 3. . . . 930 330 1C. . . . C 3 M 11. . . . 010 300 1. . . . SCO 335 IS. . . . 831 350 111..MO 363 HOQS Tlie receipts of hogs were nbout the same ns yesterday so far ns numbers wtiv con cerned , there being 3,041 ! today nrul 3,713 the day jcfore. In addition to the fresh receipts there worn aliout 1,300 Rials liogs curried over from .ho previous day , making a totul ou sale of K\O \ H : o 5,000 head. Larco receipts and lower markets at all other points had a depressing effect here and the mar- tet opened 6c to lOc lower. The trade wan lather slow , salesmen being backward about in.tklin ; Hie concesu.on and buyem not appearing to be la any hurry to nil ordein. The range of prices was J3.COW3.70 , with heavy IORS Bellini ; largely at J .COJJ3.C3 and Unlit weights at J3.6303.70. There weri more H le at : j.C5 than at any other price. The bulk of the IIORS old early , but toward the last tha market became- very slow and the clc4 < c wan weak nl the decline , with ten loads unsold. Hepienenta- tlve sales : No. Av. Sti. Pr. Ko. Av. Bh. Tr. 18 SCO . . . J3 60 87 210 . . . 13 65 07 2CS 100 3 CO 10 270 . . . 3 S3 44 304 . . . 360 62 209 . . . 361 C8 289 10 3 CO 04 13 ISO 3 63 73 220 40 360 . . , , . . . . . . . 363 2 , ) 415 . . . 300 133 221 2 * ) 30.1 03 327 40 3d ) 60 273 . , . 303 47 3fS . . . SCO f.G 311 . . . 3 (13 ( 59 S33 110 3 W 64 277 KO 3 C5 W 142 80 300 67 202 . . . It 63 59 342 SO SCO 67 282 . . . 301 09 i.303 SO 3021,4 117 353 . . . 3 C.1 3S 302 . . . 3 C2',4 27 S99 . . . 3 03 47 355 1M 3 Ci ! CO Jill . . . 3 C7V5 42 394 80 3 C2Vi tS 119 . . . 3 C7i ! 11 257 . . . 3 C2 > i 63 , . .231 . . . 3 67V4 19 1SS . . . 3 62V4 " 0 20S 120 3 C7Vj C7 tilt . . . 3 C214 21 20G . . . 30715 6T 234 40 3 C214 II 203 . . . 3(1714 ( Uf 294' 60 3 C2 > ,4 II 270 . . . 3 6714 61 313 80 3 C2' ' , < j 10 281 . . . 3 67J5 67 287 80 3C3 W 181 . . . 370 20 233 . . . 30.1 70 2J7 . . . 370 1C , ) 280 . . . 305 71 2SI . . . .170 63 235 . . . 361 01 217 . . . 370 13 3i . . . 365 61 Wt . . . 370 8. 201 . . . 363 51 J40 . . . 375 M S2S 80 365 OS , S3S . . . 370 GS..I..227 . . . 3 C- 70 221 . . . 370 M 328 40 365 71 2H 40 370 r,1 312 80 365 79 2J . . . 370 rr , no so 30.1 cs 2 9 , , . 370 63 > ! . . . 80.1 7S 2t . . . 370 C7 20) 40 363 67 21i ! 40 370 02 292 . . . 361 82 , . .195 , , , 370 M 2S7 . . . ' 63 IMOS-ODDS AND ENDS. 1 230 . . . 260 7 208 . . . 3 W l ! J.V ) . . . 260 C 226 . . . 3 W i 300 . . . 3 ( V ) , . , , . . , . : - , , , n eo 1 70 . . . SOO 6. 22S . . . SOO 1 2IHI . . . 300 4 210 . . . SCO 1 SOO . . . 325 7 22J . . . HVM 310 160 S 60 3. , 200 . . . .1 02H 2 415 . . . 365 3 210 . . . 3 C24 ! 1 Ill ) . . . 365 S 203 . . . 3C2VS ' ' 3 . . . 365 -7 SIS . . . 3 62 ( , > . . . . , . . . 355 1 300 . . . 365 5 ' , . 303 . . . 36714 S 1C2 . . . S 65 8.3 ! ! ! . . . 3 57l ! HIIEEP Thwo wmno pherp of nny Im portance on the markPt , the ilay'H rccclpu boliiu consigned direct l < > n local packer. Tlio demand continues good for desirable- mutton * . Itejiru- ifiilutlvu nalcy ; No , Av. Tr. 32 native cwca , . . , . , . . ' W ft 35 ICiinmiH Oily I.lyn filouU. KANHAH CITY. I' b. 2S.-C'ATTLE-llecelpti , 3.3O ) brad : shipment * . l.PW hcncl : bent KrHdM steady , f > o hlRher ; Texan ulcers , M.l fn.40i Ti'xas COWD , J2.1Mi2.GO ; beef Mi-era , 13.'W-U ' .10 : nnllva cowl , ll.WWJ.W ; elockeru and rccdcm , ? : . ! iOfj.83 | ; bullu , 12.1083.23. . Tiii # * l * cj a > i > tmtm > J' ' " ' * t | u HIIHKI' llecclpls , 4.MW head ; ihlpmcnts , 1.100 lieud ; market slow but sfady ; lambs , | 3.7Ji ( I.SO ; muttons , $2.8iM3.75. St. I , oil U Llvo 8T. I/ll'IH , Feb. IS. CATTL13 Ilrctlplv. 1,2)0 liead : tleady ; nullvo beeves , n.2iST4.W ] tloekers ind feede.8 , f2.iSB3.G < l ; cows and heifers. $ : .OOQ' ' ) .4i ; Texan rluers , Ji.Wy3.tO ; erasieik nnd fed , HOGS Receipts , 7,040 hunt ; market Sc lower ; lieavy , $3.o03.t > 0 ; mixed , 'i.MSJ.SO ; llcht. 3.71'tf I.W. I.W.HIIit7rH : crlpti , : ,000 head ; market itcnny ; $ ; ,7ji/3.7j / ; boulhern , J2.WU3.40. SteekM In Ilenord of receipts t the Tour principal markets ror February ' 'S , U'JO : Cattle , HOKS. Blieep. louth Omaha . , , 913 3 , CIO 133 JhlciiKO . , . , . 6,090 21.000 8.0W ICun u City . , . . , , , . J.JW 10,204 ,4 , (00 it. Louhi . „ . . , , . . , . UW 7,000 : ,000 TotaU . , , , , . . , . , . . 10,418 41,819 RG53 V rlc 1,1 > Sdirlf , NBW YOHU 1'et , ZST.-I held ! slow for sleem and fnt cnw ! olhe-rn flendy ; teer , for medium to > prlma ; o < on nnd Maqs. JlS'.UJ.fSi Inilln. S.7-ttJ.J5j cms , $ I.Wj.l.loelm ( fnt eon * , tJ.Mltie& C'dblm. tinner ; rrfileerotor t > o-f , T'iHSHe ; Amrrlcnn teen * , ? ' yiic ) , drertied welRhtst shlpmi-nls tolav , none ; tomorrow , 1,73 rattle , 2HX ( sheep and S,10 > ) qunrtem of lieef. RIIKK1 * AND LAMIlS-lleci-lpts. 2.W7 head ! vlierp , medium ( > cholee , $3. WI.W ; Inmbs , po > ! to r\lr.i. $ l.VfI4.94. ( HOlS-ttec. > lpb < . 4.157 hendjeak nt $ lSOffl.70 ! fancy plus. $ I..H/8.W. ! / CUH'ACIO IIVU STOCK. lrlre > Slum oil \o rnrdcitlnr Ctinncc Tluinuli Cbolcc I.eitV ri .Sonroi- . CIIICAOO , IVb. 2i-rrlce < nhon-rit no particu lar change * today , though choice lots \\cra scarcer nnd MmnKer , The RfnAtnl demand WAS fair. Sale > < of steem were nt from $3.30 tu $1.45 for common to prime , the bulk of the trans actions hclntr nt from XC ) to $1.13. 1 > : xp. > rteui rintlmio Rood buyers ) of fil cattle , but It Is dllllcult lo Ret anywhere near lo prices except vih'rn the offerings are fancy Jn every respect. llutrhets' entile nte plpntler nnd rnlher ncllvo I nt a decline of from lie lo I0o , with row iwlpfl ' l.incely nt fmm $2.10 to $3.10. The best calve * still brlnjr I6.JJ , Trxns rnllle nre romlnR nt the inle til nKmt l,0i n day , nnd cll nt frum $3.19 t $3.M. In boir * the senernl market wns So lower to. day , receipts rntber oven inwilnij the estlmnltii , but them wns fair trnillinr. Th" day's sales were at an extreme rntiRe of from $3.70 to $1 , Ihe bulk KohiK nt from U.R" lo $3. ! > 0. ( > IH ivicklnu hogs soil IniKcly nt fitim J3.S" > to $ li > . ' > . In sheep tliero wns a fair trade and recent \ovr \ prices prevailed. Sheep sold nl frum $2.59 lo $3,75 , Ixilh native * nnd westerns KOlnR Int-Rcly nt from $ X1 , * > lo ! XW. YoaillnKs sell nt ftvm JXM to $3.9 > ) , and roinnnn to choice Inmbi nte In fnlr elmiand nt from $3.M to $ t.5i ) , the bulk irolnir nt $1 nnd upward , llecplpln : Cntllo , tOW head : IIORS. 12.000 head ! rOuvp , S.OX ) heail. _ KIIIKM * I'll ? ' KANSAS CITY , Feb. M.-WIIHAT-Sow ! : No. 2 hard , nominally , t c ; No. 3 , r.tlJMc ; Nn. 2 ml , offered nt 74o , No. 2 fcprltiK , nominally , CJc ! No , 3. KtfttSt. COHN Acllve , unclmnRed ; No. 2 mixed , 23 < , lc ; No. 2 while , 21UBMc. OATS Slow ; ftvely offereil ; No. 2 mlxeil. 17V c ; No. 2. 20i' . HYi : No. 2. 3c. ( ! HAY Contlnuen very weak ; timothy , $10.00i 11.50 ; prairie. $4.50ftfi.r,0. HlJTTKIl Firm ; creamery , ICOlSc ; dairy , II 5KOOS KOOS Very weak nt 8Vc. ( CKS OK How < o Cart- for ( lie IlrnlUt nf ( lie Children , In Winter KHpcclnlly. When NBA- York was sttftcrlng front nn epidemic of diphtheria llio llonril ot Health decided that Its prevalence wns to lie attrib uted to the tunics of a korcseno lamp turned down low more than nny other single cause. Whether or not this be BO , comments the New York Herald , It IB certainly a mis taken kindness on the part of nn Indulgent mother to allow a lamp to remain In a child's budrcom. with the name turned low. A turned down keraa.jne lamp ID a inrtKazIno of deadly cas , to which the strongest lunus cannot bo safely exposed. A mcithcr. whoso two children nro such marvels of health and beauty as to nmko the envied of nil her friends , when asked her formula for hooping them so. replied , "A slntplo , regular diet , an early bed hour , a cold roam to sleep In nnd a cold morning bath. " These are nt least four eif the bs&t ounces of prevention , not only against Olph- therla but any other malady. Tlio cold inornliiR bath , however , murt bo hyglenlcally nnd scientifically administered. It means work on the part of the mother , but It Is work that pays for Itself. U must bo dorm In a room with n temperature of at least 72 degrees. It Is a difllcult matter to brlnff a slc-epliiR room that has been healthfully cold all night up to the required deere ? Im mediately after r.'slng , hut with a small gas stove this may bo easily accomplished In a bathroom. Kxpnso only half of the body at a lime , give n violent rubbing with a soft crash two ! , than a hasty rub with a sponge , dipped In ccld water , and after this a thor ough rubbing nnd drying , when the whole skin will be In a healthful glow. This plan has been tried with a child whoso previous winters had been marked by ono cold after another , with such success that so far he has not had oven a single Influenza. If your child has a cold , don't wait unlll ho Is belter to begin , but start at , oucc. The chances are that a few days of this trsat- mciit will cure It Another precaution that will avert many an attack of Influenza , cr even of a mere serious Inflammatory ailment , Is breathing , through the nostrils when exposed directly to a .very cold temperature. If the mouth be , kept open , the freezing air strikes directly on the tonsils and larynx , whllo the nasal passages are con stantly kept warm by the breath passing through from the lungs , and these , consequently quently , warm the air taken In , Children can be quite readily taught tliU lesson , which Is one that teachers , as well as parents , would do well to enforce. It Is a good plan , too , to sec that the little ones toast their feet before going to bed , an well as before starting and after returning from school or play. Children will play with cold feet , seemingly unconscious of discom fort , but they are none tlio less taking cold. Once get a child accustomed tn this , und ho will look out for It himself an a matter of habit. _ Xevrr SinlU-il Auraln. Congressman Mnrso of Massachusetts , bet ter known as "the rising sun statemnan , " made a somewhat remarkable speech In the house a few days ago which did not Und Its way to the official record , Mr. Morse , who Is generous nnd kindly , was arguing In favor of a private pension bill , and endeavored to rouse the sympathies of his fellow members uy telling them the mid case nf a veteran whoso application for a petition had been do- nloil , "That old soldier , who had fought so Bravely for his country , " cried Mr. Morse , 'died of a broken heart. Yes , Mr. Speaker , he dtod of a broken heart , of a broken heart , sir , and ho never smiled again ; he never smiled again , " _ "Give mo n liver regulator and I can rogu- ate the world , " Raid a genius. The drugglat innded lilin n bottle of DeWltt'B Llttlo Uarly Risers , tha famous little pills. niJAI.TV MAIIUKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , February 8 ; WAHUANTV UKKDS. G D P.ittorcon urn ! wife to W O Ihiike , lot 2 , block It , Blitill'H M add ( rellle ) . $3,000 J C ( 'owln and wlfu tn Hk'html Hoan- lioll , lots 1 and 2 , block 10 , Wllcox ndd . 1,200 K H I'cr ' : nnd wife lo Kittle Heln , w',4 nc 17-1C-10 . . . . . . . 3,375 W ! ' Parker nt ril to K It Illcrbnwer , lruHt ( > c , lot 2 , b'ock 7 ; lot S , blTck 12 , Kluroncn . SOO \V V Baxter to H N Kllpatrlck , lot 10 , Aldlne Square , . 1 W A Gobi ) nml wlfei to O ej OlHun , lot 21 , block C , I'oltor K Cn.'a ndd . DOO QUIT aijAiM nnnna. nnd wife to ' ' O lirimnor II .M Hunt ! , out lot 270 , l > 'lorenco . 1 O Knnfon anil wife to same , out lot 275 , puino . 1 Aiidrtiiin .Unsen nml wife to K A Hln- inn , lot J2 , block 1 , Iteunlon add. , , . , , 1 DKKV8. jperlal- mauler tn ( Jaedonli ! ( Invcsl- nient ROinpuny , lot 22 , block 2 , llans- ooin I'laci ) . l,33i Same to W H Btty.tur , lot 10. Aldlno . , . 2,0,7) ) Total amount of trim. ( Torn . . . . } U,2G3 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ca toiMa. Children Cryfoi Pjtcjier s Castoria. _ Our Free Letter > Ilevlewlnc th grain snd slock markets , will t * enl > 'cu dtlly on request , In llnjion nf deserv nf pur i of your builntin. Orders solldled fo < aeh cr on thret , to rtvo point marrlns , J , R , WILLARD & CO Members Chicago Hoard of Tit at. New Yorli 'icduc * Utchuctv. N w Voik Cons , litock Ux > hang * . IT Uo id Trvlt , Chicago. 41 Uro Jwuy , < C-.T York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Tclcphono 1031) ) . Omnlm , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS > . > om HIM Hoard of Trade. Dliect vif s la Cmovco und N ur York. Jolm A. Warrtn & Ca.