Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Latent Bullish Tonling of Urn Pnst Tow
Days WRR Mnnlfoslctl Yesterday ,
HndinNtiiNiii II < < < 1 Out for i
Time M hcii Un * Seen
Hint l > li > nty of Wheat
AVn ( or Snlc.
CHICAGO. Jan. 15-1 ho latent bullish
feeling which IUH lent more or Its'
strength to the markets the pnit day 01
two In irnlto of Indifferent \lowa became
decidedly manifest todny. This , lic'pod foj
the small olllclal Husslan nhlpmcnts , cru
ntcd a decidedly bullish sentiment ant
wheat closed He higher than jcslorday
Corn and oats nro cnch up "ie , while port
advanced SOc , lard 10a anil ribs 12'fcc. '
Tlio atmosphere of the trading hall wnt
vrell charged with electricity from the bul
dynamos when business started ami caused
nil the leading speculative articles to Jnmj
Into n. gpnrkle of enthusiasm for hlKhei
prices. Wheat , corn , oats and provision !
wcro nil wanted nt jriterday's closlnt
prices , but few wcro found who wcro willIng -
Ing to part with any on Bucli terms ttni
consequently on advance commenced a
once all along the line. Wheat opened at
Kc bid for May , with Fome holders dc
rnnndlnrr. and reculvlnt ; 6DV c at the came
time. Insldo of half nn hour from the
start f > 9)c ) { wan paid. 'Iho only fresh bull
ish features early In the session wcro mod
crate receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth
410 c.irs , and the olllelnl leport of la *
week's Hiifliin Hhlpment , which wcru onlj
052000 bu. , against 1,100,000 Dil. as pstlmnlet'
yesterday. The buying cnthUHlaxm diet
out for n time when It was seen that near
ly all those who had taken a little
wheat Immediately at the opening ant
those who had bought calls had plenty for
nale at % c advance. During the next hour
and n half the pi lea gradually shook oft
Its early accumulation. After the pi leu
had reacted from tfl\o to GD e , duu to realizing
izing- Bile ? , there was n second spin twhich
earned It up to from D3'ic to COc , the imir-
ket finally closing at those llgtiie.s. The
bullish tone of the coin , oats and pro
vision markets had comcthlng to do with
the l.tst named little swell , but rumors ol
activity In the demand for cii h wheat had
probably the principal share In creating
the extra Inquiry for May wheat.
Corn wn etronrr and active. The news
was no more bullish than before , but the
receipts were again moderate. This , with
the bu'go In provisions , the rise In wheat
and oats nntl rumors of a bull combination
among1 the larger dealers , developed
strength , which was maintained to the
close. May started at 2Sc , rOFo to 3c ,
reacted to 2S7c , rouo acam to 29c bid and
closed with scl'ers at 28c.
The early market for oats- was quite ac
tive , with Fhorts taking up considerable
and a generally good business doing. To-
wiird the close Interest In trade ceased and
prices fell back , somp resting from ' c to
fee up for ilay at 19T c bid , after having
a range of from 19jc to 20'4c.
Provisions started on the jump and kept
bounding1 about In an. unusually active
manner nil dav and a very heavy business
was the result. The opening trades In
May were at from } 9SO to $982 > A and from
that It advanced to $1003 and closed at
$1000. Laid and libs made equivalent ad
vances , each closing1 with n net gain of
12o per 100 pounds. The strength was
duo to confirmatory reports of the exten
sive ravages of hog cholera and to the
day's run of hogs falling 9,000 short of yes
terday's estimate.
Estimates for Thursday : Wheat , C5 cars ;
corn. 650 cars ; oats , ICO cars ; hogs , 30,000
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Slendyj whiter patents , 3 OHM CO : win
ter BtralehH , J2.10JT3 CO ; RprltiK patents. (3 WTfl 2.1 ;
BprlnK BtralKhlB. $ > 40f2 75 : bakers. 2 102.35
WI1CAT No 2 uprlnu. C7144JG8c : ; No 3 spring.
KHeMc ; No. 2 red , ClTdflClc.
CORN No 2. 2CHc : No. 2 yellow. 2CHc.
OATS No. 2. 18'e : No. 2 white , 19 > iJSO'Jc ;
No 3 white , 18 J19V4c.
nYB No 2. 36c.
HARLnV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. f , o. b-.H ®
3CV4c ; No. 4. f. o b , 27c.
1'I.AX SCHD No 1. 93c.
PROVISIONR Me'B pork , per bb ) , $37300 81 :
lard , per 100 Ibn , J5 CO ; xhort ribs , sides , lonce ,
I4.7r.ff4 80 ; dry snlttd Bhoulders. boxe < l , )4COO475 ;
short clenr sides , taxed. IJ 004J5 12i. ;
WHIbUY Distillers1 Ilnlslied goods , per eal. ,
SUGARS Cul loaf , } 5 75 ; granulated. J312 ;
standard "A , " 15
POULTRY Stciily ; turke ) ? , Offllc ; chickens ,
7fl8c ; ducks , lliilic.
The following were the receipts and shipments
On the Prolnsi cxohanratolly tha tmtlor nnr-
ket wan BleaUy : creamery. 1892.10 : dairy , l.ia
SOc EjrgB , Bloody ; fresh , 10O17C. Checso , quiet ,
Qtiotntloim on tlic Principal
Commodities ) nml Slniilen.
NHW YORK. Jan. 15. 1'LOUR-Recelpts , 19,400
bbls.j exports , 23,000 bbls , ; firmer with wheat ,
but buyers shoucd llttlo deposition to trade ;
low { Trades , dull and easy. Minneapolis patents ,
I3.4003.CO ; winter patents , (3 Cd@3 75 ; win
ter straights , J3 40ff3 45 ; winter extras , J2.C3ff3.00 ;
winter low grades , 12 20O2.CO. Rye flour , steady ;
uperllnc. I2C5JJ2.75. Diaknlicat Hour , dull : ' $1.30
UUCKWIIRAT-KMy ; S9'4ff40c.
CORN MIJAtr- Dull ; yellow western , coarse.
70c ; llrandywlne. 12 S3.
IU"K Nominal ; western , 4fJ45c.
I3ARI.UY Nominal ; western , SSC43c : feeding ,
llAltl.EY MALT Nominal ; western , 49CKc.
\VIIll\T-ixport , 109,600 bu. Spot , strcnif
No. 3 red. 70.c ; No. 1 hard. 70Kc. Options welo
llrm nil day , advanclnir on local coverings nnd
sympathy with corn ; foreign news was fairly
steady , and pome export business developed only
to bo shut off by the final sharp rise ; closed
. W0 higher ; No 2 ml. January , closed at
UVic ; May. CO 13.1G G7He , closed nt C7Hc.
CORN Receipts , 16 GOO bu. : fxpatti , c 100 bu
Bnot , firmer ; No. 2 , 35J c. Options , firmer nnd
higher on moderate receipts , local covering mid
sympathy with wheat ; clowd ' 4O\c hlghtr *
January closed at S5Hc : May. 34 l5-ic f3i4c !
cloiecl 35lic.
OATS Receipts. CS.OOO bu. | rxpoitg , i.joa bu
Bpjt , dull : No. 2 , 2ie2HJc. Options , quiet , but
( Inner , with corn ; closed Ho higher ; January
doted at 2lo ; May. 2tSBlc ! ? , clo "d at 24)c )
UAY-Uull ; shipping , 800 iSM ; good to
Choice. | ! ) CO tOOO. .
I.UAT1IUR rinn ; hemlock sole , Tluenos AMCS
llKlit to heavy weight * , 21c ; ac'd , 21j/2Jc '
HOI'S Weak : ilule , common to choice 1894
crop , 2V4UCc ; 1895 crop , 4B10c ; I'aclnc coast , 15.94
crop , SuCo ; 1895 crop. 4HOc.
B Npmlnal ; Galvetlon , lc ; Iluenos Ayns
dry , Wcj Texas , dry , 10c ; California , ISc , '
WOOlr-Stcadyj domestic fleece , ICffJJo ) pulled ,
PROVISIONS Ileef. quiet ; family , lOOfflzoo
Cut meals , quiet ; pickled hams , $32 875. Ijiid'
linn ; wtstcrn steam , closed at (380 , nnnlniU-
January , $5 to , nominal , 1'ork , firmer ;
mi T F JV _
. . . . . .
V'i twl. n..i * * iu wJ.
I'lTTROLCUM inrnier ; United clo e < I at II 4J
bid ; reflntd. New York. 17.75 ; Philadelphia and
Haiti more , 17.70 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore In
bulk. IS 50.
IIOS1N Sleadyj strained , common to good.
HICISteady ! domestic , fair to extra , SHOCc :
Japan , IHU4C.
MOUABSES-Htcadyi New Oilfons , OIINI Uettle.
rood to tho'ct ) , 2U0JCC.
nUTTBR Receipts , 7.J7S pkgs. ; steady ; crenm-
rry. 16j24cettirn ; ilalo' , HW17c ; logins. Sic.
BGG8 Receipt * . 8 839 pkgs. ; steady ; state and
r < nns > lvanla , HUlbHc ; western , 1701Ec ; south-
< rn , IttJUc.
UUTALS-Plsr Iron , -weak ; noutliern. J11.75O
IS 00 ; northern , II2.00OISCO. CiHiper , dull :
brpker * ' price , 110 ; exchange price , 18 6O& w.
l. ad , quiet t brokers' | * rlce , | t ; cxchangu
price , | ] 0003.02)1. ) Tin , rasy ; straits , W.3j
1900 ; plates , market weak. Speller , quiet.
COTTON SEED OlU-Weak and generally
lower , with holder * Indifferent ; prime crude ,
24 24Ue : butter grade * , :0c ; prime summer
Knimasj City Sliirkel * .
KANSAS CITY , Jan , 15. WHEAT-Low grades
neglected ; others higher ; No. t hard. C9c ; No. 2
tH Wo ; No. I while. oouliuUr < to ; No. t rt-d.
nomlrmltr WSCCfl , No. I ( print , Mr ) N < > . t Iprtni
rioinliiMiy ItatOci rrjrrteil , 410(00.
COflN-Ptfady dftrt hlfhtri No. - mMlj , ( K (
MUoi No 2 tthlte , 23C.
OATS-rirtn. No , 2 mixed , No. * . lH5Jlc.
IlVfl-nulIi No 9. nomtnallr tie.
IfAYI'lrmcri timothy , | i .0001J.50i prolrlt
tG. ( ff7 O )
HWnKIt Wt/iherj / crMincry , dalrj
Cnnilltlnn of Trnilc nnd ( Inotntlon
nn Slniilf nntl Vnncr I'roiliiee.
noOS Ptrlfll } froh Mock , 14fl c.
IJflTKnPiicklnr ; Hock , rolls , 1lc , packlni
stock , lulu , OjJIOc ) fair to K0l country , 130Hc
choice to fancy country , ICfllSc.
VKAIr-Cholct fat , 70 to 100 Ibs , are quoted a
W7c ; Inrife nnd conrsc , 4f6c.
CIlinfltl Domcitlc brlik , HSc ; Edam , pe
duz . | tO , Club Itoiitc , l lb Jam , per doz. J3 M
Iilnitivrgtr , fanc > , | wr Ih . HUc : lloquefoil , ' 41b
Jnrs. | > er doz. : $ JW ; Young Americas , ll'tc
Twlnn , fnni , } , lip.
POUI.TIIADrtM -ChlckcnK , CH 7c ; duck *
choice. 0lOc ; turkoja , choke , lOQllci eecse
HAY t'plaml , } 5 M ; midland , Mi lowlnml
II M ; r > p ntrnv , Jt , colqr makes the price ot
ha ) , llnht 1 i.i I OH pell Ihe bent. Only top crnild
btlnK tup prloN
1I11OOMOIlN'Kxtremclr ( * low rale ; nev
cn > | > , il-llvnnl on track In country , choice rjreei
dclf-vvorklnz cariwl , per Ib , 2 ! < c ; choice green
running to hurl , 2'Jcj ' common , 1'4c.
iieiuis , iLTujn no ; ciinvnuknck dtickn , ? 00
trnl , HUP Wing , I2.0iy ; 25 : Icnl , Kreen nlnn
J1.7.r. 7iOO ; mixed ilutks , | 1 T.'OJ 2" > : Canada RC VC
1C tWU CO ; small gee e. J4COU5W ; biants. 13. CO
VlfilXJNS Live , ' \eiy"slow ; dead pl.eons no
\'lX5iTAlLnS. )
CAUt.irLOWBU-1'cr cinlc , 2 7593 00 , or Jit
fll.75 per doz.
CAIIIIAfln Cnllfoinla slock , per lu. 2c.
MUSHUOOMH P r 1'4-lf. box. C1375C.
POTATOnS l"nncy native atucle , 30c : fron
tloie In unnll loin. SOOiio ; Colorado slm.k , COQofc
O.VIONB-lVr. bu . JOc.
71I3AN1 * llnnil plrketl nnvy , rcr 1m , $1 $ CO
SWI2ET I'OTATOKS Choice Block. 1275 pt :
th | .
riuilY Cnllfornln , per doi , 80c ; Colorado ,
BTiflMe ! Knlam roo. S'p.
I.1AIA nnANS-Per Hi . EC.
WATHU rnnis-rer i at. c e. H siwi 71
SCOTCH PHAB-ln irk per bu . II 03.
MEXICAN HTUAWlliilIlICrf-Per qt. , 3Ic
APPLES rancj New Vork , > 3 23J3 W ; chole <
western. 12 Wt3 oo : Utah npnlCK , per box , Jl.W.
oitnaoN rnAits None.
CIlANIJRnniUS-Jerao , JS.7E ; Cape Cod , 110 ;
MrFarltn1 * , J10
MAI.AOA QTlArnS Per M-lb. bbl , tQ ; pel
65 to 70 lb , ( troM , tTOOOT.M
OUAKOna Cnllloinla buJdc.l scetlllnCB , regu
lar slzfs , )3 0003 A > ; JoO to 283 72Q3 UO ,
naviU. 13 7504 uO ; larg-e Blies , $1 2303 M
r.nJtONS California , per box (3.7S01 CO ; Mea-
Blnnn , Jl Wflt 5U.
HANANAS Choice larire stock per bunch , J2 01
O2 25 ; medium Blzed runchc . 11.750200.
OYbTCHS llcdluma , IDc ; standards , Me ; extra
select * . 23c ; Ilranci & Co. sUects , 27t ; New Yolk
counts , 30c ; standard bulk , per Riil. , J1.10.
IIONIJY Pancy white , per Ib , ISc.
MAPLE BYnUP Klve-nal. cans. etch. (273 :
gal. cam. per doz. , S12 ; M-caI. , cam , 16 25 ; quarl
cani , 13.7C.
CIDEIl Pure Juice , per hair bbl. , $3 ; per
L8AUlCll > KnAT-Per I bl. . 13.75 ; half bbl . S2 25.
riQS New crop. California , 10 Ib. boxes , utr
Ib , 100 : Imporlid fancy , 30-lb. boxes , ISc ; choice ,
10-lb IKIXCB. IHiniZc. '
DATES New pcralan , 60-Ib. boxes , prr Ib. SJtc ;
farda. 10 Ib. boxca. per Ib , Sc ,
MAPL11 SUQAIl-Chcl t per Ib , agiOc ,
PHhSCHVE" .iB orted. 2lb. . palls each 11.40.
COCOANUT8 Per 100. U CO ; each , Cc
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , medium
size , lOo , Tarragona almonds per 'b . laige , 12Wc ;
Urozlls , per Ib. , 8c ; Engll ! walnuts , per Ib
fancy soft shell. 12c ; standards , lljjllUc ;
niberts , per Ib , 10caecans poMshcd medium
ICc : larRC , 12c : peanuts rnvv. C c : rnnsted. "O
' , % c ; hickory nuta. small , per bu . J1.75 ; hickory
nuts , larce , per bu , U.50 ; black walnuts , per
bbl . 12.
Unnr Oood western steers. 400 to COO Ibs.
KV'WCc ; good cons and heifers , 4J C5c ; medium
COVVB nnd heifers , -IVac ; eood foreqinrtera
u > vv8 nnd helfcis , 3 < i jc ; good hlndqunrtcra
cows nnd helftrs , CiC'/Sc ; cow rounds , 5c ; cow
chucks , 3l4c ; steer chucks. 44V4c ; beef tendcr-
lolna , fresh , 20c , frozen , 17c ; beef rolla.bDnelesg ,
8 > jc , sirloin bulls , boneless , S'tc ' ; loin hicks , 6140 ,
cow ribs. "No 3 , 667c ; cow loins , Na. 3. 71401
8ic !
MUTTON Dre sed mutton , Cc ; racks , 9c ; lees
7'/4c ! vaddlea , 7'.4c ; slews , 3c.
PORK Dressed IIDRB , 434c ; pork loins , Cc :
rpiro ribs , C'lc , pork shoulders , < Hc ; pork shoul-
deri. Bklnned , 4 > 4c ; pork trlmmlnsa , 4c ; tender
loins , 13c : plB ' feet , cleaned , per doz. , sc.
HIDES No. 1 gieen hides. 4 < tc ; No. 2 green
ildes , 34c ! ; No 1 green salted hides. Go ; No 2
; reen eatted hides , Cc , No. 1 green salted hides ,
5 to 40 Ibs , 6c ; No. 2 croiailed hides , 25 to
0 Ibs , Cc ; No. 1eal c. ir , > to " Ibs , 7c ; No.
. veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , Cc ; No. 1 dry flint
Mas. 8j0c ! ] ; No. 2 dry flint hides , CtfTc ; No 1
Iry salted hides , 7c ; part cured hides , > 4o per Ib.
c s than fully cured.
BllEEP PELTS-Green salted , each 2360c ;
treen salted shearlings ( short wooled early tklns ) .
each 15c : dry shearlings ( short wooled early
tklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pe.ts , per Ib ,
ictual weight , 6 Gc ; dry flint Kansas und Ne-
jraska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight ,
OCc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
b. actual weight , 4flCV4c ; dry flint Colorado
Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual welgM , 4QCc ;
Iry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 4UCc ,
eet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 J e :
allow No. 2 , 3o ; grease , whlta A , 3 < 4c ; grease
nhlte H , Sc ; grease , yellow. 2 c ; grease , dark
a ; old butter , 232l4o ; beeswax , prime , 15 22c ;
jugn tallow , l',4c.
HONES In car lots weighed and delivered In
Zhlcago : Dry buffalo , per ton. I1200 { | > 14 oo ; dr >
country , bleached , per ton , 110 00 12 00 ; dr >
-ountry. damp and meaty , per ton , 10.0088 00.
WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy , 87o ; line light ,
6 < 9c : quarter blood , 10fJ12o : ecedy , hurry and
huffy , 8C9o ; cotted and broken , coarse. 7C9c ;
xittei nnd broken , fine , 6Sc. Fierce waihrd
Medium. 1CR18c : fine , 140l6o : tub washed , 1C8
8c : Mnrk 8c ; bucks , Co ; tag lock * . 203c ; dead
pulled. COCc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CoiTcu Mnrl > t.
NEW YORK , Jan. 1 ! COPPEE-Optlons
iptncd tleady nt 5 to 10 points advance on full-
HIT off In Ilrazlllan rrcelptp. Ilu < lng for Euro-
u-an and local account caused firmness early , but
ater the market ruled weaker. Later Europe
a selling Into months on account of big
rep outlook. Clo cd steady at net decline of
> ta 15 points ; sales , 7,750 bags , Including ,
Match , IISMinJSrt. Snot rnfTce lllo , quli > t ; No ,
, I14 < Mild quiet ; Cordova , 117.iXlglS.lV ) ; tales
A ) bag Rio. No. 7 , spit , private terms ; sco
lags Maracnlbo , 100 liags Suvanllla , COO bags
.Vntral American , p t. ; ( M mats Interior fp't ,
it 2Sc. Warehouse deliveries from New York
cskrday , 4C94 baxs ; New York stock tndnj.
W,1W bags : ITnlled States stock , 359.C7C bags ;
illoat for the United Mates , 2" > 4 000 bags ; total
. UH.lo for the United States , C93.CM bags , against
0 > 727 bagii lutt yrar.
HAfs'TOd. Jan. 15. Quiet ; good average Santos ,
1C : lecolpts , 8,000 bag ; stn.k , 425000 bass.
HAMIIUKG , Jan. 15 Quiet and unchanged ;
ales 4.000 bags.
HAVRE , Jan. IB. Oosed uiclmiiged to &t net
uhance : sales , 0,000 bag ) .
RIO , Jan. 15. Quiet ; No 7 Rio , HISS ; exchange ,
3-16.1 ; receipts. 20 bags ; cleared for the
'nlted ' States. (1,000 ( bags ; for Europe , none ;
lock , 219.00) bags.
I.UcrpooI Marked.
LIVERPOOL Jan. 15-WHEAT-Spot stead ) :
Icmand poor ; No 2 red winter , Cs 4d ; No. 2 ml
prlng , stocks exhausted. No. 1 hard Manitoba ,
a 4H < 1 ; No. 1 California , Cs &V4d , Futures opened
asi and unchanged and ilaged quiet , with nrar
Kltlcnu Ud lower and distant positions U&Ud
ovvvr : business about equally distributed ; Jnnii-
try , Cs 4d ; rebruary. Ca 4'Ad ; March , ta 4\d ;
\prll. U Cd ; Juno. It C'id.
CORN Spat steady ; American mixed new , 4s
V4d. Futures opened dull at unchanged prices ,
losed steady , with May Md higher and other
nonthi unchanged from > estcrda'i closing
rlcea ; business heaviest on middle positions ;
anuary , 3s lUd ; February. 3s Z'id ; March , it
W : April , 8s 24idirJune. 3s 3d.
1'LOUH Steady : demand fair ; freely lupplled ;
t Louis fancy vvlnttr , 7 * .
PUOVIS1ONB llacon. steady : demand , fair ;
? umberl nd cut. U to SO lb . , 29s Cd ; short rtUi ,
B IU. , K * ; long cletr , ll.Ut , 58 to 44 Ibl. , 2Is < 1 ;
l"n elf fir. htnvy , IS lhi , I7i | ohcrt elmr bncki
llRht , II flit. . 27s Ml ihort cltnr mld < 11 , hcnvj
CS llm , tti M : clear belll , 14 to 19 tbt , Hi
Shoulder * , nqunre , II to 19 Ib , , tin. Hum * , fhoi
cut. 14 tn 1 Itn. 40 > . Talhrw , nn * North Amu
lean , 271. Href , txtrn Indln menu , 75 , prim
mess. t M Pork , prlmo mem , nne wtMem
W ; prime mem. medium , 4 . Ijntil , quiet
prime weMern , 27 M ; refined , In pAlla , 29s M
CHEESE Plrm , demand , Rotxli finest Amir
Icnn whit * , 4js Cd ! nnest AmMlcan , colorrO
45 * M
IHJTTnit-Flnfjt United States , Msj K x1. fti
OILS Turpentine fplrltn , 2I M. Cotton sec
nil , Liverpool refined , 17 * Llnsccd oil , 20 til
Petroleum , refined , 8Vd. . Rosin , common , 4 * W
IlEKIUGr.RATOIl HEEF Porfquatlera , 3Ud
hindquarters , md
MLEACHINa POWDEIl-Hardwood , f. o. b
Llvcri xl , 17.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , t2 Cs.
I'rlcen Sfcnily nnd Klrni ThniiRh Trnil
IM Clnlut.
BOSTON , Jnn. 15. The American Wool nn <
Cotton Reporter will nay lomorrew of the woo
trade : Sales In the three principal markets hav
amounted to K,018,300 Ibs , of which 2,4I3.X ( wer
domestic nnd 2,573,300 foreign wool. Saks sine
Jnnunry 1 , ISM , have amounted to 15,701,600 Ibs
The Kl't of the Severn ! cables received nt
p. m. on Tuesday Indicated that extreme 1)0
comber I.ondon prices were being flimly main
tnlnnl Though our markets have been for mos
of the period rather quiet , prices have bcci
steady nnd film. At some point * n v ry fnl
amount of bunlncsa was transacted on Thursda ;
and Prldnv. Kxccpt for territorial and cnpe
there has been the average Inquiry. In Uostoi
the fallen of the week have amounted ta 2.164 00
Ibs 1,315 040 Iba domestic and (28,000 Ibs foreign
The pnlf Biice Jnnunry 1 , 1S36. will ngBrcgnt
7,161800 Ibs. Domestic fleeces are receiving i
good degree of attention ; BO practically IB Aus
tnllnn , although with the slrcnKlhcnln ? o
prices , perhaps , they nre not worked oft quit
so oiiBlly.
LONDON , Jnn It At the Ixmdon wool File
7,737 bnlera were offered , of Which 700 were with
drawn. A belter rttlectlon was offered , of whlcl
n larrrp quantity tiultnhle for American buycri
was a feature of the Bnles The luavy pur
clmspa for Ihls quarlcr have absorbed practical ! )
all deep thirty wools. South Australia nnd Vic
torla merinos ruled BWll ) p r cent over the De
cemUjr ulea , nnd fully 2.0'X ' ) bnlcs have beet
lakoa BO far. The tendency for this clnili o
wool Is distinctly utlwnrd. Scoured sold wcl
nnd nl ( i nil cross breeds nnd Cape ot Qooi
Hope nnd Nnlnl woola Potion Ing are the salei
In detail : New Baulh Wnles , r > 14 biles ; scoured
DMdClB Clid ; Ereauy , " dOla Sd Victoria , 227 :
bnlcs ; scourtd , Oiidfflfi W ; greasy.714illld
Smith Austrnlln. 2101 Inles ; greasy , 4tflO'4d '
Swan Illver , 211 bales ; Krensy , 5iff < ! ' 41. New
Zealand. 1.0S ) bales ; , poouu-d , 7 d4f1s 2'4d '
grcnay. 4',4@lld. Cnpc of Good Hope nnd Nntnl
843 bnlcs : Bcourcd , 10V4d ls Cd ; Brcasy , 5UO
St. I.oiilH Gotirrnl Market.
ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 15. PLOUR Dull nnd easier ;
Pitenls. $ T30fi3 < 0 ; extra fancy , > 31oy320 ; fanc > ,
J2.75n2.85 : choice. | 2 50S2 60
WHEAT Rather stromr In continuation of jes-
terdav's rcictlon , closing ljfc above yesterday
for futuris ; spot , lovvri ; No. 2 red , carji , 62 443
63e : Nc2 hnrd , Cic ; Jinunry , 55'Jc : May , CSVJc.
TORN With a Rood demand nnd rdiorti cover-
Inn the buvliiK wns keen enotiKh lo advance
prices for futures ; Idler relnjscd somewhat fiom
Ihe early advance. Lut clos < i U14e above } es-
lerday. .Spot , hlgnci ; No. 2 mixed , cash and
January , Kc ; Mny , 255i T2S c.
OATS StronK nnd hlshcr for futures In B > m-
pilhy with wheat nnd corn , bpot , lilehor nnd
In deminil ; No. 2 cash nnd Jnnuarj , 17c ; tla > ,
Me.RYE Quiet at SCc.
COHN MEAL JI 3001 15.
IJRAN Quiet and sti id > at 420430 for Backed ,
cast tl-ick. .
PL.AX SEED Quotnble at S6c.
TIMOTHY 8EED-J3 10 < ff3 40
HAY Tlmothj , weaker nd h n\v receipts nt
J7.50R14 00 , prairie , steady at J7MG10W. this
side POUL.THY-'Qulct : tutke > s. 7VJ0Sc : chickens ,
5'/4f7c : ducks , SflSVJc : free e. DHOCc.
HUT TEH Creiimeiy , 2324c ; dairy , 12320c.
EGOS Plrm at He. >
METALS Lend , BtrtnRCr : f5.77WS2.80. Spelter ,
silnblu at $3 75 nnd none obtalmble nl lhat.
PROVISIONS PC rk ( hlBhcr ; standard mess.
Jobbing , new , J10 , old. J9 59 Lird , hlRher ;
prime , J530 , choice , 55 4i Uacon , boxed shoul-
dcrK. } 5 57V4 ; lonfs , S3 DO ; ribs. J3 C2 > 4 : shorla ,
1575 Dri salt meats , boxed s lou'.ders , ? 4 DO ,
loncs. 75 ; ribs. { 487 ; 'Imrts , J5
RECEIPTS riour. 5.0M bb's ; wheat , 30,000
bu : coin , S3 000 bu : oils 18 W ) bit
fiHIPMENTS 1'lour , JQ.O'X ) bbls : wheat , 37,000
bu. ; corn , 30.000 bu ; oils. iC,0 ) bu.
CutIciii Tlnrliet.
middling , 7 13-16c : law middling 70-lCc : good or-
dlnny , 7Hc , net receipts. 3.7i > 3 bnles ; crois re
ceipts , 4,031 bales : exports to Great Ilrltnln , 12,706
laics ; coastwise. 2O1 ! bales , sales , 3,050 bales ;
stock. 399 744 bales
NEW YORK. Jnn. 15 COTTON' Qulel ; mid
dling , 8 3-lCc ; net receipts , none : gross receipts ,
1.837 bales ; exports , to the continent , 1,215 bnlcs ,
forwarded. 479 bales : sales. 815 bnlcs ; spinners ,
115 biles , Block 111,813 pnlea. Cotlon futures
closed ban-ly Bteadj ; sales , 183 500 biles ; Janu-
nry. $7.50 , February , J781 ; March. J7 83 : April ,
J792 ; Mny , J796 ; June , } 8 ; July , JS02. AuffUBt ,
$803 ; September , J7SO ; Oclober , J772 ; November ,
7 67.
ST. LOUIS , Jnn 15.-COTTON-DUII ; l-16c
lower ; mlddllnK , 7 3-16c ; receipts. 1,382 bales ;
BhlpmentB , 1,006 bnlcs ; stock , 76,77i ) bnles.
Toledo Grain Market.
TOLEDO. Jnn. 13 WHEAT Higher ; No. 2
cash nnd Jnnuiry , 67c : May. COc.
CORN Higher ; stendj. No. 2 mixed , 27V4c ;
No 3 mixed , 26V4c ; Mny , 29'Jc. '
OATS Quiet : No 2 mixed , 19c bid ; No. 2
white. 0lic : Mny , 20 > ,4c
RYE Dull ; No. 2 cash , 3Sc.
CLOVER SEEDActlve. . steady ; prime cash ,
Jnnunry nnd March , J4.42V * .
RECEIPTS Wheat , 6.51X ) bu ; corn , 32,500 bu. ;
clov or seed , 250 bags.
SHIPMENTS Plour , 1,000 bbls ; wheat , E.OOO
bu ; corn , 11,500 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. ; clover seed ,
520 bags. '
Peorla MurUctH.
PEORIA , Jnn 15 CORN Acllve and higher :
new No. 2 24 lc ; new No 3 , S4e.
OATS llrm nnd bteady ; No. 2 white , 1S@
ISVic : No. 3 white , 17KC17'4c.
RYE Plrm : No. 2. 38'437Kc.
WHISKY Steady ; finished goods , on the basl
of JI.22 for h'gi ' wlnea
RECEH TS Corn , 11C 000 bu. ; oats 61,000 bu ;
rye. none : whisky , 75 gal. : wheat , 222 * ) bu.
SHIPMENTS Corn , C1.950 bu ; oats , 53.350
bu. ; lye , none ; whlsy , C98 gnl ; wheat , 19,000 bu.
Dry GooilH Market.
NEW YORK , Jnn. 15 The moderate Improve
ment In Ihe general demnnd thai hus been noted
In previous reports continued on nn Increasing
scale , nnd It Is steidlly reinforced by the arri
val of many buyers. Printing- cloths steady at
3c. but very dull.
FALL RIVER , Ma. s , Jan. 15. Print cloths
very dull nt 3c.
SiiRnr MarUct. ;
NEW YORK , Jan 15 SUGAR Riw , steady ;
fair refining , 3fcc ; centrifugal , 90 teat , 3tc ; re-
llnetl , steady , but quiet : standard "A , " 4c ; cut
loaf , 5V4c : granulated , 4c. ,
LONDON , Jan 16 SUGAR Cane , nrm ; ccn-
irlfugal , Java. 12s I0',4d : Muscovado , fnlr refln-
Ing , 10s 9d ; beet , nrmcr ; January. Us ; rfbruary ,
113 .
MlnncnulllM AVlu-nt ,
January , 644c ; Mny , COc. On track. No 1 hard ,
M\c ; No. 1 northern'C4Hc | No 2 northtrn ,
PLOUR Dull : first patents , 13 0003 40 : 'domes
tic bakers , J2 CO ; export bakers , $2 0)02 ) 23.
'FrlHCO AVlieat auotntloim.
December , I1.12V4 : May , H 67i.
Hand Sjiiclleate DlN-olntlon Had No
KtTri't 111 the Street.
NEW YORK , Jan. 15 Wall street was agree
ably surprised today to Und the formal announce
ment ot the dissolution of the world famous
goveinmcnt bond syndicate was noi fol
lowed by any sensational developments.
The knowledge that the new govern
ment loan would. In the event of
mctsslly , command the support of the members
of the syndicate , either Individually or as a
combined force , caused the news to bo received
with equanimity. The volume of business wna
light , and the market dlsplavcd a waiting ten
dency. This condition may be set down to the
uncertainty that prevails In financial circles us
lo Ihe protable course of Ihe money market
III the event of Indiscriminate withdrawals of
gold from tlio banks or thu subtrensury to pay
for allotments of the new government bonds. As
to the loan Itself , no d > ubt Is expressed as to
Its Mag fully subscribed , or tven largely over
subscribed , and the Incicftvcd competition fur
the bonds , owing to the appearance of the mem
bers of the syndicate as Individual bidders , Is
expected to result In very satisfactory prices to
the Treasury department. The market , after an
tally show of strength. In which the eranecr
nnd Rubber eharea were quite prominent , de
veloped a tagging tendency , clue t3 the doubts
entertained In some clrclti as to tha way the
market would take the news of the syndicate
Sugar was attacked nnd ylcldtd 1 J per cent.
Lossrs In the general market , however , did not
exceed 1 per cent , covering Manhattan. Tin-
ntsseo Coal , New Jeney Central , Kansas &
Texas preferred and the grangers. Around dcllv-
iry hour an Inquiry arose for the Industrial
ctocka , and especially for Leather preferred ,
which scored a net train of 2 % per cent. The
advance In this stock was attributed tn the
coveringof short contracts. It develops lhat U
lias been decided to rrduccr the executive com.
inltleo from nine to flvo members , the oten to
RO Into effect at the annunl mtetlne In Ftb-
luiry. There Is good authority for the state
ment that the payment of a scrip dividend willet
ot receive any consideration whatever. Further
more , when the returns for the year are tant
Fully- collected , there may be a lighting chnncij
Tor the declaration of the regular quatterly dlvl-
lencl of 2 per cent on the preferred stock. The
company la opening tanneries gradually , and
jlllcws say the tuilnccs 1s Improving , both here
ind In Europe , although the export demand I ;
itlll light. Sugar nnd Chlcugo Gas rose % nni
1 % per cent respectively abov the low points.
Tha rallrcad slums made small fractional
nilna. Tha closing was llrm at unimportant
ict change. , A decidedly ntronir tone was ap-
jarcut In the Ivnd market. The business , though
moderate , was well distributed. Transactions
igiretfitej fl,408.000. The Iradrr. In the Im
provement were ; Louisville , St. Ixmls & Texan
wnto'Ji Ca and trust receipt ! . 4 per ctnli Oregon
Mavlgatlou OrsU % J'.i pr cent , _ nj Ohio South-
cm first * , IU r r ceil ' 1'iirei of Romnnior
txinila vvcrs trr ulnr ft tlo ii > cnlnp , but Flir
n l titiMWicnllr The * IM fojtw up MOW
Evening Pout's tximlnn financial mhltgrntr
Th stick markets werfnrtlve and Iniojnnt It
dny , ln\r tm > nt mock Ending on chpnp innne ;
peclnlly sir iK on Ihe bcttlnnlng of the dlvl
Oi-ml announcements , tHyh nre favorable. Th
demnnd for South American p vernmrnt * on
Houth American railroad * , continue * The l u
of a Chilian loan of In expected x > r
Americans were dlstlnHln better. Hears nr
covering. Regarded frc7ril'1ttit ! Investment pot"
of view , the opinion here In still against Amer
Icnns , bul the opInlonT consider thftt , given
cnlm In politic * the Blip.of the new America
Iran , If successful , nfMAfs a strong bull poln
for speculation al prnirut prices. iRrle wer
good on report * that yip stock of the reor
ganlzed company will'bbl Issued the middle o
Kcbnmry. The mron * , rlM\iln ( Austrnllnn mine
continues The Paris artd Rerlln markets wer
slrong , bul the former shows no slgna of i
return to tha recenl activity.
The following vrer * the closing quotations 01
the tending stocki of the New York exchanc
today :
bid. t offered. J ex-illv.
The totnl fales of stocks todny were 1113"iS
shares. Including : Amerlcnn SuRar , 23.100 : Amer
ican Tobacco , 3.000 ; AtchlBon , 4 SOO ; llurllnelon ,
B,4no ; Chicago Gas , 7,200 ; IxJlllsUlle & Naslixllle ,
9.000 , XllBsaurl Tncinc , 3.COO ; Hcncllnp , C.700 ;
Hnck Ifiland , 3,100 ; Southern Halluay prcfcrrei ) ,
5,000 ; Tmflcsneo Coat nnd Iron , 4,100 ; Leather
preferred , 13,200.
XCTV York -TIoiK-y 9Inrkct.
Hisy at 2if5 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cenl ;
closed. 2 per cent.
1'ltIMR MRRCANTII.U PAPnn-C09 per cent.
STCIlLlNa iXCHANaU-Slend > . with actual
business In biuikcra' bills ut 14 S05J4 SO'i for de
mand , nnd (4 SIViiN ST i for Klxty days ; posted
rates , $4 8804 89 and 4 89V484 90 > 4 ; commercial
tills. mC" .
11AH SlLVLin C7V4c.
GOVERNMENT HONPS-FIrm nnd higher ;
stnlu bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , slrong.
Closing quotations on bonds were ai follows :
BOSTON. Jan. 13 C ill loans. C 8 oar cent :
time loans. CW < 47 per coal. Cljjui ; prlaji for
Blocks bonds and mlnlu ; Hn.irjj : <
Snn Prnnclico Mlnlnn Quotation * .
SAN FRANCISCO. Jtn 15-Tha offlslil closing
quotations for mlnlu ? laity wjrJ ai fol
lows :
Silver bars. 07MS Mexiciti dillari , 03 a54c.
Drafts , lfnt ,'us. pt-
Ncw York Sllninc Quotntlonn.
NEW YORK , Jan. 15. Taj following aM the
clOHln ; mining quot Ulons :
Bnlvvcr 7 Ontario 760
Choliar CO Onhlr. 1.10
Crown Point 25 Plymouth 20
Con. Cal. A. Va 210 ( JulcRsllvor 260
Deadwood UO Quicksilver pM..1650
Could ,1. Curry. . . . . Dl blcrra Nevada . . . 45
Halo&Norurosa. . UO tnndard ) & ( )
Hoinestako , . . , . , , . 2000 Union Con 44
Iron Sliver , 20 Yellow Jacuot 41)
Mexican . . . . SB
London Stock Unutntlon * .
LONDON , Jan. Iff4 p. m. closlni- :
Consols.m'y 107(4 ( Mexican ordinary. 1 ( > K
Consols , aoo't. . . 107 C-1U St. Paul com 71
[ an.PaclQc nSH N. Y. Central 100
Krlo 1CH I'ennuylvanU. , , . . CJU
Krlo'Jds 71 Heullnr 4(4 (
HI. Central 0(1 ( W Mex. Ucn. new 4u. 07K
BAR SILVnn 30TW per ounce.
MONEY % per cent.
The rale of discount In the ofien market for
iliort bills and three months' btlla Is 11401 5-1C
[ > er cent.
Forelun FlnnnHnl AfTiilr .
PARIS , Jan 15 4 p. ni.J-Thre * per cent rentes ,
lOlf 5V4c for the accoUitlsfixclmnge on London ,
at 25c for checks. "V ( njj
LONDON , Jan. 15 Thenmount of bullion
tone Into the Hank ofllln liuid on bnlance to-
lay was 25.000 Oold l .auutfd nt Uuenos Ayres
lodny nt 22080 ; Madrid17 62 ; Lisbon. 25" ; Ht.
1'eterEbuw , 50 ; Athena , T7t Rome , 109 20 ; Vienna ,
103. , „ . . / ,
11ALTIMOUI3. Jan. * ] 5-fClearlngs , , | 3C95,2S9 ;
balances , 16 2,056. .
NEW YORK , Jan. li Clearings , 1100,604,411 ;
jalancfs. 17.670219. a <
1'IIILADELPHIA. J - n.rit Clearings , 111 , 20-
)74 ) ; balances , II.IM 514s o
BT. I/3UIB. Jan. -Clearings , 14.115047 ; bal-
inces , 14:5.447 ; moneyTWl > er cent ; New York
: xchange ,
WASHINGTON , JanjiUrrTo'lav's statpment of
ho oandltlon of the Irtvnury shows : Available
ash balances , | 179,127t2 ! i Jgold reserve , | IC,704-
' MI/
CHICAGO , Jan. -AjKlintst , IH.871.2J1. Money
> n Wall stieet at 6 rjcl rent ; < m time , 687 per
: vnt ; New York exchanm 'M < : ' foreign cxchango ,
itcady und unchanged ! bankers' ( London ) stor
ing , M 6'J'i and 14 88. K
HOSTON , Jan. 15.-Cl * rlngs , 114,387,971 ; bal-
inct.8 , | 1C39,147. The trustees of the Ilnston and
Montana Consolidated Copper and HlUer Mining
: ompany today declaied a dividend of | 2 a bliart ,
layablo Februaty 24 nexfto stockholders of rcc-
ird at the close of business January 21 , 1896
1'hls makes a total of dividends declared and
> al < l to date of 13,723,000.
I'oIltleluiiM ut the N'utlunal Ciiitltul
Jlccelve M titrulKlit TJ .
NEW YORK , Jan. 15. A special to the
Preso from Washington pays ; Word hau
ieen received by the leaders at the head-
juarters of tlia cities contending ( or the
lomccratlo national convention that Grover
Cleveland is not -to bo a candidate CCT a
bird term , Tlilu Intimation was obtained
> Y these who found themselves embarrassed
a making argumenta as to respective ad-
ot the west and cut for convention
Another Light Day in Oattlo Receipts
Stiffens Business Considerably.
Price of rn < Cattle linn \ it ChecUcil
the llriiicnt HORN Clnlii In Num
ber * mill Price ,
WEDNESDAY , Jan. 15.
Receipts for the dnjs Indicated are :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Horses.
January 16 1.019 4.U16 727
January 14 l.SOG 3,802 850
January 13 2,189 1.050
January 11 . . . .i. . 1.421 4119 20
January 10. . 1,7(9 4,320 IOC
January 9 1,122 5,023 654
January 8 , 2,059 G,50S 374
The disposition of the day's offerings of
live stock was as follows , each bujer pur
chasing the numbsr of head Indicated ;
Cattle. HOKS Bhcop.
Omnhi Packing company 21 CM
The O. 11 , Hammond Co 3S7 SS8
Swift nml company 4W 572
Tlio Cuilnhy Packing Co , . , , , . , 14S 1.4S5
A. Hans , . . . . . . , i.ii 100
It 1 locker nml Degnn
HamllUti & Stephens , . , . 24
Vnn nnl & Co 30
Ilenlon 20
Ilcclccr Hro < ICO
Swift mid compnny , illrrct..i (8
Sinclair X. Co , O. It. , In 73
Hhlppcrs ana feeders , . , , 143 '
Lett over > 250
TMil l.CSG 4.010 723
CATTLE About the name number of
cattle was received todny us ye lerdny , bul
as compared with n vveclc ago there was a
falling oft of 400 head. The light receipts
and fair demand was In Ihe sellers' favor
and served lo maintain prices.
Hcally good fat callle were In very light
supply , the most of the offerings being
only fairish stuff , or such cattle as are
selling nt J3 503(3 ( SO. The market was ten-
Bonably active , and the offerings were all
taken In good een&on at fullv steady prices
Theri were fifteen or slxlcen loads of cows
and heifers on sale , which mel with quite
ready sale nt about yesterday's prices.
Everything was sold In good season.
Only a few stackers and feeders were
offersd on the market , but they met with
ready sale at stronger prices. The price
nt which fit cattle are selling does not
appear to have much Influence upon the
feeder market at the present time. Ileprc-
scntatlve sales :
-unnr BTKF.IW.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . 72 < > $3 00 s..ios 53 co
1. US ) 3 23 8 , . . . 93) 3 CO
1. .1070 335 17. , . . 971 3 C5
35. .1232 3 40 42..1194 3 C5
30. . SOT. 3 45 1 . . .10SO 3 CS
30.a. . .1050 IM 20 . . .1271 3 C5
13. .1147 3 M IS. , . .1563 170
2. .IOC ) 3 CO 107..1183 370
10. .1014 3 CO 14.1210 370
6. .119-1 3 55 43..1522 3 70
6.s. . .1123 3 CO 13C . . .1320 3 7i
s.i. . .970 3 CO 18..1201 3 75
3..1263 273
17..1043 2 75
15. . , . ! ' 43 2 73
2..1321 2 75
1..132- ) 2 75
4il ! ! " 25 2 sn
4..1217 2 K
2 . . .1330 2 S5
27..1010 2 S" >
25 . .1047 2 04
4. . .lOVi 2 D )
. .1063 2 90
9. . . .1022 2 91)
4. . S77 2 HO
IS. . .1178 3 00
1. . JIM 3 CO
11. . 3 00
3 00
1. . . . ! " ! 0 3 00
1..1IOO 3 0)
19..10-.3 3 lr.
1..1C20 3 23
1..132- ) 3 25
1..1279 3 25
2 . . .1000 3 00
1. . 830 3 00
5 . .102D 3 05
1. . ,1100 3 10
16. . . 994 3 13
G : . . 973 3 20
9. . . 23 3 2J
2..1315 2 C3
1..1230 2 C5
.12-0 2 G-
.1(190 ( 2 73
.1010 273
.1770 275
.1390 2 75
.1470 2 SO
1..17TO 320
1..1570 3CO
1. . 140 4 W
1. . 00 4 04
1. . 200 4 CO
2. . 110 475
1. . . 230 SOO
G 00
S. . , 406 245 1. . .
, 700 2 CO , B. . .
, COO 2CS 1. . . .
I. . , SOO 2 CO E. . . ,
l. . . 700 275 10. . . .
I. . , ese 300 4. . . .
3. . , r.w 300 L. . .
10. , 430 3 10 8. . . .
1. . SO3 15 1. . . .
1 cow and C..J 22 00
1 springer 24 00
1 cow nnd c. . . . 25 00
1 cow and c. . . . 26 00
" HOQSTh ro was n slight gain In hog re
ceipts over jtstcrday , but not enough to cut any
lleure. As compared with eWdncsdny of last
week there was n falling : off In the run amountIng -
Ing to almost one-half.
They market was decidedly In favor of the
selling Interests. In addition to the wnnts of
the local packets there was a small shipping
dcmind tliat added strength lo the situation.
The market was active and a strong Cc higher ,
the bulk of the hogs going nt 13 67V4ST3 CO , ns
against 13 521483 55 vesterdny. As high as J3 65
WUB paid for a four-load bunch of sorts averag
ing cluao to 230 IbB , The pens wcro cleared
early In the day , Representative Bales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
12 371 80 | 3 50 24 310 . . . 13 67V4
4S..if.i294 80 3C2V4 69 304 80 3 67' ,
. . , , . , . . 40 3 524 } CO 305 . . . 3 67'4
12 4C1 . . . 355 M 2b6 . . . 3 6714
68 312 12) 355 5 315 . . . 36714
C5 230 320 3 55 63. , SOO 200 367' ,
57 S07 ICO 3 65 64 263 SO 3 57'4
2S 333 . . . 3CC 54 309 . . . 36714
24 3M . . . 3C5 SO 197 0 SCO
" " 3 CS 62 210 40 3 60
) ! ! . ! " ! ' ! SCC 53 323 SO 3 CO
53 283 120 3C5 C5 275 . . . SCO
, . . . , . . . ICO 3 C5 CO 311 . . . 360
69 305 SO 3 C74 SI. . 320 . . . 3 CO
61 263 160 3 C7 < 4 67. . 297 160 3 CO
41 ! 306 160 3C7W 67 r > 7 40 360
09 256 160 3C7'4 76 164 . . . SCO
U 274 40 3C7H 64 301 120 3 CO
47 332 IM 3 f,7'4 48 344 . . . SCO
W 311 120 SC7W S3 214 240 3 IX )
07 296 200 3C7V4 67..240 40 3 CO
54 " > . . . 3 C7 < 4 Ct 264 240 3 CO
C8 245 120 3 t.7'4 64 SOil 120 SCO
S6 351 40 3 f.7i/I 62 191 40 3 M
69 . . .276 . . . 3 57 Vi 70.2 . . . 3 M
6S . . .26S 40 3 C7'4 67 272 160 I CO
SO 2611 120 3 t'7"jl 76 248 120 3 CO
19 2i6 120 3 U'b ' 61..278 80 SCO
50. , 315 SO 3C7K CS 247 40 3 CO
65f 360 SO 3 C714 as..2:0 so 3 CQ
63 270 ICO 3C714 Ci ) 257 SO 3 CO
64 SCS 120 3 C7'/4 71 ! 2.3 . . . 3 C2V4
C2 W..Z75 160 3 C7V4 57 251 . . . 3 6214
70 289 . . . 3 CJ',4 ' . . . . . . . . . . . 3C214
62 239 . . . 3C7V4 < H. . . 271 60 SCO
M 2 3 C5 113.,223 : . , , 3 C3
CO . . .230 S CS
4 . 315 SO 3 47'/4 fl . 295 SCO
9 " 4J | . . . SCO C . 318 SCO
SHEEP The rccelplB were liberal , bul the de
mand being gwxl. everything changed hands and
at steady prices. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
ISO native ewes . . . . . . . . . JJ t90
145 fed western wethers . . . . . . . ISO 335
J10 fed western wctlurs . . . . 133 3 35
71 fed Mexican > enrllnKS . 83 340
170 fed Mexican yearlings . . 62 340
I'rlecu Were StroiiRcr Umlrr the In
fluence of an Active I ) u m mill.
CHICAGO , Jan. 15. Prices were stronger under
the Influence of an active general demand and
moderate receipt * . Common to extra choice
beevts were In demand at from | 3 25 to 14(5 ,
with the bulk of the sales at from 13 70 to | 4 40 ,
strictly tholce steers bclnc very scarce. Ex
porter * continued fair buvers. Ilulchers' and
canners' cattla were In limited supply and In
good demand at stronger prices , caws und heifer *
selling ; principally at from 12 to 1325 Calves
W TH fairly active at prices much below last
week's. Rather more activity has been devel
oped In the stacker and feedir market , and
prices have finned up considerably. Today's Kd
taltM are ruther numerous , and eell at from
Hoff recelptii today again fell below expecta
tions , There was the usual active demand from
Chicago packer * , and , at an avenigo advance of
Co. IM supply was pretty well taken curly In
tha day. common to choice selling at from 13 CO
13 13.90. with tales chlelly at from U CO to fj IS.
Most of the pig * sold aboveIJ C5. and prime
oneji sold about as high as cholcu hogs "Gov
ernment * " and rough hogs void at from U to
u 15.
In sheep there was a fair slaughtering de-
mum ! nit fried wer ltndy on Hie ln U ft
from 11 to 12 CO for common , up tn frcm 13 M
tn | ) .7 > for choir)1 to prime ihcep Wt stern Hie. i' '
vrrra In dcmnnil nt from II JO to I3C.1 , while
commnn t i choice lamln Md nl frnm J4 to II V
Rtcelpts. Cnttlo. 11,000 hrad ; hofin , 2 , CMO In. id ;
ecp. 11,000 head.
S ( , l.unln I.l c
ST. LOt'lS. Jan. l . CATTI.l1trctlrtr 3'V >
head ; shipment * . 1,0 head. Market tlrnilr. wllh
K frooil demand for nil dtslrnhte Rrnden Native
steM4 COIJ4 7S , fair to choice KhlppltTR leir ,
| 3.7C74 401 circled beef prailfs , | 1 r l . bulk
of unlex. 13 2S/3 80 ! steen > , under ) , OW lln , 12.71
H3 SO , hulk of Mies. 1100(73 4J. MockeM and
feeder * . 3W(7XM ; tiulk of ilw. } 2.23fl1 . TOWS
and helfero. | 2.0 > ff3 M ; bulk of rnleo > 2 10if3 m ;
canning cons , n : } 0223 ; calven , ! 3.7MK 23 ; bull" ,
mosll ) , I2COC2.CO ; Tcxn < steer * , grim. 12 f w
S10J fed , I3WH400 ; bulk of pales. I3.3itf3.75 ;
cows nnd hclfciK , | 1 Wf3.M.
HOOd llecilpts , C.fO'l heat ; shipments. 2 1V1
hfad. MarkM lOa higher ; heavy , | 3 C5U3 ssj
mixed. } t 408J.t ; light , J3.M 3.M ; bulk of salrfi ,
1375038:1 ,
SHEEP Receipts , l.COi ) head ; hlpmrnt , none !
market llrm ; native muttofl * . } 2.Tf(3rO ; lambr ,
13 2T04 60 ; ooulhrrn thcep , 2.2J 3. .
iK CH > - I.lto Stock.
3 COO head ; shipments. 8 001 head ; mnrkol
slninger ! Texas ftefrs , ! 280t1Ci ) ! Texns row ,
I200JJ3C I ; b f nerrr. 13 OOJT4 2 > : mllve cows ,
II 0 3 ! * > ; stackers and fecilcrn , $2 15Q3 65 ; bulls ,
llOOS-llccclptu , ll.DOO head ; shipments. 7iV )
head ; llchtR , hlsher ! heavies , * lrad > to Mronger ;
bulk of Mlrs. H6WS 60 : heavier. K.104T1M !
packers , 13 Mfr.1 CO ; mlxnl. J3r i73 C7Hi lights ,
IJMC363 ; Yorkers , J3 t , i73 C3 | pigs , | 1 S0 < f3.r
SHEEP Reiclpts. l.DOO held ; rlilinnontB , 100
head ; mnrkel tead > ; lambs , ncoijllO ; mul *
ions , | 2 0-583 M _
York 1M o Stork.
NEW YORK , Jan. l'-liEVES-Rpcclpls
2,106 head ; market oiicned slow , but closed linn ;
choice steers | 4 M ; oxen , I2.00ff2.10 ; inMHini to
gorxl , | 2.2ViT3 lOi choice fat nivvs , 13 C9 3.751
bull * I225O32S ! CTpoftK , 141Ji3M.
SIIEiP AN1J LAMIIf-IliceliitB , 2 5S7 head ;
common to prime sheep , 12 C'B3 ' * 3 ! chMco , 13 85r
4 0) ; culls , } _ ) lamb , common to choice , | 4 OOif
515 : cxltn heavy lambfl. 15 2 > vjf5 2J.
Itoas-Ilecclpts , 10,684 hrad ; easier al | : .7CQ
415. _
Stock In Sluht.
Record of receipts at the four principal mir-
kits for Wolnesdny , Januiu n :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha . 1.6l'i 4.036 727
Chicago l.sifl 2'0i ) ) H nm )
Kruisas rily . l.fOJ 1,2(10 ( 1,5M
Ht. Louis . 3 ( KM 8OM 1,200
Total * . 9,343 M,238 17,427
XVonlilot Arct-pt it Tlilril Term If
ToniU-rcd Him.
CHICAGO , Jan. 15. The Post's Washing
ton special says : A demand having been
made Informally upon President Cle\ eland
for an authoritative statement at this time
upon the third term pioposltlon , he has given
It out that the democracy v\lll bo entirely
safe tn proceeding upon the theory that ho Is
not and w 111 not be a candidate. Ho has not
put this statement In writing , not deeming
It the proper tlmo for an epistolary com
munication on the subject , but the announce
ment has practically the force of a letter
from the president , and It Is so construed.
Thoss who speak for the president say that
ho seeo an Impropriety In making a formal
renunciation of a third term In writing now ,
but that ho has no hesitation In letting those
entitled to the Information know that he
must < not bo considered as a third term can
didate. If the tlmo should ever come re
quiring a stronger and moro explicit state
ment of his position on that point , he will
ghelt. That Is construed to mean that If the
convention should gl\o htm a nomination he
\\onld then go on record In n patriotic ut
terance declining the honor. Whether the
convention win take the hint and tender
him the compliment of a nomination , just tc
glvo him the chance to exploit his view a In a
letter of declination , Is somewhat problem
atical. The feeling Is at oad that ho would bs
grateful for such an opportunity.
Inillniin ConprreNHinuii Announce * IIIx
OpiioNltlon < i > 4 he Homo Mini.
CHICAGO , Jan. 15. The Washington Post
special says : Congressman Henry U. John
son of the Seventh Indiana district has
causeJ something of a sensation by coming
out flat footed against General Harrison for
tha presidential jiomlnatlou. He snya lie has
carefully considered the possible effect of hh
declaration upon his own chances for a ro-
nomlnatlon and rc-elertlon to congtcss and has
concluded that he would rather be defeated for
congress tlnn sacrifice his self-respect by
joining the Harrison chorus under coercion.
Ho says flatly that Harrison Is not his first
choice for president , and that ho will cxer-
ciso-hls right to support any of the other
great republican leaders for the nomination
to that high office. Mr. Johnson's announce
ment cannot fall to cause the liveliest kind
of a sensation In Indiana , and It will un
doubtedly be followed by a determined effort
on the part of Harrison's friends to "throw
him down. "
Many StrlnirH of Fn-t Horncx to Ilncc
the Comlnnr SniHon.
CHICAGO , Jan. 15 , The directors of the
Northwestern Association of Trotting and
Pacing Horse Breeders held a meeting last
evening. The program adopted contemplate ! ;
an Innovation , when compared with former
It was decided to commence the meeting
with a horse show , which will start on Sat
urday , Juno 27 , and occupy the flrst two
dayo of the meeting.
The association received letters from Pal
mer J. Clark , secretary of Pactolus Park ,
Red Oak , la. , stating a western circuit , be
ginning In May In Denver , had been formed
and that the regular meetings \vould bo held
In such cities as Lincoln , St. Joseph , Omaha
and Rod Oak.
StocUliolilers ) Axle for the Aiinolnt-
ment of n Receiver.
CHICAGO , Jan. 15. A bill was filed In
the superior court today by Charles Pope ,
John D. Wilson and Freeman P. Roach ,
stockholders , asking that a receiver bo ap
pointed for the Calumet Iron and Steel com
pany. The plant , which Is located at South
Chicago , Is one of the largest In the country ,
and has a capital stock of { 2,200,000.
In the complaint It Is asserted that the
company has a bonded Indebtedness of $400-
000 and a floating Indebtedness of $280,000 ,
$54,000 of this being back taxes. The com
pany nan been out of business- for Bomo time ,
but the plant Is now In possession ot a new
cotporatlon under a lease which the court Is
aekod to set asldo as fraudulent ,
- f
Acts at once , never falls , One Mlnutc'Cough
Cure. A remedy for asthma and that fever
ish condition which accompanies a. severe
cold. The only harmless remedy that pro-
dtces Immediate results.
Hmnll Hank SuxpcuilH I'a > ineiit.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 16. The City bank ,
one of the smaller state banking Institutions
of this city , suspended payment thla mornIng -
Ing , pending on examination by the state
bank examiner. The Institution has been
known to be weak for some time. T , J.
nuxton Is president and Fred A. Smith
cashier. The capital Is $300,000 , The de
posits at the last statement , December U ,
1895 , were { 523,001 , loans and discounts $078-
787 , cash on hand and due from banks , $146-
Piles of people have piles , but Dewltt's
\Vltcli Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Our Free Letter
reviewing the grain and Hock umrketi. will bt
tent you dally on request. In the hope cf dom
ing part of your builnen. Orders colh Itej for
cah or on three to five point martin *
Member * Chicago Hoard of Tl J , Nev. Voik
Produce Exchange , New York Con * . KiocU I.'x
chsnse IT Hoard Trade , Cblnsgo , 41 Ur
New York.
Telephone 1030. Oinnlin , Neb.
tom 111W Board of Trade.
Direct VUTM to Chicago and New York.
Ctueit--K ; nt ! John A. Warren A Co.
Room 4 , N. Y , Life BldiM Otuoho.
Branch office ! it Fremont an4 Colurnku * . Al
vder * placed on the Chicago Uoanl of Trade.
Corr < poodentl Uvrartx , bupe & . Co. . Chi'
cage ; tihrelncr. Flack & Co. , 6t. LouU. Ilefei
to Flrit National back. Omah * .
1MUf > 1 > tMM \ * ( * t TPO P1JI PPTUn
right for the Ropubllcan Nomination Now
ou ! u Etirncst ,
rite CoiiRtTHnlntinl nixlrlcln In IMilliur
ilvlplilii S el cot lelo n < OK to tlio
.Natlonnl Couvotitloii nt
Jan. 15. Conventions
wcro held by the republicans In the tl\o con
gressional districts In this city today , at each
ot which two delegates anil two alternates
to the national convention nt St. I/nils wcro
chosen , ns follows :
First District Delegates , Israel W. Dur
ham , Cdvvln S. Stnirt ; alternates , Congress
man , H. H , Ulnghnm , Pcnro o A , McClalm.
Second District Dclcgnles.Davltl H , Lnne ,
Hamilton Dlsston.
Third Dlsttlct Delcgitcs , Alexander Crow ,
Joseph K. Lcmmer.
F , UUtrlct Dcleaatcs , AUxindcr Crow ,
Jr. , and Edvvnrd W. Tatton.
Fifth District Delegates , David Martin ,
II. I ) . Hackctt.
Of the ten iTclegntcB mentioned nbo\o , { our
arc choBCii on nntUndmlntstrntlon or Quay
tickets ; the other , six nro announced na
"combine delegates. " In the Third district
the Quay follow era bolted tht convention
and held a separata meeting , electing State
Senator Blvvood Decker nnd Henry Clay as
delegates. The bolters cla'm to have n ma
jority of the regularly elected delegates to
the convention with thum , Including the
regular chairman , The citse will probably
have to he settled In court.
In the First and Fifth districts .1 resolu
tion was unanimously adopted , Instructing
tha delegates to veto for Thomas 13. Heed
for president.
Mr. Martin , ono of the delegates to tha
Fifth district , trald today , In answer lo n
question : "I am for Meed , with McKSnley ;
for second choice. "
In the Fourth district convention the del
egates were Instructed for Senator Quay for
TliitnkM the I.i-ulNlnturc for the IIoiioi
Conferred Upon Him.
COLUMBUS. O. . Jan. 15. The tv\o houses
of the legislature today , In Joint session , con
firmed their rcspectl\o nets of yesterday In
selecting J. D. Foraker United States senator ,
his term to begin March 4 , 1S97. The sen
ator-elect , being escorted to the hall of the
house , was received with great applause , nnd
addressed tue general assembly briefly. Ho
said ho had como In an\\er to a call to
accept the honor and to make the promise
that ho would do all In his noner to fulfill
the duties of the position. It enhanced his
pleasure to know that ho had been first en
dorsed by o con\cntlon of his party , then by
100,000 plurality at the polls , and now by
a largo majority of the largest number of
republicans elected to any general assembly
In the history ot the state. He said ho was
not elected by any factor of the majority.
He would give all republicans equal con-
y'deratlon. '
Ho then thanked the democrats for their
many pers-onal courtesloo , promised to do all
in his power for them that ho could con
sistently do ; but he was n republican and be
lieved In protection , reciprocity , advancement
cf commercial business In American bottoms
and under the American flag. Ho believed
In the Nicaragua canal and that It ought to
bo built at once. He helloveJ In bimetallism.
The demonetization of silver was the greatest
mlstako over made by the world. Ho would ,
however , have ono dollar as goad as another.
Governor McKlnley followed with one of his Is
most eloquent addresses , rehearsing For- ,
aker's history and raying that no man In
the history of the state had over achieved
such a position In the hearts of the people of
Governor Dushnell also spoke.
Foraker spoke over twenty minutes and
almost ovoy paragraph was followed with
great applause.
In flie IntercHt of CCM olaiul.
CHICAGO , Jan. 16. A special from Wash
ington says : There Is said to be a strong-
movement among several prominent demo
crats to hold the democratic national con
vention In New York. President Cleveland ,
It Is said , favors this Idea.
A prominent eastern member of the .com
mittee , who stands high In the councils of
the democratic party , says : "This movement
Is In the Interest of Mr. Cleveland as a can
didate for the presidency. If the convention
Is held there , ho will be nominated , In all
probability. "
This same gentleman also says that It
Cleveland should fall of renomlnatlon , efforts
will bo made to have Secretary of State
Olncy nominated.
Mnrjlimil'd Soiiiitorliil liattlc.
ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Jan. 15. The first Joint
ballot for United States senator , resulted :
Republicans , George L. Welling28 ; Charles
T. Wcstcott , 16 ; Al Dryden , 8 ; Phillip Golds-
borough , 17 ; James L. Mulllkln , 8 ; Sidney D.
Mudd , 11 ; Robert D. Dlxon , 1.
Democrats John Walter Smith , 21 ; Henry
Page , 9.
Home Industries
Jljr iturclinnlnor Boodi niiidc nt the fol
luMlnir NcbrnHkn fnolorlon. If yutt
ciinuot fliid Tfliut yon ivnnt comniunl-
ciite with tac iHiiiufiic urcrn an ta
vi hut Uenlern humllo their goodii. I '
Manufacturers of oil kinds of cotton und bur *
Ian bagi , cotton flour sacks und twlno a peo-
lalty. C14-6'.8-61B 8. llth 81. _
Car load shipments * made In our own rofrlg *
trator cars , lllue Ribbon , Elite ISxport , Vienna
Export , and Family Kxport , delivered to oil parti
of city. _
put rubber tires and ball-bearlriK axles on their
own make vehicles , and cell a top buggy ( or
ICO 00 betides. Write themISIh and Ilarney ,
ECC iCIlA'JI ] ) < dVlfE CO"
Coffee Roisters , Spice Grinders , Manufacturer *
dcrmnn Halilnir Powder and German Dry Hop
Yeail. 14 and 1418 Hnrncy HI. , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. Illacli , Manager. Omaha.
inCN WOItKg.
Manufacturing and Repairing of nil kinds of
rrathlnery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing
pi tikes , hangers , Uiafilng und couplings 1409 an.
1408 Howard Kt. , Omahot
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work ,
Clenerul Foundry. Machine and Illackamllh Work.
Engineers and Coniruttor for I'lre Proof
llulldlnKa. Olllce und works ! U. P , Ry , and
So. 17th itrttt , Omaha.
' Nioii.-'SvAToii/rihB SKIIVICK.
The only perfect protection to property , Examine
It. 'Hut thing on eartlu Reduces Insurance
rates. 1304 Douglu Ht.
Manufacturer * of M n' and Uorf Clothing.
I'anti , Bhlrti and Overall ! Sol t U. Hill Bt.
Eiclu Iv cuitomblrt Ullcri. 'JUS