Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Cable , * Again Played nn Imyoitnnt Part in
V/heat / Prices. '
n\ct 4lnc Iliiuiln-il C'nrn
Tim n tinSiunc a >
LIIHInr. .
' .MJtrAOO , I'cb. --Cables
nn iinpottant part In whe-U prices and
much of the Mictiuth ai plnyoil todny Is
nltrb'ilfd to llio lilKh forclKii mm KM * .
Trade was h'vwy and the tipvvnnl tendency
wldom Intcirnptcil , Mny c'o lntr at nn
advance of IV since jcntcidny. Corn nnd
oatB reflected Botno of the strength nf
wheat , c'oslntr He nnd 'AC higher , rtsppo-
tluly. Provisions were wdlk nnd clo c'l '
Wheat had another strong opening bo-
cnti'c of the Liverpool cnlilos niton In ? nil-
other ndvunco of \ > \ und to HIP operator"
having cjrili-d ovir from the previous day
n good ilrnl of bull fooling riiRCiidMnl by
jMU-nlnjV news Tlio tftnmgtli nt I/vvr-
pojl , It was tifterwurd iHpcoxuru , wa not
nil due to Ilia previous di'n advance here ,
but nl-o to the fact that riirtli"i nr-ws front
Argentine Miowcd thnt the dumnKU to the
wheat crop thrto WIIH of such .1 H'jlous
rhiirn'-lr.r ns to momlcr n loililPtlon of the
i-vpoi ItibV furphi' to nbottt 15,00(1,000 ( un.
This milled mnlcrlnMy to tinstrcnKtlt of
thh market. The norlhvvt atcrn recclpti
\vftf heavier l y 116 catloadi than on tlio
lorretpoiidlim Otn of the ck before nml
lint , with the lie ivy world's hlptnents ,
8101,000 bu. , Lnusetl some ituclino nfKr the
oarlj bulRo , but the ArRpntlno news nlicady
rufcircd to and n furlhir 'id ' ndviinco i-
iiortpil bv the second Liverpool cnblcRMtn
lifted the nlHttiiitloiiH to the tipwunl tirnd
of the inailtet , eppoclnlly as It was remem
bered thnt last wet It wai" the Hist for two
moiiln In vvhleh enough wheat for n weeks
coiiFiimptlon hail been put alloat Tlic open-
Inc prlctH for Slay weie about % ( ; liKher
at from Me to C ( > V4c and nfter n rife of ftom
WV5c to OCXc nnd n tenct'on to n.ic the
jnniket had n hiot tn from CG 4c to Cr\c
before 12 oVloclc. When HradHtreet'M Rtnte-
mcnt of thi ) wor'rt'ft vlH'lilo ' "tipp > WHS rp-
cclveil , nlvlntr n dfciui o of l,4ViCK)0 ) bu. llio
prlco of .May wheat touched CS'Jc. The
inatkct pontlmieit very stromc dutlnfr flic
last hour and Miy weld to Wy anil held
the nilvnncuity llrmly. This was duo to
the fact thnt New York reported sl\ty boit-
londH taken lliere for export. The closing
price wan ( TT'Sic. . ,
Corn was ( inlet but firm , the larse local
rcce'ipt" , hovve\er , counteractltiK to a cei-
tain extent the inllucnce of the wheat btilRC.
Jluy opsncd ' , ! , c hlRhor nt 304c nnd llttctu-
ntPd but little , closing at Sir.
OntK were quiet. Mny optnid unchaiiRod
nt 21c , and wan heavy for "ome time , ow-
InR to heavy receipts nnd liberal offetmBs ,
but lalor It rallied as wheat nnd corn went
up and clo ed llrm nt 21'.c.
Provision ! * did not share In the upwaid
movement of the Rra'n ' markets. The latRO
run of hoK and the fact that pickers gen
erally wore HellliiK pioved too much for
price's , und the clo e Rhowed losses of XOc
mid , fie on nnd lard.
Estimates for Wcdno day : Wheat , 45 cars ;
corn. LTO cars ; oats , 223 cars ; hogs , 32,000
The leading futmes raIIRCI ! as follows !
Artle-les I OPTI | illTt I Lv. I fljn. !
Mnr 0(1 07'
June ( > ( ! 074 073d
Julv (10 07K osw 07 > 6
CoinNo 2. .
May .11 : u
Julv : uw
Sept 33 31
Outs. No. 2.
( "ash quotations weie ns follows :
PLOtJH Plrm ; winter patents , J150U380 ;
winter stinlKhls , 13 OOIJ3 SO ; tmlteis , t2 10(82 ( 40 :
pprlnt ; patents , tJ 1083 40 , pprlng strnlght" , 12 60
WHI3AT No. 2 fpilns , MVdfiCCiJo ; No. 3 sprlne ,
MMT.Jc by fample ; No 2 red , C9W70e.
COIIN No. 2. 2SUc ; No 2 jellow , MV4c.
OATH No 2 , 20Hc : No. 1 ! white , 214 < ff22 f. o
b : No 3 while , 11lQ2l'ic f. o b .
KVn-No 2. 30'Jc. '
1IA1U.UY No 2. nomlnil.
TIMOTHY Hiil- : 3 70.
l'HOVI81ONB-Mrai pnik , bM . J1.70(35RO (
Jjiild , per 100 Ibs. , tS-TiWi S71' ; short ribs sides
loose ) , t300J50' ; drv culliil shouldris ( l > o\cd ) ,
4K'3o : short cleir sides Ihoxeil ) ,
WHISKY Ulstlllrrs' OnMied sooils , per gal. ,
tl 22
SllOAIl-Cut Io1f , J5S7 ; Eranulatcd. 1523 ,
simulant "A , " t" 7" .
POt'LTUY 1 Inn : luilccjB , ll'sBlSlio ; clilckDn ! " ,
7'40c ' : dueliS , 10W13C.
Tne followlue were the receipts nnd sh'pmcnts '
todnr :
< liiotalli > n < < of llif liny on Viirluim
Ni\V YOIIK , Pill. -PI.OUH-nccelpts. . 23,000
bliH ; expoitx , 29,100 bhls , ; mnikct firm nt n 11-
ter Imiulij ; i-pilriK pnlentH nlso firm nnd held
Cc hlihtr. ; Il > c Hour , ste.ul > ; city mill pat-
inls , tl 3304 K > ; winter patents. $3 SJ1T4 OO.MInne-
solfl patents , $290iJ3.M ! jprliiE low grades , tl UOJJ
2.CO. llyc Hour , dull ; superDne J2COi27J ; fancy ,
| 270ii2 ! > . ) . Hour , dull ; t1.V3 spot.
llUfK\VHiAT-Htcnily : , 40 < f/4lc.
COIIN MIJAI. XU.idy ; jillow western , coarse ,
74c ; lllnliiljulnc , )2 ) W.
HM.-PIrm ut 4U4(44c.
IIAUI.IJV Hlrailj ; malting , 43CI7 ; fetdlng , 330
SlHAIlLnY MAI.T-rirmy | held ; western , 47O
C4o.WHKAT UxpoitH , ! ICOO hu. Spot , strong ; No.
1 haul , 7 ! > ? c , f. o h nlloit. Options openeil
firmer on heller cubic nivvs , foreign bu > hiR nnd
unfavorable Arcenlln } rriHiits , ndvnnced nil day ,
liilluencol by strong clnilng cables , outside bu > -
Intr. u full dcimiHQ In Ihndstrcet'B vvoild'H xtuckH
nnd hcnvy export puchasnt , mostl ) opening of
iiiivlKntlnn ; rlnred lo In ll.o nit hlfiher ; No. 2
rid. ribiuar ) , iloscil nt 7ri'lc ' ; May , 72lJW73'4c ' ,
COIIN llecelpIs , 7SW hu ; oxjurlK , 41.40J bu.
Kpot innrkit. llrm : No. 2. 37UU. Options rultd
Kcnerully llrm nil day on talk of sinallii recelptn
und > mpnthy with wheit , nnd clo i-il Ufl'ic net
lilghcr ; I'cbruar ) closed ut 37'4c ; May , 3CHQ37C ,
CO < M ! ut 37c.
OAT. < lli'cilpl * , rS.'OO bu. ; < -\pnrls , 31,10) ) 1m.
Spot , nrmer ; No. 2 , I'CVJc. Options , dull nnd
featureless nil dny , without enliH ; rlDn-il un-
rhnngeit t 'ic higher ; 1'ehruuiy chneil nt 20'ic ;
May closed nt iCo.
HAY Hleud ) ; chipping , (7.100 ! 00 ; good la
clinic itSOOQSOO. .
HOI'H Qiili-t ; rommnn to choice 1S94 clop ,
J'.i ' l3So ; 1893 crop , l' clllc const , 4jSc.
Hini.'B Quiet ; wet raltrd New Orleans , se
lected , 4 t C3 Ihs , lie ; Clalvcstan , 0 o 2 lUi. ,
lie ; lluenos Ajrf , illy , 20 to :4 Uu . ICc ; Texts ,
dry , 24 to SO Ihs , lie ; California , 21 to 23 Ids ,
I.iATHiil-rirm ; hemlock rnle , Ilucnoi
AiriH. light to heay , 2"e ; ncld , 21O.3c.
WOOI < Quiet ; domecllu Hcece , lC022c ; nulled ,
I9 2 e.
PUOVI81ON8- . nlend > ; family. | 14 00 ®
15 IH ; cxtrn meis JS ; Uef linmi < . 111 ! Cut meats ,
Hlendy ; pickled hams. JS..n'iO 00. Laid , ncllvc
nml lower ; vventern xtenm n d nt J5.CJ ; lenncd ,
lower. Pork , Him ; inefs SIOSIVID" ; ,
iaQB : Weak , B ate nnd Pvnns > lviinh , lS'5C13c ' ;
west in. frmh , K"6c.
IIITTIIII Iletelpts , 9322 pkgs. ; vvettern cream.
r > ' . 13 | isc ; niglns. Sic.
OIllinHiUioelpls. . 1,713 pkRB ; m.irk't steady ;
rlulo Inr f , CtdO'ic : small , CfjlO c ; purl skims ,
SUtlfc. full Hklms , : < iSc.
TAU.OW-Slend ) ; clt > , 4 > 40i 15-1C ; count ! } ,
4'iSf4 13-1C. as tu. quality ,
TlMtPKNTlNPHtendy , 29UONH.
I'iilllii'M-I ; ) , vver ; United Ucucd nl tl 34
bid ! leRned. New York , 1735 ; Philadelphia and
IlaltlinoriJ7.W ; Phlludelphla nnd llaltliuoie. In
bulk , tl W
HOBIN Stendltrj elnilncd , common to good ,
1.U'4 ' 1C5.
llll'lJ Klrmj domestic , fair to extra , 3HOCOI
Jniun , 3HWo.
MOjAHSi:8-Qulct | : : New Orleans , open kcttlf ,
KlKiU to iholre , ( (37c.
PIG IltON Dull ; soulhmi. til 75(713 2 ; . north.
rrn. tl2.08tJW. (5opper , llrm : Inikere , JlOH'i ' ,
fxeiiantiD , fll.Wfni 15 UMil. lltrn ; brokers ,
t3.1Vii exchniiKe. | 3.W < r3 ti'i ' 1 111 , turd ) eleinlj ;
elinllc , tl3S' nj < 0. plutm , weak. Spelter , Hun :
domekllc. t4 VOtH 03.
COTTON.Siii : ) OIL Inactive , vvlib a de.
cilnlnK tivulency ; prime crude. 21HiHc ; off
Kindts , 190 )0 ; prlma rummer yellow , SJ'ic ; off
tnimmer > llovv , 2Uio a k li prlma white , 9
037c ,
> InrUi-tu.
UVKKPOOU Keb. U. WIIKAT Hpot firm ;
ildiund inodcrnte ; No. 2 red winter , M ( d. No.
I led tprlnir. § Uxk exhausted ; Nu < 1 haul Man-
Itotia , b 7d ; No. 1 Cullfernla. 6n Sli'l. Putures
opened nlfndy , with ntur ami dlitant position !
Hd higher ; cic ed ntfsJy. with mar ponltloni
lil < htr and ultUnt pocltlona Id blfhrr ;
rMi nlKiiil Tjinllr dlnlrlbulM ; Pttiruirr.
March , J M , A pill , C * ' , d , Mn ) , fi Ji'i
' , . j'
? | Kt nrnd ) . Amnltan mlxril new , 2s
< k ruiiinM pencil qtilet .Mill n"fir nml dlstnnt
ppxillwis Hd hlislitr , rlr.vil tfndy vvlfi ii"nr
nmlllmni.1 i Mlons ( ' ,0 hlchor , buslnew nliout
! , ) iili > I flrlliiitrd , Peliiunty , S < 'fl , M-irch
Is iitl , \p I ! 3s lua. .Mnj , 7 1'id ' , June , 3s Id ,
Ji it : I'.d
1'l.dl U Im i , d"nnnil rof-r , St. Louis fancy
win. r 7 r,1
l'ltOV"l"IuXf > If HMO , slend > ; tl'manJ , poor.
Cilltitioilinil till , M to M lljs S'is M. fholl tlbs ,
K llx , 77 Ul. lone tlriu , liKlit. 3S In 43 Hi' ,
i7s M , l.inp tlt'nr , | IMIV > , S'i lli Vs 61. hort
deir Mi l llRht. IS ll ) S7i ftl ; fhirt clcnr
rildillin , Ifnvj. U 11.x. ZDS. clear tellies , 14 to
H I In' . 2 * " 1 ( illicit. Mimic , 1 ! tn 18 lh ,
: .i < l , I Ilnriflinlt cut , H to IS IM . 3Ss M.
Inll.iw iinul N'oillimulcnii.20iM. . Ileef , Indln
c lift mom 71f Sd , prime nuns M ! ' 3d. Pork ,
pilrni * mei nnrot vtislem , Sis "tl. line vve tiin ,
innllum. 4 < ! < 3,1 Lend , dull , prlm western ,
J7 f l refine 1 In pnlls , I8 Ctl.
< lliisi : vnir > i tltmnml tnatlcrnlc : nnet
Aln-lknn. t > bl ( aiid ndoied , 4K.
lit TTJ'.tl Plncut United Bntes , 9V ; cootl ,
C0 < .
OILS Tulpdillnc cplrll" , 21s. ttnsln , common ,
4 < V'4-l. Cell .11 et'il oil , Liverpool reflnul , 17s
MlllHNtl ull. I1 i l.
ItnPltlfJUUA'loIt'1iircaunitrr. S'td ,
hlnilinirtiP | , l ; il.
lll.lCAClllN'i I'bwnnJl-Hnnlnooil , f. o. b ,
I IvniMol , (7.
IPJPrt At Londrn ( Piiclllo ronol ) . 12.
Tl iM itK | i > fvhfni ilurlnir thn past three
tills 'TITO 'WiA5 oonlnlit , 'Including 260 * ) of
Amikiin ; n-eoiptx , Anuilcnn corn , ICI.OiX ) cenl >
\vnATijn-coM ! ; anj oiy.
Ciinilllliin r Tritilo mill QiintnUun *
on Sliiilf | a ml rniif.v Produce.
inn nnd old Ki.n1"t Cc. fnlr tn
Bond stock. ? lc ; choice lo fancy counirj , ISffllr.
VnAL-Cholct- . 70 to 100 llw. , ate quoted
ut C'6T7c ' : luge nnd conise , 4ff.V.
Clini.mUinusllc : bilrk. HUc ; Hdim , per
da : . , tv 0 , Club housllh. . Jnrf. pet dor. . t3 W.
Llmhi-iKcr. fm cy , per Ib . lHic ; Kiifi'J'1f'1rIIb
Jurs. p r doz , J3 CO ; Young Americas , IPJc :
Ivvlns. fnticj , He.
POPIIltVlnnsfllrlcken | , > . rholce , 7'Jff
S'sf , maifip nnd Intre , r.'iirco ; iltiMid , cholci- ,
lOMIIf , lurkijc cliilce , Ullc ( , BII- " , 8c
llAY-ttpinml. t30i ) ; midland. t4 50 ; lovvlind
tlOO , iii. KluiH , | 3 M , color makes the price on
liny ; llK'il bili-s ell Ihe best. Only top giailes
lilnp tip i.rlcts
IIHOO.M COIIN nxtrcinfly slow mile ; new
mp tltllvend on traik In coiintiy ; choice srecn
stlf-w irking cm pet , per Hi , 2V c ; t-holco Rieen ,
rtMnltiK to hint 2'it. ' f3inmn 1'tc.
OAMi : .lack snipe. 75cRt1.K ( ) ; Kolden plover.
M 23 , jmic tabhlls , IHI dor , tl tn ) l.'i. snnll
i.ibbllH St. mallnrd tluiks , nvin" ) " < . red
heads , J37I0400 , mm iu buck ilurks. t'iO'WM ,
leal , blue vvliir , 12003223 : trnl. gieen vvltiB
1 i2f)0 ) , mlveil ducks , tl 75 p2 23 , Cnnnda ife e.
! CWff750. small gersf. J4 5CB5 00. binnls. t3 50 ,
Bqiilni'l" , per dnz , fM75c.
PlftltONS l.lve , II.MOI.20 ; dead plncons not
lOMATOns-Ploi'ld'a ! per slx'-basket crate. t4 23
CAnilAan-Cnllfornla E : : : " : , per Ib. 2e
I'D rA IOHS rniicy native stock , DOe : from
"I" " ' ' ! fnmll loin coorv Colorado stock , 45c.
ONIONS Per bu , 35Mc.
11RANS llnnd pltktd navy , per bu. , tl 30.
H\\iirr PorATOis-choicc ; tocic. $2003275
per bbi.
OlMjIIIiy Cnlfornli , per doz No. 1 , Sic ; No.
2 , ii > TMr.p. western Nebraiun , 40c.
LIMA WAN.S-Per : Ib. DC.
WAT nil ritl.-S'R-rei | cnso. tl.73
Pin PfANT-Uot home stock , per dor
tmmhot , OOc.
rtPPI.nS riiolco Iten I > nvls. tl 00 : choice
nine snpt 11,1 willow tvvlcs. * 1 BWS : o
tiIANliilllIKS-ji > m-y. 7.iiff7DO ; loxi . 12 St.
MAI.AOA OHPHSPer M Hi bbl. Jj OOfTJ 30 ,
per C. , ID 70-lb itrns , K Wjld no
Acroidliif ; to iccint rcpurls from Ihe Ikland of
.Tnmilra Ihere inn ) be n stanlty of bmnnns
ihnliil ? the comlni ; i-insnn. Vts els nrrlvhiK from
Inmnlcn bilnjr vv.ud Hut the ciop wan nearly
ilPntitiVNl bj a lilirrlrane that iivvnit over the Is-
hind. Jlnnj plnnlntlins , It Is slid , were dtnudetl ,
while others hive but a Himll perttnlnKQ tif their
usml crop. Stnne Impoilcis , It Is snld , mo tl's-
ciiYliifT Ihe feaRlhllllj of ntfndlUK voyn > ls to Cen
tral America , where fruit Is more plentiful , nl-
thoiiKh the dlsinnce IH mui-h Kncilei. Seveml
Imporlois. however , s.i > that pilces have ktpt
v > low that hf-ivler Imiwrtatloim tlmn nt prtsrnt
"lln't'Si.111'11 ' ! J'10"- "npiolinhh' Quntntlon- :
( iPAN-:1 ' rnI"ornlfl t > ' " ' 'l' ' > < l * " "R . fancy
, ,
! ? /rn - r > t < > ir > A ti r no iin r . . _ . . . * _ _ rf _ _
IIANANAS Chnlce large stock , per bunch S" 03
C22j , medium lrM bunchm. tl.750200.
OYSTERS Mediums , 15c ; standards , 20c , eitra
selects , I3i , llrnnt.,1 A. Co' selects , 27c ; New
YmM.UlV0c : " 'Jnilard bulk , per gal . 11.10.
HONRY 1'nncy white , per Ib , I5c.
MVI'LH SYJlUP-rive Bal. cans , each , 12.73-
rail's " 75P ° r d ° Z" " * : tA Balg cans > ' 6J5 : 'uar' '
( { - ' Juice , per half bbl. . t3 ; per
8UEU'KHAUTPer bbl. , 13 73 ; half bbl. .
Vias New crop. California , 10 Ib boxes , per
Ib , lOc ; Imported fancy , 20-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice.
10-lb boxe Ili4 ll2c.
DATKS New Persian. 60-lb box s , per Ib.
S'ic ; finds , 10-lb boxes , per Ib , c.
MAI'I.n SUORCholcc. . per Ib , OKlOc.
PIlESnnVnS Assorted. 20-11) . palls , each.
COrOANUTS Per 100. ft 50 ; each. Be
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , medium
sl/e , lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per Ib , large ,
12' , c , IJinzlls , per Ih , Sc : Enullsh walnuts per
Ib , fancy soft shell , lie. ttoiiuiirds , llffll'.ic ,
Illbcrts , per Ib , lOc ; peacuns. polished medium
10ilarge. ; . 12c : peanuls raw. 51,40 ; roasletl. 7 ®
7Hc. hickory nuls. iiinnll , per bu , tl.75 ; hlckori
nuts , Urge , per bu. , tl 60 ; black walnuts , per
bbl. t2.
linr.P Coed slctrs , 400 to 600 Ibs ,
3' iiiCc ; Rood cows nnd heifers , SgSltc ; medium
cows and hflfcrs. 4'ig45Jc ; go < d focequarterH
cows and helfeis. 3'iU4c , good hindquarters -cows
and hilfers , C's4f7c , good hlndiiunrtera , steers.
7'5o ' ; cow i Guilds , 6c ; cow plutis , 3'iu ' ,
cow chucks , 3ir(4c ; beef tenderloins ,
flesh. 2Jc ; fiozcn , 15c ; beef rolls.
iMii'ln s. 91 0 : sirloin butts , boneless.
9'fcC. Inln Incks. 7ic ! , cow ribs. No. 3 T c ; cow
loin" , No. 3 , Sljc , beef trimmings , 3c.
MUTTON Dressed muttt n. Cc ; racks. lOc ,
legs Sc , saddles Sc ; stews. 3c.
I'OH 1C Dressed hogH. C'ic ; poik lolas , 7c ; spare
rlha , Cc , pork shoulders , 6'jc , pork shoulders ,
skinned , 5'i.c. pork tilmmlngs , C'io ; tenderloins ,
I5c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 35c.
SIIIIKP _ PiLTS-Orcen salttd. each
biasku Murrain "wool "poiisY"perib ,
weight. 4 5c , drj ( lint Coloiudo butther vvuol
pelts , per Ib , actual weight. 46 < Uc : dry Hint
Coloiudo Murrain wool pelts. pf ib. actual
vM-Eht. 483o ; dry pieces and bucks , actuu
wdi > ht , 4ijc ; feet cut err , as It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
JVio : tellovv No J. Sc , grease , white A , 3V4o ;
greuFe. vrhlle IS , St. ; guuse. jellow , 2'tc ' ; Erenbe
d ik. 2c ; old butter. 282 t ; beeswax prime , '
15G22c ; lough tallow. l',5c. vmuc
11ONH8 In car ion neighed nnd delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , } 12 0 an 00 ; dii
country , bleached , pel ton. tll)00i(12 ) 00dri
country , dumu und meaty , per ton. | c Ofl 8 00
WOOIUnvvjshetl. . Hne heuvy. Ce7o : ( Ine lleht
8W9D- quarter blood , 13S12c ; seedy , burry and
diafty , SOtlc ; coiled nnd broken , coarae. 7flVc-
celled and broken. Hne. , JSc.
mr _ ( . . . „ tf.ftttlftf H.n llfHf t . . * Kleecc . .l. _ washed
i fcrnn.l pitfnln , IJOOflJIS , nr t clears. HCO , CC-
ondclfnis , 12 10 2 0
Krncdoii AVilK HIP Oriler of ( lie In > '
SiccMilntlon. |
N'tnV YORK , IMi. 23. lleacllon wni the order
of ( lie day's slock xpcculntlon , the Initiative
cnmlnir from I/omlMi , where n. lower mnrlict far
Am rlcnti 'eeurltlefi wn reported l > llmnt ( ? * of
foreign selling In thu market ran fed from 10,000
In li.OOO MmreR. Tlic bfnr clement detected In-
tllcntlon * of liquidation and presied tlic market to
tlic fullest prnctlcaMn extent The Industrials
ikwumeil the leadership In point of nclhliy , the
combined trnn nctlomi In Tubncco nnd Leather
preferred fojtinK < ip one-quarter of the entire
dealings. The foreign pHIIng of the Inlmmllnnnl
shmv * leferred to cniiced lower prices on the
New York Ktock exrlmnco , imd further conces-
* lonn In values were made In the succeeding
operations. The moft sevenlo ses were made
In the Industrial ) mil specialties , particularly
Lonther pttfcrred , which jleldril 2 % p r cent on
KrllliiR for liolh ncrounti on the expected failure
of the ) Uiclnrp a dividend at totlnj's
nicMlnR. The downwind movement was ncceler-
ntc-tl Ijy th catching of numerous stoploss orders ,
tin n vovlvnl of unfavorable forecast' of the
probnbtn summing up of the experts who arc
making nn examination of the Renernl condi
tion and propped ! of th llnlllnmc & Ohio ,
was Impimctl bv the traders , who affected n
break nf ,1 % per cent In the clock. There wrn
a vulncquent recovery of 1 4 per cent from the
evtreme low imlnt ,
A brief jfencrnl rnlly occuried iibovit the end
of Ihe lltst hour. In nhlih , however , the only Im-
poilnnt snln vvns that 3f 1 per cent In Missouri
Pnrlfli' , mnlulv en coverlm : UJ shorts. The Im-
pluvemtnt * Win- short lived , and on aERrecslvc
tattles hy tinders , lnouRht nlKiut a selllnK move
ment at mlddiiy. In which most of tli- rally was
lost , Manhattan drnpptd 2 per cent. The olllclnl
fltnti ni'nl of the tii'i'-uirj cold lewrve , niton Inn
nn oxci i of J23.522 37S.P over the t100,00(1 ( 000 limit ,
mi Inmaie of over snouO.OOi ) from > ent'nIay'B
IlKurtK. had some effect In causing moderate
Impi ivcmcnt around 1 o'dock ,
Yohicco f > uddenl > assumed prominence In th
hiit hour by decided heaviness , icsuttlnR In a
rnpld bleak of 1 per ctnt on heavy denllnns.
Tim only ixplanitlon of this development wnn n
\iiKU" rumoi of either advernc legislation or
an unfavorable dcrlsli n , actual or In propped
The wenkne-s of thli si ) ck wni conununlcatid to
tlm Keneral maiket , and. together with the news
of Hie of the DlnRliy revenue till In
the 1'nlted Slnlii penale , started n R = emlnR
inoM ni Tit nhniR thu Unit In which decllmn
up to 1 per cent vvele rcnud with Sugar aid the
KiniiRerH the chief suffereiii. The clo-lnt ? was
heavy In tone , with severe net IOKX.H Inonie
hare and fractional ihcllms Ktncral. The
riilv" dtalhiKH In inlUvn ) tmndii were attended
bv ilHcrrn nl actlvll > , but a film tone prevnlltd
In the hlo tension , hovvev r. m-ukcd h avlnrs- !
was dlflpliijtil In the AlchSvn and North in Pi-
elllc l sue , which WHS In linn communicatedto
the other iiecurltlis nnd cnmeil n depressed tone
at the close n iltlmore S. Ohio Co , slngulaily In
view of tht vv nkncrs In th- Mock itwe i p i c'nt
to 93. The aKKtcRnte dialliiKH Were tl,823i > i
Prices of Riivirnment lisues wtre shaded ; trans
actions of wer lei-oideil.
The HvenlnK 1'ost's london fl'ianclal CHhlCBrali
savs : The Betlhment n-veals a lather larRer
ncrutint with cllRhtly Btirter contanRoti A
Inruer nLcount Is shown In Americans and con
tanKJos otf them ar" 3 per cent. The markets
were IrreRiilar In tone todav. Consols nid other
Imeslimnlt were ciuiltr. The "pecuhUlve mar-
keln were latltor Rood ArKrntlnes are stll
l > miiiR. Anuilian bunds wirv In Rood demand
hut lmies were IntRiiIar , hut h'ttir on bal
ances , closlni ; Ptrnd > . but without much busl-
IHSH The I'ailH ninket was firm nnd the Ur-
lln market was dull.
Tin- following Wtre the closing qmtntlons on
the leadlns stocks of the New Yolk exchange
toduv :
17J4IN. Y tvnlrtl
AilimsKM H.S N. Y .IN. K 4(1 (
Al'ou.T. II 1 1 Ontulo.lW 10K
Am i\irc. B . . 110 On con Imp 2
Il.lUlmnru.liOlilo. : i I Oregon Nuv 11
C.mad.i Paclllc. . . . 57 O S L * U. N 7 iSoulhurn. . Mil Pat lllc Mail 2SJ (
Central Pacific. . . l.V-t
ClifH A. Ohio . . . . 17) ) , 1(0 (
Chlraco A Alton. . l.iS Piilhiinn I'.ilacc. . . 1SH
C . II iQ 8l)5 ) <
n 4 u o.w ; . . . . . . . . . " . . io
Consolidated " " ' K. O.W. pfd 44
c1..c.j.vsi L. . . JHV ROCK Island 74H
Cole Coal fi Iron 2 } St Paul 7H > <
nmouOll Cert . . . 17 } ilopfU l'2'.IX
Dol.iwaro.V Hud. . P20 St P. .VOm.ihl. . . . 421-4'
Ili-l . Lick AV. . . 1112 W do pfd P24S
D. A.Il. ( ! . pfd f'OK Southern Pncilio
I ) S.C. F. Co IBM huinr Hettiieiy . . .
Hriu Te'im foa. Xlron. al
Erlppftl . . ? . . „ TcxasBiclllc . . . . 0
Port Vv'.ijno 11)2 ) T. A. O Pept. nfd . „ fl'S
O. Northern pfd. . 110 Union Pacific . SH
r. JIR. I. pfd tlrt V S. KzprfBi , . . . . 44
llncldn ? V.illny. . . ] il' ' < W.St L P . H
IlIlnolBCenlrnl. . . . .17 W. St t , & 1 > . iifii. . 1IIH
St. P. .VDullith. . . . 27 Wells Farro Kx. . . 1)7 )
K.&T.pfd : tOM XV BternUnloi . H3
Like Krlo i. WcHt. 214 Whcellnir 4 L K , . Ill *
tlo pfd 74U. do pfel . H8W
" 110 M. A St. L . 2IU
i.e.ul Trtmt. . . . . . . . 25J < G. K . ! I'2W
Louisville AN. . . D4V N. 1 . lo
I , . AN. A t)4 ) C. P. &I . 3.1
Manhattan Con. . . . 1(11 elo pfel . 04
McmphlH&C l ! > H.A.T. C . IM
Michigan rout . . . . nn T. St L. A , K. f. . . . (1 (
MlBHOiirl P.icltlc. . 2.IH T. St L , A.K.C. pill 10
.Mobile A. Ohio V.I ! ] S K K . 10X
NaHhvillcChit. . . . 70 S U U M . 3'JH
National CordaKT. . f > W Am. Tob. Co . 7 K
Nat. Cord uuprtl. . 11M elo pfil . 102
N.J , neutral 10714 Am. Teil. Jt C. Co . . . 01
N.AV. . pfd Ht ! Coin'lCabloCo. . . . K 7
North Am Co Am.Siiffirpfil. . . . 102
Not them Pacific. . 4W U. S ronlairu Btil. 22
N. 1'ncltlc pfel 13 U. S Leather pfd . 05 <
u.p u.&a 5 U. S Rubber. 28U
Northwestern . . . . KU9J do pfel 83
elopfil ur.
Tlio totnl snU's of slocks todaj were 2"iOS47
share * , IncluilInK : American Te > bacci > 41.10.1 ;
Atdilson. 6 200 ; Amfrlc.m bugar. lo COO ; flurllni-
ton. 8.700 , Ilaltlmoro . Ohio , 4.100 , ChleiiKo Qua.
11,000 ; Denver & Hlo Rinnile. 4 COO , UUIIIIIn nnd
Cattlefe-edlnc , 7,500 ; Electric. 31,70) ) ; Mis-
Fourl I'uclllc. 13,000 ; Hoik I laiiil. 10.700 , St.
Pnul , 21.700 jennitiiee Coal , 3,100 , Union Pacific ,
4.900 ; Western , 5,400 , Whctl'ng & Lake Eric ,
3,409 J ;
Xctv York Moiif }
Enfiy at 3i4 per cent , last loan , 3 per cent ;
clnxcil nt SfiS'i p r cent.
STEHLING EXCHANGE Slendy. with actual
liliilmsH la bankers' hlll nt 14 87ii'ii4 ' 87 fui
ilrmnnil , nml 148C'jQISC' for sixty ilajs , posteil
inten. 14 8764 8714 nnd } 4 881 4 89 ; commercial
hills. (4 K > a
fiOVEUNMENT HONDS-Stendj j state bonda' ,
dull ; rnllrond Ninds , tlrmer.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
> I
countt Cash In Imnillitjinif , 1ST00 ! < V ) mirk * ,
trMnury note * . IncrwM' < , ri ooo minks , olher
xeruilllM. lnrrei e , ll mono marks , nottst In c r-
rvi'ittlon. tleerenx" 92 200JD ) murk * KuchanKt on
' , clKht diijs' slKlil 2J inntkn , 4Cpfg.
I.oiitloti Sdlrlf JtltintntlniiN.
LONDON. Kcb. 2.1.-4 , | { , in , cld < liig !
fonsoln. in v..liili T-10 Mcxlcinonllmrv. Si'
ronsols. ncc t. .IDOT-lC'si r.iulco.u. > . ctij
riu. 1'ncltlo. . . . . . . BSU N Y Central . 1IIH"
Krlc . , . 174 I'lfmmvlv.-ml.l . . 53 *
Krlo'Jds . TdH'lli ultnc . . . UJ . . . . . . _ INM.MPX. Con , new 4n . 7.1t
II AH Stl.vnit II S-1C.1 per ounce.
MON'IJY H Per cent.- '
The rate of dlFcmml , 1p the open inirkol fo
t-oth short and three months' bills , HiSJl's p (
cent. _ " "
Pliiuiirlnl > < ICN.
11OSTON . ] Vh. 2,1 Clearlnss , JIC.SJ2C70 , bal
nnces , | l I'M H2 ,
ItAt/mtom : . Teh. 23.ClearlnRs , J2 474 730
balance * , J4M OIC
l'ltlI < AIiU > lltA , Teb , r-ClearlnBs , J13 635 ,
M9J balances , J1,819,9M.
ST. IXI'1S. Kib. -Clearlnps. . J,359 ( 797 ; bal
ancej , 337 , < 23. Money , tfis per cent. New Yoik
exchange , uOc discount bid.
CIHCAaO , Kcb. :5.-CIearlncs , JI4.1S3.SH
Money on ontl steady at C per rent ; on time lift
per iwnt. New York exchange SI dlscsunt. Tor
clKn exchange Him , bankers' ( London ) stcrllnR
tl 8T\i nnd ! 4 K\k. \
Ni\V : YOIIK , IVb. 23 The steams lip Bt. 1'aill
which sills tomorrow for Soulhampton , will tak
out MJIKIO ounces of Mlver. The dliectors if th
United States lx"ither romp my have ndjonrnet
with lit taking actlcn on the dividend. The de
posits of gold at the New York subtnasurj arc
estimated at $300,000 , and the withdrawals a
JZT.O.OW. Clenilngs , > 107,376,34S ; Inlanccs , J3.5IS ,
SI. I , mils ( ii-ne-rnl > lnrKe-t.
ST. IXJL'IS. Teh. 23 ri.OUll-Htendy. un
changed , patents , | 1 705(30 ( , extra fancy , } 3 43r
3M : fancy , J3 I H3 10. c.iolce. } 2 COBS 71.
WIII3AT Opened hlRher on advances il cwheie
nnd u etremRcr Liverpool market , but free cell
lot- ) on Mlliil up the bu > ern and a depiessei
feeling tcsullcd ; late In the day all domestic
markets were strong and covering h > shorts addoi
tn tlu plrength , the clo-n ; for futmes belnn VM
l ? > e ; higher than > estenla > . Spot maiket dull
lower ; No 2 nil , casi , elevator , 71c ; track , 12c
Nn. 2 haid , C2c ; I\bruiu > , 02'ic , Jul > , C4U ®
COHN Strong throughout the elay and near tin.
elose ndinnced on the tnll > In wheat , closing
'to hlKher for ] \brunr > , 1'tc hlghii for Mo
and ' 4c higher for July than \astrnl i > . Spo
Rtronger ; No 2 mixed cash and re.bruai > , 27'Jc
JIa > , 2 ? ' W2ic | ; July , 27c
OATS I'lituies quiet , llrm Spot slendj ; No. 2
cash. 19c ; rebniniy , 19'4c ! Slu > , 20'4c ; Julj
HYi : HlRher ; Ige.
ISAKUn Sleadj.
1IUAN StKng , 41c bid for sacked eist track.
1'LA.V Siin-Qulct. S3c.
TIMOTHY siin-2 : 7 ; 3 40
HAY Clio cc Rrndes sllll In denmd. pralrlc
J47'ijrSW. tlmnth > , JSiiXIffUlO , this side
nt'TTIjIl Hlgiier for fancy table giades , cream
ery , ITMilc ; elilry. 13TISi\
1X1OS Lower ; flesh , 9c.
WHISKY $1,22.
LKA1J Strong nnd advancing ; J2.0'S@300. '
Sl'IILTnU Nominal at 3 83ii3 } M
roi'LTUY Quiet , turke > , 9B3Hc ; chickens ,
CfMc ; ducks , ! ic ; Kee' e , CHQCc.
rHOVlSlONS-l'ork , lower ; standard mess , Jab
bing. ntvv. $10. old. $180. Lard , lower : prime
steam , 15 Kl ; choice. fS 27'i. llicon. lioxed Khoul-
dTS. $5W ; longs , $175 , rib' , J5S714 : shcrt" , } ( J
Dry salted meats , bsxed shoulders , $4.73 ; longs ,
$175 , ribs. $537H ! shorts. J3 DO.
UHCUtlTS" riour , 2OV > bbls. ; wheat , 30,000 bu ;
coin , 123.00D bu ; oats , 40 000 hu
SHIPMENTS Flour. 14,0 * ) bbls. ; wheat. 23,000
bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. , oats , 27.WO bu.
Wool Mnrkct.
BOSTON , Feb 23 The condition of the woo
market Is not materially different from I ist
week. 1'rlcfs arc tvlng maintained , but If anj-
thing , theie Is a sllRht fulling off In activity , tin
business of the past week bcuig less than any
day this week. In terrUotythe ( long staple wools
that can be comixd , maintain n steady tone al
though lecent pales have/ / been slovv. There
has been n little business In lleecc woMs , but
the market Is Klotv with laPt week's pi lets maln-
talneO. The marketer Australian wool con
tinued firm , nnd the demand holds up well undci
the present dull conduitns. The following arc
thi quotations for lending descriptions ; Ohio
nnd Pennsylvania lleeevs.1 X and above , l < { T18'4c ,
XX and NX above. p'jWO'ic ; No. 1 combing.
23c ; No. 2 c-miblng. MfilMc , delaine , 2l 21 c
Michigan.Vpco..sln. | . c. . K Michigan. Ifiijijfnc ,
No 1 Michigan comlilng29c : No. 1 Illinois 22c ,
No 3 Michigan combine. 22/522'5c : No 2 Illinois.
22' c New- York nnd Vermont , Ifi'fcSZHc : No 1
New York nnd r.'ew Hampshlic. 2)i2i'ic ' ! deliilne ,
Michigan , 13iT19'jc. Unvviished , medium : Ki n-
tucky and Maine ejuarttr-blood combing. ISSl c ,
Kentucky nnd Maine , rthree-elghths blo * > d r"inl-
Int ; , ir$219c ; Indiana nnd Missouri quarter-blood
com ! Ing , 17J19c ; Indiana , and Missouri three-
eighths blrod combing , ITifrlSc ; braid combing ,
17o ; Lake and Geoigln , 17'i ' T18c. Texas wools
spring , medium ( twelve months ) , 12ffHo ; scouted ,
32c ; spring line , ( twelve niunlhs ) . Il4fl3ccotired ;
price , 34Q33c. Territory wools : Muhtan.i , fine ;
medium nnd fine , llffltc ; dcDurcd , SO fS c ; Mon
tana , No. 2. mediumTHRIGe ; scaurcd price , 32iji
33e ; Utah. Wyoming , etc. , ( in : medium nnd fine ,
10ffl3e , BCoured , 34T3Ci ; ; Ulpli.v > nmlne , etc ,
No. 2 , medium , ISiTltc ; scoureel prlc * . 3Jc. r.all-
fornla wools , northern spilng , llSiHc ; scoured
price , 335T36c. Middle county , spring , HfflSc ,
scoured price. 32J33e. Australian scoured bisls :
Crmblng , rupa lln , 47C3 c , combing , good , 4304GC ,
combing , average , 4043i. .
CoffeeJlnrUot. .
NK\V YORK. Teh 23 COrrnn-Optlons
openeel barely steady nt a decline of r > to 13
points , rulnl genet.illy weak under unsatisfac
tory cables , selling chockeel IT stendlnetw of s | > ot
holders , and closed steady nt 13 tD 21 points net
decline ; Kales , 8UiO bags , Including : March
$12 45W12 53. Spot coffee , lllo. steaily nt $12.00f
1323. Mild , steady ; Cordova , $16 735117 37'i ' ; sales
300 bags ; Santos spot , p. t . 1.900 lings : Marncalbo ,
sold and ohlpped. Wall-house dcllv erelCB , from
New- York yesterday , 21,369 bags ; New York stock
today , 233.CS" bags ; United States Block , 2G > iS3
bags ; alloit for the United Slates , 161 < WO baRS ;
total \lslhle for the United States , 463,253 bags.
against 411,273 Uigs last y < ar.
SANTOS Keb 25 Holiday.
IIAMIIURQ , IVb. 21 hleidy , unchanged to \ ,
pftf. ndvnncu ; saKs , 7003 IMRS
HAVHIJ , l'el > . 21 Closed quiet nt 1if to 'if
net decline ; pales , 21.00' ) lugs
RIO , 1'cb. 23 Holiday ; iccclpls , two days , 5000
bags. _
Cotton .MnrUe-r.
RT. LOUIS. I\b. -COTTQN-Qulct. . 1-lCc
lowci ; middling , " 5 c ; sales , C90 bales , receipts.
1,334 bales ; shipments , 1,960 bales ; stock , 70,707
NEW YORK , IVb 23 COTTON Futures
closed steady , sales. 171.700 bales ; February , $7 67 ;
March. $7C7 ; April , $763 , May , $7.68 ; June , $7.72 ,
July , $7.76 ; Ausuiit , $7.76 ; September. $7.53 , Octo
ber , $7.42 ; Novemter , $739 ; December. $741 ;
st-ady ; middling , 7c ; net receipts , 991 bales.
gloss , 7.M1 bales ; exports to Great Drltaln , 2.COO
hales ; to France , CO bales ; to the continent , 273
bales ; forwarded , 2,057 bales ; pales. 2,870 bales ;
eplnnrrs , 270 bales ; stack , actual , 189 152 bales
Ni\V ORLKANS , Feb 21. rOTION Easy ;
middling , 75 c ; low middling , I 7-16c ; good ordi
nary , 7'ic ; net recclplp , G2IV ) balls , gro s , 5.113
bales ; exports to the continent , 3.700 bales ; coast
wise , 1.9SO bales ; sales , 3,900 bales ; stock , 311.SS3
bales. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KniiNiiM City MnrKvtn.
KANSAS CITY , Feb 23 - HIJAT-null. . un
changed ; No. 2 hard 64 jG3'4c ; No 3 , 49'iflMe ;
i ejected , nominally , 35WWc : No. 2 red , 75c ; No. 2
Miring. 6J64V4c | ; No 3 , MflCle.
TORN Active , unchanged for spot ; futures
hlghci ; No 2 mlxwl , 23'4S23'ic ' ; No. 2 white ,
OATS Choice , firm ; low giades , dull to VJc
lower ; No. 2 mixed , lPJffl8ic ( ! ; No. 2 white ,
20 I20Vlc.
RY13 No. 2 , 3Cc.
HAY Very dull and weak ; timothy , $1000 ®
11 / > : prairie. J6 OOH6 50.
IHITTUR Firm ; creamery , 1618c ; dairy , 13
KOOS ' ,4t lower nt 9c.
Dry ( iouilH Slurke-t ,
NEW YORK , Fob 25 Agents will advance
.ho pilccsof Lonsdile , Itlnckstone , H pe , Fltch-
vlllo nnd Forgclmenot. 26-Inch bleached cottons
4o each Wednesday , nnd 1'iult of the Loom. 30
nnd 32-Inch , blpiichid , uro advanced to value.
Agents luivu reduced the price of IVquot , wide
( hei tings , on the b.isls nf 10-4 , bleached , to 20c ,
There ) was consldeinhle new ImBlnoas nffectcd , as
the result of si > ot purBhases , but thlelly wire
oitlers. the latter having called for good quanti
ties of blue goods nnd hapdnoms offerings were
It-dined at a small concession from new prices ,
FALL RIVER , Martii IVb. 23. I'rlnt cloths ,
lull nt 2 > ; < . fj , i f
MANCIICRTHn FelLi'iTT-Cloths , slendy , with
a fair demand , Yuiniqum , with a limited In-
| Ulryi ] '
Tel 'ilo ( irjidt , XInrket.
TOLEDO , IVb 25Y-WIITAT ; Active , higher ;
fo 2 cash and Fibru rj'r 73c ; Jlny , 75tc ? ; July ,
CORN-Dull , nrm ; of' mixed , 29c ; No. 3
mixed. 29'4c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 iinkwli M'So ' ; No. 2 white ,
22c ; May , 2JVic. Illni'
HECnilTB Wheat , 3 , 0 bu. ; corn , 42,000 bu , ;
clover need. 600 bags. "
KHII'MENTSFlourW | \ bbls. ; wheat , 4.DOO
ju. ; clover eel , 875 bags ,
NEW YORK , Feb 23.rSjaAR-Raw , strong ;
fair Kilning , 3c ; centrtfi/Kal , DC test , 4'ic ; ic-
Inrd llrm j / 31
LONDON , Feb. 23 SlJOAR-rane. quiet ; best ,
lull ; unchanged ; Block' of beets In United king-
lorn , 1J8 000 tons , _ i
'Krlxi-o AVIit'fl't ' ' ( liiniMllonx.
dull ; December , (1.13 ; May , ll.H't.
City Ollle-lnlN In Con * cut lull.
FOND tU hAC , WIs. , Kel ) . 25 A Inrfie
crowd wiis present hero tolny In attenJ-
nnce nt the state tramp coiucntlon , coin-
irasecJ of inayoru , aldermen ntul icprcsenta-
live ' , buRlness men fioin all pnrta of ( he
Rtalo. The convention Is liclntr held In the
I'eople'u Christian Ansoolutlon lull. An
idiliet-M \\ulcomu was iniiilo by Dr. 12. V.
AtkltiH , inuyor of Fond < lu I o. Among the
other xpeukers were A , O Wright. Inepector
of Ftuto Institutions ; Mayor KelloRK of
Ohhkocli , TullmHilRo of i 'ond du B.
Urown rortace. D. Whltton llrandoi , Vic
tor Uerter , Milwaukee ,
OfTtTH n llonaril fur II IN
CHICAGO , Tcb , 25. Arthur . Cody ,
whose wife recently disappeared from Ta-
comn , Wash. , has offend a reward of JI.OOO
for lit ill In i ? and lestoiinu her to him alive
before May 1. The police department went
out today circulars , showlnir ( our pictures
of Mr * . Cody , nlth a compliu description.
Largest Run of Both Oattlo and Hoffs for
Many Woohs.
Tnlie Off I'lie to T ' i
unit I'nroliiiMoMmiit I5T > ( li
OfTercil KcvilrrM Soil ill
Steiul ) 1'rlcon.
TfKSDAY. lYb. 23.
Receipts for the days Indicated HID :
Cnttlp. Hniri. Sheep , llorsia.
l-cbrtiary 2" S.OTiT O.Ul Ml 4tf
Pebruary 21 8.0 1'JiU S70 4'J
Kcbruaty 22 H53 4,161 . . . . "i
rcbrunry 21 l,4f3.7iii 919 23
Pebrtiary 20 1,370 4.S22 ktw . . . .
Pcbruary 19 2,3lt 4.111 M'J 8
Kcblttnty 18 1,853 3.773 M7 CC
CATTM3-U was a great day for eatfc.
the receipts amounting to aTO7 hn.ui , al
against 8.1S yesterday and 1SM on Tuesday
of lant week. It was , In fact , the largest
day's run slnco Deccmbei of lu t jtat.
The great bulk of the offerings consisted
of killing cattle , cither drefsul beef steers
or butchers' stock. While a large propoi-
llon of the fat steers was mitde up of only
fiilrlsli stuff , theie were some right ui'od '
beeves In the > ards , In fact , the be
Htun here In some dajs , onu liuncli sellln
tin to J4 IH ) .
With more than the usual number of cat
llo on sale the buvcrs cou'd affoid to he
little more particular and to take their tlm
In making select on . As a re < ult the mar
ket was a little lateIn opening and did no
si ow any great animation at any time He
sldcy being a little slow In getting down t
buMneHH , tnc bujcts were alto Inclined to b
rather bearish and theli bids weio ptctt
genera'ly BfilOc lower than ycstciday , an
they bought the cattle that way. The mat
kcl was active at the decline and the dc
mand good.
Uows and hclfcis were In llbeial 'ttpplj
but the demand was , as uoual , good for tlm
Kind of cattle , ami the trade was fairly
active. The number on sale nnd the condl
tlon of the < market on fat stccis cau ed in
easier feeling. At the f-ame time H did no
see" ! possible to force down pi Ices vct >
much , and a good many salesmen though
that they received fully steady pi Ices
12vcr > thing sold before the c'o"o and the
market , as a whole , did not show mucl
Quite a number of western feeders were
offered on the market , but not many o
them could be called really desirable. A
the same time Ihete were fewer light btoc ]
cattle In the yards than for ome time
Theie was considerable demand fiom th
ccuntry , nnd the maiket was In a vcrv
satisfactory condition. The pi Ices paid weic
fully steady.
. .101S 8. 107S 2 C. 3 no
. . .1003 2 35 7. 1027 2 I" ! U .1210 3 10
. . .1033 2 J1 1. 1270 2 G' , 1S , .1212 3 10
. . .10V ) 2 3ri 1. ,1080 , 2 C > 3. , . .1143 t 15
. . . 940 2 35 4. 1117 2 70 , .1311 3 23
. . .1140 2 40 1. 10SO 2 70 1211 1 r.
, , . .1222 40 9. 1(102 ( .1315 3 21
, . .1040 2 40 IS. 1177 11GO
4. . . .11T , 2 4) 3. 1113 .1100 3 25
1 , . . . S70 2 40 1. ICO 2 75 .1340 3 25
1. . . .10V ) 2 40 1. 1120 2 75 14CO 3 23
1. . .1070 2 40 2. 1VIO 2 7" .11CO 3 23
1. . .1200 2 43 3..1040 2 SO
1. . . . . 400 2 00 2. . . 720 2 80 r. . . , C3S 3 20
2. . . . 411 2SJ 1. . . 720 2 SO 3. . , 77l , 3 20
2. . . . 860 2 40 1. . . 7.0 2 SO " . lie 3 23
n ' . . 870 2 45 17. . . CIO 2 SI "l , 930 3 21
nI I ! ! . CM 2 M " . cso 2 10 1 , 910 3 21
i. . . ' 2 TO 16" 7'S 2 10 1 HIM 3 21
7. . ! . 4Cri 2 til 714 3 00 . 710 .1 2.1
1. . . . 640 2 CO CS2 3 00 32 . 7'i3 3 30
0. . . . f03 270 e . 112 3 Oi ) " IJ'O 3 30
1. . . . CM 270 4 . S32 3 OT f 0 S73 3 11
1. . . 740 2 71 n . . rw. 1 10 , 914 3 55
1. . . . 440 2 SO c. . 944 3 15
1. . . .1220 2 00 i . 11SO 2 6" 1. . 2 FO
1 . . .1150 i. . . % 2 C- 1 . 1140 2 SO
1. . . .2010 2 35 .1321 2 G- . 1. . . .1700 2 k5
1. . . .1260 2 40 i ! ! .1440 2 K 1. . .1010 2 S3
1. . . .1410 2 40 i . . 100 2G3 2 . , .1111 2 ' 10
1. . . .in * ) 2 45 i. . .1C70 2 73 1. . , .1VO 2 ' 10
I. . . .1210 2 50 i. . .1040 2 7" I . , .ico 2 97. .
1. IM ) 2 r.O i.i. . .low 2 r 1 . 12CO 3 00
1. .1120 2 50 i. . .r o 2 r , 1 .1120 3 ( K )
1. . .13RO 2 i. . 1120 2 r 3. . .1703 3 00
4. . .1312 2 50 i. . .1720 2 fO 1. .1320 3 00
4. . .1710 2 CO 4 , . .1610 2 SO 1. .1930 s r
1. . .1C20 2 CO 1. . . .1C30 2 SO .2035 325
3. . .17C3 2 CO
C..1COC 3 40 1..1220 3 40
, 230 240 270 3 75 120 4 75
, 343 2 50 100 4 CO 120 5 no
, SCO 2 V ) 210 4 00 190 r > no
. 27) 2 71 150 4 50 1. . 110 5 00
, 140 325 100 4 M 1. . 100 5 no
, 370 3 25 120 4 50 1. . 130 525
, 3C5 3 50
, 400 2 75 ,1020 3 30 5. CSO 3 40
1. . , C40 * " 80. , .1123 3 32V " ! I. . 5C1 3 45
1. . , 909 2 sr 9. . 401 331 . . 7Z.S . 3 45
. , 100 2 90 3 . 710 3 S5 1 , 770 3 50
I. . , ISO 2 90 4. . 7C7 1 35 14 , 810 .1 50
, MX ) 3 no 21. . 713 3 31 14 , MS 3 M
! . ; , C51 3 00 . 410 3 C5 21 , , C79 3 50
, 710 3 no si ! . 570 3 40 14 , , 700 1 10
7CO 3 M 4. . f91 3 40 23. , . 733 3 50
2. . . . 520 3 10 E. , . 914 3 40 S. , , 93J 3 51
7 , . . . C03 3 15 10 . 931 3 40 9 , , K31 3 CO
, ! ' 83 3 20 13. , . G29 3 40 11 , , 514 3 GI )
rso 3 21 20 . 402 3 4) 2 , , 903 3 CO
775 3 30
North H Stone.
14 ulcers .1275 H . ' 0 I fieders. 1041 ! 3 ro
1 ste r , , , .WO 3 CO 14C feedcis. . .1129 3 CO
I N , Dnly.
cows . ,10,0 249 : : ows. . . . . .1004 2 41
W. S. Bpnrks.
i KM 1 71 2 feeders . HI 3 10
3 steers UK , , 978 2 40 1 feeder. .1010 3 M
1 steer lie..1580 2 C > 2 f ede B
8 calves , , , , , : C7 2 7i h feedeitf , 1010 3 21
2 bulls Kit 2 00 SC ft-edo .1ft.3 3 21
1 cow 710 2 25 9 feedeis , . .1003 3 40
1 rrt\tr Rill 2S f , nrl.'rs _ 93 3 40
IIOOS The receipts of hojjs , an well as of
rnltli' , vveie large today , there lielnff C,4tl held ,
UH iiBalnet 1,203 jeslenlny and 3.773 on Tuesday
of last vvcflt. H WUB the largest run of the
month since IVbruary 4. market opened f.giOc lower , nnd was fnlib
active nt the decline. The ppular price was
13.75 , with nlmoit eveothlni ; selllm ; Inddc the
ranee , $3 70ft J 60 , and with n t i 85 lop
After about Ivvo-thlrdu of Uie IIOKS had cliingcil
hinds the trade became very slow. All western
inarkoU were reported as closlni ; weak and
lower and , as thl mailtet has been high ns compared -
pared with ethers , the bujers did not feel lll.c
tuklnK on nny fiirthtr load ut the mornlns's
prlcen , Tlio trade , In fact , came lo n standstill
with a numlwr of loads urn-old , The bu > ers
would take llio hns , but taleimen did not reent
to feel like making the concession The cloao
vvai fully lOc lower than > cslerda 's market.
Representative Kales ;
No. Av. ] t Iv. Sli. Pr.
10 . . .308 tCS , , , S18 . . . 53 75
40 332 " , .C3 . . . J T >
89 " - cc" ,210 . . . 3 7-
20 . .327 53. . . ' .tl . . 3 73
42 , .3i9 41) 72 .24) ) U ) 3 75
45. . . . . . . .379 C7 . S ) 3 71
r,3 , .327 so . . J 7'
! , r . . ' . ' . ' . . . .3K . . . . . .2U . . .i 7'i
C3 233 SCO C2 , . . . . . 219 40 3 75
. . . , . . , . . . . C9 , . . 322 10 1-5
. . . . . . tO CO. . . . . . .324 3 75
CS 2S7 , . . CO. . , . , . iiJ . . . 3 7 !
7J 231 M r'J , . , . 4) 3 73
si i'Jl . . . CJ , , M ) 3 75
18 843 . . . Cl. . . , . .237 . . . 3 7S
C4 32S . . . Cl , , , , . , . .251 \ta \ 3 ; c
61. 249 40 " , , , i 75
US 339 . . . 49 , , , ! 29 ( 375
Cl 32- . . . . t2. . . . , .226 89 3 75
Cl , , .2 8 . , , C7Cl " , . 3 73
CS 312 . . . Cl ! 289 . ,3 73
19 . . .313 . . . 12 . .243 . . 3 p
49 , . . * . . .Sfi ) oO 14 .272 . * 3 75
to' . . . . . i& 12. . . . . .218 375
l > 7 278 M C3 221 377U
17 252 10 7S .223 377U
-7.2.-,0 . , , 81 ,228 3 75' ,
OS 241 . . . 72 . . .23S 1 771 ?
4 } . . 232 . . . C8 224 120 J71i (
. . . . . . . . * M 38 377U
TliereVnx ( lie I'siinl l.lulit 'lu
Itun or Cuttle.
OIIICACO Pel , -Thru1 wns tli muni light
TiRMlas iiui. nml. nltl miah thu ikiimul Ohl
nut mil foi H laicc iiiiiiihti , ) est > > nlii ) ° K nilvntuc I
WIIB li.alnlnlniil Sides In.l.o VMIU an u bn-ls
of 13 W ti SI.4J foi caimmm , to slrlcilj native
iliolrc ilif l luff nml Hhlppliirf ciltlp ,
few Kcllliiff iinler $1 OS , < M ovei Ml" ' . Itiileheis'
entile inn pollliiK Inl'klv , nml < I\VH nn.l hclfdn
ill > it flora J2 M M d. ' . " . Ciilvrweie > | ili ntlfnl
frlil 'i KI firelv. Nn imitlrtihii iluiliko VVIIH no-
In iil hi llio " mill fcodt-i lin'lo. nml
lUs \ \ cnq'lllc ' iiKxIrmtc nt frciu t",2J to M.Tj.
in uit uf thu liKiuhlts Ix-MMh ' " ' d" > J lenk-iK.
en IKIK ; > uets ruiiiniie in HIP < iunn fi.tiic nnu
| uulprs' iiiinlinnii this momltiK wore IntRel )
nt ( Yum JIM in $1 , while Hhlppcio pild iiiini
M ID MO" foi taint uf tholl noli 1 1 lutis U rclpts
wue IIIIRC inil pilcis vvrr < * fnnn la ID 10c lovvn ,
with p. ilos nt oxlicmc innKC eif fmm ft Si ) to
Jt 17'anil ' It wits n might } luul iiurKi-t foi
ntltMK. The nveMiiKC i\inllly | of Ihe otTi'llliCK
( .uutl.itlps \eclli nt , nllil Hihh nlu lilu'llj within
n nnlriu riuiRc
In nhcpi | ( itleeji phovvpl nn initlrulni ihiingi' ,
them Iclnir n fnlr dpiimlul , v\llh lev Ipts iihout
Uu n\umc ( 'niiiinnn ID choke initltc nhrei
wrret irnlahle1 nt fnnn MM in JltS , we tetnlu !
weio wnnleil nl fluni $1 S'i to $ lbi Mcxlcai
vt-iirlliiKS lit finni J3 ; ' . tu (4 , nml liimln nl frail
Jt to t70. \ . n few e-nniiiinn in fair liiinhs brliiK
IIIK fiotn KM tu fit" ) . A ft-W | il line flu i p cl
mm n-iil linn nl fi .111 M 70 In J1 SI.
IlMplptn faille , 3 to ) hcail , hots , ) .flOO hcnd
hhcip , 13 ojo html.
KIIIINMH Cllj I.H eSlook. .
KANSAS riTY , IMi SI ( \ \ Tn.iItecdplii :
B 00) IK ml , vhlinnciiN. IMI heail , iiiiuKit yloinlv
beef ftocr , JJOHfll'i , imtlve eown } 1 Wit I li ,
HIiickelB mill fri'ilcl" , } . ' 7Sllvll. ImllB U ( K)5J ) W
HOUS Hcep ptM , lOOiO liniil. shlini-trs | , 200
hrail. inirl < it VVIM ! ; Me Inner , hull ,
J1 70H.1 SO , IIIHVV niOfi.iT * ! . picUi'i ? , mlxpil nlu
IlKilB , I3.7W3fcO ; YuiKoiH. $1 7W3 SO , piss I3.3J
01 7'
Slinni' Itecflptp 1000 hcid , liliment | . 900
hold , niuiKct steaOj. lamli" , J37iVf4Jj , iiintlunB ,
} 2 71JJ3 CO.
St. l.ouU IMSloeK | .
. LOPIS Pill ! X . .
ST. , -r.VTTl.K-Uccnllits 4 000
hi'iil , inaiUol blonilv . nitlve bte'vcs , $1 'J" > fi4 W ;
FtixKpia nml foetleii J21'i5i.1CO , enws imil hifer ,
; _ ' tX > < rJ < , " > , leviiii fsteois J3M'ii37"i ' , ginm anil feel ,
inewlly SJOOfflJW ; lows } 2 WilJ Oi )
HOGS HPCI Ipls 90O ) hi. id. m.iiUPt "c Invvpr.
hpnvy , J3.70&4 UO , inlxnl , 3 OOB3 ! > ) , IlKlit , J3 750
4 10
SIHiP IlocclplB , COO hp-iil. mniUct ttrad ) ,
n.itlvef , J27MT3.7. ) , Foutncin , J2 7J5T3 3"
Ne-vv Viirk l.lveSloek lliu-Ut't.
NI3W "iOltlv , Pch 23 IIHIJVi : ' Hi-e-olpts , . ' 31
hciil ; fcollniEtunlv , i Uil.unth uiKi'il. shipments
monts linln > MX ) cnttlf , 2.MO phpi p nml 3.0.X ) quai-
lei's e > f hief , ttiinorrnvv. 4 11G qmilciM of bppf
SIIiii : AXI ) \MllS-HrPclpls : 1 heiil ,
s > lovv , sheep Knnil li , r lolce , } J 73J/4 2o ; 1 nubs ,
Kejnil In prime. } 4 7" > iiu d ) .
HOJU HecilptK. 4 COi ) heaJ ; wcal % nt { 4X0
4 SO ; extra plus , tlK )
Meek In
of receipts nt the four pilnclpnl niatl > ps
for 1'ebrunij 25 , 1S3G :
Cnttle. Hoc" Sheep
' 'nuth Omaln . 1057 S.49) ) BtO
Chicago . S Vj < > 2SOOO 13 OM
Kansas Clt > . 5 nio 10 000 3,00) )
SI. I.ouls . 4 ) -,000 ) 000
Tolnls . 1U537 44491 17,140
ODD ruiio\vs > tivn tji > en vitnnt.
\ordi DnKotii Criuiil I.oil e COI-H Out
of KvlHtc'iicc.
ST. PAUL , Feb. 25. A Fnrgo , N. D , spe
cial sa > s : Northein lodge. Independent Or
der of Oild Fellows , will hold Its last meet
ing < onigit ! , after which its charter will be
Lurued over to Grand Master McConvllle
This action urines out of the order of the
supreme lodge to pay back $11,000 alleged
to have been Illegally used from funds con
tributed after the big lire of 1833 by Odd
Fcllo'ws all over tlio United States. The su-
iremo lodge demanded payment of $1,800
: hls year and security for the balance. The
edge offered to pay 10 per cent annually ,
which offer was refused. The members put
the lodge property in the hands of a iccciver
and decided to throw up the charter. The
esult will be closely watched , as the mem
bers now stand suspended.
ClotliliiK Cullci-M oil n Strike.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 25 The Clothing Cut
lers' union of this city nt a me.ctlng held
this afternoon decided to go on a strike.
This Is In response to an agreement by
thirty-two lending mannfactureis ( o lock
out all members of the union unless bj
February 27 the Clothing ( , 'uttcrs1 asMicla-
tion rescind' ' Its order culling out Its mem-
jers from Hlock S. Co. , beiMiiso the llrm
refused to discharge a nonunion cut lei.
Tim uu.u/rv MAiiKivr.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday ,
February 25 :
W II Ijams and wife to Globe Loan
nnd Trust company , lots 8 , 10 , iiV-i lot
9 and n',6 lot 11 , Oak Knoll ; c ISO feet
nf H 12 ! feet of tax lot Id. and w 150
feet of o 3t)0 feet of s 13. ! feet tax lot
10 , In 10-15-13 $32,240
ienry Inman to M 13 AndeiBon , c 10
feet of sy. lot 16 , Kountzo 2cl ndd . . . . 900
Mads Ilanoen and wife to B T 1'oter-
cen , n A lot -II , Nelson's add SM
McCague Investment company to
Peter Swan , ex. . lot 17 , block 5 ,
Crelghton Heights 2,500
Cyrus Motion and wife lo Somerset
Trust company , h'i se COt \v'4 svv HW
2a-l.r.-13 25000
J S Tucker and wife to Geoige Koch ,
w'i ' lot n , block 471 , Gi and view add ;
lot 18 , block 6. Deer patk ; lot H ,
bloelc 3 , West Side add ; w',4 Jot 10 ,
block II , lliook'llio ndd C.OOO
13 II Selling to Pabst Hrovvlntr com
pany , lot 14 , block 2 , Paddock I'laco 2,500
Minerva Johnson to Cyius Johnson ,
H'/j ' su 30-15-13 1
A U lloock ct ul to C 13 Clapp , lots 1 ,
3. 4 , fi , 8 to II , block P ; lot" 1 , 2 , 5 ,
6 to 0. block 2 , Hoock's sub 1
Icnry Ilornbcrger ct al to A M Horn-
berKer , n 33 feet of H 'M feet of w
1X2 feet tax lot 12 , In 3-J5-1J 2
Total amount of trnn fers $09,104
When Baby was tick , wp gnv o her Ca'torK
When bho w an a Child , fiho cried for Cnstorla.
When bho bccnmo Jllas , bho clung to Costorla.
\\1icn bho had Chlldrcu , the gav u them Castorla.
Seares &
Nervous , Clironic
Private niseises.
All 1'rhuto l > Uoa
frt-utiiitut by wall
toii'Ullutlon frou-
.ESS . , & . " & . " . ! '
n nncTAi. ui.fjn8. H
'ARICOrnLK permanently and mccmfully
ured. Method new and unfailing ,
Ily new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address with stamp ,
iiiilblHi : . AUn ) . Juke no
ub Ututel' , < .rwl by ll < 1riiJijlj ; gf i
\\uiuuut \ \ . > a/rauunt U ILLOX U'UIIf
S2S Houtu liIUt flltwt , f UlUAV U'UI , J
Si.vs Ko is Simply tlio Victiin of Evil
I'nri'iit iif tlic HojcetiMMl of
nding 1'enrl llrjiut Axtrnr
Coiuen to tin * IteNeiii ; lit
HIM Cllllll.
CINCINNATI. Trb K. Rev. Li. M Wood
ot Oiccnc.'uUc , tnd , fntlicr of William
Wood , who Is In jail lure for complicity In
the > crltnlna' operation In the cnsc of 1'enrl
llryan , the munlcrrd girl , innKes a IOHR
Etntcnicnt In the Cummcrclnl Cl.troltc In the
way of | ) , illlnllng ( lie slmtc ot his son In the
crime , It not cxui&lng It. Spooking ot
Oioro dtiadful letters f nt by Wood to Jnck-
son , ho mill : "I have ne > apology for Ilic let-
tcm They wcu > as great a mohtloii tome
mo v.hen 1 read them In Major Cnlilvvell's
ofllco ns Ihcy were to nny one clfe. I dlil
not consider him capahlo ot using such
language , They struck mo ns being profnno
nnd cojtsc rather tlmn vulgnr nnd Indecent.
They nppcJr to bo such ab a boy might
vvrile > who vvlbhed to appear an bad ns > K > mo
one else , nnd It Is plain to nny one who
win HUUI.V them that tin.1 } ' were CAtgReratctl
nml ummtmal They ate dearly tlic result
of Jack'on's unfortunate Influence over my
boy. "
The reverend gentleman snys tlio feeling ;
nlioiit ( iroencnstltuiii elsewhere In Indiana
has become nuiili niuic mild lovvaid Will
Wood. He sajs Prcd llr > an , brother ot the
murdered girl , Is nbout llio only ont > tlial It
I still bitter tou.ttil Wll1ooii. . llo blames
Pearl for Inducing , ) ls son to brine
lier nnd Jackson tOKt'ttier dinliiR luit AURiist
nnd Scptcinbur. On this score he najs' "It
was only after thrc ? or four weeks of urging
on Pearl' * part tli.itVI1 consented to take
Scott Jack5on out to Pearl s home. Many
> onnK men of tlic town linvo come to mo
portcnnlly and nwurul me of what they
knpvv of Pearl Ir ! > an nnd of my fan ami
that there never was nny Improper Intimacy
between them. 'Ilie fcelinp Is growing thnt
Will wan made a convenient tool by Jaclc-
pen , and an Intermediate ft lend to go bo-
Ivveen her and Jackivin by Miss Bryan. "
The reverend ccntlemnn docs not intlm.itB
who this Intermediate Irlcnd was or vvhcro
be or she nicy be < Tound. llo admits that
Will showed the letter prcicrlblng n
for Pearl and that he snowed It to Dr. Gll-
lesple. He tays Will did not get the pro
scription filled and dors not know that anyone
ono else- got It filled Will gnvc It to Pearl
Drjun. Jackson , when ho was nt ( Jroen-
cnstla during the holldnjs , was much dis
pleased to learn that Pearl Rryan hud th
He relates at length how Will became nc-
qualntcd with Scott Jnckeon In 1S94 , nnd
how he kept up that Intimacy Inter when
Jackson was working In Dr. Glllo' ple'8
olllcc. He now knows how Jarkoon tried to
corrupt Will's mind ; how he described esca
pades In his own life , not with lewd women ,
but with good girls le had reduced from
the path of virtue. llo explained to Will
how ensy and safe It was to get ild of the
tioublo In case of n mishap. Of all this the
reverend father was Ignorant until ulnco
Will's nrrest. Jackivjn nude Will believe
that In the ca'e of Pearl Bryan the opeiatlon
to bo performed In Cincinnati was n com
mon occurrence ; was very simple nml safe
and would detain her hcto only four or five
days. In fact. Mio was dstnlnod here nllvo
enl > five dajs. He hald Dr. ( llllosple during
the holldajs urg'd Jackson to ni-rry Pearl
Brjan , but ho lefused Itev. Wood does not
think Indiana will Indict his eon.
The case of William Wood , cnarged with
abetting an attempt to commit abortion , was
called this morning In the police court. The
prisoner appeared , attended by hist attor
neys , Davis nnd nicckburn of thli city , nnd
Genetnl Matron of Indiana. His father ,
llcv. F. M. Wood , and ui. Hust were also
preasnt. There was no disposition on the
l > art of the state to force a trial , and the
defense was willing to grant all the tlm
ac.kcd by the prosecution to pcrfcot its case , so
that almost by consent the ca e was post
poned until April Ki , and the ball was re
duced from $5,000 to $ S.OOO. The young
man was taken down stairs to wait the re
sult of an effort to procure bondsmen.
Gr.\iiA TEnn TO riusric A COI.D
amp AM > r.MJi MOMA.
Colds leail to conplis , coughs to Pneumonia
nnd Consumption ; therefore. It Is all Itnnor-
ant to check a cold before It reaches the
ungg. Munyon's Cold Cure will positively
ireak a cold Inside of twenty-four hours
f taken ut ) scon as > the cold inanlffHts Itself.
When the cold reaches' the lungsi or hron-
chlal tubes the Coiifih Cure i > ! | oiild bo useil
alternately e\ery half hour with the Cold
Cuie. The Cold Cure Is guaranteed to pre
vent pneumonia If ued In the beginning
of a cold. Pneumonia , or Inflaniatlon of the
ungs , can bo controlled by the use of thcsa
two cures.
The Cough Cure po&ltlvo'y cures bronchitis ) ,
Icltllng In the throat , lioaiMIICSS , loss ot
volco. Bareness , of the c'icst. dlfllculty In
breathing , hacking cough and nit pulmonary
diseases where the lunge nro not too far
consumed or covered with tubercles.
If you uro ailing , ettp Into the nearest
drug btoro and get a 25c % lal of ono of Mun
yon's Uemcdlea. No matter what your dis
ease , or bow many doctors have failed to
cure , It will glvo you roller.
Personal lettcia lo Prof. Munyon , 1605
Arch Htrcet , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered ,
with free medical rdvlce for any dUeaso.
\1TT7' A "K" Arnjou troub'od with men- 9
T .1 * . tj , wl ikni'HH , uorvoiisiinaA , 1
loan of noxual povvci , ulcht uinlBslonii , nn-
natural ilia AT IT ! AT cluircin , lank of de-
Him to per i'-JJ- ( orm mental labor ,
canned by youthful Inill.Hcrrllons If HO ,
Hond forfull Ix box \1 A II 1(1 ( trt'.Kineiit
of TuiUiali LoHt " - ' - ' IJ Manhood
Capsiileu fir $3 00 Uujiaiiicisl to ciiru or
money relurmd , Rlnzln C'p I7O"NT J
boxea tl. This Is no fake " * l WJ.1 v
euro , nor frco prescription as mrdlclnn'
coma money , non i uu looicu jiuiurn
riiuruiucy , 20IU Partum Hlieil , Oinnha
J-'or fuiUri-'liiiltltlt Tiitui/utul J'en-
itljioyul I'llli. nuvci full to brine nirn-
tti nation mi e lo Ihe iliiil , tl hov , Iifort5
Ly m nil. llului'u Plitirinacy , Omalm.
Crlpnlo , . . . . , . _ and re.
ported fin for correspondents. lUfi-reiicett
p. II , COOMIIS , Iiiv i-Ntnicnl IlroUi-r ,
Hex 818. C'rlpjilo Cittk , Colo.
Tclcplionc lOU ! ) . Oimilui , Nub.
Ltom 111U Itoard of Trad * .
Dliect rxiva to Clilcngo und New York ,
John A. Warren 4fc Co.
Our Free Letter
Reviewing lh ir ln and stock .narkctf. will tut
tent you dully on request , In Iht hop * of desirv
Uie part of your buslnex Orders solldlcd fo *
taali cr en three to Hve point marclo * .
Utubcr * Cb > aKo llouid of Traai , New York )
Product ) ISschanic. New York Com. Utock K -
cuftDce. 17 Ucaid Tr4 , Cblc ( o. 44 Utcudway ,
Ntw York.