10 TJTE OMAHA DAILY BEI3 : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 21 , 1805. SPEG1RL NOTICES. for tlirno column * In * < nUrn tnilll I'Ji.'ld p. ni. for the prrnltiw nml until H p. in. for the innrnliiR nml Snnilnjrilltlonn. . AiUcrllnprx , by rp | iie lln c n miin- hcn-il rhi-rl < , cnn hmc nn-mcra nil- ilrrn vil In n iinmlirrrit Ictlor In cnro of The ! ! . w\n T or no mlilrcKuri Mill IIP < lrllvcri-i1 niinn iirrne'iilnHon of ho Plu-pk only. Unto * . 1 1-- < * " rroril drat Innrrtloni 1c n rvoril tlicrrnflcr.olli In ( I 4nUii for Ion * thnii ar.o for flrol In rrtlon. Tin-He mlvertlaonifiit * iniifit IIP rnil eonnpen- WANTHIl HUM * . " " WANTr.n-i.ivn. "INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Omnhfi to nreanlte cl lv of three tn five ' " lie * of mir famous OrclnM Home" InncI * In central MlMlMlppl. The Ililn nf ' [ "T , nJ J golns iwntli , where therr nro nn hot wlnfln. no cold wlntcri , nn lillrz/inli , no crop falliirM , where tno or three crops cnn 1 > e ralj-d enrtj yonr : where there Is no such thins m failure If a innn will work nnc-hnlf ns hnrd an lie IOP In thH country : inol nunmorx. mlM Intern , jur paving cr p of fruits nnd B nli'n truchi rlplii Voll on earth : bcit rnllwiv fnclllllM. Ow. W KIT Tarnani t. . " " " . " Ame'i , Kenernl nRcnt , "J. , FOLirifoilS WANTED ToR OMA1I \ : AL p coods. nmnnuer. onlslJn country. Entirely new 411 Bheelev Mock. B-M329-P.T wrTo"m5 BTLAnY PAID SA. cknrs : experience not necenry : m.nls to customers. Bishop & KI { ' Jfo. _ * WANTED A COAT HAND ! STEADY WORK and good pay. Henry Knuelmum. tnl or . \\ost Point. Neb , U-MI-I WANTED , SALESMAN FOR COMINC3 11l .rnl nalnrv nnd exp.-ni.es. . Aililn-t . CMomoIIK II-JK3i 2. Cigar Co. , _ _ _ JTt , MONTHLY SALARY AND r.XPENHES t , ril VSIlJ 1 to dealers by " " ' " ' tmnrrpKsnry : 1 I > 1 - Roods. 0 > . ChlenKQ. _ "OPEN KOK n\v ' " 'NO en s-alary ; experlenre permnne-nt empH > ment. Apply llros , Nurserjmen. Chicago. FOU HENT-HOUSES. HOUSES. F. K. DARLING , BARKER HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis Company , 1503 rarnam. U-4H rURNISHED HOUSE TOR RENT ; . . - . - - . home , ten riMini. elegantly furnished , Mot . . . heat , laundry , stable , rnrrlage , etc. Thoi. Hull. , < ! 1G Paxlon block. STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAOKS. C ROOMS all mmlern , gas. fuel. Apply Ujron Reed Com pany. 212 So. 14th st. " 6 UOUSP.S. BENEWA & CO. . 103 N. 1STII ST. D-417 FOR RENT-HOUSES IN ALL PARTS Of THE city. Special , Kl So. 26th ave. 41C No. 31ft st. 42ft No. 3ltt tit. AM Nmod'er'n"t'con\ ' cnlences : cheap , , for winter month * . , llrennan , Love .t OM.ljUAi C18"NO. SOTII. T-lioOM COTTAGE. ItM No. ZOth , 6-room Hat , nice. 1C21 N. Will , S-iooin brick. Oil ) No. 17lli. 8-room brick. Omaha Real Estate & Trust Co. , .11 S. J 1J:1 : TOR RENT. HOUSE OP TEN ROOMS , MOD- crn conveniences ; \cry handy to business. .Ln- qulre of D. T. Mount. 203 S. IGth St. 1J--36 "HOUSES I'ARNAM AND I AND n-ROOai ON cVioom lieu , on 22d and Le en rth. Ui ap. Jno. W. Robblns , 211 N. Y. Life llldg. D-5t)2 UNEQUALLED. SUMMER AND WINTER : central ; modern : steam ; 3. 5. fi-room lints. TUard , 221 N. 2tlh. D-M.CO 21 FOR RENT.l-ROOM HOUSE , S. E. COR. 23D and Clarke. U-1JJ 3401 JACKSON ST. , 7-ROOM MODERN 20. UOG UifaycttB ave. . 9-room modern. J2j. )7 ) S. 21th St. . 14-room modern. jO. 203 S. 24th St. , 9-roonx modern. * 30 ; _ 2773 Webster St. , 7-room modern , 5-J. 1773 Burt St. , 7---oom modern. 20. * 2 N. 27th ave. . 7-room modem , $20. 2iX)2 8. lllh St. , 7-room model u , J. 2004 S. llth St. , 7-room modern , J. . . . FIdtllty Trust Company , 1.03 Fainam st. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. EMILY 18th. south of Mandeison , _ D MC31 FOR ' RENT MO"DERN BRICK HOUSB OK is orVriVmw at 114-116 N. 23th st. See J N. Frenier. opposite poatomce. Tel.5o4. _ Js" iiFSIRAULE sTROOM HOUSE. $13.00 PER " "month. J. * ' . Barton. ZUG Capitol g ue. ii-OR RENT-0-ROOM HOUSE. $7.00 PER MO. ; cltv water : to people that pay rent In ad vance. 119 N 37th. Take Fanrnm car. StoeUel. ntxt door to P. O. U-S3 FOK HEXT-FUKMSllEU 11OO3IS. THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO man nnd wife ; rent taken Ui boaid. 31917111 SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , * i FURNISHED ROOMS. BTEAM HL'AT AND gas ; reasonable. 212 N. 17th st. K MIIJ zi' STEAM HEATED FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR N. Y. Life building. Adclicss O " ' -1 FOR RENT , ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMIIA : well located ; references requlied. Addreiis O 63. lleo olllce. L-MM J3 HOOMS AND UOAHD. FRONT ROOMS. WELL HEATED ; 1 'AMIL\ 11 board If desired ; rates ri-asoniible. 324 North 23d et. J -1"6 ROOMS WITH BOARD. W13 DOUGLAS. I' M790 2S NICE WARM ROOMS ; GOOD BOABD ; RATES reasonable. The Rose. 2020 Harney FURNISHED ROOMS ; WITH HOARD : AT C2 4 South 15th utrect. F M8o 2. ! * FOU IIENT UNFUUNISIIED HOOMS. i ROOMS ; WATER IN KITCHEN : CENTRAL : } reasonable lent ; nice for housekeeping. l.OJ I Webster St. U M-90 1 TWO OK THIIUD ROOMS FOIl LU1IIT HOUSK- Keeping ur upparatvlr. W North lilli. wWoi > * POll IlKXT ST011KS AM > OPKICCS. TOR UI3NT. Tlin 4-STORY HRICIC I1U1LDINQ Bt KI4 rarnam t. This building lias a lire- pronf cement basement , complete H leu in heat ing IUtuie , water on all tloors , gas , etc. Ar- ply at t'.o nlllco ot The llee. I 010 WANTED. AGINTS-AOUNTS CAN MAKH frum 110.00 to JJO.W per wi-elt , selling 1'ather MolllUKri'B cfli-lir ted remeillog for the euro of rlnanla 'llHcnni. The o lire the finest remedies nlTricd to Hi * public today , and ran b relied upon for the rure of thn worm canes of rlicuinatlpm , catarrh , eplUy | and St. VItun1 d.ince. IndlgMllon and ll\er complaint , kidney and MiKid ill on cn and ( tfiimlv complaints , Small capital rtQUlrcd. A. 1' , Kawhtll. Al legheny. I . J-M530 21 STOIIAOIO. BTORAOU , FRANK KWKRS , 1114 JIARNRY. M 421 PAC'IKIO STORAOI3 AND WARHHOUSn CO. . 903-910 Jones. Clenetal stoiago and foiwarding , M-422 ) TO IH'V. LAND-IT you IIAVI : A LAIMII : TRACT OP good land In tht1 corn crowing n-ctlon you wlbh to dli-pxe of , CIO ta ; ) , ! > acrcn , a < Mn * > s Henry C. Smith. Valid Clly. N < 1 > . NMS3I S3 1'oit SAI.I : Misuni.ii.\Mous. : HARD WOOD 4 AND J-FOOT KKNUI3 TOR corn cribbing. C. R. I.ce , 901 . BUATU8. ALL 8IXKS. 3i CUNTS TO J3.00. t Omaha Illcjcle Co. , 323 N , ICth. Q-ilSIJ ( ONU I'lNK HUALSK1N KUWMARKITT AT A . great baixaln , nil Douglai strtel. ! 6. llee. Q-M55I-F3 j'Vit 8ALi-LADiis4 man ORADI : IIIOYCLI : . 1SJ5 mmel ; lint elm condition , a M. Hoc. 0-T13-K * FOR BALK riNIJ UI'RIQIIT 1'IANO : CHKAI'i cavil r iia > nienl . 18111 Ijouth I'Ulconlli street , q-MS3 : a VOll SALr.-riRST CI BS , I'l'RinilT PIANO In No. 1 condition ; will sell cheap. Innulte at 1611 Kvner o > . Q-iU'M * CLAIIIVOVAKTH. MR8. DR. II. WAKRCN , CIAIIU'OVANT , RU- llallii business medium ; till ) c r st lt > K. l ih. MASS.UII3 , IIATIIS , ISTO. MADAMi : SMITH , N. H. COH. 1STH AND room II , 2nil floors maufns ; * nml lnth MMB. lonLL. TfiuiPir ANnBLKCTittc bith * . Klnc't parlors In city , a ; * 3M H. r th T-MSOMI > MMI5. AMt : . < * . rORMnilt.Y OP ST. LOUIS , MAS sage and bath * , (07 8. 13lh at. , M fl-or , nxim ID T MT42-21' MADAMI ] aiiAcn t.noN. II.TCTIIIC : MAS MR- ; bath parlor * healthful nml refreshing. 41 South llth , upstair * , parlors I and 3.TM7S52P T-M7S5-2P i'iitso.\Ai , . VIAVA 3 < o nnn rtLna. IIHALTH root trtt' home treatment ; lady nttrnlant. V 4J5 IIATIIS. MASSAOn. MMR. POST. 3104 H IVTIt U-121 iNR LIVITRY ittoq CHHAP. tn iiAt'Mi.nv lith nnd St. Mary's avenue. Telephone HO U-KT nnu.i : nt'i'iMU.Y coitsr/r MADU TO onnn _ nt 130D rarnani. ARi-nM ttnnl d. U 35Mm' _ MONttY TO i7oAK ON T'IANOS , I1ICYCI.Il" Jenelry. etc. : ftrlctly confidential. P. O. box s:8 U IOS MATRIMONIAL COHIIKSPONnn.VCR MUniJAIf Pnper and Mils , lOc. Unrlll I'uli. Co. , 81. t.oill Mo. U OK-JanG' J23.IM IIRXVAIII ) TO ANY ONI ! GIVING Ml Information of the present whereabouts o IMnnnl Kiihn , idiuut 2S jonrs nf da.e : horn n Tlmley , Ocrnmny. lived or traxeled nut o Omaha In I8S7 tr 15SS ; nlso nil Informitlon re Harding lilmi communicate to Ills brotlicr. Tier nard s. Kalin , 7:3 K. College street , Clark vllle Tcnn. U M8II 22 stirnnn.uons IIAIK AND MOLES in : mo\til by electricity. Mme. Post , 319V4 8. 15H" U SW JIOXUYi.-'l'O LOAX KI3AI. ESTAT12. i ANTHONY. LOAN AND TUUST CO. , 318 N. Y Life. Ltmiiji nt low rnlcs for choice security In Nebra5Un" & lo n farina or Omaha city properly \V-423 MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWRST RATKH. Till' O. ! ' . Daxls Co. , ISO" Farnnm Bt. \V (29 0 rnil CKNT MONRY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate A Neb. farms. W. 11. Mcikle. Omalm. W 150 JIONRY TO LOAN ON IMI > IIOVIU OMAHA property , fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Karnnin. MONRY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA leul estate. IJieniiun , Loxo & Co. , 1'axton Illk. W-432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 23 N. Y. LlVc. W 133 MORTGAGES , a. Q. WALLACE. IIROWN 11LK W 431 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Karnam Smith & Co. , 132) Karnam. W-435 MORTGA'GE LOANS : LOW RATES" ' J. U. Zlftlc , IClli and Douglas , Omalia. . * ' W 138 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 19 jears ; low rutea. Qstvln llros. , 21D N. Y. L. \V-437 TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates Ui city : no icmoxal of goods : strictly conlldentlul ; > ou can pay the loan off nt any time or In any utnount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 M. IGth St. X 133 _ MONEY TO LOAN , 30. 6u , 90 DAYS : FUIINI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Ureen , room 8 , llarlcer bl ° ck- _ X I3J IIUSI.VESS CIIAMJES. FOR SALE , THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD and Deadwood ; both doing good business. Address - dross Matt Klopp , Lead or UeadHood. S D . Y M407 MAKE MONEY UY CAREFUL SPECULATION In giuln through n reliable , successful llrmr ex cellent opportunities to make profits by our new plans ; fully explained nnd sent free ; highest references. Paulson & Co. , 700 Omahi Whig. , Chicago , 111. Y M4J8 A , rinsT CLASS ROLLER MILL : CAPACITY Vi 11 ! ' opo 'i3 . ' a"0" eastern Nebraska. Addrets C. It. Tefft , Lincoln. Neb. Y S2J-24 SALE OH RENT. HOTEL. SOUTH OT- tumwa ; nineteen guests' rooms ; only hotel ' on south sldergootnocatlon. Write' for parHcu n ? E , JVorlon.i Ottumwa. la. Y M830 22 WANTED-A GOOD HLACICSMITH TO TAKE an Interest In got > d blacksmith a.n < l wagon shop. Dolnir u good lmslne s. Apply or address G. i . Muldojn. 1614 Cumlng. Y SSl-'O * FOU EXCHA1VGE. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omaha ; wlint ha\o you to offer. H. F. Dallev 1,40 . Y . . N. , Llfo Dldcr , 't < GOOD. UNINCUMDERED NEBRASKA LAND for a lucrative piescrlptlon drug business. Address - dress Q 45 , Dee. 55 M7S7 21" CLEAR. CHICAGO PROPERTY TOR FIRST class farm near Oraaha. T. D. MeCulllch , suite 004 , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , ill. Z 801-J15 FOR EXCHANGE OMAHA PROPERTY AND 16.000.00 cash for Chicago property. T. U. Mc- Culloch , 'suite 601. Chamber of Commerce , Clii- cage , Ills. Z SOO-J15 TO EXCHANGE TOR CITY PROPERTY , FARM land erica h240 dozen ladlch' and misses' straw hats ; all good shapes. Address O 61. care this oBlce. Z M84' ' ) 22 FOU SALE HEAL ESTATE. VUSTHACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. UK m IMPROVED FARMS. O. W. CAHLOCK. 1205 Fanian\ t. RE 614 Jl TEXAS FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS. SMALL ur largo'tracts : low prices , easy payments. We are prepared to answer questions touching the39 lands , und to arrange for cheap railroad faro for any person wishing to vlslu southern Texas. Correspondence solicited. Omalm Real Estate and Trust Co. , 211 S. 18th st. st.REM207 I1ARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertlcs and farms. John N. Frenrcr , opp. 1' . O. RE 443 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOT3 AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling. Darker block. RE 44 > FOU BARGAINS , TRADES , QUICK DEALS , call or write D. V. Bholea Co. , First National Bank Hldg. RE M816 31 WANTED-LAROE CITY AND FARM PROP- ertles for sale or exchange. T. II. McCulloch , suite 601 , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago. Ills. RE 800-J1S GREAT BARGAIN , TINE PROPERTY ON paved street , modern , good Income , at half Its cash \alue ; will take our rqulty In casher or trade ) a splendid chance to double your monc > v. iRr.iFj Williams , room 411 , McCnguo block. | , v JIK-MKU 23 = ' ' ' I il SHORTHAND AND TYPEWHITING. ' . 1 * A. C. VAN . HANTS SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. 450 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 16TH , FARNAM 431 BHISIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN PAINOS BEE Win. II. Hcluiioller , 6th Hoar McCague building. 758-2I * OEORGE F. GELLKNUECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 181G Chicago st , 109 0000 COPIES OP BHEET MUSIC , WORTH from 35 cents to tl W , lit 2'l cents per copy. Call nt A. Weber & Bens , J414 Dodge. 844 K * IANO BUYERS WANTED. AS WE INTEND to close out all pianos inul cleans. Call at A. Weber & Bon's. Kit Dodge. , - 815 22 00 BUNDLES BEST 11 VIOLIN UTRINGS. 4 lengths , at | ! per bundle ; tlicre Is a chance for vlollnUls to stoik up. dill at.A. Welier & Kon'H. 14(4 ( Dodge , JIG 2 * jiiiTAiis. vioi .INS MANDOLINS ; AC- uonleims , bunjcs , tlthr , clu. , aranted for Christmas presents. Ctill nl A. Wet.er . & Knn' lilt Uodee , where > ou buy tiitin at ) ou price. SI7 22 * _ _ _ V ANTED , 100 PIANOS TO TUNE. A. WK1IER and FreJ Weber , practical tuners , nil Dodge VANTKD , PIANOS , OHQANS , GUITARS MAN. dollns , double ba.noa und other Instruments which nu-il repairs ; bring to A , Weber tt fan. Ill I Podge. SIS 22 HUHSUS WINTEUEIJ. YANTED-HORSKa TO WINTER ; BEST OF earn ; Krms recsonable. A. W. I'helps & Ban. Z07 N. Y. L1M bide. Telephone 1014.K37SD7 K-37S-D7 IORES WINTERED ; UEST OF CARE given honim , lioth ulnier nnj lumuer , Addres M J. Welch. Gtctna. Neb. MHS UAROAINS IN SECOND-HANI ) III. cvclM , ikm > , Me to | 3.W. OiiiuhH BirvcU Ci. . JJ3 N. UtU ktr t , MM : JC AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATION. 81IAIIKS IN MtTTI'AliftL T M. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , X [ wr CNit when K2 , 1 yci\r old ; nlwtl > rodccmablp. 1701 FrtrnAm st. . Natllngfr Sec. HOW TO oirr A HOME OR SEOI'HE OOOD IntfrMt on Mvlnu * . Apply to Omnhn. I * A B. Aiui'n , 1704 lire bldg. u. M. Nattlnger. Sec. PAWMIUOKICUS. II. MAKOWIT7. LOANS MONEY. W N. K ST. 449 UPHOLSTERING , TURNITURE RHPAIRED nn > 1 packed xi-ry cheap thin month. M. H. Wnlkln. 2111 Cumlng. l * | . 1331. 267 AM ) H. 1C IH'RKET. ' rt'NERAI. nillECTOR AND embalmer , 1C1S Clilcngo st , , telephone 90 , 451 S'WANSON'A" LI UN , KoTcoM i NG ? TnLrio col 435 M. A. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND KM. bnlmer , UK rnrnam St. , telephone 223. 4T.6 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th nnd DojRc. Rooms by day or week , 4JS THE LANOE HOTEL. 02 S. 13TH ST. ; STEAM heat ; table boaid , > 3.00 per week. M153 nnsic Hoo.il WANTED. WANTED. DESK ROOM IN NEW YORK LIFE. Hep nr Knrbnch building , nr on ground Moor on rarnnin or Douglnn stiectH liclwoen 15th nnd 17th , or un cross strectf. AddrpHt (1 31 , Bee. M83S 22 * Monthly Pains and anxieties can bo relieved to n cor Utility by using Dr Chevalier's Feitfale Pills. ? rico , SI.00 per box If you are timid and i doubt na to what will relieve you , send for those pills. Sutit sealed securely by mail on receipt of price. Sherman & McCondl Drug Co JG13 Dcdge St. , OMAIIA.NEH. IRRIGATION HOND SALE. Notice Is heieby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the board of directors of the Middle Ioup Valley Irri gation district of Blainc , Cusier nnd Vnlley counties , Nebraska , nt their ofllco In AVcst Union , In said district , up to 2 o'clock p. m. of the Cth day of January. 1S3S , for $100.000 of the bonds Ibsued by sum Irrigation dis trict ; $90,000 of snld bonds belim In denomi nations of $500 each , anil $10,000 of said bonds belnp In denominations of $100 each ; nil of snld bonds drn.wln.fr Interest nt the rate of 0 per cent per annum , payable semi-an- nually. The principal and interJst of snld bonds payable at the otllcp of the state treasuier of the state of Nebraska , said bonds being payable In Installments as fol lows : $5,000 thereof payable In eleven years from the date thereof ; $6,000 payable In twelve years frnm the date thereof ; $7,000 payable in thirteen ytars from the date thereof ; $8,000 payable In fourteen years from the date thereof ; $3,000 payable In ilf- leen years from the date thereof ; $10,000 payable In sixteen years from the date thereof ; $11.000 payable In seventeen years from Ihe date thereof ; $13,000 payable In eighteen years from the date thereof ; $15,000 payable in nineteen years from the date thereof ; $10.000 payable In twenty years from the date thereof. The board > of > directors reserve the rlRhb to reject any and all bids. Address all biJHi to Charles Nicolasecretary ! , Sargent , Ne braska. Ily order of the board of directors , made this 9th day of December , 1895. OKORGJ3 GARRISON. President. CHARLES NICOLAI , Secretary. DocHd 20t M STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllco of Lee-Clarke-Andreescn Hardwar" Company. Omaha. Nebraska , December 14 , 1S35. Notlco Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lse-Clarke-Andreescn Hard ware company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the olllces of the ; . , said company , 1219 , 1221 and 1223 Harney street , In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January II , A. D. , 1890 , at 3 j'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the ensulnff year , and to transact such other business us may bo presented at such meeting' . ( Attest. ) H. J. LEE , President. W. M. GLASS , Secretary. DHd32t M WHITE STAR LINE. Salllne fiom New York We < ln sdai , ns follows. No sailing the 23th of Ueccmljer. 189G. Teutonic , Jan. 1 , 10 a. m , : Britannic , Jan. S , 10 a. m. : Mujeatlc , Jan. U , 10 a , m. ; Get manic , Jun 22 , 10 a. in. United States and Royal Mull Steamers. Saloon imgtmKt' , JOO and upwaid , according to flteamer elect l and lorntlon of l > erth. Second caliln JM and { 43 oiv.Mnjectic and Teutonic UIIAKH payable on demand evert where In Great llrllnln and Ireland sold at ! cmust rates. For Inspection of pinna of steamers and any further Information apply to lo"al agents or direct o IL MAITLAND KlUtBUY. G'l Asr'l. M IVnay N. Y. N. ANUKIISON. O'lV'n Agt. . 211 SOUTH CLARK ST. . CHICAGO. I RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves DURLINQTON , & MO. JUVlOK.IArrlves OmalialUnlon Dipot. 10th & Mason m > . | Omaha I:30am : Denfer. Express ' . . . . , 9:3Cam : J 4S1pm.Iilk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd Kx. 4:03pm : 4:35pm : Denver Eiorcsk 4OiDm : 7C6pm..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , . 743nn ; . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.U:25am ) : t:45pm..Ko t Mall ( for Lincoln ) .tuvea irinCACJO , UUnClNOTON 4 Cf.Arrlver ] OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha G:00pm : Chicago Vastlbulo S:00am : 8:48om : Chicago Express 4lSpm 7-Wpm..Chicago ft Kl. Louis Kxpress , , . < :00am : lS5am : Paclflo Junction Local , CiSOpm Fast Mall t40pm Lea\es CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.IArrlves Omahal Union Depot , 10th & MasonSts.jOmaha 6.00pm Chicago Limited , . . 8OSam : OMiam..Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 8lpm : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'NArrhe ) OmalialUnlon Depot , 10th & Masun Bta.l Omaha l:00am : Eastern Hxpr'esa. . , . 3:10pm : 4:4Spm : Vestibule , ! Limited BHSpm 7OSam : Carroll Passenger 1040pm ; GMSptn..Omaha Chicago Special , , 8:00im : 4SOpm : . .Uoone Local B:30am : , Missouri Valley Local 9:30am Leaves ( CHICAGO. R. I. ft PACIFIC.lArrlvei OrnaholUnlun Depat. 10th ft Mason 8ta ( Omaha BAST. 0 : 0am..Atlantic Expresa ( ex. Sunday ) , CJ5nrn : 6IIpm. : . . .Night Express , , , . 8iSam 4Upm : ) Chicago Vestlbulcd Llmlteit. . , . . liSfpm 450pm..8t. Paul Vestlbuled Limited. . . . IUpm : WEST. ' : (5pmOklahoma & Texas Ex. tex. Sun.,10JIam ) : l:40pm Colorado Limited 400pm ; .eaves I C.T BT. P. . M. & O TAfTTveT Omahal Depot. 15th and Webster fits , j Omaha ' ' tilSam SlouxT'city'Accommodation , , , 8:15pm : t:15pm..Sioux : City Elxprcss ( ex. 8un.llC9am : iiUpna. . . St. Paul I.lmliec v:10am : -eaves I K , . B. & MO. VALLBT. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th and Webster tits. I Omaha a:15iim : Fast Mel ! and ICxpress. . . . . . . 5:3pm 3lCpmex. : ( Bat , ) Wjo. Ki. ( ex Won. ) . . . 6:35nm : 7Mam..Norfolk : Eipress ( ex. Bunday.10iSam : ; . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Express . ; . . . 910an ! ! avu K. C. , ST. J , & C. D , ( Arrives OmaliajUnlon Depot , 10th & _ Mason _ Bli. | Omaha SiiOinm..Kansas City Day ixprc'is , . . . " . ' 5:30nin : l4Cpm.K. ; C , Night Ex. Via U. P. Trans. 7 ; < im .eaten i MISSOURI PACIFIC. lArrltes Omaha Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha ) : (0am St , Louli Rxprcas :00am : . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Expres : OSpm 3Mpm..n.Nebraska Local ( ex. Bun. ) 9:00.im : Leaxs SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrtveT Omaha [ Depot , lilh anJMVel lcr Sis. | Omaha lUSpm 7..flt. PauI'LlmlledT. S:10am : BIOUX CTT | & PACIFIC.Airives' ) OmuhalUnlon Depot , 10h ( & , Mason Sts. [ Omaha T:0 : " ' " ' Sioux city r-Mawrr. lOrtOpn , , , UNION PACJFIO lArrlvet OinalialUnlon Depot. lOlh & Mason Bt . ( Omaha " * 810am..North ; Platte Express 430pm ; StlOam Overland Limited 4:4pm : Z.SIpm.Hcitt'co tt Stromtb'e Ur ( ex. Sun. ) . 4JOpia : i.4Spm.Grand Island Kxpresk ( ei. dua..U:10pni ) : ! 38pm Fast M ll 10tSair. : Leave * I WAUA8H RAILWAT. fArrlns" Dmahalunlon Depot. 101 h Muc > n flt .l Omalm Si , Louis Cannon DtU llittan P1EC 1O CENTS External Pains as Rheumatism Neuralgia Chilblains Frcst Bites Dr. J. H. ' . . . fVScLEAN'S t l.DTgitf'&jtf. Gives instant relief , beats cuts , burns , bruises , scalds , sprains , | wounds , old sores , ulcers , scald bead , earache , 'eruptions , pimples , skin worms , | sciatica , lumbago Price , 25 ; , 50c Si $1 per Bottle Q Eoll Everywhere The Dr. ; . II. McLean ' , Medicine Co. , St. Lo-jii , Mo. j muddles the clearest' brain. You W think it is something else , but nine times in ten the trouble is in the digestive tract. One-'Ripans Tabule gives relief , and , their < occasional ' use keeps you right'T 'T I" ,1. nipan's Tabule * Sold by drurcUu. ar by man U the price (60 cenisi a box ) Is tent to tha HI- fins Chemical Company , No , 10 tirruce St. , N. Y. RESTORE ( LOST VIGOR JlCSUlt la 4 WWlcs. e > er ) j oo oiatr tiive a ircsi niuranlM lo curs ot fcfuna lh "nioneV. " snnnMAN & MCCONNELL Dnua CO. . 161S podsa Street. Omaha. Neb. ( JJjr mama UJ a Wpol Soap ) llwUbtnlno bkd ) WO O LENS \ \ \ not shrink If WOOL SOAP . i , Is uf din the laundry. Wool Poap Udellcuto and refre Ulnif Jorbatu pur. po c8. Ttao t ) lol uu or. Two ilteiitoUettua Uundrr Uwortb , Sclioide tt Co. , Maker * . CUcaeo , SCuatbarnbt. . Uoiton. in Leooatd Bl. , w Kork.VZI Cluutuut SU.au Louli. Old-Fashioned * ? S Buckwheat. Twlca like Buckwheat because II Is Buckwheat Wrlght'a Mills , Uerlln , WJf. Told llvr TrnulilfH to tin * I'ollcc- . Mrs. Ernest Hlssl , 814 Pierce street , ap peared at the police station yesterday and stated to the prosecuting attorney that she could no longer live with her Krnest. She alleges that Ernest refuses to support her and la constantly engaged In flirting with other women , although she has frequently spoken to him In regard to the matter. She states that he also gets drunk and holds the neighborhood In a reign of terror until the police arrive. She V.'milil lluvu llrr dull , Mfi.'Voster , living at Nineteenth and Jack- won.1'streets , told the police yesterday that sfie hadj been ewlnJled In the purchase of a stove. .She nays the stove was a doluilon and a-snare , for which she paid (5. ( She adda tti'iMlie only thing thus far discovered that the heater will do Is to emoko and that the health ot herself and family hat l > e n seri ously Impalied. Prosecutor Shoemaker wrote a letter to the dealer , tolling him to refund the cash paid for the stove. One Minute Cough Cure Is a popular remedy lot croun. afa tat nlillilrtn nod 'dulls. COLD IN THE STORM'S ' PAT ! \Vomlorfnl Riches Uncovered by Uprootot Forest Giants , BLACK HILLS MINERS' ' FINE STRIKE Inclilcnt Conncclril nltl tin * DiMvloiitiMMil of lhi > S Mlitc ClKlm nt HIM HIM , CITY. S. II. . Doe. 20. ( Special. ) Less tlmn a month HKO th ? Sntmysldo cUltn , located about tlireo tnlleo noitli o Hill City , was a mere picturesque strip oi pins rltlge. Then U wnu chleOy valuable tor Its timber , balsamic odors anil scenery ts'ovv It Is known to contain a. vein of the. richest gold quartz ever found In the Illncl HIIUi , Is valued at $75,000 , and may ultimately make the locators millionaires The stor > cf this sudden rlso to wealth has a slrons savor of romance about It. The manner o the discovery of the now locally famous Sunny side vein might furnish Incident for a fnlni' ous mining talc of tits "Uoidwo-d Dick" order The- find uas. In short , the result nf tmre clnnce , manifested In a most picturesque and striking wny. Coats nnd Datna four.'l the mine In a pcnse but thn real discoverer uas a mlKhtlylni1 that In Decembtr\laut sweQt ovur the Hlack Hills , razing to thq ground or tearing uj by the rcots roitM"Cs * 6f a century's growth Thly Rtorm , metmirtlbla for Its violence am for the Immense * amount of timber de- strojed , was onwof those fxtraordlnary events n nature , which leave landmarks on the ilghway of years. Foity years would not sufllce to obliterate the traces of those broad furrows of fallentulftcd , and splintered > lno which tha tornado plowed along moun- .aln ultlcs and through densely woodel canyons yens , at a rate exceeding sixty miles per tiour. Hut the force which leveled the great pines near which the shaft on the Sunny- sldo Is now sunk , uas not a blind one. It was nn electrical storm , and , though science may reject the suggestion , undoubtedly fol lowed the general course of the henvlly min eralized rldgeo. The capping of Iron-bearing rock , which ID usually found overlying the gold-bearing ledges on quaitz fissures , fur nishes the finest possible conductor for the mad current of the iitorm , and this attrac tion may reasonably be supposed to have determined the path of the forest wrecker. Re this as It may , honevei , the storm of DocJ'nber 20 , 1894 , certainly randeicd the Dlack Hills an , lniportant service. It un covered ono of ihf'richest gold veiny yet found In the region. When the wldo-branch- ing. gnarled and snaky roots of the great pine trea yielded to the force of the \\Ind and torn from the elate crevices they had Invaded , were upturned , a vein of brown decomposed quartz was plainly visible. Seine of the pieces of rock which the mat of roots had carrlsd with It were found to he plenti fully sown with grains of virgin gold. This work of the wind attracting the attention of the prospectors furnished the clew which led to ths discovery of what promises" to bo- coino one of the great bullion produceis. Nothing could surpass the Indurtry of a miner who finds rich samples on "a good prospect" In the ledge upon which he Is uorltlnR. Gold visible In quartz , the vol ume of which Is unknown , Is an elixir for the muscles morc < potent than the much advertised "kola" nut. The t'tlmulant had the usual effsct upon Coats and Ilotna. They dug diligently and each night brought Into Hill City the rich trophies of their toll. Thesa specimens , of which several hundred dollars' worth have been taken from the narrow vein , are among the finest exam ples of gold quartz over exhibited. If the find had ben made In South Africa , Aus tralia , or ! oven Colorado , a wild minim ; "stampede" would hove 'speedily followed. Out here In the Dlack Hills , for seine reason posylbly the grave offenses of early mine boomers against truth and veracity attract only limited Attention. There are , however , , a number of'ex'psrts now in the Hills In- vestlgatlng properties for eastern or for eign Investors. A mining Investor from Mil waukte , P. J. Klpp by name , soon after the discovery of the Sunnyslde. offered a flat $30,000 for the prospect , the cash to be forthcoming within five days. It re quired "nervo" of a strong order to refuse such a proposition for a mere prospect , bui this was don : , and the- mine which a fallIng - Ing pine tree uncovered may pay Its for tunate possessors more than that within three months. SOME .SIOUX FALLS LITIGATION Clly Snvi-il Hevcrnl Iliiiulreil Tliou- Niiml IIollnrH In UniiiiiKt-N. SIOUX PALLS , S. , D. , Dsc. 20. ( Special. ) This city has Just won a legal battle which means the saving of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the taxpayers. Five years ago , during the flush times , the city council or dered the grading of some ten miles ol ctreets. Much of this work required deep cuts and heavy nils , and the abutting prop erty was greatly damaged , In sonts In stances houses wore left ten to twenty feet above the street , while others were so far below that all the wash during the. storms ran Into the cellars. Much of this work was dona before the state entered the union and under the old statutes there was no remedy for the property otfhWfl Injured. But the new constitution contained some provisions which permit suits for damage. This fact was not discovered for sometime , and , though the property owners protested vigorously against the work , they considered their efforts fruit less. A year ago , however , some attorneys discovered the < truth and brought suit. It was generally understood that In case Uile was successful multitude of others would follow. Indeed , the city authorities feared that In MHO the plaintiffs won hundreds of thousands would l > - required to pay all the judgments which would inevitably follow. The city therefore employed the bc t counsel procurable , and the first trial resulted In a disagreement , The second has just tennlnateJ In a verdict for the defendant. It was a suit for $1,500 damages , alleged to have been done to two lots by making a cut In front of them to a depth of twenty feet. It was fought most stubbornly , but the Jury do- clded for the city. If In now thought that no further suits Vlll bo brought. Tlili Is of tnd ' 'mgheut Interest , as notlco has been served -of 'a suit by a prominent syndicate located Mil Iloeton. Several years ago this bodyLpLj enfiemen purchased of Senator Pottlgrow a considerable amount of land near the business district , paying for It $150,000. Boon afterward a t'treet was cut through It to the depth of fifteen feet , and since- that time und owing to the cut , It has not been sold or rented and Is con sidered to have been damaged fully one-half. Attorneys representing the syndicate have recently been hero and It Is understood that they have seriously considered suing for $100,000. The result of thly Gillette suit , which has just terminated , however , makes U evident that no Jury will award damages and the causof non-residents would certainly not win. Had thin and other similar ones been pressed and been succowfiil the city would have been prac tically bankrupt. IV. C. T. U. I'lKht Lo.l. SIOUX PALLS. S. IDec , 20. ( Special , ) The big fight of the Women's Christian Temperance union against the saloons Is over and the women have lout. The grand jury adjourned without Indicting any of the ac- cured liquor dealers. The big temperance campaign which has been , going on for two monhto remiltcd In ( ) " > gathering of a large amount nf evidence by the women and Us presentation to the grand Jury , Twenty witnesses woru examined and all swore point blank to buying llquorn In the saloons , eave the dates , hour * , plates , kind of llcjuor purchased and name of ttiu seller , They alto In most casts testified to tee\ns \ the govern ment licence * and gave their numbers , The witnesses were men and women of unim peachable veracity , and no effort was made to rthut their evidence. Dut the grand jury refused to bring In bill * . This proba bly c-ndu for all tlmci the effort to prose cute the biilcon men here. The Htntlinent of the people l oymyhelmlntly : oppo ed to enforcement cf the prohibitory law , and no cfilcor * con b elected who will attempt to enforce It. L Labor to lluto n 1'iiper. BFOUX PALLS , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Spoclal. ) The Federation of Labor , which \a \ the larg est Tabor organization In the state outitdo ot the track Hlll , hap lately greatly UrongtU. onod Itftolf nnd Added to It * number * . iUy It began the publication of n moiilhl paper culled the labor New * , which l de signed to get the objects of the Federation before th people nnd probibly to Influence legislation Ister. The editor Is C. II. Craig , one of the lenders of the Typographical union , nnd the paper hni recclveil n ( Utter- ini ; reception , starting with n larger smb- scrlptlon list than any wefkly published here. S.IMTAUIIIM 1'OU THIS VliTUIIANH. lliii.-M of Hot SiirhiKfl for \ntlonul IIOMIllllll. HOT St'HINflS , S. 1) . , Dec. 20. ( Special. ) " Congressman ( Iambic's bill for the construc tion of a national sanitarium at thlo place for disabled volunteer soldiers \\as some thing of a disappointment to the people' of this pbco from the fact that It provides that the hospital shall bp erected on land donnl'd to the Unlte-,1 Stitci by the people of Hot Sprlngi ) , and nccompanlol by a deed' or per- lictual l iso to ono cr more of th mpillc.il hot fprlnga for the tiso of the hospital , the location to bo selected by the board of malingers ot the national home. With the exception of this proviso the bill Is the ramo as that Introduced nt the last session by Con- crewman Lucas. The people hero feel they cannot , nor could thejbe expected , to comply with this provision cf thi bill. The gov ernment in not In the habit of asking dona ting of this kind when go\ eminent buildings are located and the cltlrens of this * plnco feel that for nn Institution of this character especially th ? government should purclnse the site , It IB designed to be nn Institution for disabled veterans from all over the country , and Ito establishment hero has bcsii endorsed by ssveral managing boards of state Midlers' homes In the west , as well as by the association of soldiers' homo boards which met nt Mnrshalltown , la. , last month. An effort will be undo to have the provision of the bill referred to cllmlnited , and no doubt Congressman ( Inmblo will gladly com ply with the dejlres of the people here so far as practicable. To N.'ttlc Inilliin LiiiulH. CHAMUKULAIN , S. I ) . , Icc. 20. ( Spe cial. ) Ir. Charles Eastman of St. Paul , the Sioux whose marriage to Klnlnc Ooodalo some years ago created so much talk In society circles , nnd former government physician nt Pine Hldge agency , has developed Into an mmlgrotlon ngent. He. recently visited Slsso- tolt agency , In thlt > state , In thf Interests of an Immigration agency ot which ho Is the lead. Ho stated that It was his plan to make contracts with the Indians to lease .heir huido to white settlers , who , by the conditions of the lease , must be men with nmllles. He has established branch bureaus n several of the larger eastern cities , and s satisfied that his plan will prove n sac- cess. If It docs It will place actual sattlers on n vast domain that Is now wholly unoc cupied. - < _ Muil < - for Clinrliy. SIOUX PALLS. S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special. ) The Woman's Henovolent association Is ar ranging to bring out Gilbert & Sullivan's comic opera. "The Mikado , " next week. All he society leaders are Interested In it and ill of the best singers In the city are In he cast. A professional director and stage nanager have been secured and the cos- umes will be brought from Chicago. The SEuclatlcn tnkco entire charge of the poor f the city and Is supported both by prl- ate subscriptions and by city help. It main- . , alns a sewing school and other branches for'1 sslstlng the poor to help themselves. of llnil Liuiil .SH' | < 'liili-liH. HOT SPRINGS. S. D. , DEC. 20. ( Special. ) 'rof. II. p. KHng of this place Is arranging very attractive cabinet of Dlack Hills and > ad lands geological specimens , which hecx - ects to take to the Iowa State Teachers' ns- oclatlon , which convenes at Des Monies on ecembe-r 31 , and continues till January 2. o will also lim-S' a supply cf Hot Springs nd Hlack Hills ndvertls'ng matter. DciniiiiilN of the lllnck Hill * . HOT SPRINGS , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special. ) lot Springs Is an actlvo candidate for the epubllcun state convention , which will select elcgates to , the lutloiiat convention , and Into Comtnltteeman Durko of this place IH olng some effective work toward securing U. The lilack Hill feels that it Is entitled to at least this convention. A. G , Hartley of Magic. Pa. , writes : "I feel It a duty ot mine to Inform you and tho' public that mWltt's Witch Huzsl Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy ot a running son on his leg. WAS TOO IIANDV WITH HIS PUST. AVIthroo I'nxx.'K OIK- Chock Too Mnny mill LiiiulH in Jail. A. M. Withroo was arrested I to Thursday night on complaint of Carl Jacobssn , who charged him with passing worthless checks. Jacobsen fell In with Wlthroc In the early part of the evening , and accepting an Invitation to "have something , " dropped Into the saloon at 111 North Sixteenth and or dered two schooners of beer. Withroo sud denly remembered his cash had been left at home In his Sunday clothes. On further In vestigation , however , ho discovered a $20 check In his pocket which he represented as having been Issued to him by the Cudahy Packing company of South Omaha. T paper Jacohsen cashed , but was given a hliU It was worthless and notified the police , and upon presenting It to th ? Omaha National bank yesterday found that It was not only worthless , but a forgery. The prisoner when searched at the station still had $19 of the money on his per son. Ho admits his guilt , but Elates that he waa Intoxicated when he wrote the check. Wlthroe Is thought by the police to bo an old offender and an expert In his lino. He' writes an exceptionally fine hand , and some of the papers found In his pockets , tlipugh evidently written by htm , are In different styles , showing that he had h < * cu practicing lienmanshlp In his sober moments. A firrnt HiiNh , During the recent epidemic of cholera In Honolulu the demand for Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy was so great that the druggists could not wait on all , so they covered their counters with the Remedy and let customers help themselves. The people there found this remedy effected a cure In every case , not a single death oc curred In any case in which It was usvd. The success of the medicine Is What lead to the great rush for It. Many portions bought It so as to have It ready for Instant use In case it should be needed. IILAMCKT Compiiny ric.lKi-n KM I'rop- i-rl > - to Srriiro n Lonn. Yesterday a mortgage for J2.000.000 was filed in the office of the railitcr of deeds. It was given by the American Spirits DUlllllufi company to the Manhattan Tfuut company of New York , and covers the entire line of dis tilleries. Including th Willow Snrlnus In this city , recently transferred to the distilling company by tha Cattlefeedlng and Distilling company under an order of the courts of Illi nois , f' The mortgage Is given to eecuro an Issuov * of bonds for $1.000 each , for the full amount of $2,000,000. These are payable In gold anil 'all duo on September 1 , 1915. The Intercut B G per cent and this Is payable also In gold , seml-annually , on March 1 and September 1 of each year , at the office' of the Trust com- lany. The conditions cf the mortgage are nf he usual kind. It Is agreed , however , that In case of default , and If the default con tin HIM six months after a demand of payment , t > tepu shall b ) taken toward a foreclosure. The dli * . tilling company reserves the privilege of re deeming at any time all the boncli at $50 above par value and the accrued intcrt-ut. It Is elated that the bonds are Uuued for he purpose ot business and to enable the ills- Illlrih' company to omploto the payment ot ho purchase price ot $9,600,000 for the dla- lllerlei. The niouovurx Auvoil IIIx Life. Mr. Q. Cdllouettt ) , Druggist , IJeaversvlUj II , , sayi : "To Dr. King's Now DUcovery owe my life. Was taken with La drlppa ai rled all the physician * for mllei about , but of no avail , and wai given up and told I could not 11 te. Having Dr. King' * New DU- covery In my store I sent for a bottle nnd tegan Its ii'o and from the flrit doio began o get better , und after using three bottles was up and about again. It U worth Its weight In gold. We won't keep store or houio without It. " Got a free trial at Kuhn * Co.'s drug store ,