Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1896, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMA1TA JA1TY 1USI3 ; Hl'NDAY , FElWUAttY 0 , 1800 ,
Scad Moore .t Kills' pipe tnllc.
Try Moore & Kills' "Sultana" lOc cigar.
The Dee office. No. 16 North Main street.
The Council ttluff * office of The Bee l
Just north of Officer ft Puscy's bank , on Main
The name of Itcnry It , Van Uriint In talked
ot very promlnctnly for mayor on the re
publican ticket.
Myrtle ledge No. 12 , Degree ot Honor , will
Blvo a valentine sociable Friday , February
14 , at Knights ot I'ytlilas hall.
Tim Grand hotel , Council niuffs. High
cla a In every respect. Rates , $2.50 per day
and upward. 12. P. Clark , proprietor.
The Salvation army has utarted In this
month free from debt , and Is being en
couraged by seine ot the. leading workers In
other city churches.
An order of the court lias been asked
to aiithorl70 the sale of real estate , owned
by Clara B. Williamson , a person ot unsound -
sound mind ,
The men's rally In the Young Men's Chris
tian association this afternoon will bo favored
with nn nddrcra by Mr. John Dale ot Omahn.
Charles Orimths will sing.
Kegular meeting of Bxcclslor lodfie ,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , No.
269 , on Monday evening. Visiting brethren
cordially Invited. Iy order of the W. M.
Judge Thornell has granted a divorce to
Julia ( Short from her husband William.
The Shorts wcro married but a brief period
when William went out nnd made a fool
of himself , and then came homo and beat
his wife.
Sheriff Manning of Lucas county , la. , was
In town yesterday with < x warrant for the ar
rest of Henry S. Cooper , who Is wanted at
that p'aco ' for Reduction. Manning found
his man In hiding In Silver creek township
and took lilrn rfway last evening.
Andrew Peterson has been arrested by
thn federal authorities on the charge of
selling llfiior | without n government license.
The accused Is a farmer , 77 year of age , and
lives In Cans county. Ho gave ball In the
sum of $200 , nnd was allowed to return
Commencing' tonight the Worklngmcn's
Friendly club will hold Sunday night serv
ices. County Attorney Sounders will address
the meeting tonight , TO a good talk Is nn
assured fact. Great Interest IB being mani
fested In the club , not only by the members ,
but by all who have taken thu pains * to In-
qulro about It.
The case against Kate Fair nnd Don
Overman , charged with the larceny of a
valuable dog from Lucius Wells , has bsen
continued until March 4. In the mean
time an effort will bo mndo by the accused
to recover the dog and return It to Its
owner , In which case the prosecution will
probably be dropped.
Rev. Henry DcLong has mndo nn appeal
to the people of the city nnd country for
potatoca for the poor. Potatoes are cheap
and plentiful , he says , and there are many
people who have moro In their cellars than
they will find use for. He has dallv twenty
and has nothing
or thirty applications for help
ing to give many people , who are In pressing
need of something to eat. If the people
if who have an abundance ot potatoes would
eend a small portion off their surplus to him
he would not be obliged to turn these deserv
ing and hungry poor away empty handed.
Moore & Ellis' "Corner , " best 5o cigar.
The big special sale at the Durfeo Furni
ture company's Is In full blast. There were
some the greatest bargains given there yes-
tcrdny ever offered In Council Bluffs. The
sale lasts ten days.
Manager Alton recslvcd a letter yesterday
from a hotel man In Lincoln , who wrltea
enthusiastically of the performance there
Friday evening of Fields' minstrels , who
appear here Tuesday night. The Lincoln man
says :
"LINCOLN , . Feb. 0. Fields' minstrels gave
a performance tonight at the Lansing theater
that more than pleased the Immense audience
which greeted them. Throughout the entlro
program It was n continued matter of. as
tonishment and wonder' that the work could
bo put In such an artistic and < Interesting
manner as they evidenced. They created n
good , In fact , an excellent Impression and
the public generally who witnessed the per
formance was unanimous that It was by far
the best minstrel performance that has been
seen here. I understand they play your
city very shortly and I want to bespeak for
them a good word. You can assure your
people that It Is a performance well worth
seeing , clean and dignified In every re
spect , and they should be greeted with' a
packed house when they visit you , and I am
assured oil will bo well pleased. "
Half I'rlce Snle of Fraiiien.
Great sale ! Surpasses half price sales ot
former years. Get your pictures framed
whllo they arc going at half price.
Wanted , good farm loans In western Iowa
at lowest rales. Money loaned for local In
vestors on best of security netting 6 per cent ,
FIre Insurance written In rollablo companies.
Lougeo & Towlo , 235 Pearl street.
Modern Wooiliuuii Culcbrntc.
The Modern Woodmen of America cele
brated their tenth anniversary In this city
and the celebration made ono ot the society
events of the week. Chambers' hall was
handsomely decorated. The evening wac
spent in dancing and the enjoyment of a
flno banquet. The master of ceremonies
was 0. W. Atwood and the reception com
mittee , Mayor Clover , Dr. Snyder , W. C.
Doycr , J , M. Scanlan , George Llpo , William
Frcdrlckron , J. J. Stewart , L. D. Brlden-
ctcln , John Gilbert , C. B. Howard , J. O.
Jones , O. Carnilchacl ; floor committee , J. L.
Smith , Joe Drake , Al Young , Charles Lunk-
loy , Qeorgo Irvln , W. Powers-Low Green ,
Joe Shoemaker ; Introduction committee ,
Charles Harriett , S. B. Snyder , K. I. Canning ,
W. F. Martin. Charles Shoemaker , C. J ,
Plnckney , B. K. Hoffor , Carl Morgan.
The Burlington route will sell homeseekers
tickets to various points southeast , south ,
southwest , on February 11 and March 10 , at
rate ot ono faro plus $2.00 for round trip.
O. M. Brown , ticket agent , Council BlutTs.
Mother Geese party and market by Busy
Dec's guild In school room of Grace church
next Thursday evening.
Oilil I'VllimH1 MIINM
A HUES meeting of Odd Fellows was held
at the hall last evening , composed of the
members of all the subordinate lodges in
the city nnd the members of the Daughters
of Ilebe-kah. The meeting was for the pur
pose ot discussing tlio building of the now
temple and arranging for stcck subscriptions.
The meeting was largely attended , and tlio
JG.KOO worth of stock subscribed within the. .
last two weeks was Increased to over J13.000
by the additions made last night. The mem
bers present at the meeting took $8,000 ot
the stock remaining. This leaves but a small
balance yet to be taken to complete the sum
necessary to provide for the estimated cost
ot the new building.
Wo offer you only clean , crisp , enow whlto
laundry work and beit delivery service at
Kaglo laundry , 721 Broadway , Telephone 157.
H.ivo you seen tbe new gag heating stflTM
tt the company's office ?
Aniitlivr Verdict fur ( lie City.
The Jury In the case of J. L. Stewart
against the city , wliero Stewart DUOS for
damages on account ot a change of grade ,
returned a sealed verdict last night. It will
not bo known officially what the verdict la
until Monday , but It la learned unofficially
anil reliably , that U is another verdict
for the city.
Columbia bicycles. Highest of all high
grades. Call and ace them at Cole & Cole.
Etephan Bros , for plumbing and heating *
also Ono line ot gag fixtures.
1.1Cfimcil < u AVcil.
Marriage licenses were Issued by Clerk
of the Courts Heed yesterday as follows ;
Name nnd He.sltlence , A.-O
J. J. Stepney , Omaha , " as
Flora Danefl , Omaha , , 23
Samuel Thirteen. Pottnwnttnmle county. 32
Cora 13. Plunkett , Poitawattomle county. 25
Don't miss our special sale of aluminum
ware for the next ten days. Cole and Cole.
"Dr. Cleaver' * office tnovea to 600 Broadway.
Chrysanthemums Entertain Ilugo Crowds of
the Local Swell Set.
MinindlKlKfnl Afrnlrn Mnrlc ( he An-
llrlinlon of ( lie Time of Sack
cloth niul AiilicN , Now So
Xcnr nt Iliiiut.
Society held Its own right well during
the past week , and many of the social events
arose to more than ordinary Importance. The
approach ot the lenten season Is hastening
society functions , nnd the coming week will
perhaps see some events that will rlso con-
slrcrably above the dead level of social hap
The minstrel show given by the Council
Bluffs Chyrtanthemums was ono of the most
memorable events of the week and season ,
and consequently they made the first part of
last week of much moro than ordinary Inter
est , On the opening night the New Dohany
theater contained the most brilliant assem
blage ever gathered from the society circles
of Omahn and Council Bluffs. The theater
was sumptuously decorated with palms and
bunting , the pillars on either side of the
proscenium wcro completely hidden with
palms. Ono of these was n 30-year old tree.
The colors of the club , orange and white- ,
wcro carried out even to the programs , which
wore printed In yellow and artistically orna
mented with orange plcot gros grain ribbon.
The boxed were enveloped In clouds of
white and yellow gauze , which formed a most
becoming setting for the dusky beatutles oc
cupying the left proscenium box. Oh , those
airy , delicious Topslesl They were the
cynosure of all eyes. The boys say they
would do It all over again , Just for the sake
of seeing them once1 more In such a charm
ing masquerade. But , alas ! The boys have
been color blind ever since. They cannot bo
passed without a brief description ot their
hats and gowns. Their hats were very
broad whlto Galnesboroughs , exquisite
Parisian creations , "possibly" from Vlrot.
" " from Malscn
The gowns were "probably"
Worth , ordered expressly for the occasion.
Mrs. I. A. Treynor wore couleur dc rose ,
tarlatan , decollete , diamonds ; Mrs. W. F.
Sapp. coulteur de plumb blossoms , tarlatan ,
decollete , pearls ; Mrs. H. Cumnilngs , couleur
do vlcux. culr , tarlatan , decollete , diamonds ;
Mrs. F. Loomls , couleur do cafe au creme ,
tarlatan , decollete , turqucls ; Miss Farms-
worth , couleur de moonlight on the Nllo
tarlatan , decollete , diamonds ; Miss Dullard ,
couleur de turquoln blue , tralatan , diamonds ,
decollete ; Miss Gavin , coulour do sky blue ,
tarlatan , diamonds , decMlcte ; Miss Jackson ,
couleur. do mervert , tarlatan , decollete , opals ;
Miss Jessica Jackson , couleur de crushed
strawberry glace , tralatan , decollete , dia
Lot's sec , "where are we at ? " Oh , yes ,
and as the curtain rolled skyward there was
dlscloasd to the view a tynlcal plantation
festival scene. So many smiling black faces ,
so many Immaculate shirt fronts , so many
glistening patent leather shoes ; It almost
made one dizzy. And whllo gazingwltlt aO-
mlratlon one could hoardly realize that not
many generations ngo the ancestors of these
polished "gem'mcmo" dined on one another.
The managers , Messrs. Wright nnd Hess ,
deserve much commendation for the smooth
manner In which the entertainment passed
off. At the close of tha entertainment Mrs.
I. M. Treynor , who was the chaperone of
the bevy of color , entertained the beauties
and be-aux nt her homo on First avenue.
The St. Paul's Guild girls are planning to
put before the people ot Council Bluffs
Monday evening , February 17 , one of the
most novel and enjoyable entertainments
ever undertaken by the guild. They have
gene to considerable expense In securing out
side talent , and among the numbers will
bo the singing of Alice and Ethel Dovey ,
aged 11 and 14 , from Plattsmouth , who have
recently returned from Europe , where they
sang in several of the great salons on the
continent , and where they were received
with great enthusiasm. It will probably bs
remembered that not long ago they sang
before the Federation of Women's Clubs In
Lincoln , and also before the Woman's club
of Omaha , meeting with the greatest ap
plause. Their voices are considered phenom
Ono of the moat notable theater partlei
of the season was conspicuous by the grace
and modesty of the young ladles composing
and made ono of the pleasant Eociet ]
" ' " hen
features of "Trilby's" appearance
on Tuesday evening. The young ladles oc
cupied a' section In the center of the parqucl
circle , and Immediately after taking heli
scats removed their hats , revealing stylist
coiffures that were the envy of the othei
women In the theater. The gentlemen Ir
the rear of the party acknowledged the goot
taste of the women by heartily applaudlnt
them. The party was composad of teachcn
arid pupils of the Iowa School for the Deaf
The members of the party were Miss Watkins -
kins , teacher In charge ; Miss Coo , teacher
and Misses Carrie- Scott , Mary Mlkesh
Mamie Ostrandcr , Rose Glfford , Mary Baer
thcl and Hattlo Booue , pupils. The teachcn
Interpreted the stage dialogue as the plaj
progressed and none others In the audience
had a clearer conception of the drama 01
moro exquisite enjoyment of It than the
silent party , who had to depend upon the
moving tableaux on the stage and the ex
pressive and beautiful sign language ot the
teachers for the story.
Club life In Council Bluffs Is becoming tc
be one of the features of feminine society. .
The fin de sleclo woman la numerously rci-
resented , and she has resolved herself Intc
many llttlo coteries that ere worthy the ap
pellation of clubs. These clubs so far arc
only literary and social. When they become
political they will attract correspondingly
moro attention than the delightful llttlo so
cial gatherings do now. Ono of the most
delightful of these Is the Oakland Avenue
Reading club , which meets weekly for the
purpose ot reviewing and discussing current
lltcrp.ture. The meeting last week was en
tertained Friday evening by Mrs. Dorland ,
assisted by Mesdames Waterman , Cole ,
Street nnd Blxby. The club gives four evenIng -
Ing entertainments during the year , at whlcli
Unto they Invite their husbands , who assist
In the program , and the hostesses have the
privilege of Inviting two. The following pro
gram was carried out ;
Piano Solo . . . .Mrs , Waterman
Duke of Wellington Mrs. Orcutl
Talk on the "Hank of England"
, , t Mr. Hnzeltor
Rcbert Hums , Airs. Sanforcl
Scotch Son Mrs. Dorland
Selection from Liurns.Mrs. Richmond
The English Constitution..Mr. C. M. Harl
Piano Solo . .Miss Dorland
Quotations from Burns By the CluL
Song Mrs. Leveret )
Auld Lang Syne i CluL
Dainty refreshments wcro served. The pro
gram was provided over by Mra. Arthur ,
the president. The following were present :
Messrs , and Mesdames Dorland , Hazelton ,
Arthur , Hall , Blanclmrd , Leverett , Orcutt ,
True ; Meodamea Waterman , Blxby , Richmond
mend , Sa'iford , Street and Hawthorn ; Misses
Clay , and Hayman ; Mr. Loungeo.
The Hamilton Whist club was entertained
last Monday afternoon by Mra. W. W. Sher
man , The women organized themselves Into
a club over a year ago , and have whllcd
away many pleasant hours. Their principal
object Is to enjoy an afternoon of recrea
tion , but to keep up the Intercut of the
club , prizes are given once a month which
Tact manages to keep the members all on
lie qul vlve. Dainty refreshments are served
at each meeting. The following were pres
ent : Meadamea Sherman , Cumnilngs , Shop-
iard , W. SJiephard. Lougeo , Alleu , Gilbert.
Cook , Wakefleld : Misses Bennett , Bowman ,
Sherman , Dullard , Kratlng , Rbyan , Zurmuch-
len and Brown.
"Tho Only Whist club , " which has made
such a record the past year for Its sociability
ind good feeling , wa charmingly enter
tained last Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
A. P. Wlcklum , t their palatial home on
South Seventh street. The following are
members : Mewre. $ nd Mesdames Loomls ,
Treynor , Wlckham , Shea , Cony ; Mrs ,
McKnnej MUws Wnlkcr , Angca , Wlckham
find Mr. Sklnson.
Mrs. H. CummlngB entertained the "St.
Paul's Guild" last Tuesday afternoon. The
Guild will glvo a part February 17 , at Cham-
tic ro hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hannan con
densed three delightful entertainment Into
two afternoons and nn evening. On Tues
day aftcrnoun Mrs. Hannan entertained a
kenslngton tea In her beautiful home.
There were present : Mes-James Wadsworth ,
Thomas , Dr. Smith , Pierce , Hanchctt , Til-
ton , Sims , Edmundson , Mctcalf , Bushncll ,
Dr. Hart , Oravattc , Phelps , Hazard , Reed ,
Garner , Everett , James , LUzle Glearon ,
Sounders , Cole , Frey , Mueller , J. n. F. Me-
Gee , Simons , J. G. Wadtnvorth , Fitch , Allen.
In the evening Mr. Hannan assisted In
entertaining their friends at cards. Those
present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Davis , J.
Davis , Forsytho , Davenport , Jamlcson , Smith ,
Chambers , Units , Sargent , Treynor , McKunc ,
Oliver Estcp , Lucas , Will Shcpjrd , Nat
Shcpard , Frank Shcpard , Barstow , Lowe ,
Lieutenant McArthur nnd wife , Bender , Mra
Howard , Ty S. Howclls , E. H. Merrlnm ,
Cass , Buchman , Terwllllger , Comp , Dlmmock ,
Wiley , Hendrlcks , Campbell.
Yesterday nfternocn Mrs. Hannan gave n
card party to which a largo number of
women were Invited , Those responding were
Mesdames Maurer , E. C. Shepard , W. E.
Shepard. Byers , Van Doverc , PcreRoy , Dan-
forth , Hepford , Pontius Graves , Hollls , E. E.
Hart , Rclkman , Tidd Sherman , Mullls , Ron" ,
Manderson , Woodford , George Miller , Shu-
gnrt , Pierce , Purvall , II. G. McGee , Murry ,
Trephagen , Jennings , Luring , Bellinger , Ar
cher , Charcr , Gorham , Allworth , Slovens ,
J. M , Campbell , George Camp , Spooner , Hun-
yon , Bradley , Keys , Rnllsbnck , Waterman ,
Street and Kelby of Omaha , Heyworth ,
Brown , C. E. Wo'odbury , W. G. Woodbury ,
Hen lit , Phillips , Cummlng , McAtee , Miss
Dellavon , Smith , Leo Smith , Hepford , Al-
worth , Shcpard , Archer , Collins , Hazard. De
lightful refreshments were served at each
event. The series were among the most
pleasant and noteworthy features ot the
A complete surprise was given Tuesday
evening to Mr. Stewart Yennwlno by his
old schoolmates at his home , 401 North
Sixth street. With cards the evening was
papaad pleasantly. The following day he
left for hit ) future home In St. Joe , Mo. , to
attend college. Those present were : Misses
Nina Klntner , Myrtle Banner , Bess Williams ,
Mary Hart , Sadie Grass , Margerltc McBrlde ;
Messrs. Oscar Ferguson , Fred Hollcrt , Wal
ter Boll , Charlie Gains , George Boson.
On Monday , evening evening there was r.
very pleasant party at 138 Grant street. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Watts , assisted by Mr. and Mrs.
Haller , entertained a number of their friends
The home was beautifully arranged with
plants and flowers and as the game of high
live progressed the "canary" greeted the
company with Its merry song. Mrs. Pfleffer
and M. F. McCuno took first prize and. Mra
Tucker and M. B. Ayers were consoled with
the consolation prize. Those present were-
Messrs. and Mesdames Daugherty , Hubbird.
Maxwell , McCune , Pfleffer , Tucker , Weather-
bee and Ayers and Mlssea Gall , Morgen and
Another surprise by the Avcnuo B people
occurred last evening. This Is one of the
most Boclal neighborhoods In the clly. nnr
last night Misses and Mesdames HollU-
Morgan , Whaley , Binders and Ayers start" ; !
out loaded with baskets full ot dainties to
nppeiso the appetite and lay a foundation
for a doctor's bill , and wcro joined on the
way by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell , Mr. and Mro.
Matthews , Mr. nnd Mrs. Pugh , Mr. nnd
Mra. Selby , Miss McChesney , Georg3 Rum-
mell , with their well laden baskets , when
all wended their way silently to the corner
of Seventh street and Eighth avenue nnd
rang for admittance' at the home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. Herald , where lots of fun wn3
the reward of those who wcro In the "ring
of surprise. " Mra Towns of Omaha was the
out of city guest.
Mra. F. J. Schnorr and Mra. Philip Waro-
ham arranged a surprise Friday afternoon for
Mrs. W. J. Manley at 515 South Twenty-first
street , Omaha. It was a delightful and un
conventional gathering. Those present were :
Mrs. Keller , Mrs. Kelly , Mrs. McClure , Mra.
Wareham , Mrs. Wareham of Omaha , Mrs.
Sampson , Oakland , Col. ; Mra. Hammcl , Mrs.
Maloney , Shepherd , AVIlllamB , Matthal , Comp ,
Omaha ; Tullls , Omaha ; Schnorr , Good , Scan-
Miss Eleanor Montgomery leaves tomorrow
for the east to attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. Sargent were tendered a
surprise by their many friends at their homo
on Second avenue Friday evening , January
31.Mr. . and Mrs. Hill charmingly entertained
a small party In honor of Miss Nina Price
of Chicago. The number was limited to those
residing on Third avenue.
The Excslslor club has Issued Invitations
for a "Krongregatlonal Kensington" on
Tuesday afternoon from 2 till 5 o'clock nt
the homo of Mrs. Arthur Hazelton , 023 Sev
enth avenue.
Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell gavea delight
ful lunchoen yesterday. Those present were ;
Mrs. R. E. Montgomery , Mrs. C. E. II.
Campbell. Mrs. E. W. Hart. Mrs. F. M.
Loomls , Mrs. Helnshaw , Miss Eleanor1 Mont
gomery and Miss Price
Mrs. John Mullen gave a red and white
tea at her home on Thursday In honor of
her sister. Miss Hughes , and her brides
maids. The IIOUHO was beautifully decorated
In red and whlto , nnd each guest was pre
sented with red carnations. Covers were
laid for Miss Hughes , Miss Goad , Miss Anna
Wlckham , Miss Keating , Miss Brady , Miss
Mullen , Miss Slnnott , Mrs. George Hughes
and Mrs. Charles Fox.
A friendship letter received by one of the
acquaintances of Miss Rita Lorton , who ac
companied Miss Anna Bowman and her
party on their continental trip last sum
mer , announces Borne enviable achievements
of Miss Lorton on the concert stage. She
remained on the continent to complete her
musical studies , and the letters announce
that she has been accorded the honor of
singing with Adellna Pattt In her recent
appearance on the British stage.
I ) I fit Graiitloii'N Hull Ilnuil.
When Dick Grandon was arrested for
highway robbery on September 14. 1892 , he
found a friend In S. B. Wadsworth , who
went on his ball for the sum of $500.
When the case was called Grandon failed to
appear , and Judgment was ordered on the
bail bond ,
The matter has been hanging tire for
some time , nnd yesterday Mr. Wadsworth's
answer In the case was filed. Ho admitted
the execution of the bond , but entered a
denial to each and every ono of the other
counts on which judgment for $500 has been
taxed up against him on the court records ,
ClnlniH I'orHoiuil DI
The personal damage- suit of Link Thomas
against the city ot Council Bluffs was set
for trial hi Judge ThornelPs court yester
day , but owing to the pressure of other
business went over until Monday.
Thomas fell through a sidewalk In front
o' Eomo burned building/ lower Broad
way on January 20 , 1 35. He sustained
personal Injuries in compensation for which
he now seeks to recover $5,000 from the
lint lied
We have 1,000 hot bed sash which we are
going to close out. They won't last long.
How many do you want ? Wo will make you
a prlco that cannot be duplicated. C , B.
Paint , Oil and Glass company , Mabonlc temple -
plo , Council Bluffs.
Davis , only drug rtorc with registered 'clerk.
Miinlcljinl CiliiillilnU'MVHlulriMV. .
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb. 8. ( Special
Telegram. ) Quito a sensation was caused
in political circles here today by tbreo of
the candidates of the good government party
refusing to accept the nominations. The
leaders called the nominees before them
today and awltcd them to bind themselves In
writing not to accept similar nominations
from any other party. John D. Blalne , nem-
ineo for recorder ; Thomas Farmer , marshal ,
and William McGowan , chief of the lire de
partment , refused to accept on these condi
Catholic rrl..Scut io I'rUon.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Feb. 8. Rev. Father
John M. Fitzgerald , recently convicted of
arson In the second degree , was today
sentenced to ten years' confinement In the
state prison at Auburn. Father Fitzgerald
aftlrmedt bis Innocence and denied that he
had ever committed arson or Instigated any
on * to the crime.
Alexander's Collar1 Hrflf Filled with Stolen
I'roeoeilH \iimoirnii * Itolihrrlrn l.o-
cntcd In it Ilenlileiicc After ntt
H cur oh ti > -
( Mile IT * .
The arrest of J. D. Alexander by Special
Officer Mclntyro Friday night proves to have
been ono of the most Important police catches
of the Fonson.
Alexander was ciuht In the act cf breaking
the seal on one of the freight cars In the
yards of the Rock Island rallroaei , and was
cent to the police station charged with breakIng -
Ing Into n freight car. The arrest developed
the fact that there has been some wholesale
stealing going on for a long time In the Rock
Island yards , nnd that the company's officers
have said nothing about It until a tangible
clew was obtained. It was scarcely thought
the arrest of Alexander afforded the clew , for
the man was well known to the railway men
and has always been regarded as honest.
Yesterday morning , however the officers de
termined to take a look nt the house where
Alexander lived. Enough was observed
around the premises to Indicate the advisa
bility of a more systematic search. Wh.le
officers guarded the house to prevent any
thing being carried away a messenger was
sent up town tor a search warrant. The
warrant was Issued from Justice Cook's court
and placed In the hands ot Constable Albert ! ,
a provision of the Iowa statute making It
unlawful for n municipal or special police
officer to execute such a warrant. The house
Is nt 1410 South Seventh street. When the
officers entered they found only a child In
possession. A search of the house revealed
nothing , but nn examination of the cellar
showed n rich cache of goods , all stolen from
the railroad company.
One end of the cellar was partitioned oft
and there was" no door In the partition wall.
A board was pulled off by Constable Albcrtl
and a match being llghtnd revealed a large
quantity of goods. The wall was then pulled
down and an express load of boxes were
taken out of this place. The- premises were
then given a thorough aaarchlng. In a box
utod as a Eland a lot of soap was found ,
under a barrel was found a firkin of but
ter , and In other parts of the dweliing other
roods were found.
Tha foreman of the Rock Island freight
house Identified the following as property
missing from cars of that line :
Seven hammocks , bundle of hammock
sticks , eleven cans of condenyd cream ; one
tub of butter , one box containing n gross
of packages of cinnamon , twenty bars of
White Star soap , thirty-four bars of castlle
soap , a chest of tea , half n firkin of butter ,
' box of staples , a box of harness hard-
vare , hoop of cheese.
Thoao articles , and many more , have been
nlssed by the company. In addition there-
vero unearthed a lot of goods , which are
believed to have been stolen , but which did
not belong to the Rock Island company.
Among UICSD are a bundleof axhannles , a
lot of new dishes , a , roll , of rag carpst and
other articles. The goods were placed In
an express wagon" and conveyed to the of
fice of Justice Cook.
The evidence ngalnit Alexander Is over
whelming. The foro'man of the freight house
promptly Identified the > bundle- hammocks.
They were going to a Texas house , and the
marks and tags are still on the bundle.
Another bit of evidence is a box of splcea
shipped by Stewart Bros , of this city to
Anita. The box contains the firm's label
as well as the marking , so there will be no
difficulty in Identification of this Item of
the goods recovered. 3
Of the checEO there were thirty hoops , nnd
the one found .Jlv. Alexander's cellarIs
marked "W" In a diamond , and Is identical
to the hoop mlralng :
The cans of condensed milk are from the
same firm as the cdaa of missing goods was
from. Identification of most of the articles"
can easily be made , nt least that Is what
Is claimed by Agent Denton. There will bo
a half dozen Informations against Alexan
der , which will be filed during the day.
Agent Denton , took a deep Interest In the
mine and was about as dellghteJ an Indl-
dual as was Mclntyre , who has been working
under n fear that he would lose his job If
ho did not succeed In running down the rob
bers who have been operating very suc
cessfully for a month or moro. Denton says
that the robberies began shortly before
Chriutmap , nnd since then complaints of
shippers have been frequent.
On December 21 , car 2603 , Rock Island ,
was entered and a tub of butter taken.
On January 7 , a capo of condensed cream
was stolen from Rock Island car No. 5065S.
A box of common soap was abstracted
from Rock Ifland car 5238 on January 8.
On the 13th , a hoop of cheese was taken
from Rock Island car 16999.
A bundle of hammocks was taken from
car 50342 , Rock Island , on the 23d ot Jan
In fact , every article recovered tollies with
goods missing since Christmas.
The goods wore brought up and placed In
the possession of Justice Cook , and were
bulky enough to almost fill the back room
of his office. The fact that the goods re
covered were all Identified as having been
stolen from Rock Island cars does not con
vince the officers that Alexander was alone
In his raids. The Milwaukee , Northwestern
and Union Pacific companies have been
loccrs from freight car robberies , and the
belief Is that further Investigations will
connect Alexander with a gang who hnvo
been operating together. The belief Is also
entertained that some railroad employes will
bo Implicated In the thefts , for It Is argued
that such raids are not possible unless the
thieves get some kind of assistance from the
Former Snltjrft of ( lie ( luec'ii DcelnriiH
fur Certain l > enc f.
JEFFERSON , la. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Speaking of the remarks of Joseph Chamber
lain , minister to the colonies of Great Brit
ain , In a recent address , Rev. Mr. Kayo of
this city , who Is an Englishman , born and
educated in England , says that his asrcrtlon
that the people of England have the warmest
regard for the United States Is strictly true.
Tills sentiment Is entertained by the commoner
or mlddlo people , and as they are absolutely
without newspaper representation the situa
tion Is never known on this side of the At
lantic. The nobility , aristocracy , army and
navy , Rev. Mr. Kayo mys , have llttlo use
for Americana or anything American , and
the prow of Great Britain simply voices their
oontlments. Ho further says ho believes It
would be difficult to'induce ' the common people
ple there to take up arms against the United
States on as trivial a , matter as the Ven
ezuela dispute , [ ft I
MIINOII Cl ( > - DriiKUlHlit Imllrtfil.
MASON CITY , .la. , Feb. 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The graml' jury has returned In
dictments against all the druggists of the
city , twelve In niunbcr , for the Illegal sale
of liquor. Judging'from estimates made by
ecmo there has been more liquor sold In
Mason City during the past six months than
there was under the original package act.
OrKnnlrnllnn Will iinvc Sopliit l"en-
( u ITU Commit Ire * Ai pointed.
At the meeting of the Jncknonlan club fit
Patterson hall last night lxly members
were present , The committee on the ban
quet which was held a month ago reported
that the rccclp.tu defrayed expenses.
The death of W. H. English of Indiana
was reported , ftnj MM8r ! , . T. J , Mahoney ,
I. J. Dunn and A. Mathews were appointed
to formulate appropriate resolutions.
W. F. Wapplch , George Holmes and L.
Herd in an were appointed a committee to rent
club rooms , to bo kept open during the year
for social purposes , the scheme contemplat
ing card , reading nnd billiard rooms for the
uss of the members. I. J. Dunn , Charles
Conoyer nnd J , H. Blum were appointed to
solicit means , nnd W. F. Wnpplch , S. R.
Rush and I. J. Dunn n committee to pre
pare articles of Incorporation and to In
crease the membership.
Mesrrs. S. R. Rush , John Murphy , George
Holmes , L. W. Sprntlln and L. J. Pratt
wcro elected a committee to perfect arrange
ments for the attendance ot the club In n
body to the national convention. It was an
nounced that headquarters tor that body had
been secured In Chicago nt the Paljner
house. A special train has l > Mn negotiated
for to carry the members to the convention
city. The chairman announced the appoint
ment of the following committees :
Executive John Murphy , Euclid Martin ,
C. L. Smith. L. J. Pratt nnd C. V. Hlnes.
Membership John Zcller , chairman ; Joseph
Butler. George Holmes , jr. , H. J. McKcnna
and Edmund Burke.
Co in pi line n ( n ry Dinner ( o Mr. ICitn-
lirooU mill Mr. DnvlM.
At the Omahn club rooms last evening
a farewell dinner was tendered to Henry
D. Estabrook nnd Herbert J. Davis , who
go soon to Chicago , to be associated there ,
as they have been hero. In law practice.
These present were : John Brady , l.ouls
Bratlford , Charles Offuit. l.utlicr D-ake ,
Kdwjrd P. Peck , W. H. McCord , John E.
Wilbur. Curtlss Turner. W. F. Gurley John
L. Wcb.'ter , W. R. Morr s , John Munro ? ,
W. B. Mlllard. C. J. Green , James K ,
Chambers , C. S. Montgomery , Frank Col-
rctzer , E. W. , Charles S.iund = rs ,
Aithur Wakeley. Joseph Lohmer. James
How , Qrote Hutchlnson , George W. Am
brose. Fred N. Parker , S. A. McWhorUr ,
E. II. Crowder , Chirles F. Mindatssn , A.
J. Love. J. J. Dickey. M. F. LsarneJ ,
Frank Irvine. W. 0. Bridge ? , Charlca Diet's ,
Frank Hamilton. Frank Itanscm.
Charles Offutt was toastinas'cr. The toasts
were : "Our Gue-ta" William F. Gurley ;
"Nebraska Illinois- , " Charles J. Green ; "The
Duglas County Bar , " John L. Webster ,
with responses. ' by Mr. Estabrook and ( Mr.
Deaths of a Day.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 8. Judge Joseph
Alllt-on , presiding judge of the court of com
mon pleas , died this afternoon at his homo
In this city. Judge Allison had teen 111 since
last summer , when he suffered from an at
tack of pleurisy. He was appointed to the
common pleas bench In 18CG and has served
continuously ever since. Ho was 77 years of
age.TROY. . N. Y. , Feb. 8. Louis Allard died
nt his homo In Cohoos yesterday , aged ! )1 )
years. Ho worked at his trade up to five
years ago.
CINCINNATI. Feb. S. William A. Ram
say , n well known lawyer , a former partner
of Stanley Matthews , late Justice of the
United States supreme court , died nt D
o'clock this morning of paralysis. Mr.
Ramsay's health had been broken ever since
the death ot his wife , a year ago , and ho
never fully recovered from the shock.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Feb. 8. Mrs. Helen
M. Arlon , an aunt of General Lew Wallace ,
nnd daughter of Hen. John Test , died In
this city today. Tho'nusband of this lady was
a well known politician of Chicago.
LONDON , Feb. S. Reynold Host , L. L.
D. , formerly Oriental lecturer In St. Augus
tine college , Canterbury , secretary to the
Royal Asiatic society and librarian to the
India office , who retired In 1893 from active
duty. Is dead. He was born In 1822 In Ger
many and came to London in 1S47. Ho was
a member of a number of literary and scien
tific sacletles , Including the American Orien
tal society , and was generally rcc.gnlzed us
a high authority on Oriental literature.
RolilxTH Hitil a Missouri Hunk.
ST. JOSEPH , Feb. 8. Bank robbers made
a bold raid on the State National bank at
Savannah , Mo. , sixteen miles from here last
night. They bent the night watchman Into
Insensibility and then effected an entrance
into the vault. Here they secured about $300
worth of stamps bslonglng to the postofllce ,
but were unable to open the safe containing
the funds of the bank. Three characters who
have been hanging around the town are sus
In the private boxes connected with the
vault , the robbers found $11,000 in bonds ,
which they carried away with them. The
bonds were numbered from 120,733 to 120.714
Inclusive , nnd numbers 114,191 and 111,192.
The coupons on the bonds due January
I , 1896 , had not been detached from the
GVIol > rn ( < - clHand Ii > u < lor
PASADENA , Cal. , Feb. 8. Allen T. Dod-
worth , famous all over the United States
as a leader of the Dodworth band , that
forty years ago was the delight of musical
Now York , und father of band organization
In the United States , is lying at the point
of death with pneumonia nt his homeIn
PcBadcna : Mr. Dodworth Is 74 years old.
IOI > H Off n Train IlHinuIier.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 8. A special to the
Star from Arkansas City , Kan. , says : The
new management of the Santa Fe railway
will at once Inaugurate a change which will
do away with the train dispatcher's office at
Wellington , and consolidate the work formerly
belonging to the Panhandle division with the
train dispatchers office In this city.
Tlirlr Mnri-UMl 111 IMS AVns Ilrlef.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 8. A special to the
Star from Perry , Okl. Hays : Dallas Thomas
has obtained a divorce from his wife , Nina
Thomas. Thomas swore he nnd his wlfu
were married nt Unlonvllle , Mo. , ngnlnst
his will In September. 1835 , nnd that ho 1m-
mcillatly came to Oklahoma and sued for
a divorce.
Kulr mill Colilrr , ivltliorU ( Wliuls
for NoliriisUn.
WASHINGTON , Feb. S.-Tho forecast for
Sunday Is :
For Nebraska , Kansas nnd South Dakota
Fnlr ; colder In the eastern portion ; light
north winds.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory-
Fair ; western winds.
For Iowa Knlr ; colder In the south npd
eastern portions : north winds.
Kor Mlst-ouri Fair ; light , north winds.
For Montana Fair and slightly warmer ;
southwest winds.
For Wyoming nnd Colorado Fulr ; light
and variable winds.
I.oral Hi-coril.
REAU , OMAHA , Feb. S.-Omnha rec
ord of temperature nnd rainfall , compared
with the corresponding day of past four
years :
1S9G. 1S95. 1691. 1893.
Maximum temperature , ,38 7 CO S
Minimum temperature . . . 1C 20 Z2 1
Average temperature . . . 27 0 41 14
Precipitation T .00 .00 .00
Condition of lemperaturo and precipita
tion at Omaha for the day and since March
1 , 1695 :
Normal temperature 21
ExcesM for the day , G
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 Inch
Total precipitation Flnce March 1 21,00 Inches
Deficiency slnco March 1 11.47 Inches
L. A , WELSH , Observer.
Clearance Pipe Sale
Htivlnj ; finished Invoicing , wo find tlmt wo hnvo ? 2r > 0 worth of flno
Pipes , which Is nhout twice IIH ninny na wo want to carry through
the summer , und to reduce utoc-k to tlilB extent , have' decided to nmko
Bweplng reductions In prices. If you ever expect to buy a i'ipe , buy
It now.
MOORE Se ELLIS , Proprietors.
Owners of the two popular bnuida of OlgarH "Sultana , " lOc ; "Cor
ner. " fie.
I'ollownl } > y Illustration * tit llu > ,11 nnHIT In Wlilrli ( tip Alltlrtnl Arc Cured
Tin1'Ve In a .Month , liii-luilltifr .M
Last week and the week before lrs. Copeland -
land nnd Shepard RUVC nn exposition of the
symptoms of cntnrrli , Including those of en-
tnrrh of tJie head niul throat , cutnrrh of
the bronehlnl tubes' , catarrh of the stomach ,
liver , kidneys , etc.
Tlicso symptoms gave ninny sufferers n
complete description of their trouble nnd
Informed them of the cause of their suffer-
Todny they present some notable Illustra
tions of how tha disease , In Its various
forms , Is cured.
Doctors , as a rule , treat those who como
to them with catarrh of the lioml , throat ,
lunB" , stomach , etc. , for headache , KOIC
thioiit , consumption or dyspepsia , and when
they inako no progress they tell the patient
that ho Is Incurable. They do not treat the
cause , which Is catarrh. Or , rcooRiilzliiK
the disease , they will say : "Catairh can
not be cured. "
"You can't make the ORB stand upon Its
end , " said the friends of Columbus. Hut
Columbus did make the CBB stand on end ,
as we know.
Just so In these euros. The doctors told
these sufferers that catarth could not be
cured. The sufferers went to lira. Copeland -
land nnd Shcpard , nnd lo , they nro cured.
Under this system of treatment catarrh
can be cured. This Is the message these
Interviews carry to the whole world.
Mr * . J. 1 < \ limit Slionkn of the 1'cr-
niiiuonct. of Her Cure.
The real trustworthiness the true scien
tific excellence of any system of dlscaro
treatment Is not tested by Its bringing n
little balm to pnln , a little sleep to rest
less agony , but In Its deep reaching for
secret causes nnd Its nbsoluto eradication
of the seed poison nnd seed principle of
sickness. And In speaking of the quality
of permanence In her cure Mrs. .1. V , Hunt ,
a former patient , wife of the well known
dairyman , 253S Avcnuo C. Council Uluffs ,
says :
MRS. J. P. HUNT. 233S Avenue C , Coun
cil Illufts. la.
"Nearly three years ngo , as my friends
will recall , I published n statement In the
papers relating to the results of a course
of treatment by Dr. Shepard. A chronic
catnrrhal trouble had Involved my lungs
nnd I hud nil the signs of beginning con
sumption. Including sore lungs , n , hacking
cough , short breath , evening fever und an
alarming loss of weight nnd strength.
ELLIOTT AI/I'OX , MniiiiKcr.
The greatest of all Irish Comedians ,
In his original comedy drama In 3 nets ,
Seats on sale nt box ofllce Monday morn-
nB. Prices , Jl , 75e , COc , 33c , 25c.
Huw ? Uy the use of Ilcmorrhoidino.
a harmless compound that can ho tinea
for an eye ointment , yet posKCHsiiii ; such
healing power that when applied in rec
tal disease it immediately gives relief
nnd a euro is the mire result of its con
tinued use It is also a Cure for Consti
pation. Price ! fl. 50 For sale by
DIIUOGISTS. Will he Fentfrotnthc factory
on receipt of prii-e. Send for testimoni
als to TUB KOSTKKMFO. CO. 0. BltlfTs. la.
General and Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body nnd
Mind , Klfccts of Errors
or Kxcesbes in Old or
Younfr. Itobust , Noble
Mnnhood fully Restored.
How to Knlarfto nnd
Strengthen Weak , Undeveloped -
developed Portions of
Ilody. Absolutely un-
I fullingTIouioTreatment.
. licnoDta in ti day.
on cb fioia BO Stales and Foreign
Countries. Send for Descriptive Book , ex
planation and proofs , mailed ( sealed ) free.
MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N.Y ,
( My mama us < > 4 Wool Soap ) ( I wish mlno baxt
WOOLENS wlH not shrink It
Wool Bpap U dollcato and rcfreslil" * rcfrbL" nvr'-
osor ' ! ) , . best cj - n cr. Uuu a bar at i/uur / dtalcn.
tuworth , Scaodde & Co. , makers , Cblcaw.
Ht. . BoUon.ja U-onajd Bu ,
Notice la hereby Klven that the resular
annual meeting of the stockholders of the
Bouth I'lattu Land company will ho held at
the office of Bald company , In Lincoln , Ne-
IjrnBlat , at 10 o'clock a. m. , on the > lr t
Wednesday In March , UM , being the fourth
day of the month.
JJy order of the board of directory.
H. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary.
Lincoln , Nebrnoka , February 3. U30.
muat ba cheap. Addreu McLauKhlln , lle
olllc . *
l > r < > irty i ; & 0 acr land In Antelope county ,
Neb. ; ulna ICO ncrt-x land In Sully county , Hvuth
Dakota , Addum i' , O. Uox Kt , Council IlluftB ,
The best J.hyslrlnin In Council muffs and
Oiniilui , after fnlllnp to help me , ordered
nip to KO to the \\c t as my only chnnce.
After n thorough trlnl of n chiuiKO In
climate I cnmo back home , with niv dis
ease still active iiiul thrnitenliiit. t then
took n course uf tieuliiiont with nn. Copeland -
land nnd Shepatd. who piomptly cured m .
' Since that tlmo I hnvo often been nues
Honed as to whether , subsequent to my
cute , there had ever been uny return of
the old symptoms ; whether the wasting
cotinli renppciued ! wlic-ther the wcnknes" ,
the fever , thn puln and the lung symptoms
cnmo buck nnnln.
' The only truthful nnswcr I have been
nblo to give to nil such Inquiries Is and ,
has been , 'Yes , the euro bronchi mo by Or.
Shcpaid was not inciely n little roM from
surfciltiK ! It win a Hue nnd genuine ami
lasthiK cure. ' Tor thlee years my hcnltli
hns been pinctlcally perfect , nnd I nin today
us well ns 1 ever wns In my life. "
The Nebraska Hnptlst , Onmlm , the ofTl-
clnl : pntier of the Itaptlst church , contnlnn
the following editorial note In Its Issue of ' <
February 1 , 1SG ) : / -
" \Vo can heartily recommend Drs * . Cope
mnil and Shepard of till * elty to our renders.
They stnnd well In this community n
honorable Kviitlvmen nnd skljfull physi
cians. If you nro In need of medical ns-
slstnnco you need not hcsltntc to consult
them. "
WrKc fur Free CoiiNiillntlon mill 1)1-
Under the pharmacy laws of Iowa Mr.
13. L. Hlcnkney ot Grnml Junction , lown ,
Is a registered pharmacist , holding certltl-
cnto No. 4027. He writes :
"Dear. Doctors : Within the last four
years IhouinndH of pcr ons have endorsed
your method of Homo Treatment. I wish
to Ret on tecoril us being nmotiR the num
ber. 1 bCRan your Iteiitment when I wna
well nigh discouraged with the IIRO of pat
ent medicines nnd drugn generally. 1 hnvo
found your treatment surprisingly cfTcct-
nnl In removing tlu > cntiirrh Irritation of
the kidneys , your local treatment for the
catarrh , together with the medicines you , d
guvo to net upon the blood nnd general sys
tem , have built mo up and made n new
man of me.
"I n m a registered pharmacist nnd am
handling driiRH nnd medicines nil thu time ,
und know whereof I speak , I hnvo never
yet discovered In nil my expel Icncc n line
of treatment which pioves ns ofTectunl as
that whlrh you are furnlrhhiB your pa
tients. Slncerolv youts ,
"E. U UL12AKNUV. lieu. Ph. No. 1G27. "
Office Hours 9 to 11 n. m ; 2 to G p. m. Eve
nings Wednesdays mid Saturdays only ,
6 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 m.
Salllnc from New York WednewluYB , aa followis
GtrnianlcVcanndny , Feb. 19 , 10 a. m.
Teutonic , Wednesday , Feb. IJO , 10 a. m.
Urltnmilo. "Wednesday , March 4. 10 n. m. '
Mnjestlc Wcilnct-diiy , Mnich 11 , 10 n. in.
United Stntea nnd Itoynl Mnlt Stenmcri.
Saloon patsnte , ioO nnd upwind , according ( o
eteamer selected nnd location of beitli.
Second cabin S35. t < 0 on Mnjcsllc nnj Teutonic.
DRAFTS imynble on demand everywhere In
Great Britain and Ireland soli ] at lowest rates.
For Inspection of plans of steamers and any
further Information upply to local nccntn or direct
to H. MAITI AND KHRSRV. G'l AR'I 29 IT way ,
N. Y. S. TENNY FHRNCH. d'l W'n As't.
Leaves IIUULING'ION & MO. UlV10H.Anlve |
OniahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason BtB.f Omaliai
8:30am : Deliver Express 9:3. : < am
4:35pm.Blk. : Hills. Mont. & 1'usct Snd Ex. 4D5pm :
4Kpm : Urnvor Express 4:05pm :
7:05pm..NcbrB8l : i Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45pm :
. . .Lincoln Ix > cnl ( except Sunday.H" ) "
2 : < ! ipm..Fiist Mall ( for Llnc-olr ) dally. . .
Leaves ICHICAGoTllUnLlNaTON & Q.JArrlvcs
OniahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.f Omaha
G:00pm : Chicago Vestibule 8oOam :
9:48am ChlcaKO Express 4:13pm
70pm..Chicago & St. Louis Express , . . S 100.1 m
ll:30am rnclfic Junction Local 5:30pm :
Pn t Mail 2 : < 0pm.
Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrlvea |
OmqlialUnlon Depot. 10th & Mm Sta. | Omaha
GVpm ( Chicago Limited 8:05am :
10:4Snin..Chicago : Kxpiess ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2Jpm :
Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTIIWKST'N.IArrlvciT ' 11
OninhalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Hts.l Omaha.
ll:01am. ; Eastern Express 3iOpm :
4:45pm : Vtstlbuled Limited C:4ipni : )
7:05nm : Curroll 1'asncnKer lOMOpm
GJ5pm : Omaha Chicago Special 8:00am
4:30pm : lioono Loral ! > :3Qam :
Mlsrourl Vnllpy Local J:30am :
Leaves ( CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. Arrives
OinnlialUnloii Depot , 10th & Mason Kin. | Omaha
10 : < Express ( ex. Sunday ) . , , G:35pm :
C:25pm : NlRht Express , 8l5am :
4:5 < Jpm.Chicago Vestluultd Limited. . . l:35pm :
4Hipm..St. : 1'iull Vcstlbuied Limited. . . , l:35pin :
" 'WEST !
C:4Spm.Oklahoma : & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun , t.WMnm
l:40pm : Colorado Limited . . 4OQpm :
LPUVCB I C. , ST. P. , M. tc O. { Arrives
.gmalinl Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha
8irnm. : Sioux City Accommodation. , . . 8:15pin :
12l5pm. : , . Sioux City Exprers lex. Hun..llS"am :
OMSpm. St. Paul Limited . 9lOam !
Leavf l P.7E. " & MOrVALLEY "lAirlvc * "
Omalm l Depot , 15th ond\y > lster Sty. | Omaha
2:15pm : Fast Mall anitExprciis
2:15pm. : ( i > x. gal. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Mon. ) . . C:3Spm :
7. Wain. . .Norfolk Express ( ex , Sunday ) . , .10:25nm :
5Cpin : St. Paul Express . OilOam
Leaven I K. C. , 8T. jr & C. n. Arrive *
OniahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha
9 05am . Kansas City Day Express . sTsOpm
OMJpin.K. C. Nl gilt Ex. Via U. 1' . Truna. 7:00am :
Omalial Depot , ISth and Webster Bt . f Omaha
IO 4Qarn St. "lxul9 Express oioOarn
030pm ; St. Louis Express 6:0fpm :
3:30iii..N'ebratlia : | I cal ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . OiOflam
Leaves I SIOUX OITY & " PAClFirJ JArrlvea
Omnlml Depot , Itth and Webster Stu. I Omahn ,
Bt. Paul Limited 9lOnm :
Leaven I 8IOUX CITY & I'ACiriO. lArrlvea
OinaliaUnlon | pt'P.ot , 10th & Manon Bls. | Omnlmi
* 7:05.Tm : Bl ui" City Passenger . . .lOMOprn
EM'ipm HI. 1'mil Limited aiiOam
Leavesi lINION'l'ACiria FArrfvf
Omaha Union Depot , 10th ft Mflton Bta.l Oinaliit
0SOnm ; ICenrncj- Impress 4lOi : > rn
8i0.iin : Overland Limited 4:4Spm :
SjSOpm.IKat'co & Rtromrb'K Ex. ( ex. Hun. ) 4:10prn :
CM&im..aianil | Island Kxprens ( ex. Hun..IZWyin
330pm ! Kast Mall 8:4tom :
Leaves | \VAHABIl RAIWAY. ( Arrives
Omaha Union llcput , IQlli ft Mason Bin.I Omaha
40oru. : bt. I.ouls Cannon Ii.ill..n-.ffnm
Healed bldB will l > e received at the olllco
of tlio city comptroller up to B p , m. , Kcb-
niaiy llth , IkOft , for the ofllclul advc-rUnlm ;
of the city of Omaha for the year WM , in
accordance \vlth section 133 of tha charter.
Huch It-Kill advertising , olllflnl notices anil
nil prlntlnK of notices to tin printed under
the head of "OIllcliil City NotlucH , " and to
ho consecutive In the uriine column nnd on
the name pnKi > , und not to he Interspersed ,
with any other matter. Knch bldilcr to
encloiie n rortlllcil rlii-fk of M.W. , No bid
will bo conxldcreil unlotM iiccompnnlcd by a
copy of thlH advertisement. The right U
ri-Burveil to reject any or nil blda.
Omnha. l-Vby. K. 1SO .
JOHN N. WKSTliniirj , Comptroller.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000
kVi : SOLICIT YOUH uvmxEau.
' f Celebrated Female's Fowderi pcvel fall.
D .