Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    nil. OMAHA DATLV IJKK : T , l$9o.
Office , 12 Pcnrl Street. II. W. Tllton , Manager arid Lcasco.
, tl
iTr r5TETt7 ? r rf ra fnfl
MI.NOH Miivnov
Ploral design * . J. n. McPhcrson Tel 214.
Stamping and cmnrelilery Itssom R\CII | at
C26 Myn ter Ct. Cill and rei our nit. de-
nlgn ? .
Auguftt Uihlcln began a suit In the dis
trict court yesterday to foreclose ft inortRngc
for $ 2fl.
The Oraml hold , Council Illufle High
clans In every r pect. Hntt , $2 r,0 per day
and upward H I' . Clark , proprietor.
John Madison , aped B2 , of I'otlawoltamlo
rumty. and Mary Merrill , BKC ! 32 , of Ornaln.
w r * printed .1 marriage license yceterdiy
Harmony chapter. No.ii , Order of the
ttaftitrn Ptar , will hold thplr r Kular m'ctlng
this evening. All members are requested to
\ > i present.
"Mllwtlo" matInee -
There will bo a popular
Ineo Saturday at 2 o'clock nt Dohany's. Ad
mission to nil parts of the houye , 25 cents.
No reserved scats.
John Hila , who has had a bushel of trouble
nvtr a horse nnd hat' had to ioplc\ln It re
peatedly from S. \Vllllams , came to grief
ytstcrdav. Justlrc Cook rendered a decision
ngalnst him , thereby gtlngVllllams the
horse .
Carl Sttartr , a boy who has been working
for W H. Oiifford , n farmer , brought suit for
\\apes. Yesterday Justice Cook awarded him
n judgment of $11 , an ! the costs , which
nmoimt to more tlnn $20 , will also have to
lie paid by Dafford.
George M. Oould's renlgnitlon as city aud-
Her has been accepted by the council , to take
ft ct January 1 , when he will become dep
uty county tieasurer under Will. JIM ArnJ. A.
J. Stpphenson has been appointed to fill
hU former position until the expiration of
hl tonn.
A woman tinned lloRcrs , who has had n
Romewtnt nnsa\ory reputation , sold her
hniraMiold goods to M. Bailsman , n s ° cnnd
hnnil sloreKeei M- , and then loft thf > city. II
\V. Iintterflrll turned up yesterday with a
chattel mortKiR" and Con tabl Maker se'zed
HIP property
The Carbon Coal company swore out n writ
of nttachmfnt for Charl's E. Hamilton upon
n claim of $10 for The cas and wat'r
woiks companies were garn'shel Hamilton
has E < old out lita Interest In the Ogden house
to D M Clark , and petition alleges that he
expects to leave the state , but refuses to
sccuro thb Carbon people.
The executors of the crtato of the late
John Uohany fllol th'lr nrst report with the
clerk of the district court yesterday. The
\alue of the personal property Is fixed at
$750. He had a life Insurance pol'cy ' for
J-J.COO , o\it \ of which , according to thei terms
of the will , -j debt owing to Offlc'r & I'usey
for the hum of $3,2G5 , was paid , and the
balance turned In as a paitlal payment of
taxes on the real estate. The amount of
the mortgages and other claims against the
property of the estate Is given os ? 31,405.
Guard against loss by lire ami Insure your
properly In reliable companies. If you pay
nn Insurance premium you expect Insuranc5
AVe icpresent tome of the best Kngll h auJ
American companies. Lougee & Towle.
MONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms
Largo loans a gp clalty. Fire Insurance. L
W. Tulleys , 102 Main St. . rooms 2 and 3.
Art Slwt'lc CJUra .Vnuj.
Not being able to attend to buolness , I
will sell anything In rny line at actual co"t.
Goods must go at some price. See the ele
gant new pictures that Just came In. All
to be cut and slashed. A largo etching given
with eaclr $1.00 purchase. W. W. Chapman ,
JT Main bt-cet.
Captain H. L. Henry lias gone to Loa Gates ,
Cal. , to spend the winter.
Mlsi Lillian Peters of Lincoln is the guest
of Mrs. William Maloney on SKth str et.
Mrs. II. Champion of Sterling , III , , Is
visiting the family of William Patterson
on South Sixth street.
, Miss i : nun a Pfeirfer , wlio has been the guest
of her relatives , Mr. anj Mrs. I'red Pfelffcr ,
lor the past two months , has returned to her
home In Albany , Ore.
Don Ucrro and Roy Campbell returned
yeiterday from Tarlbault , Minn. , where they
ha\o been attending the Shattuck Military
academy. Campbell now occupies the posi
tion of second lieutenant and wears large
shoulder straps.
| 1 i Walter Young , a son of W. N , Young , and
| i | a well known young man In this city. Is now
j l | a member of the United States naiy. He
! \\as on the Cincinnati In th ? accident of a
IJ.Ji . 'week ago off Kpy Weet and narrowly escaped
being blown to pieces by an explosion of
ammunition which all but took place.
Harvey O'Uryan of Portland , Ore. , a
nephew of E. A. Troutman , Is to be marrlel
today In Portland to Mis.Ulnglum. . Doth
parties have friends here , Mr. 0 Hryan hav
ing spent a part of his bojhood here , and
his bride having paid a visit to her aunt ,
Mrs. J. W. Grassland , a couple of jcara age.
WIIN It Ilnril IiiiokT
Dad management , or only forgetfulness ? It
don't really make much difference whlcn It
was. The plpo burst. The "cut off" would
not work.
They telephoned the New York Plumbing
company , 30 Pearl street , for a plumbsr and
then patched tlio water run do\\n their new
stair carpet while they waited for him to get
/ niirlliiRtnu Itoutc.
Christmas and New Year's holiday excur
sion rates to all points vtliln ! a radius of
200 miles from Council Bluff" . Dates of
mile December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1S95 ; January
1 , 1890. Goal to return until January 2.
O. M. Urown , Ticket Agent. Council muffs.
Tuo AVt'
Mr. Harry DeMott of Nlles. Mich. , and
Miss Kannlo Morrow were united In mar
riage at the homo of Mrs. A. Stevens , 208
Fourth street , at 2:30 > esterday afternoon ,
Dr. Phelps olllclatlng. They departed for
the east last evening.
Lost evening at 8 o'clock Nathan A. Keys
and Miss Agnes Ulanchard were married
nt the brldo's residence , 904 Second avenue ,
by Hev. Stephen I'helps. The rooms were
handsomely decorated with flowers. Only
the Immedlafti telatlves and n very few In
timate friends were present. Mr. Keys Is
the senior member of the 11 nil of Keys Hro.s.
His bride Is a member of one of th9 beat
known families of the city. They will reside
nt 018 Fourth avenue for the piefcnt ,
De.'ore the lioIIJnjs > ou will probably need
fiomo printing. You will want It done just
right ; so call m I'D or Urns. , printers , at Tht
Beoflleo , 12 I'earl street.
Children's iPCfers ara the thing we
making the drlvo on just now. They are
handsome and cheap , and the line li un
broken. Melcalf Pros.
Christmas gi'ens , the largest line of CUT-
{ Teens , wreathing , hollA hslly branches ,
long needle plnas and mistletoe In the city ;
panic prices , J , H. Synder.
I\IUIN I.ti mi dry Co.
No. C20 Pearl iitrcet. Telephone 290. We
have all the httst improvements far laundry-
Ing. Wing point nnd turn down collars , and
for the caving of linen In ggnrral ,
SIITH an I n MII ra n ' iCompany. .
l.avliila M , Park began a milt against the
Massachusetts Life ut'soclutlan In the dis
trict court yesterday to collect $2,000 claimed
to be due on an Insurance policy which
Klmer E , Drown , nn agent of the company ,
induced her husband. Klvvln M , Park , to take
out In September , 1801 , At Brown's sollcita-
tlcn , she alleges , lur husband paid $55,5) at
the flrbt premium on the policy , and , n
cif ! has reason lo believe , the company Uiued
tl'o policy. But now the company refuses to
If sue the policy , or cvm to furnish a copy
of It to her. June 1 , 1S95 , Park died and
the company refused to pay her the amount
uf ths policy , _ _
Stephan Uroa. for plumulne and heating ;
nlto flno line of i'a flxture . _
H vo you seen the new sas Ueatlng atorcf
t the company's olllce ? _
KiRln B. W. Haymond vvaich , $15 ; Well-
man'p. _
JarviH 1877 brandy ; purest , safest , best.
i Attend Davla' clearlog sale of holiday good * .
i > , iii : ( 'i 1:11 : ( ii'rii i : s roil 'inn M\II
Siiillm < ' ( > rti HnrdtMiHtirlNlN Atvi't
Hcic Ni-\t 4-ni' .
Thf principal fesslonof thi Southwestern
Iowa Horticultural association were hMd
vetterday In the superior c urt room , and
were attended by quite a number of those
Interested In farming and Irult growing.
During the day many subjects pretalnlng to
scientific soil-tilling were discussed , promi
nent Among the speakers being G. H. Van I
Hoiitcn of Lenox , Dr. V. M. Powell of
Glenn ocd , Silas Wilson of Atlantic , Alex-
anler Wood nnd H. C. Haymond of Council
Bluffs , H. D. McGeehon of Atlantic , W. M
Dombsrger of llarhn , S. C. Osborn of Olen-
wood , O. W. filch of Atlantic , II D. Hammond
mend of Malvcrn , and A. K. Collman of
The following officers were selected at the
evening session President ! J. P. Heas of
Council Bluffs ; vice president , E W. Lotts
of Harrlron county ; secretary and treasurer ,
George Van Houtcn of LMIOX. A board of
directors will l > 3 appulnteil by the executive
committee. The following division of south-
v.cslern Iowa Into district , with a com-
mlttesman from each dlftrlct , was mads :
District No. 1 , Including Mills. Montgomery ,
Fremont and Page counties cammltleeman ,
L C. O'borne ; district No. 2 , Including
Adams , Trtjlor , Hlnggold and Union counties
commltlceman , A P. Coleman ; district No.
3. Including .Clark , D catur , Lucas and
WHJIIO counties commlttctman , MS.'K '
Shaw ; district No. 4 , Including Potta-
wattamle , Hirrlson and Shelby counties
cotnmlttecman , L. O. Williams ; district No.
5 , Ir.chullnt ; Cass , Adalr , Audubon and
Guthrlo counties commlttceman , It. D. Mc-
Geelion ; district No. C , Including Madlsoj ,
Utir.-en , Dall&e and I'olk counttes ccm-
mltt eman M. J. Wrngg.
The question of a place to meet nsxt year
was dlscuap d , nnd Tabor , Qlenwood and
Counc 1 Bluffs eich sent Invitations. Coun
cil Bluffs was selected. There Is a stron ?
feeling In favor of making Council Bluffs
the permanent meeting place and uniting
with the Western Iowa Poultry nnd Pet
Stock association In giving n mammoth ex
hibition every winter. At any rate , that
plan will be followed next > ear.
The reports of the ivcretnry and treasurer
made one Impression upon the committee to
which they were referred. This Impression
manifested Itself In the report , which was to
the effect that the executive commutes make
a revision of the premium list. In order that
the Income and outlay might b ? brought
within gunshot of one another , InsUt'd of
bankrupting the treasury each year. The
following committees were appointed ;
Nomenclature : W. K. Follet , W. M. Bom-
berRcr , L O. Williams.
President's addres" , reports of secretary
and treasurerSilas Wilson , L. A. Williams ,
I ) . W. Lotsplch.
Judges of fruit : 0. W. Rich , E. E. San-
born , G. A. Marshall
Committee on resolutions : W. M. Bom-
bciger , H. Patrick , J. P. Hess.
The closing sesy on of the convention will
he held In the supetior court room this morn
ing at 9 o'clock. The program will consist
of papers , speeches , and the opening of n
question box. The fruit exhibit made In con
nection with the association meeting has
been decidedly the best ever made hero
The fruit this year was In excellent shape ,
and there were lots of It. The growers had
no trouble In picking out fina specimens.
llln Attnriip } So Kiir Tails to Socnrc
11 I'urdon fur Him.
George Feuerhaken , who was sentenced
sjveral years ago to a term In the Fort
Madison penitentiary , was taken Into custody
yesterday by the sheriff and taken to the
county jail. His attorney Is now In Des
Molnes ttylng to get a pardon for him from
Governor Jackson , but so far has b en un-
succssful. H ? liao kept out of the peni
tentiary until now by appealing the care to
the supreme court. Yesleiday a piocedcndo
was recelvsd by the county clerk frem the
supreme court , bringing the official Information
mation that the decision of the lower court
had been affirmed , and his arrest followed.
Some Trul > Ilo > n ] fJniiioN.
Among the many line exhibits cf the
Southwestern Iowa Fruit Growers' associa
tion In the Elseman building there nre none
that attracts quite so much attention as a
gigantic bunch of grapes shown by J. U.
McPherson , the florist. They are objects of
more than ordinary beauty , but when ths
card attached la read , announcing that they
have been kept In an open basket In the cpen
air for the past thice months , they become
doubly Intel eating. The grapes are Mr.
McPherson's famous "lloyal Vernage , " a
grape that has no equal perhaps In the
world for exqulslteness of flavor , prolific-
neos of bearing and extraordinary heaping
qualities. All other grapes wither or spoil
quickly after being plucked and can only be
kept for evin early winter use when se
curely packed In sawdust and preserved in
cold storage. These new grapes are simply
preserved In baskts that were put In an
ordinary cellar when the weather became
cold. With the same care that would be
given ordinarily to potatoes the giaps come
down to Christmas time crisp , fresh and
Juicy , In much better condition In every
way than any other variety would have been
In If carefully preserved In cold storage. This
Is the substantial verification of Mr. Mc-
Phers-on's claim that the Vernage Is the
cnly giapo that can be kept without trouble
and In n condition always ready for the
tfthlo from September to May , bes'des ' the
added qualities of being the most prolific
bearer , vines this year bearing as high as
forty-two pounds to the vine. Mr. JlcPherscn
has been the recipient of many congratula
tions. _
ClirlxliiiiiM fiiioilH nt I 'n n I c 1'rleoH.
And a $20,000 stock to sslect from. Largest
line cf fancy and family groceries , diy
goods , clothing , furnishing goods and shoes.
Get yourself or friends holiday presents this
year that are substantial and useful and conic
to 209-211 Main St. and see what a little
money will do. II. II. SPETMAN.
Junt l
A fancy line of children's shoes. What
Is mote appropriate for a Christmas present
for llttlo folks ? Bjers has them In alt
colors. Prices very low.
Our prices nre right on everything. Met-
raU Bros. _
Dfillrntfil ii Cliurcli.
The Congregational church nt Oakland , In
the eastern part of this county , was dedi
cated Tuesday night with appropriate cere
monies. Among those present were F , L
Heed and wife from Council Bluffs. The
dedlcatoiy sermon was preached by Hev. A.
L. Frltbeo , pastor of the Plymouth Congre
gational chinch In DCS Molnes , and ho also
superintended the taking of a collection later ,
which entlioly removed Ihu Indebtedness
upon the structure , and put a balance In the
treasury. By the energetic work of the pas
tor , Hev , J , L. Blanchard , the new building
has been erected , at n cost of about $ C,000 ,
It In of pressed brick , has n ixatlng capacity
of about f'OO ' , pews , art glass windows , a
carpeted lloor. and Is modern In sty ) :
throughout. There was a debt ef $1,295 hang
ing over the bulld'ng at the opening of the
service , but at tlu closj It was found that
subscriptions to the amount of $1,321 had
been raised , Those who aes's'ed ' In ths
bcrvlcj were Hov , E. S. Hill of Atlantic.
Elder VnnKlrk of the Christian church of
Oakland. Hov. H. H. Smith of the Methollst ,
and Hev. L. H. Tlioiipson of the Baptist ,
The building committee which had charge
rf th : work of putting up the building wan
composed of L. F. Potter , W. M. Orr , David
Wentz , Hobert White and S. S. Iluet.
In all sizes , pointed and square toe , calf
skin , a' $200. $2.CO and $300 a ralr , at
Dyers' shoo store , -U2 Broadway.
At Coxl.
The largi and well assorted stock of
watches , diamonds and jewelry for the next
30 dayi at C. B. JACQUKMIN & CO. .
27 South Main Street.
You can make no mistake If you cet your
Christmas presents at the Durfee Furniture
company's , and It will be useful , beautiful
and cheap. Look at the new novelties.
Dr. Cleaver'o olllce moved to 09 Broadway.
IUOI'IMor : AN OMI wit.t. CAM ; .
. _
( oorKc PoNotti * n ItlntiiT flinr < -
or HIM MotliiT'H I'niUTl | > .
A petition has ben tiled In the United
States court by George P. Polsom asking
that tl e decree rendered In the case of
Georg ? W. Iladford , assignee , against Agnes
I'ohorn anJ others , l > a set aside , and that he
be allowed to file an answer and cross-pe
tition. The decree Just referred to was
handed down In the federal court In 1SS5.
The Folsom estate at one time was worth
In the neighborhood of $100,000 , but now , It
Is said , thr > value has been reduced to about
$10,000 Tor many years It was the sub
ject of litigation bjtween Simeon , Frank
and niizi Polsoni on one tide , and Jeremiah
and his wife Sarah on the other. Th ?
property Involved In the suit of Iladford
against Polsom was the property of Sarah
Folsom , mother of Florence , Adcle and
Georg ? P. Polsom. Pending the settlement
cf the law suits uniting the Fcdsotns she
died. Her husband and daughter Adclc
dle.l subsequently , so that Florence and
George were left her fol heirs.
A jcar later the suit of Iladford against
Agnes Folsom was ended by a decree of
court awarding one-third of all the property
to Agnes Folsom , and one-sixth each to
Ward P. , Florence , Ad5le , nnd George P.
Folsom. H covered the property claimed by
Sarah Polsom's hclra nnd various other
real estate. This decree led to a partition
suit , commenced In the district court of
Pottavvattamle county , and the estate was
divided among the heirs before George P.
Folseim was 21 years of age. He now al
leges that the share which was given to
Agnes and Ward P. Folsom belongs of right
to him and his sister , Florence , as heirs of
Sarah Fohom. He attacks the federal court
decree en the ground that he was given no
opportunity to show ciuse , when he be
came of age , why the decree should not
stand , and because the division was un
just and erroneous. He wants a chance to
set up his cross-petition , and ho asks that
the decree 1)2 so modified as to require Agnes
and Wdrd Polsom to convey to him a half
Interest In the property to which they now
hold the title. The value of the property
is estimated at $40,000 , and If they do not
deed him a half , ho wants a money judgment
of $20,000. It looks very much as If the
whole litigation would now have to be gone
over again from the first.
T'li'turoH for XIIIIIH.
Lots of new ones. Photo frames medal
lions , novelties. Best line In the city. Get
your p'cture framed for Xmas. II , L. Smith
& Co.
Our Xmas picture frames arc selling fast.
They make fine holiday presents. Big line
of photo framiE. II. L. Smith & Co.
Every well dressed man appreciates good
laundry work. That Is why so many go to the
Eagle Laundry , 724 Broadway. Telephone 1G7.
Some of McAtce'H ClirlHtiiuiN 1'rliees.
Lowney's candles , that took the highest
award at the World' fair , glace fruits , nuts ,
plum puddings'fine Imported cluster raslns ,
that arc unsurpassed on earth ; brandled and
pickled fruits , best salad oils ; James P.
Smith's queen and credent olives , best brands
ot fresh oysters , finest celery and rarest
cranberries that come to the markets ; the
best of everything , nnd every delicacy that
heart can wish or Imagination suggest these
are among the things that make McAtte's
the niccca of all fastidious housekeepers ut
all times , nnd especially during the Joyous
Christmas tide.
Reduced prices on slightly used pianos a *
Bourtclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer ,
116 Stutsman street , near M. B. church.
J. E. McDermot , und rtaker , dealer I : >
church goods. 642 Broadwiy. Telephone 203
German medicated baths make pure blood ,
Mrs. S. E. Winder , 176 Graham avenue.
The nnw neckwear Is very stylish. Met-
: alf Bros.
Crt-Hfoii Woman Hound anil TtircAI-
ciu'd 1 > > - llolilici-N.
CIIESTON , la. , Dec. IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Burglars entered the home of Mrs.
James Ryan last night , bound and gagged tier
and by threats endeavored ta make her di
vulge the hiding place of a large , sum of
money which they supposed she possessed.
They got $10. At Fontanelle the safe In the
lumber office or D. Cow en was blown open
nnd $50 In cash nnd a check for $375 secured.
In Creston and Union county a dozen resi
dences and farm houses were robbed by
thieves , who have been committing all kinds
of depredation' . The greatest alarm prevails
and every citizen is a walking arsenal.
lima Knrincr ItiRtnntl } Killed.
MANNING , In. , Dec. IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) On last evening Ilelmer Dammann , a
well known German farmer , residing south
west of here , was thrown from his wagon and
killed , his neck being broken by the fall.
Ho was returning from this place , where he
had spent the evening and was In an In
toxicated condition. He was unable to inan-
azo Ms team and was thrown out while
turning a corner. A companion was only
slightly bruised.
Churned itltli llnrdi-r mid Ilolilitr > .
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 18. ( Special Telegram. )
The police today arrested John Blelver-
nlcht at Hubbard , Neb. , and brought him
hero on miEplcion cf having robbed and mur
dered Leo GlaUer , the man found hanging
In a freight car In the city last week. The
two were seen together just prior to Glat-
zer's death , and Blelvernlcht will bo held
at least urtll a careful Investigation can be
maJo ol the case.
MiiHHiicn 111 JiTiimili-ni.
NEW YORK , Dec. 18 du Ghanan ,
an Arabian of Brooklyn , has just received a
letter from bis sister In Jerusalem telling of
a threatend wholesale massacre In that
place by the Turkish government. The letter
ssyn : "If England goes to war with Turkey
Chrlst'ans hero will be murdered by the
Mohammedans. America , Is the beqt plucj
In the world , but we cannot go there now.
as It Is too late. We may all be murdered
In n few weeks. Wa are willing to die ,
though , for God's holy will , I am glad you
are safe in Amrica , Take care and don't
come back here , as you will surely be killed.
Mr. Wallace , the American consul , will soon
leave for the United States , and he would
gladly take some of uy along If he only
dared. If we attempted to move from here
the Turks would become susp'clous ' and
kill us. "
For ( iovi-rnor of l.oiilxliuin.
SHHEVEPOHT. La. , Dec. 18. The demo-
crattc s'ate convention meets In this city to
day to nominate a candidate for governor.
An anti-Foster sentiment been aroused
In several sections of the stat ? and hag cen
tered Itself about Judge Samuel D. Mclnerny
of the supreme court , 'who has already been
tvvjc ? governor of Louisiana. Governor Fos
ter's frkndi tuy he will be ronomlnated on
the first ballot , The election of complete
state and city tickets will be held the second
Tuesday of April next.
X. V. A X. 13. IlrnrlviTH DIx
BOSTON. DJC. 18 , The receivers of the
New York it New England railway were
discharged by Judge Colt In the United State )
court today. Messrs. Plait and Perry re
ceived $2,000 each and the lawyers $29,000
and the trustees $10,000.
rtli'il tin * AVhlHlo TriiHt Drt'il ,
CINCINNATI , Dec. 18. Yesterday the
deed transferring the dlrtlllerlos here from
the old to the new Whisky trust was filed.
Tcdsy a mortE < 3 9 s filed on the same
properties tecurlng the Issue of $2,000,000 of
Mi-Ill IMIIIAutlitN : | ( Kooiinil ,
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 18. A peclal to the.
Star from Hennessey , Okl. , nays ; The two
leal estate agents. Kl > nn and O'Connell , wao
dlgjppeand last Friday and were thought to
have been killed , are reported tu being at
Cripple Creek , Colo.
iivu iMto. iH"i i : > A \H\ \ m , .sciimn :
I'roiion-il < o Si'iitl Kloiitluir K\ioil-
Itiini Aronmt jji , . \\nrlil.
has received a long | cjtlu | from E A. Ko'l-
Ing , secretary of the American Expedition
eompiny , In IN a letter of Inquiry
concerning certa'n ' detills of ths work of the
association. The headquarters of the Amer
ican Expedition association is at present at
the Sherman bink , New \ork City. The ex
peditions will bo of twj charoctcrt the first
purely social , tha Me.-wnd commercial. In
th3 first Instance it is proposed to construct
n magnificent steam yaclit for the purpose
of furnishing a conveVdntc with commodious
living apartments for the commission , to bo
composed of officials and representative citi
zens , both wclal and political , who shall
visit foreign countries as semi-official dele
gates , The power appointing thess delegates
Is not to bs vested alano In the president of
the United States , but also In governors of
states , mayors of cities , commercial bodies
and focla ! organizations. In this way the
yacht expedition Is to become n social a ft air
for ths purpose of entertaining and becom
ing moro Intimate nnd better acqua'ntcd
with the representative people of the for
eign countries.
The second plan contemplates the circling
of the earth with a fleet ot splendid expe
dition ships , to show the world what America
can make and grow. The scheme cnlln
for the construction of one or more expedi
tion sill ps , whore space can be rented for the
display of the products of both the loll and
mill , upon tha sime principle as Is done In
expositions , except that In the proposed float
ing exposition only American products shall
be exhibited. A movement , It Is said , Is
already on foot to carry out both plans.
STAimnn HIS iiA'rnt ) UIVAI. .
ratal Honiilt of a O.uarri > l lli-tvv con
Two Italian IOTM. .
WILKESBARHE , Pa. , Dec. 18. Felix Do-
leng was stabbed to dcith by Giovanni De-
stoclo In a fight for a girl with whom they
were In love. Both men lived In Plttston ,
near here. They were good friends until
about n week npo , when they discovered
they were In love with the fame girl and
that slit- was encouraging both of them.
Tien they quarreled. They were playing
cards and Delong , who was winning , took a
trick with ths queen of heaits. He said the
girl was his queen and he would win her
from D'stachlo ns he had the cards.
A quarrel followed nnd both men drew
stilettos. They wasted no time In prelimi
naries , but sprang at each other. At the
first pass Delong'y stiletto fle > v from his hand.
Dcstachlo struck at him and he dodged
beneath the blade , but stumbled. Destachlo
burled the stiletto In his back ns he arose
and then four times In rapid succession
plunged It Into his back. The Injured man ,
after the fifth stab , turned his face to his
assailant to appeal for mercy , but Dcstachlo
was bloodthirsty nn.l ran the knife Into De-
long's neck. It was a fatal thrust. It sev
ered the jugulai eln. Delong fell dead at
his opponent's feet and he , with one thrust ,
burled the stiletto In his rival's breast , left
It there and fled.
Destachlo was arrested' and held without
ball to nvvalt the result qt the coroner's In
quest today.
I > < -i < liN of a nay.
MIDDLETOWN , Conn. , Dec. 18. Henry
A. D. Ward , a lineal descendant of General
Artemus Ward , Is dead. He was a graduate
of Yale , class of 1842 , nnd of the Harvard
law school. He was 74 years of age.
NEW YORK. Dec , 18 Ex-Consul General
to Ottawa Thomas W. Hotchklss died at his
home In North Port , L. I. , of heart disease.
He was 70 jears cf age.
DAYTON , O . Dec. 16. Nelson W. Driggs ,
the mest noted counterfeiter of his time , Is
dead. Ho was at one time said to be worth
nearly $1,000,000 , made by exchanging bad
money for good. He1 spent many years In the
penitentiary. Drlggs was SG years of age.
Soon- SHOWN In
KANSAS CITY , Dec. IS. A decided drop
In the temperatureioccurred throughout
Kansas lart. night , end 1 was generally ac
companied by , a severe "snow sjomx , > vhlchi
prevails today. Dispatches to the Star from
Sterling. Garden City , Oakley and other
points show nn average fall of snow of four
Inches. Indications are for a decided cold
spell. _ _
OonMurilrr Trial Tomorrow.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 18. A special to the
Star fiom Lebanon , Kan. , says : It has finally
been arranged to bring off the Gore murder
trial nt Smith Center , nnd It will begin to
morrow morning before Justice E. W. Smith.
Ex-Judge Clark A. Smith has been employed
to asslbt County Attorney Trice In the piose-
cutlcn. The case Is attracting much Interest.
Vcti-riuiH fif the IlrliL'llIou Itc-incni-
lic-ri-il l > > tlir Coin-rill Goeminent. .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 18 ( Special ) -Pen-
slons granted , issue of November 29 , 1895 ,
were :
Nebraska Reissue : John W. Fletcher ,
Central City , Merrlpk. Original widow :
Cynthia J. Hurd , Lincoln , Lancaster.
lown Original : Oliver Godner , I'arkers-
burg. Butler
South Uikota Ilclssue : Nathaniel Smith ,
Wlnlleld , Lake.
Colorado Original : Thomas McGuire ,
Monte Vlstn , Rio Grande ; Charles C. Baker ,
Rocky Ford , Oiero
iPbUe of November 20 , 1893 :
Nebraska Otlglnal : Paul Krlle , Grand
Island , Hall ; James Woolsey , Mother , Sher
idan ; Sllchnel Brennan Huy Springs , Sher
idan ; James Cusslns , Boldlors' Home , Hall ;
Don II. Mujne. Omaha , Douglas ; Henry
Dormnn , North I.oup , Valley ; Henry G.
Jewell , Inman , Holt. Increase : Henry P.
Smith , Broken Bow , Custcr ; Jacob Rnyles ,
Morn a. Custer. Original widows , etc. : Lenora -
nora Slican , L'ncoln. Lancaster.
Iowa Original : Madison Reynolds , Ting-
ley , RingKo'd ; Abram C. Brookhnrt , Cnntrll ,
Van JJuren : Dnrlus B. Mitchell , Adel , Dal
las ; John D. Wells , Uccorah , Wlnneshick ;
Rufus Pi lest , HaHtlnKi. Mills. Hcatom-
tlon and reissue : WIMInin T. Smith , de
ceased , MnrHbnlltovvn , Murnhnll , Increase :
John J. Jennovvlne. Postvllle. Allamakee.
Reissue : Dennis Folpy , Kellerton , Ring-
gold. Original widows , etc : Ellen Hayes ,
Council Bluffs , Pottawnttamle ; Mnttle A
Smith , Muishalltown , Marsha' ) . Mexican
wnr burvlvors , Increase : David F. B. Chris-
man , Banborn , O'Brien.
South Dakota Original : Andrrw Marsh ,
La Grace , Campbell ; James A. Merrltt , Big
Bottom , Muadu ; William Coalter , Kgan ,
North Dakota Original : John F. Young ,
Bulfleld , Stark
Colorado Original : Ruflno Wllklns , Tnlpa ,
Huerfuno ; John A. Curtis , Durnngo , Ln
Itsuo of December 2 , 18'5 :
Ncbiaekn Original : Louis Wedeklnd ,
Omaha , Douglas. Increase : William Fefcr.
Vnlpurnlso , Saumlcrs' : llpuhen 1" . GlasH ,
Broken Bow , Custcr. Original widows , etc. !
Amy Grow , How ell , Co'fnx
South Dakota Orltrlnnl : William H. Wood ,
deceased , Cascade , Pnl | River. Original
widowf , etc. , reissue ; Susie Wood , Cascade ,
Fall River. / / „ t
North Dakota Increnne : Leonard Tjler ,
Llrbon , Ranrom. i , j
Colorado Orlglnali Closes B. Adams ,
Canon City. Fremont , . Increase : William
W Mllln , Pueblo , Kueblo
Wyoming Original ; i John B. Houghton ,
Lander , Fremont. 11 /
Issue of December ' 3 , 1E95 :
NebniFka Relnsu < jti > Jonathan 17 Dor-
Eoy , North Bend , nwlgpi Original widows ,
etc. : Martha E. Case , , Atlanta , I'helps. Ad
ditional : Chester WpoiJworth , Myrtle , Lin-
cotn , < ,
Iowa Original : Jnmcu S. Banister , Mnr-
Khnlttovvn , MarhalliiHenry H , Htiiliiiintin ,
West Bend Palo Alto : Lorenzo H Wal
lace. Aurella , Cherukwe , ; Levl Llghtfoot.
Medlapolla , Dee Mnlnei Restoration and
Increase ; Lawrence , Cronloy. deceased. Mad
ison , Lee Addltloutil ; Patrick Kellcy ,
Scranton City , Oreeor ! Martin V. Huxford ,
Oajton , Webster. .Original widowP , etc. :
Minor of John C. Truax.j Robertson , Hardln ,
Rcstointlon and Increase : William H. Hall ,
dfccuHed , Council Bluffs , Pottuwattumle.
Ircreasa : Robert McCluey , Keokuk , Lee ,
Original widows , etc. ; Funny J. Lee , Pleas
ant Girov > ' , Des Molnen.
South Dnkota Original : Walter S. Me-
Gill , Dell RapidK. Minnehaht.
Colorado Original : Abncr Hough , Den
ver , Arap.ihop ,
iKFue of December 4 , H'i. :
Nebraska- Original ; JJhn Hcmlerton ,
Ohbkosli , Deuei ; Thomas Hlckcv , Sidney ,
Chojenne ; John Ii , ( lerls , MrCool Junction ,
York. Renewal and Increase : Wesley
liuclumivter , Brunswick. Antelone. Increase -
crease ; John O. Tal'y , Wounatu , Chape.
lown Additional : Peter Ward , Mnrshall-
t wn. Marshal' . Increase : Oenr e F , Lud-
ilck , Ilawkeje. Puvetle ; Wlckllffe II , Cope-
In tit } , Loiran , Harmon.
South Dakota Increase : William Hasty ,
Sioux Fa'ln Mlnnehahd.
Noith Dakota Increase : Bamuel Cellard ,
Dlxey , Barries.
C'olcruiln Orlpltml : Thomas J. Rogers ,
Duncan , SiiKuache.
Look out for cheap substitutes ! Beware
of new remedlei. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
has stood the test for nearly fifty years.
: cocccc x cocccoiccccccc w
The South Omnln Water Wotks company
has ten Hires ot ground near tha
liver front , between M and N sl-o"ts , and
will proceed tit once to sink elx addMlonil
wells and erect buildings. The ofllcsrs of
the concern expect to liavo the pliuit In i mi
ning order within ninety dr > * from January
1. A contract has been closed with an east
ern firm for $20.000 vvtrth of tvcnlinch
water mains , and bids on engines 'ind other
machinery are being received dilly. One
Inigo main will come up M street and lead
to the stock jurds. Another will come up Q
Etrcet. T's will be put In nt ea 'h Intersec
tion along the rou'c ' nnd It Is tha Intention
of the company to supply all the c who do-
Mto to be served , The wells will be sunk
100 feet , which Is conslderabl ) beluw the bed
of the river , and from samples of the test
well the water Is about the ame as that
which comes from Vlstn springs and other
springs In the hills near by. As soon ns the
machinery can bo contracted for a large-
force of men will be put to work digging
trenches for the mains , Ofllccrs of the com
pany have Intimated that only South Omaha
help would be employed.
Today n B. & M. engineer will lay out
n line for a side track from the main line
to the proposed plant. As soon as the sur
vey to made the track will be laid Then
work will bo commenced on the wells and
the buildings.
Mnnlo City CoNslp.
Born , to Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Metcalf , a
Frank Barnes' 4-ycnr-old daughter has
Mrs. J. AV. Perry of Ord Is visiting Dr. and
Mrs. White.
T. J. Sp.iikg of Genoi was a visitor In the
city yesterday.
P. S. Casey Is enterta nlng his brother , Join
Casey , of Alv6.
The .public schools will close Friday for n
two weeks' vacation ,
C. G. Gormley of Atkinson was In the city
yesterday visiting friends.
Chnrles McAuley of Dexter , la. , Is the
guest of the Clnlstle boys.
J. W. Miller of Genoi was a visitor nt the
yards yesterday nftcinoon.
J. F. Anderson of Osccola was n guest of
the stock yards company yesterday.
Jo'nn D. Mcaghcr , who pralned his ankle
some time ago , Is able to be about again.
There Is some talk of organizing nn As
sociated Charities association In the city.
Mr. N. W. Knapp of Ccdnr Bluffs was In
the city yesterday and visited the stock janls.
Henry Schultz , an extensive feeder , came
In yesterday from Bralnard with foui cars of
This morning the government microscopic. !
department will commence to examine 1,500
hogs for export.
The members of Adah chapter , No. 52 ,
Order of the Eastern Star , nre requested to
meet at the home of Mrs. Schlndel Friday-
evening nt 7 o'clock for the. purpose of going
In a body to visit Vesta chapter of Omaha.
Next Sunday the American Water Works
company will make the connections with thr
N street nnd stock jnrds mains. The T Ik
all ready to place at Twenty-seventh and
N streets. Water at ths jards nnd on N
street below Twenty-sixth street will be shut
off during the day.
It Is expected that the steam fitters now nt
work placing heating apparatus in the new
city headquarters will finish by Saturday
night , and by Monday nlg'iit Mr. Finley hopes
to have the council chamber looking as neat
as a new pin. The ofilczs will not ba papered
or painted until the radiators are set and the
stoves taken down.
IIoailiiclK * ami ni/Hiit'Nn.
Mooreficld , Neb , Nov. 23 , 1S95. "I have
taken Hood's Sarsaparllli for dizziness and
headache , complaints from which T suffered
for a long time. It has been over n year
since I have had any sign of my former
trouble. My mother has alro been benefltted
by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " Miss Alba Morgan.
Hood's Pills cure sick headache.
Kulr with tinrXriptloii of
I.Ifill * SlICMtH 111 till ! OrtllCIINt.
WASHINGTON , Dec. IS The forecast for
Thur'day is :
Tor Nebraska Fair ; possibly light snow
In the extreme southeast portion Thursday
morning ; northwesterly winds.
Tor Missouri Rain , followed by clearing
In the western portion ; \vlmla shifting to
northerly and colder
Tor South Dakota Knlr ; westerly winds ;
warmer In the western portion.
For Kansas Fair , preceded by light snow
01 tain In the extreme cistern portion
Thursday morning ; northerly winds.
Tor Iowa I'alr In the northwest ; rain In
the fcoutheaslern portion ; northerly winds
OMAHA , Dec. IS Omaha record of tem
perature nnd rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of pa t four jears :
1S03. JS.11 1S33. Ib9.
Maximum temperature. . . . 39 51 49 3G
Minimum temperature. . . . 29 339 1J !
Average temperature . . . . 31 42 38 29
Precipitation W M .00 .15
Condition of temperature and preclpltn-
tion nt Omaha for the day nnd since March
Excess for the day
Accumulated excess since March 1 2-9
Normal precipitation 01 Inch
Deficiency for the clay 03 Inch
Totnl precipitation since March 1. 2072 Inches
Dellclency since March 1 10ES Inches
ItenorlH from StntloiiH nt S p. m.
WEATHER. 83 ffs
Omaha , cjoudy .CO
North 1'JtUlP , pirt cloudy , . | 11)H )
Union , clem ( H )
ihlniKi > . raining ,24
St , lyouls , rnlnlni ; 70
St. runl clcnr 00
Divcnirait , rnlnlni ; > 03
ICnnsan City , r.ilninK
Ililcna , cloir ! oo
llnvie , cluir , * ooW
.Silt Uiku Cltj. clear , W
jllBmarck , to
st , Vincent , clear 141 0) )
L.icnm , clen . , ' . ' ! . [ Ol
\VHIInton , cloudy , in co
Hanld C'ilj , clear SSI 01
CJiluHim , cloudy , o u.1
T Indicates trace of jireclpltitlon
lias been endorsed by the medical
profession for tsvcnty years. ( Ask
your Doctor , ) .This is because it
is always palatable always uni
form always contains the purest
Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil and
Hypofibospbites. Insist
on 00 * * ' Emulsion
- -
with tr.ide-m.irk ol man
and fish.
Put up in 50 cent and Oi.oo
sizes , The small size may be
enough lo cure your cou h or
help your baby.
Special Notices-Council
' '
to uxclmniio for Nebruika land. C. II. Nichol
son. MJ'i Ilroadway , _
Kl JIurKc. at W. B. Homer'i. (33 Ilroadway.
er Ntbiatka land. C. It. Nlcholcon ,
v y. Ccuull UlutCi. It.
A mini iiors
Thought Up Could \volil * < I hi
Mt-rr-l.o tl > t p III. Mtml. "
I Untc tiron a t m > , rwive little buy nsittrcl
lils > IH-l.nfonnCHl imt nt that he dldn t inttud
' to ! u\o ll.t. mump' , c.ri 1C th ? di a e \ \ U
I "golnR sound. " Helotild be will Just bj
I tvaklng up his mind \a , he slid Ni\t
i tnotniiif , ' he hit Into .1 pickleanJ n terrific
I piln bshlnd the eirj write htm reill/o that
I ho cmilj nut sti\o off dl esas by an effort of
Ho is nn iKllhti njnn now , unit not half a
set In hit opinions us lie iisptl to he. HP lua
noticed lion rule U perfect litillh , nnd how
ntimorous at tht causes tint rnikc people
weak arul wrptched Work thit lh y cnn-
not shirk , i-\poMite , nndery often , their
own ImlhvcrMlon brhm inrn and women to a
condition where cnly a little cold or trifling
Indigestion Is needed to tend them shivering
to bed.
The Its n Is old ns Uic gr.iy ocean Wslch
jourrclf , nnd whin JQJ detect the first sign
of decreasing strength , fortify the hodj with
something that itlrmilatos the whole 'jstcni.
gently jet LTectl\cl ( > . It Is proper to say
that Duffj's Pure Mall Whiskey , a medicinal
prcpintlon , has siipplaiitcl nearly nil reme
dies for this purpose.
Thoughtful doctors know that , whllo whis
key rnny be a most \iluablc help In Inducing
A healthy action In n sluggish body , onlj n
perfectly pure wliKey will an wer the pur
pose. The dllllculty In Rfttlng such a whlj-
l > ey lm been H stunibllnq-block In tlio ph > -
flclans' path. It did not take the public
long to rceognizo the cxcsllence of Duffy's
Pure Malt.
There Is health and strength In e\ery drop
of It.
in Town , Honey ! "
A combination of the three stalls of
life Wheat , Corn nnd Rice.
When your wife makes pancakes she
can make them right and easrly if she uses
Aunt Jemima's. And when properly
covered with butter nnd syrup there's no
better breakfast dish on earth. Beware
of imitation. Sold only in red packages.
Buy n of Gcimlno Aunt Jcinluin's Self-
HlsliiK Piuicako Hour , nnd If yon do rot llnd
It makes the best caltes joucvi-r nto. return tha
empty bor to your crocor. leave your nii'iic.and tlm
Broccr will rofunil the money .ind clmriiult to us
Sclcntincallyl'icparcdnidtnnufictuicdonlj by
R , T , DAVIS MILL CO , , St , Joseph , Mo ,
Pond s4c In stamps for Life Hlsrorr of Aunt
Jemima ami a tet of her I'lckanluny dolls.
Victims of Lost Manhood should eeml nt
once for u book explains hoi'/
full rnauly vigor
is easily , quickly
nnd permanently
rebtorori. fco uuiu
sulTertUB fiom
wecUness can ; u'-
foid tnlguorutub
tlrnoly ndvlcr.
Book tolls how
"full ctrenKlh , de-
relonmont anil tone are Imrvutcd to cveiy
portion of the boly. Sent with positive
proofs ( scaled ) free to nny rnau on n ppllcation ,
- or -
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
CAPITAL , - $10OI ( ) ( >
W A.
Itl'.T llf.
312-i Bro.ulw\y \ ,
fount-it KlxfT'i
The Largest
in tli3 West ,
Among the almost endless vnrlcly ot benw.
tlful things to Kclect from for the holiday *
nio the following :
White Violet Chlnn.
Purple Violet Chlnn.
Ulch Cln-jcnnthcnniin China.
Ucl'.eck Chlnn.
Ilojnl Ilerlln Flower Painted Chlnn.
Hoyal Dresden Flower Painted China.
Under- Glazed nine nrnl Hose China ,
Iloynl Sevres Chlnn.
Italian lrlc-u-Irac. ! !
Gerrnnn Delft.
French Faience.
Gold Encrusted Clilni.
Rich Paris Iltonzc Enamel Wnro.
Auvtrlan Jewel Cln ! s.
Paris Hold Mounted GooiK
Brlc-n-Urac from nil celebrated makers.
Course Sets of every description.
Dainty nnd rlchl > decorated Odd Pieces of
'Very description.
Jnrillnercx nnd Pedestals In large variety.
Lamps of every description.
Sterling Silver for the table.
Sterling Novelties In large variety.
Cut Glass Atomizers.
Cut Glass Flasks.
Cut Glass of every st > lo for the table.
Pieces from 23c to $100 ; dainty enough to
give any friend for n present.
Visitors as well as purchasers arc wel
I want lo close out my entire stock of
Hardware , Sieves , Etc.
By January-1st.
t'300 base burncis go at 13Cr , ) . J40.0) Iladlant
N'.leUs bJbo burnci , J3I HO , S3j 00 Kltnliutut sur
fs c burner , J2S 76 , 132 00 Clmliutst suiruie burner ,
Ui 00 ; ta 00 Elmhurrt FU fiuv burner. JU DO , HO 00
N S took btove. J7.50 ; SUM No 8 cook move.
UIO , 11500 Nn 8 uvil ! fn\e. ( (10 00 ; 116 00 No S
.i > nk itovc. J1200 ; J530) No S cool ! Move. J18.75 :
! 2500 i ince. "HI' TPFCIV Ir , } . ! .M , J33 00 nlx-bola
sUel rnnue , J29 GO ; ft ! " 0 hupcrlor Uel rnnge ,
wltb lfEtr\olr inul lilkli closet , 5110) : J1C 00 hu-
perlor steel innge , with lilRh Plok ° l. } 33 00 ; > 47 00
buperlor steel range , wlji reservoir untl lilKl
Klulf. 13900 ; $3900 Snpeilor steel ninse , with lilgri
shelf , J"3 00.
You enn iifford to coott > o r TlinnlSKl > lng din
ner on n nist-cln 8 tteel inngo nt tlie i ? prices
A fine line of lauipp. pocket nnd tnh.c cutlery ,
caivlni ; sets , crnnlte. Iron nn. ) tlmwiro nt whole-
site prices
floss , tbl Is headquarters for ekatei.
740 Broadway.
Is the most dangerous of all
Kidney Diseases. Pains in
the Back , Irregularities in
the Urine , Swelling of the
Limbs or Abdomen are the
first symptoms
Has proven , in thousands of cases and for many
years , to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded
disease. It relieves promptly and works a per
manent cure
roR SALC rvr-YWHcnc. PRICE , 31.00 PCD BOTTLE
Having fully demonstrated by jcara -iKcebsful " pincllce und oxpcrlenco Hmt ho Is
able to cure multitude ! ) of dlseabus which batlle Die cUIII of or dinar y iiliyslclmif , 'lio
fecit * It Ms duty to imikc Itnuun to bufffirnt ; liuniarilty that lie de\ctiH Ala whole tlino
and ontrKV to this partlculur branch of the profession , and will iiiupnru nnd furnlali
medlclno ut hlH olllce or visit those CHOC-H which rniiy require personal uxarulnatlon. 1'u-
tlenlB nt a distance may cormili Ur Mustier by letter , BlviriK u carefully nrllten history
of their cases , defcrlblng the r Hymptoms minutely HH per lblc > , .which will < -nabo ! him to
nialco corrert dlnt-nosls , and .ludso very accurately of the cunibllltv of the disease , and lo
apply proper remedies. Meulclro forwarded p'tlier ' by mull or xxpio , and all rncdlclno
irescrlbeil bv Dr. Mosher lJ pn pared under his own persona ! suptrvlblon. Ho trcatu all
diseases without mercury or other poisons , which en-ate dlfeuKe of tlipnii-cUiv.
The dOLlor by hln now ItH.-JTOUATIVi : TIirjATMUNT cures ull cuinb'o dlsenseH , nnU
treats with Mjc-ep all affecllnna of the I.lver Throat arid I.UHKS. Catarrh. Epilepsy.
Dyspepfla , I feint Ulsense nheiiniitlfiil , NeuralKia , and all NcrvoiJH UlH-asrH caused by
overwork , the Indiscretion of youth , or the OXCCH-OS of riper years , and whatever may
end to lower the latrnt or the toio of llfe'n vitality , cuuslriK pli > lal debility ,
nervous exliEiintlon , Inpnnlty , and prernntur e decay , _ , . . . .
Consult personally , or by Letter free nnd etrlctly confidential , Address ,
Dr. S. Mosher ,
Office , Room 50 , Kiel Hotel , Council Bluffs , la
All kliiJn of Dyeing
ind ClcHiiInf done In
the hlehcit itylo of
the art. Faded and ]
italnet ) fabrics niada
to look as boot ] as
ew , Work promptly
done anc * delivered
ui ull parts of the
lountry. Bend for
lirlca list.
C. A , MAC1IAN ,
Uroartwuy , near North *
wcittrn Depot. Council
lilutti , Iowa. TtL lib