A ' f \ ' TTTIS fVMATTA DjVTTjY HUE I MONDAY , nKOEJtBUrt 30 , I8S. ! SPEG1RL NOTICES. for tlirnc column lie * Inkcn until lUi.'lO p. in. for tlic cMcultiir nnil until 8 p. m. for HIP liinrnliiir nnil S n ml ay rillllnriK. Ailt orllai-rfi , liy roinr ( lnc n ntim- tiPrpil t'lippk , pun lime nnmri-rx nil- ilrpuNPil to n inimlirrrd Ipttcr In rnrp of The Ilpp. Antmvrfl HO nililrpuNPil Mill IIP doll v orcil npnii prrxPtittittoii of Hip clippk only. Hilton , 1 l-2c n \Kirit flrnt limi-rtloiit Ic n rroril tliprpnftpr. .VitlilsiK tnlcpti for ! PJI tlinii 25c for Mrnt Innprtlon. Tlirnc mlt prtlnptiiptrlH intixt lie run POIIRPCII * tlvclr. SITITION i AVVri2ll. . TOtTNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO DO CHORES , Inko earn of furnnoo horses nr cow , for Ixmd Omnlm Tlu Col , cnr Hth nnil Fnrnntn A-113 AVARTIJI ) MAMJ I1KI.P. WANTHO-LIVE. INTELLtriENT AOFNTS IN Omnha to oiRnnlio clul * of three to five 'ninl- UPS of n\ir famnuj Orrhiril Homes landn In central Mississippi Th tide of Imrmitrnlkn In colni ? south , where theri" nro no liot wind * , no cnM winters no hllczitrds no crop fnllurM , whcra t o or throcropi cnn be rnl'M each ) fnr ; whi-ro there I * no such thlnR n' failure If n man lll work f > nlinlf ns Imrrt n no OOM in thl country ; cool pumrnpr * mild Inters1 f < ir pnslnic crr > pi of fruits nnd Rnnlrn truck. rtdiPM foil on rorth. best rnllwnv facllltlf" nco vv Amen , general ngrnt , 161T F-unam st Pm'la WANTED A COT HAND ! STEADY WORK nnil Rood piy. Henry Kas ebnum. tnllorosl 1'olnl NVh n-MM3 ; o TO ro rnn MOVTH AND EVPENSFS TO noli clc.arn : cxiu-Hcnnp unnccpwirj. rxtrn In ducements to customers Folk A. Co HI Lmils SI , , II-976-29' 1C ) TO 1150 PAID SAI.ESMKN POIt CIC1ARS pxpTlcnct" not neccs-inry. extra Inducements to customers. Hlshop & Kllnp , St Louis. Mo H M193 .125 * WANTEDFIRST-CLASSBTINOOUAPHIU nnd Remington operator. AiMrcss , Klvlns ref erences nml rxpsrlenep II 0 , IJco II M10S 31 WANTED.-ROOKKEEPEii7 MUSTMIE FIRST- clans every vwiy , must liavp references , , Uc fullest pirtlculnri ! ndilrcra H 3 , Oinntm HPI- ItMHO 3r * iini.r. rou niNtnAij nousn- ork ut N W cor. of 21st nnd ' , . FOII HITST iiojsns r. ic. DAHMNQ. nAiucun ni.ocic D 113 IIOtJKSIS IN ALIj PARTS OT THH CITY. THH n r. Di\l3 Compnn > . 1S05 rnrnnm D-4H rutiNisiiUD nousn ron IIRNT ; IICAUTIFUL liousc , ten rooniH clpgantly furnln'icJ. liot water hent , Inunilry Ktible. carriage etc. Tlyia r. Hnll . flB Pnxton bloclc 113 srANroiiD ciuci.n COTTAQUS. c HOOMS nil moilern , BT < . fuel Apply U > ron IUnl Com pany , 212 So mil Bt. D-41C IIOUS13S. IIUNUWA & CO 103 N. UTII ST D 117 610 NO 20TH , 4 UOOM COTTAGt : . 11,23 No 0th C-ioom Hit , nice. 3C24 N. IStlt 8 IMIH brlik. COt No. 17th , S room litlck Omalm Heal Ustnto & Trust Co , 211 8 ISth roit RINT. HOUSK OP THN ROOMS MODern - ern comenlenceB , > try linmly to I > u9ltub3 lln- qulrc of U. T llount. 2 S. 1CU > at. D 530 S AND S-ROOM 1IOUSHS ON I'ARNAM AND r room house on JJ < 1 anil I.o i\en\\orth , cheap. Jno. W. llobbins , ill N. Y. I ( u IJIdB. _ ron UINT. S-ROOM noust : . s n. CO n 23D nml Cluikc D 153 tlOl JACKSON ST , 7-ROOM MOD13RN. $20. 4105 Ijifiisctto nve , 3-room modern J23. 207 K 21th nt , 14 room modern SW 20J S 24th at , 8 room , modem. J30 277" > AVclislDr st , 7 room modern 123. 277Z Hurt st , T-'oam modirn 20 D2i" N. S7th n\c , 7-room modern t20. 2002 9. Hth st 7-rflom inodsrn , $2r 2104 S. Hth st. 7 room modern. (23. ridilltr Tiuet Company , 1702 Tarnam st. D 607 31 tOR 11GNT. MOliniSN HRICK HObSH OP 13 or K rooms at 111 1IC N 23th Hi See J N , Prenzer , opposite postolllcc Tel. 634 I > 857 HOUSi : 241HAVi : 8 TO 4-R HOUSES CHEAP. COS N 1TTH ST SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE EMILY PLACE IStli , south of Minderson D m97M * ron HUNT ruiiMSimn HOOMS. ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING TO man nd wife , rent taken In board 319 N 17th rURNIbHED OR UNrilRNlhllUD ROOMS , modern conveniences , 621H S ISth street E-511 30 IIOOMS AM ) IIOAIin. rilONT ROOMS WELL HEATED , FAMILY lifnrd If dealredj rales iciison ible. 321 North Old bt. r C'8 NICE WARM ROOMS. GOOD HOARD , RATES icasonable The Rose. 2020 Harney FOR RENT. ri'RNISHED I'RONT ROOMS with orltliout boinl , < iti > am lu-nt , electric bell * bntha , riiU-H iinsonablc. Thn Mldlani ] Hotel. 16th nnJ Chicago sheets T SJ7-30 SOUTH 1'RONT ROOMS , HOARD , J3DS DOUG- \ t. T-M MS J 11- J-nONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , SL'ITAHLH fur tno , Ixmnl If ilcs'icd 2047 Cass ft Fl'RNl.SIIED ROOMS AND HOARD 1(11 FAR- 11.1111 F lOS-- ! " ri'llNlSIU'D ' BinROO.MS vvini RO/RD 318 iiuuth Loih Bin- T m tif-t ( ROOMS \V1TII HOARD ; STEAM HEAT Utopia , 1721 l > nv iMlport r M11SJ4 * poll IIHNT UM''UHM.SlIii ) HOO3IS. OlOOMH. WATER IN KITCHEN CENTRAL : reaxonnble lint ! nlcu for housikecplni ; 1702 Webster st. O-MI9D ron iiuvr STOIIKS AMI OFI-ICISS. TOR RENT THE 4-8IOHY IIRICIC IURLDING nt 910 rurnam ut. This bulletins li.u a llre- i < rnof cement bam-mont , complete steam liuit- Inu llxtiinn , v\atir nn all Hours , UJa , etc. Ap- pl > at the o'llco of The llee. 1 910 BTOItn HUILDING AT 1011 I'ARNAM ST. . 3 stmles nnd bu emcnl , gooil for ubnlp.iilo or ictnll t'uriio-ic ' : il ids : Nut , linnl ; bus. I-M921 FOR Illi'NT , OFFICE ROOMS. 1013 DOUOLAfl tt. 1-MJtU UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY FOR FIRST of jenr. clu'iiti , Kiocur } moie , ment nurhrt , Orui ; Hlort * , "Illi nil llxtures campleto , gulled rllhvr n H lUimrtnuMU vturn nr In rent B > ' | ' - nmlil ) ; lociillun ii'iilnil , IH-IIIK 2:41 , 2303. 23'C. , 2307 IMMJiiuit vlrftt , Al'l'ly ' ' Ulznul on the premises I-M111 31 > AGBNT8 WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS I'OR our crlcbraliHl II00 lUftnm pants nnd suits. Chicago Cublom I'unts Co. , 203 I'lfih uvo. , Clilcano. VA. Tlll TO HUNT. WANTED. 3 OH 3 NICE ROOMS , WITH bath , for light lijusckceiiluir. U 63. Her. K-M933 SO * WOIIAOE. B-IORAQU , THANK EWERS , 12U HARNKY. M-4JI l ArjI'IO S1ORVOE AND \VARElIOUfaU CO. , 90S-D19 Jones. Qeneiul stoiaga nnd forwcidlntr , M-4JJ ran .SVLIJ ONH LAROn ACORN 1IASI2 Ht'RNCR FOR sale at corner of JJtli itn-et and Half Howard. O JJ2 28 roil SALu-noitsns , WACONS , KTO. BALC. STANDARD I1RED KENTUCKY eumVlnatlon horu , warranted Address II 10 , Uttf. l'-MlX ( ) 81 IIORSn. HARNESS AND WAOON. ALL NEW ; price , IUW. lujulro roil AAi > n HARD WOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FENCE FOR orn crll.blnp , c H. L , 901 DougUs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q 423 SKATES. ALL SIZE1. 33 CENTS TO (3 00. Omnlm Rlcycl * Co . 323 N. ISfi ONK FINE 8EAUSKIN NEWMARKtTT AT A Rr t birgiln. 1311 Douglas street , a 6 HM- . Q-M I.FJ 1XR SALE. NEW "CONN" SILVER "WON- der" lib roniet , ehmp far tatti or Rood note Adilrfys II I. rare of Peg Q JI9G1 21 * FOR RM.E REGISTERED JERSEY TOW , 17 liinrM , JuM earning In It C. I > ntter in , Itnrmre tl ck. Q-MW9 31 TOR SALi : SECOND HAND RE.MINOTON , KooO ns new R C. I'atternon , Rimce block Q-M1000 31 TOR RALE , A 1'IRST CLASS MILCH COW Andrew O Johnson , 31i3 S 11th St. t-0t3 2 MRS DR H WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT RE- llnblo business mdlum ; Ith joar at 119 N Itlli S 421 JIASSAOi : , HAT1IS , ETC. _ t MADAM SMITH , 1'.22 DOtTQL\S STREET , 2ND flonr , roim H Mn * ego , sleim , nlcahot nnd sulphurlne bnlhs T MOS9 4 MME HOVVELL , TURKISH AND ELECTRIC tntlij Finest parlors In city. 318 320 M nth T M50J-3P MME AMIW rOHMERLYOI'ST LOUIS Mns- ftiKo nnd baths 107 S 13th st. 21 ll r roim 10. T--MSSJ ! VIAVA 310 REE RUDO , HEALTH HOOK free , home treatment : lady attendant U 125 I1ATH3 , MASSAGE MME TOST , 315V4 S 16TH U-428 FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED RAU.MLEY 17th and St Man's avenue , lelephoni ; (10 U-427 H'JLLL' El'l ERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER ut 1SC3 nil mi m Lnily aBcnti vvnnted U-M537 T 23 MOftEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS Jewelry , etc. . strictly conn lentlal. P. O box 326 MATRIMONIAL. CORRH POVDENCE HURHAt ; Piper and lists , lOc. Enrth Pub Co hi l.uiils Mo U C03-JnnC SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND MOLE-3 RE- iroved by electricity. Mme Post. 319M S 13th U SM MISS VAN VAI.KF.N11UROH DESTROYS PER- mancntly by electricity supetlluous hnlr , moles , warts , etc. Room 41C. N Y Life Uldg II 902 ainnuv TO I.OAA IIUAL ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO , 313 N Y Life Loans at law rntcs for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or O'liaha cltv property MONTY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O F Davis Co. , 1603 Farnnm st W 12J C I'ftlt CI'NT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estite & Neb farms W. H MtlUle , Onnlni W 430 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA pro'jertj. Fidelity Trust Co , 1703 rarnam W-431 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVEI OMAHA rial estate , lliunun. Love & Co , Paxton 1111 % W 432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , S23 N. Y. LIFE W-433 MORTGAGES. G O. WALLACE , DROWN HLK W 434 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propcrtj. W. Farnam Smith & Co . KM Fainam VA-435 MORTGAGE l.OANS , LOW RATiS J. D. Zlttle , 16th nnd DoiiLlaa. OimlnW W 438 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates Girvln Ilros , 210 N Y. L , W 437 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS FOR largo loins on bualsesss proptrtj , also d ell- Ing home loms , ilnn't vvnlt until jour old loan expires apply nmv. Futility Tiust com- piny , 1702 Farmm St. W 943 J23 J200000 OR LESS TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Otmlin real citito nt S per cent. Addrt" > s G 07 , Hue olllce. W 9.3 MOM2Y TO LOA.V-CHATTULS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS hotses , wagon * , etc , at lowest r.itcs In clt > , no removal of gooiH ; strictly confidential , you can pay the loan off nt any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MOR1GAGE LOAN CO. . 300 S ICth st X 43S MONEY TO LOAN , 10 6u. 99 DAYS ; FURNI- lure , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room S. Rarker block. x 139 IHSIMSS ; CIIAXCHS- FOR SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Dctduond both doing Rood business Ad- driss Matt Klopn , Lc-vd or Deadwood. S D | Y M407 MAKE MONEY HY CAREFUL SPECULATION In grain through n riliable , successful nrm , ex cellent opportunities to milce profltH l > y our new plans- fully explilned nnd smt free : highest rifcicnccs 1'nttlson & Co , 70C Omalm Ride. Chlc.iKn , III Y M478 FOR SALE 4 cli.ilr bnibcr shcp tile lloor stinm hint , hot n.iter , nnt 123 At jour own price for cash Rlckner , 1201 o street Lincoln Y M1JO TO * FOR EQUITY IN LARGE TR\CT OP LAND NEAR Onnlia : what hivn jou to offer. H. F. Dallev 910 N. Y. Life Dldg. K 411 CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOR FIRST class farm near Omalm. T. I ) McCulllch. suite COt , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago III. 55-S11-JI5 FOR EXCHANGE-OMAHA PROPERTY AND } G 000 W cash for Chicago property. T U Me- Culloch. suite CO ) , Chnmbci of Commerce , Chicago - cage , Ills Z SOO-J15 TO EXCHANGE. FINE IMPROVED AND UN ImproM-il limlH In ( .outlurn California nnd some money for KIIOI ! muchandlso from ten to fortv thoufcind dollars. Adduss P O box 701 Riverside , Cal 7. mao-31 VANTED TO EXCHANGE IOWA FARMS FOR nutso , Vooihccs & Fullei , Criston la X-M109 30 * roil SALU-ItnAL USTATB. ABSTRACTS. THE I1YRON REED COMPANY RE 1(2 MPROVED FARMS. Cl W. CARLOCK. 12)3 rarnam st. RE C14 Jl 1AROAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertlcu und farms. John N. Frcnzcr , opp 1 * . o RE-413 JARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; salu or trade. F. 1C. Darling. Darker block. HE 411 OR UAROAINS , TRADES. QUICK DEALS call or nrlto D , V. Shales Co. , First National Hank Hldg RE-M51S 31 VANTEO-LARGH CITY AND FARM PROP- vrtles for EUU | or exchnnge T. I ) McCulloch , sulto COt. Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. UK RE-SQQ-JIS IERE IS A SNAP. A FULL 50-FOOT LOT. only 1 to S blks from the vny llnent homes In the clt ) . Cost { 2700 llnutlrul bull.Unit . dtp Only 11,200 , Will take a 1300 to J704 lot and bulancn J > eir > i at 7 per icnt. Fidelity Trust compiny , 1702 I'nrnnm st , RE 932 31 bllOHTIIAM ) AM ) TYI'CWIIITIXO. A. C. VAN aANTU SCHOOL , 61J N. Y. LIFE. 450 OMAHA IIUBINESS COLLEGE , 15T1I , FARN\M 451 11IOYCLI2S. 1)1(1 1IAROA1NS IN SECOND.HAND III- esclra , tkates , So to J3W. Omaha Uloclo Co. , H3 N. 16th street. MC65-JS I. MA1IOV , 112 LOANS MONEV. 41S N. 10 bT. 413 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. nth and Dodge. Roomi by day or week. 451 I1H LANC1E HOTEL. 03 S. 13TH 6l\l STEAM heat ; table board. | 3 00 per week. M453 UMIUUTAKUIIS AND i:3IHAL31iil3. II. 1C BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECIXJH AND tmbalmer. 1C18 Chicago it. , telephone PO. Ol 8WANSON & VALIKNTtTOt"cfUINO , TL'L. 1060 , M. A. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND FM. balmer. HIT Kurnam it. , tcltphur.o 2tJ. 439 mm.imo AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. A II. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , I. yen old ; nlwnyi redeemable. 1701 FarnBrn et , Nnttlngcr , See HOW TO OET A HOMR OR SKCtlRB OOOD Interest nn savings. Apply to Omnha , L. A U. Ass'n , 1T04 Uee tldg G. M. Nattlnsor. Sec. MUSIC , AIIT AM ) I.AM5UAO13. OEOROE F. aELLENRECK , I1ANJO AND gultnr teacher 1815 Chlcigo t. 109 iioit.sns Hf RES WINTERED : REST OF CARE riven hnrno tmtli winter and summer. Address M J Welch , Oreiim Neb M772 U PHOLSTERINO , FURNITURE HI'.PAIRED nnd packed viry chcnn this month M S Wnlkln. 2111 Cumlng Tel 1331. 267 LOST. I/JST SILVER CHAIN RRACELET RETWEiN Clt North IClh st , nnd Pr blerlnn chinch , 17th nnd lodg < > sts. Finder please return to Mr . Hnrlnvv , room 53 Drexel hotel nnd i celve reward Lost MI19 30 miUOATION BOND SAM : . Notice Is hcicby given that sonic J pro- poanls will be received by the board ol directors of the Middle l.ouj ) Vnlley ifrrl- Ration district of Ulnlnc , Cnstcr nnd Vnlley countlc . Ncbrnskn , nt their olllco in West Union , In said district , up to 2 o'clock p in. of the Cth day of January. 1S3G , for $100,000 of the bonds issued by said Irrigation dlH- tilct , JW.OOO of said bonds belnR in denomi nations of } DOO ench , nnd J10.000 of qiid bonils bclne In denomination ! ) of ? 100 each ; all of said bonds drnvvlnp Interest nt the rate of G per cent per nmiuin , payable Bcml-nn- nuallv The nrlnclpnl nnd interest of salt ! lionds ptinbls nt the olllco of the stnte trensutor of the stnte of Nebraska , said "iQMds belnc pa > able in Installments as fol- ovvs : $1,000 thereof pnyab'o In eleven vents Irom the dute thereof : JG.OOO payable In % w -lve joins from the date thereof ; J7.000 payable in thli teen years from the date thereof : JS.OOO payable in fourteen years from the date thereof ; $9000 pnjnblo In fif teen years fiom the dute thereof ; JIO.OOO ; > i > able In sixteen years from the date thereof , Jll 000 payable In seventeen vcars from the date thereof ; J13.000 pajable In eighteen jcars from the date thereof ; J15.000 tuvablc In nineteen > cars from the date [ hereof ; JIG000 pa > able In twenty years from the dnto thereof. The board of directors reserve the rlcht : o reject any and all bids Address all bids : o Charles Nlcolal , secretary , Sat Kent , No- jraska. Uy order of the hoard of directors made this 9th day of December , 1893 onounn CSAIUUSON. President. CHAHLUS NICOLAI , Secretary. DeclJd 20t-M STOCKIIOI.DURS' JinnTIN'O-OMAHA & nbKHORN VALLDY RAILWAY COM PANY. Notice Is hereby Riven that the annua meMInK of thp stockholder ? of the Omaha iS. Klkhnrn Vnlluy Hallway Company for : ho election of seven dltcolors and trans action of Hitch other busuuss as may law fully come before tno niPL'tlnp , will bo tiem In the library , Uti.un Pacific building' Omaha , Nebraska , upon Wednesday , the 1st da > uf Jr.nunrv. 1S9G , at 10 o'clock , a. m The stork transfer books will be clonct : en da > s before the date of the nieetlns. Boston , Massachusetts Dpcembet 12 , ISM ALEXANDER. MILLAR. Secretary. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDHRS' MfiHTING-UNION nLnVATOH COMPANY OP OMAHA. Notice Is berebj slvcn that a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Elevator Compinj , fet the put pose of electing seven llrectors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the nesting : , will be held In the library. Union i'aclllc bulldlns , Onnlia , Nebraska , upon Moiday , the Hth day of January , 1890 , be tween the hours ot 10 a. m. and C o'clock p m. The stock transfer books will bo closed ten days before the date of mectltiK. Omaha. Nebraska DocembT 21. 1S9" > S U. H. CLARK , President. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-THi : OMA HA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAIL WAY COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the annual neetlng of the stockholders of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway Company , for the election of seven dlrectora and the transaction of such other business as may properly come beiorc tho. meeting , will be hold In the library , Union Pacific building , Omaha , Nebraska , on Wednesday , the Isl dav of January , 1S96 , at 10 o'clock a m. The stock books will ba closed for that purpose ten days before the meeting. Boston. Massnrhusetts December 13 , 1S95. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 dlltm STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of th ? stockho'ders of the Union Land company for the election of flvo dlrec tora nnd the transaction of such other busl- ne s as may lawfully come befote the mooting , will be held in the library. Union Pacific building , Omaha. Nebraska , upon Monday , January 13 , 1S9C , at 10 o'clock , t m The stock transfer books will bo rlosed ton days before the date of the me ° tlng Boston , Massachusetts. December 12 , 1S93 ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 d23tm WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follous No eulllner the 22th of DecLinbor. 1530 Teutonic , Jan 1 10 n. m. ; Hrltnnnlc , Jan. 8. 10 a m . Majestic , Jan 15. 10 a. in ; Germanic , Jim J2 , 10 u. m. United btutLs and Royal Mnll Steamers , Saloon papsnga , 154 ami upwurd , aotordlng to fileanifr selected und location of berth. Second cabin 135 and MO on MnJ-ctlc and Teutonic DllATb jmnble on demand everywhere In Omit Hrllalu nnd Ireland sold at lowest rates Tor Inspection of plans of steamers and any further Information nppl > to local acents or direct to II. MAITI-AND KER4EY. O'l Au't. 29 IJ'way NY. N ANDERSON , Q'l Wn Aut , Jtl SOUTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IIIURMNGTON & MO RIVnil.lArrlves OmahaUnIunD | _ < i > ot. lOlli & Mason Hts I Omaha E 30am Denver Express 9.35am < 3 pm.IJIIc. HIIU. Mont. & ruget Snrt Hx. 4,03pm 4 .15pm Denver ExnrcEk 4.05pm 7.05mn Nebraska I-ocnl ( except Runda > ) , . 7 45 | m . . .Lincoln Local ( except Kumlajll ) ; 5am 2.45pm . .rnsl Mall ( fir Lincoln ) dally. . . Ltavcs lomc-AdO. 11URLINOTON & Q \rrlves I OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th ft MaionSts _ { Omalm S 00pm Chicago Vestibule..T 8,00am 9 48am CliIcaKO Express 4J5pm : 7 Wpm..Chlcaio & HI. Louis Kxnress. . . t OOatn 11 SSam Pacific Junction Local B0pm : KaitUall. _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 2.40pm Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. ft ST. PAUL lArrlves OmaliajUnlon Depot. 10th & Mn on8t _ I Omaha C OOpm.T. Chicago Limited S'Ojnm 10 tsam..Chicago Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . 3 J5pm Leaves ICHICAaO & NORTIIWH'ST'N ( Arrive * OmahiiJJnlpnDepot | , 10th & Mason Bis I Omaha ll.X ( > im.,7 , . . .Eastern Express 3:10pm : 4.4Spm Vestibule 1 Limited. . , , , , . . . 6,45pm 7.0mm Carroll Passenger 10 40pra 5 < Iyni.Omulia Chicago Special S.OOun 4 30pm Uoone Local 9 30am Missouri Valley Lacal 9-30am Leaves ( CHICAGO. R I. A. I'ACiriC I Arrives' OmahalUnlon Pi liot , 10th A Mason Sis I Omaha KABi. 19 40im..Atlantic Express rex. Sunday ) , S 3inm t 25pm. , . . Nlrtit Express . , . , 8:15am : 4 Mpm Chicago Vestlbjlc. ; Limited l:3Spm : 4 Mpm..Bt. Paul Vtstlbuled Limited. . . . lS5pm : WEST. .4pm.OkIahoma & Texas Kx. ier. Sun.l.lO.SSam 1 40pm Colorado Limited 4 00pm LeivesT"C. . , ST. P. . M. & o 'Arrives " Omahal Depot. 18th and Webster fits. [ Omaha "s ISctm Sioux City Accommodatlon , . . SilSpm IJ.lIpm..Sioux City Express ( ex. Sun.,11 Kara t 4ipm Bt. Psul Llmliea * ' 10 m Leaves I F. . E. & MO VALLET. I Arrives Qmahal Depot , 15lh and Webster Sts I Omaha Y.lSpm Fast Mail and Express. 6 SSpra 3.1Cpm.HJt. ( Bat.'JO. . Ex. ( ex Mon ) , , , 6.35pm 7.Warn..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunda > ) . , , lo-2Sam C tSpm St. Paul Express 9-iOam Leavea I KT C. , ST. J , i C"'if. lArrhes OmahaUnlon [ Depot , 10th & Mason EtsJ Omaha 9.0Vim..7..Kansas City Day Express. . . . " . 8.30pm JMIpm.K. C. Night Ex. Via U. P. Trans. 7.00am Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Onmlial Depot , 15th and Webiter Sts I Omaha 10 40am , . . ,3t. Louis Exrrtss C.OOatri I 30pm St. Loulf Express , , , , 6.08pm t.30pm..fl.Nebraska Jxicule _ Pun > a.OOam Leaves i8IfiUX I cTfY "i rPArrFlS ] Arrives Omahal Dcpot ISth and Webster Sts | Omaha t.45pm Bt. Paul Limited . . . . . . . . . . 9-10am IxivesT HIOUX CITY & TACiriC ( Arrives' OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts I Omaha 7.05am , Sioux City Passenger 10.43pm 6 tSpni . . . . . . . . . . Taut Limited. . . . , .30am L aves I UNION PACIFIO JAr'hei OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts [ Omaha 8.10am. , North Platte Express l.3)pm t:10am : Overland Limited 4:45pm : 9 35pm IJcat'cc A Btionist/c Er < e . Sun ) . 4:30pm : 6 45pm..Grand Itlsnd Kxprest ( ex. dun ) . , l:10prr : 1.8tpm Fast Mall 10 25an Lrcve * I WADASH RAILWAY. JAFrlves OmahalUnlon Dtpot. 101 Ii & Mason flls 'Omaha 4 35rra . . . . . . .St. i uls Cannon Us.ll llWaa "Rnpland In Nicaragua ami Venezuela" Is the subject of a timely paper by 0. II. D. Gossip In thJ Oncember number of the rortnlRhtly Ile\lew. Leonard Scott Publi cation company , Now York. The December 'Wilnber ' of the Progress of the World MnRtttlne contains nn tm- usnal number of llustratlons , Including larpo half tone portraits of all the newly elected slate governors and other Important persons recently chosen for olllce. The Progress of the World company , IDG Fifth avenue , New York. A Urge number of additional new pic tures nnd new facts relatltiK to Abraham Lincoln's jouth are Introduced In the Christ mas number of McClure's Magazine. There Is one serial Kory by Anthony Hop ? nnd short stories by Hobert llarr and Hlla HlR- glnson Chapters from a lite , an autobi ographic paper by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps , Is an attractive number , S S McClurc , Ltd. , 30 Lafayette Place , New York. The Dccjmber Cosmopolitan Is so bulky and ulthal so handcumo a number that ono marvels ho\v It can be afforded for 10 cents It contain * stories by llobert Louis Steven- ion , Uaac EanRylll , James Lane Allen. Sarah Gran I nnd Oulda An Illustrated article on actresses who have b como peeresses Is on- tcrtalnlng. The Cosmopolitan , Irvlngton , New York. "The Late Horn ! S > ndlcate Contnct" Is the tltlo of a very able nnd timely con tribution by Prof. A. D NO > OSJ In the De cember number of Political Science Quar terly. Other topics Heated In this issue arc "Decrease In Interstate Migration. " 'Liquor Legislation in Kngland , " "Geog raphy and Sociology , " The- German Km- icror" and "Kour German Jurists. " Linn . 2o. , Boyton. "Low Tariffs and Hard Times" arc made the subject of a pamphlet , reviewing our tariff rates from 1821 to 1895. and tracing the effects upon the balance of tratlo and the re curring panic. The facts nro clearly sot 'orth , and form an Impressive object lesson on the effects of low tariffs. Published by the author. T. 13. Walker , Minneapolis , Minn. "Through Stonland to Sunset Seis , " by H. S. Kneedler , Is a handsome brochure , re lating vvliat four people saw on a Journey through the southwest to the Pacific coast It Is sent out vUlh the compliments of the pas'enger department of the Southern Pa cific. Holiday art seems to have fairly outdone Itself In the beautiful Christmas and New Ycir cards Issued by the fine art publishers , Raphael , Tuck & Sons of New York , whose assortment this jear E-ecmB to embrace every Imaginable design. NEW BOOKS. In the fiftieth volume of the Century , con taining the numbers of tli ? magazine for the past s'x months , which has Just ap peared , history , biography , art and sconce have adequate treatment , as well as fiction and the lighter things. Perhaps the most notable feature of the volume Is Prof. Wil liam M. Sloano's "Life of Napoleon , " which reaches the most excltlns portion of the great conqueror's career. There Is a pro fusion of Illusti.vtloiis , Including not only rnnroiltictlnns nf fJmntis mastornlnn s nf painting , but also many drawings made for the work by Trench. English and American artists. A siiggcptlvo contrast In the char acter of the two Napoleons Is furnished by Miss Anna L Dlckncll's Interesting remln- Ircencos of "Life In th Tullerles Under the Second Empire ' * In the line of fiction there are tlu closing portions of Marlon Crawford's "Casa Uraccio , " the wholeof Julia Magrudor's ' 'Princess Sonla , " and many short sloiles by favorite writers. The Cen tury company. New "York. "Domesticated Animals , " by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler , Is not what one would at first suppose from the title , a text book for schools , but It U a work of rare merit for the general reader. The author treats of the familiar domestic animals and birds and their relation to civilization in an original and en tertaining way. The book deals prlnclpall ) with pie horse , the dpg , the familiar beasts of burden * and domesticated birds. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. "Tho Private Llfu'of Napoleon. " translated from memoirs of Constant , the first valet do chambre of the cmpercr , shows that no mat ter what other heroes were. Napoleon stands out to his valet as a real hero , and Con stant's account of his master , from whom he was separated but a few- days in the years that pas ed between Marengo and Tontaln- bleau , Is as sympathetic as it Is Interesting. No man ever had so near a view of the em peror as the authors of these memoirs , as M. Hubert ilo Salnt-Amanu sajs in Ills eloquent preface to the English edition , now for the first time presented to the public. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. To put Into the hondo of a boy or a girl the two handsome bound volumes of St. Nicholas , which contain the numbers for the past year , la equal to a gift of half a dozen story books In fact , some of the mcst popular books of the year for children hav first Been the light In these pages. Hero one will find Palmer Cox's Irrepressible Brownies , on their tour through the union ; Jiownru ryies crave J.ICK uamsier , wno got the best of Ulackbeard's piratical crew ; Albert Stearns's "Chris and the Wonderful Lamp ; " Napoleon's dashing page. In Elbrldge S. llroolts' "A Hey of the First Empire , " "The Quadrupeds of North America , " of all ports nnd conditions , t'e- scribed by W. T. Hornaday ; and a number of famous liorws , historic and legendary , that are very lovingly written about by James Baldwin. Asld ; from those serial features the volumes are crowded with stories , sketches and verses that will help as well as amuse childish readers. There are also many articles that nro written especially for girls OJB Batio anill Xiaotn jo sieajaiui atn unAn provided for In the pictures and Jingles. The Century company. Now York. "The Laureates of England , " embracing all the laureates from Hen Johnson to Alfred Tennyson , by Konyon West , Is an Interesting and well arranged volume. It contains ex tracts from the works of all the poets who have worn the laurel of the Enclleh court , preceded In the case of each writer by a succinct blocranhlcal sketch. The volume Is opened with an ct > say on the origin and significance of the English laureatcslilp. The jook Is handsomely printed and attractively Ihistratccl. Frederick A. Stokes company , New York. A new book of Incalculable value to any one Interested In the cause of humanity Is ' Poor In Great Cities " 'The , bringing to- gcthcr , an It does , ttio best experience In dealing with the problems of the poor. The authors contributing to the volume are ; V. al ter Dcsant. Oscar Craig , W. T , Elelng , Joseph - seph Klrkland , J. V. Marie , J. A. 'Illls , E , I , Spearman , ylllard Parsons , W. J. Tucker , tobert A. Woods. ' all well known students of the great soclrfl problems. The work Is iilly Illustrated § nd contains an appendix on tenement housebuilding by Ernest Flagg. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. "Amos Judd , " a new novel , Introduces J. A. Mitchell , edltorj of Life , as a novelist of narked originality ! Ho has chosen for the icro of Ills story a 'ypung rajah of northern ndla. When 7 yfnr ; old , during a revolu tion In his country , the young prlnco Is sent for safety to"1 Connecticut. This occurs hrough the Instrum'eptallty of an American nerchant , who , during a residence of a dczen years In India , enjoyed a position of considerable flnaiirax ) ; ] and political Impor tance. The story > ppens with the appear ance of the yourtR rajah at the little rail- oad station In CQb ectlcut. Thei reader's leart goes out In' Vympathy to this little Drlental exile as lid I * Impressively ushered for the first time ) Into the awful gloom of i Puritan parlor. , lie grows to manhood In hese environment's , receiving n t > plcal New England education , including a course at larvard , The novel concerns Itself chiefly with the love story of his young manhood , t Is enough to add that the artistic possl- I'lltles ' offered by such a subject have- been ully appreciated. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , * fcw York , It Is not very oft n that essays and com- nents appearing In a weekly Journal have fuoh permanent value as to be put In book crm. In "Reflections and Comments , 1SG5- 1SD5. " Edwin Lawrence Godkln gives the lubltc a serifs of the > articles ho has con- rlLuted to the Nation for thirty years past , n this volume such papers as "Culture and .Var . , " "The Comic Paper Question , " "Mr. ' 'roudo as a Lecturer , " "Mr , Horace Greeley , " "The MoriU and Mann ra of the Kitchen. " "J hn Stuart Mill. " "Panics , " Tjndall and the Theologians. " "The Church and Science " " " " "Chromo-Clvlllratlon , - , "The Short Hairs and the Swallow Tally. " "The Debtor Claw , " "Philcal Force in Politic * , " "Summer Host , " embody fine sp clmens o Mr Godkln's wit and wisdom. Clmrle Scrlbner's Sons , New York. The bound \olumeof Harper's Hound Tabl for ISBfi the ICtli lit the ser'es ' tmrks at Important epoch In the history of this period leal , the chief features of which have been a change of nuno and th establishment o a new department. With the Issue of Aprl 30 , 1S93 , the name of the paper was clmngei from Harper's Young People to Harper' Hctind Table , and the dtpartm'nt of "Inter scholastic Sport" vvds established Still an other noticeably unique feature of the pas yc-ir has b" ° n the weekly publication of bl cjclo maps marked charts and description of various blcjcle routes In the \lcltilty o different Important cities In America. A brief glance at the present volume shows that during the y nr ten serials by wol known authors hive made up a portion o the contents. In addition there have ap peared during the same period of time over 123 short stories , almost as nvany descriptive and historical sketches , and numerous nr tides full \alttablo Information , Harper * t tiros. , NOW York. The artist who accompanies his pictures with narrative , or the author who Illustrate hH own books , Is becoming a familiar figure and Mr. Alfred Parpoiu Is among the imc cossfnl ones. His "Not s In Japan" Is n vcr > pleasing bogk of Japineso travel , containing the article which have appeared In Harper's Magazine , and whoso Illustrations of lloweri ? nnd follagi certainly come as near to giving HID effect of color as mere black and white could pojylbly do. His nirritlva Is Interest Ing , nnd while It contains little that IR en tlrcly new , the subject Is at II unlncKneyed am fayoInatlnK , and the personality of each now writer gives It n. fresh Intsrest. Harper & Hrotx , New York In "The HouiMtoit on the Stvx , " the author , John Kendricks Rings , recounts the doings and Mjlng.5 on sundry occasions o the Associated Shades , a select body of 1m mortal gho ts who organize thctns'ives InU , a club for mutual Intercourse and social bene fit. The house-boat , the Nancy Nox , nnchorei close to the hadca slioro of the Stjx , U tin club ; ouch eminent spirits as Sir Walts' Ualelgh , OiSBlus , Demosthenes , Uhckstone Dr. Johnton and Confucius are the house committee , and eld Charon Is the steward and manager of the organization. Harper & Ilros. . New York. Miss Woolson's thorough knowledga of the "mechanism" of the short story Is consplcu OUR In "Dorothy and Other Stories. " Dor othy marries Alan Mackenzie , a man cverj one supposed to be utterly commonplace , and she dies of a broken heart after losing him When her stepmother finds out who Dorothj Is In love with the scene Is at once inthetlc and funny. In "The Waitress" the autlioi draws the character of Modesta , a Tuscan peasant woman , as that of a perfectly kind clnrltable , self-sacrificing creature , who would not hurt a fly. Yet when she gets Jealous she tries to kill her rival. The scene Is inten3ly dramatic. Harper & Bros. , New York Eight sketches and a short story , giving impressions of the everjday life In the Scotch village of Barncraig , are presented In "Sun slilno anil Hoar , u > uiiueri aeioun. neu Letter Di > s" Is a description of the custoir of "first-footing" on New Year's day and the superstitions which attend It. "The Widow' * Klrkln" sketches the starting of the Kane } from the port , Its loss at sea , and the fadness caused In Barncraig by the- drowning of the men Harper & Bros , New York. "Aftermath" Is part second of "A Kcntuckj Cardinal. " In the latter tale , Adam Mobs an enthusiastic lover of all nature , falls It love with Georglana Cobb It Is but a few da > s after their troth Is plighted that "After math" begins It la In June , and their wed ding is to take place In the early part ol September. Day bj day , the love-web , spun tighter and tighter , se ms to the nature-lov ing Adam to Interneavo Itsjlf with the ad vanclng stages of the reason and the slnglnp of the birds. Gforglana's fears that ho maj love hlo birds and his studios of them better than her are overcome , and they are mar- riwl. Their mairlod life , petlcal almost Ir Its simplicity and mutual uns Iflshness , end' sadly and tragically n year later , whet Georglana gives her life for that of their son , who comes into the world. On almost every page are touches which show the most delicate and sympathetic appreciation of the beauties of nature. Harper & Bros , Now York. "People Wo Pass , " by Julian Ralph , con sists of eight stories of life among the masses of New York City. "The Line-Man's Wedding" describes a wedding which took place at the top of a telegraph pole to en able a newspaper friend of the l'ne man to write a sensational "beat. " "The Mother Song" tells of the aspirations of a Bowery boy , the son of an old apple woman ( who conceals her Identity for the boy's sake ) , to vvrlto a ballad which will bring him and his mother a fortune. Harper & . Bros , New York. " 'Censlon" by Maude Mason Austin , Is a simple love tale and sketch of ranch life near Paso del Norte , where tlir < slothful Mexicans are somewhat excited over the railroads which the onterprHng Americans are build ing. 'Censlon , the joung daughter of a ( wealthy and easy-going owner of a ranch not far from Paso del Norto , loves , as passionately as only her warm Spanish nature can love , Eduardo - uardo Lerma , a bold , coarpaly handsome man of 38. This beautiful Mexican girl Is In direct contrast to the man upon whom she Iwstows her love. Ho Is a thief , liar , and h > pocrlte , nnd only cares for 'Censlon as he would for an exquisite wild flower , to be plucked , scented and trampled In the dust. She goes with her brother , Pablo , to the great fair at Paso del Norte , yearning for the public recognition from Eduardo , which he , coward-like , does not give her , among the more splendidly dressed senorap. Edu- a'rdo's evil suggestions glance from her as from shining armor , and In the end her brother Is able to save his bister from the villain's wiles by proving him a robber , the deserter of his wife and children , nnd a would-be murderer. Harper & Bros. , Now York. "Oaklelgh. " by Ellen Douglas Deland , tells the story of Mr. rrrnklln , a widower with five children Edith , aged 10 , Cynthia and Jack , aged 11 , and two younger ones. Edith has difficult ) In managing the household. Mr Franklin marries Miss Gordon. The children. led by Edith , rebel ; but the others are icconclled after a struggle , and the step mother finally wins the affections of the eld ot flac. The story Is a Dimple ono of home llfo and of the llttlo dally struggles and trials ; but th characters are natural , and the tale Is full of human Interest , Harper & Bros. , New York. IlnuKx llrc rilOM THE PUBLISHERS : American Book company , Chicago : "Old Greek Stories , " by James Baldwin. "Sto ries for Children , " by Mrs. Charles A. Lane. "Fairy Stories and Tables , " by James Baldwin. Stone & Klmhall , Chicago : "Macalro ; " a melodramatic farce , by llobert Louis Steven son and William Everett Henley , $1. "The Gods Give My Donkey Wings , " by Agnes Evan Abbott ; Jl. "Tho Gypsy Christ , " by William Sharp ; | 1 , "Hosj of Dutcher's Cecily , " by Hamlln Garland ; Jl.GO. "Black Spirits and W'nlte , " by Ilalph Adams Cram ; n. American Hallway Guide company ; "The Uand-McNally Official Hallway Guide , " re vised edition for December ; 40 cents , Thomas Whlttakcr , New York ; "The Protestant-Episcopal Almanac and Parochial LUt , " paper ; 25 cents. The Record Publishing company , Phila delphia ; "Philadelphia Record Almanac 1806. " FROM MEGEATH STATIONERY COM PANY , OMAHA. Frederick A. Stokes company , New York ; "The Laureates of England , " by Ken > on WKJt ! 12 mo. "Stolen Souls , " by William Le Queux ; 12 mo. "Toxin , " by Oulda ; 75 cents. "A Whlto Baby , " by James Welsh. "Sinners Twain , " by John Macklo ; 75 cents , The Cassell Publishing company , New York : "Girls Old and New , " by L. T. Meade ; 1C mo. Charles Scribnor's Sons , New Yoik ; "The Amazing Marriage , " by George Meredith ; 2 voli. ; 1250 , "Domesticated Animals , " by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler ; $2 60 , "The Poor In Great Cities , " by Robert A. Wood , William Jewett Tucker and others ; $ t. "Amos Judd , " by J. A. Mitchell ; 75 cents. "Reflection ! ) and liomments. " by Edward Lawrence Godkln ; (2 , "St. Nicholas Maga zine , " bound , 2 parts ; November. 1891 , to October , 18D5 ; M "The Century Magazine. " bound , May , 1895. to October , 1835 ; $3. I "The Prlvnt Llfe > of Napoleon , " memoirs of Constant ; 4 vols. , 12 mo. ; J3. The Werner company , Chlcigo1 "John Sherman's Recollections of Torty Years In the House , Senate and Cabinet , " 2 voK $7 BO. Harper & Bro * . . New York"Dorotlu and Other Stories , " by Con tant fenlmore Wocl - > n ; Ifi mo , "From thp Black Sea Through PcrsK and India , " by Kdwln I/on Weeks ; 8 vcls. "JudP , the Obscure , " by Thoitns Hardy ; 16 tno "Note" In Japin , ' by Alfred Parsons ; S vo ; J3 "Dona 1'er- fccta , " by B Pcro ? fltldos , tran laton ! b > Mary J. Serrano ; 1C mo "Sun hlno am Hoar , " by Gilbert Ifi " Setoun. mo "Oak- lolgh , " by Ellen Douglas Deland , IB mo "Aftermath , " by James Inti3 Allen ; 32 mo "A Housebont on the Stjv" by John Ken- drlck Bangs "Dixie ; or. Southern Scene * and Sketch's , " by Julian Rslph , S vo ; ? 2 fit ) " Tension , " bj Maude Mason Austin ; 32 mo "The Journal of a Spy In PirK" b > Raotil Hcsdln , Ifi mo "Methods of Mini' ' Training. Concentrated Attention and Mem ory , " by Catharine Alk'n ; 1C mo "People We Pass , " by Julian Ralph ; 8 vo ; $125 "Red Men and While , " by Owen WlV'er S vo "Harper's Round Table for 1S95 , ' single volume , l.OOC pages. rilOM THE AUTHOR- M Glass , 831 Scott street , Covlngton , Ky "Our Money Sjstcm , " by M. Glass ; paper SO pigcs , _ lv M | . THE RSOTERIC Esoteric Publishing com- piny , Applegate , Cal WOMAN'S PROGRESS Woman's Progress company , 1003 Walnut street , Philadel phia RHODES' JOURNAL OP BANKING Brad ford Rhodes & . Co. , 7S William street , New York THE OPP1CE MEN'S RECORD The- Office Men's Record company , Major Black , Chi- ctgo. THE INSURANCE ECONOMIST The Econ omist Publication association , Potter build- lilt , ' , Now York POET-LORE Poet-Loro company , 19C Sum mer street , Boston. NICKELL MAGAZINE Russell Publishing company , 51 Summer street , Bn'tou THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Leonard Scott Publishing compiny , New York. TABLE TALK Table Talk Publishing com- piny , 1113 Chestnut street , Philadelphia. rou TIIIJ V Toxin PriMiPhpr Iiilrriirpla H for IClllKlllM Of ( lip Cillp , At the lite convention of the Travelers' Protective association of Texas , held at Tort Worth , the chaplain of the church on wheels Rev. Homer T. Wilson , delivered a most Inter esting address on the life and characteristics : > f the drummer. Among other things , ho 3" Id : The editor , the lawyer , the merchant , the bootblack nnd the parson nlIKo listen to their words of wisdom nnd laugh nt their latest Jokes. They are the exponents of the latest stjles , In dress and manners , and the missionaries of the most stupendous problems In political economy. There Is no question In science , literature or the arts that does not come within the scope of their Intellect , If the knowledge of the subject will In any way aid them In closing n deal ; nnd 1C It Is i question of "two off for cish" they will even extend their knowledge Into the limitless fields of theology. They nro alwajs loaded , ind whether the charge Is Just the one most suited for the game , it never falls of the mark. But wo must not view the mission of the rommcre'.il tourist In the light of a selfish mercenary It is true they are not out for their health , nor pleasure , especially when making a Icng run en rough roads , with a alow team and a talkative driver These tiresome pulls sometimes induce them to "tako a little wine for the stomach's sake , " and It Is biicly possible their sollcitudo for the stomach sometimes causes them to los ; their heads. As a drummer friend I once know , whom I had pulled out of the gutier and was trying to sober up , after taking a hearty drink of water , said to mo "Brother Wilson , hie , I's behind , hlc , on water. " We should alwajs keep our own accounts checked up , and be careful that the elements essential to our heilth nnd happiness should not be found want ng. ' The peaceful commercial Intercourse of nations has always be ° n necessary to the spread of truth and righteousness When flc-atlng navies nre Ijlng Idly at anchor , and the high ti as whltenerl with Ilia sulls of commerc * . then the rfilp of the mltnlonary may sail unmolested to the distant Isles of the sea , earning with It Joy and gladness A WAR REMINISCENCE. The peace and happlnes of our native land was disturbed a tow ytars ago by a dreadful war. The flames of sectional prej- udlca was fanned Into a yaethlng billow of destruction. The bonds of unlcn were broken ; commercial Intercourse was at nn nd. The thund'rs of war were hoard , the roar of artillery , the rattle of musketry , the shrieks and groans of wounded nnd djlng rent the air. Tor four long , weary yearn our countrj was In the throes cf unutterable agony. When the last battle was fought and the storm doiU passed away ths genial rays of a southern tun looked down upon a land desolib * and ruined. Palaces and cottages In ashes rer- tllo fields , where one0 the cotton "bloomed beneath the fctars. " and the beard'd grain ilponed for the sickle , are now desolate. In Lattcrs and r4gs , the soldiers of the lost cause Tootsoro and weary , returned to tlHr cheer less homes. The scenes cf the- march , the fury of the charge , the groans of the dying , jre not more terrible thin the dreadvl fear of hunger , from which even the great Napoleon fled through the winter-mantled plains of Russia. The artist's brush has given the world a picture of the soldier's departure , and the eturn ; but what Is ths artistic de "rlptlon compared to the vivid reality , cngnved on uemory's tablets The rauso ho loved Is est , the banner under which ho fought for ever trails the dust , heartbroken and wounded , fresh from the last great strug gle , ho comes. The wife , true to womHii'fc eve , weary from the four jears' battlent ionic to keep the wolf from the door , now with open arms receives him , whom nhe luc- rlficod for the catiso she loved. Neighbors and friends rejoiced with each other at oved ones returned , and wept together for those who returned not again H was during these dark and gloomy dajs that the commercial messenger append upon the scene , bearing a message of cn'ii- ort and peace The blood-thirsty polltlcla-is , especially tho"o who had never smelt the imoke of battle were bitter In their anath emas against a _ fallen fos. Unlike the mmortal hero ami conqueror of Appomat- ox , whoso flrit sentence after the citrrun- der was , "General Leo. have yout m n nny rations ? " on being Infoimeil of the doxtl- ute condition , gave orders to hU men to sco that rations were Issued at once "to General Lto's army. " Genenl Grant was a bravo and gallant leader , and commiuded he love and confidence nf his men , but vhen ho returned hi ! < sword to the crab- jaril , and with a loving hand gave bread o a fallen foe , and upon a r.olillcr'ff honor efendcd those whom ho had conqusrcd , he mmortallzed himself In tin uye of the IvIlUed world BEARING THE OLIVE BNCfI. : . Whllo politicians were grappll'ig with the iroblems of reconstruction , thu mml.nnl- nen were visiting the country gf the ron- qiicnd , and kindly cxtoidin | > j them ( he irlv lieges of their goods , with a reason able time In which to pay for them. This ias a kindness , and upon thu principle , 'It In more blessed to glvp th in to re ceive , " Not only .1lil it act vs iialm to th * votinded t > aul of the eotitli , but the giver ecclved a greater hlesulng The need of kindness thus sown by the Irtiminer'a hand has grown to be "Llko a reo planted by the ilver-j of water that bring forth his fruit In his eason. " These commercial angulf have taught the north1 * man that a southerner Is a nnblc- nan In his home and business , and the south ern man hau aluo learned , from thesemea - engers of peace , that a "Yankee" Is a good ellovv , tco , and he Is ready to receive him , voodou nutmegu and all , Sectional prejudice \ utmost a thing of lie past. Ths genial wholesale drummer , vlth grip in hand , has visited every city , own and hamlet , slopped at all the good , better and l ) = t hotels ; listened to the oft re lated Bong , "How'll yo have yer stake ; iow'11 JB have yer alga , lea or coffee yass ih ! " antf after eating heartily of tie stand ard bill of fare , spending theevening In tell- ng Jokes and playing oomo Innocent gatno , or "they are all honorable ( Innocent ) men , " itid the landlord and the neighbors retire , with lecomlng gratitude that there or < > angel * tnong men. The commercial intercourse between the sections has donn more to reunite our coun try nnd allay political prejudice than nil the laws pa's t by congress slnen the vvsr. The hum of the spindle , the wheels of the manufacturer , based upon the agricultural and mineral wealth of the south , nro nn\r In motion , A new era has dawned In tha onward moveni nt of commercial Interest ; the new south has taken her plice as A part of the proudest nation under the sun , nnd , In the language of the Immortal firmly , "There Is no north , no south , no eist , AJ west , but It's our flag nnd our country. " Victor lingo sMd "Prr-Jtidlc Is thp soul's worst entity" Thl green-ejed monster lurked In the minds of the pilgrims at Ply mouth Rook nnd Jamestown the Puritan of the north and the caviller of the south , gr"w to Immense proportions , the pplrlt of envy and joitousy Increased , until n mighty strug gle nnd n baptism of blond burled out of Right the dividing lln of our nation SOIIKIl , UPRIGHT MKN All honor to the traveling men , who hnvo taken part In , reunited the scatterol frag ments of a great couutr > and produced the now min the American rltlren. But there Is anoth r foituro of their mission upon which 1 speak with all the fervor of my soul A largo per cent of the traveling salesmen ar ! * meral men , comparatively few of them nro Intemperate The great cont- in tclnl Interest of our country denmmU sober , upright men. It Is a hopeful sign , In the ov pnlng of thp nineteenth century , to we the principle of temperance making Its Impr sslon upon every legitimate entcrprl o of our country Even those who nre en- gagei In traveling for wholes-de liquors tire themselves required to bo temperate men. The Influence' of the drummers of tcdny U In the direction of right-doing At our lai't annual convention they voted the win * from their banquet , ami thus1 n t before thp world nn example worthy the Imitation of all This was n mailer stroke , nnd If other organiza tion * leprcscntlng the business Interests would follow tlio example In .1 short tlmo legislative enictmenti would follow that would rid our country of many ovlls Men who tnvel with grip nnd tuink arp brought Into close contnct with eJory shads of tlrJttght. nnd fvery kind \iumanltv.Lct \ us remember , vvlill * plodding nlar xtw / > "W > u ual wny , "n word fitlyvawkr.1 , ! , ' of gold In pitchers of allvcr.v' A * . , i nm noi cnuning Bimoi > , ( , , . , - my church on wheels ; If It , ? , { I1 ? would bo lonesome , on soni.e . ji. clalm thesw men are doing n ? ' . , lai benefit cur country In ages > t ' * ! , It Is not the philosopher , the \i K" scientist , nor the clerical parfni , v alone making the world bettor , but the uml- fenrlng men , who. In business pursuits of life. Implant n principle , nnd by a single word sow the seed of the kingdom of God In the human heart. "Yo nra n rojal priesthood , " said the Inspired writer , and thus taught the beautiful lrson cf universal rojnlty. The eloquence of the pulpit will never car vert the world , but the eloquent netlng of men In the humble walks of llfo will melt the stony heart nnd bring the world to God. Who can estimate the value of a plnglo noble act If the ever restless billows of the deep move from shore to shore , and the , sound of the neollnn harp mounts upon waviM unseen In the lealm of space , to nn unknown theieal shore' Is It not also true that the Influence of a n-blo net seta In motion waves of the moral atm spltcie , that roll onward , and upward , until thev idea the phoios of * Y | brighter world than thin ? \ GENEROUS DEEDS. The drummers have recently given nearly J300 to our Orphans' hcme , nnd on Thanks giving clny , n few of them cn'.lcd to pay their respects to these little sculs , who had been ti kindly remembered. Th children sang . "Thero Shlll Bo Showers of IHcsr-lngs. " and IH the song e'bsed I tuvv t irs trickling down the cheehf ) of these nobl ? SOIL ? , and I thought which of the two recelvd tha greater bless ing Iho children < r the drummers. Tha Itlnd , loving act made the moinl ntmosphoro quiver vvitli life and love. Not long since. I sat In a hotel. n ar a table ; n drummer sat ipposllo mo writlnc micro to bin house. After a while he tld : "Now I'll wrlto to auothir. " Appreciating the statement , I said , "that Is a noble thing to do " II" then ttirnel to mo and said : "My friend. I have bocn traveling for twenty years , and I have never failed writing my moth r every day , " and then he continued In a beautiful touchIng - Ing tribute to his mother. What n beautiful sot mon to the joung men who heard It. Only a few words were i'pken , but who can estimate the Influence over the hearts of tha joung men who heard it then , and the thousands who havs heard mo many limes tep-at It since. Bo careful , my friend , how jou speak when sometimes annoyed by the Irummer newsboy ; that little noisy tongue may someday thrill a natl&n with th power of his burning elcquencr. It will1 not coat you much to epeak kindly to him , and per chance , jou may kindle a fire of holy ambl- : lon in hln llttlo soul that will continue to jurn until the Impurities of his environments are consumed by the glories of n noble man- Banish from you Impure thoughts and acts , nnd "Lot no filthy communication proceed out of your mouth " The llfo and character of the drummer should be at least equal to In goods ho cells , and In most casts better. 11s goods will be consumed nnd worn out , jut his Influence In a community for good or evil will never end I am not ImU ing that the drummers sh ull iccome preachers If this should occui , both he pulpit and the business might suffer. The Impression mobt deslr < 1 Is that the bus- ness men of the country shall become the avcntio for the moral uplifting of the race. The business of the drummi-r Is not to build up sect or party , but establish lines and put n motion thhutcst trains of commerjie. Many and potent nro the Influences that cnitir nto and affect our religious nnd social abrlc. Commercial fellow thlp Ins united our ountry , despite the bitterness of partisan ) olltlclans. Through this system of oJucn- ion we have > become acquainted with our neighbor and 1 arnod to love him. though our political creeds may differ. The bar- larlc spirit of Intolnunco liau vanished he- ore the Christian gince of forbearance , Tha x cart nnd stage coach of long ugo have ; lvm place to thu lightning oxpr EB and tha 'ullmaii palace train. The Inventive genliu f the present has belted the world with glory and brought continents In close touch vlth each othei. The cioakcr and th crank , n politics and religion , must t.tand nsldo and et the splendid train of the nineteenth cun- ury have the "right of way. " BIGOTRY VANISHING. The public Bchools of today are keeping ace with the ago of progress. They nro ot teaching theology or sectarianism , but reparlug the j flung rnlnd for the great duties f llfu and idtfatlng them for the high and onoied position of American citizens , These Influences have made an ImprosaJo.i pen the world of religious thought. Tha ircjuillcc of the pulpit and the pew hui or the moat part vanished , and the licau- Iful spirit nf fellownhlp and love now char- cterUeH the followorti of the meek nnd Idwly ne , The hosts of the Christian world are low in heart united , nnd arc storming the jattlcmunts of Bin. Amf nu we eland niioul- er to Flioulder In defense of the right , and gainst the wrong , wo will forget the differ- nco in cited , and at last win a glorious /Ic- ory for "God nnd homo and native \Vo cannot speak too highly of Jl1 euro of the jircm In molding IM. * " "Tho pen Is mightier than the HVV. who occupy this high and honored should pjx'ak , us many of them do , prudently of publlu opinion , and with a man- ter hand ctrlko at the evils of the day ami present to the world the spirit of true patri otism The need of tlm hour In all the do- piirtments of church uml state Is men. When Uemr.il Plctoii and his gallant "Scotch Grays" were making the desperate Uianu ; on the battlefield ut Waterloo , Na poleon , viewing them through his glass , said ; "If I had such men as tlioso I could conquer the world " In the moving procession of the century we need men ; not narrow-minded gclflbh big ots but men. Men on the road , In the field , in the halls of legislation , In the pulpit everywhere the call of the hour U for men. \Vlthnll _ these Influences , present and act- In u , may we not upend the evening of the century with pleasurable anticipations for a glorious future. As the rising nun of the new century dawns upon us , let us hope his genial rays will fall upon n land united , That bitterness and if-ctlonallwn shall be no more , but under one Hag we shall live , bound by ( lea of nnlvcrail brotherhood , And may the spirit of Him who stilled the tempest speak peace to the troubled water * of a divided Christendom and make thorn one. And , brethren of the road , when the last bill Ii sold , the order book , the grip and the "House not mad with hands , eternal , checked up , may we be prepared to enter the 'House' not made with hands , eternal In the licavca *