THE OlNfAIIA DAILY BET3t SATURDAY , JANUARY 11 , 1800. 11 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF LINCOLN , NEBRASKA. AnSTRACT OF TITLE. J. It. McMnrlry , 2i7 : S. llth St. ARCHITECTS. AVm. ttrny , ItIII AII , RIchnrdN TI1U. ATTORNEYS. Ilnno A AllMohnler , HOI O St. Tel 109. lloi'hner A Rmnmotix , loll O St. llrotrn A 8nmitcr | , R. 1U A 13 , 1127 O St. I. L. CnliUrell , II. 1O A 11 , Montnom- ery Illk. J. C. Jnhnnton , R. 12 A III. Rlchnril * Illk. J. P. Lnntx , R.I , 1121 O St. lovn A Kriltiiplon , 1O2. O St , Moekett A Polk , 1127 O. HI. Phone TBa. Mi-Nerney A Kiitter , 1IKII O St. Tel. DOO .lolin P. Mitnlc , MoMnrlry Illk. .Iiii'ol , OiMicnhelmer , 1O21I O St. C. M. Pnrker , McMnrtry Illk. Ji E. Phllpott , H2tt O St. C. S. Rnltiholt , 1127 O St. Rlckrtln * AVIlHOit , MeMnrtry IHU. M. M. Starr. It. . ' 12 , llnmncll Illk. StcnrnN A Tyrrell , lllil O St. Tnlltnt , Ilrynn A Allen , It. 33O Mc- Mnrtrr Hlk. n. AV. Mnxivell Co. , 1 ! 0 S. 12th St. Phone , 7f : i. .T. H. Miller , 121K M St. M. L. AVIIdmnn , 2:18. . O St. HANKS. American RxchniiKc National , llOO O SI. Colun.hln Nntloiirtl , J. 11. AVrlKht , Preo. , 102.1 O St. I.'Ir t Niitlonnl , N. S. Hnrtvood , Proa. , S. E. Cor. lOth A O. Stw. IIARllKIt SHOPS. ChnrleB Unwell , llrnec Illk , IBtli A O Sin. AV. F.'Cole , S. AV. Cor. llth A P. , Cnpl- tnl Hotel. T. E. Iloeteh , nth nnd O StH. C. II. Ilnwhen , Lincoln Hotel. (3eo. M. Hollliinrer , 2(18 ( N. lOth St. O. A. L. .Tohnxon , IHO P St. Miller A AVnllace. lOth A O St . J. M. Morrln , 115 N. 12th St. C. T. Neville , 101) N. llth St. 0. AV. Plcniumt , 125 S. lOth St. Ilenner A Ford , 23-V N. lOth St. II. J. Ilohliiwoii , hnncment llnrr Ullc. AV. M. Smith , 1025 N. St. P. AV. A'nniiell , Oth. A O StH. < ieo. A. AVehh , 12 S. 12th St. K. I ) . AVllllnniH. 71 P St. II. A. AVlxe , IHOl O St. , Potvln Illk. 11 ATI ! S. ClirlH' Place , N. AV. Cor. llth A P. Sin. MrM. M. S. aooire , LiullcH only , 1K10 O St. Snlnho-Snllne Until HIIIINP. Dr * . M. II. A J. O. Everett , 1-1 th & M StH. HICYCLES. .Tuck Fnrrcll , rear 132 N. llth St. IHIIIIC FrlHhette , 1-135 O St. AVm. KelHiill , l > ltJ ! ) < > SI. E. It. ( liithrle , IB-JO O St. H. H. Pierce , 13th it ml P Std. II. K. SldleH. 112 N. 13th St. AV. II. AVnrd , 101M O St. HLACKSMITIIS. C. > V. CarMOiiH , 825 R St. FlHhcr & AVeHtover. O2O N St. J. AV. Mlnlck. 10th .t M StH. A. Slianii , 22S S. Oth St. J. S. Tyler.IS S. llth St. HOARDING HOUSES. Mr . S. J. Allmrny. 1-20 M. St. 1. llnuer , 130S N St. MrH. L.'J. Ilimer , 13OH N St. Mr . S. A. Cnther , 111S a St. Mrn. M. GrntlKiiy DoKgett , 1O21 SI St. MVii. Eilnil Peery , 1128 a St. Ml * . J. AV. Uhl , 1-M N St. ' 1IOOKS AND STATIONERY. II. AV. Drown , 127 S. llth St. AV. B. DnrlliiKnme , 135 S. llth St. .1. P. Hehnril , 2 < I2-20O S. llth St. A.-T. LemliiK A Co. , 11OO O St. C. M. OHliorn , it : S. 12th St. A. 1 * . Shnder , Cor. 15th A O Sin , , ROTTLING AVORKS. Lincoln IlottlliiK AA'orkH , 31B-317 O St. DROKERS. Axtntcr A Co. . 231 S. llth St. A. I ) . HIckH , 103S N St. Penny A Co. , llth A N Sin. H. C. Younir , 137 S. llth St. HUSINESS COLLEGE. D. n. LllIIhrldBe , llth A O StH. CANCER & TUMOR SPECIALISTS. Dr. T. O'Connor , 13OO O St. AVeHley aneen , M. II. . 1122 O St. CARRIAGES AND AVAGONS. lllllmeyer A Siidler , 1133-35 M St. Hnrnier A AVIiieheMter. 102O O St. HCHM .fc Mueller , 235 S. Oth St. SivuiiHOii * AiiderHon , 1121 P St. J. S. Tylee , 212 S. Oth St. , CIGARS. Frank Dii Tell. 1O2O O St. NevlHu llro . . 115 N. llth St. G. R. AVolf , JOIttl O St. I3d. Yoniiw , 1207 O St. , Phone 1. CLOAKMAKIXG. Mrn. Addle U. Shaw , 1310 N St. CLOTHING. Ilrownlnir , Klii r A Co. , 1013-10 O St. EiHv. Cerf A Co. . 025 O St. CLOTHING CLEANED. Mrn. Mnry Walker , 137 S. llth St. ' COAL. Ilnrton Fuel Co. , 1021 O St. .1. M. llrond , III07 O St. ' HIIHHCV Coiil Co. . 11121 O St. J. V. bencher , 1OI5 .1 St. , Phone -111. f. ? ' DlerkH Liunher Coal Co. , 125-1-10 S. Nth St. J. S. Onliel , lltl S. 13th St. Phone 300. HntnhliiH A Hyatt , 1OIO O St. 11. M. Leavltt. 117 N. 12th St. Lincoln Coal Co. , 1O-I5 O. St. Neh. Coal Co. , E. Hacker , 11-1 S. 12th St. , Phone 2311. Oherllew' Lnnilter A Coal Co. , 127 N 12lh St. AVm. II. O'Shea , 2 < th and N StH. M. L. Frenter , 122O O St. Phone B85. CharlcH K. AVllMon.I IO S. llth St. COLLECTIONS. Slirawnc'H Collection AKciicy , H. Hur- rlHon , MnniiKer , Caiiltal Hotel. ( i , R. Keminel , 1O31 N St. IllokcttH .t AVIIxon , MuMiirtry Illk. H. C. YoiliINT , 137 S. lltll St. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. C. JauohHOii , 217 N. Oth St. ' CONTRACTORS A RUILDERS. D. B. llriMVM , 231 S. lOth St. J , J. JliilJec , 135 S , 13lh Ml. IJEXTISTS. I , . I' . IlavlH , D.D.S. , llth A O SlH. O. I'LiimhertHon , I ) . U.S. , Cor 12h A O Mil ) . .1. IllHcr. D.D.S. , 12II1 O St. Dr. F. IK Shcrwln , R. 17 , liurr Illk. LonlN A\'entr , U.H.S. , 137 H. lltll St. Din'ARTJIE.AT STORES. II. A Co. , 1131-15 N St. , 201-215 H. lUlli St. mcTKCTivns. State lleteetlve. AhNoelncIon , A. L , found , Chief , 3d llr llroiviu-U Illk. MlN LU le Elvln , 1511) O St. , It. 1. MrH. R. Knrluht , J2O .S. 1OIH St , Mrit , Jennie Tlnncy , It. 27. Pol tin Illk. MI-M. Anna ( Jnlliip , 1105 O HI. M. Miilone. llriMViiell 1111. . , .lennle l'ollo1 I 15 , N HI. rslH SUtei-H , l.VJit O St. MI-N. U. .1. Todd , 1121 O SI. DIUCS. II , AV. IlroMii , 1U7 S. llth 3t. Henry II. Hurtle , ltU ! O S . AV. T. DiidKeoii , IS 13 O .SI. . Remedy Co. , UKIl N si. A. 1. hhiuler , Ci - . ITitli A. O Six. K. A. U. BhllllllK , 237 S. II III M. Now Liiiinliiu Plinrniiu\v. J. U , Wocmjteiicr , 131) S. Illili SI DRV GOODS. FlUKcrnld Dry CnooiU t'o. , | 02t-Ut : O tit. Hliavnu'ii N'uiv YurK Sdiro , 110U O SI. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND MA CHINISTS. M. O , Rellly , llth nnd M StH. H. L. Smith , cor. nth A M StH. EMPLOYMENT IIURHAUS. Lincoln Employment nnd Rental llnrrnn , 1OI2 O St. P. Courney RIcharilH , 132 N. lOth St. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adnnin Exprenn Co. , F. E. McLanRhlln MnnaKcr. 113 S. loth St. EYE AND EAR SPECIALISTS. Dr. Mnddcn , S. AV % Cor. llth nnd O StH. Dr. F. L. Rlncr , 12.11 O St. Phone 3(10. ( FLORISTS. Frcy A Frey , 11-1 S. 12th St. FLOUlt AND FEED. Atlantic Milling Co. , Rohcrt Pi-lemon , MnniiKcr , 12O S. Dili St. Gco. A. linker , 1831 O St. I. M. Ilroiul , KIO7 O St. Ilond A IledHonI1O S. llth St. R. L. Garten , O mill 2-llh StH. .Inn. Gllleii. 2115 O St. S. A. Ileiilon , 2IOO O St. M. L. HlRley , 11)33 ) O St. C. JneohHon. 217 N. Oth St. .T. D. JoliiiHnii , 115 S. Olh St. JohiiHon A Olxeii , 118 S. Oth St. H. N. Town , 27th and O StH. Phone B2I ) . ChnrlcH E. AVIlHon110 S. llth St. FLOUR MILLS. Illrcharil , RrlilKC .t Co. , 315 N. Oth SI. .FURNISHED ROOMS. "ArKyle , " Mrn. S. A. AVard , HO S. 12th St. Phone 1157. AVm. llnrr , 1:127 : O St. A. C. Eherhiirt , 1)32 P St. MrN , S. J. llarrln , 1342 N , Cor. 1-lth St. MrH. M. V. JoncH. 231 S. Oth St. MrH. S. D. Kemiiton , 138 S. lOth St. I'ltlaee DlnlnK Hull. 113O N St. ShnfTerH' AIIIIOT , 1:13 : S. 12th St. MrH. M. E. Shaw , 1311) N St. FURNITURE. „ Ilayard A Giierln , 132 ! ) O St. Mcliixer A SwenrliiKen , 1325 O St. Frnnm Petern , 151H O St. FURRIER. F. E. A'oelker , Cor. 12lh & N Stn. GAS AND OASOLINE ENGINES. G. C. Moore , 10 ! ) N. Oth St. GOVERNMENT CLAIM AGENTS. John Glllciiplc , 115 N. 13th St. GUNSMITHS. Inane FrNhette , 1-135 O St. AVm. KelNiill. 1-131) O St. GROCERIES. Frank CniniltiKhnm , (12(1 N. 12th St. J. F. Denehcr , 1015 J St. Phone -111. R. L. Gnrteii , O A 2-lth StH. JIIH. Gllleii , 2115 O St. S. A. Heiiton , 2IOO t ) St. Win. llolnlliiK1125 O St. S. S. MeKeniiey. 2712 O St. J. MndHCii. 2010 O St. 11. F. ReiiKim , 235 S. llth St. MrH. O. Rlordaii , Kill ) O St. G. P. Scliaaf , 323 N. Oth St. C. M. Sell * , 1125 O St. Phone O20. J. AV. Smith A Co. . 310 . llth St The KeyHtone , 1-12 S 12th St. Phone 7-1-1. H. N. Town , 27th A O Sin. Phone B2O. Alex AVeher. 131-33 N. 1-lth St. D. M. AVIlt , 111th A ( > StH. II. Yiinoul. 1401 O St. I'lioiie B18. G. L.-K. OF P. Will H. Love. G. K. R. S. . 1113 O St. GLASS AND PAINT. Standard GIIHH Paint Co. , S. E. Cor. 12th A MStn. HARDAA'ARE. Humphrey llron. , 1OI-1O7 N. Oth St. 1 HARNESS. ChnH. E. Slcfert , 133 S. Oth St. AVoodworth A McFall. 1218 O St. HATS , ETC. J. A. Smith. 1137 O St. HIDES. FURS. ETC. DohHon A LlmKrcn , 02O U St. njflRSESIIOEING. Meyera A Rolofnon. 122 S. 1-lth St. ' " ( 'HORSES. Meadow Ilrook Fine Stock Fnrm , F. AV. Haldwln Son. 1205 O St. HOTELS. Cupltnl Hotel , llth 11 nil P Stn. Hotel Ideal , AV. C. Floury , 121 S. 1-lth St. Kiml > iiII Hotel. 151O O St. The Lincoln , Dili uiirt P StH. The Llndell , 13th and M Sin. The AVIndHor , 2 1-28 N. llth St. Tlerniin Hotel , 23H N 7th St. Tremont HoiiHe , 8th and P StH. Union Hotel , 728-3O P St. / ICE. M. L. TrcHter , 1221) O St. INSURANCE. Ilankcrn' Life IIIH. Co. , llth A P. St . Farmcm * A MerchantH1 Inn. Co. , Fnrm- ern' Merehantn' IliilldliiB. J. R. InkHter , 1025 O St. G. R. Klmmell , 1(131 N St. The TcnchcrH * National Fraternal Ilciiellt AHHn. , 303 Ilriice Illock. Travelern' Life A Accident , Room 8. Union Rile. INA'ESTMBNT .AND LOANS. Ahhott HroH. Loan Co. , 1025 O St. F , AV. llnldwlli t Soil , 121)5 O St. H. F. FolHom , CiiHhler Iiuluntrlal Sav- | IIK Hank. Helm A Reed , 112 S. 12th St. Tel. 003. J. R. InkHter. IO25 O St. J. II. MoMnrtry , McMurtry Illk. MerehnntH' Trnnt Co. . 100 S. lOth St. A. E. Mueller , 1O25 O St , Security IiiveHtment Co. , RlehardH I1U AVnrd .t CnlhcrtKuii , 1O41 O St. AA'oodward IlroH. , 1O5 S. llth St. H. C. Younir. 137 S , llth St. IRON AVORKS. IIO1LERS .V ENGINES. HedKfH Lincoln Iron AVork , 7th and M SIM. J. RohertH , 2O5 S. Oth St. JEAVELHRS. Illoedel A Crocker. 121O O Si. Dave Hakeii , 211) ) N. lOlh St > F. II. HarrlH , 1123 O St. E. S. KliiK. 1300 O St. A. E. Pntch , 2333 O St. JOB PRINTERS. Hunter Printing Co. , 223 N. llth St. GeorKe llrothern , 11(1-1 IN S. 13th St. Jno. 1131 N St. L. D. AVoodruu' , 11th and M Sin. JUNK SHOPS. S. PoUkr , 331 N. Oth St. LAUNDRIES. ClnrkHoii Laundry Co. , 330-338 S. llth St , Phone 27O. The IlOHt Laundry , 22O8 O SI. Yule IlroN. ( Hand Laundry ) . 1417 O Si. LIVERY HTAIILKS. A. G. lllllmeyer. 1131-33 M St. Tel. 435. Jordan RCCKC. 1I(3O ( O SI. W. P. Smith , 018 R SI. Spent A Co. , 331 S. Oth St. LOAN OFFICES. M. PolHky. 033 O St. ' ai/l'MIIISIl. DlerkH Lumlier . : Coal Co. , 125-10 S. 8th St. J. S. Gnliel , I 111 S. 13lh St. Phone 1IOII. S. K. MartliiVT37 N St. OherllfH LnnlHer .t Conl Co , , 127 N. 12th St. AVm. II. O'Slii-a , 2Oh | A N SIN. M. L , TrcHter , 122O O .St. MAXl'FACTI'RING ' OPTICIAN. G , E. ThompHon , 1211 O St , MAM'FACTl HERS OF MATTRESSES. I'll ) no A : Leek , lOlh A K StH , MASSAGK. Mrx , M. Gooue. l.'lll O SI. , LndlcN Only. Sanlliirliim , I4lh A : M 5tx. i MP.AT .UAHKKTS. ( ieo. A , Maker , INI : O St. M. L. Illwley , 11)33 ) O St , Will , llolalluu' . 1425 O .St. L. Lnrdike. 300 S. IMh St. .1 , .Minlncii , 2010 O HI. lli-nr > PfellT , 314 S. 11 111 St , G. I' , .Sfhiuif , 323 , Olh St. II. \ . TIMIHTill A O Slit. Phone 320. The Tucker Co. , ( ' . A. Tneker , MurJ t.'t.r. l.'llh , V O Xlx , Phone 731. Aoiler 1'auMuK Co. , 2111 .V. 10th St. ti , M.ilt , lUth A O Htu. MEDICATION , DOSIMETRIO SYSTI5J H. S. Axhley. .M. D. , 1215 O fit. MERCHANT TAILORS. Gen. Cnllen , 122.1 O St. L. S. Gllllxk. R. 1S-1O Newmnn Illk. JnmcH Henrn , 3O5 S. llth St. Mrn. 31. JolniNon , 1O12 O St. M. 11. McLniiKhlln , 1O2O N St. Lincoln I'niilx Co. , 120 S. 12th St. Nch. PantH A Suit Co. , O. R. Oakley 1217 O St. E. S. Reed , 125 S. llth St. A. AV. Stevennkl , Y. M. C. A. llulliHiiB Mrn. Mnry AVnlker , 137 S. llth St. MILK DEPOTS. Win. A. Snrnnir , 131 S. llth St. MILLINERY. 31. Aekermnn .t Co. , 1O2O-31 O SI. MIHNCH Mi-tin , 121 H. 12th St. MrN. AV. E. Cohh , 117 S. llth SI. MrN. Geo. Cullen , 1221 O St. C. E. Vim Unnen , 1141 O St. I .MrH. 31. Luke. 14(1.1 ( O St. MODELS AND PATTERNS. M. O. Keillor , Hth nnd 31 StH. T. J. Thorp A Co. , 3O8 S. llth St. 3IONU3IENTS AND STATUARY. Klmlmll IlroH. . Cor. 15th and O St . J. F. Sheehy , 21)21-23 O St. AV. H. Tylce , 701) L SI. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. N. P. Curtice A Co. , 2O7 S. llth St. Entey A Cnnip , 130 S. 12th St. FcrKUHon 3Innlc Co. , 138 S. 12th St. NEAVSPAPERS. The Cnll , 223 N St. The Courier , 225 N llth St. The Herald. 121 N. Oth St. The NCWH , iaa N. Dili SI. The Frel Prenxe , llth A N StH. The State Journal , Oth A P StH. .M ; v i - ) : v ; ; i ; i > - AV. H. Plllnhnry , 3lKr. , Lincoln olrcnln ( Ion , P. O. Rex 837. Ira Rrown , 111 N. llth St. Capitol Hotel NCWH Stand. Friink Du Tell , 1O2O O St. R. J. Heltrlck , 15O1 O St. Lincoln Hotel NCWH Stand. Llndell Hotel Newn Stand. H. Oury , llth and O StH. AVlndNor Hotel NCWH Stand. L. H. AVren. 217 S. lltll St. Ed Youni ? , , 1207 O St. OPTICIANS. H. M. llettH , R. 5 , Alexander Illk. G. E. ThompHOii , 1241 O St. PACKERS. Swift lleef Co. , 714 O St. PHOTOGRAPHERS. J. F. Kennedy , 1O2O O St. P. AV. MnrcelliiH , 1222 O St. P. E. Poc , i : > 2 S. 12th St. T. AV. TowiiHcnd , 22O S. llth St. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. N. J. Ilenchlcy , 2 O S. llth St. J. AV. Ilowmaii , M.I ) . , R. 215 , Rrowncl Illock. AVm. Kreen , 31. D. , 1215 O St. DrH. Holyoke A Holyoke , 127 S. 11 Si Dr. L. 11. Maoiloiinlil , Flat C , Snllnhury Illoek. MlHH Lcnnro Perky , 31. D. , R. IO , Little Illock. Phone 125. G. H. SlnimoiiH , 31. D. , 12OO O St. Phone 2b7. 2b7.PLU3IIIERS. PLU3IIIERS. ; , AVm. AKhtoii , llth nnd N Stfl. Kornmcycr IMliliiMiiKT C < i. , 215 S. 11 St PORTRAIT PAINTER. C. AV. Iliirkltt , 1123 N. St. POTTERY. Lincoln Pottery AVorkn. 715 S. In ! St PRIVATE SCHOOL. "SI. ThcrcNii'H , " SlHtern of Charity 13th A 31 StH. RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. Mo. Paclllc Ry. , F. D. Cornell , C. P. & . T. A. , 1201 O St. Rock Inland R. R. , C. A. Rutherford Aivent. REAL ESTATE. F. AV. llaldwlii A Son , 1215 O St. John J. Glllllnn. lOth A O StH. ' Helm A Reed , 12O1 O St. Phone 0)3. ! J. R. InkHter , 1O25 O St. J. P. Lniitz , R. 4 , 1121 O St. A. E. Moolloi- Co. , R. 2O , 1O25 O St. * J. II. Mc.Murtry , 3Ic3Iiirtry Illk. Pierce Realty ExchaiiKc , Olllee Cap ital Hotel. AVood .t CuIbertHon , R. O , 1O41 O St. II. C. YOIMIK. 137 S. llth St. P. S. Rice , R. 11 , 1127 O St. RENOVATING ( FEATHERS A 3IAT- TRESSES. ) R. E. Doran , 152O 4k St. RESTAURANTS. G. AV. AdaniH , 11)51 O St. Peter R. llr mill , 12 ! ) S. 12th St. Cnrver'H Dining : Hall , 8O(1 ( P St. II. Glover , 1(13(1 ( N St. " JamcH Henry , 1.12 S. lOth St. J. H. 3Hller , 1215 31. St. NelllK-aii A Ryan , 14O S. llth St. Palace Dining Hall , 1130 N St. Geo. R. Scott , 3111 S. 12th St. ShafTcr'H Anne * . 132 S. 12lh St. The Model , 32O S. 12th St. SANITARIU3I. Snlpho-Snllne Rath IIouxo. Drn. 31. II. A J. O. Everett. Cor. 14th A 31 StH. SCULPTOR. John CnrrlcN , 232 S. lOth St. SHOE STOItaa AND SHOEMAKERS. Mloliael Ilimer. 1O1O O St. Fred HrnndhorHt , InOI ) O St. CyriiH Carman , 3 llracc Illk. A. Gartner , 81 < l P St. PcrkliiH A Sheldon Co. , 1120 O St. J , H. Pcttlt , 100 S. 13th St. SnndcrHon , Schiircmaii A Ditvln , 1213 O St. KliiK : Steenr , 3O2..S. llth St. U. S. Shoe Store , 1010 O St. 31. Walt , Y. 31. C. A. llirlldliiK. SKIN , A'ENEREAL .t GENITO URIN ARY D'ISEASES. Dr. E. J. AiiKle , 1233 O St. Phone 372. STA3IP PATTERNS. Mr. . L. 31. Luke. 1405 O St. STOVES AND FURNACES. Ilayard A Guerln , 132O (1 St. 3lelnxer A SwcnrliiKcn , 1:125 : O St , The Hull IlroH. Co. , 13OS O St. SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. Dr. J. O. Dawxoii , 11O5 O SI. Phone 33(1 ( TEAS. COFFEES AND SPICES. Ooldrn Gale Ten Co. , 13O S. lltll St. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CO'S , PoHtnl Co. , F. C. Laeey , MKr. , 1O3 S. llth St. St.THEATRICAL THEATRICAL G.OODS. C. 31. Oxhorii , 131 S. 12th St. TICKET RROKKRS. Geo. AV. Johnxoii , 12(17 O St. Phone 1. TJNS3IITHS. F. AV. Dullard , 325 S. Oth St. TOYS. A. L. Slindrr. Cor. 15th A ( t Sti. TURKISH RATIIS. Chrlx * Place , N. AV. Cor. llth A P SI * . Sanitarium. Cor. 14th A 31. StH. UNDERTAKERS. JamrH Heatoii , 342 S. llth SI. \ . F. Oeder A Co. , 12O S , lath SI. Pl.oiKi 128. Troyer A GhiRcry , 31O S. llth St. UPHOLSTERERS. R. E. Doran , 1H2O O SI. 10. C , HartHhorn , 123O 31 St. Frnni Petcrx , 1518 O St. A'ETERINARY HOSPITALS. S. E. CoHlord , A' . S , 1125 31 St. Tel. 435. Dr. Geo. P. Tucker , 111)1 ) N St. Tel. 752. VINEGAR AVORKS. Lincoln A'lncKar AVorkH , 231 N. 0 St. A'tlldE CULTURE. 3Irx. Kate II , Cheney , BOD llracc Illk. AVALL PAPER. A. T. LemliiK , llOlt O St. , 118 N. llth St. A Ih25 O St. AVINDMILLS. Aermotor Co. , n. F. Hodifklni , M rr. , 730-32 O SI. AVINES AND LHIUPRS. O , R. llertram , 14(1 S. llth 'st , AVm. llrnndt , 211 N. Oth St , fapllal Hotel liar , ChiiN. 31 , Hard. I ) . J. DIIKIIII , 310 N. Olh St. P. J. Kennedy , 1117 P St. Lincoln Hotel liar , Juinea Hamilton , Prop. Opera Houxc IlulTct , 115 S. 12th SI. Fred Otleiix , 1O55 O SI , S. Sellicxohn , 221 N. loth St. The Ahbey , 128 S. llth St. Tbe Diamond , 1431 O SI. Th Turf , " 127 S. 12tU St. WHOLESALE DEALERS ARTIFICIAL STONE. The Lincoln Artlllclitl Stone A 'Tile Co. . 1201 U Si' . I'lioiic 1. Crown IlrcwIiiR Co. , 140 S. Dili St. ( Inlucy Rrcwlnnr Co. , E. PnnEernm , AKcnt. 140 S. lOlh St. SchlltK IlrewltiK Co. , H. J. Sandcrn , AKCIII. 210 N. f < Ji St. 11OOKS ANDJ STATIONERY. AV. E. HnrlliiKlm , itr : s. llth St. COAL. Ilnrton Fuel C . , "lllth nnd Y Sid. IliiHHcy Conl Co/J02l O St. J. S. Gahel , 110 S. 13th St. 31. L. Trenter. 122ff O St. COAL. EXCLUSIVELY AVHOLESALE. Geo. AV. Grlhhyn , | 15lh A O StH. II. 31. Lcavltt , , ,11,3,3 O SI. iClUlVRS. Neville IlroH. , lirf'N. llth St. coM3iiss/ffr'aiERCHANTS. ? / | HnNkell , IloNWorlli .t Co. , 210 S. 7 St , HarirrcnvcH Ilrrfn.n'74.1 O St. DEPAllT3nNT STORE. H. Herpolxhelmer .t Co. , 1131-45 N A 201-210 S. 12th St. DRY GOODS. H. II. NIxHley A Co. , 1)2I-2S ) ( O St. FLORISTS. Frey A Frey , 114 S. 12th St. FLOUR AND FEED. F. S. JoluiHon & Co. , 221) S. Oth St. Kendall A Smith , SOD P St. J. llcnch .t Co. , 225 N 12th St. Frank 31. Pierce & Co. , 14 IO O St. FURNITURE. AVlHCoiiNln Furniture niul CoHlii Co. , 001-07 L St. h FURRIER. F. E. Voclkcr , Cor. 12th A N StB. - GLA3S A PAINT. Standard Glnnx A Paint Co. , S. E. Cor. 12th A 31 Stx. GROCERIES. C. H. Roman .t Co. , 1O02 O St. IlarRreuvcH Uron. , 743 O St. ICE. 31. L. TreHtor. 1220 O St. ICE CREA3I , MlLIC AND CREAM. E. SlHler , 127 S. 13th St. Phone 030. LEATHER. Lincoln Leather Co. , S2U O St. LU3111ER. Lincoln Lumber Co. . 110 S. 13th St. S. K. Martin Co.737.N ' St. 31. L. Trexter. 12211 O St. 3IILL1NERY. Ackermnn A Co. , 102O-31 O St. 3IUSICA.L GOODS. " N. P. CnrtlH Co.207 S. llth St. EHtey A Camp , 131) S. 12th St. PACKING C031PANIES. Cudiihy Packlniv Co. , F. A. Gnle , Slffr. , uir L St. PLU3I1IING SUPPLIES. AVoHtcrii Supply Co. , 82O-22 N St. STATUARY AND 3IONU3IENTS. Klmlmll lli-os. , 15th nnd O StH. STOVES AND FURNACES. Hall IlroHCo. , , 13O8 O St. TAIllORS FOR THE TRADE. NohriiMkii * Paiitx A Suit Co. , 1217 O St. Spelr Hery.otr Tailoring Co. , 122S-3O O St , L AVIND MILLS. Western Supply Co. ' , 820-22 N St. WOOD AVOR'K , ' SASH , RLINDS , ETC. CnrtlH .t A'nii Danberif Co , . U01-23 M St. r . . ) , - TlilM IH Ihe'MlrHt Htntlnii northuant from Lliicolu uil IM u suburb of the lut&'r city. * 3.4ifi , i , It coiitalnH thcTrfpalr Hhopn of the D. A M IlTIt.i , cii > | iioyliiK nlwayH cv- ernl hundred Unmix. Scorcn of'houifojf are now In nroccHH of erection , " 'it nan Brood 'chtirchoit unil Hohoulx , n roller HourliiK mill , niul IN HiirronnifcS hy very fertile mill hi Kill ? ' enltlvhtfcif'fnrmliiK ' laiidu. LEADING BUSINESS MEN I1AKERY. J. Forbex. State Rank ot Hnvelock , Roht. LyoiiH , Caxhlcr. , : , , ' IIARRERS' AND RATIIS. D. O. Piper. C. 31. Scott. - RILLIARD HALL. J. C , Sturm. , RLACKS3I1TIIS ? & CARRIAGE MAKERS. Ilroadwater A Di-nnlx. CLOTHING. P. Donnelly , Iiidlnna Ave. , ' COAL1' D. C. Ilerry. O. MiiHferH. CIGARS A CONFECTIONERY. 3IrH. Mnry O'Do'nWlly. D. F.VoodH. . DRUGS. Dr. J. A. Scott. E. E. Shiiler. DRY.-GOOOS. Peter Donncllyi . FLOUri A FEED. F. J. Aldenhrnck. F. ACarr. . E. ICeiiworthy. O. 3lnxterx. GENERAL 3IERCHANDISE. A. AVnlker.- GENTS FURNISHINGS. ' G. G. Smith. - GRAIN. , ) . C. Ilerry. . ' . " * GROCERIES , F. J. Aldenbruck. f , AV , Cnrr. ' 2. Kcnn'orlhy. ) . MnNterx. lilppM IlroH. A Co. , I IOTELS. , favclock Hotel , Mr"xJ. II , Liipe , Prop. lolllet HOIIHIJ. . G. Holltet , Prop. ileCornilek HOIIHC. The Ark , Jan. Campbell , Prop. HORSESHOEING. Iroadwatcr A AINSURANCE. INSURANCE. J. J. Kaiir. JEWELER. Jd 8. Wliilet. MILLS. ' Ccmlull A Toff 1 1 , Sturm , Miller , BIEAT MARKET. j. Mornu. LAUNDRY. G. G , Smith. LGMIIER. I. C. Ilerry , J ' . , 'he TlmcN , lliiii liuinn Pnh. Co. , Prop * . O. F. Ilallard , M.D , , LancaHter Illk. A. J. MuKlnuou , M.D. , olllee over Shu- ler' . i'j f ) r. J , A. Scottu. .4 POST3ILSTRESS. lr . Mnry O'DouHL'lly. RA'fl UIADS. I. A M. II. II. . , , ' O. R. I. A 'I' . , ' H.III. GreKK , AKent. ItnA f. 'ESTATE. . J. Knar. < { , loht. Lyoim. nisriuiiANT. { . P. HflU. t " SHOE STORED SHOE MAKERS. F. J. Aldenliriifk. eter Doniiellyt Inilliiiiu Ave. ) . F. Wood * . SCHOOL. C. IT , Corpy , Prliirlpal. UNIVERSITY PLACE Uleetrlc cnrn unite * thin vllliiRC tvltl the niljolnltiK rlly of Lincoln , th Itenrt ofnhlch In only three mile dlNtnnt. The Xehriiftkn Wonlcynti imlverMty li tin- center for thin hcnutlfitl nlnnfe of Niilinrltnit homen. The colteKc hnlldltiR lit mnn lve , th omnium In nimelniiM , nnd mnitiiin eently nltunteil mioit the Kiimmlt o Kctitly fixing Kround which nloiien t the volley mllrH iiivny. ThU N the Krent Mcthndlnt cnltcK \eliriiNkn und linn now nearly lull n ( lioiiniind ntndentn In nttetidniiee The tuition In free. .Support In oil tnlned from the church coufercncen LEADING BUSINESS MEN RANK. The AVIndom Hank , T. 31. AVlmberly , Cnnhlcr. HARRERS. L. G. Rntler , Cor. St. Paul A AVar- ren StH. RLACKS3MTHS .t AVAGON MAKERS. D. AV. Clark. I1RICK. R. O. CiiHtle A Co. COAL. R. O. Cantle A Co. AV. J. D. Count * . J. K. II nmey. FLOUR A FISEI ) . n. P. iiiir. J. II. Mnnnctter. GHM3itAi. MERCHANDISE : . It. Dully .t Co. IL _ C. I'lillllpn. T. W. Smith. HARDWARE. M. L. Puller. INSURAA'CE. II. Unroll & Son. Rohh McCnrtiiey. ICI2. W. J. D. CoiintN. .IU.STICU OP THE 1'EACE. J. llelinett. LUMHER. R. O. Cnntlc A Co. MANUFACTURER OP SUHSOIL PLOWS I ) . W. Clnrlr. Clnrlr.MEAT MEAT MARKET. C. H. Moxely. PHYSICIAN. AV. K. Cnrlyle , M.D. , Cor Miller A Mer rill StH. POSTMASTER. J. A. Alley. XKn. AVESLEVAN UNIVERSITY. Rev. Inline CrooU , D.D. , Chniicellor. CluiH. Fordyce , A.M. , Principal Normal Dent. NEWSPAPER. The TlmcH , IlatiRliinnn Pnh. Co , , Pron NOTARY PURLIC. J. Ilennctt. REAL ESTATE. H. Unroll A Son. Roht. McCartney. SHOEMAKERS. L. S. HiillliiKcr. STOVES A TIXAVAHE. M. L. Fuller. ORDERED HIS A'ALET SHOT. How IllHinnrck Nearly Frightened Hlx RlhnloiiH ServniitM to Ilenth. "It's a constant surprise to me , " said Dr Emll Dorn of Hobo-ken to a reporter of the Jersey City Journal , "that s > few anecdotes of Dismarck find their way Into this country because there Is in America such a large Ger man population which would eagerly welcome ' them. The messrooms of Europe are 'full of these quaint stories about the Iron chancel lor , and whenever a party ot officers come together almost Invariably tales of the Franco-Prussian war In whlchi he figured are tha theme of discourse. Here , for example Is an Incident which I have never seen printed In this country , and which I think will be of interest to many of your readers : "It was a few days after the French had been driven out again from St. Johan-Saar- brucken , which they had taken and occupied for about twenty-four hours , when Dismarck came to that place and was Icdged at the housj of the great mine king , Herr Stumm. "The French were not very far away , and the first counselor of the king of Prussia Iwd every reason to take good care of his per sonal safety. Bismarck had worked very late , and when he went to bed at about 1 o'clock at night he gave distinct orders to the two valets ho had taken with him from Berlin to watch and not let anybody enter his bjdroom. From the lower pirt of the town the rejoicing of the soldiery , which celebrated the first victory , could by heard , and * It Is quite Intelligible that the two guarda of Bismarck should feel the desire to have their chare of the Joy and the Moselle wine which flowed plentifully. "As sDon as they knew that the mighty man was snoring , they wont off to the lower town , In spite of their master's order and the warnings of Herr Stumm. They were not gen ? very long when an orderly from headquarters , with a dispatch ( ram the king for the chancellor , came. Herr Stumm tried In vain to Induce the orderly to wait for the return ot the valets. The faithful soldier putlicd Herr Stumm aside , knocked at the door and entered , without waiting for the call 'come In. ' Bismarck was fast asleep , ami all the hemming , coughing and calling the orderly did was usoleis. Determined at last , the warrior stepped to the large bed In which Bismarck lay , removed the curtain , grasped the shoulder of the snoring chancel lor and awakened him with a firm hand. "Bismarck Jumped up like an Irritated Hon. 'Who let you In hero ? ' cried he , wild with rogp. 'Let m0 In ? ' the warrior answered , 'Nobody let mo In ; there was no one who could have prevented my bringing to your excellency that dispatch here. ' 'What ! no body there ? ' exclaimed th ? chancellor , vie lently. 'Where are these two scoundrels ? my valets , I mom. ' And when Ilorr Stumm , whom ho had called In , told him that his valcti ! had gone to the lower town to g t some fresh air , ho gave orders that they chould be taken by a military watch , chained and shot bsforo cunrls : . Then ho pent off the orderly , and In a few minutes ho wan fast asleep agalh. "When lilfmarclc , after a found and health ful sleep , awoke next morning , MB first act waj to call ; 'Frederick , ' and as Frederick did not respond , ho called 'Franz. ' But when Franz also failed to appear IIP rang the bell with all his might. Soon Herr Stumm entered the bed room. 'Say , Herr Stumm , ' laid Hlomnrck , addressing the latter , 'could you tell me where these lubbers ( my valets , I mean ) are ? I am unable to dress myself. ' " 'Your yalets , excellency ? ' replied Herr Stumin , 'I .giiCM they are In heaven by this time. Your excellency ordered them to be I'hot ' before sunrise. They were caught about 3 o'clock , and must be shot now , I reckon. ' " 'No , Stumm , ' said Bismarck , twilling , 'tho Prussians don't shoot as quick as that at least , nod at thflr own countrymen , and For a glass of Morelle. H Is true somebody eloj could have entered hero , but thoio fel- own are etlll young end Inconsiderate and may .hive thought me uaftIn your IIOUBJ. Da me a fiver , send down to the watch and let them fetch the two fellows. ' "Soon the valets came , with long , fright ened facei. Illimarck'i anger had entirely disappeared , and he could not help laughing when ho taw the sheepish looks ot his valets. I will Indeed heve you shot next time , you oafers. ' he uald , 'but now quick , I think wo will have to depart oon. ' "Now , the old German oak , under which -Germans lived happy and prosperous for many year * , Is broken , and who knows haw soon Germany may mourn at the hearse of her be t sou ? " THE PROGRESS OF PRINTING Indelible Impress of Gormnn Genius in tli Art Prosorvntlvo. FROM GUTENBERG TO MERGENTMALER Tin * Adtaiipp from Moiahle Typpn t Maehlnp 1'rlnlliip : and llx l < : iTect on Skilled Lnliiir 1'aNK- lii r of tin * Johannes OutcMt K and Otto Mcrgen tlutlcrl It requires but little ktiowledRO o Qcrnmn ncincnclnturt- , > says n writer In th Chicago Tribune , to enable one to rccognlz a certain kinship In tlioso mines names c such vital Import to all friends ot education progrfps , civilization nml liberty. Gulenber la credited with the Invention ot movnbl types , an achlovcmcntslilch opened up th storehouses ot knowledge to mankind , meat ) time blazing the way for the development o an Industry ot considerable magnitude am grave significance In all progressive , en lightened nations. Gutenberg's Invention . Introduced quietly , oven secretly. No on was deprived of his usual employment there by , If wo except the monkish chronicler whoa ; long ycar | cf patient application mad him master of tlta art ot embellishing am transcribing books , and whoso llfo task wn often confined to the production of a slngl work. Hl was a matchless art , of Incalcu lable valua In perpetuating the wipilom of th ancients , but entirely unequal to the task o distributing that wln.lom and knowledg among the manses. After a lapse ot some thing more than four and a 'half conttirl : Mergenthaler perfects an Invention which dls ponsea with the use ot movable types , and li PO doing deprives a multitude cf skilled mo chanlca of an opportunity of applying Urn art upon which they have depended for sub ststcnce. During the long period which separate ! Gutenberg and Mcrgcntlialcr womlerfu changes and Improvements were constantly being made In the art of printing. U wa generally supposed that the craft In all thing kept pace with the progress of clvlllzatloi and enlightenment ami the advancement o the mechanical arts , but as a matter ot fac the Improvements made were confined ex cluslvely to tlis pressroom. The mode o handling movable typen was much the sanit from beginning to cud , varied only by the difference In the skill and speed develop ? ! by Individual operators. Up to the presen time the great reductions which have beji made In the cost cf printing are duo almos entirely to Improvements madeIn the press to Improvements In papcrmaklng , and to the wonderful facilities for news gathering , wblcl the Ingenuity of man. has perfected In tbe telegraph and other devices. The composing room has contributed nothing In the past to the cheapening processes which have been going on so regularly and sj relentlessly Hut now the typessttlng machine places the cmposlng room directly In the line of prog ress. The result Is already apparent In the reduced prices announced by th ? dally papers In several cities throughout the country. And the end Is not yet. To bo sure , the power press and the type setting machine are both products of the present century , but the former preceded the latter by more than half a century in time Wo are Informed that along In the ' 30s ssrl- ous rioting occurred both In London and Paris when it was attempted supplant the hand press by the power press. A higher In telligence teaches the present day mechanic the futility of placing himself In opposition to the Inevitable. The perfection of the power press suggested Improved methods which for long years hadvperplcxed Inventors but did not sarlously dlstlirb the compositor The latter consoled himself when rumors o typesetting machines became rife by calllnf to mind a legend of the printing olfico to the effect that a machine to set type properly must first bo supplied 'with brains. The failures of Inventors of mechanical typesetting machines added to tlio security or mind of the compositor. As wrly as 1821 we are told that one WHIInm Church , of Connecticut Invented a typesetting ma'chlne which It was claimed would set and -cast 75,000 types an hour. The Inventlrfn fjf.oveJ a dismal fail ure , but from that day "Until the advent cf Mergenthaler there have bwn typesetting machines and rumors of typesetting machines wherever typos were wont to congregate. It waa left to Otto Mergenthaler to dispel the Illusion that a machine would need brains In order to set type. That he has performed the trick to the entire satisfaction of all who take prldo In the progress of mechanical In vention , and to the , great disgust of the printer and the old-time printer In particu lar ap | > e > ars to bo generally conceded by these most directly Interested. As a result a complete metamorphosis has taken place In the appearance and general nmke-up of the composing rooms of our dally newspapers. The familiar "click , click , click ot the- type In the stick , " has given place to the noise ot revolving shafting , pulleys and the whir of light running machinery. EFFECT ON THE PIHNTER. What Is the Immediate and what will be the ultimate result of the successful Intro- luctlon ot the typesetting machine ? A paragraph in the dally papers of this city on a recent occasion conveyed the Intelll- ; of a fulclde , the victim being an old and wt'Jl known printer , the cause aligned fan the rash act , the sulclde' Inability to irocuro employment owing to the Introduc- lon of typesetting machines. This gives a icglc coloring to the affair which the gen eral public may suppose to bo altogether un- varrantcd "by the circumstances. To the nan who had devoted years to the mastery of all the Intricacies of his craft , only to find at that stoge of life when his skill Is its only capital , and when his responslbll- tles liuvo been multiplied and became a part of his llfo , ( hen to awake to a. sudden reall- atlon that 'ils ' ar ( has been superseded by a mechanics ! devlcc- such a man the In- ident referred to may not appear fo com pletely out of tune. Certain It IB that In the Inlted States alone thousands of hitherto veil paid mechanic : ) now find themselves tramloJ , their occupation gone , and this at a time when the prevailing Industrial de- > reislon Is such as to reduce to a minimum opportunity ot turning one's attention > other pursuits. Even under normal con- Itlons , and when business in prospering , the printer Is , perhaps , .the most helplcbs of all Taftsmen when fate compels him to changj ilu employment. Inthis reference Is made nly to the average printer who has devoted he best years of his llfo to his craft and ot to the exceptional geniuses who have lade the printer's case a stepping stone to enown In the realms of literature , science , tatcsmanshlp and the professions. Expurl- nce proves that a printer to excel In some thar walk of life should leave the case bllo .still young. Given time liu hroods ml ponders until his craft becomes second aturo to him a part of himself when he a fitted for nothing else. And right here U where the genius of Mer- enthaler becomes responsible for thu great- st hardship. The managerial Instinct Is Iways alive to the question of economy and hen large sums of money urn Invested In ypesettlng or other machines It Is con- idered good economy to place young mun n charge , whuiso future promise * n longer crm of service than would b the 'ca o 1th older men. And then , again , the 'oung printer Is canefdcfpd the mott likely o be able to adapt himself to the changed jndlllons , perhaps for the rcanons given bove. Ho has pot ha > i time to Imbue the Id methods Into lila nyBtem. As a result lie older men are set adrift tolilft for inmclv < s an best they may. U IB call- lated that at least one-third of ( ho nc-ua- taper compJBltors will be disproved with vherover the ilergenthaler machine Undo a acting , and thlb will Include all ne.ipers | ury shortly and -ill other clawsei of compoxl. Ion In the course of time. The paramount iqulry then Is : What ara the deposed rioters to do In the way of earning a living ? A limited number still cling to tlio hell f iat the machine will yet prove ii.ailcriiutc nd will In turn be displaced by huml cm- icuHlcn , The general oplnloi : , however , and 10 doubt the correct or.e , Is that the1 lyri- ettlng muchlno U the fit companion of the eb pre&u , and trrit a return to bund com- oiltlon Is no mure a likely pirjlhlllly than In return to hand rireiwwork. nightly or wrongly , the weight of opinion leaim un- tUtakably to the Idea thai hand coinpoiltlon 8 doomed , and the < ju etlon rot-urn again nd again , Where are iho prlnfra to turner or a in f iii of livelihood ? It coei with- m out Mjrlng that this Is & question onslcr asked if thin answered. U la a qinvtlon th t put- iled the best minds In circles for tin last two joars , And the pnr.ilo Is Ilkfly to Increase. In site and Importance during the coming three year * , Well 01- roctfd efforts , bncked by the great Influence of the dally i > roj , no doubt provo successful In placing mnny of thew unfor tunates In positions where they would at leist bo above want. With Iho opening of new Indtisttles , which Is of almost dilly oc currence , ample- opportunities art- offered to apply both effort and Influence , but nothing Is being done. Meanwhile the old printer Is fast approaching a state of poverty border- Inn on iiaupcrltin , To the cre-llt of the prlntfru' union bn It cald that that crcanlra- tlon dlfplaya a most praiseworthy dotcrmtiu- tlon to rare for Its unemployed member * , but the task will In time prove futile. Fif teen .hundred situations will support 3,000 members while the vision of a great catas trophe Is fresh In the mind , but It cannot bo continued Indefinitely. Men wilt In time become accustomed to their Burrmmdlngs ; these with situations will come to think that they have enough to do to care for them- t'clvM and those depending upon them , whllo their Icivj fortunate comtades will be left to buffet with the world as best they may. What kind and philanthropic friend ot the printer , ono possessing wcilth and Infiuenc ? , will step Into the breach with n determina tion to mltlgnto the unkind rate which has overtaken the men ef this time-honored craft7 Alas , who ? OTUIill SIDE OF THE 1'ICTUKK. Of course , there Is another side to this picture. Experience has demonstrated that It Is In those countries \\her ? labor-saving machinery jias reached the highest state ot pcrrecticu mijl tlio widest application that there Is where the workman enjoys ths greatest privileges , receives the- highest wages , and works thq foweit hours. Ths United States Is In advance of Europe In these respects. Hut , taking Europe as an example , the farther one travels eastward from the Atlantic seaboard the less laborsaving - saving machinery ho will encounter , nor. will he escape the conviction , that the rat ? " of wages paid falls In proportion , and that -Oj " the material and social progress of the working classes grows IESS apparent n he proceeds. There Is no question but that the Introduction of labor-savlnc ; machinery works a hardship to many for the time blng , but It Is maintained by all students and writers on economic subjects that In the end It works beneficially. So far as the printing trade Is concerned wc > know that every Im portant Invention ultimately results In the employment ot a greater number of people than formerly. The perfection of the fast- running power press of the present day Is the one achlcvcmenUabove all others which , has made the pennytlicwspaper a possibility. The typesetting machine promises to ren der this possibility capable cf universal ap plication. Cheaper printing will create a greater demand for printing. This has been th ? experience of'the past and It will hold good In the future. Forty years ago the competent carpenter required two or throe ehestfuls of tools , which necessitated n con siderable amount cf money to purchase. Then the carpenter did all the work after the lumber left the sawmill until It was In Us plnco In the building for which It was In tended. Now the modern planing mill turns out the finished product doors , window - * dow frames , mouldings and everything else. Today the carpenter requires a comparatively | t small kit of tools. Ho should have speed and ! precision rather than the old-time skill ; but ho receives much better pay and works less hours than did his forefathers. What Is true of the carpenter Is true of many other mechanics. Then again there are Instances of trades which a generation ago were among the most prominent , but which have been completely wiped out of existence by machinery. The article mamifacturcdi Is still placed before the public and Is still In general use , but the manner ot Its production has been so changed and simplified by ma chinery that a child of ordinary Intelligence can produce better results than , could the most skilled mechanic of a former age. However , these Instances are rare and have no particular bearing on the general subject of the Introduction of labor-saving machin ery. And yet , If the predictions ot some of our present day prophets are to be given weight , photography , telegraphy , the sterco- typer's , and other arts may yet' place printIng - Ing In this category of exceptional 'cases , when nd semblance of the ancient handi craft wUl'Vemaln. OF THE PIIINTEU. The passing ot the printer will causa genuine regret to all craftsmen , as well as to an Important and somewhat numerous class ot people whose business or pleasure waa such as led to an intimacy negative though hat Intimacy might have been with the < nlght of the stick : and rule. In 'his day ot xosperlty the printer was generous beyond iU means. He was easy going , bereft ot care , light of heart , and In the days when the preparation of "copy" received little erne no attention a man necessarily of consider able education and wide Intelligence. Ho was a philosopher In his way ; It ho possessed trough for the time being he was happy. He worried little about the morrow , and was always ready to divide what ha had with a rss fortunate companion. He was a man. ot ; cneral knowledge , and often a poet. lie wan amlllar with the Inside workings of deals , big and little , and public men and lubllc characters were to him as an open > ook. Ho represented all shades ot personal iccullarltlcs and Idiosyncrasies from Phoclon Inward to Horace Greeley , and was never so much at ease as when holding up the short end of a dispute or dilating on tha strong points of the leading Shakespearean actor or actress. He was OH much at homo n the senate of the United States ( where 10 has occasionally found a footing ) as he vas In the city council ( where ho was more reqiiently In ovldcnca ) . He might not ul- vays have been "an ornament to his profcs- lon , " whatever that profession might bo or the time being , but ho was always and essentially the same easy-going , trust to itck sort of an Individual. Ho waa a char acter In every sense of the word. It may ) e said that there never was a religion ( no natter how unorthodox I IB tenets ) but what numbered the printer among Itu most devout adherents ; and never a political party ( no natter how Illogical Its platform ) but what van enthusiastically supported by a greater > r less number of thp eumo craft. Ho wmu- lires nnmblcd and ho frequently drank , but at all times and under all circumstances ha reserved his unique personality , U la claimed by many that the present generation has witnessed a retrogression of ho printer , lnc pectlvc : of all machine In- uence . Our modern civilization , with It * naclilne-llko regularity , was out of harmony vlth his nature. The conditions which pro- feed a Hrct Harto and a Mnr Twain had Uappeared. The very atmnvphuro became inrongcnlil and ho rebelled 'OM'lhst his cn- Ironment. The more peculiarly printer-like he Individual the mor < > pronounced the re- elllon , When ho could bear our miper- Illous refinement no longer ho became a rcmp the original tramp. Later this term van subjected to un evolutionary process and he printer tramp became a tourist , and It an bo confidently aiscrtud that the world ever know a moru unique character than van the printer tnurlat. It has been thu ortuno of the writer to have enjoyed the ilemlKhlp and confidence of some of the r.OKt faniniu tonrUts with which the prlnt- ng fraternity has hen favored during the ast quarter of a century , and a retrospective lance , which taken In their peculiarities , the It and humor which were to Infectious vlth them , IH piodnctlvo of littlebcsldo't m , mingled with a keen regret that lie tourist printer Is about to disappear en- it ly from our vision If he hoi * not already , Itiappearcd. The old-time printer will' * liortly be a mere reminiscence. . The world an no worse for hU presence and It will bs' o better when he Is none. You ran't make a new arm with Salvation Oil , but you can cur ; the brultei with It.5c. . M > ' * t * rl < > HN The myntcrlouu disappearance from Hrti3- MH of u Mine. Van Outsem nnd flvo chll- rcti , logethcr with a Mine. Lemolne , who" ( itlBcd In the fame hnuie , lm < coined con- d < -rabe ! nc'iuatlun , the more BO that the cory of robbery li unsupported by any of IB surrounding circumstances , while that ' , u crime Is equally untenable. Mine , Van 'Utfcm's dlt > appcariiiia dalVH from Septem- icr 20 , lg < i , and sincetlien tlic pelt ) * "havo mdu active Intpilrles In London , I'arU , Am- U-rdam and fhewliero without throwing any Klit on tint M'lit'reuboiiU of the lady or | hex x other * \vlio ire supposed to have uccom- anted her , " 'Uronn'i nionculal Ttoehe * are excellent or thir re I It'f of ) ionrinii' i or sortturoet. . 'hey ati exceedingly fftectlve. " Christian Vorld , LjuJoi , Eng.