Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1895, Image 1

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. Rrent Demonstration of Many Factions of
Havana's ' Population ,
CnniiiiM | ANHIIIM-H 'I In-in ( lint < lu < I2
furlM nt tin * liiMiii-KfiilN Mutt Pull
t ( In * I'coitli * fur tin *
iN DrilliIIMl I'll tlon.
HAVANA , Dae. 29 Last night's demonstra-
ilon of political parties In honor of General
Campos proved the grandrsj popular outburst
of sympathy toward the Spanish cause tint
has ever taken place In Havana. Coilscrva-
tlv t , autonomists , reformists. Spaniards , Cu
bans , men , women and everybody united In n
ire-at brotherhood About 40,000 people In all
took part In the demonstration. Toe proces
sion started at Central park and took Us
course up Oblsto street to the Plan d ; Armas.
In front of the pahcD of General Campos a
committee went up to give the general greet
Scnor Santos Guzman ot the Union Consti
tutional itpoka on behalf of the conservatives
ns follows "Our party reassures } ou of Its
unconditional support whuicver It Is nee-
c'asary The entire country Is icprescnted
hero In the palace tonight. We protest against
the revolution , backed by many foreigners and
by many Cuban bandits , nnd wo arc not dis
posed to bo ruined by a tendency toward the
rule of baibarlsm. "
General Campos answered as follows' "What
can I reply to the noble words of S ° nor Guz
man In b half of t'ae three parties' I con
gratulate inself upon the unity of the po-
IPlcal parties , nnd I entreat } ou not to for
get nt this moment what should be the
fctandnrd of our future , doings The dang r
that thrcatc'iia us Is more showy than real ,
because the genuine majority ot Cubans wlli
forever remain under the glorious banner ol
the clvlll/Fd discoverer of Amcilcn
"I do not deny that my mind was gloomy
a few days at Matan/as , when I saw the
names even to our horses' lioofs I do not
nleny my great * , oirow whsn towns perish J
confess that It the enemy had attempt d to
resist there would have been citiel punlsh-
inont mtteJ out for their execrable crimes
"InIevv of the b'lnvlor of the rebels , I
decided to return to Havana to conduct opei-
0110115" from here Dut , gentlemen , I was
disheartened at the thought that 1 had fallen
under your displeasure Dut upon arriving
hero I taw that I was assured of } our uncon
ditional support , which brought me ease ot
mind. I am therefore , comp lied to per
severe , as I have nlvvas done , In the love
of my countr } "
General Campos was acclaimed ' 'i and otit-
sldo the palace and had to make 1 * s appear
ance on the balconies while the i'pctntors
word frantically shouting "Viva Espana1
Viva Campos "
In returning his thankto the people G n-
crla Campos hild"Your demonstration In
my honor Is a proof of } our love tow aids
Spain , and I protest against the vandal d ° eds
of those who. In the name of liberty nnd In
dependence , deyolato this beautiful and
wealthy Island , which Is not even the land
whoie they were born. In the prcsenc" of
this glorious demonstration , I feel proud that
I war. president of the council by which lib
erty to the negroes was sanctioned , becaus
tint law equall/es all who are brought undei
the glorious Cnstlllan banner Thank * , to
you In the name of Spain , of our virtuous
queen and of the king "
This address wa followcJ by more shouta
ot "Viva Ehpam" and great and prolonged
The dlffeicnt party leaders all signed a
nut-sage which war sent to Scnor Canovas
Del Castillo , the Spanish premier , giving a
description ot the successful meeting and
In spite of the icportb received hero } CB-
terday that ths main body of ilie Insur
gents had retreated from the p-ovlnce of
Matan/as and were ones moiJ In Santa
Clara , report * continue to conic In of dam
age done at various points in Mataiuas and
of the threatening movements of bodl s ot in
surgent ! . ' Whether the o are wandering and
Isolated bands cannot be said accurate' }
An engagement with an ln iirgent band Is
also reported today from the province nf
I'lnar del Rio , the tvo. > ternniait on the
Island. Uneasiness I : alhO caused In dfllclnl
circles by reports coming fem the province
of Santiago de Cuba
The report of Jose Mncen's flight , wMch
was received h"recsterday , boems to have
been without foundation , ns Ihoie are re
newed evidences of h's ' activity In. that
province and the troops stationed there are
Uncling abundant occupation.
The Spanish authorltlfs have rei on to
nl)5lleve that n movement Is contemplated
In the Oriental province ( Santiago de Cuba )
to bring about the junction of the limir-
Kent bands , and troops ar3 actively engaged
In trying to prevent the coming together
ot Jose Maceo nnd Rnbl , whose combined
forces would afford means for a formidable
movement that would effect n diversion nnd
prt-vcnt Hie withdrawal of Spanish troops
to reinforce those acting against Gome ?
Mnceo and Handera In Mutan/as and Santa
Chia provinces
Nothing authentic Is known of the where
abouts nnd doings of Gome ? and hit' forces
who wrrc said to be threatening Clenfugop
Nothing lias been heard from there * to
day , though fevml skirmishes nro said tn
have occurred In Santa Clara province , with
Iho result tint llttnen Insurgents were killed
and nine taken prisoners. The Insurgents
teem to ba ? tlll In considerable fore * in the
neighborhood of Cardenas and Clmarronc ?
The bunds of Pancho and Peres , who were
said ( o bn retreating , burn d tha station
at Murga and destrojcil several lioutes at
I/i GuliulUs. They alto plundered the stores
at Conttcras
Thn bands of Li Crt'to and Rolj ff wcr
Insl evening discovered to b > moving in
the Immediate vicinity ot Cardenas , just
cast of M.itanias , and tlio news crpnt d a
great deal of excitement ut that pi .ice , ae
It was suspected an atfmpt nhout to bo
midc to culture the town in pnnnnno1 of the
earnest desire of the Insurgents to hold n
seaport , The garrison was called tn quni-
ters In tome haste ami waited long In i > \ -
p elation of an nttick , whllu the volunteer
forces of the buslners men w re also put under
nuns , manifesting enthusiasm In the set vie '
The- haul f Rohan was alwo reported to be
moving upon C'lmarrones
Th > nuthorlllfs here continue to claim with
jubilation that the Insurgents are powerless
tn c.apturo any towns or seipoits. The
bUirmlsh In Plnar del Rio occurred In the
dUtrlct of Gushajay , the city of that nainu ,
capital ot the district , lulng about twcnt }
mllis B"uthu st of Havana , A column of
troops attacked a band led by the famous In
surgent-bandit leader , I'er.c del Gado , who
U said to hav A been seriously vvomUed , one
ot his men b tug killed and three taken
An expedition , numbering eighteen men. led
by a brother of the leader , Mayt Rod'rigue ,
has landid at Esti.i Junln , provlnc1 of
Puerto Prlnclie. Iho plantatlcns In Puerto
1'ilrolplutvo commenced gtindlng their
euno ,
Ths r.ii'rllla chief , I.olo Iltnltez , surprised
a haul of tw ny | In tha district nf Manza-
llo | , province of Santiago de Cuba , among
thrm being tiner-il Insurgent leaders , who
were celebrating Christmas night , and four
ff them we-a killed and three taken prison
ers ,
A column commanded by General Tojeda
has had an engagement nt Lomacvgoi and
taken ttrong positions held by the Inuurg nt
at Prudcnclo , In the province of Santiago
Tha IniuigcnU left on the Held nine killed
nnd parrlcl avvaj numerous wounded. Of
the troops three vvero hilled and ten wounded
of ruiillilpiiivkT In ,
MADRID. D c. 29 The- cabinet cnuncll
1m decided to tund aiptaln General famro. )
i of ccundence ana congratulation.
TAICINO UI\INCI : ONmi : nor.H" .
KiiKlluli llnri > InlrrrNfcil In I lie Trnnt-
nnl Thnii \cncjllrln. .
LONDON -Dec 30 The Times this morn
ing publishes Icng dispatches from Capo-
town , Paris nnd Derlln bearing on th ° Tranu-
vanl tti | ? ' 4.lon , which . ' emu to b * displacing
the Verezuean ques Ion In tlo public Interest
Thff P rls ill patch quotes the 1) bats as S3-
Ing"Thj London Tlme-a seems to b * aveng
ing Itself on the Doers for the -derate tone
It vva > obliged to adopt toward Uncle Sam "
The Debats then prococds to argue upo'i th ?
climvcr to Fjcnch Inlor 'ts ot allowing Hug-
land to seize the Transvaal.
A dispatch to the Times from The Hague
IIB tan Holland's attitude on the question
1 1 apjarenlly ane cf Indifference
The D'rlln dispatch sa8"The action o
the Ulltlandcrs In the Transvcal liny given
rlpo to nn unusually violent cxpla'lon of antl-
nngllih feeling In th Ge-rinan press " The
National 55eltunR H quoted a > i foil ws. "Ger
many , Portugal a-d pogjlbly Franco cannot
allow the Dor rcvubllc to become the exclu
sive properly cf England , especially of BIIP *
a dangerouu ( "crronag0 as Mr Cecil Rhodes '
The 'I linen dispatch then continues "The
Kocnlch Xeltung , the Krc'.iz X'ltung am
ether papers exprcvs slml'-Jr sentiment" I
cannot bo denied that while the relations be
twccn th' ttngllsh and German governments
are In no way co dial , a widespread feeling
cf anlmoslt } agalnrt Hngland exists In Ger
many. "
The Times al o has a column article ex
planatory of the Transvaal troubl * . whlc !
ays "Dqnly f r pr ivntatlcn tixatlon
language law , r sponslblllty of the admlnls
tratlon to the le Is'ature and the remova
ot religious disabilities nro ninong the chic
of the Ulttlanders' dennnd , while they de-
ylri to maintain republican Institutions "
An editorial in the Tlmcn complains tha
the French nnd German press are criticising
England wlthoul prop = rly prcsplng the hl-tory
or iet.graphy of the question Ths Times
b lleve i that no desperate reined } , such OB an
npit-al to force will be requlr d Some rea
s liable cote tMlona , It continues , even thongi
not all that the Ulttlanders might rightfully
claim might av ill to puttpono a conflict
JOHANNnSDIiRO , Dec. 29 The political
situation here is acute on account of the
stiugglo of foreigners In th" Transvaal to ob
tain equal political rights with the DOTS
Th'te are pirs'stc- ruiro 8 of o-cr t arming o
th i miners nnd warlike preparations , on ac
count of which women nnd children nro leav
ing General Joubcit , comnmider-ln-chlef ol
the Tiansvml forces , has been summoned tc
Pr toila from Natal The Americans am
Get ivans me riding with the Tiansvanl gov
eminent In the controversy over cone dint ,
rights to foreigners.
kiilil 1o Stump ColliM > tor < < .
CITY OF MEXICO , Dec. 29 The PostoIUcc
dararttncnt has sold for ? 5,000 the unsolt
stock of the old retired l jue of postage
Etanij s to collector ?
In the town of Tapalpa , ttate of Jallpco
the police end avored to etop dl oderly con
duct at a public ball. A light followed li
which i policeman was killed He vvat
forme ly a noted bandit and served severs
tcims of Imprlronment , but sine ; joining ,
tfio polic ° his conduct has b' n cxe llent
Albert Correo has been granted a concea
y -n to COD truct a railway In the state o
Tobacco , but ro subsidy Is allowed.
lor ( lie liiNiirniief Coiiitiniilcs
LONDON. Dec 30 A Derlln dlspatca to
the Standard EU } 5 Jlr Poultney Dlgelow
had an Interview lasting several hours on
Sunday with Dr Mlquel , Prusjlan minister
of llnauc * , which occasioned much talk. It Is
quite untrue , how Ever , tint he presents
an ultimatum on the subject of the insurance
companies It way stated several dns ago
that Mr Dlgelow was rot acting for the
United States pov rnniciit In Geinnny , bu
ho spoke for the In'uranccompanico. .
Mounting hoiui > llo.n > ( .IIIIN.
TAMPA , Fla , Dec 29 Passengers arrlviiu
from Cuba tonight report active operation
around the fortifications in Havana commandIng -
Ing th i harbor entrance Passengers saw four
Immciiio eighty ton Improved guns , will
many smaller ones , which are soon to. be
placed In portion on the railroad from Havana
to San Antonio nxplorons or freight traliu
p ecedo oil pa iDnger Irains It ly difficult
lo man theus bomb hunting freight tiains
General Callaxio Garcia arrived from N w
York tonight.
( lll\o I In1 rlllllicrllor till VllilltMU'O.
VIENNA , Dec 29 nmpercr Francis Jo-
stpli gave an audlonco today of nearly an
hoiii to the German chance.llor. Prince von
Hohenlohe. Afteiwaid n banquet was given
In the chancellor's honor at tire palace. Count
Padenl , thc < president of the council for Aus-
tila , Co int Ooluckowskl , the liniicrhl min
ister of foreign affairs , and Count Kalnoky ,
the coc-forelgn minister , were nl o gutsts at
the banquet. Chancellor von IloheniuliC' was
seated at the emperor's right hand
rnllfil to Cronti * n Hon.
WASHINGTON , DcC. 29 The Turkish le
gation received from the sublime ports the
following telegram under today's date "Two
Armenians of Alntab having fired pistol shots
with a view of again creating n bed It Ion , dis
orders wcio aboul to begin , but , thanks to the
measuies takln , qul&t has been icstorc-d. "
( 'Olll ( 'OIINIllllllOll lit Illllllf.
LON'DON , Dec 10 The Chronicle says
'Lord Dunravcn'i. failure to Incriminate IX"-
fcndei's owners or crew Is complete Ho
may now In cold blood tellcct Hut he lut
dons more to breed bad blood between the
two nations than President Cleveland und
Secictaiy Olney combined. "
rnllfornln AXIicnt IniiMtinllii. .
LONDON , U'c. 20 A Melbourne dis
patch to the Timer Ms that a shipment of
1,000 tons of California wheat had arrived nt
Sdney This stork of old Victoria wh'at.
together with the orders already placed In
California , will cover the nit deficiency fur
No Nfcit lor llu > Mi
LONDON , Dec . ' 9 The piopased meeting
of the Amcilcan soclct } for the put pose cf an
txprrsilon of a hop > for an amicable sqttle-
ment of existing differences between England
and the United Slates hay been abandoned , in
vkw of the Improv d situation
, | | | | | | | | | MlnlHtir on n Tour ,
TEGUCIGALPA , Dec. 29 ( via Galves
ton ) -Senor Ontlvcre ? . the Spanish mlnlstei ,
has picsented Ms credentials to the govern
ment. Fiom this point ho goes to Nicaragua ,
Costa Rica and Salvador , to the goven.m nts
of which he Is also accredited
llllll'H til All ) Hxllllll ,
LONDON , Dee 29 The Rome corresronl-
cut of the Times hears that u Franco-RutE'Iau
project to Mild -10,000 Iknlun rides and 2,000-
000 cartridges to AbFblnbi has b = cn illsciifsej
In hlgb elides In Itus la.
Oruiiiilxi-il n Tt-lcitrniili ( oiiiiiin | > ,
DHNVnit. Dec. 23It Is learned that
prominent rltlzens of Helena. Mont . liuv
orgnnlzed the llnik } Mountain I'omnl Ti'lo-
giaph ooinp.iny to piuclnn' the plant of the
old U > ck } Mountain Telegraph compaii } ,
vvlikli ban be MI operating for hcvcuil JC.IIH
IH JJunlana , and will t-xiend ill HIHH to
iiguoi , Salt I/iko nnd DPIIVCI A con'i.ict
has bci'ii mnduvlth thu I'ottnl ' 1 olegraiih
comp in } fir conn c lion * , ut Hiiol.nne , Uon-
\CT und I'hi-j oniio Honda to the umuimt of
$ liKiim ) ) will bo iliviti'd for Iho vvoik ui LCII-
btruntlon , _ _
CliiinuiN on HID Viinilnlln ,
TrilUi ; IIM'TU In-l , DPO , -The Hs-
pi CHS vvlll .innounco cm ciedible nut loritj In
the inninlng tint \\llliun 1 { Mi KPCII , for
moio tw.'nl.flvo > i-ui pre > nllcnt of
the Vundtilla t jnd vvlll lotlro at the annual
election. Januar } ! " It Is lunuied that
Vice Dii-sldcnt and Ocneral Manaurr Join
( \\lllinnia nnd ( leneral Supcilntcndcnt N
K El'lott ' vvlll letlie ut HID annuiil ol tton.
bhot lllw .Nrluhli'ir li > Afi'lilcnt ,
HUNTINGTON , W. Va , Dec. SO- \t thu
mouth of Salt ci < rlt , on Tu rivet jutt be-
fora diil < icak this moming , Flotcln-r Will-
ace. a prominent citizen , WUH shot futnlly
> } Hiviud Ntwromc n neighbor , Wallace
Imd r-one to New COMIC'S residence to bor-
n-vv n her c. when Newr-Jine ; he
WHS n LmiBlur und shot him ,
Dragomans of the Powers Might Eo of
Service at Zoitoun ,
liiiril Itosrlierj Dccltnen In
nil Oiliiliiii | on ( In1 A r me n I n n Sit-
Illlllllll lllHl III * ClIIHl ItrllNOII
for KiiKliiiiil'N Coin-He.
.V , Dec. 30 A dl itch to the
Times from Constantinople says- The InteJt
advices from Xcltoun are that the Insur
gents ha\e be'n reinforced by BOO men
from nucn nnd have occupied new positions.
According ! } the dragoman of the powers
v.cnt to the porte and offered to negotiate
for a capitulation.
The Dally News' Constantinople corre
spondent In rcspanso to United States
Minister Terrell's request to Consul Jsw-
ctt at Slvai , that he should go to Marsovan ,
Mr. Jcvvett has 'vlred that It Is Impossible
to leave , as another outbreak Is threatened.
The Graphic publishes a letter from Lord
Hosebsry to a correspondent commenting
upon England's Inaction In Armenia , In which
lie cayj "I cannot believe that It means
lii'lncerlty or Incapacity on the part of n
powerful government. They must have en
countered obstacles of which wo are Igno
rant. Perhaps they had to weigh the hlds-
ous alternative of alumlonlng the Armenians
or facing a European war Therefore , I
must hear their cis b3fore Judging them "
A Constantinople letter In the Times ! > am-
marbes and tabulates from consular and
other sources Ihe Atmcnlnn masicres In
the last two month4 There are many places
from which there are no details } ct , but
where known , the total Is IS 000 killed.
Turkish statistics give the Killed In the
towns at 20,000 , with 2r > 00 villager In which
the number of killed In them is unknown.
It Is estimated that there are 425,000 starv-
1 ho correspondent ot the Standard at Con
stantinople Eas "It will be ncedlcfcs to be
Etirorlped an } day at the dl coveiy of a
secret trealy between Russia and Turkey.
A Russian siidlcate , ttrongly supported by
the embassy , has off red to replenish the
Turkish treasury In return for the- con
cession of n petroleum monopoly. "
IlvKiiliirs Hop'- ' ' * * tin' UL'm-iMt'N.
CONSTANTINOI'LR , Dec. 29. At the re
quest of the Unit d States minister , the sul
tan has ordeied that regulars leplace the
icservo a Idlers who are guarding the mission
aries In the exposed parts cf the empire.
.sii.\ru oiin YM/.ATIONS IIMTIM : .
Tern * nf UK * rropiiMi-i ! roiiNiiliilntlon
\KTrfcil I poll.
CHICAGO , Dec. 29 For some time paet
negotiations have been pending fci a com
plete consolidation t the American Dlmetnl-
llc Uague , National Bimetallic union and the
National Silver committee , the three principal
silver oiganUatlons in the United States ,
representing all factions of the country.
Yesterday these negotiation' ' culminated In
an ngr ement by the representative * of the
respective organl7ations , Ly which such con-
pMldatlon haa been substantially perfected.
Nothing n w remains to be done but n
utlllcatlon by Iho executive committees of
these organizations , each acting eaparat ly ,
which will t'pee'll } follow. The consolidated
oignnlzatlon will be known na the American
Dimetalllc union. Its principal office and
general headquarters will bo In Chicago , at
134 Mom oe street , in th ofllce occupied by
the National Dimetalllc unLn , with branc'i
olllces In Washington , San Fnnclsco and per
haps In other cities , both nrrth and south.
It Is the purpo3 of the united organization
to preis the campaign of elucatlon on behalf
of bimetallism with the utmost vigor In ali
parts of the country. A cnfer nee of pro
nounced silver men will be held at Washing
ton on January 22 , when a plan cf action will
bo outlined , which , It U > said , will have an
Important bearing upon the political events
of ne\t } ear
\voitivin TIM : SAMH < JVMI : TWICE.
MiruK Tlilt'Vft dcMlntv In oil Women's
Jrwt'Ir > lloM ,
NEW YORK , Dec. 29 In addition to the
robbery of ? ( Jri,000 worth of diamonds and
Jrw Iry from the Madlran square mansion tf
I Townsend Durdsn F.lday night. It now
transplr'o that another robbery similar In
Its mode of execution was committed the
same evening In the hou'o of Mrs. FiancU
N Darncs at 239 C ntrnl I'ark , vvei't , at about
the same hour nt which the Burden hous ?
was robb d. The loss In the cat > of Mrs
Darncs , however , was considerably lcss than
that of the Durdens , aggregating not more
than $10,000. M-S. Darnes had been at dinner
with lur ton In the dining room , and dis
covered the had been robbed wh n ehe re-
tuined to her apartmcnty Her dlamondo
and Jewelry wereIn a pasteboard box In a
drawer In her dressing cam , and she found
tint the top of tlio box had been torn eft and
Its contents stolen while she had been at din
ner. It Is supposed the thief or thieves en
tered the premises by a window from the
icir. Acting Captain O'Drl n toda } said
h Is working on both the Durden nnd Darncf
C-X93.J , v.lth all the ability of the depart
ment , but that nothing of Importance had
I cen developed , and no arreots had been
c oMiitncTK u ri'ii Tin : iuc"ioit.
ltlnlioi | of Northern ( 'iilirornln CIIIIXCH
nn r.M'HInt ; rici'iif.
I'LACnRVII.Li : , Cal , Dec. 29. Great ex
citement prevails l.cro among nil classes of
people over the language used by DU'aop
Wmgfleld of the northern diocese of C.ill-
foinla , In criticising Htv C. I'Uice , rector
nnd for thlrtj years pastor cf the episcopal
church In this city. Dlshop Wlngnc < 'd , dur
ing tlo morning service , called a meeting of
the veatrj to dctPimlno whether this Is n
parish or n mission Then pointing to the
pastoi , ho said' "If It Is a mission we arx
going to put this man nut. He Is not v/orl'a }
of his position. " Ho furtlrrmoro denounced
Mr. 1'lerce as an unmitigated liar. The
women comprising the congregation sur
rounded the pastor within the chancel , cryIng -
Ing and attesting their allegiance- him
i\clied : crowds thronged the streets during
tha meeting of the vestry and threatened
personal violence * upon the bishop should 'ills
lomoval ot Mr I'lerc be accomplished ,
I'jiNsnl u lluriiliii ; Scliiioncr ,
I'HII AnnM'HIA , Dec 29-Captain Scott
af the Drltlsh steamship Muriel , which nr-
ilvod at plei JO , youth wluuves , todiij from
Dcmarara. itport > * paHhliig an unknown
ihm'-m.isitd triinunvr December 28 in lat
itude .17.18 , longitude , 71.2C. buinlns furi
ously "We Ilr-it slghled the wreck , " paid
he. "at LM In tlio mornhur , nnd two hours
Inter wet vvlihln balling nliilnnco , but Haw-
no flgns of life nboanl There were no
in.irks vltlble b } vvhlih the could bo Ulentl-
lie I The craft was luden with lumbr und
lind not been binning long Her fore nnd
inUzttiimiifeli were ttandlng , wtorm foresail
ivat MI nnd the topmasts vv ro gone , " Cap-
lain Hoott tliliiku the vcescl vvns set on
llru lifter hav I g bten abundoneil by her
: rcvv. _
Itiililill lliinlcr lllht > iMi > iN n Plant ,
lI13NNisSiv. Okl , Dec ? j. Three vv = cks
IBI I.cinytl I.Iod , n colored DaptUt
liUMchct unil Justice of the pc-ace for Onto
lovvnshlp , was airehtcd for stealing a t t of
mincs . He escaped from the ollle rs. Yea-
iiidnv , while Clunks Cburtu , a co stable ,
ivns hunting : he attempted to run u labbli
, run ; under l.)0d'i ) > hciuws aiTn ills , overeil u
mill } hidden i i-llar , InvcstUatlun dlecloBMl
i trap door from the Inslue and in doles
: hut have been missing from the nelghb r-
lood for over n } e ar wura found , am mj
ihtin n suit of clothes vvhlih u lugro
lamed Marke Wilde served six months In
lull for tte'tUliifc' . He was eunlcnccd by
l.oiiilon Clirotilclr'H Olilnlnii , of ( lie
Vcni-riu-lnii Hnuiilnrj- | .
LONDON , D c. 29 The Chtonlc'e publishes
a tna s of matter en the Venezuela affair. In
cluding maps In possession of th > colonial
cfflcc , extracts from the , American papjrs
which lm\e arrived by mall and nn article
by Frederick Harrison , declaring that the
Venezuelan claim Is on all fours with a
Spanish claim to Gibraltar. "If the Unit d
Statss can persuade Venezuela to submit to
n bonn fid boundary settlement , " the writer
continues , "and to drop her swagger about
Charles V nnd Philip II of Spain , and can en-
fcice nn award when It Is made , the question
cMild be fettled In a month. The Drussels
dclcgntt to the Vcntzu Ian go\ eminent , Vcloi
Goltlc a. recently visited The Hague and
exhausted ever } channel without success .n
BUI port of tli Venezuelan claim. Flvcars
ago the Drltlsh vice consul at Clndnd Dollvar
examined the Spanish records and proved the
Drltlsh aspect of His case completely. "
ThE Ilerlln correspondent of th' Standard
sas I have excellent reason to state tint
the reports of an agreement bstvve n Russia
nnd the United States about Venezuela arc
unfounded. On the contrary , the czar waa
painfully s'lrprls d at President Cle\elnnd s
me1 sage , and an } war Involving England
vvculd be unwelcome to the Russian court on
the approach of the coronation ,
The New York correspondent of the Times ,
wldlr he nfllrms Ms prIoits cotUlctioiiH that
there Is no longer any feeling for war with
England at present In the United States , sj)3
there lies n real danger for Ihe fnturHe
attributes this pnrtl } to the personal char
acter of the presldcnl , or that quality of It
"which his friends call flrmnesn and his
enemies stubbornn ss" The dispatch alee
enlarges at gloat length upon the ovldenc ?
biotight out by the recent Venezuelan Inci
dent ot thi existence of hostility toward
Grtnt Drltaln In the United States He
uigcs the Importance of celeilty In cffcctlni ;
a compromise of the questions In dispute ,
qiKtlng the text "ngr o with thin ? adversely
quickly while he Is In tlitvay. . "
orrnnnn THIS Tiuitn PI.ACIJ
I'rrHlili'itt C i > ii > lt-iH ( \ciiC7iicllin
DALTIMORn. Dec 29. A dispatch from
Ilagerstown , Md , says , "Richard H Alvo } ,
chief Justice of the United States couit cf
appeila In th ? DIstilct of Cclumbla , has
be ° n requested by President Cleveland to
become a member of the Venezuelan com
mittee. The request was made on Thursda }
last In Washington. The piopo lllon took
Judge Alvey by surprise , and he begged for
time to consider the matter before commit
ting himself. This the preelient granted , and
Judg ? Alvey now has the matter under con
sideration , lie Is at his home In Hagen
town , and will be here until his court meets ,
on the first Monda } in Jantiaiy. Tonight
Judge Alvey said that ho had uot } et fully
made up his mind whether Jio would accept
or not. Many Important crises would came
Irforo the district court of appeals at the
January term , and because of hl heavy
Judicial dutlc'i and for ether gael reasons ho
hesitated about Immediately accepting the
prsi'dent's ' offer. He Is heartily In accord ,
however , with the president's viewy , and
feels under obligations to further Mr. Cleve
land's policy. "
bciimn : TO KNhiiiGH TIM : AHMV.
SlIllllK'l ( Jlllllpl'fH DcllOIIIIUON < Il < > l.llU-
Wnr Sen f i' .
NnW YORK , Dec 29 Defore leaving for
Indianapolis , the hejdquatter * of the Amei-
Ican Federation cf Labor , ' Simu 1 Gompers
made a farewell spe-ch to the Central La-
bar union today. In which ho denounced a
policy looking to war bctwjen theTJrfltod
States and England. lie saldti "Thos ; v.ho
aio ctlrrlng up this war ware are co\erlng
thomEelves with a mask of patriotism be-
hliul which Is hidden nothing but bluster
and pomposity. Around , below and bencalh
the so-called patriotism Is a scheme to en
large th army and navy. The true patriot
Is not looking for vvai. He wants peace
The workers of our country have no qtiar-
lel with the workers of other countries' .
They will not be swaed by Apolitical schem
ers In. the ranks of the sensible , cool
headed workers and true American cltizsnsi
} ou will nnd this so-called war scare has
PO effecl. Labor Is never for war ; It Is
always for peace It Is on 'the side of jus
tice and humanity. "
triiKMilnii MliilNlcr HUM Little FniUi
In tin * Hfil Cronn 51 if * I'lni-iit.
AMnSDURY , Mass ) , Dec , 9. R'V. II. A.
Sa taklan , until three months ago pjstor of
the Second chinch at Kllarpur , Arm'nla , has
Just returned to this city and today gave the
Associated press correspondent the contents
f a letter from Kharput In relation to the
massacre at Man-ovan on November 15 , which
v alea several hundred wore killed , the Girls'
college burned , the houau plundered and a
number of Aimenlan stores "burned. At the
pr's nt tlmo there are no tcaos-ls or churchtes
In the town , which contains' 1,000 Armenian
families Mr. Santaklan graduated from the-
Andover , Mass. , Theological pcmlnary
In lbS9 , and has passed the time since In
Armenia. lie says. "I' do not think the
pro-ent Red Cross \cmMit will b ? a succest.
unleby backed up by the United States govern
ment. The trouble hau Uctm brewing since
ISoJ , and It was only last year that the
Turku made an attempt to burn th ? inU <
slonary building at KharpUt. "
\I1 hut Pour III tlic Con n ( rj In tin *
N < * M Drill' .
ST LOUIS , Dec 29 The biggest deal In
the history of zinc mining In Missouri will
bo closed by January 1. It will unite all the
Ino smelters of the country , except fem ,
under ons management piactlcally , and tlio
result will b * , the promoters claim , better
prlceu for zinc In all brandies and a general
revival of the Industry. The money Involved
Is about $2,000,000 , which Is to ha furnUhod
by Now York and Connecticut capitalists
Tin deal waa engineered * Sy D V Hohart ,
president of the Kansas /Texas Coal com
pany , which controls a bis zinc smslter at
Pitttbuig , Kan The nsit-ianipany will C3n-
trol all the zinc Bincltora la f , ' . hut If known as
the soulhuejt Mlstonrj djutrlct , embracing
the < tlno producing terrlWty 1" Missouri and
Kansas. Two bmclt ra In Indiana will came
In aleo. )
La orinniiillo HUH Hit IloiiK'i ' TliiK1.
NHW YORK , Dec. 29.M Normandle
arrived at her doclfbut u Tow hours lute ,
although for four days uhe had been tern-
petl-lorsrd nnd on Tuecdny the scits ran
particularly high , the wind blew what the
o'd-fashloiied ' mailners "use'd to call "great
guns , " and the barometer diopned to 7Ju
I'urtcr Divls reported that notwithstanding
the wind and high scnu , there hud been no
accident worthy of mention. There vvero
but tlilrty-fnui pnloon paastingere , Includ
ing .Mr nnd Mrs Kraft of Phlludelnhti unl
Mintt. Michel Itvus. . dqikleil thai Louise
Michel , the famous commtmiat , was among
KllliMl In n DriinlU-ii O.uii-ri-l.
PRINCUTON , Ind. , Iec. 29.-I.ast night.
rear Oakland City , John Cooper vat inur-
ilered by CJeorgeMartin , Cooper and Jltir-
; ln were travclliiL' horsei traders and Btupiisil
at Oakland City > ehterday to get ri jug of
ivhlfky Th'y pitched theln tent and quar
reled Martin grabbed a neckyokc und
liattcred Cooper's , lualnn out , Tlu-lr fam
ilies vvrn with them , Tliev vvcio brother-
in-law Martin nde nvvay , leoVng the dead
man lying h liln vvlt 'a arms. 'Uiv nmi
lumali cd In the \\oul ? nil night with th °
corpse. Martin Is at large.
EliilldliiK : < n liiiiiriiHi | > TrniiMft'r ! l ul ,
MILWAUKIIIJ , WlB. , Dec.Sup rln-
lendeiit Mm tin of the Flint & Tare ilnr-
luetto line raid tonlhht his company has
.el . u eo tract foi the building of the largeut
.Irani car ferry In thu vv jrld. Th new
leiry will not bo ready until n ° xt GUobor
nd will ply Ivtvveun Manltowoc nnd Lud-
ington. The Htcamcr will cost tlOO.OW. lll
liuvo three f craw a dnd v\ll | cany thirty
, ar . The lcnlh c < f the st umer between
i > un > cndlculni8 will be S3 ! feet , and her
3\cr all length 350 fceti
San Francisco Pastor Causes a Woman's Ar
rest for Blackmail.
Until ( lie Mlnlxlrr mill III *
I'm iiiniiiii * l ) < -n > Them IN An >
Truth In llu * Slorli-M Con-
stniiilN lij Hint.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 29 Mrs. Man
A. Davld"on 1ms been arrcstoJ on tlio charg
of extortion , iiroferrul by llcv. C. 0. Drown
parlor at the First Congregational church
Dr. Drown charges her with blackmail , an (
says tint he paid her ? 500 to secure he
silence In legard to his alleged relations with
Miss O\crnian , a } oung woman trom Tacomn
who NlaltoJ at his house. Tlie First Congre
Rational church Is the laigest nnd mo t fash
tenable one of that d nomination In the
city. Mra Davidson , who Is n woman abou
CO yoirs ot ago , came here during the Mid
wlnfcr fair ns representative of a Hoston
corset firm , and lately conducted a coise
store of her own lierc. Sh has nUendei
Dr. Urcwn's church for about a } oar , niu
hni taken a great Interest In church matters
Mlsj Oveiman came hero from Tacoma to
her health , and \lslted at the. house of Dr
Drown , whosa family she knw In Tacoma
After a Btay of sievetal months , durlni
which time she becarno acquainted with Mrs
Davidson , Miss Overman returned to Taccma
but came back to San Francisco when Mrs
Davidson promiseto ! secure employment to
According to Dr Drown , Mrs. lavld oi
cam" to him last No\ ember at the tlnu
when there was Intense excitement In th
city over the exposure cf several old met
\.ho lud been debauching jonng girls , anil
told him ulie had be-n commissioned by Mrs
Jan Ell/abeth Baddln , a lodging- house
keeper , to demand $2,000 don und ? 100 s
month for ton jears If he dlti not want hi
Intimacy with Ml s Overman exposed Mrs
Davidson said that Miss Overman had c = n
Ildol In her , and would testlfj against him
and that Mrs Daddln Knew that he had oc
cupl d a room In a lodging hou e with a
> oung woman. Mrs Davidson pointed out tc
him that owing to the state of public feellnp
almost mi } thing that witnesses would swca
to woulu be believed , and advUed him tc
settle at cnce.
Dr. Drown was horrified at the nature o
the charges brought agalnbt him and saw
no means of escape. He succeeded , however
In reducing the figuto to $500 down and $3.
a month for live jears He paid Mrs Da
\ldson $500 , for which she signed a receipt
After pro Ing over the m-ney Dr. Drown at
tempted to nnd Mia lUJdln. but withou
success ; Plnally ho met Mlsa Ovuman , whc
wa stopping with Mrs. Davidson , and re
proachcd her with her perfidy. She indlg
nantly denied that she had made any charge
an * when confronted with Mry Davidson de
nomiced the \vrmin as Infamous Miss Over
man Immediately left Mrs. Davidson's house
and went to the home of Dr. Drown , vvhcu
she Is now under the protection of his wife
Then the minister consulted with the deacons
of the church , and the result Is the art's
of Mrs Davids-Mi.
Both the minister and Miss Overman den }
that them l the slightest foundation for tin.
chargpj Mrs. Davidson , when seen after her
arrest , said that Dr. Drown called on li.r
several months ago and voluniailly con
fesbcd his love for Mltu Oveiman. He asked
her" novice , and she- told him t > Fever hit
relations with the girl at once. Miss Over
man , she says , al"3 confessnl her lo\o fcr
Dr. Ill on n , and that he had promised to
pay her $35 a month A few days after
this , Mrs. Davidson pajs , Dr. Drown handed
her ? 3j to gl\n to MlM Overman , saying he
had promised to pay her that amount foi
ton months Some time ag : a btrange wo
man , who called hoi self Mrs Daddln , call d
on Mrs Davldi-u and bald she Knew of Dr.
Brown's Intlmacj with Miss Oveiman , anO
cemanded $10,000 as the price of her ellence
About six weeks ago she sent for Dr. Drown
and told him of Mrs Daddln's demands.
Ho said : "It Is all true , and more , too "
Mm , Davidson contlnu d. "Ho refused to
see the woman , and anked me ti handle the
basin iis for him. He wlcl 'You have our
hearts' secrets , ' and told me eveiythlng. Dr
Drcv n said he coul.3 not pay her $10,000 , but
would pay $5,000 , with ? 300 down and the
rest at the rate of $35 a month. Dr. Drown
paid ho would leave San Francisco within
tin ee months , nti ho had calls from Congre
gational churches In Brook ) } n and Philadel
phia "
Ne\t day she paid the $300 to Mrs. Dad-
din , who said she was going to leave town ,
but would return each month for the $35
Mrs Davidson sus Dr. Drown has paid $35
for Miss Overman In August , September , Oc-
tob r , November and December. She con
cluded her statement b } paying : "I have
kept this secret for the sake of the church ,
for tlis- saKe ot Miss Overman and Dr. Drown ,
but the truth must be told , and I am sorry
I am obliged to divulge thes > things. "
The Chronicle sat' . "Miss Overman Is a
till young woman , with ic.I hair nnd blue
( } cst. She Is said to bo n divorced woman
Mittie Overman is hei maldn name. Soin
months ago she came to the Chronicle and
offered a story on a prominent man for
$1,000. SI'o is not particularly good looking ,
but Is an intciOJtlng talker. So far the
police hav failed to find any trac of Mrs.
Biiddln or the lodging house which , she IE
said to lm\o kept "
The First Congregational church was
cmvdcd this morning as th reault of the
cxocuro of the alleged blackmailing attempt
upon Dr Brown. The mlnlitor appeared m
ueual , an.l In his turmoil roferied indirectly
to tlio attack upon his reputation. O > c > of thp
deacons alu > sj > Ks and corroborated Dr
Diown's statement that ho had consulted with
the olHcani of the church before causing the
arrest of Mis Davidson. After church serv
ices a number nf the congregation ohook
handy with Dr. Drown and expicssed conll-
d < nca In him.
Mrr Davidson today tells a story that dif
fers slightly fiom the one ehe told list night
She cays no A diet she believes that she Is
the victim cf n plot In vvhlrh Dr. Drown
nnd Mies Overman are the plotters. Slip
Hill Insists that they are guilty end her
thtorj lb that Dr. Drown , knowing that
tlio was nwaro of his amour with Miss
Overman and fearing exposure , boldly re
solved tn forestall damaging developments
by cccuiil'ig her of blackmail. She thinks
tint Dr Brown secured the mysterious Mra
Daddln and had her call on her with the
Btcrj , and thus force her Into the position of
go-between After Inducing her to accept
mousy for Mrs. Daddln and to sign a re
ceipt , Dr. Brown now charges her with
TACOMA , Wash . Dec. 29. The alleged
relations cf Dr. Drown and Miss Mattic
Overman are a complete surprls ? to their
many friends hero. MUd Overman's family
declare their belief that It Is a' case of
tilackmull and 89 } It cannot ho true tlmt
her relation ) with Dr. Brown have been
my other than proper. In proof of
this they cite that the went to llvo v < lth
ilie Browns on her first visit to San Fran- , over a ) ear ago , at the earnest tn-
llcltatl.n of Mrs Drown , for whom Mattlo
! nd hawed , both here end In Kan Fran-
: lieo , While here Ju&t a } ear ago , Dr.
Drown called at the Overman ' homer and
itated there that Mir. Davlilron was a pure
CMitUUan woman. Mattlo hud met lur on
lur flrut vlolt to San Fnncleeo nnd went
: o live at Mr * . Davidson' ? after colng to
Jan Francisco for the second tlma btt
\ugist. Her young ct Elster , Mlllc , le-
: j'ml a letter from her jesterday. it vvai
rUt'-i TiKBtlay and she was then at Mrt > ,
Davidson's. Ycfterda ) nfternocn came a
.clcF.ram from her reading ; "Do not he *
I \o uensallonal nevvj > apcr ttorle * .
cr will explain. "
Mr. Overman sfts Mattle l > stud ) Ing
, tcnci4rapliy and t > i w riling and that ho
xpcctu her home In threu months. Her
etter of explanation Is expected tomorrow
ir Tuesday ,
MOII TUCKS v Tnmtini.r.
rnlhli > M AIff. . nnd Her , . I'liriiiunur
lliiriUMl ( o ni-frflfcr
I.OIMSVIM,13. Dec 29 Agglal to the
Commercial fiom Lebanon KjJKjS s Within
two inlLs of this city la tK2&t mo\i \
burned to death a woman ntijjjfcxilod with
bullets her piramour The tiBS11011 nnt' '
dlsngurel corp es of the vRcSs. Mrs.
Thomas West nnd William Iwoi " ) . wcie
found In jtlie ruins of the wnmfyjl onio to-
da } b } the U-y nr-old daughterlRGnc mm-
dcred man itt' ' * " *
S'\eral months ago De\crcs , nlgMllengcd
widower , vvis accuse 1 b } Thom fccot a
prosperous farmer , of lntlmacv H | Mr'
West Quarrel followed quirreliTSTTtiRliout
the fall , until West Instltut d divorce pro
ceedings nnd declared Devcrc" must die
The men met In Lebanon Wc't snapped
hln rev civ or , vvhlr'i iilssed fire , nnd Dev rec
killed him on HIP s'pot. On the p'ei ' of self-
tlrfenso the murderer secured bill , ami Im-
mc'latcly took his two tHiighters nnd mov d
lilts West's house The re'atlvcs of the mur
dered husbind tiwore vengeance , nnd last
night It came. Close to 10 o'clock n hand
of men rode up to the West homestead and
demanded admittance.
"Tom West Is dead , now It'n > cur turn , "
the p Ke nnii called , nnd Davercs and the
woman awoke to find their house surrounded
Mrs \ \ 'pt rush d to a darkened window and
begin a plei for mere } Devcre" , too , asked
for a hearing , but his request was answered
with n t > ho\vei of rhotit
"Wo'll give } ou ten minute ? to open np ;
then } oii burn. " said the mob's 1'ndpr , and
hlj men quietly rctlied from the doT A
huriled ronsultatlcn wns held Inside tli
house , and then thp llltlo girl of Dvcrc
was Kent out to pie id with the mob.
"G t out , } ou'rc liable to get i hot jour
self , " one ot the crowd said , and , thoroughly
frightened , the child lied to the cabin of a
negro neighbor Mr West then appeared a
fie doci and nndn n last appeal for mercy
It was unavailing , and In nnothei inonipn
the houg- > was fired Just before the loot fel
the vvoinin was x ea to reel across the loon
and fall Into the fireplace among the burning
coals , nnd there ehe die ! . Devcrcs nt HIL
last moment made a dash for llb'ity , but n
PPTC of bullets stopped him half n do8i
steps from the door.
Thlr morning the little girl led her negro
protector tc the scene , and there the bodies
scotched beond recognition , vvre lound
untouched by the liichprs. There Is but
llttb doubt that the members of the mol
will bo captured , as they wcrj without
nnsks and made no attempt nt teciecy
It lo not Improbable tint the s-uie gf
last night will be re-enacted In the vein ! ' }
shortly , ns the outrag" has aroused the
most lnten e indignation amen ; the pccnlu
of the rountv Dccaii'O of the fict tint
West's relatives had threatened vengeance
there IB a strong belief that they .ire re
sponsible for last night's crime 'I h" Un-
certalnt } , however , as to just \vno WTS
Implicated has o far prevented further
troubl The child of Deveres , who vas
a witness to the tiagedy , la iJaug'ioisly
III as the reMilt of the fright and exposure
but upon her recovery she may lie able , It
la hoped , to identify rome of 'he lvi"'i ' .3
The. hC3iio of the horror was visited bj
ciowds of curious people toda } anl It v.a"
veil toward noon befoio 'he billes wire
ciied for by an undertaker No rrrc'ts
have so fir been made , but developm nib
ir ? expected tomorrow.
Jurtlce Na\o late this afternoon held an
Inquest upon the bo lies of the victim ; . Sev
eral wltnessea were oxamln ° d , but nothing
tending to incriminate nil } onevi de-
valoped. The Investigation will bo continued
tcinonow. Deveres formerly lived In Knox-
villc , Tenn.
' " . ' ' OI3HTA1NTV
Vi'iitiirn Siilc'lilr huiio | Ml tn , He A
C. billion , Jr. , of SI. l.onlH.
CHICAQO , Dec. 29 A special to the
Tribune ff > m St. Louis s-as : The H. L
Jones who committed suicide In Ventura
Cal , about a month ago Is believed to bo A
O. Simon , Jr. , son of A. O. Simon , mombei
of the wholesale dr } goods house of II. T
Simon Gregor } & . Co Iho body was ordcrel
exhumed under this supposition , and Is pow
tnro.ito to St. Louis , and will bp her * on
Wednesday or Thursday. Young Simon , who
was 23 } ears old , has been In bad health fet
some time , suffering from Indigestion Hr
went to California , thinking a change of
climate would b nefit him , nnd the last 1ard 1
of him definitely was In n tanltuilum at
Santa Darbara. He remained In the In
stitution a week and then left Wlipn tl.i
suicide of Jones at Ventura was announced
and it bccam > evident that th ° - man liul
been Incorrectly Identified as II. L Jones of
Chicago , the Identity of the suicide
became a matter of mystery. Ills
d tcilptlon was generally printed in
California papers , and one of tin
papers fell Into the hands of one nf tin
nuises of the Santa Darbati sanitarium The
descriptlrn seemed to her to fit the Mr Simon
who had been In the Institution , and sh
sent a messenger to Ventura to examine the
liody. This messenger Identified It as Simon
whereupon th nurse wrote to the St. Loul1
lelatlvcs of the } oung man.
The young man's father Isery much cast
down ovei the affair , nnd ttlll hopes n mls-
takt 1ms been made In the Identification. He
said tola } th * } oung man had plenty cf
nonuy , and If ho needed more he could have
iad It foi the asking. How he c.anio to he
confounded with Jones , Mr. Simon Is unable
: u say , as his son , ho said , had never be n
n the newspaper huslncbs.
M.MOST A MI unnit rou nvcu OA .
Inli-rlor Ii > piirtiiiint I'nriilNlinl tin-
Inillliii TITI Horj JttMMirtl.
KANSAS ( JirV , Dec. 2 ! ) . A special to
the Journal from Washington tttytW. . J
Watt ? and Colonel Iliihbard of Muldrovv
I. T. , will tomoriow file with the secretary
of the Interior a potent argument foi' a
change In the conditions of that conntrj
The document filed will In due tlm" reach
the various committees In congress Inter
isted In legislation for the country. The
Information contained , It Is Insisted , will
ho enough to disprove the many statement *
made by the d ° legatcs from the tribes to the
effect that It Is a very orderly country and
that there Is no need of roiiRrPstlonal In
terfcrenco bccauaa of lawlessness. The dec
ument contains a partial list of inurdcu
committed In the Indian territory from tin
5th of March to the latt ot October. In
this tlmo 181 ! murders have been toimnltted
Hid accounttd for In the record and the
claim IB made that the lUt IB not com-
iletc , In each case a short itatement as
n the murder Is given. This Is set forth
as evidence of the need of a change In
: hat country. This Is a inrt of the ba < lx
'or ' the position taken hy the Davveg coin-
nltslon and will be used b } them In justl
> lng their recommendations for leglilatlon
hat will IjrMk up tribal relations and open
.hat country to settlement , after paying
the Indians a fair nnd equitable amount
( or their lands.
ililK II. A. O. I'l-opi'itj.
MII/\yAnKii3. : Dec ; . .23--A number of
mitt * In attachment find garnishment have
ie n Ktnrtrd In the nt.ile courts hero ugalnct
ho Dnttlmoic & Ohio by llu > Northern i'n-
clllo to vtcino a uottUinent of thn liittir'H
Irilin en t'Jilrugo terminal Sonsu * . The liei-
ff has not } ut scrnicd n nervlc0 of the pa-
R'iH nnil the ( Iflulhi am kept tecul H Is
licUKlit vvliatevoi iiiopfily IH ovvnr-d In WIs-
poitfln l < > the lialtlmore te Ohio compjii }
vlll lie
Di-Mcrl U'lnilx DIIIIIIIKI *
, B\KTA ANA , fal. , Dee 29A heuv }
vlnd has IK.CH blovvlng In thUalH > from
he ( It-sen for the past tv.dit ) fnni huiirs
) runi ; < 's have Ixcri Injuifd consld lably und
oincdamagci Maw ! ) - . u donu tj biilldlDgH
\t Tu-'llii the Ilie vi. all tn thu liink liull II | ;
oppled over unto the rucf , bri-akliih
hruiigh ami going to the Mni'oKl : lluor. Tin
ab-lilcr ( f lh- bank nairovvly uscapeil vvllh
IH | life. _
Iiiv cnu'iilN ( if Oi-rnii V < > MHt'l < < i lice.l .
At New VorK Arrived f.i Noimamllc
rom Havre ; C'liatcuu li 1'lle , fiom lui
Icaux ; I'lUBKla , from Hnmliuri ;
At Boutliarnploij - ArriVfd - KfnB'neloi
loin New Vdik.
At Hn v i -Arrived La Charnpasnt1 , from
s'cw York.
Olautlo Hoover Found Guilty of Mnrtlor in
the First Degree ,
l iun-r I'titiun < M ! Wlipn Ho Ilrnri/
( InITItot | \ < " < t < Tiln > VlnriiliiK
( 'HIM Icllllll INlltlMMMl ( lull-It
Afti-r tin * l'i Into.
Claude II. Hoover , thp sla } r of Sam Du-
Dols , will pa } the penalty of hi ? crlmo cti
the Rallovvj.
The jnr } returned \erdlcl to thin effect
} rstorda > morning nt 10 SO o'clock. The.
report of the Jury was anticipated , ns It
was not general ! } ruppo od tint the twelve.
men had much to deliberate about , and In
consequence there was a crowd numbering-
In the neighborhood of 100 in the court
room nt HIP time. Atrong the number were
over a dcren girls , employs of Clerk ot
the District Court Mooio , who e prepanco
somewhat rcllevid the seriousness which
siemcd to pervade the rom Altogether the
court room picsentcd a decidedly agreeable to Its bate aspect tome Sumln3
ago when Morgin , the murderer of Ida
Oasklll , icci'lvfd a similar fate , when there
were none picsent cvceptlni ; the court olll-
Hoover was seated vvhoii the twelve men
filed Into the room and he app ared to bo
the least interested of all In the court room
In the \crdlct which they were bringing with
them. Ho glanced carele sl } about the room
and presented the appearance cf a man wm !
was certain of acquittal lie w is dre ul
In the neat and quiet clothing which h
wort > throughout the tilnl
When the Jury w is teated the usual ques
tion was asked If HIP } had agreed on a ver
dict , and the answei w m In the aUlrnntlve.
Foreman Vuiuifss hmded thp papers to
the billllT , who r\teiu ! d tlipin to Cleric
Moorcs The lattti opcnod the crdlct ,
glanced over It , and then re id
We , the Juiv , duly enip nu > l ° d nnd sworn ,
do find tlio ileTiMtd int , I'laudo H Hoover ,
guilt } of the eiline of iniiuki in the Iliit
ileKito ns chained In the t-ec onil toiint oC
th" Inform itlon , and \vc do delermlne that
said iltf ulnnt hluill suftii ikath
noovnu SIIMS NUT 10 OAIIU.
As the last vvoil vv.m uttcied the eoi ot
the listeners at once Bhlftel from the ricrlc
to the face of the doomed imudercr. If any
had anticipated that ho would show emotion
of any Kind they were dliappointed , for hls
face remained as st Mid nnd passive n If
ho had not heard the fateful words which had ,
Jii'it been uttered I
The Jur } was polled , and each answered
that the verdict just read w is th one agreed
upon .ludgo Scott theiein" > i hrlelly tlmnkcil
th- > Jurors for their icrvlce'i dm Ing the trial
and discharged them for the term. Turning
to the sheriff , he Inslnicted him to tak
cnarge of Hoover and penult no one to set *
hint without an ordi'i fron : the o urt. At
a signal from his guard Hoover aroya and
walk d out of the coirt room with the swag
ger which m irks his gait , and which under
tha clrumihtanoeh nppsared to Indicate e\as-
gcnate'l Indifference Ho reached the Jail
and his cell without snjlug a word. He had
rot spok n while he was being brought over
from the Jnll to the o urt room.
The Jury was out longer than was antici
pated The case wv1 placed In Its hands nt
It 30 o'clock Saturday mo nlng , and It was
consequently out twenty-three hours. Dut
while It was out tucu a length of time , there
was no corsld rable dlsagro'ment. A verdict
of guilty was found , but thtis vvaf some
discussion over ( he penal ! } . lho'dollLGratljie '
were not begun until the middle of the after
noon , and a decision was reaclud rather
parly Sa'iuday ' night , but the Jurymen vvero
not particularly anxious lo bo discharged nt
that horn .in.l deiterminal to hold over until
" " *
In ono ro-pcct the trlil haq furnished a
rc rd breaker In th ? hlsto } of the county.
Tlili Is f und In the remirl'ably uliort length
nf tlmd tint olap'cd between tin commission
of tl e c line ai d the roavl t'on of tl c rccuicd.
It was. s\t ! en days ago } es > t rda } that Hoover
KllUd DuDnls. As tjio verdict was reached
Saturda } night. It was Jti-1 two wielts after
the mm dcred man died that the fate of his
mu dcr-cr was detprmln'd
The trial Itself consumed comparatively
llttlo time It was begun nt o'clock ThurH-
day aftprno n , continued on Krlday and ths
Isst Drgument was dcllv red a-d the Instruc
tions given at 11 30 Satnrda } morning It
covered thlrtj-slx hours , although the actual
tlmo cotiEMined was about fourteen hours.
Of this entire time only five hours nnd a
half on Friday vvero occupied with the In
troduction of testimony.
unvicw or THR CIUMI ; .
The crime of which Hoov r vv is convicted
Is still fresh In the public mind , having been
committed on Friday , December 13 , about
0 o'clock In the cv nlng Sam Dultols , the
mm dcred man , vvaa wHI l.nonn In 'f'iaJty. '
having been n policeman nt 01 time and at
the time of his death bdni : tonnellmnii-elcct
from the First v.nrd. Hov i was his
3rnthcr-ln-Iaw , and vvis In liln employ.
It appears that while the. two men w-fro
utnially on gooif terms , they had been di
vided some time over Hoover's treatment ot
Ills IC-y nr-old half sister , Kate Drophy.
The girl was much In the company of anoth'r
gill In Dultols' ofllce at Thirteenth and How
ard streets , nnd to this Intimacy Hoover ob-
icctul He frequently rcmonUiatcd vvllh
lior , and to this Dullols objeotel. On the
aft moon Hoovsr was. again speaking to tliu
girl about the obnoxloiiH luqiiuliitiinco when
UiiDols entered the olllca 'I ho two men
piarreled over the mallei , and the upshot
HUH that DuIliHu dlbclmrged Hoover nnd paid
him Jilu wag H.
Just b fare 0 o'clock nn the evening of the
bcimo day Hooter uos hitting In a shoo nliop
at118 South Thlrio'iith etroH with seine
filnulH whpii Uullolj I'ntciPd Hoover half
iiost > , vvllh Iho words , "I have you now
ivboro I want you , " and drawing a rcvolv r
shot him twlco Just the Btomnch.
Oullols grappled with the murderer and
Iraggul him Into a dHig etoro next door.
Hoover calling out Fuveral times "I told
you I would fchoot joii" Hoover was ar-
Pinul and Hiillois was r moved to the PICH-
jytPilan lioajiltal , where ho dltd th 1 next
ln >
These vvero Iho facia brought out In the
rial The defenfo was weak , rhl fly fiom
hf fart that there was no defcns ; to make ,
t was shmvn that Hoover had IICIMI drinking
hat da } , but Im VVUH not Intoxicated. An
ittcmpt was iniilo to show that he was In-
BIIII , but this also fell through , and no ex-
icrts vvero calkd. Finally the-Tlcfcnso
rthtcd without going further , anil the attor
neys dlnctoil the rpmalndoi of their ifforta
n < xtcnuallng the crime In their argument *
uxl attempting lo Induce the Jury to bo mer-
'Hit trial was listened to by big crowd ! , ths
ceurt loom being tilled each day during 1U
> IOgleF8.
I'nlloiM Will Kiih'C Inlfi ( ' ( iniiM-lllliiiii
iIlli Contl iii'lorH ,
NUW VOUIC , Dec. 20 The oxecullvc com-
nltteo of the Drotherhosd of Tailors hat
Hit > et decided na to the lopatlon of the
wo co-operative thops which they propoto
apenlng In a few days and for which f 1,000
aas been approprlalul from the fund * tit
h ( < brolliprhood at tlio tiiggcKtlon of Mclr
ichonfcld leader Bchonfell U < sangulno
lut the proj-oicd plan will prove success *
( ill and will eventually lead to the tola !
xtir.ctlon cf the contraftorn. He claims a.
argo iiiinibjr of manufactiiren lure already ;
iske-d for estimates from ths lullora anil
u the tame time have civ en aniuiuuce.s ot
leallng directly vvllh the tailors In pref-
arnc tn the tontracturi1 Rchonfcld ban
igaged sewing machines and othen
ippar&tu > for the cqulpmnu of the nevf
bliop , vvhlPh he expcti ) to b& ruiinhiK by ;
vVedtu l i } next , A nuss meeting ot thu
rid J ut tallorj took plai-a today , Speechca
vcrc inado by varlouv