Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Ml NO 11 Mn.\TIOJI.
rctor RHf of Manawa Is seriously 111.
Tlicro WAB an ununiially largo attendance
et all tlio churches yesterday.
Lee Foreman , who has completed his term
of one year at Fort Madison , returned to
the city yesterday.
On and after February 1 the Council
niufts office of The Dec will be located at
No. 1C North Main street.
The Orand hotel , Council muffs. High
class In every respect. Ilates , 12.60 per day
and upward. E. P. Clark , proprietor.
Manager Alton haa arranged for an adver
tising curtain for the New Uohany. The
work of painting It will bo commenced this
wee ! : .
C. M , Johnson , n farmer , wan thrown from
his wagon Saturday afternoon and severely
bruised. He was taken to his home near
Mytuter Springs.
Hov. Henry UcLong delivered one of hla
peculiarly characteristic and original ad
dresses before the Young Men's Christian
association at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Judge Mcdce has fixed the time for holding
the terms of the superior court during 1896.
January 13 , February 21 , April 6 , May 11 ,
Juno 22 , September 7 , October 19 and Novem
ber 30 arc the dates fixed.
The register at the police ntatlon last
flight oh owed that the record tor dullness In
police circles had been broken. Not a com
plaint has been lodged at police headquar
ters and not an arrcct has been made slnco
the morning cf January 15.
Manager Alton Is very proud of the hand
some new curtain at the Dohany theater.
The tab or fly was not completed by the
artist until last week , and It was hung In Its
place on Saturday night. It finishes up the
curtain and tnakca It a piece ot real art
The anxiety of the somewhat notorious
Taylor family to air Its dirty linen In the
law courts was given a proper check by Jus-
tlco Cook on Satuidny. Ono of Its mem
bers sought to flic an Information In Cook's
court charging another member with as-
Mult. The Junllco refused to entertain the
complaint and delivered a warm lecture to
the complainant.
The members of the Council Bluffs Field
club will appear In a new role as public
entertainers on February 3. They have ar-
xangcd for that date a homo minstrel show
to bo given In the New Dohany. Mr. and
Mrts. Hunt of Now York , the professional
theatrical people who are taking a vacation
In the city , will have charge of the work
nnd take leading parts. The first rehearsal
will take place at Douany's this evening.
The police have been asked to assist In
finding Andy Swlggcrt , a prominent mem
ber of the Eldorado commandcry , Knights
Templar , who disappeared from his home In
Eldorado , Kan. , a ehort tlmo before Christ
mas. Ho Is alro a member of the Knights
of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. He
Is described as being about 40 years old , five
feet eight Inches tall and to weigh about 145
pounds , slim featured , light complexion ,
brown hair and sandy mustache.
The Qraco Episcopal church people have
planned a pleasant social for Friday even
ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Atkins , on Park avenue. A novel feature
will bo the fines to bo Imposed. If a young
man falls to bring his girl ho will 1)3 fined
6 cents , nnd It ho does bring her he will be
mulcted In the sum of B cents. Ono tea-
epoonful of lemonade will cost 1 cent and a
tableopoonful 2 cents , and If the liquid Is not
drank gracefully a fine will be Imposed.
Tl\o \ general feeling seems to bo among ths
Council Bluffs people , who have attended the
cessions of the Iowa legislature during the
last few days , that Senator Pusey's bill , per
mitting the manufacture ot liquor In the
Elate , will become a law. It It passes the
leglulaturo there are no fears entertained that
Governor Drake will vetoIt. . Such a law
would add a vast sum to the productive
wealth of the state , and would Insure a largo
plant In Council Bluffs , both for the manu
facture of beer and high wines.
There arc a number ot people In the city
who feel underr deep obligations to Unclu
Sam for thoughtfully providing the means
ot lessening their living expenses this win
ter. When the work on the government rlp-
rapplng was discontinue ! last fall by the
close of river navigation a largo pile of coal
had been hauled and dumped on the Iowa
bank for the use of the steamboat engaged on
the work. No- guard was placed around the
fuel pile and It has been considered the
legitimate prey of the multitude. An ex-de
tective on Saturday reported the fact that
the sack and basket brigade had been rein
forced by men with teams and that the coal
was being hauled away by the wagon load
and sold on the streets.
Guard against loss by fire and Insure your
property In reliable companies. If you pay
en Insurance premium you expect Insurance.
f We represent some of the best English and
I American companies. Lougee & Towle.
Mrs. F. Gelso Is dangerously 111 at her
home , corner of Frank street and Washington
Scott McCoy , a well known horseman of
Boston , la In the city and will bo hero for
at least a week. He Is looking over the field
with a view of seeing what can bo done In
racing matters hero this year. It Is possible
ho may bo an applicant for the management
ot the Union park.
MCII'H IIniin.nct.
The meeting and banquet to occur In the
dining room of the Orand hotel on Wednes
day evening under the auspices of the Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' association
promises to bo an event of much Importance.
Besides the full enjoyment of the social poa-
iilbllltleu of the banquet much Is expected
In the way ot bringing the leading business
men of Omaha and Council Bluffs Into closer
touch and sympathy by a frank and earnest
discussion of the mutual Interests ot the
two cities. Among the Omaha men who
will bo present are members ot the Com
mercial club , J. E. Utt , Z. T. Lindsay , C.
S. Montgomery , Dudley Smith and C. F.
AVellcr. Among the Council Bluffs men who
will bo present and make- brief talks are
Hon. John Y. Stono. John N. Baldwin nnd
Rev. John Askln. The Council Bluffs gen-
tlomnn are desirous of showing the Omaha
men thatvthey are In hearty accord with
the Cfe'.mncrclal club's scheme to advance the
TransmlsslEslppl exposition.
Unlucky No. III.
Motcr train No. 13 demonstrated the possi
bility ot 111 luck that Is supposed to follow
thing : ) connected with that fateful number
by crashing Into o countryman's wagon on
Upper Broadway Saturday night. The wagon
waa filled wltii three drunken farmers , and
was being driven on the track. They paid
no attention to the warnlrg bell of the 1110-
torman until ho was within fifty feet ot
them. Then they pulled the team eft the
track , but turned back again deliberately In
front ot the approaching train , when It was
almost upon them. The front plntfrom ot
the motor was smashed , the wagon consid
erably wrecked and the drunken farmers
pitched Into the street. Unfortunately they
escaped without any punishment beyond the
sudden dumping Into the Btrret.
The firm of Woodbury Bros , having bsen
dissolved , C , D. Woodbury has opened an
officeIn 'the Sapp block for the practice of
dentistry. _
Dr. CroftM nnd lli-ntrlco.
Uev. Q. W , Crofts , the former well known
nd lo\ed partor of the Congregational church
here , and who has become equally popu
lar at his new church In Beatrice , Neb. ,
resigned his charge there a short tlmo
ngo. His resignation caueeJ eo many protest !
that ho wau compelled to reconsider It , and
his now friends send word hero that they
will never part with him If they can pre
vent It "until he Is ready to enter Into
the reward that hla labor of love has corned
for him above. ] _
Ladles , send your table linen to the Eagle
Laundry and see the beautiful finish and
enow-llko color we glvo your goodi. Tele
phone 157 , 724 Broadway.
Freight train No , Cl on the Milwaukee
ran Into a wagon on a grade crossing juit
cast of Defiance , la. , last night. The wagon
T-aa smashed and the team killed. Efforts
to learn It the occupants of the wagon wcro
Injured were met with clammy silence at
the Milwaukee headquarters ,
Dr. Cleaver'i office moved to 600 Broadway.
. Davli , only drug utoru with registered cleric.
Bill Introduced by Senator Perrin Origi
nated in Council Blnffs.
Measure Proiionen In Put the llnlilt-
nnl ConHUtnrrn of Tnnulcfoot on
an Kiiuallly Mllli the Vcii-
v ilorn Thereof.
There are any number of statesmen In
Council Ulufts whoso brows have never
boon crowned with the laurel they have
Justly won. They have even succeeded In
escaping detection of the fact that they ,
are statesmen , although many of thorn bavo
rashly approached to near the point ot dis
covery that their escape was providential.
At every session of the legislature these
statesmen prepare bills and bills which they
send to any members of the house cr senate
they happen to know , or If , owing to the
mutations of politico , a legislature has been
chosen without their approbation and ID
composed of men whom they novcr raw ,
the opportunity to make laws Is not permitted
to pas ? . It In fact tot only Increases t clr s.lf.
Importance , for the stranger will sometimes
bo courteous enough to acknowledge the
receipt of their valuable favora and rarely
foolish enough to Introduce them by
request. The DCS Molnes malls have been
burdened this year with the efforts ot these
ctnbryotlc statesmen more than usual at
the commencement of a session of the
ritato assembly , for the unsettled conditions of
affairs have given new opportunities for
these people to save the country. Not all
of the Important measures that have been
originated In the solitude of back olllccs
and bed roonui have been cast aildo , for
many of them have been carried on the
rolls ot the house until the fatal duy ot
Once In a whllo one of these bills con
tains lots of good horse sense and 'would
make a practical and valuable law. One
was Introduced In the house Saturday by
Mr. Perrin , which Is meant to strengthen the
liquor laws. At the first Hash It seems to
present a rather absurd proposition to bo
embodied Info law , but an Instant's reflec
tion shows It to bo a measure that would
meet with the approbation of the temperance
clement and the hrartlcst approval of the
liquor dealers. The bill makes the drinker
as well as the teller of beer and whisky
piy for his privilege. It provides that oveiy
habitual user ot any kind of Intoxicating
beverages shall bo compelled to go before
the county auditor and procure a license ,
at a cost of $2 annually , and that he shall
carry this license with him whenever he
visits a tuloon or other place for the pur
pose of taking a drink or buying a Jug.
The saloon keeper can bo prosecuted If he
sells to the man without seeing his license ,
and he In turn may have the man arrested
If ho falls to provide himself with the license.
A moment's reflection will show that the
scopeof this law Is very great and an ex
ceedingly profitable plan for raising revenue
wherever there are men who wish to drink.
There are perhaps 2,000 Individuals In Council
Bluffs who would come within the provisions
of the law , and they would annually con
tribute to the city's exchequer 4,000 good ,
honest and much needed dollars. It would
bo a tax easily collected , for every man
would be a spy upon every other man , and
every saloon man would be on the lookout
to > eo that all of his patrons were provided
with the necessary permit to drink or get
drunk. The bill provides that the fees
realized from this form of license shall
go Into the treasury of the community where
the men live to whom the licenses are Issued.
The features that will bo particularly sat
isfactory to the temperance people are ths
deterrent Influences of the law. The Indi
vidual license cannot be pigeon-holed and
hidden , but It must bo shown every tlmo
Intoxicants are purchased. Many men who
drink without timidity will shrink from the
publicity necessary In procuring the license ,
for the auditor's license record must be
open for the Inspection of the public at
all times. Any wife who thinks her hus
band Is using too many cloves for his health
can go to the record and seeIf it will
throw any light upon the mystery. Mothers
can look after their sons In the bamo way ,
and sweethearts can have an effectual check
upon their lovers.
There Is no doubt but that the bill will
become ono of the most popular measures
that will come before the Iowa legislature
this winter , and such a sentiment will grow
up In Its favor that It will be carried
through both houses on the flood tide of
popular feeling and be enacted Into law
with a whoop and a hurrah.
The chief Interest the bill has locally lies
l\j the fact that It originated In the cloiet
ot ono of the Council Bluffs statesmen.
Death of Grandma Cralgr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Craig , or , as she was fa
miliarly known , Grandmai Craig , died at the
residence of her daughter , Mrs. Rufus Aus
tin , In Garner township , Saturday evening.
Mrs. Craig was one of the oldest people liv
ing In this vicinity , having rounded out her
ninety-fourth year. Until three years ago
she was bright and sprightly , and almost free
from bodily aches and pains , a useful mem
ber of her family , as well as the community
in which she lived. Then a cancer developed ,
and despite all that could bo done , continued
to grow until It sapped her life. Mrs. Craig
leaves three- daughters , Mrs. Austin , living
hero ; ono In Alexander , Neb. , and one In
Geneva , Neb. Arrangements for the funeral
have been completed. If the old lady Is
burled hero the funeral will probably bo at
tended by a largo concourse of old citi
zens , who will bo anxious to show their re
spect for ono whose life has been BO long
and useful. Thcro Is Dome probability , how
ever , that the remains will bo sent to Ne
braska for Interment.
Louise- King , aged 4 years , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. King , died yesterday
morning at the residence , 1C1G West Broad
way , of membranous croup. She will bo
burled In Falrvlew th's ' afternoon at 2
o'clock. The funeral will bo private ,
Have you seen the new gas heating stOTM
it the company's office ?
Snuily Point Ada inn' Hard
"Sandy Point Adams , " a well known charac
ter In the western part of the city , was
set upon by a gang of toughs on Saturday
evening and given a serious shaking up. He
has recently become Interested In the mission
work In that part ot town , and Identified
himself with ono of the missions , The
toughs have not taken kindly to the evengel-
izatlon work that was started for their
benefit , and recently they have broken up
the meeting ! ) or tried to with uniform regu
larity each evening. By consent of the
mission peopls Adams was commissioned by
the mayor a special officer without pay , and
ho haa been acting In that capacity for sev
eral days. Saturday night ho attempted to
quell the usual disturbance and ANUS picked
up bodily by the crowd and carried several
blocks away from the church. Although he
was armed with a club and revolver the
toughs prevented him using either , and
nude life exceedingly Interesting for him.
He finally broke away and came up town for
additional police assistance. He reported the
names of bla assailants to the chief of police ,
but neglected to file Informations for their
arrests , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sicilian Bros , for plumbing and beating ;
also fine line of gaa fixtures.
Field Club Will lie Alive.
The members of the Field club are earn
estly discussing their plans for the coming
summer , which Involve the outlay of several
hundred dollars on their athletic park and
the preparation for cycle and base ball
events. The plans and specifications for the
new quarter mile blcycla track have been
approved and the work of building It will
bs commenced a soon as the weather will
permit. The track will l > > four laps to the
mile. A three-tap track would ( nvade tha
space desired for the amphitheater and other
buildings. Favorable reports are made by
the committee having In pharge the collec
tion of the subscriptions to tha original
fur * ! . The advertising spaces on the fence
have all been sold and nearly all filled with
the lettering. The club promises to be as
successful and popular as the Ganymede
Wheel club , which has survived the muta
tions of tlmo longer than any other club
In the history of the city.
For the Dlckernott Cane Today.
In the Dlckcrson case today the elate * will
put Martin , an expert bookkeeper , en the
rtand and all of the errors and discrep
ancies In the method of keeping books In the
Cass County bank will bo shown. The at
torneys for the defense have been engaged
slnco the adjournment of court Saturday
In arranging a nlco lot ot discrepancies In
the testimony of Yetzcr and other witnesses.
It Is Intimated that they have made some
rich finds. Martin's testimony will probably
occupy the entire day and the state will
not bo able to rest Its case before Tuesday.
ntTcrti of Cronnlnfr Utah Grade ! ) Tilth
the Southern Hacorhack.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 31 , 1895. Hon.
Robert W. Furnas , Secretary State
Beard of Agriculture , Brownvlllo : Dear Sir
Secretary Morton requests me to write to
you and ask you to make a statement for
the Information of this department as to
the result ot your breeding from certain
h&gs that were obtained from Florida. He
desires to know the character of the pro
duce which you have secured whether they
can bo fattened as profitably as the ordi
nary well-bred hogs of your country , and
also whether you have had an opportunity
to test their ability tp resist hog cholera
or other Infectious diseases. The- secretary
desires to bo kindly remembered to you ,
and with best wishes from myself , I nm ,
very respectfully , D. E. SALMON ,
Chief of Bureau.
CULTURE , BROWNVILLE , Neb. , Nov. 5 ,
1895. Dr. D. E. Salmon , Washington , D.
C. : My Dear Sir In reply to yours of Octo
ber 31 , relating to certain swlno breeding
experiments :
For years I have entertained the thought
that largely the Ills with which hogs of this
day are afflicted are attributable to Inju
dicious breeding , and I may , with propriety
acid , careless handling ; that the arbitrarily
breeding to "fancy points" has correspond
ingly bred out the constitution , and thus
the hog becomes a ready subject for many
In this connection another thought oc
curred : That If wo could got back as near
the original hog as possible and obtain a
dash of unpampcrcd blood It might be well.
To this end I procured from the everglades
of Florida a pair of pure "razorbacks"
"clmpeelers" "sunflsh" specimens. The
male I first crossed on twoi-Red Duroc sows.
The female product of this cross I again
mixed by using a male Poland China , and
with the sows of this cross I used a large
male Yorkshire.
The results of this experimentation are tome
mo roost gratifying , showing on Ideal hog
for "family meat , " If I may so express ,
and equally so for healthy , rustling charac
teristics , and good bono support.
Near neighbors around me have "swine
dlseaso" "cholera. " There are no Indica
tions of any dlseaso among by crosses ; a
few Instances of dlaeasa amony my "Im
proved breeds , " Poland , Chester Whites ,
Durocs and Yorkshires. They all run pro
miscuously , In the same herd. I aim , how
ever. In the exercise of the truism "an ounce
of prevention is better than a pound of
cure , " to have no- disease among my hogs.
The native Florida hog I find fatar ruotlers ,
excellent feeders , prolific and the sow's the
best of nursing mothers. These character
istics maintain In all the cresses I have
madi ! .
The original Florida hog dees not "put on
fat" excessively as do our Improved stralna ,
nor do they grow si large nor mature so
quickly. The quality of meat , however , is
superb , tickling the appetite of the most
fastidious pork-eating epicures , being char
acterized for rich , nutty flavor , with "streaks
of lean and streaks of fat. " Thla factor of
quality Is peculiarly manifest in all the
crosses I have mado.
After the first croas these hogs fatten as
readily and as cheaply as any other breeds.
Experts , from a market standpoint , would
find them wanting In size of ham , not no-
tlccablo In second and third crossing. Size
of animal In first crosD might be objection
able , yet they1 run up to 200 and 2GO pounds
quickly and cheaply. I marketed a first
cross barrow at 1C months old at 480 pounds
on foot.
I glvo you , briefly , my experience In this
matter , and am free to express myself aa
abundantly gratified from a practical stand
point ; that lo , that It has resulted In obtain
ing a healthy strain of hogs , producing
healthy human food. This , I Infer , Is sub
stantially the Information you wish.
Permit , in this connection , the suggestion
that It more cleanliness Is observed and
care exercised In breeding , less Ills and
losses will attend the swlno Industry of the
country. .
At any time I may bo able to aid In your
work , command me. Yours respectfully ,
Mttlc Hones for Arlronn nn < I New
Mexico front ThlH CoiiErrcxH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 19. Disappointment
awaits the people of New Mexico and Ari
zona. They have been knocking for
admission into the sisterhood of
states for many years , but the
dcoreo has gone forth that the ambitions of
the two'territories must bo suppressed and
their prayers left unanswered for another
two years.
They can thank Speaker Reed and bis llt
tlo combine for the dose of disappointment
that has been brewed for their consumption.
The explanation offered that It la deemed of
the highest Importance"to check any furtbcr
growth of the silver strength In the oenata
and that the- best way to do that Is to pre
vent any Increase In the representation from
the mountain region. Therefore the houoa
committee on territories will not report bills
for the admission of the territories named
until too late for action by this congress.
Death Itate IN IIlKh In Armenia.
BOSTON , Jan. 19. In a letter Just re
ceived , Rev.II. . N. Barnum , D.D. , of Har-
poet , eastern Turkey , where property of the
American board was burned , says that re
ports have been secured from 17C villages In
the vicinity of Harpoot. Those villages con
tained 1C.400Christian bouses. Of this num
ber , 7,054 have- been burned and 15,184 per
sona are reported killed. Dr. Barnum adds ;
"The reality , I fear , will prove tobo much
greater. "
Starved HerHclf to Death.
DAYTON , O , , Jan. 19 , After twenty-one
days of voluntary fasting , Mrs. Isaac Oephart
of New Carlisle , this county , died yesterday
Afternoon. On Christmas day she ate her
dinner , but not another meal In all the rest
of the time. Her determination was the re
sult ot reading a book on Christian aclence.
Her husband Is a substantial farmer.
TOO I.AUOI : A M > AD KoniTin : m 1,1 *
.Vo One WlllltiK to litlClenr th
Market of Cut Itnle- Tickets ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 19. The committee of th
New York Mining exchange , wtiijch has bee
making an effort to secure .reduced . rate
from Denver to New York ) on > ftho occasion
of the opening of the Mining' exchange In
the latter city , has falled'Mn 'Its endeavor
The transmlssourl and Wpftcrh Passtngc
association road had agrned to make low
rates If the lines east of Chicago would d
the same thing. The latter , however , woult
iiot agree , and the plan of the committee
which was to run a special , train from Den
ver to New York for the qpcnlug , has been
given up.
The complication between the lines In
Colorado shows no sign of settlement. The
Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf has over 70
tickets In the hands of the brokers , am
the taking ot them up Is more than It cares
to nasume. It has again asked the Atchlron
and the Denver & Rio Grande , which I
claims nro equally Interested with Itself In
tbo maintenance of rates In Colorado , to all
In clearing the market , but both lines have
flatly declined. They say they had no ham
In placing the tickets with the brokers , am
that It Is noneof their business to take then
out. In the meantime the entire Western
Passenger association Is trying to have the
tickets taken off the market , and the Union
Pacific , Denver & Gulf has hot water no matter
tor which way It Jumps. It must take up
the tickets at a heavy loss or lose money
through the demoralization in the rates tha
will Inevitably result.
\nvnl Ofltccr TnlkH Gllhly of the
Forthcoming CaiiiinlK .
NEW YORK , Jan. 19. A dispatch to the
World from Boston says : A naval officer
who has Just returned from Washington says
"There Is absolutely reliable authority for the
statement that the admlnstratlon has pre
pared a plan of campaign against Turkey to
force the government of that country to
comply with the demands of the Unltec
States for Indemnity for Injuries to Ameri
can property and for the future protection of
American citizens within her domain. The
authorities do not deny this statement , th.ugh
they do not hesitate to say that no orders
whatever have been Issued to the vessels ol
the navy for carrying this order Into effect
Upon excellent authority It Is elated that the
Department of State recently entered Into
correspondence with the foreign powers ani
that none of them will Interfere.
"Tho plan , as I understand It , contem
plates a naval demonstration against Turkey
and perhaps an occupation of one of Its
cities. The Asiatic squadron has been con
sidered , and there are some officers at Wash
ington who bcireve It Is now on the way to
the Mediterranean.
"It Is certain that some decisive stroke Is
being considered. In any event , there are
good reasons for believing that the depart
ment will Increase the European squadron
by the New York and probably two other
vessels. "
Exposure to coiu , damp winds , may result
In pneumonia unless the system is kept In
vigorated with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Do Not OIIPOHC n N > jvCYork Outlet
for the PronoNcd qjitnal.
DETROIT , Jan. 19. The i/nlted States
branch of the deep waterway commission
has elected President AngelHof the Uni
versity of Michigan as clialnrian and Com
missioner Russell of Massachusetts as secre
tary. "It will not bo necgssary to select an
outside secretary for the present , " sali
President Angell today. "Considerable prea-
suio hau been-brought to bear/to secure the
appointment of Mr. Flowers o Duluth. Wo
will continue our present ' .sessions through
next Monday In order to'have further con
sultation with the Canadian commissioners. '
Cc-ntlnuing , President Angell said : "AI
our commissioners are expected to do Is to
make out what might bp called a prlma
facie caws on the question ) of deep waterway.
Our work Is purely preliminary. "
"Tho Impression that tho" Canadian brand ?
of the commission will not ljo In favor .of a
New York outlet Is erroneous , " said Canadian
dian Commissioner Keefer.Vo would never
consent to have New. York sidetracked
Without great wheat fields In Manitoba we
could not afford to consent to such an ar
rangement. "
Vindicates the Health CominlMMlonerN
MILWAUKEE , Jan. 19. Walter Kempstor
Is the health commissioner of Milwaukee un
less the supreme court reverses the de
cision rendered'yesterday-by Judge John
son of the circuit court. Last spring the
common council voted him out of the office
after an Investigation ot the management
of the office during the smallpox epidemic.
The decision Is a complete vindication of the
health commissioners , besides deciding Jn
favor of Dr. Kempster. Judge Johnson or
dered that the costs of the proceedings bfe
taxed against L. J. Mueller and Henry
Fischer , who preferred the charges which
called for the Investigation. The costs will
amount to from ? 3,000 to $5,000.
Rnti-H to the IlaptlHt Anniversary.
NEW YORK , Jan. 19. A ruling has been
handed down by Chairman Caldwell to
the effect that the rate of $60 , agreed to
west of the eastern gateways of the trans
continental lines for the Baptist annlver-
iurles , to be held In Portland , Ore. , next
May , will bo available from Duluth , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis , the Missouri river points and
other gateways. It will not apply from
St. Louis , Memphis or New Orleans , and ,
moreover , these points are not Included In
the territory from which the regular one
way thirty-day first-class tickets are to be
sold. '
Tired of Ilulnir n Fugitive.
STURGEON BAY , WIs. . Jan. 19. John
Pawllck , who killed Henry Rahdke In Sep
tember , 1894 , walked Into the sheriff's office
last night and gave himself up. Ho had
Just returned from Bohemia and says he has
traveled all over Europe. lie claims the deed
was done In self-defense , but he feared the
trial at the time , not being familiar with the
Shot and Killed hy a Coward.
WILLIAMSON , W. "Va. , Jan. 10. News Is
Just received that Dr. James Harvey of Wyo
ming county wao shot from ambush at
Guyan. He was riding on horseback when he
received the fatal shot and was found by
friends on the public highway. James Allen
Is under arrest , charged with the crime. The
two men had trouble recently ,
Shot and Fatally Wounded.
CHICAGO , Jan. 19. C , B. Paladlno , "King
of the Italians" of the Nineteenth ward , and
a prominent politician , w'aVeh'ot and fatally
wounded by Angela LlbeVatore } , his business
partner , In their saloon last' ' yenliig. An old
feud between the men aiftlrtiie assertion of
Llberatoro that I'aladlnS hW alienated bis
wife's affections , led to the ( ( aarrel.
Ilaltlmore Had a. P/cji/ih / it Voynnc.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jrlri. 19.-Tho crulrer
Baltimore arrived liero toduy from llono-
lu'.u. She encountered fnlrtjweather nil the
way and had an uneventful passage.
One complat
j LETTERS | that we , hear ( ? , ° fMt fro ? a
- woman who said that Pearhne
hurt her hands ! 2"We knew
that this couldn't be. But we
looked into the matter , and found
that she was usingf one of the
poorest and most dangerous of bar
soaps with her Pearline. When we
induced her to use Pearline alone ,
without this soap , everything was lovely.
Use no soap , when you do any wash
ing or cleaning with Pearline. It's
needless , and more expensive and it
may do harm. 470
Must Pay the Water Company Full Price
for Hydrant liontaK
iilKc Torrncr Itoliln tlint City Coun
cil * Arc Not llcntrlulcil to tliu
S-MII1 Levy In VrovlilliiK
t'lrc 1'rotcctton.
CRESTON , la. , Jan. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Judge Townor has decided the case
of the city ot Crcston against the Crcston
Water Works company , which Is ot state Im
portance. The action arose over a contract
made by the city council when the water
plant was first accepted , the council agree
ing to pay $7,800 per year hydrant rontnl.
A now council abrogated this contract ant
refused to pay the water company only sucl
Burn as was realized from the G mill tax nl
lowed by the state law. While there bavo
been other points Involved this Is the prln
clpal ono , and the decision of the court has
been awaited with Intense Interest.
Judge Townor decides against the city In
every point. Ho holds that the water com
pany Is entitled to $7,800 per annum on the
contract , and that It the 5 mill tax Is In
sufficient the balance must be paid out o
the general fund. He- goes farther and says
the city has the1 power to provide for water
supply as current expenses , and that thew
expenses arc not necessarily limited to the
amount provided for In the 5 mill tax for
water purposes.
The case will bo carried to the supreme
court. The city has fought the water com
pany ever since Its Inception , and has spcnl
considerable money In litigation. Judge
Towncr has had the case In his hands al
most a year. Omaha capitalists own the
Creston plant.
EviutKoIlHtlc Scrvlct'H Prove Fatal to
Mulct at UHthortlllc.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 19. ( Special. )
The llttlo town ot Esthcrvillo In the north
western part of the state Is In the throes of
a bitter saloon war , the result of a series of
meetings held thcro recently by Evangelist
Williams. The mulct petitions wcro circu
lated In the county months ago and the
requisite number of signers were received
to the petitions , and slnco that time thcro
have been three saloons running at Eother-
vlllo and two at Armstrong. The revival
meetings resulted In a great religious awak
ening , and the latter part cf last month pe
titions were circulated for the purpose of
83curlng the cloning ot the mulct saloons.
Only about 15 per cent of the voters of the
county' signed this petition , however. Not
to bo thwarted , the enemies of the saloons
made application for temporary Injunctions
closing the saloons , both at Esthervlllo anil
Armstrong. The matter was heard before
Judge Quartern at Algona. The validity ol
the petitions was not taken up , the claim
being made that liquor had been sold to
minors and habitual drunkarda Judge
Quartern sustained the temporary Injunctions
and declared they should hold until the next
term ot court , which convenes at Esthervllle
January 20.
ArraiiKcniciitK for the Meetliier n.t
Cedar ItaphlH IleltiK I'tixhcil.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 19. ( Special. )
The council of administration ot the Grand
Army of the Republic , department of Iowa ,
at a meeting at Des Molnes selected the
time- for holding the annual encampment In
this city as April 28 , 29 and 30.
Department Commander Thompson has
been making arrangements for the meeting
for some time , and la of the opinion that
the , encampment will Jo more largely attended
this year than over before. The people of
Cedar Rapids are alre-adybegtnning the.prep-
aratlons for the entertainment of the vet
erans during their stay In the city , and there
Is every Indication at present thq.t It will
bo the best meeting ever held.
Although the encampment la as yet sev
eral months off , same attention Is already
being devoted to the Interesting question as
to who will bo the next department com
mander. Phil Sheridan post of Sac City
started the ball rolling some tlmo ago for
General Joslah Given of Bus Molnes , and
slnco that time he his been endorsed by a
number of other posts In the state , and It
Is the general opinion that bo will bo unani
mously chosen.
Dubuquc has announced her Intention of
coming hero with -strong delegation to cap
ture the next encampment.
IOTVR Ilnnkers Start n. War on the
TraiiNiiortatlon Companies' Checks.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 19. ( Special. )
The bankers of Iowa have declared war on
theexpress ; companies In the- matter of cashIng -
Ing express money orders. To get an ex
press money order cashed at a bank means
that the owner will have to suiter a dis
count. Bankers claim that the express com
panies not only do not make proper pro
vision for Kie cashing of the orders they
issue , but by their negbct In this direction
they make a neal sum of money annually , as
long as the banks cash them without a dis
count. Bankers not only lose the exchange
on these * orders , but when they cash them
they are obliged to transport large sums of
currency In order to do the business. For
this transportation the express ? companies
charge full rate. It Is expected that the ex-
prtws companies will retaliate In some way or
other , but the bankers claim they are In the
fight to win. Steps are now being taken to
organize a guaranty company , the members
of which will equally stand losses of cur
rency In transmission , and when the associa
tion Is perfected the transmission of cur
rency will bo by registered letter.
Dr. Lyon's
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
For$5.95 UaltH'ul'harwaeit , Oiiuhn
'Neb. , will send you t ! boxes ot Titrltlt'i
Lout Manhood Cure with a ilhtinsl lajjl
I guarantee lo euro you ot any wcuknoai
uuscd by / * < ' ' ! uti'/i '
t < lrlitltliia. fully stopping nlyhl cuiliilaiu
Ibrluttlngback the etroit'jtU und vljnot
'youth or refund uvory c ut u.ill to u-J.
Wo do notKlvo free limerliitloiu , but
IKltoyoii niodlcliiu tliat llouruund | d -
Ivulop nil put (4 fully. Blnjflo boxea II ,
Sent by mull , no printing on outside , on
ircc < jlptof pilco ,
For r.aille T\irltai Taiuy and Pennj/
royal 1'llls tiuvur fall to brlutf nieiiilriiit-
S tluiiiui-eto the i/ i/ . II box , 0 for M by
J IUUIL. iiubn'd I'buruiucy , Omaha.
ccco cccccocccoccoecocccc6
The police wcro called lo Albright early
yesterday morning by the statement that a
mnn had Jupt been flthod out ot Mud creek
and thnt ho appealed to be nick. Captain
McDonouRh went down and found OcorKt
Barnard , a laborer employed nt Fort Crook ,
In a beastly state ot Intoxication. Ho was
taken to pallco headquarters and locked In
a cell. Yesterday forenoon when the lollce
Judge c.tmo around Unrnurd did not svein to
bo any better and complained rf a pain In
the bick ot his head , The judge thlnkc
possibly Harnard was slugged and cither
fell from his cart or was dragged off and
thrown Into the creek. Harnard docs not
know how much money 'ho had , neither docs
ho know whether any ono aspiultod Jiltn.
Chief Hrcnntm Is looking Into the matter.
Noir Mornlitir .Mull Delivery.
Commencing this morning there will bo an
extra forenoon mall delivery on N street.
Horctoforo the carrier on the N street route
left the postofflco at 7:30 : o'clock and as
conivquenca the mall-i which arrived at
8:30 : o'clock and 9:15 : o'clock lay at the post-
office until the noon delivery. Hy distribut
ing UIOPO malls I" the forenoon 1'ostmnstcr
McMillan hopes to benefit the business men
In the heart of the City. Mall routes In the
rcstdcnco portion ot the city will bo carried
as usual with one or two exceptions.
Ml.RlU City ( iONNtll.
Uorn To Mr. and Mry. Patrick Igo , a
Thd revival at the Plret Methodist church
will bo continued another week.
Cednnvood camp No. 19 , Woodmen of the
World , Installed ofllcoru Saturday night.
Frank Moran returned jcstcrday frm a
month's visit with relatives In Now Haven
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Marslk.
Nineteenth and Q streets , twins' , n boy ami
n girl.
Miles Vaughn , chief bill clerk at the local
freight oftlco of the B. & M. , has gone can'
on a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. George U laro entertained a
few friends at cards Saturday evening. Mrs.
Denna Allbery and Harry Dennis carrlsd
away the prizes.
People are complaining that tbo curbstone
on the east sldo of Twenty-fourth street at
the M street crossing la fully eight Inches
above the sidewalk.
Billy Hughes was arrested early yester
day morning for fighting with Bill Gannon
In Jlller's restaurant. Gannon skipped out
and haa not been found.
> Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nels Llnd ,
Twenty-fourth and Q streets , surprli-ed them
Saturday evening and pressntcd the newly
married couple with a memento of the visit.
Tony Dragoun , who was shot Saturday
morning by Henry Gccst , was tikcn to the
South Omaha hospital yesterday. The phy
sician says that ho will recover , but that ho
will bo laid up for a long time.
Mr. and Mrs. Hlbbard , Twenty-fifth end
J Btreatc , entertained a few friends at cards
Saturday evening. Light refreshments wore
served. Those present were the Mlsws Jen-
nls Metzgcr , I'earl Gray , Grace- Rowland and
Eatello Long and Messrs. Hey Davis , Harry
Slade , E. Rowland Smith and John Fields.
Knoxall council No. 1404 , Royal Arcanum ,
Installed the following ofllcErg for the coming
year Saturday evening : D. G. Sturrock , past
regent ; C. M. Rich , regent ; F. A. Crcssy ,
vlco regent ; Demia. Allbery , secretary ; John
Flynn , treasurer ; Herbert Broadwell , col
lector ; J. C. Carley , orator ; S. B. Christie ,
Get Strcimtli , Vlfcor , Clenr Complexion
nnrt Good DlKCHtloii , Not hy Patent
Medicine , lint In Nature's Own Way.
Any honest physician will tsll you that
there Is but ono way to get Increased flesh ,
all the patent edlclnes and cod liver oils
to the contrary'notwithstanding.
Nature has but one way to Increase flesh ,
strength and vigor , mind and body , and that
Is through the stomach by wholesome food ,
well digested. There Is no reason cr com
mon sense In any other method whatever.
People are thin , run down , nervous , pale
and shaky in their nerves simply because
their stomachs are weak.
They may not think they have dyspepsia ,
but the fact remains that they do not eat
enough food , or what they eit is not quickly
and properly digested , as It should be.
Dr. Harlandson says the reason is because
the stomach lacks certain digestive acids
and peptones and deficient secretion of gas
tric Juice.
Nature's remedy In euch cases Is to sup
ply what the weak stomach lacks. There
are several good preparations which will do
this , but none so readily as Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets , which ore designed especially
for nil stomach troubles and which euro all
digestive weakness on the common tense
plan of furnishing the digestive principles
which the stomach lacks.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give perfect di
gestion. First effect Is to increase the appe
tite , and Increased vigor , added flesh , pure
blood and strength of nerve and muscle Is
the perfectly natural result.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest
tonlo known and will euro any form of stomach
ach trouble except cancer of the stomach.
May bo found at druggists at 50 cents for full
sized package , or direct by mall from Stuart
Co. , Marshall , Mich.
most ricon.n AVKM. KNOWN itf
votiii Mu
rUI'SIA AMI Till ? MOST Oil-
Ank Your DriiKRlxt for ' .Mtmyon'i *
Hiililp tu HcnUIi , Svlrct n US-Cent
Honieily nnil Cure Yournolf.
Mr. John McOiilrc , proprietor of the Me-
Gulro house , Osborne , Kansas , sajs : "It
la with great pleasure that I testify for Mun
yon's Remedies. Ono vUl ot Munyon's
llhddcr Cure relieved mo from the tortures
of an Inflammatory condition of the bladder.
A few doses \\cro suttlclont to stop the ter
rible burning pain , n"J In a short course of
the treatment cured nir. "
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never falls to
relieve In 1 to 3 hours , and cures In a few
day * . Price. 25c.
Mwivon's Dyspepsia Cure Is guaranteed t
euro ill forms of Indigestion and stomach
troubles. Trice , 25c.
Munyon's Catarrh Hemedlcs positively euro.
1'rlco 2. c each.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains
In the luck , loins and groins , and all forms of
kidney disease. Price , 2Gc.
Munyon'n Female- Remedies are a boon to
all women. Price , 20c.
Asthma Cure , with Asthma Herbs , $1.00.
Munyon'o Nerve Cure stops nervousness
tintl builds up the sjstcm. Price , 25c.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache
In three minutes. Price , 25c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all
forms of pilot. Price , 2Gc.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impuri
ties of the blood. Price , 26c.
Munyon's Vltallzcr restores lost powers to
weak men. Price , $1.00.
A separate euro for each disease. At all
druggists , 2Go n bcttlc.
Personal letters to Professor Munyon , 1G05
Arch' street , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered with
free medical advice for any disease.
Last Appearance of the
An Emotional Comedy Drama. '
Two ladles or one lady and Gentleman
will be admitted on one paid SO-ccnt ticket
If purchased before G p. in.
EVERY WOMAN seals n reliable
monthly regulating medicine
A 3 prompt safe aiidcertflln In result. Thogenu-
'ne ( Dr , t'i nl's ) n verrtlmppnlnt Bpnr anywhen *
Jl.OO , Sherman & McConnel ! Drus Co. , 1C11
Dodea Etrcct Omaha. Net.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , - - - $100,000
Special Holices-Council Bluffs
mnat bo cheap. Address HcLauglilln , lie *
office. "
means a medicine that strengthens
the stomach , or to be brief , it means
Ripans Tabules. If you are
troubled with a weak stomach and
cannot digest your food use Ripans
Tabules , One gives relief.
nipann Tabulcs : Sold by druKgl'U. or far mall
If the price m cents a box ) ) tent to T. ni-
pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce Bt , N , Y.
Dr. S. Mosher
Having fully dcmonstruteJ by years of vucceuaful practice and experience that he Is
able to cure multitude of JUumea which bailie the tlllll of ordinary phyalclane , ha
feels It his duty 10 mulct ; U.-own to tultennb' humanity that he devotes filg wliolo tlmo
and energy to tlib particular brunch of the profession , and will prepare and furnish
RHdlcfno ut his office or visit those ca en which muy require peuonul examination , I'a-
tlentu at a dlatunce may consult Ur. Moalitr by letter , glvlim a carefully written history
of their coses , describing their uymptoma minutely an porslblc , which will enable him to
make correct diagnosis , urn ) judge very accurately of the curability of the disease , and to
apply proper remedies. Medicine forwarded either by mall or express , and all inedlclno
Described by Dr. Mother la prepared under hla own personal supervision. Ho treats all
disease * without mercury or other poisons , which create UUcave of themvelves.
The doctor by Ills new HI2STOHATIVI3 TIIBATMENT cures all curable diseases , and
reuts with RUCCCBH all affections of the Liver , Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , epilepsy.
Dyspepsia , Heait Disease , llheumatlim. Neuralgia , and nil Nervou Diseases caused by
overwork , the Indiscretion of youth , or the excesses of riper years , and whatever may
end to lower the latent foice or the tone nf llfe'n vitality , causing physical doblllly ,
nervous exhaustion. Insanity , and premature decay.
Consult personally , or by Letter , free and strictly confidential. Addrees ,
Dr. S. Mosher ,
Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , It *