THE OMAHA DAILY JJE15 : MONDAY" , DI3OBMBBK 'JO , 181)5. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. i , IS I'l-nrlStrer I Il < W.TIItnn , Mutineer ntid Lcinco , m " ? n rpl Ifpl Rril FrS 1 irri ] [ rp ] IrriJ I ml I ral I mJ I f rsllral73ir3 ] MIMHl Mi\TIII.\ . Dora ) Jeston * . J. II. Mcl'horson. Tel. 211 The time tf holding tlie funeral of Mrs. Ki'niund Jflcrlg has bo'n chnngcil p. m lo 3 lift p m. today. fha Grand hotel , Cour.cll niuffs. Il ! ; h elara In every respect. Kites , J2 f > 0 per ilay nd upward. H. R Clark , proprietor. 1 Tin ! Council IHurta presbytery will hold a this afUrnoon at ? o'clock In the pastcr'i study of the Tlrst 1'rcsbytcrlan church. Haomus Hausen was arrc ted laft evening for malting a public ntilsanc * of lilms If near the Salvation nrmy barMcks on Broadway ft'rvlca. /during There will bo a. special mc'tlni ; of WashIngton - Ington ramp No. 12 , 1'atrlotlc Order of Sons of America , thin evening. A largp attendance Is desired. Hy order of the piculdcnt. 3-months-old of J. Krrtt , the - - dinghler J. Took , died cf lung fever jesterday at ths family residence In Garner township. The funeral will take phco this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Clyde , the il-yar-old sfn of Mr. and Mrs. llavld llrolJlon , died of spinal meningitis yeztcrdny morning at 4:15 : o'clock , at hli residence , 2315 Thlid avenue. The fun ral v.lll occur tomorrow. An overcoat was stolen from the resi lience of J ss Aylcpworth on llrondway nnd Kuclld au-mta Saturday. It wan found jcelerday by omn r Murphy In Goldsteins pwn shop In Omaha. The daughter of J. Mowery of CIS Klf- tctnth avenue , died of lung fever yorfrdny. nfTd 1 ycir. Tlie remains will bo burled In J'alrvlew ccmetciy , services b < .lug h-sld - ct the rcsldunco this afternoon nt 2 o'clork. Council camp No. 11. Woodmen of the Worll , will meet' In their hall tonight nt S o'clcclc sharp f < r woik In the protection de- 1'i-co and olectlou of ofllcers. A full attend- nnca dos'rul. All \lslllng inebora cordially Invited. C. P Ncl-on cf COl Hast Broadway filed two chattel mortgages Siturday evening with the county recorder , one for $1,009 In favor of Jacob 55rll r , and the other for $700 , In favor of Groneweg & Schcpnlgen. They come duo In six month ? . Sltty-four billiard nnd p"cd balls were wtolen the other diy from an Omaha blllljrd hall under the old Tliuraton Hllles' armory on Hartley str ft , b"two-n Fifteenth and Six teenth streets , Officer Murphy found six teen cf them yesterday at Friedman's pawn shop. w The following officers liavo b en chosen by | ' 'tlio Iowa lyglon of Honor : President , J. A. Spauldlng ; vice president , M. L. Henry ; cl npliln. Georges Wlso ; recording secretary , n. II. Fonda ; trcasur r and financial secre tary , A. n. Drock ; usher , K. A. Cook ; door keeper , I. Llndijulst ; sentlntl , Victor Sadownkl. John Limit served the city some Urns' ago with notice that ho would begin cult for 12. Peterson , Mrs 13. I'ctersnn and George GeUler against the city for damage ? amount ing to $11,000 on account of Injuries from a broken f.dcwalk. The time for filing pe titions has now elapsed , FO that there will bo no trial befcro the next term of court. The funeral of Michael McGlft took placs yesterday afternoon from St. Francis Xavlcr's Catholic church , itndT the auspices ot Knights of Labor council No. 1003 of this city. The knights ot South Omaha contributed toward the. funeral expenses. Ths remains were followed lo their restIng - Ing place In the Catholic cemetery by null ; a company of Knights and their families. Even Sunday evening theatricals are pop ular In Council llluffs when the play Is good nnd the prices down to 10 cents , as the crowd'd condition of Dohany's last night am ply Indicated. "A Kentucky Girl" met with n scry hearty reception and enabled the Woodwards to bcoro another substantial suc- t'css. The bill for tonight Is "My Wife's l'"rlend , " the very cl an and wholesome dr.una gl\en n few weeks ngcr to $1 scats , by the /ndrcws company. There was a l.itge sale of sells last night for thla play , and Ihoso who want to get seats will have to r ach the box office early this mcrnlng. Guard against loss by fire and Insure your property In reliable companies. If you pay an Insurance premium you expect Insurance. We represent some of the best English and American companies. Lougee & Towlo. MONEY lo loan on Improved Iowa farms. Largo loans a specialty. Flro Insurance. L. W. Tulleys , 102 Main St. . rooms 2 and 3. Ar Htoeli Glvi-ii Atvny. Not being able to altcnd lo business , I will sell anything In my line at actual cost. Goods must go at some price. See the ele gant new pictures Ihat Just camein. . All to ha cut and slashed. A largo etching given with each $1 00 purchase. W W. CHAPMAN , 17 Main Street. I , I'AHACltAI'lIS. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Annls , 31B Ncrth nighlh slreel , a daughter. Mra. 12. II. Sherman returned yesterday from an extended visit through the southern Btatcfl. Mrs. L. Merkel , who was dangerously III frcm lung fever last week , was able to bo up yesterday. Miss Julia Officer of Chicago Is visiting her parento , Mr. and Mr . Thomas Olllccr , on Willow menuo , during the holidays. Prof , and Mrs , II. W. Hazzen of Mount Cairoll , III. , ppc-nt the holiday vacation with Mr , nnd Mrs , II. W. Hazelton , on Avenue P. Clinton Spooner of the Nebraska State unl- vorslty fet ball team Is 1n the city , spend ing the holidays with his relatives on Fourth street , Kenneth n. Andrews , teller In the GUI/ens' Imnk , will bo succeeded January 1 by Mr , Wylle , foimerly cashier tf the Nebraska Na- tlonul bank at Kearney. Deputy .United Stales Marehal William I/ddlnrd cf Hut-In Illo , Neb , , and Sheriff Hckles of Sherldin , Wyo. , were In the city yester day for a visit at police headquarter * , John C , Lso and family have gene to Chicago cage to llvo whllo Mr , Leo la completing a largo contract ho has lher . J. C. I/inge ana family nre occupying hla residence on Seventh street during Ma absence. Misses IJIeanor and Margaret Alldns of I'dln , la , , arc In the city , guests of their bluter , UFA It. II. Lemon , Thsy are ne- companled by Mr. Kettmun of Central nnt- vorslty , anil will remain hero until ThursJiy. Kucrnt Infornmtloii from Chicago Is to tlio effect tlut llouanl N , Ilattenhnuer nnd Vilfeliose recent departure from this city AMIS mentioned In The I lee , are now occupy ing exp mlvo npartmonta ftt the Victoria , otia of tlio Windy Clty'H aw ell hotMi ? . Lost , a wlilto npanlel bltcli , lemon-coloreil oaruj wclglit , 15 Ibs. Siiltnblo reward given for return to 143 Ilroadwuy. prices on ollulitly uee < l pianos at Ilourlclus1 , tlio orchtstrol crown piano dealer , 11C StuUmaii utrceli , near M. K. cliurcli , Dr. Cleaver'u ofllce moved to GOO Droadway. unibrollns , Wollman'B , ICIIIIiur Ci Some t'jrt of an animal got Into the hg pen of Qoorgo Canning , at tli corner of Canning and llldgo streets , Christmas night and UllleJ fcur lioia weighing about Eo\cnty- Iho pounds each by biting through their necks , A vltltns alro maJo to the chicken coop , and twenty fowls \\ero found lying dead In the m nilng , Mr. Canning Is cu- tlderably puzzled to know what sort of an nnlmal It could Imve been that would do the damage In Just the way It was done. A ukuuk occasionally dines off of snnll animals after biting their neck * , but a skunk that could lay out four hogs and eat a good share of ono cf them would Lo fomelhlng of n phenomenon , In all sizes , pointed and tquare toe , calf- ekln. u J2.00. } 2.DO and fS.OO a pair , at Dyers' shoo store , 412 nroadway. Kvcry w-fll dressed man appreciates goad laundry work. That Is why so many go to In * Kaglo Laundry , 724 llroadway. Telephone 1ST Jarvls 1877 brandy ; purett , tafest , bctt. Pine cut glasi and china , Wollman'i. i'ii.vAiu nv\ot UITII TMI : AVIM : . .Inr > l * ' Stnri'Ultiil liv n MiillfloiiM 'I'lutnuli 'I'l'iiiiiordti * Itiiiulnr. Ssmo on ? oil inlfrhlcf ben' hid a mrrry tmo ! of It at the Janli wins company' * egabllt-liment : , IJ5 South Main , early > * sterday mornlnK. Shortly after midnight a man lerpliiR in H neighboring 1'vcry ' birn henrd c. crash and the sound ot falllnt ; glais. HP thought It was nothing more serious than RII argument bctwc-'n sonip ot Jarvls em ployes , and made no invstlRatlon. Ycrttr- day morning when tlio Jnrvls company's fouman came CM duty , he found that during Iho night iome one had thrown a beer kerf through one of the back window , ' . The keg lay on th ? floor EUrronnd'tl by n Inrge amount of broken Blast' . The window 0111 was stained n ruddy hue , and tmd'rnoith It lay th ? re- nnlns of ten bot'les which had been filled with lne. llcsldes th m thro were two bottles Ijlng en Hi' ground which had not been Injutcd. Only one bottle of wine was mlsHing entirely , so far at ) could be found. Tlio niotho of tlr fellow who wrought the mlfchlrf It supposed to hav been merely to > it his , -plte. There was a larg ? amount of liquor In Juss nr.J barrels which could wily liava b'cn loaded Inta wagon and curled off , but none wao missing Mr. Jarvls Is out of the city , and It Is not kntAMi what ho will do toward bringing the miscreant lo justice. _ rniirj llri-KS I'lirly. A f.xncy drotu party was given at the residence idenceof .Miss Kittle Dullard Saturday even ing by the Hamilton Whirt club , composed of young women of Council Hluffs. Only thr e of the members were not on hand. All the rest were trlgrcd cut In girments which would startle the dogj In the neighborhood or Interest an artist , nccoidlng as cich cne's fancy picas d One > ouriR lady , with the a sl3tanc3 of a large assortment of plllovNs , Imitated the brownies , with the exception of tlio size , while others adopted th ills guise of ballet Cancers , dea 1 game sports , u J r boys , or plain everyday gentlemen In o\cnlns dress. One rather Interesting com bination waa that In which one half cf the gill , longitudinally speaking , wa i a ballot dancer and the other half a gentlemin In evening dress. Then thcr1 was a Christmas tree , adorned with various article ? , the Joke of which came to light when the bundles wcro opened. Ono lady drew a b x of ll\\r pill' , others tin hoins , and still others things that were neither so useful nor so bautlful as either ono cf thei'e. It was an evening of gr at merriment. Among those present were : Mesdamcs H. II. Loilgeo , C. C Shepard , Charles Cook , Will Hulls , W. W. Sherman , Wood Allen , n. J. Gilbert , W. H. Wakcfleld and L. T. Shugart ; Mls29 Nora Brown , Jes- slo Farnsworth , Jennie Keating , Addle Sher man , Anm Bowman , Klttlo Hullard and El sie Butts. Mrs. Albn , who appeared as an old fashioned girl , was awarded tlia prize for the bout costume. Crcjvory IM \ot Charles Gregory commenced an action In the dlstricl courl Saturday afternoon In which he make ; several Interesting allega tions with reference to some real estito dTtls hi which George V. Wright has been con cerned Ho has a judgment against Wrlclu for ? 2,1ID which , after a number of months , IM still unsatisfied , and he want ? the rotirt to order the Judgment paid by th sale of some property which dos not appear on the county records In Wright's name at all. hut In the name of Joseph Somsrvillo , whom ho makes a co-defendant with Wright. He charges In his pellllrn that Wright allowed some property to bo sold for taxes ind had Jesse M. Smith buy It In and disd It to SomerUlle. Other property was sold In the same way to J. II. Reed and by him deeded to Somenllle. He claims to bs able to prove that this land Is not Somervllle'7. but Is merely held by him In Irust and for thi benefit of Wright. He wants , the court Ic decree Wright the actual owner and allow blm to levy an execution upon It. Ilfiiril from Itcirnrtt Allen. According to a report which comes from the relatives of the young man In question , Burnett Allen has been heard from. He Is said to be married and IMng In AVIsconsln. The Eonsatlonal disappearance of Ihe jourg man whllo holding a series of meetings In I'lattimouth , Neb. , Is well remcmbared by readers of Th Bee. In the afternoon he conducted a bible reading , and was to he at the church early In the evening to ton- duct a young people's meeting. He went out for a walk between the meetings and rover returned. His brother , Hev. 12 , W. Allen , formerly paster of the uuristmn church In this clly , offered a reward or $100 for Information leading to his dltcovpry , but so far as is known nolhing was heard from him for more than a year. Soms of his friends In this city were tjuestlonel ns to his whereabouts , nnd they all t'.iid thty had never heard of his being fouuJ. Cvnni I.iKimlry Co. No. E20 Pearl btreet. Telephone 290. Wo liavo all the latest improvements for laundry- Ing. Wing point and turn down collars , and for the saving of linen In general. Stephan Bros , for plumbing and heating ; also line line ot gas fixtures. Fouml 11 MlNHliiK Cont. Christmas eve Jeff Perkins ? , a young colored man who acts as porter for several Broadway saloona wnt Into Mrs. 1'ralcr'a mansion at Fourteenth street and Dioadway for a. friendly call , and left his overcoat on a chair. When ho I'tnrted ' to go he found the chair empty. He- put the case In the hands ot the- police nnd Onicer Murphy locale.1 the missing gar ment In a pawnshop in Omaha , on Douglas bticet bJtween Eleventh and Twelfth strcjta The prop-lel-r of the shop gave a description cf the man of whom he bought the coat , and Murphy arresteJ Alexander Shcoley , a joung color d man , jeaterday on suspicion. The pawnshop keeper Identified him yesterday aa the right man , Shojley was blaled at the city Jail with larc'ny from a building In the night. This IB an offenoj which. If proved. In sures him a trip acrcoj Ihe state. Sheclcy denies all knwlfdgo of the thfft. The coat was valued nt ab.ul f 10. Have you seen the new gss heating stoves at the compai.y'8 offlce ? Jury 1'liulN a Vrnllrt. The Jury In the casa of Klmball Bros , against Deere , Wells & Co. , after being out fifteen liouif , came In Sunday morning at > o'clock with a scaUd vet diet , according to the Instructions of Judge Smith , It will Im opened when court Is called this morning. No olllclal Information could ba obtained as to Its contents , but it was reported that the jury favcred the p'.alntllf. latest silver novelties , Wollman's , Attend Davit ) ' cleat Ing sale of holiday goods , TO IUMTHU : MTTIIIIK. : t Siirxi-jor Ui' rcil In filit * Itt'Ni-rvr.lloii I'lnlH IVfori'in-r , OHA.MDKHLAIN. S , D. . Dec. 2'J. ( Spe cial , ) 1'artUs nctlng In behalf of the est- tlera on that portion of the ceded Sioux lands lying within Gregory county , on the north ern Nebraska line , are making an earnest effort to have the plats of the land filed In the United Staten land offlc In this city at the earliest possible moment , to the ssttlers can make entry of their homcstcidsvltlnui further delay , The settlers , or squatters , have ben on the land nearly tlx years , but the fact that the land was not surveyed until ( inlto iccuntly prevented them making entry The work ot surveying the land was com pleted only a few months ago , and If the plaU uero completed In their regular order In the otllce cf the United States surveyor general at Huron It would be nearly a year before the necEEEary red tapu could be gene through with and the urttlers make their filings However , efforts art being made to have the work made rpeclal , and the commissioner of the general land olllce will undoubtedly FO Instiuct the sur\e > or general at an early day In this event the settlers will be en abled to make their entries beforeth ) cloy- of the presc-nt ( heal year , and the govern ment woulJ , In a measure , atone for the In justice done th m. Many of the settler * have Improvements on their land to the amount of several thousand dollars , I \ \V1LLBETIIESPEAKEK \ Question that Agitates the Minds of the Iowa Politicians JuU Now , FATE OF PROHIBITION HANGS ON IT CnnU'tt In Ht-twei'ii tlie I.llit'rnlH null ( lie ntriiN , \ ltli < lic Outcome rnorrliilii tint DKS MOIN'ns , DEC. 23. ( Special. ) Whllo the general assembly will not convene for more than a fortnight , the , canvass for the spsnkershlp of the lower Jiouse may now be slid to bo "on" In earnest. It Is admitted on all sides that the election of a speaker ot the liouso Is going lo largely determine the trend of legislation for the session. Many Important nutters of general legislation will cnler Into this contest as "side Issues , " bill the main factor that will Influence If not control the choice of the members In the selection cf a speaker Is th ? question of future liquor legis lation. The republican party no nutter what efforts may be made to disguise 1J has ar rived at Hie "parting of the wlfys. " Shall the party go back and engage In n vain effort to enforce state-wide prohibition and force n vote upon a prohibition amendment lo the state constitution on the eve of a presidential election , tit the behest of the prohibition ele ment , or shall further legislation on the Una of Die mulct law b ? enacted nnd the party brought squarely In line with the na tional policy ? These arc the questions that the contending factions In the next legisla ture will 1mo to grapple In earnest , and which will bo practically settled by the makeup of tlo commlttecs'ln the lower house , The standing committee on suppression of Intemperance , which will b appointed by the speaker , under the rules of t'nc house can exercise almost rbsolute * control over all matters referred to It for consideration , and by promptly reporting or pigeonholing bills n bare majority of this committee can dic tate all legislation on this subject. It was the s'ubbornncss of Chairman Funk nnd his followers , who controlled this ccmmltte ? two years ago , that prolonged the fight till tlie very close of the session , and came neir de feating all efforts to modify the prohibitory law. The re-election of Funk nnd his cl ter mination to again control the makeup of t'.ils Important committee and thereby "call a halt to further legislation In the Interest of the saloon" has thoroughly nrousfrd the lib eral clement In the nartv. and It will b > n fight to a finish. CANDIDATES FOR TUG PLACE. As the canvass for the tpeak rshlp pro gresses It becomes more and nnre evident that the vttej of the liberal members will bo cast solidly In the caucus for Hon. II.V. . lljcrs of ShoCby for spiaker. Mr. Ilyen ? a dozen years ago was a farm- Innd. Ha sus3quently sludled law and was admitted lo the bar. He was unanimously chosen speaker pro tern of the house at the list session and became be fore the clos-a of his firjt lerm an acknowledged leader. De'Oti j tin buppnr ! Indicated he I > 3 certain to recehe some sub stantial asslstanc ; on account of loc-illty western Iowa cot having had the ppcaltershlp for nearly n scor3 of years Tin opposition to Mr. Byero will hardly bo able to unite upon a candidate b'forelund , or until a full understanding In rcgaid to the disposition of the principal chairman ships Is reached. Mr. GrI.-wcrM . of Buchanan will receive support from Hie nortlieistrii part of the state , and Jack Morrltor of Keckuk ccunly will lllrly be In Iho race. II Is altogether probable , however , lhal W. S. Allen .cf Van lluren will b ? Mr. flyers' chief , If not his only competitor , at the end of the strussle. Mr. Allen enjojs the distinction of being the only r presentatho re-elected from Van lluren county In twenty years. Ho Is the author of the "C3 per cent clause" cf the mulct law , and undoubtedly saved thai meas ure from defeat by his tlni'ly amendment. The effect of this provision restricted the- operatlonu of the mulct outside of large cities to those Interior counties where at least G5 per cent c.f the votes were favorable to the measure. It Is altogether likely that Mr. Allen la willing to make a deal with Funk and hla supporter. ? In order to secure votes for the BpeaKershlp , and sjch a combine may have been already formed. A careful poll of the btata ccnatc greatly encourages the liberals in Ihe lower house In their efforts to control the Drginlzatlcn of that body. Of the forty-three republicans in that body not more than twenly at Iho outsldo will favor rssubmlsslon , while a manufaclureJ bill will probably receive Ihe support of twenty-thieo republicans only three short of a constitutional maj.rlty. WHAT cortbTirrTus A HtlnW Qiinrrcl tit lie ltfil < MM > il liy HiiIIMII Trnc'lu-i" * . DCS MOINES , Dec. 23. ( Special. ) The feature of the meeting of the Stale Tcjch- er * ' aseoclallon lo be held here Tuesday , Wednesday nnd Thursday , will be the con test in the college departmenl over a pro posed classification which will result , if adopted , In the leccgnltlon of only ten col leges In the state. Smaller Institutions bear ing Iho name of college will be lefl without recognition. This quarrel among the col leges Is not a new thing In the convention. At the session last year a committee pre viously appointed reported the same sys- lem of classification which will come up this year. The fight against Its adoption was led by President IJeardshear cf the State Agricultural college , who encccc-dcd In getting the matter referred back to the committee , which was enlarged , The committee mittee- will report agiln , but will adhere to Its former classification. Whllo accord ing to the report ten colleges will be recog nized , two divisions will be made class "A" and "II. " In class "A" are placsd only Hires colleges , the State university , Iowa and Cornell colleges. These are the only Inptltullons coming "fully up" lo the committee's requirement ! , ; but seven ol'ier Institutions are admitted to class "II" on the grounds Ihat they do excellent work and come nearly up to the requirements. These arc : Penn college , Oakaloosa , Das Molnea college , DCS Mollies , which Is nlfill- ated with Chicago university ; Drake uni versity , De ? Molnes ; Tabor college , Tabor ; Parson college , Filrfleld ; Simpson college , Indlanola ; Coo college , Cedar Rapids ; Upper Iowa university , Fayetle ; Luther college , Decorah ; Iowa unlvcnlty , Mount Pleasant ; Pella college , Palla , and Western college , Toledo. The requirements of the commlt'os ' In order tint an Institution shall ha entitled to rank as a college are : Satisfactory con ditions of admission ; correct organization of courses nnd a sufficient force of Instruc tion to create a colUga atmosphere ; ftctlty of Instruction , contlstlng of al least eight chairs , psychology and ethics , ancient lan guages , mathematics and astronomy , Eng lish language and literature , physics and chemistry , modern languages , hutory and political science , and the biological sciences. For the sake of admitting the clars "II" colhgcy this scheme le modified to sfx chairs , bunching the physical sciences and English and history. There would probably ba an Inconspicu ous objection U. the scheme because of the weakness of the Institutions which cannot come up at least to the class "H" re- quliements were It not for the fact that the committee arranseil to shut out the Ag- i ( cultural and Mechanical college , located at Ames. This gives the opponents of the committee report the support cf the powerful faculty of the college , Its numerous alumni and those who think that ths comr.illt"t ; . cor.feJttlng o ] representative or o'.dl ' line colleges , was prejudiced against the modern scUntlflc trend of Hie Institution al Ames , The only shortcoming of the Agricultural college' , In the eyes of the committee , was that It doss not maintain a chair cf either ancient or modern languages. Gsrman and Latin are taught and French to the female ttudents , but by Iimructois , a * language h made subsidiary to scknce. The Institution 1ms the largest faculty In the state , with the exception of tip Stite university , and the science departments arc , unequaled In Iowa , elth'r in number of protestors mid Instructors or ry facilities. Seven or eight courjes of Ptudy are cff red , whlc'i are admitted lo be thorough , but they are all based on science. The Agricultural col lege men do not with to be shut out from recognition fa'cnur ? the Institution1 do $ mt maka > specialty ot Qrcnk and Latin , und In order to get votes enough In the teach ers' convention they hive allt dnthem lvssi with the repretentathea of lfle > l eak r In stitutions , tunny of which lutft , rjj.illy little claim to the appellation of collegj. , Ii'HloiiH > In tilt * Choir. CKESTON , la. . Dec. 9.Sntlal , Tele gram. ) Quite n commotion was created In Ihe Methodist church this morning when the choir "struck" Trouble has"rWB brewing for some tlm * bclwecn Miss Anna Hex. lh- chorlslcr , and Miss Emma ConueU , , the cr- pnnlst. Miss Hex wanted Mls Connetl to resign , and In turn Miss Hex was askcj to se\er her official r lalions by Ihs chairman of the music commltlee The chorister was Informel that the organist could not be dtpjs d 1'i'css , ha g s wire pre-f.rrcd ngilnst her , and she prOco.dcd to circulate a petition among the choir members asking Ihat the organist r sign , to which n majority of the members nfilxcd their signatures. Saturday evening , the regular practice night , only the oigcnlst and ono member of the choir re- spcnded , and the conqr gallon was surprised at this morning's service when advised tlut the choir had "struck. " H Is a factional fight , caused by Jealousy. The Crcstsn Melh- cdlst church Is Ihe tccond largest In Iho ftnte numerically. HUIiop IV-rr ) t.uuilx DUIJUQUE , la. , Dec. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The golden Jubll celebrallon of St. John's Episcopal church opened Ihls morn ing when Bishop Perry delivered an historical address lo the Sons an 1 Daughters of the American Kcvolutkn. He declared Am rlca was Indebt d lo Englnnd for her dlsccnory , cxplorallon , cclonlzallon nnd clvlllratlou. Amrlca owed nollilng to th" Latin races or the Homan church , which lud simply obelructel the civilization accomplished by England , a civilization which had made America the greater Britain. Tonlqht ho spoke of "G ergs Washington , Chuichman and Patriot. " The celebration continues tomorrow. Hcv. Dr. Hi cohs of Detroit , the firrt rector , Is unions the clergymen present. Kiiinrni' : \ < > t 11 Ciiuillilnti * . WEBSTEU CITY , la. , Dsc , 29. ( Special Telegram. ) Hon. J. L. Kamrar , who was a candidate for governor before Ihe labl repub lican slale convsnllon , was so ° n In reference to the stil5iirnl telegraphed from Des Molnes to the effect Ihat he was blng con sidered by Go\crnor Jackson as n successor lo Hallroad Commissioner Luko. Mr. Kam rar said Ihat he was not a candidate for Iho pc-.lon ' ! , and lhal Ihe u = o of his name In this conn cllon was wholly unauthorized. Ho thought the location of Commissioner David son precluded the possibility of the appoint ment coming to Iho nerthweslern part of tlie state , but declined to express preference among Ihs many good men whom he was ad- vltod were camlldalef- CIINIH on' HIT Iliislinnil. WEBSTEH CITY , la. , Dec. 29. ( Special Telegram. ) The daughter of Landlord Sago of the Park hotel in this clly has develops ! Inlo a pronounced lype of Ihe new woman. onu nas jusi nan puuiisnca in cue local paper a nollce slallng that her husband must not be ghen credit on her account , as h > has left the bd and board provided by her father. Dry Oiioiln UoiilprH AsNlmi. CHEROKEE , la. , Dec. 29. ( Special Tele gram. ) B. Cohen & Co. , dry goods merchants of this plac ? , made a general assignment last night to D M. Kihn. Liabilities , about $10,000 , besldey a mortgage of ? i,000 held by the Cherokee bank. I.Min.lI.MTV FH01I TAVMHr IS SHOUT. Soulli Dakota Mn > HUMto ItclliiiiulNli Ilillf thi bum Kt'Ntoi'cd. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , D = c. 20. ( Special. ) Ben' P. Hoover , iccelver of the Gettys-btirg State bank , which cut so great a figure In the Taylor Investigation and trial , spent the clay In Ihls clly. He stated that as receiver for the bank h : > would at the next term cf court Institute proceedings to recover from the rlale and from Illinois parties land to the value of about $10,000. Taylor claimed to have lost some $70.000 in the Gettysburg bank three months beford his flight. Tlie stats has levied on Ihe property belonging lt > the bank , bought cut all the other stock holders but ono , and paid off the liabilities , taking the assets. Part of these was the Lsp- pelman ranch , In Potter county , a valuable pleco of property. Before Taylor acqulrd full tltlo to the stock he traded this ranch nt a valuation of $25,000 with James Taylor for a mercantile business In Newton , 111. , paying same $1C,000 additional In cash. The New ton property was net deeded to ths bank , but lo Ihe Chicago Mercantile agency , which Taylor and his friends formed. When Taylor lurned over the $100,000 to the state last summer he raised a part of It by selling this Nov.ton proprtj. In the meantime James Taylor had sold the ranch to George Scott of Carton , PIrle , Scott & Co. cf Chicago. Mr. Hcover will sue Scott to recover tlllo lo this ranch , selling up Ihat Iho officers of the Gettysburg bank had no right under their charter and the laws to make the trad ? with the Newton people , nnd that the bank never received any consideration. In case the bank wins th's ' suit , It will be shown that Taylor's Chicago Mercantile ag ncy had no lltle lo Iho Newton property , and the parties to whom he sold v nnd from whom ho received the mncy which he turned over to the state will have to glv ? It up. Hoover ban also begun cult against the Btato lo recover ulna quarter Eccllsru ot land belonging to the bank which Taylor flUrt as collateral to a note- from 0. W. Tenney which ho lurned In as assets , the note blng for $11,000. The basis of this suit will be that Ihlo land bo'c/ngs , not lo Taylor , bul to the Getlysburg bank , as Taylor had no right lo dlhposo of It , there being another stock holder who wan not consulted. If thlo I'ult I.i succcs'iful , the state will lose the$11,000 , by virtlio of Ihls collateral which has ben considered go' . The attaci m rti whlrh the state filed against ( lie aiots ef the Innk on Ihe ground , Ihat they belonged to Taj lor , have already been bet aside on the polltlon of this other ctockholder , who owns one- fifteenth of the stock. Mi. Hoo\er declared positively thai Taylor's claim that ho lost $70,000 , or any other yum In the Gettysburg bank , Is moonshine , that on the contrary , ho made a considerable sum , the assets on which ho realized being i ° old t r moro than twice the sum hs Invested In paying off the liabilities , AVrcclii'd In 11. ( lcn\y I-'OKT , COHK , Dec. 29 , A serious wreck Is re ported off Sklbbeereen , but a heavy fog pre vails and no details have been learned , QUAKER OATS Tito Child Loves It. The Dyspeptic Dormimls It. The i-picitro Dotc.soit It. DO YOU E'AT ' \\MI , Tin TIII : Tiioi.i.nv i\iMtnss. MMVrrnttKiMiiPtit It' Xr-w iloriej' for Newark will probably be of the rest of th country In doing a light e\pres bus iness by means ot trolley car * , sujs the V'lec- trie Engineer. The electric fallrond has al ready been used as a means of fapilltatlng the shipment cf gooJs from point to point. but managers cverywhpre hav hesitated abitit doing lodl express business because It fill alwa > s bo linpoii Ible to dell\cr pack ages dltcctly from the ears without causing n delay to passenger tralllc. Tlrre Is noth ing , however , to prcnt the establishment of rcceMng and dlstrlbutlnR offlces al the ends of each line , and wherever sUUtrnclts are permissible. The Consolidated Traction company has maJo an arrangement by which th ? United State * Express company will do business over ths various lines In special csrs built for the purpose , and six ot the cars are now being built In 1'hlladelph'a by the J. a Brill company for the experiment They will b ( roomy box car ? , equipped with a trolley , nud It Is pioposcil to trail a passenger car b'h'nd ' each of them. By means of these cars Iho express company will l > i able lo do biu ! ness In e\ery lown cnlerod by 0112 of the trolley lines , and It Is hoped will pick up consider able business which Is now being done by In dividuals who drive expiess wagons. It Is an entirely new branch of Ihe c.xpr , 13 bus iness , and musl necessarily be developed by trial before any niles can be formulated for It. It Is prom'sed ' bj the traction company that tin ? express oars will ne\er bo permitted to delay or Interfere with passenger tradlc General Manager Young of the Consoli dated Traction company , when asked about the company's plans to inaugurate a trolley express service , Kild1 "Wo wish no oonlllct with the city , and I ib not think any will occur , for the city council musl realize tint we are not overstepping the previsions of our franchise. The franchise gl\es us the light to carry 'people and property , ' and contains no proviso that the pisjcngjr must accompany the property. Thlo discussion will all end as soon ns tin express- service Is be gun , fcr the public will at once realize its advintages and utility. At present a imn wishing to rcich Jersey City or other nearby po'nlu ' , with , tviy , fifty p"timls ot legltlnntc cxprcsj "nailer , boiids n car , Inconveniences nil lh > other pasijngero and wcirlcs hlm- Eclf. Under the new express service ho may place his baggage on ail oxpre s car , board the next passenger car , and he and his bag gage will arrive at llielr d's-Mnatlon at about Iho raine lime , anl without any bother or trouble to any one. " The trolley express Is being oppo pd by railroad men , who have organl/ed to tett the legality of such abuslnss. M 'KMiiBO from 'JViiiHTiiiioe ] AViirU < T . LONDON , DEC. 29. The Crusaders have forwarded , through Hon. Neal Daw , Mother Stow art and Miss Frances Wlllard , a New- Year's greeting from the Temperance , workers of America , with the hope that war with Eng land \\111 be averted. Beecliam's pills are for biliousness - ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver , diz ziness , sick headachebad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite.sallow skinetc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills IDC and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's orwrite B. F. Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. Annual Kates more thap 8 COO 000 boxes. Wilt 3ITY BYE WORKS Clothing Dressis and Household Goods. DYKING AND CLl-ANIMi. OMAHA OI'TK'n , 1321 Tel 1521. COUNCIL niATrs Works nna Ofllce , Cor. Ave. A and 2Cth uttcet. Telephone 310. Send for jirlcc Hat. " " " "TIP Council Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , - - - $100,000 AVU SOMCIT YOUIl UU.SI.VKbH. AVI : nn.siun YOUH COLI.KCTIONS. O.MJ nv Tin : OI.IJUST IIA.VKS i.v IO\VA. r. I'KIl CLI.N'i' PAID ON TUin Iii'OSITS. : AND SIJU US OH AVIIIT13. NEW DOHANY GO , ANOTIIUU FOI.II ) WKKIC. will be Bl en the beautiful comedy- dcanm , WfllFE'S One of the stroiise'st plnys of the il iy iiBhtecn | icoplo In Iho cnst , I'rlco 1J cents to nil parts of the house. No extiu chargu for ret.ei\eil cents , STOCKHOLDIJHB1 flIKETING. Olllco of Lee-ClurUe-AtiUieosen llurdware Company , Omului , Nebrnsku , December 11 , 1855. Notice Is hereby ( jUon to tlio Btoelc- holdeis of the Lee-Cliirlce-Andrcesen IIunl- ware company that the imnuJl meotlni ; of the stockholder-j of the company will beheld held ut the ollk-oa of tlic aiM company , 1219 , U.'l nnd U'J3 Htitney ftreet , In the city of Omnlui , In the Htnto of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January II , A , D. , 1&90 , ut 3 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of electing a boanl or dlrectom for Hie company to berve during the ensuing year , and to lianhtiet such other buslnesii as may bo presented at " " ' ( Attest ) If. J. I.J3E. President. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. Ulld32t-M d . 6 6 6 ! - "Good Spirits/9 | 4 The words have different meanings - 9 ings to a ' 'spiritualist , a Kentuckian , | w A and an average man , For the A v average man good [ spirits depend on good digestion , How to insure 9 | good digestion ? A Ripans TabuJe | after " each meal , that's" all , f 9 V 9 9 A Rlpan'i Tatutek , Sold by drucrld * . or by mil ] i If the price U'i ' cfnu a box ) li icnl to the 111- n | > ini Cljxnilcul Cumpany , Nu. ID tvucc it , , N , Y. -o s a "m Water -nothing but watt.1" . That's all you need with Pcarline. Don't use any soap - iAvxv. . , . wjth jtf if what wo claim is true , that f J\ Y\\ Pcarline is better than .soap , the soap doesn't have a chance to do any work. It's only in the way. Besides , some soaps might cause trouble and you'd lay it to Pearline. You'll never got Pearl- ine's very brst work till you use it just as directed on the package. Then you'll have the easiest , quickest , most economical way of washing and cleaning. t 1 I * - * -J\ \ r\ - ' 1 V * flD \cal iOUl Jta st , n < , litllut'iirn , S)1 ) ( n , ItluMi- OF NEW YORK. R5CHARD A. McGURDY , President. Statement for the year ending December 3tst , 1894 INCOME. Jteei-lvoa for iirciiiluiui ( ? ; ltattlii : ; 82 From nil other innree * 1 JS)7,7OII ! ) 1U JlIS , ( ) OSI1) 01 DISBURSEMENTS. To policy Imlilrrs for clnlniH li > ilciilh ! ? l ll > aTI ! ) > I 1) I To policy Iioltlerx for endowments , tilt iilemlM , etc II,1511,1(111 Tor nil other iiccoinitN D,7SitI ! ( : IS liS7SfS : ) l i ! ASSETS L1 n It oil Stiitf * lioiulH mill other norni-Hlcx ? Stf)7Oll)0 : ) ( ) 07 Plrst Hen loiiiiH on liuuil mill inorltv.iKt * 7lttiII5 ! : 1)1 ) ! J.oilliM oil stocks mill liouilN 1 ItOO : [ ! ( ! ( K > Cnsli In Iinnl.H niiit trust cMiiniuiiilcH , < ! . > , > ,1 IIS 1)1 Ac'cruoil ln < orc" < ( , iloferrc-il iirfiiiluiiis , ete l , < ! ir > , ( M5 O7 Hi-serve for poIli-Ic-H mul otlior Hulillltli-H , comiiniij'N Ntnnil- uril , American iii-r cent . pisa-lontn II sun. ins Insurance' it ml miniillloN nsNiiiiu-il mul r > iu-i\fil ( j7r ( l,2H ! ) , < t77 7 IiiNiirmice mul iiniiiililvH In forutDee. . ,11 , I Sill Sr ri)7,77812 ( I luirc cnri-fiilly cxmulneil the fort-KiiliiK Htati'im-iit mill Hml the to lie correct. Oil Mil , IIS A. 1'It 111 , I , Hit , Auditor. From the surplus n dividend will be apportioned us usual. The statement of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York for th ? year ending December 31 , 1801 , exhibits as the result of one jear's business the following : IiiereiiHe In totnl Income . ? < lO < t7,72 I 2(1 iJiort'iise III iireniliini Income . 22S,82r H I IiiorciiMo In IINSI-IH . t7 , : tllOK S3 IncreiiHiIn itiiriiliiH . -1,07(1,718 J t IiicreiiNC of Insurance mul annuities In force . ni , iiota : ! ) U Report of the Examining Committee. Office of the Life Insurance Company of New York. February 7 , 189j , At a meeting1 of the Board of Trustees of this Company , bold on the 20th day of Uccombor Inst , the iu'd > voro appointed a Committee to oxumlno the nninuil Btutomont for tluiycur endiiii , ' Duoombor HI , 1891 , and to verify the same by cumjiaiicoii with the as-sets of the cnmpnnv- Thu Committee have cat'efully purfo'-mcd the Ihe duty assljjnod to them , and hereby certify that the btutomcnt is in all particulars correct und that the assets Hppoilicd Uierolii are in possession of the Coinjiany. In mnidnir this cortifleato the Committee boar testimony to tlio liljjh charao totof the investments of the Company and express their approval of the system , order , and accurauy with which the accounts and vouchers have been kept , nnd the biihiuoss in ponoral tranbactod II. C. VON POST , CHAKLHS E. MILLKK , Tmo. : A. J. IIOHAKT IlEHKICK , ClIAKLKS H. lIiNIiKSON : , ElODKKT MANAGERS FOR IOWA AND NEBRASKA DES MOINES - IOWA. P. L.llNAlPPEN . . , Sjjecial Etopi'esentativo , Council Bluffs , Sown. . Powers fiom 1 lo 10 IIOIBU , Kt'ctl fliimlorH , Jacks , Chain , Hand Ctirfs ami last but not least , SOUTIIWIOK IIOKSJO AND BTKAM I'OWKU HAY 1'ItHSS. Branch House Council Bluffs SPELOIALIST. Having : fully dernonstiutcd by > uam of "ucccnafiil practice und experience that ho li able to euro multitude * of dlitatca which bulllo the hlilll of ordinary physician ? , ho fcelu It his duty to muko known to uulfeiinc humanity that he dcvotcri Ills whole tlmu und cneiey to iMn particular blanch of the profession , anil will piopurc and furnluli midlclno ut hli olllce or visit thoa cnueii wlili'ti may rc < | tiru peraannf examination , Pa- tltntB ut u distance may consult Ur. Moshcr by letter , giving a caiefully written lilotory ot their cakes , dc&crlblng their xymptoma minutely IIH iioiulble , which will enable him to nialiu correct dlagnoslH , und Jjudgo very accurately of the curability of the dlueiiHe , und lo apply proper lumedlej. Medici'o forwarded elthur by in.ill orxpi'css. . und ull medlulno preiicrllied by Dr , Mother la prcimml under hl own pciuoimt Bupuivision , Ho treuta ull dlheahcs without mercury or otlier polsono. which crc-ite dlKcaec of theimelvc ? . The doctor by hla new HUSTOIIATIVI3 T UIJATMKNT cures ull eurablo dlfconHeB , and treatn with KUCCCHH all affecllomj of the J-lv cr , Throat und Iunt ; , ( 'ntarrh , Uplleimy , Uygpc-pHla , Heuit Disease , Ilheumatlvm , No uralgU , und ull Ncr\ouu Dlicasca CUIIKCU by overwork , tlio liiJlKcrctlon of youth , or the nxoe-si-ed of riper ytarw , nnd whatever muy tend to lower the latent foice or the tone cf llfc'H vitality , causing physical Ocblllly. ncrvouK exhaustion , liifanltv , and prcnmtiir t decay Consult pcrHonnlly , or by Letter , free nnd strictly confidential , Address , Dr. S. Mosher , Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la