THE DAILY FRIDAY , JANUA11Y 17 , 18)0. ! ) SPEGIRL Attvcrdnrnipntu for tltcNc column * will lie tnUrti until lUiHO p. in. for tlie cvenlntt mill until H i > . > n. for tlic inornliiK mill .Sumay ) c < llllnn . Ailvi-rtNprn , li > - roiim-Mlnir n nuin- llurnl clicolc , enii IIIMP nnnircm nil- ilri-NNcil in n niiinlirrril loiter III cnrc of The lice. AiMnorn no nililrrHHril ttlll lie delivered upon | tre rn < ntl n of the cliorlc milllntox , 1 l--o n mini flrnt Inm-rllon ) lo n Moril Iliorpnfler. NothingtaUoii for leu * tlinn"n for flrt Insertion. Tlimc nilvrrtlnvnii-iitn niiiKl lie run cnnnucu- tUrljr. SITUATIONS \VA.\TEH. YOUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO no CHOUKfl. lak cnro of furnace , IIOMM or cnw , for bean ) . Omaha IIus. Col. , cor. 15th ana Fnrnnm. A 101 WANTIill MAIjR I1RL1' . WANTED. L1VU , INTKLLICinNT AOENT8 IN Omnlm to organize eluts of threa to llv * faml- llts of our famous Orchard Homes lands In central Mississippi. Tin tIJfl of Immigration Is Kolns fouth. where there nre no hot wlmK no cold winters , no MIzEnnla. rm crop failures ! where two or throe crops can be rnlwil each year ; where thfro \ < t nich thlnic n failure It n man will work one-half ns hnnl ns he doc * In this country ! cnol summers , mild winters : fure paylnir crops of fruits find Burden truck : rlch t soil on enrlh : best rnllvvav rnclllttei. OPO.V. . Ames , penrnl nccnt , 151 ? rnrnam St. , OmB1 . JCO TO 1CO PAID SALESMEN FOU CIOAIIS : experience hot necessary : extra Inducements to cmtomorii. Bishop & Kline. St. ' WANTIJD-KNIJIianTIC AND UUSINHSS MAN with two thousand dollars , to tnke charRO of onico In Omaha for the pals of mining Blocks of Cripple Creek nnd Colorado , with connec- tlcns CMlTOBo. Pt. LoiiK Denver. Coloriilo Rprlnir * . PueUo anil Crlpplo Creek. A > 1 < < . . . . n-M.-tir.-n. n < t. nee. _ * r.oo i in wnnic AND EXPENSES TO SKLL unneceisary ; special Induce- rlKnri : experience HiSntsto dealers. Folk & Co. , St. WANTED , CANVASSL-nS TO SEU , 11AKINO powder with beautiful novelties : blK monej . pleasant work : quick nalci. Western Novelty Co. . Ht. Joseph. Mo. _ H-M461 ! ' A. START IN LIFB WITH 5 OH IO ; t > A week i y ; no fnke. For Informatlcin a < lilit > M with G cents In slnmps. "Providence I'ureau. 421 Commercial tildg. . St. I/Milt. 1I-MH1 ! . BALnSMU.V WANTED TO PLACE OUll largo and Increasing line of ndvcrtl-dnic special- tie * ! latest nnd licnt ; ninny fast eeltltiR novel- tlei ; nothing similar In the country ; cx- cluilvc cnnliul to men with experience ; com- ml lon liasls ; state reference nml pxperlencc. Current Publishing Co. . 1025 Fdbtrt St. . Phlln- ] J-RI4S91S delplila. _ _ _ WANTED , MEN CAPAHLR OP OIKIANIKINQ nnd managing : nlMO two canvasseis for the rand. Address II 3C , Hcc olllce. II Mm 17 FOII nnvr 'HOUSES. HOUSES. P. 1C. DAnLING. BAnKEIl I1LOCK. HOUSES IN AM. PA UTS OP THE CITr. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1503 ITarnam. P"126 rUItNISHED HOUSE FOU HENT : BEAUTIFUL , houBc , ten room * , elegantly furnished , hot water heat , laundry , stnlili' . carriage , etc. Thos. P. It'll. C1C fnxlon block. D 1-1 BTANFOUD CtHCLn COTTAGES ; 0 ROOM , modern. Byron need Co. , 212 So. llth ot. D 415 S AND 9-ItOOM HOUSES ON FA11NAM AND C-room hou o on 22d nnd Lcavcnworth. cheap. Jno. W. llobblns , 211 N. Y. Ufa Dldij. IIOUSKS , BCNEWA & CO. . 103 N. I5TH ST. FOU RUNT , MODERN I1UIC1C IIOUSH OP 13 or 20 rooms nt 114-1 iG N. 23th et. See J. N. Frenier , opposite postolllcc. Tel. Kt. D S27 2 TO 4-H. IIOUSUS CIIBA1' . 603 N. 13TH ST. U M90 J2C * MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STAUn , 023 N. r. Llfo building. D MISO EIGHT-HOOM. ALL CONVCNIENCUS , 1SH Koulli Thlily-sccoml : and many athcis ; all sizes. P. D.'vy < ; ad. Sixteenth and Doimlas. FOR RENT , MounnN HOUSE : EIGHT rooms ; with bath ; on car Una ; near park ; Air ! ) nninll house ; K" " < 1 location ; only } 3. Gun- nctt , Ol Ilrowr. block. D-M1D3 JS1" roil 11KNT , NICE SOUTH FIIONT MIGHT room brick house , with all modern Impi mo ments and In Urst-clucs condition ; possession Riven January IS. Inquire on premise * . ; 0 Half Howard street. D.J _ ! -rtOOM FLATS , $5.00 ; 1022 N. 21ST. D-233 Ff nici 14 rooms , 21th and DoURla * , modem , reduced from JOO.OO to 510.0) . 7 raoma. modern. 27th , near Cumins , reduced from 123.00 to 1S 00. 0 rooms , modern , 21th nml Douglas , reduced from J3.-i.00 to ? 20.0i ) , 7 irmmn , modern , 31th and Jackxon , reduced from J27.M to 1B.OO. AMo several other fine houses cheap. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. H IC2 _ rou niNT. A NICI : C-IIOOM noiisu WWLY papered , JS.OO per month. Including city water , tn people that piiy rent ) n advance , 119 N. 37th ; talto Farnam car ; Stcetzel , next to 1 . o. D 4C1 iiousn , CHNTHAL LOCATION. Jir 00 per month. Enquire 2010 Capitol avenup. D-475-21 * _ BTHAM HEATED STORKS AND FLATs ! Howard Rnnck , agent , 1C10 Chicago st. _ D I74-FI4 FLATS ; SIX HOOMS ; 413 AND 419 SOUTH Klovonth ; near Howard ; good repair ; rent low. Room 311 First National Hank building. D MIT ! ) 2J FOIl HKXT FtlHMHlIii ) UOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS IIOUSRKnKI'INO. 202o St. Map's n venue. C M4I9 20 * FURNISHED ROOM , ? 5 MONTH. 1918 FAR- imm. H 463-1G * FIRST CLAbH 1JOAIID AT 1C10 DAVENPORT street. i : M471 FH fTl 11N1SIIKD ROOMS FOR HOUSEKF. KVMNO , i.011 St. Mary'B. K-M4S3 17 I NICE FUllNtSIinD OK UNFURNISHED rnonifl. 1112 S , llth. I3-M432 23 ItOOMH AM ) llOAIin. FRONT IIOOMS. WELL HEATED ; FAMILY bnurd If d slred ; rates reasonable. 321 North Kd st. F-070 _ loUTII ROOM. WITH HOARD , FOR TWO fr tftfiitlenien. 212 South 25th street. F M225 17 luV- IIPOMH WITH HOARD ; STIJAM HEAT. UTO- k pla. 1721 Davenport. F M390-1S FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 1514 FAH- nam. F M4IS 17 * ROOMS WITH HOAIU ) , 2223 DODC1K STIlltKT , F-M477 M _ STIUCTLY riUVATE FAMILY , HANDSOMELY rlluated , nlll ncconmuilato foiv gentlemen with choice rooms nnd m.nnl ; i efcrencci ex changed. 722 lath etirct bouletnrd. F-MK8 17 * FIRHT CLASS 11OAUD : 1610 DAVJ2NPORT ST. F-MI71 FH _ L.XROK SOUTH 11OOM WITH HTKAM ; I2X. cellent table ; ivfeienccs. 202 N. 18th. _ _ F MISS 1S rou IIOOMS. < KOOMS ; WATER IN KITCHUN : CENTRAL ; pMKonalilt rent ; ulc for houick cplng. n.)2 . Wfb ter _ it. _ oiiT.unc iiNruimiaiiuo ROOMS vr flS .V. 171h it ; upslulra. _ _ _ a M34I 31 UNrUIlNlSHUD ROOM. MODEHN CONVENr knees. 1713 Chicago street. G Mill 19 UAIUtLUli : CHEAI lU , WEADTlGTH AND Q 437 13 rou iiR.vr-sTouns AND O KOR RUNT. THU 1-STORY UIUCIC IJUILD1NO at 910 Farnam it. This bulMIng has a Me- inoot ccmvnt trttunifiit , complete Maim Inu nxluiuviiicr nn nil awn. ca > , etc. Apply - ply ut the olllo of The Uc > . I-Sin Anuvrs IVAXTKII. AOKNTS WANTED TO TA1CU ORDKI'.S FOR our cclfbraUd MM cu.tom punu and iulti. Chicago Cu tom I > nm Co. . Fifth av . Chicago. J-MJI7 _ STORAGI2. UTOUAOE. nt.VNK EWEIIH. IJtl JJARNEY. M-1J4 PACIFIC STOITACIir AND WAREHOUSE CO. . iU.110 Jonts. arn ml > < unu and forwarding- , . VI-1U FOR FIUST CLASS. ALMOST NJJW. CLOSED CAH- rl > ( for rale cUf&p. It 4' ) , lUi. P--CMt WA ! TKI1 TO 11UY. LIST nttMi KSTATfJ WITH P. D. WIUD. Hlitccmh nd DoiiKlis. N M1M Fl WANTii : A RMALL SECOND t AND foundry unit repair outfit. Address 8. M. Dor- rl , llroken How. Neb. N-M4V ) 23 * _ ' 8KCONI1 HAND FURNITUtUJ. imOWN's' . 102 S. IlJh. N 450 I'oit SALK .MISCIJLLAMOLS. HAIID WOOD 4 AND 6-rOOT KKNCB FOR corn cribbing. C , R. Let , Ml Douglas.Q Q 138 FUIINITURK W NINE-ROOM HOUSE , Kingly nr entire , bra > s bedsteads , best fiirlngi ; hair m.iitre scs ! nearly new , nt IIS S. 23ti : t. Mm. Wrl l y. Q-M429 CI.AIHVOVA.Vrs. MttS OH. II. WARItHN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; tin year at 1W N. 16th. S 13S MATHS , ETC. MADAM SMITH. 1522 DOUGLAS STnitUT. 2D HUT. room 11. Massage , strnm , nlcolnl nnd sulphurlno balhn. T 418 IS * MME. AMES , FOllMHRtA- ST. LOUIS , MAS- .ir ? and baths. W ? S. 13th st. . "J floor , room 10. T-M33S-1S" MMK. LARUB ; MASSAGE ; ici ; HOWARD sticct. T MISO FIB * I'CIISOXAL. UATHS. MASSAGE. MMC. TOST , 319VJ S. 15TII. U 140 FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED I1AUMLKY. 17th nnd St. Mary's avenue. Telephone. 410. UCLLK EPl'ERLY 17OKSET MADE TO ORDER nt 1903 Fainnm. Lady agent * wanted. U M937-J25 * SUI'EUI'LOUS HAIR AND MOLES HE- moved by electricity. Mme. Test , 313 > 4 S. 15th. U S30 MISS VAN VALKENItURGH DESTROYS PER- manenlly by clectilclty suporlluous hair , moles , uatts , etc. Room 410 , N. Y. Life bldg. U 90J RELIADLE INFORMATION REQARD1NO THE wonderful Cripple Creek KpM fields , with photo graphs of gold mines and district , showing 100 oppoitunltlcs to grow rich , for $1.00. Address W. II. Hat beck' , box 77 , Crlpplo Creek. Colo. U-203-1S * - - MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPerty - erty ; strictly confidential. Address P. O. Tlox 32S. U-112 WCDDINO INVITATIONS , I1URKL13Y PTG.CO. U 233 F3 VIAVI CO. . 3(0 11EE nUILDINO ; HOME treatment for ladles ; physician of fifteen years' experience In attendance ; consultation free. U M133 ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. F. IJodtker. 1302 Douglas street. U M321 F8 DENTAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF Omaha. 12ih and 1'nclllc , will extract , clean , treat nnd nil teeth , except with gold , free. r. M313 23 EQUITY IN MY 1 HOPERTY , N. W. CORNER 13lh nnd Pierce , 100x141. 4 housci : nlso one unfo nnd 3 6-foot show cases with stands. Fred Mohle. ItilO DoilBO. UM 405 ril. YOUNG LADY WANTS PLACE TO TEACH piano In family for loom or board. Addicss H 53. llee. U MISS 13 * HONEY TO LOA9T UISAL ESTATI3. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. Life. Loans nt low rates for choice secuilty In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W Hi MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Fnrnam St. W 144 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN O17 OMAHA real estate & Neb. ( arms. Vf. O. Melklc , Omaha. W 143 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , Paxton bill. W 147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 023 N. Y. LIFE. W 143 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE , BROWN T3LK. W 143 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 150 MORTGAGE LOANS : LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttle , ICth and Douglas , Omaha.W W 151 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Dros. . 210 N. Y. L. W 152 WANTED AT ONCE , APPLICATIONS FOR largo loans on business propcrtr. also dweMng hoLsa loans ; don't wait until your old loan ex pires , apply now. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fnrnam it. W 943-J25 FOR MONEYSE1S F. D. WEAD , 1CTU AND Douglas. W M192 I'll SECURITIES FOR SALE We have accepted nnd offer for sale the following - lowing Hist mortgage loans on Improved Omaha property. No better Investment can be found. Jl.MO 5 yrs. , 6 i per cent. 8-room modern house. 11,500 C yra. , 7 per cent , 8-room modern house. ' $300 314. yrs. , 7 per cent. 7-room cottage.- J2.000 5 yrs. , 7 per cent , 8-room modern house. J1.500 G yra. , 7 nor cent , 2 duellings. J1.100 5 yrs. , 0 rer cent , 8-room dwelling. This list chanses every week. Call nnd Inspect these securities nnd satisfy yourself. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam st. W 212-18 GEO. P. I1EMIS , LOANS. PAXTON 1ILK. W 334 F7 MOXI3V TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goads ; strictly confidential ; you ran pay the loan oft at any lima or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 308 S. Kill St. X 153 MONEY TO LOAN , 3d. GO , 90 DAYS ; FUUNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duft Green , room 8 , Darker block. X 154i BUSINESS CHANCES.- FOR SALE. HEST REPUBLICAN PAPER AND job plnnt In enBtein Nebraska , In strong te- publfcan town and county. It Roes cheap fern n llttlo cosh. Address II 38 , Dec. Y 365-10 HUSINESS CHANCE. LEASE OF A FINE store for dry goods ; moderate rent ; cstnb- llshed business ; owing to consolidating our hUBlnws at Dubuque , lu. , we offer our lease of our building , running 2 ycarsr this Is n snap for any one wanting to start Into business In a irgod , Ilvo town , llennlnson llros. . Itoone. la. V MIC5 20 FOR SALE. BAKERY AND FANCY ORO- cery ; In Ilvo town of 2,500 In eastern Ne braska ; line tradu ; no competition : tlrRunt fixtures ; good , clean stock. Address II 07 , Hue , Y MIS1 F2 A SNAP ! CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE ; A bargain ; rent low ; living looms ; sales from $8 to $15 per day. Address D 13 , Dee , Council muff * . la. Y MIS4 21 WANTED , A LOCATION FOR A DUUG store. Address P. O. Uox 123 , Superior , Nth. Y-M493 21 * FOII EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE : GOOD SOUTHERN MICH- Isan property for raw or Improved western land or stock ot merchandise. Address Lock llox , No. 2 , Ong. . Neb. . Z M(7C ( 17 * FINELY STOCKED IOWA FARM FOR DltUCJ buninesa nnd building. Grocery business for half I fill estate. Small drug buslncsi for \ei\\ \ estate. F. D. Wcad , ICtl ; ur.d Dauglas. /-SO IS WILL TRADE PART GASH AND PART GOOD land under ditch for etocK oC general mrrehan. disc tar country trndo , AdJiesM Wallace Llros. , Monte Vlstn. Colo. K M490 20 FOH BALE-UHAL ESTATE. AHSTHACT8. THE IIYIION RISED COMPANY. 1 RU--15S , EST FLOIUDA LANDS K3. prclally adapted to fruits ; 577 acres wltlf bilck jiml In complete running order ; 73-hurso power engine and bollur , new pattern ownrd brick machine ann pustnlll ; Pott's crushers , truck unit earn with Mndlnz drum to haul clay from Kiiilc , two rails cna wagon to haul wood , sheds with pallets for 120,000 brlrks. one hnnd lire * * , abundance nf clay and wood , dwelling lious.j with six rooms , kitchen und butli room. Clood wnter and locntlc-n , pcifcctly healthy , Jumvi McCullouiili , postoltUe Quintette. Flu. RE-JM-Ktb 5 UA11OAINS , BALE Oil TltARU IN CITY I'HOl'- irtlu and farmi. Jno. N , Krtnter , tpp. I' . IX Iin-l& OHO. P. I1KM1S , HOUSES. LOTH. 1IUUGATED furm lands , leans. : ? } and 538 Paxtou block , RE-S23 HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , ial o ; trade. F. K. Darling. Darker Hlock. RE-1CJ DOUGLAS CO. FARM WITH JIO.OOO IMPROVE. nientu ; pi.lce. t2SUu < ) . s r , huui * nj lot , Central Parlc , J1W. r. liounr. city water , near c.-u , $1,200. MM'lal ( .nup la Knrpy Co. farm. 3 acre * bet. Omaha and So. O. , Jl.SOo. 3-utory brick Farnam St. storo. J 11.05. F. D. W sd , Kill and DourUe. RE < tt U I'l'Iltll.STKIUNa ri'HMTL'HE. ' UPHOLSTKRINO. FURNITURE REPAIRED ar.a tucked vry cheap Hilt incatb. U. a AVal ln. tilt Ccmlrs. Tl. 1SI. J71 AX A. C. VAN HANT8 SC1IOOU SH N. Y. LIFK. OMAHA BUSINESS COLLIDE. 1JTII. FAHNAM. 1(2 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W , COR. 131 h nnd DodK . Rooms by day or week. 164 Tim LANGE HOTEt * 80j"8TijTII ST. ! STEAM bent ; table bonrd , $3.00 per week. M1U I'AAVNIIIIOKEIIS. II. MAROW1T2 LOANS MONEY. 41S N. II ST. MUSIC , AHT AXI ) LANGUAGE. O EOROE F ! GELtTENUECK , 1JANJO AND Kiiltnr tcnchcr. 1815 Chlc.iRO t. 109 ELOCUTION. ZULEMA rULLEtl. 616 KAR11AC1I 11LK. . EN- gngetnents made fol readings In and out ot city. 241-F4 * IIUII.DINCl AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHAUE3 IN MUTUAL L. & 1J. ASS'N PAY C. 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old ! always redeemable. 1701 Famam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. 1C9 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on n\ln s. Apply to Omilm L. & H. A 'n , 1704 Uee bldg. d. M : Nattlnger , Sec. 170 UNUEnTAlCEnS AM ) BMHALMICRS. II. K. Ht'UKET. TUNEItAL DIIIECTOR AND embalmcr , 1C1S Chtcago tt. . telephone 90. ISC SWANSON" & VALIEN , KOI CUMING. TEL. IOM. 167 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmcr. 1417 Fnrnam t. . telephone 223. 163 11ICYCLES. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU SEE our ' 90 line. We sell sundries and do repair ing. Ak-Sar-tlcn C > cle Co. , 313 South ICth street. 409 F 11. HOUSES WIXTEUED. HOUSES WINTERED ; TJEST OF CARE given horses , both winter nnd summer. Address M. J. Welch. Gretna , Neb. M772 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the atockholJors of The lice Building company will bo huM nt the olllco of Thu Omaha I3cf , Omnha , Neb. , at 4 o'clock ; p. in , , Tuesday , January 21 , 1800 , for Iho purpose 'of electing a board of directors for the en suing year nnd transacting such other bus iness ns may properly como before such meeting. By order of the president. J2-d2tt N. P. .F121L. Secretary. WHITE STAR LINE. Bulling from New York \VeJn dayB , , ns follows. No .sailing the 23th of December. IS30. Germanic , Jan. 23 , 10 a. m. : Teutonic , Jan. 25. 10 a. in. ; llilinnnlc. Feb. C , ID lu in. ; Majestic , Feb. 12 , 10 n. in. United States and Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon imssaKO. 159 and upward , according to cteamer selected and location of berth. Second cabin $35 nnd (40 on Majestic and Teu tonic. > ' > DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Qieat Britain and Ireland Bold at lowest rates. For Inspection of plans or s'camers and any further Information apply to local agents or direct to II. MAITLAND KHHSnY. Q'l As't , 2S 'fl-'nay N. Y. N. ANDnnSONs O'l Wn ARt. . 241 soimr CLARK ST. . cmr-Ano. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IHUIILINQTON & MO. lUVEIl.jArrlves OmaliajUnlon mpot. IQtli & Mason Sts.l Omaha slSOani Denver Express 0:3Sam : < : ! Hpm.BIc. ! Hills. Mont , ft Puget Snd Ex. 4:05pm : 4:2pm : Denver Einree 4:0opm : TOCpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4J/m : . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.ll:2oara : I : < tpm..lrast Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . OmahajUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.lOmaha , 6Mpm : Chicago Vestibule 8:00am : 8:48ain Chicago Expiess 415pm ; 7-BOpm.Chicago A ft. Louis Express. . . 8:00am : lliiSam Pacific Junction Local G:30pm : Fast Mall 2:40pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. . & ST. PAUL.IArrt\M OmahalUnlon Depot , lOUi & Mason Sts.l Omaliq 6:00pm : Chicago Limited 8:0am : 10:45am..Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . t2opm ! Leaves CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrlves OmalmJJnlonDepot | , 10th & Mnsun Sta.l Omaha , ll:00am..r. : Enftcrn Express 3:10pm : 4:45pm : Vcstlbuled Limited 6:45pm : 7:0rnm : Carroll Passenger. . . . * . 10:40pm E:45pm Omaha Chicago Special 8Warn 4:30um : Uoone Ixjcal . ' . . . 9Mam : ; Missouri Valley Local tliiOam Leaves ( CHICAGO. R. I. ft PACIFIC.JArrlves OniahiilUnlon Depot. 10th & Mo son Sta.l Omaha. EAtrl. I0:40am. : . . Atlantic Express ex. Sunday ! . SWpm : e:25pm : , . Nlrht Exprcsn . 8I5am 4tOpm : . Chicago Vestib-UciT I.tmltpu. . . . . 4 ; rOpm..St. Paul Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . l:35pm : WEST. 6:4Epm.Oklahoma : & Texas Ex. ix. Sun..lO:35ara : l:40lm ) Colorado Limited : 4:00prn : Leaves I C , ST. P. . M. & O > Arrlvcs Omahal Depot , 15th nnd Web ; er Sts. I Omaha _ 8:1.rim : : GlouiT City Accommodation. . . sTlSpm 12:15pm..Sioux : City Express-ex. ( bun.l..ll:65am : B:45pm : St. Paul Llmltec D:10am : Leaves I F. . E. ft MO. VALLTCT. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. I Omqlm 2:15pm : Fast Mall and Express 5:3Ipm 2:15pm.ex. : Oat. ) Wyo. ICx. ( ex Man. ) . . . 6:3'pm : 7EOim..Norfolk : Express ( ex. Sunday.10:25am SI5pm ; St. Paul Express. . . . . . . . . . . 8:10am : Leaves I 1C. C. . ST. J. & C. D. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , JOlli & Mason .Sts.l Omaha 9:0"am..Kansas : " CHy Day Express 6:30pnT : :43pm.K. : C. Night Ex. VlaU _ , P..Trans.7J ara Leaves I MISSOURI I-ACmC. lArrlven Omu'.ml Depot , 15th and Webster Bts. I Omaha 10:40am : 3t. Louts Express 6:40am : * : SOpm St : Louis Express : OSpm 8'.30pm..n.Nebraska Local ( ex. Run. ) BiOOam , Leaves I SIOUX CITY- PACIFIC. 1 Arrives Omahal Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. I Omaha ' ' 6:45p'm : St. Pnul Limited 910am ; Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & MasonSts. _ [ Omaha 7:03am : Sioux City Passenger . . . . . .10:40pni : 64Cpm ! St. Paul Limited. . . . . . . . . . . 9JOura : L nv s I UNION PACIFIC. lAr'lvts OmahalUnlon Dtpot. 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha 910am North'Tlntto Express.T 4:10pm : 8:20am : Overland Limited 4:45pm : 3:30pm.Ileat'co : A Stromsb'g Ex.ex. Sun. ) 4:10pm : 5)5pni..Grand : Island Express ( ex. Sun..12:05pm ) : 3:30pm : Fast Mall 10:2-Jani : leaves T 'WABASH RAILWAY. JArrlvei OmnhalUnlon Dfpol. 101 Ii & Mason Sts.t Onuha St. trtuls Cannon Oall WILL COUNT ALI 01 ? THE VOTES. niiiiriin-Lfiiily Conli-nt ProKruHMeH in County Court. The attorneys In the Duncan-Lemly elec tion contest consumed the entire morning In arguing the point raised by the contest ant that he was entitled to a recount of all the districts In tlio city on the ground that the allegations of error In counting and mis takes-of tha ejection boards , as set forth In the petition of the contestant , were sulll- clont reason for ordering all ballot boxes Into court and recounting the votes cast for Duncan - can and Lemly. Counsel for1 the contestant quoted rulings of courts In several ttatcs In support of tils position. After hearing arguments on both sides Judge Baxter ruled that the law was tin- doubtedly In support of the position of the contestant and he directed all the city bal lot boxes to be brought Into court. Tills was done at the afternoon session and the court , lawyers and contestants started on the long nnd arduous task of counting the votes cast In each district In the city , This will prob ably occupy all the time ot the court until this evening , or possibly longer. The result of the count In the districts where Duncan claimed that several ballots marked with lead pencil and cast for him had been rejected by the judges of election , showed a net gain for Lemly of three votes. Duncan suys that ho will overcome Lemly's majority entirely when the whole vote Is counted. A Correction. In the cpon letter addressed to the Board of Flio and I'ollco Commissioners aver the name ct Q. Hosewater In tha last Issue of The lice , No. 1C10 Chicago street wai deslg ? noted cs a "pukcr" room. This was an error. The- place tinmed wan Sixteenth and Chicago , but In transcribing the letter the stenographer made it 1610 Chicago , which Is occupied by Mr. Hovviml Itanck , rental agent tor Colonel dowry. Wo make this correc tion to exonerate Mr. Ranck , who lias never used the premise he occupies except for legitimate purposes. A. O. D rtey ! ot Magic , Pa. , vrrlte : " 1 feel It a duty of mine to Infcrm you and tha public that Uiwitt' Witch Haze ] Salvo cured ma of a very bad o c pr ecxome. .It also cvutl my boy of a running sore on his leg. MUNYON STRONG' TESTIMONY , UKM. KXOW.X I'HOI'Ln TIJSTIl-'V TO ctmns. INVESTIGATOR YOURSELF Any UriiRRlnt Will Otvr You < ho \iinu' of Ills C/'tintoincrfl Wliii Have IIcm Cured of ItliiMiinntlnin , Catarrh' , Klilnoy Troulilrn , It I mill nml Xcrioun Coiilplnliitn Iiy MtiiiynuV 1111111-0 % oil Homoeopathic HonirillcN. Mrs. Jane Fish , COS East Second street , Ksnsan City , Missouri , says : "My first at tack ot Inflammatory rheumatism came In 1SC7 , and ever olnco then I have bean very much of nn Invalid aa the consequence cf repeated epolls of rheumatic trouble. I spent thousands of dollars for doctors , but received no benefit. Finally I teak Mun- yon's Htipumatlpm Cure , but only to please my husband. The effect was marvelous. After taking thosa little pellets only three days I felt better than tat any time for twenty yciro. I continued the remedy until I had used four vials , and I have ntt been troubled with rheumatism since. " Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never falls to relieve 'In 1 to 3 , hours , and cures In a few days. Price , 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure Is guaranteed to cure all forms of Indigestion nnd stomach troubles. Price , 25c. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies positively cure. Prlco 25o each. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back , loins and groins , and all forms of kidney disease. Price , 23c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to nil women. Price , 25c. Asthma Cure , with Asthma Herbs , $1.00. Munyon'o Nerve 'Cure stops nervousness nnd builds up tha system. Price , 25c. Munyon'o Hcadacho Cure stops headache In three minutes. Price , 2Gc. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price , 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impuri ties of the blood. Price , 25c. Munyon's Vltallzar restcrcs lost powers to weak men. Price , $1.00. A separate euro for each disease. At all druggists , 25c a bSttle. Personal letters to Professor Munyon , 1505 Arch street , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered with free medical advice for any disease. UEPOUT IT A rouil 1IUSIM3SS. < JiiNtlccH nt the JPriice Make Some Of ficial SllOlVlllK.H. Justices of th { > ptjacc are required by ( statute to make re'ports to the county com missioners ot nll'fincb Imposed by them nnd ot , all witness ifcesi remaining lu their hands six months unclaimed. All of such money properly belongs to the county. This section of the sthttit8 has not been observed , no reports of thlsTlatifro having been filed with the board previous to last year , when two reports were filed by'justlces. In December last 'Commissioner S.tenberg Introduced a resolution , which , waq adopted , calling upon all1 Justices of the county to make quarterly reports. r ] In accordance wltl ) this resolution nine teen of the thlrty-flYQtJustlces In this county have filed .reports.covering that last quarter ! of 1835" . Tlio 'following twelve Justices re port that there are'no witness'fees remaining ! unclaimed In their hands , and that no fines have been Imposed In their courts during thn quarter referred to , viz. : Gustav Kaess- ner , Harvey N. Link , John H. Morris , E. L. Brewster , S. O. WIIcox , Samuel W. Crosby , E. K. Long. Hans 'Nelson , John A. Karl Ing , M. W. Frledrlckson , J. H. Lelter , E. C. Nel son , The remaining seven report no fees un claimed , and lines Imposed as follows : Fred A. Bailey , $8 ; George S. Smith , $35.50 ; J. D. A. Johnson , $2 ; W. E. Soms , $1 ; Judson HIgley , | 10 ; J. Levy , $4 ; Henry Kelsey , $2. It Is generally believed about the court house that sonia of these reports arc not above suspicion. It Is said to bo known that some of the Justices In country precincts Im pose fines and pocket the proceeds , which are the property of the county. In other cases ft is said that some ot the justices neglect to pay witness fees to those who .are > entitled to them , and thereby swell their Takeoff. The finance committee has the matter In hand nnd some of the justices will probably be called on to explain how they conduct their offices. IHJTLEH'S IIEA11 UM1EII THE AX. DluIuirK < Ml from n City Job nml the I'luev ( live n to I'liriuiK. The administrative guillotine la In active operation In the city hall this week , and the city employes who are working today are laboring under the fear that some one else will bo In their places tomorrow. Yesterday morning John Hutler , who has been the special agent cf the legal department since John L. Webster was city attorney , was summarily dropped from the pay roll by City Attorney Connell and J. W. Furnas wag Installed In his place. While Mr. Connell hao the appointment of the special agent , It Is understood that the Influence of the mayor la responsible for Butler * ! ! decapitation. Butler was out spoken in his opposition' ' to the nomination of Broatch , and one of the mayor's closest supporters Is authority tor the statement that this was the , solo reason why the head sought the basket. Furnas has been oni applicant for a city position for several years. Ho was twice a vigorous candidate for a place on the Board ot Public Works , and later was an applicant for Hie office of sidewalk Inspector. Ho was a Broatch man during the recent campaign. Wednesday night a radical reduction was made In the engineering department. The men who were drppped were M , S. Palmer , engineer ; J. Snowden. Inspector ; Thomas Shaw , draughtsman ; M. J. Lacey , lovelerr J. L. Coulter , axiniin , and Ed Donahue , rod- man. Only four .men are now left In the engineering department. Acts at cnre , riovef falls , One Mlnuta Cough Cure. A remedjfUofy'asthina and that fever- leh condition w'/ilfUcaccompanies / a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that pro. dLces Immedlate results. IlEASONS Pllil1/ TUB I'HOTEST. CltUeiiH Ex pi n III Why They Olijvct tea a Jiill III' the City Hull. At tha last mogtlng of the city council a petition from a couple of hundred business men was presented protesting against the occupancy ot the .alty ball basement for jail purposes. AmonJfiftlip signers were T. C. Havens , A. B. HtlKtr , Gladstone Bros. , A. H. Hrlggs , H. iyl5poryell. J. B. Melkte. M. 0 , Maul and otUflnUicn , representatives ot prominent commw.daL' and professional firms1. In discussing tbe > mtutcr the signers of the petition contend * ' t'ttrt"In spite of the con- ; rary opinion of , thp council committee , there Is no doubt but that the odors which congra- jato around every jail will be In evidence In the city hall. They allege that the buildIng - Ing was never Intended for a jail and that the $5.000 that will be expended In preparing It for that use will be so much money wanted , as the location of the jail will surely have , to be changed ugaln sooner or later. They also declare that the jail will almost entirely i.cutrallze the good effect that the building produces on visitors and that In a short time the jail odors and vermin will penetrate every floor of the building. That the council takes no stock In those predictions waa sutllcluntly Indicated by Its action In placing the petition on fllo with out consideration , and aa the city attorney Is now drawing up the contracts for the. . work there la little doubt that the plans rec ommended by the council will be carried out In spite ot any protest that may be made. One Minute Cough Cure la a popular remedy for croup. Safa ( or children and adults. A Man's Destiny. It usotmM Words , "I have tomethlng to tell you , " said lllch- ard Theme , when the > departure of her other callers had lett him alone with his hosfs , "I thought there was something tunny about you , " said Mrs. Vavasour , shading the firelight from her face with n screen of bar baric grandeur ; while Thorno stared straight Into the glow and bit at his straw-colored imu'tnche. "Out with It , " encouraged Mrs. Vavasour , with a gleam of kindly amusement In her cyo > . "Well , " said Illchard Theme , phlnly pullIng - Ing himself together , "It's come at last : I'm flrst olllccr no longer " "You've got n ship ? " "Yes ; I've gel a ship , " ho repated alter her slouly. "My dear boy , I'm so gUd , " leaning for ward a llttlo In her arm clmtr. "I knew you would bo , " ho said , smiling slightly , without raising his eyes. "Of courpo I am. Is It ono of Donald son's ? " "Yes. Same line. " She watched him curlouslyxln the silence that followed. TSoy had been stanch friends , tuoso two , as boy and girl , twenty years ago , and though ho went to yea , and she married Tom Vavasour , they were stilt the fume. "You don't stem extravagantly elates , yourself ? " she hazarded presently. "Don't I ? " ho answered , almleivsly , giving lily big cuouldcrs a hitch In a second en deavor to recall his thoughts. "No , you don't , " sharply. "What Is It ? " kindly. "Well , fact Is , the n w berth's on the Sydney and Vancouver trip. The other sldo of the world , yt > u know ? " Ue explained. "Of course I know. I need not be a sailor- mat ) with gold embroidery on my hat to know that. " Theme laughed nt the characteristic on slaught , and her face brightened In sym pathy with his. "But we won't lose you altogether ? " she queried briskly. "Ot course It would be much nicer if It were on the home trip , but we'll see you sometimes , won't we ? " "Oh , yes ! " listlessly. She shot a searching glance at htm from behind her fire screen , and leaned her chin against Its edge to gaze with puzzled eyes Into the lire. "Of course , you're awfully glad of tlio step ? " she said , after a pause , and listened Intently for his ansncr. "Yes. Awfully I suppose. " The response seemed satisfactory , and re quired a little cogitation bsfore the next re mark. " "AH , ' well ! " she went on , leaning far back In her chair , and turning her head In the shadow to watch him. "I shall lose a friend ! You arc sure to marry some ono now yo/u are In a position todo It. " "I shall 'marry ' nobody , " said Theme de cidedly , laying his cap on a table beside him ; and Mrs. Vavasour smiled triumphantly to herself as she 'heard and watched the stub born lines come about his mouth. "Dsar old simpleton , " she thought ; "he thinks he's betraying nothing ! " Then came a silence , while Thorno began to blto moodily at his mustache once moro , and Wh'lle Mrs. Vavasour looked on with troubled sympathy In her bright eyes. "Dick , " she said suddenly , "tell mo ahout It. Who Is she ? " "About what ? " he asked , looking up quick ly. "There Isn't any how on earth did you know ? " "You goose , you've been telling mo for the last ten mluutes. " "I ? I never said " "I didn't say you said anything ; all the same , you have been telling me. Go on now , 1 want to help you. " Her voice trembled as she spoke , and she stretched out a hand to him. He clasped It for a moment , While a" look of perfect trust passed between , them. "Well , you see , " he began awkwardly , looking Into the flro once moro , "I happen to know It was all her doing. " "What was ? " "This Vancouver business. " "Do explain a little ! " "It was old Donaldson who told me he had no right to , cf course when ho offered mo the ship , that she had suggested It to him. " "Sho ? Who ? " "His daughter Cicely , you know. " "Of course I know. He hasn't another. But ; what , " in astonishment , "Is that to mope about ? " "Don't you , see ? She has got me sent out of the country , altogether. " "Nice , gracious spirit to take things In , upon my word ! " commented his friend , wltn a suspicion of a sniff. "Might I ask whai put that lde into your head ? " "Oh" , there's another chap chap with a title , and , jnoney , and things , " vaguely. "Handsome chap , too , " lugubriously. "Dd ! you make love to her ? " "No. " "Then what makes you " "She tvaw It coming , I suppose. I suppose I looked It. " There was a pauss , during which they both looked InW'the-'glowing coals. "Did ypu ever make love really to a woman ? " Mrs. Vavasour asked curiously. "Noi" answered Thorne with a shako or his head ; and Mrs. Vavasour gave a little nod that was plainly , "I thought so ! " "And don't you think you are Jumping to conclusions rather ? " she asked , after awhile. "No , " Thorne answered , shaking his head again ; "no's a much mora likely fellow to please her than I am , and 'twould avoid complications to keep mo out of the way , " he added , bitterly , "for her father would quite possibly take my part. " "I think you are making her out as acting In nn abominable manner , " said Mrs. Vava sour , with spirit. 'Not at all , " he rejoined quickly. "I dare say'she's'a llttlo sorry for mo , and , besides , she's procured mo my captainship hang It ! All the pleasure's taken out of it ! " There was a long silence after this that was only broken at length by Mrs , Vava- sour'a rising suddenly and saying : ' "Away with you now ; I must go ana dress. Come and see mo tomorrow at hair- past G no , a quarter to C. Now , don't for get. " "I won't forgett'lld Thorne , shaking hands and going to the door. "By the way , what's the ether man's name ? " she asked , an her friend's big figure was disappearing. "Toler , " he answered , turning round ; "he's a very decent follow. I perfectly understand her a any one preferring " "Yes. Goodby. But that's more than I do , " ehe said aloud to herself as th door s'hut. "Dear old Dlck-'s worth ton of him any day. Walt awhile , my dear , I think I'll manage It. " As she went upstairs she met her husband. "What , not dressed yet1' ' he asked , as ne kissed her. "What have- you been nt now ? " "Thinking of how I can make two people as happy as we are , " she answered , "That's a big undertaking , " said Tom Vava sour gravely. The next day Thorno prerented himself at a quarter to 0 , and asked for Mrs. Vavasour. He was shown upstairs Immediately , and greeted by the lady he sought , who croszed the room TO meet him In a nurvelouo tea gown. "You may shako my little , finger , " she ealJ , holding- out to him , "the others liavo been eating buttered toast at least , not exactly , but you know what I mean. " "Perfectly , " Thorne laughed , shaking the dainty linger between his etrong finger and thumb. "There are chairs to bo had If you look hard enough for them , " Mrs. Vavaasur wont on , pssrlng round in the flrellt autumn dusk that filled the rcom. "Lots , thanks , " said Thorne , seizing the nearest. "Not that ; It won't bear your big weight. Stir the lire up , Cicely , until I look for some thing made of Iron. " A girl's flgurn bent forward at the far end of the room and utlrred the coals Into a bright blaze , and Thorno , who had jumped at the name , made a movement toward the door with a muttered excuse. 'Don't be absurd ; It's too late now , " said tits hostess , In a whisper that brought him to his oensea. "Ah , that's just the thing , " ( ho went on aloud , pointing to a deep-backed armchair Immediately opposite , to the fire , and leading the way toward It. "Thefa the worst of the nicdorn drawing room , " she continued , while Thorno bowed to MI03 Don aldson and sat down ; "If you have anything really comfortable. It's sure not to be decent enough t : > put In It , and ono navcr eorlouMy thinks of buying anything for It but old- fashioned curly-logged things of stiff-necked generations long passed. " "I'm very comfortable , " volunteered Thorne. "So nm I , " put In Cicely , with a laugh. "I'm delighted to heir It. " at til Mrs. Vava sour s rlou ly , ns if she had not been running on merely to guard agalnct an nwkward pause that had Icomcd nherul ; "but I really think \\o IMVO the only throe sensible chairs In the room. Sugar and crt > nn7 Of court's , Thorno drank his tea between the two women , wishing he were anywhere clw , yet knowing ho would rather bo where ho was while they talke * ! across him. Presently Mrs. Vavasour turned to him and said In her sweetest manner : "What a good opportunity of thanking Miss Donaldson for putting that kindly spoke In your \\lieol ! By the way , wo must call you 'Capta'n' Thorne now , 1 suppose ? " Down went Thorno'9 teaspoon with a clit- tor , and onp foot shot out In nn Instinctive Impulse to kick his hostess' chair , to stand on her dainty tee , or anything that would stop her ; nnd at the same time a suppressed llttlo 'OhI" came from the ether s'.do cf the lire. Mra. Vavasour , however , apparently saw and heard nothing , nnd her next move pant Thome's heart Into his boot ; for , standing up with n remark on the shortening of evenings , aho lit tha gas bracket at hfr end of the chimney-piece , and then , crossing In front of thorn , lit the other. Thorno felt his face was crimson , and with his eyes on his boots cast about for words In which to couch an apology or an explanation ; but before he could think of anything at all , the same voice had said , more sweetly than ever : "A thomund thanks. Cicely ; you must let Dick entertain you for a minute. I hear Tom's voice downstairs , and I positively must sso him about something. " There was n frou-frou of silk and she was gone , without over looking back to see the two. appealing glances that followed In her wake. The two left alone examined the Interior of the flro with on Intensity worthier of u loftier devotion. It began to dawn upon the man that the whole thing was1 planned , and ho gained something ot oblivion to ths post- tlon for a moment by forthwith giving Ufa whole energy to the silent .apoytrophlslng or meddling women especially Mrs. Vavasour- . But the present asserted Itself again directly , and he cleared his throat to begin. "Ot course , I'll say I adore the Pacific trip , " he said to hlim-elf , "Mrs. Vavasour's a remark Just now , " ho began , "requires perhaps a little a ex planation. What I had mentioned to her a about you I mentioned to. her only I hope you will understand that and did so a " ( ho wished sho'd say something anything ) "a undo" peculiar circumstances. " "Very , r should think , " the girl remarked coldly ; "though , Indeed , " correcting hcrseit quickly , "I have no objection to all the world knowing ens of my many suggestions to papa. " "Quite PO. So I thought , " agreed Thorno , losing his head. "Then why apologize ? " coolly. "Why , indeed ? But you will let me thank you , since I owe to a chance suggestion of yours my promotion. " "Quite a chance suggestion" heartily. "Well , I ought to congratulate myself. " A silence while he leaned forward to trace an Imaginary pattern with the toe of his boot , and she tied a ridiculous little hand kerchief Into a knot. Thorna wished that Mrs. Vavasour would return. "The transpacific trip will be quite a pleas ant change , " ho said with a barren onthusl- aeni , because he felt the stralu of silence growing too great to bo borne. "Pacific ? Are you " "Yes. My boat is one of the Sydney nnd Vancouvers , you know. " "I I didn't know that. " A great wave , ot resentment swept over him. She either Intended to dccolvc him. he thought , or else -had1 not cared to what fever-stricken seas ho was sent , so long ns ho was out of the way. "You thought It was the China route ? " ho said , steadying his voice with an effort. "No. I thought It was the homo trip , " the girl answered quietly. "You did ? " was all that Thorne could say in a strange voice. For In a moment self- reproach and shame , In that ho had taken an act ot pure good-naturd as done to gain selfish ends alone , took the place of his re- aontment and filled his heart. Starting to his feet , ho stood resting ; his elbow on tlio mantel-piece , looking down at the pretty brown head und long , dark lashes that swept the flushed cheek ; and his voice was deep and trembling when ho spoke. "Ml&s Donaldson , I must ask your for giveness , " he said , "for thinking what I did. " Two btautlful , tearful eyes were raised In question to hh , but only for an Instant. "I thought I believed , " ho went on , deter mined to t-paro himself nothing , "that you had procured this foreign command for me merely to free yourself from my attentions , " "But but how could you , when you had never never paid mo any attention ? " the girl faltcredr v.lth crimson cheeks ? . "I know ; hut you must have seen. It aeon that I love you moro than alt tlio world ! I always felt I was unworthy ot of such n prcciouu thing as your love that I was not the sort of man nil my life lias been at sea that could make you happy. Now I am mora unworthy than over ; I can never fr- glvo myselt for the Injustlco I have done you. Do not think too hardly of mo. Good by I" She held out her hand to him , and , press ing it passionately to his < Hp9 , ho hurried out from the room , and vut of the house. And at the sound of the shutting of the door below the girl , waking as from a trance , burled her white face In her hands and cobbed aloud. There was only ono letter for Dick Thorno when ho brought his vnssal Into Sydney har bor fr the first time , two , months afterward , and that was only a few lines ; but almost every word was underlined twice. And this was what It said : You Great Stupid If you choose to throw away your own ImpplnesH , und same ono else's , In spite of all I can do. I can't ho'p it Come Btraight home by the nnxt mall , nnd don't make a fool ot yourself again I Yours , perfectly dl ted. And the next mall steamer oirrlod a big bronzed man , with a straw-coloied mustache , who stood In the bown all day , and a part of the night , only coming aft tn eat nnd sleep ; "for , " he told himself , "I'm a whole shlp'u length nearer to her than If I stayed on the pcop. " filtOHtM Art * I'tile mill Shiuloivy , Say these who profess to have Interviewed them. Whether spooks are tallow-faced or not , mortals are whoso blood Is thin nnd watery In consequence of Imperfect assimi lation , "When Invalids resort to Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , and HBO that unequalled tonic pem'stently ' , they sorm "pick up" In strength , flesh and color. It nhould bo used aUo to prevent malarial , rheumatic and kid ney complaints , and to remedy constipation , sick headache and nervousness , Olllirrt SCTM Trouble Alirml. Gas Inspector Gilbert Is booked for no end of trouble. The council has pasted a resolution by which the number of gaso line lights has been reduced from 1,060 to COO , and the duly of designating tha places where lights shall ha removed has been dumped upon the Insptctar. During previous spawns of economy the council has found Itself utterly unable to designate' a point vthero ono light should be removed , ami by the time Inspector Gilbert has removed CIO of them. It la said that he will nrcd a vaca tion. The property owners who are benefited by a particular light Invariably aru firm In the belief that that Is the light , mora than all others , which Is Imperatively nucesiary to the public snfety , and they resist the removal of the light by every means ex cept force of CniiNolliluted. The Llederkrar.z and Haengwliund ilnglng societies hold a Joint meeting Wed nesday night at Llodorkranz htll , Tenth and Faruam Directs , and ef fected a coiibollriatlon of the two so- clttlea under the name of the Orphcui Hing ing society. Hank Albert will ba the direc tor , and a mooting will ba held Sunday after noon to elect officers , The new locltty will occupy the hall utwd by the Llcderkranz , t Tenth and Farn m stresU. BLORE GETS BUT ONE YEAR J , ' If MnUOlorkWho Mnnlpulatotl Postal Notoa Lot Off Lightly , COUNTERFEIFER BARRETT GETS TWO Illn Coitrnr WorU Ctvln Him I'll ft ot HIM Kri * lnni Mlki * Tlcnifj-'n KlTorlH Alxn llt-iinrdcil for IlolilltifT Dundy's stuffy court room In tlio % government building wns crowilcd with attor neys ami the morbidly curious yesterday nioni- Ir.g. Tliu attraction was the pantenclng ot n number of poor creatures Convicted before a jury ot their peers during the past week. K. M. llloro , the railway mall clerk , was the first to listen to the words of doom , Ulore was convicted of embezzling a lot ot postal notes , which ho had c is hod by forging divers' signatures to the same. While ths testimony was clear nnd do- clplve as to the forgery count , It was not made plain huw the man gained possession of the notes , nnd the general opinion ot the jury was that ho had ono or moro ac complices nnd could tell a sensational fctory If ho would. After delivering his usual terse but effective lecture , Jtiilgo Dundy scribbled vigorously a moment In the hugo docket and then said : "Mr. llloro , I fine you $1 nnd the costs of profocutlon and sen- tcrcc you to ono year and ono month lu \ the Sioux Falls penitentiary. " J .Illoro had evidently gotten off lighter than ho had expected , for ho scratched his un kempt head Industriously , smiled blandly ; and nodded approvingly two or three times. A motion for a now trial and arrest ol judgment was mndo by his somowlmt om- „ batrasse-J attorney , who was granted thirty days In which to prepare his bill ot excep tions. Frank Barrett , the South Thirteenth street counterfeiter , was called , but before the Judge could proceed his attorney arose nnd mndo n plea for mercy. He told how fateful circumstances had followed the Bar retts , notwithstanding- Frank waff anything but a bad man. Ho was not very bright , the nttornoy urced , nnd did not halt ap preciate the danger ho was In by tampering with maters nnd things under the ban Of the law. Barrett "was tried on four counts , for manufacturing , utilizing and attempting to utter nnd having In his possession spurious coin. Ho was convicted on but ono count , and that was the last , and that , the attorney - * ney said , should bo sufficient to temper j justlco with mercy. Frank , the nttornoy urged , was the only support of his old mother , nml ho would lead a strictly up right life when once moro a fret ? man , The judge evidently partook liberally of these sentiments , and Barrett got only two years at Sioux Falls. Michael Tlorney , the so-called O'NIoll coun terfeiter , stood up. This man had a lot ot the rankest kind of lead dollars , but where ho got them has never bsen developed. But hu had thorn , and hnd them for five or six years , and always had thorn lying on hlk showcase In plain vlovv of all the fre quenters of his saloon. Ho made no attempt at secrecy , and often joked with his cus tomers about the "farmer" who ovtdontly made them. Ho never passed or attempted to pass any , yet ho was convicted or having thorn in his possession and the court had no alternative but to dispose of him within the requirements of the law. Before sentence was passed. Tlcnnoy's lawyer told the story of the man's life , detailing his sudden fall from the position of a prosperous farmer to that of a rum-sodden saloon koepqr , afflicted with troubles of nil kinds and vari eties , until they culminated In arrest' and conviction. During the recital Mrs. Tclrnoy , who Is yol to bo tried on a llko complaint , sat crouch- ? | Ingly tn ono of the big chairs , with one hand * clutching Mlko's coat convulsively , and with the ether hiding her fnco , sobbing as If her heart would break. Considering everything , Mlko got eft easily , ono year and four months lining the extent of his term In the peniten tiary. In the case < rf A. B. Alprln , convicted , ot Interfering with United States property In tlio purchase of a lot of water works truck at a sheriff's sale , the defendant was allowed to pay the costs. In Judge StiJrat ! ' court the cnso ot Cohn Co. against Fist & Co. , a small attachment case , was continued. "Tin : Common People , " As Abraham Lincoln called them , do not care to nrguo ah-ml their allmonts. What they \\unt Is n medlclno that will cure them. f , The simple , honest statement , "I know that ) * Hood's Sarsaparllla cured me. " Is the best argument In favor of this medlclno , and this * \ Is what many thousands voluntarily say. Hood's Pll's nro tlio best aftor-dlnnor pills , assist digestion , euro headache. . 25c. HIGH .SCHOOL CONTEST. XCTV I'liiu IN Ailoptcil EmhriicliiK AH Four CIiiMNON. The High school contest will hereafter bo on a now plan , embracing all the classes of the school , Instead ot only the two higher. At a meeting cf the classes yosUrday the following arrjnKOincnt was nsrosd on : 1. Tlila contest shull occur every year , and smill ooiiMit at oim ilubiitc , two orations tions and three ileclnnmtfoni. It shall bo open to tlio four classes * of the HI Kb. ncliool. 2. The contest ehnll bo In chiugo of a commltttee , consisting of the acting- prin cipal , the noting first assistant principal , the head of the English department and four clasi presidents. : i. Each cmm shall Fend a debater for ench side of the question , two orators and ono decliilmer to the preliminaries. From these Flmll bo selected a debaluf from each Hhlo of iho queslion , two orntora nntt three deelalmars. ' I. The Hlfih school committee ! respectfully - i fully requested by the momliertt of the four \ clnt-aes to otter $15 for the best dubnte. Jlf > for the best orntlon , ? 13 tor tha bent declamation , nml J1S for the host delivery of orntlon or Uubutu ; they uclc that these Hums bo taken from the proceeilH of the trrncltuitlon exertlwiH , the nut procncdB of , which nmount to moro thun tlilx sum every > C'i1ho final content will probably bo held nt Uoyd'H theater'or nt Bomu other suitable plaro early In the prlng. LITTLE GIUI , SENT OUT TO HBO. TlniH She Huiiporleil Her Fit OUT mill A family at Thlrty-ulxth and Decatur streets has been found In destitute circum stances. The fact was brought to the atten tion of the pollcu by parties who complained that they were bothered by a little girl Ijegglng before the Now York Llfo and Dee buildings. On 'nvwtlKUtion It wan found that the girl hnd bcon sent out by the parent- ) , The father la without -.viirlt , but owtm a team wltli which ho does hauling whenever lie can dud work. 1'ho mother Is not Btrong and can do little work. J When thu plnco wan visited l.y a police man , tliu mother udmlttoJ that the ' little girl had been nent nut to beg , bat t said that hu and her husband luinw of nu other way In which < to obtain money , Klio bioko down In the midst of her xtory and sclbed pitifully. The caw will bo brought to the attention of the proper authorities and an effort to obtain tome asslstunce for the family will be made. A Un I'Hf / niulr * . * Tha Barber Asphalt company la urging the council to inaUd iune : privttloit ! In the an- nwl tax levy fur paying the balances due on Its repair bills. These lillla liavo all been allowed , but un account of the sliortago In funds the warrants liavo not been Inued for the bulk of the amount. The Darbor com pany alleges that $37,637.65 Is due an follows : Itepalrs during 1891. } 10,7CO.OI ; 189 ( , , - 1C3.92 ; 1895 , ; iT,718.89. It would require an additional levy of more than 2 mills on the 1890 valuation to eettlo up this account. QUAKER OATS The Child I.OVCB It. The Dyapoptlc Dorauudu It , Tito Kplcurc DotcH on It. DO YOU EAT IT *