Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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TUP ntM i nf A ! ' ' P/ini'Tl *
lilt REALMS Oi' ' SuCIliTi
Qrowiug llfibit of Jkuy Young Man to
Stag It.
Tiixfrml of AoOnir " Htcorli , They
Alton- lie YOIIIIK NVontfii o
I'liithe Purl of Wnll-
I'loncr * .
Ornalu society men ought to hear tome at
the things that nro being raid about them
by tliolr young women frlondn. They are
being < Jcinwd of rudeness , thoushtlisne
an > l di1Minc s. If not worse offen * s > . It nil
arises from the growing ; habit cf the men
to nl g It to social affairs , regardless nf
Whether the young women Invited nre pro-
vldJd with escorts or not. At a recent danc-
IHB party about one-fourth of the men guests
came by themselves , or In one another's
company , while the young women econo
mised on escorts or relied upon people In
their own famlllss. The result was that
there were six more young women present
thin men. This may have been Joy for the
men. but It was tortures for the young wo
men , whs were compelled to constitute a
Btnmllng army of wall flowers , even this
yc-ir' * buds contributing to theranks. .
At anothsr recent dancing party the ob
noxious pracllc ? rebounded upon the headi
of llrf authors. So numerous were the stags
and so many were the stny-at-homc young
women that there was a double row of
partncrless men around the doors during
every dance , and the men had to bask In
th Ir own smiles when they partook of the
supper. In this Instance It was the young
women who were In clover , and the men
who wore a worried look. A little more
energy and self-sacrifice among the Omaha
in'n ' would obviate a recurrence of these unpleasant -
pleasant features of our local society.
At the holiday seanon the giv
ing of gifts Is prevalent , Now
ovnrybody can give sweatly , gra
ciously and lovingly. How many can accept
In the same spirit ?
Gift giving Is like love , the desire la sup
posed to come- from the heart , and no gift
Is worth anything unless It Is sent with
Hint feeling and that only. Hut then you
think you are to nccspt and never to return ?
vVe never know how to return things In
this world , but everything does equalize
Itself. You have been i charming companion
finl have brightened many a moment to a
Ivcman whose purse lo better filled than
yours. She semis you , when a Christmas
flay CDines , some dainty present- some pretty
Irlflo that she knows you will like , a book
about which you have talked , or a picture
that you have admired ; the mum you m-jlu
should be your thanksgiving , and that Is
all. Your gift of a joyful presence was made
long before the material one. I do no ) mean
by this that the woman who Is not rich muat
not give but I do mean she- must not think
of attempting to return at ones the gift that
lias come to her. It Is vulgar , my dear.
Walt until another gift day comes around
and tflen give something that expresses your
self , the child of your brain and your fingers ,
rather than of your purse. After all , Emer-
eon struck th ? keynote or gift giving when
he said : "Our gifts are for the most part
expressionless ? . Let the sailor bring a sea.
shell , the poet a poem and the pilntcr a
picture , " and these ar ? the gifts that , being
part of yourself , may be received as of
greater value than anything which money
could obtain.
One's gifts are much more attractive If
prettily wrapped In white paper , tied with
bright ribbons , a bit of holly In the knot , or
With colored tissue papers wltb mistletoe. It
Is worth while to take time to neml a few
words of friendly , grcetlnc with each gift.
AVer ? It not for the grand oprn this week
society would b'e very dull after such n
period of unusual gayety and excitement as
has reigned thus far this season.
All music loving people , as well as society
people arc anxiously looking forward to the
opera as the event of the season.
It no dcubt will bs a very brilliant affair
and it Is to be hoped that society people will
take advantage of the opportunity offend
them to don their evening gowns and dress
It Is also hoped that high hats will be dis
The rumored engagement of a society man
am ] an eastern gli-1 has caused not a little
comment during the past week.
We often have to go away from home lo
hear the news. A Lincoln paper tells us
that an engagement announcement Is HOOD
expected In Omaha Involving a young court
stenographer and the daughter of a prom
inent lumber dealer.
Lu n n r III 11K ii Dt'biituiitc.
On ? of the moat delightful dancing parties
of the season was given by Mr. and Mrs. D.
T. Mount , at their pretty home , on Wednes
day evening , to Introduce their daughter.
Miss Mac Mount , who Is one of this season's
most charming debutantes , to Omaha society.
Thu decorations were luvlah and beautiful ;
the air throughout the house was fragrant
with rosps , while holly and evergreens told
the story of the season's cheer and glad
ness.Tha parlors and dining room were dec
orated with red roses and palma. The
library was prettily decorated In yellow ;
licr < ? punch was served , nn dthe musicians
Were gracefully concealed behind a screan of
handsome palms.
Supptr was served above stairs at a tete a
tete tables , where the decorations were all
111 pln'c.
Chrysanthemums and trailing vines were
BBcil In the reception hall In decorating.
Tito guests were received by Mr. and Mrs.
Mount , Miss Mount , Mlsa Sloan and Miss
Squires. *
Mrs. Mount was handsomely gowned In
black silk and chiffon , diamonds.
- . Mian Mount was dalntly and becomingly
gowned In white moiuselliie de sole over
white taffeta , trimmed In Valenciennes lace
Hid ribbons. She carried American beauties.
Miss Sloan was beautiful In a torquolse
blue and Nile green satin creation.
Miss Squires was much .admired In light
blue eatln , with cerise colored velvet trim-
mlii 8.
Others noticed were Miss McKcll , tall and
graceful. In pale green chiffon.
Miss Drake , fair and gracious , wore black
Miss Hoagland was stunning In white
brocaded satin ,
Mlsi Colpetzer was chic In yillovv satin ,
Miss Tukey wore a pretty white organdie.
Mlsa Alexander wore n stylish black
> . . ' Miss Uetilah Sharp wore a pretty white
Swiss over pnk ! silk.
Miss Wlckham of Council Hluffs , was lovely
in a combination of white and yellow ,
AIJ present were Misses Kelly , Ilaum ,
Weller. Underwood of Lincoln , Hall and
Mcssr . Gilbert. Young. Wilklns , Clarke ,
EwliiK , Cook , Charlea and Victor Koiewnter ,
Ileth , Uaymond , Cooley , McKtll , Patrick ,
Burgess , Uoup , Hoagland , Cowln , Uurkley ,
NVII1 Pease. Lieutenants Hlnes , \ \ > ll , ai |
Me rs. Metcalf , Empkle and Sledontopf of
Council muffs.
A feature of the dancing party most com
mented on by the guests was the pretence
tf sutllclent men to All every dance program
Jwlce over.
Tliiirnlou Jlltlt-N *
The Tlturtton III Hem mopl fittingly cele
brated their second nnnlverary as national
guardsmen last Wednesday evening with a
"stag" party , which was a very enjoyable
Among the guezli were : Messrs. 55. T ,
UnJiey , Cadet Taylor. W. J. Ilroatch , O. C.
Holmes oiid Q , W. Gamble , all of whom
epoke In glnvrlng terms of the financial and
nodal fucce * * with which the company has
mat , and , among other thlngi , advocated
the organization of an auxiliary , to be com
posed of the business men of the city , to
lisUt the company In matters pertaining
to their future welfare. At the conclusion
of ipcechei all prestnt repaired to the cafe
adjoining the reception parlor , where an
Uborul lunch wai served. A company
imoker followed , and the rest of the evening
tog WM wort pl * s ntljr ijut la muilc ,
worst , wu'i Iplleil. Tliun In peace and cleva-
\vhlt Mul a general good time. Mems.
liltlurlPtockhtm , Thomptett , fltilnn and
llcb.Ttfinn lute tin entire thanks nf their
ootir .t j for ( lie eillclnt minncr In which
tlitv conducted the nftalr , as nothing was
ItftjMi.'iv ; to mike It an overwhelming sue-
f I'loliriilo Tln-lr ( iolilcnVrilillniv. .
Tlia jrxldcn wedding cf Dr. J. M. Kulm
r.iiil li , wife , Knthirlnn Itobertson Kuhn ,
took pl.ica rrMiy , December 13 at th ; rfrl-
deice : t.f thtlr son-in-law , Dr. J , C. Whin-
nory. Thirtieth nnl lllnnsy streets.
At Hncorert'Mi , 0. , fifty years ago tbat
day , at the residence of the nrltb'n father ,
Dr. Janus Hobcrtnon , Katberlne , his eldest
daughter , united In marriage to Dr
Kuhn , from the biiburliH of 1'lttsburg.
There ivfra several r sivii. why thin golden
anniversary was unuau.-.lly Interesting. Hare
It li. and , Indeed , almoHl unheard of , tint
nny husband and ulfo should help celebrate
the golden wedding of the- parents of each ,
ytl such was the gocd fortune of Dr. and
Mrs. Wlilnnrry whu , * sven years ago , wnt
to Pahm. O. , to participate In the golden
wedding of ills parent ? . Dr. J. C. Whlnniry
and wife.
The five. rJiHJmi wcri1 prct > : nt ! Mrs. Anna
Hobertson Weaver of Him Grove. Mo. . Mrs.
Margaretla It. Keyca of 1'hlladelphla ,
Norman A. Kuhn. Mrs. Alice \Vhltintry
and Mrs. Katherlne M. Woolworth. the lat-
tar three of this city.
Of the twelve grandchildren , thp tlx liv
ing In this city were prencnt.
The youngest of thess , III ? Infant daughter
of N. A. Kuhn , was chrlstfiiipil that evenIng -
Ing , receiving the naino of Ktthrlno Or
chard , thuo uniting the nam'-fi ' of the two
grandmothers. The baby'i < other grand
parents , William I'reston and wife , were
prprent with their two other daughters at
0:30 : o'clock p. m. to witness this liaprea-
rsgret wai expressed
that the great grandmother , Mr . A. 11 ,
Orchard , could not b : present on account
of feebleness.
On this occasion the- pleasant horns of
Dr. Whlnnery was handsomely decorated
with palms and yellow chrysanthemums ,
while the dinner tabl ? showed the sani5
golden effect.
The guests readily found their places at
ths table by their gilt cards , which they
each carried away In the little whit ? and
gold baskets of choice confections as souve
nir * .
tn addition to the mcmbaru of the family
mentioned , there were the grafted branches
of the family tree , nnd Mrs. Kuhn's sister ,
Mrs. L. n. Seymour nnd her nephew's wife ,
Mrs. Robertson Nicholas and non. Dosldes
these thcrj were also prepant their former
pastor , Hev. Dr. Kerr and wife of IJjlIe-
vu ; , * ami their present pastor , llev. 53.
n. McCcrmlck of the First I'resbytsrlan
church , and- his wife.
Tilegrsms and letters of congratulation
were received from the bride's two other
sisters , Mrs. Flora II. Drown of Philadel
phia and Mrs. Jeannsttj II. Hlgley of Cedjr
Rnplds , la. , and a iwi-ln-law , Mr. H. C
Keyes of Philadelphia ; also from Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Gilbert of I'lttsburg.
After short , felicitous speeches by Dra.
Kcrr and McCormlck , a pleasant social evenIng -
Ing was spent. _
Mrx. JvlTrloN lOnU-rlnlnw.
Mrs. Jeffries entertained In a charming
manner at her residence , 2457 South Tenth
street , last Thursday evening n number of
the members and friends of Iva Hcbckah
lodge No. 33 , Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. As the guest ? arrived they were
ushered Into tastefully decorated rooms of
her home , which presented n very comfort
able appearance , made additionally attractive
by the soft rays of light shed fl-oni the
handsome chandeliers.
Promptly at 9 o'clock the regular even-
Ing's program was commenced , and In the
friendly contest , which lasted two hours , In
which eleven games were played. Mrs. G.
W. Button , aided by skill and good fortune ,
became the proud possessor of ths ladles'
first prize , Mr. J. T. Wooley securing the
men's first prize , the former n handsome
perfume bottle , the latter being a very
unique cigar holder.
Mrs. Steffensen and F. W. Koetter were
presented with appropriate consolation and
booby prizes , with th ; hope that Dame For
tune mjght emlle more sweetly on them In
the future.
During the evening Miss Mabsl Stuht
rendered several Instrumental pieces , which
were highly appreciated.
Refreshments -were served , and not until
a late hour did the guests don their wraps
to depart.
Among the many present were noticed :
Mr. W. C. Blake. Mrs. C. A. Lewis. Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Mathls. Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Conncran ; Messrs. W. M. McKay. M.
J. Prultte. W. R. Mathls , J. T. Wooley.
A. T. Darby , Mlsa Llzzlj Craddock , Mrs.
C. L. Allen , Miss Mablo Stulit , Mra. Krnest
Stuht , Mr. A. P. Llddell , Mre. A. P. Lid-
dell , Mr. D. P. Knowlton , Mrs. G. W. Siit-
ton , Mr. F. W. Koe-tter , Mr. J. H. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. I3ouk , Mr. Edward
Davis , Mrs. Steffensen , Mr. H. 13. Uiirnam ,
Mrs. T. C. Livingston , Miss lola Chllds.
Miss Von Merrltz , Mr. W. C. Bouk , Mrs.
Elizabeth Wooley , Mr. Murphy , Miss Gene-
vleve Jeffries.
Mr. mill Mm. Coiiiiormi Kiitt-rfaln.
One of the moat enjoyable parties of the
season was that given at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Connoran , 818 South
Twenty-second street , last Wednesday even-
Ing. The favored guests of the evening com
prised members of the "Home Club , " nnd a
very enjoyable time was had.
Progressive high five was the mode of
entertaining , nnd proved to be a very
pleasant way to spend nn evening. Mrs.
C. A. Lewis carried off the ladles' honors , a
very beautiful plate , winning the largest
number of games during the evening.
W. B. Ostrnnder became the prcud possessor
ser of the men's first prl/.e , a very pretty
paper weight , while Mlts Mary Gorman and
T. C. Livingston were presented with ap
propriate consolation gifts as mementos of the
Much Interest was manifested In the
games , and the evening passed away very
quickly. Dainty refreshmento wcra served
by the hostess at the conclusion of the series
of games. Just prior to the awarding of ths
prizes , which were distributed amid con
gratulations and merriment.
These present were : Mr. and Mrs. David
O. Smith. T. C. Livingston , C. A. L-wIn , A.
R. Wallace. W. B. Ostrander. S. D. " Hall.
Jamei W. Uouk , G. W. Suttcn , Mrs. Rock ,
Mr. D. Q. Haynes ; Mlsres Mary Gorman ,
Wallace nnd Ollls Button.
Ail I nJ yiil > lt * Sm-lnlilo.
A charming little play by John Kendrlck
Dang ) , entitled , "A Proposal Undsr Difficul
ties , " was cleverly presented yesterday evenIng -
Ing at the High sxjhool by several member ? of
the senior clasa , th occasion being a tnnlcr
occ'atf \ n-.o.-o than ordinary protenMon ? . The
principal characters were taken as follows :
Bob Ynrd loy. . . Mr. Arthur Welahans
Jack Iterlour Mr. . . Harry Llndsey
Dorothy Andrews Miss Marlon Day
Je.inlo Mls Mae Dartlett
Tbo High school now boasts a very pretty
little stage wltb drop curtain , footllghu and
several other modern Improvements. After
the play a program of fifteen numbers was
danced , dainty refreshment * being ervoi
during the Intermission. The play Is ta be
r.rcitod at the High pchool early In January ,
and by request of the- ladles of Trinity cathe
dral , It will prcbably bo given in the near
future at Metropolitan hall for the benefit of
their charities.
I''or Mm. Gt'ortfi' Mrri-fr.
In honor of Mrs. Qocrgo W. Mercer a
beautiful and elaborate luncheon was given
on Friday by Miss Webattr.
The Uble was decorated with broad reJ
satin rlbb&ns caught at ths edgeu with
buncheu cf holly and the center piece was
delightful little Christmas tree- aglow with
lighted candles. The position of the guests
At the tab ) : was Indicated by cards Inscrlbjd
In ratted Kold letters with a tiny Ilidited
taper upon tb corner of each carJ. Thr
favors were candy cine * tied with red rib
Miss Webster's guests were ; Mrs. George-
Mercer , Mrs. ' Lucle-n Stevins , Mrs. W. I ) ,
Mvlkle. Mrs. Coles , Mrs. Heed , illsj Warden ,
Mlai Cady , Mils Palmer , MUs Duma , Miss
Woolworth and Mlt ? Crountt- .
Tinnunoril Till MnruliiK- .
The mlnitrel show and ball given by tlif
Criterion club at Metropolitan hall last Thurs
day night brought out a large attendance.
The event wan In celebration of the formal
opening of the club , which W4i organized
by a number of the young people of the
City about a month ago.
The tnlnttrel performance , which firmed
the first part of the evening' ! entertainment ,
waa a burlesque on Du MnurUr's ctlebratid
novel , entitled "Thrllby. " with II. Blath. B.
Ilehfeld , L- Becker In leading rultu. It was
! tlie 'river , u'n'q alM | "iobR > she labored , But-
followed by o stump speech by M. Merntt
and n rrcitAllon by Klmn Rothhll.1s. Acer
cor ert followil. which Included foveiMl
cl'ver sketch * * of both vocal and Instru
mental * r > l-ctons. !
Dancing was the order of the evening after
II o'clock < ind It was nftfr 2 o'clock In the
morning when the orchestra played the last
extra to the swtft str.tlna of "Homo. Sweet
Home. " The ofTlcerfi having the entertain
ment In hnnd were : I ) . Dsgan , president ; K.
Merrllt , vice prosldfnt , and I ) . Joseph , eec-
retary and treasurir.
nf .NIMV Cluti Itooiti * .
The opening- the new club rooms of the
Omaha Turnvercln , under the nusplcts of
the Omaha Turner Wlietl club , will bo held !
December 28 , 1895. |
The iirocram consists of th ? following :
Selection , Turner orchestra ; vocal duet ,
"Sunshine of Paradise AlIeyY1 Mlwes F. Son-
inborn nnd M , Dakota ; negro melody , "Old
Black Joe , " with Invisible chorus , J. M.
Brcnglo , asalstrd by Miss It , Sonncborn ;
mandolin nnd guitar duet , by request , "Th #
Turners' Favorites. " ltmann brothers ; song
nnd d-lnccs. Mlp ) L. Storch ; violin soln ,
Franz Adelmnnn ; AU-Sar-Uen dancj , Mlssps
H. Sonncbrn , M. Dakota and F. Sonnebsrn ;
negro sermon , J. M. Brengl' ; selection ,
Titrnrr orchestra.
The stag ; will bo cnclrcUd with cptctal
colored Incandescent lights for the occasion.
After th ? concert piTgrnm tha inw and el-
minily furnished club rooms will be thrown
open to the gu ° < < ts and frleii'ls ' present.
Ths dance program will bs a novelty In
that the first half will 1 > ? In the terms of
n bicycle handicap race , start to finish , the
second part being a club run , start , century
and happy return to new club rooms nt
Turner hall.
I ) 'iinrKHinontl. .
At the residence of Colonel Oeorge Es
mend , 1917 Park avenue. In Minneapolis ,
Thursday afternoon , the marriage of Miss
Ellen L. Esmond , eldest daughter of the
housf , to Will Foresman Dsnney of Oniahn
was tolemnlred by Hev. Frank Snreil of the
First Presbyterian church. There \yere pres
ent only Ilia brldo's father , mother and two
t/t'ters ' , Mr. and Mrs. Dnney of Chicago ,
parents ot the bridegroom , the Mltsea Deu-
ney and Mrs. Forsyth , his tlstcrs ; Mr. nnd
Mrs. Uobrt Stratoit and two daughters ,
Mr ? . McDonald , sister of Mrs , Esmond , efFort
Fort Wayne , Iml. , anil Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
The house waa Uftefully decorated , with
pink , the favorlto color of the bride , pre
vailing. * The wadding dinner that
the ceremony was sumptuous in Its appDlnt-
irenls. It was served ln scven courses. The
bride wore a dark cloth traveling suit. The
newly wedded couple took their departure
Immediately after , via the Oniiha route , for
their new home In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.
Dsnney , sr. . nnd daughters returned to Chicago
cage , and Mrs. McDonald left for her horns
the following evening. The bride received
many handsome gifts
KiitiM'taliiril ni CiirilN.
Mr. and Mr * William S. Hector entertained
the 'Tuesday Night Card club" lai'l ' Tuesday
evening at thslr pretty horn ? ct 2128 Wlrt
The score cards , which represented Mrs.
Rector's monograms , were tied with helio
trope ribbon , nnd n cluster of English violets.
When tbo scoes ware compared it was found
that Mrs. Klerstead and Mrs. Crummer
were a tie for the women's przo. : They cut
to decide the winner , nnd Mrs. Klerstsad
won , lecslvlng a beautiful cut glisy vase.
Mr. C. D. Sutphen waa the winner of the
men's prize.
After the cards , refreshments wera served.
Thosa present were : Mr. and Mrs. Frank
T. Ranyam. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman , Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Klorstead. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Covell , Dr. and
MM. D. F. Crummer , Mr. and Mra H. B.
Mulford. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Sutphen , Mr.
Chat Rollick and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rjctor
of Nebraska City.
Mnttlinttiiit Club Ilniivc.
On Wednesday evening of last wcclt the
Manhattan club gave another of their en-
Joyabls' dancing parties at .Morand's.
Those present were : Misses. Rllsy. ; , Mc-
Gucktn.'Garretty , Healy , Leedpr , B. L bjler.i
Murphy , Vallne , Frazler , "Weir , L. Weir ,
E , Weir , Nestlebush. D. Nestlebiwh.-Colbert ,
Farrell , Olsen , Drennan , N. BrEnnan , Cramp-
ton , Vorwald , E. Vorwald , Dempssy. Rey-
nolds. Comfort , A. O'Nsil , K. O'Neal , Mc-
GulrD , N. McGuIre. Ilollen , Stanghlll , Paul
and F. Paul of Ashland ; Messrs. Drlscoll ,
Hamer. E. Murphy , N. Murphy , Dclan , Mur
ray. Riley , Malison , Quldcr , Blniu. Ford ,
Julian , Carr , Gallup , Carlson , TImmlna ,
Barry , Wortbins , Cooper , Rochsford , Farth
ing , Kinney , Mornell , Simpson , Cahalan ? ,
Dempsey. McGukcIn , Reynolds , Mallsry.
Fritzel , Weir , Bonncvler , Falconer , Mtnzics ,
Boccher , Corbstt , Fyfe , Smith , Waller ,
Huyck and Meeker cf Ashland.
MlxH I'lilincr'M KfUMliUTton.
Mlsa Palmer gav ? an enjoyable Kenslng-
tc-n tea on Thursday afternoon. A few mar-
rlcl wonifn and a number of Omaha's bright
est glrlu brought thslr embroidery and talked
and stitched the afternoon away.
There was also some dejlgbtful music by
Miss Nash , Miss Crounse and Miss Kelley ,
and a song by Mlw Daisy Doane.
Refreshments wer ? serveJ.
Among the guests wc-rc : Mesdames Offutt ,
Harry McCoimlck. Charles Mc-lkl : , Cartan ,
Whosier , Aires > mlth and Wliltmore. Missis
Burns , Amy Barkc-r , Doane , Baum. Drake ,
B'llo Hamilton , Bertha Sloan , Brown , Mc-
Kull , Dewey , Balcomb ? . HImsbaugh , Crounse ,
Nash , Ktlley , Llcds-iy , Buck , Webster , War
den , Taylor , Allc-a , Stella Hamilton , Rice of
Chicago , Undoi woo I of Lincoln.
Mr. Elmer Weberg and Miss Augusta
LIndblad were married nt the residence of
the bride's parents Friday evening , Decem
ber 13.
Rev. Staples performed the- ceremony , after
which the guests partook of an appetizing
supper , and with mudlc ami dancing the
festivities continued until far Into the night.
Among the ; > 3 present were : Mr. and Mrs.
P. LIndblad. Mr. and MM. L. J. Plattl , Mr.
and Mra. J. Lundell , Mr. and Mrs. W.
Smith. Mrs. Woberg , Mr. aud Mrs. Frank ,
Mrs. Frost , Mrs. Anna ElllerK , Misses Allda
Weberg , Anna HIgby and Ella LIndblad ,
Messrs. P. Elllers , Elmer HIgby , Albert
LIndblad and Lcndgron.
I'lL-iixniil HtKli Klvc Part- .
The High Five club Oemuethlichkoit .held
Its regular meeting on Tuesday , December
17 , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Baumer ,
playing the tuual number of games.
Mrs. J. F. Fruehauf and Mr. George Mlt-
lauer carried of the flrdt prizes. Mrs. Mlt-
tnuer and Mr. Robert Rosenzwelg being
awarded th * consolation prlzea.
Tiie members of this club pride themselves
on Its thcrough knowledge of the game , and
ara considered expsrts wherc/ver they are
Their next meeting will be at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fruehauf.
Ma it ia Ufi-lilfil Hit.
In spe-nklng of a cantata recently given at
Nebraska City , the Press taya :
"Mlsa Vivian Rector simply captured the
Immense audience In her Tyrolean dance , and
her re-citations made a decided hit. The pen
Is unequal the description of the success of
this beautiful little artist. For her recita
tion , 'In the Usual Way , ' she received a
hearty encore , and responded with 'Drawln'
de Line ob Saialety. ' She Is Indeed a little
wonder , nnd Nebraska City Is loth to sur
render her to Omalu , her present home. "
Kntprtnlnt'il at ( JtTiiinii Wliliit.
Mrs. Joseph M , Metcilf entertained the
Forest Hill Card club very pleasantly last
Wednesday afternoon at her bindsomo home.
German whist was played and dainty re
freshments were served.
The prizes were won by Mrs , Thomas L.
Klmball , who was the fortunate winner of o
pretty silver Jewel cai < a ; Mrs. Doherty won
the second prize , a book of poema.
Mrt. Doherty will entertain the club on
Thursday , January 2 , at Brownell hall.
Among the happy events of the week was
the wedding last Wednesday evening of Mr ,
Julius Hohlfeldt and MIsv Henrietta Busch
at the residence of the bride's parents , Mr ,
und Mrs. Henry Busch , Davenport and Thir
tieth streets , Mr. Frank Broadfield and Mr.
Charles Young both acted as groouunjen ,
and Mlsics Roie and Lillian Fertner as
bridesmaids. Rev. Mr. Wells officiated at
the ceremony. Toe Ancient Order of United
Workmen bund iod atriiif orchertra ser-
| plautr , teeming tu nunu
enadf.l tlif J > j fy couple an.l rndered en
trancing 1 mi.slc for th ? 100 guests
< Mini I
Mr , Harry I t'ttLyn. . \ Mis , ' Grac ? Helen
Mirty will i murled on Christmas eve.
I nt the bride1 * risldenee , 2S27 Harnsy elreot.
Mr. and M Jrffirson W. Uedford nn-
nounce the t gagemen.t of their dJURhter.
M'iry Octav.'n ind Mr , Itobcrl Vaughn Mon-
UHrathed-TJ f Samuel SchlanU to Miss
Kopnld. At home Wednesday , De
cember 25 nt "Illllsldf , " DDdge and Eight
eenth streets.Mr-
Miss Aium fc , Wltbrow has resigned her
position In the , Oniahn schools to rule supreme
premo In nn eastern honis. She will be
united In mnrriag ? New Year's day to Mr.
Charles Clinton How. Esq. , prosecuting nt-
tornry of Canton , O. The bent wishes of
her ho l of friends go with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllhclm entertained n few
friends Informally Thursday afternoon nt the
Mrs. 8. A. Young of Half Howard strait
entertained at dinner Friday evening In honor
of Mr. and Mr . Clabaugh.
A Jolly trolley party of Omaha psclity pso-
ple went ever la Council Bluffs Monday avert
ing to wltneis the "Mlkad : , " In which n
Council Bluffs belle sang oneof the leading
Pi Iday afternoon Mra. G. Marty tntertalned
nt luncheon In hencr of bur daughter , Grace
tie | following young Udlcs : Misses Smith
Coon , Dunham , Biinner. Arnold. Paris
Havcrly , Psmler , Shelly , Mstz nnd Morris ,
Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan , corner of Yates
and Shermon avenue , entertained the Up-
to-Djtft Whirl bbib r.n Tnpsliv evenlnir. The
hcujc was bfnutlfully decorated with holly.
Tlie evening terminated with delicious re-
frcsIimcntB , after ths usual games of wh'lst.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Husled
fiitortalnd the Every Thuro-lny Night High
FIve club on Thuriday evanlng last , nt their
residence , 3S03 North Elghtesnth ftrect.
C-i-Iti End : i pleasing recitation by little Miss
Hazel AnncwaK , follwt > d by n dainty lunch
eon , helpeil to while away a pleasant hour.
Mr. and Mrs , Oharli * Johnson entertained
about fifty of their friends at their lionn
on Wlrt street' en Wednesday evening. Mr.
Woods took the 'prize for pinning the don-
Icoy's tall on.5 .The houro was pretty In its
decorations of chrysanthemums. After par
taking of a flntt repast , the gucris bade
farewell at a lit ? hour.
The Thursday Evening Whist club held
Its Initial meeting at the hcme of Mr. nnd
Mrs. James H. Csnrad on Thursday oven-
Ing. The members present were : Mersrs.
nnd Msdaines Chfirl ! < L. Boss. Arthur E.
English , Isaiah Hale , George W. Hoobler.
Julius Kesuler , Marc .G. Perkins , Allen T.
Rctfir , and V. 0. Strlckler.
The Au Fait club met at thr home of Mls-j
Bothwsll Friday , December 13 , nnJ an en
joyable evening wns t-pent nt cirds. Initiation
of menibars and danc'ng. The members nre :
Misses , Hak" , Imsen , Madge Hake ,
Potwln , Shrlevo. Bryant and Botluvell ; Mesjrs.
Bassott , Dr. Hlnc'aey , Hake , Guild , Hacken-
b3rg , Shrlevc , Stambiugh and Orchard.
Mls3 Buck gave a pretty dinner Friday
cverlng for th ? F.r nch Reading club. The
cntcr piece was qt , red roses and the favors
wore pink carnatlcnsi and vlclets. Ctvcro
were laid for Mhs-Nash , Miss Crounse , Miss
L'niJssy , MUs Orslg ton , Miss Palmsr. Mlsa
Buck , Mr. Gannett , Mr , Palmer , Mr. Edgar
MorKiian , MnJofHlrowder , Mr. Randall Brown
and Mr. Dawpon.
The AVIstarla 'club , taking Ita name from
the branching , ' far-reaching , beautiful flower-
laden vine cf that narna , found refuge In
the homa Jardlnler of Mrs. J. J. Hannlgin
Wednesday afternoon. Holly and burnIng -
Ing tapers gave the beauty of
Christmas tide , while Ice ? , roses , cut glass
and plates laid for fifteen , suggested a feast
ol..dalntles , a flew of wit and a generally
g'dod time In this hospitable home.
A pleaswnt cytt of the week was the recep
tion tendered Mr1 ? . ChirU.3 Tatum last Thurs
day by the laSnts'-pf All Saints' ' churchwlio
presented' heijjijupjn that roeas'IoaV with a
parting gift Of a'Jh'an'dsom'eb' , bound prayer
bwk and hymnal. i Mrs. WeaVftr thre-w op'an
her pretty home. to the friends , of Mrs. Tatum
Knd a USKO ruirtifccrof , Isdjosc wre present.
Mrs. Tatuin leCtigrIrtay-rfofv
futtfe home.
lii Pr
The Manhattan club gives Its next , party
on December 2G at Mornud'o hail.
Ths Dancing club will give its tissue paper
d.-.nce next Saturday night at Morsnd's hall.
Mrs. Truman Buck ami Miss Buck have
Issued cards for a 5 o'clock tea on Christmas
da- .
Miss Squires will receive on New Year's
day from P. until C , In honor of her friend ,
Mlsa Taylor.
MM. Charles E. Squires and Miss Squires
hftvo issued cards far a reception to bs
given Tuesday , December 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem ant Chase have Issued
cards for a recaption for the younger inem-
b rs of society on New Year's afternoon.
Ths Terpslchorean club has Issued Invita
tions for ths 'Christmas eve party to bo
given at the Metropilltan hall. Elaborate
arrangements hava been made for a most
enjoyable event. Refreshments will bs
The Monday Night club german. which
will occur on the' evening of Dicember
23 at Mcrand's hall , will be led by Mr. Will
Cowln and Mr. Herbert Cok , and c
croned by Mrs. Heaelaml. Mrs. Cady , Mrs.
Squires , Mrs , Colpetzer and Mrs. Allen.
Out-of-Towu Vl orn.
Mrs. Word en and Miss Worden rsturn
to Fort Logan on Monday.
Mr. Fred W. Gray ( -pent several days In
town with old friends last week.
Miss Taylor arrived on Friday , to be tha
guest of Mies Squires for nome time.
Mr. and Mr * . A. F. Miller are the ex
pected guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake- .
Mrs , Lovclarid' Of Rapid City , S. D. , Is
visiting her daughter , Mrs. A. J. Van
Miss LouUe Mulder of the Damrosch
Opera company IB the expected guest of Miss
Amy Barker.
The Misses Knight will arrive from St.
LoulD next week , to bs the guests of their
cousin , Miss Squires.
The Misses Underwood , who have been for
several weeks gueots of Miss Ura KslUy ,
returned to Lincoln Friday.
Miss Hulda Meyer arrived at home after
a three months' visit with her sister , Mri > .
Steve Spregen Day of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Footo from Cherokee ,
la. , are the guests of Mr. and Mra. G , W.
Lancaster nl 240G Cass street.
Mr. and "Mrr , John A. Ssrgent and son
Edward will arrive' on Monday and spend
Christmas with Mrs , E. C. McShano.
Mrs. Ed Bishop , and Mrs. Frank Bishop.
who have bsen.tbg guests of Mrs. W. F.
Allen , returned pulncy , III. , on Thursday.
Mr. WllllamjiKrunerdell Cf Franklin , Pa. ,
who has becn jKl ltlng friends In town for
the past two yrsrtsj returned home on Tues
day. I'J < n
Miss Latti ' 'and Ils3 Oakley of Lincoln
came up for tlW'Boelety ' circus and wera the
guests during' 'the' ' ' week of Mrt' . Charles
Greene. H' '
Colonel andltMrV C. C. Clowry of Chicago
cage nrrlved yesterday and will be the guests
of Mr , nnd Mfs'H : ' ; D. Estabrook during
the holidays. < * : "
Mrs. Fred KyJnV , Jr. , of Hot Springs ,
S. D. , who haSJ'tkon the guest of Mrs. H.
B. Lockwood pifijtyasl iwo weeks , returned
home en Mend . 'j , j
MUs Florence { fTiracy of Burlington and
MUs Florence -Uookwith of Mount Pleasant ,
la. , will be tht'liiuests of MM. Clement Chase
over New
Movi'in < 'iM"i < iiil AYIierrntioiltM.
Miss Susie Hu"nfo6n Is expected home hi
time for Christmas , after a six months'
visit In the Newi England states.
Mrs. P. Q , Urlau and daughter , Miss
I'crle , returned this week from Avoca , la , ,
where they were the guests of Mrs. W. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hosier leave today
for Now York City to visit Mr. Hosier's
parents. They will also visit Washington ,
Buffalo nnd Cleveland before returning.
I'l-li-mlly ( Jointi.
Mr. Roy Crummer Is at home from Chicago.
Mr. Russ.'ll Burl Is at homo from Balti
more ? .
Mrs. S. A. McWhorter has returned from
Mr. E. J. Cornish left for Chicago on
Mr. John A. McShane left for Chicago on
Mr. Rosa Towle will arrive on Monday
fnm Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Francis left on Wednes
day for Chicago.
Miss Nellie McShano will spend the boll-
days In New York.
Mlsa Mabel Barber returns from Lasclle
scmlnsry for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Buchanan have been
BpMidlng a week In Chicago.
Mr. Ezra Mlllard of Harvard will ppend
tlu holidays In Providence , R. 1 ,
Mr. RussMI Wilbur , now at Williams , will
spnd his vacation In New York.
Miss Anna Shlverlck will visit In llostcn ,
Wood's Hell , Mais. , and Wlnstcd , Conn.
Mr. Charles Montgomery returned yester
day from the University of Wisconsin.
Mersrs. Jay Boyd and Fred Like arc ex
pected homo from Harvard on Monday.
Ml ! < s I'cnrl Hartman will upend the lioll-
dayj In St. Paul with the MUt-es Welch.
Msrs. Mosher , Colpetxcr nnd Charles
Brown returned yesterday from Andovcr.
Miss Edith Orcutt came homo on Friday
from Sacred Heart convent , at St. Louis.
Mr. Milton Darling , Avlio has been spend
ing a week In Chicago , returned on Friday.
Mr. Herbart Cook arrived last week from
the west and will be at homo until the new
Mli-s Lenlgan of Youngstown , O. , who wns
vliCtlng the Misses Ununi , returned homo
yesterday. '
M" . and Mrs. Hobsrt S. Ego returned this
week from their wedding Journey through
the south. '
Miw Bessie Towleand Mlos Brown , who
attend school at Northhampton , are at home
for Christmas.
Miss Blanche Estabrook and Miss Helen
Peck returned on Saturday from Miss RIcJ's
school , Chicago.
Miss Miller , who has been the guest of
Miss Drake , returned Tuesday to her home
In Pennsylvania.
Miss Eva Kennard will spend hr va
cation In Omulia from Bishop Robertson's
school , In St. Louis.
Miss Louis ? Korty cams home on Saturday
from Rockford , 111. , where she attends school ,
to spend the holidays.
Mr. Dwlght M. Swobe Is at home from
Shattuck Military liu-tltute to spend the
holidays with his parents' .
Mltu MclCenna , who has been visiting In
Washington and Ister In New York , Is cx-
p-cted home- for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams and family
left Monday evening for San DIsgo , Cat. ,
where they will spend the winter.
The Misses Florence- and Ethel Morse and
lUha EJna Cowln all returned from Mrs.
Pintt's school , Utlca , on Friday morning.
Miss Adeline Nash will return from Man-
h.ittinsvllle , L. L. early In the week. Mr.
Fred Nash Is also expected home from
Messrs. Joseph Barker , Jr. , and Charles
Shlverlck arrived home on Friday from
St. Paul's , Concord , N. II. , to ppend the
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Barker returned
on Wednesday from a delightful two weeks'
tr'p ' to Cheyenne , Portland , Tdcoma , Seattle ,
Olympla and Grant's Pass.
Meji.-y. Henry T. Clarke , Jr. . and Gordon
Clarke , at the University of Chicago , will
remsln In Chicago , Miss Clarke going on to be
with them for the holidays.
Mrs. Vlvtor 'u. Caldw-sll left on Monday
jrornlng with her children for < a visit to her
p..mits , Mr. and Mrs , John Hugus , In Pasa-
iluna , Cal. , arriving there Thursday morning.
Mrs. Thomati Kllpatrlck7-'who ' < -has'"been for
coveral months In Ohio , has gone to New
York to spend tht- holiday vacation with her
daughter , Miss Florence- , who Is a pupil at
Miss Ely's Hc'ncol.
.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson , accom
panied by Mies Dickinson , Miss Woolworth ,
Messrs. Clark , Re-dick and Arthur Gulou , re
turned on Friday miming from a delightful
trip through the south. They vlsiteJ St.
AugUDilno , New Orleany and Atlanta.
The Unlveroity of Nebraska closes Ita term
this week , and Miss Mary Towne , Miss Mary
WalUca ami Msos's. Irving , Gardner , Erwln ,
Dave-nport , Bert Christie , A. W. Savllle , J.
A. Savllle , Edward Chapin , Ilolmrod , Steel
and others attending will spend the holidays
LINCOLN , Dec. 21. ( Special. ) Although
Christmas week has not fairly opened , the
annual /ebtivltie.1 have commenced. The city
schools led off with entertainments last even
ing which reflected great credit to Capital
City pedagogy. The Capitol school gave theirs
In the Conservatory of Music , and the audl-
torium was packed. The-Bancroft school
held their exercises In the school building
and the eighth grade of the Park school had
a sttise erected In the edlflcs. Other schools
and kindergartens held exercises in various
parts of the city , and taken altogether It
v.-is a tchool exhibition day throughout the
There was a large crowd nt the Catholic fes
tival In Lyceum hall last evening. The affair
closed with n distribution of presents front a
Ciir'siinns ' tree. A number of booths were
presided'over by young ladles , and the one In
wMch the attendants were clad In Japanese
C03tuma was well patronized. Mrs , G. W.
Noble- sang during Hie evening and the rnan-
dnlin club from the school gave n selection.
Financially the festival was a success.
W. M. Ccok , M. F. Manvllle , J. W. Dlxon
and B. Colcman were Initiated Into the new
law fraternity. Phi Delta Phi , on Thursday
evening. After the Initiation , which was
sovc-re , the fraternity Hat down to a banquet
at the Palace restaurant.
Mbj Ella M , Crawford and niece , Helen ,
stifled Wednesday afternoon for a visit to
MlBs Crawford's home at Champaign , She
nlll glvo public elocutionary recitals at Col-
fiix. Farmer City and Champaign , III. , during
her absence.
At 725 North Eleventh street , Thursday , nt
8 p. m. , a small company of Intimate friends
witnessed the marriage of Miss Lena M.
Ti'omas and Pliny White , all of Lincoln. Rev.
L. Groh , 1255 R street , outdated.
L. M. Zimmerman returned thU week from
Chlcjgo with a wife , to whom he was mar-
rlsd about a wcfrk ago. The young people
will be at home to tlu-lr frltinds In Grandvlew
after the 20th of thU month.
Mra. T. C , Kern returned home from a visit
of a month's duration with her son In Dad-
wcod , She waa accompanied by MUs Ben
nett , who continued on her Journey to New
A. S. White and A. J. Weaver left yester
day afternoon for Iowa City. They will
endeavor to capture the foot ball pennant for
tha university by their eloquence.
Miss Bertha Qulmby of St. Mary's school ,
Knoxvllle , 111. , Is spending thei holidays wilh
Miss Helen Nance , 1848 C street.
Mies Florence Maulo arid sister returned
yesterday from Notre Dame , Ind. , where
they have been al school.
B. B. Glllesple left last night for Republi
can City to spend Iwo weeks.
M. A. Hartlgan jr. , w nt to Hastings last
night to make a short stay.
C. M , Sillies left yesterday for Denver
and other Colorado points.
Mltu Helen Hoover Is convalescent after
an Illness of ten days.
J. S. Corby went to St. Joseph yesterday
to spend the holidays ,
Rev. George Bailey of Broken Bow Is visit-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
/ Baking
PqV/vl mm - 'VfiM P * * 9H r
Ing Lincoln , and will prraeh tomorrow At the
first I'mbyltrl.'in ' church.
Oeorgo lion man has gone to Sehtiylor to
grind tlio holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Dergt left yoitcrib
for Tamplco , III.
Judge A. S. Tlbbets lias returned from
trip to ChlMgo.
A. N. Tnrbet started yoslcrday for 1'on
Creek. I. T.
II. R. tlullcn of lltllcvuc , Kan. . U nt tli
Llndcll ,
A. II. Connor of Hot Springs , S. 1) . , Is a
the Lincoln.
Captain NllllngMey was In Omaha yester
M. Kirk left yesterday for Champaign
Stella M. Kilioll left for Chicago yester
d.iy ,
Xach Ucrry left yesterday for Aurora , III
J. A. Power * of Salliu , Kan. , Is 111 the
city ,
The benefit concert ghen at Uoyd'g thcat *
-Wednesday evening last by the friend
and admirer ] of Captain Kinzle wns n grea
success musically , although from 11 Dnancla
standpoint It was not ell might hav
been expected.
This was due , not to any lack of adver
tlslnp , nor to any negligence In npprccla
tlon of the generous gentleman's ) service
to the many musical organizations which ho
hau assisted from tlmo to time , but slmpl )
to the much felt lack of money Just a
picsont. Christmas comes , we are told , an
mially , and certainly once a year Is enough
nnd the old habjj of paying Santa Clans for
hla presents Is still In vogue.
Ill mllllHnn In tllta Ilia -l.tlfnnnt. . Otlnfa
season Is taking all the savings of the
last few years.
Mr , Lumbnrd was unable to appear , am' '
hit ) placa was taken by Mr. Harry llurkley
Miss I'ennock sang unusually well , and Mr
Klnzto was In excellent voice. Mrs. Me
Koran wns artistic In her work , and , o
comae , tha Fort baud was a delightful treal
and divided the honors with the Sutorlu ?
Mandolin club.
Musical program for St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church this morning :
10M : A. M.
Orgnn Prelude Offertory < te Noel..aullmunt
Mr. H. H. Allen.
Anthem Ilnrk , Hark , My Saul Shelter
Response It Came Upon the Midnight
Clear Vlllls
Soprano Solo Night of NlKhls..Vnnderwater
Mips Mllliui Terry.
Orpnn Offertory Chorus ot Ansete Clark
. .
Anthem Unto Us n Child Is Uorn..Falrlamb
Organ Recessional Festival I'ostludp. . . .
Mr. Allen.
Musical program Men's club services at
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church
this evening :
Orgnn Prelude Christmas Offertory..Grlson
Mr. H. II. Allen.
Soprano Solo Charity Fnure
Mine. J. Stewart While.
Violin Solo Selection Haft
Mr. Charles HlRgliiH.
Soprano Solo Angel Serenade Braga
Mine. White.
( Violin obligate , Mr. HlB ; lns. )
Orpran Offertory March of the Magi
Kings Dubols
Mr. Allen.
Violin Solo Cradle Sana Huuser
Mr. HlffRlns.
Organ Itectlal Hallelujah Chorus..Handel
Mr. Allen.
The music for Christmas day at All Saints'
at 10:30 : a. m. willbe as follows :
Processional Sing , Oh Sing , This Blessed
Morn Williams
Mr. J. JI. Treynor.
Venlte and Glorias ; "Woodward
To Deum In "D Calkin
Jubilate In F Oarrott
Kyrle Mendelssohn
Anthem SliiK , Oh Daughter of Xlon
. . . .i GladPhy
Sanctum and Gloria In Excels ! ? , in C..Tours
Recessional Angels from the llualms of
At the First Methodist church Mr. Kelly
will prraent his own c'noral communion serv
ice thin morning at 10:30. : And In tliei even-
Ing at 7:30 : the program will be :
Tower Preludes
a Anuels from the Kcalms of Glory
b Whence There Sounds Symplionlous. . .
Orgnn Prelude Fantasie. on Xmas Airs
Chorus rUntf Out. Wild Hells Damrosch
Offertory Christmas Pastoral Gullmant
Chorus Gloria In Excclss ! Mozart
Sermon By Tlcv. Frank Crane
Chorus Hallelujah Handel
Following are the casts for the engage
ment :
Thursday evETilng. December 28 :
"Tannbaeuser , "
Tannhaeuscr Herr Wllbelm GruenlnR
Elizabeth Frnu Katbarlna Lohse-Klafsky
Herman , landgrave of Thurlngla
Herr Conrad I3chrens
Wolfram Von Escbenbach
Herr Wllhelm Mortens
Walther . . , . Herr Karron Barthald
Ulerolf Herr Gerhard Stehmann
Heinrich. the scribe . . . .Herr Albert Gcleng
Relmar Von Xwetter
Herr Edward Brombenr
Venus Frl. Loult-e Mulder
Hlrt Frl. Marie Mattfeld
Friday evening. December 27 :
"Die "
Selgmund Herr Barren BertlmM
Selgllnde Frl. Louhfe Mulder
! Hunling llrrr Julltu Von IMtlltl
i Herr 1'emoter i'npovlcl
I IVo.i Frl. MnrUi Mniir T
lliunnhlldi > . .FfUU Knllinrlna Loh e Klnfrky
OihlWn Frl. Minn Srh'lllnff >
llflmwlfte . . . . .Frl , O eM Stoll ,
UnlHmlR Frl. Ilixa Klbons-ohnetii
Wilhnin& : ! Frl. Mnrln Mnurcr
) < uno Frl. Marie MMtfeld
Scliwcrtlrlfs . . , , . . , . . . Lena OoMtlMt
CrlinK'rile Frnu Nlnn Hnrtiunnn
1to ! i\vo ! . 8C Frl. MutlilMc Dctiner
Sntur.Uy alternoon , December 2S :
"Lohengrin. "
Lohengrin Herr Max Alvarv
K\m \ . . . . . . . . . . . .I'rI. Johanna Ondiikl
King Henry Herr Conrad Hebron1 ;
Telrainuml Herr Uemoter PopoVlcl
Orlru.l t..Frl. lOlbcntohuetrt
llrriitfcr Herr Wllholm Mertcna
The forty employes cf F. II. Feslncr'j
printing establishment will be treattd to ft
Christmas theater party on Monday evening
by Aitrndlng the performance of "In OIJ
Kentucky" In n body nt lloyd's.
tin mine ! of I.lfo t'liilvrvi rllrr < i.
An enjoyable itifctliiR of the Nebra.ikn
Llfo I'tulcrwrltera association wns held nt
the Mercer hotel Thursday evening. The
offuli1 was nulte Informal. A dinner \vn-
Klven no n iviinpllincut to President John
Sleele. whom all of the members conccdo \l
to hnvo liM-n one of the best presidents
that tina srtclntlon ever bad. Kx-Pros-
Ident II D. Nerly snt nt the head of the
tnblo niiil ptrsldcM as tonstmaster nt the
b.iiliitiet. On bis rlubl n t Mr. Steele. After
the Imnnuol Mr. Nesly liegnn the exercises
nf tlio evening by ranking an niWresi" , ox-
luejslng on belinlf of the association tbo
blub rrsppct nnd kindly oslcom In which
nil heM the president. On behalf of the
association be prc'onted to Mr , Hteolo a
bcnutlfiil bouquet of roses. Following thin
nn Interesting talk or paper wns road by
each one ; In fact , every one ot tbo thirty
Kcntlonicn present hail something of Inter *
est to sav on this Imppy occasion. The
inootlnp rlo.oril at 11:30 : p. 111. by all BtnmlliiK
nnd drlnkinc : n bumper tn tbo health of tbo
president. The following were present ; II ,
b. Keely. .Tohn Strcle. William Henry
Hrown , W. J. Fischer , Frank H. Hartljtan ,
H. U. Gould. C. / . Uou'.il , Stanhope Flem-
Inir , A , H. Edmlaton , Oscar F. Funkp , J.
W. CralK. Simon Ooetz. II. S. Ford. Her
man Stuht. W. t. Hawks , T. M. N'orr' ' . " . H.
A. Doinl , M. F. Hohrer. C. H. Ady , T. C.
Brnwnleo , H. n. Vandecar , l-'rod Looniltt
and W. II , Alexander.
Mnrrlnm1 UIUMIHOH.
The following marriage llcenaas were li-
sucd yesterday :
and address. Ago.
M , Moore , Custcr county ZJ
Mabel Ceydr Warner , Waterloo 11
Fred Meyers , Omaha 39
Marie Mngdnlcnn Green , Omaha 23
Hobert John Cocklnt ; , Kennard 23
Theodosla Ophelia llrown , Elk City 30
DeWItt's Little Early Rtsrs euro Indlges *
.Icn and bad breath.
< > f Uii * Oiunlin dull.
There was the usual attendance at tha
Omaha club yesterday afternoon from i
until C o'clock. The time was spent In u
iiurely Informal manner. Groups of bus-
news men rnt iirouml the parlor * , or gath
ered around the log lire In the hallwny
tnd discussed measures for the Improve. ,
nent of Omnhn an n commercial center , but
there were no mUlressos. Light refresh-
ncnts were served during the afternoon.
Cure Stomach TrnuIili-H mid In-
4lKeNtloii AujwnyVlictlur You
HIIVP Kultli lit Tli em or Xo < .
All physicians agree that the element of
ultli has a great deal to do In the cure of
Firm belief and confidence In a family phy-
cian or the same confidence and faith In a
atent medicine have produced remarkable
cures In all ages.
This Is especially true In nervous troubles ,
nnd no field offers so prolific a harvest for
the quack and charlatan as the diseases
arising from a weak or run down nervous
Nevertheless thevmost common of all dis
eases. Indigestion' and stomach troubles ,
which In turn cause nervous diseases , heart
troubles , consumption and loss of flesh , re
quire something besides faith to cure.
Mere faith will not digest your fool for
you , will not give you ait appetite , will not
Increase your flesh and strengthen your
irrves and heart , but Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will do these things , because they
are composed of the elements of digestion ,
they contain the Juices , acids and peptones
necessary to th ? digestion and assimilation
of wholesome fooa.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food
If placed In a Jr or bottle of water heated
to 98 degrees , and they will do It much mora
effectively when taken Into the Momach after
meals , whether you have faith that they will
or not.
They Invigorate the stomach , make pure
blood and strong nerves In the only way that
nature can do It , and that Is from plenty of
wholesome food wtll digested. It | o not
what we cat , but what we digest that does
us good.
Stuart's Dyspspsla Tablets nre gold by
nearly all druggists at 50 cents for full sized
package , or by mall from the Stuart Co
Marshall , Mich.
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