Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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"Wheat Was Bullish and a Fraction Lowe
Yesterday ,
Ont * Were Knlrly Aoll'e nml llunl
IICNH Hcnvj-i < ! ' 31 nrkrl l-'lnc-
tnntltiK Tvlth Wliont nnil
CHICAGO , Jnn. 21.-Whcnt wns bullls
nnd from % o to ' ,4c lower thnn yesterday'
price nftcr nn early bulge to C2o for Mn ;
Corn nnd oat had n somewhat similar CJ
pcrlcncc , each of them closing- modernl
declines for the day. Realizing Bales b
holders of provisions wcro too much for tli
fresh buying orders which cnmo In , nnd I
consequence , pork , lard nnd ribs nlso suf
fcrcd In price to a moderate extent.
Wheat wns somewhat weaker early I
th session , mainly on some generous sellln
by ft few of the big holders * , nnd nt one tlm
wnH Uo below the close last night ! but th
weakness was only temporary nnd tber
wns n quick reaction of nearly * ic , but thl
In turn wns nil lost before noon. The carl
nown wns In the main bullish ; cables cnm
higher , the light world's shipments rcportc
yesterday wcro olllclnlly confirmed nnd th
country deliveries wcro ngnln moderate
while the clearances 'nugreRntod about 450
000 bu. In wheat nnd Hour. The tclegnu
received yesterday announcing a plulnkng
of 0,000,000 bu. In the Indian wheat ncrcng
wns ale exerting n decidedly bullish Inllu
once. The market wns nl o helped by th
Increasing strength for provisions , nnd tber
WUH active covering by shorts and good tn
vestment buying. Pnrilrlduo wns a heavy
buyer much of the time , but the ndvanc
drove him out of the market for a spapon
Oh the bulge there was enough realizing
nnd short selling to force prices n trill
below early figures. May sold early n
Clc , weakened to Cl c , then up lo fron
C2c to 'i-.dc ' , split , back to OU.ic , nnil at nooi
was about 61e. The market weakened ( lin
ing the lust hour by llrmlstrccl'H reporl
which thawed a decrease In the world'
Btotk of only 1,937,000 bu. , where over 3,000,000
bu. had been looked for. The selling wn
on n : Iarge scale , and May went to 6IHc
llnnlly closing nt from GIVic to GIVic bid.
Corn ehowed a llttlo weakness early nm
Raid at one time ' , io. below last night's close
but reacted In sympathy with wheat urn
IirovlsMons nnd went up l&c , but by noon
had weakened nnd wns the same as It closet
yesterday. May opened ' , lc lower nt 29Mc
ami on the bulga In wheat sold up to 29c
There was decided weakness during the
closing hour nnd May closed at from 2D',4e
to 9'/ic , a loss of from He toc from yes
terday. The selling was very free.
Oats wore fairly active and business quite
heavy , the market following the fluctu
atlons of wheat nnd corn. May started n
20fc , pold nt 201/fcc , grew more quiet , sold of
to 2ft'/4c and closed at from 20to ! to 20'4c
sellers , showing a drop of from > 4c to Vic
since yesterday. .
Another small rurrof hogs started the pro
vision pit on the boll again , but nn Incllna
tlon to realize wns soon manifested , for
after selling as high as $10.93 , May pork dc
cllnwl to J10.CO and closed ISo lower nt
$10.2'/4. ( ! There was extensive realizing o
local lines of long products. JMny lard de
clined from f6.12ii near the opening to J-3 am
rested at that , a IOFS of 2c. ! May ribs soli
t us high as $3.45 , and from that down to J5.30
and closed from 2V c to Gc lower nt fu.35.
Estimates for Wednesday : Wheat , M rnrs
corn , 3SO cars ; oats , 210 cars ; hogs. 30,001
Tin. lending futures ranged ns follows :
Cash quotations were ng follows :
PLQUIl Firm ; winter patents ,
straights , $3.HKf3.r. , ; spring patents. $3.10i3.23J }
Bp"F.t"ll5t1t ' . 2.W 2.7S ; .bakerB. $2.1082.33.
WHBAT No. 2 sprintf , CSKB'Mttc ; No. 3 spring.
JiffiMUc ; No , . 2 red , C3V40 34c.
COUN No. 2. yYtc.
OATS No. 2. ISVic ; No. 2 white , M'lG20lc ; No.
3 white , lOGWUc.
HYB-No. 2 , 38c.
IIAIILBY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o , b. , 24
OCCc ; No. ' 4. f. o. b. , ZMiMc.
FLAX SUED No. 1. Ol'l.c. '
TIMOTHY SEKD 1'rlme. J3.C3.
1'IIOVISIONS Mess pork , per Mil. . J10.27'/fl >
10.3714. Lnnl , per 100 Ibs. , J5.721iK5.7S ; sliort
ribs , elilea ( loose ) , J5.05M5.10 ; dry Killed thoulilera
( boxed ) , 4 ; 65cj short clear sides ( boxed ) , 5HQ >
WHISKY Distillers' finished needs , per eal. ,
8UOAHS Oil loaf , J5.75 ; granulated. J5.12 ;
standard "A , " J5.
I'DULTllY Klrm ; turkcya , Offi2c ; chickens , 70
SHe ; ducks , 11W12C.
Thn followlnc were the receipts and shipments
today ;
On the rrj.iii3j cxoiano ! toliv the bitttor mar
ket was Btcady : croniuoiy. 14QlUc : il.-ilry. loa
3Be. Kegsutc.-idy ; frcBh , ISHUlUc. Cheesequiet ;
. _ „ CliiutntloiiH 011 the 1'rliu-liml
ConiiiioillllfH nml StuiilcH.
NEW YORK , Jnn. 21.-FLOUR-necelpts. 52,900
libls. ; exiurts , 25,70) bbl , ; more active and gen
erally steady , with winter wheat brands held
firmly ; exporters realized bldn , but did no bus
iness ; city mill patents , $4.1004.35 ; winter
patents , $3.C5f3.73 ; spring , low erndcs , $1.85ff2.DO ;
winter straights , $3.40 f3.SO ; winter extras , $2.C50
3.00 ; winter , low grades , $2.20ff2.CO. Ilye flour ,
quiet ; superfine , $2.2502.75. Iluckwheut Hour.
$1.20 1.30.
HUCKWIIEAT-Dull , 3814O42C.
COHN MEAL Dull ; yellow western , choice.
70c ; llrandywlne , $2.35.
HYE Inactive ! western , 42QI5c.
IIAHLEV Dull ; western , 3S&l5c ; feeding ,
lIAlll.HV MALT Western , 4Sf5tc.
WHEAT Exiiorls , S82.COO tin. B | t firm ; No.
1 red , 7114c ; No. 1 hard , 724c. ! Opilnns opened
easier under foreign selling und scalping xnlcH.
rallied on clearances , good outsldo bidding und
covering , but wns weakened Liter by cabliu nnit
Kcnernl lliiuldntlon , cloning In- , ivy nt ' , iU"iu nvt
loss ; No. 8 nil , January , C3iif70e. closed Wic :
May , a'iidUc , clos < d CSHc.
COHN Hetelpls , 35.100 bu. ; exportH , 05.200 bu.
Spot steady ; No. 2 , SOe , Oitl | < ms opened easier ,
Mill led with provisions , but declined In thu nft-
ciiUMin under lang sales nnd closed ' .Wa lower ;
January , SCOMlic , closed 3Cc ; Mny , 35te35'ttc. !
ClOSill 35KC
OATS Receipts. CS , < 00 bu. ; exporta , 400 bu.
Bpot quiet ; No. 2 , 2lliT2IHr. Options nulet but
steady ; closed unclinngtil ; January closed ut
41dc ; Mny closed nt 24\c.
HAY Dull ; whipping. JS.0008.W ; go.J to
choice. J.CO ! ) 10.00.
HOI'S Weak ; slnlo , comm < in to choice , 169)
crop. 214G414oi 1595 ciop. 489c ; coast , 1S54 crop ,
2l4 Wc : 1M5 crop , 4B c.
HIDES Dull ; wet Milted , 20 to 5 His. , He ;
Duenbs Ayri-s , dry , 20 Ibs. , ] Co ; Texas , dry. 24
to 30 Ibs. , Oo ; California , 21 lo 23 His. , He.
LHATlItill Dull ; hemlock sole. Iliienos Ayrcs ,
light to heavy weights , 21c ; acids , 21 < i'J3c.
\VOOL-Sleudy ; domestic fleece , iet/22c : pulled ,
1'ROVIHIONS Hecf. stendy ; family , JIO.OO ®
12.UO ; beef hams , JlS.OOii 10.00 ; packed , J'j.oXj )
10.UO , t.ut nidits , llrm ; plekle < l Imms , jS.W'ii )
9.00. Ijird , firm ; western si am closed at J8
nslutl ; Junuary , J6 nominal. 1'ork , hlglier ;
mess. J10.76iill.10 : tliort clear , Jll.WWliW :
family , J11.10.
TAM.OW Steady ; city. 3 c ; country , 4c.
CIlKKHIltecelptH , 1.371 pkgs. ; quiet ; state.
largo , 7 10o ; mnull , 7 C10Ho ; part nklms , 3 G >
Cc ; full skims. :03c.
1'KTUOI.liUM-Wiak ; united cloiwil at J1.40
bid ; rttlned , J7.C5 ; I'hlladelphla nnd Ilalllmore ,
J7.CO ; rilUdelphla : and llultlmoru In bulk , J5.10.
IIUTTHRHecelpts. . H.OO ) pkgs. ; market
meady ; creamery , 14021ci Elglns , : u\
KOOS Hecelpts , 4Hii ) iikKs. ; market siendy ;
etato nnd IVmisylvanlu , HUUc ; western , 17'iu '
ISo ; southern. ICUGUMc.
HOH1N Slrulned. common tu good , J1.COO1.C3.
TUHI'KNTINE-QulH ; 52 ! 2ie. !
HICK Sleudy : domestic , fair to extra. 314c.
MO ASSKS Firm ; New Orleans , cpen kettle ,
coixl to choice , . i(37c. I'lg Iron , weak ; couthcrn. lll.TWf
12.75 ; northern , JliWtflJ.W. Cupper , dull ;
brokers' ( Srlcu , J9.t7Hi exchange price. J9,76 < ;
P.S5. Lrad , steady ; brokem' pi lee , J2.IO ! ; ex-
chance I'rice ' , J5.u003.03. Tin. tteady ; slralls ,
J1J.06W1J.10 ; plates , mmket dull. Spelter , dull.
COTTONSEED OHI'lrm , owing t- > the lute
advanca In lard oil ) prime crude. 2t/tlic ; off
Eludes , KVSSc ; butler grndes. gilfaiOc.
llry UoiiiU Jlurkot.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 21. With the market full of
buyer * there waa a much Increased demand fur
all uYscrl | > ( | fjis of cotton goods , dress fabrics ,
ribbons ; t-to. , nnd considerable buslnrra rekulleil ,
Voolen couds were slow , although many buyers
Me in the nuirki-t , Tui > feature of the market
WM thi ictlua ol th * II. B. ClaJllD company
- . . ' "is J 1iMnif i/rlce of IjhnsdnlP , fniltt anil
Mnx itivllle "f ! Incli Mrnihnl rnltbn " 'JO nt-t.
1'r.ntlng tlntlm vrry dull , Ih fntt liblhlng JolnK.
AII.I the < iiii > iiitl n8 unchanged but nonunnl at 3e.
MANCIIESTER. Jnn -CIoili quiet , with
Kltlo Oolng ) ynrris Htm but n 't ' nclhe.
O .MA 11A ( 'r.Mit.Vl , .MAUKUT.
Cnnitlllnn iif Trmlc nnil llnntnllotm
nu Sfnjilc nml I.'IMICX 1'riiitticci
EOnS-Slilotly frcfh st. > clf , Hv' .
IllTTTEn-rnlf- e < > "d dock' , rolls , lie ; rackIng -
Ing stock , tub * . 9f/19o ; choice 10 fancy country ,
VRAb Cholc * fat , 70 lo 1M lb . , me nuoted nt
large nnd coarfe , .
Clliipli : Domestic brick , ll'.ic ; IMam , per
rtoz. , J9.M ; Club House. 1-lh. Jars , | "r iliz. . JJ.50 ;
l.lmbcrgfr , fancy , per Hi. , HHo ! IlnquffMt , ' 4b. !
Jnts , per iloz. : J3.COJ Young Ameilcm. lllic !
Twins , fnncy , lie.
l'01'LTItY-Dfw..fd-rhlrkcns. 6Wn7liei ducks ,
eliolce. DOIOc ; turkeys , choice , 10ffI2c ; Kecse ,
Sc.HAY Upland , JS.M ; mldlnnd , J3 ; lowland.
Jt.M ; rje rtraw , M ; color makes the price on
liny : llRht bales tell the best. Only top grades
bring trip prices.
HHOOM COItN-nxtrcmely slow sale ; new
crop , dflliereil ijn track In country , choice green
nelf-wnrklnc cnipct , p r lb. , 21lc ; choice green ,
running to hurl , 2'i' ' ' ! common , 1'ic.
OAMK Jack snipe. 75cfIJ1.00 : Koldfn plover ,
JI.2T ; J.irk rnlililt. . , per dor. . . JI.WWI.73 : fmnll
rabbits. Jl.ooj mnllnnl ducks , J.lS1fr3.7f. ! re.1.
hrndii , J3.751/4.00 : rnnvnsbnck ducks. J5.OOiI5.00 ;
t il , blue wlnir , ! 2.0)g2.2.'i ) ; leal , green wlni ? ,
J1.75O2.00 ; mlxM ducks , J1.73 < 72.23 ; Canada Reitie ,
Jl.onn7.M ( : small Ktif < : Jl. 6005.00 ; brants , J3.60 ;
fqillrrels. per doz. , MJlT5c.
PIOKONS Live , very slow ; dead pigeons not
. CAUMFI.OW13U I'er crate , J2.75SJ3.00 , or Jl.CO
01.75 per ilnz.
CAltltAOE-Cntlfortila stock , per lb. , 2c.
l'OTATOES3Fnncy rmtl\e stuck , 30c ; from
store In sm-ill lots , 3on33c ; Colorado stock , TiOo.
O.VIONB l' r bu. , 23 fttV- .
11KANS Hnnd picked niivy. per tu. , Jl.M.
KWKET POTATOUS-Cholce stock , J2.75 ptr
bbl.CEI.EnYrnllfornlfl. . per doz. , No. 1 , Me ; No
2 , "Cc ; Knlnmnz.i.1 , r.V.
LIMA linANfl t > r lh. . Sc.
WATER CRESS-Per lqt. . cnse. JI.6001.7S.
AI'IM.ES-Fntioy New York. J3.23 3.60 ; cholc
western , t2.W < n. ' " ) ; Utah npplCK , per box , Jl.OO.
CUANIIKHRIES-Jerscy. JS.75 ; Cnpc Cod. J10
McFnrlln's , J10. '
MAI.AOA ( IRAPES-I'cr fO-lb bbl. . J5.60ffC.00
per 03 to 70-lbs. . gnus , J7.i iT7.50.
RIvcrsMe. Cnl. , Is fli > uJlng the markets of th
country with fiusled ninnges. Thu fiult Is o
r.o-d color and Is fi > ld for gnoil fruit and th
buyer IB not nwarc of Us icnl iliarnclcr untl
It ROCR Intn niisuniptlon , Thu Intc-tt ndvlce
from Chlongo Indicntc that ( hero were forty-llv
rntH of that kind of fiult slnndlng un track niu
the price of wi-cnllnl fnncy fruit has dropped
wny down.The lefult cnnnot but be detrl
in ntnl to the Cnllfoinln orange trade. It woul
IKJ far better III the long lull If California frul
Rmwcrs would dump their frozen fruit Instend o
riMidlnir It i nst tu prejudice people ugulnst them
Quotations :
ORANUEsS California budded seedlings , rcgu
Inr sizes , J3 ; 230 tn 2iS sizes , J2.5082.75 ; navels
J3.73 ; l.-irg ? plr.fs , J3.25.
LEMONS Oiilfcrnla , per box , J3.C084.00 ; Mes
slnns. J4.0094.23.
T1ANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.0
Q2.23 ! medium sized bunches. Jl. 7532.00.
OYSTERS Mediums , lie ; mnndaids , 20c ; extra
select * . Zoo ; Uranch & Co , selects , 27c ; New York
counts , 30c ; standard bulk , per gal. , 51.10.
HONEY Fancy white , per lb. . 13c.
MAPLK SYRUP Five-gal , cans. ench. J2.73
gal. cans , per doz. , J12 ; ' ,4-gal. cans , J6.25 ; quar
cans. J3.75.
CIDER Pure Juice , per half bbl. , $3 ; per
bbl. , J4.7b.
HAUEH KIIAUT Per bbl. , J3.76 ; half bbl. . J2 25
FIQS New crop , California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. , lOc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes. 15c ; choice
10-lb. boxes. 1UJIS12C.
DATES New Peislnn. 60-lb. bozes , per lb. , S4c !
fords , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , Be.
MAPLE SUQAn-ChcUe. per lb. . 9010C.
PRESERVES-.issortcd. 20-lb. pnlls , each J1.40.
COCOANUTS-Per 100. J4.W ; each. 6c.
NUTS Almonds. California , per lb. . medium
slzo , lOc ; Tnrrngona almonJc. vc < - "j . large. 12Hc
Hrnzlls , per lb. , 8c ; KiiKlif walnuts > jer lb.
fancy eoft shell , 12c ; standains , llSTHHc
nibcits. per lb. , lOc : pecans , polished medium
ICc : large , 12c ; peanuts , raw. 64c ! : ronsled , 7C
7V4c ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. , J1.75 ; hlckorj
nuts , large , per bu. , 51.50 ; black walnuts , per
hbl" ' * "
BEEF Oond western steels , 400 to 600 Ibs. ,
SliitCo ; good cows and heifers , 4Jff5c ; medlun
COWB nnd heifers , 414c ; good forcquaiters
cows and heifers , 3UfXc ; good hindquarters
cows nnd heifers , C0ic ! ; cow rounds , Cc ; cow
chucks , Site ; steer chucks , 4W4'ic ; beef tencler-
olns , fresh. 20c ; frozen , 17c ; beef rolls.b neless ,
SUc ; sirloin butts , boneless , SV4c ; loin backs , GHC1
co'w ribs. No. 3. C07c ; cow loins , No. 3 , 7J4j
Sl c.
MUTTON Dressed mutton , 6c ; racks , So ; legs
714n : ynddlcs , 714c ; slews , 3c. '
PORK Dressed hogs , 4ic ; pork loins , Gc-
spare ribs , BV4c ; pork shoulders , 4150 ; pork shoul
ders , skinned , 4 0 ; pork trimmings , 4c ; tencler-
iolns , 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 350.
I No. lNo. | I'No. II i 3
e. IMd-mSm'Il
1IIDUS No , 1 green hides , 4c ; No. 2 green
ildes , 3o ; No. 1 green salted hides , Bljc ; No. 2
green sailed hides , 4V4c : No. 1 green snlle < l hides ,
23 to 40 Ibs , , 514c ; No. 2 green nailed hides. 23 to
40 Ibs. , 4''jc ; Nu. 1 veul calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , C'ic ; No
2 venl calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 44c ; No. 1 dry mm
hides , Sii'Jc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , f.OOc ; No 1
ry Bnlteil hides , Gc : part cured hides , lie per lb.
es than fully cured.
BIIERP rni/TS Green salted , ench 25gcOc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled eaily cklns ) ,
each 15a ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early bklns ) . No. 1. each. 6c ; dry illnt
Kansas and Nebratka butcher wool peits , per lb. ,
actual weight , 5ftCc ; dry [ lint Kansas and Ne-
iraska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
4Q5c : dry flint Colorado butcher wool pells , per
b. , actual weight , 40Clic ; dry Illnt Colorado
.turrnln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@So ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 4V5o ;
eet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on
"TALLOW " AND OHKASE Taiiow , NO. i , svio ;
allow No. Z , ic ; grease , white A , 3 > , ic ; gresse ,
vlilte 11 , 3c ; greabe. yellow. 2'ic ' ; grease , dark ,
: ; old butter , 30-'A < s ; beeswax , prime , ISCtJc ;
ough tallow , llic.
BONUS In 'car lots weighed nml delivered In
Chicago ; Dry buffalo , per ton. I12.00914.00 ; dry
ountry , bleached , per ton. 110.004712.00 ; dry
ountry. damp nnd meaty , per ton , $ O.OOJS.OO.
WOOI , Unwashed , line heavy. 6 7c ; fine light ,
tjjc : quarter blood , lOffKc ; eredy , hurry and
huffy , SifOc ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7O ! > c ;
cotted and broken , fine , CQSc. Fleece washed
.ledlum. . lERUc : fine , 143160 ! tub washed. 169
* r : hlnrk. Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tag lock * , J33c ; dead
lulled. CCte ,
( nrc Cliei-rfiil 'IVmprr I'rcvnllfil In
AVall Strt-et.
NKW YOHK , Jan , 21. A more cheerful tem-
er prevailed In Wall street today , nnd this
condition was reflected In spasmodic bursts of
omparntlvo strength and nn animation In the
tack speculation , The Improvement was not
nlfonn , however , as the moro confident tonu
oil Icisetl ui5n exiH'ctnllon pf n continued ensy
ondltlon of the money mmket nnd the belief that
10 withdrawals of gold for shipment on Haturdny
111 IH ] nominal In uniount. The Impression that
m proposed Monrao doctrine resolution of
Icnutor Davis \\nuld Ul either postponed or de-
vatcd cnuseil a feeling of lelleC In financial clr-
| p , which may , or may not , IH ; justified. Con-
Mernblu favornble sIculflcHnce was nlso at-
ached to on announcement that an English In-
umni'u oniiorutlon would sulncrlhe tu J.r.OO )
f ( he new Issue of Immls. A ripple of strength ,
vhlch WIIH of noteworthy exit-lit only In New
ersey Central , caused a trlllc mor vtrenglh
linn has yet been manifested In relation to the
mpending cimference of the presidents of the
ntlirncltu C.M ! companies. The anlhrnclte In-
Ustry , ncmidlng tu the best uulhorltles , U rap-
dly iipprjachlng a condition of utter demoral-
tat Ion. Oal Is t > tockrd ever > -where and prlcm
ra not fur from the lowest figure recorded In
ha Fpdng of 1W5.
Th unfnvuruble Influences of the protracted
nunually mild wtather and the uncertainty
ullnf UB to the financial outlook are aim felt
n llx > trade. It Is hoped , however , that the
Hiwt-rful Hn Utance" the riorpanliatlon com-
lit leu of the Heading will bo InttTO'ed to avert
recurrence of the deep depression of Die Un >
u try \\liloh prevailed last year , and which
ut so deeply Into the earnings of the producing
nd carrying companies. The market opened
nn and advance * t3 the extent of 1 per cent
vere > on recorded In some Instances. Th lm >
iraveinent wiu checked soon ufter the end of
10 ( lift hour , when a slUht reaction occurred ,
he upward piovcment wa soon rnunu-d. how.
ver , uid at tha tpu figures coins were scored
of 1 | o IH per rent In Sugar , Chlenpn Oas , Ocn-
rr l r.lcctric , I-nil vil : - A NnrhVlllo nml the
RTnnircn . Ijile In the ilny nr < nttnrk Wan mnde
on the Industrial * , nnd mMcrlnl ilecllnes .were
efTecteil In that clnsn. The rnllway rtncks nlso
rmcged , but the losses In them were only frac
tional. Chicago Ons wns rnld'd on the refusal
nf the Plnte nuthbrltlrs of Illinois to permit
tnte \ tiled the certificate of ronsalldntlnn nt the
various properties. The stock > lumi > l 2 fee
rent , to CI1 * . Kngnr nml Tilmccn fell 1'i nnd 2
| * r cint resjifctlvely on riinnni nf Impending
mcn tircs In the New Jersey legislature In forfeit
the chnrtrift of the two companies. The ln t
mentioned recovered (4 ( per cent of the decline In
the final dealings. Leather profMrnl fell m
I T cent In sympathy. Weotcrn Union was
pro ed for cnle to a csmpamtlVfly large ex
tent , despite ilonIn 1 by lending odlclnls of the
unfavorable rumors In circulation regarding the
The market closed riulet nnd Meaily with
Hllftht gnlns gcncrnl In the rnllmad list. The
Iwnd market operntlons were on n decreased
scnle , the total denllng * aggregating only
t97Cwx ) . 1'rlces were firm.
( lovrrnmentd were decidedly lower In the lild
( inMatlons , especially for the new coupon 4s ,
which ruled 114 per cent off. No transactions
weic made on the Ninnl , but comparatively Inrgo
transactions were closed over the counter.
The Evening 1'ost's I/ondon cnMc fays : This
wni the Idlnit dny the stock market has known
for months. The tone wns rather dull until the
close , when a recovery In Amerlcnns , on sup
port from New York , Infused a languid Interest
In the other markcln. Conditions nre entirely
In favor of great activity In the stock markets ,
but the political dtlmtlon Is so uncerlnln that
bear nnd bull operators alike nrc nfrnlil to net.
Knlllrs were dull ; Ilrnzlla were flat on the
Trlnldnd question. The 1'nrls bourse has been
dull , but clased firm. The llcilln market wns
Idle nnd dull ,
The following were the closing quotations on
the trading stocks of the New York exchange
today !
The total wiles of Mocks today were 135.W5
shares. Including : American Susar , 21,200 ; Amer
ican Tolmcco , 18.300 ; llurllnKton. B.SOO ; UlilcuBo
Oas , 13.2M ; Distilling. 3.200 ; Oenuinl Klectrlc ,
7.3WJ Ixiulsvlllc & Na.'hvlIIe , 7 , W ; Hock Island ,
4.70) ; St. Paul , 15.SOO ; United States Leather pie-
ferrcd , 4,600 ; Western Union , 11SO ) .
Xe - York Money Market.
Easy nt 3H j > er cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ;
closed nt 3 per cent.
1'imira MERCANTILE PAPHIl tflS per cent.
STEIILINO EXCHANGE Steady , with actual
business In bankers' .bills nt Jt.S St.S9',4 for de
mand and nt f4.S7i@4.SS for sixty day bills ;
posted intCB , t4.SSUWJ.S9 nnd ! 4.S3"iCt.iM ) ; com-
mcrclul hllU , J.SCK.
new 4s. coupon , down l',4 per cent. Sljte
bonds , dull. HnllrtMd' ' linnda , firm.
Closing quotntlons on bonds were aa follows :
Silver bars. l)7o. ) Moxicia JMlin ,
) rnis , Rl.-nt. par ; ioloraiuo. : 1127.
IlOHton Stock diiotittlons.
BOSTON. Jan. 21. Call loans' . OXi air cent ;
line loans. OKi7 ( per cent. Clojluprlajj for
Blocks , bonds ami inlnlnr snaroi ; '
New Yorlc BUiimc emulation * .
NEW YORK , Jim. _ ' ! . Tim following arj the
lonln ; mliiln ? quotations :
lulwer ID Ontario . . . . . . IHIO
Chollar CS Onhlr. 11S !
Crown 1'olnt 2U Plvmouth I'O
: on. Oal. ft Va i-5 ! QlllcKBllvciSCO
le.'uhvootl UO OulckHllvcr pfcl..1550
Jould .V Curry DO sierra Novaaa . . . 4U
laluA Norcroas. . 110 f-tand.inl 105
loniPHlako 2000 Union Con . . . ; IO
ron Silver . , 2I > Yellow Jacnet 40
Icxlcan 05
London Stock ( luutntloni.
LONDON , Jan. 21. 4 p. in. cloxliu ;
I1AU BILVER 30d per oz.
MONEV H per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills nnd three months' bills , 1 1-10 per cent ,
Liverpool Market * .
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. WHEAT Spot nrm ;
demand nit < lcrnte ; No. 2 red winter , Cs Ci ; No. 2
red tprlng , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard Mani
toba , 6s 614d ; No. 1 California , Da 7d. Futures
opened firm , with near nnd distant positions Ud
lower ; cloeed quiet , with near nnd ilUtnnt I JB-
tlons Uft'.Sil hlgner ; business heaviest on middle
positions ; Jnnuar > ' , 6s * > % d ; Februnry , JJs Cd ;
Mnrch , 5.1 C14d ; May , 5s C * > id ; June , tn C'iil ,
COHN Spot firm ; American mixed ruw , 3s
Z&d. KutuieB opened stendy , with near and dis
tant positions Vid higher ; closed Heady , with
near p-nltlonu lid higher and distant iKisltloim
unchanged to lid higher ; business heaviest on
tally positions ; January , 3s i4d ! ; February , 3s
2ltd ; March , 3s 2nd ; April , ! s 2Hd ; May , 3s 2tfd ;
June , 3s 2ttd.
FLOUR Firm ; demand poor nnd freely sup
plied ; HI. I/ouln winter , 7s 3d.
1'ROVISIONS llacon , firm : demand fair ; Cum
berland cut , 23 to SO Ibs. . 31s CJ ; mort ribs , 2i
Ibs. , Wa Cd ; long clear , light , 8S to 45 Ibs. , 23s
Cd ; long clear , heavy , K Ibs. , 27s M ; short clear
backs , light. 18 It * . , 23s ; short clear middles ,
heavy , K Ibs. , 27s 6d ; clear bellies , 14 to 10 Ibs , ,
32s Cd ; , 27s Cd ; hams , thort cut , 14 lo
IS Ibs. . 4&i Cd. Tallow , fine N. A. . 21s. Ilcef ,
extra India mess , 75s ; prime mt-Ks , & & w. 1'ork ,
prime mem , fine western , 53 9d ; line me
dium , 47s CJ. Lard , quiet ; prime weslcn : , 29s
Cd ; retlneil. In ivillg. S'n ' M.
CHIJESE Firm ; demand .fair . ; finest American
white , 4 < ! s ; finest American colored. 4Cs.
lIlITTEH-Finert United Htatcs , 96s : good , COs.
ROSIN Common , 4s 9d. '
OII S Cottonseed oil. Liverpool refined , 17s Cd ;
llm > eed oil. 2O ; iwtroleuni.- refined , KUd.
HEFHIUERATOIl HEEF Forrquarters , 3Udi
hlndquatters. SVid. ' >
ItLEAt'HINa I'OWDER Hardwood , f , o. b. ,
Liverpool , { 7.
HOl'H At London , 1'aclflc coast , 12 Cd ,
Itccolpts of wheat during the pastthrvo days
Were UO.COO centals. Including 52.000 American ;
receipts American com. 42,400 centals.
WBATHEH-Culd and dry.
Auc-uuiuliitluu i f Grain Sloc-Un.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 21. Special cable and tele-
traphM < : rp c tpiiVfh < s-rret' , civerlns the
rlnclpsl t .a.\t \ of ' i.i. Indicntc the
ollowing fhnngfs | 4 AiUillnMo stvck Inst Pnt-
urdny , nn e.inpireil wiih the preceding SKtiirdny.
Available | ! : JVhrnt. fnllwl Stntes nnd
Canada , cnst of the Heckles , < lecrr e. 177V
hu. ; ntlont for nnd liiijaropi ; > . ilfcrcnse , 1.7CO.OO )
bu. Corn , l'ni.l : StHfJV-'nnil ( Innndn , cnut of
the llockic * , i .ooo bu. O.ils. I'nltMl
Rtnted nnd Canada , 'VaVt of the Itncklr.x , In- , STS.W bu. Tic.mly ) tmiwrlnnt decrease
In nvnllaWc stx-ks of whrnt Inft wtrk. not
cpvrrrd In the offlcliOrvlslble supply rejnrl , In-
' ( ' " .HT.PIX ) 1m. InUYilcaen private elevators ,
JJVS ? ' . ' " ' nt ' - 'il'vlllc , bu. nt rievelnnd ,
M.WO bu. at Uochedtrr.- . T. , nnd 33.000 bu. nt
Mllwnukes private fli > vnlorn. Cwreniiondlnir In-
creafcs Included 4n.n.4r . at various Mnnllobn
stornKP points , ISC.ijiW tu. nt Fort William ,
S9.i.oin lu. In nortlnvAMerrt Interior elevnlora nml
r/ > . ( ) i)0 bu. ench In | K lls private elevators ,
at New Orleans nndt. jlvest3n.
Snl ' Are ( liilvt , hut Price * Arc AVoll
I1OSTON , Jan. 21. Tlie * nle of wool nre quiet ,
but prices nre maintained. The fleece wools main-
Inln a ftrong tone. Territory wools nre quiet nnd
Australian wool has met ni Mcndy ilcmind , Tlic
following nlc the quotntlons of the lending de-
scrlpllons : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania fleece , XX
nnd X above , lS4c ! , nnd XX nbove , 13 < T2Jic ! ; No.
1 combing , I3c | No. 3 combing , 2Sfl2tc ; ilelnlne ,
2102P.Sc. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. ! X Michi
gan , 17c ; No. 1 Michigan combing , 22c ; No. 1
"Uwf .cvm " ? ! ! Nt > - 2 Michigan' combing ,
, ,
.2ir22ic ! : No. 2 Illinois combing , 22Hc : New York ,
New. Hampshire nnd Vermont. 16 ! $ < T17c ; No. 1
? .w " . I New Hampshire nnd Vermont , 20 f
" 11 i0i "i1"1110 Michigan , isplDljc ; unwaolKil m-
dlum. Kentucky nnd Mnlne qunrter blocd comb-
hiB , IStMSc : Kentucky nnd Mnlne thiee-quarler
blood combing , is 19c ! Indiana nnd Ml wiurl
qu.irler blood combing , lT01Sc ; Indiana nnd Mis
souri three-eighths blond combing , 17O18c ; bruld
comlilnir. 17c. Totrltory wools , Montana flne me-
dlum nnd fine , ll Jl4c ; Fomred price , ! W3Se ;
Ulah , Wyoming , etc. , line medium nnd fine , 10
JMJaj scoured pi Ice , 3183Cc. Callfnrnta wools ,
northern tpi-lnp , lljjlSc : scoured price , 53ff2Cc
middle county spring , llRlSo ; scoured price , 32
sresc , Anslrallan , scoured basis , combing , super-
line , 4CS ? & < V ; combing , good , 43T46c ; combing ,
average. 40JT4.1c ; Queensland , combing. 42fI4lc ,
LONDON , Jnn. 21. An excellent selection wns
offered nt the wool auction sales todny , Including
n lot of the best wi olcns yet offered. Hot water
washed Victoria lamb ! ' made 3s 2d nnd greasy
Is 6d. Americans were liberal buyers of medium
to line merinos nnd nlso , good eastern clothing.
Capo of Good Hopinnd Nnlnl wools nl rnles.
The buyers were moie'nctlvc nil around. The
American purchases today nmount to fully J.WM
bnles. The number of bnles offered wn 13.W3
bnles , of which 400 bales were withdrawn. Following -
lowing nr the pnlc.t In detail : New South Wnles ,
3.22J bnli-s ; sruiired , G > id | lH M ; greasy , fiHQlfldj
Queenslnnd. 1,400 bales : scoured , Isffls SHd ; grensy ,
CljtMId ; Victoria , 2,911 bnles : pcomcd. 7 dl
3s M ; greasy , ClidfTls Mi South Austialla , l.IKI
baits ; grensy , 61409d ; Swan river , 576 bales :
scoured , Tligod ; greasy , 4145TSd ; Tasmania , 44
biiles ; scoured. ' ,1s , Id ; New Zealand , &S3 bales ;
scoured , S&dJIls 21j d : ' greasy , "IJGIOd1. Cnpc 'of
Good Hope nnd Nntnl. 3,387 bnles ; scoured , 6Vd
&ls 6',4d ; greasy , C ® ; ; d.
St. Loiils Gcncrnl Mnrket.
ST. LOUIH. Jan. 20. FLOUIl-Qulet and firm ;
patenlR. J3.S5Jf3.45 ; extra fancy , $3.2003.40 ; choice ,
WHEAT Futures nervous nml unsettled , fluctu
ations being rapid nnrf decided nt times , with
severnl sharp rallies. The foreign situation was
the strongejt bull fnctor , but failed to advance
prices over yesterday's closing. Spot , higher : No.
2 red , cash , C5c ; No. 2 , hard , 67c ; January ,
07u ; Mny. 61H.
COHN' The controlling Influence continued lo
be wheat nnd trading remained quiet ; became
easy late In the dny , but closed the same to
UWUc higher than yesterday for futures. Spot
stronger ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2JV4c ; January ,
25 ic : .May. 26 c.
OATS Futures easier ; spot stronger nnd
higher ; No. 2 cash and Jnnunry , 1814c ; May ,
201ic. , ,
KYE-Lowcr ; 34c bid , .
COHN MEAL Jl.r.iJ1.30 }
DHAN Firm ; 41c for racked cast track.
FLAX SUED Steady * ! 86c.
HAY WenU on excessive receipts ; prulrle , 13.00
(59.00 ( ; timothy. $11.00013.0 this fide.
I1UTTERVenk and declining ; cieamery. IS ®
22c ; dairy , 110133.
EGGS-CJulct. lower : 1214C.
POULTRY Quiet : turkeys. SlSSTOc ; chickens ,
SliffTc : ducks. SUSMc ; geeie , BltflCc.
LEAD Strong nnd In'demand ' nt t.S < > . but
F < -ILTS ! nsklng more. ' Spelter , salable nt 13.73.
COTTON TIES 72c < . - i
HAGGING-405C. - .
PHOVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess , Job
bing , $10.7i. ! new ; JVKK. old. Laid , easier ; primp
steam , $5.Mj choice , ' ' tr..CS. Huron , boxed shoul
ders , iS-GIVS ; longs.4 } 5S7.1j ; ; ribs , t. > . " 5 : shoitp ,
JO. Dry Bait mrats , b. > ! ted.shouldtfrs , J4.C2V5 ! longs ,
14.50 : ribs. 14.C2V4 ; sliorls , t4.87'i.
HECBIITS Flour , ; ,3,000 bblc. ; wheat , 22,000
bu. : corn. 03,000 bu.1 ; onfs. 35.00) bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7'WO bills. : wheat , 25,000
bu. ; corn , 29.000 bu.rieals. 8.000 , bu , , '
nV Collco Rlni-liet. | . , . . > -
NEW YOniC , Jan. 21. COFFEE Options
opened barely steady at 6010 points decline nnd
further declined 5 points before noonmnder weak
cables and iDcal pressure. In the.iitternoon the
maikct ruled moro active , but still weak , under-
liquidation ; closed steu'dy at 6Q10 points net de
cline ; sales , 12,750 bags , Including : Jnnuary ,
$13.30 ; March , $13.10 ; Epot coffee. Rio , dull ; No.
7. ill : mild , dull : Covdova , $17.COiT18.00 : pales ,
250 bags Mnmcalbo nnd 150 bags Central Amer
ican , p. t. ; warehouse deliveries from New York
yesterday , 23,42ii bags ; New York " .stock . today ,
2G5.755 bags : United States strick , 349,315 bags ;
nlloiit for the United Stntes , 201.000 bags ; totnl
visible for the United States , 550.315 bags , against
D45.71G bngs last > ear.
SANTOS. Jan. 21. Quiet ; good average Santos ,
$15 ; receipts , two days , 8,000 bugs ; stock. 415,000
HAMHUHO. Jnn. SI. Steady , unchanged to ' ,4
pfg. advance ; snles. 5,000 bags.
HAVRE. Jan. 21. Quiet ; ' /i < S4f net decline ;
Kales. 20.00i ) bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , Jnn. 21. Holiday ; receipts ,
two days , 8,000 bags.
Cotton Market.
NEW ORLEANS. Jnn. 21. COTTON Steady ;
middling. 7 15-lCc ; low middling , 7 11-ICc ; good or
dinary , 7c ; net receipts , 10,499 bnles : drops ,
11.433 bales ; experts to Great Britain , SI,750 bnles ;
coastwise , 7Ct Laics ; pules , 8,400 bnles ; stock ,
3CG.45I bales.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 2t COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , 8 6-lCc ; net receipts , 1,417 b.-ilfn : groan ,
6,411 bales ; to the continent , 4S bnles ; forwarded ,
1,010 bnles ; sales , 334 bales , all spinners ; stock ,
191,530 bnles.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. COTTON Stendy ; mid
dling , 7 13-lCc ; pales. 225 bales ; receipts , 1,425
tales ; shipments , 1,17,9 bales ; stock , 77,453 bales.
KiuiMitM City Market * .
CORN In good demand ; prices steady ; No. 2
mixed. 23 c ; No. S white. 2314c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , ] C',4017c ; No. 2
white , 18818V4C.
RYE Dull ; No. 2 , 3e
HAY Unchanged.
IIUTTER Lower ; creamery , 17J10c ; dairy , 13
® 15e.
EGGS Supply in excess of demand ; 13c.
1'corla MurkrlH.
PEORIA , Jnn. 21. COHN Firm ; No. 3 , 25c.
OATB Quiet ; No. 2 white , 1814QlS4c. ) ; No. 3 ,
RYE No. 2 , 3CV4037C ,
WHISKY H , 22.
RECEIPTS-Corn. 130.000 tushels ; onls , 87.000
bushels ; rye , COO bushels ; whisky , none ; wheat ,
6,0011 bushels.
SHIPMENTS Carn. CS.OOO bushels ; onts. 41,000
bushels ; rye , 1,000 bushels ; whisky , 674 gallons ;
wheat , 1,000 buiihels. _
SiiKiir Mnrket.
NEW YOHK , Jnn. 21-SUG All-Firm ; fair
refining. 3Ho ; centrifugal. 90 test , 303ic ; relined -
lined , quiet ; crushed , ' 5 9-lCc ; powdered , 53-lCc ;
granulnted. 4 15-ICc. '
IX1NDON , Jnn. 21. SIIQAR Cane , llrm : cen
trifugal , Java , 1 ! 3d ; Muscovado , fair refining ,
11s : beet , firmer anil , higher ; January , Ha 3d ;
February , 10u 414d.
MliincniiollHTU'Iient Mnrket.
January , Wic ; May , fO'io ; on track , No. 1 hard ,
DG'.Jc ' ; No. 1 nortlicrp , ( Wc ; No , 2 northern , Cllic.
Flniinclijl \otcH.
BOSTON , Jnn. 214ciea rings , $15,819,140 ; bal
ances , $ | ; 49 , < X)0. ) v lt
I1ALT1MOHH. Jan. 21-Clearlngs. $2,031 , 7 ;
balances , $52Soi .
NEW YOHK , JanT'jr.-Clearlngs , $1 ( ,793,7 0 ;
balances , $5,373,000.
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. 21. Clearings , $11,893-
431 ; balances , $ lC97,44t.
ST. IXJUIB. Jan. 2UyiearlnB , $4,685.423 ; bal-
nnces , $715,04 , per cent. New York
exchange , $1 premuio | Jil l.
WASHINGTON , JuoO.Today's statement of
the condition of tliMiramry bliows ; Avullable
cnih balance , $ 177. 54 J-fAi gold rt'berve , $53,213 , '
no. i ; , r
CIIICAOO , Jan. ; tr-47.earlngs ! , $13,647.00) . Money
en call , llrm at C p /ent : on time , CiTI per cent.
New York exchanirn.H . { d at par. Fpielgn cx-
change market cteauy n d unchunged , Hankers'
( London ) glcrllng. M , ! fc/4.KI. (
Korelurii " "Itilitiifliil AITairN.
HEHLIN , Jan. ZlAWxchange on London , eight
days * sight , 20 marK ' 4l pries.
PARIS , Jan. 21-i-Tliree per cent rentes , lOlf
Mo for the account. Exchange on London , 5f
23o for checks. , A
LONDON , Jan. 21. The amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of England en balance today waa
{ 31,0011. Gold Is quoted at lluenos Ayreit today
at 227.60 ; at Madrid. 17$2 ; at Lisbon. 25 ' ,4 ; at Rl.
Pctcriburt ; . 60 ; at Athens , 77 ; at Home ,
at Vienna , 103.
Will Uiiuurllt niiiniunil
William A. Plnkerton was In the city yes.
terday on hlg way to Dsnver , Mr. Plnkerton
has Just visited thei Fort Madison peniten
tiary. where lie liad'an Interview with Frank
ShortcllfT , the Pollcck diamond robber. In
speaking of llio matter , " Mr. Plnkerton uald
that bo expected to return to Omaha soon
and that additional arresta on account of the
Pollock robbery would be made In the near
future. HP declined to give any further
Information In regard to the cato moro than
to say that the. new arrest * would cause a
sensation lo Omaha.
Light Run of Oattla and Fairly Liberal
Supply of Hogs.
Opcnril Active nt 11 < > Cent Atl
viltu-c nnd the llntk of tlie Hull- *
Were Mmlc Knrlj Mnrket
KnMc < t OH Iliter.
TUESDAY , Jan. 21.
Hccclpts for the days Indicated arc :
Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
January 21 . l.DOl 0,335 231 26
January 20 . 1,303 1,22 ! ) 410 . . . .
January 18. , , , . 1,34 ! ) 3.445 .
January 17 . 2lfiS 3.739 SCT . . . .
January Ifi . 1,112 6,079 1,121 69
January Ifl . 1.BI9 4.038 727 . . . .
January II . i.sos 3,802 $55 . . . .
January 13 . 2.1S9 1,059 .
The disposition of the day's offerings of
live slock wns as follows , each buyer pur
chasing the nttmbsr of head Indicated :
Cnltlo. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 16 1,732 .
The O. II. Hammond Co. 303 1,723 .
Swift and Company . 331 Ml 2J1
The Cuday Packing Co. , 217 1,677 .
A. Haas . 9 , i . . .
H. Hecker & Degan . 2T.J . . . . . ' .
Hamilton & Stephens , . . . II .
Vtumuit & Co . 32 . . . .
Benton & Underwood. . . . 72 .
Shippers and feeders . . . . 321 .
Left over . . . 300 .
Total . ino erai 231
CATTLE The receipts of cattle were very
light for a Tuesday , there being only
cevcnty-flvo fresh loads on sale , as ngalnst
llfty-three yesterday. Besides being more
of- them there were better cattle than nny
on sale yesterday ] The market as a whole
was not much changed from yesterday's
selling prices , nnd was In the mnln feature
Quito a number of lands of pretty fair
cornfed cattle were offi-ted on 'Mm market ,
and some of them were goou enough to
touch the $1.00 mark. The market was not
very active , no ono being In any hurry to
nil orders , still they bought them nt fully
stendy price ? . Sonic worn reporting the
market as stronger , nnd there wcro In
stances wliero cattle did bring a little bet
ter prices.
Cows nnd heifers were In moderate sup
ply nnd peed demand , and the offerings
were all taken. The market was Just about
steady all around ,
Stackers and feeders were In fair supply.
The receipts of that class of cattle are
larger this week' than last , the high prices
having apparently stimulated shipments.
The" demand for feeders Is rather light ,
owing to the scarcity of money , nnd they
arc 'accordingly plow and the market was
easier again today. Stockcrs arc In good
demand nnd meet with n > ndy sale at strong
prices. Representative snles :
O. R. Metier.
20 bulls 1314 205
R. Larktn.
C2 feeders. , , . 932 3 D5
HOas-The receipts of hops were liberal today ,
the run being the largest of any dny since Janu
ary 8. The market was simply a rejictltlon of
whnt It has IHXMJ almost every day for the past
wuek or more , there Iwlng as usual nn advance.
It opened ncllvo nnd about Cc higher and Ilio bulk
of nil the hoga sold early. Doth packers und
peculatorH were freu buyers , Later , n the jnost
urgent ordem were filled , the trade cased off
nnd the market closed a shade lower than it
The bulk of the hogs sola at $3.93. as ngnlnst
$3.90 yesteiday , with cmllo a sprinkling at $4 and
n $4.0. . top. loday-B advance canles the market
to a point 40g45o higher than It waa on Tuesday
of last week. Iteprefcentatlvo wiles ;
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
87 ! 07 SO $3 95
07 S23 . . . 395
29 297 40 593
40 393
C4 ! 40 3 95
C32C6 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 80 3 93
79 243 3 95
67 ! 87 120 3U5
CO 3iJO 120M 3 95
CO 367 to 3 95
C7 219 3 95
57 20S 3 93
C3 .233 13) 3 95
71 , 252 . . . 3 95
GO , , .S42 40 3 95
CI 2G2 240 3 95
111 180 40 395
62 351 S 93
40 329 SO 3 95
70 242 ICO 395
CI , 250 395
1 ? )
45 . 3C8 120
15 . 300 SO 3 M
* 3 . 230 . . . S97i !
a . 213 80 3D.7H
C3. , . , . . . ,217 ICO 3D. .H
. 213
77 . 223 JK'
41 , . 2C7 tO
i7 . 177 . . .
7C..219 M 3 i)7'i
U . 143 . . . 3 V7'i '
69 . 2S7 60 3 VI V ,
67 , , . 219 12' ) i 97H
(8 . 211 191 3 71
t > 0 . 193 fcO
M . 241 40 4 00
628 . 213 4Wi 4 ( .1
74 . , . .219 i ) 4 W
73 . 237 120 4 W
fJ 210 40 S ? : CI XI SO 404
47. . . 847 . . . S 93 M 3M SO 4 i"l
WO 80 3 9S M 215 . . . 4 0 > 1
M X2S . . . J9J 73 150 40 4 00
M 339 . . . 395 C3 MI . . . 400
51 333 . . . 393 Tfi 230 . . . 4 DO
6.1 XA . . . 3 ! > S M ! * 1 41) 4 l
47 943 . . . J 95 12 19A . , . 4 O )
f,4 276 M .193 70 213 . . . 403
70 278 2I1) 393
I 2 < ) . . . 200 3 311 ; . . . JW
2 29.1 . . . 2 K 6 2i1 . . . 3 )
1 44) . . . 2 CO R 2SS . . . 35-1
1. .370 . . . 2 CO 3 , . , . , . . . : . . . 3W
1 33) , . . .1 M 4 212 . . . 3 92'i
1 230 . . . 323 6 213 . , , 3 9514
2 321 SO 3 7J 7 401 . . . 3 'i '
SHI , . . .1 S5 4 2U . . . 3 H
6 333 . . . s S3 e : sc . . . ; 9n
1 22) . . . 3 S3 1 3 < V > . . . 3(124
I./ , 335 . . . 3 DO . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M'.i '
. . , . . . , . . / . 3K ) 6. W * > 8) ) 391
8 ISO 120 3 90 9 366 . . . 3 93
4 375 . . . 3 M G , 16 ( ) . . . 393
4 342 . . . 3K ! > 3 30) . . . 393
C 416 . . . 390
SHEEP There wero. no sheep on snip , the
double deck icporled In the receipts being con
signed direct tu a packer.
Cn lt > TrttivVn * Knlr with n Mini-
rrntc ( Jencrnl Di-iniiiiil.
CHICAGO , Jnn , 21. In cnttlc there wns n i
fair Tuesday market , the general demand being
mwlerate , while the light supply prevented any
decline In prices for natives. Choice beeves .were
scarcer than rver , nnd the "run" consisted
mostly of common lo medium nntlvo corn-fi-d
Tennns. ' Export steers sold nt fiom $1 la $1.60 ,
and n good many dresifd beef steers nre polling nt
from $3.73 to $3.90. There wns a good demand
for liutch'is' nnd .canmrs' entile nt tullng quo'
tutlons , few cows selling below $1,90. or his her
than $ .1.2.1. CnlVes were In fnlr supply nnd sold
veiy well nt from $3 to $6. Tevns fed entile
were bolter In iiunllty nnd pold very well , but
weie lOo lower tadny.
Hr > s receipts wcro ngnln light nnd the supply
wns far from being siilllclent to meet the re-
qulrcmenlK of local buyers nnd shippers. All
the deslrnblc droves weto closed out cnrly In ( ha
dny ut advanced prices. Common la prime
gindcs fouml iHircliapoiB at from $1.90 to $1.20 ,
the bulk of thu snles loins nt $4.10. The differ
ence betwr-fn prlros now paid nnd those of n
yenr npo had narrowed tn 35c.
Tin ; light sheep fupply served lo cause n
stiongcr feeling , nnd prices tilled lOo higher
fur nice medium weights , pales being mndc of
riitnnioii to choice unlive sheep nt from $2.50 to
$3.1'0 , westerns nt fiinn $3.20 to $3,75 , nnd lambs
nt finm $3.50 to $1.75.
Receipts : Cnttlc , 4,000 hend ; hogs , 21,000 head ;
sheep. 9,000 head.
KIIIIXIIH Cll > - Live Silicic.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 21. CATTLE Rpcelpls ,
6,004 hend ; fhlpmcnts , 1,400 head , market steady
to strong ; Texas ctr < * rii. $2.75OT3.7u ; Texas cows.
} l.SJ 2.r.3 ; beef ptccip. $3.2. > ff-:3 : native COWB ,
$1.50(13.20 ; etockcis und fccdeis , t-1t3.70 ; bull ? .
HOOS Receipts. 11.4M head ; elilpmcnls , 300
head ; lights strong ; henvles siendy ; elude lower ;
bulk of snles , $3.9I ) 4.00 ; henvlcp. $3.60SI4.Wi ( pack
ers nnd mixed. $3.90K4.oi ; light , $3.WCf3.93 ; York
ers. $3.fiO-t)3.i3 ! ; plKK , $ .1.75SI3.W.
SHEEP Receipts , l.COii head ; lilpmonls , 200
head ; mntkct stendy ; lambs , $4.00j4.40 ; muttons ,
SI. LoulH I.lvo Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 21. CATTLE Receipts. 3,000
hend ; mmket stiady ; n.ltlvc beeves-J3.2304.75 ;
cows nnd heifers , $2.003.SO ; ttiickcrs nnd feed
ers , $2.0 > > 53.7S ; Texas steers , $2.1004.10 ; cows ,
HORS RecflptB. 11.000 bend ; market SfflOc
higher ; heavy , $3.0004.20 ; mixed , $3.SO(4.13 ; light ,
SHEEP Strong ; nntlvcs , , $2.5003.M ; lambs ,
$3.COB4.EO ; soulhern , $2 2.1f3.:5.
Stoc-k III
Hecord of receipts nt the four principal mar
kets for Tuesday , January 21 :
Cuttle. Hops. Sheep.
SoiKh Omiihn l.U'Jl ti..i:4 til
Chlcngo 4.000 21.0.X ) 9OiKI City C.flOi ) 14,4W 1,0-JO
St. Louis 3,000 11,000
D2.731 . 10.151
York I.lvir Stock.
Nn\V YOHK , Jnn. 21. KEEVKS Receipts. 201
head ; Kuropenn cables fU"te | Amerlc.m steels nt
! ) ® 10c , dressed welKht ; refrigerator beef ut UfflOc.
Mlliii' AND LAXI11S Iteci-lptK , 3.4S1 hend ;
steady : sheep , pour "to prim' , J2.S7t203.75 ; lambs ,
common to choice , J4.iJ5.40. ! ! !
HOaS llecelpts , 3,409 hend ; firm , nt | 2.501.W.
.fiiily Coiid-Nt Tiikt'N Up ( lie-
'I'lnif In County Court.
The county court room and the corridors
In its Immediate vicinity prcsanted a busy
scene -yesterday , being crowded by a per
fect cloud of witnesses , summoned to glvo
evidence In the Duncan-Le nly election con
test. ' The en'tiro morning was taken , up with
the examination of wltnespc ? , all of whom
were called to Identify the ballot boxes of
their respective districts. Thcpo boxes have
now been Identified In all but eight districts
of the city and the defendant was ordered to
produce his remaining witnesses at the after
noon session , unlesj he could show that they
wore out of the city. As soon as all the
boxes are identified the cuntlng will bo re
sumed. There are still about sixty districts
to count.
Crnilli ! : inil the ftrnvo.
The following births and deaths wcro re
ported at the health offlce during the twenty-
four hours ending at noon yesterday :
Dlrlhs C. A. Fenton , 3401 Decatur street ,
boy ; Joe Krntzlan , 1111 South Fourteenth ,
boy ; J. P. English , 1216 South Thlrty-Mrst ,
girl ; I'etruo Swarlz , 3230 Webster , boy.
Deaths Anna Hagedorn , G8 , 2106 Lake ,
Prospect Hill ; William II. Williams , C5 , 112S
South Thirty-sixth , cancer. Interment at
Wlnona , Minn. ; Annie Drlggs , 31 , St. Jo
seph's hospital , Forest Lawn.
Eleventh Street Viaduct Mutter.
City Attorney Council went to Lincoln-
yesterday , where the mandamus case of
the city against the Burlington was on the
call In the United States court. This Is the
case brought by the city to compel the. rail
road to repair its share of the Eleventh
Mtreet viaduct. Mr , Connell Is confident
that the city will bo. successful nnd expects
that a decision will bo reached In the course
of two or thrco weeks.
A. G. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I
feel It a duty of mine to Inform you and the
public that Dewltt's Witch Hazel salve cured
mo of a very bad case of eczema. It also
cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. "
minor Court MntterM.
George S. Cox has commenced suit against
N. D. Falconer for $436.40.
The Phoenix Glass company has commenced
suit against Gatch & Lauman for $880.17.
Jans Jensen has brought suit against 0. D.
Hill for $436.40 , alleged to bo duo him as
Frost & Harris are defendants In a suit
brought by the Sllgo Iron Store company to
recover $151,69.
Clinton N. Powell , administrator of the
estate of Fred L. Packard , has filed his re
port In the ofllco of the county Judge.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 21 ,
1896 :
II H Harder nnd wife to Marietta
EnRel , lotB 9 nnd 10 , block 14 , West
Kml . - . $ 3,000
John Uures to Mnry Hures , lot 30 ,
block 11 , Brawn park GOO
L Ii NuHon und husband to M H Kll-
bourn. e'A lots 'J nnd 10 , block 18 ,
Central park 2.DOO
W V Morse et al to Commonwealth
Heal Kstato company , 71.71 ncrca In
so 32-15-13 ; lotH 2 tn 11 , 13 to 21 ,
block G ; lots 1 to G. 10 to 21 , block 6 :
lolM 1 to 8 , 12 to 21 , block 7 ; lotH 1
to 21 , block 8. Syndicate Hill ; n'/j '
BW nw G-14-13 ; lot 9. block C , Kountzu
& U'a ndil nnd n trnct adjoining a 77
feet of lot G , block 137. Oninhn ; lots
8 and 9 , block "O. " Hhlnn'B 2d mid , . 200,000
Hurry TniiRfr to Adalph liramles , w
' ,4 lot 48 , GIsu'H add ( except n IXi
feet ) . . . . : 750
II T McCorrnlck and wife to CS A
ncmlnKton , umllv % lot 8 , block 79 ,
omtilm ; undlv Vi of a \ < , lot G , block
1W , Onialia 2
G A ItemlnKtan and hiitband to H T
McCormlck , undlv % l"t 3 , block 87 ,
Omaha ; undlv > / > of e 'A of ni lot
5 , block 1GO , Omulia S
W T Heamnn and wlfo la John Grunt ,
trustee , lot 4 , block 7 , Grnmmercy
park ; lot 10 , Graves park ; lot 7 ,
block 10 , HtnBoii ; lots 1 and 2 , block
2 , Honwon'H subdlv In Benson ; lot , 27 ,
block Z , Pullman Place 1
T C Shelly nnd wfe | to Klhel Bqll.
undlv 1A lot 8 , block 2 , Haundern &
H'B add to Walnut Hill
E K HutUlim-B ( o Commonwealth Heal
KatiUe company ( for property see
warranty deed above tram W V
Morse et al ) >
John llarrett and wife t al to Mary
Barrett. lot 3 , block 222 : lots 2 and 7 ,
block 233 ; lot 6 and w H lot 4 , block
233 ; lot 7. block 222 ; lot G , block k8 ;
lot 3 ana c % lot 4 , block 233 , Flor
ence . . , . , t
Special mauler tcII 10 Burnharn , lot
10. Cain Place
Same to M M KclloKK , lot G , block
2 , Andrews & B's add , , 210
Total amount of transfer$209G2S
With Wife and Mistress Boris Oomos to I ,
Griof. l
DIIIIUIKP Stilt AfinliiNt 1 ! ii I on
to flic Sin-fiu-o n. Tnlc
of n AliirrlnKc tlint
Kill I oil.
Thcro la soon to be exploited In pollca
court , ana also In the civil courts , a story of
marital llfo In which the prlnio elements are
tlio faith of the woman ami the duplicity ol
the man. Surrounding these there arc cir
cumstances which tend to mnko up n rtory ;
of pitiful Interest and ono somewhat racy ,
from the fact that behind It all there Is an
other woman ,
Den Usrls Is the Individual nbaut whom
the story centers , and the ono who will bo
especially prominent In the criminal pro-
cocdlnRs. Doris Is qulto well known In thla
city , having been hero for years. He wan
more prominent six or seven years ago , when
ho waa looked upon as , and really was , a man
In well-to-do circumstances. The larger part
of thla amount was Invested In real estate , a
portion In property near Fifteenth and Web
ster streets.
IJorla and his family lived happily enough
together until six years ago. llut.nt that
tlmo the other woman appeared on the scene ,
nnd elnco then the family has become of
very minor consideration to Boris. Ho has
abused the members and has boitcn his wlfa
many times. In addition to this physical 111
treatment , ho has squandered his property ,
so that at this tlmo his wife end children ara
In almost destitute circumstances.
Horls met the woman In St. Louis six
years ago. Her name (9 ( Derthi Daring , and
she Is living at the prcpjnt time at 987 North
Thirteenth street. She Is the daughter of a
man prominently connected In St. Louis , and
from all accounts was , and Is yet , a high-
The woman was brought to this city by
Boris. She at once started to cut n big
swath with money which he was called upon
to furnish. Sh'o had carriages and Jewelry
and everything clsa that her heart desired
and Horla footed the bills. Nothing was too
rich for her and her existence was like , that
of Aladdin with his lamp.
The thing could not lart , as money bags ,
llko other articles , have bottoms. Six years
ago Doris was worth 125,000. Today he has
not a cent. In order to satisfy the desires oC
his enchantress ho had to rnlso money , and
when Ills cash was cone lie was driven to
mortgage his property. It went plcco by
piece until at the present time all of his pos
sessions are In the hands of mortgage and ,
loan companies.
While paying attention to Miss Baring ,
Doris Is raid to have neglected his wife and
til-used her In many ways. , despite the fact
that the property which he was so lavishly
spending had been collected through her ef
fort ? , as well as lib own. She had no posi
tive knowledge of his entanglement until
qullo rdcently. They lived together until
a year ago. Then Doris found that his wlfa
was too much In tin ? way and set about to
dteposw of her. Ho bought some property In
Kearney and sent her and the children thero.
This was their home until a short time ago.
In course of time Doris found It necessary
to mortgage even the Kearney property and
ho did so , disposing of even the houL < chold
furniture. The wife , who had como back to
this city , became arvare of this fact and de
termined to go to Kearney in an effort to
save some of her belongings. She pawned
her watch and obtained enough money to
buy a ticket. Doris , however , learned of her
determination. He decided to frustrate her
plans , anJ , mooting her at the depot , got on
the train with her.
At South Omaha the two got off. The , wlfo
wys that her husband induced the conductor
to put her off. .She Imil her t'ckctand t'lioived
it to the conductor. Despite tbo tact that It
permitted her to ride to Kearney , she alleges
that she was put oft the train and without
her consent.
This last was the straw that broke the
camel's back. The woman consulted nn attor
ney and the result of the conference was o
determination to begin suit against the rail
road company for $5,003 do mages. Doris has
tried to dissuade the woman from taking this )
step , saying that he was responsible for her
being put off the train , as ho Induced the
conductor to eject hor. Ho says that he will
not help his wife to win the cult.
The case was brought to the attention of
the police and Assistant County Attorney
Jefferls is now preparing to prosecute Dorlt
on account of bis conduct toward his wife.
form the nucleus 'of many.
_ a collection of Family Sil-v
, ver. If the start is made
they are
the chances are the whole
collection will be GOR
HAM in other words/the
best the world affords. < ty
Therefore , Aim high
Start with GORHAM. '
< 7
Too good for
Dry Goods Stores
Jewelers only.
The reaBon w . com/ne / nurxolvrH to Gorham'a
Slhfrwuro IH becausu It'H thn only rually goal ,
8 H. Corner Ifith and Doucla.t ,
Telephone lOUO. Oinnlia , Nub.
Z-iom lll'A . .ird of Trade ,
Dliect vif to Chicago and New York.
Cuvtil-nkdentu : John A. Warren & Co.
Large I'rofltH Iinvo Icwardcd ( ray Patrons
My perutlve'plan of speculation was formu
lated for the express purjKwe of aiding clients In
Ihii Investment < if their | > nro monetary resources
without thn rl k which usually ullends specula-
tivu trunHuctlmiH inn ! nt lh same tlmo afford
ing them like opportunities with thnbu OMratoru |
wild havu ulinuit unllmlled capital ul their
comii nnd.
HBWU von ritOHi'icTUB , MAIMED Fitin.
n. HOHTIMKH I'INK. Hunker and Uroker.
S3 llmadway , NKW VOHIC.
Our Free Letter
nevlewlng tht ( rain and ctock jurket * . will tx
: * nt you dally on request , In the hops of deserv
ing part of your business. Orders solicited for
cash or on three to flvo point marcln * .
Members Chicago Uourd of Tladt , New York
Produce Exchange. New York Cons , mock Ex.
change. 17 Board Trade , Chicago. 44 llroajway.
Non York.
nought anil Bold on commission , Jlccben
Invtountnt Co. , Colorado BprlncB , Colo. /