Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Board of Purchase and Supplies Recognizes
tbe Warden's Requisitions.
Ilonril ltnMt < iMCN Hie Situation lint
TntcpH Xn Act Inn to Cotrr Pro-
cucilltiK * Prior to ( lie
Conrt'M Order.
LINCOLN , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The Board
Ot Purchase and Supplies held a meeting
this nfterncon. There were present Governor
Holcoml ) , Land Commissioner Russell , State
Treasurer Hartley and Secretary of State
P'psr. There waa quite a discussion In ro-
gud to past events at the prison , but nothing
was done In the way of auditing any ot the
old bills. Warden Loldlgh's requisition for
supplies for the future was duly honored.
At this morning's session of the State
Horticultural society the deferred paper of R.
M. Pollard of Nohowka was redd. It was
on "Commercial Orchardlzlng In Nebraska , "
and contained many valuable hints regard
ing the best manner of making an orchard
a financial success. Reports were received
In the afternoon from the committees on
obituaries , three members having died with
in the past year , revision cf premium list
and conference with the agricultural noclcty
with regard to next fall's fair. Following
tht i ) reports the association adjourned.
Bank Examiner Cowdery went to Platte
Center today with the receivership papers In
the matter of the defunct Farmers' and Mer
chants' bank , which past-od Into the hands ct
the banking board December 10.
M. L. Trcster has filed a notice of appeal
with the city clerk , announcing hla Inten
tion of going to the district court because the
council awarded the contract for city coal to
the Whltcbrcist Coal company. He claims
the council did not follow the statute relat
ing to the letting of contracts , nor refer the
bids to the Board of Public AVorka , as In re
quired by law. Ho says that his bid , at
$1,600 , was the lowest.
The Klmball Ice company cf Omaha filed
articles of Incorporation today with the secretary -
rotary ot t'tnte. Tbo capital stock Is $20,000
and the corporators are Charles C. Hun-
gate , AV. C. Blackburn and B. J. Chlascll.
Through Bank Examiner Cllne the State
Banking board today took pea sflon of the
Bank of Wauneta , Chase county. The capital
otock Is $15.000. 10. J. Harden Is president
and S. C. Henry cashier.
This morning Mrs. Kate Broderlck applied
to the district court for a writ of habeas
corpus to get her husband , T. S. Broderlck ,
a newspaper circulator , out of the llospHul
for the Insane. At the tlmo Broderlck was
Edit out to the hospital his wife testified
that ho had been a morphine user , and has
not been-Tiiontally balanced for years. Mrs.
Droderlclr avers In her petition that her
husband In not well treated at the hospital.
This Is denied by ths authorities at that In-
st'tutlon. She swears that her husband Is
not new Insane , and that ho is being- un
lawfully deprived of his liberty by Superin
tendent Abbott. The case willbe argued
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
The county commissioners of Lincaster
county , hav'ng ' been unable to find any rela
tives of Bob Mix , the colored man shot to
death by Thomas Banks , have determined to
turn the remains over to a medical'Institute
for dissection. It is claimed that the cadaver
will ba an excellent one for this purpose , the
brain being of a particularly peculiar blmpo.
The medlcjl school at Cotner will receive
the body. Tim Banks has bean bound over
to the grand Jury.
Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Ltndell
F. M. Mclntosh , II. F. Bened'ct. J. D.
Harris. At the Lincoln James II. Donnelly ,
Mrs. Anna J. Mack.
DnvliI Melntyrr Meetm Itixtntit Dentil
Nenr I.OIIK Pirns
LONG PINE , Neb'J.'Tlan. 16. ( Special Tele
gram. ) An accident happened -David M -
Intyro , ca passenger on last night's west
bound train , causing Instant death. It Is sup
posed that ho stepped cut on tbe platform of
the car , which was very slippery from a
mloty rain , and was thrown oft by the force
of the wind. Ho wao flrsl missed by his
daughter , Mrs. J. E. Hill of AVhltewood , who
was traveling with him , and who had boon
asleep until the train arrived at Alnsworth.
Ho hod not been osen since leaving Bas ett
nnd was not on board when the train left
Long Pino. Supposing he must have fallen
from the train umowhere between Bassett
and Long Pine , the switch engine and a
crow were dispatched from here to locate
him. His body was found tbrco mile' ! this
side of Bassctt and brought to Long Pine , and
returned to Dassett this morning for the
purpose of on Inquast. The Jury rendered
a verdict exonerating the iMllroad company
frm any responsibility for the accident. Mr.
Mclntyro was traveling frcm Souk Center ,
Minn. , to Bella Fourcho , S. D. Illy remains
will bo taken to Bella Fourcho tonight.
DumtiKe CIIHU lit Fremont Deeldi'il.
FREMONT , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The case
of Jennie AVIlson against F. I. Elllck , Jr. ,
which has occupied the attention of the dis
trict court for the just three days , ended
this morning In a verdict for , the plaintiff for
$416.75. The- plaintiff sued for $5,000 dam
ages , which she allege : ) she sustained by rea
son of the defendant's thrusting a board In
over the transom of her room at tbo Kno
hotel In this city on December 23 , 1S94. She
jumped to avoid being struck and Injured her
right kneo. There arc ninny Intricate ques
tions of law Involved In the case and It will
dculHIOM reach the supreme court.
In the rase ot Mlnnlo Macombcr against
J , R. P , Brown , nn action brought to iccover
damages alleged sustained In a real estate
dral , the jury under the Instructions of the
ccurt brought In a verdict for $1,1(3.65.
Murrleil nt Krcmoiit.
FREMONT , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The mar
riage of Mr. AV. Hemlngthclm of Davenport ,
la. , and Miss Lydla Klenun of this city took
placa yesterday afternoon at the residence of
the bride's mot'ier In this city , the cere
mony bslng performed by Rev. W. II. Buss
of ths Congregational church. About for'y '
guest ? witnessed the ceremony. The list ot
wi-ddlng prevent * wns quite largo. The groom
U engaged In the furnlturu business In Dav
enport * The bride has for many years been
n resident of this city and recently re
signed as delivery clerk In the postotllce.
SIiu Is known and admired by a largo circle
ot acquaintances.
nil IrrlKiitlon IHtuli.
NOUTH LOUP , Nob. , Jan. 16 , ( Special. )
A petition , elgncd by the necessary number
of Irocliohlerp , praying for tin election In the
matter of forming an Irrigation district of
certain lands lying between Ord and the
ckullc hills , opposite Scotia , was presented to
the Board of Supervisors ot Valley county
yesterday , and such election ordered to be
held on Tues-lay. February 18. This pro
posed district Includes all the territory now
covered by the North Loup Irrigation and
Improvement company's canal , and also a flno
body cf Groeley county land not a * yet
reached byiitcr. .
Hu I'll for KuRiir Ileet Pulp.
NIOBUARA , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
'An Interesting tmlt was before the county
court yesterday , that ot the Norfolk Beet
Sugar company against James H. Rothwcll
for beet pulp used last winter for cattle
feeding. Rothwell brought In a counter
bill for $5,000 , to offrot the. sugar company's
claim of about $ SOO , alleged to bo due him
for los.s of cattle that the pulp Is alleged to
have killed , but the court refuted to allow
it to come before thu jury , the company hav
ing brought In evidence uhowlng that the
pulp wa good cattle feed.
of Slurllnir the Illnce.
CRAWFORD , Ntb. , Jan. 16 , ( Special. )
Barney Prlnglo nnd John Oliver were ar
raigned before Justice Tlscli today on a
charge of larceny. A Urge quantity of the
goods ot the merchants' ' who suffered by Sun
day's fire was found In the possession of these
men , and they are suspected of having been
implicated In starting the blaze. They touk
a chaiiKo ot venue to a Justice who ordered
that the complainant give a bond for caati ,
end thli order wna made , notwithstanding
that the couuty attorney U prosecutlux ,
Co m puny Orpriinlxril In Conxlrtict n
lilir Dllfli In tlint Section.
SCHUYLHR , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
The following abstracts from Its articles of
Incorporation shows for a Colfax county en
terprise that will mtan thousands of dollars
In return to It * energetic prorhoters , Craw
ford Bailey , James N. Hill , James Hughes ,
Otto Lclfer , DaVd C McDowell , Frank M.
Hughes and Belle Hmlth :
"This organization shall be known as thn
Colfax Irrigation company , with Its placa
ot business at Schuyler , Neb. The object ot
the company U to construct and maintain
a dam acrots Shell creek , to excavate and
construct a ditch from said dam , with suit
able embankments , f'lulcM , storage reser
voirs , wasttways , pates , weirs and other
necessary appliances for conveying of water
from Mid Shell creek , through eald ditch
and Its laUrals , for the purpose of Irriga
tion. Amount of capital stock , $2,500 , di
vided Into clnres of $50 each , 10 p6r cent of
which shall bt > pild lu cash or labor within
120 days from the date cf the recording of
the article ! ) of Incorporation , the balance
from tlmo to time , In regultr assessments ,
as shall bo required , and no person shall
bo ellg.blc to membership unless he or she
Is the owner of forty acrei of land within
reach of said ditch , and each chare ot stock
shall bo based upon the water right of forty
acres ot land. The highest amount of In
debtedness at any ono time shall not ex
ceed $1,000. The buslncM to ba managed by
a president , secretary and treasurer , who
shall bo elected annually , said officers to
constitute the board of directors. "
This la n culmination of many discussions
that have taken place during- the last two
years of drouth , with reference to what could
bo done with the waters of the creek named ,
which flows In a southeasterly direction
across the southwest corner of the county ,
and In the drycst seasons carries enough
water to Irrigate thousands of acres of land.
The main ditch of the company will be about
five miles In length , nnd , with Its laterals ,
will Irrigate 2,100 acres of lands belonging
to the various parties named. The work of
constructlnc the dam Is to be begun today ,
portions of the main ditch having been ex
cavated some months since. .
Threw UN lluliy Tlirounrli the Win
dow During ; III * HnvliiKM.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. . Jan. 16.-Spcclal (
Telegram. ) Joseph Drocga , a machlncst cm-
ployed at the D. & M. machine shops In
thb city , created quite a scare here this
afternotn. Ho has been suffering for same
tlmo with lagrlppa and this afternoon , while
confined at his home , suddenly became violently
lently Insane and1 seized hlo 1-year-old child
and threw It through the window , The
llttlo one , after passing through the glass ,
landed uninjured upon the ground outside.
\Vheu the father commenced hla ravings
the children were the only persons In the
house with him. The two older ones , ngeJ. 4 and
6 , ran screaming to the neighbors and gave
the alarm , and Droega was soon quieted and
Is looting easily. The trouble Is thught to
bo only temporary. A vigilant watch Is being
kept over him to prevent any further vlo-
The members of the family of Fremont
Brown were seized with numerous symptoms
of poisoning this afterncoii after having eaten
some taffy made from sugar recently pur
chased. Restoratives were administered with
the desired effect , but tl.a cause cf the
trouble was not loited. Although some of
the sugar was thoroughly analyzed , no poi
son could bo found.
Wealth- Man Illilen the Illliul
ASHLAND. Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
Henry Fisher , a wealthy stock buyer of
Wahoo , was In Omaha yesterday , and got to
the Union depot In tlmo to see the mall
flyer pulling out for the west. Ho jumped
on the "blind baggage" behind the tender ,
and aj : the train dees not stop until it
reaches Ashland , he had to come here. AVhen
the train pulled Into Ashland he was nearly
frozen. lie had a ticket , but did not 1193 It.
The Young People's club will give a grand
ball at Knights of Pythias hall tomorrow
Private families are putting up their Ice
supply for the summer. Tie Ice is ofc a
good' quality , "but Is 'only nlno Inches thick ,
but as they have some fears cf It not get
ting any thicker they have concluded not to
take any chances.
James Slmmlngtin , who has been conductIng -
Ing the clothing store of Slmmlngton Broa ,
has concluded to turn the busineis over to
his father and go to farming. Ho has a body
of land near Red Cloud , In this state , and
thinks he will farm It this season.
Comity Siiiic'rvlHor.H Orffimlr.e.
HOLDREGE , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
The new county Board of Supervisors mot
Tuesday and awarded the county printing to
the Political Forum , one of the strongest re
publican papsra In the county. The Board
of Supervisors Is composed of two repub
licans and five populists , two of the pop
ulists voting with the republican members
to give the printing to the Forum. The
Forum's bid was much the lowest. The ac
tion of the two populist supervisors who
voted with tlio republicans has raised a furore
In the populist camp.
The musical people of the town met this
week and organized , a musical club called
the Holdrego Glee- club , the object being to
utudy Instrumental and vocal music. Mra
E. D , Elnsel was elected president , C , H.
Roberts , secretary , and J. D. Harrison , di
rector. They will h ld meetings on Tuesday
night of each \\eelt "the next meeting being
at the homo ct Cliff Hopkins , on Arthur
street. _
Fanner Severlife Ooi'cil to Di-nth.
SCHUYLER , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special. )
Igrac Severlne , who was gored In the back
seme weeks slnco while employed upon the
Joseph Smatlan farm north of the city , was
burled here yesterday afternoon , his injuries
having caused his death. Paralysis ot the
lower portion of the body resulted Imme
diately from the wound and after suffering
great pain during several days ho was taken
to ono ot the hospitals at Omaha , where the
surgeons found the splno fractured and an
nounced that nothing could save him.
The schools of the city are clo d today ,
the cntlro force of teachers having gone with
Principal Burk'ott to visit the schools of Fre
mont to glean. Ideas from the workers .there ,
Crmvforjl Coiiiiellmeii
CRAAVFORD , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
The meetings of the village council have of
11(9 ( bocn.utormy affairs. Recently the board
by a majority ot one dismissed the marshal
and the village was without a peace officer
for several weeks. At a recent meeting ,
Councilman H , C , Rlnekor , a butcher , re-
slgqcd because ho could not got an or
dinance p-issed Imposing a yearly oc
cupation tax of $50 otv all meat dealers , P ,
G. Cooper waa appointed to fill the vacancy.
The old marshal , C. .S. . Spearman , was then
reinstated , whereupon Councilman J. B ,
Gorton , at ' thelast meeting , sent In his
resignation , which was accepted. William
Souther Is t'poken ' of as his successor.
Fnlrllelil llrevltleN.
FAITIFIELD , Neb , , Jan , 16. ( Special. )
Rev , G. L. Sherman suffered an acute attack
of heart failure , which was for a time qulto
threatening. Ho Is now slightly better ,
The Royal Neighbors gave a foclol at Ma-
sonlo hall last evening , which was well at
Charles Randall , who was called here to at
tend the funeral of his father , returned to
his homo In Lincoln yesterday. His youngest
sister. Miss Louie , accompanied him to hla
homo ,
The Methodists are holding revival meetIngs -
Ings of two weeks' duration ,
T > ro VlullniM of
CHAPMAN , Neh. , Jan. 10. ( Special. )
Morltr. Kroner , a Herman residing three mllei
north of here. Imbibed too freely yesterday ,
und In driving his team homo at a break
neck opeod , was thrown to the ground , BUS-
talnlng Injuries about the head frum which
death is momentarily expected ,
Simon Brant waa tiie victim ot a runaway
yesterday , resulting In hla wagon being de
molished and hla right arm broken.
lluuituum'H UfMtrulnluir Uriler Itofnueil
FAIRBURY , Neb. . Jan. 16. ( Special Tole-
grim. ) Judge Lulton toduy heard the appli
cation. of Blihop Bonacum for a restraining
order against Fathers Murphy and Fitzgerald
of Tcctimsoli , Thu application wa * refused
a the pleading * itcru defective. Further
hearing will bo at tbo next term ot court
la Johnson couuty.
Knit AtJKit tir.vri.mvnin.v. (
Mrrtlnn ; of ( lie MnnnKorn nf till * In
Klllnlliiii nt Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Considerable
able- Interest attaches to the meeting ot the
boinl of managing trustees of the Stratton
Home for Aged Gcntlowomnn hold In this city
fo. the past two days. The members arc :
Mrs. R , H , Stratton ot Lincoln , Mrs. Anna
M. Buntln ? ot David City , MM. C. M. AVood-
i ward ot Sewnrd , MraTfT. M. Smith of Lin
coln and MrT. . A. Stratton of Lincoln. Ar
ticles of Incorporation were fllol In October ,
I IS91 , providing for this home for the
i maintenance of "gentlewomen of refinement
and virtue whd have been so reduced by mis-
'fo'tuno as to nesd such assistance. " The
building site of several acres at the northern
pclnt of Lincoln , shaded by trees anj com
mending a delightful view ot the city and
cti'ntiy for miles , Is held In trust by Lieu-
ternnt Governor R. tt , Moore , Mr. n. 10.
Brown , R. O. Phillips anJ Mr. AVcbater ,
tvrllo 14S choice lots tor a building fund are
held by the managing board of trustees , the
entire property being the free nnd unlncum-
hercd gift of tlis Incorporators , Kacchcus
Stratton , Rebecca H. Stratton and their son ,
Thr.masj A. Stratton.
The address of the president , Rebecca II.
Stratton , was replete with Interest , The com-
mlttco on building and furnishing reported a
building for temporary use68x70 feet and
containing twenty rooms In course of erec
tion and which wilt be ready for formal
opening May 10. This report was approved.
The election of officers for the onsulnj ,
year resulted : Mrs. II. II. Stratton , presi
dent ; Mrs. Anna M , Bunting , vice president
Thomas A. Stratton , corresponding secretary
Mrs. C. M. AVoodward , recording secretary
and Mrs. S. M. Smith , treasurer. The com
mittee en building and furnishing wns en
larged by the addition ot Mrs. Bunting am
Mra. Woodward. Mrs. Stratton stated that
articles of antiquity , Interest and value.
were securely held for the benefit of the
home. It was decided to prepare nn
attractive exhibit for the proposed Trans-
misslsslppl exposition of 1S9S , .and McsdamfJ
Bunting , Smith and Stratton wera made
a cmmlttco- arrangements In the matter
The * recording secretary was Instructed to
ask those desiring to contribute money
supplies or furnishings to correspond with
Mrs. 9. M. Smith , 1535 South Twenty-
second street , Lincoln.
The board of managing trustees adjourned to
meet on January 30 , 1S)6 ! ) , at the StratUn
CoiiNlileralile \elteineiit Over tiie
Content nt HeniliiKforil.
HEMINGFORD , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special
Telegram. ) The Intense undcrcurre-nt o ex
citement that has been prevailing In this
county for the past six weeks because of
( ho county seat , war which has been antici
pated was today fully launched upon the
county , when the Alllanca committee , under
the leadership of Hon , Robertson Noleman ,
filed Its petition , praying ths- county com
missioners to at1 once call a special election
for the purpose of moving the county seat.
The petition contained 815 names , purporting
to bo legal .voters and residents. ot Box Butte
county. Hon. F. G. Hamer of Kearney Is
leading the" fight for the Hemlngford con
tingent , assisted by Hon. A. L. Sharrock.
Five hundred farmers were In the city today
and fully 1,000 ere expected tomorrow.
Woiilil Not Let the AlinlNtvr lleNlprn.
BEATRICE. Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Rev.
George AV. Crofts , who tendered his resigna
tion Sunday as pastor of the Congregational
church of this city , became convinced last
evening by the largo and enthusiastic meetIng -
Ing held at the church to protest' ' against such
action that he was gro-Uly mistaken In
regard to the prevailing sentiment , and ac
cordingly withdrew It.
At a meeting of the stockholders ot the
Dempster Mill Manufacturing company , held
recently , the old olllcers were re-elected
throughout. The statement furnished for
publication shows that the company has been
doing- paying business the past year.
The Board of Supervisors , now In session , Is
making a sweeping reduction In the annual
salaries of county employes , Including court
house clerks , poor farm steward , Janitors ,
etc. Retrenchment and reform seem to be
the battle cry with the Gage county board.
A meeting of the Gage County Bar asso
ciation was held last evening to discuss the
matter of more care In the selecting of dis
trict court juries. There Is some dissatisfac
tion with the present system. It , Is the pur
pose ot the bar association to present the
matter to the Board of Supervisors , whose
duty It Is to select such jurors.
I'lnttNiiiontli Social Event.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , . Jan. " 16. ( Special
The home" of Henry Hlmpel , a Plattsmouth
business man , last night was the scene of
a surprise party In honor of bis 38th birthday ,
at which music , cards , refreshments and
social Intercourse were the principal means
of entertainment.Among jthose present were :
D. C. Morgan , Mr. and"Mrs. . John Kline ,
Mr. and Mrs.J / N. Summers , Mr. 'and Mrs.
Asher Clark , Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Morgan ,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Elson , Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Travis , Mr. and Mrs. Charley M.
Butler , Mra. Houk , Miss Alberta Hyers , Miss
Rose Hycrs , Hon. . Jon A. Davles and Rev.
L. Fraend.
Last evening the home of Harry Barthold
In this city was the scene of a lively gath
ering of young people , who had come to re
mind Ralph Barthold that- his 19th birth
day had arrived. Games , music and dancing
furnished the means of enjoyment until a late
hour. Those present were : Misses1 Annie
Glbney. Llsslo Thouvcnal , Eva Thouvenal ,
Alice Jones , MamieGraves. . .Myrtlo Gllwn ,
Nelllo Bates , Dora Jones , Laura Lake and
Alto Barthold , ( and Messrs. Charley Bates ,
Martin Covault , Henry Rothman. Frank Lake ,
AVurl Darthold and Italph Barthold.
liiB Water Women Hiiterlalii.
WEEPING AVATER , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Spe
cial. ) A very nicely planned and carr'ed
out leap year' ball was held last night In
Appelget hall. The ladles had prepared n
bountiful spread and took charge of affairs
wholly. It was the regular met-tlng night
of the Society of Pleasure Seekers , and the
ladles concluded to show the club how to
carry out a program. Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Verm'Illlon , Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Edgar , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Donelan ,
Mr. and Mrs. George II. Olive , Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. M. Teegarden , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 0. ' Lessol ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Travis , Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
I. Corlcy , Mr. and Mrs. George Smith , Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Hubbard nnd Messrs. E. J , Moeser ,
II. J. Peck , A. II. Jones , George D , Cllzbo ,
George F. Richardson , I. J , Wehman , 0.
Cogllzcr ; MESM ! Lena Barry , Myrtle Barnes ,
Jessie Mutz , Pearl Murrlsh , Bessie Lyman ,
Ola Thomas and Lena Barnes. .
Irrigation Dltoh Completed.
CRAAVFORD , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) At a
meeting of the council yesterday an ordinance
was Introduced and passed Its first reading
granting the r'ght of way through the streets
nnd alleys for the Citizens' company's ditch.
The big canal Is now completed and ready for
the turning In of water to th top of the hill
on the south edge of the town , From this
.point the water will drop nlnoty-idx feet Into
the village , and after furnishing power there
will run through the village and take another
drop of sixty-six feet at the north end , back
Into the river , _
I'reimrliiir to DIMCIIHM Ilect Culture ,
AVEEPING AVATER , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Spe-
clal. ) Mayor Gordcr has notified ; the follow
ing delegates to attend the State Sugar Beet
association meeting , to be held at Fremont :
O , AV. Adams , S. M. Holden , John II. Davis ,
J. R. Throckmorton and Hon. S. AV. Orton.
formers will discuss the sugar beet question
at a meeting hero Saturday , as well as organIze -
Izo for the purpose of holding regular meot-
Ings. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a uon' Creamery to He Oucrnteil.
GENOA , Neb. , Jan. 16 , ( Special. ) The
splendid creamery plant at Genoa , which
liaa been lying Idle for some time , was pur
chased today by Columbus parties , who -will
proceed ut once to put the machinery In
mlor and plant In operation , and It will be an
extenilve contributor to the Omaha market.
Funeral of Alex Shank.
OSCF.OLA , Neb. , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) Th
funeral of Atox Shank , one of the earlier
settlers of this county , was held at Beulah
chapel yesterday , Mr. Shank had gene to
Florence. Colo. , about three weeks ago to
better hU condition , thinking that Nebraska
* AS not a * _ cod u It once -was.
v ( i I-
Bltio Valioy tinnk Stodtholdon Ordered to
All Dividends ,
i n4
IV rfj ,
Sliitcnu-nt AcciiNfN thf Ornrlnln o
IlorrnirlilJt In nil UnlMinlnrnn-
mill of Otlirr
'JI3 It
IH3I5RON' , Jtb , , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Franl
B. Udall , receiver of the Blue Valley bank
which failed September 28 , 1S95 , with .
shortage cf wtncth'ng like $25,000 , has re
celved an or\er ; \ from District Judge William
G. Hastings , directing him to inako an as
stasmont upon the stockholders for their fill
liability under the laws of Nebraska and col
loci In addition all dividends paid to stock
holders. An asEcs-mncnt of 160 per cent an
return of all dividends has been made.
The bank was chartered In 1SS7 , with a
paid up capita ) cf $20,000 , and appeared t
make money from Its' Organization , for up to
1SU3 It paid to stockholders over $16,500 In
dividends. The receiver's report , however
discloses the fact that the dividends were
never earned , but paid cut ot depositors
When the bank closed Its doors It was sale
that all depositors would be paid. The re
port of Examiner James A. Cllno plaecu the
notes and oxertlrnfts of J. It. Stlckel , th
president , at $10,500. M. H. AVelss , the ex
cashier , resigned In the spring of 1S)3 ! ) In
favor of hit brother , C. M. Weiss of Hastings
and sold hla holdings In the bank at the
same tlmo to htu brother , at a premium of 1 °
per cent on stock , at $3,500. Tbe receiver'
report places the Indebtedness of Stlckel n
something like $18,000 , and of M. II. Wols
at over $12,000 , making over $30.000 due the
bank from these two , or $10,000 moio thai
the bank's working and paid up capital , whlcl
Indebtedness Is unsecured. If this was secured
cured the- receiver t'tates ' that all demand )
against the bjnk would be paid In full and
something left for shareholders. The- Indebt
edness of M. II. Weiss was Jill contracts
while he was cashier ot the bank. The bai
condition ot the bank's paper , coupled will
three years of crop failures , was too much o
a load and the- bank finally succumbed to the
CtuM County AiitliurltlvN XotllU-il li >
tinKIIIIMIIN City Police.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. . Jan. 16. ( Special. )
Sheriff Hollo\\ay yesterday received won
from Kansas City that the parties wantci
hero for stealing harness had been arrestei
at that pInt anil were being held for Identi
fication. The sheriff left hero for that pi-ice
on the first train. If no trouble about req
uisition papers Is encountered he will lant
them hero tomorrow morning.
Ycoterdayr morijlng Chief ot Police Dunn
received a telephone message from Councl
Bluffs Instructing him to arreat John Parkei
and held him pn the charge of burglary.
Parker hascllved. In this city for over twelve
years and ihas nlways borne a good reputa
tion. Office riLv T. Albertl came down last
evening and tc it him back on the earl }
train this morning.
In Judge Archer's court toilay occurred the
trial of tithe 3 case wherein Ambrose
E. B. Nclsh7 | brought suit against
A. S. AVIlls , a wealthy farmer near
hero , to recove&150 for service as hog doc
tor , havlngigdmlnlEtered medicines to Wills'
hogs , affllqted , \ > lth cholera , which Wills
claims klllqd more than It cured. The jury
returned a verdict for ths defendant , where
upon the plaintiff gave notice of appeal. The
ease will be .fought through to the higher
courts. -i t
The delegates JtJ the state volunteer fire
men's convention at Grand Island , January,2t
to 23 , Delected last evening , are : Frank J.
Morgan , Sa'muel Patterson. Robsrl B. Hayes ,
Fred G. Morgan , Fred G. Egenbcrger. Phillip
Thlcroff. A. H. AVIckbach and Frank Greon.
Norfolk Factory Will Close for the
NORFOLK , , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) Tbe
last low grade beets have now been delivered
at the Norfolk beet sugar factory and with
in a few days the factory will close for a
ssason of cleaning up before working up the
syrup. Despite , the unfavorable season and
some unavoidable dissatisfaction , a majority
of the farmers are more than ever In favor
of the beet crop , and Its advantages are
clearly apparent , oven In an "off year , " when
compared with any other crop. Toward the
latter end of UK > campaJcn the factory's
methods were better understood , nnd the
nw general bpllef In the honest Intentions of
the management of the Norfolk beet sugar
company will undoubtedly lead to an in
creased acreage of sugar beets for the com
ing season In this vicinity.
The small grocery of AV. F. Hamann was
closed today under three chattel mortgages ,
Insufficient capital and lack of experience
being the causes of the failure ,
PI-INOIKTN ICiii-oiiU- Hot
HBMINGFORD , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special
Telegram. ) Deputy United States Marshals
AValters and Robinson arrived here this evenIng -
Ing enrouto to Hot Springs , having In charge
the noted Indian chief , Llpp , and several cf
his band , charged with cattle stealing , and
Howell Morgan , charged with perjury. Mor
gan Is the man that caused BO much trouble
on the agency recently by making all sorts
of chargoa agalnat the employes. Ho halls
from the pDuth and.Is . a distant relative
of Jeff Divls. _ \ _
SliiTiiinu County Fair AHHoolntlou.
LOUP CITY , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
The Agricultural Fair association of Sher
man county elected the following1 officers for
the ensuing year : President , George AY.
Hunter ; first vlco president. J. M. Snyder ;
second vlco president , J. S. Pedler ; secretary ,
AV. R , Mellor ; treasurer , J. Phil Jaeger.
AV. R. Mellor was elected as delegate to
attend the meeting of the State Board ot
Agriculture at Lincoln , January 21.
Crawford JV M > Hiiiin % r CliiiiiKM.
CRAAVFOUD , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
Frank AVInfield , proprietor of the Crawford
Gazette , the plant cf which was completely
destroyed at Sunday's flrd , yesterday pro
cured control of the Beacon plant. The
Beacon has Uben'run by Senator Stewart at a
loaj since ttnP'Oeirarturo ' of J. L. Gibson , The
Gazette will appear as usual this week , and
the Beacon Is'fl tlKpg ot tbo past.
North Iioum SchoolH CroTViIoil.
NORTH LOUP.uNeb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. )
Owing to the > crHvded condition of the city
schools , an oxtro jiesalcn ot the school board
was called yofifcrjlay to discuss the situation
and dovlso pnoway : to rollovo tbo con
gestion. It a3.flnally , , decided to open an
Intermediate idppartment , Wuh Miss Cora
Davis , a graduate of the High achttl , class
of ' 03 , as teacorj ) ) _
Knlrtlclil IflfnirliiK oil Wilier Work * .
FAIRFIELD ; ( 4 eb. . Jon. 10. ( Special. )
The counciloPt-jlta last meetlntr , appointed
a commlttcoUoi vlilt neighboring- towns that
liavo water 'Writs'and t ° report on same
with a view "oT'suWilttlng a bond proposition
'or water works , at the next regular election.
The question has been the subject of a num-
) or ot decidedly spirited street debates ,
Priceof Water ItiirlitM.
M'COOK , Neb ; , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The
movement to organize an Irrigation district
of the land under the Meeker ditch at this
place Is being earnestly and vigorously op-
poied by some of the land owners , on two
grounds particularly , the uncertainty of right
ind Insufficiency ot water , and the price asked
; g considered too high.
Were All Afto.f thu County Printing.
DLOOMINGTON , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special , )
The county uupervlsors mot today for
tbo first tlmo tinea the county waa divided
Into districts. There was much excitement
among the editors , who were all trying to
get the county printing and supply contract.
J. AV. Koblnwn of the Franklin Sentlnal
\va the lowest bidder.
npcrlvrr WeMcrvelt on tlte I'rnpoNe
.Viitloniil llntik Measure.
OUANU ISLAND , Nob. , Jan. If . ( Speclnl
Tito Heo's Washington dispatches of yes
terday contained n report of a bill Introduce
by Senator Allen , authorizing creators o
( insolvent national banks to select A perms
merit receiver and prosorlbinR the mannc
of his selection. In connection with thl re
port. It \ > as stated that as an instance o
the great loss Incurred to depositors uncle
the otls-tlnR system , the Citizens' Nitlonn
bank of Grand Island was In the hands o
a receiver , whoto expenses were , up to th
present , nn nvsrnso of JSOO per month
further , that several attempts had been mad
to have the assets of the bank turned eve
to the depositors , but In tint they have no
l > ? en successful , bpoausa the'r success woulc the cutting down of a fat job.
"Such a law , " said the receiver
Mr.VcslcrvcIt , "might ba a BOO
one , or It m'ght not. Honovor
suppose the bill Is a gocd one , the represcn
tatlcns niido In regard to this bink arc no
entirely correct. For the year 1S9I , nnd In
find ng part of December , 1S93 , when th
bank closed Its doors , the total expenditure
mitslile cf the costs of litigation , were $4
400.41 , or an average of $367.20 par month
for the. yoir 1S95 , the total expenses wer
$ M97.75 , or an average of $291.47 per month
This Includes salaries and nil other expenses
The total amount of nil expenses , Incltidln
llt'gatlon and attorneys' fees from the da
I took charge of thei bink January I , ISOt
were $10,231.70. The total amount colloctei
from nil sourcts Is $107,785.42 , bringing th
cstt of collection down to ! ) G-10 per cent
The total amount of litigation up to th
present , was $172,421.83 , for which I paid n
attorney's fee of $2 2 7.25. The total at
torney's fee to January 1 , 1836. Is abou
H4 1'er cent for collecting the amount In
volved. For the whole time that I hava bee
In charge at this bank the average cost pe
month would , from the above figures , seen
to bo $401.12.
"The statement that several efforts hav
been mailo to Jiavo the assets of the ban
turned over to deposltlors , ID entirely note
to mo or to any one here , as as I know
Such an effort waa made at North Platte
but not here. "
D. C. Zulk. head banker of the Modern
AVoodmeri , and the heaviest depositor at th
Citizens' bank , has been chiefly Instrument : )
In the promotion and Introduction of th
bill. Ho has been at North Platte , Kearney
Hastings , neatrlce and other points tuu
says there Is general demand for such a new
Two KiioeUoiitM Scoreil liy the/ Kane }
ut Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Jan. 1C. ( Special Telegram. )
Two knockouts came oft at Gcrmanla hall to
night. The first go was between Nornun
Augustine of Hastings and M. F. Melntyrc
the Lincoln middleweight. The latter had tb
! > Mt of It all through and put bis man ou
in the fifth. Augustine was bidly punlshei
about the head. The aeond was between
John Keller and Billy Hope. Neither mai
was In good condition. The fight had beoi
advertised as n twenty-round bout fr points
In the ninth round both were decldedl >
groggy , with the advantage a trifle In favo
of Kesslcr , hut lu the sixteenth ho was pu
out by Hope , the latter knocking him dowi
six times as fast aa he culd rise.
Dentil of n Thnj'BP Comity Veteran
HEBRON , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) Earl >
this morning A. AVIllett , an old resident o
Thayer county and a union soldier , died verj
suddenly from heart failure. As usual he
did the \yoik about' ' the barn and bad break
fast with the family , after which ho wenl
out to get water , when a pilu In the heai
seized him , and before medical aid reached
him ho qxplred. The funeral will occur to
morrow at 2 o'clock and will be conducted
by the Grand Army of tbe Republic.
Judga W. 13. Goodhue went to Omaha this
n ornlnjK
Hon. Charles L. nichardo returned from
Stratton this morning , where he went to
look after his political fences.
Juilgo Freeman of Falrbury , represent
ing St.- Joseph parties holding claims
igalnst the Blue Valley bank , wcs hero today.
Hon. diaries L. Richards , John M. Fitch-
patrlck and William D. Galbrnlth went as
delegates of the Hebron lodge of Masons
to Fairbury this afternoon.
Hon. J. A. Dillon Hurt.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
Hon. J. A. Dillon was the victim of on
accident while at work with his men in put
ting up Ice hero today. The rope with which
the ice was being elevated became caught
In some mannar and as a workman pried It
lioso it flew up and struck Dillon In the
head with terrific force. Ho wag thrown
[ jack against the building and two long gashes
cut In lily head. He remained unconscious
for three hourn. He will recover.
UmicH of JfelmiHlsn' * PlonrcrM Kouuil.
SPHINQVIGW , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. )
W , S. Moore , 'ros'dlng near Meadvlllo , on the
Nlobrara river , while working in an Irrigation
ditch yesterday , dug out the bones of two
persons , supposed to 1)3 Indaus , ouc an adult
and the other a child. They were found
three feet under ground and in a pile. Close
by have been found flint arrows and other
war Implements of an aboriginal race. Not
far > aw iy pieces of .ancient . pottery have been
plowed up.
Farmer'M Itculileiice Dextroyeil.
. .CHAPMAN , 'Neb.i ' Jan. 16. ( Special. ) At
about 12 o'clock last night the farm rcold-
enco ofV. . B. Shoemaker , residing three
mllo3 southwest ! of- here , was completely
destroyed by lire , The family barely es-
ciiied lii tlielf hlght clothes , not having tlmo
to save a , partlclp , of clcthlng or furniture.
The "cause of the fire Is unknown. There
was no insurance. ? the policy having expired
a few days ago.
ISpworfli Lea KII iConcert. .
M'COOK , Neb. , Jan. 1C , ( Special. ) The
Epworth league gave a meritorious concert
Before an enthusiastic and overflowing audl
enco in the Methodist church last night. The
program was varied and excellent.
VetcraiiM of the Lute War Iteiiieni-
I > re < l liy the General Government.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lG.-Speclal.-Pen ( )
slons granted , Issue of December 28 , were :
Nebraska Original : Lewis 11. Dorosc ,
AA'escott. Ouster.
Iowa Original : James E. Green , Jamison ,
Clark ; John Price , DCS Molnes , Po'k. Renewal -
newal and IncrcuEc : Thomas C. Barker ,
MncksburKh , Madison.
Colorado Original widow : Kato A. Scott ,
Denver , Arnpahoe.
Ifsue of December 30 were :
Nebraska Original widows , etc. : Minors
of Joseph 11. Loghry , West Union , Cueter.
Iowa Original ; Orlando J , Hoynton , Iteln-
) eck , Qrundy. Increase ; James L. DC
Coursey , Des Molnes , Polk ; William A.
Mlllsap , JJonton , Hlnegold. Rclsauo : Ain-
jroso U , Cobb , Hertford , Taylor.
South Dakota Original widows , etc. :
Minors of Joseph D. Loghry , Davis , Turner.
Colorado Renewal and Increase ; James
Rude , Tollurlde , San Miguel.
North Dakota Original ; John n. Sharpr
Hope , Steele. Increase : David Dler , Han-
nafrrd , GrlgBB ,
Issue of December 31 were :
' 'Nebraska Restoration and Increase ;
Josfah Lee. Hastings , Adams. Increase ;
Charles W. Ta'.bltzar , Oconcc , Platte ;
Fames Campbell , Harvard , Clay , Rc'.smio :
Howard Thompson. Heaver City. Furnas.
Original widows , etc. : Nancy C. Miller.
'erch , Hock : Catherine M. Waldenmeyer
mother ) . Gibbon , liuffalo
IowurlBlnal ; John H , Lambert , Tlconlc.
Monona : Dswld 41. Strong , Hrldgowater ,
\dalr. Increase : Caleb Green , Bedford ,
Taylor ; Arge AVnshlnBton , Keokuk , Lee ,
lelBsuo : John T , Drummond , Floroncevllle ,
Colorado Increase : Richard Matthews ,
So'utliOIDakota Original : Emanucl Beck ,
North" ' Dakota Original : Thomas Kerrl ,
Oration , Walsh.
Iloblifd n Ilullrotul Aireiit ,
FORT BCOTT. Kan. , Jan , 16.-J. K.
Phelps , agent for the Kansas City , Pitts-
> urtr & Quit road at Hlchardu , Mo. , was
leld up before daylight this morning at the
eiMJt and robbed of all the company money
n hand. The amount Is not known. The
obbery waa committed by Ihreo masked
VelmmUu Lumber DenlerM Amoctutlou
The annual meeting of the Stuto Lumber
Dealers' association will be held In IJn-
oln January 29. A Joint cxcurglon to the
cmth with the Missouri and Kansas usso-
latlons will bo one of the feature * .
ix TIM : Mini AT
Itnlip Muriiliy llpnt Out n Crack Int
In n Hot Drlvts
flAN FRANCISCO , Jnn. Ifi.-The storm
kliiR held full swny nt ln leslde ngnln to
day , the trnck having the nppeirnnce of
n huice Irrigation ditch , while the wind
blew n hurricane. The progrnm wna one
of the best of the meeting , very nearly nil
of the fastest sprinters nt the track con-
testing. The crack Illly , Uabc Murphy. Ru t
tallied her reputation na the fastest filly
nt the tnicy , by defeating llnldwln's
rhllomonn , rotentnt ( > nnd linlf n dozen
other prlntcrs of no mcnn ability. She liml
to be driven out , however , wm Uallnnt nil
but nipped out a victory tinder the wire.
The Fplendlil rldlnp of Jerry Ohorn wns
n feature of the day. Out of live mounts
he succeeded In piloting three winners
and one place bor e , n remarkable font on
such a trnck. Rlley Ornnnnn's wlnnlnca
today aru said to excceil J1.WX > , Hnbo
Muiphy nnd Major Cook were the only
winning favorites , two Fecond and t\\o
thlrtl choices dividing the other events.
Weather stormy : tinck muddy ; attendance
large. Summaries :
Fir-it race. live and a half furlong , sellIng -
Ing : Roblnhood 1 , S3 ( Jones ) , fi to 1 , won ;
Soledad , 96 ( Garner ) , 2 to 1 , second ; KnFcI ,
SS ( Hewitt ) , C to 1 , third. Times : lillW-
llrnvurn. Crackajack , Ida Saner and
Johnny P. Payne nl.'o ran.
Second race , live nnd n half furlongs ,
wiling : SIlKO , 100 ( Chain ) , 6 td t. won ;
AVmen , DC ( Jones ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Sam
I.cake , 96 ( He\vltt ) , IS to 1 , third. Time :
1:10. : Road Runner , Mainstay , Summertime
and 1'oillga nl o rnn.
. Third lace , tlvo nnd n half furlongs , pell-
Ing : Major Cook , 10t > ( Uhorn ) , 2 to 1. won ;
Kowaltky. W ( Garntur > to 1 , second ; Pat
Murphy , 99 ( PlKROtt ) . 12 to 1. third. Time !
lilO'X. ' hod doC Bandldoa. Unity. Pcihnps
and Tonne nlo tan.
Fourth nice , six furlong , scllln ? ! Hnbe
Murphy. S9 ( Cochran ) , 2 to 1 , won ; Onllant ,
SS (1'lggott ( ) , G to 1. Bccond ! Potentate , 110
( Walker ) , S to 1 , third. Tlmo : lUi : i. Plill-
omenn , Mngple , Lnut Chance- , Carmel and
Servitor also rnn.
Fifth rnco , mile and a sixteenth , selling :
Itruw Scot , 109 ( Chorn ) , a to 2. won : Nephew ,
112 ( Uallnrd ) . 7 to 1. second : nil , 102 ( Jones ) ,
50 to 1 , third. Time : 1:53 : > 4. Allahabad
nnd Modesto nlso ran.
Sixth nice , seven furlongs , selling : Thorn-
bill , 110 ( Candy ) , S to 1. won ; Highland , 107
( Chorn ) , G to 5 , second : Allovcr. 107 ( Mu-
Himh ) , G to 1. third. Tlmo ; 1S2 : < 4. George
Miller , La Flechn and Our Mnggla nlso
\ow Orlcniix lliu-c I
NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 16. Weather
cloudy nnd cold ; liack heavy. Summaries :
First race , fiiO , for 3-ycar-old lllllcs , Bell
ing , six furlong : GlndlaUoli ( I to 1) ) won ,
May Abhley (12 ( to 1) ) second , Georgia Smith
(15 ( to 1) third. Time : 1S : ) .
Second race , J300 , handicap , 3-ycar-olda
nnd upwards , fix furlangs : Queen lleis ( I to
1) won , Frankle D (15 to 1) second. Tommy
Ruttcr (6 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:2 ( < S.
Third rac ? , J250. for 4-yonr-oldi nnd up
wards , selling- , mile and a sixteenth : Text
( S to 1) ) won , Dave Pulslfor (5 to 1) ) second ,
Overella (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 2:00. :
Fourth race , $300 , handicap. 3yearoldami
upwards , six furlongs : Nick ( S to G ) won ,
Ashland ( CO to 1) second , Domlnga (2 to 1)
third. Time : 1:2HJ. : |
Fifth race. $200 , 3-year-olds nnd upwards ,
Bellingmile nnd seventy yards :
Tuscorna (15 ( to 1) won , Ncwhouse (2 ( to 1) )
second , Spcndollno ( S to C ) third. Time :
CniiiiillniiN AVI ii nt Curllnur.
DULUTH , Minn. , Jan. 16.-Caii.adn won
In the contest for the Walker curling- trophy
today , scoring nine points bolter than the i
Americans , filght rinks plaved on each I
side. Score : T , McCnffery , Nccpawa , IB ,
against Nelbon , Chicago , 1G ; J. McDalrmed , '
Winnipeg , 13. against A. M. McCulloch , I
St. Paul , 13 ; T. Kclley , AVInnlpsg. 21 , n paints ,
J. II. McCulloch , Wnupacn , 10 ; C. Huffman , I
Winnipeg , 11 , against II. S. Hurdon , Dultith ,
12 ; J. W. Thompson , Portage. La Prairie ,
Ifi , against C. H. Robeits , Milwaukee , 12 ;
J. Dury. Rat Portime. 10 , against G. Net-
tlcton. St. Paul , IS ; F. L. Pntlon , AVJniilpejr ,
10 , against R. J. Macleod , Duluth. IS ; M.
Fortune , AVInnlpeu , 22. nsralnst J. 15. Jones ,
Portage , 7. Total : Canada , IIS ; America ,
Stflfiltr. Condiun-M to AVln.
ST. PKTKRSnURG , Jan. IC.-Play In the
International musters' chois. tournament
was resumed today. The result follows :
Stelnllz ( white ) beat Plllsbury In a potroft
defense after sixty-six movos. Tschljjorln
( white ) nnd Laskor drew a two knights'
dcfonte after thirty-four moves. The record
up to date :
Won. Lost.
Lacker . . . . . . 9 c
Stelnltz . 7' fi
Pillsbury . GVi 7U
TechlRorln . 5 9
ArrniiKT < ' < l nil lilRlit-Onrcii itiifc.
NEW YORK , Jan. 16. Arrangements
liavo been made for an elsht-oared boat
race between ' Harvard , Cornell , Columbia
and the University of Pennsylvania. The
place hns not yet been decided upon , but
It will probably be Poiijjhkeposle.
Ilolibcil n Trnlu Cron- .
KANSAS CITY , Jan 16. A Nevada , Mo. ,
special to thcStar says : La to last night , ;
at Nassau Junction , near here , throe men
icld up the crew of a Missouri Pacific freight
and after shooting Englneqr Campbell In the .
check , secured $165 and several watches '
ind escaped. The railway men bad Just
been paid.
lH of Ort-iui VoKMt'lN , Jim. 1(1.
At Q'leenstown Arrived Steamer Brlt-
tanlc , New A'ork for Liverpool.
At New York Arrived Steamer Kaiser
AVIlhelm II. , Genoa ; Aller , Bremen ; Ken-
Ington , Antwerp ; Germanic , Liverpool.
At San Francisco Arrived . \larlposa ,
'roni Honolulu and Sydney.
At Genoa Arrived Fufda , from New
Populist National GommUlco Gathering for
a Conference.
O in nli it One of the Cltlcv M Mitlnm < il
nn n I'oHxIlilc * l.iK'iillun 'I'niiln--
nrrU TnII ; * of Union
with Sllvrrltrn.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 16. Quite n number ot
the mcmbrs of the national committee of
the people's party arrived here today to tnko
part In the mooting ot that body , which la to
name the tlmo and place for lioldni'the | na
tional convention , Mr. It. 1C. Tauboncck ,
chairman of the executive committee , says
nothing Is known yet as tohcre or when
the convention will bo held. Chicago , St.
Louis , Milwaukee , Kansas City , Omaha , In
dianapolis , Dallas -mid Atlanta want the con
vention , and each ono of them ban friends
on the committee. But whichever place Is se
lected there also will bo the Bimetallic union
meet , and the union of thcso two olcmenU
ll make one of the largest conventions ever
hold In this country ,
Concerning the alleged movement to bring
about a fusion of the reform forces , he said :
"I have received a number of letters from
Influential members of the party In various
sections of the country suggesting that , but
as yet the matter has not been formally or
olllclally discussed , nor do I know whether
the committee will deal with the subject at
this meeting. AVe will , perhaps , send repre
sentatives to the meeting of the Ahierlcan
Bimetallic league at AVashlngton next week
to look on for us and participate as In
dividuals , If they so desire. But so far as
the report to the effect that I have advocated
a union of all the reform forces. In the na
tion In a free silver platform , I want to de
nounce It as absolutely false. I have done
no such thing , nor had I even contemplated
It. Of course , wo will make the currency
question the main Issue In our platform , but
that by no means Indicates that we are
going to merge our party Into any other. AVe
are still In the middle ot the road and ar
golnc to stay there. "
Mr. Taubencck declared that ho had no
Idea as to whom the party would nomlnato
for president. Ho considered Slbley of Penn
sylvania a magnificent man , hut did not look
upon the Indorsement by the free sllverltes
of Slbloy for president as at all binding on
the populists.
The consensus of opinion of the com-
mltteemen Interview oil was that their na
tional convention would not he held until
both of the old parties put tickets In the
Tha following members ot the national
committee of the people's party arrived here
today to take part In the meeting of that
party on Friday , which Is to name the tlmo
and place for holding the national conven
tion : Chairman H. n. Taubeneck of Illinois ,
Colonel Tom Patterson of Colorado , who
was a member of the platform com
mittee of the last democratic na
tional convention ; Senator Marlon Butlur ,
Congressman John C. 1H11 of Colorado ; Sec
retary J. II , Turner of AVashlngton City , D.
P. Merritt of Wyoming , S. H. Snyder of
Kansas , B. Gerry Browne ot Massachusetts ,
Judge C. H. Power of Indiana , A. Boselle ,
who Is chairman of the people's party state
committee of Missouri , and a member of the
national committee ; General AVcavcr ot Iowa ,
ex-Governor AValto of Colorado , nnd Mc-
Ranktn of Indiana , treasurer of the national
committee. The committee Is composed of
111 members. Not over fifty of them are
expected to attend the meeting. The others
will send proxies.
The committee will meet tomorrow at 10
o'clock to hear the claims of the different
cities that want the convention.
Kluetlon ItcKiilt In Mniillolin Milken
Tliolr TiiHk DIHIuiilt.
OTTAAVA , Out. , Jan. 16. The victory ot
the Greenway administration In the Mani
toba elections yesterday has brought llttlo
: omfort to the conservative government hero.
It Is felt Premier Greenway will resist any
remedial measures that the federal govern
ment may try to Impose , his sweeping
Tlumph nt the polls showing that he 1ms the
support , generally speaking , of bis constit
uents , and In this event the Ottawa glvern-
ncnt will , It Is thought , be brought face to
'nco with an awkward crisis.
Sir Mackenzie Bowell , In a short Interview
Lhls afternoon , said : "Wo tike no official
cognizance of the result of the Manitoba
jlectlona Our pllcy of remedial legislation
lias been announced and will b carried out.
When the Imperial privy council , the hlgh-
jat court In the empire , says the Roman
Catholics cf Manitoba are entitled to soma
emcdlea at our lunds , wa are bound tc carry
mt Its directions. "
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