Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Small Visible Supply Decrease Oanscd
Wheat to Slump ,
Dctminil for Kniti-rn Hlilimu-iil nf Corn
\Vn.s Ili-lli-r Tlinii It llnil
Ilvpti for Sonic
IT.--The disappointingly
. Kcb. - -
nmnll ilecr < vi p In tlic world's vlolble supply
caiiscil a slump In xvlivnt today , causing
It to ctofce nt n loss of fiom Ho to > , ic from
Saturday' * ) llgurps , nflcr nn early rise of
ytc. Corn and outs worn but slightly nf-
ferlfid nnd clofcd unchanged , and proVisions -
Visions rnndc plight recessions. Thc'ro was
n very fair speculative trnde In wheat , the
market chancing with considerable rapidity
within from Kto lUc range. The feeling
developed quite nervous nnd prices for
nwhllc were Irregular , but the tone wns on
the whole ca y nnd the cloa- showed Uc
decline. The first trend of the market wns
upward , the feeling being strengthened by
the bolter cables nnd the cold weather ,
which wan thought to be Injurious to grow
ing plnntn. There were apparently a good
many buying orders on the market , nnd In
fllllug them the price was advanced from
65 4c to CC'Jc , which wns ueaily 'Jie better
than the close Sulwdny. Hut the reports
from the visible supply polntn noon began to
show that there would not be pucli a decrease
n bud been expocted. Now York reported
ti Ifcss of only n little over 400,000 bu. , where
750,000 bu. hnd been e.\pt-etcd , and nt one
tlmo It looked n tlioimli there might pos
sibly be nn Increase. Tliln started genernl
selling by the enrly buyers In the way of
liquidation , nnd nlsn ? clllnK for the nliort
nccouut , nnd It did not tnke long for the
prlco to BU elf over le. Hut Inter , when
it wat known thut there ; would be n slight
'clrcrcnpc ' instead of an Increase , us oeemed
probable at one time , the market recovered
up to G5fer. ! The mailfct ruled dull and
easy during the last hour. Jluy sold off
to WiMiC. reacted to 'M&C , nnd closed at
that price.
Corn was very Mlghtl.v affected by the
wheat market. The demand for eastern
Editpmcnt WUH better thuu It lias been for
some time , nnd with the anticipated reduc-
tloiiK In farmers' deliveries , due to poor
roads , were the main reasons for the com
parative Rteadlnesvi of the prices. May
corn at the opening sold unchanged at
30'c ' { , nnd 3U' , ' f. declined reluctantly to 30e
nnd closed with sellers at SO'.ie.
Oats wcro quiet and only a limited busi
ness wus done , prices following wheat Hue-
tuntlons narrowly , liny opened > { , c higher
nt 21Uc , cold down to from 21c to ilUc , and
closed atUJtC bid.
1'ruvlBloriH were rather heavy and dull
during n considerable portion of the' day.
The unexpectedly large run of hogs chopped
a good piece off ptlceH early , but good
support later caused .a rally , nnd prices re-
irnlnod nearly all the loss. At the close
May pork was ttc lower and Slay lard nnd
rlb.t unchnnged.
Estimates for Tuesday : Wheat , 200 cnrs ;
corn. 500 cnrs ; outs , 315 cars ; hogs , 2COw )
The- lending futures ranged as follows :
Artlclos. I Opjii. I ilUn. I Ittit. I
Fob 03K OH
May ( ! ( l CUU ur ,
Jiniu , , . . . (10 ( un
July *
fnrH Mn J
Cash quotations were as follows :
3/LOUH Steady ; winter patents , $3.V ) f3.SO ;
Winter stralghta , $3.00T3.CO ; bakers , $2.102.40 ;
prlnR patents , $3.1083.40 ; uprlnt' straights , $2.CO
WHEAT-No. 2 pprlnR. C3eC4Uc ; No. 3 spring ,
C2'ic : No. 2 red. fi7 % < 3G7Jc.
COHN No. 2 , 28 > , de ; No. 2 yellow , 28WC.
OATH No. 2 , 19&c : No. 2 white , SIHc , f. o.
t > . : No. 3 white. 20 > , JG21' c , f , o. b.
ItYB No. 3 , 3S',4c.
I1ARLEY No. 2. nominal : No. 3 , 25S35 > ic , f.
O. b. : No. 4 , 2523c. f. o. . b.
FLAX SHIOU-No. 1. tiOUc.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. $3.S5.
I'HOVIHIONS I'crk. mess , per bbl. . $9.S7'/ . @
10.00. Laid , per 100 Ibs. , $5.42Vi5.45. Shoit libs
Hides ( loose ) , $5,0505.10. Vry raited fchoulders
( boxed ) , $4.75ft5.00 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) ,
5.2,1 5.37',5. '
WHISKY Distillers' finished cqods , per gal , ,
BL'dAIlS Unclaimed ; cut lonf , $3.81 ; Kimlu-
latwl , J5.19 : standard "A , " $5.0C.
POllI.THY-0.ulPl : tuikeyn , Utfi ! > l3'lc : chick
ens , 7'/ifia > 5o ; ducks , 1013c.
Tim following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Conilitlou of Triiile nml Quotations
oil Staple niul Fnncy I'roiluce.
S Fresh stock , 10011c.
liUTTER Common grades , 6c ; fair to good
Itoclc , "e ; cliclce to fancy country , 13014c.
VEAICliolce fat. 70 to 100 Ibs. , ore quoted
t C'j07c ; large and course , 45c.
CIIKESE-Domestle brick , HHe ; Edam , per
dor. , | 0.50 ; Club house , 1-lb. jars , per doz. . $3.50 ;
I.lmlicrier ; , fancy , per lb , , ll(4c ( ; noqucfort , H-lb. ,
Jars , per doz. . J3.CO ; Young Americas , ll'/ie ;
Twins , fancy , lie.
POULTHY Dressed Chickens , 809o ; coarse
nnd large. BlJ0Ce ; ducks , choice , lOfflle ; turkeys ,
choice. 12f3c : gees ? . 8c.
I'OULTItY Live C. Jacobean of the Montana
Poultry Packing and Supply company , quotes
llva | x > ultty Hrm and ' tile4 at : Hens nml
young roostem. SHe ; old cocks , 2'io : turkey
lienu. 8'ie ; young turkey gobblers , 7c ! : old
Toni , Co : ducks , full feathered , 7e : gcse , 6e ,
HA ) Upland , J5.00 ; midland , 14.50 ; lowland ,
$4.00 ; rye straw. J3.00 ; color maken tlie pi Ice on
{ lay ; light bales ucll the beat. Only top trades
bring top prices.
IJltOOM COIIN 'nxtremfly slow sale ; new
crop , delivered on track In counlry ; choice green
elf-working carpel , per lb. , 2Hc : choice green ,
running in hurl , 2140 ; comntun. IHe.
GAME Jack Fnlpe , 75cOI.OO ; golden plover.
$1.25 ; jack labblls , per doz. , Jl.OO ; email
| OOOJ7,50 ; tinall Kw ? e. 14.504(5.00 ( ; brants , $3.50 ;
qu nels. per doz. , C0075C.
' I'KIIJONS Live , $1,0001,20 ; dead pigeons not
wanted ,
ila' uer tlx-basktt crate. $4.50
IJAUUKIxnVEIl-per dor. , 11.50.
-AIillAOIi ' California c 7& , per lb. , 2c
-IP'rATOK8 ! 1'uncy native ftock , JOc ; from
l4Sc * ' ' " * ' MB35 ° i coiorado Block. 5
"N'ONS-1'er ' bu. , SSffMo.
ilVAI"-pII'"id Picked navy , per bu. , | 1.M.
Her iftrt 1' ° TATOK''i-cllolce * to < ; k.W 2.7 :
CKr.KUY-Callfornln. per doz. . No. 1. 80cj No ,
' . - ! 'f tcrn NrbrnnUa , 40U45C.
LIMA IlKANS-per Ib.7 5c.
pinTEm < iIi&SS-I'f r 1 ° - ' > 1' ca"e- * ' " '
PIH PLANT Hot home stock , per doz.
° f Almerlo grapes durlnu the > pn l
reason uBgrc-Bate-d 1CO.KW l < arrel In NewYmk. .
with probable total reccliiti of 33,000 barrrlH
10 A''l ' ! nd ! lalllmori > . maklnir a total
wlno Hung and willow twlm , $3.25tf3.50. ' '
CHANllEHniES-Jer ey. $8.75.
MALAGA OnAl'KS Per CO-lb. bbl. . $5.0005.50 :
per 65 to 70-lb. gross , $ d.OOOT.OO. '
The Florida Agriculturist cay In a review f
the Met season's bu lnn'The ; orange civil
of Florida baa been marketed und thu lucky
Bixiweri ) who ttieaped Hie frost of Ian winter have
the proceed * of their cale * enugly tucked unay
III thrlr wallet. . '
"Early In the prlnsr there were ail kinds of
estimates s lo the lie of the crop some' ' reek-
lean fellow placing II nx hltr'i " H JIX boxes.
Thu ccnrru ) rsllnmte , lie ver , was about 10t > , ouO
boxen. After a cartful review of the tltuatlon
and a visit lo the cectUmn that etcupni the
fival the Agriculturist ettlmuted tin.- crop at
60,000 boxen and It hu * maintained thl * ctilniute
( hruughout ,
"Tlie total foctlng * of thliunenU iliown that we
were not far from wronv , und I hat our estimate
wus cnty a few IhouEaiid box * under the actual
yield , Mr , Juim A. Ilalrd , a lame fruit dealer
t Clutlnuatl , ho ! tfM U wloUr la th
fecllon of south Florliln , tint jnit re
turned to lil lieadnunMcrs in Dctand , lit h
handled ft large portlnn cf th * orange crop of
Ihi * itnte llil > yenr nml he ny * thnt the * totnl
MilpnifnH Hint hnve irons forwsul amount only
to 47.SOO bo en , and Ihnl the' enllro crop of th
rlnlp linn \ > een shipped , In hi * opinion them nre
tint Ti ) liftxe * of fruit rtmnlnlnB on the trees In
KlnrMa. Mr , IlalrO nys Ihnt Mnnatcc cnunly
chipped M.PW Ixixes. l.ff county 18,00) nnd De
Solo county tlic Imlnnce.
"Tha Manatee srowers rrnlUcd the best prices
for their fruit for Hie rejuon thnt they weto
nearer ( transportation lines , nnil futthermorc
illil not re\ } \ their fruit ns enrly In the pennon n
th - urower.i of 1,1-e rounly. Mr. llnlnl thinks
Hint Hie itrtwem of Manatee county will nveraRe
nt Iran } 3 per Iwx on ( he tree for their fruit , nnj
Do Hotu county ( irobaMy lh came , while the
, * > county Kroners , who fo : l pnrly , will not
i -illzo vrry much over } l | > cr Imx. Of course
I he-re were o < cccpllonnl cnM , where ns high na
S3 per box , nnd p rhnps higher , wns realized , but
ilia above ( Inure * lunp reference to the rencrnl
nVcinife. " quotations :
OUANORS-Callfninln btiddol seedl nss , fancy.
J2.M ; choice , Jl.7Sa2. < W ; fancy nnvfls , 13.W ;
cliolri * . J3.OOjr3.S3.
l.l ION8-Me ! > lnns , J3.MSJ4.J3 ! Cnllfornlas ,
IIANAN'AS Choice InrRC stock , per bunch , 12.00
2.S5 ! medium dlzp. ] bunchtti , J1.75H2.00.
Bat. ratixj per doi. , 412 ; U gal. cans , J6.2J ; quart
cnn , 13. , o.
CIOKH-1'uro Juice , per half bbl. , 3 ; per
but. * * 1. to.
SAUKH KUAUT-Per bbl. , $3.75 ! half bbl. ,
"piilR Now crop , California , 10-lb. boxcj , per
lb. , 10c ; Impirted fnncy , ! 0-lb. boxes , 15c : choice , ,
10-11. . Iwxw.
DATKS-New 1'oielnn , cO-lb boxes , per lb. ,
5'lc ' ; falJi , boxes , per lb. , 9c.
MAl'I.n Ht'OAIt-Cholce , per ! b. , OfllOc.
IMtnsiniVKH Aseorted , 0-lb. palls , each.
COl'OANUTB-I'er 100. J4.50 ; eacll , Sc.
NOTrt Almonds , California , per lb , , medium
fluiocs TarrnROna nlmonus , per lb. , large ,
I2'ic ' ; Ilrazlls , per lb. , 8c : na ll ; i w lniita per
II ) . , fancy poft liell , Ue , ( tnm"ards , ll@lli,4c :
Illberts. per lb. , 10o ! peacnni , polished mfdlum.
I0o ; IniKei 12c ! peanuts , raw. BHc ! roaMeJ , 75 ?
7I,4 : hlcltory nus | , Email , per bu. , S1.73 : hickory
nuts , l.iw , per bu. , Jl.W ; black \valnuts , per
bbl. , } 5.
nnnssno MKATP.
UE1H' ' Quod ttecrs , 400 to COO Ibs. ,
fiHWcl K od cows nnd heifers , l Oocj medium
ctms nnd hrtfero , 4'lc ; good foreauailers cows
and heifers , 5',4c : good hindquarters cows
nnd heifers , C'.Sc ' ! cow lounds , 5c : cow chucks.
3c ! bepf tenderloins , frosli , : oc : frozen , 13cj beef
mils , bonrtcR , H'.ic ' ; sirloin butts , boneless , Dto- !
loin backs , S'.Jc ' ! cow ribs , No. J , 71ic ; cow loins ,
No. 3. 8' ' tc.
MUTTON Dressed mutton , 6&cj ! racks , 10c :
Ifusj fci saddles , fc' Blows , 3c.
I'OKK UrvBScil IIOBS , Co ! | rU loins , C'Sc : spare
1-lbR , 5'ic ' : pork 'shoulders , BUc : | wik shoidders ,
skinned , fi'.ic : pork IrlmmliiKa. filio ; tunJcrlolns ,
lie ; p'gs' feet , cleaned , per doKv. .
lIIDnfi No. 1 Kteen hides , 4c ; No. 2 creen
Illdea. Sc ! No. 1 green sailed hides , 5c : No
Krofn salted hldts , 4c ; Xo. 1 green tailed lild'es"
SS to 43 U.S. , tc ; No. s gicen iiltcd hides. 23 to
4i ) Ilis. , 4c : No. 1 void calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , Be"
No. 2 veal culf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No 1 dri-
flint hide * . 7O8c | No 2 Oiy ( lint hides. 6i7Cc
No. 1 diy salted hides , Co ; pall cured hides ,
VJn per lb. less tlian fully cured.
HHKK1 * 1'KI.TS Green salted , each ZSflCOo-
green" salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) '
each 15c ; dry sliearllnga ( short wooled early
BklniO , No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wuoled caily skins ) , No. I each , 6c ; dry flint
Kansas nnd Nebraska tiitcher wool pelts i > er Hi
actual weight. CB6c ; dry Hint Kansas'and Ne
braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
\\elslit. < tfSo ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool
polls , per lb. . actual w lRht. 486i5c : dry nint
Coloiadu Muifaln wool pelts , ptfr lb. . actual
weight , 4fri.c ; drj- pieces and bucks , actual
weight. 493o : feet cut off , as It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
3Vio ; tollow No. 2 , So : Riease , white A , 3 < 4c'-
greaff. white H , 3cj grease , yellow , 2',4c ' : treiise
daik. 2c ; . old butter 2624b ! ; beeswax prime'
J"i ie.
I34J2-C ! inugli tnllow. IVJc.
11ONKS5 In cnr lots weighed nnd delivered In
Chicago : Diy buffalo , per tun , J12.00&14.00dry
country. bleachc-J , per ton , J10.000I2.00 : dry
country , damp and mealy , per'ton , IC.OOB8.00'
"WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy , 67c ; line Haht
83 c ; quader blood , 10gl2c ; seedy , burry and
chaffy , SflOc ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7BOc'
catted and broken , fine. OKSe. Fleece washed
Medium , l.'BlSc : fine , HifflGc : tub washed ICfl
ISc : black. So-bucks ; , 6c ; tag locks , 23cdead
' " "
. Kims. -
QiiotiitloiiM of the Dny OH VarloiiN
NEW YOHK , Feb. 17. FLOUR Receipts , 16,400
Will. ; exports , 19,800 bu. ; weak nnd nominal
on Hprlnp patents ; city mill patents ,
t4.35ff4.C5 ; winter patents , J3.E5SJI.O ) ; Min
nesota patents , $3.60j3.73 ; Minnesota bak.
e-rs , J2.80JJ3.20 ; erring low grades , $1.90J
S.W. lly > Hour , dull ; superfine , 13.0062.75 ;
fancy , J2.70Q2.90 ; buckwheat flour , dull ; 1.23
" '
'wTCIC WHEAT Dull ; S941e ,
COHN MEAL Dull ; yellow western , lower at
72o ; llrandywlne , 12.25.
HYE Quiet nt 40I43c.
UAHLEY Quiet ; malting. 41&47c ; feeding , 33 j >
HAULEY MALT-FIrmly held ; western , 47 ©
WHEAT necflptP. 900 bu.j exports , 109,000 hu.
Spot , weaker ; No. 2 nil , 79ic , f. o. b. ; No. 1
hard , 74Ue , delivered. Options opened Mrmer on
higher cables , ruled Irregular during the fore
noon under conlllcUnir market news , nnd worked
Into decided weakness , owing to a disappointing
vlnlbl'5 supply statement , and n large Increase
on passage , which led to # ome liquidation
slightly 'in ' rumors of export purchases for Aus
tralian , and closed ? i05ic lower ; May , 71tG72V4c. !
ClOB.'il lit 71HC.
COUN-Ilecelpts , 21.400 bu. : exports , 1E1.COO bu.
Spot , , eaBler ; No. 2 , 36' , c. Options opened steady
and well sustained on talk of light coun
try offerings , but llrmlly yielded with wheat nnd
i-losi'd Wl\c net lower ; February , 36'.i(138c. '
i-rostd nt 3M e ; May , 3GVi r3G 5-1 Co. cloned ot
SC'.io ' ; July , 37 3.1CJ37ic , closed nt 37Ue.
OATS lU-crlpls. 84,000 bu. ; exports. 71,600 bu. ;
sales , 70,000 bu. Spot , dull ; No. 2. 2JHc ; No. 2 ,
ilellvi-red. 26'Se ' : No. 3 , 24U0 ; No. 2 white , 26',5c ;
Ha. 3 while , 25lie ; track , white , western and
BlaliSift&c. . Options were dull and featureless
all day and closed unchanged ; February closed
at S..c ; Match closed at 23&u ! ; May closed at
"HAY Steady ; shipping , I7.50C8.00 ; good to
chokv. 8.0 < ) 9,00.
HOI'S Quiet ; common to choice 1S94 crop ,
! ' , i4T3' . > c ; 1K95 crop , I'aelllo const , 40Sc.
HIDIW Otilet ; wet mlKd Now Orleans , sc-
Uclel , 4Ho K Ibs. . lie ; Qa'vesto * . 21 to 25 Us. , lie
Hut-nns A ) n a , dry , 20 to 21 Ibs. , ICc , ; Texas ,
do21 to 30 Ibs. , PC ; California. 21 lo 25 Ibs. ,
iJlSATHKH Firm : hemlock sole , lluenos
AyrtH , light to heavy , 20o ; ncld , 21WJ-0.
\VOOI.-QuicI ; domestic lleece , ! Cj2'c ; iiullfd ,
19 26c.
PIIOVIBION8 Ileef. steady ; family , lOWlZc ;
extra mess. Sc ; beef hams , ICc , Cut meals , dull ;
pickled hams. bViiiHo. I ird.dull ; western steam ,
closed at 15.75 , nskrd ; city , I5.10fi5.15 ; May. J3.S7 ,
noiiilnal. I'ork , nul t ; mess , J10.50fllO.75 ; family ,
111 : short clear. ill.500I2.50.
TAI.LOW-Hteady ; city. 3Ji 3 13-Kc ; counlry.
3Ti < U 15-lCo. us to quality.
1'ETHOI.Et'M IxJwer ; United closed nt J1.39
bid ; it'fliied. New York , $7.35 ; Philadelphia and
Ilaltlmoie , J7.SO ; Philadelphia and llaltlmore , In
bulk. I4.SO
UOSIN Oulctj strained , common to good , 11.60
' '
'TI'IIPENTINE Quiet at ssHdsoc.
III'TTKU Firm ; weilerri dairy , 10C13c.
KOOU llecelpts , 7,691 pkgs. ; market steady ;
state and Pennsylvania , H'.iOHlic ; westein ,
K'.ic ; southern , 13'i/l < o.
HICK Firm ; domeiitle- fair to extra , ! UCCc ;
Juimn , 3Vi ( o ,
MOLASHlCH Quiet ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good la choice , 29f37c.
MI3TAIJJ Pie Iron , quiet : southern , $11.750
13.2 } ; northern , Slt.OOO12.50. Copper , steady ;
brokerw , 110.60 ; exchange. tlO.WfllO.C2H. Lead ,
ttt-ady ; txcliange , (3.15. Tin , steady ; straits ,
113.40 13.50. IMatM ) , quiet. Spelter , cjultt ,
COTTON SEED OIIDull nnd heavy ; prime
crude. JJCSSUe : nrlme crude , f , o. b. ,
off etadrs , MOtllio.
NR\V YORK. F U n.-COFFEE-Opllons
opuu-il steady ut 6 to 10 | julnts advance upon
European cablm and tome foreign buylnc ; later
prior * advanced > han > ly on loca | cavrrlng ; elow.l
llrni m 15 to SO point * net advance ; Balm. 14wo (
bauii cliwi'J , Frbruary , J12.CiClt.75 ; March , I12.CO
tfU.W. Spot coff , JUo , itekdy ; No. 1 , 113.25.
MIU1 , rlrmly ! sfllrr. VA tuiRD , Pnniful Nf > . 9
I12.U ) * , SOO bngK , Mnrnrnllo , p. I , Wnrehoute
di-llvcrl 9 from New York Saturday. 8,488 bnR
New York stock today , SI0.438 bngn ; Unites
Stntrs stock , 2C9.3I4 li K ! nnont for the UnltM
Htnten , ill.OiiO bnn < ; total visible for the Unltei
Stftlcs , 480,312 bags , ognlntt 466,011 ttiga Iflst
SANTOS , Teli. 17. Quiet ; Rood nvfrnpc Santos
$14.40 ; rrcelpts , 2,000 bngs ; dtock , 29S.OOV bABS.
HAMIIfllO , 1'tb. 17. Steady nnd unchanged
to 'i pfR advance.
HAVIIIFeb. . 17. Opened quiet nn < l unchnnRCd
nt noun ! if mU'ancr ; at 3 p. m. , efady ent
unclifinRctl ; r.iles , IIono Inn * ,
IHO , Feb. 17. .Sternly ; No. 7 , 13,200 rels ; * r-
chanR" , 9 I-lMj r celpt , 2 , < W ) baK l cleared for
tlm United State" , 2.00) ) bags ; for Eurorf3,000
bnf ; stock , 191,1100 bags.
SK > OllllltlllVllM .MlllllljCOlllllUll tO
Donirntlc AciMiuntN.
NB\V YOIttC , Tel ) . 17. Speculation em the
Stock exchange Ifeday wn mainly connned
to the homo account , owing to the fact that
the London slock market was FO nijrrow ns to
afford little opportunity for nrbltr'aRc opera
tions hpro. There were , however , * ome small
purchnsfs of St. I'nut nnd a few snles of Ixjuls-
vllle & Nashville , Wnbi h prefellM and On
tario & \Vc.iteni. The I ca ) ItauliiR was In
llfthtcroliimc than of late , but the dealings
were characterized by n. decidedly firm lone
nnd the trend of llRiiren was upward. A fac
tor for tlienRth was Hie lack of piejnuie to
fell In any one of the pool ? , except that durlns
Iho mnrnlnif thete was dome piofC55lonnl fell-
IrtK of .Mnnhattan , resultlni ? In n break In that
flock of 2i ! per cent from the eUsInK price
of Saturday. It was Expected several stbp-lo a
orders would be uncovered on the way down
In view of the unfavorable quarterly icpoit
published on Saturday , but only one inch older
was disclosed , and tulwtntillnl support belnc
nccoidcd ( he stoek , n rlmtp lally took place ,
fendlnp the pi Ice to 108TJ , a gain of SU P r
cent fiom tlio low point , the closing twine
; i per cent below the top.
The general matket wai scmewhat depictned
in tliu early trailing , owing to the dexclop.
ment of n rinllzlni ; movement , which quickly
spent Its force , though af l tcd by lower
prlcefl It-tJil Condon. The Industllal Hh\roi ;
were weakest , but the cnly tcacllons e\ccedliiB
fmctloni weie In Sugar nnd Loiuhrr prefeired ,
vUilo'.i yielded 1 per cent each. The declining
tendency wns checked before midday by thu
appearance of putchaslng oulcia In the lead-
Itih' Hhaics and the announcement that the gold
icnorve had been Incicased to over J100,000,0i
helped Iho Upward movement. Theie Wns some
flluitp covering In the nftcrnoon. which ic-
sulti-d In gjlns of 2T4 per cent In Sugar , 2Ji
per i-eiit In Lealhcr prcfenccl , 2 per cent In'
Tobacco , HI per cent In Chicago ta > , S-S per
cent In New Jeisey Central and u fraction In
the icat of the list. I'aelllo Mall wai an ex
ception , nnd fell oft ' , s per cent en n rumor
that u mlxumlcn'tandlng had arisen between
that company nnd the 1'ntiama lallroad ns to
tlm nmuiint nf buHlnc.os turned over to the load
fiom Francisco under the agreement be
tween the Iwo companies. In the late ttadlng
the matket wus rnlluT quiet , but was stiong
In tone , and the closing pi Ices wc-ic nt or near
the best of the day.
The bond Muukct was quiet but generally
firm. The Northern I'adllc Issues were com
iplcuou.s In the dealings and ill-tilavFil pro
nounced sliength , the , 2ds jjalnlng l'i ' per cent
anil the 3a nml collateral trut OH , 2 per cent.
Other Important Improvements were noled as
follows : St. Ixiuls i Sdn "Francln-o , trust 5s , '
fi per cent ; Dullllh , South Shore .t Atlantic. 6s ,
2'i per cent ; Ann At bar Ists nnd Loulivlllc ,
New Albany Ists , 1'S per cent ; Long Island
" " . 114 Per cent , and Chicago OUR' Ists and
Seattle , Lake Shoic & Ea.slein lets , trust lo-
L-clptR , 1 per cent. The ucllon of hvldere of
Oregon Improvement. Ists In combining for
mutual protection , o lnc to n default In the
Fcml-annual Intel et , wns icflected In n drop
In the Issue of C'i ' per cent to 82Vi ; Oie-gon
consol 5s , trust receipts , nlso fell 2 per cent to
3) . The nggrcgatu ( dealings were Sl.SOO.OW ,
Tac govcinment bond market i tiled Mronx ami
higher , with a ontimiance of the heavy
trading In the new 4 > > , coupon , at 116 ? i811l > % . '
This total sales were } r SO,231.
The Evening 1'ost's London financial cable
gram says : The stock maikcts Were Irregular
today. Investment stoeka were sltontr and
speculative thing ! ) mostly dull. Consols were
at 100. Argentine stocks arc again In good
demand. Americans were neglected , cUflng
dull on the strength of exchange nnd the weak-
neps In wheat and cotton.
The following were the closing quotations on
trio leading stocks of the New York exchange
today : .
unnMltrd toddy I'ltJlt of lh
. Th term tioa | U | j fntnk , but the clot
inr * tti iir.
IXNIXN , K h. IT.-Oold In ( juolfJ nt Ilueno *
Ayif today t S1S.5S ; < -Wurtrld , 17.62 ; nt Lie-
bon , 25 ; t St. rctcnrtmrff , nd Athn , 77 | *
Ilom > , IM.W ! nl Vlentia , ; > oj. The nmount o
bullion Kone Into the IlfthV'of ' Kngland on bnl
nnce today , 185,000. „ . .
I'lirc-liniiprN of ll < iivln ( Culling : on the
Trcnmiry for ( Jolil.
WABHINQTON , Feb. i-llfnvy withdrawals
of Br > ld from the ubtcs iyy nt N w York fo
u In future payments for bonds under th >
recent Issue , continue to' 'be reported nlmos
dally , and to far ns iMfMie learned , there In
no prospect of oven a utitpotary cessation unll
the last Installment shall hnve been paid. The
withdrawals today nKgrrnntcd (1,424.600 In cell
nnd Ml , COO In bnr. , which leaves the tme nnioun
of the KolJ reserve. I83,20.t,4 , ! > 9. The Bold depo lln
on the bond nccount PO for ns offlclnlly reportt-i
up to the close of business todny wns 171,450,8(9.
XOTV Y rU AllnliiK ( InotntloiiB.
NEW YOUK. Feb. 17. The followln ? nro the
closliiF mlnliiK Qiiotnilons :
Hillwcr . 14 Onlnrlo , . . . POO
Chollor. . . . . . . . . . . . . AH nphl r.
Crown I'oltil , .1. . . IS Plymouth . VO
Con. Cal , X Vn. . . . 20(1 ( QiilcksllvtT . 178
Drndwood . . . H."i QuIckKllvcr PM..15SII
nonld A curry . 40 Sierra JKsvarfa . : if > 0
llaln , V .KorcroSB. . Ill ) Standard Con . ' 'UU
. . Union Con. . ofi
Iron Silver , . . Yellow Jacket. . . . 33
Mexican . nt
I.oiulon Stouk fluotntloiin.
LONDON , Fob , 17.-4 p. in.
Consols , m'y.lIH ( l'i-ID..Mexican oiillnary. 18 <
Consols , acc't..lld ) 15-10 su P.-inl coin 7.1
Can. Pacific SSftiN. v. "
Krle l4 ( I'oniihVlV.'int.l 54 4
Erie-Vila H3i < Kcaillnir UH
Ill.Cuntrnl IIS ilex. Cen. new 4a. . 71 |
HAH Kll.VUIt 20TW p r oz.
MONIiY-U PT cent.
The late cif illscount In tic ! open niaikel for
Mioit niul thice months' hill ? , lldiills per cent.
1 1 II II IIO I II I' Nlltl'M.
BOSTON. Fob. 17.-Clcarlngc , ? 11,737C79 : bal-
nncts , Jl.ini.c ; , " .
llAljTIMOHi : . Feb. 17.-Clc.irlngs , J2,182,219
I'HIhADKM'lUA , Feb. 17-ClcarlnRS , $3,443- ,
iat bnlaJices , Jl.SOI.lCO. ,
ST. l.OtJIH , Fob. 17.-Clearlngs , J4 , 487.401 ; hal-
nnces. ! ITS.r,2l. Money. ( ! { JS per crnti New Yoih
c.xchanRe , 2So illscount bill , par asltnl.
NKW YOUK , Feb. 17. The steamship Allei
will tnlte out tomorrow 100,400 ouncet of Oliver.
Clearlnns , } 73,7C.1OSO ; balances , 3,052C31.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. Clenrlnss , $14.701,571.
Money , firm nt C per cent for call loans , ami
o i7 per cent for commercial paper ; New Voik
exchange , 73c discount ; forelmi cxehanirp , linn ;
bankcis1 l-omlon stullnir , $ < .87't and J4.S7.
St. I.oiiln ( iciuTiil .llnrkot.
ST I.OUIS. Feb. K.-FLOt'll-Oull and easy ;
patents. J3.70J73.80 ; extra fancy , $ S.45S3.53 ; fancy ,
$3.011413.10 ! choice. $2.COTtl73.
\VHUAT-The cold nve nd nrmer'cables hnd
n mllylni ; effect early , but ilomoHllo innikela
were nil heaxy late umlold lower tli.ui in
Saturday , the close for May here being UW fcc
under the finals of the day ; ppot dull but flcacly ;
No. 2 red. caMi , ile ; No. 2 haid , February , 61Vc ;
May. C4'Sfi6l ' c ; July. M'ic.
CORN Somewhat stroiiser on the rally In
wheat , but WHS dull , the eaily strength was
not held , a decline below Saturday belnR noted
for futures ; spot easy and lower ; No. 2 mixed ,
'cash , 2G'4o bid : February , 2SHc ; May , 20Hc bid ;
July. 2SU02TUC.
OATS Dull and easy ; spot lower to sell ; Nn.
3 cash. 18 ic ; May. Wc bid ; July. 19io"Lld.
t HY13 Quiet nnd easier ; , No , 2 , 3Uc <
HUAN IJull and easy ; 43o for sacked , east
FIAX SRBD-Qulet at S5c.
HAY Dull ; choice grades , scaice , belns In
Root ] demand ami lli-mV pialrle , JO. iiU.lH ) ;
llmolliy. $ S.r < 0014.00 , Ililh'side. . .
IHITTEIJ Firm ; cretuuern. Hfi20c ; dairy , 11
0150. „ '
ICQOS Rasy ; lOHc for flesh.
WHlSivY-I.22. ' *
LEAD Strong ; $2.00 bid tor refined , and $2.95
for chemical.
ai'EL.TEK Firmer nt. $3.7f. bid.
rOUiyrilY Quiet ; linkeya , lOWllc ; chickens.
7ff8'ic ( ' ; ducks , lOiTllc ; 'itfei , SU6c.
1'HOVISIONS 1'ork , Cstanflaid mess , JobbliiK ,
old. J9.C2li ; new. $10.1215l ul ud , prime steam ,
J..I ) ; choice , J3.30. liacoq. boxed shoulderc ,
fu'.W ; longs , t3.5- : rlbsJ'.S4i ! ; shorts , $0. Dry
salt mrnttv boxed BhoiiKlcrM $4.73 ; longs , $3.23 ;
libs. } 3.K'j ; shorts , $ JW ; n
HKCEI1TS Flour. 7C J libls. ; wheat , 23,000
bu. : coin. 135.000 bu. ; , 'oaln. . 23.000 bu.
RIIll'MKNTS Flour , ' .OUO'Wila. : wh.'at , 17,001
bu. ; corn , 12J.OOO bu.J6ats ; , 119,000 bu.
Ilverinjol SlnrkotN.
I'utuies , openfdi ijulft.t wllji nenr. . and distant ,
positions Ud , higher. ; closed quiet. ' with JUIyl
unchanged nnd'other positions' d higher ; tusl-j
ness tibout equally distributed ; February , April ,
May. June and July , 5s ejiel.
COKN-Spot firm ; American mixed , , new , 3s
Ud. Futures opened quiet and unchanged ;
closed nrm , with February nnd July lid higher
and other positions unchanged fiom last night ;
buslnms about equally distributed ; February , 3s
Vid ; March , 5s Hd ; April , 3s Id ; May , 3s I'.td ;
June , 3s I'.td ; July , 3s l id.
FLOUH Dull , demand poor ; St. Louis fancy
winter , 7s 9d.
I'nOVlSIONS nacon , quiet ; demand , poor ;
Cumberland cut , 2S lo 30 Ibs. . 2Ss ; short ribs ,
"S Ibs. . 26s ; long clear , light , 33 to 45 Ibs. , 27s :
long tlear , heavy , 55 Ihs. , 26s 6dr short clear
backs , light , 18 llo. , 26n ; short clear middles ,
heavy. 55 Ibs. , 26s ; clear , bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs. ,
28s. Shoulders , square , 14 to 16 Ibs. . 23s Gd.
Ham.- ! , short cut , 14 to 15 Ibs. , 39s. Tnllow , line
North American , 20s 3d. Iteef , extra India mess ,
72s Cd ; prime mess , 57s 6d. Pork , prime mess ,
llnu westein , 62s 6d ; medium westein. 4Cs 3d.
Lard , dull : pilme western , 27s 9d ; icfined , In
palls. 2Ss 6d.
CHEESE Quiet : demand. moderate ; finest
American , white and colored , 43s.
BUTTER Finest United Stales , 65s ; goad ,
OILS Turpentine ppliits , Jls. Renln , common ,
Ii 7',5 < 1. Couon seed oil , Liverpool refined , 17a.
Linseed oil , 20s.
HEFJUGEnATOH BEEF Fotequarlor , 3d ! ( ;
hlmlquarler. 4d.
ULEACHINO POWDER Hardwood , f. o. b. ,
Liverpool , 7.
HOI'S At London. ( Pacific coast ) , f2 5s.
KIIIIKIIM City MurKc-tn.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 17. WHEAT Irregxilarly
lower , demand small ; No. 2 hard. Cl'.iflCSc ; No.
3. 47C56c ; rejected , nominally C0@35c ; No. 2 led ,
COHN Slightly lower : demand fair ; No. 2
mixed , 22c ; No. 2 white , 23 ic.
OATS Mixed Hlow , snint'wlmt lower ; No. 2 ,
lT&17c ; white higher. No. 2. 20(820',4 ( ? .
IIYE No : 2 , 33c.
HAY Veiy dull ; timothy. $10.00611.50 ; prairie ,
llUTTUIl Wealc ; creamery , ICOUo ; dairy , 13
© 15c.
noos Market uncertain ; supply large ; quota
ble , lO'.ic. _
Cotton Mitrkct.
NEW ORLEANS , Fed. 17. COTTON Easy ;
middling , 7c ; low middling , 7c ; good ordinary ,
7 1-lGc. lleeelptn. 8,295 bales ; exports to Great
Ilrltnln , 0,997 bales : conUwlse , 979 bales ; Bales ,
3,003 balex ; stock , 339,843 bales.
NEW YOUK , Fb. 17. COTTON Easy ; mid-
dllnK , 7J c ; net receipts , 1,167 bales ; gross , 5,361
bales ; forwarded , C81 bales ; sales , 456 bales ; s ) > ln-
niTH. 15G baleti ; stoek , 13I.93D bales.
ST. I.OUIH , Feb. 17. COTTON Easy ; middling ,
7 11-lCc ; xales , 100 tmles ; receipts , 2,588 bult-s ;
shlpmentH , 3.C44 bales ! slock , 72,190 bales.
Dry GooilN Mnrkct.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 17 , There was considerable
stir In the market In consequence of Iho large
number of buyers and some business was dreio
In cotton anil wuol drfcs goods , printed fabrics ,
doinestlcH and nhlrllnes .for next autumn , but
wools were Blow , Agents hove reduced the
inlco of Great Anchor -wide cheellngs to Die
Imsls of 22zc ! for 10- * bleached , 1'rlntlne cloths
very dull at 23ic , r/ ,
FAIJIlIVKIi , Mara. , Feb. 17. Print cloths
quiet at 2c. _
NEW YOniC. Feb. J7."SlJClAn-naw , ftiong ;
fair rcdnlnif , 3c ; cenlhrJgal , 9C test , 4o. He-
fined. firm ; mould "A. . " tfiic ; slundaid "A , "
4jc ; confeetlonern' "A , " 4 c ; cut loaf , We ;
crushed. S ic ; Kranulatijl tc.
LONDON , Feb. IT.-'HIIxJAn-tTanp , nrms cen-
ttlfugal Java , 14s ; Museovudo , fair refining. ISa.
Heel , actlx-e ; FebruaryfHr ) < ' < adi March , 12s CU.
VlHllile firnlii
NEW A'OHIC , Feb , 17 , The visible- supply of
sraln nl compiled by tlie lN''W York produce en-
chiuiKB Is as follows ; Whrat. 05.927,000 'bu , ; clo
ne HW , 192,000 bu , ; corn , 11 , 960,009 bu.j decrease ,
214,000 Lu. : o.-itx. C.DM.O'W bu. ; , inpreiise , 41C.OOO
bu. ; rye , 1,553,000 bu-jiirilrci-nne , 1,000 bu. ; bar-
ej2,295,000 ( bu. ; decrease , ; 'C7OXI bu.
. , . , .
FLOUIl-Steady ; Hint imlenls , $3.1093.00 ; sec-
end patents , J3.004j3.10 ; ilret clears , $2.GO ; feecond
eleam , $2.1002.20. InUL > >
SAN FIIANCI3CO. Feb. 17 WHEAT Kftnler ;
December , ll.UTic ; Mny-1.15c ! ,
the IluukeVc
MARTINS FBHRY , O. , Feb. 17 , The
Buckeye Glass works w ere destroyed by flre
tlila morning. The works were to have
started up today with nonunion hands. The
lire was ot Incendiary origin and the build-
ug was doubtlesa set on fire to prevent the
it-sumption. Several previous attempts had
been made to burn the big works. It was
owned by A. D. Seamen of Wheeling and was
worth $150,000. The flre was discovered at
1 o'clock by Night Watchman Stuart. The
building burned s If saturated with oil.
J. W. Pierce , Republic , la. , nays : "I bavo
uted One Minute Cough Cure In my family
and for myself , with rculi go entirely eatls-
factory that 1 can hardly find words to ex
press myself aa to Its -merit. I will never
'all to recommend It to others , on every oc
casion that presents Itself. "
Hemnrkably Light Eccoipts Even for th
Opening Dny of the Week ,
Short Sliniilh-M < ! lve > Seller * tin- lift
1ir of th - Sltnntloii nl All 1'iilnlH.
llnHi llronk with
MONDAY , Feb. 17.
Receipts for the days Indicated are :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
February 17. . . . . . . R3S 1,103
February 15 SOI 4,183 1,152
February H l.oos 3,353 MO
February 13 , 829 2,211 23i 2
February 12 5 > S5 2,170 ( II
February 11 2,134 4,191 227
February 10 1,210 1.&G4 2S5
CA'rtLIt-lt was" .Iglit day so far n
receipts were concerned , , even for a Mon
day , only S3S head being reported In , n
agnlitst 1,210 on Monday of last week. Chicago
cage reported' 15,000 head and Kansas Cll >
5,000 liend. making n total of about 21,000
head on sale at the three market. . Th
buyers alt wanted cattle , and as there \vcr
hardly enough here to go nronnd the mar
ket showed some Impijoviiment.
The few fnt cattle on sale changed hand
readily at good strong prices , and the pen
wcro cleared In no tlmo at all. One bunel
of 1,203-lb. b'nck cattle , part of them helf
ere. sold at tl , nnd other lots went nt $1.63(0 (
3.SO. From a seller's point of view , the
ii'nrket was of a' very satlsfar.t.-iry char
Cows and heifers , as might bo pxpcctet
with only thirty-four loads of cattle of al
kinds In the yards , were In very llgh
supply. The buyers wcro out early am
bought np everything as fast ns offered
Vnluog were anywhere from strong to lOc
higher. There were a few cows and heifers
In the yards good enougn to bring $3.23l >
335. The market on butchers' stock Is now ns highns It has been any time this
year , nnd the demand holds up In spite o
the advance In prices. It Is claimed iiy the
buyers that cow stuff Is selling higher It
proportion heie than nt other markets.
Stackers nnd feeders , as hns been the
rule for some day ? , were In light supply
Speculators disposed of what cattle thej
hud last Week and they wanted more today
and went after them. The result was thiv
everything offered was quickly sold , nn <
at good , stronc prices. The sales ranged
largely from J3.15 to $3.CO. Representative
sales :
210 2 25 . . . 90 3 50 4. . . . . 1(12 500
: oo 2 so 260 4 00 1. . . . 190 6 00
70 3 00 2W 4 00 ] . . . . 160 5 23
553 3.00. ISO 5 00
4C5 < 2 CO 84G 3 50 13. . . . E31 3 55
S'W 2 70 S20 3 50 G. . . . 491 3'GO
,790 3 00 507 3 50 10. . . . 490 3 CO
,1020 3 00 735 3 50 46. . . . 097 3 GO
' C40 3 15 G33 3 55 2. : . . 030 3 GO
i'lOGS The receipts of hoes numbered 1,108
today , as ugalnst 4,180 on Saturday and 1.564
icad on Monday of last v-cek. , In spite of the
'act that the receipts weie so light. It was an
off day for the Belling Interests. Chicago re-
> artcd a break of C@10c. nnd provisions were
owfr so that It was Impossible ( o maintain
Fteady prices here. The market here was active
nt a decline of Cc. The bulk of the sales wns
at $3 85f3.90. as npnlnst $3 SOT3.)5 ! ) on Saturday
nnd $3.00 on Monday of last. week. Everything
Bold early , llepresentatlve snles : "
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. AV. Sh. Pr.
9. . . . , . . .321 . . . $3 85 54. . . . . . .303 . . . t3 85
. , . . . 3 85 19. . . . " 202 . . . . 385
C8 250 . . . 3 85 14. . . . ! 2'J . . . 3 871/4
44 31'J . . . 385 63. . , . . . .244 . . . 38714
9 380 80 3 85 92. . . . . . .193 . . . 3 90
61 278 60 3 85 SO. . . . . . .2J2 . . . 380
J ) 2GO 3 B5 63. . , . . . .256 . . . 3 90
1 231 3 85 . . .218 . . . 3 90
273 80 3 S5 61) ) . . . . ' ' .264 0 3 90
2. . . .206 385 12 , . . . . . . .VX ) . . . 3 921/4
11. . . .2C7 3 85
7. . . .210 . . . 3 co C 272 3 SO
1. . . .370 . . . 3 75 5 370 3 8V
1. . . , .320 BO 3 75 8 2S6 3 K
, ,2SG . . . 3 bO 4 IE.5 . 3 90
HHKKP There weie no fresh receipts , of
Khcep. .
ItecolptH Were UuiiNiiully LlKhl fur
11 Mnniliiy.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17 , 111 cattle receipts were
unusually light for a Monday , nnd prices were
stronger. Common to strictly choice native beef
cattle were In good demand today at from $3.25
to $3.60 ; choice selling nt fiom $3.75 to $4.30.
There was a good trade In butchers' cattle at
strong prlc ? , cows , nnd heifers selling largely
at from $2.25 to $3.25. Calves were not plenty
and prices were firm. Slockers nnd feeders were
unchanged , and only moderately active. Texas
cattle were firm , with a fair run.
In hogs the tun today wrn fur ahead of nil
expectations and there was a decline of 5c , with
a Rood local packing nnd shipping demand at the
eduction. Commra to prime heavy medium and
mixed lotn pold tit an extreme range of from
$3.85 to $4.20 , the bulk at from $4.05 to $4.15 , and
> rlme light , $4.25. .
Thiro was a fair' demand for desirable lots of
cheep and prices far such \rcru steady , but oth-
cis were dull and about 10 ; lower. Common to
irline , native sheep' were held at from $2.50 to
3.80 ; ' wehterns at from $3.50 to $3.05. and lambs
at from $3.50 lo $4.60. Sheep sold at $3.G5 and
limbs at $4.40.
Hocelpt/i : Cattle , 15,000 head ; hogs , 40,003 head ;
sheep , 19,000 head.
NIMV York Live Stuck.
NEW YOHIC , Feb. 17.-DEKVKS-ItcelptB.
5,400 head ; slow and Co to lOo lower for geode
o choice beeves : others fcteady ; steers , medium
o prime , $4.2504.55) ) choice tu extra , J4.COH4.75 ;
oxen , $2.25 f > I.OO ; bulls , $2,75 j3.20 ; cows , tJ.MW
.05 ; ono cnr choice western , $3.40. Cables ijuoto
pfrlueralor beef at 7iSe per lb , ; American
Mferii at 9 J10c , dren.ed weight. Hheep and
ambs , lecelpts , 13,200 head ; sheep , steady tu
Irirt : lambs , lOo tp ICe lower ,
BHEI3P Poor to prime , $273 T4.00 ; choice lo
prime , $4,15 ; export , prime , $4,25(74,50 , Lnmba ,
4.25 5.00 : extra , $5.10 < ji5.1S ; expirlH , extra , (5.25.
HOGS ilecelplB , 10,076 head ; quiet at IMOff
.so ; _ _
KniiHiiH Oily Live Stock ,
KANSAS OITY , Feb. 17. CATTLE Hfaelpts ,
,7(1(1 ( he. ul ; shipments , 1,504 head ; market steady
u lOo higher : Texas steers , $2.SOS3.51 ; Texan
cow * . $ I.WftI.6j ) ; beef steers , $3.iuf(4.15 ; native
ows , $1,50 )3.30 ; Btockcis and feeders , $2COQ3.t > 0 ;
bulls , $2.0 * 3.20. ' .
1IOQH Heceliits , 5,004 head : shipments , DQO
lead ; "market 5c lower ; bulk of sales , $3.t > 003 , ' ;
leavlcs , 3.tVW.SO ; packers , 3.S'S3.M ' ) ; mixed ,
3.75tt3. ! > 0 : llghtB , $3.704)3.90 ; Yorkeiu , $3,76fl3.kJJ
ilKS. $3.7003.85.
BIIEEI1 necrlpiD , 2,000 head ; fhlpmenli ) , 300
lead : iniukel steady ; Ittinla , $3.8504.40 ; muttonn ,
3.U003.65 , _ _
St. LoiilM LlViStnvk. .
BT. IX)1.1H , Feb. 17-CATTLE-llecelpls. 3.600
tend ; markt-t active and linn ; natives , $3.2. > < i4,75 ;
lockers and fi-eileru , $2.0033.75 ; cows and helfern.
2.0063.40 ; Texans , U'.WQ3.CJ , for flats and fed
HOUS IKrelpts , 6,000 head ; maikel Cc lower ;
euvy , $4.0034.2' ) ; mixed , J3.tOjJ4.10 ; light , $4.003
'I'i '
'I'iKHKUP Hecelpts , l.COO head ; market flow ; na
ive * . $2.7503.00 ; southern , $2.60 3.35 ; lambs , $3.60
J4.DO. . _
Stuck 111
Heconl of rece'li'to at the four pilnclpal mor
els for Monday , Kebruaiy 17 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
outh Omaha . . . . . ' 8 % . I , IDS .
hlcago . , . i . 15.0X ) 40.00) JK. ( 0
( uiuaa City . 4,700 5,000 2,000
SI. Louis . , . 3tOO CW ) l.OOU
Total * . f , 24,338 62,103 22,000
C'llli'llt'il tlif Itnclltif AHkiivliitloii ,
CHICAGO , Keb. 17. In Judge Durke's
ourt this morning a verdict wan rcriUercd
gainst the Indiana Racing association for
elm Conden , J. H , illldretli and Jaine A ,
Vebb ( or $23,051 , ttie amount of a note glvel
> y the amoclutlon to the late Herman
liaffner and endoreed by Condon , Hlldretli
od Webb , Tlie latter conteattU tbe collec
tion of the note by tlio bnnk which rtcclvci
U from ShftfTncr on the Ktoiind tlml uvn
n rortlon of A ganibllns trunixictlnn , tlio Int
banker having , It Is claimed , advanced th
money rcprcfpnted by tlic note to maintain
n foreign book.
For beauty , for comfort , for Improvemen
of the complexion , ue only I'orzonl's Powder
thcro U nothing equal to It.
IIK.VVV LOSS l\ .V MOII\l.\4i riUK
III/I Soup I'nrtor.v niul n Niiinlior o
AdJllCTIlt It II11 ill II H llliriMMl.
IMlILiADGLPHIA , Feb. 17. The big soap
lye and coffee essence -manufactory of P , U
Tomson & Co. , 9S7 Otsego street , was totatl )
destroyed by fire this morning. Tlic dwell
Ing houses , 31 , 33 and 35 Washington avenue
adjoining Tompon's factory , were completely
gutted , and the works of the Phltadelphl
Cooperage company badly damaged , Th
total lops will be about $43b,000.
P. C. Tomson & Co.'a loss is about $400 ,
000 ; $225,000 on the bulldini ; , $100,000 on
stock , and $75,000 on the machinery , Tom
eon & Co.'a Is nearly covered by Insurance
The loss of the Philadelphia Cooperage com
pany Is $25,000 , partially Insured. The dwell
Ing houses adjoining Toinson's works , am
those directly opposite , on Otsego street , arc
damaged to the extent of $10,000.
The lire originated In the main building o
Tomson & Co. , and .was first seen by a man
who lives on Washington avenue , llo wen
to tlic police station and turned In nn alarm
but before the engines arrived the bulldlni
was a mass of flames.
The firemen fought the ( Ire under grea
dlntculty , ns the weather was bitter col (
nnd the water formed liugo cakes of Ice on
evnrvthlni' It tnnrhed. Three hundred hands
nro thrown out of employment.
130STON , Feb. 17. By the upsetting of a
stove In the offlce of the Ne York & lloston
Dispatch Kxpress company , In the New York
Now Haven & Hartford railroad t'tatlon ' 01
Kneeland street today , a flre started whlcl
threatened to destroy the entire station and
surrounding buildings. ly ) good work , li
spite of Intense cold weather , the flremet
confined the flames to the trnlnshods am
express office , and the loss will probably not
exceed $35,000. H Is covered by Insurance.
Don't Invite dltappomtmcni by experiment-
leg. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure
and you have immediate relief. U cures
croup. The only harmless remedy that pro
duces Immediate results.
cmmcn MISSION wumc IN .IAIMX.
Annual Hi-port of ( lie American Ilonril
of I CoiiKri-BHtloiinl Chiireli.
BOSTON , Feb. 17. The American Board of
Missions of the Congregational church made
public this morning a special report on Japan
and Japancsa missions. The missionaries ol
the board , It Is raid , unlike some others ,
liavo never been pastors of churches , nor
have they to any great extent acted aa such ,
oven temporarily. Many chapels where no
church organization exists are conducted by
some s-lt-3upportlng native church or else
uy such a church and mission co-operating.
Chapels , however , have been conducted as
purely missionary enterprises.
Ono unique feature of the work has been
. ' \\c \ \ theater meetings , which were much In
'avor when thlng foreign were popular ; but
the big preach , as It was called , has for the
nest part fallen Into dleure. Whatever of
success the mission has had has been due In
13 small degree to the women in it. They
lave done a great deal of work for the edu
cation of girls ; have trained most efficient
women to work among women ; but there has
teen added a regular training school for bible
women , where candidates study half the
year , and go out to service the other montha
The women have exerted great Influence In
Tapanese families. The mission has worked
energetically on educational lines. The Jap
anese churches are not able 'to evangelize the
rreat middle and lower classes with anything
Ike the expedition that they themselves de-
Ire , tl Is estimated that 37,000,000 of the
population of 42,000,000 are still worshipers of
For a pain In tbe chest a p'lecV , of. flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Pnln Balm and
bound on over life seat ot the pain , 'and an
other on the .back between the shoulders , will
afford prompt relief. This Is especially val
uable in cases where the pain is caused by a
old and there Is a tendency toward pneu
monia. For sale bv druggists.
Siircnlntcil Tvllh the Fiiinlx mill I.nxt
Tin-ill oil \VnII .Street.
SALEM , Mass. , Feb. 17. Captain John
Allen o'f Manchester , Mass. , was brought Into
ourt today to answer an indictment charg-
ng him with embezzlement on six counts.
lo pleaded "not" guilty , " and ball was fixed
t $30,000. The Indictment states the amount
f the embezzlement at $90,000 , of which
70,000 Is said to have been taken from funds
leld by Captain Allen as guardian of .Arthur
) . and Joseph nobprts , and $20,000 from
ho funds held as trustee of the estate of
lenry O. Roberts.
The first announcement of the embezzle
ment several wecka ago caured n decided
iensatlon In Manchester , whore he was well
: nown , both In politics and society. Captain
Allen himself claims to have become heavily
nvolvcd In losses resulting from the nlump
n stocks which followed President Clnvo-
and's Venezuelan message , and It la be-
leved that this explains his present 01111-
Oiii-rntloiiH for tinCuie - of
iiN mill llcutnl
\ . Alvillcnl Ilni-ov < - rjAVIiIilt Will
the Trontiiii-iit of All
H lias long been thought , not only by
omo physicians , but by people In general
hat the common , painful and exceedingly
nnoylng trouble , piles , was practically In-
tirablo by any other means than a surgical
peratlon , and this belief has been tlic
auto of years of needless Buffering , bscause
f the natural dread of surgical operations.
There are many salves , ointments nnd
Imllar remedies on tlio market which afford
ome relief In cases of piles , but the 1'yra-
ild Pile Cure Is' the , only preparation so far
ntroduced that can bo reliably depended
ipon to cure to stay cured every form of
telling , bleeding or protruding piles.
Mrs. M. C. Hlnkley of 601 SIlfslsBlppI
trest , Indianapolis , was told by lier pliysl-
lans that nothing but a surgical operation
ottlng betwesn seven and eight humlrod
ollars could cure her , as Bhe had suffered
or fifteen years ; yet eyon In f.uch a case
s hers the Pyramid I'llo Cure accomplished
complete cure. She says : "I knew an
Iteration would bo death to me and tried
he Pyramid with very little liope , and It Is
ot to bevv ondered at tliat 1 am so erithusl-
Ellc in Its pralec. "
Major Dean of Columbus , Ohio , says lie
ot to be wondered , at tliat I am so entiiufil-
uffered for fwty years from plley , and
wcnty ears from Itching piles , and In lilti
aso two packages of the Pyramid cured lilm.
Mr. I ) . B , Heed of Boutli Lyons , Mich. ,
ays ; I uould not take $500 and be placid
tuck where I was before I uecd the Pyramid
'llo Cuic. I suffered for years , and it Is
ow eighteen months sinceI I used It and
ot the lOighteet trace of tlie trouble liaa tc-
The Pyramid Pile Cure Is gold by nearly
II druggists at E > 0 cents and M.OO per j > acl < -
je , and as It contains no opium , cocalnn or
tier poisonous drugs , can be used with j > erect -
ect safety ,
No one need Buffer from piles In any form
ho will give Ibis excellent remedy a trial ,
'lude ' by the Pyramid Co , , Albion , Mich ,
uy druggist can get It for you.
Telephone 1031) ) , Oiunlia , Neb.
jom 11IU Board of Trade.
Direct fftt to Chlcaco and New York.
CctTc > | 4Vdeott John A. Warren * Co ,
Ohicngo Mftii to Start ( it Once for the North
of Siborin.
)1 )
Hollovoa Hint tlip .Vnrixoulnn Will A _ j
Iti-lnrii to Clvlllnnllon by XVny
or UKIrun Hl\oi-
u nil Irkutsk ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. The recent report *
concerning the return of Dr. Xanson from
the north pole hns Induced n Chicago syndicate
to consider the ndvUUilllty of dispatching a
party nt once to tlic Lena river for the pur
pose of ascertaining tlic foundation for the
recounts received , ns well a to nslst. If pos-
sIMo , the returning explorers In tlielr prob-
fblemarch toward either Yakutsk or Irkutsk.
The Minn selected to lend the party Is Evelyn
U. L'ahhvln , the meteorologist o ? Lieutenant
I'oary's north Orecnlnnd expjtlltloii of 1S93-I.
Much Information concerning the region to bo
travel ted , as well ns spcc'al ' fncll'tles ' for tx-
pcdltug Mr. DaUhvIn on his Journey ta
Siberia , have boon afforded by .Monsieur A. \
S. Savlne nnd Comto do Toulouse hautrce , now
In Chicago , who Is con.K'jtrd with the Si
berian railway.
in an Interview Mr. tiali'wln ' tnld : "llnr-
rlng buch Information concernln ; ? Dr. Nnn-
eoii s whereabouts as won : 1 make the pro
posed trip Inexpedient at this time. I shall t'o
direct from San KrancHco tj Vlullvostcck on
the Pacific coast , more 1' ' R.OOJ miles from
St. Petersburg. From Vladivostok to
Irkutsk , the first -ISO miles will bn by roll-
way nnd the remaining distance by post.
Twenty-two days will b& occupied In mailing
the transit. The time to bo cons'imcd be
tween Chicago and Irkutsk will bo about fifty-
days. "
"Hut suppose you should fall to find Dr.
Xansen ? "
"Well , tliat Is possible , of course. Hut It
Nanscn's party le now somcwhcro In the ,
vicinity of the delta of the Lena or Ycna
rivers , ' It will bo Impossible for them to reach
civilization by any other eoursu than by way
of either Yakutsk or Irkutsk. To move hla
entire party to either ot those points would
reoulro not less than eight wecka and after
an exhausting struggle to gain tlic native
settlements nt either delta , principally that
of the lisna , Dr. Nanrcn would doubtlo s liesl-
: ate to exchange the safety of his men among-
the hospitable Inhabitants of the coast for-
the trying Journey southward until warmer
weather and the opening of navigation on tho-
Lena. Even should It bo demonstrated that
: ho explorers nru not now in that vicinity It ,
s not at all probable that they will be heard
'rom before the cloo of the season In that ,
very region.
"I think It more likely that should Dr.
Vanwjn have reached the pole ho would then :
endeavor to retrace his course by a known
route rather than venture further beyond the
real goal of his ambition. The discovery of-
and at or In the tinmoJIato vicinity of tho-
pole. It seems to mo. would Impel him to ,
'orrgo ' the certainty of doubling the distance 1
oid danger for the lesser satisfaction or
ouehlng upon the north or east coast of
Greenland , which , although n part of his-
ilans , was doubtlct-s so only Insofar ns , after
attaining the polo , ho might not be able to.
easapo by any other route. Nansen or any
other man would return by the safest and'
quickest way. "
"What other objects will your trip In-
lude ? "
"To watch , of course , for the poB3lblo ro- .
urn of Prof. Andrce in his great airship ,
r balloon. As Andree'o experiment is to bo ,
rled In July , close watch If to bo kept at.
11 points In North America as well ns in Eu-
opo nnd Asia for Its appearance. Greater
nterest will probably attach to Andreo'a.
novel and daring undertaking than la now-
nanlferted In the return of Nansen. Neither
Arnet nor eclipse will ever have been antlcl-
atcd or watched with greater Interest ;
"I shall glvo Incidental attention to other
matters of scientific interest and I shall re--
nrn by way of Oriuk and St. Petersburg ,
lie railway being completed between thoae-
olnts. I expect to visit the gold and silver
nines along the route and to investigate1 tho-
ommerclal advantages resulting to the-
/nlted States from the westward route ot
ravel and traffic to the Interior of Siberia *
nd which must also quicken trade betwectv
apan and China ap well. "
LONDON , Feb. 17. The British vice con-
ul at Archangel , It Is now known , received
lie news of Dr. Nansen's safety from th -
; ovcrnor. It Is not stated -whence the latter
ibtalned his Information.
Home Industries
Ijr puroliaxInGT Rooiln iiiuilc nt the fo .
otvlner Nebrnnlcii fit c tori en. If yon ,
nmiot flml irlmt you iviuit cnmniunl
atu with tic inniitifncturcrH nn to.
vliiit ilc-nlcm Iitiitillc tlielr iooiln.
Minufncturcra of all kinds of cotton and bur-
up bags , cotton Hour sacks nnd twine a spec-
B. llth St.
ally , C1I-6C-I1S (
Car load shipments made Ul our own refrlg-
rater ears. Blue lllbbon. Kllte Export. Vienna
Jicport , and Family Expoit , delivered to all part *
f city.
Coffee noastere , Spice Grinders , Manufacturer *
crnion Ilal.-lnB Powder and German Dry H
'enst. KM and KIO Harnoy Bt. , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
. H. Black. Manager. Omaha.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of , Machinery ,
eneral repalilng u tppflalty. 1G01 , 1503 and 1MIS
ackson etrect , Oma'.ia , Neb.
lanufacturlntr end Htpalilng of all kinds ot
.achlncry. enuliies , rump" , elevator * , prlntlnc
preenoi , ImngerH , ( Imftlng ana counilngs 1409 and
KOS Howuid Kt , , Omaha.
Manufacturer * of Aichllectutal Iron Work.
General Foundry. Machine nnd IllucUmnlth Work.
ISnitlneers an < i Conlruutori for Flro Proof
Uslldlne * . Olllce und worki : U , I1 , Ily. and
So. 17th Btrfet. Omuha.
The only pel feet protection to property. E amln
It. HeSt thing on earth , lteduce Innuranc *
tales , 1301 Douglas St.
Kicluilva cmtom ehltt tails ; * . 'H5 Farnnra.
If You Trade In Stocks
' Don't tiiivkN. " Imi oflii wlra
> 'IMI " \CT.S" rcftiirilliiK c-oiultliiutlolk.
ulriilN itlili-li n r < iii-xl to a cvrtuliitx
for prollt. Von Iiiiiulltnioni - > -f truili >
ulicri- you II-IIHI- | , A 4IJICK II2AI >
.VOW OX. Write or nlr qiilvki
i * . o , IIO.Y ; un , MU' von ir.
Our Free Letter
the grain and Hock market ) , will b
tent yc > u dally on requtit , In thr hope cf deierv *
ing pan of your Lu lnen. Ordera nollolted for
cr on Ilirco to flvr point m r ln .
J , R , W1LLARD & CO
Chlcavo Uoard of Tiaat , New York
ProOuco Uxchan , New York Conn. Utock
th D e. 17 Uottrd Trade , Chicago. M
Niw York.