THJD O fAHA DAILY 13.EE : , JANUARY as , isoo. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCLV Armour's ' Influence a Disturbing Factor 5 Wheat , SMALLER DEALERS WERE EASILY SCARE Tone tit the I'll l.nrKPly Oonlrollc liy A VI nit Humor IIi-Hiircil Iliu lilt * 1'litiiKiT WHM CHICAGO. ST. The opinion that Ai tnour is cnKlneorliiK n MB wheat deal wa Btrc.iHtliei.cil toOny und principally froi what n.ircurctl lo 1)0 his nianlpuliillons tli price iltcllncd Hie from Saturday's clos" Corn nml ontB suffered from free ren.lzln nnd declined % c awl He rcs < iiccllvcly. I'n visions opened higher , but lost the advanc nnd closed tit practically unchanged prlcci Wheat at the opening was wild nnd price Irregular , but the buying sentiment wn for the moment In the. lead nnd some c the transactions wcro nt lie advance ovc the close of the day before. Hut It wu icon found that Armour was a hcnvy sallsi Ills brokers let the crowd have nil I wanted at the opening and followed th market ns It wont oft. Kor n lime th trade rcndlly nbsotbed nil the offerings but nn there wns realizing miles by th trade at largo und by outsiders the mnrkc began to weaken. It u'.so bccnmo ovlden early that there would not bo ns large < In the visible ns expected mi Mils tended to Increase the weakness nn there wns it gradual decline of Hie fret the early price. Hut on the break the trad thought It discovered Unit Armour ha changed his tactics nnd had turned buyei Ills wiles curly , while the market wns lltic tun Him between CJ' ' o and CGc , wcro though lo have been fully 1,500,000 bu. , but .vht : the pi Ice had fallen lo Gl c his brokers wor active buyer * nnd the market quK-lcl ; btrcngthfiicd , notwllhstandlng the vlsllil decrease was not h lf tia larg us expected , nnd the uncos soul reacted nearly Ic. The strong point In the rarly naws were nn advnnc of Id In the price at Liverpool , modeivil gnlns nl l-nrl.s and llerllr. nnd n corroctloi of the Argentlno wheat shipments for th week lo SH.OUO bu. Instead of 210,000 bit. n reported Saturday. As against those matter ; however , there were the northwestern if cclplH , Minneapolis nnd Muluth rciiortlni 7l ! I earn , u big Increase , The eohl wuv < predicted for Sunday proved to be of i very mild type. Still the opinion In unit generally entertained that the plant ha already Buffered material Injury nnd Is n present In n very exposed condition. Thi market got another lively rally after thn on a report of doubtful authenticity , tnyliij thin thu present raison'st crop.of Argcntlm v.hcat was too poor for snlpment. Th2 prlc < reacted to C5V4o on that and the Kllll under lying fear of Atmour manipulation. Ii fact , Armour was n considerable factor nl through the session. The crowd wns In dined to think that his open selling u the Dtnrt wns designed to deceive and 11:1 wan strengthened by his buying nttltucl later. Not much attention was pnlil to tin disappointment In the visible supply. Ma ; opened nliout % c up nt from Gjftu to GG'fcc fell gradually to fi4c , sold tip to ( i5Uc nnd a noon was down to Glc. The mnrket wn : easier during the last hour and there wni frco realizing and short Felling , which grail ually sent May off to CHtc , nt which prlc ( It closed. The trading In corn was moderately brlsl nnd the chief feature of It wns the lukliii of profits by people who had bought on Sat > unlay. II opened strong In sympathy will wheat , but tended downward during tin remainder of the day. The big Increase Ii the visible supply , nearly 3,000,000 bu. , lint n decided weakening effect. May corr started practically unchanged at from 20-4 < to 31c , sold off to 30c and closed nt fron SOc to S0c bid. Oats were very weak , but nctlvc. Fron the Ural there were hcnvy offerings , longs principally realizing on their holdings nml Inking advantage of the recent ndvnnuo. May opened unchanged at from UTfcc to 21Mc , sold nt Z2c , declined to 21c and closed al 21Uc bid. In provisions the light run of hogs gave the market , n strong opening and quite n peed trade was done nt tin advance of from 12VAC to IGc In Mny pork and from 7V-c tc lOc In Inrd nnd 7Hc In ribs. The domain ; at those prices wns quickly supplied am during the rcmnlnder of the session the crowd wns gradually supplied with what they got orders for at gently declining prices. At the end May pork was selling at SlO.fl ! , May lard at $0.05 and Mny ribs at fS.4714 , being n rise of 2' ' c for the day In pork and unchanged for lard nnd ribs. The estimates for Tuesday are : Wheat , JO cnrs ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , 335 cars ; hogs , JO.OOO head. The lending futures ranged ns follows : Articles. I I 11111. | Low. | 01033. Jan 01W Feb. . . . . . . . 041 $ 02H Mny 0516 July 00 01J < 04 CornNo 2. . Jan B7M 27 ? ( May July 3191 ' Sept 3z u'4j Gain. No. i ! . . Jat IP Fob 10 " 4 May aus July V. SlM 21 M Pork.porbbl Jan 10 75 10 10 U2W 10 ( ! 2iJ ! Mny Li 11 10 Ilii1 * 10 HUH July 11 ) 11 n 10 11 10 LurU.lllUlLi ! ) 11D Jan. , D flfl D B fo fi HO May 0 10 II 0 0.1 0 OS July 0 0 17M 0 20 HcitlUbu- 0c Jan f 27K c : B 22H fi 22 V $ May fi fiUl * G I B 47.4 ? ,17. ! < July t > ( ! 7H S I B 02h u U"Jj Caili ruonlons | ( ( were ns follows : FLOUH Firm : winter patents , 13.30OT.CO ; trulghlu , I2.a04p3.33 ; uprl B patents. J3.10W3.20 ; prlng stnilghlu , J2.40ffS.75 ; linkeni , J2.10Si2.3r . W1I15AT No. 2 i-prlng. Cl'iO62Jc ; No. 3 spring. ( C2o ; No. 2 rfl. co'iflcoTic. COIIN No. 2 , 27 ic. OATS No. 2. lajifTIDUr : No. 2 white , 200 * H4c ; No. 3 white , IDliUH'ic. 11YB No. 2. 40V4c. . 11AHLHY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 25036'Ac ; N . 4 , Z2H2CC. FLAX BKKD No. I , 93fl93V4c. TIMOTHY SKKl > Prime. J3".73. PHOV1H1ONH Mesa porle. pi-r Mil , , $10 B7HiJ ( 10 < J7',4. Lard , per 1W ) Ibs. , > 3.80 5S2iA. Short ribs Bldea ( looHo ) . t.F > .20ITf > . S. Dry Balled Bhoul.l.'rH ( Ixixml ) , 14.7506.00. Short clear Blde-s ( boxed ) , . WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per gal. , BUOAnB-Cut loaf , 5.75 ; k-ranulateil , 5.12 ; standard "A , " t5 , rOUI/rilY Hlcndy ; turkeys , 9012e ; chlckepB. IflS'.Jo ' : ducks , Iljl2c. Thn following were tha receipts and shipments today : On Urn I'roluoi ouotiruira todiv tlio butter mar ket wn * llrm : creamery. l-UHUWa : dairy , HIM I7c. KKKS , llrm ; frcHh , IBaiUe. ChccBo , iiulot ; NIJW YOIIIC fiUNKUAI , MAUICUT. QiiotndoiiH ( iii ( Ice I'rlnolpnl CiiiiiiiiinllllfH ami Stiiplex. NKW YOKK , Jan. 27. FLOUK-necclpls. 27.1W bbl , ; expats , 19,200 bblo. ; market for spring patents was Inactive , owing to Ilia high prices Mkftl nml wlnteni were only dealt In to supply urgent demand * . Minnesota , patents , JJ,45tf3.75 ; bakers , S.50e3.00 ; city mill patents , J4.10tf4.33 ; winter patents , I3.MJJ3.73 ; spring low grades , ll.S3tJ2.W ; winter straights. .40iJ3.M ; winter extras , fi C5W3.00 ; winter , low craile * . I2.20K2.60. Ityo Hour , ijult't ; Buperllne. f2.SOW2.73. liuck. wheat ilaur , dull ; H.wyi.Sj for spot nna to or. rive. llt'CKWIIKAT-Qulet ; S5if40c. COHN MIjAIf- Dull : yellow western , choice , ( Oc ; liiaiidywlne , | 2.J5. HVIJ Nominal ; state , 414c. iI-0'.UI'1v Uu" ! tern. 3SJJ4c ; feeding , i U' > 3C IIAIII.IIY MALT-Westfrn. 4885lc. WJIKAT Exports , 22.2 * ) bu. Spot , Irregular : No. 3 ixtl , C7o ; No. 1 hard , 75Hc. f. o. b. alloat. Optlona t/pened linn on cables , but reacted and weru generally weak all diiy under frtw long lellliiK , | | U-rul foreign offerings , a disappointing reduction In the visible supply , nn Icu-rcase on paMwiso and a small export busln.'ss ; closed un- thungnl lo o net lower ; No. 2 red Jan- OOHNIlccelpts , SO. 700 bu. : exports , 42.CK.nj bu. Spot , dull : No. 8. 50c. Options opened linn idvimcc.l on covering- , but Oecllncd under prosl KctM of larger receipts and ( ho big Increase In lUlblc , nnd closed HifUo hlKbfr ; January. SOif 6c , closed ot 8Cc ; May , 3GUt/3GUc , closed t . OATS llec lpts , 16J.400 bu.J exports , 44 SOi ) bu Spot , steady ; N } . t. 25&23UC. Options declined rtw a BtiiiJy opening , owing to talk of Ittiger receipts ; clom-U unchniiKtil to Mo higher ; January cloewl at 23c ; May , 20)itf23 ) ic. closed at lIAY-Dull ; ehlpplne , J8.000S.W ; good ( o choice , I9-00010.W. HOPS Weak ; slate , common to choice , 1831 trap. JliW4ic ! , 15M crop. 4j9c ; crust , 1S84 crop , ttttMHc : U93 crop , 4fl9c. lllliaDullj : wet willed , 0 to ZS Ibs. , lie ; Uuenos Ayrrti , dry , 20 Itis. , Itio ; Texas , dry , 21 ju SO Ibs. . Oc ; Cnllforiila , 21 to U Its. , 1(0. l > UATHKIl-I > ull ; hemlock sole. Dumas Ayres , Iglit to heavy weights , Zlo , arldt , : ii(23c ( , WOOL Blcady ; Uomestlo fleccr , ICQ'Zc ; pulletl , SCZCc. I'HOVISIONS lleef. steady ; extra , India mess , 8 ; packed. J3.00USI.W. Plcliled hama. } 8. Urd\ \ Arm ) wtnttm ttoon , Uc * d U M-U .tnntmry , JS.l ! , nomlnnl. TorV , higher ; mm IU.09fjU.iS ) ehort clear , ll.W < Ji.Mj fnmll lil'TTKn nccclplK , 9,7(3 ( pkK . : atcody ; crwin cry , lf(20Hc ; Klglnx , 20'.ic. rees Hecclptii , 5 , " 9 pkRs. ! et ndy ; gtnto nr IVondylvanlB , 1754015'iciwestprn , 17(71714 CIIKUHK Hocelptn. 172 pkru. ; nrm ! Mnt \nrrf. \ ' , i 10'icj * mall , , 4O10 tc ; part klm aiifiOo ! full Bkltnx. li3c. TAM.OW-Ptendy ; city , 3 6-lCo ; country , 4c. I'imiOI.Uf.M Weak ; United closed at I1.371 hid ; rrflnt-d , 17. Co ; Phltndelphln and Italtlrnori J7.W , Phllndclphl.i anil Ilnltlmorc In bulk , J.V ! IlO.HIN-Qulct : ( trained , common lo good , $1.1 Tt'llPKXTJNK-tlull ! MCSIe. ItlCi : Hte . | ) ' ; ilomei-tlc , fair to extra , JHc. MOI.ASSII.S l-'lrmj N w Orleans , cpen kctlli Ci "d ti > choirf > { J37f MRTAI.S--Pf | ( Inm , ilull ; mulhern , tll.7r fri2. < n.irtlicrn. 112 Wfl 13.M. Copper , steady ; broker J..flVi ; ix 'lmn e , t9.l7ViOn.OO. Lead , f.uleti litl era , J2.90 ; exchange , (3.02UI10S. Tin , nrm * , . . . f > TTONRiin : O1I < Hull ! prime crude , 21 2l < 4c ; butter crnih-n , Mi831o ; prime summer ye low , 28Uo. _ O.MAII.V ( IK\nil.VI < MAKKKT. CoiiiIKInn of Trnilo nml on Stiinlo nml I'nnr.i' Proiliu-c. iriS-Slrlotly : fresh slock , 12Hl13c , HUTTiil-I-'alr : tn good stock , rolls , lie ; pact Ing ( ilock , tubs , I'tflOo ; cholcu to fancy countr ; ISJfllc. VIJAtr- Choice fnt , ,0 to 100 Ibs. , nro aiiolc at Cfl7c ; Inrgo and wnrse , 40Co. ClIBMSH Damestlo brick , ll'ic ; 12ilnm , p ( iljz , , I9.M ; Club house , 1-lb. Jars , per doz. , tl.V. I.lmljcigor , fancy , per Ib. , 11140 ; Ilonueftrt , < 4-lb jni-R , per don. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , lV4c Twine , fancy , lie. POt'I.TIlV DtTFMil ChtrkriiB , C4W7i,4c ! : duck ; rliolcc , SWlOoj tuikcys , cliulce , ll Uc ; Bee ' . . POULTRY MVK-C. Jacobson of the Montan I'liultry PntkUig nnd .Supply company , quoit ll\o jKiutlry nrm and wauled nt : liens an young roosters , SHe ; old vtwkM , 2Uc ! turke hi > ny , 8 > 4c ; young turkey gabblers , 7140 ; ol Tijin" , Cc ; duckM , full fcathettd , 7c ; geese , Cc. HAY Upland , J5.W ; mldlnnil. Ii ; lowland ; lye straw , 4 ; color mnken the price o linys light bales sell the bfet. Only lop grade U-ln ( up prices. 11IIOOM COUN-IixIrcintly slow sale ; nc I'lop. delivered on ( rack In country ; choice groe BcU-wotklng carpet , per Ib. , 2'ic ; cliolco greer limning to hurl , 2Uc ; cDmniun , I'.jo. GAMi : .lack snipe , 7cWJ1.00 , ; golden plovei H.25j Jack inbblls , | ior dnz. , Jl.Oril.40 ) : wna ! tiiMillr , SOcftJl.oi ; mallnul ducks , .1.M5T3.7. ! ; ie,1 lioads , f3.71 4.00 ; cnnvnnlmck duekB , J.VOilIiS.W 1V".IV.IIIC | 1ylllKW.'X'02MS ' ' ttnl , grc-rn wine Jl. , r < 72.00 ; mixed ducks , l. : : > ez.23 ; Canada gecst JC.OOW.nO ! small g co , JI.WU5.W ; blunts , J3.M iuulrrclii | , per doz. , COS7uC. PIGKONS-Llve , vciy slow ; dead pigeons mi w tin tod. VEGRTAllLKS. CAUMFLOWKU-l'er crate , t2.75lff3.CO. or JI.C Ol. , . > per ioz. OAlinAOK-Cnllfornla KlocK , pelIb , , 2c. POTATOKS-Kniicy liutlv. . Ftook , 30i ? ; fron * SJ5- ! ? "nM II" * ' 3W3.V : : OoUrndo stock. tOo. ONIONS I'M * bu , , 25tf(0c. JJI ' , ANS "and picked navy , per bu. . J1.IA 1'OTATOKS-Cholce stock , J2.75 pc bbl CKLMRY Ciillfornln , per doz. . No. 1 , 90c ; No 2 , , . > c ; KnlntnnKiNi. 3,1c. LIMA IIBANS-I'cr Ib. , Sc. WATKll CRESS Per IC-qt. case. J1.50J/1.73. KRU1TS. MEXICAN 8TnAWIIEUHII..S-.Vono. APl'LliS I-oncy New York , J3.23W3.501 cholc " I.OX . Jl BO. bbl- TROPICAL l-'RUITfl. OnANOKS-cnllfoinln budded seedlings , ix-gu ria-.g r8 BlZPS' K 2 n" . .z . ' Per box- SlOClt' pcr l > unc1' . < " lzrd bunclica , { 1.75B200 MISCKLLANL-Ol'R. . I5 ° : . " 'nndnril ' , , . 200 ; extrt ' " - . ac , r1'aro Julco' pcr hnlf Lbl3 : PCI . . KUAUT-I'er bbl. . | S.73j half bbl. , FIGS New crop. California. 10-lb boxe r.- . per lb 10 * . JM ; each , Cc " 'ls. California , per Ib. . medium ; . c. Tarragona per Ib. large ISVic ; llmzll , , . , per lb Sc ; lingl ! ? : , walnutH pei lb. . fancy soft fhell , 12c ; standards. llfjllHc' .Cr1Vnperiib- : ' reacans" ' > oll8h n ' im I0c ; I irKV. I2c ; peanuts , law , SKc- ; roasted , 7ffj , ' ,4o : hickory nuts , email , per bu. . J1.75 ; hlckon llbl ' ' " ° ' P ° r b"M ! llnck wnlnuts , per DRESSED MEATS. iIy'irK : Cff ! < 1 WM'ern ' fleers. 400 to COT Ibs ' ? L1 ? ' " ? ? ° WS ? ' , " ' Mte - < ? iW3o ; medium : < ws nnd heifers t 4 , c ; sooil forciiuaiters cows " 3ic : B0od 1'lnd'iuarters ? ! ? } ' ? ows mil heifers , GJjG'dc ; cow rounds. Be ; cow chucks f40 ; B" " r , cl'Ucks. ' 4T4Hc ; beef lenderlolns ] f rah. 20o ; frozen. 17c ; beet rolls , boneless. SV.c : ilrloln butts , bonel s , SHc ; loin backs CUc : iTsc ' 3i CS7c : w lolns > No- ' ' ® MUTTON Dressed muUon , Cc ; racks , Oc ; legs > lie : saddles , 7'/jc ' ; slews , 3c. PORK Dirascd hugs , 4c ; poik loins , Cc ; iparo ribs , 5'ic ; iwrk shoulders , 4 > , ic ; ; porlc shoul- leis , sklnaed , 4c ; pork trimmings , 4c ; ( ondcr- olns , 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. D3c HIDES AND TALI,0\V. According to ( ho Chicago Shoe nnd Leadier Icvlew ( here Is a feeling of weakness nnd de- ipondency la country hides. The cly dealers ire between two llres. On th ? one hand there H the dllllculty of convincing the butcllera that ildes arc not gilt-edged propel ty and on the , o , ' * Krvater. VJ.tlinnerH Reports from , . , , , ltnn nro that hides arc more plentiful ( her * 1 h e l a unanimity of opinion that hide vnTues SJr. ! Vn " 5 C4"inV0 wcalc nn'1 < lP"3scd untu l i ' " " ' "llpruvelncnt " > "I * demand 'or ih- . . . p io per lb. less than fully cured. SIII3EP PiiTH-areen salted , each KOCOc- ivwi salte s . . , .nnnaH nml rvetirniika buti'her wool pells per Ib ctual wolKht , BfiCa ; dry Hint Kansas and Ne- 'raukn ' Murrjin wool pelts , per Ib. , actual relght. 4 r.c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool 'Pit * , per lb. , actual weight , 4JiG5c ; dry Hint .olorodo Murrain wool pels. ( per lb. , admit . eghl , 4J c ; dry pieces and bucks , actual h TALLOU' AND fJHKASK - Tallow , No. 1. Vjc ; ( nllow No. 2. 3c ; grease , whlto A , 3l4c ; lenie , white II So ; grease , yellow. 2'e : Kreuse. irk. 2c ; old butler , 2fl2'ic ; beeswax , prime ' 5W22o ; lough tallow , I' e. HONES In car lots weighed and delivered In 'hlcago ' ; Dry buffalo , pcr ton , > 12.00&l4.00f ary ountry , bleaclinl , per ton , J10.00ffl2.001 dry nuntry. damp nnd meity. : per ton. ta.OOSS.CO. WOOIr Unwashed , lln htnvy , CT7c ; Hne light , il9o ; iiuaiter Moml , 10 12c ; seedy- burry nnd luitfy , BJi9c ; called and broken , cnnise , 7f9c ; Jlted and broken , Hne , GB8e , Fierce washed IiHllum. ISfflSc ; line , Mfl-lCo ; tub washed , 1G ® ic : black , Be ; bucks , Go ; tutf locks , 2jj3c ; dead ulled , BGGc. FURS. Ir > - GuuiU Mnrlu-t. MHW YORK. J n. 2T. There wa more sllr the market than on any day during ; the jntli , and qulla a number of representatives towtt boused wer * s > ricnt. All dauu of coton Koodi" , wcfpt bleache,1 thlrtlntrx , re- Mlvnl nttenllon , nml omo fair nitagcment were rcpot1e < l. The wholesale clothing ; Irmle was In mora force than for iume wcfks past , and oome bunlnws was Uld out. Ileporls ivrc current of a sale of B0,0"0 pieces , (4 fqonrcs , cloths at 2o at 1'rwlilence. FALL Ilivnit , Jan. 27.-rrlnt cloths very Otilct at 2)ic bid for contracts ; no local quota tions. _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AM ) ItONDS. Hcctirlly Mnrhrt ICnJojoil n Ilcclilnl Inert-line lit Activity. NKW YORK , Jan. 27.-Thc stock market today - day enjoyed a decided Increase In activity , JuilgeiJ by recent records , and the volume of business was unusually well distributed. The largo dealings coveted both the railroads and Industrials. Sugar led with 3SWO , with St. Paul second with 31.SW. The course of prices , a temporary ccl- Itfick ciccpted , wns uniformly toward n higher level , nnd buying WIIB ICM exclusively professional than hcrelofore. A variety of In- llucnces predisposed the street tt > the bull side. Tlio chance or nny serious contention between ( bis cuunlry and Great Ilrllaln ( bat cannot be nmingcd dlptomalleally Is now generally regarded to l > e remote , Then again , nssumnces of the successful carrying out of Hie new government loan Is doubly assured , nnd In ( he best Informed circles nppre.Unslon of Impend ing slrliiRcncy In Ihe money market II H been dlsslpaled. Furlhermorc ( he cnsy tendency of money rnca Is exiiecled lo soon extend lo I ho market for commercial paper , where nt present the Inquiry fur even choice grades Is only nom lnnl. lnnl.The opinions arc now more generally confident of favoiable developments nt Tliurwlny'it meeting of the unthinclle conl presidents. Oreat Inter est la being nllachcd to tlu progress that Is being made In the efforts to settle the long drawn dldlcultlca of the lending mining nnd earning companies. It la expected lliat In the event of 11 pctllemcnt on ptvinancnt lines the re < > iganlzatlon of the Rending would bo readily hurried Ihrough , and the well known policy of Ihe bankers In charge ,1s to work up n favor able sentiment through manipulation of the general market. A weaker tendency In the sterling oxclinnge- market Is believed to have effectually dlypjsed of the question of gold ex ports up n an exchange basis for the Immediate future. Ixnidon prices came higher nnd ( nitty largo btiylnu for foreign account was noted In tills market. A number of favorable ex- hlbltn of railroad rattilngs which came lo .mud , nnd notably the St , Paul figures for De cember , showing an Increase In gross of ) B < Sl,12j ami an Increase In net of $333,011 , exerted n decidedly stimulating Influence upon the specu lative fcntlment , Tlie mnrket opened strong and gains npi .v aching n point were scored early In a number nf Instances. The upwatd move ment wns checked by sales to take prollln be fore noon nnd by vigorous drives against Sugar nnd Tolmcco , forcing those stocks down 1T40 2U per cent respectively. The decline In thu IIi-Ht wns bared upon the now very familiar n-pnrt of the probable Incrcnxo by the Gel man RclchsUir In the bounty paid to ( he German expoid-rs of the commodity. declines In the genctal list were not heavy , but many shares receded ( o below Halur- day's closing llgures. About 1 o'clock , how ever , n iiilly marled , , which carried stocks to the best figures of the day , with St , Paul , Read ing , Leather preferred nnd Reck Island most conspicuous In the active list. Consolidated Gas sold up 4 pcr cent on further rumors ot u pn/bnblc Increnfe In the dividend lute , nnd co incident to the1 le-electlon of the board of ( rus- ( . Minnesota Iron rose 4'l ' pcr cent on re ported favornblo trade conditions. The mnrket closed active nnd strong at general substantial Improvements. Thu railway bond market wa active and strong , with Reading Issues leading at advances ofi71i per cent. The total tales were > 2,4S3OOi ) . The mntket for govcinments also showed a ripple of activity , the sales reaching ( Ul.OOO at Important gains. The bids nnd quotations showed but little change. In state Issues only 110,00 * Virginia deferred Cs stamped , and H.OOO Tennessee settlement 3s were dealt In. The livening Post's London flnanctal cable gram says : The stock markets were good to day on thu effect of Mr. Chamberlain's speech. Invcbtmcnt utocka were strong and home mils were booming. Americans were more active , with a general ilse nnd n good lone , but closed under tlu best. Thcie wns , however , only professional dealing , A further rise In bends wns nr.ted. I gather that upwards of a million sterling In gold will probably be shipped from here by Ihu Majestic on Wednesday. Two mil lions ot Chilian 4',4 pcr cent treasury blll were placed on the market at par today by Rothft- clillds. The Paris nnd IJoflln markets were Hrm. Hrm.The fcllowlng were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange toJay : The total sales of stock today \vero 229. ! * tiJiares , Including : American 9uRar. 39 , X ) American Tobacco , 19,200 ; AtehlBSn , C.7OT ; Ilur llngton , 7SCO ; General Kleclrle , 3.40J ; Louis vlllo & Nashville , 5,500 ; Missouri Pacific. 3,100 Manhattan , 3 , 00 ; Ileadln ! ; , 15.10U ; Hock Inland 11,000 ; St. Paul , 31,800 ; Southern railway , 3.COO Tennessee Coal and Iron , 4.WO ; Leather pe : fcrred , S.'iTO ; Western Union , 4,100 ; Wheellm & I.ake Eric , 3,400. New York Money Market. NBW YOniC , Jan. 27. MONBY ON CALI - I'iisy at 3',4 per cent ; last lean , 3(4 ( per cent closed Ml 3H per cent. I'HIMi : MHUCANTILE PAPER CBS pel cent. STBRLING EXCIIANOB-Dull and lower , with actual business In bankers' lillls at H.WM ? 4.8Si for dcmaiil , and 4.87l4B4.b7i for slxtj days ; pontHl rates. H.SSSi-USVi and M.fcaiiij 4,9' ' ) . Cummerclal bills. )4.SG . SIIA'KU CBUTIKICATEa C7'ifl07 c. HAH HII.VKH7te. ! . OOVKItNMUNT ItONUS Stcady ; state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bund , Fining , Closing quotations on lionda were ns follows : IliiNtiui Stoi'k iltiotatlniiN. HOSTON , Jan. 27 , Cull loans , GQ8 per cent ; lima loans , tliiJ ? per cfnt. Clewing prices for itocks , bonds und mining shares ; ! Vi' > v Yurie Miiiluir Uiiulutluim , NKW YORK , Jan. t7. ! The followlmr uro the ininliiu-iiiiolatloim : lulwcr. , , , , . , 7 Ontario , UBU ihnllnr , 00 oplilr. , ll.l : : rown Point V.'i Plymoulh , 20 : ou. Col. & Va. . . . t'ao oiilckHllver 100 Jcadwood. , , , , . , 00 Quicksilver pfd,1050 lould A. Curry , , . . , fi < > SIc.-raNHvaua 40 lomcBtuku t''OU Slaiulnnl Con. . , , . , 175 laloJt.NorcroBd. . PJO Union Con. . . 41 run Silver , , ' 'U Yellow Juclict , . . , 40 lexical ! to Kliiaucliil AITnlrM. HKIU.IN. Jan. 27. Kxchunge on London , eight ays' Hlght , 20 marks 43 jiff. PARIH , Jan. 27. Three per cent rentes , 102f 2Ho for thu account ; nchungo on Lyndon , 231 2'io for chccku. LONDON , Jan. 27. Gold Is quoted at Duenot Lyra today tt Z19.75 ; Uadrld , 17.C2 ; Liibon , 231 St I'ftcrsburff , SO ; ( { then * . 77 ; Ujmc. 105.M ; Vienna , 103. Th < nmdint of bullion gone Into the Hank of Kntlnnd on balance today , I43,0fln. 71BRLIN , Jnn. 27. The weekly stnteminl of the Imperial Hank of O rnrimy shows the following changes , an compared with the previous nccount : Cosh In hand , decrcnU , ij.eid.W * ) mnrks ; Irens- ury noten. Increase , l.fto.S. ) marks ; other secu rities , decrease , 47,780WljBmrks ; ; notes In circu lation , decrease , B5 , 140.000 marks. Snn Prnnrlricii Mining < Viionlon < . SAN FRANCISCO , Jo > Ult7.-The c-fllclal closing quotations for mining slocks twlay were ns fol lows : _ Silver b.irs.OTXc : Mexican dollars , Sight ilr.irts , pnr ; telegraphic , par. I.tiiulon Stock ( iHolntloii * . LONDON , Jan. 27 , 4 p. in. closing : Coimolx , nry..lU7 11-10 Mexican ordinary. 17M ConBolH , iico'l. . 07W St. I'auleoin . < 7'J'i Can. Pucllic. . fiOU N , Y. omral. . . . . . Itiu Krlu . Itl IVniiH.vlvanln . 04h Krlc Udn . . 74 Uendlne. . u .Mox. Ci-n , new 4s. . P8W 11AU SILVKU-30 11.1M per ounce. MONI3Y ' .4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short nnd three months' bill , HO15-1C per cent , riiiiiitclnl .Noten. 11OSTON , Jan. 27 Clearings , J10.732.M2 ; bal ances , (1,311,574. HALTIMonn , Jan. 27. Clearings , 7,233S5i ) ; balances , $1,331,738. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 27. Clearings , 17,23.1- 8M ; balances , H,331.7CS. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 27Clearlngs.,102.42.1 ; bal ances. 11,211,103. Money , CiJS percent ; New Yoik , 78a premium , We aslted. CIUCAOO. Jnn. 27.-Clearings , J14.r > SO,710. Money on call , lirm nt fi per cent ; on time. 7 per cent ; New York exchange. 75c ; for eign exchange , easy ; bankers ( I ndon ) sterling , tj l nnj I . CO . \VA81UNaTON , Jnn. 27.-The"Bublrcnsury nt Nrw link toilay received n ilcMlt | of Jl.OW.OOO In ffolil In cxclmnKc for currency nnd lost J13I.100 ly wltliilrnwnlB , which leaves the true nmouni of the Kold reserve } SORM,513. NU\V Y01UC. Jnn. 27-Tlie steamship Seneca , from Hiivniin , liroURht } 570,0 In Spanloh Rold CDln nnd $102,000 In Mexican silver dollaiH. The hitter amount Is In transit ( n Ixjndm nnd 1'aila. ClenrlnRB , tC7.20f.,2TC ; Imlnncea. J1.7S6.2S3. . .ouH Ciciicriil 3Inrkrt. ST. U5UIS , Jnn. 2J.J-FLOUIl-IIIBlicr. but quiet ; pntents. l3.Mff3.C5 : extra fancy , J3.50i3.n ? ; " > " : , JS.WJ 2.W ) ! choice. 2.5002i3 : AMILAI btitures opened Ftemly ilesplte stronger cablej nnd domestic mnikcts. became wcnk nnd decllnwl on free selling , nnd Inter rallied sllRhtly on hlRher cnbles. but closed lower than Saturday ; spot numlnal ; No. 2 red , rash. C7c ; No. 1 liarj , C2e ; January , 2c ; May , CJ'.iiUWKci July , 62Ho nskcd. COIIN Wns weak nt the openlnc for fulurc3 on declines elsewhere , remained In that con- llltllJV ? , thiouehout the day , but closed steady at ' .tWl'.io under Saturday ; spot lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 23c ; January , 2ic ; May , 26 * ; 02ST4C. OATS Futures weak and lower , In sympathy with other grains : < ? pot weaker : No. 2 red , ca > > h and January , 20ic ; Mny , 20c. 11YKHlp.icr at 5Cc > COIIN MEAIJ1.30Sfl.35. . HIIAN Scarce ; 45o bid for east track , but none offereil. FLAX HKED Steady nt k7c. TIMOTHY SKKD-J3.WS3.GO. I'OULTUY Firm : turkeys , SiffDlic ; chickens , TW'Hc : ducks. S'.jaac ; preese , GWSijc. DUTTEH Steady ; creamery , 15022c ; dairy. 10 013c. i , EGGS Lower nt 12Uc. HAY Steady for choice' grades ; prairie , 13.00 OD.30 ; timothy. J10.00C12.50. WHISKY J1.2J. j LEAD In demand , at $2.77V6 , which wns bid , uut sellers nsk } 2.bO. ; SPF.LTEK N. mlnnl nt J3.70. ' 1'wU la\\'er Btnmlnnl I'HOVISJIONS , \ ; mess , lobbiiiB , new , $11 ; j > ld. JJ10.M. l iid , lilKher ; iirlme steam , 13. CO ; cjjujcei } S.5. Uacon , boxed ' Phoulders , ja.ixj ; lonRs , it > ; nus.'A ; tnorti 50.23. Ury suit meats , Jioxed BhouUers , 14.73 longs , JS.C2 > 4 ! ribs , J5.C2H ; tlforts , J3.73. UECUIl'TB Flour , -,0W ) ( bbls. : wheat , 17,00 bu. : coin , 69,000 bu ; ; oals , JJS.OOO bu. SHH'MKNTS Flour. i.ViO bbls. ; wheat , 8M ) bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; c tSj 16,000 bu , , Liverpool .MnrUotN. LIVEIU'OOL , Jan. . 2T.-TWHEAT Rjwt , nrm demand , poor ; No. 2 red , winter , , Cs 8J ; No. red KprinB , KUxivS cxhnupted ; ' No. 1 hard. Man Hobn , Cs Sd ; Noi'i Cnllfornta , IK isUid. Future ! cpened tlrm , with * neap onfl distant position ! Id higher ; closed steady , .with and cll tim positions % d higher ; buslni't-s about equallj Ulstrlbutwl ; January , Cs 7',4d : February , 5s 79Jd March. 6s SVid ; April , 5s SVld ; May and June 5s 8id. . I COIIN Spot , quiet nt 3s ZJJtl. Futures openei steady , with near and distant positions " , ic higher ; cloMnl steady , with near and dlstanl positions IJd higher nnd distant positions > i higher ; bublness heaviest on early positions January , 3a 2'id ; February , 3a 2',4d ; Mnrch , 3s 2 = ld ; ApHI , 2s 3d ; May , 3s zajdj June , 3s I'/id. / I'id.FLOUH Firm ; demand fair ; St. Louis fnncj winter , 7s 3d. I'HOVISIONS Bacon. Uul ! ; demand , poor : Cum be ! land cut , 28 to 30 Its. , 31s Cd ; short ribs , 2' ' .Iba. , 29s ; long clear , light , 38 to 4j Ibs. , 2Sa long cleiur , heavy , 65 Ibs. , 27s Gd ; short cleai backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 27s Cd ; hhort clear middles heavy , 6S Ibs. , 27s ; clear bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs. 32a. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 27n Cd Ham..1 , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 42s. Tallow , lint North American , 21s. llecf , extra India mess 75s ; prime , ESs Ud. 1'oik , prime mess , line west cm , 53s ad ; wtatern , medium , 47H Cd. Lard firm ; prime western , 23s Cd ; refined , In palls SOs Cd. CHEESE Slrady ; demand , moderntc ; flmsl American , white , 4Cs ; finett American , cDlorcd , 46s. 46s.11UTTKH Finest United Slates , 93s ; gmd , COs. OILS Turpentine splrltH , 21s. Hosln , common it 9d. Cotton feed oil , Liverpool refined , 17s Cd , Llns ed oil , 21s. I'elroleum , refined , Id. UBFIUGEHATOK 11EI5F Forequarters , 3Hd ; hindquarters , 5\id. 13LEACIIINQ POWDER Hardwood , f. o. b. , Liverpool , 7. HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) , 12 5s. Coifi-c Slnrkct. NEAV YORK , Jan. 27. COFFEE Optlonn opened barely steady at' 10J2) points decline , rule.l K'nerally weak under weak European rablcH and foreign ami local selling and con tinued slack spot demand ; closotl steady at 20 f(20 points net decline ; sales , 31,2V ) bags , In cluding : January. H3.03 ; March , $12.63. Spot coffee. Rio. weak ; No. 7 , $13.73. Mll.l , dull ; Cordova. H7COJil6.00 : pales , 750 bags Hlo No. 7 , at $12.50. nnd 2,400 lings Marnealbo pold nnd ehlppcO. Warehouse deliveries from New York Saturday , 8,452 liags : New York Mock toilay 261,771 bags ; United States Block , 33S.92S bags ; aflnat for the United States , 198,000 bags ; total visible for the United States , 63 , ! i23 bags , against 610,164 bags la ft year , SANTOS , Jan. 27. Holiday ; receipts , C.OTO KISS ; stuck , S'JS.OOl bags , Weekly : Good nver- ngt < Santos , per 10 kilos , no quotntloi ; holi day , Receipts duilng the week , 28KW ( Imss ; shlpmenta to United States , 13,000 basa ; stock , 398,000 bags. HAMIIURG , Jnn. 27. Mnrket unchanged to > 4 pfg. decline : sales , 7.000 Imss. HAVRE , Jnn , 27 , Market clcscd quiet nt ' ,4 © lUf decline ; fnles. 19,000 bags. RIO 1 > E JAN1CIUO , Jan. 27. Market flat ; No. 7 , Rio , U3.70 : exchange , 9 7-J2d ; receipts , 4 , WO bags ; cleared for the United States , 4,000 bags : stock , 2 < 0 , < K > bags. Weekly : Market flat ; exchange - change standard , 13.300 rels : receipts during week , 48,0tn ) bng.i ; exchange , 9 7-52.1 ; f > lilimcnts | to Iho United BtatfB , 23,00i ) bags ; etock , 240,000 bags , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ToliMlo fi nil Ii Mnrkft. TOLEDO , Jan. 2f , WHEAT Active but lower ; Xn. 2 cntli and January , 71'4c ; May , 73c ; July , CSVic. CORN I < ewer but Wfrnly : No. 2 mixed , 23c ; No. S mixed. 2iV4e : MnjV 30c. OATS Active ; No- ! ! mixed , 20c ; No. 2 white- 21c ; May. 22 0. J RYE Dull ; No. 2 rapi , MVio. CIX > VHIt SKED Dull l > ut meady ; prlmo Janu ary. $4.45 : Fi-hrunrj4'1 * RECEIPTS FlourfMO Mils. ; wheat , 4.0 * ) liu. ; corn , 17,600 bu. ; oitin UOOO bu. ; clover ece > l , 31SllTpMENTS-FlnurrS-.a30 b'bls. ; wheat , 8,500 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu.j clover teed , 703 bags. KiuiMUM . KANSAS CITY , /HIT. * ' 27. WHKAT-Market dull and unchanged ; Nu , . ? hard. ( B'.itiMc : No. 3 hard , Me ; rejected , iHniftiilly 40O c : No. 2 red , nominally 74j75cj Nulfa ; < a'rins ' , li30C3'ic ; No. 3 , COIIN Market actlVf-Uc lower ; mixed , 23 Jp 24c ; No , 2 while. Z4c. ti OATS Maiket Him ; tliMand fair ; No. 2 mixed , 18c ; No , S whilenanlttolly ISVic. UYK Market dull CuS. nominally 33c. HAY Market slealj-.t. chanced. IIUTTKR Market Su * ! creamery , 17C15c ; dairy. ISttlSc. 'li Pjfi , 1'jqaB Market leti | > ffiOtaC. 1'corln" Jnirhcfu. PKOIIIA , Jan , ' 27-s-COItN-Actlve , stfady ; now No. Z , 26140 ! now'No. 3 , Kc. OATS Quiet , eabler-'No. 2 white , 19B1014ci NO. 3 while , ISVifllSSc- UYC Firm ! No. 2 , ehulcc , M'.jc. WHIHKY SUudy ; finished fc'oo U , on the basis of ll.ZS for high 'lne , UEC13IITS Corn , 8.850 bu . ; oats , 7C.2V ) bun. ; rye , COO bus. ; whisky , 300 guln. ; wheat , 6,400 but , . BHIPMlJNTS-Corn. 45,050 bu . ; oat * . 15.050 bun. ) rye , none ; whlfcky , Z25 gals. ; wheat , 4.200 bus. . VlHlUlc ( irulii 8iiipl > - . NI7\V YORK. Jan. 27. The visible supply of cmln Saturday , January 2J. nt compiled by the Now York Produce exchange , lu na follow * ! Wltfat , 07ra 000 bu , ! dc-ciease , 475.O ) bu , ; corn , U,40,000 bu.i Inci-fune. 2,7'C,000 bu. ; oata , 6,2'j3OiX ) liU , ; ilecrratir , 30J.OOO bu , ; n'e. 1.649,000 bu. ; de- inv < is > - , 6,000 bu , ; barley , S,13COXI bu. ; decreuse , 00.000 bu. MlnncniiolU Wlicnt Alurket. MINNBAPOLIH. Jan.J7 , WHEAT AVeak ; January , H'.ic : May , MHo ; July , Wc. On track ! No. 1 haul. Mttc ; No. 1 northern , 671ic ; No. J iiM-thern. 6614c ; receipts. 6J3 car * . FLOUR Unsettled ; flrst puttnts , t3.2QQ3.iO ; " " " " ' Ixikem , 12. ii ; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Very Light Receipts of Oattlo and Hogs Even for Monday , SCRAMBLE FOR THE MEAGER OFFERINGS Cnltlo Iluycrn Itunli I'rlccM Up In tlio Kftort Ii , Secure In Slight HORN tt < > ll > c Sumo \Vny. MONDAY , Jnn. 27 , Receipts for the elnys Indicated nrc : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. January 27 SCO C90 474 . . . . January 23 S4 2,411 232 . , , . Jnnunry 21 1,012 2,121 S39 . . . . January 2.1 1,173 3,928 SHtt . . . . January 22 2roo 5,487 t > 23 11 January 21 1,901 0,335 231 S5 January 20 l.sos 1,229 410 . . . . CATTLE There were hardly enough cat tle here to make n market , only twcnty- clght lontls being reported In the yards. U was the lightest run of entile of any day since the llrst of the year. Other mar kets \vero reported better and the position of the sellers was strong , with light receipts nnd good demand on their side. Thu market could be summed up In n very few words tlio buyers wanted cattle- nnd they went out nnd bought them without letting thu mnttcr of prlco stand In the wny. The result wns nn advance In values on all kinds of killing cnttlc , amounting , on nn average , to about lOc. As usual on such marketD , the advance was uneven , some cat tle tolling way up , while others were not RO fortunate. Some good liny-fed westerns brought $1.10 , but they Were good stuff. Some fnlrlsh native steers sold nt $3.03 nnd J3.S5. In the line of butchers' slock there we-ro some right good grain-fed western heifers that reached 53.50 , while ns high ns $3.30 was paid for cows. The market wns active nt the advance nnd everything changed hands In short order. The trade In stockers nnd feeders was of very little Importance for the Inck of cattle of that description. The few sold nt good strong prices. Representative sales : I1KKF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. Av. Pr. 8 cows 10SC ! 1 75 22 cows 10-0 } 2 CO 1 cow & & ) 1 75 1 cow S30 2 C5 2 cowa 875 2 10 1 cow 1110 2 C5 1 cow 10S > 2 10 5 HtnRS 42 2 75 1 CDW 940 2 ff. 12 feedeis. . . . S72 3 0. . ) 1 cow 1200 2 65 1 feeder 7SO 3 00 11 CDWH 1110 2 65 4 sirs tlg.HM 3 CO 2 COWB 1115 2 65 J. M , Dorsey & Son. il cows 1120 310 40 stecm..12C5 3 SO 0 stra IIK..125S 325 31 ulcers 12.11 410 W heifers 10CO 3 60 HOGS Only ten loads of hops , 59 } head , wcr on sale today , the lightest run of the year n for. The market took another Fhoot upward pilces advancing a big lOc above SnturCny' mark. Everything sold quickly nt the advanc mid the market closed almost as soon ns I cpened. The bulk of the licgs sold nt $4.10ff4.13 as against $4 on Saturday nnd $3.90Ifl.W 01 Monday of last week. Hogs nre now selllm higher than they were a year ago at tMs time Representative iralcs : . .No.'Av. . Bh. Pr.'No. . Av. , Sh. , n 121.SIS . ' . . $400 87 222 40.4 10 53 298 . . . 403 DO 283 80 4 10 47. . , 339 120 410 20 259 . . . 410 , . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10 67 279 200 4 121 ; 64 S09 SO 410 61 239 . . . 413 18 236 . . . 4 10 41 232 . . . 4 15 70 236 120 4 10 20 209 . . . 4 13 40 303 40 4 10 M 277 80 4 15 PIGS ODDS AND ENDS. 1 290 . . . 3d ) 4 372 . . . 405 4 233 . . . 390 3 260 . . . 403 9 174 . . . 393 6 232 . . . 405 6 414 . . . 400 4 245 . . . 410 0. . , 265 . . . 400 4 323 . . . 410 SHEEP The market wns slow nnd dull. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. ItnycrH ot Cuttle Were Forced tc Stniul nit . \ < 1 v ncc. CHICAGO , Jan. 27. In cattle offerings were BC light and there were so many orders on tin market that buyers were compelled to stand < i ralso of atout from lOc to 15c on desirable dressed liccf , shipping and extra beef. Common to cxtrn steers were salable at from $3.30 to $4.90 , Iwth sales largely at from $3.80 to $4 50 , choice gnidet being very scarce. Ilutchers' nnd cnnnrs' cat tle were In fair supply nnd In good demand , prices ruling stronger. Cow nnd heifer sales were hugely nt from $2.10 to $3.23 , and choice calves weio firm at the recent ndvnnce. The stocks and feeder trade was fair at stronger prices , with pales largely nt from $3.40 to $3.80. Texas entile were In good demand and prices averaged a llttlo better. In hogs sales were lively at further advances of from lOo to 15c , buyerj competing eagerly for the test droves. There were not nearly enough to meet the wants of Chicago puckers nnd eastern shippers. The Phoitage Is appar ently BO jrreat that furlhtr good advances are generally looked for , though after such a rapid upwaid movement In prices tt temporary reac tion would not be surprising. Sales ranged at from $4.15 to $4.45 , with the bulk nl the trad ing at from $4.30 to $4.40. The current lecelpts ara smaller In weight than u few weeks ago. In , sheep there was n brisk demand. Prices wera lOc higher , ns a rule , nn < l the supply wns mostly taken early In the day nt from $2.50 to S3.80 for native sheep , from $3.30 to $3.75 for westerns , $3.70 lo $4.03 for yearlings and at from $3.60 to $4.23 for lambs. Nutlvts sold chlelly at from $3 to $3.C3 , and lambs at fiom $4 to $4.C5. _ Now York Live Slock Mnrket. NEW YORK , Jan. 27. ItRHVKS Itecclpl * , 4,644 enhd ; fair to choice steers , * 5010c higher ; common and nml I urn steers , ptendy ; bulls , oxivi and cows , unchanged. European cables quote American steers at 9RIOc , dreased weight ; re frigerator bc f nt 7fl8'Xic. SHEEP AND LAM I IS Receipts , 6,619 head ; cheep , 238350 higher : lambs. 23c hlglKT. Sheep , common to prime , $3.602.75 | ; choice , $4 ; extra heavy wrthcra , $4.60 ; lumtx , medium to prime , t4.C9Kt.7f > ; deck of Ohio , prime to medium , $5.65 ; culls , $3.25. HOGS Receipts , 1,080 lund ; market , higher nt $4.33G4.fO. _ Klin MII H City Live Ktock. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 27. CATTLE-Hecolpts , 3,400 henil ; shipments , 2,100 head ; market steady to strong ; Texas steers , $2.45fT3.CO ; Texas cows , 11.9003.1,5 ; beef Btcfis , $3.0004.23 ; native cows , $1.60 < rr3 23 ; stockers anil feeders , $2.75f3.60 ; bulls , 11O < 3S Receipts. 8,000 head : shipments , none : mniket 64T10a higher : active ; bulk of eaUn , $4.05 (74.15 : heavies , $3.9504.20 : packers , $4.0034.23 : mixed , $3.9 ! fl. ) ; light , $3.90a > l.25 ; Yorkers , $4,03 4.25 ; plgg , $3.SOH4 10. HHEEP-Rccelple. 3,900 head ; shipments , 1.000 head ; market steady , unchanged ; hunts. $3.90fi > 4.33 ; muttons , $2.49 3.63. St , I.oulH Live Ktl ( < ! . - . ST. LOUIS. Jan. 27 , CATTLE-Rocelpts , 3,000 head ; market 10 15c bcttir , within the range ; native beeves , $3.25j4.76 ; cows nnd heifers , $2 00 { J3.W ; Texas steers , $2.M f4.10 , grass and fed ; cown , $1 , 9083.10. HOGS Receipts , 4,030 head ; market 10IJ15C SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; market firm nnd l > etti-r ; native muttons , $ < ! .783.W ; southern , $2.40 03.23 ; lambs , $3.2304,50. 8 took in Record of receipts at tlm four principal mar kets for Monday , January 27 : „ . . _ , Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 566 690 474 Chicago . , . . . , IOQO 23,004 10,0V ) Kansas City . , . ; 3,400 8.CO ) s 900 St. Louts . 3,00 } 4,000 1,000 Totals . . . . . 10,268 35,59) 15,374 Nil mi Miu-kcf , NEW YORK. Jnn. 27. KUOAR-Rnw , steady ; fair refining. 3Hc ; centrifugal , 1C tent , 3Tc ; tuicti , 4.10) lmt'8 East Indian Mutrcovado , f > 9 test , at Sc ; ex ship. Rfflned , quiet. LONDON. Jan. 27.-SU AIt Tanc , llrm nnd toady ; centrifugal Java , 13 * Cd ; Muvcovado , fair refining , Us 3d , licet sugar opened quiet and closed llrm ; January , 11s Cd ; Febiunry , lls CJ. Liverpool Triiilu Hulli'tlii , CHICAGO , Jan. 27. A epeclal cable from Liverpool today , to the Chicago Tnido llul- letln , tuya ; Navigation at OdrtH.'i definitely clocrd. The tdlght rain * In the 1'unjauU teen : ea < ed ; crop * withering. World's fchlpimmt * of wheat. G,6'fJ.O ' bu. Speculation feeble. Con lumptlvo demand lajge , Mocks Wool MurUc-t. LONDON , Jon. 27. Offering * at the wool nuc- lon Hales today contained * ome good merinos , jut the American demand wa * tomiwlmt Black , ih lr purcmunii only amounting lo 700 bule * . Germany biught freely , and especially uper icourcd , lied Caps ut Good Hopa and Natal wools. Frnnc * was more ncllvp. tnklnR medium merino * and n fnr tcourcd for HuMla. I nmti * wrro nenrco nnd wnntrd with pilrt-s bid up Ud. The number of bnles offcied wcro 15.l'f7i withdrawn , SW bnto. rollawlnit nre the Mien In rtclnll ! New South Wnl.'H , 943 bnlt-s : ncourrd. SAftla IH > 1 ; grtnty , TMVM. ( Jueeii'Iniul. 4.4.12 Ixvlcsj fourd , liidiUl * 7rt : KrM y , t'tWIld. vic toria , 1,813 Inles ; tcoured , lldffls Midi Kreny , 6 ( Hfl M. Snnli Illver , UIC Imlen : Knuted , Is Id ; greasy , 6 > ir7Hd , Tnmnnnln , 183 bnlox ; scoured , ! 4d ; Rrensy. t < ? SH.I. New V.nilnnd , 3.7SS bales ) scoured , Mfflu l > Sd ; grcnsy. CJdld. Capo of Good Hope nnd Nalnl , 1.193 bales ; scoured , S'.idyis 3d ; grenty , 3 < i17id. Cot tun MnrUct , NEW 011LRANR , Jan. ST.-COTTOX-Qulct ; middling , 8c ; low mlddllncr , 7'ic ; gooil anllnnry , 7 7-16e ; net recclptd , 8,503 bales ; Rm > . , S.M7 bales ; exports to dront llrllnln , S.SrtO Inles ! France , 4,181 bales ; to tha continent , 1.S57 bales ; evmMwljc , 119 l les ; sales , 1,530 bales : stocK , 373,726 bales. NEW YORK , Jnn. 27-COTTON-Qulcl ; mid- dllng , SUc ; net reeelptn , 500 hales : gross , 2,503 bnles : e-xiwrta to Great lltllnln. 6.SS6 bales ! to France , 1,223 bales ; forwarded , 112 bnlp.-t ; sales , 237 bales ; spinners , 137 bales ; stock , nctunl , 1S3.- 72S bnlen. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. :7.-COTTON-Stondy ; mld- dtlnjf , 7 15-16c : Knlrn. 210 bales ; receipts. 1.S23 bnles : Rhlpments , 2,191 bales ; stock , 75,2,1 bales. 'I'rlnoo AVItcnt ( luntiitloiin. SAN FRANCISCO , Jnn. M.-WHHAT-Knuy ! December. $1,16 ; Mny , $ l.lS i. denied , 127.0W centals , whent , lliillprMnrkct , ELGIN , III. . Jnn. 27.-lUTTER-.Actlvo ! ; offerIngs - Ings , 40,620 Ibs. ; pnles , 25,020 Ibs. nt 20c. IT I'l.KASKS GKNnUAIi .MAMIKIISON. I'liin ( o Cliiinuc Iiifiintry Foi-iiintlon n I < 'iivorll < * Iilen with Him. Thcro 1ms been recently Introduced Into congress a measure provUlIni ; for n chance In the present organization of Infantry rtRl- tncnts , ana. the iiropotxxl cliaugo la the sub ject for discussion among military men everywhere. If the measure Is adopted the present division of n regiment Into ten com panies drawn tip Into n single battalion would bo abandoned and the organization of the regiments so changed ns to provide for twelve companies divided Into three bat talions of four companies each. General Mandcrson Is enthusiastic over the proposed change. In fact , ho Introduced a resolution with this end In view no loss than three tline.-i while ho was n member of the United States senate. Each time the measure passed the senate , but It lacked the support of a sufficient number ot repre sentatives to become n law. Ucforo the Forty-eighth congress General Manderson made an extended argument In favor of the change , nnd that speech Is receiving con siderable attention now that the matter has been brought up again. "This single battalion orginlratlon Is a most suicidal one , " said the ex-senator to a Bee reporter recently. "It was all right when the old-fashioned muzzle loader was uosrt to have the ranks of Infantry as solid as possible. The guns employed then , as In the civil war , could not carry more than 300 yards with nny degrea of accuracy , but today the use of a gun that will carry surely two miles makes absolutely neces sary the employment of a three battalion organization. Ily this method the regiment going Into battle would present a front of two battalions , with open ranks , while the third battalion could be held back of the other two to be uwd where the nesd for it should prove greatest. With the long range ? uns now In us3 the men , drawn up In one long line , as In the single battalion now the : ustom , would stand no chance at all. Ths 'act that the United States , Persia and China ire the- only nations today that employ the single battalion principle of Infantry or- ; ar.izatlon Is sufficient to dcmnnd a change .0 suit the modern arms now In general ise. With China and Persia \vo art In nice iompany , aren't we ? The efllclency of the ) recch loader Is many times that of the ild time muzzle loading gun , and the ef- Iclcncy of a regiment of Infantry In battle oday would probably bo te-n times that of i regiment In 'Cl. It Is necessary that we change our formation for battle to suit thli Increased cdlclency , and I'm glad that then is a renewed effort to Introduce the threi battalion arrangement. " HAILUUADS AMI THU I'l'IlLIC N of Mr. IlnHuwntor Hcforc tin AVoiiiiui'H CIiili. Edward Ilosewatcr spoke yesterday after noon before the social and political sclenc : department of the Omaha Woman's club 01 the subject , "Railroads and Their Uclatlor to the Public. " This Is not one of the largi departments of the club , but on this occa. slon the number of visitors made It ad visable to seek the auditorium upstairs. * Mr. Uosewater spoke for over an hour , Sketching briefly the history of great Inter national roadways of the ancient world , he dwelt at length upon the great revolution In the way of transportation which the last seventy years has witnessed. He said It was a great mistake to allow any Individual or corporation to. control the destinies ol people as Is the case when they hold In their power tha whole result of the people's Industry. Congress has the right to com pel fair toll and square dealing with all , because "no railroad can bo terminal In any state- , " but forms a part of a great in ternational highway. Eventually It will be best for congress to purchase and control the railroads , but this Is not now expedient. It would have been wlso for the government to assume this' control during the civil war. The buildings of railroads has been a matter of speculation and there arc probably GO.OOO miles more- than are neede : ! In the United States. It is paying the Interest on rail- read debts that Is causing most of the pres ent financial depression. Mr. Ilosewatcr spoke at length upon the greatest evil arising from theo great cor porations. In order to protect themselves they nnd it necessary to ramify the whole country with the-lr agents. Every legislature swatms with their lobbyists , until now they control so much representation that no law which is the wish of the majority can be passed. Mr. Ilosowater's remarks were frequently Interrupted by expressions of approbation and as ho closed ho was grested by hearty applause. Two weeks from today the department will hear an exposition of the question from a prominent railroad official. AMUSEMENTS. cceccccccceocooccoeccccecca Seats for the "Wang" souvenir doll mat inee this afternoon at tlm Hoyd are falling rapidly , Indicating a crowded houre , The part that lo taken in the performance of "Wang" by the chlldrjn will bs partlculary Interc-Dting to the little people wio attend. This season's production of "Wang" Is fully equal to that of any previous teaion Investiture vostituro , and the parts are all Mtlrfactorlly takon. The proprietors of Ihla moit ex cellent attraction have decided that after this eeacon the opera ehall bo withdrawn In definitely , and those wishing to 03 It should by all means Imporvo the last opportunity. Every lady and child purchasing a reserved uat ticket for the first floor for the mallneu will receive a fancy doll as a souvenir. Tlio engagement clews tonight. Following "Gloriana" at the Uody comes Henry E , Dlxey la ths bright comedy , "The Lottery of Love , " the first three nlyhls of next week , and thwi James O'Neill In "Monto Crlsto" the last two. Theater goers will enjoy a rare treat when May Irwln prccntt > "Tho Widow Jones" at the Crslghton for the four nights , commenc ing with a mntlneo Sunday , February , The remarkably funny farce comedy U re garded aa one of the record breakers of the seacon. MUa Irwln brings with 1r 1 what lu undoubtedly tbo u'.rongest supporting com pany of farcical comedy yet rosn lore. It Includes ) such favorites as John U , Itlco , facquea Krueer Jojeph M. Spares , Oeorg W , llarnum , Klctmrd J. Jonoa , Holund Carter , Mn Lewis , Anne Sutherland , Sally Cohen , Kathleen Warren , Lillian Heckler , AgncH Milton , Mabel Power and Margery Teal. The company carries Ho own complete iqulpmcnt of scenery and accessories At the Hoyd "Qlorl-ina" commences a three lights' engagement on ThureJay ovtnlng , vlth matlnco Saturday. An excellent com- > any , headed by Ada Van Etta , will present he farce , and It l promlnu.1 that the well emembcred roles the widow , the count , iplnki , Kitty and Fritz Jorclyn , will bo tctod In an artUtlo manner , and all the loliita In tlio piece ou cleverly brought uut is ever before. Mlt'3 Van Etta wag a few earn ago a society leader of Buffalo , but cmonutnitlng tier ability an an actress on everal occasions in private theatricals1 , ioducementi went ottered her to ndopt the ttago ns n profo.vlon , which i'h < i finally accepted , and the tucccits that hixi Attended her fver t > lnco demonstrates thi wisdom of her choice. Mlsa Van Ktta In in beautiful fls she t talcntc.l , and during hc ( engagement at lloyd'a will wear nonio very showy gowns In tlio character ot the dashing widow. One Mlnuto Cough Cure u harmless , pro- dccca Immediate results. "I'se ' In Town , Honey I" t. Pancake Flour The kind that satisfies. The most nppe tiztng , satisfying , strengthening food for winter weather is n batch of pancakes made of Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour. Wheat , Corn nnd Rice , tha three staffs of life arc its Ingredients. Get it at your grocer's. Bsware of imitations. Sold only in red packages. / HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. nuyap.icknaooHicnuIno A mil Jemima's Pplf. ' Hlslim Pancuko I'lour. nml I f you iHi not line ! It nmkos I ho best cakps vouovor ntc , return thtt empty box lo your cnx-cr. leave your nnrao.nnd tha grocer will rotund the money ami clmrcoHtoui Bclcutlllcnlly 1'icparol and Manufactured only by R , T , DAVIS MILL GO , , St , Joseph , Mo. Pcnd i < o In stamps for Ufo History of Amit Jemima nnd a sol of linr I'lohnnlmiv dolls. ( Sly mama us d Wool Soap ) (1 ( wish mme tuut WO OLENS will not shrink If WOOL SOAP _ . „ , . . Is used In tlielnundr . K2P , r2ap.s delicate nml rafruihliiK tor bath pvr- 1 , ' nay " - - ' . 'h-bestcj-'iu'cr. lluua bur at war dealers. lawqrth , ScuodJe & Co. , Movers , CUlcajrj , ' 1 at" Iosl1- ! Ifsutrcrlnufrom Iiooil , Nt-rvoiiB of J xt-ciifiCH or Youthful ICrrorsonclosoUcta In otamps for rdstiiKo and packing and uo\vlllsciiljou : { specially prepared losuityourliidmdualcaso and our llttlo book entitled ' .Health brings Jlnp- tplnosH. " Alt cnrrusponilciico confidential. \ wrlto lo day. Address. \Vo etnd the tnnrvclnns French Ilcmetly CALTHOB f ivc , nnd ft legal fiimriuitootlmt ( JALTUOS .vIP BTOI" I > l Hnrro .t I'-mL-lon. , CUK" . Kn'rmitf > rrliea.Vnrlcoe Ie and UlIKTOlll : Ixj.t Vlcor. Use ii cnJ fiav ijfialfiJSfJ. Addrr.i.VOrJ MOHL CO. . Bole Alan-lean jtcnU , ClaclnB&U , Cblo. Ily iiiirclniNliiR Rooiln imiile nt tlic fol. lotviiiK XctiniHkii fnctorlt'H. If you ciiniiut tlml what you ivant coniiiitnil- ontc tvltli tac manufacturer * UN to what < lfiilorn Iiuuillc their Ko HAGS. IIDRLAI1 A.MJ TWINK. UEMIS OMAHA HAG CO. Minufacturers of all kinds of cation und bur- Ian baps , cottun Hour tacks und twine a spec ialty. 014-616-G18 S. llth St. llUHWlillliaa. OMAHA HUlvwTNG VSS * ! Car load shipments made In our own refrig erator cars. Iilue Ribbon. Elite Export , Vienna Export , and Family Export , delivered to all parti of city. COFIgBE , SPICKS , IIAKING I'OWUUIt. CONSOLIDATED COFFElFcO" Cgffee Roasters , Splco Orlnders , Manufacturers Oefman IlaUlnir Powder anil Oernian Dry Hop Yeast , 1414 and 141C Harncy St. , Omaha , Neb , Kl.Otm. S. F. OILMAN. Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. n. Black. Manager , Omaha. IHO.V AVOHKS. DAVIS & COWGILL IRON WORKS Mnmifaclurets and Jobbers of Machinery , nenern ! repairing a specialty , 1501 , 1503 and I'M Jackson utieet , Onm'.ia , Nc-b , INDUSTRIALR IRON WOKS Manufacturing end Repahlne of all kinds ct machinery , engines , pumps , tlevulors , printing presreg , hangers , nhaftliin and couplings 1409 nnd 1408 Howard Bt. , Omaha , IMXTON& VIKRLING IRON W'RKS Manufacturer ! of Aichllcctuial Iron Woik. General Foundry , Machine anil lllaclcsmltli Work , engineers and Conliuciori for Fire Proof Umidlnys. Olllce nnd works : U , I' , Ry , unJ 3o. mil street , Omaha. " NiailT WATCH , nilB SISJIiyiOi3. "AMKRICAN DISTRICT TELE. GltAlMI. I'ho only pel feet prolccllon to property , Examln * It , llcst thine on earth , Reduces ln > uianc rales. 1304 DouBlaa Bt SHIRT FACTUUIHS. J , II.EVANS-NEHRASKA SHIRT COMPANY. ICicluilve cmtorn chlrt tallc.515 Farnam. Our Free Letter Iteviewlne UK grain and Hock markets , will b icnt you dally on reque t. In Hit hop of deserv ne part of your butlneis. Orders solicited fo a h cr on tlirte to five point margins. J , R. WILLARD & CO Meubers Chicago llourd of Tiaac , K w York 'iftOuce Exchunge , N w Vork Ccns. Ittock Ux > hange. 17 HomU Trad * , CMi'Mto. 44 Uroadway. FAMES E. BOYD & co. Telephone 1 < ) ; ) ! ) , Oiiialin , Neb. COMIVIISSION 1RAIN , ; PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS l-jom 1J1V4 Hoard of Trade. Direct truftt to Chlcaco anil New York. ( Tfii < TMJtnlii John A. Warrtn A Co. IRIPPLE CHEEK COLD STOCKS nought nnd sold on commission. Mechcat nvestmeot Co. , Colorado Bprliif k Col _ ,