Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BE IS : fI\UisiAY \ ! , DECEMBER 31 , 1893 ,
Mniksts Generally Kotain the Bullish Feel
ing of Saturday.
Corn I * Active mill Firm Kurly ,
Tltoticti H flrniliinlljHIINOH OK
unit T rn litHi'c'onnH Muht m
CHIfAGO , cc. 30. The markets today
were generally Ilrm , they having retained
the bullsh : feeling clmrnctcrlsllc of Satur
day's close. Wliont llucttinted considerably
on c 'Mulcting ' news , but ilrinlly closed Ric
higher than It opened. Corn nnd cats fol
lowed the general trend of wheat , though
to a lesser degree , whllo provisions showed
material gains.
Wheat started off ( iiilte strong today nnd
Hold fully V4c above the close Saturday ,
but the market soon got weak and nil the
r.dvauro was soon lest. The early strength
was partly the result of the bullish senti
ment carried over from Saturday , to the
firmer cnblea , the continued llpht deliveries
In the northwest , nnd good local buying
to cover shorts , for n time there wns
not much for sale , nml the competition
among bujcra wns sharp nnd prices were
easily advanced. Hut later the tnthtiflasm
of buyers cooled off and the market began
to drag. It was reported that Australia
\vhirh has been of Into a buyer of wheat-
had artur.y exported some fsO.OOO bu.
last week. M.nin'npolls wired that there
was every reason to expect that de.Ivories
In thn northwest would Increase nnd , be
sides , the llnnnclal conditions seemed to be
growing worse , and them wns talk of gold
going to a premium. Money was said to
bo getting more dllllcult to borrow nnd
loan inlu.t were said to bo burdening. A.I
this finally had a depressing inlluence , nnd
same of the eurly buyers turned se lcrs .
prices gradually dropping to Uc below the
closing Ilgures of Saturday. The vl.s bio
cupply of wheat Increased MO.OOO bu.
lnt week , c rn 2SXW ( bu. nnd oats CO-
000 bu. The same week last year wheat
decreased 510,000 'bu. May sold early
nt ( ' S'Ui1 ' , up iiickly | ! to from M'.ie ' to Mo split ,
then off to r > S-c and at noon was Wie.
After selllnp oft to ( iSllc during the last
hour May wheat turned strong on the big
decrease In the KngMsh visible supply-
2,000.ono bu. nnd closed at D9',4e. '
Corn was active but Ilrm early , though It
gradually cased off ; trade wns light and
narrow ns well a ? featureless. May so.d
from "Sc to 2S'ic , but cased off by noon to
from 2Sc to SS'.lo. The market was easier
during the Insil hour. May touching 2So ,
but strengthened n trllle Inter nnd closed nt
28'vc. The chief feature of Iho trading was
the compirntlvc weakness In Janua-y. which ,
compared with Saturday's closing price. Is
* o lower , while cash and May uro each
nboiit S-lCc higher.
Oats were quiet and featureless , but the
market held Ilrm. May sold nt from IS'du
to ISc , split , and from I'Jo to 19 c , split ,
nnd nt noon was nboiit 19e. There was not
mueli b .f In-aa during the V st heir : , but May
held at 19c nnd from ISTfcc to 19c , split ,
Ilnnlly closing at 19c.
Hog produrts were higher on lighter re
ceipts of 1 v ? hogs ai d the bst'eprlceiat thi
yards. Then- was a pretty fair trade. May
pork Hold at from $3. ri to $9.15 , May lard
nt from $35214 to $5.00. and May ribs nt
from $1.57'/i to $1.00. There was a quiet
trade during the closing hour nnd prices
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOt'll Kasler ; Fprlnc patents , } 3.10j3.2."i | ;
fprlnu strnlulits , { 2.10I2.7J : winter patents , $3.40
(13.W ; winter strnlKhts , t3.2003.3o ; export bakers ,
I2.00IH2 21.
WHIUT No , a Fiv.-lnt , ' , M % T7ic ; No. 0
eprlni ? . EIJ > 7c : No. 2 red , Cl'HiCCl ' ic.
roilN No. 2 , 2J82J > ic ; No. 1 yellow , K'HG
"Ce ,
OATS No. 2. mic ; No. 2 white ,
No. 2 while , 17',4fliac.
HYII-No. 2.32i < .c.
IIAHLKY No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. .
21fT26e ; No. 4 , f. o. 1) . , 21J2Se.
I-'LAX BKBD No. 1 , a3iff93V'.c.
TIMOTHY 8KKI ) I'rline. J3.H215.
1'IIOVIHIONS Mess pnrk , per bbl. , Ji.S7Hff
18.00 , lard , per 103 ll-s. , } ri.321iW5.3" ; short rlba sliles
( locHp ) . JI.3i > J74.Sn ; dry tailed shoulders ( Imxed ) .
4ifl"Sie ; hhort elear sides ( boxtil ) . 4HOIUS.
WIIISKY Dlstlller ' llulshed goods , per gal. ,
11 22.
BI'OAllS Cut loaf , J3.50 ; uranulated , JI.S7 ;
Btnndnrd "A , " J 73.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Articles. lU-colptK. Shipment ) .
Flour , bbla. 7,000 11,000
Wheat bu. . . 43,01)0 ) CO.OOO
Corn , 1m. . . , 153.0UO H7OUl )
Oats , bu 1'JH.IIOl ) 220,000
Hyo bu 2,003 700
Uancy. bu. . . 3 ,00'J ' 15,001)
On the Proluoa otoli.inTO toliv the butter mar-
koixva * Htoady : creamery. IDa.'lc ; dairy , 12B20c.
Btuaily ; fruuh , 10Q.20C , Chcuao , iiulul ;
CloNlnwr Qili'liitloiiH mi ( I'rlnvliuil
CiinllilodKloH niul SliuiIt-H.
Ni\V YOIIK. Dec. 30. FLOUK-Hoccllitii , 27,000
Mils. ; i > xH > rt , 13SOO bills. ; market strongiT In
tone nnd ilcmand Improved by th HlrraiRlli In
Krnln ; MlnncKota patents , $3.25f3.40 ; Minnesota
bulteiH , $2.70 3.00 ; city mill patents , $1.0001.25 ;
winter patent ! ' , $3.4533.05 ; winter ulralKhlH , _ $3.30f
3.15 ; winter extras , $2.65fi3.05 ; winter low u'railcs ,
$2.10f2.CO | ; t-hlpplnn low uimles , $1.90ff2.GO : llye
Hour , hteady ; hiiperllno , )2.002.75 ) | ; fancy , $2.759
Z.tli ) . lluckuhent Hour , dull ; $1. . ° OQI.35.
IIIK'KWHHAT Dull ; epot , SSc.
UYi : Nominal ; western , 32035e.
WIIKAT--Hi > ci'lplii , 21 , I'M bu. ; eximrts , 217,401
liu , ; i > i > ot markrt , Htroni ; ; No. 2 red , G9c ; No. 1
linnl , C9'.ic. ' , OptlonH opencil Ntroni ; on Hinnll
bprlni ; wheat rocelpts ; better cables , cold wuvo
west and outside buying , x ld off under Ihu In-
crcasa In vlxltle , Dually rallied on a lilt , " redut *
lion In I iiKll h vlslblu nnd lepnrted nductlm ,
of 2.1 per rent In ImhiHlrlal rrop , nnd doped
Iftllitt hlflicr ; No. 2 rwl. May , C54ifCOc. closed
CC u , Dt'ei-nilMT , C6lit(6fiHci ( closed , CCTic.
COHN Heci'lpts. 181,300 bu , ; exports , 41.000 bu , ;
epul marKet , Ilrm ; Nil , 2. 34Hc. Options , ijiilel ,
but Keneially Ilrmortlth wheat ami on IlKlit
retvlpts , nnd closml 'tW'io ' blKher : May , 3''iW
15 ll-16o ; closes ] , 35V > o ; December , closed. 3IHc.
OATH llecelpts , U5kOO bu. ; exports , 20.10. ) bu. ;
t\rjt market , steady ; No. 2 , 23Uc. Options , dull ,
* * uU" r-'Wlti tb .olher maiketp , ana clouvd
'llf'lu hlKhrr : May , VJfiflric ; rioted , 2lc ; Decem
ber. clnsiil J314C.
HOPS Weak.
l.HATII Mil-Finn.
PIlOVIHIONS-lleef , nrm. Cut mfnlH. quiet ;
pickled IHIIIIV , t > U4lS1jc. Lard , lu'tlve nml lilKticr ;
Wistern Hleam closed nt $3.00 iiskfcl ; Dei'ember ,
IS.r.l. nominal , 1'orlc , firm ami active ; mesu ,
i7.s.riit9.-i ; short cltur , ll'l.Wff ' I2.W ; family , $10.00.
IIL'TTIJUVnk ; MlBln. 2lcj male dairy , 13ff
( Hie ; stale creamery , 1723c ,
TALLOW Active , Lut lower ; city , 3ic ; coun
try. 4c.
I'BTHOI.KUM Btcailys United closed nt $1.13
Tl'Ill'KNTINI-3 Quiet.
&IOLA8SKS rinn.
1'KJ IltON-CJillet.
MUTALS-C'oppvr , quiet ; brokers' prlco , $10.25 *
rxclmnKO , $10.00. LeaJ , cany ; broktrs' price ,
$3.05 ; cxchunin' , .115il3.nH. Tin , wc.ikj strnlls ,
$13.50 ; plutrn , market dull. Sprlter , quiet ; domes
tic. $3.W.
COTTO.V RKKlt OIIDull end heavy ; prime
crude , f , o. b. , mills. 20Hi2o. !
HIT. uuninvii OIHIUI tviuuiiy UKtriim.
nlier. Sa Wi Junuiuy , u 3'id ; 1-VIiru-
; March , CM 5d ; April , Ca 6Uil ; May ,
COIIN Spot , flriu : American mixed new. 3
2,1. rulure op n J linn wlti ! near pusltlons
Hd hlnhei- und UUtitnt iioyltlcins Ud hlKher ;
cloknl > iul t with near pokltlona UttUd hlghor
and dlKtimt pieltlona unchunited tu 'id liltrher ;
Imtlneu alwut niuully illvtrlbuted ; December ,
&H S il , Jauuury , 3 U : Kcbruury , S 1M ; March ,
39 JM , April , Jii 2 > id ; Mny , 3 * 21 * < 1 ,
fwney winter , " 3d.
I'UOVIBIOKSllueon , steady : dtmanil , moder-
kttl CuinUrlanil cut , U to SO Ib * . , 2c ; ihcrt
MM. M lb . . M ; lone eter , light , 35 tn 45 Us. ,
We ; tana elenr. heavy , M Ibi. , S5a Cd ; ehort
clear 1 > eki > , light. H II * . , s ; short clear
middle * , heavy , K llm. . 55 ? 0.1 ; clenr bellies ,
II to 14 It * . , SS * ( XI. lmn ! , fhort cut ,
11 to K lb . , ' ; thMilderd. s-innrf. 12 to 16
! ! ) . , JH. Tiillnw. fine North American. 12 ,
Ilcef , exiin Inilln mrtf , * 3 Ml prlm mess.
B7s * 1. I'nrk , prime mm , tint western , Ms ;
prime mmi , medium , 4Ss. Lnrd , < iulet : prlmo
wntein , ! 7 M ; refined. In palls. Ess Cd.
CIIKi : . i-Qultt , liut slfnity : demand , poor ;
finest Amcrlwin white , ( ts ; finest American
coloied , 46s.
' L'.Triii' ' ' rj.nr1 , . . ' . . " ' J2nlt ? ' 8:9i B00d' Ms'
rellned , 17 .
ii > r r.ii' ui. * ' ? .
1' . Sfl. !
UI-rilIll-ilATOIl : ( IIKUP Korc < iuarltr.
' '
. ( ' ! 'i'OWnKU-Ilntdn-ood , f. o. b. ,
Mvetpnol. t" .
IIOPH--AI London ( rnclflc cowl ) , U 6s.
( /'onilllliin of Trmlc niul Uuntndniifi
mi Slnil | - nml Kiinay I'rodiicc.
ntiafl Strictly fresli nlock , 17M018C.
ItUTTini-I'nfklniT stock. 12fll2V4c : fair to ( rood
country , I3iHc ; choice to fancy country , 15S16c.
VUAtf-Chalcc fat. 70 to 100 Ibs. , ore quoted at
C'.4S77c ' ; large anil coarse. 4ICo.
CIlKKSn-Domcstlc brick , ll'.ic ! EJam , per
iloi. , $9.M ; Club House , Mb. Jars , per doz. , $3.50 ;
LlmberBer. fancy , per lb. . ll'.ic ; lloqueforl , H-lb.
Jars , per ctoz. , $3.60 ; Young Americas , ll',4c :
Twins , fancy , lie.
POI'l.TIlY-Dref'eJ-ChlckrtiB. CViQSVic ; ducks ,
choice , ! > lOc ; turkeys , cliolcc , 9Q11CJ geese ,
HAY Up'.unil , $5.50 ; midland. $5.00 ; lowland ,
$ I.M ; rye straw , $4.00 ; color makes tha price on
ha > ; light bales sell the Only lop grnues
brim : t | i pikes.
IIHOO.M COIIN New crup. nellverci ! in track
In country , choice cretn elf-xvorkln carpet , per
lb. , 2Uc ; choice Rrccn , running to hurl , 2Ue ; com-
mnn , lV4c.
OAMK Prairie chickens , umlrnwn , per doz. ,
$ C.OOgC.50 ; drawn , $5.00 B.CO ; quail. $1.5091.75 ;
Jaik snipe , "ncHJI.OO ; Rroiue , J6.60S6.00 ; snipe ,
COJ75c ; Kolden plover , $1.25 ; Jack labblts. per
doz. , $1.7r , 2.00 ; Binnll rabbits , 76c $1.00 ; mal
lard din-Ks , $3.50Cf3.76 ; reilhesils , $3.75W4.00 ; cnn-
va bacl ) ducks. $5.COSTS.OO ; teal , blue wins , $2.001 }
2.2"i ; , trcfn wins , $1.752.ou. . mixeil ducks ,
$ I.75f2.25 } ; Canada Reese , J6.0007.W : small Reese ,
H.05 Ofl : brants , $3.60 ; deer undilles. 15B16c ;
deer cnrcnsjeH , ; elk saitilles , Ilffl3c ; elk
carcasses , wiOc ; antelope saililles , ISWICc : nnte-
lope carcasses. lOffllc ; squlnels , per doz. , COO75C.
Pin ICONS LUe , per doz. , $1 ; dead pigeons not
CAULIFLOWHIl Per doz. heads , $2.00.
CAIJHAHK Holland seed , hmds small olid
hard , per lb. . Hjc ; California stock , per lb. , 2c.
MIIHHItOOMR Per I'.t-lb. box , 60JJT6C.
POTATOHS-Fancy nntUo Block , 30c : from
store In small lots , S0ii7i5. ' ; Colorado stuok , W5J55C.
ONIONS Per bu. . 2-.ST'ic ;
III3AN8 Unnil picked navy , per bu. , $ I.M.
SWBRT POTATOES Oiolcc stock , $2.75 ptr
CULiniY California , per iloz. , 90cJ$1.00 ; Colo-
rnili , 65WCOc ; Knlamnzno , 30JJ35C.
LIMA HKANH Per lb. . 6c.
WATRH rilKPS-Per 1C-qt. case. $ t.r,0 1.7S.
SCOTCH PHAS-ln snrk . per bu. . $1.00.
APPI.ns Flinry New Yolk , $3.25R3.6i ) ; choice
Block , I2.5in2.7D ; Utah apples , per box , $1.60.
OlinriON' PMAUSNonc. .
CIlANIHOItllinS-Jersey , $8.75 ; Capo Cod , $10 ;
MeFailln's , $10.
MALAOA OUAPKS-Per bbl.C ; per
C5 ( o 70 Ibs. , gross , $7.60.
OUANQES Calltornla budiled seedllnKS , rfRU-
lar sizes. $3.75 ; 80 to 120 sizes , $3.5093.75 ;
L13MONS California , per box , $3.7504.50 ; Mes-
slnas. $4.oon4.6fl.
HANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , $2.00
U2.25 ; medium sized bunches. $1.7502.00.
OYSTKHS MeUlums , 15c ; ( tiuulurds , IDc ; extra
EClccto , 24c ; lirunch & Co. selects , 2Go : New York
counts , 23c ; stundaul bulk , per gal. , $1.10.
HONEY Funcy white , per lb. . lie.
MAPL1S SYllt'P ' Flvc-gal. can ? , each. $2.73 ;
gal. cans , per doz. , $12 ; ! 4-gal. cans , $8.23 ; quart
CIl'jKli Pure Juice , per half bbl. , $3 ; per
USAUnIMCllAUT-Pcr bbl. . $3.75 ; half bbl. , $2 25.
F1OS New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb lOc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice ,
10-lb. linxcs. Il' . ( , il2c.
DATES Niw Persian , 80-lb. boxes , per lb. , B4c ! ;
fnrds , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , 9c
MAPL12 SUOAH Choice , per lb. , SfllOc.
I'HESKHVKS Assorted. 20-lb. palls , each $1,40.
roCOANUTS Per 100 , $4.60 ; each. 6c.
NUTS Almonds. Cullfcrnla. per lb. , medium
size lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large , 1254c ;
Ilrazlls , per lb. , Sc ; English walnuts , per lb. ,
fancy soft shell. 12c ; standaids , llfll'4c ;
nibcrts. per lb. , 10c * ecnns. po'tshed ' medium ,
ICc : larpe , 12c : peanuts , raw SVic ; masted. 71 ?
7l4o : hickory nuts , small , per bu. , $1.73 ; hickory
nuts , large , per bu. . $1.60 ; black walnuts , per
bbl. . $2.
1JEEF Light western steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , 6VJ
4Cc ; good cows tuul heifers , 45iQ'5c : medium
cows nna helferH , 4i4c ; good forequartcrs
cows and heifers , 3\W3ic ; good lilndquartcra
cows and heifers. CJ6',4c ; cow loumls , 6e ; cow
chucks , 3V4c ; steer chucks. ! 4o ; beef tenderloins ,
fresh , He ; beef rolls , boneless , SH'C ; sirloin butts ,
boneless , S',4c ; I3ln backs , boneless , SV4c ; loin
backs , CVic ; cow libs. No. 3. 6Jc ! ; cow loins. No.
'MUTTON Dressed mutton. 6'io ; racks , 8'.4c ;
legs. 7c ; saddles , 7c ; stews , 2'.ic.
POIIIC Dressed hogs , 6c ; poik loins , 5c ; spare
ribs 4'.4c ; pork shoulders , 4Vic : porlc shoulders ,
nklnnea , 4'ic ) ; pork trimmings , 4c ; tenderloins ,
12o ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 35c.
INo. lNo. | lNo. | 1
Lse. | Md'm Sm'll
lllack . $20025 $ 1C 00 I 8010 jioai : $ s oo
Illack Yearlings. . 122J15 1000 7 00 7 00 3 CO
lllack Cubs . TO CO 4 00 600 200
IJlack Montana &
Mountain . . . 1SU22 14 00 10 00 10 00 4 00
IJlack Montana
Yearlings . . . 12 00 t 00 C 00 500 2 50
Black Montana
Cubs . 6 DO 4 CO 2 00 4 00 20J
Silver Tip . . . . 20 00 1200 8 00 9 00 4 00
.Silver Tip Yilgs. It 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 2K >
Silver Tip Cubs. G 00 4 50 301) 3 00 1 60
llrown . . . . . . 20B25 1C O1) 1200 12 00 5 00
Veal lings . li Oi2 80) c u > 8 (0 4 Oj
Cubs . J 00 B 00CO 3 00CO 4 00 2 00
lladger . 101 SO CO CO 60 60
riiher . 800 coo 4 00 4 00 2 00
Silver ( according
lo beauty ) . . . . 100 00 CO 00 40 00 30 00 10 00
Silver Pale ( ac-
cord'B to liea'y ) 60 00 30 00 2 < ) 00 15 CO C 00
Cross . 7 00 3 00 1 00 1 50 1 00
Itcd . 1 60 1 25 1 00 75 002o
Cl ray . 76 (0 40 35 15
Kit . 60 4U 30 2 : 10
Lynx . 3 00 2 00 1 CO ] 25 60
Mill ten . 2 W 1 60CO 1 00 1 00 60
Mink . CO 45 23 1C
Mink Dark . (5 45 20 10
Mountain Lion.
( perfect head
and feet ) . 1O 2
Otter . 8 CO CO 7 E 00 4 00 2 00
Otter Pale . 7 00 6 CO 4 0) ) 3 00 1 6'J '
Raccoon . 60070 ] 60 35 20 10
Raccoon , lllack
( as to beauty ) . .
lllack , cased . 1 25 75 60 60 25
.Short striped . 1 03to 70 45 40 0
Narrow striped. . . to 40 25 20 10
llroad striped. . . . 20 < [ J25
Wolverlno . 4 001 3 00 , 200 2 00 100
Wolf Mountain. . . 3 CO 2 00 1 60 75 1004J
Wolf Prnlrle . CSii90 CO 40 20 10
Ilinvcr. l 'r skin. Mi ! C 4 50 2 UO 4 00 200
llenvcr Kits . 2 00 160 75 60
Spring .
Winter . saio
Kits 2
HU'I'S No. 1 green hides , 4',4c ' ; No. 2 preen
bliles , 3V4C ! No. 1 green salted hides , 6c ; Nu. 2
Kreen wilted hides , 5c ; No. 1 green Halted hides ,
25 in 40 Ibs. . Co ; No. 2 green failed hides , 25 lo
10 Ibs. , 5e ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 lb . , To ; > No.
2 veal I'.ilf. S to 15 Ibs. , 6e ; No. I dry Hint
hides , 8 10c : No , 2 dry Hint hides , C 7c ; No. l
ilry allfd bldesi 7c ; part cured hides , 140 per lb.
less than fully cured.
HHEKP PIU.TS-areen tailed , each 25S60c ;
green suited thearllngs ( short wooled cuily klns ) ,
each 15e ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
hklns ) , No. 1. rnch , lOc ; dry shearlings ( ehort
woblcil early tklns ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry Hint
Kansas anJ Nebraska butcher wool pells , per lb. ,
actual weight. 5i/Cc ; dry Hint Kancas ana Ne
braska Murrain wool pells , per lb , , actual weight ,
4ffSo ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , ptr
lb. . actual weight , 4Bd4c ; dry Hint Colorado
Murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual wclcht , 4U5c ;
dry pieces nnd lAicks , actual weight , 4f5ci
feet cut off , as It In useless to pay freight on
'TALLOW ' AND aitnAsu-Tniiow , NO. i. awcj
tallow No , 2. 3c ; grease , white A , S'.te ; greabe ,
white 11 , So ; ureiiue , yellow , 2Hc ; grease , dark ,
; c ; old butter , 232'Sc ' ; beeswax , prime , 15J22c ;
rough tallow , lV4c.
HONES In car lots weighed ana delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , $12.00S(14.00 ; dry
country. Matched , per ton , $ ! 0.oo fl2.oO ; dry
country , damp mid meaty , per ton , $9.0008.00.
WOOIr Unwashed , line heavy , 007c ; flno light ,
SlfOc : quarter Mood , lORUc ; eecdy , burry nnd
chaffy. 8iric ) ; celled and broken , coarse , 789c ;
cotte , | and broken , line , 6J8c , Fleece washed
Medium , 15i18oi line , 14B16c ; tub washed , 16JJ
IBc : blark. 8c ; bucks , 6c ; tag IOCKH , 2lJ3c ; dead
pulled , 68Cc ,
I' nrflKii I'M n 11 n flu I \iilrN.
HERLIN , Dec. SO. Exchange on London , eight
days' sight , 20 marks 40 pfgii.
PARIS , Dec. SO. Three cent rentes , lOOf 92'Ao '
for tht > account. Exchange on London , 25f 23140
for cheeky ,
IXDNDON , Dec , S0.lold U quoted at Duenos
Ayrea ut 230.60 ; Madrid. 17.62 ; Lisbon , 23.25 ;
Kt. IVtersburir. 4a ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 107.10 ;
Vienna , 103. The amount of bullion gone Into
Iho Hank of HTngland on balance today , 65,000.
nl Voti' .
1JOSTON. Deo. JO.-Cleurlnss , $12,653,452 $ ; bal-
uncrj , $1,463.280.
NEW YORK , Dec. SO. Clearlnss , $75,977,613 ;
balanced , $5,170,4S8.
IIALTIMORE , Dec. 30. Clearing * , $1,894,042 ;
balances , $ )64C2.
PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 30. Clearings. $9CJ2-
673 ; KUanc.-H , $1,649,952.
HT. UM'IH. Dec. 30.-Clearinss , $ IC83.C99 ; bul.
ancc , JKci. ) ! J. Money , 508 per cent. New York
exchange , 2Jo discount bid.
WASHINGTON , Dec , 30. The treasury Irst
J7H.MX ) today In gold by redemptions , leaving
the true umount of Iho rrberv $ 3,132,351 ,
WASHINGTON. Dec. JO Today's statement
of the condition of Lie treasury chows : Avail-
nblo cavli balance. tl"6S07,77 ! ; GolJ reserve ,
$ C4,204U1.
CHICAGO , Dec. SO.-ClearlnSs. tlS.S08.702.
Money tn call , Uriu at 4 per cent ; on lime ,
6fl7 per cent. New Yotk exihanfre , $1 premluml
foreign e ch ntc , flrmi bnnkers' ( lndon ) stef-
ling , $ I.8984,8SH.
Mnrlcpi Slnrtod In 1'iulcr lllxcournK-
Inir InlliirncoK of I.OTTIT 1'rlrcn.
NE\V YORK , Dec. 30. The stock market today
started In under ttie discouraging Influence of
lower prices for the International stock * In Lon
tlon nnJ reports pome embarrassment Incidental
to the fortnightly settlement t that center ,
Arbitrage houses were rdso fellers here nt the
orwnlnp. The local traders , however , nctlng
upon the assumed fact that n market for the
Impending Issue of United States government
bonds hnd tarn made prior to the formal public
announcement of the terms of such Issue , Boon
took hold and advanced prices nil nlonR Ihe
line. In thp upward movement New Jersej
Central nnd Sugar gained 2 per cent , nnd the
KtnnKfrn nnd other prominent shares nIM scored
substantial Improvement. The rise In Sugar
> l -ck was stimulated by n rise In the price of
domestic nml foreign silgnrs. The nonnppenr-
nneo of dednlte Information ns to the terms or
date when the Issue of lionds would be made , to
gether with reports of premiums on Hold nm !
npprehenslon of tight money , nwn took all the
snap out of the Innlket nnd xlugxlshncss nnd n
decllnlnit tendency of prices characterized npern-
tlons during the remainder of the day. The
uncertainty ns tn the trensury relief measures
restrlctea activity In prnellcnlty everything nslil.
from ( ho money market.
Call funds nt the Stock exchange lluctuated
between 5 to 25 per cent mi n considerable vphirm.
of luslne s. Tim opening rnliwns 6 per cent ,
nnd the higher IlKiiien continued until the close
of buslners when HIP low iiolnt wns reached. Ap
plications were received for lonti certlllpntrs by
the dealing house committee , ana no gold was
rngnKril for shipment by Woane lny's steamer.
Hero ngnln the Inlluence of the expected new
government loan Is manifest , ns n innro nctlvo
demand for cxrhange than usual recently was
noteil lodny. After the close of the business it
wns reported that Interests piepnrlng to avail
themselves cif the bond ISHUP hnd hid "i of 1 per
cent for gciia. The higher talcs for money wns
explalnea ns due to tlip ustinl shifting of Inans
nnd rloslntr Incidental to the dividend payments.
Some liquidation wns npparent , nnd the bears
ansumed n show of nctUlty. The result was the
loss of nil tin- early Improvement , In some In.
ptnncts reccKnloin mnteilnlly below Saturday's
closing nccmrcd , notnl ly In Chicago Das , Ixiuls-
vlllr fi Nashville , St. Paul. Consolidated Gas and
In the final dealings llnltlmorc & Ohio dis
played optional strcnKtli , advancing 2't ' per cent
In the face of Ihe dcpresshn In tin1 general list.
This wns attended by leporls that various pow
erful Interests had proffered financial nsslsl-
nnei' to tin- company with the proviso that they
should be allowed to nnmt * n iniceertsor tn Pres
ident Mnyer. The closing was dull and uninteresting
teresting- the lowest of the day. The nuitket
for railway nnd mUccllnnwU" h mils ruled lower
cm dealings aggregating $1,20-3,001) . The more
Imiwrtunl losses weie recorded in the prominent
IKMIOS. L'nion Pacific bonds were freely sold on
realization of the approach of the time for
carrying out the practical details of the reorgan
ization plan.
The EvtnlnjPost's London llnnnclal cable
gram says : The stuck market here was
very dull today. Even gloot.iy appie-
henslinM are once more heliiK ex
pressed In regnnl tn Turkey , and a gooa deal
of uneasiness has sprung out nf the pnsltl- of
affairs In the Transvaal. American securities
weie cnmpniatlvcly steady today , for the reason
that there was no business In them. South
American shales were depressed for the reason
given almve.
The following were Ihe closing quotations on
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Atchlson 14 do pfd 1-1 I
Adanm Ex Mil N. Y.Central U7
Alton. T. II I'.O N. Y. & N. R 4fl
Aiii.Kxpros * ll'-'W Ontario .t W 13
Iialtlmoru.VOhlo. . 'M Oregon Imp 3
Canada 1'acinc. . . . BO Oreiron Nav 15
Canada Southern. . 48 O. S. L.VU.N 4
Central 1'acltlo. . . . 14 ? { Pacific Mall 25J
Clips , .t Olilo IA P. D..tE -Jl
Chlcaeo.t Mton. . . 153 Plttaburir 100
C. . II. AJ 74i Pullman Palace. . 1 , " > 0
fhlcaco Q.ii Oaj < '
' ' ' ' '
Consolidated Gaii. Ml ) urb'\v ; . . ; ; ; . ; ; ; . ; . 12'
O.C. , C.&St.L. . . . 35 R.U. W.nfd 40
Colo. Coal , V Iron. . I ! Uock Island 05W
Cotton Oil Curt. . , . Ill St. Paul 07
DelawarR , t Hnd. . dopfd 1211
St. P. .tOtnahr. . . . . 34W
I ) . > t 11. O. ptil . . . . 41 ! dopfd 11UJ4
ItC. P. Co . 1:11M : Sontliem Paclflo. . 11H
Krlo . M SucarKoIlnery. . . . 1O1M
Uniifrt . 2 ! < Tcnn. Coal .t Iran n
ForlWavno . Hit ) Texas IMclllc
. Kortlicrn pfil. . . 110 T. &O. Cent. ufd. . . 03
C. .t B. I. l td . 1)5 Union Pacific 4H
llocklnir Valley. . . 15 U. S. Exnrns.H 40
Illinois Central. . . . W.St. U.tP 0I !
St. 1 > . , t Diilntli. . . . 25 W. St. f * & P. nfd. , 10H
WcllHPai-eoK-c. . . tij
Lafco Krlo .t West 17f Wc.slern Union. . . , Hfili
do pfd llflH Whuolln ? .t L. H. . IDS
I.alto Shore 11''H dopfd H.-
LeailTrusU U.IJf M. .tSt. L 17M
LoulHvllloiN. . . : 43 D. A.U. 0 1
L.&N.A H
' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' '
ManhalluiiCon , . . 101 Hi N. L' . . . : . ; . . . . IU'H
Memphis.tO 15 c. p.&i as
Michigan Cent. . . . . (14 ( do ufd US
Missouri P.icltlo. , 21)6 II. .IT. O.
Mobile , t Ohio I'jaJi T.A. A .V N. M y . . . 05 T. St. L..tK. C
Natlcnnl Cord-iiro. OK T. St. L.AK.C.pfl
Nat. Cordncupfd. . . < l'i S. R.H
N. , , UH'4 ' do i < M. , . .
N..W. pftl ,7H , Am. Tob. Cede
North Am. Co * 4ls do pfd 104
Northern Pacific. . 3k Am. Tel. .t C. Co. . till
N. I'acllic pfd 12 com'l Cnhlo Co. . ,
U. I1. V. .to 3 Am. Sutrnr pfd 00
Northwestern 07 4' U. S. Lo.itheriifd. oif :
The total pales of stocks toJay were 1S2.G55
shares , IncluillnR : American SuRar , 36,00- ) ;
American Tobacco , 4,100 ; Atchlson. 4.7M ; Jlu'r- '
llnKton , 11,000 ; Chicago Gas. 23.700 ; Distilling nnd
Cnttlefcedlnir , 3.700 ; Louisville & Nas.ivlllo.
4.SHXI ; Missouri Pacific , 3CiW ; Heaillng , 3,70- ) ;
Ilock Island , 5,600 ; St. Paul , 21,401 ; Unlte.l
Slntes Leather preferred , 4.COO ; Western Union ,
1,200 ; Western & Lake Brie , 3)03. ! )
XtMV York .Money .tlarkc-t.
Cf(23 ( per cent ; Inst loan and doped 25 per cent.
RTHIILINO KXCIIANGi : Film , with actual
business In bankers' bills at J4.fOIJ4.t91 ; for
demand nnd } 4.S73-t.6S ( for plxty clays ; posteil
ralea. t4.S8'tS4.83 ana J4.9004.Wte : commercial
blllK. K.SO SH.ST ,
OOVKHNMKNT I1ONDS Irremilnr ; state
bonrta. Inactive ; railroad bonds , eiisler.
Closing quotations on bnds were as follows :
U.S.4Hrci ; . , now. C. P. Ian ( iftj. . . . I tin
U.S. 110 1) . .tH. O. 7a 100
U.S. Ss.rojr ir.'is 1) .t R. U. 49
U.S. is. coup 112J4 Krlo 2d3
U.S 4s. rjtf lU'JIj U. II. .VS. A. ( Is. . 10 J
U.S. 4s. conp. . _ . . 110V , ( ! . H. .tS. A. la. . . 100
U.S. 28. re ? III ) II. AT. C. 6s 105
Paclflo OB of ' 05. . . lit ) ao Us 11)1) ) )
All..Cl,13i ! A 110 M. . K.&T. 1st li. Ht
Ala. . cli-n : II 110 do 2d 4H 57
Ala. , class O 101 Mutual Union ( Is. . 115
Ala.Currency. . . . 102 N. J. O. ( Ion. SH. . . 111) )
La Now Con. 4s. . 100 No. Pacltlo luti , . 117W
Missouri Os 100 tlo 2dfl , 101
N.O us 122 N. W. Consols. . . . 110
N.C. 4H 100 doS. P. Dab. .13. 100
S. C. nonfiinil 1 U. n. Wivit. IHII. . 110
To'n. now Bctds. * 88V4 St. P. Ccnaol 7 . . 133
Tenn. ncxv Bol On. 111oo doC. , t P. W.J'J. 112
Tcnn , old ( la oo St.L.AI.M.0311.3. 70
Va. Centurion OOJf St. LiS. P.Oj.i.J 10:1 :
ilo cluferrcd 5 Tux. 1'ac. IBU. . . HI
AtchUon 4ft , 20
AtchlRoii 2d A. . , . am u. p. iHti or'ij ) , . 104 ! {
Canada So. 2da. . . 101HVoatShora > 4s. . . . 107
L XN. uninncUR , 74 Souihorn SH 02
O. U. .t N. lutn. . . . 112 IN. Pac. : id OH
IloHtnn SloeU ( tiiutiilloim ,
I10STOK. Due. 30.-Call loans. 0 7 iur cenu
llnio loans. CUD per cciU. Clo luprljji for
Btoclts , boiuls and mining i.irji :
A.T. AS. P . West 10ml nfd
Am' , Suur . mm \V. Kloo. nfd fi.1
Am. Siiirar pfil . . . 1)7 ) IVla , Central 3 <
llaytitato ( las . KdlHon Hlce. Ills. . MO
Iti-ll Telupi-ono. . , 2D3 Oiiii. Kloe. pfd 01)
Ilosloni Albany. . iilltl Now Knirland ( In. . . 40
IloHton .t Matiio. . 171 WlH. Cunt. iHtH. . . . 41
C II. A. . 74J AlloiieMlnlnjCo HO
Pltchburir . tl'J Atlantic HOHW
( 'en. Klectnc . anh , IloHton XMont.'Uii.
lillnolH Strcl . ti't lIuttoXIIoHtnn. . . .
Mexican Coutral , . Culumut.t Hue hi. . 2M )
N. Y. AN. K. pfil. . 1'Y.inUlln ' IOK
Old Colony. . . . . Kt > arsar.'o
Ore. Short Lino. . , .
Oiilncy 11H
San IPIO | . 3 Tninnr.irlc. 11H
Union Pacltlo 4 Wolverlno U
West Knit ,00 ,
.Sun FriinclHon Mining ( li
SAN FUANCISCO. Doe. 30.-Tlia omolal cloiln ?
quotatlona for niniluj btuiUi tallworj ai foi-
Alia H Ilalo.V Norcroai. Top" "
AJnlmCon 23 Julia
Andra 1H JnHilcn 4
Itelcher 20 LadyWaali. Con , .
IH'Ht.v Ilolchcr. . . . H5 Moxlcai . „ : ,
IlodloCon 47 Mount Diablo . is
HIIIIIOII 12 Occidental Con. , . 05
llulwurCon HI Onlilr. . 140
Calddonla 7 Overman , . . , , , . 0
Challenco Con 28 31
Chollar 03 Scorpion .
ContUluncii 110 Slorra Nnvnuu . 15o
( 'onal ! A. Va 235 Silver lllll . o
Con. Imnurlul. . . . . 2 Silver Kini ; . 15
Crown Point 20 Union Con . 4 A
Kxuheiiuor 7 Yellow Jacket. . . 42
( Jould ( kCurrtr 41
Silver bara. Il7o. Moxioin dollarj , S3H35IO.
Dralts , H clil , 7Wc ; tolcrapviio , lUj.
New YorU .11 1 ill HIT Uiiutatloim ,
NK\V YOIUC. Dee , 30-Tlu following arj the
loaiiiK inlnlnb' Quotations :
Dulwer f > Ontario 700
Chollar. , . . 60 Onlilr 128
Crown Point 24 Plvmomli 20
Con. Cal , A. Va 220 Qulcuallver 200
Deadwood 00 Uulckullvcr ufil..l .ui )
tiould .V curry 40 blerra Novutla . . . 4K
ILaloJ. NoreroBS. . 00 stamlanl , , ISO
llonieHtnko 2000 Union Con 40
Iron Silver 20 Yellow Jacuut 3'J
Mexican UO
n kej
London .Stock ( luolnlluiiM.
LONDON , Doc. 30 1 p. m. uloalu ; :
CeiiHolH.m'y 100 3-1U St. Paulcoiii IMI
Consols , uco't ltG ) i N. Y. ll M
Krlo MM Pennsylvania , . . , . C'.Mj
Krio'JdH 71 Ueudln ; Btf
111 , Central 01 Mux. Ccn. now 43 , CO
Mexican ordinary. 10
HAU SILYBIl 30 8-iec per oz.
MONEY 1HCS per nt.
Thu rate of discount In the open market
for ttiort bills. Hi per cent ; rate of discount
In the open market for three month * ' bill * ,
1V4 per cent , , _ _ _ _ _ _
Dry ( ionilnMarket ,
NEW YOUK. Dec. M.-lt luu Ueu a very dull
dny In nil lf-pnrinirtil | , i | Ira l nn-1 nny request
called fur moileidtn ' fi'Jtnnll IIM iritm'Ms of
rtrcffi ( rixulii nnd dllk f , > r ri-tnll m-i-ovint. Kvery-
tKxly l wnltlns to RilJulo the new ycnr. I'rlnt-
Ing cloths are qulft nt 3c. nnd no demand ,
fit. I.iinlN CSrfnfrnl MnrUi'l.
ST. T/t'IS. IVc. a-l/LOfU-null ; nrmcr ;
patents , JJ.30fl3.40i nttHiAney , 3.10fl3.SO ! fancy ,
fS.SSffS.O ; choice. J2.f ( > flJ.7S.
\VHKAT-Op nn1 slrtnriTon small focclptc : later
suffered n decline , Imtc4 , od 'dHlc hlRher than
Pntunlny ; No. 2 re.1 , cpltiwWc : No. 2 hard , M > icj
Deecmher. tSUej Mny , W ± f.
tXRN ) Stronger , In sympathy with wheat , lilt
quiet , cloelnir Mendy nt n nlmdc nlnivr Saturday
for evcrythlnir Lut JJei-ntiber , which wns off
Ue ; No. 2 mlxoil , rn h nnd December , 28'ic ;
January , 23 4fraV : May. 2Wc. !
OATS Firm for fntur-vi-Vny s'lllns ' 4c hlBlur ;
spot , tlrm ; No. 2 cash , IG'lci December , 16Hc :
May , IS'.lc. ' ' ' *
IlYK-Dnll : 32o.
COIIN MiU - l. 30(11. .15.
HIIAN t5e for rnst truck.
TLAX RID | : Nomlnnlj S7'tc.
TIMOTHY HKKn-J3.Piv.i3. rt.
HAY Strong , with little offerlnRSj prairie , JC. < 9
frS.iM ; timothy , JlO.BOgll.OO.
Ilt'TTUIt In Rood supply ; steady : sepornlor
creamery , 23ffHc ; fancy Klgln , SCffSTc ; dairy ,
dy ; 1'He for Rood stoek.
LKAD-Dull nnd easier ; Kellers nskbiff J2. ! > 0 ,
llh no bids. , | iolter , nuMnble , nt J3.CO ®
3.W , but none nnVriHl.
I'llOVIHION'S-IMrk , hlRber : slntulnrd mesi.
Jobbliiff. nv , J9.12I4 : old , JR.32"f. Lard , higher :
rhnlcp , K.S5. Itnrni , loxpl shouldero , J3.25 : lonss ,
15.1214 : rlls , J.V12IJ ; shuns , JS..1. Dry suit meals ,
hiel , slmiilJcrs. J4.37 < 4 ; lohKn , II.&O ; rllis , J1.C2'4 ;
ribs. J4.7S.
HKCnil'TS Flour , 7.CM Mils. : wheat , IS.MO
tiu. : eorn , fM.nno bu. ; onls. as.non | , u.
HHII'.MKNTS 1'lour , 9t l bills. ; wlic-nt , 12.000
bu.j eorn , 1C.OOO Int. ; oats , 19,000 hu.
Ni\V YOIIK , Dec. m. rOPI'IlE Options
opened hnrely ptendy nt unrhntiReil prlees to C
points advance , ruled Rcncrally Ilrm nnd fairly nc-
llvn on looal verlhRs , fnllnwlnir Havre ndvnnrp
lluylnp sonipwhit chefkeil by full llrnzlllnn
movement. Cloyed steady nt CHJ10 points net
inlvnnee : tales , 1.600 lines , Inrluillne : March ,
JI3.iVlfri3.CO ; Droembcr. J13.M. Ppot roffee , Itlo ,
dull : No. 7 , 14t4c ; mild , iiuiet ; Coidovn. KHW
H'ie ; sales , Hlo No. 7 , offered nl ISSe nnd
f. rumiied sold na low ns 13'io and f. 1,703
Mnriionllo. 1.20D IIIIKS Savnnllln , p. t.
Ihe fulled Htates , OX.,177 bass , affnlnst r.C62 ! )
hairs Inet year.
HANTOH , Dec. 30. Quiet ; frnod nverncoSantos. .
Jlo ; rprolnls. lSfl < X ) bap ; stock. 4DC.001 bans.
HAMHUIICI , Dec. " 0. Steady nt U pfR. ad-
vnnco : tales. R.OOO lines.
IIAVIli : , Dee. 30. Opened steady. USfHf ad
vance ; nt 12 tn. . noon , December (1S36) ) . 3f
ndvnnce ; other uinntlm 'iiilf ndvnnee ; nt 3
n , m. , IrreRtilar , unch.iliRpd to ijf decline ; closed
Irregular nt ' 4f net advance ; B.iles , 21.0. bans.
ItIO ni : JANKIIIO , Dee. 30. uio. Hat ; No. 7
Hlo. } 13.75 ; pxrhanKo , .9 3-10-1 : receltilt , IS.M )
IIIKS ; cleared for the t'nlted Ptntrs. 2.009 bags ;
for Kurtpe , 2,000 baRs ; Etocli , 23C.OOO bass.
CoHou JliirKct.
Nl-UV YOIIK , Deo. 30-COTTON Dull ; mld-
dlliiK. k'.ic ; net receipts , 1.310 bales ; KIOFS ,
8494 bales ; exports In Great lirltnln. 3r.V bales ;
to tie continent. l.SSi bales ; fnr\vntded , W5 bales ;
sales. 730 bales ; spinners , 120 bali-s ; Block. 178 i
634 bales.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 30.-OTTON Quiet ; mid
dling. 7ic ; sales , 100 bales ; lecelpts. 2.101 bales ;
shipments , bales ; stock , 70,503 biles.
NKW OltLHANS. Dee. 30. COTTON Quiet ;
middling. 7-lic ; loxv mlddllni ; , 7i,4c ; KO"d otdl-
nary. 7 3-lCc ; itcelpts , 12.71C ) bales ; exjioits
to Franco. 13.715 bales ; coastwise. 1.S31 bales ;
sales , 3,000 bales ; stock , 418,103 bait's.
KaiiNiiM City Market * ,
KANSAS CITY. Dee. 30. WHEAT Dull nnd
practically unchanged ; 'No. 2 hard , nominally
C4c ; No , 2 red. 5Sr ; No. 2 sprlns , J3lf33lie ; No.
3 i-prlnR. S0fi52c ; rejected , 44c.
COIlN-FIrm but slov7s'o. ) ; 2 mixed , 22 = iff22'ic ;
No. 2 white , 22' ' < .c. i
OATS IllRher ; No. 2 mixed , ICglCHc ; No. 2
white. 17Ue. i
IlYK Dull ; No. 2 , 30c. ,
HAY Steady ; timothy , J10.00B12.M ; prairie.
} 0.00'n7.0) .
lllITTKIl Creamery , weak , 12',422 .c ; dairy ,
Ilrm. HiTl'ic. \
KGGS Nominally steady ) nt 17c.
Toledo Ofiiln Aliirl.-i't.
TOLEDO , Dec. 30. WIIKAT Active ; Rteady ;
No. 2 cash nnd Decemberi CO'/o ' ; May , CTVji- .
COIIN Actlvr ; steady : No. 2 mixed , 2c ; No.
3 mixed , 27c ; May , 2ic.
OATS Dull , but Rteady : , No. 2 mixed , IDo bid ;
No. 2 white , Se ; Slay. SQUc.
HYB Dull : No. 2 cash , SJ'.ic
CLOVEU HEKIl IIlRhor ; steady ; prime cash ,
J4.30 ; .Innuiiry , J4.321A. >
UECKIl'TS Wheat , 5MQ bu. : corn , S3.UH bu. ;
clover poul , 233 baRS.
SHIPMENTS Flour , l.OCO Lbls. ; ivheat , 1C.7W
bu. ; corn , 32,500 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. ; clover seed ,
IK ) baes. „ _ . _ . _
IVorln . InrlcolN.
riMniA ? Dec. ,20. COItN Uaslcr ; new ND. 2 ,
JWifif how < Nb. 3 I- I
OATS IneRular , easy ; No. 2 white , IJllGU'fcc :
No. 3 white , ISViWWic.
nYE Dull , nominal.
WHISKY Market steady ; finished EODds , on
the basis nf $1.22 for hlRh wines.
IlEOKIl'TS Corn , 70.700 bus. ; oals , C2.000 bus. ;
ryo. CTO bus. : uhlsky , none ; wheat. 3,000 bus.
SHIPMENTS Corn , 9,7.,0 1 us. ; oats. 71,700
bus. ; rye. COO bus. ; whisky , C75 gals. ; wheat ,
14,400 bus. _
NKW YOI1K , Dec. 30. StJOAU Raw , nriner ;
fair rellnlntr. 3'Jc : centrlfuRal , 5G test , 33ic.
llcflne.1 , fairly active : mould A , G'Ae ; Haml'uil
A , 4ic ; confectioners' A , 434c ; cul loaf , 5V4c ;
Rinnulaleil. 4"U' .
LONDON , Dec. 30. SlrCAH-Cnm > , steady :
prices fully malntanlPd ; centrifugal. Java , 12s
Cd ; Muscovado , fair i-cllnlnR , 10s 7'id ; licet , llrm ;
Dccemler nnd January , 10a lOiid ,
VlHlltle Snpiily of Grain.
NEW YORK , Dee. 30. The visible supply of
Rraln Saturday. December 28. as compiled by
the New York Pro/luce exchanK * ? , Is as follows :
Wlifat. C9.MS.OOO bu. . Increase. KO.OOO bu. ; eorn ,
5,817,0i bu. , Increase. 23,0'W bu. ; oats. C.46S.OOO
bu. , Increase , 09,000 bu. ; rye , 1.533,0'X ' ) bu. , de-
'crease , 3,000 hu. ; bnrley , 3,7C2OiW bu. , dccreaj-e ,
442,000 bu. _
I'elrolenm Mnrkol.
LONDON , Dec. 30. I'ETUOLEIIM Spot. 6T4d ;
shipments , OVjd. Linseed oil , 19s 4',2d. Turpen
tine fplrlts. 21s.
ANTWERP , Dec. 30. PETnOLEI'M 1S < , & pfRS.
ItllEMEN , Dec. 30. l'KTUOLIJUMmarKa
90 pfR. _
.MIiiiieiiliuIlM Klour 3liirk < > ( .
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. M. FLOl'R Trailc la nt
a standstill ; prices xllKhlly advanced with wheat ;
first patents , } 3.003.40 ; second palenta , f2.S04f
Illilti-r .IliirUel.
ELC1N. III. , Dec. 30. 1IUTTEH Firm ; offer-
Ing.i. 32,400 Ibs. ; all sold at3c. .
M'rlMeil AVIicnt ( tliotlllloilH.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 20. WHEAT Quiet ;
May , Jl.MTi.
Ollleei-M Hi-Id for Trlnl.
PHILADKIJMIIA , Dec. SO. The hearlng
of Captain J. H. Wlborg nnd Mates Jonca
and Person nml II. Johnnnson of the
steamer Horsa , which steamer Is charged
with violating the neutrality laws of the
United States by carrying men and mtinl-
tlbtis of war to Cuba to aid the InsurgentH ,
was resumed before United States Commls-
floner ] iell today. Uofore the last voyage
of the IIorKa to Jamaica the accused men
were held In $1,000 bull each upon the alle
gations of Dr. Congesla , the Spanish con
sul of this port.
Two witnesses from Port Antlon testified
that llii ! Horsa's funnel had been painted
over. They saw a bag of cartridges In the
The commissioner held the accused for
action of the grand Jury.
MiiHt IliTve IluukliiK lo lie Klteetlve.
IIOSTON , Dec. 30.-fA meeting of citizens
helil for the purpose of aiding the lied Cross
Armenian relief work wns held in the aldcr-
munlc chamber In the city hall today.
Mayor-elect CJulnrt'frjhlslded and Miss Har-
ton , who IH at thu Koad of the lied Crops
organization , wns thu chief speaker. It Is
necemiry , she said , that If the Kcd Cross
Eoc-lcty Is to underlain the tusk of aiding
the Armenians , It fliall have amjile llnanclal
fiipport and It Is also necessary that the
poclety shall bo backed by the credit of
the government anjljtho American people ,
Pi-Ilk Stai-lH 'on UN | | NNIIII.
KANSAS CITY , , Due. SO.-John L. Peak ,
United States mliilitii1 ! to Switzerland , re
ceived his coinmjssljii from Washington
today nnd left wth | his wife nnd three
daughters for Oi-prgetown , Ky. , their
former home. They tvlll stay n week or
ten days In Oeor lpwii und then go to
Wathlngton , and fj'cj.m there to New York.
Mr. Peak will sail -with 'his family January ii.
Mr. Peak will bojfclnod In Now Yoik by
\V. It. Hereford , who will go lo Switzer
land with him as his private secretary.
Denied I ' tlon.
IIAIITKORD , Conp , , Dee. 30 , Qovernor
Collln this afternoon refused to grant the
requisition from Governor Altgcld for the
extradition of W. J. KnnUon of Chicago.
Governor Cofiln takes the ground that It IH
a civil case and consequently Knnleon la
not a fugitive from justice.
Killing WilH JllHlllIeil.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Deo. 30. A special to
the Post from IJardt < town , Ky. , Hays : Mrs ,
J.V. . Nally was found not guilty today of
the murder of School Teacher Frank
Doherty. Doherty attempted to assault
Mrs. Nally In her husband'u absence and
Klio killed him.
Dewltt's Little Early Hisfra cure Indiges
tion and bad breath.
Ilry RuoilM Firm AHNUIIN. |
PItOVIDKNCK , Dec. SO. The II. W. Laild
company , ono cf the largest tlry fioodu
nausea In Providence , made an assignment
: oduy to Jamev M. St"tt. Ae&ets uuti lla-
bllitiea not atatcd.
Week Opened with an Unusually Light
Run of Oftttle ,
Only Fourteen 1omit of HOK * > HiMU'liert
tli > Mnrkvt Aiti finer III Trice
.Votcil MM 11 Feature of the
MONDAY , Deo. 30.
necclptn nntl shipments for Ihe pasi
twcntyTour hour ? , as compared with the
previous six days , arc as follows :
Cattle. HOBS. Shcco. H ° rsj
December 30 GS2 ! > 4G . . . . 1 > > 3
December 23 873 8.051 1,127
December 27 701 Z.2W
December 20 1,035 1,931
Deccmlior 21 609 3820 4W ;
liocomber 23 1,670 1,203 181 27
December 21 710 4,2S'J 11G
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Horses.
December 2S 153 . . . . 078
December 27 1K ! ) . . . . . . . .
December 2 ( ? 341 . . . .
December 21 219 . . . . 312 . . . .
December 23 -173 27
December 21 813 . . . . 613
December 20 613 4G2
CATTLE The week opened with n light
run of cnttle. the- receipts being enl >
twenty-eight loads * , CS2 head , nboiit the
same number tlitu was on sale on Saturday.
The. market was In n little bitter shape
bolh ns regards prlco and demand.
In the way of dressed beef steers there
were some right good cnttle on sale. The
buyers wanted a few cattle and , under the ,
Inlhielice of a more healthy demand and
better markets cafc' , the fooling here wan
considerably Improved. Handy fat cattle ,
weighing i.'joo to 1,300-lbs. , which appeared
to bo th kind In hem demand , sold strong1
to lOe higher. Other grades showed little
or no Improvuiiiont , though fully steady.
While the feo'lng waB better today , the de
mand did not partake very largely of the
old-time active character , the mid-holiday
dullness still exerting a strong Influence.
Some of tlo ) buyer * are still very Indifferent
and It only requires a few cattle to 1111 the
demand. j
A.M n general thing , Umtchers' stock dlil
not show much Changs In the matter of
value ? , the market being about the same as
Saturday. In some cass salesmen , who
had something that just filled the bill with
the buyers , thought they got stronger
price ? .
Only a few stockcrs and feeders were
offered for sale. The demand for this class
of cattle Is very light , but fully equal to
the very meager receipts. Values today
did not show any very material change.
lUprescntatlve sales :
HOGS Only fourteen loads of lioga were re
ceived today , not enough to make much of a
mnikct. The buyers took the few on snlo , paying
prices that were about 5c higher than Saturday.
Tln > bulk of all the IIORH sold nt (3.40 , ns nK.'ilnst
(3.35 Saturday. One loail reached } 3.45. with a
FlirlnUlliiK uc $3.12'.i. The nilvroicu toilay carries
the market to the highest P'llnt touched since
December 17. Representative sales :
SHEEP weio no fresh receipts aside
fiom a few head driven In. The market was
stiong. Representative tales :
N.I. - Av. Pr.
21 nntlvo lambs 10j 4 25
LIKht I'lirt-luiNCH HIP I'nMl IVoolj Ilc-
NllII 111 Slllllll IlllhlllPHN.
CIIICAOO , Dec. 30. The light purchases made
last week by dressed firms nnd shippers have re
sulted In small business In hoof everywhere , and
hence thn demand started ofT briskly this mornIng -
Ing In spite of the snow storm. The market
showed n great deal of etrength for all catllo that
were desirable , and for choice lots prices aver
aged lue | wr IQi ) Ibs. higher. Common to extra.
UuilCd beeves were salable at fiom $3.15 ti > $4.75 ,
bul only a small proportion went below $3.50 ,
ana few were choice iiuugh to bring $4.50 , Ex
porters were fair buyeis , rind their operations
are likely to be Increased this week. Fivdcis
have been very dull of late , and only 72 cars
were shipped from here last week over western
roads , Ilutchorb' and canners' stuff was In gnoa
demand today , nnd with moderate offerings
prices weni stronger , cows selling hugely nt fiom
$1.S5 ti > $3. Expjit bulls were wanted nt from
$3 to $3.rnnd feeders and bolognas at from
$1.75 to $2.d ) .
IIOQS Thein was as ufunl an active demand
from Chicago packers , and the supply was mostly
closed out early In the day , prices averaging 5c
higher , with some hales nt nn aduinru of lOc.
Sales were largely nt from $3.d ) to $ J.C5 , heavy
hogs Helling at from 13.45 tn $3.75 , and light nt
fiom $3.r > 0 to $3.70. After most of Iho lion'a were
sold , sellers called Ihu market weak. The de
mand promises to continue brisk , however , nnd
If tlm lecelpts nro kept down lo present propor-
tlonn much longer choice lings are likely to sell
up to $4.
SHEEP The demand was better than might
have been expected , us the falling snow made
the ghcrp'B lieecu wet and heavy , and the largu
part of tin ! shtep nml Iambs chungcil li.uulu.
Prices weiu steady for good Hocks , and In some
cum * lOo bfltur. Common lo extra sheep wrie
snlabhi nt fiom $2 to $2.75. a few li'lns cholcu
enough lo tell as high us $3.35. Wi-slcrn sheep
wtru quuliiblu at from I-.CO tu $3.25 , and Iambs
sold nt from $3.60 lu $4.50.
RECEIPTS Cattle. 12,600 head ; hogs , 24,000
head ; sheep , 15 , J |
KIIIIMIIN City Llvt ; Stork.
fi.'iVl head ; shipments. \ , ' . head ; marki-t strong
to 5c. higher ; Ti'xos steers , $2.5'ii3.3l ' ) ; Texas
cows , $ l.COfl2.6J ; beef steurs , $3.155j4.23 ; nalUe
cows , $1.6502.15 ; etocktTH arm feeacrs , $2.403.f,0 | ;
bulls , ll.Wij3.SO.
IIOCjS Receipts. 4,600 hena ; thlpments , 27
heiul ; market DtJIOe hlghpr ; bulk nf bairn , $3.60jf >
3.65 ; heavies , $3.25 3.C' ' ) ; picker * , $3.45ii3.W ;
mixed. $3.S5&3.55 ; lights , $3.15 3,65 ; Yurkeis ,
3.45fl3.65 ; plus , $3.10J3.45. |
SHEEP Receipts , 1SO' ' > head ; shipments , none ;
market len < ! y to stronger ; lumbs , $3.00ai.25 ;
multons , $2.00ff3.25. _ _ _ _
Ni-iv YurK lilvi * Slurlc.
NEW YORK , Dec. & ) . llEEVES-Recelpts.
two days , 5,220 head ; active and Ilrm ; natlvu
Heeis , p ir lo prime , $3.75ff4.W ; oxen , $2.M ( )
3.C5 ; bulls , $2.4'fi3.15 ' ) ; dry cows , $1.253.r. .
European cables quote American steers ut 'JW
lie. ilrenscd weight ; refrigerator beef ut S89iir-
SHEEP Receipts , two days. 10,1 , { head ; ac-
tlvu ; shetp , poor lo primiJ2.5U5I 00.
IIOOS- Receipts , two du > s , 6,690 head ; higher
at $4.0004.50. _
St. LoillM LlviSlocl. . - .
BT LOUIS , Dec. SO. CATTLIJ Receipts , 3,600
head ; maiket strong , lOo higher , within the
rangu ; native beeven , $3.2ji4.75 : cows , $ l.t > iJ02.7j ;
T MI t rB , $2.4003-75 ; cows. $1.75 (2.75.
JIOOH Receipts , 4.WX ) head ; market 60 higher ;
heavy $3.4'W. ' ; inlxed , $3.3003.60 ; light , | 3.SOtf
3 CO
'silEEP-Reuelpts. 1.000 head ; market strong ;
natives , $2.2Mi3.25 $ ; southern , $2.25 3.OT.
13ml of n V intlifiil < lunrrel.
J.OUIBVILKK , Pec. 30. A Bjieclal to the
I'out from Knoxvllle , Tenn. , uayB ; Orvlllo
Iliipklson , a H-year-oId white boy , killed
Krank Jlojiklns , colored , fame age , today.
The boyu tiunrroled and HopklnH borrowed
a nhotcun to kill Hasklton. The latter
the eun anU shot hla assailant.
Ilccninc Alnrinpil Wlipn tin * Iiivur-
Koutn AVrrirnr .Mnlunrn < ,
NRNV YOIIK , lfc. .10. A dispatch to HIP
World from Matanzas. Coin , says : HavliiR
lieanl that there wns trouble between the
govcrnmuit of Cuba nnd the Unltrd States
consul at Matanzas , your comsponJent In-
vestlsntcs and finds the facts to be these
On t'lirlstniss eve , when domes' was wllillj
riding about Chlllswo , only twenty-tlvo nillo
distant from Matanzas , Consul Alpxaml
Urlco sent a tflegrani to Consu
General Wllllnms at lluvana stating thn
the city was In the hands of the volun
tcers nnd that the 'lives ot the Amprleat
citizens were In grave danger. Mr. Wll
llnms wns much dlsturhed by the dispatch
He did not believe any real danger existed
but lie felt that duty reiiiilrcd him to for
ward Hi ? claim cf Consul llrlce for iirotec
tlon. to the secretary of state nt Wash
Ington , and did ? o on Christmas dny. IJrlr
had asked that the stcrctary b
cabled. Mr. Williams went to the palace nm
saw Ooneral Campos Informally. The lattu
expressed surprise nnd assured the consu
general there was no foundation for Consu
llrlco's fears. Mr.Vllllams went to the bet
torn of the subject , then sent , on Christina
night , a cnblo lo the tccretary of state t'ia
the Americans In Matanzas were not In dan
The government of Cuba was much nn
ncyetl over the Incident , nnd the governo
of Matnnzas was notified from Havana Imme
dlately. Ho addressed a communication t
Consul tlrlco arklng him to Inform him o
the cause of his assertion that American
were In danger nnd to point out nny spcclfl
reason why he thought such danger existed
Consul llrlco wns placed In nn embarrassing
position. Ho could not produce any proof
nnd replied that Ills dispatch to Consul t < : n
oral Williams wns not correctly Interpreted
thus'throwing the responsibility on the lat
AMisitic.v.vs i.Yi : < : ri'Tii ' > i.v IIOMVIA
Afli-r ( InKMTiitloii Lorn I OllloInN
CinilNciilcil Tlii'lr I'l-oiiorly.
N'B\V YOUIC , Dec. 30. A special to th
World from Lapan , Bolivia , pays : Kou
American citizens , Charles Joiner , George
Miner , Alfred Heard nnd Thomas Oaldwell
a r. I veil at Chuqtilsacti last week nfter a five
weeks' Journey from Urnzll , whers- they lint
been working for years , and had amnssei
considerable fortunes , which they were taking
home. They remained several days , t'pendliij ,
inoney freely nnd Rambling extensively. Ot
Tiio.-il.iy Miner accused I'cpe Gonzales , the
acting mayor of ChttqulsacJ , of havlnt ,
cliEated them by playing cards and offere *
to prove the assertion. Gonznles drew a
pistol , but was knocked down by Joiner am
n general fight ensued , In whlcl
thirty persons threw themselves on the
friendless Americans. Finally the police ar
rested the Ameraclns , letting the natives go
free. The Americans were taken to a fllthj
Jail , loft two nights and n day without food
nnd after the semblance of a trial , In which
they were nccused of being spies and were
not allowed to send n message to the Amer
ican consul , they were sentenced to death.
The sentence was carried Into execution
Thursday noon publicly. Their horses ami
other property have disappeared , but It Is
known that Gonzales has distributed them
among his friends and the police.
How to Cure n Had Cold.
I had a bad cold and cough for saveral
months and tried almost everything.
Finally Mr. Hunt , the druggist at-West Ches
ter , recommended Chamberlain' ! ? Coughllem -
cdy. A BO cent bottle cured m ? entirely.
Abner Mercer , Dlllworthtown , Chester Co. ,
DlhiMivoreil u SuiiUi'ii SuIioniiiM * .
nUTHVBN. Out. , Deo. 30. Captain Mc
Queen on Saturday last discovered n sunken
forc-nnd-iift Htcmnui uf 400 tuna bunion
tlftecn miles east or Pcleo Island , where
It hud evidently been sunk very recently , as
the spars had not been damaged by Moating
Ice. This ship , no doubt , went down In
the storm of the llth Inst. while running
before the pale nnd from the appearance
of the wrct'lc It Is believed thru all on
board perished , there being no means of
escape on nccount of the large quantities
oC lloatlng Ice.
America Is fast forging ahead In every
thing. Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial Cliam-
pagno Is excelled by no foreign article.
\Vn WorHi $10OOO ! < > HIT. l
KANSAS CITV , Dec. 30. 1'nlrlck II.
Sodcn , n capitalist of prominence hero , wns
today sued for J20.000 for broach of promise
by Mrs. Knty Green. She asserts Soden
promised to marry her last September , hut
instead married another woman the day
previous. Soden has three grown sons.
Mr . Green Is13 yours old nnd was deserted
by her husband several years ago , nfter
having been married to him twice. Soden
wns married to Mrs. Nelly Looncd , widow
of a local politician lit Colorado Springs ,
last summer.
Ono Minute Cough Cure Is a popular remoily
'or croup. Safe for children and adults.
KANSAS CITY , Dec. iO Wa'son J. Fcr y ,
u well known lawyer , was today Euod for
divorce by his wife , who Is said to come
of a distinguished Now York family. The
grounds lire "Indignities. " Itoth parties to
the suit refuse to specify ns to the charges.
Mr. Kerry Is n member of the legal depart
ment of the Kansas City , Fort Scott &
"Memphis railway , a ill I : Is was fcrmo-ly
a society leader hero. They have three
children. _
IVllllH.vI Yllllill KlII-IIIKM'M ClOHlllK' DoiVIl
NBWCASTM'2 , 1'n. , IJcc. 30. All the
furnaces of this city nrc closing down today
as the result of nn olfort on the part of
the employes to secure pay for time and
u half on Sunday , and n coires-pondlng In-
uieaso on holidays. .Manufacturers claim
that they cannot pay the increased demand.
is THK > M *
Weakneu & Ditoriler ot
tO Years Kiperienca.
U Year < la Omaha.
( look Free , Consultation
anil Kxainiiuuon rice.
| 4lh and Farnam Sis. ,
o IMA MA riin. ;
and l.lTrtli of hrlf Abu tern
rluco ( I ci'iiti lit fetampi ftr
Hgi ti9i ! SEl\l \ ] . MAIL
HiiTlall/irrporc.Ilclull | | > cmrli'lUIJu lC | io n'l our HIM
Initlo trroLrtenwdlM. W w "I lrr tni ntlr < - uj.rovp i
run rurujou. No | , reicrlj'llou ' or C O. 1 > . frtuj. Ad < lrc
I'TF , l ' , i JI ionl Tfnijlf. rlilfa.joIII.
Notice Is hereby given that healed pro.
josals will be received by the board of
directors of the Middle Loup Valley Irri
gation district of Ulalno , Custer ami Valley
counties , Nebraska , at tneir oinco in west
Union , In said dUlrlct , up to 2 o'clock p. in.
of the fith day of January , 1600. for JlOfl.OOO
of the bonds Issued by said Irrigation din-
rlct : tliO.UOO of tald : bondu being in aonoml-
natlans of J500 each , ami JlO.Ooo of Bald
bonds being In denominations * of $100 each ;
all of fcald bonds drawing Interest at Ihe rate
of 6 per cent per annum , payable Heml-nn-
nually. The principal and Inter-st of nalil
bonds payable lit the olllce of the Btnto
treasurer of the stale of Nebraska , tinld
bonds being payable In Installments an fol
lows : J5.000 thereof payable In eleven years
from the date thereof ; JC.OlX ) payable In
twelve yeora from the date thereof ; J7.000
payable In thirteen ytam from the date
thereof ; JS.OOO nayahlo In foiirtcun yearH
from the date thereof ; J'J.fOO payable In fif
teen years from the date thereof ; J10.000
payable In flxteen ycura from the date
thereof : Jll.WW piiyublo In seventeen yearH
fiom the date thereof ; $13,000 payable In
eighteen yearn from the date thereof ; $15,000
payable In nineteen years from the dale
thereof ; $10.000 payable In twenty yearn
from the date thereof.
The board of dlrectoro reserve the rlxht
to reject any and all bids. Address all bldH
to Charles Klcolul. secretary. Hargent , Ne-
bruska. Hy order of Iho board of directors ,
made thlx 9th day of Deccmher , 18'5. '
OKOUni-I OAHH1SON. President.
Declid 20t M
It.v imreliMNliig- ( roods innilo lit tlir fill-
limliic VHtriiikii fnetorle . It you
enimot Unit nlmt > mi until coiniiuinl-
n | ( li ( iiimnifneliirera n * to
iletilcr * linnillo tlivlr jioodn.
Manufacturer * of nil kinds of cotton tin it bur-
Inp lines , cotton ilo\ir facki unil twine a fi > fc
Inlly. CH-CIC-CIS P. lltli St.
Car load shipment. * made In our own refrig
erator cars. Uluo lllblion. Elite Export. Vienna
Export , ami family Hipotl , delivered to nil parti
of city.
put lulibcr tires niul Imll-beniln * axles on Iliclr
own nrilip vehicles and celt n top buggy for
150.00 be ldcs. Write them. Will nmi Hartley.
Coffee Honslcis , Cplee Urlnders , Manufacturers
Oerinan linldnir Ponder nnd Herman Dry Hop
Yeast , 1111 niul H1G Harney Ht. . Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer of Oold MeJul Flour ,
C. H , lllncli. Manager. Oman * .
Manufnctureri of Parlor Furniture , Lounges ,
DlnlliR Tables nnd FuldlnR llcds. SSIIi Ave. .
Uoyd to SlmlcT Sis.
1CH AMI CO A I , .
Domestic unJ Strain Coal.V < > have tlm b t.
Olllcc ICOl rmtiain St. 'r .liplionc ; : Olllco 311 ;
ynid , 17CG. J. A. D.'O. ac-ntral Manager.
MnmifaclurlnR anil Hcp.-iltliiK of all kinds of
machinery , ennln s , pumps , elevators , printing
PICSFPS , ImnRcrs , flinfllnf and couplings H30 nnJ
140S Howard St. . Oniiihn.
Mnnufacturcra of Atchltcctuial Iron Work ,
( lencnil Koundrv. Maclilnc and lllacksmlth WorU.
UiiKlnccrs nml Conlrnciois for Klro Proof
HuIUllims. Olllcc and works : U. 1' . Hy. and
So. Ktli street , Omaha.
The only pel feet protection to property. Examln *
It. Host thins on earth , llcduccs Insuranc *
rates. 1301 DoiiRlas St.
Manufacturers of Men's and Hoys' Clotlilllff.
Pants. Shirts nnd Overalls. 202-212 B. llth St.
ManufactuiciH of nil kinds of Taper Hoxcs.
Shelf Itoxcs Sample Cases , Malllnff Tables , cto.
\\Vdrtlne cake and fancy candy boxes , ilrugjl t
anJ jewelry boxes. 120S-10 Jones St. . Omaha.
Kxcluelvo custom Ehlrt tallftB. : C15 Farnam.
Telephone ! ( ) : ? ! ) . Omaha , Neb.
Iloom 111V4 Hoard of Trade.
Direct wlrcH to ChlciiKO nnd New York.
Correspondents : John A. Wan en & Co.
P. P. SMITH. ( Tel 130S ) S. M. STANFOIlDi
F. P. SMITH & CO. '
Room 4 , N. Y. Life BlUn. , Omaha.
llranch olllccs nt Fremont in.l Columbus. Alt
orders ] > lacea on the ChlcaKO lloaid of Tradc
CorrcBpomlento : Hwnrtz , Uupec & Co. . Chi *
CQKO ; Shrelncr , 1'lnclc & Co. , til. Louis , Itcfer
to Flist National bank , Omaha.
Reviewing the grain and slock .narkets , will b *
tent you dally on request , In the hope of descry *
ng part of your business. Orders solicited for
co&h cr on three to live point margins.
Members Chicago Hoard of Tiailo , New York
Produce Exchange. New Yoik Cons. Stock Ex-
ch.lnje. 17 Board Trade , Chicago. 44 Broadway ,
\'cw York.
Notice IH hereby Riven that the iinnunl
meeting of the stooldioldpra of the Omaha
t ICIkhnrn Vitlley Hallway Company for
.ho election of seven directors nnd trnns-
ictlon of Btich other liustncKa ns mny Inw-
'ully come before Ino nipt-tlntf , will bo
leli ! In the Ilbiary , Uiiiuri I'acllic hiilldliiR- ,
( Jmahn , NcbriiHkn , iiimn AVcdnesdny , the
1st dav of .Jr.siunrv. 169G. al IU o'clock , n , m.
The stock transfer books will bo closed
en dny beforn the iluto of the meeting.
Joston , Massachusetts December 12 , 16D5.
1J22 dlltrn
Nutli'u Is heioby given that a meeting-
of the stockholders of the Union Klovator
Company , for the purpose of electing euvea
llrcr-trirs and the transaction of such uthcr
iiiHlni-s.s UK may proiicrly como bcforo the
no-tlnif , will bo hclil In Ihe library , Union
'arllli' bullillng , Omaha , Nebraska , upon
do'iday ' , HID 13th day of .Innuary , 1690 , be-
wccn the buurn of 10 a. m. and G o'clock
i. m.
The stock transfer books wjli bo closet !
en days before the datu of meeting.
Omaha , NebraHkii. Ucc'cmliT 21. ISM ,
H. 11. il. CI.AllIC , President.
D22 d23tin
Notlro Is heieby jjlveii that the annual
iicetlng of Iho NturkholderH ( if the Omiiha
Ai Itepiibllcan Valley Hallway Company ,
or tlm clcullon of si-v n dlrectorn and the
runsactlon of Much other liusliieBH nu may
iropcrly rorno Di-rore tlm muetlng , will bo
icld In tin ! Ilbiary , Union Paelllu building.
Jniiiliu , Nobruskn , on WeilneHdriy , the 1st
n v of January. IWO , at 10 o'clock 11 m ,
The stork booku will li ? clured for that Inn days before the meeting ,
iOBton , MiiSHnebiiseltH. December IX 1855.
AM3XANDI3U MILhAH. Secretary.
D22 dlttin
Notlcit IH hereby given that the annual
looting of tb1 * Mtackholdurx xif the Union
Land cmnpuny for the election of live direc
tor * nnd the trniiKactlon of uuch other buul >
iHfH an may lawfully conn. beforn the
meeting , will bo held In the library , Union
I'acllic building , Omuhii. Nehrnuku , upon
Monday , January 13 , liM , at 10 o'clock ,
u. in.
The stock transfer books will bo closed
ton days before the dale of the moetlriu- . <
IJoslun , MuxaachuscltH , December 1 ! ! . IK)3. )
ALI3XANUI3U MIM.AH. Hecrelury.
D22 < 123tm
Ofllcc of Lee-Clarkc-AnJreeBen liurdwara
Compuny , Omuhu , Nubruiikii , December 14 ,
U'JO. Notlno lu ht-reby given to the stock *
holderx of Ihe Ilard-
waru company that the annual inectlni ; ot
the utuc'kholUeru of the cotnpuny will bu
held at the olllccx of the Bald company.
1219 , in und \V& Hartley etrcet , In the city ,
uf Oiimhu , In Ihe HI a to of Nebraska , on
Tuesday , January It , A , D , , ! ! > % , at 3
o'clock p. in , , for the purpose of electing u
board or directors for the company to servo
during the ensuing year , and to transact
such other Inmlnetn uu may bo present 04 '
t ) II. J. 1,1313. < J
W , M. GLABB , Secretary.